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Robert Muganyizi – Production Engineer

January 2022
Production System Concepts
❑ What Does a Production System
• Having a system in place that allows for
well flow to surface.
Pr > Pwf
Pwf > Pwh
Pwh > Psep

❑ Well Productivity
• This relates to how easily fluids flow through the
reservoir rock and into the wellbore (Darcy’s Law).

• Indicated by the Productivity Index (PI).

• PI = Q / (Pr - Pwf) or Q = PI (Pr - Pwf)

Production System Concepts
❑ What would lead to production decline?
• Decrease in PI (Sand/scale at perforations)
• Decrease in Pr (Lack of pressure support)
• Increase in Pwf (Increased water cut or Pwh)

❑ How can Production be Increased / Optimized?

• Increase in PI (Stimulation, re-perforation,

• Increase Pr (Gas Injection or Water Injection)
• Decrease Pwf (Reduction of Pwh through opening
the choke)
• Decrease Pwf (Deployment of Artificial Lift)
Production System Concepts
❑Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR)

• Depends on fluid flow through the

reservoir rock (Darcy’s law)

• Low PI = larger pressure drop

• High PI = smaller pressure drop

• Skin (either +ve or -ve); Near

wellbore pressure loss

• +ve Skin; mud filtrate invasion, solids

deposition, blocked perforations

• -ve Skin; Deviated or horizontal wells,

Production System Concepts
❑Skin Impact on IPR
Production System Concepts
❑Sensitivity Analysis on Skin in respect to IPR
Production System Concepts
❑Outflow Performance Relationship

• Also referred to as Vertical Lift

Performance (VLP) or Tubing
Performance Curve.

• Three pressure components i.e.,

Pwf = Pwh + ΔPgravity + ΔPfriction
Production System Concepts
❑Flow Correlations for VLP
• Used to predict pressure loss in the wellbore

• Fancher – Brown (1963): No slip correlation; sets slip velocity at 0.8 ft/s

• Griffith and Wallis (1961): Bubble flow correlation

• Duns and Ros (1961): Best in Mist flow regime

• Hagedorn and Brown (Original 1965): Best for slug flow

• Hagedorn and Brown (Modified): Modified to incorporate Griffith and Wallis that accounts for bubble
flow detection

• Beggs and Brill (1973): For horizontal flow but also modified for deviated wells; Overpredicts for well
and hence is just good for pipelines

• Gray (1974): Good for gas and gas condensates

Production System Concepts
❑Flow Correlations for VLP
Production System Concepts
❑IPR and VLP in Perspective
Production System Concepts
❑Well System Performance Prediction

• Also known as Nodal


• Involves prediction of
flowrate and Pwf

• Identify bottlenecks within

the production system
and effect corrective
Production System Concepts
❑Tubing Size Sensitivity Analysis Using Nodal Analysis
Production System Concepts
❑No Operating Point; Artificial Lift required
Production System Concepts
❑Industry Software
• Well Performance Matching and Prediction; WellFlo (Weatherford), Prosper (Petroleum Experts),
PIPESIM (Schlumberger), Amethyste (KAPPA Engineering)

• Reservoir Performance Matching and Prediction; Petrel (Schlumberger), Rubis (KAPPA Engineering),
MatBal (Weatherford), MBAL (Petroleum Experts)

• Surface network Performance Matching and Optimization; PIPESIM (Schlumberger), GAP (Petroleum

❑Quality Data is Key for Production Optimization

• Oil, water and gas flow rates

• Water Cut (BS&W)

• Gas Oil Ratio (GOR)Gas Oil Ratio

• Downhole Pressure

• Surface Pressure
Production Operations
Production Surveillance
❑Data Measurement
• Measurement purpose i.e., allocation, custody transfer, fiscal, production optimization.

• Choice of measurement depends on purpose i.e., multiphase meters, ultrasonic meters, Coriolis.

. • Data Quality is very key; Important for Production Engineer to understand source, quality and
❑Data Reporting and Visualization
• Data gathering, storage and reporting
• Definition of workflows, dashboards
• Data gathered for regulatory, commercial and technical reasons
• Includes both surface and downhole measurements

❑Examples of Data
• Production Test rates
• Production allocation
• Pressure, GOR
• Water Cut
Production Operations
Proposed PAU Well Performance Monitoring Workflow and Dataflow - RTMC
Production Operations
Production Surveillance User Interface - Example
Production Operations
RTMC - Example
Production Operations
Flow Assurance
❑ A big threat at near wellbore and inside wellbore

❑ Solids deposition always a concern e.g., wax, asphaltene, hydrates, scale

❑ Pressure and Temperature modelling allows for prediction of these problems and optimization

❑ Corrosion can compromise well integrity

❑ Inhibitors prevent solids deposition and corrosion

❑ Thermal methods prevent wax deposition and hydrate formation

❑ Mechanical methods such as scrapers, jetting are used as corrective measures

❑ Process methods such as controlling pressure drops can help prevent asphaltenes

❑ Avoid mixing with light oils to prevent asphaltene

Production Operations
Data Analysis and Troubleshooting
• Determine appropriate corrective measures e.g., well intervention, well stimulation

• Data analysis techniques for well performance include;

a) Validation, units, scales

b) Rate of change of variable (slow or fast)

c) Understanding of underlying reason for change of variable

d) Well modelling software used to quantify variable change

❑Guiding Principles
• Never trust the input data i.e.; always check and validate it

• Rate of change of a variable is key i.e., fast or slow

• Employ physics to the analysis and interpretation i.e., Inflow, Outflow and Surface

• Workout the probable solution before using well or reservoir modelling software
Roles of a Production
What Does a Production Engineer Really Do?
❑ Evaluate Inflow and Outflow performance between the
reservoir and the wellbore

❑ Maximize oil and gas production in a cost-effective manner

❑ Take part in design of completion systems, tubing selection,

perforation, sand control, matrix simulation and hydraulic

❑ Selecting artificial lift equipment i.e., ESP, PCP, Gas lift etc.

❑ Selection of surface facilities (Design handled by Process

and Mechanical Engineers)

❑ Measurement of produced fluids

❑ Data Analysis and Troubleshooting

Tilenga Development Project Overview
❑ 426 development wells to be drilled i.e., 198 Producers, 200 Water Injectors and 28 Observation wells

❑ Deviated wells with long drains to increase reservoir contact hence optimizing PI

❑ Peak Production Profile of 190,000 bpd

❑ Sand control at onset for all producer wells due to unconsolidated reservoirs

❑ Chemical Injection planned to inhibit corrosion in tubing

❑ Artificial Lift from the onset as some wells are non-eruptive but also to meet production profile

❑ ESP and ESPCP selected for Artificial Lift

❑ Annulus Gas venting planned as a way of preventing free gas at pump intake

❑ Full Control of Well (FCW) - Improve well monitoring and run life of pump; Increased Production and
reduced OPEX
Kingfisher Development Project Overview
❑ 31 development wells planned i.e., 19 Producers, 9 Water Injectors and 3 converted wells (from producer
to injector at a later stage) on 4 well pads

❑ 4 existing wells (exploration and appraisal) to be re-used

❑ Wells to comprise of normal directional wells, highly deviated wells and Extended Reach Drilling (ERD)

❑ Peak Production Profile of 40,000 bpd

❑ Sand control required due to unconsolidated reservoirs

❑ Artificial Lift from the onset to meet the production profile

❑ ESP selected for Artificial Lift

Law and Regulatory Requirements
The Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) Act, 2013
❑ Section 69 Application for Petroleum Production License
❑ Section 96 Production Permit
❑ Section 98 Measurement of petroleum recovered

The Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) Regulations, 2016

❑ Regulation 19 Application for a Petroleum Production License
❑ Regulation 22 Field Development Plan
❑ Regulation 58 End of Well Test Report
❑ Regulation 66 Use of Approved methods for Production
❑ Regulation 68 Test Production
❑ Regulation 69 Production Permit
❑ Regulation 70 Production of Petroleum and Monitoring of reservoir during production process
❑ Regulation 145 Reporting of Production
❑ Regulation 146 Production Statement
❑ Regulation 147 Reporting of Annual Petroleum Production
❑ Regulation 169 Information on Petroleum Produced
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