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Synthesis and characterization of magnetite

nanoparticles via the chemical co-precipitation method

1.1. Introduction

Magnetic particle sizes from nanometer to micrometer are attractive

materials not only in the field of magnetic recording but also in the areas
of biological and medical applications. One of the promising particles is
the iron oxide nanoparticle of various kinds and derivatives: magnetite
(Fe3O4), maghemite (γ-Fe2O3), and hematite (α-Fe2O3). These are widely
used as materials for drug carrier, drug release, cancer therapy. Magnetic
nanoparticles have intensive interest because of their outstanding
properties and potential applications in various fields, such as ferrofluids,
catalysts, colored pigments, high-density magnetic recording media, and
medical diagnostics. However, many properties of these magnetic
nanoparticles are size-dependent. For example, when the size of the
magnetic nanoparticles is below 10 nm, they become superparamagnetic
at room temperature.

Magnetite (Fe3O4) has been widely studied in recent years due to its
interesting magnetic properties and many potential applications,

especially being an ideal candidate for biological applications, both as a

tag for sensing and as an actively agent for antitumor therapy. Fe3O4
nanoparticles are normally obtained by various chemical-based synthetic
methods, including coprecipitation, the reverse micelle method,
microwave plasma synthesis, sol–gel techniques, freeze drying,
ultrasound irradiation, hydrothermal methods, laser pyrolysis techniques,
and thermal decomposition of organometallic and coordination
compound. However, in most of these approaches, the sizes of the as-
synthesized products are below 30 nm and their size-distribution can only
be controlled to few extents.

Coprecipatation technique, which is the most convenient method and it is

a very common reaction for the synthesis of NPs, for example, Fe3O4.
Besides the preparation of NPs, this technique can also can be used to
form shells on preformed cores. In the typical coprecipitation reaction, the
feature of different solubility of salts in water is taken advantage of. As
reagents, two or more water-soluble salts are used that react with each
other. One or more salts that are water-insoluble are formed in the liquid
phase. When the concentration of this product crosses the solubility
product value in the reaction media precipitation takes place.

2.1. Chemicals and reagents

Anhydrous FeCl3 98%, FeCl2·4H2O, NaOH pellets were used as received, NH4OH
solution (25 wt.%).

2.2. Synthesis of magnetite (Fe3O4)

Firstly, FeCl3·6H2O (4 ml, 2 M) and FeCl2·4H2O (2 ml, 2 M) were mixed and stirred
for 45 min at 30 °C. The molar ratio of Fe (III)/Fe (II) was kept 2. Under N 2 gas
atmosphere, ammonia solution (100 ml, 1 M) was added dropwise to the previous
solution and pH of the mixture was adjusted to 10. The solution was stirred for about
1 h until black Fe3O4 particles appeared. The product was filtrated and rinsed with
distilled water and methanol until neutral filtrate was obtained. The produced Fe 3O4
NPs were eventually dried at 60 C for 24 h. The following reaction describes the
formation of Fe3O4 NPs[1].

Fe (aq
2 3 
)  2Fe .(aq )  8OH ( aq )  Fe 3 O 4 ( S )  4H 2 O ( l )

3.1. Characterization of the magnetite nanoparticles of

magnetite (Fe3O4)

The magnetite nanoparticles were first characterized for the functional groups by a
FT-IR spectrometer a wave-number range of 4000–400 cm−1.

3.2. Results and discussion




1. Al-saida, B., et al., Enhanced dual catalytic activities of silver-

polyaniline/titanium dioxide magnetic nanocomposite. Journal of
Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2020. 392: p. 112423.

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