Economic Credibility and The Rule of Law

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In Thursday’s Autumn Statement, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt will aim to deliver on the overriding
priority of Rishi Sunak’s new Government: restoring the UK’s economic credibility following the
calamitous interlude of the Truss Government, which so spectacularly destroyed the UK’s
longstanding reputation for economic competence and stability.

But there is more to restoring confidence and credibility in the UK economy than merely persuading
markets that the public finances are now on a sustainable footing. As both the Lord Chief Justice and
the Deputy President of the UK Supreme Court have recently explained in public lectures, it is now
universally acknowledged that there is a crucial link between a country’s commitment to the rule of
law and its levels of innovation, inward investment, trade and economic growth. In the Lord Chief’s
words, “the importance of good governance through a commitment to the rule of law is widely
recognised as underpinning prosperity.”

It is, however, an uncomfortable truth much less frequently acknowledged, and unspeakable by
serving judges, that the UK’s former reputation as a genuine world leader in its commitment to the
rule of law has been a major casualty of the assault on independent institutions delivered by the
recent populist turn in British politics. From the world famous front page attacks on senior judges as
“Enemies of the People”, to the deliberate breaching of international law in the UK Internal Market
Bill, which provoked the resignation of the Head of the Government Legal Department, and many
examples in between, real and tangible damage has undeniably been done to the UK’s standing in
the world as a nation synonymous with the rule of law values of Magna Carta.

To restore the UK’s economic credibility, the Government must therefore urgently show some Rule
of Law leadership: it should seize the opportunity presented by a change of Prime Minister to signal
to markets, investors, trading partners and businesses that it has hit the reset button, drawing a line
under the recent series of self-inflicted wounds which have so damaged this country’s international
reputation as a rule of law regarding nation.

There are no signs so far that the Sunak Government understands this imperative. On the contrary,
the Government appears determined to proceed with tainted Bills inherited from its deliberately
iconoclastic predecessors. The Retained EU Law Bill threatens to drive the final nail into the coffin of
the UK’s reputation for legal certainty and predictability by creating “huge legal uncertainty” as to
what the law will be for businesses and others at the end of 2023. The Northern Ireland Protocol
Bill, premised on an interpretation of international law considered risible by most informed legal
experts, remains the centrepiece of the Government’s strategy for solving the unsquareable circle of
the post-Brexit Northern Irish border. The Government’s determination to proceed with its
deportation to Rwanda policy calls into question its professed commitment to the Refugee

Most bafflingly of all, and in reckless disregard of the criticism it has received from its own benches,
the Government is now bringing back the Bill which threatens to do the most damage to the UK’s
international reputation, the so-called “Bill of Rights” Bill – widely regarded, even within the
Conservative Party, as a longstanding, personal and ideological crusade of the current Deputy Prime
Minister and Justice Secretary, a political calculation designed to divide the electorate by appealing
to people’s worst instincts, rather than a carefully thought through, evidence-based response to a
pressing policy problem.

The full extent of the international dismay caused by this extraordinary Bill, which will not only
significantly reduce the UK Government’s accountability for people’s human rights but undermine
the world’s most successful supranational system for their protection, and the further damage it will
inflict on the UK’s reputation for legal certainty, predictability and regard for the international rule of
law, is only now beginning to emerge. It will soon become apparent, however, as bemused
international partners and multilateral organisations from the Council of Europe to the UN move
from puzzlement to alarm at the prospect of the UK providing succour to the authoritarian populists
who continue to threaten the rules-based international order which the UK used to promote.

The UK’s rule of law problem would not be solved, and international credibility restored, however,
merely by dropping or amending these highly controversial Bills. The rot in the fabric of our rule of
law institutions runs much deeper. The express reference in the Ministerial Code to ministers being
under a duty to comply with international law has been removed. Ministers remain under an
overarching duty to comply with the law, but, in a highly significant move which has received little
attention and no parliamentary scrutiny, the former Attorney General and now Home Secretary
Suella Braverman recently issued new guidance to Government lawyers on “legal risk”, designed to
loosen legal constraints on ministers in a hurry.

The former Attorney General thought that Government lawyers are too risk averse when advising
ministers about legal risk and therefore needlessly hamper the achievement of ministerial policy
objectives. The crucial change from the earlier (2015) Guidance Note on Legal Risk (issued by the
Government Legal Dept, not the AG) is in the way that legal advice about legal risk is to be presented
by Government lawyers so that it is not perceived to be an obstacle to a proposed policy or course of

Instead of advising on the percentage likelihood of a legal challenge succeeding, which the former
Attorney General thought led to unnecessarily cautious decision-making by policy-makers because it
was too readily perceived as a “block” on policy, under the new Guidance lawyers not only can but
should advise that there is a sufficient legal basis to proceed, even if there is a high risk of a legal
challenge succeeding. Only if there is no respectable legal argument that can be put to a court in
support or defence of the action the minister wishes to take should Government lawyers advise that
the proposed action is unlawful.

In other words, despite the Attorney General’s responsibility as the Government’s senior Law Officer
for upholding the rule of law by helping ministers to comply with their overarching duty to comply
with the law, the Attorney General wanted to encourage ministers to take more risks over the
legality of their policies and decisions. Is it really compatible with a minister’s duty to comply with
the law to proceed with a law or policy in the face of expert legal advice that a legal challenge is
highly likely to succeed?

We can see the consequences of this significant change of approach playing out before our eyes in
the controversy surrounding whether the now Home Secretary “ignored legal advice” from officials
that she would be acting unlawfully if she failed to approve alternative accommodation to reduce
overcrowding at Manston processing centre. Under the terms of her own Guidance, she would have
a “sufficient legal basis” for taking that course even if departmental lawyers were advising her that
there was a high (more than 70%) chance of a legal challenge succeeding.

It therefore looks highly likely that rule of law leadership will be the missing piece in the
Government’s plans to restore the UK’s economic credibility on Thursday. Both the Prime Minister
and the Chancellor have acknowledged that restoring that credibility means rebuilding trust in the
UK’s institutions and political actors. Given the importance of the rule of law to economic credibility,
that has to include restoring trust in the UK as a rule of law regarding nation.
Reinstating the explicit reference to international law in the Ministerial Code, dropping the Retained
EU Law Bill and the Bill of Rights Bill, and reverting to the Government Legal Department’s earlier
Guidance on Legal Risk would be a good start. Without such earnests of good intent, the new
Government will continue to inflict economic self-harm by failing to reverse the damage already
done by its predecessors to the UK’s once proud international reputation for the rule of law.

Murray Hunt is Director of the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law and was Legal Adviser to the Joint
Committee on Human Rights from 2004 to 2017.

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