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GROUP-04 ( Team Brainchild)

SL No. Student ID Student Name

1 1820398 Lameya Hossain Heya
2 1810926 Ashrafun Nesa methila
3 1810681 Md.Aibur Rahman Emon
4 1710258 Shahrina Akter

Independent University, Bangladesh

Name- Zakia Binte Jamal
Senior Lecturer, Marketing Department
Independent University Bangladesh
Course- MKT_470
Section- 01
Company Name- ACI Limited- Neem soap
1. About ACI Limited..........................................................................................................................ii
1.1 Missions:......................................................................................................................................ii
1.2 Visions:........................................................................................................................................ii
1.3. ACI Product Portfolio................................................................................................................iii
1.4 ACI Product Portfolio.................................................................................................................iv
2. ACI Limited STP (segmentation, targeting and positioning) analysis.........................................v
2.1 Market Segmentation of ACI Limited..........................................................................................v
Demographic segmentation:.............................................................................................................v
Geographic segmentation:.................................................................................................................v
Psychographic segmentation:............................................................................................................v
Usage rate segmentation:..................................................................................................................v
2.2 Targeting of ACI
2.3 Positioning of ACI Limited........................................................................................................vii
ACI focus on their product attributes...............................................................................................vii
ACI create positioning by focusing on their product benefit............................................................vii
3. Identify the ACI Limited brand personality...............................................................................viii
3.1 Sincerity of ACI Limited...............................................................................................................ix
4. ACI Limited Brand Prism for Neem soap.....................................................................................x
5. CSR activity of ACI Limited..........................................................................................................xi
Environmental Initiatives..................................................................................................................xi
Social Initiatives................................................................................................................................xi
Governance Initiatives.....................................................................................................................xii
Educating the farmers, with a focus on Environment Friendly Practices........................................xiii

1. About ACI Limited
Imperial Chemical Industries opened a branch in East Pakistan. East Pakistan's branch
became ICI Bangladesh Manufacturers Limited. ICI sold its Bangladesh investment to ACI's
management when it changed its name in 1992.

ACI is one of Bangladesh's largest conglomerates. It has a lengthy history of global business.
"ACI Pharmaceuticals" aims to improve Bangladeshis' health by providing new, trustworthy

"ACI Consumer Brands" improves consumers' lives through its toiletries, home care,
hygiene, electrical, electronics, mobile, salt, flour, foods, rice, tea, edible oil, paints, and
international businesses. "ACI Agribusinesses" is Bangladesh's largest integrator of
agriculture, livestock, fisheries, farm mechanization, infrastructure services, and motorcycles.
Bangladesh's largest retail chain is ACI. It has 144 SHWAPNO outlets and 34 new express
stores nationwide and touches 45,000 families daily. The Company paid 4,318 million Taka
in corporate tax, customs duty, and VAT in FY 2019-2020.

1.1 Missions:

ACI's objective is to improve people's lives via information, skills, and technology. ACI's
world-class products, innovative procedures, and empowered staff ensure client satisfaction.

1.2 Visions:

Endeavor to attain a position of leadership in each category of its businesses.

Attain a high level of productivity in all its operations through effective and
efficient use of resources, adoption of appropriate technology and alignment with
our core competencies.
Develop its employees by encouraging empowerment and rewarding innovation.
Promote an environment for learning and personal growth of its employees.
Provide products and services of high and consistent quality, ensuring value for
money to its customers.

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1.3. ACI Product Portfolio

ACI Limited has a wide range of products under each of its‟ units. As the numbers of
products are very huge in Pharmaceuticals and Agribusiness, they are not segregated in this
study hence considered as single product.


Pharmaceuticals Consumer Brands & Agribusiness

Commodity Products
ACI Agrimachineries
Animal Health
ACI salt

ACI pure





Chain Shop)

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1.4 ACI Product Portfolio

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2. ACI Limited STP (segmentation, targeting and positioning) analysis

2.1 Market Segmentation of ACI Limited

Demographic segmentation:

This product is designed for women, yet it can also be used by families. There is no
maximum age for purchasing this item. This product was developed for Bangladeshi
consumers, with a primary emphasis on women of the younger age. Women who are
concerned about their health are the target market for this product.

Geographic segmentation:

This product is concentrating on rural and urban parts of Bangladesh, and the company is
concentrating on local communities because that is where the majority of their target
consumers can be found. There is no one particular location that the company claims to sell
its items in; nonetheless, the corporation focuses mostly on the urban centres of each region.

Psychographic segmentation:

Neem uses psychographic segmentation to try to show women that beauty is important at all
stages of their lives. All ages, sizes, and body shapes have beauty. You need to feel your skin
and body and be proud of them. We can say that Neem has a unique way of advertising
because they focus on real people. They don't use celebrities in their ads because it helps
them connect with customers better. Women should not only look good, but also feel good on
the inside.

Usage rate segmentation:

This product is used frequently more than twice a day by the people who fall into this target
market. It has been demonstrated that people in Bangladesh take more than one shower every
day. It's common practice for people to use soap twice a day: once in the morning while
getting ready for work, and again in the evening when they arrive home from work.

Previously Mimi chocolate
only targeted children of the
age of 4-12 years. But its
strategy failed
because their perception was
that only children consume
chocolates. So, after finding
segmentations and looking
through their distinctions, we
would like to target different
So, our targeting strategy will
fall under ‘Differentiated

vi | P a g e
targeting’. We will sell our
chocolates to
kids, young people, people
who like different kinds of
chocolates, people with low or
income. All these kinds of
people fall under 4 segments
that are stated above. Our
strategy is very distinct. So, we
hope to have good results from
2.2 Targeting of ACI Limited

Over the last ten years, the brand has run many campaigns to teach people about women's
beauty and change their ideas about it. So ACI products try to affect both the way people feel
and how they act by making them more friendly and outgoing. This is why ACI Neem Soap
is mostly aimed at women between the ages of 18 and 40 who like natural beauty. This
audience is also made up of very involved women who use digital and social media.

vii | P a g e
People in the middle class and upper class who want to take extra care of their bodies are also
ACI target market. Women also like to buy products that have little to no chemical effect on
their hair or bodies, like Neem.

Through its marketing strategy, Neem is able to reach a huge number of its target customers.
With the help of campaigns, Neem talks to women of all ages about bigger issues and raises
the brand's standing in the eyes of buyers. Based on the segment, ACI target customers are
mostly women of all ages who can afford to buy things. Even though Neem just released a
mini pack to meet the needs of people with less money.

ACI, as a company, tries to reach women in general, but they use different ads to reach
women of different ages. The ACI Self-Esteem Program is a great way for the company to
reach out to grown women (DSEP). Most of the people ACI wants to reach are young adults
and middle-aged women. This is especially aimed at women and families.

Not only did ACI target young girls through their mothers, but these girls still don't buy ACI
products. But ACI wants to make this young person think of them as a brand. Because ACI
wants to make sure that when these young girls are old enough to buy, they think of the ACI
brand and buy Neem. For this reason, Neem just set up a campaign at the girls' school. In this
campaign, they tell the girls to act like they are sure of themselves. They give the girls free
ACI products and tell them that everyone is beautiful and that all they need to do is be
confident and believe in themselves. This thing makes a big difference. When these girls are
older, they will always like Neem because ACI has given them this drive.

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2.3 Positioning of ACI Limited

To stay at the top of the market, ACI makes campaigns that are very unique and have a lot of
meaning. ACI always has one foot in the present and one foot in the future, so they can
always meet the needs and wants of their customers.

Every year, the ACI marketing department sets up the brand substitution test to find out how
the Neem brand and organization are doing. They also measure how well the brand image
works. It helps brands figure out what's going on in the market. ACI made a strong position
and a good offer by

Picking a structure of reference by identifying the genuine target market and

applicable competitors.
Identify ACI own POP (point of parity) and POD (point of difference) brand
association on the basis of the frame work.
On the basis of above two points Neem create brand mantra.

ACI focus on their product attributes

ACI always looks at the qualities of their products. They did a good job of positioning
themselves thanks to the unique things about their products. ACI always says that their
product is moisturizing, made from natural ingredients, has a soft lather, has less scent, and
doesn't have any side effects. And the whole thing is made with a focus on being soft and
feminine. The product's name, tagline, logo, and everything else are all focused on being
simple and feminine, so Neem can easily get the attention of women.

ACI create positioning by focusing on their product benefit

When someone thinks of Neem, the first thing that comes to mind is how good it is for your
health. ACI says that all of their products are good for your health and the environment. ACI
always advertises their products in a way that keeps the health benefits of the product in front
of the consumer's mind. With the help of their logo, which says "go fresh," they also send a
message. So that women can use ACI products to keep their skin healthy.

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3. Identify the ACI Limited brand personality
The five Dimensions of Brand Personality Framework shows that the sincere brand
personality has four main characteristics. Some of these qualities are being down-to-earth,
honest, good, and happy. Sincere brands tend to be responsible, dedicated to their customers,
give the impression that they care, and focus on family and/or home. Most likely, brands that
care about ethics, sustainability, and being honest are also sincere.

When customers can relate to a brand, they feel like they know it. A brand that people can
relate to isn't perfect; it's real. It makes mistakes, changes as it gets older, and has its own
personality. The personality of your brand shapes your brand message and helps you connect
with your customers.

Sincerity as a brand A brand with a sincere personality is honest, considerate, and often
focused on family. Sincere brands are ethical, do the right thing, and take what their
customers want seriously. Customers have a lot of faith in brands that are honest. These
companies care a lot about giving back to the community and making people happy. Sincerity

3.1 Sincerity of ACI Limited

On the other hand, Neem is relevant to women of varying ages, body types, and sizes all over
the country. The essence of genuine inner beauty is embodied by the neem brand, which has a
persona that is approachable, straightforward, and sophisticated. As a result of the company's
innovative and successful marketing strategies, it has established itself as a pioneer in the
skincare business and created a brand identity that is distinctive for each individual.

The way the ACI limited brand interacts with people's feelings and senses can be seen as an
added benefit, as can the fact that its prices are simple and safe. In recent years, customers have
seen ACI as an innovative player in the health care market. It has also built a good reputation
through strong branding and marketing. ACI has positioned itself to the point where it offers
better value than its competitors. Since ACI is a well-known company, it tries to use the same
positions to reach out to different groups.

ACI builds its brand position by coming up with different ways to stand out in the eyes of
customers. It also makes its offers stand out by putting together a unique set of benefits to build
good relationships with customers. From the customer's point of view, they think that ACI
makes the best products and that these products will have high nutritional value, so customers
will benefit from buying these products. ACI always tries to stay ahead of its competitors in the
minds of its customers.

Sustainability can help a business gain the trust of its customers and set the stage for its
financial success. By changing their strategy to focus on the new sustainability campaign, ACI
is putting more attention on its brands and how they are working toward a "brighter future"
than on its corporate brand. The parent company of ACI doesn't tell them how to talk to
customers about the brand name on their product or package by using their own company
name. ACI sells many different products and services under different brand names so that
customers will be more likely to recognize them. Each brand was managed and marketed
separately by ACI.

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4. ACI Limited Brand Prism for Neem soap.
The brand identity prism, sometimes called the Kapferer Brand Identity Prism, is an idea that
was first put forward by J. Kapferer in 1986. It is a way to describe a brand's identity by
looking at its traits. The prism diagram is a good way to see not only what a brand's main
traits are but also how they relate to each other. Kapferer says that the best brands combine
all six elements into a single brand identity and message. All six elements should relate to the
brand's core essence, he says.

The brand identity prism shows how your brand's identity and image connect. If your brand
identity and brand image don't match up, it's time to look at the brand facets in your prism
and zero in on areas where you can tweak your messaging and other brand elements to make
a more seamless, cohesive brand.

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5. CSR activity of ACI Limited
Environmental Initiatives

As the leader in software for digital payments, they think that their solutions make a big
difference in their environment. They are solutions that get rid of the need for paper bills and
payments, saving trees that the world needs to make oxygen, clean the air, and do other good
things for the environment.

They also work on ways to use energy more efficiently. For example, they switched their
U.S. and Indian offices to LED lighting, which they think cut their lighting electricity use by
about half. Building management systems help them cut down on how much air conditioning
they use. And in their U.S. offices, they offer single-stream recycling. Elsewhere, they
encourage people to use reusable ceramic mugs or paper cups that can be recycled or broken

Social Initiatives

ACI helps employees, customers, and communities participate in the digital economy. Their
social initiatives encourage STEM education, equal pay for men and women, and financial
literacy. Their U.S., U.K., and South African workers have held coding camps and seminars
for middle and high school kids. ACI promotes gender pay gap transparency, as expressed in
our UK Gender Equality statement. We encourage gender equity in payments by sponsoring
Women in Payments and attending its annual symposia. ACI sponsors Kiva, a non-profit that
uses crowdsourcing to deliver microloans to those without bank accounts. Financial inclusion
is promoted.

Their staff have won awards including Advocate for Women, Most Influential Women in
Payments, and Forty Under 40. ACI University has over 10,000 learning assets on technical,
business, professional development, and compliance areas. This encourages learning and
participation. ACI staff undergo compliance programs annually.

They're transparent about how they utilize, gather, share, and move customer data. This is on
their privacy page. They observe privacy rules worldwide, such as the EU's GDPR (GDPR).

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Governance Initiatives

ACI establishes and maintains positive business relationships with our customers by adhering
to a strong set of ethical standards that are consistent with international laws and regulations.
Corporate governance and practices, including the Anti-Slavery policy, demonstrate that we
adhere to these principles.

The ACI Board of Directors is committed to an inclusion policy and actively seeks
individuals with diverse backgrounds, including race, gender, ethnicity, experience,
knowledge, and other characteristics that distinguish each individual.

Our Board ensures the effectiveness of ACI's risk management processes. Risk management
in some areas, such as assessing and mitigating financial risk and possible risk connected to
ACI's pay policies and practices, is the responsibility of different Board committees. ACI's
management and Board use a well-defined succession planning procedure to fill key business
leadership roles as they become vacant.

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Educating the farmers, with a focus on Environment Friendly Practices

ACI has started a lot of programs to teach farmers in rural Bangladesh how to grow crops in a
good way. We have a team of agricultural experts who work on farms all over the country
and give technical trainings and field demonstrations. Some of what they do is

 Field demos of different ways to protect crops that are the least harmful to the
 Training on new ways to grow crops, so that yields go up and new crops can be
 Training for third parties and channel partners, such as retailers and agricultural
extension workers (e.g. NGO workers)
 ACI also has education programs for people who raise animals and birds.

These include

 There are technical trainings on different parts of farming and how to use new
 Farmers get together to share what they've learned and what they've done.
 Veterinarians visit farms for free to look for problems and give advice to each farmer.


Most of our farmers don't know how to read or write. They learned how to farm by helping
their family in the fields. Our ongoing efforts to teach farmers have paid off in big ways on
three fronts:

Raising farmers' awareness of how new technology can help them improve their crops,
getting them to share their experiences with other nearby farmers, and, in the long run,
making farmers more educated. Increasing the level of education and technical knowledge of
channel partners and other people who help farmers.

Most importantly, farmers need to know how to keep harmful chemicals from being used on
their farms, so they can make decisions that are good for the environment. ACI wants to
continue to be a leader in getting farmers in Bangladesh to care more about the environment.

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