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Preparação para o teste de avaliação

Disciplina: Inglês
Nome: ___________________________ Data____/____/____
Profª Margarida Mina

Famous people

1.Label the pictures with: Painter; actor; president; singer; footballer; computer programmer; physicist.

A. _____________ B. _______________ C. ____________ D. _______________


_________________ E.
________________ F. _________________

2. Fill in the gaps with: stars; composed; signed; released; perform.

1. The musician ___________ his famous song a year ago,

2. They ____________ the book last week.
3. The new film __________ Jennifer Lawrence.
4. The violinist loves to ____________on stage.
5. My favourite author ______________ a copy of his book for me.

3. Complete the descriptions of people with their perfect job.

actor; footballer; computer programmer; painter; singer; president

a. Jane loves to play the guitar and perform. She is confident and good at dancing. She wants to be a _________.

b. Kyle’s favorite class is drama class. He likes to dress up in costumes and pretend to be other people. He wants
to become an ___________.

c. Anna loves playing on her computer. In her spare time, she creates her own games and apps. She thinks she
would like to be a ____________________.

d. Paul is very active. He enjoys sport and playing as part of team. On Saturdays he practices in the park all day
long because he is hoping to be a_____________.

e. Susan is very creative. In her spare time she likes to walk in the countryside and draw animals and nature.
When she’s older she wants to be a ____________.
f. Danny likes to be in charge. He is good at organizing and interested in the law. One day he wants to be the
_____________ of United States.

World Issues

4. Label the pictures with: air pollution, endangered species, nuclear waste, illiteracy, poverty, racism, climate
change, hunger.

_______________________ ________________________ ___________________________

_______________________ ________________________ ___________________________

________________________ _________________________ ______________________

________________________ _________________________

_______________________ ________________________

Types of films/books/music

5. Choose the correct word.

a. Adam wants to go and see the new romance/action film because he loves explosions.
b. Jill likes calming music, such as heavy metal/classical music.
c. Charlie read a biography/horror about the life of Abraham Lincoln.
d. Kate likes laughing, which is why comedies/westerns are her favourite films.
e. Martin is watching a historical/social drama about life in the 1940s.
f. Claire prefers real-life films to childish ones like thrillers/animations.

6. Read the dictionary entries and complete the sentences with the idioms in the correct form.

“In a nutshell” (em poucas palavras, resumidamente)

“Like two peas in a pod” (quando duas pessoas parecem iguais)
“Piece of cake” (quando alguma coisa é muito fácil de fazer)
“Cream of the crop” (quando alguém é o melhor em determinada coisa)
“Go nuts” (quando alguém fica entusiasmado/excitado com alguma coisa)

a) My brother_______________ when he saw his new mobile phone.

b) I thought Jim and Paul were brothers. They are _____________________________.
c) The exam was a___________________. I finished it easily.
d) Mark is the best painter I know. He’s the ____________________.
e) _______________________, Mary is a beautiful person inside and out.


Relative clauses

Pessoas Usa-se Who/That

Coisas Usa-se Which/that
Posse Usa-se Whose

1. Fill in the gaps with: who, whose, which, that.

1) I talked to the girl ______________ car had broken down in front of the shop.
2) Mr Richards, ______________ is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.
3) We often visit our aunt in Norwich ______________ is in East Anglia.
4) This is the girl ______________ comes from Spain.
5) That's Peter, the boy ______________ has just arrived at the airport.
6) Thank you very much for your e-mail ______________ was very interesting.
7) The man, ______________ father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.
8) The children, ______________ shouted in the street, are not from our school.
9) The car, ______________ driver is a young man, is from Ireland.
10) What did you do with the money ______________ your mother lent you?
11) This is the boy ______________ had an accident.
12) Yesterday I saw a car ______________ was really old.
13) Mandy is the girl ______________ I met on Friday.
14) I haven't seen Frank, ______________ brother is five, for a long time now.
15) The robber stole the car ______________ the lady parked in front of the
16) This is the man ______________ house is on fire.
17) Can I talk to the girl ______________ is sitting on the bench?
18) The book ______________ you gave me is great.
19) She likes hamburgers ______________ are hot.
20) Bill Clinton, ______________ was President of the USA, has only one

2. Complete the sentences with the conditional type 0.

(If + present simple, present simple)

a. If you ________________ (pour) oil on water, it ________________ (not sink).

b. If my bedroom ________________ (be) messy, I ________________ (clean) it.
c. If you ________________ (mix) blue and yellow, you ________________ (get) green.
d. If you ________________ (heat) water, it ________________ (evaporate).

3. Complete the sentences with the conditional type 1.

(If + present simple, will ou can + infinitive)

a. If it ________________ (be) sunny on Saturday, I ________________ (go) to the beaches.

b. If I ________________ (pass) all my exams, my parents ________________ (let) me travel to England next
c. We ________________ (have) a picnic if it ________________ (not rain) tomorrow.
d. He ________________ (not buy) a mobile phone if he ________________ (not have) enough money.
e. If we________________ (not protect) animals in extinction, they ________________ (die).
f. If we ________________ (not save) water, we ________________ (not have) enough in the future.
g. If we ________________ (eat) too much junk food, we ________________ (gain) weight.
h. If we ________________ (recycle), we ________________ (make) a difference.

4. Complete the sentences with the conditional type 0 or type 1.

a. If I ________________ (be) free tonight, I will phone you.

b. If I go to the cinema, I ________________ (like) to eat popcorn.
c. You ________________ (need) to buy lots of food if you have a party.
d. I ________________ (give) him the message If I see him.
e. What will happen if you ________________ (be) ill on the day of an exam?
f. If it ________________ (rain) we will not sit outside at the restaurant.
g. If you ________________ (not study) hard, you don’t do well in exams.
h. If you ________________ (like)rock music , this is a good song to listen to

4. Complete the sentences with the conditional type 2.

(If + past simple, would + infinitive)

1. They would buy a big house if they _______________ (have) the money.
2. If I _______________ (find) your key, I _______________ (give) it to you.
3. If I _______________ (can), I _______________ (help) you.
4. If I _______________ (be) a rich man, I _______________ (help) the poor.
5. If they _______________ (want) to learn Spanish, they _______________ (go) to Spain.
6. If I _______________ (rule) the world, I _______________ (make) it a better place.

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