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Table of Contents

 Certificate
 Acknowledgement
 Aim
 Apparatus required
 Chemical Used
 Principle
 Theory
 Procedure
 Observation
 Result
 Conclusion
 Precaution
 Bibliography

This is to certify that Manishka Jain of Grade XIIth, All Saints

school, Agra. She satisfactory completed the project in

Chemistry on comparative study To Extract the essential oils

present in Saunf, Ajwain and Elaichi to the requirements of

All Indian Secondary School Certificate Examination(AISSCE)

as prescribe by CBSE.

In the year 2022-2023.

Signature of subject teacher


I would like to thank my teacher, Mrs. Nidhi mam for guiding

me through this project and for their valuable inputs which
provided me with a constant nudge for improvement.

It is imperative to thank our Principal, Mr. Yogesh Upadhyay

for providing me the opportunity to work on this project.

This project and reading-up on the same has provided me

with an in depth understanding of the topic. It has nurtured
my scientific temperature and curiosity.

Signature of the Candidate


To Extract the essential oils present in the Saunf(Aniseed),

Ajwain(Carom), Elaichi (Cardamon).
Apparatus Required

Steam generator (Copper Vessel), sand bath, Ajwain (Carum),

Petroleum ether(60-80°C),Saunf (Aniseed), Illachi.

round bottom flask (500 ml) Conical Flask

Condenser Glass Tubes Iron Stand

Separatory Funnel Burner Tripod Stand
Chemical Used

The chief constituent of aniseed oil is anethole, which is present

to the extent of 80 to 90 per cent and is mainly responsible for
the characteristic flavor of the oil. The oil also contains methyl
chavicol, p-methoxyphenyl acetone, and small amount of
terpenes and sulfur containing compounds of disagreeable

We used steam distillation method to extract the oil form

Ajwain, Saunf and Illachi.

Steam distillation:- The principle behind the steam distillation

process is that when the heating of a mixture of two or more
immiscible liquids takes place, the vapour pressure exerted by
the system increases. This is because it now becomes the sum
of the vapour pressures of all of the components of the mixture
combined together.


Aniseed, on steam distillation, yields an essential oil, known as
`Oil of Aniseed`, which has now replaced the fruits for
medicinal and flavoring purposes. Aniseed oil is a colorless or
pale-yellow liquid having the characteristic odor and taste of
the fruit. The yield of oil generally varies from 1.9 to 3.1 per
cent. Higher values up to 6 per cent have been reported from
Syrian aniseed. Crushing of fruits prior to distillation gives
better yields of oil. The material should be distilled soon after
the crushing to prevent any loss of oil due to evaporation.
Aniseed oil is a highly refractive liquid, which solidifies on
cooling. The congealing point depends much on the anethole
content and is a valuable criterion for evaluating the oil.
Exposure of the oil to air causes polymerization, and some
oxidation also takes place with the formation of anisaldehyde
and anisic acid.
The chief constituent of aniseed oil is anethole, which is present
to the extent of 80 to 90 per cent and is mainly responsible for
the characteristic flavor of the oil. The oil also contains methyl
chavicol, p-methoxyphenyl acetone, and small amount of
terpenes and sulfur containing compounds of disagreeable

Aniseed Essential Oil

Common Method of Extraction:- Steam Distillation
Color:- Clear
Botanical Name:- Pimpinella anisum
Aromatic Description:- Distinctive scent of licorice. Rich and
Constituents:- a-pinene, camphene, B-pinene, linalool, cis-
anethole, trans-anethole, safrole, anisaldehyde, acetoanisole.

Uses of Aniseed Oil:-

1. In aromatherapy, aniseed essential oil is used to treat colds
and flu.
2. Aniseed oil can be made into a liquid scent and is used for
both hunting and fishing. It is put on fishing lures to attract
3. Anethole, the principal component of anise oil, is a
precursor that can eventually produce 2,5-
dimethoxybenzaldehyde which is can be used in the
clandestine synthesis of psychedelic drugs such as 2C-B,
2C-I and DOB.
4. Oil of aniseed is also reported to be used as an aromatic
carminative to relieve flatulence, and as an ingredient of
cough lozenges in combination with liquorice.
5. Essential oil is also used externally as an insecticide
against small insects such as head lice, mites and vermin.
It also has fungicidal properties.

Carom essential oil:-

Carom seeds are also known as ajwain, Thymol seeds, Onum,
Ajma, Ajmodika and bishops weed. They are the tiny, cute,
delicate and oval shaped herbs with a penetrating fragrance.
Carom seed belongs to the family of cumin and parsley. These
seeds have been used since years as they consists number of
medical properties. Because of their strong aroma, carom seeds
are highly used for the Indian culinary. Carom seeds are sharp
and hot with the burning taste, that s why few seeds are enough
to bring the flavor in any Indian recipe. Carom seeds can be
whole or powdered one. It is always advisable to buy whole
carom seeds as they can be easily turned into powder form just
by grinding them in a smooth powder
Uses of Carom Seeds:-
1. These seeds are used for the tempering or tadka s in the
2. Ajwain has strong, dominant and distinctive taste and
flavor, that’s why few seeds are enough to bring exotic
fragrance to the vegetarian and non-veg food.
3. Ajwain can be used for making pickles as well.
4. The aroma and unique taste of ajwain is used for making
various types of roti s, parathas, thepla s and so on. They
are specially used in different types of meat, snack recipes
and dal recipes to enhance the flavor. Soups, stocks and
stews can be flavored with few seeds of ajwain.
5. Ajwain are highly incorporated for making various salad
dressings and Indian bakery items.

Cardamom Essential oil:-

Cardamom provides a warming and stimulating
tonic.cardamom is also an excellent choice for the digestive
system. I am sure I don t have to tell you that Cardamom is
greatly admired and extensively used as a culinary spice all
over the world. You can also try a gargle with Cardamon if you
suffer with halitosis (bad breath). Why not try 1 drop Cardamon
and one drop of Peppermint in a small amount of water as an
effective way to freshen your breath!


1. Smoothies Add some cardamom to fruit smoothies to give
them an extra edge. It doesn t matter what flavor the basic
smoothie is in fact, the more exotic the better.
2. Fruit loaves If you want to jazz up your banana bread or
add a bit of life to your tired fruit loaf recipe, then a touch
of ground cardamom will make a world of difference. Just
add the spice when you are mixing in the rest of the dry
ingredients and you will get a lovely warm, rich flavor
from the finished loaf.
3. Bread As with fruit loaves, a sprinkling of cardamom will
do wonders for your bread rolls and loaves. Don t worry
about the cardamom turning savory breads into sweet; the
spice will just a hint of warmth to the flavor and you can
add as little or as much as you like, depending on taste.
4. Puddings Many desserts benefit from the addition of
cardamom rice pudding works especially well, but you
could also try adding a little ground cardamom to ice
cream, set custards, yogurt, and baked fruit.
5. Casseroles A few pods added to a casserole dish will give
a lamb, chicken or vegetable casserole an extra zing and
makes a great entertaining or moving house meal.

1. Set the apparatus as shown in the picture of Experimental

Setup. The apparatus consists of a steam generator
connected to the round bottom flask through a glass inlet
tube. The flask is connected to a water condenser through
a glass outlet tube. Condenser is further attached to a
receiver through an adaptor.
2. Take about 750 ml of water in the steam generator and
start heating to produce steam.
3. In the round bottom flask take about 75 gm of crushed
4. A vigorous current of steam from steam generator is
passed through the round bottom flask.
5. A part of the steam condenses in the round bottom flask.
As more and more steam is passed, the steam volatile
components of saunf pass through the condenser along
with steam. These contents on condensation are collected
in the receiver.
6. The contents in the round bottom flask may be heated by
a bunsen burner to prevent excessive condensation of
7. The process of steam distillation is continued for about
half an hour.
8. Transfer the distillate to a separating funnel and extract
with 20 ml portions of petroleum ether 3 times.
9. Combine the petroleum ether extracts in a 250 ml conical
flask and dry it with the help of anhydrous sodium
10. Remove the solvent from the dried filtrate by careful
distillation in a water bath. The essential oil is left behind
in the distillation flask.
11. Find the weight of the extracted essential oil. Note
the colour, odour and weight of the essential oil.

1.) Saunf (Aniseed):-

Weight of Saunf taken = 100 gm

Initial Weight of the bottle = 10gm(x)
Weight of bottle + essential oil = 11.25 gm(y)
Weight of essential oil extracted =(y-x) =1.25 gm
Percentage of essential oil = (y/100)*100=1.25 %
Colour of the oil = Colourless
Odour of the oil = Saunf like smell.

2.) Ajwain (Carum):-

Weight of Saunf taken = 75 gm

Initial Weight of the bottle = 10 gm(x)
Weight of bottle + essential oil = 11 gm(y)
Weight of essential oil extracted =(y-x) =1 gm
Percentage of essential oil = (y/75)*100=1.33%
Colour of the oil = Colourless
Odour of the oil = Ajwain like smell.

We got the essential oil from the respective Saunf, Ajwain

and Elaichi.


Hence we have extracted essentials oils from 75 gm of Saunf,

Ajwain and Elaichi.

1. Storage Store in a cool, dry place away from heat and

direct sunlight.
2. Always use original containers.
3. Avoid contact with polished surfaces and plastic.
4. Keep essential oils away from children and pets.
5. Always wash conical flask and test tube after use.
6. If you accidentally spill essential oils Clean any spillage
with an absorbent material such as kitchen roll.
7. If you accidentally get essential oils in your eye Flush
with copious amounts of MILK for at least 15 minutes
and seek medical advice if symptoms persist.

 Comprehensive Chemistry Practical Class-XII.


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