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Machine Learning and Wireless Communications

How can machine learning help the design of future communication networks, and
how can future networks meet the demands of emerging machine learning applica-
tions? Discover the interactions between two of the most transformative and impactful
technologies of our age in this comprehensive book.
First, learn how modern machine learning techniques, such as deep neural networks,
can transform how we design and optimize future communication networks. Acces-
sible introductions to concepts and tools are accompanied by numerous real-world
examples, showing you how these techniques can be used to tackle longstanding
problems. Next, explore the design of wireless networks as platforms for machine
learning applications. An overview of modern machine learning techniques and com-
munication protocols will help you to understand the challenges, while new methods
and design approaches will be presented to handle wireless channel impairments such
as noise and interference, to meet the demands of emerging machine learning applica-
tions at the wireless edge.

Yonina C. Eldar is a professor of electrical engineering at the Weizmann Institute of

Science, where she heads the Center for Biomedical Engineering and Signal Process-
ing. She is also a visiting professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the
Broad Institute and an adjunct professor at Duke University. She is a member of the
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, an IEEE fellow, and a EURASIP fellow.

Andrea Goldsmith is the Dean of Engineering and Applied Science and the Arthur
LeGrand Doty Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University. She is a
member of the US National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of
Arts and Sciences. In 2020, she received the Marconi Prize.

Deniz Gündüz is a professor of information processing in the Electrical and Electronic

Engineering Department of Imperial College London, where he serves as the Deputy
Head of the Intelligent Systems and Networks Group. He is also a part-time faculty
member at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

H. Vincent Poor is the Michael Henry Strater University Professor at Princeton

University. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and the
US National Academy of Sciences. In 2017, he received the IEEE Alexander Graham
Bell Medal.

Published online by Cambridge University Press

Published online by Cambridge University Press
Machine Learning and Wireless
Edited by

Weizmann Institute of Science

Princeton University

Imperial College

Princeton University

Published online by Cambridge University Press

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DOI: 10.1017/9781108966559
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First published 2022
Printed in the United Kingdom by TJ Books Limited, Padstow Cornwall
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Eldar, Yonina C., editor.
Title: Machine learning and wireless communications / edited by Yonina C. Eldar,
Weizmann Institute of Science, Andrea Goldsmith, Princeton University,
Deniz Gündüz, Imperial College, H. Vincent Poor, Princeton University.
Description: First edition. | Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY :
Cambridge University Press, 2022. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021063108 (print) | LCCN 2021063109 (ebook) |
ISBN 9781108832984 (hardback) | ISBN 9781108966559 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Wireless communication systems. | Machine learning. |
BISAC: TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Signals & Signal Processing
Classification: LCC TK5103.2 .M3156 2022 (print) | LCC TK5103.2 (ebook) |
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To our families.

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List of Contributors page ix

Preface xiii

1 Machine Learning and Communications: An Introduction 1

Deniz Gündüz, Yonina C. Eldar, Andrea Goldsmith, and H. Vincent Poor

Part I Machine Learning for Wireless Networks

2 Deep Neural Networks for Joint Source-Channel Coding 23

David Burth Kurka, Milind Rao, Nariman Farsad, Deniz Gündüz, and Andrea Goldsmith

3 Neural Network Coding 55

Litian Liu, Amit Solomon, Salman Salamatian, Derya Malak, and Muriel Medard

4 Channel Coding via Machine Learning 77

Hyeji Kim

5 Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 110

Hengtao He, Hao Ye, Shi Jin, and Geoffrey Y. Li

6 Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 145

Nir Shlezinger, Nariman Farsad, Yonina C. Eldar, and Andrea Goldsmith

7 Constrained Unsupervised Learning for Wireless Network Optimization 182

Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek

8 Radio Resource Allocation in Smart Radio Environments 212

Alessio Zappone and Merouane Debbah

9 Reinforcement Learning for Physical Layer Communications 231

Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

10 Data-Driven Wireless Networks: Scalability and Uncertainty 285

Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

Published online by Cambridge University Press

viii Contents

11 Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 317

Ziv Aharoni, Dor Tsur, Ziv Goldfeld, and Haim H. Permuter

Part II Wireless Networks for Machine Learning

12 Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks: An Introductory Overview 353

Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

13 Optimized Federated Learning in Wireless Networks with Constrained Resources 385

Shiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, and Kin K. Leung

14 Quantized Federated Learning 409

Nir Shlezinger, Mingzhe Chen, Yonina C. Eldar, H. Vincent Poor, and Shuguang Cui

15 Over-the-Air Computation for Distributed Learning over Wireless Networks 434

Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri and Deniz Gündüz

16 Federated Knowledge Distillation 457

Hyowoon Seo, Jihong Park, Seungeun Oh, Mehdi Bennis, and Seong-Lyun Kim

17 Differentially Private Wireless Federated Learning 486

Dongzhu Liu, Amir Sonee, Osvaldo Simeone, and Stefano Rini

18 Timely Wireless Edge Inference 512

Sheng Zhou, Wenqi Shi, Xiufeng Huang, and Zhisheng Niu

Index 539

Published online by Cambridge University Press


Ziv Aharoni,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri,

Princeton University

Mehdi Bennis,
University of Oulu

Mingzhe Chen,
Princeton University

Shuguang Cui,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Mérouane Debbah,

Nariman Farsad,
Stanford University

Ziv Goldfeld,
Cornell University

Hengtao He,
Southeast University

Xiufeng Huang,
Tsinghua University

Shi Jin,
Southeast University

Published online by Cambridge University Press

x List of Contributors

Hyeji Kim,
The University of Texas

Seong–Lyun Kim,
Yonsei University

Visa Koivunen,
Aalto University

David Burth Kurka,

Imperial College London

Hoon Lee,
Pukyong National University

Sang Hyun Lee,

Korea University

Kin K. Leung,
Imperial College London

Geoffrey Y. Li,
Imperial College London

Dongzhu Liu,
King’s College London

Litian Liu,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Derya Malak,

Philippe Mary,
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées

Muriel Médard,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Christophe Moy,
University of Rennes 1

Zhisheng Niu,
Tsinghua University

Published online by Cambridge University Press

List of Contributors xi

Seungeun Oh,
Yonsei University

Mehmet Emre Ozfatura,

Imperial College London

Jihong Park,
Deakin University

Haim H. Permuter,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Tony Q. S. Quek,
Singapore University of Technology and Design

Milind Rao,
Stanford University

Stefano Rini,
National Chiao Tung University

Salman Salamatian,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Hyowoon Seo,
Kwangwoon University

Wenqi Shi,
Tsinghua University

Nir Shlezinger,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Osvaldo Simeone,
King’s College London

Amit Solomon,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Amir Sonee,
National Chiao Tung University

Tiffany Tuor,
Imperial College London

Published online by Cambridge University Press

xii List of Contributors

Shiqiang Wang,
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

Yue Xu,
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Hao Ye,
Georgia Institute of Technology

Feng Yin,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Alessio Zappone,
University of Cassino

Sheng Zhou,
Tsinghua University

Dor Tsur,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Published online by Cambridge University Press


Machine learning (ML) and wireless communications are two of the most rapidly
advancing technologies of our time. The main premise of ML is to enable computers
to learn and perform certain tasks without being explicitly programmed to do so. This
is achieved by training algorithms on data available for the task to be accomplished.
Although the basic ideas and ambitions of ML go back to the 1950s, there has been
a recent surge in interest and applications in this area, fueled by the availability of
increasingly powerful computers, large amounts of data, and developments in new
learning algorithms as well as their theoretical underpinnings. At the same time, wire-
less communication has evolved, through advances in both theory and supporting
technologies, to encompass a variety of application areas, from high-performance
data transmission tasks such as media distribution to the massive deployment of end-
devices to enable Internet of Things (IoT) tasks such as sensing, inference, and control.
We are now witnessing the confluence of these two fields, with two primary aspects
to this connection. One is the application of ML techniques to the optimization of
wireless networks. This is a natural use of ML, as wireless networks involve many
inferential and control tasks, which often must operate under dynamic or uncertain
conditions, and create many examplars for learning because data transmissions take
place at very high rates. The other aspect of this connection is the use of wireless
networks as ML platforms. This again is a natural application of emerging wireless
networks, such as those supporting IoT applications, because they involve sensing,
inference, and control and provide edge devices with considerable processing power.
Learning at the network edge has advantages in terms of latency and privacy, and it
capitalizes on the fact that many learning tasks, such as those supporting automated
driving, are locality specific.
To realize the promise of these opportunities, significant research in many dimen-
sions is needed. Important issues include the adaptation of existing ML techniques
to wireless system design and the design and development of new techniques that
can meet the constraints and requirements of communication networks, including the
capability to implement at least some of these techniques in low-power chips that can
be used in mobile devices, as well as developing fundamental analytical techniques
and bounds on the performance of distributed ML algorithms operating within the con-
straints of wireless connectivity. This book focuses on these research issues through a
series of 18 chapters written by experts in the field, beginning with an introductory
chapter providing a brief general overview of ML methodology. By presenting a Published online by Cambridge University Press

xiv Preface

systematic overview of the most promising aspects of the connection between ML

in wireless networks, this book provides an entry point and a comprehensive overview
of the state of the art for researchers in academia and industry who are interested in
learning and contributing to this growing field.
This book is the culmination of the efforts of many people, including the chapter
authors and the editorial and production staff at Cambridge University Press. We wish
to express our deep gratitude for their contributions. Published online by Cambridge University Press

1 Machine Learning and
Communications: An Introduction
Deniz Gündüz, Yonina C. Eldar, Andrea Goldsmith, and H. Vincent Poor

1.1 Introduction

Wireless communications is one of the most prominent and impactful technologies of

the last few decades. Its transformative impact on our lives and society is immeasur-
able. The fifth generation (5G) of mobile technology has recently been standardised
and is now being rolled out. In addition to its reduced latency and higher data rates
compared to previous generations, one of the promises of 5G is to connect billions of
heterogeneous devices to the network, supporting new applications and verticals under
the banner of the Internet of Things (IoT). The number of connected IoT devices is
expected to increase exponentially in the coming years, enabling new applications
including mobile healthcare, virtual and augmented reality, and self-driving cars as
well as smart buildings, factories, and infrastructures.
In parallel with recent advances in wireless communications, modern machine
learning (ML) techniques have led to significant breakthroughs in all areas of science
and technology. New ML techniques continue to emerge, paving the way for new
research directions and applications, ranging from autonomous driving and finance
to marketing and healthcare, just to name a few. It is only natural to expect that a
tool as powerful as ML should have a transformative impact on wireless commu-
nication systems, similarly to other technology areas. On the other hand, wireless
communication system design has traditionally followed a model-based approach,
with great success. Indeed, in communication systems, we typically have a good
understanding of the channel and network models, which follow fundamental physical
laws, and some of the current systems and solutions already approach fundamental
information theoretical limits. Moreover, communication devices typically follow a
highly standardized set of rules; that is, standardization dictates what type of signals
to transmit, as well as when and how to transmit them, with tight coordination across
devices and even different networks. As a result, existing solutions are products of
research and engineering design efforts that have been optimized over many decades
and generations of standards, which are based upon theoretical foundations and exten-
sive experiments and measurements. From this perspective, compared to other areas
in which ML has made significant advances in recent years, communication systems
can be considered more amenable to model-based solutions rather than generic ML
approaches. Therefore, one can question what potential benefits ML can provide to
wireless communications [1–3]. Published online by Cambridge University Press

2 Deniz Gündüz et al.

The chapters in the first part of this book provide many answers to this question.
First, despite the impressive advances in coding and communication techniques over
the last few decades, we are still far from approaching the theoretical limits in complex
networks of heterogeneous devices, or even understanding and characterizing such
limits. Current design approaches are built upon engineering heuristics: we try to
avoid or minimize interference through various access technologies, which allows us
to reduce a complex interconnected network into many parallel point-to-point links.
We then divide the design of the point-to-point communication systems into many
different blocks, such as channel estimation, feedback, equalization, modulation, and
coding, which are easier to model and may even lend themselves to optimal solutions.
Although this modular design is highly attractive from an engineering perspective, it
is generally suboptimal.
With 5G, we aim to connect billions of IoT devices, which have significantly differ-
ent requirements in terms of latency and energy efficiency compared to conventional
mobile handsets. The networks will have to sustain a much more diverse set of devices
and traffic types, each with different requirements and constraints. This will require
significantly more flexibility and more adaptive and efficient use of the available
resources. Therefore, the performance loss due to the aforementioned modular design
and separate optimization of the individual blocks is becoming increasingly limit-
ing. Cross-layer design as an alternative has been studied extensively, but this type
of design still depends on a model-based approach that is often significantly more
complex than the modular design. This complexity has led to ad-hoc solutions for
each separate cross-layer design problem and scenario, with performance gains that
were often limited or nonexistent relative to more traditional modular design. Data-
driven ML techniques can provide an alternative solution, with potentially larger gains
in performance and reasonable complexity in implementation.
Second, in current systems, even with the modular approach, the optimal solution
may be known theoretically, yet remain prohibitive to attain computationally. For
example, we can write down the maximum likelihood detection rule in a multiuser
scenario, but the complexity of its solution grows exponentially with the number of
users [4]. Similarly, in a communication network with a multi-antenna transmitter and
multiple single-antenna receivers, the optimal beamforming vectors can be written as
the solution of a well-defined optimization problem, albeit with no known polynomial
complexity solution algorithm [5]. As a result, we either provide low-complexity yet
suboptimal solution techniques to the problem [6] or resort to simple solutions that
can be solved in closed-form [7]. Recent results have shown that machine learning
techniques can provide more attractive complexity-performance trade-offs [8, 9].
There has already been a significant amount of research proposing data-driven
ML solutions for different components of a communication system, such as channel
estimation [10–12], channel state information compression and feedback [13, 14],
channel equalization [15], channel decoding [16], and more, many of which will be
discussed in detail in the later chapters of this book. These solutions are shown to
outperform conventional designs in many scenarios, particularly when we do not have
a simple model of the communication system (e.g., when the channel coefficients do Published online by Cambridge University Press

Machine Learning and Communications 3

not follow a distribution with a known covariance matrix). However, another potential
benefit of the ML approaches is to go beyond the aforementioned modular design and
learn the best communication scheme in an end-to-end fashion rather than targeting
each module separately [17, 18]. This end-to-end ML approach facilitates attacking
much more complex problems with solutions that were deemed elusive with conven-
tional approaches. A good example is the joint source-channel coding problem, which
is typically divided into the compression and channel coding subproblems. Despite
the known suboptimality of this approach, and decades of efforts in designing joint
source-channel coding schemes, these often resulted in ad-hoc solutions for differ-
ent source and channel combinations with formidable complexity. However, recent
results have shown that ML can provide significant improvements in the end-to-end
performance of joint source-channel coding [19–22].
An additional benefit of ML is that is does not require knowledge of channel
parameters or statistics. In particular, many known communication methods rely on
knowledge of the channel parameters or statistics or the ability to estimate these
statistics with minimal resources. In modern wireless networks, this is no longer the
case. Thus, ML can offer efficient techniques to compensate for unknown and varying
channel knowledge [23, 24]. In addition, hardware limitations, such as the use of
low bit rate quantizers or nonlinear power amplifiers, can significantly increase the
complexity of the underlying channel model. This renders a design based on exact
channel knowledge difficult to implement [25].
Another dimension of the potential synergies between communications and ML is
the design of communication networks to enable ML applications [26]. While a sig-
nificant amount of information is collected and consumed by mobile devices, most of
the learning is still carried out centrally at cloud servers. Such a centralized approach
to learning at the edge has limitations. First, offloading all the data collected by edge
devices to the cloud for processing is not scalable. For example, an autonomous car is
expected to collect terrabytes of data every day. As the number of vehicles increases,
the cellular network infrastructure cannot support such a huge rise in data traffic solely
from autonomous cars. A similar surge in traffic is expected from other connected
devices. The sheer volume of the collected data makes such centralized approaches
highly unsustainable. This is particularly problematic when the collected data has
large dimensions and has low information density, which refers to the information
within the data relevant for the underlying task. For example, a surveillance camera
may collect and offload hours of recording of a still background, which has little use
for the task of detecting intruders. Therefore, it is essential to enable edge devices with
some level of intelligence to extract and convey only the relevant information for the
underlying learning task [27–29].
Having all the intelligence centralized also causes significant privacy and secu-
rity concerns [30–32]. Most of the data collected from edge devices, such as smart
meters [33, 34], autonomous cars [35], health sensors [36], or entertainment devices
[37], collect highly sensitive information that reveals significant personal information
about our lives and daily habits. Sharing this data in bulk with other parties is a
growing concern for consumers, which can potentially hinder the adoption of some of Published online by Cambridge University Press

4 Deniz Gündüz et al.

these services. The alternative can be to carry out local learning at each individual
device with the available data; however, the locally available data can be limited in
quantity and variety, resulting in overfitting.
Fully centralized intelligence also introduces latency. In many applications that
involve edge devices, inference and action need to be fast. For example, autonomous
vehicles must detect and avoid pedestrians or other obstacles rapidly. Even though
some of the inference tasks can be carried out on board, devices may not have the
necessary processing capability, and some of the inference tasks may require fusing
information distributed across multiple edge devices. For example, an autonomous car
may benefit from camera or LIDAR data from other nearby cars or terrain information
available at a nearby base station to make more accurate decisions about its trajectory
and speed. In such scenarios, it is essential to enable distributed inference algorithms
that can rapidly gather the most relevant information and make the most accurate
decisions [28].
In light of these observations, an important objective in merging communications
and ML is to bring intelligence to the network edge, rather than offloading the data to
the cloud and relying on centralized ML algorithms. The two core ingredients behind
the recent success of ML techniques are massive datasets and tremendous memory
and processing power to efficiently and rapidly process the available data to train
huge models, such as deep neural networks (DNNs). Both of these ingredients are
plentiful at the network edge, yet in a highly distributed manner. The second part of
this book is dedicated to distributed ML algorithms, particularly focusing on learning
across wireless networks, addressing these challenges and highlighting some of the
important research achievements and remaining challenges.
Before revieweing the individual chapters in the book, we provide a brief overview
of basic ML techniques, particularly focusing on their potential applications in com-
munication problems.

1.2 Taxonomy of Machine Learning Problems

The type of problems to which machine learning algorithms are applied can be
grouped into three categories: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and
reinforcement learning (RL). All three types of problems have found applications
in wireless communications. Here we provide a general overview of these different
categories and what types of problems they are used to solve and then highlight their
applications in wireless communications.

1.2.1 Supervised Learning

In supervised learning the goal is to teach an algorithm the input-output relation
of a function. This can be applied to a wide variety of functions and input/output
types. Consider, for example, the input vector denoted by x ∈ X and the associated
vector of target variables c ∈ C. Supervised learning problems are classified into two Published online by Cambridge University Press

Machine Learning and Communications 5

groups: if the input is mapped to one of a finite number of discrete classes (i.e., C
is a discrete set), then the learning task is called classification. If, instead, the output
can take continuous values (i.e., C is a continuous set), then the learning task is called
regression. The often cited toy problem of classifying images into dog and cat labels
is a classical example of a classification problem. Most classification tasks have more
than two classes, and other common examples that are often used to compare and
benchmark supervised learning algorithms are classification of handwritten digits and
spam detection.
In communications, the design of a receiver for a fixed transmission scheme is a
classification task. For example, consider a simple modulation scheme mapping input
bits to constellation points. The receiver trying to map each received noisy symbol to
one of the constellation points can be considered a classification problem. This can
also be extended to decoding of coded messages transmitted over a noisy channel,
where the decoder function tries to map a vector of received symbols to a codeword
[16, 38].
Another application of classification in communications is the detection of the type
of wireless signals in the air, which is often required for military applications, or
for cognitive radios [39]. This includes the detection of the transmitting device by
identifying the particular hardware impairments of each individual transmitter [40],
detection of the modulation type used by the device [41–43], or detection of the
wireless technology employed by the transmitter [44]. A dataset of synthetic simulated
channel effects on wireless modulated signals of 11 different modulation types has
been released in [45], which has significantly helped the research community to test
and compare proposed techniques on a benchmark dataset.
A well-known example of a regression problem encountered in wireless commu-
nication systems is channel estimation [10, 11, 46], where the goal is to estimate the
channel coefficients from noisy received versions of known pilot signals. While tradi-
tional channel estimation methods assume a known channel model, and try to estimate
the parameters of this model through least squared or minimum mean-squared error
estimation techniques, a data-driven channel estimator does not make any assumptions
on the channel model. It instead relies on training data generated from the underlying
channel. In the context of wireless communications, while a data-driven approach is
attractive when an accurate channel model is not available, the requirement of a large
training dataset can mean that training needs to be done off-line.
Supervised learning can also be used as an alternative method to rapidly obtain rea-
sonable suboptimal solutions to complex optimization problems. In wireless networks,
we often face highly complex nonconvex or combinatorial optimization problems,
for example, in scheduling or deciding transmit powers in a network of interfering
transmitters. Many of these problems do not have low-complexity optimal solutions;
however, in practice, we need a fast solution to be implemented within the coherence
time of the channels. Therefore, we typically resort to some low-complexity subop-
timal solution. An alternative would be to train a neural network using the optimal
solution for supervision. This can result in a reasonable performance that can be
rapidly obtained once the network is trained. Such methods have been extensively Published online by Cambridge University Press

6 Deniz Gündüz et al.

applied to wireless network optimization problems with promising results in terms of

the performance-complexity trade-off [8, 47].

1.2.2 Unsupervised Learning

In unsupervised learning problems, we have training data without any output values,
and the goal is to learn functions that describe the input data. Such functions may
be useful for more efficient supervised learning, as they can be seen as a method for
feature extraction. They may also be used to make the input data more amenable to
human understanding and interpretation. Unsupervised learning is not as well-defined
as supervised learning, since it is not clear what type of description of the data we
are looking for. Moreover, it is often the case that the measure to use to compare
different descriptions is not obvious and may highly depend on the type of data and
application we have in mind. Common unsupervised learning problems are clustering,
dimension reduction, and density estimation, all of which have been used extensively
in communication systems.
Indeed, clustering is nothing but source compression or quantization, where the
goal is to identify a small number of representatives that can adequately represent all
possible input vectors. In density estimation, the goal is to determine the distribution
of data as accurately as possible from a limited number of samples. Parameterized
density estimation is often used in wireless communications when estimating the
channel from a limited number of pilot signals. Dimensionality reduction is similar
to clustering in the sense that we want a more efficient representation of data, but
rather than limiting this representation to a finite number of clusters, we limit its
dimension. Projecting a large-dimensional input data to two or three dimensions is
used for visualization. A common technique for dimensionality reduction is principle
component analysis (PCA), which is also known as the Karhunen-Loeve transform
and is used for lossy data compression. More recently neural networks in the form of
autoencoders have been employed for dimensionality reduction. Autoencoders play an
important role in the data-driven design of compression and communication schemes.
In machine learning, some approaches first try to learn the distribution of data
(or the data as well as the output in the context of supervised learning). These are
called generative models, because once the underlying distribution is learned, one
can generate new samples from this distribution. With the advances in deep learning,
DNNs have also been used in deep generative models, which have shown remark-
able performance in modeling complex distributions. Two popular architectures for
deep generative modeling are variational autoencoders (VAEs) [48] and generative
adversarial networks (GANs) [49]. Generative models have recently been employed
in [50, 51] to model a communication channel from data; such models can be used for
training other communication components when no channel model is available.

1.2.3 Reinforcement Learning (RL)

RL is another class of machine learning problems, where the goal is to learn how to
interact in a random unknown environment based on feedback received in the form Published online by Cambridge University Press

Machine Learning and Communications 7

of costs or rewards following each action. In contrast to supervised learning, where

the outputs corresponding to a dataset of input samples are given, in RL these need
to be learned through interactions with the environment. The environment has a state,
and the agent interacts with the environment by taking actions. The goal is to learn the
right action to take at each state in order to maximize (minimize) the long-term reward
(cost). The cost/reward acquired depends both on the state and the action taken and
is typically random with a stationary distribution. Notable examples of RL algorithms
are game playing agents that can beat human masters in chess and Go, or more recently
in Atari games or more advanced multiplayer video games.
A fundamental aspect of RL is the trade-off between exploration and exploitation.
Exploration refers to taking new unexplored actions to gather more information about
the environment to potentially discover actions with higher rewards (lower costs).
Exploitation, on the other hand, refers to exploiting the actions that are more likely
to provide higher rewards (lower costs) based on past observations. A conservative
agent that is more likely to exploit its current knowledge risks losing out on high
reward actions that it has never tried. On the other hand, an agent that keeps exploring
without considering its past experiences ends up with a low reward. Hence, the goal is
to find the right balance between exploration and exploitation.
RL has found applications in wireless networks as early as in the 1990s [52, 53],
including power optimization in the physical layer for energy efficient operation [54].
Similarly to other machine learning tools, RL algorithms can be used for two types
of problems requiring interactions with an environment, which can model the wireless
network environment a device is operating in: the device might have an accurate model
of the environment, but the solution of an optimal operation policy for the device
may be elusive. In such a case, RL techniques can be used as a numerical solution
technique to characterize the optimal (or near optimal) strategy for the device. Note
that this is similar to the application of RL in games such as chess or Go, which have
well-understood rules but are still highly complex to study methodically. This type
of problem typically appears in networking, where multiple devices are scheduled to
share the limited spectral resources.
Alternatively, RL methods can be used in wireless networking problems for which
the environment is known to be stationary, yet we do not have a good model to char-
acterize its statistical behaviour. This might be the case, for example, when operating
over unlicensed bands, where it is difficult or impossible to model the statistics of
device activations, spectrum activity, traffic arrivals, and channel variations. In such
scenarios, RL tools can be used to learn the best operation strategy through direct
interactions with the environment in an online fashion. An example of the application
of RL techniques to such a problem is channel access for cognitive users, where the
probability of availability of each channel is unknown to the user. This problem is
formulated in [55] as a multiarmed bandit (MAB) problem, which is a special case of
RL with a single state. The name MAB is motivated by bandit machines in casinos:
a gambler wants to play the arm that has the highest chance of winning, but this
is unknown in advance. Hence, the gambler has to try as many different arms as
possible to discover the best one, while also trying to exploit the estimated best arm
as much as possible, since trying each arm has a cost. In [56], scheduling of multiple Published online by Cambridge University Press

8 Deniz Gündüz et al.

energy-harvesting wireless transmitters is considered. Due to the presence of finite-

capacity batteries, this problem is formulated as a restless MAB, which refers to the
fact that the rewards of the arms are governed by an underlying Markov process, and
the state of the arms may change even if they are not played.

1.3 ML Tools Used in Communication System Design

In the previous section we classified ML problems into three main groups. There
are many different formulations and approaches within each of these categories.
Moreover, many different techniques are available to solve the same problem, with
each method providing a different complexity-performance trade-off depending on
the implementation constraints, availability of data, and uncertainty in the system
parameters. While providing background on all existing tools is beyond the scope of
this chapter, we briefly review here three fundamental tools that are commonly used
in the design of communication networks (and many other engineering problems),
which also appear in most of the later chapters of the book. In particular, we provide
a brief introduction to neural networks and how they are trained, particularly for
supervised learning tasks, then present the concept of an autoencoder for unsupervised
learning, and finally discuss the main challenges of RL along with common solution

1.3.1 Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)

An artificial neural network is a popular ML model consisting of several layers of
“neurons,” which are processing units loosely inspired by biological neurons. In a
feedforward neural network, neurons are organized into layers, and there are no feed-
back connections that would feed the output of any layer back into the model itself.
Neural networks that incorporate feedback connections are called recurrent neural
networks. Please see Fig. 1.1 for an illustration of a neural network architecture.
The first layer takes as input an affine function of the values of the input signal,
while the following layers take as input affine functions of the outputs of the neurons
in the previous layer. The left-most layer is typically considered the input layer and the
right-most layer is the output layer, while the remaining layers in between are called
the hidden layers; see Fig. 1.1. The number of hidden layers provides the depth of the
network, which led to the terminology of “deep learning.” Each hidden layer typically
consists of many neurons, the number of which determines the width of the network.
Let dk denote the width of the kth layer, where d0 corresponds to the input dimension
(e.g., the number of pixels in the input image). If we denote the output of neuron i in
(k) (k)
layer k by xi , and its input by yi , we have

(k) (k)

yi = w0,i + wn,i xn(k−1), (1.1)
n=1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Machine Learning and Communications 9

Input Output
layer Hidden layers layer

Figure 1.1 Neural network architecture.

x1(k–1) w1,1 (k+1)
y1(k) (k)

(k) (k+1)
wdk–1,1 w1,i

yi(k+1) xi(k+1)

1 (k)
w0,d k wd(k+1)

(k) yd(k) xd(k)
w1,dk k

Figure 1.2 One layer of a neural network, and the forward propagation of the neuron activations.

where wn,i denotes the weight of the connection from the output of the nth neuron in
layer k − 1 to the input of the ith neuron in layer k. Here, w0,i corresponds to the bias
term for the ith neuron at layer k. Each neuron then applies a nonlinear “activation
function” on its input, denoted by fi for the ith neuron at layer k, resulting in
(k) (k) (k)
xi = fi (yi ), (1.2)
as illustrated in Fig. 1.2. Published online by Cambridge University Press

10 Deniz Gündüz et al.

The evaluation of the output values of the neurons in a neural network by recur-
sively computing Eqs. (1.1) and (1.2) is called forward propagation, as the information
flows from the input layer toward the output layer.
Different activation functions can be used in Eq. (1.2). The most common activa-
tion functions are the identity function, step function, a rectified linear unit (ReLU),
sigmoid function, hyperbolic tangent, and softmax. Softmax is a generalization of
the sigmoid function, which represents a binary variable. Note that the model in
Eq. (1.2) allows for employing a different activation function for each neuron in the
network. Softmax is often used as the activation function in the output layer of a
classifier network to represent a probability distribution over n classes. On the other
hand, ReLU is typically used as the activation function for hidden layers, although it
is not possible to say which activation function will perform the best. This is often
determined through trial and error.
Another aspect of a neural network that we must design is its architecture, which
refers to the depth of the network and the width of each layer. Although a network
with a single layer would be sufficient to fit the training dataset, deeper networks have
been shown to generalize better to the test set. Deeper networks may also use less
parameters in total; however, they are harder to train. Therefore, the network architec-
ture is often determined through trial and error, taking into account any constraints on
the training time and complexity.
Neural networks without an activation function, or an identity activation function,
can only learn linear models; nonlinear activation functions are required to learn more
complex nonlinear functions from the inputs to the outputs. Even though the choice of
the activation function and the network architecture are important design parameters
in practice, a network with a single hidden layer with a sigmoid activation function is
sufficient to approximate (with arbitrary precision) any continuous function between
any two Euclidean spaces [57, 58]. Note, however, that this is an existence result,
and we still need to identify the right parameters that would provide the desired
approximation. Identification of these parameters corresponds to the training stage
of the neural network.
For a given neural network architecture, the output corresponding to each input data
sample is determined by the weights, wn,i . Therefore, the goal of the training process
is to determine the weight values that will result in the best performance. Here, the
performance measure will depend on the underlying problem. It can be the accuracy
of detecting the correct label in a classification problem or determining the correct
value in a regression problem. For example, in a multiclass classification problem with
C classes, the width of the output layer is chosen as C, and the normalized values of
the output layer are interpreted as the likelihoods of the corresponding classes. Let
s1, . . . ,sN denote the data points in the training dataset, with corresponding labels
l1, . . . ,lN represented as one-hot encoded vectors of size C, whose elements are all 0
except for the entry corresponding to the correct class, which is set to 1. That is, if
data sample sn in the training dataset belongs to class c, then we have ln,c = 1, and
ln,m = 0 for m = c. In this case, the loss function will be given by Published online by Cambridge University Press

Machine Learning and Communications 11

E(w) = − ln,c ln xc(K) (sn,w), (1.3)
n=1 c=1

where K is the number of layers in the network, w represents all the weights (including
the bias terms) in the network, and we have written xk (sn,w) to represent the outputs
of the neurons in the output layer to highlight the dependence of their values on the
network weights as well as the input data. This error function is called the cross
entropy, or the log loss, and is widely used as the objective/loss function when training
parameterized classification algorithms.
The error function in neural networks is highly nonlinear and nonconvex, there-
fore it is difficult to find the globally optimal weight parameters that minimize
Eq. (1.4). Instead, we resort to numerical approaches with the hope of finding
reasonable, potentially locally optimal, solutions. A common numerical approach
to solve such optimization problems is the gradient descent method, where we start
from an initial value of the weight vector w, and iteratively update it along the negative
gradient direction:

w(t + 1) = w(t) + η∇E(w(t)), (1.4)

where η > 0 is the learning rate. Since the error function is defined over the whole
training dataset, the gradient at each iteration must be computed for all the data points.
Alternatively, we can use an unbiased estimate of the gradient at each iteration by
computing it only at a random data sample. This is called stochastic gradient descent,
and it results in faster convergence in training DNNs.
In a neural network, the error function is a complex function of the weights, and
how to compute the gradient with respect to the weight vector is not obvious at all.
Fortunately, the recursive structure of the network allows for computing the gradients
in a systematic and efficient manner using the chain rule of differentiation. This is
known as the backpropagation algorithm, also referred to as backprop. There are
excellent textbooks explaining the technical details of the backpropagation algorithm
and other techniques to speed up neural network training. We refer the readers to
[59, 60] for further details.

1.3.2 Autoencoders
Autoencoders play an important role in the application of neural networks in wireless
communications. An autoencoder is a pair of neural networks, called the encoder and
decoder networks, trained together in an unsupervised manner in order to recover
the input signal at the output of the decoder network with minimal distortion (see
Fig. 1.3). The output of the encoder network is called the bottleneck layer, which
typically has lower dimension compared to the input signal. After training, this
bottleneck layer recovers a low-dimensional representation of the input signal that
still allows the decoder network to recover the input signal within some distortion.
Equivalently, the encoder acts as a data-driven dimensionality reduction technique, Published online by Cambridge University Press

12 Deniz Gündüz et al.

Input Encoder Bottleneck Decoder Output

layer network layer network layer

Figure 1.3 Autoencoder neural network architecture.

similarly to principal component analysis (PCA). Autoencoders were introduced in the

1980s [61], but they achieved competitive or superior performance compared to other
unsupervised learning techniques only recently with the advances in computational
capabilities that allowed fast training of sufficiently complex autoencoder models on
large datasets [62].
While autoencoders have been widely used for preprocessing in supervised learning
and visualization, their potential for data compression was also recognized in the
1990s [63, 64]. In data compression, the low-dimensional representation generated
by the encoder network must be converted into a bit sequence that can then be used
by the decoder network to recover the input signal. Since we are typically limited by
a finite bit budget, the output of the encoder network needs to be quantized, which
introduces additional distortion at the reconstruction; hence, the autoencoder must
be trained together with the quantization layer. This creates some difficulty as the
quantization operation is not differentiable, which prevents backpropagation during
training. Several methods have been introduced in the literature to deal with this, such
as straight through estimation, which ignores the quantization operation in the back-
propagation [65], or approximating the quantization operation with a differentiable
function [66].
Denoising autoencoders were introduced in [67] in order to provide robustness in
the generated low-dimensional representation to partial corruptions in the input signal.
In a denoising autoencoder, some components of the input signal are randomly erased
before being fed into the encoder network, and the autoencoder is trained to recover the
uncorrupted input signal with the highest fidelity. This way, the denoising autoencoder
learns not only to represent the input signal efficiently, but also to recover the random
perturbation introduced on the input signal. If we treat the basic autoencoder as apply-
ing source compression, we can consider the setting in the denoising autoencoder as
remote source coding [68].
Inspired by the denoising autoencoder, communication over a noisy channel is
treated in [69], where the channel introduces random noise on the signal generated
by the encoder output before it is fed into the decoder network. To the best of our
knowledge, this was the first work to treat the design of the encoder and decoder in
a channel communication problem as training of an autoencoder. In this model, the
input signal is a sequence of equally likely bits, representing the input message, and Published online by Cambridge University Press

Machine Learning and Communications 13

the goal is to transmit these inputs bit sequence over the noisy channel as reliably as
possible. Note that the input message has maximum entropy, so there is no structure
to be learned; instead, the goal of the autoencoder in this model is to learn the set
of input codewords that can best mitigate the impairments introduced by the channel.
Here, we can remove the low-dimensionality requirement on the bottleneck layer, as
we typically introduce additional redundancy against channel noise. The dimension of
the bottleneck layer determines the code rate.
A major challenge in the design of channel coding schemes using autoencoders is
the sheer number of input signals that must be recognized at the decoder. In particular,
for a message size of n bits, we have 2n possible input messages; equivalently, the
number of classes that must be recognized by the decoder network grows exponen-
tially with n. This makes the training of such an autoencoder highly challenging for
moderate to large blocklengths.

1.3.3 Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)

DRL refers to the particular family of RL techniques where DNNs are employed to
approximate the agent’s strategy or utility function. In RL techniques, actions are
chosen at each state based on the expected rewards they will provide. The expected
reward from each action is updated continuously based on the past experiences of
the agent. In general, it is difficult to map these experiences to an accurate estimate
of the reward function. In many complex scenarios, the agent will not be able to
explore all possible state-action pairs a sufficient number of times to make accurate
estimates. For such problems, DNNs are used to estimate the average reward for
each state-action pair or directly predict the best action to take (more precisely, a
distribution over actions). DNN parameters are updated as in neural network training,
but based on the rewards accrued instead of the labels used in supervised training of
DNNs. Thanks to the generalization power of DNNs, DRLs can solve highly complex
RL problems even with continuous state and action spaces. However, similarly to
supervised learning problems, to achieve a good performance level, DRLs require
significant training data and training time. Hence, in the wireless context, it may be
more appropriate for stationary scenarios where the training can be carried out off-line
using the available data or the model of the underlying system, and the trained network
is used afterward. They can also be effective when the variations in the system statis-
tics are relatively slow, so that it is possible to track the optimal policy with limited
additional training.

1.4 Overview of the Book

This book is aimed at postgraduate students, Ph.D. students, researchers, and engi-
neers working on communication systems, as well as researchers in machine learning
seeking an understanding of the potential applications of ML in wireless communi-
cations. To read and fully understand the content it is assumed that the reader has Published online by Cambridge University Press

14 Deniz Gündüz et al.

some background in communication systems and basic ML. The book consists of 17
technical chapters written by leading experts in their areas, organised into two parts.
The first part, consisting of 10 chapters, considers the application of machine learning
techniques in solving a variety of wireless communication problems. The remaining
seven chapters of the book comprise the second part, which focuses on the design and
optimization of wireless network architectures to carry out machine learning tasks in
an efficient manner.
Each chapter is self-contained and the chapters are independent of each other.
Therefore, there is flexibility in selecting material both for university courses and short
seminars. A brief summary of each chapter is given next.

1.4.1 Part I: Machine Learning for Wireless Networks

In Chapter 2, the authors treat the problem of information transmission over a wireless
channel in an end-to-end manner, considering jointly the source compression and
channel coding problems. This chapter explores joint source-channel coding schemes
based on an autoencoder architecture, where a pair of jointly trained DNNs act as
the encoder and the decoder. The chapter focuses on image and text transmission
problems and shows that a neural network aided design not only outperforms state
of the art digital transmission schemes, but also provides graceful degradation with
variations in channel quality.
In Chapter 3, the authors extend the joint source-channel coding problem treated in
the previous chapter to the lossy transmission of correlated sources over a network of
orthogonal links. Joint source-network coding is known to be an NP-hard problem, and
no practical solution exists for general sources (e.g., images). This chapter explores
neural network aided design of such codes for arbitrary network topologies.
In Chapter 4, the author focuses explicitly on the design of channel codes using
deep learning. The chapter highlights that deep learning based design of channel
coding results in a broader range of code structures compared to traditional code
designs, which can then be optimized efficiently through gradient descent. However,
identifying the right network architectures and efficiently training the network param-
eters are challenges that still need to be overcome. The chapter provides a range of
neural network aided code designs and highlights many different scenarios where such
designs outperform conventional codes.
Chapter 5 focuses on the applications of deep learning to the problems of channel
estimation, feedback, and signal detection, particularly for orthogonal frequency divi-
sion multiplexing (OFDM) and millimeter-wave (mmWave) systems. Convolutional
neural networks (CNNs) are employed for these tasks and are shown to learn channel
features and estimate the channel successfully, after being trained on a large dataset
generated using the channel model. For the signal detection task, “deep unfolding” is
employed to benefit from the structure of an iterative decoder to improve the speed
and accuracy of the training process. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Machine Learning and Communications 15

In Chapter 6, the authors contrast the traditional model-based design approach to

communication systems with the data-driven approach based on ML. They demon-
strate through various examples that a combination of the two approaches, as model-
based ML, can benefit from the best of both worlds. In particular, such designs use ML
to learn unknown aspects of the system model and reduce complexity, while benefiting
from the lower training requirements and near-optimal performance of model-based
Chapter 7 tackles the challenging problem of distributed optimization in wireless
networks, where the nodes have to make decisions based on their local view of the
network, while their actions collaboratively decides the global reward or cost func-
tion. This chapter considers the framework in which the nodes can exchange limited
amounts of information through backhaul links in order to coordinate their actions.
This highly complicated nonconvex optimization problem is solved by employing
DNNs trained in an unsupervised manner.
Chapter 8 also deals with the radio resource allocation problem in wireless net-
works employing neural networks, which are trained in an off-line manner and are
employed for inference assuming the radio environment remains sufficiently station-
ary with respect to the training setting. This chapter focuses on the global energy
efficiency of the network, defined as the ratio of the total throughput achieved over
the network to the total power consumption. The authors show that neural networks
can be trained to operate close to the optimal performance, while having much lower
inference complexity, albeit at the expense of additional training cost.
Chapter 9 focuses on the applications of RL in physical layer wireless network
problems. After a brief overview of Markov decision processes (MDPs), partially
observable MDPs, and multiarmed bandits, the authors present some of the most
widely used algorithms, in particular Q-learning, SARSA, and deep RL. They then
provide a number of examples of how these techniques can be applied in a variety of
wireless networking problems from power management and cache content optimiza-
tion to channel access and real-world spectrum sharing problems.
In Chapter 10, the authors present scalable learning frameworks that are capable
of processing and storing large amounts of data generated in a large network. This
requires parallel learning algorithms that can decompose the global learning prob-
lem into smaller tasks that can be carried out locally. The authors propose Bayesian
nonparametric learning and RL as potential tools for scalable learning in the wireless
context. Finally, they present several practical use cases for the presented tools. The
authors also touch upon the model interpretability and adaptivity aspects of these
Chapter 11 deals with the fundamental limits of communication over noisy
channels. Shannon’s channel coding theorem identifies the fundamental limit of
communication over a memoryless noisy channel as a single-letter mutual information
expression, which is maximized over input distributions. For certain channels
with feedback, capacity can be formulated as a directed information. This chapter Published online by Cambridge University Press

16 Deniz Gündüz et al.

introduces RL tools for the identification and optimization of the capacity for both
known and unknown channel models.

1.4.2 Part II: Wireless Networks for Machine Learning

Chapter 12 presents a general introduction to collaborative learning and how it can be
implemented over wireless nodes. The authors first provide an overview of distributed
learning algorithms, including federated and fully decentralized learning. They also
present methods to reduce the communication load of these distributed learning algo-
rithms, which measures the amount of information that must be exchanged among
the devices that participate in the learning process. Then, resource allocation and
scheduling problems are presented when nodes within physical proximity of each
other carry out distributed learning over a shared wireless medium.
Chapter 13 focuses on federated learning at the wireless network edge. After a
comprehensive introduction to the federated learning framework and existing algo-
rithms, the authors focus on the implementation of federated learning with limited
communication resources. The adaptation to available channel resources is achieved
by adjusting the number of local iterations.
Chapter 14 also deals with federated learning, focusing on the communication
bottleneck. The authors present a quantization theoretic framework to reduce the com-
munication load from the devices to the parameter server in federated learning. In
particular, scalar quantization, subtractive dithering, and universal vector quantization
techniques are considered to reduce the communication load in federated learning.
While Chapter 15 also considers federated learning over wireless networks, the
main focus of this chapter is to highlight how the signal superposition property of
the wireless medium can be exploited to increase the speed and accuracy of the learn-
ing process. In this chapter, unlike in conventional digital communication techniques,
the devices participating in the federated learning process are allowed to transmit their
model updates in an uncoded/uncompressed fashion simultaneously over the same
channel resources. With this approach the wireless medium becomes a computation
tool instead of solely enabling the transmission of information from the transmitter to
a receiver.
Chapter 16 presents federated distillation as a communication-efficient distributed
learning framework. The authors first introduce the concepts of knowledge distillation
and codistillation and then explain how these techniques can be exploited in the fed-
erated learning setting to reduce the communication load. The chapter concludes with
the application of federated distillation to two selected applications.
Chapter 17 addresses the privacy aspects of federated learning in the wireless
context. It is known that released model parameters in federated learning may leak
sensitive information about the underlying datasets. Differential privacy has been
introduced as a method to address this privacy leakage. This chapter studies how
differential privacy can be adopted when federated learning is carried out across
wireless nodes. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Machine Learning and Communications 17

Chapter 18 focuses on the inference aspect of machine learning at the wireless

network edge. The authors first overview techniques such as network splitting, joint
source-channel coding, and inference-aware scheduling to improve the speed and
efficiency of inference over wireless networks. Then, they provide a detailed analysis
of pruning-based dynamic neural network splitting and dynamic compression ratio
selection methods.
In conclusion, we would like thank all the authors for their contributions to this
book and for their hard work in presenting the material in a unified and accessible
fashion. We hope that you, the reader, will find these expositions to be useful.

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Part I

Machine Learning for

Wireless Networks Published online by Cambridge University Press Published online by Cambridge University Press
2 Deep Neural Networks for Joint
Source-Channel Coding
David Burth Kurka, Milind Rao, Nariman Farsad, Deniz Gündüz,
and Andrea Goldsmith

2.1 Introduction

Digital communication systems typically entail separate steps for source coding and
channel coding. In source coding, the source signal, e.g., text, image, or video, is
mapped to a sequence of symbols that compresses the data for efficient transmission
while guaranteeing a certain reconstruction quality. This involves stripping the orig-
inal source signal of any redundancies. In channel coding, redundant symbols are
systematically added to the compressed source sequence prior to transmission. These
redundant symbols enable the receiver to detect or correct any errors that may be
introduced during the transmission of data over the channel. Surprisingly, Shannon
showed that this two-step approach to data communication is optimal for ergodic
sources and channels when infinite blocklength codes are allowed [1]. Known as
Shannon’s separation theorem, this has been extended to a larger class of source,
channel, and network scenarios [2–4].
Optimality of separation in Shannon’s theorem assumes no constraint on the com-
plexity of the source and channel code design. However, in practice, having large
blocklengths may not be possible due to computational complexity as well as delay
constraints. Thus, in challenging communication scenarios with more stringent power
or latency constraints, or in the presence of multiple users or rapidly changing chan-
nels, the limitations of this separation-based approach become more apparent, signifi-
cantly limiting the performance with respect to its fundamental information theoretic
limit [5–7]. The alternative is to design the mapping from the source signal directly
to the channel input, which is called joint source-channel coding (JSCC). There have
been significant research efforts on JSCC over the years; however, these have focused
either on the theoretical analysis under some idealistic source and channel distribu-
tions, e.g., [8–13], or on the joint optimization of the component parameters (vector
quantizer, index assignment, channel code, and modulator) of an inherently separate
design, e.g., [14–21]. Nonetheless, despite the suboptimality of separate source and
channel coding in many practical settings, the lack of powerful JSCC techniques
with reasonable coding and decoding complexities has prevented the emergence of
alternatives to the modular separation-based approach.
In this chapter, we show that deep neural networks (DNNs) can be used to
design JSCC solutions with impressive results. We illustrate the potential of DNN-
based JSCC through concrete examples for various source and channel distributions. Published online by Cambridge University Press

24 Burth Kurka et al.

In particular, we show that DNN-based JSCC schemes (a) achieve performance

comparable or superior to state-of-the-art separation-based schemes, (b) provide
graceful degradation upon deterioration of channel conditions, (c) have the versatility
to adapt to different channels and source domains, (d) allow successive refinement
with almost no performance loss, (e) exploit channel output feedback, and (f) support
variable-length encoding.
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. First, we review separate source
and channel coding in Section 2.2. We then present how DNNs have been used for
compression and channel coding in Section 2.3. A neural network–based JSCC for
the transmission of text or natural language over discrete channels is presented in
Section 2.4, and Section 2.5 deals with transmission of images over continuous chan-
nels. Section 2.6 concludes the chapter.

2.2 Source and Channel Coding

Consider a source signal x ∈ Rn to be transmitted over k uses of a noisy channel,

where k/n is denoted as the bandwidth ratio. Conventional wireless point-to-point
communication systems follow a modular design approach (see Fig. 2.1(a)), consisting
of two steps: a source encoder followed by a channel encoder. The source encoder
fs : Rn → B m , B = {0,1} maps x into as few bits as possible, while the source
decoder gs : B m → Rn reconstructs the original source signal from the compressed
bits. When designing the source encoder and decoder, the goal is to minimize m by
compressing the source signal while allowing for reconstruction of the original source
within the allowed distortion under a prescribed distortion measure.
Let b ∈ B m be the compressed bits. The channel encoder fc : B m → Z k maps
the compressed bit sequence into a sequence of symbols transmitted over the chan-
nel, where Z denotes the channel input alphabet. In principle, the channel encoder
introduces structured redundancy to correct any errors that may be introduced during
transmission over the channel. Typically, the set Z is finite in digital communication
systems (i.e., the channel input is discrete). However, in this work we also consider
continuous-input channels, where Z is the set of complex numbers, C. The channel
introduces errors and distortion, and the received symbol sequence at the receiver
is denoted by ẑ ∈ Z. The channel decoder gc : Z k → B m estimates the original
b, potentially correcting the errors that are introduced during transmission. When
designing the channel encoder and decoder, the goal is to use the smallest k, or add
the fewest number of redundant symbols, while guaranteeing reliable communication
of the bit sequence b.
Alternatively, in JSCC, the source x ∈ Rn is directly mapped to the channel input
vector using a JSCC encoder fθ : Rn → Z k . Similarly, the channel output is directly
mapped to an estimate of the source using a JSCC decoder gφ : Z k → Rn (see
Fig. 2.1(b)).
Practical wireless communication systems today almost exclusively rely on a sepa-
rate design of the source and channel codes. The separate design provides modularity; Published online by Cambridge University Press

Deep Neural Networks for JSCC 25


Source Channel z
x Encoder Encoder
(fm )
(fs ) (fc )


Source Channel
Decoder Decoder Demodulator
x̂ (gm )
(gs ) (gc ) ẑ
(a) Separation-based communication

Joint Joint
Noisy Source-Channel
Source-Channel z ẑ
x Encoder
Channel Decoder x̂
(η) (gφ )
(fθ )
(b) Joint source-channel coding

Figure 2.1 The components of (a) separation-based and (b) JSCC communication systems.
In separation-based systems, each component is optimized independently. In JSCC, the input
source is transformed directly into channel inputs that are transmitted and restored in a
single step.

that is, the design and optimization of the source and channel components can be car-
ried out independently, which simplifies the design process as the source and channel
coding problems individually are much simpler to design and are better understood.
Moreover, we have highly specialized source codes for different types of information
sources, e.g., JPEG2000/ BPG for images, MPEG-4/ WMA for audio, or H.264 for
video, which have been engineered by domain experts over many decades and many
generations of standards. There are also universal source encoders such as gzip, which
are designed to compress any type of data. Similarly, highly optimized channel coding
techniques have been developed for additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels,
such as turbo, low-density parity-check (LDPC), and polar codes.
Shannon’s Separation Theorem establishes the theoretical optimality of the sepa-
rate design in the asymptotic infinite blocklength regime [22]. However, as we move
toward less conventional communication paradigms, we are reaching the limits of
this separate design. Particularly, for machine-type communications within the Inter-
net of Things (IoT), this modular approach is increasingly limited in meeting the
stringent transmission power and latency constraints of the devices and the underly-
ing applications. For example, compression delay is currently the main bottleneck in
ultra-low-latency communications, which is essential for many emerging applications
such as virtual reality or tactile Internet. Moreover, due to the overcrowding of the
wireless spectrum, communications increasingly take place over more challenging Published online by Cambridge University Press

26 Burth Kurka et al.

environments that do not follow traditional channel models. Fading and interference
can have more degrading effects on the transmission compared to AWGN. Existing
coding techniques perform poorly in such channel environments, and adapting their
design to these complex channel statistics is extremely challenging, if not impossible.
Even within the scope of existing channel models, separation-based schemes are
extremely sensitive to the channel parameters and can suffer severely when the chan-
nel conditions differ from those for which the codes have been optimized. For exam-
ple, if the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in an AWGN channel is worse than the one
for which the channel code rate is chosen, the error probability increases rapidly,
provoking errors in both the channel and the source decoders, which can compromise
the reconstruction quality significantly. Additionally, because the source and channel
code rates are fixed, the reconstruction quality remains the same regardless of how
much the channel SNR improves. These two characteristics are known as the “cliff
effect” in digital communications. This also has implications when broadcasting to
multiple receivers: those with worse channel conditions than the one targeted by the
channel code are not able to reconstruct the source, while those with much better
channel conditions do not obtain a better source reconstruction as a result.
In recent years, DNNs have been employed to improve both the source coding and
the channel coding components of the conventional digital communication systems.
In addition, the aforementioned limitations of the existing separate source and channel
coding approach have motivated the use of deep learning (DL) to solve the JSCC prob-
lem. Before summarizing the proposed solution approaches in the next section, we will
first give a brief overview of how DNNs have been used for source compression and
channel coding.

2.3 DL-Based Source and Channel Coding

The design of source and channel codes has traditionally relied on human ingenuity.
Several decades of intensive research have resulted in capacity achieving codes for
the AWGN channel, such as turbo codes, LDPC codes, and polar codes. In parallel,
numerous standards have been developed for specialized compression techniques for
different types of information sources, e.g., JPEG2000 for images, as well as H.264
and H.265 for videos. However, with the recent developments in DL, a new data-driven
approach for source and channel coding individually as well as for JSCC has emerged,
as shown in Fig. 2.2. In this new paradigm, the encoders and decoders are replaced by
DNNs, which are trained directly from data for source and channel coding, as we now
describe in more detail.

• DL for source coding: Data-driven methods, such as principal component analysis

(PCA), have long been used for dimensionality reduction and feature extraction.
More recently, neural networks paired to form an autoencoder network have been
shown to provide much better performance for dimensionality reduction and
feature extraction [23]. This naturally led to employing autoencoders for source Published online by Cambridge University Press

Deep Neural Networks for JSCC 27

Encoder Decoder Encoder Decoder Encoder Decoder





š š


b š z z š z z š
x x b b x x

(NN) (NN) (NN) (NN) š (NN) (NN) š

fs (x) gs (b) fc (b) gc (z) fq (x) gf (z)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2.2 Data-driven approach using DL for (a) source coding, (b) channel coding, and
(c) JSCC.

compression by incorporating a quantization layer as shown in Fig. 2.2(a). In this

architecture, the neural network encoder and decoder are jointly trained as
autoencoders together with the quantization component, using sample source data
(e.g., image, audio, or video samples).
• DL for channel coding: For a fixed channel encoder, the decoding operation at the
receiver is a standard classification problem, where the received noisy channel
output is classified into one of the input channel codewords. Many recent works
have shown that DNN-based decoders can outperform existing conventional
decoder architectures, e.g., the belief propagation decoder [24, 25]. On the other
hand, both the encoder and the decoder can also be replaced by DNNs, which
results in an autoencoder architecture similar to source compression. However, in
the case of channel coding, we need to introduce the modulation and the channel
as an untrainable neural network layer between the encoder and the decoder. This
is illustrated in Fig. 2.2(b). Hence, as opposed to source coding, where the goal of
the autoencoder is to learn the most efficient representation of the source
sequence, the goal here is to learn channel codewords that can be recovered
reliably despite channel impairments.
• DL for JSCC: Neural networks can also be used to design the mapping from the
source signals directly to the channel inputs and the reconstruction of the source
signal directly from the noisy channel output, i.e., fθ , and gφ in Fig. 2.1(b),
jointly. This method is similar to the channel code design: it incorporates the
channel as an untrainable layer in the autoencoder architecture but uses sample
source data for training the network. This architecture is illustrated in Fig. 2.2(c).

Next, we discuss each of these approaches in more detail.

2.3.1 Source Coding Using DL

Lossy source coding using DL has primarily relied on an autoencoder-type archi-
tecture. In this architecture, an encoder neural network compresses the input into a
lower-dimensional embedding and a decoder reconstructs the input from this lower-
dimensional embedding. For lossy source coding, the lower-dimensional embedding
needs to be quantized. This process is shown in Fig. 2.2(a). Published online by Cambridge University Press

28 Burth Kurka et al.

For end-to-end training of lossy source coding methods using DL, prior works have
typically relied on the optimization of a rate-distortion loss given by
L = − log2 P (fs (x)) + λ d(x,gs (fs (x))) , (2.1)
Number of bits Distortion

where P is a probability mass function that depends on the network parameters, dis-
tortion d(·,·) measures the discrepancy between the input signal and its reconstruction
at the decoder, and the parameter λ > 0 controls the trade-off between the distortion
and the number of bits. Here · is the rounding function used for quantization.
Since quantization is not a smooth function, it can suppress the backpropagation
of gradients during training. Several methods have been proposed to deal with this
challenge. In [26], a stochastic binarization method is proposed for quantization.
This stochastic binarization was used in [27] along with recurrent neural networks to
achieve a reconstruction performance that outperforms BPG, WebP, JPEG2000, and
JPEG. Later in [28], stochastic binarization was generalized to stochastic rounding
to the nearest integer. In this method, during the forward pass, the following random
variable is used:
b = fs (x) + ,  ∈ {0,1}, P ( = 1) = fs (x) − fs (x), (2.2)
where · is the floor operation. In the backward pass, the derivative is replaced with
the derivative of the expectation, which is equal to 1, and hence, the derivative passes
through the quantization layer unchanged.
A smooth approximation of vector quantization that was annealed toward hard
quantization during training is used in [29]. Another approach in [30] adds uniform
noise during training as an approximation to rounding at test time. In this scheme, the
loss in Eq. (2.1) becomes
L = − log2 p(fs (x) + u) + λ d(x,gs (fs (x) + u)) , (2.3)
Number of bits Distortion

where p is now a probability density function, and u is a random vector with inde-
pendent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) elements drawn from a uniform distribu-
tion ui ∼ U (−0.5,0.5). If the distortion measure is the mean-squared error, then this
approach is equivalent to a variational autoencoder [31] with a uniform encoder. Later
in [32–34], the spatial dependencies that might exist in the source (e.g., spacial corre-
lations between pixels in an image) were further exploited by transmitting such infor-
mation as side information to the decoder, which is in parallel to what is being used
by conventional compression methods to improve performance. These DNN-based
methods surpass conventional compression standards in various performance metrics
such as peak SNR (PSNR) and also in terms of subjective perceptual quality [35].

2.3.2 Channel Coding Using DL

Channel codes can also be designed using autoencoders or variational autoencoders.
In this approach, the output of the encoder neural network is passed on to a modulator
and transmitted over the channel. The channel output is then passed to a decoder, Published online by Cambridge University Press

Deep Neural Networks for JSCC 29

which estimates the input bits, b, from the noisy channel output. The network can
be trained end-to-end to learn new channel codes, but to allow joint training of the
encoder and decoder neural networks, the modulation scheme used and the stochastic
channel both must be modeled or approximated as neural network layers. Using this
approach, the system learns a reversible transformation from the input data to a latent
space, and then from noisy observations of the latent space back to the estimate of the
original input data. This process is illustrated in Fig. 2.2(b).
The design of the encoder and decoders using autoencoders was first proposed
in [36, 37] for short blocklength codes. For such codes it was shown that the DL-
based channel code design can achieve the same or better performance compared to
Hamming codes when used over AWGN channels. These results were then extended
to OFDM channels in [38], convolutional codes over AWGN channels in the short
blocklength regime in [39], and turbo codes over AWGN and additive T-distribution
noise (ATN) channels in [40]. Autoencoders were used in [41, 42] for novel code
design for the feedback channel, for which no practical coding scheme exists even
under known channel statistics. Despite the promising performance achieved by DL-
aided channel code design over short to moderate blocklengths, extending this result
to longer codes has been a challenge due to the exponentially growing codebook size
with the blocklength.
Due to this difficulty, some of the prior works have explored using DNNs to decode
existing channel codes, such as linear [24], convolutional [43], turbo [44], or polar
[45] codes. Since the decoder of any known channel code can be treated as a clas-
sifier on the noisy channel output, this approach has provided promising results in
either improving the error probability or reducing the computational complexity of
the decoder. For example, in [46] a multiple-in multiple-out (MIMO) channel decoder
using DNN was proposed that achieves a performance close to approximate message
passing and semidefinite relaxation at a much reduced computational complexity.
Even more impressive results have been achieved through DNN-based designs in set-
tings where current codes fall short of the fundamental theoretical limits. For example,
this is the case for channels that are harder to model, such as optical [47] and molecular
[48] communications, or even blind channel equalization [49].
Autoencoder-based channel codes do not yet provide significant improvements
over existing conventional codes, especially at longer blocklengths. However, state-
of-the-art channel codes are the result of decades-long intense efforts and exper-
tise, whereas data-driven DNN techniques that were introduced only a few years ago
have already achieved impressive results, especially for short blocklengths. Moreover,
channel codes designed using DL tend to be more resilient than conventional codes,
such as when the channel conditions change with respect to the underlying model they
were designed for. This effect is also observed when DNNs are used for decoding of
conventional channel codes.

2.3.3 JSCC with DL

As we have mentioned earlier, there is a long history of research on JSCC, and
there are numerous studies both on information theoretical limits and on practical Published online by Cambridge University Press
30 Burth Kurka et al.

code design. However, existing results have either been for specific designs exploiting
the properties of a particular source signal or were too complex to be used in practice.
Moreover, such code designs have not provided significant improvements in practice
to justify the introduced complexity in their design. The lack of low-complexity, high-
performance JSCC solutions together with the recent advances in DL-aided coding
schemes for source compression and channel coding have motivated the application
of DL to design novel JSCC schemes.
In DL-aided JSCC, the input to the DNN encoder is the source signal, while its out-
puts are the symbols transmitted over the channel. The channel is modeled or approx-
imated as another layer in the DNN architecture, where the output of the channel is
passed to the DNN decoder. The encoder and the decoder for JSCC can be trained
end-to-end using a data-driven approach. This process is illustrated in Fig. 2.2(c).
One of the first works that proposed JSCC using neural networks is [50], where
simple neural network architectures were used as encoder and decoder for Gauss-
Markov sources over the additive white Gaussian noise channel. More recently in
[51–56], autoencoder-based solutions for end-to-end design and optimization of JSCC
were proposed.
Specifically, [51, 57] focus on text as the information source that is communi-
cated over discrete channels, [52] considers JSCC for lossy data storage, and image
transmission over an AWGN wireless channel is studied in [54–56, 58, 59]. In [54],
the authors propose a fully convolutional autoencoder architecture, which maps the
input images directly to channel symbols, without going through any digital interface.
The authors show that the proposed DeepJSCC architecture not only improves upon
the concatenation of state-of-the-art compression and channel coding schemes in a
separate architecture [55], but it also provides graceful degradation as the channel
SNR degrades. This latter property, which is common to analog transmission schemes,
provides significant benefits compared to digital schemes, which exhibit catastrophic
error when the channel SNR significantly deviates from an expected value deter-
mined on system’s design. This is particularly common when broadcasting to multiple
receivers or when transmitting over a time-varying channel. DeepJSCC is also shown
in [56, 58] to be almost successively refinable; that is, an image can be transmitted
in stages, where each stage refines the quality of the previous stages at almost no
additional cost. Finally, in [59] JSCC of images transmitted over binary symmet-
ric and over binary erasure channels are considered. To overcome the challenges
imposed by the nondifferentiability of discrete latent random variables (i.e., the chan-
nel inputs), unbiased low-variance gradient estimation is used, and the model is trained
using a lower bound on the mutual information between the images and their binary
One of the other benefits of JSCC using DL is the ability to jointly optimize the
encoder and the decoder for the downstream DL task. For example, if the receiver
is interested in object detection using DL on an image received from the transmitter,
the JSCC encoder and decoder can be trained together with the image-detection net-
work in an end-to-end manner, thereby optimizing the encoder and decoder for the
downstream task rather than just for image reconstruction. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Deep Neural Networks for JSCC 31

In the rest of this chapter, we separately focus on JSCC for discrete and continuous
channels and provide specific examples on how the general approach proposed in this
section can be applied for JSCC design in different domains. Specifically, we first
consider a specific JSCC design for text transmission over discrete input channels in
Section 2.4 and then a specific JSCC design for image transmission over continuous
input channels in Section 2.5.

2.4 DL-Aided JSCC for Text

In this section, we focus on the JSCC of text over discrete channels using a DL
approach. In several applications, system performance is not measured by fidelity
to the transmitted data but by the performance of downstream systems that use the
received data. That is, the receiver is less interested in the exact recovery of the
transmitted data than in the relevant information of interest or a facsimile of the data
that would be used in downstream applications. In the case of text data, the receiver
would be interested in recovering the semantic content of a sentence including facts,
relations, topics, or keywords as opposed to the exact sentence that can include nonin-
formative carrier phrases. Downstream natural language processing tasks of summa-
rization, topic classification, sentiment detection, intent, and named-entity extraction
would use these artifacts. We declare decoded sentences error free if they convey the
equivalent information as the original sentence, even if they are paraphrased (e.g., “the
car stopped” and “the automobile came to a halt”). The neural network architecture for
JSCC of text we develop is inspired by recent state-of-the-art results of DL in natural
language processing tasks such as machine translation, summarization, and semantic
Our model is composed of a recurrent neural network (RNN) encoder, a stochastic
binarization layer, the channel layer, and a decoder based on RNNs. We use this
architecture to train a JSCC encoder-decoder pair and show that it is possible to
obtain different but equivalent sentences that preserves the semantic content of the
transmitted sentence. We introduce schemes where a fixed-length binary encoding is
produced for an input sentence as well as one in which encodings of variable lengths
are produced for sentences that vary in length and complexity. The latter variable-
length architecture would improve on the performance of the fixed-length encoding
scheme with a less strict average sentence encoding length constraint expending more
bits to encode longer sentences than frequently occurring shorter ones.
The performance of our DL encoder and decoder is contrasted with separate source
and channel coding design. In the separate design, channel coding is done using
Reed-Solomon codes. For compression or source coding, we consider three different
methods: a universal source coding scheme, Huffman coding, and a 5-bit character
ASCII encoding. We show that the proposed DL encoder and decoder does better than
the separate design on the metric of word error rate (WER) or edit distance, when each
sentence is encoded using fewer bits. In several cases, the DL decoder may insert,
replace, or substitute words that preserve the semantic content of the sentence in a Published online by Cambridge University Press

32 Burth Kurka et al.

Figure 2.3 The DL encoder-decoder architecture for JSCC of text.

qualitative sense, but this will not be reflected in the edit distance that penalizes these
transformations. In order to capture the impact of replacing words with synonyms,
a new metric is also proposed that scores word substitutions with a similarity score
between them.

2.4.1 System Model

The system model in this particular application is defined as follows: Let V be the
entire vocabulary, indexing the set of all the words in the language. Then the source in
our model is x ∈ V n , where n is the length of the sentence and x = [w1,w2, . . . ,wn ]
is a vector representing the sequences of words in the sentence. Note that, although
the source is not a real number in this setup, V ⊂ R. As the channel, we consider the
binary erasure channel (BEC), the binary symmetric channel (BSC), and the AWGN
channel. Let x̂ = [ŵ1, ŵ2, . . . , ŵn̂ ] be the output of the JSCC decoder (i.e., the recov-
ered sentence). With this framework, the number of words in the decoded sentence can
differ, or equivalently, we can have n = n̂. Specifically, we design the JSCC encoder
and decoder (i.e., fθ and gφ ) such that the meaning between the transmitted sentence
x and the recovered sentence x̂ is preserved. Therefore, the transmitted and recovered
sentences may have different words and different lengths. We now further describe the
component modules in the system.

Neural JSCC Architecture for Text

The DL architecture we implement is inspired from the sequence-to-sequence learn-
ing framework [60]. The end-to-end neural JSCC architecture is shown in Fig. 2.3.
It has primarily three components: the encoder, the channel, and the decoder. The
encoder fθ takes a sentence x as input and produces a binary encoding z ∈ Z k ,
where Z = {0,1}. The channel transforms this bit vector z to realize an output vector
ẑ at the receiver. This module is stochastic. We will consider different cases, where
the channel output alphabet is either binary, ternary, or continuous. The channel output
vector ẑ is the input to the decoder gφ , and the output of the decoder is the estimated
sentence x̂. We now describe each of these modules in detail. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Deep Neural Networks for JSCC 33

The encoder first applies an embedding layer to generate a continuous vector repre-
sentation for each word of the input sentence. We make use of pretrained Glove word
vectors [61] to initialize the embedding layer. Glove word vectors have been obtained
using joint co-occurence statistics of words from a large text corpora; they have been
shown to capture the semantic meaning of words as demonstrated by performance
in the word analogy task. The embedding is represented by E = θe (s), where
E = [e1,e2, . . . ,en,eeos ] is the n + 1 embeddings of words in the sentence. We
have n + 1 words in the sentence as an additional end of sentence symbol is affixed in
the data preparation process.
In the next step of the encoder, the word embeddings are inputs to a stacked bidirec-
tional long short term memory (BLSTM) network [62]. LSTM cells with peepholes
have been used in this work similar to that used in [63]. We can represent the BLSTM
layers by

r = θBLSTM (E), (2.4)

where r is the output state of the BLSTM stack. Each individual layer of the stack
comprises two states from the forward network and backward network. These states
from all the layers are concatenated to form r.
The output state r is then fed to a feed-forward dense layers with tanh activation
or a multilayer perceptron (MLP). This layer is used to modulate the dimension of
the binary encoding of the sentence. Or, the MLP is used to increase or decrease the
dimension of r to max , the maximum number of bits used to encode the sentence.
This is represented by

v = θMLP (r), (2.5)

where v ∈ [−1,1]max .
The final step in the encoder is to binarize v from the interval [−1,1] to binary
values {−1,1}. We define a scalar stochastic binarization function as

θβsto (x) = x + Zx , (2.6)

where Zx is a random variable with distribution

⎨1 − x w.p. 1+x
Zx ∼ . (2.7)
⎩−x − 1 w.p. 1−x

This final binarization step is

z = θβsto (v) (2.8)

in the forward pass. A custom operation is defined to back-propagate gradients through

the binarization layer during training. The gradients are defined to pass straight
through or unchanged through θβsto . This is obtained by using the derivative with
respect to the expectation [θβsto (v)] = v to calculate the gradient [64]. When the trained Published online by Cambridge University Press

34 Burth Kurka et al.

Figure 2.4 The variable length encoder that can produce binary codes with lengths
proportional to the sentence length.

model is deployed for inference, the deterministic binarizer θβdet (v) = 2u(v) − 1 is
used, where u(x) is the unit step function in place of the stochastic θβsto (v).

Variable Length Encoding

In the described encoder, all sentences are mapped to a binary codeword of constant
length regardless of differences in sentence lengths and complexities. If we are con-
strained by the average length of encoding of each sentence, it is optimal to encode
shorter sentences with encodings of a shorter length and expend more bits to encode
longer sentences. This would also occur if we are to transmit a block of text or
collection of sentences using as few bits as possible.
Figure 2.4 describes the architecture of the variable length encoder. This is
accomplished by transmitting the first n = L(n) encoded bits, where L is a function
that maps the sentence length n to the length of binary encoding n . We implement
this code puncturing in the neural network model by zeroing out the last max − n bits
in x. As bits are represented using -1 and 1, symbol 0 is equivalent to not transmitting
the bit.

The next module in the system models the communication channel. The transform
function of the channel that maps the input to the output at the receiver must be
differentiable to facilitate joint training of the encoder and decoder using variants
of stochastic gradient descent. In this chapter, we consider three different channels:
the BEC, the BSC, and the AWGN channels. The framework can be extended to
models with memory such as inter-symbol interference (ISI) channels or channels
with nonlinearities.
The BEC can be implemented in training via a dropout layer [65],

ẑ = ηbec (z,pd ), (2.9)

where ẑ is the received vector, and pd is the probability of erasing a bit. The elements
of ẑ are in the ternary set {−1,0,1}, where 0 indicates an erasure. Each bit in z may
or may not be dropped independent of other bits. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Deep Neural Networks for JSCC 35

The BSC can be modeled as

ẑ = ηbsc (x,pe ) = npe

z, (2.10)

where npe is the noise introduced by the channel with an element of the vector equal to
−1 with probability pe and 1 otherwise, and
denotes element-wise multiplication.
In other words, bits may be inverted with probability pe .
Finally, the real-valued AWGN channel is represented by

ẑ = ηawgn (z,σ2 ) = z + nσ2 , (2.11)

where nσ2 is an additive noise term with elements arising from i.i.d. Gaussian random
variables with zero mean and variance σ2 . Note that the output y consists of a vector
of real values here.

At the receiver, the first step in the decoding process is to change the dimension of the
observation vector ẑ using an MLP or a feed-forward network:

c = φMLP (ẑ). (2.12)

The MLP is an adapter module that transforms the received vector so that it can serve
as the initial state of the next submodule in the decoder, a stacked LSTM decoder.
The stacked unidirectional decoder with initial state c emits each word of the decoded
sentence auto-regressively. This is given by

x̂ = φLSTM (c, sos ), (2.13)

where ŝ represents the decoded sentence. The embedding vector for the special start
of the sentence symbol sos serves as the first input to the LSTM stack. At each
decoding step, the word is sampled from the distribution over words in the vocabulary
represented by the logits of the output layer and this embedding of this word serves
as the input for the next decoding step. During training, we set up a schedule for
annealing the probability of using the previously decoded word as the decoder input
or using the ground truth data. During model deployment and inference, we have a
choice of greedy decoding that uses the previously decoded word or a beam search
algorithm that maintains a fixed number of likely beams. Beam decoding ensures that
a high probability decoding error early on does not cascade to the entire sentence that
results in overall lower beam probability.

2.4.2 Experimental Setup

The sentences that are transmitted are drawn from the News Crawl 2015 dataset
[66]. This dataset was constructed by crawling through articles of various online
English publications. Our vocabulary is selected using the 20,000 most popular words
in the dataset. We filter sentences from lengths 4 to 30 with less than 20% of the Published online by Cambridge University Press

36 Burth Kurka et al.

vocabulary words. We used 18.5 million sentences, or 90%, for model training and
validation, and the remaining 2 million sentences form the test set.

Model Training Details

The loss function used to train the model is categorical cross-entropy function that
minimizes the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the probabilities of the
decoded words, represented by the logits emitted by the decoder final layer, and the
one-hot distribution of the ground truth sequence.
To initialize the encoder word embedding layer, 200-dimensional pretrained Glove
embeddings [61] are used. The special symbols out-of-vocabulary, padding, start of
sentence, and end of sentence are randomly initialized using the uniform distribution
scaled inversely be embedding length. The data processing pipeline prepares batches
of 512 sentences bucketed by their sequence lengths as input to the JSCC encoder.The
encoder BLSTM has two layers of 256 units with peephole connections.
To obtain a constant length encoding, the encoder MLP transforms the concatenated
end states of the BLSTM layers to a vector of dimension , the number of transmis-
sion bits. To obtain variable length embeddings, we log the histogram of sentence
lengths. To map the sequence length to binary encoding length, the smallest bucket
(of length 4–7) are allotted 250 bits. Subsequent buckets of width 4 are allotted 50
more bits linearly. The average number of bits per sentence amounts to 400. The
encoder MLP maps the BLSTM states to the maximum bit length, which is then
punctured. The decoder LSTM stack has 2 512-unit layers with peephole connections.
An Adam optimizer with initial learning rate of 10−3 is used for 6 epochs on the
training dataset. At inference time, a beam decoder with width 10 is used.

Separate source and channel coding schemes serve as baselines for comparison. As
previously noted, the separate design is optimal for arbitrarily large blocklengths with
no constraints on delays for the channels we consider. We consider the following
source coding approaches:

1. Universal compressors: Lempel-Ziv universal compression [67] implemented in

gzip is the first method. Universal compression asymptotically reaches the
entropic compression limit for any arbitrary source of data. Empirically, large
blocks of sentences are required for good compression performance, and we use
blocks of 30 sentences for evaluation. This method is unsuitable for the
transmission of single sentences unlike the other baselines and the proposed DL
JSCC encoder.
2. Huffman coding: The character frequencies obtained using the validation set are
used in a Huffman coding scheme to encode characters of single sentences.
3. Fixed-length character encoding: This is the computationally simple baseline that
assigns a fixed 5-bit ASCII coding for the characters including the lower case
alphabet and the special symbols. We implement this baseline as the receiver can
retrieve the sentence partially when the channel introduces noise to the source
code. This partial retrieval capability is not available in the other baselines. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Deep Neural Networks for JSCC 37

In the separate design baselines, channel coding is done via Reed-Solomon codes
[68] after source coding. With x bits of added redundancy, this can correct up to x
erasures in the binary erasure channel or x/2 inversion errors of the binary symmet-
ric channel or the maximum likelihood decoded binary vector in the AWGN channel.
The message cannot be decoded at all with gzip or Huffman codes if the channel
introduces more erasures or errors than the channel code can correct for. We tune
the number of redundant bits added to maximize word throughput based on chan-
nel statistics via the following trade-off: too few parity bits would result in a high
probability of decoding failures of the entire sentence and too many parity bits will
require words to be dropped so that the sentence can be transmitted with the required
bit budget.
Performance is measured via the normalized edit or Levenshtein distance. This
metric is obtained by a dynamic programming algorithm that finds the shortest
sequence of insert, delete, or substitute operations to map the reference sentence to
the hypothesis. To capture the semantic similarity more accurately, we underweight
the substitution cost in a new metric by using the Wu-Palmer score for relatedness of
words [69].

2.4.3 Results
In Fig. 2.5(a), we first observe the effect of the bit erasure rate of the BEC on the
word error rate (WER). Gzip is the best performing baseline with large batches of
sentences. In the regime where the binary erasure probability is large, the DL JSCC
model proposed outperforms the baselines, suggesting that the former is robust to
channel errors and exhibits graceful degradation in performance. In Fig. 2.5(b) we
use the BSC and observe an increase in WER with sentence lengths across the board
with the performance of the proposed method comparable to baselines in the lim-
ited bit regime for longer sentences. We reiterate that word errors for the baselines
imply that a word was lost at the receiver as it either was not transmitted or incor-
rectly decoded, whereas the DL JSCC may preserve the semantic content of the sen-
tence. Figure 2.5(c) reinforces the conclusions of the earlier plots with the AWGN
channel model.
Figure 2.6(a) first compares the fixed-length encoding architecture to the variable
length one. Longer sentences are allotted more bits in the latter scheme, leading to
significantly fewer errors without impacting the performance for shorter sentences
encoded with fewer bits. As can be seen, the increased bit allotment for longer sen-
tences results in fewer errors without much loss in performance for shorter sentences.
Finally, in Fig. 2.6(b) we investigate the impact of source and channel coding in JSCC
by contrasting a DL JSCC network with 450 bits/sentence for the binary erasure
channel with a scheme where the neural network is used only for source coding
that generates a 400 bit representation after which Reed-Solomon coding with 50
added parity bits is used. The plots suggest that the latter scheme performs fraction-
ally better, implying that source coding accounts for most performance gains for DL
JSCC. As noted in Section 2.3.2, DNN based channel coders outperform conventional Published online by Cambridge University Press

38 Burth Kurka et al.

0.4 bit5
huffman 0.35 huffman
gzip gzip
DeepNN 0.30 DeepNN

Word error rate

Word error rate


0.2 0.20
0.1 0.10
0.0 0.00
0.000 0.025 0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200 5 10 15 20 25 30
Bit drop rate Sentence length

(a) (b)

0.30 gzip
Word error rate


5 10 15 20 25 30
Sentence length


Figure 2.5 Performance plots of DL JSCC with constant length encoding: (a) Word error rate
(WER) increases with erasure probability in BEC for 400 bit encoding, (b) WER for sentences
of different lengths for a binary symmetric channel with error rate 0.5, and (c) WER for
sentences of different length with an AWGN channel with a standard deviation of 0.6.

0.5 DeepNNv 450 bits bdr 0.1

DeepNNc 400 bits bdr 0
Word error rate

Word error rate



0.0 0.00
5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
Sentence length Sentence length

(a) (b)

Figure 2.6 (a) Contrasting WER with sentence length for fixed and variable length encoding
with the BEC channel with erasure probability 0.1 and 400 bit average sentence encoding
length, and (b) comparing DL JSCC with neural network source coding and Reed-Solomon

techniques for channels that are hard to model such as optical or molecular channels,
and we similarly expect the gap between DL JSCC and source coding with Reed-
Solomon coding to reduce or invert with such channels.
In the next section, we describe JSCC for images over continuous input channels. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Deep Neural Networks for JSCC 39

Figure 2.7 Encoder and decoder architectures used in experiments.

2.5 DL-Aided JSCC for Images

An increasing number of applications involve transmission of images over wireless

channels. This is not only for the traditional human-to-human (e.g., social networks,
messaging, online content) communications, but also for human-to-machine (e.g., arti-
ficial or virtual reality, telepresence) and machine-to-machine (e.g., surveillance, pat-
tern recognition) applications that are increasingly connected through wireless links.
This exponentially growing demand for high quality image communication under
strict latency constraints present new challenges on the wireless infrastructure.
This section reviews recent developments on DeepJSCC, an autoencoder-based
solution for generating robust and compact codes directly from images pixels. The
channel input symbols produced by DeepJSCC are not constrained to a specific con-
stellation, so it is able to operate with continuous values (instead of discrete, as in the
previous section). This property ensures that DeepJSCC can present analog behavior
such as graceful degradation. We demonstrate with experimental results that Deep-
JSCC achieves superior performance over the state-of-the-art digital communication
schemes (BPG/ JPEG2000 compression followed by LDPC+QAM for transmission)
on static channels, presenting graceful degradation as the channel quality degrades,
and can successfully adapt to time-varying channels. Finally, we present a hardware
implementation of the scheme, showing the model’s application to real physical

2.5.1 System Model

Consider an image source with height H , width W , and C color channels, represented
as a vector of pixel intensities x ∈ Rn ; n = H × W × C. An encoder fθi : Rn →
C ki maps x into a block of channel input symbols zi ∈ Cik . The transmission of k
symbols is split over

LL layers, so the total bandwidth k is achieved by accumulating
L transmissions k
i=1 i = k . Unlike in the previous section, the encoder outputs
continuous complex symbols, that is, Z = C. These symbols are transmitted over
a noisy channel, characterized by a random transformation η : C ki → C ki , resulting Published online by Cambridge University Press

40 Burth Kurka et al.

in the corrupted channel output ẑi = η(zi ). We consider L distinct decoders, where
the channel outputs for the first i layers are decoded using gφi : C kI → Rn (where

I = ij =0 kj ), creating reconstructions x̂i = gφi (ẑ1, . . . , ẑi ) ∈ Rn , for i ∈ 1, . . . ,L.

Figure 2.7 shows the component blocks of the chosen architecture and its hyper-
parameters. The encoder and decoder are composed of a series of trainable convo-
lutional neural network (CNN) blocks, using generalized normalization transforma-
tions (GDN/IGDN) [70], followed by a parametric rectified linear unit (PReLU) [71]
activation function (or a sigmoid, in the last decoder block). This architecture was
inspired by [72] and improved with ablation studies. Intuitively, convolutional layers
extract image features, GDN apply local divisive normalization, and the nonlinear
activation allows the learning of nonlinear mapping from the source signal space to
the coded signal space. The communication channel is incorporated into the model as
a nontrainable layer. Although different channel models are considered, as described
in the experimental section, all of them are differentiable transfer functions, allowing
their inclusion in the general architecture and enabling gradient computation and error
back propagation.
Before transmission, the latent vector zi generated at the encoder’s last convolu-
tional layer is normalized to enforce an average power constraint so that k1i E[zi∗ zi ] ≤
P , by setting
zi = ki P i . (2.14)

zi∗ zi

where z̃i∗ is the conjugate transpose of z̃i .

The model can be optimized to minimize the average distortion between input x
and its reconstructions x̂i at each layer i:

(θi∗,φi∗ ) = arg min Ep(x, x̂) [d(x, x̂i )], (2.15)

θi ,φi

where d(x, x̂i ) is a specified distortion measure, usually the mean squared error
(MSE), although other metrics are also considered. Since the true distribution of
p(x) is unknown, an analytical form of the expected distortion in Eq. (2.15) is also
unknown, so we estimate the expected distortion by sampling from a dataset.
When L > 1, we have a multiobjective problem. However, we simplify it so that
the optimization of multiple layers is done either jointly, by considering a weighted
combination of distortions, or greedily, by optimizing (θi ,φi ) successively. Please see
[56, 58, 73] for more details.

2.5.2 Evaluation Metrics

In order to measure the performance of the proposed JSCC algorithm and alternative
schemes, we use the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), given by

PSNR = 10 log10 (dB), (2.16)
||x − x̂||2 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Deep Neural Networks for JSCC 41

where MAX2 is the maximum power our input signal can have. When evaluating
24-bits RGB images, MAX = 255 is given by the maximum value a pixel can
The quality of the channel is measured by the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
given by
SNR = 10 log10 (dB), (2.17)

representing the ratio of the average power of the channel input signal to the average
noise power. P is set to 1 in all experiments.
To compare the performance of DeepJSCC to traditional separation-based digital
schemes, we consider different well established source codes followed by LDPC codes
for error correction. For the problem of image transmission, we use as source codes
JPEG, WebP, JPEG2000, and BPG, and we discount the header information for BPG
and JPEG2000 when computing bit rates and transmission sizes for fair compari-
son. For the channel code, we consider all possible combinations of (4096, 8192),
(4096, 6144), and (2048, 6144) LDPC codes (which correspond to 1/2, 2/3, and 1/3
rate codes) with BPSK, 4-QAM, 16-QAM, and 64-QAM modulation schemes.
For each channel code configuration, we can define the maximum rate Rmax (bits
per pixel) at which we can transmit an image (using the channel code rate) and empir-
ically evaluate the frame error rate  for each channel model and condition we con-
sider. Then, we compress the images (using the different codecs) at the largest rate
R that satisfies R ≤ Rmax . We consider that the transmission can either be success-
ful or fail, with probability of failure . When the transmission fails, we consider
that the reconstruction at the receiver is set to the mean value for all the pixels.
When the transmission is successful the distortion is dictated by R and the com-
pression scheme used. We then measure the average performance over the evaluation

2.5.3 Experimental Setup

Using the model described in the previous section we perform a series of experiments
using RGB source images. We train and evaluate the model with distinct datasets and
all plotted performance values are averaged from 10 realizations of the channel for
every image on the evaluation dataset. All results presented use the same compression
ratio of k/n = 1/6, although similar results apply to other ratios.
The model was implemented in Tensorflow [74] and optimized using the Adam
algorithm [75]. We used a learning rate of 10−4 and a batch size of 16. Models were
trained until convergence, when the loss does not decrease after new iterations. The
loss function used for training of the model is the average mean squared error (MSE)
over N samples:
L= ||x − x̂||2 . (2.18)
N Published online by Cambridge University Press

42 Burth Kurka et al.

Figure 2.8 DeepJSCC performance compared to digital schemes.

2.5.4 Results
Our first set of results demonstrates the base case in which an image x is encoded by
a single encoder and a single decoder and thus L = 1. As channel model we consider
a complex AWGN channel, which is a common model for static wireless links. Its
transfer function is given by

ηcawgn (z) = z + n, (2.19)

where n ∈ Ck is a vector with i.i.d. elements sampled from a circularly symmetric

complex Gaussian distribution n ∼ CN (0,σ2 Ik ), where σ 2 is the average noise power.
In Fig. 2.8, we compare DeepJSCC at different channel SNRs. For comparison, we
also plot the performance of well established separation-based schemes with JPEG,
JPEG2000, WebP, and BPG codecs followed by LDPC channel coding. We see that
the performance of DeepJSCC is either above or comparable to the performance of
these separate source and channel coding schemes for a wide range of channel SNRs.
These results show that we can obtain significant performance gain by a joint design.
In Fig. 2.9 we plot a visual comparison between the reconstructed output of
DeepJSCC and a separation-based scheme using BPG+LDPC, for transmission over
an AWGN channel, with channel SNR equal to 1 dB and k/n = 1/24. DeepJSCC
achieves considerably higher PSNR and multiscale strucutural similarity (MS-SSIM)
[76]. The performance difference can be seen clearly in the images, in which the
DeepJSCC output presents more richness in details and sharpness, especially in high
frequency components, such as background trees and leaves, while the BPG+LDPC
output exhibits blurry artifacts over the whole image.

Graceful Degradation
These results are obtained by training a different encoder/decoder model for each
SNR value evaluated in the case of DeepJSCC, and considering the best performance
achieved by the separation-based scheme at each SNR. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Deep Neural Networks for JSCC 43

(a) Original image

(b) DeepJSCC: PSNR = 24.40 dB / MS-SSIM = 0.907

(c) BPG+LDPC: PSNR = 22.27 dB / MS-SSIM = 0.779

Figure 2.9 Visual comparison of reconstructed output for transmission under AWGN channel,
SNR = 1 dB, and k/n = 1/24. Published online by Cambridge University Press

44 Burth Kurka et al.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.10 (a) Effects of graceful degradation for DeepJSCC compared to cliff effect in
separation-based scheme, and (b) performance of DeepJSCC and graceful degradation on
Rayleigh fading channel.

Here, we consider the situation where there is a mismatch between the channel
conditions during design and deployment. In practice this might occur for several
reasons. First of all, it is impractical to assume a different model can be stored and
employed at the transceivers for each SNR value. Instead, the same model needs to
be used at least for a range of SNR values. There may also be mismatch between the
SNR estimate at the encoder and the real SNR value during transmission, either due
to time variations in the channel or due to imperfect channel estimation and feedback.
For this, we consider different DeepJSCC models trained for specific SNRs and
show the evaluation of the test dataset for a range of SNRs, lower and higher than that
is used for training. In Fig. 2.10(a) we show a separate curve for each model trained
at a specific channel SNR (SNRtrain ), and the performance of each model is plotted
against the test SNR (SNRtest ). We also plot the performance of the separation-based
scheme with BPG, showing the best performing LDPC code at each SNR.
It can be clearly seen that DeepJSCC presents graceful degradation; that is, the
performance gradually decreases as the channel SNR deteriorates, while the digital
scheme presents a cliff-effect when the quality of the channel goes below the capacity
for which the code was designed, resulting in indistinguishable transmission output.
Thus, we can see that DeepJSCC not only produces high quality transmissions (when
compared to digital schemes), but also analog behavior, being more robust to noner-
godic channels.

Channel Versatility
A big advantage of DeepJSCC being data-driven is the possibility of training for
different channel models, objective functions, or specific domains.
To better illustrate the advantage of graceful degradation, we consider transmis-
sion over the more challenging Rayleigh fading channel, which models variations in Published online by Cambridge University Press

Deep Neural Networks for JSCC 45

channel quality over time due to physical changes in the environment. The channel is
modelled by a random channel gain:

ηfading (z) = hz + n, (2.20)

where h ∼ CN (0,Hc ) is a complex normal random variable.

Here we consider a slow Rayleigh fading channel and assume that the channel
gain h remains constant during the transmission of a single image and changes to an
independent value for the next image following the Rayleigh distribution. We do not
assume channel state information (CSI) either at the receiver or the transmitter, but
we consider that the phase shift introduced by the channel is known at the receiver,
making the model equivalent to a real fading channel with bandwidth 2k. In order to
emulate and measure the average channel SNR, we define Hc = 1 and vary the noise
variance σ2 over transmissions.
In Fig. 2.10(b) we present results for models trained at different average chan-
nel SNRs and tested at different average SNR values. We also compare our per-
formance with different LDPC configurations, using BPG as compression. We do
not consider any explicit channel estimation or feedback in the case of DeepJSCC,
whereas we assume that the channel gain is known by the receiver for the digital
transmission scheme, providing a clear advantage for the latter. Yet, DeepJSCC still
outperforms the digital scheme significantly for the whole range of average SNRs
considered. This is mainly due to the graceful degradation property of DeepJSCC,
which means that accurate CSI knowledge at the transmitter is not required. On the
other hand, we stipulate that the network architecture learns to employ channel estima-
tion sufficient for the decoder network to correctly reconstruct the image over varying
channel gains.
We can also consider a channel model with bursty noise, which can model a sce-
nario in which individual symbols of the transmitted signal, apart from being perturbed
by AWGN noise n, can also be perturbed by a high variance noise with probability p.
Formally, this is a Bernouille-Gaussian noise channel with the transfer function

ηbursty (z) = z + n + B(k,p)w, (2.21)

where B(k,p) is the binomial distribution, and w ∼ CN (0,σb2 I) the high variance
noise component with σb2  0. In practice, this models an occasional random inter-
ference from a nearby transmitter. This channel model is also used in Kim et al.
[43] to illustrate the robustness of DNN-based channel encoders with channel output
Figure 2.11(a) shows the effect of the probability p on the model’s performance
for a bursty channel with AWGN component’s SNR equal to 10 dB. We consider
both a low-power (σb = 0.5) and a high-power (σb = 3.5) burst and compare the
performance with a digital scheme with BPG+LDPC. As expected, the performance
degrades as p increases, but the DeepJSCC scheme is much more robust against
the increasing power of the burst noise. This improved robustness of DeepJSCC is
particularly obvious for σb = 3.5. A high-power burst degrades the performance of
the digital scheme very quickly, even if the burst probability is very low, completely Published online by Cambridge University Press

46 Burth Kurka et al.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.11 (a) Performance of DeepJSCC on a bursty interference channel (b) compared to
AWGN performance.

destroying the signal when p > 0.15. In this region, all combinations of compression
rates and codes are considered to have failed. In contrast, DeepJSCC exhibits a grace-
ful degradation even in the presence of bursty channel noise, showing its advantages
in practical scenarios, particularly for communications over unlicensed bands, where
occasional burst noise is common.
Figure 2.11(b) shows the effect in performance of the bursty channel at different
channel conditions, considering fixed values of p = 0.10 and σb = 3.5. The SNR
displayed is with regards to the fixed AWGN component of the channel. We also plot
the AWGN performance without any noise bursts, for comparison. The results show
that, although impacted by the bursty noise, DeepJSCC still achieves a reasonable
performance in the whole range of SNRs considered.
Interestingly the gap between the AWGN performance and the bursty channel
increases with the SNR; quite surprisingly, we notice that in the low SNR regime
(SNR ≤ 2.5) the model trained and evaluated on the bursty channel achieves higher
performance than the one trained and evaluated with only AWGN. This could be
explained due to the fact that the network trained on the bursty channel better
generalizes its latent vector representation given its probability of erasure – an effect
similar to the use of dropout layers [77] as a regularization technique. For comparison,
we also plot the performance of the model trained on the bursty channel and evaluated
with fixed AWGN, where we can see that this generalization effect is even stronger at
higher SNRs (SNR ≤ 5).

Domain Specific Communication

Traditional image compression schemes are independent of the type of images being
compressed. However, in principle, statistical properties of different types of images
can be exploited to obtain a more efficient compression algorithm. A trivial example
of this would be compressing black-and-white images instead of color images. But, a
learning based image transmission strategy can exploit even less obvious statistical
properties of the dataset that may not even be visible to human eye. To test the Published online by Cambridge University Press

Deep Neural Networks for JSCC 47

Figure 2.12 Performance of DeepJSCC trained with MS-SSIM as an objective function.

capability of the DeepJSCC approach to adapt to a more specific class of images,

we experimented by training our model with satellite image data [78], a plausible
application of our model. Here we use the distortion measure of MS-SSIM [76] – a
widely accepted image quality measure that better represents human visual perception
than pixel-wise differences. The results, presented in Fig. 2.12 show that, when more
specific image domains are considered, DeepJSCC can better adapt to it, significantly
increasing the performance gap to conventional separation-based techniques.

Successive Refinement
Yet another advantage of DeepJSCC is its flexibility to adapt the transmission to
different paths or stages. We now consider a model with L > 1, in which the same

image is transmitted progressively in blocks of size ki , i = 1, . . . L and Li=1 ki = k.

We aim to be able to reconstruct the complete image after each transmission, with
increasing quality, thus performing successive refinement [79, 80]. Progressive trans-
mission can be applied to scenarios in which communication is either expensive or
urgent. For example, in surveillance applications, it may be beneficial to quickly
send a low-resolution image to detect a potential threat as soon as possible, while
a higher resolution description can be later received for further evaluation or archival
purposes. Or, in a multiuser communication setting, one could send a different number
of components for different users, depending on the available bandwidth.
We therefore expand our system by creating L encoder and decoder pairs, each
responsible for a partial transmission zi and trained jointly (see [56] for implementa-
tion details and alternative architectures). Figure 2.13(a) presents results for the case
L = 2, for k1 /n = k2 /n = 1/12 and shows the performance of each layer for different
channel SNRs, for the AWGN channel. Results show that the loss of dividing the trans-
mission into multiple stages is not significant; when compared to a single transmission
with k/n = 1/6 (dotted black curve in Fig. 2.13(a)), the model performs with approxi-
mately the same quality for most channel conditions. Moreover, we observe that every
layer of the layered transmission scheme preserves all features of the single transmis-
sion, such as graceful degradation and adaptability to different channel models. Published online by Cambridge University Press

48 Burth Kurka et al.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2.13 (a) Successive refinement with L = 2; (b) layered transmission with channel output
feedback, for L = 4; and (c) comparison between simulated and hardware performance.

Channel Output Feedback

Another interesting direction to be explored by DeepJSCC is the use of channel output
feedback, when it is available. Suppose that alongside the forward communication
channel considered so far, there is also a feedback channel able to send back to the
transmitter an estimation of the channel output z˜i after its realization. In a multi-
layered transmission, this information can be used to inform subsequent layers and
enhance the reconstruction at the receiver. Thus, a transmission of a source x is done
sequentially in L steps, in which each step i a channel input zi is generated from
input x and feedback z̃i−1 (for i > 1), transmitted and decoded to generate succes-
sively refined representations x̂i (see [73] for specific architecture and implementation
details). There has also been recent advances in the use of channel output feedback to
improve the performance of channel coding [41]; however, the design is for a specific
blocklength and code rate, whereas the proposed DeepJSCC scheme can transmit large
content, such as images.
Figure 2.13(b) shows the results for a scenario considering noiseless feedback (i.e.,
z̃i = ẑi ) and three uses of the feedback channel (L = 4), for channel inputs with
size ki /n = 1/12, i = 1, . . . ,4. We see that by exploiting the feedback information,
DeepJSCC can further increase its performance, establishing its superiority over other
schemes. Note that we compare DeepJSCC with feedback with a theoretical capacity
achieving channel code and can still outperform the separation-based scheme.
This architecture enables other communication strategies, such as variable length
coding, in which a minimum number of layers zi are transmitted and the quality of
the reconstruction is estimated through feedback, until a target quality is achieved
and the further transmission is interrupted. This scheme can provide gains of over
50 percent in bandwidth, when compared to separation-based approaches [73]. Fur-
ther experiments also demonstrate that our model successfully operates under noisy
channel feedback and even present graceful degradation when the feedback channel
changes between training and evaluation. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Deep Neural Networks for JSCC 49

Hardware Implementation
Finally, to validate the real world performance of the proposed architecture, we imple-
mented our DeepJSCC scheme on a real communication channel, enabled by a soft-
ware defined radio platform. We used models trained on the AWGN model, with
different SNRs. Results can be seen in Fig. 2.13(c) and show that the simulated per-
formance closely matches the hardware performance, especially in higher SNRs.
The JSCC approach to image transmission also provides significant gains in terms
of end-to-end encoding and decoding delays. We observed that the average encoding
and decoding time per image with DeepJSCC is 6.40 ms on a GPU, or 15.4 ms on
a CPU, while a scheme with JPEG2000+LDPC and BPG+LDPC takes on average
4.53 ms and 69.9 ms on a CPU, respectively, using the same hardware as the used for
DeepJSCC evaluation. This shows the competitive processing times of DeepJSCC
together with its outstanding performance. Note that, as with all CNNs, both the
encoder and decoder components of DeepJSCC are parallelized and benefit from
multicore hardware such as GPUs; this is not true for the standard implementations of
source and channel codes considered, hence only CPU times are shown. Moreover, the
DeepJSCC implementation uses standard and generic Tensorflow libraries and could
still be further optimized for speed, if necessary.

2.6 Conclusion

Optimality of separation between compression and channel coding promised by Shan-

non’s theorem assumes no constraint on the complexity of the system or the associated
delay. However, in practice, large blocklength source and channel codes may not
be feasible due to the computational complexity and delay constraints. Therefore,
many practical communication systems can benefit from designing the source/channel
codes jointly. However, despite the suboptimality of separate design, the lack of low-
complexity JSCC schemes that can notably outperform the alternative modular design
approach has prevented the adoption of JSCC in practice. Recent successes of machine
learning, in particular, DNNs, for a variety of complex tasks in image processing and
natural language processing have motivated their use for JSCC design.
In this chapter, we reviewed DL-aided JSCC design over both continuous and
discrete input channels for the transmission of different information sources, particu-
larly focusing on images and text. The results show that for both types of channels,
DL-aided JSCC design achieves a performance comparable or superior to the state-of-
the-art separation-based schemes. Moreover, when the channel conditions deteriorate,
DL-based JSCC achieves graceful degradation in performance, in contrast to the cliff
effect observed in separation-based schemes. This data-driven approach is versatile
and can be applied to different channels and domains. In the case of text data, this
technique can also be used to recover sentences that preserve semantic meaning at
the receiver relevant for downstream tasks rather than the exact sentence. Moreover, Published online by Cambridge University Press

50 Burth Kurka et al.

the JSCC design based on DL can be successively refined, and can exploit channel
output feedback in order to improve the communication. It is also possible to build
support for variable length encoding for the JSCC using DL to further optimize per-
formance with average encoding length constraints. These properties, coupled with its
lower computational complexity, make deep JSCC code design an attractive approach
for signal transmission in wireless communications, particularly for low-latency and
power-limited constraints.

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3 Neural Network Coding
Litian Liu, Amit Solomon, Salman Salamatian, Derya Malak,
and Muriel Medard

3.1 Introduction

The problem of communicating sources over a network has a decades-long history [1].
In various examples such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and autonomous driving, we
see a merging of new scenarios of the classical communication problem with novel
features in power budget, latency requirements, etc. For example, Fig. 3.1(a) demon-
strates such a scenario, where the signals generated by distributed measurements are
transmitted over a communication network and reconstructed at both the destination
nodes. As shown in the example, the signals in IoT and autonomous driving are often
task-specific: they are generated by specific measurements and therefore they have
a nontrivial underlying distribution. Moreover, the signals are often of small size,
because of the limited buffer size of edge devices and the stringent latency constraints
in IoT and autonomous driving. The energy budget for such scenarios is low as edge
devices typically have limited energy. Furthermore, the end goal of communication
can be versatile. Figure 3.1(a) demonstrates a multicast problem, where both destina-
tion nodes seek to reconstruct all the input signals. In other cases, a destination node
might be interested in a subset of the input signals or a function of the input signals
rather than the signals themselves. For example, in smart wearable body sensors, one
central processor could be solely interested in whether the person needs emergency
care. The exact value of the heart rate or blood pressure could matter less. The features
in merging scenarios both impose challenges on the classical communication models
based on long-block length source and channel coding techniques and open up new
opportunities for designing application-specific schemes.
Communicating over a network is an intrinsically hard problem. For reconstructing
the input signals, Ramamoorthy et al. [2] demonstrated the failure of the separa-
tion between source and network coding for multicast networks. Effros et al. [3]
demonstrated the same failure for nonmulticast networks. The requirement for joint
coding indicates the insufficiency of using efficient source codes, followed by efficient
network codes. A joint source and network coding scheme, namely random linear net-
work coding, was shown in [4] to be capacity-achieving for multicasting sources over
a network, with the error exponent generalizing the linear Slepian-Wolf coding [5].
However, for sources that are neither independent nor linearly correlated, minimum Published online by Cambridge University Press

56 Litian Liu et al.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.1 NNC overview. (a) Overview with N = 4 source nodes and M = 2 destination
nodes. (b) Nodes vi , vj to node vk . Within each box (in (b)) is a standard notation of a neural
network, where each circle is a perception and each arrow indicates the information flow.

entropy (ME) decoders or maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoders are required for
random linear network coding. Despite the efforts toward reducing the complexity of
ME or MAP decoders [6, 7], it is in general NP-hard to find a ME or MAP solution. As
a result, joint source and network coding schemes with low-complexity decoders have
been proposed, but those apply only to restricted settings. For example, in [8] sources
are restricted to binary ones and in [9] the number of sources is restricted to two. To
the best of our knowledge, no practical joint source and network coding schemes exist
for multicasting arbitrarily correlated real-life signals over a point-to-point network
of arbitrary topology. The general nonmulticast communication problem where each
destination seeks to reconstruct an arbitrary subset of the input signals is considerably
harder than the multicast problem. Sufficient conditions for solving a nonmulticast
problem using random linear network coding are derived in [10]. A subset of nonmul-
ticast problems that can be solved using arbitrary nonlinear coding strategies is derived
in [11]. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing solution for nonmulticast
problems in general. For the case where destinations are interested in the functions of
the input signals, distributed functional computation adds another layer of complexity
as computation can happen within the network itself. A modularized coding scheme
for distributed functional computing is derived in [12] for tree networks with indepen-
dent sources. A flow-based analysis for functional compression in general network
topologies is conducted in [13]. However, this analysis might not be implemented in
practice because it is based on NP-hard compression concepts, such as compression
of characteristic graphs. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing practical
solution for functional reconstruction problems in general.
The difficulty of the tasks motivates us to take an application-specific approach. In
recent years, there has been an increased effort toward data-driven code constructions, Published online by Cambridge University Press

Neural Network Coding 57

for both signal reconstruction problems [14–18] and functional reconstruction prob-
lems [19]. As opposed to the traditional methods, data-driven approaches make no
assumptions on the source statistics, which leads to a significant improvement when
looking at complex sources of data such as images. Instead, such methods aim at
discovering efficient codes by making use of a (potentially large) pool of data, in
conjunction with a learning algorithm. A successful candidate for the latter is a neural
network (NN), which has tremendous potential in many application domains. All
works that we know have focused on the point-to-point communication problem under
various channels. For example, learning the physical layer representation is studied
for the single-input and single-output (SISO) system in [14], the multiple input and
multiple output (MIMO) system in [15], and the orthogonal frequency-division mul-
tiplexing (OFDM) system in [16]. An NN-based joint source channel coding (JSCC)
scheme is proposed for images in [17] and text in [18]. Though traditional techniques
are optimal in the asymptotic regimes, in practical scenarios, it was shown in [14–
18] that NN-based methods were competitive and even outperformed the state-of-
the-art methods in information theory in some signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regimes.
In this chapter, we shift the scope to the network perspective and make a first step in
broadening our understanding of the benefits and challenges of data-driven approaches
for a networked communication scheme.
To this end, we propose an application-specific novel code construction based on
NNs, which we refer to as neural network coding [20], or NNC for short. The NNC
scheme has the following main benefits: (a) it makes no assumptions on the statistics
of the source, but rather makes use of a seed dataset of examples; (b) it is an end-
to-end communication scheme, or equivalently, a joint source and network coding
scheme; (c) its decoding is of low complexity; (d) it can be applied to any network
topology; (e) it can adapt to specific tasks; and (f) it can be used with various power
constraints at each of the source and intermediate nodes. Figure 3.1(a) demonstrates
an NNC applicable scenario, where arbitrarily correlated signals are multicast over
a communication network. The network has four source nodes and two destination
nodes. In NNC, the encoders at the source nodes and intermediate nodes, as well as
the decoders at the destination nodes, are NNs as shown in Fig. 3.1(b). The resulting
network code construction is jointly designed with the encoding phase and decoding
phase of the transmission, where real-valued input signals are mapped into channel
inputs, and channel outputs are reconstructed into real-valued signals. The end-to-end
NNC scheme can be optimized through training and testing offline over a large dataset
and can be readily implemented. Of particular interest for these codes is the expected
distortion level they achieve for a given topology, power constraints, and distortion
measure specified for the communication tasks. NNC is reminiscent of the autoen-
coder [21] structure. An autoencoder is a NN trained to minimize the distortion,
such as mean square error (MSE), between its output and input. The end-to-end NN
structure that results from NNC scheme is similar to the auto-encoder mentioned
earlier, with additional constraints imposed by the topological structure of the physical Published online by Cambridge University Press

58 Litian Liu et al.

communication network. Our experimental results showed the benefit of having a

nonlinear rather than linear code construction in multicast problems. We also illustrate
through experiments on images that NNC achieves better performance for multicas-
ting problems compared to a separation-based scheme that relies on a compression
scheme (JPEG [22]), followed by capacity-achieving network coding. Furthermore,
we demonstrate through experiments that NNC can adapt to a variety of network
topologies and tasks, including theoretically-hard nonmulticasting problems and func-
tional reconstruction problems. We numerically illustrate the benefit of adopting a
task-specific scheme like NNC, especially in a low power regime. While still in its
infancy, we believe that NNC and its variants may pave the way to an efficient way
to exploit nonlinearity in codes, which appears to be an important component to more
complex networked settings.
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 3.2 describes our system
model where we model the network as a graph: Nodes are devices and edges are
(potentially multiple) connections between devices. Section 3.3 presents our design
principle where each node has an NN for network code construction and decoding
and we jointly optimize the scheme. Section 3.4 first studies the performance of NNC
in a multicasting task over the butterfly network with additive white Gaussian noise
(AWGN) links. We then build upon the baseline experiment and study the performance
of NNC with one property of the baseline changed. The properties we consider in this
section include network topologies, channel statistics, and the communication task.
Section 3.5 explores various applications of NNC. Section 3.6 summarizes the paper
and discusses possible extensions.

3.2 System Model

Throughout this chapter, we use x, x,X, X  to denote a scalar, a vector, a random

variable, and a random vector, respectively. We model the communication network
as an acyclic directed graph G = (V,E) [23]. Elements vi of V are called nodes and
elements (i,j ) of E are called links. Each link (i,j ) is assigned an energy constraint
pi,j ≥ 0, which specifies the maximum signal energy that can be sent from node vi
to node vj . We consider two disjoint subsets S, D of V, where each element in S is
called a source node and each element in D is called a destination node. Let N and M
denote |S| and |D|, respectively. We consider n virtual sources {si }ni=1 located at N
source nodes. Each si generates a random variable Xi ∈ R, i = 1, . . . ,n, according
to the joint probability density function fX1,...,Xn . The resulting random vector is
denoted by X  ∈ Rn . Observe that n may not be equal to N . This setup encompasses the
case in which some of the sources are colocated, or some physical sources generate
random variables of higher dimension, by grouping some of the sources into a source
node in S. Thus, when appropriate we refer to a source node s ∈ S to represent the Published online by Cambridge University Press

Neural Network Coding 59

Figure 3.2 An end-to-end NN example of NNC. There are n = 784 virtual sources located at
N = 2 source nodes (at the left), and there are M = 2 destination nodes (at the right). Each
link consists of 32 channels, as indicated by the number above each arrow. Each node has an
inner NN to construct and decode network codes. Each inner NN is represented by a
quadrilateral where the left-hand side is the input dimension and the right side is the output
dimension of all the outgoing links. For example, the inner NN at top source node has input
dimension 392 and output dimension 64. Half of the output goes to the upper destination node
and the other half goes to the middle node. Each inner NN is implemented to be trainable.
Each link is implemented with a nontrainable NN layer of width 32.

collection of virtual sources which are colocated at s (see experiment Sections 3.4
and 3.5).
We model each link in the network as a set of parallel channels. More precisely, two
nodes vi and vj are connected via ki,j parallel noisy channels. On each link (i,j ), vi
may transmit any signal W  i,j in Rki,j , subject to the average power constraint on the

link (i.e., E[Wi,j ] ≤ pi,j ). The signal W
2  i,j on each link is corrupted by noise, fading,
and/or interference from other signals. The received signal at node vj is Yi,j ∈ Rki,j .
In the special case of independent zero-mean AWGN channels, the node vj receives
Yi,j = W i,j + Ni,j , where each element of the ki,j -dimensional vector N i,j is a zero-
mean Gaussian random variable with variance σi,j 2 . Note that this setup can model

either band-limited channels in wireless communication or the parallel channels in the

Ethernet connection.
We study the general communication problem where each destination node t ∈ D
is interested in a target function ft of the sources. For example in a multicast scenario,
the target function ft for ∀t ∈ D is the identity function of all the sources.1 The
performance of the scheme can be evaluated by a tuple of distortion measures δt ,
t ∈ D, where each measure is defined between the target function over the source ft (X) 
at t and the functional reconstruction gt (X ) at t. For example for hand-written digits
in Fig. 3.2, the target function ft can be digit and δt could be the accuracy.
1 Therefore, the reconstruction of the input signals is a special case of the functional reconstruction.
We refer to both as functional reconstruction from now on. Published online by Cambridge University Press

60 Litian Liu et al.

3.3 Neural Network Coding

In NNC, we jointly design the channel inputs at the source nodes and at the interme-
diate nodes – this makes NNC a joint source and network coding scheme. Existing
joint source and network coding schemes (e.g., [4, 8–10]) assume error-free point-
to-point transmission on each link and focus on the network layer operations. The
physical layer then relies on a separate channel coding scheme with potentially a
high latency, as it is assumed that each link employs an error correction coding with
a large block length. In contrast, in NNC the signal inputs are directly transmitted
over the noisy channels; that is, there are no underlying physical layer codes. As
such, the communication problem described in Section 3.2 can be decomposed into
three phases as shown in Fig. 3.1(a): the encoding phase, the transmission phase, and
the decoding phase. NNC operates in a one-shot manner over all three phases. In
the encoding phase, real-valued signals at the source nodes are directly mapped into
network codes. The length of a network code W  i,j is designed to match the number
of independent channels ki,j contained in link (i,j ). Therefore, W  i,j can concurrently
be transmitted through the noisy channels over link (i,j ). In the transmission phase,
network codes W  i,j s are directly constructed at node vi from the incoming noise-
corrupted network codes Yl,i : l ∈ c(i) , where c(i) is the set of direct predecessors
of vi . In the decoding phase, each destination node reconstructs the target function
of the transmitted signals directly from the noise-corrupted network codes it receives.
NNC does not involve any long block-length source or channel coding techniques and
therefore is free of their associated latency penalty and computational overhead.
Note that by picking a nonlinear activation, the resulting joint source and network
code is nonlinear by design. As mentioned in Section 3.1, the nonlinearity in codes
may be crucial in constructing efficient codes for the problem at hand. We design the
network code from node vi to node vj by constructing a NN with input dimension
i and output dimension k . The last layer of the NN is a normalization layer to
din i,j
enforce the power constraints. When vi  ∈ S, din i is the number of incoming channels.

When vi ∈ S, din i is the dimension of signal generated at v . During a transmission,

noise-distorted network codes received at vi , {Yl,i : l ∈ c(i)} are fed into the NN if
vi  ∈ S. Or the generated signal is fed into the NN if vi ∈ S. The NN output is the
network code W  i,j to be transmitted over link (i,j ).
Similarly, for functional reconstruction of the inputs signal, we decode the received
noise-distorted network codes with a NN at each destination node t. Note that NNs at
destination nodes are low-complexity decoders since each layer of a NN is an affine
transformation followed by an element-wise nonlinear function. We say that the set
of functions for constructing and decoding network codes at each node specifies a
NNC policy for the communication system if each of them can be represented as a
NN. Under a NNC policy, the resulting end-to-end encoding-decoding can be seen as
a series of NNs connected via communication links, as given by the physical network
topology. We simulated the channel statistics of communication links by NN-layers
as well, with the main difference being that those layers have fixed (nontrainable)
parameters that correspond to the channel statistics. Thus, under a NNC policy, we Published online by Cambridge University Press

Neural Network Coding 61

construct an end-to-end NN, where some of the layers have nontrainable parameters.
The end-to-end NN has the physical topology of the communication system embed-
ded and has NNs that are used for constructing and decoding network code as its
subgraphs. We refer to the NNs for constructing and decoding network code as inner
NNs henceforth. Overall, there are N input layers and M output layers in the end-to-
end NN. Each input layer has a width equal to the dimension of the source generated
at the node. Each output layer has a width equal to the output dimension of the target
function at the node. An illustration of an end-to-end NN is given in Fig. 3.2.
With X partitioned and fed into the input layers, the outputs of the end-to-end
NN simulate the functional reconstruction at the destination nodes under the current
NNC policy. Recall that δ t is the distortion measure between the target function over
 and the functional reconstruction gt (X)
the source ft (X)  at a destination node t, as
defined in Section 3.2. Parameters {θl }l of the NNC policy are initialized randomly
and are trained to minimize

δt (3.1)

over a large dataset sampled from fX1,...,Xn . The parameters of the NN policy can be
trained and tested offline2 using a variety of available tools (e.g., [24]) [25]. Note that
for a point-to-point link, NNC reduces to deep JSCC in [17].

3.4 Performance Evaluation

3.4.1 Baseline
We start with an experiment of multicasting an MNIST image [26] over a butterfly
network, as shown in Fig. 3.2. Technical details of implementation can be found in
Section 3.7.
In this setup, there are two source nodes (N = 2) and two destination nodes
(M = 2). A normalized MNIST image, with pixel values between 0 and 1, is split
between the two source nodes, such that each source node observes only one half
of the image. In other words, 392 out of n = 28 × 28 virtual sources (pixels) are
colocated at each source node, where the top 392 pixels are located at the first source
node, and the rest at the second. Note that in this setup, sources are correlated. Each
link in the butterfly network consists of 32 independent parallel AWGN channels
(ki,j = 32, ∀i,j ), with zero-mean noise of variance 10−4 . Performance is evaluated
by the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) at each destination node, defined as
max{Xi }2
P SNRt = 10 log10 , (3.2)
E[(X t − X)

2 For the best performance, efforts are in general required to optimize over the choice of hyper-parameters
as well, as is the case in other applications of NNs. Hyper-parameters, such as the number of layers and
the activation functions in every inner NN, can also be tuned and tested off-line before implementation. Published online by Cambridge University Press

62 Litian Liu et al.

where max{Xi } is the largest value of the input pixels. The PSNR is essentially a
normalized version of the MSE and can be used for performance comparison between
inputs with different pixel ranges. The choice of PSNR as a distortion measure is
natural for images [27].
A NNC policy is trained to minimize

min  X
Hb (X,  t ) s.t. E[W
] ≤ P ∀i,j, (3.3)
{θl }l

where Hb (X,  t ) is the binary cross entropy between the original image and the recon-
structed image at destination node t. Note the dependence of Hb and W  i,j on {θl }l
is omitted in the expression for simplicity. We use binary cross entropy Hb (X,  X t ),
defined as

Hb (X,  X t) = −1 Xi log(Xit ) + (1 − Xi ) log(1 − Xit ), (3.4)

in the objective function instead of PSNR as an engineering tweak to speed up the

training process. Note that the power constraints on all links are the same and this
setup demonstrates a homogeneous butterfly network.
We studied the performance of NNC in a homogeneous butterfly network under
different power budgets by varying P in Eq. (3.3). Note that since the noise statistic
on each link is fixed, the power-distortion trade-off we demonstrated is equivalent to
the SNR-distortion trade-off. As expected, the quality of the reconstruction improves
as the transmission power increases, from Fig. 3.3(a) (low power at 1.75 × 10−2 per

Figure 3.3 NNC transmission quality with different power: (a) low power, (b) medium power,
(c) high power. The first row of each subfigure is the original image, and the following row is a
reconstruction at one of the two destination nodes of a butterfly network. The two
reconstructed images at both destination nodes were similar. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Neural Network Coding 63

Table 3.1. Minimum transmission power per image for achieving the
corresponding mean PSNR values under NNC, ANC, and JPEG schemes.


11.7 7.0 × 10−6 2.10 N/A

12.0 7.0 × 10−3 2.23 N/A
13.8 7.0 × 10−2 3.31 N/A
17.4 7.0 × 10−1 7.12 4.6 × 1051
20.6 7.0 × 100 14.6 2.6 × 1053
22.0 7.0 × 101 20.9 4.7 × 1054

image transmission) to Fig. 3.3(b) (medium power at 1.75 per image transmission),
and finally to Fig. 3.3(c) (high power at 1.75 × 102 per image transmission). Note that
when the transmission power is forced to be nearly zero, as shown in Fig. 3.3(a), the
reconstruction at both destination nodes is close to the average of all the training data,
which is essentially the best possible reconstruction when no information flows from
the sources to destinations.
We compared the performance of NNC with two baseline methods. The first com-
petitor is a linear analog of NNC, the analog network coding (ANC) scheme [28]. In
ANC, transmission power ANC is controlled by the amplification factor at the source
nodes. Each intermediate node forwards the sum of its inputs. At both destination
nodes, the amplification factor, as well as the network topology, are known and used
to reconstruct the source signals. Note that a 28 × 28 MNIST image can be sent by
NNC in a one-shot, but it has to be sent over the network in 13 transmissions by ANC,
as there is no compression scheme in the ANC baseline and thus at most 64 pixels can
be sent in a single transmission. All distortion in the reconstruction comes from the
noise in the channel rather than compression under the ANC baseline.
We compared the minimum required transmission powers for achieving certain
PSNR values under NNC and ANC scheme in Table 3.1. For NNC, we set the power
constraints P on all links to be the same and recorded the performance of both ends
with 10 different values of P evenly spaced in log-scale from 10−6 to 10−2 For
ANC, transmission power is controlled by amplification factor at the source nodes.
Note that performances of both schemes are “symmetric” at destination nodes, recon-
structing images with similar PSNR. Such “symmetric” performance can be expected
since the network is isotropic. Overall, NNC outperforms the ANC baseline when the
transmission power is low, and the ANC baseline outperforms NNC when the trans-
mission power is high. This is consistent with [28], which shows that ANC is in fact
capacity-achieving in the high-SNR regime. We see the benefit of allowing nonlinear-
ity in the construction of application-specific short codes.
The second competitor, the JPEG baseline, is a scheme that separates source coding
from network coding: images are compressed through the JPEG compression algo-
rithm [22] at the source node and are then transmitted by capacity-achieving network
codes through error-free channel codes over the network. Distortion in the reconstruc-
tion under the JPEG baseline only comes from compression in source coding, as the Published online by Cambridge University Press

64 Litian Liu et al.

transmission is assumed to be error-free. Notice that the JPEG baseline has potentially
a high latency due to error-free channel coding, which operates on a large block length.
In our experiments, the JPEG baseline reconstructs high-quality images with
impractically high power. With the JPEG baseline, the average PSNR between a
reconstructed image and the original image ranges from 17 to 46. In Table 3.1, some
representative PSNR values along with the required transmission powers for the
JPEG baseline are given. However, the minimum power threshold for using the JPEG
baseline is tremendously high as 1051 per image. The need for such high transmission
power is explained by the JPEG algorithm hardly compressing MNIST images. Before
compression, each half MNIST image is 392 bytes. After compression, the average
file size of half images ranges from 350 bytes to 580 bytes for different qualities.
For small images like MNIST, the overhead of the JPEG algorithm is significant. The
same problem exists for other compression schemes like JPEG2000 [29]. Ineffective
compression by JPEG is a representative example of how traditional schemes may
lack the ability to adapt their rates to different communication scenarios.
In each of the following subsections, we exhibit a different experiment building on
the baseline experiment we just described. In each experiment, we change a single
property of the baseline simulation. Unless specified, the source distribution, the net-
work topology, the number of channels per link, and channel statistics are the same as
the baseline experiment.

3.4.2 Topology
Our second set of experiments studies the performance of NNC under different net-
work topologies. Figure 3.4(a) shows an experiment where both destination nodes aim
to infer the whole image while only the lower half of the image can be sent through
the network. In the instance visualized in Fig. 3.4(a), the power constraints P on all
links are set to be 25. Both destination nodes reconstruct a mixture of “5” and “3”
from the lower half of digit “5”. The experiment illustrates that NNC can partially
infer the missing signals from the available signals that are correlated to the missing
part: This is an example of NNC learning and utilizing the correlation in data. Since
no existing transmission scheme that we know of could recover the missing part of the
image from the rest, any baseline competitor can only reconstruct the lower half of the
image in our setting. As the baseline competitors are worse than NNC at low SNR in
the multicasting setting presented in Section 3.4.1, we expect that the NNC would do
even better in this case.
We demonstrate in Fig. 3.4(b) the multicast of MNIST images in a modified but-
terfly network where there are three destinations. The link connecting to the middle
consists of 32 parallel AWGN channels with zero-mean noise of variance 10−4 , which
is the same as all other links in the network. In the instance visualized in Fig. 3.4(b),
with power constraints set to be 25 on each link, the source image can be reconstructed
at the middle destination node with a slightly worse reconstruction quality compared
to the top and bottom destination nodes. We have the same observation on the PSNRs
of the reconstructed images as well. Over the testing set, the average PSNR 3.2 is Published online by Cambridge University Press

Neural Network Coding 65

784/2 784/2


784/2 784/2

(a) (b)

Figure 3.4 NNC performance under different topologies. (a) Butterfly network where the top
source node has zero transmission power. (b) Butterfly network with an additional destination.

21.4, 18.9, 21.5 at the top, middle, and bottom destination node, respectively. This
is because, as shown in Fig. 3.4(b), the middle destination node has less information
available compared to the top and bottom destination nodes: the middle node only
has access to the information on its one incoming link, whereas the top and bottom
destination nodes each has an additional incoming link and therefore has additional
information available. This experiment further demonstrates the benefit of NNC over
linear network coding schemes: Under a linear scheme, a linear combination of the
top and bottom source is sent on the middle link, from which reconstructing at the
middle destination node is impossible. Therefore, we expect ANC to perform poorly
in this scenario. As for the comparison with the JPEG competitor, we expect NNC to
outperform the baseline competitor when SNR is low, as shown in Section 3.4.1.

3.4.3 Channel Statistics

In wireless communication, channel impairment is often not limited to noise corrup-
tion [30]. In this section, we consider a wireless setup where links are subject to fading
and simultaneous transmissions interfere. We evaluate the performance of NNC under
this setup.

Consider the multicasting of MNIST images over a butterfly network with interfering
channels. As shown in Fig. 3.5(a), for each node with multiple preceding nodes,
signals on each link interfere with each other. The received signal for such a node
is Wu + W  l + N,
 where W  u, W
 l , N ∈ R32 are the signal sent by the upper preceding
nodes, the signal sent by the lower preceding nodes, and the AWGN noise with zero
mean and variance 10−4 on the channels, respectively. Our setup models the scenario
where preceding nodes use the same set of subchannels in a frequency-division mul-
tiple access (FDMA) scheme simultaneously. With transmission power P = 25 on
all links, images are reconstructed well with an average PSNR of 19.9 and 19.7 over
the test set for the top and bottom destination node, respectively. Some of the recon-
structed images are visualized in Fig. 3.5(b). We compared the NNC performance with Published online by Cambridge University Press

66 Litian Liu et al.

Table 3.2. Minimum transmission power per image

for achieving the corresponding mean PSNR values
under NNC and ANC with channel interference.


11.71 7.0 × 10−3 2.10

11.73 7.0 × 10−2 2.12
13.73 7.0 × 10−1 3.31
19.62 7.0 × 100 11.76


+ 784

(a) (b)

Figure 3.5 NNC performance with channel interference. (a) Butterfly network with inference.
Links where interference occurs are marked with plus signs. (b) Transmission quality. The first
row of is the original image, and the following rows are reconstructions at one of the two
destination nodes of a butterfly network. The two reconstructed images at both destination
nodes were similar.

ANC in Table 3.2. As shown in the table, NNC outperforms ANC when the power
budget is low. As for the JPEG competitor, which separates the source code from
network code, we expect to encounter the same problem as in the baseline experiment
in Section 3.4.1. The JPEG scheme cannot sufficiently compress the MNIST image
and requires tremendous transmission power.

Fading Channel
Consider the multicasting of MNIST images over a butterfly network with Rayleigh
fading channels [30]. Instead of having parallel channels transmitting real numbers
in each link as in Section 3.4.1, we instead consider parallel channels transmitting
complex numbers. Channel gains h are drawn in an independent and identically dis-
tributed (i.i.d.) fashion from a complex Gaussian distribution for each channel, namely
h ∼ CN (0,Hc ). The channel coefficients remain unchanged for the entire duration of
the transmission and only change between different images. It is worth mentioning
that the capacity of the channel is zero, as the state of the channel is unknown to the
communicating parties, hence information cannot be sent reliably [17].
We simulated the fading channel with nontrainable layers. Figure 3.6 shows the
reconstruction of MNIST image over a butterfly network with Hc = 1, power con-
straints on each link P = 25, and 150 channels per link. We trained a NNC policy
with a batch size of 256. Observe that although the capacity of the channel is zero, Published online by Cambridge University Press

Neural Network Coding 67

Figure 3.6 NNC Performance over fading channels. The first row of is the original image,
and the following rows are reconstructions at one of the two destination nodes of a
butterfly network.

NNC can still reconstruct some of the images. As the channel capacity in Shannon’s
sense is zero in this scenario, our JPEG competitor is ill-defined here. As the channel
gains are unknown to the destination nodes, we expect ANC to perform poorly in
this scenario. This is because the channel gains are i.i.d sampled and therefore the
signals are unproportionally scaled. As a result, a plain addition and subtraction cannot
recover the signal without knowing the channel gains.

3.4.4 Nonmulticasting
Our next experiment shows the versatility of NNC by demonstrating its adaption into
a nonmulticasting task. In this experiment, MNIST images are transmitted through
a modified butterfly network with three destinations, and each destination node aims
to reconstruct a different pixel range, as shown in Fig. 3.7. This is an example of a
nonmulticasting task as a different subset of the source signals is reconstructed at each
destination node. The link connecting to the middle consists of 32 parallel AWGN
channels with zero-mean noise of variance 10−4 . Note that this setup is not solvable
by linear network coding as it does not satisfy the generalized Min-Cut Max-Flow
condition derived in [10]. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing solution
to the nonmulticasting task. However, we can learn a NNC policy for the given task by
setting the target function gt at each destination node t to be the identity function of the
corresponding subset of the source. With transmission power on each link constrained
to be 25, the mean PSNR 3.2 over the test set is 21.2, 16.4, and 21.7 for the top, middle,
and bottom destination node, respectively. An instance of the test image reconstruction
is sketched in Fig. 3.7. Observe that nonlinear network codes constructed by the
NNC policy can solve the nonmulticasting communication problem with tolerable
distortion. Note that there is no existing solution to the nonmulticasting task and
any baseline competitor can only multicast to all the destinations in our setting. As
the baseline competitors are worse than NNC at low SNR in the multicasting setting
presented in Section 3.4.1, we expect that the NNC would perform even better here.

3.4.5 Functional Reconstruction

Our next set of experiments reemphasizes the versatility of NNC and further shows
how NNC adapts to tasks other than reconstruction. Consider the network shown Published online by Cambridge University Press

68 Litian Liu et al.

Reconstructed Target
Images Images

784/2 100



Figure 3.7 Nonmulticasting task. The column of reconstructed images show the images
reconstructed at corresponding destination nodes. The column of target images shows the
source subset to be constructed in white rectangles.




784 0.4

4 0.2 Functional NNC


10–5 10–4 10–3 10–2 10–1 100 101 102

Power per Image Transmission
(a) (b)

Figure 3.8 Functional reconstruction task. (a) A butterfly network where both destination nodes
aim to recover the digit in the source image. (b) Performance of functional NNC and NNC
followed by a classification function under different transmission power per image. The PSNR
at the two destination nodes are equal under both schemes.

in Fig. 3.8(a). In this network, both destination nodes are interested in determining
which digit is sent rather than reconstructing the original MNIST image. This is an
example of functional reconstruction of the source signals at the destination nodes.
NNC can adapt into functional reconstruction by selecting a corresponding target
function ft and distortion measure δt introduced in Session 3.2. In the example of
digit recovery, the target function ft is a digit recognition function and distortion
measure δt is the digit accuracy. Thus we learn a functional NNC policy that recovers
the digit in a distributed manner while forwarding the information from the source
nodes to the destination nodes. We compared the performance of functional NNC
with a centralized computational scheme in Fig. 3.8(b). In the centralized scheme,
MNIST images are first transmitted by an NNC policy through the butterfly net-
work as in Section 3.4.1. Each destination then learns a digit recognition function Published online by Cambridge University Press

Neural Network Coding 69

from the image it reconstructs. We set the power constraints P on all links to be
the same and recorded the performance of both ends with 10 different values of P
evenly spaced in log-scale from 10−5 to 10−4 . As shown in Fig. 3.8, in the high SNR
regime destinations both schemes successfully recover the sent digit with functional
NNC slightly better than NNC; in the low SNR regime, functional NNC significantly
outperforms the centralized scheme. This is because functional NNC optimizes the
network for the tasks of digit recovering, whereas NNC optimizes for the PSNR of the
reconstructed images, which is not specialized for the task. In the high SNR regime,
PSNR is very high, so digit recognition should be an easy task. However, in the low
SNR regime, lowering image quality might focus energy on irrelevant parts of the
image. The result demonstrates the benefit of adopting a task-specific scheme when
the transmission power is limited. Since no existing transmission scheme that we know
of could decompose the digit recognition function within the network, any baseline
competitor could only multicast the source and determine the digit at the destinations
under our setting. As the baseline competitors are worse than NNC at low SNR in
the multicasting setting presented in Section 3.4.1, we postulate that functional the
performance of NNC would improve in this scenario.
So far each of our experiments modifies a single property of the baseline experi-
ment. What we present next in Section 3.5 are experiments in which multiple proper-
ties are different from the baseline experiment.

3.5 Experiments

In this section, we exploit the various use of NNC. Overall, NNC adapts to differ-
ent tasks by selecting the corresponding target function ft and distortion measure
δt introduced in Section 3.2. Unless specified, the source distribution, the network
topology, the number of channels per link, and the channels statistics are the same as
the baseline experiment in Section 3.4.1. Technical details of implementation can be
found in Section 3.7.

3.5.1 Tasks of Different Complexity

As shown in Section 3.4.4, NNC can adapt to the different reconstruction goals at
different destinations. In the following experiment, we demonstrate the analogy in
functional reconstruction. As illustrated in Fig. 3.9(a), in this experiment, one desti-
nation node of the butterfly network aims to exactly recover the digit in the source
image while the other destination is only interested in if the digit is smaller than five.
We learned a NNC policy for the network by selecting a different target function ft
for different destination nodes t: ft at the top destination node is the digit recognition
function as in Section 3.4.5, whereas ft at the bottom is a binary classification function
of the range. The distortion measure δt at both destinations is the accuracy. We set
the power constraints P on all links to be the same and recorded the performance
of both ends with 10 different values of P evenly spaced in log-scale from 10−5 Published online by Cambridge University Press

70 Litian Liu et al.


784 0.9

Digit Recovery
<5 0.5 Digit Range

10–3 10–1 101 103 105

Power per Image Transmission
(a) (b)

Figure 3.9 Butterfly network where two tasks of different difficulty coexist. (a) A butterfly
network where the top destination node aims to recover the digit in source image and the
bottom to recover the range. (b) Performance at two destination nodes over different
transmission power per image, where the solid line shows the accuracy of the digit recovery
task at the top destination node and the dashed line shows the accuracy of the digit range task.

to 10−4 in Fig. 3.9(b). As shown in the figure, the digit recovery task always has a
lower accuracy compared to the digit range task. We therefore quantified that the digit
range task is easier. When the power budget is high, the tasks at both the destination
nodes succeed with an accuracy higher than 97 percent. As power decreases, the
performance at both destinations drops simultaneously. Compared with Fig. 3.8, we
observe that the performance of the digit recovery task at the top destination is not
affected as the lower destination node changes to an easier task. This gives an example
of NNC not sacrificing performance under heterogeneous demands. Since no existing
transmission scheme that we know of could decompose the task within the network,
any baseline competitor could only multicast the source and compute the functions at
the destinations under our setting. As the baseline competitors are worse than NNC
at a low SNR in the multicasting setting presented in Section 3.4.1, we expect that
functional NNC would do even better here.

3.5.2 Multiresolution Reconstruction

In this experiment, we consider the case where two ends of the butterfly network
are interested in reconstructing the same image with different resolutions. As shown
in Fig. 3.10, the upper destination is interested in reconstructing the original image
with the same resolution and the lower destination is interested in a lower-resolution
version. With the power constraint P = 25 on all links, the PSNR at the lower
destination node is 24.7, which is higher than PSNR at the upper destination node 21.8.
This is a result of the lower destination node requiring less information to complete
its task. Since no existing transmission scheme that we know of could decompose
the multiresolution reconstruction task within the network, any baseline competitor
could only multicast the source and adjust the resolution at the destinations under our
setting. As the baseline competitors are worse than NNC at a low SNR in the multicas-
ting setting presented in Section 3.4.1, we expect that functional NNC’s performance Published online by Cambridge University Press

Neural Network Coding 71

Figure 3.10 Multiresolutional reconstruction task. The source image is reconstructed with a
different resolution at each destination node. The column of reconstructed images shows the
images reconstructed at corresponding destination nodes. The column of original images
shows the source image with desirable resolution.

would improve in this case. The example of multiresolution reconstruction models the
scenarios where different destination nodes have different reconstruction requirements
and resource constraints. A practical scenario closely linked to our experiment is video
streaming at multiple rates, where the video rate is customized into user requirement,
device resolution, available caching size, bandwidth, etc. [31]. Our example shows the
potential of NNC in solving such problems.

3.5.3 Same Source for Distinct Tasks

In the experiment in Fig. 3.11, we consider a butterfly network where two uncorrelated
MNIST images are located at the top and bottom source nodes, respectively. The top
destination node is interested in the addition of the two digits in the source images
and the bottom is interested in the subtraction. This experiment presents a difficult
communication task, as both destination nodes have to recognize which digits are
sent as well as perform the required operations. We learned an NNC policy for the
network by selecting a different target function ft for different destination nodes t:
ft at the top destination node has input dimension 784 × 2, output dimension 1,
mapping two MNIST images into the addition of numerical digits; ft at the bottom
has the same dimension but maps to the subtraction. The distortion measure δt at
both destinations is the accuracy. Despite the difficulty of the task, with the power
constraints on all links set to be P = 25, our NNC policy succeeds over the test set
with an average probability of 89.7 percent and 90.0 percent at the top and bottom
destination nodes, respectively. This is an example of how the same source data can
be used to complete different tasks in NNC. This approach can model the practical
example of wearable health devices, where blood pressure and body temperature
collected from sensors can be used to diagnose multiple diseases, say COVID-19
and the flu, simultaneously. Since no existing transmission scheme that we know of
could decompose the task within the network, any baseline competitor could only Published online by Cambridge University Press

72 Litian Liu et al.

Figure 3.11 Using the same source for distinct tasks. The butterfly network has two
uncorrelated MNIST images located at two source nodes. The top destination node is
interested in the addition of two digits, and the bottom is interested in the subtraction.

multicast the source and compute the functions at the destinations under our setting.
As the baseline competitors are worse than NNC at a low SNR in the multicasting
setting presented in Section 3.4.1, we expect that functional NNC would do even
better here.

3.5.4 Functional Reconstruction of Fashion-MNIST Images

In this experiment, we extend the experiments in Section 3.4.5 to the Fashion-MNIST
dataset [32]. The Fashion-MNIST dataset consists of images of fashion products from
10 classes, and the task of this experiment is to identify the class label of the source
image, as illustrated in Fig. 3.12(a). Our setup is essentially the same as the experi-
ments in Section 3.4.5, so details are omitted here. Similarly, we compared the per-
formance of functional NNC with a centralized computational scheme in Fig. 3.12(b),
where Fashion-MNIST images are first transmitted by an NNC policy through the
butterfly network and then classified at each destination node. We observed the same
pattern as in Fig. 3.8. As shown in Fig. 3.12(b), in the high SNR regime destinations
under both schemes successfully recover the label with functional NNC slightly better
than NNC; in the low SNR regime, functional NNC significantly outperforms the cen-
tralized scheme. Note that overall the accuracy of classifying Fashion-MNIST images
is lower than classifying MNIST images, which is as expected since Fashion-MNIST
images are more complicated and the task of classifying Fashion-MNIST images is
harder. Also, the gap at the high SNR regime between the performance of functional
NNC and NNC for Fashion-MNIST images is larger than that for MNIST images. The
reason is that the compression in transmitting the Fashion-MNIST images becomes the
bottleneck of the centralized scheme, which is limited by the bandwidth (the number Published online by Cambridge University Press

Neural Network Coding 73

Pullover 0.6

Pullover 0.2 Functional NNC
10–5 10–4 10–3 10–2 10–1 100 101 102
Power per Image Transmission
(a) (b)

Figure 3.12 Functional reconstruction of Fashion-MNIST images. (a) A butterfly network

where both destination nodes aim to identify the class label of the source image.
(b) Performance of functional NNC and NNC followed by a classification function under
different transmission power per image. The PSNR at the two destination nodes are equal
under both schemes.

of parallel channels) of the network. As we move to more complicated datasets, such

as CIFAR [33] and Imagenet [34], we expect the phenomenon to worsen: the exact
reconstruction performance of the source will be limited by the bandwidth of the net-
work. Furthermore, we expect the training to be harder and require more engineering
effort in hyper-parameter tuning. When the end goal is to reconstruct functions of the
original source, we expect the performance gap between NNC and functional NNC
to increase with the complexity of the dataset. The gap might be massive such that
functional NNC becomes the only practical approach out of the two.

3.6 Conclusion and Open Questions

In this chapter, we proposed a novel way of constructing network codes using NN.
Our scheme, NNC, provides a practical solution for communicating sources over
networks of arbitrary topologies in an application-specific manner. NNC massively
lowers the energy used compared to existing schemes. Furthermore, NNC can be eas-
ily learned and tested offline and implemented in a distributed fashion. We examined
the performance of NNC under a variety of network topologies, channel statistics, and
communication tasks through experiments.
A natural extension of NNC arises where multiple tasks exist asynchronously in
a system. A separate NNC policy can be learned for each task. Thanks to the sim-
plicity of NNC implementation, multiple functions can be implemented at one node.
Signals can be designed with a flag piggybacked to trigger task-specific functions for
constructing and decoding network codes at each node.
As we only present the initial study of NNC in this chapter, many open ques-
tions remain unanswered. One such question is how NNC would perform when data
are distributed not only across the source nodes but also over the network. In our
experiments, all the data are located at the source node. In other communication Published online by Cambridge University Press

74 Litian Liu et al.

systems, however, data can be partially available at the intermediate nodes or even the
destination nodes. Such a system is in general more robust as a single point of failure
is avoided. Another question is how NNC would perform with constraints imposed on
computational power. In our experiments, the communication power per link is fixed
and the computation power depends on the NN structure. In our experiment, we did
not put an upper bound on the computational power. This is in general a reasonable
assumption, as computation with NN is of low complexity. However, in cases where
edges devices are extremely constrained in power, things might be different if we link
the problem to computation constraints: the size of the NN at the node is limited and
the performance might be undermined as a result. In addition, in all our experiments,
the physical topology of the communication system is fixed. Further study is needed
to understand if and how NNC can adapt into a communication system with an uncer-
tainty of the topology. Furthermore, we only studied the trade-off between the energy
available and NNC performance in this chapter. It remains to study if a similar trade-
off exists between the bandwidth available (i.e., the number of parallel channels), and
NNC performance. Last but not the least, we took an analytical point of view in this
chapter and studied NNC performance. It would be worthwhile to explore the design
aspect: how we can design a wireless system such that it naturally exploits the findings
provided by the NNC scheme. Some of our initial observations indicate promising
directions in the design aspect. For example, we observed that the signal magnitude
of NNC network codes is Gaussian distributed when the channel is AWGN, which
is theoretically optimal. Another example is that for channels with interference, we
observed that NNC tends to overlap the signals instead of allocating signals to distinct
subchannels when SNR is low.

3.7 Technical Details

Unless specified otherwise, each NNC policy in Sections 3.4 and 3.5 is learned
through training over 60,000 MNIST training images for 50 epochs and is tested on
10,000 MNIST testing images. Corresponding to each MNIST image, there is a label
ranging from 0 to 9, representing the digit in the image. The target functions ft ’s in
functional reconstructions are built from the labels. Note that the training set and the
test set are disjoint.
We implemented the NN architecture in Keras [24] with TensorFlow [25] backend.
We used Adadelta optimization framework [35] with a learning rate of 1.0 and a mini-
batch size of 32 samples. In each of our experiment, we learned a NNC policy with
every inner NN set to be two-layer fully connected with activation function ReLU:
f (x) = x + = max(0,x). In the centralized computational scheme of Section 3.4.5,
each of the digit recognition functions is also learned with a two-layer fully connected
with activation function ReLU. Note that the hyper-parameters here may not be opti-
mal, but the results still serve as a proof of concept. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Neural Network Coding 75


The authors would like to thank Yushan Su, Rui Wang, and Alejandro Cohen for their
technical help and constructive comments.

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4 Channel Coding via Machine
Hyeji Kim

4.1 Introduction

Channel coding is one of the key elements in the physical layer communication sys-
tem. The role of channel coding is to introduce redundancy in a controlled manner
so that the receiver can reliably and efficiently recover a message from a corrupted
received signal. Over the past 70 years, the design of codes has been one of the central
areas of study in communication theory. Several novel codes have been invented,
including convolutional codes, Turbo codes, low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes,
and Polar codes. The practical impact of these codes is enormous. For example, global
cellular phone standards, ranging from the second generation to the fifth generation
models, rely on these codes.
The canonical setting is point-to-point additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)
channels, which closely fit the wireline and wireless communications, although the
front end of the receiver may have to be specifically designed. Examples of this include
inter-symbol equalization in cable modems and beamforming and sphere decoding in
multiple antenna wireless systems. Accordingly, the performance of a code over the
AWGN channels has been the gold standard. Several codes, such as LDPC, Turbo, and
Polar codes, operate close to the (infinite block length) information theoretic “Shannon
limit” for AWGN channels. A recent development also includes practical implemen-
tation of random codes with efficient guessing random additive noise decoding, which
operates close to the (finite block length) theoretical limit.
In communication theory, there are two long-term goals. The first goal is to improve
the state of the art over the point-to-point channels by designing new, computationally
efficient codes. Since the current codes operate close to the information theoretic limit
for AWGN channels, the emphasis is on robustness and adaptability to deviations from
the AWGN settings, such as in urban, pedestrian, and vehicular settings. The second
goal of communication theory involves the design of new codes for multiterminal and
bidirectional communication settings. Examples of this include the feedback channel,
the relay channel, and the interference channel.
Progress on these long-term goals has been sporadic, with several long-standing
open problems. Deep learning is an emerging and powerful tool that has demonstrated
huge success in a variety of domains, including computer vision and natural language
processing. Motivated by this success, deep learning is now applied to solve open
problems in coding theory and has demonstrated initial successes and great potential. Published online by Cambridge University Press

78 Hyeji Kim

b x y ^b
Encoder p(y|x) Decoder

Figure 4.1 Channel coding problem.

Sequential codes Block codes

- Convolutional codes - LDPC, BCH codes
- Turbo codes - Polar codes
- Viterbi, BCJR - Belief propagation
- Iterative decoding decoding

Recovering known New results (S2) Recovering known New results (S4)
results (S1) results (S3)
2.1 Robustness
1.1 Learning BCJR and adaptivity 3.1 Decoding Polar 4.1 Beyond BP
1.2 Learning Turbo 2.2 ViterbiNet 3.2 Learning 4.2 Polar design
2.3 DeepCode Hamming codes

Figure 4.2 Sequential codes and block codes are two classes of linear channel codes. For each
class of linear codes, we show that the deep learning based approach recovers existing
decoders and codes (Sections 4.2 and 4.4) and demonstrate that the learning based approach
achieves strict improvement over the existing results for challenging communication scenarios
(Sections 4.3 and 4.5).

Two aspects where we can benefit from deep learning are in dealing with (a) algorithm
deficiency and (b) model deficiency. Algorithm deficiency refers to the challenge in
designing algorithms when the space of an algorithm is huge – for example, in the
game of Go, where the possible number of moves grows exponentially over time.
Model deficiency refers to the scenario where the underlying dynamics of the problem
are hard to analyze or unknown. For example, it is hard to model the distribution of
the natural image mathematically. Recent advances have demonstrated that we can
leverage both aspects of deep learning.
In this chapter, we introduce several recent breakthroughs on applying deep
learning to solve open problems in coding theory, focusing on the unique challenges
posed and how they are addressed. We consider a simplified channel coding problem,
illustrated in Fig. 4.1, where the channel encoder maps a message (e.g., a random
bit sequence b ∈ [0,1]K ) to a codeword x ∈ Rn . The channel decoder receives
y ∼ P (y|x), where P (y|x) denotes the channel, based on which it then estimates b̂.
The traditional approach to the design of codes involves imposing some structure
on encoders (example: linearity of codes) and decoders (example: iterative decoding),
thus paring down the complexity of space of encoders and decoders. The design of
codes and decoders involves tremendous human effort and creativity. The two broad
classes of linear codes, sequential codes and block codes (as illustrated in Fig. 4.2) are
important as they facilitate computationally efficient decoding. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 79

The deep learning based approach to the design of codes also involves imposing
certain structures on the encoder and the decoder. Unlike in the traditional approach,
however, the imposed structures are parametric functions, the parameters of which can
be learned from data as opposed to being manually derived. Hence, the deep learning
based approach allows for a broader family of structures, so called neural networks,
to be considered. One example is the use of nonlinear codes for the encoders and
decoders, with the challenges lying in both choosing the right neural networks, and
using data to learn the best parameters within the neural network.
In addressing these challenges, several works have successfully enlarged and
strengthened existing codes, including both families of block codes and the sequential
codes, with their corresponding decoders. Within each family, we will first investigate
how deep learning can recover existing algorithms in a data-driven manner. We
will then consider communication scenarios where existing algorithms are far from
optimal, and finally, we will examine the improvement driven by a deep learning
based approach. We will see a variety of canonical contexts in which the enlarged
family strictly improves upon the state of the art. In Sections 4.2 and 4.4, we will show
that the deep learning based approach can recover existing decoders and codes for the
family of sequential codes and block codes, respectively. In Sections 4.3 and 4.5, we
will review new results demonstrating the success of deep learning in enlarging and
improving the encoding and decoding of existing sequential codes and block codes,

4.2 Recovering Sequential Codes

The very first question one can ask is whether we can recover existing decoding algo-
rithms via deep learning. We show that well-known sequential codes, such as convolu-
tional codes and Turbo codes, and their corresponding decoders, such as Bahle-Cocke-
Jelinek-Raviv (BCJR) decoders, can be learned, but only when neural architectures are
carefully chosen and trained with the right training examples. We focus on sequen-
tial codes, such as convolutional codes and Turbo codes, for which there are well-
known decoders for AWGN channels. For convolutional codes, the Viterbi and BCJR
algorithms are optimal in terms of block error rate and bit error rate, respectively. In
Section 4.2.1, we show that we can learn decoders for convolutional codes via deep
learning that match the reliability of optimal decoders. We then study the capability of
deep learning to match the performance of existing codes. In Section 4.2.2, we show
that we can learn a code that achieves the reliability of Turbo codes. We start with an
overview of sequential codes in the following section.

Convolutional Codes and Recurrent Neural Networks

A rate-1/2 recursive systematic convolutional (RSC) code is a canonical example of
sequential codes. As shown in Fig. 4.3, the encoder generates a sequence of binary Published online by Cambridge University Press

80 Hyeji Kim

c1 c2 cK ck1 = bk

s1 s2 … sK bk sk1 sk2

b1 b2 bK
ck2 = bk sk1
(a) (b)

Figure 4.3 (a) A sequential encoder of a convolutional code is a recurrent network.

(b) An example of one cell for a rate-1/2 RSC code.

b x = 2c-1 y b^
Convolutional Viterbi/BCJR
code decoder

Figure 4.4 The family of convolutional codes is a canonical sequential code, with a family of
efficient decoders that is also optimal. We subsequently replace the decoder (Fig. 4.7) and also
the encoder (Figure 4.11) with trained neural networks, while maintaining the sequential
structure for efficient training and decoding.

vector states (s1, . . . ,sK ) ∈ {0,1}2×K and a sequence of coded bits (or a codeword)
(c1, . . . ,cK ) ∈ {0,1}2×K , recursively and causally based on a sequence of message
bits (or information bits), b = (b1, . . . ,bK ) ∈ {0,1}K . At each time k, the dynamic
system is associated with a state represented by a two-dimensional binary vector
sk = (sk1,sk2 ), which is updated based on sk−1 and bk , as sk := (bk ⊕ s(k−1)1 ⊕
s(k−1)2,s(k−1)1 ), with the initial state s1 = (0,0). The corresponding output at time k
is a two-dimensional binary vector ck = (ck1,ck2 ) = (bk ,bk ⊕ sk1 ) ∈ {0,1}2 , where
x ⊕ y = |x − y|.
As illustrated in Fig. 4.4, the coded bits c ∈ {0,1}2K are mapped to transmitted
symbols x = 2c − 1 ∈ {−1,1}2×K via binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation.
Throughout this section, we omit the explicit description of the modulation when we
use the BPSK modulation (as seen in Fig. 4.4). The receiver receives a noisy version of
the transmitted symbols; we let y = (y1, . . . ,yK ) ∈ R2×K denote the received symbols.
For AWGN channels, the received symbols are yki = xki + zki for all k ∈ {1, . . . ,K}
and i ∈ {1,2}, where zki ’s are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d. ) Gaussian
variables with a mean of zero and a variance of σ2 .
Based on received symbols y, a decoder attempts to find the maximum a posteriori
(MAP) estimate of the message bits b, with the goal of minimizing a target error
metric. Two commonly used error metrics in evaluating the reliability of a decoder
are bit error rate (BER) or block error rate (BLER). The BER evaluates the average

fraction of message bits that are incorrect, i.e., K1 K k=1 P(b̂k = bk ). The BLER
evaluates the average fraction of the blocks that are incorrect, i.e., P(b̂ = b). There are
two MAP decoders, each optimized for BER or BLER. Due to the recurrent structure Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 81

of the encoder, the evolution of received symbols can be represented as a hidden

Markov model (HMM); the MAP estimates can be computed efficiently and iteratively
by MAP decoders [1, 2].
The Viterbi algorithm, which is a dynamic programming, finds a MAP estimate
in time linear in the block length K (and exponential in the size of the state, which
is two in the earlier example of rate-1/2 RSC code), with the resulting estimate
b̂ = arg maxb∈{0,1}K P(b|y). The BCJR algorithm, which is a forward-backward
algorithm, finds a MAP estimate in time linear in block length K as well, with
the kth message bit of the resulting estimate being b̂k = arg maxbk P(bk |y), for all
k ∈ {1, . . . ,K}. In both cases, the optimal (ML) decoder is computationally efficient
(linear complexity) and crucially depends on the Markov structure of the encoder.
Both decoders are special cases of a general family of efficient methods to solve
inference problems on HMMs using the principle of dynamic programming.
A natural first step in evaluating whether sequential neural networks are suitable
for new codes is to verify that the optimal decoders, the Viterbi and BCJR algorithms,
can be recovered via neural network training. In Section 4.2.1, we demonstrate that
one can recover the accuracy of the optimal decoders by training a sequential neural
network from samples (the message sequence b and the noisy received sequence y),
without explicitly specifying the underlying probabilistic model. At a high level, this
constructive example shows that highly engineered dynamic programming (Viterbi
algorithm) can be matched by a neural network that only has access to the samples
from a dynamic system (pairs of messages and the noisy received sequences). The
challenge lies in finding both the appropriate neural network architecture and the
training examples that are effective in training the decoder.

Turbo Codes
Turbo codes concatenate codewords generated from two convolutional encoders,
where one of the convolutional encoders take a permuted message bit stream as an
input. Turbo codes are the first practical capacity-approaching codes [3]. The rate-
1/3 Turbo code, which concatenates rate-1/2 RSC codes in parallel, is illustrated in
Fig. 4.5. A rate-1/2 RSC encoder takes b as an input and generates coded bit streams
c1,c2 , where c1 = b ∈ {0,1}K denotes the systematic bits (information bits) and c2
denotes the (remainder of the) coded bits. A rate-1/2 RSC encoder also takes
an interleaved (permuted) bit sequence π(b) ∈ {0,1}K as an input and generates
coded bit streams π(b),c3 . Turbo code selects (c1,c2,c3 ) = (b,c2,c3 ) ∈ {0,1}3×K
as the codeword for the input sequence b ∈ {0,1}K . (Systematic bit stream π(b) is
not included in the codeword as it is redundant.) Due to the interleaver, long-range
correlations exist in the codewords, which contributes to the reliability of Turbo codes.
The coded bit streams are transmitted through a noisy channel via the BPSK mod-
ulation, where xi = 2ci − 1 for i ∈ {1,2,3}. Let y = (y1,y2,y3 ) ∈ R3×K denote the
received vectors. For AWGN channels, the received noisy signal is y = (y1,y2,y3 ) ∈
R3×K , where yi = xi + ni = (2ci − 1) + ni ∈ RK for i ∈ {1,2,3}. Published online by Cambridge University Press

82 Hyeji Kim

0 1 2 3 4 5
b Rate-1/2 RSC
2 4 5 3 0 1

Interleaver (π) Rate-1/2 RSC
0 1 2 3 4 5 c3
(a) (b)

Figure 4.5 (a) Interleaver (π) and de-interleaver (π −1 ). (b) A rate-1/3 Turbo code that
concatenates rate-1/2 RSC codewords in parallel.

y1 C π(y1) C
y1 C π(y1) C
y2 J y3 J
y2 J … y3 J
0 R - π R - π–1 R - π R π–1

Figure 4.6 A Turbo decoder is an alternating recursion of two BCJR algorithms with
interleaver (π) and de-interleaver (π−1 ) in between.

Turbo codes are accompanied with an efficient and reliable decoder, which we call
the Turbo decoder. The Turbo decoder successively refines the posterior distribution
via the BCJR algorithm with interleavers and de-interleavers, as shown in Fig. 4.6.
The Turbo decoder first computes the likelihood L = (L1, . . . ,LK ) for Lk =
log(P(bk = 1|(y1,y2 ))/P(bk = 0|(y1,y2 ))) based on the noisy rate-1/2 RSC codeword
(y1,y2 ) via the BCJR algorithm. The Turbo decoder then estimates P(bk |(π(y1 ),y3,L))
based on the noisy rate-1/2 RSC codeword (π(y1 ),y3 ) with a prior given by L
from the previous execution of a BCJR algorithm. The Turbo decoder continues to
update the likelihood for a predefined number of iterations or until the likelihood
In Section 4.2.1, we show that the reliability of a Turbo decoder for AWGN
channels can be matched by a sequential neural network trained with samples. In
Section 4.2.2, we investigate if one can train a sequential neural network based
encoder together with a sequential neural network based decoder that achieves
the reliability of Turbo codes for AWGN channels. At a high level, we aim to (a)
demonstrate by a constructive example that a code with the reliability of modern
codes can be learned in an end-to-end manner and (b) acquire the know-how to train
both the encoder and decoder jointly. The challenge lies in finding both the right
neural network architecture and the correct training procedures.

4.2.1 Learning the BCJR Algorithm

As a first step toward inventing novel codes via deep learning, we verify the capability
of deep learning in matching the known performance of existing decoders. We fix the
encoder as a convolutional code and recover the performance of the optimal decoder, Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 83


b x= 2c-1 y fW(y) = b^
Convolutional Neural decoder
code fW

Figure 4.7 The first step in designing new codes is to showcase that efficient and reliable
decoders can be trained from samples. This is achieved by replacing the optimal decoder with
a neural network, training the parameters W using training samples, and matching the optimal

Neural decoder
10–2 Viterbi




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Figure 4.8 The neural decoder trained on K = 100 sequences generalizes to match the BCJR
decoder when tested on block length K = 10,000 sequences.

by training a neural network decoder from samples (Fig. 4.7). This is a necessary
precursor to the more challenging tasks of training both encoders and decoders to
obtain a new code in Section 4.2.2 and shown in Fig. 4.11.
The BCJR algorithm is a forward-backward algorithm, and one would claim that
the BCJR algorithm is recovered if a neural decoder trained at a small block length
can be applied to larger block lengths. Figure 4.8 shows that a strong generalization
in block length is achieved by the proposed approach of learning a neural network
decoder (for a rate-1/2 RSC code as shown in Fig. 4.3).
Setup. We first consider a simpler task of training a neural network decoder from
N labeled samples of the form {(y(i),P(bk |y(i) ))}N i=1 for each k ∈ {1, . . . ,Ktr }, and
testing the trained neural decoder on M labeled samples of the form {(y(i),bk )}M i=1 for
each k ∈ {1, . . . ,Ktest }. We let Ktr ≤ Ktest to evaluate the generalization capability.
For training, we fix Ktr = 100. For testing, we vary Ktest from 100 to 10,000. To
generate training samples, we randomly generate codewords and simulate the channel
to obtain y(i) , the input to the neural network, and run the BCJR algorithm to generate
the label P(bk |y(i) ). A more challenging task of training with samples of the form
i=1 , which does not rely on the BCJR output P(bk |y ), is a difficult but
{(y(i),bk )}N (i)

necessary step, and is addressed at the end of this section.

One of the key challenges in learning a dynamic programming is that we want the
end product to be an algorithm. In other words, we require a strong generalization Published online by Cambridge University Press

84 Hyeji Kim


(a) (test) SNR (b) Code Rate

Figure 4.9 Neural decoder performance for the rate 1/2-RSC code in Fig. 4.3. (a) Neural
decoder trained at a mismatched 0 dB SNR improves upon a standard matched training, when
trained and tested with block length K = 100. (b) The region of optimal training SNR is
shown in grey as a function of the rate of the code. It is close to an information theoretic
prediction shown in the dotted line.

beyond the examples shown in the training. It has been shown in [4] that neural
network based solutions such as those in [5] do not generalize, especially over the
size of the problem. This is especially concerning as training over a large dimensional
examples is prohibitibly slow. A key idea to overcome this challenge is to impose
stronger structures on the neural network decoder, such as sequential neural networks,
as demonstrated in [4]. The recurrent structure allows achieving generalization to
larger problems. We utilize this strength of sequential neural networks, on top of
the fact that they match the structure of the encoder (i.e., convolutional codes), as
well as the structure of the optimal decoder (i.e., BCJR decoder), to achieve strong
generalization over the size of the problem (i.e., block length).
Another challenge in learning a dynamic programming is in choosing the right
training examples for efficient training and faster convergence. As we generate
training samples via mathematically well-defined models, we have the freedom to
generate (a possibly infinite number of) training examples. However, selecting the
right training examples is critical in efficient training and allows us to achieve the
optimal reliability as shown in Fig. 4.9(a). We propose a novel scheme for choosing
such training examples by fully utilizing the mathematical description of our problem.
Further, this principle turns out to be crucial for extending applications beyond
communications [4].

Architecture. To achieve strong generalization, we use recurrent neural networks,

specifically, bidirectional gated recurrent units (bi-GRU), as the architecture for
decoding convolutional codes. The detailed architecture is shown in Fig. 4.10. This
is also a natural choice as the encoding process is sequential. It is shown in [6, 7]
that optimal decoders can be represented as a sequential neural network with specific
choices of parameters. We aim to show that the parameters can be learned from data as Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 85

b̂1 b̂K
Layer Output dimension

Dense Dense Dense Input (K, 2)

Sigmoid Sigmoid Sigmoid bi-GRU (K, 400)
Batch Normalization (K, 400)
bi-GRU bi-GRU … bi-GRU bi-GRU (K, 400)
Batch Normalization (K, 400)
Dense (sigmoid) (K, 1)
bi-GRU bi-GRU bi-GRU

y11,y12 yK1,yK2

Figure 4.10 Neural decoder architecture in [8] for the rate 1/2-RSC code in Fig. 4.4.

opposed to being mathematically driven. Let y = ((y11,y12 ), . . . ,(yK1,yK2 )) ∈ R2×K

denote the received symbols (as defined in Section 4.2), and let fW (y) = b̂ ∈ RK
denote the output of the neural network with a parameter W. Given training samples
generated with an oracle access to the optimal BCJR algorithm, we solve for
minimizeW E b̂k − P(bk = 1|y) , (4.1)

where the expectation is over the samples used in training, and the conditional prob-
ability is evaluated using the BCJR algorithm. This is a mean square loss commonly
used for a regression problem.
Results. We show that the trained neural network decoder recovers the reliability
of the optimal decoder at various signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) at various block
lengths K. While the training framework is relatively straightforward, we see that
depending on the choice of training examples, the end result can be very different.
A natural choice, which is to sample the training data and test data from the same
distribution, results in a suboptimal reliability, as shown in Fig. 4.9(a). To be precise,
consider decoding convolutional codes under the AWGN channel with a specific SNR
defined as −10 log10 σ2 , where σ2 is the variance of the Gaussian noise in the channel
(assuming the transmitted sequence x satisfies E[x2 ] = 1). A natural choice would
be to train the decoder on examples generated on the AWGN channel with the target
SNR. However, this fails to achieve the BCJR performance as shown in Fig. 4.9(a).
Surprisingly, there exists an empirically optimal training SNR (0 dB in the rate-1/2
example as shown in Fig. 4.9) that primarily depends on the rate of the code and
does not depend on the testing SNRs. The optimal training SNR increases as the rate
of code increases. We conjecture that this is because as the rate of code increases,
the distance between codewords becomes smaller, and in turn, examples lying at the
decoding boundary are realizations of AWGN channels at a higher SNR.
We propose a rule for choosing such training examples, borrowing from informa-
tion theoretic insight. Intuitively, we aim to select training examples that are just
difficult enough (close to the decision boundaries) that no training time is wasted
(on easy examples) or we avoid misguiding the training (on hard examples such as Published online by Cambridge University Press

86 Hyeji Kim

outliers). The decoding boundary is typically unknown, for example, in the image
classification. However, for the channel decoding, where underlying dynamics are
mathematically well defined, we can analyze the decoding boundary and the distance
from a codeword to its decoding boundary. The average distance from a codeword to
its decision boundary depends on the encoding schemes. Hence, to derive a universal
rule of thumb, we consider the ideal codewords with a Gaussian codebook, with a
maximum distance between neighboring codes. For a given code rate r, this ideal
distance to the boundary can be translated into
SNRtrain = 10 log10 (22r − 1) , (4.2)
and is shown and named the “theoretical limit” in Fig. 4.9(b). This is derived from
the sphere packing bound (and also Shannon capacity of the Gaussian channel). As
practical codes have smaller inter-codeword distances than the ideal code, the SNR
that corresponds to the decoding boundary will be higher than SNRtrain . We also see
that the empirical best choice of training SNR for convolutional codes is slightly
higher (but close to the theoretical prediction), as shown in grey.1 Similar efforts
toward understanding optimal choices of data for training decoders have been taken
in [9], and active learning approaches for training a decoder were explored in [10].
Related work. Building upon the above neural decoder, [8] has shown that one can
learn to decode Turbo codes by replacing the BCJR blocks in the Turbo decoder as
previously shown in Fig. 4.6 using recurrent neural networks. However, this requires
access to the BCJR algorithm. It was then shown in [11] that the access to the BCJR
algorithm is not necessary. They showed that a neural network trained on the data
of the form {(b(i),y(i) )}N
i=1 can recover the reliability of Turbo decoders, without
an oracle access to the BCJR algorithm. It uses a standard cross-entropy loss of
(b̂k ,bk ) = −bk log(b̂k ) − (1 − bk ) log(1 − b̂k ), a standard loss used in training
binary classifiers. In [11], multidimensional vectors are used to encode the posterior
beliefs from one iteration to the next. It is empirically shown that this technique is
critical in achieving the target reliability. The standard Turbo decoder encodes its
posterior belief as a scalar valued log-likelihood and updates it over iterations. Using
multidimensional posterior beliefs allows the neural network to search over a larger
class of functions that can potentially encode more information between iterations
and potentially make the training process easier by the over-parametrization, thus
achieving the performance of a Turbo decoder without the help of BCJR codes.
The learnability of optimal decoding algorithms for various convolutional codes is
explored in [12], especially as the memory length of convolutional codes increases.
The MAP decoders’ complexity scales exponentially in the memory length. Accord-
ingly, training neural network decoders for convolutional codes takes longer and
requires larger neural networks as the memory length increases. The work [12]
systematically compares the capability of various neural networks in achieving Viterbi
performance on convolutional codes and proposes a new training method for learning
Viterbi decoders for convolutional codes with a long memory.
1 The codes from [8] are available at Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 87

“Learn” “Learn”

b x y ^
Neural encoder AWGN Neural decoder
fV fW

Figure 4.11 Learning both the encoder and decoder via deep learning

4.2.2 Learning Turbo Codes (Turbo Autoencoder)

Motivated by the success of learning a decoder, we turn our attention to a harder
task: Can we learn both the encoder and decoder for AWGN channels and recover the
reliability of modern codes without a mathematical analysis? For AWGN channels,
the current codes operate close to the theoretical limit. Hence, our focus is to recover
the reliability of the existing codes rather than to outperform the existing codes. We
will shown in Section 4.3.3 that deep learning based codes outperform existing codes
for channels beyond the point-to-point AWGN channels. To recover the reliability
of modern codes via deep learning, we model both the encoder and the decoder as
sequential neural networks parametrized by V and W, respectively, as illustrated in
Fig. 4.11. We then train both of them using training samples for AWGN channels.
While the setup might look like a simple extension of the decoder learning framework,
learning a code (both the encoder and decoder) is fundamentally different from and
much harder than learning a decoder. We introduce the associated challenges and
techniques to mitigate them in the following.
We investigate if one can learn a sequential neural network based code (a pair
of encoder and decoder) from samples, without explicitly specifying the underlying
probabilistic model, and also recover the accuracy of Turbo codes. At a high level, we
want to prove, by a constructive example, that a code driven by human ingenuity can
be matched by a neural network that only has access to the samples from a dynamic
system (the message sequence b and the noisy received sequence y). Additionally, we
aim to build techniques that are used to strengthen the deep learning based approach
to design codes that outperform the state of the art. The challenge lies in finding the
right architecture and training with the right training examples.
Setup. For concreteness, we consider learning a rate-1/3 code for K = 100 informa-
tion bits. The encoder maps b ∈ {0,1}100 to a codeword x = (x1,x2,x3 ) ∈ R3×100 ,
and the decoder maps y = (y1,y2,y3 ) ∈ R3×100 to b̂ ∈ {0,1}100 . We consider AWGN
channels: yi = xi +zi for i.i.d. Gaussian noise sequence zi for i = 1,2,3. We compare
our results against existing codes, including Turbo codes [3], Polar codes [13], and
LDPC codes [14]. Our proposed approach can be applied to other code rates and
block lengths.
Architecture. Turbo Autoencoder (TurboAE), introduced in [15], is inspired by a
rate-1/3 Turbo code and consists of a channel encoder and a decoder, both modeled
as neural networks. As shown in Fig. 4.12, the encoder of TurboAE combines the Published online by Cambridge University Press

88 Hyeji Kim

Layer Output dimension

CNN1 x1
Input (K,1)
CNN + ReLU (K,100)
b CNN2 Power x2 CNN + ReLU (K,100)
Linear + ELU (K,1)
CNN3 x3

Figure 4.12 The encoder architecture in Turbo Autoencoder in [15] for a rate-1/3 code.

y1 π(y1) Layer Output dim.

y2 CNN y3 CNN Input (K,7)
0 π π–1 …
CNN+ReLU (K,100)
CNN+ReLU (K,100)
CNN+ReLU (K,100)
CNN+ReLU (K,100)
CNN+ReLU (K,100)
y1 π(y1)
Linear+ELU (K,1) for CNNi≤11
y2 CNN y3 CNN
(K,5) CNN12
π π–1 Sigmoid b^

Figure 4.13 The decoder architecture in Turbo Autoecoder for a rate-1/3 code.

interleaver and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). It consists of three trainable

CNN encoding blocks followed by a power normalization layer. Input to the first
two CNN encoding blocks is the original bit sequence, while input to the last CNN
block is an interleaved bit sequence. Each CNN block is a two-layered CNN, with
the filter size of five, as shown in the table in Fig. 4.12. The three CNN block out-
puts are concatenated and passed through a power normalization layer. TurboAE has
two versions of power normalizations. TurboAE-continuous, studied mainly in this
chapter, allows real-valued codewords. TurboAE-binary, on the other hand, binarizes
the codewords. The channel decoder of TurboAE also combines the interleaver and
CNNs, as illustrated in Fig. 4.13.

Training. We introduce three key techniques that result in exploiting the full potential
of the long-range correlations provided by the interleavers in the TurboAE. While the
TurboAE can in principle mimic the Turbo code and its decoder, learning them from
data alone requires a careful training methodology.

1. Alternating the training of the encoder and the decoder. The encoder parameters
V and the decoder parameters W are updated iteratively and asymmetrically.
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is used to train V and W, which solves

minimizeV,W E (bk ,sigmoid(qk )) ,
k=1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 89

where we use a cross-entropy loss  and the expectation is over the samples used
in the training. We observe that updating V and W simultaneously results in a
poor reliability, and alternating the training of V and W prevents converging to a
poor local optimum [16, 17]. By alternating the training, we can also train them in
an asymmetric manner. For example, the decoder W is updated for a larger
number of iterations than the encoder V is (e.g., W is updated with 500 examples,
V with 100 examples). This turns out to also be critical in achieving an improved
2. Different training noise levels for the encoder and decoder. As the updates of
encoder and decoder parameters are separated, we can use different noise levels
for the SGD update of the encoder and the decoder. We train the encoder at the
target SNR and train the decoder at a mixture of SNRs. It has been shown
empirically that it is best to train the decoder at a lower training SNR than the
SNR it will be tested on [8, 17]. (We refer to Section 4.2.1 for the insight on how
to choose the training SNRs for decoder learning only). However, when both the
encoder and decoder are trained from scratch, the encoder is evolving over the
training process, and corresponding decision boundaries between codewords shift
over time (and are arbitrary in the beginning). Hence, [15] trains the decoder at
various SNRs (with a random selection from −1.5 to 2 dB).
3. Large batch size. It is crucial to choose a batch size that is large enough. TurboAE
is trained with a mini-batch size of 500. We observe that a TurboAE trained with a
batch size less than 500 results in a dramatic drop in accuracy.

Result. The BER of the rate-1/3 TurboAE for the block length 100 as a function
of the SNR is shown in Fig. 4.14. The BERs of widely used baseline codes includ-
ing Turbo, Polar, LDPC, and tail-biting convolutional codes (TBCCs), generated via
Vienna 5G simulator [18] are also shown for comparison. We also plot the BER of a
CNN-based encoder-decoder architecture that does not use an interleaver as another
baseline, labeled as CNN-AE. The reliability of CNN-AE is much worse than that of
TurboAE, which shows that simply replacing the encoder and decoder with general-
purpose neural networks does not achieve a high level of accuracy. We conjecture
that this is because learning a code with a long-range memory with general-purpose
neural networks is challenging. Both versions of TurboAE (TurboAE-continuous and
TurboAE-binary) are shown to perform comparable to Turbo codes at a low SNR,
while at a high SNR (over 2 dB with BER < 10−5 ), performance is worse than both
LDPC and Polar codes.
Modern codes that have a long-range memory, such as Turbo codes, achieve
improved reliability as the block length increases. We refer to this as the block length
gain. A long-range memory is necessary for the block length gain; convolutional codes
have a limited memory and do not achieve a block length gain. We test the reliability
of TurboAE as the block length increases as a way to verify if TurboAE exhibits a
long-range memory. The BERs of TurboAE, Turbo code, and CNN-AE versus the
block length are shown in Fig. 4.15(a), where the SNR of the AWGN channel is fixed
at 2 dB. As shown in the figure, TurboAE achieves the block length gain, implying Published online by Cambridge University Press

90 Hyeji Kim


Figure 4.14 TurboAE recovers the reliability of modern codes for moderate block length
(100 information bits, rate-1/3) in low and mid-range of SNRs.


(a) (b)
Block length K SNR

Figure 4.15 (a) The error probability of TurboAE (at SNR 2 dB) decreases as block length K
increases. (b) The interleaver is critical in achieving the reliability of TurboAE.

that it exploits a long-term memory by the embedded interleaver, while well-known

neural architectures (e.g., CNN-AE) do not achieve the block length gain as they tend
to learn a code with a short-range memory. The key difference between the TurboAE
and CNN-AE is that TurboAE includes an interleaver. To further understand the effect
of interleavers, in Fig. 4.15(b), we plot the reliabilities of TurboAE with and without
a random interleaver. The large gap between two BERs empirically demonstrates
that the random interleaver is critical in achieving the reliability comparable to
Turbo codes.

4.3 New Results on Sequential Codes

While optimal (and close-to-optimal) codes and matched decoders are analytically
designed for AWGN channels, on several channels that are not AWGN, reliable and Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 91

“Learn” “Learn”
b ^
b Turbo x y Neural b Turbo x y Neural
AWGN Bursty
code decoder code decoder

“Test” “Test”

b x y ^
b b Turbo x y Neural
Turbo Bursty Neural Bursty
code decoder code decoder

Robustness Adaptivity

Figure 4.16 Trained neural decoders exhibit superior robustness and adaptivity.

efficient codes and decoders are lacking. We demonstrate that deep learning serves
as a promising new tool in designing decoders and codes for those scenarios. In
Section 4.3.1, we show that deep learning based decoders are more robust to mis-
matched or unknown channel models and adapt better to the underlying channel mod-
els than the existing decoders. In Section 4.3.2, we show that deep learning can be
integrated into the existing Viterbi algorithm for learning a decoder that is capable
of tracking time-varying channels without the instantaneous channel knowledge. We
next consider in Section 4.3.3 the AWGN channels with noisy output feedback, whose
study was initiated by Claude E. Shannon. Feedback is known theoretically to improve
reliability of communication, but linear coding methods to incorporate the feedback
have proven inferior compared to nonlinear codes. We demonstrate that nonlinear
deep learning based codes achieve significant improvement in reliability over the
state of the art.

4.3.1 Robust and Adaptive Decoding for Non-AWGN Channels

In practical wireless communications, the channels do not exactly match the mathe-
matical models or are not precisely known at the decoder. We show that deep learning
based decoders are more reliable than traditional decoders for those scenarios. As
illustrated in Figure 4.16, robustness refers to the ability of a decoder trained for
a particular channel (e.g., AWGN) to work well, without retraining, when the test
channel deviates from the training channel. Adaptivity refers to the decoder’s ability
to adapt to various non-AWGN channel models, by training with examples from those
channels. We demonstrate both the robustness and the adaptivity of deep learning
based decoders.
To evaluate the robustness of deep learning based decoders, we take the neural
decoder trained on an AWGN channel for Turbo codes, introduced in Section 4.2.1,
and evaluate its reliability for non-AWN channels. We consider bursty noise channels
that model the kth received output as yk = xk + zk + nk , where xk denotes the
kth transmitted symbol, zk ∼ N (0,σ2 ) denotes the background Gaussian noise, and
nk denotes the bursty noise nk ∼ N (0,σb2 ) with probability ρ and nk = 0 with
probability 1 − ρ. Bursty channel models are widely used to model the interference
or jamming environment. In Figure 4.17, we show the results for bursty channels with Published online by Cambridge University Press

92 Hyeji Kim




10–4 AWGN Neural Decoder

Turbo Decoder
Bursty Neural Decoder
10–5 Erasure Turbo Decoder
Saturating Turbo Decoder
–1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

Figure 4.17 Neural network based decoders for Turbo codes are more robust when tested
on bursty channels and adapt to bursty noise channels to outperform heuristics used
in practice.

σb = 3.5; without any retraining, neural decoders trained on an AWGN channel,

labeled as “AWGN neural decoder” is more robust than the Turbo decoder designed for
AWGN channels, labeled as “Turbo decoder” for bursty channels. Further, investiga-
tions reveal that the BCJR blocks in a Turbo decoder are often wrongly over-confident
about some received symbols, and the wrong beliefs are propagated over the iteration,
which degrades the reliability significantly. On the other hand, neural decoders are
inherently conservative, making them robust against changes in the channel.
To evaluate the adaptivity of deep learning based decoders, we take the neural
decoder trained on an AWGN channel for Turbo codes and further train the decoder
using data generated from non-AWGN channels. In Figure 4.17, we demonstrate
adaptivity results on bursty noise channels. We compare the neural decoder trained
for bursty channels, labeled as “bursty neural decoder” against well-known heuristic
baselines. To mitigate the bursty noise, heuristics are used in practice; the received
symbols with high magnitudes are first thresholded before passing through the Turbo
decoder. Two such heuristics are the “saturating Turbo decoder” (which shrinks large
magnitude signals) and the “erasure Turbo decoder” (which sets large magnitude
signals to zero). The performance of two such heuristics are shown in the figure. The
figure shows that the bursty neural decoder trained on the bursty channel adapts to the
new channel and achieves the highest reliability.

4.3.2 Symbol Detectors for Finite-Memory Channels (ViterbiNet)

As opposed to learning the decoder solely from data, an alternative approach in design-
ing a decoder via deep learning is to start with the existing decoder and then introduce
a neural network that replaces some operations of the existing decoder. Considering
the problem of symbol detection for finite-memory channels without the channel
knowledge, [19] proposes ViterbiNet which maintains the structure of the Viterbi Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 93

algorithm but replaces the component of the Viterbi algorithm that depends on the
channel knowledge with a trainable neural network. We consider channels with mem-
ory of length l:
p(yi |s t ,y i−1,yi+1
) = p(yi |si−l+1
). (4.3)

Setup. We consider the intersymbol interference (ISI) channel modeled as

yi = ρ (h(γ))τ si−τ+1 + zi , (4.4)

where ρ > 0 denotes the SNR of the channel, zi ∼ N (0,1), the length of memory
l = 4, h(γ) ∈ Rl denotes the channel vector representing an exponentially decaying
profile (i.e., (h(γ))τ = e−γ(τ−1) for γ > 0). We also consider a block fading ISI
 vector for the j th block is modeled as (h )τ =
channel, for which the channel (j )
−0.2(τ−1) ˙(0.8 + 0.2 cos 2πj
e pτ ), with p = [59,39,33,21].
Architecture. ViterbiNet maintains the structure of the Viterbi algorithm while
replacing the channel cost computation (ckN N in Algorithm 4.1) with a neural network
that is trained with samples. The cost computation block, as illustrated in Fig. 4.18,
consists of two modules. One is the finite mixture model PDF estimator used to
estimate the marginal probability for the observation p(yi ), and the other is a fully
connected network which approximates p̂(s|yi ), the conditional probability of state
given the observation. These two estimator outputs are combined via Bayes rule
to generate the log-likelihood estimate of the observation yi given states s, which
corresponds to the cost function used in the Viterbi algorithm.
Training. For the time-invariant ISI channel, ViterbiNet without channel state infor-
mation (CSI) is trained with samples generated from various realizations of noisy
channels h(γ). Specifically, each entry of h(γ) is corrupted by i.i.d. zero-mean Gaus-
sian noise with a variance of 0.1. The test result is compared to the Viterbi algorithm

Algorithm 4.1 ViterbiNet [19]

Input: Block of channel outputs yt , where the memory length l < t.
Initialization: path cost c̃0 (s̃) = 0 for each state s̃ ∈ S l .
while k = 1, . . . , t do
For each sate s̃ ∈ S l , compute
c̃k (s̃) = minu∈S l :ul−1 =s̃l (c̃k−1 (u) + ckN N (s̃)).
if k ≥ l then
set ŝk−l+1 := (arg mins̃∈S l c̃k (s̃))1 .
Output: decoded output ŝt , where ŝtt−l+1 := arg mins̃∈S l c̃t (s̃). Published online by Cambridge University Press

94 Hyeji Kim


Finite mixture
Fully model PDF
connected estimator

Figure 4.18 DNN-based cost computation for ViterbiNet in [19].

Symbol error rate


Bit error rate


10–2 ViterbiNet, perfect CSI

ViterbiNet, CSI uncertainty
Viterbi, perfect CSI 10–3 ViterbiNet, online training
ViterbiNet, composite training
Viterbi, CSI uncertainty ViterbiNet, initial training
10–3 SBRNN, perfect CSI Viterbi, full CSI
SBRNN, CSI uncertainty Viterbi, initial CSI
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
(a) SNR [dB] (b) SNR [dB]

Figure 4.19 The accuracy of ViterbiNet without CSI is significantly higher than the accuracy of
Viterbi algorithm without CSI for (a) time-invariant ISI channels and (b) time-varying ISI
channels [19].

without CSI, which computes the log-likelihoods using the noisy channel estimate
under the same corruption model for h(γ).
For the time-varying channel, ViterbiNet is trained both offline and online. Before
the transmission starts, ViterbiNet is trained using 5 000 training samples generated
via initial channel vector h(1) offline. During the transmission of blocks, when a new
block y(j ) arrives, it first estimates the transmitted symbols ŝ. When forward error
correcting codes (e.g., convolutional codes) are used, which is very often the case, as
long as the number of symbol errors is smaller than the minimum distance between
codewords, the encoded message can be still recovered [20]. Hence, the estimated
correct symbol s̃(j ) can be generated by encoding the estimated message, after which
the pair (y(j ),s̃j ) is used to retrain ViterbiNet online if the estimated number of symbol
errors is below a certain threshold.

Results. The accuracy of ViterbiNet for time-invariant and time-varying ISI chan-
nels are shown in Fig. 4.19. In both cases, ViterbiNet without the CSI achieves a
significantly higher accuracy compared to the Viterbi algorithm without the CSI. For
time-invariant scenario in Fig. 4.19(a), ViterbiNet without CSI closely achieves the
accuracy of the optimal Viterbi algorithm with the CSI. The performance of a sliding
bidirectional recurrent neural network (SBRNN) based sequence detector by [21] is Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 95

“Learn” “Learn”

b x y
Neural encoder AWGN Neural decoder
fV fW



Figure 4.20 An end-to-end deep learning based communication system for channels with output
feedback: both the encoder and decoder are modeled as neural networks and the parameters V
and W are trained from samples.

also shown as a reference, which achieves a higher error rate compared to ViterbiNet
when the channel state information is not available. For the time-varying scenario in
Fig. 4.19(b), ViterbiNet trained online based on recent decoding decisions achieves a
significant reliability improvement upon the initial training at a high SNR and closely
achieves the accuracy of the optimal Viterbi algorithm that knows the channel state
information at a high SNR. As a reference, ViterbiNet trained with a mixture of
channel vectors offline (labeled composite trainining) is shown to achieve higher error
rates compared to ViterbiNet at a high SNR.

Related work. In addition to ISI channels, [19] also demonstrates that the Viter-
biNet without CSI is significantly more reliable than the Viterbi algorithm without
CSI for time-invariant and time-varying Poisson channels with a finite memory. The
hybrid approach of integrating deep learning with existing decoding algorithms has
been applied to several other sequential decoding algorithms, such as the BCJR algo-
rithm [22] and iterative Turbo decoders [23], and also to MIMO channels [24, 25].

4.3.3 Designing Codes for Channels with Output Feedback (DeepCode)

The advantages of deep learning based approach for coding is that it can be applied
to learn new codes for channels for which analytically designing reliable codes is
challenging. One such example is the channel with output feedback, proposed by
Shannon [26], shown in Fig. 4.20, where the received symbols are sent back to the
transmitter with some delay. In [26] it is shown that the presence of output feedback
does not improve the capacity. However, accuracy in the finite block length regime
can in theory increase significantly. In the ideal output feedback model (the output
symbol is fed back noiselessly with unit delay), the block error rate decreases doubly
exponentially with block length with feedback (the celebrated result of Schalkwijk
and Kailath [27]). In practice, however, the Schalkwijk and Kailath scheme (S-K
scheme) is sensitive to the finite machine precision and noise in the feedback [27, 28].
It is shown that any linear code, which includes the S-K scheme, that incorporates
noisy output feedback, cannot achieve a positive rate of communication [29]. If the Published online by Cambridge University Press

96 Hyeji Kim


b xi yi b^
Encoder + Decoder

ỹi-1 yi-1

Figure 4.21 An AWGN channel with noisy output feedback

feedback channel is noisy, however small, the communication with noisy feedback is
fundamentally different from the ideal output feedback scenario.
We show that nonlinear codes learned via deep learning significantly outperform
the state of the art on the AWGN channel with noisy output feedback. Sequential
neural networks are used to model the encoder and the decoder since the nature of the
feedback channel is sequential.2
Setup. We consider the channel with output feedback proposed by Shannon. As illus-
trated in Fig. 4.21, both forward channel and feedback channel are modeled as AWGN
channels. At time i, the decoder receives yi = xi + zi , where zi ∼ N (0,σ 2 ), and
transmits yi back to the encoder with a unit-step delay. At time i + 1, the encoder
receives ỹi = yi + wi for wi ∼ N (0,σF2 ), which denotes the feedback noise. An
encoder sequentially maps the information bit sequence b ∈ {0,1}K and the feedback
signal available at time i, ỹ1i−1 = (ỹ1, . . . , ỹi−1 ), to the next transmission symbol xi .
Formally, a rate-K/n encoder consists of mappings fi : (b, ỹ1i−1 ) → xi ∈ R, i ∈
{1, . . . ,n} . Without loss of generality, we constrain the average power of x to one;
that is, (1/n)E[ x 2 ] ≤ 1, where x = (x1, . . . ,xn ). The randomness of x is due to
the randomness of the information bits b and noisy feedback signals (ỹ1, . . . , ỹn ).
A decoder maps the received sequence y = (y1, . . . ,yn ) into an estimated information
bit sequence g : y → b̂ ∈ {0,1}K .
We demonstrate that a trained pair of an encoder and a decoder outperforms the
S-K scheme and the state-of-the-art linear codes in accuracy for the channels with
noisy output feedback. For concreteness, we focus on rate-1/3 codes with K = 50 and
a unit-step delayed feedback.
Architecture. We model both the encoder and the decoder as recurrent neural net-
works, as illustrated in Figs. 4.22 and 4.23, since (a) communication with feedback
is naturally a sequential process, and (b) we can exploit the sequential structure for
efficient decoding. We refer to this framework and the corresponding newly discovered
code as DeepCode.
A rate-1/3 encoder operates in two phases. In the first phase, the encoder generates
an uncoded BPSK transmission sequence of length K in RK , with an appropriate
power control. In the second phase, as shown in Fig. 4.22, the encoder generates a
2 Implementation of [30] is available at, Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 97

x1 x2 xk x1,1,x1,2 x2,1,x2,2 xk,1,xk,2

Layer Output dimension
Power Power Power Power Power Power
Alloc … …
Alloc Alloc Alloc Alloc Alloc
Input (K, 4)
2x-1 2x-1 … 2x-1 RNN RNN … RNN RNN (tanh) (K, 50)
Dense (sigmoid) (K, 2)
b1 b2 bk b1 b2 bk
ỹ1-x1 ỹ2-x2 ỹK-xk Normalization (K, 2)
0 ỹ1,1-x1,1 ỹk-1,1-xk-1,1
0 ỹ1,2-x1,2 ỹk-1,2-xk-1,2

Figure 4.22 The encoder architecture of the rate-1/3 DeepCode in [30].

b^1 ^2
b b^K Layer Output dimension

Dense Dense Dense

Input (K, 3)
Sigmoid Sigmoid Sigmoid bi-GRU (K, 100)
Batch Normalization (K, 100)
bi-GRU bi-GRU bi-GRU bi-GRU (K, 100)
Batch Normalization (K, 100)
bi-GRU bi-GRU bi-GRU
Dense (sigmoid) (K, 1)

y1 y2 yK
y11 y21 yK1
y12 y22 yK2

Figure 4.23 The decoder architecture of the rate-1/3 DeepCode in [30].

coded transmission sequence of length 2K via an RNN followed by a learnable power

allocation block. For j ∈ {1, . . . ,K}, each j th RNN cell updates the hidden state
based on the (a) previous state, (b) input information bit bj , (c) ỹj − xj (the estimated
noise added to the j th transmission in phase 1), and (d) (ỹj −1,1 − xj −1,1, ỹj −1,2 −
xj −1,2 ) (the estimated noise added to the (j − 1)th transmission in phase 2). The
j th RNN cell then maps the updated hidden state to a pair of coded symbols
(xj,1,xj,2 ) ∈ R2 .
The decoder is modeled as gated recurrent units (GRU), which fits naturally with
the sequential codes, as shown in Fig. 4.23. Let y = (y1, . . . ,yK ,y1,1,y1,2, . . . ,yK,1,
yK,2 ) ∈ R3K denote the received sequence (i.e., yj = xj + zj , yj,1 = xj,1 + zj,1 , and
yj,2 = xj,2 + zj,2 , where zj ,zj,1,zj,2 denote the Gaussian noise added in the AWGN
channel for j = 1, . . . ,K). The decoder waits until it receives the complete received
sequence y ∈ R3K and then maps y to b̂ ∈ {0,1}K via two-layered bidirectional GRUs.
The inputs to the kth first-layer GRU cell are three symbols, yk and (yk,1,yk,2 ), which
correspond to the kth symbol of the first phase and the second phase, respectively. The
encoder and the decoder are trained jointly via back propagation through time (on the
entire input message bit sequence) to minimize the binary cross-entropy loss function.
We train DeepCode for both noiseless and noisy settings. We always set the training
SNR to be matched to the test SNR.
Result. We evaluate DeepCode for both noiseless and noisy feedback settings. Block
length K = 50 and code rate-1/3 are assumed in all experiments. In Fig. 4.24(a), Published online by Cambridge University Press

98 Hyeji Kim

100 10–1
S-K (best coding length)
Polar(48) Theoretically best linear (Chance-Love)
10 TBCC(48) Deepcode
BLER Normapx BER 10–2
10–2 S-K
Deepcode 10–3

10–5 10–5

10–6 10–6
–1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
(a) (b)
SNR = −10 log10 σ 2 Feedback SNR

Figure 4.24 (a) DeepCode outperforms the baseline of S-K and all state-of-the art codes (that do
not use feedback) by several orders of magnitude in BLER, on block-length 50, and on
noiseless feedback in BER. (b) DeepCode also outperforms S-K with the empirically best
coding length and the theoretical reliability (assuming an infinite precision) of linear
codes [33] for noisy output feedback channels. Forward SNR is fixed as 0 dB.

we plot the BLER of DeepCode and several baselines for channels with noiseless
feedback (i.e., σF2 = 0) with a finite machine precision. The S-K scheme is imple-
mented on MATLAB with a precision of 64 bits to represent floating-point numbers.
Since the scheme is sensitive to finite numerical precision, numerical errors dominate
the performance of the S-K scheme, as shown in Fig. 4.24. DeepCode outperforms
the S-K scheme by several orders of magnitude in BLER on a wide range of SNR.
Notably, DeepCode significantly improves over all state-of-the-art codes of similar
block lengths and identical rates that do not utilize feedback. In addition, an approx-
imate achievable BLER (labeled Normapx) and a converse to the BLER (labeled
Converse) from [31] and [32] are shown as a reference. The theoretical estimate of
the best code (with no efficient decoding schemes) for channels without feedback lies
between these two.
In Fig. 4.24(b), we show the BER of DeepCode for channels with noisy feedback as
a function of the feedback SNR (− log10 σF2 ). The S-K scheme is shown as a reference.
Unlike in Fig. 4.24(a), we plot the empirically optimized performance of the S-K
scheme over the encoding block length to possibly remove the effect of the precision
issue in evaluating the sensitivity of the S-K scheme to the noise in the feedback. We
also plot the BER of the theoretically expected optimal performance of linear coding
schemes by [33] with infinite precision implementation and optimized encoding block
length. The results in Fig. 4.24(b) demonstrate that the nonlinearity of DeepCode is
playing a crucial role in achieving the improved reliability and that nonlinear codes
can be successfully learned via deep learning.

Interpretation of DeepCode. Can we understand the nonlinear behavior of Deep-

Code (i.e., how coded bits are generated via RNN in Phase 2)? We run systematic
experiments to learn an insight from DeepCode that we have learned. We observe that
in the second phase of DeepCode (a) the encoder focuses on refining information bits Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 99

4 6
3 4
2 2
ck,1 ck,2 –2
–3 –6

–4 –8
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
(a) (b)
nk nk

Figure 4.25 (a) Noise in first phase nk versus first parity bit ck,1 and (b) second parity bit ck,2
under noiseless feedback channel and forward AWGN channel of SNR 0 dB. The x data points
correspond to those samples conditioned on bk = 1, and the o points correspond to those
samples conditioned on bk = 0.

that were corrupted by large noise in the first phase and (b) the coded bit depends on
past as well as current information bits (i.e., coupling in the coding process occurs).
Correcting noise from the previous phase. The main motivation behind the proposed
two-phase encoding scheme is to use the Phase 2 to correct symbols that were highly
corrupted in Phase 1. The encoder at Phase 2, exactly or approximately, knows how
much noise was added in Phase 1, depending on the amount of noise in the feedback.
The encoder can then focus on correcting the symbols with a large and adversarial
noise. Interpreting the parity bits confirms this conjecture as shown in Fig. 4.25. We
show as a scatterplot multiple instances of the pairs of random variables, (nk ,ck,1 )
Fig. 4.25(a) and (nk ,ck,2 ) Fig. 4.25(b), where nk denotes the noise added to the trans-
mission of bk in the first phase. We are plotting 1,000 sample points: 20 samples for
each k and for k ∈ {1, . . . ,50}.
We observe that the encoder first checks if the noise was favorable or adversarial.
If a positive noise is added to a positive transmitted symbol, the noise is counted as
favorable (e.g., nk > 0, ck = 1). If a negative noise is added to a positive transmitted
symbol, the noise is counted as adversarial (e.g., nk < 0, ck = 1). If the noise at the kth
symbol in the first phase is favorable, the encoder does not transmit anything in the
kth transmission in the second phase. Otherwise, the encoder transmits the magnitude
of the noise in Phase 2, so that the decoder can refine the corrupted information bits
sent in Phase 1. This illustrates how the encoder has learned to send rectified linear
unit (ReLU(x) = max{0,x}), functional of the noise nk , to send the noise information
while efficiently using the power. Precisely, the dominant term in the parity bit can
be closely approximated by ck,1 −(2bk − 1) × ReLU(−nk (2bk − 1)), and ck,2
(2bk − 1) × ReLU(−nk (2bk − 1)). By generating coded bits close to zero (i.e., does
not further refine bk ) if nk is favorable and generating coded bits proportional to the
noise nk , the encoder can use the power more efficiently.

Coupling. One of the key questions for DeepCode is whether it jointly encodes infor-
mation bits. To see if DeepCode exploits the memory of RNN and coding information
bits jointly, we measure the correlation between the information bits and the coded Published online by Cambridge University Press

100 Hyeji Kim

bits. We find that E[ck,1 bk ] = −0.42,E[ck,1 bk−1 ] = −0.24,E[ck,1 bk−2 ] = −0.1,

E[ck,1 bk−3 ] = −0.05, and E[ck,2 bk ] = 0.57,E[ck,2 bk−1 ] = −0.11,E[ck,2 bk−2 ] =
−0.05, E[ck,2 bk−3 ] = −0.02 (for the encoder for forward SNR 0 dB and noiseless
feedback). This result implies that the RNN encoder utilizes the memory of length at
least two to three. Since the correlation captures linear associations, having a small
correlation does not necessarily imply a small association. The actual memory length
might be larger than two or three.
Related work. Taking a step further, exploiting the advantage of end-to-end trainabil-
ity, several works have proposed recurrent neural network based joint source channel
coding schemes for point-to-point channels both without feedback [34] and with feed-
back [35].

4.4 Recovering Linear Block Codes

We turn our attention to linear block codes that do not have a sequential nature of
encoding and decoding. The architectures and training methodologies used to recover
and extend linear block codes are different from the ones used to recover and extend
sequential codes. In this section, we demonstrate that neural network based codes and
decoders can recover the existing linear block codes and their optimal decoders. In
Section 4.4.1, we show that the reliability of the optimal (MAP) decoder for Polar
codes can be matched by a feedforward neural network that is trained only on data.
In Section 4.4.2, we show that the reliability of Hamming codes can be matched by
a pair of feedforward neural networks, representing the encoder and decoder, trained
from data.

4.4.1 Learning the MAP Decoder for Polar Codes

A linear block code that maps a K-bit message b to a length-N codeword c is rep-
resented as c = bG, where G denotes a K × N generator matrix. For binary codes,
the generator matrix is G ∈ {0,1}K×N and additions are calculated using modulo 2.
Polar codes are linear codes; the coded bit sequence c = Fu for a N × N polarization
matrix F = [1,0;1,1]×N (the N th Kronecker power), where u ∈ {0,1}N includes K
information bits b and N − K frozen (known) bits.
Setup. Learning a decoder for a rate-1/2 Polar code for K = 16 information bits is
considered in [36]. We demonstrate that feedforward neural networks, trained from
samples, can match the reliability of the optimal (MAP) decoder, which can be effi-
ciently implemented for short block lengths (e.g., K ≤ 32). As the decoder is modeled
as a feedforward neural network that does not exhibit strong structure, one can con-
jecture that training with abundant data is important. We show empirically that the
number of training data required for achieving the MAP reliability scales exponen-
tially as the message length K increases (≈ 2K ). This is different from learning a
recurrent neural network based decoder for sequential codes, which exhibits strong Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 101

Layer Output dim.
b x = 2c-1 y Neural fW(y) = b^
Polar AWGN decoder Input N = 32
Dense (sigmoid) 128
Dense (sigmoid) 64
Dense (sigmoid) 32
Dense (sigmoid) K = 16

Figure 4.26 Neural decoder architecture in [36] for the rate-1/2 Polar code.

recurrent structures and can achieve the generalization toward unseen codewords as
well as longer block lengths.

Architecture. The decoder for Polar codes is modeled as a four-layer fully connected
neural network, as shown in Fig. 4.26, and is trained on a loss of the form Eq. (4.1).
The 2 loss and the cross-entropy loss both achieve similar performances.

Result. In training, each epoch consists of showing the entire codebook of 216 code-
words. After 218 epochs, the neural network decoder approaches the performance of
the optimal MAP decoder for the AWGN channel with SNR in the range of 0–8 dB.
At SNR 8 dB, a BER of 10−5 is achieved for both the MAP decoder and the trained
Neural decoder. It is observed that the optimal training SNR for the rate-1/2 Polar code
is 1 dB. This matches the prediction from Fig. 4.8.
This trained network has no hope of generalizing to larger block lengths, as no
structure of the Polar code is exploited. In fact, it is impossible to train a neural
decoder in this manner for a moderate length Polar code, as the required training
time (and samples) increase exponentially in k as reported in [36]. It is shown that the
performance significantly degrades unless the entire codebook (of size 2K ) is shown
in training.

Related work. An important remaining question is whether a carefully designed neu-

ral network architecture can exploit the structure of Polar codes and achieve gener-
alization in block lengths. There are two popular efficient decoders that exploit the
structure of Polar codes: successive cancellation-based decoding [13] and the belief
propagation (BP) algorithm. The work [37] builds upon the BP algorithm and replaces
the lower-level BP update with a small-length neural network decoder. It is shown
that the performance of the BP decoder is unharmed when the lower level is switched
by a neural decoder, which is separately trained on small block lengths. A similar
approach of replacing lower-level successive cancellation operation by trained neural
networks is proposed in [38], where again the performance of the successive cancella-
tion decoder is retained. The work [39] starts from the BP algorithm and replaces each
BP update function with a six-layer fully connected neural network. As the structure
of Polar code is exploited, the experiments can handle up to rate-1/2 Polar code with
K = 256. This is further made more efficient by replacing the fully connected layers
with recurrent neural networks as seen in [40]. Published online by Cambridge University Press

102 Hyeji Kim

“Learn” “Learn”

Neural Neural
+ decoder

Figure 4.27 End-to-end joint training of the encoder and decoder in [41].

Encoder Layer Output dimension

Decoder Layer Output dimension
Input 2k
Dense (ReLU) 2k Dense (ReLU) 2k
Dense (Linear) n Dense (softmax) 2k
Normalization n

Figure 4.28 Neural encoder and decoder architectures in [41] for the rate-4/7 code in Fig. 4.27.

4.4.2 Learning Hamming Codes

The framework for end-to-end joint training of the encoder and the decoder are intro-
duced in [41], which shows that the jointly trained encoder and decoder can recover
the reliability of Hamming code for a short information block length of K = 4.

Setup. Consider the communication system where the transmitter communicates an

information bit sequence b ∈ {0,1}k via AWGN channels. The encoder maps the
information bit sequence b ∈ {0,1}K to a codeword x ∈ RN . Without loss of general-
ity, a unit power constraint is imposed on the codewords; that is, E(1/N )[ x 2 ] ≤ 1,
where x = (x1, . . . ,xN ). The decoder receives y = x + n, where ni ∼ N (0,σ 2 ) for
i = 1, . . . ,N. The work in [41] aims to learn a code for a fixed size and rate (K = 4
and N = 7) and recover the reliability of a rate-4/7 Hamming code [42] combined
with maximum likelihood decoding.

Architecture. The end-to-end neural network based communication system is illus-

trated in Fig. 4.27. The encoder first maps a message bit sequence b = (b0,b1,b2,b3 )

to a real-valued message m = 3j =0 2j bj ∈ {0, . . . ,15}, which is then mapped to
a one-hot representation 1m ∈ {0,1}16 , where 1m (j ) = 1 if j = m and 1m (j ) = 0
otherwise. The one-hot representation 1m is given as an input to the encoder neural
network, which consists of two consecutive layers of feedforward neural networks
followed by a power normalization layer, as illustrated in Fig. 4.28. The power normal-
ization layer maps an input sequence xin to an output sequence xout = xin / xin 2 so
that xout 2 = 1. Similarly, the decoder is also modeled as two layers of feedforward
neural networks. The last layer has a softmax activation function (i.e., the output p is a
probability distribution over 2k possible messages). Finally, m̂ = arg maxj ∈{0,...,15} pj
and b̂ is a binary representation of m̂. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 103

Let x = fV (1m ) denote the the encoder neural network parameterized by V,

and let p = fW (y) denote the decoder neural network, parameterized by W. The
parameters V and W are found  via stochastic
gradient descent (backpropagation)
that solves minimize V,W E (1m,p) , where the expectation is over samples used
in training, and a canonical cross-entropy loss function for multiclass classification
(1m,p) = − 2j =1 1m (j ) log(p(j )) is used.
Result. The end-to-end joint training of encoder and decoder achieves reliability com-
parable to a rate-4/7 Hamming code with a BPSK modulation with with maximum
likelihood decoding for AWGN channels of a wide range of SNRs (from −4 dB to
8 dB) that corresponds to block error rates 0.5 to 10−5 . Here, the information block
length is K = 4, and [41] notes that generalizing the performance of an end-to-end
trained code to longer block lengths is challenging due to the increasing size of the
model and the required training samples. This demonstrates how structural choices
of the neural architecture are critical in efficient training. Without further structure
(such as recurrent structure of convolutional codes), end-to-end training requires all
codewords to be shown at training and does not generalize to larger block lengths.

4.5 New Results on Linear Block Codes

The efficient BP decoders for linear block codes often achieve reliability far from
optimal (MAP) reliability, even for AWGN channels, and are often highly complex.
Deep learning serves as a promising tool for improving the reliability and efficiency
of decoders for linear block codes, such as BCH, LDPC, and Polar codes. Since learn-
ing a decoder for moderate to long linear block codes solely from data is infeasible
(requires training time exponential to the information block length), focus has been
on integrating deep learning into the existing decoding algorithm. In Section 4.5.1,
we show that the BP can be improved by integrating trainable weights into the BP
algorithm for BCH codes. In Section 4.5.2, we show that deep learning can also serve
as a tool for designing linear block codes (e.g., Polar codes), especially when the
decoder is restricted to a certain form (e.g., belief propagation decoders).

4.5.1 Decoding Linear Block Codes Beyond Belief Propagation

An iterative BP decoder for a linear code is built on the Tanner graph that characterizes
the linear code. The BP algorithm can be represented as a trellis where the nodes in
the hidden layers correspond to edges in the Tanner graph and the messages are passed
over the the trellis. The works [43, 44] introduce learnable weights into the BP decoder
and train those parameters via supervised training using examples of pairs of noisy
codewords and the true message bit sequence.
Setup. Decoders for several high density parity code (HDPC) codes (e.g., BCH(127,
106), BCH(63,36), and BCH(63,45)) are considered, for which the BP decoder and
ML decoder have a large gap in the decoding error probability. Published online by Cambridge University Press

104 Hyeji Kim

Architecture. The work [43] proposes a neural BP decoder that is represented as

⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎞
xi,e=(v,c) = tanh ⎝ ⎝wi, v lv + wi,e,e xi−1,e ⎠⎠ (4.5)
2    e =(v,c ),c =c

for odd i ∈ [1 : 2L],

⎛ ⎞

xi,e=(v,c) = 2tanh−1 ⎝ xi−1,e ⎠ (4.6)
e =(v ,c), v  =v

for even i ∈ [1 : 2L], and

⎛ ⎞

ov = σ ⎝w2L+1, v lv + w2L+1, v,e xwL,e ⎠ , (4.7)
e =(v,c )

where σ(·) denotes a sigmoid function. Variable nodes, check nodes, and the edges
are represented as v,c,e = (v,c). The number of iterations, log-likelihood ratio
(LLR), and output messages are denoted as L, lv and xi,e , respectively. The weights
wi, v ,wi,e,e , and wi, v,e denote the trainable weights. The neural BP has a strong
symmetric structure. It satisfies the message passing symmetry conditions [45], which
implies that the error rate for the all-zero codeword coincides with the error rate for an
arbitrary codeword. As a result, it is sufficient to train the decoder with only all-zero
codewords because generalization across unseen codewords occurs naturally due to
the strong structure in the neural BP decoder.

Training. The learnable weights introduced to the BP decoder are initialized as ones
so that, initially, the neural BP decoder mimics the traditional BP decoder. In learning
the parameters introduced in the BP decoder, [43, 44] uses stochastic gradient descent
via supervised training (with all-zero codewords). The parameters that minimize the
decoding loss (binary cross-entropy loss) is found via stochastic gradient descent. It
is shown that the error rate of the neural BP decoder achieves error rates that are inde-
pendent of the transmitted codeword when communicating over a binary memoryless
symmetric channels; hence, noisy examples of one codeword (an all-zero codeword)
are used for training.

Result. In decoding HDPC codes for AWGN channels of various code (e.g.,
BCH(127,106), BCH(63,36), and BCH(63,45)), [43, 44] shows an improvement
in BER up to 0.75 dB in the high SNR region, when compared to the BP decoders.

Related work. The work [46] shows that a neural min-sum algorithm, which intro-
duces the trainable parameters to a min-sum algorithm instead of a sum-product
algorithm, achieves the reliability of a neural BP with less parameters and reduced
complexity. The work [47] further integrates graph neural networks into the BP
decoding and demonstrates the reliability improvement over the vanilla BP for a large
family of linear block codes (namely, the Polar, BCH, and LDPC codes). Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 105

4.5.2 Designing New Polar Codes

Polar code construction methods tailored to the BP decoder are designed in [48]. BP
decoding is inferior in reliability to successive cancellation decoding, which achieves
reliability close to the maximum likelihood decoding for a sufficiently large list size;
however, it has advantages in complexity and latency. The work in [48] applies deep
learning to design Polar codes that are tailored to work well under BP decoding.
Setup. Polar codes are linear codes. The coded bit sequence x = Fu, for an n × n
polarization matrix F = [1,0;1,1]×n (the nth Kronecker power), where u ∈ {0,1}n
includes k information bits and n − k frozen (known) bits. Let A ∈ {0,1}n denote the
positions where k information bits are located (Ai = 1 if ui denotes an information bit
and Ai = 0 otherwise). A Polar code and its BP decoder are precisely characterized
by A, and the error probability of the Polar code depends on A. A deep learning
methodology to learn A (for a fixed block length and rate) is demonstrated in [48] that
results in a high reliability for BP decoding.
Architecture. Stochastic gradient descent is used to find A that minimizes the
BP decoding error. As SGD cannot be directly applied to a discrete sequence A,
[48] introduces a learnable parameter Asoft ∈ Rn , which denotes Prob(A = 1) =
sigmoid(Asoft (i)), and a binarization layer that maps Asoft to A by letting Ai = 1,
with a probability of sigmoid(Asoft (i)) (via random generation) for i = 1, . . . ,n. The
BP decoder then maps (A,y) to b̂. SGD is used to find Asoft ; backpropagation is
implemented from the output through the predefined BP decoder and the straight-
through-estimator for the binarizer layer.
In implementing the SGD, [48] introduces three loss functions, each of which
quantifies the error performance, how far the code rate is from the target code rate,
and the degree to which Asoft is deterministic. In the beginning, the training is focused
on the error loss, and toward the end, the training is focused more on matching the
rate and then learning a deterministic Asoft .
Result. The performance of the learned Polar code combined with BP decoding is
compared to the 5G Polar code combined with BP decoding for AWGN and Rayleigh
fading channels, where the number of BP iterations are fixed at 5 and 20. The input
block length and code rates are fixed at 128 and 1/2, respectively. The gap is most
noticeable for Rayleigh channels with a small (5) number of iterations. The learned
Polar code outperforms the 5G Polar code (with both under BP decoding) by 0.5 dB
in achieving the BER of 10−2 (at SNR 0.6 dB). In other scenarios, the learned Polar
code outperforms the 5G polar under BP decoding by 0.1–0.2 dB.

4.6 Discussion and Open Problems

The recent advances on channel coding via deep learning demonstrate that deep learn-
ing is a promising tool for designing the decoders and codes that improve upon the
state of the art. From the deep learning perspective, the challenges and opportunities Published online by Cambridge University Press

106 Hyeji Kim

in learning decoders and codes are unique and notably different from the challenges
encountered in other applications, such as computer vision and natural language pro-
cessing. We can generate potentially infinite training samples and often model the
underlying communication channels mathematically; however, the codebook size is
exponentially large, and we desire generalization in block lengths for efficient training.
These challenges need to be handled via the careful design of highly structured neural
architectures; the appropriate choice of training block length and SNR; and finally,
the precise choice of the loss function, the regularizers, and the hyperparameters for
stochastic gradient descent or its variant. Looking forward, there are several remaining
challenges and opportunities in applications of deep learning for channel coding.

Inventing novel codes with a dynamic memory. We showed that a recurrent neural
network based channel code (DeepCode) outperforms the state-of-the-art for channels
with noisy output feedback. Specifically, a vanilla RNN is used to model the encoder
of DeepCode. In deep learning literature, there are important variants of vanilla RNNs,
called GRU and long short-term memory (LSTM), designed to overcome the limited
memory behavior of vanilla RNNs. In terms of representation-capability, GRU and
LSTM can represent a channel coding with dynamically varying memory, and this
variation can be designed to functionally depend on an aspect of the communication
environment. We can make an analogy to switched linear systems, where it is known
that state-dependent switching allows for both long-term dependence of the state and
output on the original input. How to harness this added capability of GRUs in channel
coding (to further enhance the performance of sequential encoding and decoding
schemes) is a promising and open direction for further research.

Channel impairments and computational efficiency. A promising next direction is

to apply the deep learning driven decoders and codes to practical wireless commu-
nications. There are several challenges to overcome. First is to demonstrate a robust
performance of deep learning based algorithms for simulated channel environments
and to verify robustness under channel impairments via over-the-air experiments.
Meta-learning is a viable solution that allows deep learning based algorithms to adapt
quickly to time-varying channel environments. Second is to improve the computa-
tional efficiency. Deep learning based algorithms, especially ones obtained from train-
ing samples, often require more computations than the traditional algorithms. Improv-
ing the computational efficiency and latency of the deep learning based models is
necessary from the practical point of view.

Insights for design of channel codes. Whether one can derive an intuition about the
design of channel codes from deep learning is an interesting open question. For exam-
ple, the first-order behavior of DeepCode can be understood; designing an analytical
code based on this understanding is a challenging but interesting direction of research.
The ability to understand and interpret the behavior of deep learning based algorithms
is also helpful for the practical deployment of deep learning based codes and decoders.

Multiuser communications. Practical coding schemes are lacking for multiuser com-
munications, such as interference and relaycite channels, as the mathematical analysis Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Coding via Machine Learning 107

for these channels is highly challenging. Deep learning can be a highly promising
solution for these scenarios due to its ability to learn from data without the need for
analytical models.

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5 Channel Estimation, Feedback, and
Signal Detection
Hengtao He, Hao Ye, Shi Jin, and Geoffrey Y. Li


AI Artificial intelligence
DL Deep learning
mmWave Millimeter-wave
OFDM Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
CSI Channel state information
MIMO Multiple-input multiple-output
RF Radio-frequency
BS Base station
LDAMP Learnable denoising-based approximate message passing
DnCNN Denoising convolutional neural network
ReLU Rectified linear unit
SE State evolution
MSE Mean-squared error
NMSE Normalized MSE
CS Compressed sensing
THz Terahertz
DFT discrete Fourier transform
LDGEC Learned denoising-based generalized expectation consistent
GEC-SR Generalized expectation consistent signal recovery
SURE Stein’s unbiased risk estimator
IDFT Inverse discrete Fourier transform
CP Cyclic-prefix
LS Least-square
SNR Signal-to-noise ratio
DNN Deep neural network
CNNs Convolutional neural networks
SRCNN Super-resolution CNN
UE User equipment
FDD Frequency-division duplexing
TDD Time-division duplexing
LSTM Long short-term memory
FCN Fully connected network Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 111

DetNet Detection network

OAMP Orthogonal approximate message passing
JCESD Joint channel estimation and signal detection
PAPR Peak-to-average power ratios
ADC Analog-to-digital converter

K The number of subcarriers
Nt The number of transmitting antennas
Nr The number of receiving antennas
H Channel matrix
Ĥ Estimated channel matrix
T The number of layers
NRF The number of radio-frequency chains
P The number of paths
x Transmitted signal vector
y Received signal vector

5.1 Introduction

Future wireless communications need to handle a large amount of wireless data,

recognize and dynamically adapt to complex environments, and satisfy various
requirements, such as high speed and low latency. However, conventional algorithms
and solutions are no longer sufficient, and more advanced technologies are desired.
Intelligent communication, which applies artificial intelligence (AI) techniques
to communications, is promising to meet the aforementioned requirements. In
physical layer communications, transceiver design is an important research topic,
which includes channel estimation, feedback, and signal detection. Therefore, this
chapter focuses on deep learning (DL) based channel estimation, feedback, and
signal detection. We first discuss DL-based channel estimation for millimeter-wave
(mmWave) and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Then,
we briefly investigate DL-based channel state information (CSI) feedback. Next, DL-
based signal detection approaches, including multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
and OFDM detection, are presented. The concluding remarks are provided at the end.

5.2 Channel Estimation

The availability of CSI is critical to achieve potential advantages of future wireless

communications. This section describes how channel estimation is carried out by the
DL technology. The mmWave channel estimation is investigated in Section 5.2.1 for
narrowband and wideband channels. Then, several DL-based OFDM channel estima-
tion networks are briefly discussed in Section 5.2.2. Published online by Cambridge University Press

112 Hengtao He et al.

5.2.1 MmWave/Terahertz Channel Estimation

Almost all mmWave communication systems use massive MIMO to offer high data
rates because of huge bandwidth and large antenna arrays, which is regarded as an
important technique in future wireless communications. However, the high costs
of hardware and power consumption become unaffordable when a dedicated radio-
frequency (RF) chain is used for each antenna. Therefore, the beamspace channel
model and the lens antenna array-based architecture have been proposed to reduce
the number of RF chains. However, channel estimation for this beamspace mmWave
massive MIMO system is extremely challenging, especially when the antenna array
is large and the number of RF chains is limited. Furthermore, the beam squint effect
[1] in wideband terahertz systems makes channel estimation even more challenging.
To solve the problem, this section investigates DL-based mmWave/terahertz channel

Narrowband mmWave Channel Estimation

Figure 5.1 illustrates a three-dimensional (3D) lens-based typical mmWave massive
MIMO system where the base station (BS) is equipped with an M1 × M2 antenna
array. The M1 M2 antennas are connected to NRF RF chains through the NRF ×
M1 M2 selection network. In Fig. 5.1, the selection network is denoted by matrix
W ∈ RNRF ×M1 M2 , with each entry being ±1. That is, fully connected one-bit phase

shifters are used and normalized by dividing M1 M2 .
The beamspace channel matrix can be expressed as

M1 M2  (i)
H= α A(φ(i),θ(i) ), (5.1)
P +1

where H ∈ RM1 ×M2 denotes beamspace channel matrix; P + 1 is the number of paths;
α (i) denotes the gain of the ith path; φ(i) and θ (i) represent the azimuth and elevation
angles of arrival (AoAs) of the incident plane wave, respectively; and A(φ(i),θ(i) )
refers to the antenna array response matrix, which is determined by its geometry.

Figure 5.1 Millimeter-Wave receiver with a lens-based antenna array. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 113

Figure 5.2 The tth layer architecture of the LDAMP network.

The beamspace massive MIMO channel estimation can be regarded as a com-

pressed signal recovery problem. In the uplink training phase, the user sends the
training symbol, s, to the BS and the received signal vector y ∈ RM1 M2 ×1 at the BS
is given by
y = hs + n, (5.2)

where n ∼ N (0,σn2 I) represents an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) vector.

The beamspace channel vector h ∈ RM1 M2 ×1 is obtained by vectorizing H. Given
a selection network W as in Fig. 5.1, the received signal from the RF chain can be
expressed as
r = Wy = Wh + n̄, (5.3)

where n̄ = Wn is the equivalent noise after the selection network at the receiver, which

follows N (0,σn2 I) as each entry in matrix W is normalized by dividing M1 M2 . As
illustrated in Fig. 5.2 from [2], channel estimation can exploit learnable denoising-
based approximate message passing (LDAMP), where the beamspace channel vector,
h, is estimated from the received signal, r, for the given selection network, W, in
Eq. (5.3). The LDAMP neural network consists of L layers connected in cascade way.
In Fig. 5.2, each layer has the same structure and contains denoiser Dσ̂t (·), a diver-
gence estimator divDσ̂t (·). Denoiser Dσ̂t (·) is performed by the advanced denoising
convolutional neural network (DnCNN) and is used to update h. Channel vector is
estimated iteratively by
1 t
zt+1 = r − Wĥt+1 + z divDσ̂t (ĥt + WT zt ), (5.4)
ĥt+1 = Dσ̂t (ĥt + WT zt ). (5.5)

Figure 5.3 illustrates the network architecture of the DnCNN denoiser. It consists
of 20 convolutional layers. The first convolutional layer uses 64 different 3 × 3 × 1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

114 Hengtao He et al.

Noisy Residual
channel noise








Figure 5.3 Network architecture of the DnCNN denoiser.

filters and followed by a rectified linear unit (ReLU). Each of the succeeding 18
convolutional layers uses 64 different 3 × 3 × 64 filters, each followed by batch-
normalization and a ReLU. The final convolutional layer uses one separate 3 × 3 × 64
filters to reconstruct the signal. Furthermore, residual learning technology is also
The LDAMP neural network consists of a series of state evolution (SE) equations
that predict the performance of the network over each layer with a large-system limit
(M1,M2 → ∞). The SE equations are given by
θt+1 (ho,δ,σn2 ) = EDσt (ho + σet ) − ho 22, (5.6)
M1 M2
1 t
(σet )2 =
θ (ho,δ,σn2 ) + σn2, (5.7)
where ho is a deterministic realization of channel h, δ = NRF /M1 M2 represents
the measurement ratio, θ t (ho,δ,σn2 ) is the average mean-squared error (MSE) of the
denoiser output in the lth layer network, and σn2 denotes the noise variance.
Figure 5.4 compares the normalized MSE (NMSE) performance of different chan-
nel estimation methods. From the figure, the LDAMP network outperforms other
compressed sensing (CS) based channel estimation methods.

Wideband Terahertz Channel Estimation

In the last subsection, we considered the narrowband mmWave massive MIMO
systems. However, for wideband terahertz (THz) massive MIMO systems, the physical
propagation delays of electromagnetic waves traveling across the whole array will
become large and comparable to the time-domain sample period. Therefore, different
antenna elements will receive different time-domain symbols. This phenomenon
is known as the spatial-wideband effect [1] and thus makes channel estimation
For an uplink wideband beamspace THz MIMO-OFDM system, the spatial channel
hk ∈ CNr ×1 over subcarrier k is given by

hk = α p e−j 2πτp fk a(φp,k ), (5.8)
p=1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 115







0 5 10 15
SNR (dB)

Figure 5.4 Comparison of NMSE performance between the LDAMP network and other

for k = 1,2, . . . ,K, where P is the number of resolvable paths, αp and τp are the
complex gain and the time delay of the pth path, respectively. Furthermore, a(φp,k )
is the array response vector and φp,k is the spatial direction at subcarrier k defined
as φp,k = fck d sin θp , fk = fc + fKs (k − 1 − K−1 2 ) is the frequency of subcarrier
k with fc and fs representing the carrier frequency and bandwidth, respectively, c is
the speed of light, θp is the physical direction, and d is the antenna spacing. Usually,
d = c/2fc . For a uniform linear lens array in the BS, the array response vector a(φp,k )
is given by,

1 Nr −1 Nr +1 Nr −1
a(φp,k ) = √ [e−j 2πφp,k (− 2 ),e−j 2πφp,k (− 2 ), . . . .e−j 2πφp,k ( 2 ) ]T . (5.9)

Accordingly, the wideband beamspace channel h̃k at subcarrier k can be expressed as

h̃k = FH hk , (5.10)

and F is Nr -element spatial discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix F. The DFT
matrix is given by

F = [a( φ̄1 ),a( φ̄2 ), . . . ,a( φ̄Nr )], (5.11)

where φ̄nr = N1r (n − Nr2+1 ) for nr = 1,2, . . . ,Nr are the spatial directions predefined
by the lens antenna array.
The received signal vector yk,q in qth instant can be expressed as

yk,q = Wq h̃k + nk,q , (5.12) Published online by Cambridge University Press

116 Hengtao He et al.

Figure 5.5 The network structure of LDGEC-based channel estimator.

for k = 1,2, . . . ,K and q = 1,2, . . . ,Q, where nk,q is the Gaussian noise. Thus, the
received signal yk in Q instants is given by

yk = W̄h̃k + nk , (5.13)

where W̄ = [WT1 ,WT2 , . . . ,WTQ ]T , yk = [yTk,1,yTk,2, . . . ,yTk,Q ]T , and nk = [(W1 nk,1 )T,
. . . ,(WQ nk,Q )T ]T . A compact system model can be obtained by stacking yk , hk and
nk into
y = Ah + n, (5.14)

where y = [yT1 ,yT2 , . . . ,yTK ]T , h = [h̃T1 , h̃T2 , . . . , h̃TK ]T , n = [nT1 ,nT2 , . . . ,nTK ]T , and
A = (I ⊗ W̄). We denote the matrix Kronecker product by ⊗.
A model-driven unsupervised DL network for wideband beamspace channel esti-
mation, named learned denoising-based generalized expectation consistent (LDGEC)
based channel estimator, from [3], is shown in Fig. 5.5. The network architecture is
obtained by deep unfolding of the generalized expectation consistent signal recovery
(GEC-SR) algorithm [4].
In Fig. 5.5, the LDGEC network consists of T layers connected in cascade, and
each iteration of the GEC-SR algorithm can be interpreted as a layer of the LDGEC
network, but with different denoisers. Each layer of the LDGEC network has three
modules, where module A computes the posterior mean and variance of z = Ah, mod-
ule B performs denoising from the noisy signal, r1h , by using the advanced DnCNN
denoiser, and module C provides the framework that constrains the estimation problem
into the linear space z = Ah. Modules A, B, and C are executed iteratively as in the
figure. In addition, each module uses the turbo principle as in iterative decoding; that
is, each module passes the extrinsic messages to its next module. The three modules
are executed iteratively until convergence or terminated by a fixed number of layers.
By using the Stein’s unbiased risk estimator (SURE) [5], the LDGEC network can be Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 117



MSE (dB)





0 5 10 15
SNR (dB)

Figure 5.6 MSEs performance comparisons of the LDGEC network with other channel
estimation algorithms.

Figure 5.7 OFDM architecture.

trained without ground truth data. Furthermore, the layer-by-layer training can further
improve the network performance.
Figure 5.6 compares the performance of the LDGEC network with other channel
estimation algorithms. From the figure, the LDGEC-based channel estimator outper-
forms the traditional CS-based algorithms with different training methods.

5.2.2 OFDM Channel Estimation

OFDM has been investigated for a long time and is now a dominant technology for
wireless broadband communications. The OFDM architecture is depicted in Fig. 5.7.
In the OFDM systems, the data blocks are transmitted in parallel on a large num-
ber of orthogonal subcarriers. The channel frequency response of each subcarrier is
estimated for coherent signal detection.
To be specific, we consider a time-varying frequency-selective channel with the
channel impulse response Published online by Cambridge University Press

118 Hengtao He et al.

h(t,τ) = α p (t)δ(τ − τp ), (5.15)

where τp and α p (t) denote the delay and the complex amplitude of pth path, respec-
tively. With channel impulse response, the frequency response of the channel at time
t can be expressed as
H (t,f ) = h(t,τ)e−j 2πf τ = α p (t)e−j 2πf τp . (5.16)
−∞ p

As shown in Fig. 5.7, given the nth data block X[n,k], inverse discrete Fourier
transform (IDFT) is performed to modulate the data in the OFDM transmitter and a
cyclic-prefix (CP) is inserted to convert the linear convolution of a frequency-selective
multipath channel to a circular convolution. Under an ideal condition, where CP is
sufficient and the intercarrier interference can be omitted, the received signal after
DFT can be represented as

Y [n,k] = H [n,k]X[n,k] + W [n,k], (5.17)

where W [n,k] denotes the additive Gaussian noise and H [n,k] is channel frequency
response at the kth subcarrier. The channel frequency response at the kth subcarrier of
the nth block can be expressed as

H [n,k] = H (nTs ,k/Td ) = α p (nTs )e−j 2πkτp /Td (5.18)

where Ts and Td represent the durations of a OFDM symbol with and without CP.
In order to obtain H [n,k], pilots are inserted in both the time and frequency dimen-
sions. Based on the received signal of the pilots, the frequency response on pilot
positions can be estimated. The channel frequency responses at nonpilot positions
value are usually estimated via interpolation or decision feedback [6]. In particular,
two basic estimation algorithms are commonly utilized, namely least-square (LS)
and minimum MSE (MMSE) estimators. If the statistics of the channel response
is unavailable, LS estimation is often applied, where the estimation is obtained by
solving a problem,
ĤLS = arg min ||Y − XH ||2, (5.19)

and the solution is given by ĤLS [n,k] = Y [n,k]/X[n,k].

In general, LS estimation performance is not good enough due to exploiting not
using statistical information. On the other hand, with the statistics of the channel
response, the MMSE estimator, which is designed to minimize E||Ĥ − H ||2 , can
be expressed as
1 −1
ĤMMSE = RH RH + I ĤLS (5.20)

where RH = E(H H H ) is the channel correlation matrix and γ is the signal-to-

noise ratio (SNR). Although the MMSE estimator improves the performance of LS Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 119

Figure 5.8 Examples of pilot placements. (a) Block-type. (b) Comb-type.

significantly with the usage of the second-order statistics, the computational complex-
ity also increases due to a matrix inversion.
The pilots can be inserted in the OFDM blocks with different patterns [7] and the
widely used examples are shown in Fig. 5.8. With the estimated channel on the pilot
positions by LS or MMSE, the channel frequency responses at nonpilot positions are
usually obtained by interpolation, such as using linear or cubic interpolation.

Image Super-Resolution and Channel Estimation

The DL-based channel estimation in OFDM system is mainly motivated by the success
of DL-based image super-resolution restoration. A deep neural network (DNN) can
learn to estimate the whole channel response, which is considered as a high-resolution
image, from the received pilot data, which is regarded as a low-resolution image. The
conventional estimation approach can also be used as a prepossessing step to get a
coarse estimation.
Image super-resolution is a class of techniques used for restoring high-resolution
images from low-resolution ones. In general, image super-resolution is a challenging
and ill-posed problem since a specific low-resolution image may correspond to a set of
possible high-resolution images. DL algorithms have been a standard solution for this
ill-posed problem since it can restore the high-resolution image by learning the statisti-
cal relationship between a low-resolution image and its corresponding high-resolution
counterpart from tremendous training samples. Among these various DL algorithms,
DNN, especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have become the state-of-art
approaches due to the strong capability of learning effective representations in an end-
to-end manner. The DNN based image super-resolution can be expressed as

Iy = F(Ix ;θ), (5.21)

where Ix and Iy denote the low- and high-resolution images, respectively, and F
denotes the DL model with parameters θ. Published online by Cambridge University Press

120 Hengtao He et al.

Figure 5.9 (a) Architecture of ChannelNet [8]. (b) Architecture of residual block [11].

The channel estimation with pilots can be recast as the image super-resolution
problem, where the estimated channel at pilot positions are considered as a low-
resolution image and the true channel time-frequency response is considered as a
high-resolution image. Inspired by the triumph of the CNN-based super-resolution
approaches, the strong expression capability of CNN is leveraged in approximating
the complex mapping between the low-resolution and high-resolution channel images.
Therefore, CNN based channel estimation can be expressed as

Ĥ = F(Ĥp ;θ), (5.22)

where Ĥ represents the high-resolution channel images and Ĥp is the initial estimation
based on pilots as in Eqs. (5.19) or (5.20).

CNN-Based Channel Estimation

ChannelNet, a DL-based OFDM channel estimation approach, has been proposed in
[8]. The channel time-frequency response matrix in the OFDM system is viewed as
a two-dimensional (2D) image. To estimate the channel matrix, H , two CNNs are
designed, where an image super-resolution CNN (SRCNN) [9] is first utilized to
enhance the resolution of the low-resolution input and the DnCNN [10] is followed to
mitigate the noise effects. The structure of ChannelNet is shown in Fig. 5.9(a).
In particular, SRCNN takes initial channel estimation by the LS algorithm at the
pilot locations as input and predicts all unknown values in the channel response matrix.
The low-resolution input is first processed by an interpolation framework to get a
coarse high resolution channel image, which is then improved by a three-layer convo-
lutional network. SRCNN is trained to minimize the MSE between its output Z and
the real channel responses, H , that is Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 121

L1 = ||Z − H ||2 . (5.23)

The output of SRCNN, Z, is then employed as the input of DnCNN, which further
refines the estimation results by denoising. The DnCNN is a residual network with 20
convolutional layers. The structure of a residual block is shown in Fig. 5.9(b), which
uses shortcut connections to the ease vanishing gradient problem in training a very
deep model [11]. During training of DnCNN, the parameters of the SRCNN remain
unchanged, and those of the DnCNN are learned to minimize the MSE between the
output of DnCNN, Ĥ , and the real channel response, H , as

L2 = ||Ĥ − H ||2, (5.24)

where Ĥ is the output of DnCNN. In the experiment, ChannelNet outperforms several

approximated MMSE but the SNR has a notable impact on the performance. Based
on the simulation results, at low SNRs, ChannelNet algorithm has comparable perfor-
mance with ideal MMSE and better than an approximation to linear MMSE. But the
performance degrades if SNR is above 20 dB.

Further Improvement
Despite good performance, ChannelNet has several drawbacks and can be further
improved from the following aspects.

Computational Efficient Channel Estimation CNN

The network size of ChannelNet is huge, where there are 23 convolutional layers in
SRCNN and DnCNN with about 670,000 parameters. A more efficient DL based chan-
nel estimation approach, ReEsNet, has been proposed in [12], where a compact model
with 11 convolutional layers and only 53,000 parameters is employed. Instead of using
two CNNs that are separately trained, ReEsNet only consists one CNN and thus can
be trained in an end-to-end manner. In addition, the interpolation in ChannelNet is
conducted at the beginning of the network, which increases the input size and the
computational complexity significantly. On the contrary, the up-sampling function is
performed at the end of the ReEsNet with the deconvolution layer, which can upscale
the image height and width by different factors and therefore can work with any pilot
pattern. From the experimental results, ReEsNet outperforms ChannelNet by 2–3 dB
in low SNR range and 4–5 dB in high SNR range.

Joint Channel Estimation and Signal Detection:

Instead of estimating channel based on pilots alone, the channel estimation can be
jointly performed with signal detection since the received signal at the receiver carries
the channel information implicitly. We can build a joint channel estimation and sig-
nal detection framework with DL [13], where the transmitted data can be recovered
directly without explicitly estimating the channel. This part will be further discussed
in Section 5.4.2. Published online by Cambridge University Press

122 Hengtao He et al.

5.3 Channel Feedback

MIMO can greatly increase the link capacity and energy efficiency of a communi-
cation system by exploiting a large number of antennas at the BS. However, these
benefits can be achieved only when the BS is with downlink CSI and the accuracy of
available CSI will significantly affect the performance gain [14].
The BS can estimate the uplink CSI via the pilots sent by the user equipment (UE)
easily. However, compared with the uplink CSI, the downlink CSI is difficult to be
obtained at the BS, especially in frequency-division duplexing (FDD) systems. In
time-division duplexing (TDD) systems, the BS can easily infer the downlink CSI
exploiting the reciprocity between the uplink and downlink channels, which does not
exist in FDD systems. Therefore, in FDD systems, the UE has to feed the downlink
CSI back to the BS, which consumes precious bandwidth resource. In massive MIMO,
a huge number of antennas at the BS significantly increase the CSI dimension, making
the feedback overhead unaffordable.
To reduce the feedback overhead, many algorithms have been applied to compress
downlink CSI. One of the most promising technologies is CS, which exploits the
sparsity of massive MIMO CSI in certain domain to compress and reconstruct the
downlink CSI [15, 16]. However, the sparsity is the only prior information used dur-
ing the reconstruction in the CS-based methods, and the reconstruction problem is
underdetermined and often solved by iterative algorithms, thereby consuming much
computational and time resources. As a result, the CS-based feedback is difficult to be
implemented to practical communication systems.
Inspired by the success of DL in image compression [17] and physical layer com-
munication [18, 19], DL-based feedback scheme has been proposed, which provides
a new way for solving the CSI feedback problem in FDD systems.

5.3.1 Massive MIMO-OFDM CSI Feedback

We consider a single-cell FDD massive MIMO-OFDM system over K subcarriers,
where the BS is equipped with Nt 1 transmit antennas and the UE is equipped with
a single receiver antenna. The received signal at the kth subcarrier can be expressed as
yk = hH
k vk sk + nk , (5.25)
where hk ∈ CNt ×1 , sk ∈ C, nk ∈ C denote the channel vector, the transmit data sym-
bol, and the additive noise of the kth subcarrier, respectively. vk ∈ CNt ×1 represents
the precoding vector designed by the BS based on the received CSI. Therefore, the
downlink CSI matrix in the spatial-frequency domain can be expressed as
⎡ ⎤
h11 h12 · · · h1Nt
 H ⎢ ⎢ h21 h22 · · · h2Nt ⎥

H̃ = h1 h2 · · · hK =⎢ . . . . ⎥ , (5.26)
⎣ .. .. .. .. ⎦
hK1 hK2 ··· hKNt K×Nt Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 123

where each column is a frequency domain channel vector and each row is a space
domain channel vector.
Due to limited delay spread of wireless channels, the time delay among multiple
paths is within a limited period. Therefore, the CSI matrix shows sparsity in the delay
domain. Meanwhile, if the number of the transmit antennas is very large, that is,
Nt → ∞, the CSI matrix in the angular domain can be derived from the spatial domain
by performing DFT and also exploit sparsity [20]. Combining the two aspects, we can
convert the CSI matrix in the spatial-frequency domain into the angular-delay domain
by 2D DFT as follows:
H = Fd H̃Fa, (5.27)

where Fd is a K × K DFT matrix and Fa is a Nt × Nt matrix. Then, we retain the

first K
nonzero rows and remove the remaining to get an K
× Nt truncated matrix H.
The number of the real parameters of H is N = 2K
Nt , which will be further reduced
using DL.
By utilizing the sparse characteristics of the channel matrix, the CS algorithms
compress the above N -dimensional vector into M-dimensional measurements to fur-
ther reduce the feedback overhead. However, the traditional CS algorithms rely heav-
ily on the prior assumption and cost much time, which promotes the rapid development
of the DL-based feedback methods.
DL has been first introduced to massive MIMO CSI feedback in [21], where a
novel CSI feedback neural network, namely, CsiNet, is developed. The architecture
of CsiNet is similar to that of the autoencoder [22], which includes an encoder and a
decoder, as shown in Fig. 5.10. The encoder at the UE is used for CSI compression,
which converts the N-dimensional channel matrix into M-dimensional codeword by
utilizing the sparse characteristic of the channel matrix. The process can be mathemat-
ically described as
s = fen (H), (5.28)

where H and s represent the channel matrix and the corresponding codeword, respec-
tively. The compression ratio (CR) is M/N , where M < N. The decoder at the BS is
used for CSI reconstruction, which tries to recover the original channel matrix from
the received codeword. It can be expressed as

Ĥ = fde (s), (5.29)

where Ĥ is the recovered channel.

As in Fig. 5.10, the first layer of the encoder is a convolutional layer, which uses
two 3 × 3 filters to extract CSI features and generates two feature maps. Then, a fully
connected layer with M neurons is used to compress the feature maps into a lower
dimension. The decoder consists of a fully connected layer, two RefineNet units,
and a convolutional layer. The first fully connected layer decomposes the received
codeword into two matrices with the same dimension as the encoder input, which is
served as the initial estimation of the real and imaginary parts of H. The reconstructed
channel matrix is further refined by the two RefineNet units. Each consists of four Published online by Cambridge University Press

124 Hengtao He et al.

Table 5.1. NMSE (dB) performance of CsiNet and CS-based methods.


1/4 −7.59 −14.87 −4.33 −17.36

1/16 −2.72 −2.61 0.26 −8.65
1/32 −1.03 −0.27 24.72 −6.24
1/64 −0.14 0.63 26.22 −5.84

1/4 −5.08 −6.90 −1.33 −8.75

1/16 −1.01 −0.43 0.55 −4.51
1/32 −0.24 0.46 22.66 −2.81
1/64 −0.06 0.76 25.45 −1.93

Figure 5.10 The architecture of CsiNet. The encoder at the UE is used for compressing CSI, and
the decoder at the BS is used for reconstructing CSI.

convolutional layers, which use 3 × 3 filters and generate 2, 8, 16, and 2 feature
maps. The final convolutional layer normalizes the output and generates the final
reconstructed channel matrix.
To generate the dataset, we use the uniform linear array with Nt = 32 antennas at
the BS and K = 1024 subcarriers under the COST 2100 channel model [23]. Two
scenarios are selected as channel environments, which are the indoor picocellular
scenario at the 5.3 GHz band and the outdoor rural scenario at the 300 MHz band.
We utilize NMSE to measure the difference between the recovered channel, Ĥ, and
the original channel, H, which is calculated as follows:

NMSE = E {H − Ĥ22 /H22 }. (5.30)

where  · 2 is the Euclidean norm.

We compare the reconstruction performance of CsiNet with three CS-based meth-
ods, namely, LASSO [24], TVAL3 [25], and BM3D-AMP [26]. The corresponding
NMSE of all the methods mentioned is shown in Table 5.1, where the best results
are presented in bold font. CsiNet outperforms all the CS-based methods at different
CRs for both scenarios. Since the data-driven model can be trained in the end-to-end
manner, CsiNet can learn how to effectively utilize the channel structure characteris-
tics from the training data, which is independent of the prior knowledge of channel Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 125

distribution. Meanwhile, the DL-based method is several orders of magnitude faster

than the CS-based algorithm. Even at the low CR where the traditional CS-based
methods fails, CsiNet still has a good reconstruction performance, which suggests
that CsiNet is a noval channel feedback mechanism with a great potential.

5.3.2 Time-Varying Channel Feedback

Inspired by the real-time architecture for high rate video compression [27], we can
address channel feedback for time-varying channels by setting the Ts adjacent channel
matrices in the angular-delay domain within the coherent time as a channel group.
Since the correlation between the channel matrices is similar to the interframe corre-
lation in video signals, the CsiNet architecture has been extended with long short-term
memory (LSTM) in [28] to improve the recovery quality of the network. The architec-
ture of CsiNet-LSTM is shown in Fig. 5.11, whose encoder and decoder modules are
same as CsiNet. Two CRs are used when extracting the features in the angular-delay
domain. The first encoder is with a high CR, thus retaining enough structural infor-
mation of the first channel matrix for the subsequent high-resolution recovery. Due
to the correlation within the channel group, the remaining channels contain less extra
information, so they can be compressed with a low CR. Before reconstruction, the
first high-CR codeword is concatenated to the front of all low-CR codewords to make
full use of channel correlation information for decoding. The outputs of the decoders
form a sequence of length Ts and then are sent into a three-layer LSTM, which can
implicitly learn the time correlation through the input at the previous moment and
then merge with the input at the current moment to improve the reconstruction quality
at a low CR.

Figure 5.11 The architecture of CsiNet-LSTM. The encoder and decoder modules are the same
as CsiNet. The outputs of the decoders are fed into LSTMs to extract time correlation. Published online by Cambridge University Press

126 Hengtao He et al.

Table 5.2. NMSE (dB) performance and runtime(s) of CsiNet-LSTM.

BM3D- CsiNet-

1/16 −2.96 −3.20 0.25 −10.59 −23.06

NMSE 1/32 −1.18 −0.64 20.85 −7.35 −22.23
1/64 −0.18 0.60 26.66 −6.09 −21.24
1/16 0.2471 0.3148 0.3454 0.0001 0.0003
runtime 1/32 0.2137 0.3148 0.5556 0.0001 0.0003
1/64 0.2479 0.2860 0.6047 0.0001 0.0003

1/16 −1.09 −0.53 0.40 −3.60 −9.86

NMSE 1/32 −0.27 0.42 18.99 −2.14 −9.18
1/64 −0.06 0.74 24.42 −1.65 −8.83
1/16 0.2122 0.3145 0.4210 0.0001 0.0003
runtime 1/32 0.2409 0.2985 0.6031 0.0001 0.0003
1/64 0.2166 0.2850 0.5980 0.0001 0.0003

We generate training samples using Nt = 32 antennas at the BS and K = 256

subcarriers under the COST 2100 channel model. Some parameters of the training
network are initialized by loading from CsiNet in advance. The reconstruction
performance and runtime of CsiNet-LSTM, three CS-based methods and CsiNet
have been tested with different CRs. The comparison results are summarized in
Table 5.2, and the best ones are shown in bold font. The NMSE of CsiNet-LSTM
is lower than that of the CS-based methods and CsiNet, indicating that it has higher
reconstruction accuracy. Moreover, with the reduction of CR, the NMSE performance
of CsiNet-LSTM does not decline significantly, thus solving the problem of poor
reconstruction quality of CsiNet at a low CR. Due to the introduction of LSTM, the
running time of CsiNet-LSTM is slightly longer than that of CsiNet, but it is still
several orders of magnitude faster than the CS-based methods.
LSTM on the basis of CsiNet has also been introduced in [29], where a new
architecture, namely, RecCsiNet, has been proposed as in Fig. 5.12. By comparison,
RecCsiNet focuses on optimizing feature compression and decompression modules,
whereas CsiNet-LSTM focuses on optimizing channel recovery modules. The encoder
of RecCsiNet includes two modules for feature extraction and feature compression,
respectively, and the decoder includes two modules for feature decompression and
channel recovery, respectively. The feature extraction and channel recovery modules
are the same as those of CsiNet, whereas the LSTM network is added to feature
compression and decompression modules to extract and exploit the time correlation.
The input of the feature compression module is divided into two parallel streams,
namely LSTM network and fully connected network (FCN). LSTM extracts the
time correlation of time-varying channels, and FCN serves as a jump connection
to accelerate convergence and reduce vanishing gradient problem. Accordingly,
the decompression module also includes a LSTM network and a linear FCN, Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 127

Figure 5.12 The architecture of RecCsiNet. The input of the feature compression module is
divided into two parallel streams, and LSTM is used for extract time correlation.

and the input and output sizes of the compression and decompression modules
are symmetric. Similar to the residual network, the LSTM network can learn the
residual characteristics with the connection of the linear FCN, making the network
more robust. To reduce the training parameters, the structure of RecCsiNet has been
changed in [29], where a variant network, called PR-RecCsiNet, has been proposed.
In PR-RecCsiNet, FCN and LSTM are connected in serial rather than in parallel.
The compression and decompression modules in PR-RecCsiNet are illustrated in
Fig. 5.13. FCN reduces the input dimension of LSTM and the training parameters of
the whole network.
Table 5.3 and Fig. 5.14 compare the parameter complexity and reconstruction per-
formance of RecCsiNet with other architectures. From Fig. 5.14, RecCsiNet obviously
outperforms CsiNet, indicating that the optimized compression and decompression
modules can improve the reconstruction accuracy by utilizing the time correlation of
CSI. Combined with Table 5.3, the parameter size of CsiNet-LSTM is almost five
times that of RecCsiNet, and the parameter complexity of PR-RecCsiNet is signifi-
cantly reduced although the performance of CsiNet-LSTM is better than RecCsiNet
at some CRs. Published online by Cambridge University Press

128 Hengtao He et al.

Table 5.3. Number of the parameters.

CR 1/16 1/32 1/64

CsiNet 530,656 268,448 137,344

CsiNet-LSTM 102,009,892 101,354,404 101,026,660
RecCsiNet 19,478,584 18,118,392 17,450,584
PR-RecCsiNet 793,144 333,816 153,304

Figure 5.13 The compression and decompression modules in PR-RecCsiNet.




1/64 1/32 1/16 1/8 1/4

Figure 5.14 The NMSE performance of different methods in the indoor scenario. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 129

5.3.3 Other Feedback Methods

In addition to the methods introduced in Sections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2, there are many other
feedback methods. Here, we discuss a couple of examples.

Channel Reciprocity-Based Feedback

In TDD MIMO systems, the BS can take advantage of strong channel reciprocity to
obtain the downlink CSI while the FDD systems need the UE to feedback the downlink
CSI to the BS because the channel reciprocity is not obvious. The correlation between
uplink and downlink CSI in FDD systems has been investigated in [30]. It has been
found that there still exists some hiding reciprocity even if there is no direct reciprocity
between uplink and downlink instantaneously CSI. Therefore, an architecture, namely,
DualNet-MAG or DualNet-ABS, has been developed in [30] to use the uplink CSI to
improve the reconstruction accuracy of the downlink CSI.
From [30], the distribution of correlation coefficient between uplink CSI and down-
link CSI in FDD systems is at different confidence intervals, which is obviously
unstable. However, if transforming the CSI in the delay domain into polar coordinates,
the CSI magnitudes in uplink and downlink show a strong correlation while there is no
obvious correlation between phases. Similarly, by separating the signs of the real and
imaginary parts of CSI, the absolute values of CSI have a strong correlation between
the uplink and downlink while the signs exhibit little correlation.
Therefore, when the downlink CSI is compressed by the UE, more resources can
be used to feed back the phases while the magnitudes or absolute values can be highly
compressed to reduce the feedback overhead. Accordingly, when the BS receives
the magnitudes or absolute values of downlink CSI, it can combine the feedback
magnitudes or absolute values of downlink CSI with the self-estimated uplink CSI
magnitudes or absolute values to make full use of their correlation to improve the
recovery accuracy of downlink CSI.
Figure 5.15 shows the general architecture of DualNet-MAG, which separates the
magnitudes and phases of CSI. We test CsiNet, DualNet-MAG, and DualNet-ABS at
different CRs. The simulation results show that the two methods using the correlation
between the uplink and downlink CSI have better reconstruction performance than
the CsiNet in both COST 2100 scenarios. In addition, under most test conditions,
DualNet-MAG outperforms DualNet-ABS, which also reflects that the correlation of
magnitudes between uplink and downlink CSI is stronger than that of absolute values.

Bit-Level Channel Feedback

The output of the encoder needs to be converted into bitstream for feedback in many
practical applications. However, in the previous studies, the UE is assumed to directly
send the floating-point compression code back to the BS, which ignores quantization
errors in the actual wireless communication systems.
Quantization errors usually have a great impact on the reconstruction accuracy
of the network. Therefore, in [31], the structure of CsiNet is optimized, and a new
architecture, CsiNet+, as shown in Fig. 5.16, is robust to quantization errors, where Published online by Cambridge University Press

130 Hengtao He et al.

Figure 5.15 The architecture of DualNet-MAG. The magnitudes and phases of downlink CSI
are separately compressed, and the magnitudes were reconstructed with the help of uplink CSI.

Figure 5.16 The architecture of bit-level CsiNet+. The output of the encoder is quantized with
finite bits, further reducing the feedback overhead.

quantization module and dequantization module are added to the existing CSI feed-
back architecture to realize bitstream transformation. When the channel matrix is
compressed by the encoder into a codeword at the UE, it is quantized with finite bits
and then it is encoded by entropy into bitstream for feedback. Since entropy encoding
is lossless, this step can be ignored. The processing at the UE can be expressed as

sq = Q(fen (H)), (5.31)

where fen (·) represents the compression process and Q(·) denotes the quantization
process. To make full use of the distribution of the CSI amplitudes, a μ-law
nonuniform quantizer is adopted in [31]. Specifically, the compressed codeword,
s = fen (H), is first passed through a companding function (·), which is nonde- Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 131

creasing and smooth, and then quantized using a uniform quantizer and passed
through an expander function −1 (·) to generate the final quantized codeword sq . The
companding function (·) in the μ-law nonuniform quantizer can be described as
ln(1 + μ|s|)
(s) = ± , (5.32)
where s ∈ [−1,1] is the output of the encoder and μ is a constant that determines the
companding amplitude. The parameter μ can be adjusted according to the distribution
of the CSI amplitudes.
The BS then dequantizes, decodes, and decompresses the quantized codeword to
reconstruct CSI, which can be expressed as

Ĥ = fde (D(sq )), (5.33)

where D(·) and fde (·) denotes the dequantization and decompression process,
Since quantization is taken into account during the training of this architecture, the
trained network is robust to quantization errors. As the quantization bits increase, the
reconstruction becomes increasingly accurate, as shown in Table 5.4. The experimen-
tal results show that the reconstruction performance of this architecture is equivalent
to that of the architecture without quantization when the quantization bits are six, but
the corresponding overhead of feedback is greatly reduced.
The DL-based CSI feedback schemes have made up the shortcomings of the tradi-
tional feedback methods, which not only significantly reduce the feedback overhead,
but also ensure reconstruction accuracy and thus have a broad application prospect
in future mobile communication systems. However, the application of DL technology
to CSI feedback is still in the early stage of exploration, and many problems and
challenges remain to be further investigated. Here are some initial research results in
the topic.

Table 5.4. NMSE (dB) performance of bit-level CsiNet+.

CR 4 16

Quantization bits 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6
CsiNet+ −27.37 −14.14
bit-level CsiNet+ −18.55 −22.00 −24.95 −12.45 −12.56 −13.64 −14.04 −7.82

CR 4 16

Quantization bits 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6
CsiNet+ −12.40 −5.73
bit-level CsiNet+ −9.45 −11.17 −11.96 −12.28 −4.65 −5.33 −5.59 −5.68 Published online by Cambridge University Press

132 Hengtao He et al.

1. Model-driven feedback: The existing DL-based feedback architecture all are

based on an autoencoder, in which the traditional algorithms are completely replaced
by standard neural networks. The networks autonomously learn the channel structure
characteristics in a data-driven way, which can be regarded as a black box and is
unable to explain and hard to control even if achieving an excellent performance.
To solve these problems, a model-driven feedback scheme, combined with the tra-
ditional algorithms, has been developed. The CSI compression and reconstruction
process is addressed in the same way as in sparse signal processing [32]. A sparse
antoencoder is employed to learn the sparse transformation and inverse transforma-
tion. By unfolding the Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm and mapping the
algorithm into a network to reconstruct CSI, a model-driven CSI feedback architec-
ture is proposed. Joint optimization of the sensing matrix, sparse transformation, and
reconstruction algorithm makes its performance better than the traditional CS-based
methods and the existing DL-based methods.
2. Multiple-rate compression: The sparsity characteristics of CSI are different in
various channel environments while the network with a fixed CR cannot adapt well to
the change of characteristic granularity. As a direct way to adjust the CR according to
the environments, the UE needs to store several network architectures and correspond-
ing parameters, which is obviously not desirable for the UE with limited storage space.
Therefore, it is of great practical significance to design and implement a CSI feedback
architecture with multirate compression but with a reasonable number of parameters.
Two different multiple-rate compression frameworks, namely, SM-CsiNet+ and PM-
CsiNet+, have been proposed in [31]. If CSI compression is performed by the fully
connection layer, it will take up 99.9 percent of the total parameters. By recompressing
the compressed codeword with a high CR to generate one with a low CR, the input
dimension of the fully connected layer for the low CR is reduced, thereby reducing the
number of parameters. SM-CsiNet+, which compresses CSI matrix from a high CR
to a low CR in serial, decreases the parameter number by approximately 38.0 percent,
compared to saving the frameworks with four CRs separately. The other framework,
PM-CsiNet+, first compresses CSI matrix by fourfold and then the compressed code-
words with low CRs are selected from the four-fold compressed codeword. In this
case, only a fully connected layer used for four-fold compression needs to be stored in
the framework, which decreases the parameter number by approximately 46.7 percent.
3. Lightweight structure: The existing DL-based CSI feedback schemes have rel-
atively a large number of network parameters, which are not conducive to actual
deployment. According to the research on compression and acceleration of neural
networks in [33], a lighter network can be designed to reduce the network parameters.
Since the convolutional layers of ConvCsiNet in [34] have the highest proportion of
the parameter number, a lightweight structure, called ShuffleCsiNet, has been pro-
posed, which replaces the convolutional layers and the average pooling in ConvCsiNet
with three shuffle network units and a mean pooling. A depthwise separable convolu-
tional structure, composed of a depthwise convolutional layer with a 3 × 3 filter and
a convolutional layer with a 1 × 1 filter, is used in the shuffle network unit, which
can ensure the performance of network compared with the traditional convolution Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 133

structure, but the corresponding parameters are considerably reduced. The simulation
results show that the parameter number and the complexity of ShuffleCsiNet are much
lower than those of ConvCsiNet at the cost of a small NMSE performance loss.
The lightweight network promotes the actual deployment of DL-based CSI feedback
in the future.

5.4 Signal Detection

Signal detection determines the performance of wireless communications directly. An

efficient signal detection algorithm should also balance performance and complexity.
This section discusses DL-based signal detection algorithms for MIMO and OFDM

5.4.1 MIMO Detection

MIMO is the mainstream technology in 4G cellular networks owing to its ability
to increase spectral efficiency and link reliability. For a conventional uplink MIMO
system, the receiver signal vector, y, is given by

y = Hx + n, (5.34)

where H ∈ CNr ×Nt is the channel matrix, x is a random transmit signal vector with
each element from some finite constellation A (e.g., QPSK or QAM), n is the noise
vector with elements being independent, zero mean Gaussian variables of variance σ2 .
MIMO detection is to estimate the transmit signal vector x from the received signal
vector, y, where channel matrix H is usually assumed to be known or can be obtained
by channel estimation.

MIMO Detection with Perfect CSI

Recently, many DL-based MIMO detectors have been developed under the assumption
that channel H and noise variance σ2 are perfectly known to the receiver. First, a
model-driven DL approach, called detection network (DetNet), has been designed
in [35] by applying a projected gradient descent method for maximum likelihood
detection in a neural network. DetNet recovers the transmitted signal by treating
received signal y and perfect CSI H as inputs. This approach outperforms the tra-
ditional iterative detection and is comparable with the K-best sphere decoder [35].
The robustness of DetNet to some complex channels, such as the deterministic ill-
conditioned channel and the varying channel model with a known distribution, is
also demonstrated. DetNet achieves the performance equal to or better than those
of the AMP [36] and semi-definite relaxation algorithms [37]. DetNet has 1 ∼ 10
million trainable parameters. The parameters of DL-based MIMO detection can be
significantly reduced if some domain knowledge is embeded. Published online by Cambridge University Press

134 Hengtao He et al.

1th  tth  Tth

layer layer layer



Figure 5.17 The network structure of OAMP detector.

To further reduce the number of the trainable parameters and incorporate more
domain knowledge, a model-driven DL network, called orthogonal approximate mes-
sage passing net (OAMP-Net), has been developed in [38] for MIMO detection. As in
Fig. 5.17, it is obtained by unfolding the iterative OAMP detector. For the tth layer of
the OAMP-Net, the input is the estimated signal x̂t from the (t − 1)th layer and the
received signal, y, and signal detection is performed as follows:

rt = x̂t + γt Wt (y − Hx̂t ), (5.35)

x̂t+1 = E {x|rt ,τt } , (5.36)

y − Hx̂t 22 − Nr σ2
vt2 = , (5.37)
tr(HT H)

1 θ2 σ2
τt2 = tr(Ct CTt )vt2 + t tr(Wt WTt ), (5.38)
2Nt 4Nt
where Wt = Ŵt , and Ŵt is the linear MMSE matrix as follows:
tr(Ŵt H)
Ŵt = vt2 HT vt2 HHT + I . (5.39)
Furthermore, matrix Bt in the OAMP-Net is given by Ct = I − Wt H. Compared
with the OAMP algorithm, OAMP-Net introduces only a few trainable parameters to
incorporate the side information from the data. The number of trainable variables is
independent of the number of antennas and is only determined by the number of layers,
thereby giving OAMP-Net an advantage in addressing large-scale MIMO. With only
few trainable variables, the stability and speed of convergence can be significantly
improved in the training process. The network can also handle a time-varying channel
with only a single training and improve the performance of the OAMP detector in
Rayleigh and correlated MIMO channels.
By considering practical 3GPP 3D MIMO channels, a DL-based MIMO detector,
named MMNet, has been developed with an unfolded NN based on the AMP algo-
rithm and adding a large number of trainable parameters to track different channel Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 135

realizations. The neural network models are different for i.i.d. Gaussian channels and
practical MIMO channels. In the i.i.d. Gaussian case, the MMNet-iid is performed
zt = x̂t + θt HH (y − Hx̂t )
x̂t+1 = ηt zt ;σt2 .
where the equivalent variance is given by
I − At H2F   At 2F 2
σt =
y − Hx̂t 2 − Nr σ
2 2
+ σ . (5.41)
Nt H2F + H2F

The principle behind this is that the noise at the input of the denoiser is comprised
of two parts: (a) the residual error caused by distortion of xt from the true value of
x and (b) the contribution of the channel noise n. The first component is amplified
by the linear transformation (I − At H) and the second component is amplified by At .
(1) (2)
This model has only two parameters per layer: θt and θt . In this example, for the
i.i.d. Gaussian channel matrix, a simple model that adds a small number of trainable
variables to the existing algorithms like AMP can perform very well.
The MMNet neural network for an arbitrary channel matrix is as follows:
zt = xt + t (y − Hxt )
xt+1 = ηt zt ;σ 2t
where t is an Nt × Nr complex-valued trainable matrix. To handle different levels
of noise, we add an extra degree of freedom to the estimation of noise per transmitter,
which is given by
I − At H2F   At 2F 2
σt =
y − Hxt 2 − Nr σ
2 2
+ σ (5.43)
Nt H2F + H2F
where Nt × 1 parameter vector θt scales the noise variance by different amounts
for each symbol. This approach distinguishes MMNet from both the OAMP-Net and
DetNet. In particular, MMNet uses a flexible linear transformation to construct inter-
mediate signal zt , but it applies the standard optimal denoiser for Gaussian noise.
Furthermore, MMNet requires no matrix inverse operation, and therefore has lower
The MMNet significantly outperforms existing DL-based detectors on realistic
channels. Furthermore, a trained model for one channel realization can serve as a
strong initialization for training adjacent channel realizations to accelerate online
training in MIMO-OFDM systems because of the temporal and frequency correlation
in practical MIMO channels. By leveraging the emerging idea of hypernetworks,
a HyperMIMO detector has been proposed for MIMO detection. It consists of a
secondary NN, referred to as the hypernetwork, that generates an optimized set of
weights for an NN-based detector. Combined with the MMNet detector from [39],
HyperMIMO replaces the training procedure that would be required for each channel Published online by Cambridge University Press

136 Hengtao He et al.

Figure 5.18 The diagram of the turbo-like JCESD architecture. The channel estimator and
signal detector exchange information iteratively until convergence.

realization by a single inference of the hypernetwork. The HyperMIMO achieves

a performance close to that of MMNet trained for each channel realization and
outperforms the recently proposed OAMP-Net. Furthermore, the HyperMIMO is
robust to user mobility up to a certain point, which is encouraging for practical use.

Joint Channel Estimation and Signal Detection

In practical systems, channel estimation error always exists and cannot be ignored.
Therefore, investigating DL-based MIMO detection with imperfect CSI is very
meaningful. In [40], an OAMPNet2-based joint channel estimation and signal
detection architecture has been developed, where the DL-based detection considers the
characteristics of channel estimation error and channel statistics. Furthermore, a data-
aided channel estimation method is utilized to further improve channel estimation
performance. A turbo-like joint channel estimation and signal detection (JCESD)
architecture for MIMO systems is demonstrated in Fig. 5.18, which shares the same
spirit as iterative decoding. In JCESD, channel estimator and signal detector exchange
information iteratively until convergence. In the first iteration, channel estimation is
only based on pilots. In the subsequent iterations, data-aided channel estimation is
As in Fig. 5.18, the input of the JCESD architecture is the pilot signal matrix, Xp ,
received signal matrix corresponding to the pilot matrix, Yp , received signal matrix
corresponding to the transmit data, Yd , in each time slot. In the figure, Ĥ(l) and X̂d
are the estimated channel matrix and data matrix in the lth iteration, respectively. V̂est
and V̂det are used to compute the covariance matrix for equivalent noise in signal
detector and channel estimator, respectively. The final output of the signal detector is
the detected data matrix at the lth iteration, X̂d , where L is the total number of turbo
Compared with the conventional receiver design where the channel estimator and
signal detector work separately, this architecture can improve the performance of the
receiver by jointly considering the characteristics of channel estimation error and
channel statistics.

Joint Signal Detection and Channel Decoding

If the MIMO technique is used with channel coding, as in almost all communication
systems, a significant issue is how the MIMO detector exploits the soft information Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 137

from the decoder and produces the soft-output. In [41], a joint signal detection and
decoding framework has been investigated, where signal detection is realized by
representing the expectation propagation algorithm as multilayer deep feed-forward
networks. The joint channel estimation, signal detection, and channel decoding
framework in [42] significantly outperforms the existing algorithms and is also
effective for the channel estimation with insufficient pilots.

5.4.2 OFDM Detection

From Section 5.2.2, the received OFDM signal at the kth subcarrier can be
expressed as
Y [k] = H [k]X[k] + W [k], (5.44)
where W [k], H [k], X[k], Y [k]1 represent the additive Gaussian noise, channel fre-
quency response, the transmit symbol, and the received signal at the kth subcarrier,
respectively. Therefore, the signal detection becomes much simpler as it can be con-
ducted in each subcarrier, which can be performed by
Y [k]
X̂[k] = , (5.45)
Ĥ [k]
where Ĥ is the estimation of channel frequency response. As discussed in Section
5.2.2, training pilots are inserted into OFDM symbols in both the time and frequency
dimensions. Conventionally, the frequency responses on the pilot positions are first
estimated based on the received signal corresponding to the pilot data. Then the chan-
nel frequency response at non-pilot positions can be estimated via interpolations or
some DL approaches.

DNN for OFDM Detection

Although the detection has been significantly simplified in the ideal OFDM system,
many imperfection in the real systems, including the imperfect CSI and hardware
constraints, will degrade the performance.
Recently, the data-driven DL approach has been exploited in OFDM detection to
deal with the non-ideal situations in real system [43]. Rather than building analytical
models for the distortions and imperfectness, the DNN based OFDM detection system
directly approximates the relationship between the received signals and the trans-
mitted data. The parameters of the DNN are learned with massive training samples
to minimize an empirical loss function, which often measures the distance between
the DNN output and the transmitted data. The robustness to the imperfection can be
obtained automatically via training with data generated from the OFDM system with
distortion or imperfection. In particular, two types of examples will be discussed in
the following, including DNN based joint channel estimation and signal detection and
OFDM with hardware constraints.

1 The index n is omitted for simplicity. Published online by Cambridge University Press

138 Hengtao He et al.

Joint Signal Detection with Channel Estimation

The performance of OFDM detection heavily relies on CSI while perfect CSI is usu-
ally unavailable in real systems. In the conventional communication systems, the
channel estimator and signal detector are designed separately. The estimated CSI is
usually obtained by means of the LS or the MMSE channel estimator and is then
leveraged in the signal detector. In fact, the estimated CSI is only the intermediate
result used for acquiring the detection results, similar to the latent variables used in DL
approaches. From Section 5.2.2, DL can be used for channel estimation in the OFDM
systems. Therefore, it is natural to move forward to build a joint channel estimation
and signal detection framework with DL, where the transmitted data can be recovered
directly without explicitly estimating the channel. In this way, characteristics of the
channel estimation error can be taken into consideration in a data-driven manner
during the training, which improves the robustness to many undesired circumstances.
A DNN-based joint channel estimation and signal detection scheme in an OFDM
system has been proposed in [13]. In particular, an OFDM frame is assumed to consist
of several OFDM blocks, where the first block contains the pilot data and the other
blocks are the transmitted data. The channel is considered as constant over the pilot
block and the data blocks. As shown in Fig. 5.19, in order to directly recover the
transmit data without explicitly estimating the current channel, the input of the DNN
consists of the received signal of the pilot block and a data block while the output of
the DNN is the estimated transmitted data. Since the received signal is usually in a
complex form while the commonly used DNN is with real inputs, the real part and
the imaginary part of the received signals are concatenated together as the input of the
DNN. The DNN is designed to consist of five layers, with 256, 500, 250, 120, and 16
neurons in each layer. The ReLU activation function is used in all layers except the
output layer, where the Sigmoid activation function is used in the output layer in order
to map the output to the interval [0, 1].
The training data is obtained offline, which can be simulated data from predefined
channel models or real data collected in real environment. The parameters of the
DNN are learned with stochastic gradient descent to minimize an empirical loss on
the training data, which measures the difference between the output of DNN and
real transmitted data. A commonly used loss function is the l2 -loss, which can be
expressed as

Figure 5.19 DNN-based joint channel estimation and signal detection in OFDM receiver. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 139

Lloss = (X[k] − X̂[k])2, (5.46)

where X̂[k] and X[k] denote the output of the DNN and the original transmitted data,
Experiments are conducted for the WINNER II channel model. The DNN based
approach is compared with the traditional methods in terms of bit-error rates (BERs)
under different SNRs. Figure 5.20 demonstrates that the DNN-based joint channel
estimation and detection method outperforms the MMSE when no adequate pilots or
CP are available or there exists nonlinear distortion. From the figure, the DL method
can improve the performance via remembering and leveraging the complicated char-
acteristics of the channels with serious distortion and interference.
The pure data-driven DNN approach relies on the extraordinary expressive power of
DL and the massive training data to approximate the relationship between the received
signal and the transmitted data without any prior information about OFDM modulation
and the channel. On the other hand, the high sample complexity and huge number
of parameters of data-driven DNN approaches can be alleviated with prior expert
information. This motives the development of model-driven DNNs based approaches
to combine the expert knowledge and DL in the OFDM receiver.
An example of the model-driven DNN based OFDM receiver, named ComNet,
has been investigated in [44], as shown in Fig. 5.21. Instead of using a single DNN
to output the detection results directly, two DNN subnets are designed for channel
estimation and signal detection, respectively. Both the channel estimation subnet and
the signal detection subnet use the traditional communication solutions as coarse input
that are further refined DL. The LS channel estimation result is refined in the channel

Figure 5.20 Performance DNN-based and MMSE-based joint channel estimation and signal
detection in OFDM systems [13]. Published online by Cambridge University Press

140 Hengtao He et al.

Figure 5.21 Architecture of ComNet [44].

estimation subnet, which is an one-layer linear DNN. The refined channel estimation
result is then leveraged by the zero-forcing method to obtain the coase signal detection
result. The zeros-forcing detection result is taken as the input of the signal detec-
tion subnet and refined by a LSTM [45]. Both of the two subnets are trained with l2
loss and the signal detection subnet is trained with the channel estimation subnet being
fixed. From the experimental results, the model-driven approach can accelerate the
training process and reduce the computational complexity compared with the purely
data-driven DNN.

DNN-Based OFDM Detector with Hardware Constraints

It is well known that the OFDM suffers from high peak-to-average power ratios
(PAPR) [46], which not only generates nonlinear distortion at RF amplifier but also
requires high-resolutions ADC at the receiver. OFDM systems with low-resolution
ADC can dramatically reduce the power consumption, but the detection algorithms
become much more complicated [47, 48]. Recently, the DL provides effective alternate
methods to deal with the hardware constraints [49, 50].

PAPR Reduction
Given a OFDM modulated signal x[n], the PAPR of x[n] is defined as the ratio of the
maximum instantaneous power to its average power, as

max0≤k≤N−1 x[n]2
P AP R[x[n]] = . (5.47)
E[|x[n]2 |]
Due to the addition of the large number of independently modulated subcarriers,
high amplitude peaks exist and lead to high PAPR. A deep autoencoder [51] based
PAPR reduction OFDM system has been developed in [49]. The autoencoder and the
autodecoder are exploited at the transmitter and the receiver, respectively, to learn
constellation mapping and demapping of symbols on each subcarrier. Both the autoen-
coder and autodecoder are composed of fully connected connected layers, batch-
norm layers, and ReLU activation functions. The loss function used for training the
parameters is a summation of two components:

Lloss = (X − X̂)2 + λP AP R(x), (5.48) Published online by Cambridge University Press

Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection 141

where λ is used to tradeoff two components. The loss function considers the loss
for recovering and PAPR penalty. The simulation results in [49] indicate that the
DNN-based PAPR reduction method can effectively reduce PAPR while preserving
the detection performance.

Low-Resolution ADC
High-resolution ADCs cost a notable portion of the power in the OFDM systems.
Systems with low-resolution ADCs have practical benefits but they also introduce
strong nonlinear distortion and drive the system performance away from the optimal.
DL-based one-bit OFDM receiver has been proposed in [50] to address nonlinear
distortion, where the quantized signal with one-bit ADC can be expressed as
1 j
r = √ sign( (y)) + √ sign( (y)) (5.49)
2 2
Similar to the PAPR reduction approach earlier, the deep autoencoder and autodecoder
are utilized in the transmitter and the receiver, respectively. The encoder and the
decoder networks consist of fully connected layers and are trained with l2 loss. Since
quantization prevents end-to-end training, a two-step sequential training strategy is
used, where the decoder network is first trained and remains fixed when training
the encoder network. From [50], DL can achieve even better performance than the
unquantized OFDM system under certain conditions.

5.5 Conclusion

This chapter focuses on DL-based channel estimation, feedback, and signal detection.
Specifically, we have investigated DL-based channel estimation and used mmWave
and OFDM channel estimation as two examples. Then, DL-based CSI feedback is
introduced in detail. In this direction, with excellent expressive capacity, the CNN can
learn channel features and estimate channel from a large number of training data. Fur-
thermore, deep unfolding is also a promising technology by inheriting the superiority
of iterative signal recovery algorithms and DL technology and thus presents excellent
performance. We can improve the existing signal detectors by unfolding the iterative
detector and adding several trainable parameters. With only few trainable variables,
the stability and speed of convergence can be improved in the training process.
DL for channel estimation, feedback, and signal detection is still in its infancy. First,
the recently developed DL-based communication algorithms lack unified theoretical
foundation and framework, thereby preventing their widespread usage. Hence, per-
forming a theoretical analysis for DL-based communication algorithms is meaningful.
Then, the aforementioned DL network is trained offline and deployed online, which
requires all possible effects of the practical system to be considered. Therefore, online
training can be considered to handle all possible distortions for channel estimation,
feedback, and signal detection. Finally, designing specialized DL architectures for
channel estimation, feedback, and signal detection is another promising direction. Published online by Cambridge University Press

142 Hengtao He et al.

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6 Model-Based Machine Learning for
Nir Shlezinger, Nariman Farsad, Yonina C. Eldar, and Andrea Goldsmith

6.1 Introduction

Traditional communication systems design is dominated by methods that are based

on statistical models. These statistical-model-based algorithms, which we refer to
henceforth as model-based methods, rely on mathematical models that describe the
transmission process, signal propagation, receiver noise, interference, and many other
components of the system that affect the end-to-end signal transmission and reception.
Such mathematical models use parameters that vary over time as the channel condi-
tions, the environment, network traffic, or network topology change. Therefore, for
optimal operation, many of the algorithms used in communication systems rely on the
underlying mathematical models as well as the estimation of the model parameters.
However, there are cases where this approach fails, in particular when the mathe-
matical models for one or more of the system components are highly complex, hard to
estimate, poorly understood, do not well-capture the underlying physics of the system,
or do not lend themselves to computationally-efficient algorithms. In some other cases,
although mathematical models are known, accurate parameter estimation may not
be possible. Finally, common hardware limitations, such as the restriction to utilize
low-resolution quantizers or nonlinear power amplifiers, can significantly increase the
complexity of the underlying channel model.
An alternative data-driven approach is based on machine learning (ML). ML tech-
niques, and in particular, deep learning, have been the focus of extensive research in
recent years due to their empirical success in various applications, including computer
vision and speech processing [1, 2]. The benefits of ML-driven methods over tradi-
tional model-based approaches are threefold: First, ML methods are independent of
the underlying stochastic model and thus can operate efficiently in scenarios where this
model is unknown or its parameters cannot be accurately estimated. Second, when the
underlying model is extremely complex, ML algorithms have demonstrated the ability
to extract and disentangle the meaningful semantic information from the observed data
[3], a task which is difficult to carry out using traditional model-based approaches,
even when the model is perfectly known. Finally, the main complexity in utilizing ML
methods is in the training stage, which is typically carried out offline. Once trained,
they tend to implement inference at a lower computational burden and delay compared
to their analytical model-based counterparts [4]. Published online by Cambridge University Press

146 Nir Shlezinger et al.

Although ML has been the focus of significant research attention over the last
decade, it has yet to significantly contribute to practical designs in one of the most
important technologies of the modern era: digital communication. The fact that ML-
based algorithms, which have revolutionized the fields of computer vision and natural
language processing, do not yet play a fundamental role in the design of physical layer
communication systems, and particularly digital receivers, may be due to one or more
of the following reasons:

1. The large amount of possible outputs impose a major challenge in efficiently

applying ML algorithms. In particular, the constellation size of the modulation
and the blocklength of the channel code, combined with the time-varying nature
of communication channels, leads to an exponentially large number of possible
channel outputs that an ML receiver algorithm must be trained on.
2. Traditional deep learning techniques require high computational resources, while
communication devices, such as wearable devices and mobile phones, are
typically limited in hardware and power.
3. To date, conventional communication schemes, which assume a simplified
channel model with parameters that are dynamically estimated, have been very

The third reason is likely to become less relevant as the spectrum congestion of exist-
ing cellular standards forces future communication systems to explore new frequency
ranges and share spectrum with other application such as radar [5]. As these new
frequency bands and spectrum sharing techniques become widespread, the simpli-
fied channel, interference, and noise models used in current communication receiver
techniques may no longer work well. Moreover, the strict cost, power, and memory
constraints imposed on communicating devices lead to the usage of low-resolution
analog-to-digital convertors (ADCs) and power amplifiers with dominant nonlineari-
ties [6]. This makes the successful application of model-based techniques significantly
more complex. Thus, conventional model-based approaches may no longer be able to
meet the performance and throughput demands of future wireless devices, motivating
their combination with data-driven approaches based on ML such as deep learning.
Such techniques must still overcome the challenges we have identified with respect to
the large computational resources and datasets needed for training.
Despite its unprecedented success, deep learning is subject to several challenges
that limit its applicability in some important communication scenarios. In particular,
deep neural networks (DNNs) consist of highly parameterized systems that can repre-
sent a broad range of mappings. As such, massive data sets are typically required to
learn a desirable mapping, and the computational burden of training and utilizing these
networks may constitute a major drawback. For example, consider the two receivers
illustrated in Fig. 6.1, which carry out symbol detection using model-based algorithms
and model-agnostic DNNs, respectively. The dynamic nature of wireless channels
implies that the receivers should track channel variations in order to reliably detect the
transmitted messages over long periods of time. To do so, the model-based receiver
in Fig. 6.1(a) typically estimates the model parameters imposed on the underlying Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 147

Figure 6.1 Model-based methods versus deep learning for symbol detection: (a) a receiver
uses its knowledge of the underlying statistical channel model, denoted pY |S , to detect the
transmitted symbols for the channel output in a model-based manner, and (b) a receiver
uses a DNN trained using the data set {s t ,y t } for recovering the symbols.

statistics using periodic pilots. For the same purpose, the DNN-based receiver in Fig.
6.1(b) should periodically retrain its DNN to track channel variations. The fact that
doing so requires a large dataset leads to a significant decrease of spectral efficiency
and increase in computational complexity associated with this training. Furthermore,
DNNs are commonly utilized as black boxes and thus do not offer the interpretability,
flexibility, versatility, and reliability of model-based techniques.
The limitations associated with model-based methods and black-box deep learning
systems gave rise to a set of techniques on the interface of traditional model-based
communication and ML, attempting to benefit from the best of both worlds [7]. Such
model-based ML systems can be divided into two main categories. The first of the
two utilizes model-based methods as a form of domain knowledge in designing a
DNN architecture, which is then trained and used for inference. The most common
example of this strategy is the family of deep unfolded networks [8, 9], which design
the layers of a DNN to imitate the iterations of a model-based optimization algorithm,
and has been utilized in various communication-related tasks [10]. The second strat-
egy, which we call DNN-aided hybrid algorithms, uses model-based methods with
integrated DNNs for inference by incorporating ML in a manner that makes the system
more robust and model-agnostic. Communication receivers designed using DNN-
aided inference include the data-driven implementations of the Viterbi algorithm [11]
and the Bahle-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv (BCJR) detector [12].
In this chapter we present an introduction to model-based ML for communication
systems. We begin by reviewing existing strategies for combining model-based algo-
rithms and ML from a high-level perspective in Section 6.2, and compare them to Published online by Cambridge University Press

148 Nir Shlezinger et al.

the conventional deep learning approach that utilizes established DNN architectures
trained in an end-to-end manner. Then, in Section 6.3 we focus on symbol detection,
which is one of the fundamental tasks of communication receivers. We show how
each strategy (i.e., conventional DNN architectures, deep unfolding, and DNN-aided
hybrid algorithms), can be applied to this problem. The last two approaches constitute
a middle ground between the purely model-based and the DNN-based receivers illus-
trated in Fig. 6.1. By focusing on this specific task, we highlight the advantages and
drawbacks of each strategy, and present guidelines to facilitate the design of future
model-based deep learning systems for communications. We conclude this chapter
with a summary provided in Section 6.4.

6.2 Model-Based Machine Learning

We begin by reviewing the leading approaches for combining ML, and particularly
deep learning, with model-based algorithms. The neural networks in this hybrid
approach are trained in a supervised manner and then used during inference. Then, in
Section 6.3 we focus on symbol detection and provide concrete examples on how this
approach can be used to design data-driven detectors.
In a broad family of problems, a system is required to map an input variable Y
into a prediction of a label variable S. ML systems learn such a mapping from a
training set consisting of nt pairs of inputs and their corresponding labels, denoted
{s t ,y t }nt=1
. Model-based methods carry out such inference based on prior knowledge
of the statistical model relating Y and S, denoted pY |S . Model-based ML systems
reviewed in this chapter combine model-based methods with learning techniques;
namely, they tune their mapping of the input Y based on both a labeled training set
{s t ,y t }nt=1
as well as some knowledge of the underlying distribution. Such hybrid data-
driven model-aware systems can typically learn their mappings from smaller training
sets compared to purely model-agnostic DNNs and commonly operate without full
and accurate knowledge of pY |S , upon which model-based methods are based. We
next elaborate on the main strategies of combining ML and model-based techniques,
beginning with extreme cases of DNNs that rely solely on data and purely model-
based inference algorithms.

6.2.1 Conventional Deep Learning

The conventional application of deep learning is to carry out inference using some
standard DNN architecture. This DNN uses the training data to learn how to map a
realization of the input Y = y into a prediction ŝ. Such highly parameterized networks
can effectively approximate any Borel measurable mapping, as it follows from the
universal approximation theorem [13, Ch. 6.4.1]. Therefore, by properly tuning their
parameters using a sufficiently large training set, typically using optimization based
on some variant of stochastic gradient descent (SGD), one should be able to obtain the
desirable inference rule. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 149

While standard DNNs structures are highly model-agnostic and are commonly
treated as black boxes, one can still incorporate some level of domain knowledge in the
selection of the specific network architecture. For instance, when the input is known to
exhibit temporal correlation, architectures based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs)
or transformers are known to be preferable. Alternatively, in the presence of spatial
patterns, one may prefer to utilize convolutional layers. An additional method to
incorporate domain knowledge into a black-box DNN is by preprocessing of the input
via, for example, feature extraction.
Conventional deep learning based on established black-box DNNs is data-driven;
that is, it requires data representing the problem at hand, possibly combined with a
basic level of domain knowledge to select the specific architecture. A major drawback
of using such networks, which is particularly relevant in the context of communication
systems, is that learning a large number of parameters requires a massive dataset to
train. In dynamic environments, even when a sufficiently large dataset is available, it is
difficult to train a model that performs optimally over the whole range of the dynami-
cally changing system. Moreover, online training as the system dynamics change tends
to be computationally expensive because of the large number of parameters.

6.2.2 Model-Based Methods

Model-based algorithms carry out inference based on prior knowledge of the under-
lying statistics relating the input Y and the label S, i.e., pY |S . A common family
of model-based methods is based on iterative algorithms, which allow us to infer
with provable performance and controllable complexity in an iterative fashion, as
illustrated in Fig. 6.2(a). This generic family of iterative algorithms consists of some
input and output processing stages, with an intermediate iterative procedure. The latter
can in turn be divided into a model-based computation, namely, a procedure that is
determined by pY |S , and a set of generic mathematical manipulations.
These algorithms vary significantly between different statistical models. For
instance, for the symbol detection task, model-based methods such as the Viterbi
detector [14] or the BCJR algorithm [15] are valid for finite-memory channels,
while for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detection one may utilize the
family of interference cancellation methods [16]. Each such algorithm may be
specifically tailored to a given scenario, as opposed to black-box DNNs, in which
the parameterized inference rule is generic, and the unique characteristics of the
scenario at hand are encapsulated in the parameters learned during training.
Model-based techniques do not rely on data to learn their mapping, though data is
often used to estimate unknown model parameters. In practice, accurate knowledge of
the statistical model relating the observations and the desired information is typically
unavailable, and thus applying such techniques commonly requires imposing some
assumptions on the underlying statistics, which in some cases reflects the actual behav-
ior, but often do not. In the presence of inaccurate knowledge of pY |S due to estimation
errors or due to enforcing a model that does not fully capture the environment, the
performance of model-based methods tends to degrade considerably. This limits the Published online by Cambridge University Press

150 Nir Shlezinger et al.

Prior model knowledge

(a) py |s

Iteractive procedure
Input Predict
y ŝ
Math. Model-based Generic Math.
operation computation step operation

Iteration 1 Iteration T Training
Training labels


inputs {st}
Math. Learned … Learned Math.
operation layer layer operation
Input Predict
y ŝ

Training data
(c) {st, yt}

Iteractive procedure
Input Predict
y ŝ
Math. Generic Math.
operation step operation

Figure 6.2 (a) Model-based iterative algorithm, (b) unfolding the algorithm into a DNN, and
(c) converting the scheme into a DNN-aided method.

applicability of model-based algorithms in scenarios where pY |S is unknown, costly

to estimate accurately, or too complex to express analytically.

6.2.3 Model-Based Deep Learning by Deep Unfolding

Deep unfolding [8, 9], also referred to as deep unrolling, is a common strategy to
combine deep learning with model-based algorithms. Here, model-based methods are
utilized as a form of domain knowledge in designing a DNN architecture, which is
trained end-to-end and then used for inference. Unlike the application of conventional
black-box DNNs discussed in Section 6.2.1, deep unfolding utilizes a unique DNN
structure designed specifically for the task at hand.
The main rationale in deep unfolding is to design the network to imitate the opera-
tion of a model-based iterative optimization algorithm corresponding to the considered
problem. In particular, each iteration of the model-based algorithm is replaced with a
dedicated layer with trainable parameters in which the structure is based on the oper-
ations carried out during that iteration. An illustration of a neural network obtained
by unfolding the model-based iterative model of Fig. 6.2(a) is depicted in Fig. 6.2(b),
where a network with T layers is designed to imitate T iterations of the optimization
method. Once the architecture is fixed, the resulting network is trained in an end-to-
end manner as in conventional deep learning.
Deep unfolded networks, in which the iterations consist of trainable parameters, are
typically capable of inferring with a smaller number of layers compared to the amount
of iterations required by the model-based algorithm. Consequently, even when the
model-based algorithm is feasible, processing Y through a trained unfolded DNN
is typically faster than applying the iterative algorithm [4]. Furthermore, convert-
ing a model-based algorithm into an unfolded deep network can also improve its Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 151

performance. For example, iterative algorithms based on some relaxed optimization

commonly achieve improved accuracy when unfolded into a DNN, due to the ability
to learn to overcome the error induced by relaxation in the training stage. The main
benefits of deep unfolding over using end-to-end networks stem from its incorpora-
tion of domain knowledge in the network architecture. As such, unfolded networks
can achieve improved performance at reduced complexity (i.e., when operating with
fewer parameters) compared to conventional end-to-end networks [10]. Nonetheless,
deep unfolded networks are highly parameterized DNNs, which often require large
datasets for training, though usually not as much as the generic DNNs. Furthermore,
deep unfolding typically requires a high level of domain knowledge, such as explicit
knowledge of the statistical model pY |S up to possibly some missing parameters, in
order to formulate the optimization algorithm in a manner that can be unfolded.

6.2.4 Model-Based Deep Learning by DNN-Aided Algorithms

The second strategy for combining model-based methods and deep learning, which
we refer to as DNN-aided hybrid algorithms, aims at integrating ML into model-
based techniques. Such DNN-aided systems mainly utilize conventional model-based
methods for inference, while incorporating DNNs to make the resultant system more
robust and model-agnostic. This approach builds upon the insight that model-based
algorithms typically consist of a set of generic manipulations that are determined by
the structure of the statistics (e.g., whether it obeys a Markovian structure). Beside
these generic manipulations, there are also computations that require actual knowledge
of pY |S , as illustrated in Fig. 6.2(a). Consequently, when one has prior knowledge on
the structure of the underlying distribution but not of its actual distribution, ML can
be utilized to fill in the missing components required to carry out the algorithm.
In particular, DNN-aided hybrid algorithms start with a model-based algorithm
that is suitable for inference when the statistics of pY |S are available. For instance,
symbol detection over finite-memory channels can be carried out accurately and with
affordable complexity using either the Viterbi algorithm [14] or the BCJR method
[15], assuming pY |S is known. Then, ML-based techniques, such as dedicated DNNs,
are used to estimate only pY |S from data. These dedicated DNNs can be trained
individually, separately from the inference task, or in an end-to-end manner along with
the overall algorithm that maps Y into an estimate of S. An illustration of a DNN-
aided algorithm obtained by integrating ML into the iterative methods illustrated in
Fig. 6.2(a) is depicted in Fig. 6.2(c).
DNN-aided hybrid algorithms have several advantages: First, they use DNNs for
specific intermediate tasks, such as computing a conditional probability measure,
which are much simpler compared to end-to-end inference. Consequently, relatively
simple networks that are trainable using small training sets can be used. Furthermore,
once trained the system effectively implements the model-based algorithm in a data-
driven manner without imposing a model on the underlying distribution and estimating
its parameters. Concrete examples of DNN-aided symbol detection algorithms are
detailed in Section 6.3.4. Published online by Cambridge University Press

152 Nir Shlezinger et al.

Figure 6.3 Symbol detection.

6.3 Deep Symbol Detection

In digital communication systems, the receiver is required to reliably recover the

transmitted symbols from the observed channel output. This task is commonly referred
to as symbol detection. In this section, we present how the strategies for combining ML
and model-based algorithms detailed in the previous section can be applied for data-
driven symbol detection. We first formulate the symbol detection in Section 6.3.1, after
which we discuss the applications of data-driven receivers based on conventional DNN
architectures, deep unfolding, and DNN-aided algorithms, in Sections 6.3.2 through
6.3.4, respectively. For each strategy we begin with the main rationale behind this
approach, present at least one concrete example, and discuss its pros and cons. Finally,
we numerically compare the data-driven receivers to their model-based counterparts
in Section 6.3.5.

6.3.1 Symbol Detection Problem

To formulate the symbol detection problem, we let S i ∈ S K be the symbol transmitted
at time index i ∈ {1,2, . . . ,T } := T . Here, T represents the blocklength and K
denotes the number of symbols transmitted at each time instance (e.g., the number
of users transmitting simultaneously in the uplink communications channel). Each
symbol is uniformly distributed over a set of M constellation points, thus |S| = M.
We use Y i ∈ Y N to denote the channel output at time index i, where N represents
the number of receive antennas. When both N and K are larger than one, the resulting
setup corresponds to MIMO communications. Symbol detection refers to the recovery
of S T := {S i }i∈T from the observed Y T := {Y i }i∈T . An illustration of the symbol
detection problem using a DNN-aided receiver is depicted in Fig. 6.3.
We focus on finite-memory stationary causal channels, where each Y i is given by a
stochastic mapping of {S l }il=i−L+1 , and L is the memory of the channel, assumed to be
smaller than the blocklength T . The special case in which L = 1 is referred to as flat
or memoryless channel conditions. The conditional probability density function (PDF)
of the channel output given its input thus satisfies
pY T |S T y T |s T = pY i |{S l }i y i |{s l }il=i−L+1 , (6.1)

where the lower-case y i and s i represent the realizations of the random variables Y i
and S i , respectively. The fact that the channel is stationary implies that the conditional
PDF pY i |{S l }i does not depend on the index i.
l=i−L+1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 153

The symbol detection mapping that minimizes the error rate is the maximum a
posteriori probability (MAP) rule, given by

ŝ i = arg max pS i |Y T (s|y T ), i ∈T. (6.2)

s∈S K

For the memoryless case L = 1, solving Eq. (6.2) reduces to maximizing pS|Y (s|y i )
over s ∈ S K . However, when K is large, as is commonly the case in uplink MIMO
systems, solving Eq. (6.2) may be computationally infeasible, even when the PDF
pS|Y is perfectly known. The application of deep learning for symbol detection thus
has two main motivations: the first is to allow symbol detection to operate in a model-
agnostic manner (i.e., without requiring knowledge of pS|Y ), and the second is to
facilitate inference when the computational complexity of Eq. (6.2) renders solving it

6.3.2 Symbol Detection via Established Deep Networks

The first approach to designing data-driven symbol detectors treats the channel as
a black box and relies on well-known deep learning architectures used in computer
vision, speech, and language processing for detection. We now describe how conven-
tional deep neural architectures can be used for symbol detection.

Overview of Design Process

Different DNN architectures have shown promising results for detection and esti-
mation in applications such as image processing [17–19], speech recognition [20–
22], machine translation [23–25], and bioinformatics [26, 27]. Some of these neural
network architectures can be used to design a symbol detector for channels with
unknown models using supervised learning. This process typically consists of the
following steps:
1. Identify the conventional neural network architectures that are suitable for the
channel under consideration, and use these networks as building blocks for
designing the detection algorithm. For example, RNNs are more suitable for
sequential detection in channels with memory, while convolutional and fully
connected networks are more suitable for memoryless channels.
2. Next, use channel input-output pairs to train the network. Two approaches can be
used for training: In the first approach, a model is trained for each channel
condition (e.g., each SNR). In the second approach, a large training dataset
consisting of various channel conditions is used to train a single neural network
detector for detection over a wide range of channel conditions. The training data
can be generated by randomizing the transmitted symbols and generating the
corresponding received signal using mathematical models, simulations,
experiments, or field measurements.
3. Train the overall resulting network in an end-to-end fashion.
We next demonstrate how this rationale is translated into a concrete data-driven
symbol detector architecture for finite-memory channels. Published online by Cambridge University Press

154 Nir Shlezinger et al.

Example: SBRNN for Finite-Memory Channels

The sliding bidirectional RNN (SBRNN) is a sequence detection algorithm for finite-
memory channels proposed in [28]. Generally, sequence detection can be performed
using RNNs [1], which are well established for sequence estimation in different prob-
lems such as neural machine translation [23], speech recognition [2], or bioinformatics
[26]. For simplicity, we assume in our description that the input cardinality K is
K = 1. The estimated symbol in this case is given by

ŝ i = arg max PRNN (s i |y i ), i ∈ T, (6.3)

s i ∈S

where PRNN is the probability of estimating each symbol based on the DNN model
used. One of the main benefits of this detector is that after training, it can perform
detection on any data stream as it arrives at the receiver. This is because the obser-
vations from previous symbols are summarized as the state of the RNN, which is
represented by a vector. Note that the observed signal during the j th transmission, Y j
where j > k, may carry information about the kth symbol S k due to the memory of
the channel. However, since RNNs are feed-forward only, during the estimation of Ŝ k ,
the observation signal Y j is not considered.
One way to overcome this limitation is by using bidirectional RNNs (BRNNs). In
such networks, a sequence of B received signals are fed once in the forward direction
into one RNN cell and fed once in the backward direction into another RNN cell [29],
for some fixed B representing the BRNN length. The two outputs are then concate-
nated and may be passed to more bidirectional layers. A signal whose blocklength T is
larger than the BRNN length B is divided into multiple distinct subsequences of length
B. Ideally, the B must be at least the same size as the memory length L. However, if
this is not known in advance, the BRNN length can be treated as a hyperparameter
to be tuned during training. At time instance i belonging to the kth subsequence, the
estimated symbol for BRNN is given by

ŝ i = arg max PBRNN (s i |y k+B−1

k ), k − B + 1 ≤ i ≤ k. (6.4)
s i ∈S

To simplify the notation, we use p̂i to denote the M × 1 matrix whose entries are the
probability mass function (PMF) PBRNN (s i |y k+B−1
k ) for each s i ∈ S.
The BRNN architecture ensures that in the estimation of a symbol, future signal
observations are taken into account. During training, blocks of B consecutive trans-
missions are used for training. Once the network is trained, BRNNs detect the stream
of incoming data in fixed blocks of length B, as shown in the top portion of Fig. 6.4.
The main drawback here is that the symbols at the end of each block may affect the
symbols in the next block, and since each block is treated independently, this relation
is not captured in this scheme. Another issue is that the block of B symbols must be
received before detection can be performed. The top portion of Fig. 6.4 shows this
scheme for B = 3.
To overcome these limitations, in the SBRNN proposed in [28], the first B symbols
are detected using the BRNN. Then, as each new symbol arrives at the receiver, Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 155

Figure 6.4 The SBRNN detector versus using a BRNN as a block detector.

the subsequence processed by the BRNN slides ahead by one symbol. Let the set
Ki = {k | k ≤ i ∧ k + B > i} be the set of all valid starting positions for a BRNN
detector of length B, such that the detector overlaps with the ith symbol. For example,
if B = 3 and i = 4, then k = 1 is not in the set Ki since the BRNN detector overlaps
with symbol positions 1, 2, and 3, and not the symbol position 4. The estimated PMF
corresponding to the ith symbol is given by the weighted sum of the estimated PMFs
for each of the relevant windows:

p̂i = α k p̂ i , αk ≥ 0 and αk = 1. (6.5)

The weighted sum coefficients can be set to α k = |K1i | , as we do in the numerical

evaluations in Section 6.3.5. An illustration of the operation of the SBRNN detector
based on Eq. (6.5) is depicted in the bottom portion of Fig. 6.4.

Well-known DNN architectures can be trained in an end-to-end manner to perform
symbol detection. This approach builds upon the success of existing model-agnostic
DNN structures, resulting in symbol detectors operating without any knowledge about
the underlying channel models. Furthermore, this strategy allows combining some
basic level of domain knowledge in the selection of the architecture as well as the
preparation of its input. For example, the SBRNN detector detailed earlier identifies
the BRNN architecture as one that is capable of handling temporal correlation in
finite-memory channels, while using a sliding subsequence to overcome some of the
limitations of BRNN architectures when applied to different blocks independently.
Also, DNNs can well-capture the nonlinearities that may exist in the channel. For
example, the SBRNN was used as an autoencoder in [30, 31] to achieve state-of-the-art Published online by Cambridge University Press

156 Nir Shlezinger et al.

performance over optical channels, outperforming model-based nonlinear equalizers

such as Voltera. Finally, these networks can also be computationally more efficient
than the optimal maximum-likelihood sequence detector over finite-memory channels,
specifically for channels with long memory.
The main drawback in using established deep networks for end-to-end symbol
detection is that such architectures typically have a very large number of parameters
and thus require massive datasets for training. This renders online training using pilot
sequences impractical. Moreover, when they are trained using data from a large set of
channel conditions, the resulting network will not perform optimally for each of those
channel conditions individually. Furthermore, even when the dataset is extremely large
and diverse, it is not likely to capture all expected channel conditions. Finally, con-
ventional DNN architectures are treated as black boxes, and are in general not inter-
pretable, making it difficult to come up with performance guarantees.

6.3.3 Symbol Detection via Deep Unfolding

Unlike conventional DNNs, which utilize established architectures, in deep unfold-
ing the network structure is designed following a model-based algorithm. We next
describe how this model-based ML technique can be applied for symbol detection and
detail a concrete example for flat Gaussian MIMO channels.

Overview of Design Process

Deep unfolding is a method for converting an iterative algorithm into a DNN by
designing each layer of the network to resemble a single iteration. As such, the ratio-
nale in applying deep unfolding consists of the following steps:

1. Identify an iterative optimization algorithm that is useful for the problem at hand.
For instance, recovering the “MAP” symbol detector for flat MIMO channels can
be tackled using various iterative optimization algorithms, such as projected
gradient descent, unfolded into DetNet [32], as described in the sequel.
2. Fix a number of iterations in the optimization algorithm.
3. Design the layers to initiate the operation of each iteration in a trainable fashion,
as illustrated in Fig. 6.2.
4. Train the overall resulting network in an end-to-end fashion.

We next demonstrate how this rationale is translated into a concrete data-driven sym-
bol detector architecture for flat channels (i.e., Eq. (6.1) with L = 1).

Example: DetNet for Flat MIMO Channels

DetNet is a deep learning based symbol detector proposed in [32] for flat Gaussian
MIMO channels. To formulate DetNet, we first detail the specific channel model for
which it is designed and then show how it is obtained by unfolding the projected
gradient descent method for recovering the maximum a-posteriori probability (MAP)
estimate. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 157

Flat Gaussian MIMO Channel

As we focus on stationary memoryless channels, we drop the subscript i representing
the time instance and write the input-output relationship of a flat Gaussian MIMO
channel as
Y = HS + W, (6.6)

where H is a known deterministic N × K channel matrix, and W consists of N inde-

pendent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian random variables (RVs). Consider
the case in which the symbols are generated from a binary phase shift keying (BPSK)
constellation in a uniform i.i.d. manner (i.e., S = {±1}). In this case the MAP rule
in Eq. (6.2) given an observation Y = y becomes the minimum distance estimate,
given by
ŝ = arg min y − Hs2 . (6.7)

Project Gradient Descent Optimization

While directly solving Eq. (6.7) involves an exhaustive search over the 2K possible
symbol combinations, it can be tackled with affordable computational complexity
using the iterative projected gradient descent algorithm. Let PS (·) denote the pro-
jection into the S operator, which for BPSK constellations is the sign function. The
projected gradient descent iteratively refines its estimate, which at iteration index q +1
is obtained recursively as
∂y − Hs2 
ŝ q+1 = PS ŝ q − ηq 
∂s s=ŝ q
= PS ŝ q − ηq H y + ηq H Hŝ q ,

where ηq denotes the step size at iteration q, and ŝ 0 is set to some initial guess.

Unfolded DetNet
DetNet unfolds the projected gradient descent iterations in Eq. (6.8) into a DNN,
which learns to carry out this optimization procedure from data. To formulate DetNet,
we first fix a number of iterations Q. Next, we design a DNN with Q layers, where
each layer imitates a single iteration of Eq. (6.8) in a trainable manner.
In particular, DetNet builds upon the observation that each projected gradient
descent iteration consists of two stages: gradient descent computation (i.e., ŝ q −
ηq HT y + ηq HT Hŝ q ) and projection, namely, applying PS (·). Therefore, each unfolded
iteration is represented as two sublayers: The first sublayer learns to compute the
gradient descent stage by treating the step-size as a learned parameter and applying
a conventional fully connected layer with ReLU activation to the obtained value. For
iteration index q, this results in
zq = ReLU W1,q ŝ q−1 − δ1,q HT y + δ2,q HT Hŝ q−1 + b1,q , (6.9) Published online by Cambridge University Press

158 Nir Shlezinger et al.

Deep unfolded symbol detector

y HT …
Layer 1 d1,1 b1,1 b2,1
Layer Q d1,Q b1,Q b2,Q

Soft sign

Soft sign
– + z1 + sˆ 1 sˆ Q–1 – + zQ + sˆ Q ŝ



sˆ 0 HTH d2,1 +
S W1,1 +
S W2,1 +
S … HTH d2,Q + S W1,Q + S W2,Q + S
+ +

Figure 6.5 Deep unfolded symbol detector. Parameters in black fonts are learned in training,
while those in gray fonts are externally provided.

in which {W1,q ,b1,q ,δ1,q ,δ2,q } are learnable parameters. The second sublayer learns
the projection operator by approximating the sign operation with a soft sign activation
proceeded by a fully connected layer, leading to

ŝ q = soft sign W2,q zq + b2,q . (6.10)

Here, the learnable parameters are {W2,q ,b2,q }. The resulting deep network is depicted
in Fig. 6.5, in which ŝ 0 is set to some initial guess, and the output after Q iterations,
denoted ŝ Q , is used as the estimated symbol vector by taking the sign of each element.
Let θ = {W1,q ,W2,q ,b1,q ,b2,q ,δ1,q ,δ2,q }Q q=1 be the trainable parameters of Det-
Net.1 To tune θ, the overall network is trained in an end-to-end manner to minimize
the empirical weighted 2 norm loss over its intermediate layers. In particular, by
letting {s t ,y t }nt=1
denote the training set consisting of channel outputs and their corre-
sponding transmitted symbols, the loss function used for training DetNet is given by

L(θ) = log(q)s t − ŝ q (y t ;θ)2, (6.11)
t=1 q=1

where ŝ q (y t ;θ) is the output of the qth layer of DetNet with parameters θ and input
y t . This loss measure accounts for the interpretable nature of the unfolded network, in
which the output of each layer is a further refined estimate of S.

Deep unfolding incorporates model-based domain knowledge to obtain a dedicated
DNN design, which follows an iterative optimization algorithm. Compared to the
conventional DNNs discussed in the previous section, unfolded networks are typically
interpretable, and tend to have a smaller number of parameters, and can thus be trained
quicker [10]. Nonetheless, these deep networks are still highly parameterized and
require a large volume of training data. For instance, DetNet is trained in [32] using
approximately 250 million labeled samples.
One of the key properties of unfolded networks is their reliance on model knowl-
edge. For example, the unfolded receiver must know that the channel input-output

1 The formulation of DetNet in [32] includes an additional sublayer in each iteration intended to further
lift its input into higher dimensions and introduce additional trainable parameters, as well as reweighing
of the outputs of subsequent layers. As these operations do not follow directly from unfolding the
projected gradient descent method, they are not included in the description here. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 159

relationship takes the form in Eq. (6.6) in order to formulate the projected gradient
iterations in Eq. (6.8), which in turn are unfolded into DetNet. The model-awareness
of deep unfolding has its advantages and drawbacks. When the model is accurately
known, deep unfolding essentially incorporates it into the DNN architecture, as
opposed to conventional DNNs that must learn this from data. However, this approach
does not exploit the model-agnostic nature of deep learning and thus may achieve
degraded performance when the true channel conditions deviate from the model
assumed in design (e.g., Eq. (6.6)). In particular, a key advantage of deep unfolding
over the model-based optimization algorithm is in inference speed. For instance,
DetNet requires fewer layers to reliably detect compared to the number of iterations
required for projected gradient descent to converge.
Another important advantage of unfolded networks is their ability to improve the
accuracy compared to the iterative optimization algorithm from which they originate.
In particular, the set {±1}K over which the optimization problem in Eq. (6.7) is formu-
lated is not convex, and thus projected gradient descent is not guaranteed to recover
its solution, regardless of the number of iterations. By unfolding the application of
projected gradient descent for solving Eq. (6.7) into a DNN with trainable parameters,
the resulting network is often able to overcome this difficulty and converge to the true
solution of the optimization problem when properly trained, despite the nonconvexity.
Finally, in the context of receiver design, most unfolded networks to date, including
DetNet as well as OAMP-net [33] that unfolds the orthogonal approximate message
passing optimization algorithm, require channel state information (CSI). For exam-
ple, knowledge of the matrix H is utilized in the architecture depicted in Fig. 6.5.
This implies that additional mechanisms for estimating the channel must be incorpo-
rated into the receiver architecture [34]. Nonetheless, while the aforementioned deep
unfolding based receivers require CSI, unfolded networks can be designed without
such knowledge [9]. For example, one can unfold the optimization algorithm assuming
CSI is available and then treat H which appears in the unfolded network as part of its
trainable parameters.

6.3.4 Symbol Detection via DNN-Aided Algorithms

DNN-aided hybrid algorithms combine domain knowledge in the form of a model-
based inference algorithm for the problem at hand. This strategy allows the design of
model-based ML systems with varying levels of domain knowledge, in which deep
learning is used to robustify and remove model-dependence of specific components
of the algorithm. In the following we first review the rationale when designing DNN-
aided symbol detectors, after which we detail three concrete examples arising from
different symbol detection algorithms.

Overview of Design Process

DNN-aided algorithms aim to carry out model-based inference methods in a data-
driven fashion. These hybrid systems thus utilize deep learning not for the overall
inference task, but for robustifying and relaxing the model-dependence of established Published online by Cambridge University Press

160 Nir Shlezinger et al.

model-based inference algorithms. Consequently, the design of DNN-aided hybrid

systems consists of the following steps:

1. First, a proper inference algorithm is chosen. In particular, the domain knowledge

is encapsulated in the selection of the algorithm that is learned from data. For
example, the Viterbi algorithm is a natural candidate for symbol detection over
finite-memory channels when seeking a symbol detector capable of operating in
real time, or alternatively, the BCJR scheme is the suitable choice for carrying out
MAP inference over such channels. When designing receivers for flat MIMO
channels, interference cancellation methods may be the preferable algorithmic
approach for symbol detection. We show how these methods are converted into
DNN-aided algorithms in the sequel.
2. Once a model-based algorithm is selected, we identify its model-specific
computations and replace them with dedicated compact DNNs.
3. The resulting DNNs can be either trained individually, or the overall system can
be trained in an end-to-end manner.

Since the implementation of DNN-aided algorithms highly varies with the selec-
tion of the learned model-based method, we next present three concrete examples in
the context of symbol detection: ViterbiNet, which learns to carry out Viterbi detec-
tion [14]; BCJRNet, which implements the BCJR algorithm of [15] in a data-driven
fashion; and DeepSIC, which is based on the soft iterative interference cancellation
methods for MIMO symbol detection [35].

Example: ViterbiNet for Finite-Memory Channels

ViterbiNet proposed in [11] is a data-driven implementation of the Viterbi detection
algorithm [14], which is one of the most common workhorses in digital communi-
cations. This DNN-aided symbol detection algorithm is suitable for finite-memory
channels of the form in Eq. (6.1), without requiring prior knowledge of the channel
conditional distributions pY i |{S l }i . For simplicity, we assume in our description
that the input cardinality K is K = 1. As a preliminary step to presenting ViterbiNet,
we now briefly review conventional model-based Viterbi detection.

Viterbi Algorithm
The Viterbi algorithm recovers the maximum likelihood sequence detector:
ŝ T y T := arg max pY T |S T y T |s T
s T ∈S T
= arg min − log pY T |S T y T |s T . (6.12)
s T ∈S T

Using Eq. (6.1) the optimization problem Eq. (6.12) becomes

ŝ T y T = arg min − log pY i |{S l }i y i |{s l }il=i−L+1 . (6.13)
s T ∈S T i=1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 161

Algorithm 6.1 Viterbi Algorithm [14].

Init: Fix an initial path p0 (s) = ∅ and path cost c0 (s̄) = 0, s̄ ∈ S L .
1 for i = 1,2, . . . ,T do
2 For each state s̄ ∈ S L , compute previous state with shortest path, denoted us̄ ,

us̄ = arg min ci−1 s̄  − log pY i |S̄ i y i |s̄ . (6.15)
s̄  ∈S L :pS̄ (s̄|s̄  )>0
i |S̄ i−1

3 Update cost and path via

ci (s̄) = ci−1 (us̄ ) − log pY i |S̄ i y i |s̄ , (6.16)

and pi (s̄) = p i−1 (us̄ ) ,us̄ ;
4 end

Output: ŝ T = pT s̄ ∗ where s̄ ∗ = arg mins̄ cT (s̄).

To proceed, we define a state variable S̄ i := [S i−L+1, . . . ,S i ] ∈ S L . Since the

symbols are i.i.d. and uniformly distributed, it follows that pS̄ i |S̄ i−1 (s̄ i |s̄ i−1 ) = M −1
when s̄ i is a shifted version of s̄ i−1 ; that is, the first L − 1 entries of s̄ i are the last
L − 1 entries of s̄ i−1 , and zero otherwise. We can now write Eq. (6.13) as

ŝ T y T = arg min − log pY i |S̄ i y i |{s l }il=i−L+1 . (6.14)
s T ∈S T i=1

The optimization problem in Eq. (6.14) can be solved recursively using dynamic
programming, by iteratively updating a path cost ci (s̄) for each state s̄ ∈ S L . The
resulting scheme, known as the Viterbi algorithm, is given as Algorithm 6.1, and
illustrated in Fig. 6.6(a).
The Viterbi algorithm has two major advantages: First, it solves Eq. (6.12) at a
computational complexity that is linear in the blocklength T . For comparison, the
computational complexity of solving Eq. (6.12) directly grows exponentially with T .
Second, the algorithm produces estimates sequentially during runtime. In particular,
while in Eq. (6.12) the estimated output ŝ T is computed using the entire received block
y T , Algorithm 6.1 computes ŝ i once y i+L−1 is received.

ViterbiNet proposed in [11] learns to implement the Viterbi algorithm from data in
a model-agnostic manner. Following the rationale of DNN-aided algorithms, this
is achieved by identifying the model-based components of the algorithm, which
for Algorithm
6.1 boils down to the computation of the log-likelihood function
log pY i |S̄ i y i |s̄ . Once this quantity is computed for each s̄ ∈ S , the Viterbi algorithm

only requires knowledge of the memory length L. This requirement is much easier to
satisfy compared to full CSI. Published online by Cambridge University Press

162 Nir Shlezinger et al.

(a) (b)
Channel output Viterbi (model-based) Pr(y|s) Channel output ViterbiNet (data-driven)
Channel knowledge
Likelihood Learned likelihood
y1, y2, … y1, y2, …
si,si–1 si,si–1
1.2 1.2 2.5 1.3 3.9
0,0 0 1.2 1.2 2.5 1.3 3.9 1.4 1.4
0,0 0 1.4 1.4

1.6 2.3 4.3 1.6 2.3 4.3

∞ 1.6 1.1 1.8 1.8
0,1 ∞ 1.6 1.1 1.8 1.8 0,1
3.3 3.6 3.3 3.6
1,0 ∞ 1.3 1.7 1.3 1.3 1,0 ∞ 1.3 1.7 1.3 1.3
3.9 3.9
2.6 2.6
1,1 ∞ 1.4 1.0 1.6 1.6 1,1 ∞ 1.4 1.0 1.6 1.6

0 1 2 3 4 i 0 1 2 3 4 i

Figure 6.6 Operation of the (a) Viterbi algorithm and (b) ViterbiNet. Here, the memory length
is L = 2 and the constellation is S = {0,1}, implying that the number of states is M L = 4.
The values in inside the gray ovals are the negative log-likelihoods for each state, while the
quantities adjacent to the gray ovals represent the updated path loss ci (·). When multiple paths
lead to the same state, as occurs for i = 3,4, the path with minimal loss is maintained.

Since the channel is stationary, it holds that the log-likelihood function depends
only on the realizations of y i and of s̄, and not on the time index i. Therefore, to
implement Algorithm 6.1 in a data-driven fashion, ViterbiNet replaces the explicit
computation of the log-likelihoods with an ML-based system that learns to evaluate
this function from training data. In this case, the input of the system
is the channel
output realization y i and the output is an estimate of log pY i |S̄ i y i |s̄ for each s̄ ∈ S L .
The rest of the Viterbi algorithm remains intact, and the detector implements
Algorithm 6.1 using the learned log-likelihoods. The proposed architecture is illus-
trated in Fig. 6.6(b).
Two candidate architectures are considered for learning to compute the log likeli-
hood, one based on classification networks and one using density estimation networks.

Learned likelihood using classification networks: Since y i is given and may take
continuous values while
the desired variables take discrete values, a natural
to evaluate pY i |S̄ i y i |s̄ for each s̄ ∈ S is to estimate pS̄ i |Y i s̄|y i and then use

Bayes rule to obtain

pY i |S̄ i y i |s̄ = pS̄ i |Y i s̄|y i pY i y i M L . (6.17)

A parametric estimate of pS̄ i |Y i s̄|y i , denoted P̂θ (s̄|y i ), is obtained for each s̄ ∈ S L
by training classification networks with softmax output layers to minimize the cross
entropy loss. Here, for a labeled set {s t ,y t }nt=1
, the loss function is

L(θ) = − log P̂θ ([s t−L+1, . . . ,s t ]|y t ). (6.18)

In general, the marginal PDF of Y i can be estimated from the training data using
mixture density estimation via, e.g., expectation minimization (EM) [36, Ch. 2], or
any other finite mixture model fitting method. However, obtaining an accurate

estimation becomes challenging when Y i is high-dimensional.

Since pY i y i does
not depend on the variable s̄, setting pY i y i ≡ 1 does not affect the decisions in Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 163

Learned likelihood using classification yi Learned likelihood using conditional density networks
wk,θ s–
μk,θ s–
yi P̂q s– |y Σk,θ s– P̂q yi|s–


s– ∈S1 s–i
s– ∈S s–∈S1

(a) (b)

Figure 6.7 Learned likelihood architectures based on (a) classification and (b) conditional
density estimation networks.

Algorithm 6.1 due to the arg min arguments, which are invariant to scaling the con-
ditional distribution by a term that does not depend on s̄. The resulting structure is
illustrated in Fig. 6.7(a).

Learned likelihood using conditional density networks:

An additional strategy is
to directly estimate the conditional pY i |S̄ i y i |s̄ from data. This can be achieved
using conditional density estimation networks [37, 38] that are specifically designed
to learn such PDFs, or alternatively, using normalizing flow networks to learn complex
densities [39].
For example, mixture density networks [37] model the conditional PDF
pY i |S̄ i y i |s̄ as a Gaussian mixture and train a DNN to estimate its mixing parameters,
mean values, and covariances, denoted wk,θ (s̄), μk,θ (s̄) and k,θ (s̄), respectively,

by maximizing the likelihood P̂θ y i |s̄ = k wk,θ (s̄)N y i |μk,θ (s̄),k,θ (s̄) , as
illustrated in Fig. 6.7(b).
Both approaches can be utilized for learning to compute the likelihood in Viter-
biNet. When the channel outputs are high-dimensional (i.e., N is large) directly
learning the conditional density is difficult and likely to be inaccurate. In such cases,
the classification-based architecture, which avoids the need to explicitly learn the
density, may be preferable. When the state cardinality M L is large, conditional density
networks are expected to be more reliable. However, the Viterbi algorithm becomes
computationally infeasible when M L grows, regardless of whether it is imple-
mented in a model-based or data-driven fashion, making ViterbiNet unsuitable for
such setups.

Example: BCJRNet for Finite-Memory Channels

Factor graph methods, such as the sum-product algorithm, exploit the factorization
of a joint distribution to efficiently compute a desired quantity [40]. In particular,
the application of the sum-product algorithm for the joint input-output distribution
of finite-memory channels allows for computing the MAP rule, an operation whose
burden typically grows exponentially with the block size, with complexity that only
grows linearly with T . This instance of the sum-product algorithm is exactly the
BCJR detector proposed [15]. In the following we show how the BCJR method can be
extended into the DNN-aided BCJRNet. As in our description of ViterbiNet, we again
focus on the case of K = 1 and begin by presenting the model-based BCJR algorithm. Published online by Cambridge University Press

164 Nir Shlezinger et al.

BCJR Algorithm
The BCJR algorithm computes the MAP rule in Eq. (6.2) for finite-memory channels
with complexity that grows linearly with the block size. To formulate this method, we
recall the definition of S̄ i , and define the function

f y i , s̄ i , s̄ i−1 := pY i |S̄ i y i |s̄ i pS̄ i |S̄ i−1 (s̄ i |s̄ i−1 )

pY i |S̄ i y i |s̄ i (s̄ i )j = (s̄ i−1 )j−1, ∀j ∈ {2, . . . ,L},
= M (6.19)
0 otherwise.
Combining Eq. (6.19) and Eq. (6.1), we obtain a factorizable expression of the joint
distribution pY T ,S T (·), given by

pY T ,S T y T ,s T = pY i |S̄ i y i |[s i−L+1, . . . ,s i ]



= f y i ,[s i−L+1, . . . ,s i ],[s i−L, . . . ,s i−1 ] . (6.20)


The factorizable expression of the joint distribution in Eq. (6.20)


that it can
be represented as a factor graph with T function nodes {f y i , s̄ i , s̄ i−1 }, in which
{s̄ i }Ti=2 are edges while the remaining variables are half-edges.2
Using its factor graph representation, one can compute the joint distribution of S T
and Y T by recursive message passing along this factor graph. In particular,
p (s̄ , s̄ ,y T ) = −
S̄ k , S̄ k+1,Y T k k+1

μ (s̄ )f (y , s̄ , s̄ )← −
S̄ k k(s̄ ),
k+1 k+1 (6.21)
k S̄ k+1 k+1

where the forward path messages satisfy

μ S̄ i (s̄ i ) = f (y i , s̄ i , s̄ i−1 )−

μ S̄ i−1 (s̄ i−1 ), (6.22)
s̄ i−1

for i = 1,2, . . . ,k. Similarly, the backward messages are

− (s̄ ) =  f (y , s̄ , s̄ )←

μ −
S̄ i i i+1 i+1 i μ S̄ i+1 (s̄ i+1 ), (6.23)
s̄ i+1

for i = T − 1,T − 2, . . . ,k + 1. This message passing is illustrated in Fig. 6.8.

The ability to compute the joint distribution in Eq. (6.21) via message passing
results in the MAP detector in Eq. (6.2), an operation whose burden typically grows
exponentially with the block size, with complexity that only grows linearly with T .
This is achieved by noting that the MAP estimate satisfies
ŝ i y T = arg max →
μ S̄ i−1 (s̄ i−1 )f (y i ,[s i−L+1, . . . ,s i ], s̄ i−1 )
s̄ i−1 ∈S L

− ([s
μ s̄ i i−L+1, . . . ,s i ]), (6.24)

2 Here we use Forney style factor graphs [41], where variables are represented as edges or half-edges.
However, it is also possible to represent variables as variables notes. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 165

Figure 6.8 Message passing over the factor graph of a finite-memory channel.

Algorithm 6.2 BCJR algorithm.

Init: Fix an initial forward message − →
μ S̄ 0 (s̄) = 1 and a final backward message
μ S̄ T (s̄) ≡ 1.
1 for i = T − 1,T − 2, . . . ,1 do
2 For each s̄ ∈ S L , compute backward message ← μ− (s̄) via Eq. (6.23)
S̄ i
3 end
4 for i = 1,2, . . . ,T do
5 For each s̄ ∈ S L , compute forward message − →μ S̄ i (s̄) via Eq. (6.22)
6 end
Output: ŝ T = [ŝ 1, . . . , ŝ T ]T , each obtained using Eq. (6.24)

for each i ∈ T , where the summands can be computed recursively. When the block
size T is large, the messages may tend to zero, and are thus commonly scaled [42],
e.g., ←− (s̄) is replaced with γ ←
μ S̄ i

i μ S̄ i (s̄) for some scale factor that does not depend
on s̄, and thus does not affect the MAP rule. The BCJR algorithm is summarized as
Algorithm 6.2.

BCJRNet is a receiver method that learns to implement MAP detection from labeled
data. BCJRNet exploits the fact that in order to implement Algorithm 6.2, one must be
able to specify the factor graph representing the underlying distribution. In particular,
the stationarity assumption implies that the complete factor graph is encapsulated in
the single function f (·) in Eq. (6.19) regardless of the block size T . Building upon
this insight, BCJRNet utilizes DNNs to learn the mapping carried out at the function
node separately from the inference task. The resulting learned stationary factor graph
is then used to recover {S i } by message passing, as illustrated in Fig. 6.9. As learning
a single function node is expected to be a simpler task compared to learning the
overall inference method for recovering S T from Y T , this approach allows using
relatively compact DNNs, which in turn can be learned from a relatively small set
of labeled data. Furthermore, the learned function node describes the factor graph for
different values of T . When the learned function node is an accurate estimate of the Published online by Cambridge University Press

166 Nir Shlezinger et al.

Figure 6.9 BCJRNet with a learned stationary factor graph.

true one, BCJRNet effectively implements the MAP detection rule in Eq. (6.2), and
thus approaches the minimal probability of error.
The function node that encapsulates the factor graph of stationary finite-memory
channels is given in Eq. (6.19). The formulation in Eq. (6.19) implies that it can
be estimated by training an ML-based system to evaluate pY i |S̄ i (·) from which the
corresponding function node value is obtained via Eq. (6.19). Once the factor graph
representing the channel is learned, symbol recovery is carried out using Algorithm
6.2. As the mapping of Algorithm 6.2 is invariant to scaling f (y i , s̄ i , s̄ i−1 ) with some
factor that does not depend on the states, it follows that a parametric estimate of the
function f (·), denoted fˆθ (·), can be obtained using the same networks utilized for
learning the log-likelihood in ViterbiNet. Specifically, the learned log-likelihood is
used in Eq. (6.19) to obtain fˆθ (·). The resulting receiver, referred to as BCJRNet, thus
implements BCJR detection in a data-driven manner.

BCJRNet versus ViterbiNet

The same DNN architecture can be applied, once trained, to carry out multiple infer-
ence algorithms in a hybrid model-based/data-driven manner, including the BCJR
scheme (as BCJRNet) as well as the Viterbi algorithm (via ViterbiNet). Since both
BCJRNet and ViterbiNet utilize the same learned models, one can decide which infer-
ence system to apply (i.e., BCJRNet or ViterbiNet) by considering the differences
in the algorithms from which they are derived (i.e., the BCJR algorithm and the
Viterbi algorithm) respectively. The main advantages of Algorithm 6.1 over Algorithm
6.2, and thus of ViterbiNet over BCJRNet, are its reduced complexity and real-time
operation. In particular, both algorithms implement recursive computations, involving
|S|L evaluations for each sample, and thus the complexity of both algorithms grows
linearly with the block size T . Nonetheless, the Viterbi scheme computes only a
forward recursion and can thus provide its estimations in real time within a given delay
from each incoming observation, while the BCJR scheme implements both forward
and backward recursions, and can thus infer only once the complete block is observed,
while involving twice the computations carried out by the Viterbi detector. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 167

The main advantage of Algorithm 6.2 over Algorithm 6.1 (i.e., of BCJRNet over
ViterbiNet) stems from the fact that it implements the MAP rule in Eq. (6.2), which
minimizes the error probability. The Viterbi algorithm is designed to compute the
maximum likelihood sequence detector:
ŝ T y T = arg max pY T |S T y T |s T , (6.25)
s T ∈S T

which is not equivalent to the symbol-level MAP rule in Eq. (6.2). To see this, we focus
on the case where the symbols are equiprobable, as in such scenarios the sequence-
wise maximum likelihood rule coincides with the sequence-wise MAP detector. Here,
the decision rule implemented by the Viterbi algorithm in Eq. (6.25) can be written as
ŝ T y T = arg max pS T |Y T s T |y T . (6.26)
s T ∈S T

For a given realization Y T = y T , the function pS T |Y T s T |y T maximized by the


detector in Eq. (6.26) is a joint distribution measure. The functions
{pS i |Y T s i |y T }Ti=1 , which are the individually maximized by the symbol-wise
MAP rule computed by the BCJR scheme in Eq. (6.2), are the marginals of the
aforementioned joint distribution. Furthermore, given Y T = y T the elements of S T
are statistically dependent in finite-memory channels. As a a result, the maxima of
the joint distribution pS T |Y T is not necessarily the individual maximas of each of its

marginals; that is, the elements of the vector

ŝ T y T in Eq. (6.25) are not necessarily
the symbol-wise MAP estimates {ŝ i y T }Ti=1 in Eq. (6.2). To conclude, the Viterbi
algorithm does not implement the symbol-wise MAP even in the presence of equal
priors. This explains the difference in their performance, since, unlike the BCJR
scheme, the Viterbi algorithm does not minimize the error probability.

Example: DeepSIC for Flat MIMO Channels

DeepSIC proposed in [43] is a DNN-aided hybrid algorithm that is based on the
iterative soft interference cancellation (SIC) method [35] for symbol detection in flat
MIMO channels. However, unlike its model-based counterpart, and alternative deep
MIMO receivers such as DetNet, it is not tailored for linear Gaussian channels of the
form in Eq. (6.6). The only assumption required is that the channel is memoryless
(i.e., L = 1), and thus we drop the time index subscript in this example. As in our
previous DNN-aided examples, we first review iterative SIC, after which we present
its DNN-aided implementation.

Iterative Soft Interference Cancellation

The iterative SIC algorithm proposed in [35] is a MIMO detection method that com-
bines multistage interference cancellation with soft decisions. The detector operates in
an iterative fashion where, in each iteration, an estimate of the conditional PMF of Sk ,
which is the kth entry of S, given the observed Y = y, is generated for every symbol
k ∈ {1,2, . . . ,K} := K using the corresponding estimates of the interfering symbols
{Sl }l =k obtained in the previous iteration. Iteratively repeating this procedure refines Published online by Cambridge University Press

168 Nir Shlezinger et al.

Figure 6.10 Iterative soft interference cancellation.

the conditional distribution estimates, allowing the detector to accurately recover each
symbol from the output of the last iteration. This iterative procedure is illustrated in
Fig. 6.10.
To formulate the algorithm, we consider the flat Gaussian MIMO channel in Eq.
(6.6). Iterative SIC consists of Q iterations. Each iteration indexed q ∈ {1,2, . . . ,Q} 
Q generates K distribution vectors p̂ k of size M × 1, where k ∈ K. These vectors
are computed from the channel output y as well as the distribution vectors obtained at
(q−1) K (q)
the previous iteration, {p̂ k }k=1 . The entries of p̂k are estimates of the distribution
of Sk for each possible symbol in S, given the channel output Y = y and assuming
that the interfering symbols {Sl }l =k are distributed via {p̂ l }l =k . Every iteration
consists of two steps, carried out in parallel for each user: interference cancellation
and soft decoding. Focusing on the kth user and the qth iteration, the interference
cancellation stage first computes the expected values and variances of {Sl }l =k based
on {p̂ l }l =k . Letting {α j }M
j =1 be the indexed elements of the constellation set S,
(q−1) (q−1)

the expected values and variances are computed via el = α j ∈S α j p̂ l j

(q−1) (q−1)
2 (q−1)

and vl = αj ∈S αj − el p̂ l j
, respectively. The contribution of the
interfering symbols from y is then canceled by replacing them with {el } and
subtracting their resulting term. Letting hl be the lth column of H, the interference
canceled channel output is given by
Zk = Y − hl el = hk Sk + hl (Sl −el ) + W. (6.27)
l =k l =k

Substituting the channel output y into Eq. (6.27), the realization of the interference
(q) (q)
canceled Z k , denoted zk , is obtained.
(q) (q−1)
To implement soft decoding, it is assumed that W̃k  l =k hl (Sl −el )+W
obeys a zero-mean Gaussian distribution, independent of Sk , and that its covariance is
given by W̃ (q) = σw2 IK + l =k vl hl hTl , where σw2 is the noise variance. Combin-
ing this assumption with Eq. (6.27), the conditional distribution of Z k given Sk = αj
is multivariate Gaussian with mean value hk α j and covariance W̃ (q) . Since Z k is
given by a bijective transformation of Y , it holds that pSk |Y (α j |y) = pS |Z (q) (α j |zk )
k k
for each α j ∈ S under the earlier assumptions. Consequently, the conditional Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 169

Algorithm 6.3 Iterative Soft Interference Cancellation Algorithm [35].

Init: Set q = 1, and generate an initial guess of {p̂k }K
k=1 .
1 for q = 1,2, . . . ,Q do
(q−1) q−1
2 Compute the expected values {ek } and variances {vk };
3 Interference cancellation: For each k ∈ K compute zk via Eq. (6.27) ;
4 Soft decoding: For each k ∈ K, estimate p̂ k via Eq. (6.28)
5 end
Output: Hard decoded output ŝ, obtained via Eq. (6.29)

distribution of Sk given Y is approximated from the conditional distribution of

Z k given Sk via Bayes theorem. Since the symbols are equiprobable, this estimated
conditional distribution is computed as
(q) −1 (q)
  exp − 1
2 z k − h α
k j  (q) z k − h α
k j
(q) W̃k
p̂ k =      . (6.28)
j (q) T
−1 (q)
exp − 2 zk − hk α j   (q) zk − hk α j 
α j  ∈S W̃k

After the final iteration, the symbols are decoded by taking the symbol that maxi-
mizes the estimated conditional distribution for each user:
ŝk = arg max p̂ k . (6.29)
j ∈{1,...,M} j

The overall joint detection scheme is summarized as Algorithm 6.3. The initial esti-
mates {p̂k }K k=1 can be arbitrarily set. For example, these may be chosen based on a
linear separate estimation of each symbol for y, as proposed in [35].
Iterative SIC has several advantages compared to both joint decoding as well as
separate decoding: In terms of computational complexity, it replaces the joint exhaus-
tive search over S K , required by the MAP decoder, with a set of computations car-
ried out separately for each user. Hence, its computational complexity only grows
linearly with the number of users [16], making it feasible with large values of K.
Unlike conventional separate decoding, in which the symbol of each user is recovered
individually while treating the interference as noise, the iterative procedure refines the
separate estimates sequentially, and the usage of soft values mitigates the effect of
error propagation. Algorithm 6.3 is thus capable of approaching the performance of
the MAP detector, which is only feasible for small values of K.

Iterative SIC is specifically designed for linear channels of the form in Eq. (6.6).
In particular, the interference cancellation in Step 2 of Algorithm 6.3 requires the
contribution of the interfering symbols to be additive. Furthermore, it requires accurate
CSI. To circumvent these limitations in the model-based approach, the DNN-aided
DeepSIC learns to implement the iterative SIC from data. Published online by Cambridge University Press

170 Nir Shlezinger et al.

Figure 6.11 DeepSIC.

Architecture: DeepSIC builds upon the observation that iterative SIC can be
viewed as a set of interconnected basic building blocks, each implementing the two
stages of interference cancellation and soft decoding (i.e., Steps 2 and 3 in Algorithm
6.3). While the high level architecture in Fig. 6.10 is ignorant of the underlying
channel model, the basic building blocks are channel-model-dependent. In particular,
interference cancellation requires the contribution of the interference to be additive,
i.e., a linear model channel as in Eq. (6.6), as well as full CSI, in order to cancel the
contribution of the interference. Soft decoding requires complete knowledge of the
channel input-output relationship in order to estimate the conditional probabilities via
Eq. (6.28).
Although each of these basic building blocks consists of two sequential procedures
that are completely channel-model-based, we note that the purpose of these compu-
tations is to carry out a classification task. In particular, the kth building block of the
qth iteration, k ∈ K, q ∈ Q, produces p̂k , which is an estimate of the conditional
PMF of Sk given Y = y based on {p̂ l }l =k . Such computations are naturally imple-
mented by classification DNNs (e.g., fully connected networks with a softmax output
layer). Embedding these ML-based conditional PMF computations into the iterative
SIC block diagram in Fig. 6.10 yields the overall receiver architecture depicted in
Fig. 6.11. The initial estimates {p̂ k }K k=1 can be set to represent a uniform distribution;

that is, p̂k j ≡ M . 1

A major advantage of using classification DNNs as the basic building blocks in

Fig. 6.11 stems from the fact that such ML-based methods are capable of accurately
computing conditional distributions in complex nonlinear setups without requiring a
priori knowledge of the channel model and its parameters. Consequently, when these
building blocks are trained to properly implement their classification task, the receiver
essentially realizes iterative SIC for arbitrary channel models in a data-driven fashion.
Training methods: In order for the DNN-aided receiver structure of Fig. 6.11 to
reliably implement joint decoding, its building block classification DNNs must be
properly trained. Here, we consider two possible approaches to train the receiver
based on a set of nt pairs of channel inputs and their corresponding outputs, denoted
{s t ,y t }nt=1
: end-to-end training and sequential training. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 171

End-to-end training: The first approach jointly trains the entire network (i.e., all the
building block DNNs). Since the output of the deep network is the set of conditional
(Q) (Q)
distributions {p̂k }Kk=1 , where each p̂ k is used to estimate Sk , we use the sum cross
entropy as the training objective. Let θ be the network parameters, and p̂ k (y,α;θ)
be the entry of p̂k corresponding to Sk = α when the input to the network parame-
terizd by θ is y. The sum cross entropy loss is


LSumCE (θ) = − log p̂ k y t ,(s t )k ;θ . (6.30)

t=1 k=1

Training the receiver in Fig. 6.11 in an end-to-end manner based on the loss
Eq. (6.30) jointly updates the coefficients of all the K · Q building block DNNs. For
a large number of users, training so many parameters simultaneously is expected to
require a large labeled set.
Sequential training: To allow the network to be trained with a reduced number
of training samples, we note that the goal of each building block DNN does not
depend on the iteration index: The kth building block of the qth iteration outputs a
soft estimate of Sk for each q ∈ Q. Therefore, each building block DNN can be
trained individually, by minimizing the conventional cross entropy loss. To formulate
this objective, let θ k represent the parameters of the kth DNN at iteration q, and
(q) (q−1) (q)
write p̂k y,{p̂l }l =k ,α;θ k as the entry of p̂k corresponding to Sk = α when
(q) (q−1)
the DNN parameters are θk and its inputs are y and {p̂l }l =k . The cross entropy
loss is given by

(q) (q) (q−1) (q)

LCE (θk ) = − log p̂k ỹ t ,{p̂t,l }l =k ,(s̃ t )k ;θk , (6.31)


where {p̂t,l } represent the estimated probabilities associated with y i computed at
the previous iteration. The problem with training each DNN individually is that the
soft estimates {p̂t,l } are not provided as part of the training set. This challenge can
be tackled by training the DNNs corresponding to each layer in a sequential manner,
where for each layer the outputs of the trained previous iterations are used as the soft
estimates fed as training samples.
Sequential training uses the nt input-output pairs to train each DNN individually.
Compared to the end-to-end training that utilizes the training samples to learn the
complete set of parameters, which can be quite large, sequential training uses the same
dataset to learn a significantly smaller number of parameters, reduced by a factor of
K · Q, multiple times. Consequently, this approach is expected to require much fewer
training samples, at the cost of a longer learning procedure for a given training set,
due to its sequential operation, and possible performance degradation as the building
blocks are not jointly trained. Published online by Cambridge University Press

172 Nir Shlezinger et al.

DNN-aided algorithms implement hybrid model-based/data-driven inference by inte-
grating ML into established model-based methods. As such, it is particularly suit-
able for digital communications setups, in which a multitude of reliable model-based
algorithms exist, each tailored to a specific structure. The implementation of these
techniques in a data-driven fashion thus has three main advantages as a model-based
ML strategy: First, when properly trained, the resulting system effectively implements
the model-based algorithm from which it originated, thus benefiting from its proven
performance and controllable complexity, while being robust to CSI uncertainty and
operable in complex environments, due to the usage of DNNs. This behavior is numer-
ically illustrated in the simulation study detailed in Section 6.3.5.
Second, the fact that DNN-aided algorithms use ML tools as intermediate compo-
nents in the overall end-to-end inference tasks allows the use of relatively compact
networks which can be trained with small training sets. Even when the overall system
consists of a large set of DNNs, as is the case in DeepSIC, their interpretable operation
that follows from the model-based method facilitates their training with small datasets
(e.g., via sequential training techniques).
Finally, DNN-aided algorithms can utilize different levels of domain knowledge,
depending on what prior information one has on the problem at hand. For example,
BCJRNet requires only prior knowledge that the channel has finite memory to learn to
carry out MAP detection from data. When additional domain knowledge is available,
such as an underlying stationarity or some partial CSI, it can be incorporated into
the number and structure of the learned function nodes, further reducing the number
of training data required to tune the receiver. The resulting ability of DNN-aided
symbol detectors to adapt with small training sets can be exploited to facilitate channel
tracking via periodic retraining using existing pilots and other forms of structures
present in digital communications protocols, as demonstrated in [11, 43].

6.3.5 Numerical Study

In this section, we present a numerical study of the aforementioned symbol detection
mechanisms. We begin with considering finite-memory channels, for which we eval-
uate the data-driven SBRNN receiver, ViterbiNet, and BCJRNet, comparing them to
the model-based detection methods for such channels. Then we consider memoryless
MIMO channels, where we compare the data-driven DetNet and DeepSIC to model-
based detection.

Finite-Memory Channel
We first numerically evaluate the performance of the DNN-aided ViterbiNet and
BCJRNet and compare this performance to that of the conventional model-based
Viterbi algorithm and BCJR detector, as well as to that of the SBRNN receiver
detailed in Section 6.3.2. Both ViterbiNet and BCJRNet are implemented using the
classification architecture in Fig. 6.7(a) with three fully connected layers: a 1 × 100 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 173

layer followed by a 100 × 50 layer and a 50 × 16(= |M|L ) layer, using intermediate
sigmoid and ReLU activation functions, respectively. For the SBRNN receiver, we
use BRNN length of B = 10 with three layers of LSTM cell blocks of size 100 and
a dropout rate of 0.1. The networks are trained using 5,000 training samples, which
is of the same order and even smaller compared to typical preamble sequences in
wireless communication systems.
We consider two finite-memory channels: an AWGN channel and a Poisson chan-
nel, both with memory length of L = 4. For the additive white Gaussian noise
(AWGN) channel, we let W [i] be a zero-mean unit variance AWGN independent of
S[i], and let h(γ) ∈ RL be the channel vector obeying an exponentially decaying
profile (h)τ  e−γ(τ−1) for γ > 0. The input-output relationship is given by


Y [i] = ρ· h(γ) τ
S[i − τ + 1] + W [i], (6.32)

where ρ > 0 represents the SNR. The channel input is randomized from a BPSK
constellation; that is, S = {−1,1}. For the Poisson channel, the symbols represent
on-off keying, namely, S = {0,1}, and the channel output Y [i] is generated via

Y [i]|S ∼ P
ρ· h(γ) τ S[i − τ + 1] + 1 , (6.33)

where P(λ) is the Poisson distribution with parameter λ > 0, and X ∼ f (X) indicates
that the random variable X is distributed according to f (X).
For each channel, we numerically compute the symbol error rate (SER) for different
values of the SNR parameter ρ. For each SNR ρ, the SER values are averaged over
20 different channel vectors h(γ), obtained by letting γ vary in the range [0.1,2]. For
comparison, we numerically compute the SER of the Viterbi and BCJR algorithms.
In order to study the resiliency of the data-driven detectors to inaccurate training, we
also compute the performance when the receiver only has access to a noisy estimate
of h(γ), and specifically, to a copy of h(γ) whose entries are corrupted by i.i.d. zero-
mean Gaussian noise with variance σe2 . In particular, we use σe2 = 0.1 for the Gaussian
channel in Eq. (6.32), and σe2 = 0.08 for the Poisson channel in Eq. (6.33). We
consider two cases: perfect CSI, in which the channel-model-based detectors have
accurate knowledge of h(γ), while the data-driven receivers are trained using labeled
samples generated with the same h(γ) used for generating the test data; and CSI uncer-
tainty, where the model-based algorithms are implemented with the log-likelihoods
(for Viterbi algorithm) and function nodes (for BCJR detection) computed using the
noisy version of h(γ), while the training data is generated with the noisy version
of h(γ) instead of the true one. In all cases, the information symbols are uniformly
randomized in an i.i.d. fashion from S, and the test samples are generated from their
corresponding channel with the true channel vector h(γ).
The numerically computed SER values, averaged over 50,000 Monte Carlo sim-
ulations, versus ρ ∈ [−6,10] dB for the AWGN channel are depicted in Fig. 6.12,
while the corresponding performance versus ρ ∈ [10,30] dB for the Poisson channel Published online by Cambridge University Press

174 Nir Shlezinger et al.

Symbol error rate

ViterbiNet, perfect CSI 10–3

10–2 BCJRNet, perfect CSI 8
SBRNN, perfect CSI 7
Viterbi, perfect CSI
BCJR, perfect CSI
ViterbiNet, CSI uncertainty 5
BCJRNet, CSI uncertainty
SBRNN, CSI uncertainty 4
10 Viterbi, CSI uncertainty
BCJR, CSI uncertainty 7.8 8 8.2

–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10
SNR [dB]

Figure 6.12 Symbol error rate of different receiver structures for the AWGN channel with
exponentially decaying taps.

Symbol error rate

–2 ViterbiNet, perfect CSI

BCJRNet, perfect CSI
SBRNN, perfect CSI
Viterbi, perfect CSI 0.02
BCJR, perfect CSI
ViterbiNet, CSI uncertainty
BCJRNet, CSI uncertainty
–3 SBRNN, CSI uncertainty 0.01
Viterbi, CSI uncertainty
BCJR, CSI uncertainty
24 25 26

10 15 20 25 30
SNR [dB]

Figure 6.13 Symbol error rate of different receiver structures for the Poisson channel.

are depicted in Fig. 6.13. Observing Figs. 6.12 and 6.13, we note that the perfor-
mance of the data-driven receivers approaches that of their corresponding CSI-based
counterparts. We also observe that the SBRNN receiver, which was shown in [28] to
approach the performance of the CSI-based Viterbi algorithm when sufficient training
is provided, is outperformed by ViterbiNet and BCJRNet here due to the small training
set size. These results demonstrate that our DNN-aided detectors, which use compact Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 175


Symbol error rate

ViterbiNet, perfect CSI
10–2 BCJRNet, perfect CSI
Viterbi, perfect CSI
BCJR, perfect CSI
ViterbiNet, CSI uncertainty
BCJRNet, CSI uncertainty
Viterbi, CSI uncertainty
BCJR, CSI uncertainty
4 5 6
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10
SNR [dB]

Figure 6.14 Symbol error rate of different receiver structures for the AWGN channel with taps
generated from the COST2100 model.

DNN structures embedded into model-based algorithms, require significantly less

training compared to symbol detectors based on using established DNNs for end-to-
end inference.
In the presence of CSI uncertainty, it is observed in Figs. 6.12 and 6.13 that both
ViterbiNet and BCJRNet significantly outperform the model-based algorithms from
which they originate. In particular, when ViterbiNet and BCJRNet are trained with
a variety of different channel conditions, they are still capable of achieving rela-
tively good SER performance under each of the channel conditions for which they
are trained, while the performance of the conventional Viterbi and BCJR algorithms
is significantly degraded in the presence of imperfect CSI. While the SBRNN receiver
is shown to be more resilient to inaccurate CSI compared to the Viterbi and BCJR
algorithms, it is outperformed by ViterbiNet and BCJRNet with the same level of
uncertainty, and the performance gap is more notable in the AWGN channel.
Finally, we evaluate the application of ViterbiNet and BCJRNet for practical
channel models. To that aim, we generate 10 realizations from the established
COST2100 model [44], which is a widely used model for current cellular com-
munication channels. In particular, we use the semi-urban 300 MHz line-of-sight
configuration evaluated in [45] with a single antenna element. The channel output is
corrupted by AWGN, and the symbol detectors operate assuming that the channel has
L = 4 taps. The remaining simulation parameters are the same as those used in Fig.
6.12. The results, depicted in Fig. 6.14, demonstrate that the ability of ViterbiNet and
BCJRNet to approach their model-based counterparts with perfect CSI, as well as
achieve improved performance in the presence of CSI uncertainty, holds for practical
channel models. Published online by Cambridge University Press

176 Nir Shlezinger et al.

Memoryless MIMO Channel

Next, we numerically compare DeepSIC and DetNet for symbol detection in mem-
oryless MIMO channels. In the implementation of the DNN-based building blocks
of DeepSIC, we used a different fully connected network for each training method:
For end-to-end training, where all the building blocks are jointly trained, we used a
compact network consisting of a (N + K − 1) × 60 layer followed by ReLU activation
and a 60 × M layer. For sequential training, which sequentially adapts subsets of the
building blocks and can thus tune more parameters using the same training set (or
alternatively, requires a smaller training set) compared to end-to-end training, we used
three fully connected layers: An (N + K − 1) × 100 first layer, a 100 × 50 second
layer, and a 50 × M third layer, with a sigmoid and a ReLU intermediate activation
functions, respectively. In both iterative SIC as well as DeepSIC, we set the number of
iterations to Q = 5. Following [32], DetNet is implemented with Q = 90 layers with
a hidden sublayer size of 8K. The data-driven receivers are trained with a relatively
small dataset of 5,000 training samples and tested over 20,000 symbols.
We first consider a linear AWGN channel as in Eq. (6.6) with a relatively small
K. Recall that iterative SIC as well as DetNet are all designed for such channels.
Consequently, the following study compares the performance of DeepSIC and DetNet
to that of the model-based iterative SIC as well as the MAP rule in Eq. (6.2) in a
scenario for which all schemes are applicable. The model-based MAP and iterative
SIC detectors, as well as DetNet, all require CSI, and specifically, accurate knowledge
of the channel matrix H. DeepSIC operates without a priori knowledge of the channel
model and its parameters, learning the decoding mapping from a training set sampled
from the considered input-output relationship. In order to compare the robustness of
the detectors to CSI uncertainty, we also evaluate them when the receiver has access to
an estimate of H with entries corrupted by i.i.d. additive Gaussian noise whose variance
is given by σe2 times the magnitude of the corresponding entry, where σe2 > 0 is
referred to as the error variance. For DeepSIC, which is model-invariant, we compute
the SER under CSI uncertainty by using a training set whose samples are randomized
from a channel in which the true H is replaced with its noisy version.
We simulate the 6 × 6 linear Gaussian channel (i.e., K = 6 users and N = 6
receive antennas). The symbols are randomized from a BPSK constellation, namely,
S = {−1,1} and M = |S| = 2. The channel matrix H models spatial exponential
decay, and its entries are given by (H)i,k = e−|i−j | , for each i ∈ {1, . . . ,N }, k ∈ K.
For each channel, the SER of the receivers is evaluated for both perfect CSI (i.e.,
σe2 = 0) as well as CSI uncertainty, for which we use σe2 = 0.1. The evaluated SER
versus the SNR, defined as 1/σw2 , is depicted in Fig. 6.15.
Observing Fig. 6.15, we note that the performance of DeepSIC with end-to-end
training approaches that of the model-based iterative SIC algorithm, which is within
a small gap of the MAP performance. This demonstrates the ability of DeepSIC to
implement iterative SIC in a data-driven fashion. The sequential training method,
whose purpose is to allow DeepSIC to train with smaller data sets compared to end-
to-end training, also achieves SER values comparable to iterative SIC. DetNet, which
trains a large number of parameters in an end-to-end fashion, requires 100 times Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 177



MAP, perfect CSI


MAP, CSI uncertainty

–3 Iterative SIC, perfect CSI
Iterative SIC, CSI uncertainty
Seq. DeepSIC, perfect CSI
Seq. DeepSIC, CSI uncertainty
E2E DeepSIC, perfect CSI
10–4 E2E DeepSIC, CSI uncertainty
DetNet, perfect CSI
DetNet, perfect CSI, 100× train
DetNet, CSI uncertainty, 100× train
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
SNR [dB]

Figure 6.15 Symbol error rate of different receiver structures for the 6 × 6 AWGN channel.

more training to approach such performance. In the presence of CSI uncertainty,

DeepSIC is observed to substantially outperform the model-based iterative SIC and
MAP receivers, as well as DetNet operating with a noisy version of H and trained
with a hundred times more samples. In particular, it follows from Fig. 6.15 that a
relatively minor error of variance σe2 = 0.1 severely deteriorates the performance of
the model-based methods, while DeepSIC is hardly affected by the same level of CSI
Next, we consider a Poisson channel. We use K = 4 and N = 4. Here, the symbols
are randomized from an on-off keying for which S = {0,1}. The entries of the channel
output are related to the input via the conditional distribution
(Y [i])j |S[i] ∼ P  (HS[i])j + 1 , j ∈ {1, . . . ,N }. (6.34)

As DetNet is designed for linear Gaussian channels, DeepSIC is the only data-driven
receiver evaluated for this channel.
The achievable SER of DeepSIC versus SNR under both perfect CSI as well as
CSI uncertainty with error variance σe2 = 0.1 is compared to the MAP and iterative
SIC detectors in Fig. 6.16. Observing Fig. 6.16, we again note that the performance
of DeepSIC is only within a small gap of the MAP performance with perfect CSI and
that the data-driven receiver is more robust to CSI uncertainty compared to the model-
based MAP. In particular, DeepSIC with sequential training, which utilizes a deeper
network architecture for each building block, outperforms here end-to-end training
with basic two-layer structures for the conditional distribution estimation components.
We conclude that under such non-Gaussian channels, more complex DNN models
are required to learn to cancel interference and carry out soft detection accurately. Published online by Cambridge University Press

178 Nir Shlezinger et al.



10–2 MAP, perfect CSI

MAP, CSI uncertainty
Iterative SIC, perfect CSI
Seq. DeepSIC, perfect CSI
Seq. DeepSIC, CSI uncertainty
E2E DeepSIC, perfect CSI
E2E DeepSIC, CSI uncertainty
10 15 20 25 30
SNR [dB]

Figure 6.16 Symbol error rate of different receiver structures for the 4 × 4 Poisson channel.

Furthermore, iterative SIC, which is designed for linear Gaussian channels ni

Eq. (6.6) where interference is additive, achieves poor performance when the channel
model is substantially different from Eq. (6.6). These results demonstrate the ability of
DeepSIC to achieve excellent performance through learning from data for statistical
models where model-based interference cancellation is effectively inapplicable.

6.4 Conclusion

Deep learning brings forth capabilities that can substantially contribute to future com-
munications systems in tackling some of their expected challenges. In particular dig-
ital communications systems can significantly benefit from properly harnessing the
power of deep learning and its model-agnostic nature. A successful integration of deep
learning into communication devices can thus pave the way to reliable and robust
communications in various setups, including environments where accurate statisti-
cal channel models are scarce or costly to obtain. However, digital communications
setups are fundamentally different from applications in which deep learning has been
extremely successful to date, such as computer vision. In particular, digital com-
munication exhibit an extremely large number of possible outputs, as these outputs
grow exponentially with the modulation order and the block length. They also have
channel conditions that vary dynamically and require low computation complexity
when used on small battery-powered devices. Consequently, in order to achieve the
potential benefits of DNN-aided communications, researchers and system designers
must go beyond the straight-forward application of DNNs designed for computer
vision and natural language processing. A candidate strategy to utilize DNNs while
accounting for the unique characteristics of digital communications setups, as well as Published online by Cambridge University Press

Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications 179

the established knowledge of model-based communication methods accumulated over

the last decades, is based on model-based ML, as detailed in this chapter.
We reviewed two main strategies for combining data-driven deep learning with
model-based methods for digital communications, as well as discussing the need for
such hybrid schemes due to the shortcomings of the extreme cases of purely data-
driven and solely model-based methods. For each strategy, we presented the main
steps in the design of the data-driven systems and provided concrete examples, all in
the context of the basic communication task of symbol detection. We first discussed
how established DNN architectures can be utilized as symbol detectors, presenting
the SBRNN receiver of [28] as an example. Then we detailed how the framework of
deep unfolding, which designs DNNs based on iterative optimization algorithms, can
give rise to hybrid model-based/data-driven receivers, presenting DetNet of [32] as an
example. We identified that the main drawback of these aforementioned techniques
in the context of digital communications stems from their usage of highly param-
eterized DNNs applied in an end-to-end fashion, which directly results in the need
for massive data sets for training. Then, we presented DNN-aided algorithms, where
DNNs are integrated into existing model-based algorithms. We identified the latter as
being extremely suitable for digital communications due to the wide variety of model-
based algorithms designed for such setups, combined with its ability to incorporate
different levels of domain knowledge as well as utilize compact DNNs as intermediate
components in the inference process.
The DNN-aided symbol detectors presented as examples here (i.e., ViterbiNet
[11], BCJRNet [12], and DeepSIC [43]) all numerically demonstrated improved
performance over competing strategies when a limited amount of training data is
available. In particular, it is demonstrated that these DNN-aided symbol detectors,
which are designed to operate in a hybrid model-based/data-driven fashion, learn to
approach the performance achieved by purely model-based approaches operating with
perfect knowledge of the underlying channel model and its parameters. Furthermore,
the DNN-aided symbol detectors were shown to be notably more resilient to CSI
uncertainty compared to model-based schemes, carrying out accurate detection in
the presence of inaccurate CSI. Finally, it was demonstrated that model-based deep
learning enables DNN-aided receivers to learn their mapping from relatively small
data sets, making it an attractive approach to combine with tracking of dynamic
channel conditions.

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7 Constrained Unsupervised Learning
for Wireless Network Optimization
Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek

7.1 Introduction

An optimization task in a wireless network is often formulated as a distributed

decision-making problem. Figure 7.1 illustrates a generic distributed setup of wireless
network optimization tasks. Multiple wireless nodes are equipped with computing
devices and distributed over a coverage region. Each of the nodes independently
makes its decision with a certain objective. The decision is often associated with
an individual networking policy to serve its mobile users. Any network element
responsible for such computations, including base stations and access points, can be
designated as a wireless node. The objective function associated with an individual
node is described as a network cost function characterizing the performance evaluated
by the set of the decisions. Several strict regulations on wireless resources impose
the corresponding design constraints on communication systems. It is necessary to
control the behavior of a wireless node so that the collective network dynamics meets
the restrictions. This is mathematically formalized by a set of multiple constraint
functions. Therefore, the network optimization problem commonly boils down to the
optimization minimizing the cost function subject to the set of design constraints. This
approach includes a variety of management challenges of wireless networks, such as
the resource allocation policy and the transceiver technique design.
The nonconvexity of the cost function and constraints incurred by a technical nui-
sance, such as internode interference and nonlinear transceiver architecture, poses
issues in designing wireless networks with off-the-shelf convex optimization soft-
ware packages. To resolve them, there have been intensive efforts in sophisticated
nonconvex programming techniques for signal processing and wireless communica-
tion applications [1, 2]. The convergence dynamics and its optimality guarantee of
such methods have been examined and verified extensively in diverse types of the
networking setup. However, their dependence on special mathematical structures of
the cost function and constraints leaves generic optimization tasks based on arbitrary
networking setups unaddressed.
Another fundamental challenge is raised by the distributed nature of wireless net-
works. Independent decisions of wireless nodes depend on the collection of isolated
measurements (e.g., the channel state information of a communication link) obtained Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 183

Desired signal
Interference signal
message Backhaul link
Local Quantized
measurement message Wireless node

Mobile user
Local Quantized
decision message Computing device

Figure 7.1 A generic distributed wireless setup with interconnected wireless nodes.

from local sensing and detection technology. Typically, wireless nodes are deployed
spatially over the target coverage region for the support of distributed mobile users.
Local statistics of individual nodes are mostly available partially. Thus, such defi-
ciency results in incorrect decisions in the joint optimization’s perspectives. Existing
distributed optimization techniques [3, 4] address this issue via distributed coordi-
nation among wireless nodes interconnected with backhaul infrastructures. Solutions
are identified locally at individual nodes through message transfer strategies. These
approaches can handle only formulations defined in separable forms of the cost func-
tion and constraints. Furthermore, the requirements on high precision of continuous-
valued messages need impractically large bandwidths of the backhaul interface for
unlimited cooperation capability. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a universal
optimization framework handling various nonconvex formulations of cost functions
and constraints that jointly designs distributed decision and quantized coordination
policies over limited-bandwidth backhaul interfaces.
This chapter addresses constrained and unsupervised learning strategies that tackle
the machine-learning-oriented design of distributed wireless network management.
First, a centralized learning mechanism is developed so that lossless information shar-
ing is allowed among wireless nodes over an ideal infinite-capacity backhaul configu-
ration. A suite of neural network (NN) units is designed to produce a set of individual
decisions based on a collection of local measurements of the nodes. Nonconvex con-
straints are considered in learning a dual formulation of the optimization problem with
a guarantee of the strong duality [5]. Second, finite-capacity backhauls are reflected
to taken a realistic networking setup into account. To do so, a distributed inference is
obtained for a group of centrally trained NNs. In particular, a pair of component NN
units, referred to as a quantizer NN and an optimizer NN, is introduced at individual Published online by Cambridge University Press

184 Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek

nodes. In addition, an efficient neural quantization strategy is developed so that the

collection of all NNs incorporated at wireless nodes are jointly trained in an end-to-
end manner.
The rest of this chapter is organized to describe the details of distributed optimiza-
tion in wireless networks as follows: A constrained training algorithm is developed
in Section 7.3. An optimality guarantee of the NN-based formalism is verified with
mathematical analysis. In Section 7.4, a distributed arrangement of the NN-based
optimization inferences is introduced. The unsupervised learning approaches is tested
with various networking applications as presented in Sections 7.5 and 7.6.

7.2 Distributed Management of Wireless Networks

7.2.1 System Model

An optimization task in distributed wireless networks is introduced first as depicted
in Fig. 7.1. A group of N wireless nodes participates in the joint minimization
of a certain common network cost function. The nodes are interconnected via
backhaul links, where they can exchange relevant statistics that a reliable distributed
decision relies on. Let ai be an Ai -dimensional vector of local measurements
exclusively obtained at node i. It is connected with its neighbors via the set of links
Ei  {(i,j ) : ∀j = i}. Local measurements collectively form a global observation set
denoted by a  {ai : 1 ≤ i ≤ N }, which describes the current overall network state.
With only locally observable information at hand, node i determines a vector of
Xi -dimensional local decision variables denoted by xi among a decision vector
set Xi .
The macroscopic performance of the network depends on the microscopic deci-
sions of all wireless nodes. Since the network state affects the choices at the nodes,
the performance metric and its associated cost function also depend on the global
measurement a. Consequently, a global decision set aggregating the local decisions,
denoted by x  {xi : 1 ≤ i ≤ N}, is regarded as the result of the optimization problem
associated with specific state a. A network cost function is expressed as f (a,x), or a
function of the network state a and its corresponding decision results x. The target is
to determine x that minimizes the network cost function by combining local decisions
xi made independently at each node. Most wireless networking management tasks
typically focus on the network cost Ea [f (a,x)] averaged over random instances of a,
rather than instantaneous cost value f (a,x) with respect to a specific realization a. The
average cost describes a long-term behavior of the network management technique
by encompassing inherent stochastic properties, such as the randomness in fading
channels and the network topology. The computation methods for the average cost rely
on the availability of the distribution p(a), or accurate statistics of channel propagation
environment. The average cost function is evaluated as

Ea [f (a,x)] = f (a,x)p(a)da. (7.1)
a Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 185

On the other hand, the distribution p(a) is unavailable in most machine-learning

applications. The integral in Eq. (7.1) would not be tractable in an analytical way.
A data-driven approach can be adopted for numerical evaluation with a random
realization set of a. It is designated as a training dataset A  {a(d) : 1 ≤ d ≤ D}
containing D distinct samples a(d) from the global measurement a. For the training
dataset, Eq. (7.1) is calculated using

Ea [f (a,x)] = f (a(d),x(d) ), (7.2)

where x(d) is the decision corresponding to the dth realization of the network state a(d) .
For the minimization of the cost functions in Eqs. (7.1) and (7.2), the nodes need
perfect access to the global network state information. However, they only observe
their local state information that does not suffice for the optimal decision. This issue
promotes the need for a cooperative optimization mechanism by means of the infor-
mation sharing via their interconnecting backhaul links. The local information ai
dedicated to node i is forwarded to its neighborhood. In practice, the data transmission
capacity of the backhaul link is restricted for the limitation on wireless resource.
Thus, perfect global sharing of the local information is normally prohibited. Such
a restriction is characterized by the capacity of the backhaul link defined by the ratio
of transmitted bits to channel uses. Also, the capacity of the link from node i to node
j is denoted by Bij . To accommodate this into the network optimization framework,
an efficient quantization technique is necessary for the local measurements as well as
a distributed decision strategy at an individual node.

7.2.2 Cooperative Mechanism

To develop a cooperative mechanism as indicated in the preceding discussion, the
distributed decision rule at each node is made with two different computation units:
a quantizer unit and a distributed optimizer unit (see Fig. 7.2). Upon measurement
of the local information, the quantizer unit at node i produces a discrete embedding
vector of ai , called a message, to facilitate the information sharing over capacity-
constrained backhaul links. The message transferred from node i to node j is denoted
by mij and represented in a bipolar vector of length Bij ; that is, its element takes a
discrete value of either −1 or +1. The optimizer unit makes an independent deci-
sion xi with the available local information: the state measurement vector ai and
the collection of quantized messages received from neighboring node j denoted by
m̌i  {mj i : j ∈ Ei }. In addition, the quantizer and optimizer units of node i are
represented in functional representations of Qi (·) and Di (·), respectively. In addition,
let m̂i  {mij : j ∈ Ei } be a collection of the messages transmitted from node i. The
quantizer unit at node i is expressed as

m̂i = Qi (ai ) ∈ {−1, + 1}Bi , (7.3) Published online by Cambridge University Press

186 Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek



Figure 7.2 Distributed optimization inference with quantized cooperation.

where Bi  j =i Bij is the number of bits that amounts to the total information sent
by node i. The resulting message mij contains useful information required for the
decision of node j out of the state measurement observable at node i. Therefore,
the role of the quantizer unit Qi (·) is not only simple discretization of the local
measurement, but also message transmission for cooperative optimization using the
backhaul links. The distributed optimizer unit Di (·) calculates the local decision
variable as

xi = Di (ci ), (7.4)

where ci is the concatenation of the local measurement ai and the message set m̌. The
optimizer unit in Eq. (7.4) makes a distributed decision for xi based on the received
The cost minimization problem now boils down to the development of the learning
technique for Qi (·) and Di (·), (1 ≤ i ≤ N ). The network optimization imposes design
constraints so that the dynamic behaviors of wireless nodes are under control of the
network management. Regularization constraints on local decision xi , such as the
peak signal level and the transmit power budget, are reflected by a convex set Xi
for i (1 ≤ i ≤ N ). Additional sophisticated network controls associated with the
state information and the global decision are enforced by constraint functions gk (a,x)
for 1 ≤ k ≤ K. In particular, the constraints on long-term network behaviors (e.g.,
the average quality-of-service and the average transmit power budget), are ensured
by the inequality on the average constraint function for some capacity level Gk (i.e.,
Ea [gk (a,x)] ≤ Gk ). Since the average values of a function can be approximated using
sample mean with respect to the training dataset, the resulting network cost minimiza-
tion is formulated as Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 187

min f (a(d),x(d) ) (7.5)
{Di (·), Qi (·):1≤i≤N} D

subject to gk (a(d),x(d) ) ≤ Gk , 1 ≤ k ≤ K, (7.6)
(d) (d)
xi = Di (ci ) ∈ Xi , 1 ≤ i ≤ N, 1 ≤ d ≤ D, (7.7)
(d) (d)
m̂i = Qi (ai ) ∈ {−1, + 1}Bi , 1 ≤ i ≤ N, 1 ≤ d ≤ D, (7.8)

(d) (d)
where m̂i and ci are the outgoing messages in Eq. (7.3) and the input vector in
Eq. (7.4) obtained from the dth measurement sample a(d) , respectively. This formula-
tion allows to generalize design tasks encountered in various wireless communication
applications, such as interference management, power control, and transceiver design.
The binary constraint in Eq. (7.8) requires the quantization of messages for informa-
tion sharing via finite-capacity backhaul links.
The global optimum of a generalized objective function in Eq. (7.5) with the opti-
mality guarantees in wireless applications [6–9] has not been properly investigated.
Major challenges lie in the design of operators Qi (·) and Di (·). However, the design
problem may become intractable by traditional optimization techniques involved with
a model-based formulation, since two operators can be chosen as any continuous
mappings with unknown computation structure.
A machine-learning-based approach is employed to design two units. According to
the universal approximation theorem [10, 11], two units handling unknown compu-
tational rules Qi (·) and Di (·) are modeled by appropriate fully connected NNs. The
detailed descriptions on the machine-learning-based strategies for the constrained for-
mulation in Eq. (7.5) are introduced focusing on an unsupervised learning technique
that does not call for prior knowledge of the solution.

7.3 Centralized Approach

This section considers a centralized approach for the solution of Eq. (7.5) and inves-
tigates an efficient training technique addressing the solution of a constrained opti-
mization. In an ideal case of infinite-capacity backhaul, the bipolar constraint on the
signal value in Eq. (7.8) no longer exists, while the messages can take continuous-
valued vectors. An optimum coordination strategy is to share ai directly through
lossless backhaul links. In this case, the best message generator unit Qi (·) in Eq. (7.3)
becomes the identity map; that is, mij = ai , ∀j ∈ Ei . Thus, node i obtain the perfect
knowledge of the state information a. It points out that a common form of a centralized
optimization rule suffices for all nodes. That is, the global decision x is readily found
by a central unit C(·) as

x = C(a). (7.9) Published online by Cambridge University Press

188 Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek

Based on this operation, the distributed formulation Eq. (7.5) further reduces to

min f (a(d),C(a(d) )) (7.10)
C (·) D

subject to gk (a(d),C(a(d) )) ≤ Gk , 1 ≤ k ≤ K, (7.11)
xi ∈ Xi , 1 ≤ i ≤ N, 1 ≤ d ≤ D. (7.12)

Note that the training algorithm is much simplified to obtain a single function C(·)
instead of training all individual functions Di (·).

7.3.1 Learning to Optimize

The problem now becomes the design of a single operator C(·) commonly used at all
nodes. However, it is still challenging to solve the problem for its nonconvexity of
the formulation and intractable computation structure. To tackle this, an NN-based
strategy, called the learning to optimize approach [12–20], is considered. As illus-
trated in Fig. 7.3, this approach introduces an NN to model an unknown mapping
for C(·) in Eq. (7.9). A central optimizer NN φC (·;θC ) with trainable parameter θC
aims at approximating the solution of the problem in Eq. (7.10). The input to the
central optimizer NN depends solely on the global measurement vector a, and the
resulting output is the decision x. For simplicity, the description focuses on the fully
connected NN architecture with R layers. The output of layer r (1 ≤ r ≤ R) is given as
Ur -dimensional real vector ur . For convenience of the representation, the input and
the output are denoted by u0 = a and uR+1 = x, respectively. Then, the output of
each layer r is expressed as

Figure 7.3 An NN approximation of the central optimizer. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 189

ur = σr (Wr ur−1 + br ), r = 1, . . . ,R, (7.13)

where Wr and br are an Ur × Ur−1 weight matrix and an Ur -dimensional bias vector
employed at layer r, respectively. Furthermore, σr (·) stands for a nonlinear activa-
tion function. The weights and biases are collected as a set of trainable parameters
θC  {Wr ,br : 1 ≤ r ≤ R}. The cascaded neural calculation of Eq. (7.13) defines an
end-to-end NN mapping x = φC (a;θC ) between a and x, which is given by

x = φC (a;θC )
= σR (WR σR−1 (WR−1 × · · · × σ1 (W1 a + b1 ) + · · · + bR−1 ) + bR ). (7.14)

The design target for φC (·;θC ) is to approximate the operator C(·) as

x = C(a)  φC (a;θC ). (7.15)

Using the approximation in Eq. (7.15), a complicated optimization in Eq. (7.10) that
identifies a valid function out of unaccountably many candidates can reduce to the
training task of NN parameter set θC having a finite dimension. The universal approx-
imation theorem guarantees an arbitrary precision of the approximation in Eq. (7.15)
[10]. Precisely, it states that an NN having a finite number of fully connected layers
with sigmoid activation can model a continuous-valued function within arbitrary small
error. Furthermore, its extended results [11] validate the universal approximation the-
orem for a discrete function as well. Hence, the optimal solution for the nonconvex
formulation in Eq. (7.10) is successfully characterized by a well-trained NN, whether
the output of the target mapping C(·) is continuous or discrete. However, the theorems
ensure the existence of such NNs only, while their specific design techniques are left
It is essential to determine the structure and parameter set θC of an efficient NN
so that the resulting outputs x(d) = φC (a(d) ;θC ) for each a(d) becomes optimal for
1 ≤ d ≤ D. To make a feasible decision xi ∈ Xi , the output activation can be designed
as a projection operation onto convex feasible set Xi [21]. Thus, it is defined as
Xi (u)  arg minxi ∈Xi u − x2 , which becomes a convex quadratic program [22].
As a result, an implicit constraint Eq. (7.12) can be removed for simplification. The
substitution of Eq. (7.15) into Eq. (7.10) results in the overall formulation expressed as

min F(θC ) (7.16)


subject to Gk (θC ) ≤ Gk , 1 ≤ k ≤ K, (7.17)

where new cost and constraint functions F(θC ) and Gk (θC ), are defined, respec-
tively, as

F(θC )  f (a(d),φC (a(d) ;θC )) (7.18)

Gk (θC )  gk (a(d),φC (a(d) ;θC )). (7.19)
d=1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

190 Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek

Therefore, the nonconvex network management problem in Eq. (7.10) boils down to
a tractable task of identifying the NN parameter θC .

7.3.2 Constrained Unsupervised Learning

The prior knowledge of the optimal solution is, in general, unavailable since the
problem in Eq. (7.10) has a nonconvex objective and constraints. In this configuration,
a simple supervised learning approach [12], which trains an NN to memorize optimal
solutions, is not a suitable strategy. To handle Eq. (7.16) without numerous samples
of optimal solutions, developing an unsupervised NN training algorithm is essential
by incorporating the network constraint in Eq. (7.17). However, it is challenging since
most training techniques are originally intended for unconstrained learning tasks. To
this end, the Lagrange duality method [5] can be considered as a valid alternative.
The Lagrange duality formulation transforms the original constrained formulation to
an unconstrained one associated with a dual function called a Lagrangian. Regardless
of convexity properties of the original problem, the Lagrange duality approach for
Eq. (7.16) establishes its optimality in terms of the strong duality [19, 20, 23]. The
Lagrangian of Eq. (7.16) is defined as

L(θC ,λ) = F(θC ) + λk (Gk (θC ) − Gk ), (7.20)

where a nonnegative λk , referred to as a Lagrange multiplier, is a dual variable cor-

responding to an individual constraint in Eq. (7.17), and a vector representing their
collection is denoted by λ  {λk : 1 ≤ k ≤ K} ∈ RK . The resulting dual problem is
given as

max min L(θC ,λ) (7.21)

λ θC

subject to λk ≥ 0, 1 ≤ k ≤ K. (7.22)

The dual formulation sets forth simultaneous maximization and minimization of the
Lagrangian with respect to the dual variable λ and the NN parameter θC , respectively.
Such an optimization problem is normally dealt with the primal-dual method [24]. It
adjusts the feasibility of the NN output with respect to the cost function in cooperation
with a careful control for the dual variable during the NN parameter training process.
Alternating updates are conducted between the primal variable (i.e., the NN parameter
θC , and the dual variable λ. The dual variable λ helps optimizing the NN parameter
θC by providing a tight lower bound of the optimal network cost function. To be
precise, the real-time inference that uses the NN computation rule in Eq. (7.14) does
not take the dual variable as its input. Thus, the dual variable is discarded upon the
completion of the optimization of the NN parameter θC , and the NN computation
rule in Eq. (7.14) is used only, which saves the computational cost in the real-time
inference of the solution. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 191

Let z[t] be the state of variable z evaluated at the tth iteration. The primal update
for θC[t] is derived using a gradient descent (GD) technique given by

θC[t] = θC[t−1] − η∇θC L(θC[t−1],λ[t−1] )

[t−1] [t−1]
[t−1] [t−1]
= θC − η ∇θC F(θC ) + λk (∇θC Gk (θC ) − Gk ) , (7.23)

where a positive real number η is a learning rate, and ∇z represents the gradient
operator with respect to variable z. Using the chain rule, the gradient ∇θC F(θC ) in
Eq. (7.23) is explicitly expressed as

∇θC F(θC ) = ∇θC f (a(d),φC (a(d) ;θC ))


= ∇x f (a(d),x) · ∇θC φC (a(d) ;θC ), (7.24)
d=1 x=φC (a(d) ;θC )

and, likewise, ∇θC Gk (θC ) is obtained as


∇θC Gk (θC ) = ∇x gk (a ,x)
· ∇θC φC (a(d) ;θC ). (7.25)
d=1 x=φC (a(d) ;θC )

To keep a dual variable nonnegative for the complementary slackness [5], the projected
subgradient method [24] is applied to the dual update for λ[t]
k . Since the subgradient
of the Lagrangian with λk is simply linear, the explicit expression for new λ[t] k is
obtained as

k = λk
+ η∂λk L(θC[t−1],λ[t−1] )

= λk [t−1]
+ η(Gk (θC ) − Gk ) , (7.26)

where ∂z represents the subgradient with respect to variable z and [x]+  max{0,x}
is a nonnegative projection function equivalent to rectified linear unit (ReLU)
activation. The primal-dual update pair with Eqs. (7.23) and (7.26) forms a joint
GD-based training algorithm for the NN parameter set θC and the corresponding
dual solution λ. Parallel computations of sample gradients can proceed with the aids
of general-purpose graphical processing units (GPGPUs). The training rule of Eqs.
(7.23) and (7.26) requests no prior information of the optimal decision. As a result, it
can be realized in a fully unsupervised manner without labeled training dataset.
Major challenges in the implementation of the primal-dual method are involved
with the computation of the gradient for Eqs. (7.18) and (7.19). These functions,
in fact, require a prohibitively high complexity for simultaneous evaluation of
2D gradients Eqs. (7.24) and (7.25) even in a single primal-dual update. Thus, a
stochastic optimization algorithm in machine-learning area, in particular, mini-batch
stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method, is used to reduce a computational load Published online by Cambridge University Press

192 Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek

Training Global
set decision

Central optimizer
t NN
Global measurement

NN parameter

Global decision
Dual update
variables Constraint

Figure 7.4 Primal-dual training strategy for constrained unsupervised learning.

for the updates in Eqs. (7.23) and (7.26). It exploits a subset set of the training data
A = {a(1), . . . ,a(D) }, referred to as a mini-batch set. The gradients in Eqs. (7.24) and
(7.25) are evaluated over mini-batch set S ⊂ A of size S that contains much smaller
number of realizations than the training data (i.e., S D).
Figure 7.4 illustrates the overall the primal-dual training algorithm for the con-
strained NN optimization. Initially, a mini-batch set is sampled at random from
the training dataset. In forward pass calculation, the samples are passed to the
central optimizer NN φC (·;θC ) to obtain the corresponding global decision vector
x = φC (a;θC ). The Lagrangian in Eq. (7.20) is subsequently computed using a set
of pairs (a,x) and dual variables determined at the previous iteration. The Lagrangian
calculation result, which contains the information about the corresponding constraint
function, is transferred to the dual update in Eq. (7.26). The updated dual variables
reflect the extent of the constraint violation. Thus, they control the direction of the
primal update so that the forward pass decision output maintains the feasibility for
the network constraint Eq. (7.17). The backward pass calculation or back propagation
through the central optimizer NN proceeds with the Lagrangian to calculate its
gradient. The primal update Eq. (7.23) in turn updates the NN parameter and feeds it
back to the central optimizer NN for the next iteration. The detailed procedure of the
overall algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 7.1.
The central optimizer NN is trained along with the dual variable updates. Once the
optimization of the NN parameter is completed, the dual variable becomes unneces-
sary since the trained central optimizer NN φC (·;θC ) is able to compute the global
decision x alone. As depicted in Fig. 7.5, the real-time implementation is accom-
plished by means of the parameter θC stored in individual nodes. With the global
observation a at hands, each node can obtain the global decision x = φC (a;θC ) using Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 193

Algorithm 7.1 Primal-dual training algorithm.

Initialize t = 0, θC[0] and λ[0] .
Set t ← t + 1.
Sample a mini-batch set S ⊂ A from the training dataset A.
Update θC[t] and λ[t] from (7.23) and (7.26), respectively.
until convergence

ai Unlimited
ai xj
C(; C)

Optimizer NN

aj aj
C ( ;

C )
xj Optimizer NN

Node i Node j

Figure 7.5 Centralized learning structure with central optimizer NNs.

the trained parameter θC . The desired solution xi is obtained at node i by masking

other part xj in the central solution, j = i.

7.4 Distributed Approach

The constrained unsupervised learning strategy can be extended to a distributed net-

work setup in Eq. (7.5). Unlike the centralized learning structure that shares uncoded
(or raw) measurement directly among nodes, the distributed approach needs additional
quantization operation Qi (·). It is in charge of encoding of the local observation ai into
a discrete message for the capacity-limited backhaul link transmission. Two compo-
nent functions Qi (·) and Di (·) of node i are realized via quantizer NN φQi (·;θQi ) and
distributed optimizer NN φDi (·;θDi ), respectively. Figure 7.6 shows the structure of
the node computation comprised of two different NNs. Thus, there exist 2N NNs to
be trained in total over the the network. The message quantizer in Eq. (7.3) and the
distributed optimizer in Eq. (7.4) are approximated, respectively, as

m̂i = Qi (ai )  φQi (ai ;θQi ) ∈ {−1, + 1}Bi , (7.27)

xi = Di (ci )  φDi (ci ;θDi ). (7.28)

The universal approximation theorem also holds for Eqs. (7.27) and (7.28). To
design these NNs, the collection of the corresponding NN parameters is denoted by Published online by Cambridge University Press

194 Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek

m ij m ij xj
ai Backhaul Bij
Qi (; Qi ) Dj (; Dj )
Quantizer NN Optimizer NN

m ji mji
Backhaul Bji aj
xi Di (; Di ) Qj (; Qj )
Optimizer NN Quantizer NN

Node i Node j

Figure 7.6 Distributed learning structure with quantizer NNs and optimizer NNs.

θ = {θDi ,θQi : 1 ≤ i ≤ N }. Accordingly, the resulting distributed optimization in

Eq. (7.5) is recast as

min F(θ) (7.29)

θ={θDi ,θQi :1≤i≤N }

subject to Gk (θ) ≤ Gk , 1 ≤ k ≤ K, (7.30)

φQi (ai ;θQi ) ∈ {−1, + 1}Bi , 1 ≤ i ≤ N,1 ≤ d ≤ D, (7.31)

where cost and constraint functions F(θ) and Gk (θ) are expressed with a slight abuse
of the notation, respectively, as

F(θ)  f (a(d),{φDi (ci ;θDi ) : 1 ≤ i ≤ N }) (7.32)

Gk (θ)  gk (a(d),{φDi (ci ;θDi ) : 1 ≤ i ≤ N }). (7.33)

Note that the distributed formulation in Eq. (7.29) is viewed as a generalization of the
centralized counterpart in Eq. (7.16). The binary constraint in Eq. (7.31) can be relaxed
to allow continuous-valued message transmission. As discussed earlier, the quantizer
NN φQi (·;θQi ) uses the local measurement ai as the message output mij . In this
case, the quantizer NNs can be removed by setting mij = ai , ∀j ∈ Ei . This results
in a simplified distributed optimization rule xi = φDi (ci ;θDi ) = φDi (a;θDi ). As a
result, the distributed learning problem in Eq. (7.29) reduces to the centralized task in
Eq. (7.16), where the central optimizer NN φC (·;θC ) is represented by a distributed
optimizer NN group defined as φC (a;θC ) = {φDi (a;θDi ) : 1 ≤ i ≤ N } with the
parameter set θC = {θDi : 1 ≤ i ≤ N }.
The output layer of the distributed optimizer NN has an activation function of
a projection operator for the convex condition xi = φDi (ai , m̌i ;θDi ) ∈ Xi , thereby
ensuring the decision alphabet constraint. On the other hand, it is not simple to address
a nonconvex binary constraint in Eq. (7.31) with the projection activation (e.g., a Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 195

1 m m
measurement m
1 Noise Binary
Qi (; Qi ) generator q message

Message-generating NN Hyperbolic tangent Stochastic binarization

Quantizer NN Qi (; Qi )

Figure 7.7 Structure of quantizer NN with stochastic binarization.

signum function) since its gradient becomes zero for all input ranges of the output
layer. Such a deterministic binarization incurs a critical vanishing gradient problem.
In such a case, the NN parameters are no longer updated after few iterations of the
gradient-based algorithms, possibly ending up failing to learn a valid binary solution.
Therefore, a sophisticated binarization technique that improves the SGD update of the
quantizer NN is necessary.

7.4.1 Stochastic Message Binarization

To develop a new NN-based quantization technique compatible to existing SGD
training algorithms, this subsection focuses on generating a scalar bipolar message
m ∈ {−1, + 1}. For simple representation, all subscripts are ignored. The results
are easily extended to a general type of discrete vector-valued messages with the
element-wise quantization. A key idea is to model the randomness of the actual
quantized value with a carefully controlled output activation. As depicted in Fig. 7.7,
the quantizer NN φQi (·;θQi ) consists of three component units: a message-generating
NN φ̃Qi (·;θQi ), a hyperbolic tangent activation tanh(x)  ee2x −1
, and a stochastic
binarization activation. Let m̃  tanh(φ̃Qi (ai ;θQi )) denote a relaxed binary message
output that takes a value within the bounded signal range [−1, +1]. A bipolar message
m ∈ {−1, + 1} is regarded as a quantized value of this continuous-valued message m̃.
The resulting quantization NN output is expressed as

m = m̃ + q = tanh( φ̃Qi (ai ;θQi )) + q, (7.34)

where q reflects a quantization noise added deliberately to the relaxed message m̃

to guarantee the discreteness of message m. Since m takes on either −1 or +1, the
corresponding values of q are given by −1 − m̃ and 1 − m̃, respectively. To obtain a
nontrivial quantization output, the stochastic nature of the quantization is applied by
characterizing it with binary noise probabilities of Pr{q = −1−m̃} = p and Pr{q = 1−
m̃} = 1 − p. The probability value p ∈ [0,1] is a hyperparameter set beforehand.
Therefore, the quantization noise is modeled as a Bernoulli random variable given by

−1 − m̃, with probability p,

q= (7.35)
1 − m̃, with probability 1 − p. Published online by Cambridge University Press

196 Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek

Probability for
Probability for m = +1
m = –1

1 m 1 m

1 m 1
Figure 7.8 Interpretation of stochastic binarization

A carefully controlled noise in Eq. (7.35) guarantees the output message m to have
a value of either −1 or +1. Such a binarization strategy is referred to as a stochastic
binarization. The frequency of the final value relies on the noise statistics, and the
identification of hyperparameter p is crucial for good quantization results. An efficient
design principle is to hold the zero mean property Eq [q] = 0, leading to a simple
implementation of the back propagation since it lowers a corrupting impact of inten-
tional noise on the gradient value for training. The mean of the noise is expressed as

Eq [q] = m̃ + p(−1 − m̃) + (1 − p)(1 − m̃) = 1 − 2p. (7.36)

Equating it to zero obtains the value of p as

1 − m̃
p= . (7.37)

Figure 7.8 sketches the intuition behind the stochastic binarization. Provided that m̃
lies within the interval [−1, +1], the stochastic binarization activation yields a discrete
output of −1 or +1 with probability 1−2m̃ and 1+2m̃ , respectively. These probabilities
are proportional to the distances from the unquantized value m̃ to binary points of
+1 and −1.
An end-to-end training strategy is now addressed subject to the stochastic bina-
rization technique. For the SGD updates, the gradient of the binary message m with
respect to the quantizer NN parameter θQi , denoted by ∇θQi m, is necessary. However,
the randomizing noise in Eq. (7.35) inhibits the approach from obtaining an analytical
expression for the gradient ∇θQi m. To resolve this, gradient estimation techniques [25,
26] are employed so that an intractable stochastic gradient of the NN is approximated
with its average value with respect to noise probability distribution (i.e., the binary
noise distribution in Eq. (7.35)). For a given NN output m̃, the gradient of the binary
message m is approximated as

∇θQi m  ∇θQi Eq [m] (7.38)

= ∇θQi m̃ + ∇θQi Eq [q] (7.39)
= ∇θQi m̃ (7.40) Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 197

= ∇θQi tanh(φ̃Qi (ai ;θQi )) (7.41)

=  · ∇θQi φ̃Qi (ai ;θQi ) (7.42)
e2x + 1 
x=φ̃Qi (ai ;θQi )

Note here that the zero mean noise property removes the gradient of Eq [q] in
Eq. (7.40). It also indicates in Eq. (7.40) that the gradient of the continuous-valued
message m̃ can replace that of the binary message m. Since m̃ is the output of
the hyperbolic tangent activation, its gradient never disappears and becomes well-
defined in the entire range of the NN output value. As a result, the quantizer NNs
can be efficiently trained with existing mini-batch SGD algorithms together with the
optimizer NNs.
Figure 7.9 depicts the overall training strategy of the quantizer NN with the
stochastic binarization activation. By combining Eqs. (7.34) and (7.40), the stochastic
binarization layer has a hybrid structure for forward-pass and backward-pass opera-
tion. In the forward-pass computation, the quantizer NN produces the binary message
m = m̃ + q. The message-generating NN unit φ̃Qi (ai ;θQi ) first preprocesses the
local measurement input ai . The following hyperbolic tangent activation bounds the
NN output within the interval [−1, + 1]. The resulting output of continuous-valued
message m̃ = tanh(φ̃Qi (ai ;θQi )) is fed into the stochastic binarization Eq. (7.23). The
forward-pass stochastic binarization adds a Bernoulli random value q in Eq. (7.35) to
m̃. The final output of the quantizer NN φQi (·;θQi ) becomes a bipolar message m
obtained as
m = φQi (ai ;θQi ) = tanh( φ̃Qi (ai ;θQi )) + q. (7.43)
On the other hand, the backward-pass operation calculates the gradient with respect
to the NN parameter θQi . It is noted in Eq. (7.40) that the randomness of the
stochastic operation is ignored in the gradient computation, thereby using m̃ =
tanh(φ̃Qi (ai ;θQi )) as the final output in the backward-pass operation. Combining this
with Eq. (7.43), the operation of the quantizer NN is summarized as

tanh(φ̃Qi (ai ;θQi )) + q in forward pass,

φQi (ai ;θQi ) = (7.44)
tanh(φ̃Qi (ai ;θQi )) in backward pass.

Backward pass m Continuous-valued message

Forward pass

+1 m
–1 Noise Binary
Qi (; Qi ) generator q message
Message-generating NN Hyperbolic tangent Stochastic binarization

Quantizer NN Qi (; Qi )

Figure 7.9 Training flow of quantizer NN. Published online by Cambridge University Press

198 Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek

In the forward-pass operation, the quantizer NN estimates the network cost function
to examine the current performance of the optimizer for training NNs. In addition,
it produces a binary message in Eq. (7.43) which each of neighboring nodes uses to
compute its own local decision when deployed in the network. On the contrary, the
backward-pass value calculated with the random perturbation removed is used in
the evaluation of an uncorrupted estimate on the gradient to update the NN parameter
during the training process.
The stochastic binarization can be implemented in Tensorflow using a stop gradient
operator tf.stop_gradient(). This command directly outputs an input tensor
without explicit evaluation of the derivative. To be precise, the binarization output is
realized as tf.stop_gradient(m − m̃)+ m̃. It blocks the gradient calculation of
m − m̃ in the backward pass, whereas it produces a binary value of the message m
in the forward pass since tf.stop_gradient() releases the input value intact as
the output.

7.4.2 Centralized Training and Distributed Deployment

Figure 7.10 illustrates an end-to-end training algorithm for a group of wireless nodes
equipped with a pair of optimizer NN and quantizer NN. The cost function of this
group training algorithm is the Lagrangian function obtained from Eqs. (7.29) and
(7.30). Note that the binary constraint Eq. (7.31) is not included in the Lagrangian
since it is implicitly reflected at the output activation of the quantizer NN.
As discussed previously, the strong duality holds for Eq. (7.29). Thus, the primal-
dual training method in Eqs. (7.23) and (7.26) can be used for joint optimization of the
NN parameter set θ as well as dual variable vector λ. A centralized training algorithm

Local measurement Training Local measurement

Local measurement

Local measurement

m ij m ij xj
ai Backhaul Bij
Quantizer NN Optimizer NN

m ji m ji
Backhaul Bji aj
xi Optimizer NN
O Quantizer
i N

Node i Back-propagation Node j

Local measurement

NN parameters
Local decision


Gradients Primal
Dual update
variables Constraint
Local measurement Local measurement
Lagrangian Lagrangian
Local decision Local decision

Figure 7.10 Centralized training method of distributed NNs. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 199

is run at a cloud server that collects all NNs and data samples. In contrast to the
training process the central optimizer NN shown in Fig. 7.4, in a distributed setup,
the global measurement vector a is split into N local observations ai (1 ≤ i ≤ N ),
each provided into component NN units incorporated at the corresponding node. All
nodes exchange binary messages while getting trained. As a result, the quantizer NNs
are able to learn efficient coordination policies over capacity-constrained backhauls.
At the same time, the optimizer NNs can find their own local decisions that mini-
mize the network cost function calculated by collecting binary information transferred
from the neighborhood. Node i configures its own NNs φDi (·;θDi ) and φQi (·;θQi )
with the trained parameters to make an inference on xi . The NNs do not need dual
variable for obtaining the solution. Thus, only the node network in a gray box of
Fig. 7.10 is deployed and other components in the training algorithm are removed for
the real-time distributed inference. Thus, the resulting deployed structure can save the
computational cost of the network management.

7.5 Case Study 1: Cognitive Multiple Access Channels

This section presents an application of the constrained unsupervised learning tech-

nique to a distributed transmit power control task. To this end, a cognitive multiple
access channel (C-MAC) network [7] is considered first. The C-MAC describes a
spectrum sharing problem of the long-term evolution unlicensed (LTE-U) system.
In this application, wireless access links of unlicensed secondary nodes (SNs) are
managed in a license-assisted manner under the supervision of licensed primary net-
works. An important design challenge for transmission technology is a protocol that
guarantees certain levels of quality of service (QoS) both for primary and secondary
networks. This special feature imposes a nontrivial design constraint that an individual
SN does not interfere with the licensed system communication. One possible solution
is a power allocation policy for the secondary network carefully optimized so that its
system capacity is enhanced via spectrum sharing, while ensuring a certain level of
the QoS for the licensed nodes. Thus, a distributed power control method among SNs
separated geometrically is necessary.

7.5.1 System Description

Consider an uplink setup of a wireless cognitive radio network with N SNs. Each
SN desires to send its data to a secondary base station (SBS). However, no legitimate
resource block is assigned to a wireless node in this secondary network. A license-
assisted access allows for the uplink communication of the secondary network by
sharing resource blocks with an SN assigned to a licensed primary node (PN). Thus,
the communication in the secondary network naturally interferes with the PN. Each
SN is designated as a computing node in a distributed wireless network shown in
Fig. 7.1. The channel qualities of wireless links from SN i to the SBS and the PN Published online by Cambridge University Press

200 Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek

are denoted by aS,i and aP ,i , respectively. For simple representation, a local measure-
ment vector of SN i is defined as ai  {aS,i ,aP ,i } ∈ R2 . Furthermore, the global
measurement vector a is defined as a  {aS,i ,aP ,i : 1 ≤ i ≤ N } ∈ R2N .
In the C-MAC system, a local decision variable xi corresponds to the transmit
power level of SN i. Their collection, denoted by x, forms the global solution of the
cognitive radio network; that is, x  {xi : 1 ≤ i ≤ N }. These variables are collectively
identified to maximize the ergodic sum capacity of the secondary network (i.e., the
sum capacity averaged over channel states a), while maintaining the level of the
interference to the PN below a predefined threshold. Thus, SN i aims to make a local
decision on its state xi based on its observation ai obtained via distributed coordination
among the neighborhood. The resulting problem is formulated as [7]
(d) (d)
max log 1 + aS,i xi (7.45)
d=1 i=1

subject to xi ≤ P , 1 ≤ i ≤ N, (7.46)
1   (d) (d)
aP ,i xi ≤ , (7.47)
d=1 i=1
xi ≥ 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ N, 1 ≤ d ≤ D, (7.48)

where P and  are the transmit power budget at each SN and the interference limit for
(d) (d)
the PN, respectively. Furthermore, aS,i and aP ,i are the dth realization of the channel
gains aS,i and aP ,i , respectively. SN i identifies the corresponding decision xi sub-
ject to various realizations of the collected information. Meanwhile, the nonnegativity
of Eq. (7.48) is guaranteed by means of the ReLU activation at the output layer of an
optimizer NN.

7.5.2 Implementation
The implementation issues of NNs and hyperparameters are described briefly. For
the case of the infinite-capacity backhaul link, the centralized approach uses four
hidden layers of fully connected NN architecture. On the other hand, the optimizer NN
and the quantizer NN for the distributed configuration are constructed with three and
single hidden layers, respectively. Such an NN arrangement allows for manageable
computational complexity at each node regardless of the backhaul capacity. All hidden
layers have 10N neurons with the ReLU activation. The training algorithm can be
accelerated by leveraging the batch normalization technique applied at each layer.
The Adam optimizer [27] is applied with learning rate η = 5 × 10−5 and mini-
batch size S = 5 × 103 for the backward-pass operation. The Xavier initialization [28]
is consideration for the initial random choice of NN parameters, whereas the dual
variables are all initialized to zero. The inference performance of the trained NNs is
evaluated using 104 independent test samples. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 201


Average sum capacity [nats/sec/Hz] 1.4



0.4 Distributed (B = 5)
Distributed (B = 3)
Distributed (B = 1)
0.2 Distributed (B = 0)
Fixed resource allocation
–10 –5 0 5 10 15 20
SNR [dB]

Figure 7.11 Average sum capacity performance with respect to SNR. (© 2019 IEEE.
Reprinted, with permission, from [20])

7.5.3 Numerical Results

An example of the C-MAC system with N = 2,  = 1, and a constant limit of Bij = B
is considered. Figure 7.11 presents the average sum capacity performance examined
with the test dataset of randomly generated samples. For simplicity, the noise level is
set to unity, and the resulting average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is SNR = P . Once
the target SNR is set, the corresponding average power budget is determined to apply
for the inequality in Eq. (7.46). The Rayleigh fading environment is considered to
generate the dataset of channel gains for training, validation, and inference processes.
The optimal scheme is implemented
 using the algorithm in [7] and a simple power
control solution xi = max P , aP,i is obtained for the fixed resource allocation as
benchmarks. The centralized approach achieves almost identical performance to the
optimal scheme. This verifies the optimality of the constrained unsupervised learn-
ing algorithm. Although there is a slight performance gap between the distributed
approach and the optimal method, it becomes small as the backhaul capacity B grows.
The 3-bit resolution of messages is sufficient for wireless node coordinations to reach
the optimal performance. It is noted in the distributed learning method with B = 0 that
no information exchange occurs among SNs. Nevertheless, such a technique exhibits
the sum-capacity performance close to the optimum, outperforming the simple power
control method. It is justified that, in the centralized training process at the cloud,
each built-in NN of an individual SNs indirectly observe the average behavior of other
NNs (i.e., the Lagrangian function gradients which evidence the decisions of other
NNs), via the primal-dual training update strategy. Trained with numerous samples,
distributed NNs are able to learn a statistical behavior of the C-MAC system. This
trained ability allows the real-time inference even in the case of no node coordination. Published online by Cambridge University Press

202 Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek

The convergence dynamics of the primal-dual training algorithm for the central-
ized approach are illustrated in Fig. 7.12. The convergence of the primal update is
analyzed in Fig. 7.12(a). The average sum capacity is plotted with respect to the
training iteration for SNR = 0 and 5 dB. A zero duality gap is achieved by the NNs
are trained with the primal-dual update rules to achieve the zero duality gap. Thus,
the Lagrangian evaluated from the NN solution is plotted together for comparison.
The strong duality ensures that the Lagrangian value provides the tight upper bound
of the solution. Regardless of the value of SNR, the average sum capacity obtained by
the NN reaches to the optimal performance specified by the Lagrangian value.
Next, the convergence of the stochastic dual update Eq. (7.26) are depicted in
Fig. 7.12(b) for SNR = 5 dB. The optimal dual variables computed by the algorithm
in [7] is presented together as a reference. Two dual variables λ1 and λ2 are related
to the average power constraint for two SNs in Eq. (7.46), and the third one λ3 is
associated with the interference constraint in Eq. (7.47). The primal-dual training
algorithm identifies the optimal dual variables even if no prior knowledge of the
optimal points is available.
The feasibility of all constraints in Eqs. (7.46) and (7.47) are demonstrated in
Fig. 7.12(c). The extent of the constraint violation is measured using the difference
between both sides in inequalities calculated for the test dataset; that is, D1 Dd=1 xi −
(d) (d)
P for i = 1,2 and D1 D d=1
i=1 aP ,i xi − . Thus, a positive value indicates the
violations of the corresponding constraint. At the initial stage of the training process,
the decisions of individual SNs are normally infeasible since they cannot meet the
 N (d) (d)
interference constraint; that is, D1 D d=1 ( i=1 aP ,i xi ) −  > 0. As observed in
Fig. 7.12(b), dual variable λ3 grows rapidly in the first 1.1 × 105 training iterations.
In turn, λ3 decreases and converges eventually to its optimum point, and the asso-
 N (d) (d)
ciated interference constraint now becomes satisfied as D1 D d=1 ( i=1 aP ,i xi ) −
 = 0. The power constraints are initially inactive for the first a few iterations, as
1 D (d)
d=1 xi − P < 0. This leads to null dual variables λ 1 = λ 2 = 0 to guarantee
D  (d)
the complementary slackness condition [5]; that is, λi ( D1 D d=1 xi − P ) = 0. As the
transmit power level approaches close to the power budget P , the corresponding dual
variables achieve the optimal values at the 1.1 × 105 th training iteration for meeting
this condition. Therefore, the NN solution obtained with the primal-dual learning
strategy holds the strong duality after the 1.1 × 105 th iteration for SNR = 5 dB.
The convergence for the distributed learning solution is tested in Fig. 7.13 for
SNR = 5 dB with the backhaul capacity B = 0 and 5 bits. The distributed approach
shows the convergence both in the primal and dual domains with comparable con-
vergence speeds to the centralized solution. As discussed in Fig. 7.11, the backhaul
capacity of B = 5 bits is sufficient for the distributed NN to approach to the opti-
mum performance. This is again verified in Fig. 7.13(a) and 7.13(b) by exhibiting the
convergence behaviors in the primal and dual domains, respectively. When no coordi-
nation is allowed as B = 0, the performance gaps show up in the primal performance
and the value of dual variables. The dual variable λ 3 for the IT constraint fails to
converge to the optimal value since the SNs cannot exchange their local channel gains Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 203


1.4 SNR = 5 dB


1 SNR = 0 dB



Lagrangian (NN)
0.2 Average sum capacity (NN)
Average sum capacity (optimal)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Iterations ×105

(a) Primal convergence



0.4 λ3
Dual solutions

0.3 Optimal


λ1, λ2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Iterations ×105

(b) Dual convergence (SNR = 5 dB)







Power constraint 1
–3 Power constraint 2
Interference constraint
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Iterations ×105

(c) Primal feasibility (SNR = 5 dB)

Figure 7.12 Convergence behavior of the centralized approach. (© 2019 IEEE. Reprinted,
with permission, from [20]) Published online by Cambridge University Press

204 Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek



1.2 B=5




Lagrangian (NN)
0.2 Average sum capacity (NN)
Average sum capacity (optimal)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Iterations ×105

(a) Primal convergence



Dual solution

DNN (B = 5)
0.3 DNN (B = 0)


λ1, λ2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Iterations ×105

(b) Dual convergence

Figure 7.13 Convergence behavior of the distributed approach for SNR = 5 dB.

in the online inference step. This confirms the importance of the cooperation among
the SNs in the distributed transmit power control task.
The overall results show that the centralized approach indeed achieves the known
optimal point. The convergence behavior of the primal-dual training algorithm can
be analyzed by the optimality condition of the dual formulation such as the Karush-
Turcker-Kuhn condition [24]. The effectiveness of the distributed learning solution
can also be examined by comparing it with the optimal algorithm. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 205

7.6 Case Study 2: Interference Channels

This section considers an application of the network management in a wireless

interference channel (IFC) setup. In this configuration, the wireless network contains
multiple nodes that interfere with each other. Mutual interference among nodes incurs
the nonconvexity in the network cost function. Unfortunately, the global optimal
performance of most IFC networks remains unidentified. Popular applications of the
IFC system include traditional cellular networks, heterogeneous networks, and ad
hoc networks. Coordinate multipoint transmission (CoMP) systems in 4G multicell
technology can also be described by the IFC network configuration since transmission
points that are interconnected for cooperative transmission are distributed over the
network. Thus, the distributed management of the interference among multiple
transmission points with the limited coordination is essential in optimizing the overall
system performance of the network.

7.6.1 System Description

An IFC network configuration is investigated with N transmitter-receiver pairs. The
transmitter of the ith pair (1 ≤ i ≤ N ) sends its data to the dedicated destination. All
transmitters share all wireless resource blocks, thereby inherently incurring interfer-
ence to neighboring destinations. Thus, a distributed power control mechanism may
be applied to mitigate the multiuser interference. Transmitter i is responsible for the
optimal selection of its transmit power xi . The global decision vector, representing
the set of all transmit power levels, is denoted by x  {xi : 1 ≤ i ≤ N }. Let aij be a
channel gain of the wireless propagation channel from the transmitter of the ith pair to
the receiver of the j th pair. The transmitter of the ith pair is informed of a local mea-
surement vector denoted by ai  {aj i : j ∈ Ei } by its dedicated receiver that collects
channel gains associated with its transmitter and other transmitters of all neighboring
pairs. The global measurement is defined as a  {aj i : j ∈ Ei ,1 ≤ i ≤ N }. In this
configuration of wireless networks, two different objective functions are considered
for the distributed network optimization: The first objective is the sum rate, and the
optimization maximizing it is formulated as
D (d) (d)
aii xi
max log 1 +  (d) (d)
d=1 i=1 1 + j ∈Ei aj i xj
subject to xi ∈ [0,P ], 1 ≤ i ≤ N, 1 ≤ d ≤ D, (7.50)

(d) (d)
where aj i is the dth realization of the channel propagation gain aj i , and xi stands for
the corresponding power level decision. The maximum limit P is imposed as a peak
power constraint in Eq. (7.50). The second task is the consideration of the fairness
in the power control. The corresponding optimization problem that maximizes the
minimum rate performance is expressed as Published online by Cambridge University Press

206 Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek

D (d) (d)
aii xi
max min log 1 +  (d) (d)
i 1 + j ∈Ei aj i xj
subject to xi ∈ [0,P ], 1 ≤ i ≤ N, 1 ≤ d ≤ D. (7.52)

The main difference between two formulations is that the objective function of the
first one can be separately considered with all individual terms, whereas the objective
function of the second one is addressed as the sum of several functions defined with
respect to the same set of variables, which usually makes the distributed optimization
of the latter much more challenging than the former. However, in centralized train-
ing and distributed deployment strategy, two problems can be handled in a common
machine-learning framework.

7.6.2 Numerical Results

An IFC system is considered with N = 3 and Bij = B. For simplicity, the unit noise
variance is assumed, leading to a simple definition of SNR as the peak power budget
P (i.e., SNR = P ). The simulation results for the sum rate maximization task in
Eq. (7.49) is illustrated in Fig. 7.14. A local optimum solutions of Eq. (7.49) obtained
by the weighted minimum mean square (WMMSE) algorithm [29] are presented
together. Furthermore, the sum rate performances of naive power allocation strategies,
such as peak power setup xi = P and random transmission in which generates xi
uniformly in [0,P ], are also provided as benchmarks. Figure 7.14(a) shows the
average sum rate with respect to the SNR. The centralized learning approach shows
the performance over the previous local optimum solution, validating the viability of
the NN-assisted optimization approach for handling a nonconvex objective function in
Eq. (7.49). The distributed NN with B = 1 achieves the performance of the WMMSE
algorithm that requests the infinite-capacity backhaul link for the information sharing
among transmitter-receiver pairs. Similar to the C-MAC network, the distributed
approach with no mutual interaction (B = 0) is superior to existing naive power
allocation methods. The impact of the backhaul link capacity on the average sum rate
performance is demonstrated in Fig. 7.14(b). Regardless of the value of the SNR,
the distributed learning architecture exhibits the real-time inference performance
approaching the centralized one. This verifies that the cooperation via binary message
exchanges is a crucial feature for the distributed power control in the IFC network.
The results for the minimum rate maximization in Eq. (7.51) are also investigated
with the same configuration. To deal with this nonsmooth objective function, an NN
architecture with additional hidden layers and neurons is applied. The centralized
optimizer NN has 20N -neuron five hidden layers. For the distributed structure, the
optimizer NN and the quantizer NN exploit four and single hidden layers, respec-
tively, each with 20N neurons. Figure 7.15 plots the average maximized minimum
(max-min) rate performance. The optimum performance is reproduced using the algo-
rithm in [30]. The average max-min rate performance is provided in Fig. 7.15(a) for
various values of the SNR. The centralized NN approach provides almost identical Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 207

Distributed (B = 3)
Distributed (B = 1)
Distributed (B = 0)
Average sum rate [nats/sec/Hz]

Peak power
Random power

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR [dB]

(a) Average sum rate with respect to SNR


4.5 Centralized
Average sum rate [nats/sec/Hz]


3.5 Peak power

SNR = 20 dB
Random power

2.5 SNR = 10 dB



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Backhaul capacity B [bits/sec/Hz]

(b) Average sum rate with respect to B

Figure 7.14 Average sum rate performance. (© 2019 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission,
from [20])

performance to the optimal scheme. Furthermore, the max-min rate in the case of no
coordination (B = 0) also outperforms simple power control methods. By comparison
with the sum rate maximization applications in Fig. 7.14(a), it is noticed that the
max-min formulation in Eq. (7.51) requires sharing of higher dimensional messages
among transmitter-receiver pairs to achieve the performance close to the centralized
solution. Similar trends can be observed in Fig. 7.15(b) illustrating the average max-
min rate with respect to the value of B. Nevertheless, the distributed learning approach Published online by Cambridge University Press

208 Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, and Tony Q. S. Quek


Average max-min rate [nats/sec/Hz]



Distributed (B = 11)
Distributed (B = 7)
Distributed (B = 3)
0.05 Distributed (B = 0)
Peak power
Random power

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR [dB]

(a) Average max-min rate of the centralized approach with respect to SNR

Average max-min rate [nats/sec/Hz]


SNR = 10 dB
SNR = 20 dB


0.05 Distributed
Peak power
Random power

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Backhaul capacity B [bits/sec/Hz]

(b) Average max-min rate with respect to B

Figure 7.15 Average max-min rate performance. (© 2019 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission,
from [20])

gradually approaches to the performance of the centralized method as the backhaul

link capacity grows.
The overall results demonstrate the NN’s ability to address nonconvex formula-
tions. For the sum rate maximization, it is revealed that the constrained unsuper-
vised learning technique is superior to a local optimal performance. A nonsmooth
objective in the minimum rate maximization, albeit nontrivial to address via existing
distributed optimization techniques, is efficiently addressed by the NN-based approach. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Constrained Unsupervised Learning 209

The impact of the backhaul link capacity on the distributed power control tasks is also
investigated. For all configurations of the simulation, the performance monotonically
increases as the backhaul capacity grows.

7.7 Conclusion

This chapter presents an overview of machine-learning approaches for identifying a

distributed management policy of arbitrary wireless systems with nonconvex design
constraints. A key idea of recent approaches on learning-based network management
is to replace exiting model-based algorithms with a group of NNs. A combination
of expert knowledge in optimization theory and state-of-the-art learning techniques
promotes the development of constrained unsupervised learning strategies. With some
mathematical analysis, such a NN-assisted network optimization strategy establishes
the optimality. A binarization technique of the NN outputs is developed to accommo-
date finite-capacity backhaul links. A cooperative learning mechanism among wireless
nodes equipped with incorporated NNs presents a remarkable success in the optimiza-
tion of distributed decision-making policies.

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8 Radio Resource Allocation in Smart
Radio Environments
Alessio Zappone and Merouane Debbah

8.1 Introduction

In the timeframe between 2020 and 2030, the demand for wireless connectivity is
expected to grow by 55 percent each year, reaching 5,016 exabytes, with data-rate
requirements up to 1 Tb/s [1]. Moreover, future wireless networks will have to provide
many innovative heterogeneous services, each with diverse and specific requirements,
ranging from extreme reliability, very low latency, very high rate, and energy effi-
ciency. This calls for a new approach to network management and operation, which
is able to cope with the extreme complexity that future networks will have to face.
New network infrastructures will have to be fully integrated with the environment
through transmitters embedded in walls, data caching, and wireless sensors every-
where, a trend that leads to the new paradigm of smart radio environments [2–4].
Intelligence will be placed not only in the network core, but also distributed across
all network segments. Rather than waiting for instructions from the core network, net-
work devices should be self-organizing and capable of independent decision-making.
A fully self-configuring network can reduce capital expenditure (CAPEX) and oper-
ational expenditures (OPEX) by at least five times [5]. However, the huge number
of devices to serve, the infrastructure heterogeneity, and the inherent randomness of
wireless traffic evolutions make the design of such a system impossible to handle
using only traditional approaches based on mathematical models, strongly motivating
the use of data-driven techniques. In this direction, a promising approach lies in the
use of deep learning by Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) [6], which are able to
learn from previous experience and infer in real-time the resource allocation policy to
employ, with a much lower computational complexity than traditional model-based
designs. Nevertheless, despite the strong need to consider data-driven approaches,
artificial intelligence should not replace, but rather enable and improve, traditional
design approaches. This chapter will show that the theoretical expertise and insight
about wireless networks built through years of scientific research can be embedded
into artificial intelligence algorithms. It will be shown how theoretical models provide
useful a priori knowledge to guide deep learning methods, thus reducing the amount
of data that is required to successfully train neural networks. This is a major advan-
tage as far as wireless networks are concerned, since acquiring and storing massive
amounts of live traffic data usually involves expensive measurement campaigns and
privacy issues. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Radio Resource Allocation 213

The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 8.2 describes the con-
sidered ANN model and how to embed neural networks into wireless networks.
A brief literature overview about the use of deep learning for radio resource allocation
in wireless networks is provided, too. Then, Section 8.3 develops a radio resource
allocation framework based on the joint use of theoretical models and deep learning
methodologies, while Section 8.4 addresses the complexity of performing resource
allocation by ANNs. Finally, concluding remarks are provided in Section 8.5.

8.2 Artificial Neural Networks

The elementary building block of ANNs is the so-called neuron, which performs
specific elaborations on the input features. The specific computations performed by
each neuron depend on the type of neural network that is considered. In the following,
we focus our attention on fully connected ANNs. In this model, the neurons are
organized in successive layers, with N denoting the number of neurons in layer .
The input of the ANN is a vector of real numbers, the dimension of which is equal
to the number of neurons in the input layer. Then, the input data is forwarded to the
following layers, with each neuron in any given layer receiving as input the outputs
of all the neurons of the preceding layer. Each neuron n in layer  takes an affine
combination of the input vector using neuron-dependent weights wn, and bias term
bn, , and then it applies a nonlinear function fn, , called the activation function, to
produce its output. Thus, the output xn, of neuron n in layer  corresponding to the
input x−1 is written as

zn, = wTn, x−1 + bn,, (8.1)

xn, = fn, (zn, ). (8.2)

This processing is performed sequentially by each layer, until the output layer, the
output of which provides the output vector of the ANN. All layers between the input
and the output layer are called hidden layers. If only one hidden layer is present, the
ANN is called shallow, whereas if more than one hidden layer is present, the ANN
is called deep [6]. Deep neural networks are usually preferred, since they typically
perform better than shallow neural networks. For this reason, typically the term deep
neural networks is used in place of the more general ANNs, which refers to both deep
and shallow neural networks. However, in this chapter, the more general term ANN
will be used. Moreover, it should be mentioned that empirical evidence shows that
deep learning outperforms other machine learning frameworks when a large amount of
training data is available [7], whereas no significant gains are observed when smaller
training sets are used.
The most important feature of ANNs, which makes them a popular tool in many
fields of science, is their universal function approximation property. By tuning the
weights and bias applied in the affine combinations of each neuron, it is possible to
implement any continuous mapping between the input and output vector of the ANN Published online by Cambridge University Press

214 Alessio Zappone and Merouane Debbah

[8, 9]. This makes ANNs an extremely versatile tool, which can perform a variety
of different tasks based on how the weights and bias are tuned during the training
process. The coming section provides more details about training ANNs.

8.2.1 Training ANNs

The training process of a neural network aims at tuning the weights wn, and biases
bn, of each neuron n in layer , in order for the input-output map of the ANN to be
as close as possible to the desired map. To elaborate, let us consider a training set
composed of NT R input samples with the corresponding desired output, namely
(1) (1) (N ) (NT R )
ST R = x0 ,xL+1 , . . . , x0 T R ,xL+1 . (8.3)
For each layer  = 1, . . . ,L + 1, let us define the matrix W = w1,, . . . ,wN, and
the vector b = b1,, . . . ,bN, .
The task of the training algorithm is to tune the weights and biases of the ANN in
order to minimize the error between actual output of the ANN, denoted by  xL+1 , and
the desired output xL+1 , over the training set. This amounts to solving the following
minimization problem:

NT R  
(nt) (nt)
min L xL+1,xL+1 (W,b) (8.4a)
N−1 ×N
s.t. W ∈ R , ∀  = 1, . . . ,L + 1 (8.4b)
N ×1
b ∈ R , ∀  = 1, . . . ,L + 1 , (8.4c)

where W = {W }L =1 , b = {b }=1 . In principle, L can be any measure of distance

between the actual and the desired output samples, with the mean squared error and
the cross entropy being two canonical choices.
Equation (8.4) is usually tackled by means of stochastic gradient descent type meth-
ods, coupled with the use of the back-propagation algorithm for the computation of the
derivatives of the cost function. Both these tools have the advantage of considerably
limiting the computational complexity of the training algorithm, which is a desirable
feature because training sets are typically on the order of hundreds of thousands of

Back-Propagation Algorithm
In large ANNs with many neurons and large training sets, the direct computation of
the derivatives of the training error in Eq. (8.4a) with respect to all network weights
and bias terms would require an unmanageable complexity. To ease this computational
burden, the back-propagation algorithm provides a fast way of computing the gradient
of the training error in a recursive way [10].
To elaborate, let us observe that the derivative of Eq. (8.4a) is the average of the
derivatives of the loss function L (xL+1, x̂L+1 (W,b)) over the training set. The back
propagation algorithm computes the derivatives of L (xL+1, x̂L+1 (W,b)). Specifically, Published online by Cambridge University Press

Radio Resource Allocation 215

given a training sample x0 , the algorithm performs first a forward propagation to

compute the corresponding actual output x̂L+1 (W,b). Next, the derivative of the error
function with respect to zn,L+1 is given by
∂L ∂L 
= f (zn,L+1 ) , ∀ n = 1, . . . ,NL+1 . (8.5)
∂zn,L+1 ∂xL+1 (n) n,L+1
At this point, the derivatives of the error function with respect to zn, , for all  = L,
L − 1, . . . ,1, can be recursively computed, proceeding from the last to the first layer.
Specifically, it holds1
∂L ∂L ∂zk,+1
∂zn, ∂zk,+1 ∂zn,
= wk,+1 (n)f (zn, ) , (8.6)

which is obtained from the derivatives with respect to zk,+1 for all k. Finally, based
on Eq. (8.6) and recalling Eq. (8.1), the derivatives with respect to the weights and
bias terms are readily obtained as
∂L ∂L
= x−1 (k) , (8.7)
∂wn, (k) ∂zn,
∂L ∂L
= . (8.8)
∂bn, ∂zn,

Stochastic Gradient Descent

While back propagation has a lower complexity than direct derivative computation,
it still requires averaging the derivatives over the complete training set, which poses
computational complexity issues. For this reason, training algorithms for ANNs do not
employ classical gradient searches, but rather they resort to the method of stochastic
gradient descent [11], which is based on the computation of an estimate of the true
gradient, based on a randomly selected subset of the entire training set, called a mini-
batch. Mathematically speaking, denoting by SSGD the set of indexes associated with
the training samples in the selected mini-batch, and by NS the cardinality of SSGD , the
stochastic gradient descent method follows the same steps as the traditional gradient
algorithm, but it replaces the true gradient with the following estimate:

(W,b) = 1
∇L xL+1,
xL+1 (W,b) . (8.9)

Each time a gradient descent step is taken, a different, randomly selected mini-batch
SSGD is used to estimate the true gradient.

1 Recall that the derivative with respect to x of the function g(y(x)), with y(x) = [y (x), . . . ,y (x)], is
1 I
given by Ii=1 (∇y g)T Jx y, where Jx denotes the Jacobian operator with respect to x. Published online by Cambridge University Press

216 Alessio Zappone and Merouane Debbah

The computational complexity of stochastic gradient descent depends on the size

NS of the mini-batches. If NS = NT R , then the algorithm reduces to the usual gradient
descent method, which usually converges in fewer iterations since the true gradient
is used, but it requires more complex iterations, since the size of the batch is equal
to the complete training set size. If instead NS = 1, the algorithm normally requires
more iterations to converge, but each iteration has a limited complexity. In general,
stochastic gradient descent might converge before the complete training set has been
employed, even if several passes through the training set are usually required to obtain
low enough training errors. Each pass through the complete training set is referred to
as an epoch.
All modern algorithms for ANN training are refinements of stochastic gradient
descent with back propagation. The specific training algorithm that has been used to
produce the numerical results to follow, is the Adam algorithm [12], which applies a
momentum technique to speed up the convergence of the standard stochastic gradient
descent method [13], exploiting both first and second moments of the gradient.

8.2.2 Embedding ANNs into Wireless Networks

In order to successfully use deep learning for wireless communications, a key question
is how to integrate ANNs into existing and future wireless network topologies. The
main open question is where to train and run neural networks. Normally, in other
fields of science, neural networks follow a centralized approach in which a single
centralized brain manages the complete system. However, in the context of wireless
networks, this approach poses the following issues:

1. Latency. One major goal of future wireless networks is a low end-to-end

communication latency, which for some applications, is required to be on the
order of a millisecond. Thus, it is impractical for distributed devices to wait for
the cloud to run the ANN and feed back the results.
2. Privacy. Privacy and security will be critical issues of future wireless
networks. Especially in some vertical applications, it is not desirable for end-users
to share information with the cloud, thus making cloud-based deep learning
3. Connectivity. One major goal of future wireless networks is to provide ubiquitous
connectivity at all times even in areas or at times when no reliable connection to
the cloud exists.

Therefore, wireless networks will need a combination of both centralized and dis-
tributed approaches. This points toward a scenario in which, like in human soci-
ety, a system should possess both a collective and shared intelligence, but also an
individual intelligence. Wireless networks should possess a cloud intelligence that
should be accessible to all nodes, together with a device intelligence, that belongs to
each individual device. As discussed in the coming section, centralized approaches
have received more attention in the open literature. For this reason, the rest of this Published online by Cambridge University Press

Radio Resource Allocation 217

chapter will focus on centralized methodologies for resource management in wireless

networks. Nevertheless, we stress the need to develop distributed methodologies able
to operate in future wireless networks.

8.2.3 State-of-the-Art Review

The topic of ANN-based radio resource allocation in wireless networks has started to
receive attention in the last couple of years. Overviews on this topic are provided in
[2, 14, 15], which review supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning based
In [16], a fully connected ANN is used for sum-rate maximization, by training
it to learn the input-output map of the iterative weighted minimum mean square
(WMMSE) power control algorithm [17]. It is shown that the performance of
the WMMSE method can be mimicked with a good degree of accuracy, while at
the same time reducing the computational complexity significantly. In [18, 19], a fully
connected ANN is used for energy efficiency maximization in interference networks.
The neural network is trained on the optimal energy-efficient power allocation, which
is computed offline by means of a novel optimization procedure also proposed in [18].
The results indicate that ANNs are able to learn optimal resource allocation policies
with a negligible error. Similar results are obtained in [20, 21] with reference to
power control and user-cell association in massive multiple-in multiple-out (MIMO)
multicell systems. Instead, a different approach is taken in [22], where sum-rate
maximization is performed by means of a fully connected ANN, which is trained
using the system sum-rate as training cost function. This reduces the complexity of
building the training set, but at the same time it produces a suboptimal training set.
In [23] a cloud-RAN system with caching capabilities is considered. Echo-state
neural networks are used to enable base stations to predict the content request distri-
bution and mobility pattern of each user, thus determining the best content to cache.
It is shown that the use of deep learning increases the network sum effective capacity
of around 30 percent compared with baseline approaches based on random caching.
In [24], deep reinforcement learning is used to develop a power control algorithm for
a cognitive radio system in which a primary and secondary user share the spectrum. It
is shown that both users can meet their quality of service (QoS) requirements despite
the fact that the secondary user has no information about the primary user’s transmit
power. The use of deep reinforcement learning is also considered in [25], where it
is used to develop a power control algorithm for weighted sum-rate maximization
in interference channels subject to maximum power constraints. The proposed
algorithm exhibits fast convergence and satisfactory performance. A decentralized
robust precoding scheme in a network MIMO system is developed in [26] by ANNs.
In [27], online power allocation policies for a large and distributed system with
energy-harvesting nodes are developed by merging deep reinforcement learning
and mean field games. It is shown that the proposed method outperforms all other
available online policies and suffers a limited gap compared to the use of noncausal
off-line policies. Published online by Cambridge University Press

218 Alessio Zappone and Merouane Debbah

8.3 ANN-Based Resource Management

Any resource allocation problem in a wireless network can be formulated as the prob-
lem of finding the optimal map from the set of system parameters (e.g., propagation
channels, number of active nodes) to the resource allocation policy that maximizes the
performance metric of interest. Formally speaking, denoting d ∈ RN the ensemble of
system parameters and x∗ ∈ S the optimal resource allocation, with S denoting the
set of feasible allocations, the resource allocation problem can be seen as the map:

F : d ∈ RN → x∗ ∈ S . (8.10)

Based on this formulation, the approach is to exploit the universal function approx-
imation property of fully connected ANNs to train an ANN to learn the map in
Eq. (8.10). To elaborate, the approach follows the following steps:
1. Offline training. NT R training samples can be generated by resorting to
optimization-theoretic techniques to find the optimal resource allocation x∗nt
corresponding to the realization dnt of the system parameters, for
nt = 1, . . . ,NT R . Otherwise stated, this provides NT R points of the map in
Eq. (8.10). Provided that a sufficient number of training samples are generated,
the training set can be used to train an ANN to learn Eq. (8.10). It is important to
remark that this step can be performed off-line (i.e., before the ANN-based
wireless network starts operating) and sporadically (i.e., the training phase needs
to be updated only when the conditions in which the ANN will operate are
significantly different from the training conditions, or when the statistical
distribution of d has significantly changed with respect to that assumed for the
generation of the training set.
2. Online inference. Once the ANN has been trained, and until a new training phase
is required, the ANN can be used to compute the resource allocation to employ
during the online operation of the wireless network. This only requires to feed the
ANN with the current configuration of the system parameters (i.e., the current
realization of d) and perform a forward propagation to obtain an estimate of the
corresponding optimal allocation x∗ . The universal approximation property
ensures that the estimation error can be made small at will by properly
configuring the ANN. Thus, the trained ANN enables to perform near-optimal
resource allocation, without actually having to solve any optimization problem
during the online operation of the wireless network. When a system parameter
changes, it is only required to feed the new realization of d to update the resource
allocation to employ.
Remark 8.1 It is important to stress that the method described here operates using
only synthetic data (i.e., computer-generated data), without the need of acquiring
empirical data (i.e., live data obtained through field measurements). This is possible
because the resource allocation problem can be theoretically modeled and formulated,
thus showing how theoretical modeling provides a valuable a priori expertise that can
simplify the acquisition of training data. It should also be mentioned that in many Published online by Cambridge University Press

Radio Resource Allocation 219

cases existing theoretical models provide only a coarse approximation of reality. In

this case, it is possible to merge a large dataset of synthetic data and a small dataset
of empirical data, employing the framework of deep transfer learning [2]. In the rest
of this chapter, it will be always assumed that a theoretical model of the resource
allocation problem to solve is available.

The rest of this section describes a case study that employs this ANN-based tech-
nique for the energy-efficient allocation of the transmit powers in a wireless interfer-
ence network.

8.3.1 Energy Efficiency Maximization by ANNs

Let us consider the uplink of a multicell wireless network with M base stations (BSs)
and K mobile users. Each BS is equipped with N antennas, whereas the mobile users
have a single antenna. Let hk,m be the N × 1 channel from user k to BS m, pk be the
kth user’s transmit power, ck the N × 1 receive vector for user k, and σm
2 the received

noise power at BS m. Then, the signal-to-interference and noise ratio (SINR) enjoyed
by user k at its intended receiver mk is

pk |cH
k hk,mk |
pk dk,k
γk = = 2 , (8.11)
σ + j =k pj |ck hj,mk |
2 H 2 σ + j =k pj dk,j

where dk,j = |cH k hj,mk | , for all k,j . The global energy efficiency of the network is

defined as the ratio between the network achievable rate and the total power consump-
tion [28], namely
B k=1 log2 (1 + γk )
GEE = , (8.12)
Pc + K k=1 μk pk

where B the communication bandwidth, Pc the hardware static power consumed in

the whole system, and μk the inverse of the efficiency of the power amplifier used by
transmitter k. Then, the power control global energy efficiency (GEE) maximization
problem is cast as
B k=1 log2 (1 + γk )
max (8.13a)
{pk }K
k=1 Pc + K k=1 μk pk
s.t. Pmin,k ≤ pk ≤ Pmax,k ,∀ k = 1, . . . ,K (8.13b)

wherein Pmax,k and Pmin,k are the maximum feasible and minimum acceptable
transmit powers for user k, respectively. In [28, 29] it is shown how Eq. (8.13) requires
in general an exponential complexity to be solved optimally. Thus, relying only on
optimization theory would require sustaining an exponential complexity to solve
Eq. (8.13) whenever any propagation channel realization changes, which is clearly
impractical in modern wireless communication systems. Published online by Cambridge University Press

220 Alessio Zappone and Merouane Debbah

Resorting to the ANN-based method described earlier, let us observe that Eq. (8.13)
can be seen as the map
F : d = {dk,,Pmin,k ,Pmax,k }k, ∈ RK(M+2) → p∗ ∈ RK . (8.14)
Then, an ANN can be trained to learn the unknown map F , thus providing the desired
power allocation for any given realization of d. Once trained, computing the output
of the ANN p∗ , given an input d, only requires computing a forward propagation
of the trained ANN. Thus, whenever a propagation channel realization changes, it is
only required to perform a forward propagation, without having to solve Eq. (8.13)
anew. This approach was successfully applied for power control for the optimization
of different performance measures of wireless networks, such as achievable rate and
energy efficiency [2, 18].
In order to generate a training set of size NT R , Eq. (8.13) must be solved NT R
times. As already discussed, this can be accomplished offline, and thus a much higher
computational burden can be sustained. To this end, tailor-made global optimization
algorithms for energy efficiency maximization are available [18], which enable to
generate large training sets with affordable offline complexity. On the other hand,
first-order optimal methods are also available, which have a practical computational
complexity, and have been numerically shown to enjoy global optimality in some
special cases [29].

Numerical Analysis
The performance of the proposed method is numerically addressed considering the
uplink of a MIMO system in which K = 10 users are randomly placed in a circular
area with radius 500 m. The path loss has been modeled following [30], with power
decay factor equal to 4.5, while fast fading terms have been modeled as realiza-
tions of zero-mean, unit-variance complex Gaussian random variables. The circuit
power consumption term is equal to Pc = 1 W, while μk = 10 for all k, and maxi-
mum ratio combining is adopted at all base stations. The noise power at the base
station is σ2 = F N0 B, where F = 3 dB is the receive noise figure, B = 180 kHz, and
N0 = −174 dBm/Hz is the noise spectral density.
A fully connected ANN has been considered, having L = 10 hidden layers.
Layers 1 and 2 have 18 neurons, and the number of neurons of the other layers
decreases by two every two layers. Thus, the output layer has 10 neurons, providing
the users’ transmit powers. A training set and a test set of 104 samples each have been
independently generated employing the sequential fractional programming framework
from [29]. The ADAM training algorithm has been employed, with the mean square
error as the training cost function.
Figure 8.1 shows a numerical comparison between the energy-efficient power allo-
cation by the sequential fractional programming method from2 [29] and the GEE value
obtained by ANN-based power control versus the maximum transmit power Pmax .
The results are averaged over the 104 samples of the test set. As a benchmark, Fig. 8.1

2 The method from [29] is provably first-order optimal but not provably globally optimal. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Radio Resource Allocation 221









200 SFP
Full Power
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Pmax [dBm]

Figure 8.1 Achieved GEE versus Pmax for ANN-based power allocation, sequential fractional
programming from [29], and Uniform power allocation.

also shows the energy efficiency obtained when all users transmit with power Pmax .
Despite the much lower complexity, the ANN-based scheme is optimal for low Pmax ,
and near optimal for larger Pmax , achieving 95 percent of the GEE value obtained by
the sequential method from [29]. It should be mentioned that the ANN would even
outperform the first-order optimal method from [29] by increasing the size of the
training set by a factor 10 [18]. However, this also increases the complexity of the
training phase.
The results indicate that ANN-based resource allocation can provide near-optimal
performance while requiring only minimal computations during the online operation
of the wireless network. On the other hand, it requires a heavy computational burden
during the off-line training phase, which is not needed by traditional optimization-
theoretic methods. Although the training phase needs to be executed only spo-
radically, it is interesting to perform a complexity-aware comparison between the
energy-efficient performance of ANN-based resource allocation and of traditional
optimization-theoretic methods, considering an observation window embracing
multiple channel coherence blocks. This is the objective of the coming section.

8.4 Complexity-Aware ANN-Based Resource Management

Let us consider again the problem of maximizing the GEE of a wireless network.
As a specific case study, let us consider the downlink channel of a single-cell system
in which a base station with N antennae serves K single-antenna mobile users. The
received signal at user k can be expressed as Published online by Cambridge University Press

222 Alessio Zappone and Merouane Debbah


rk = hH
k p  q s + wk , (8.15)

where hk is the N ×1 channel between the base station and user k, qk is the beamform-
ing vector serving user k, pk is the transmit power carrying the information symbol sk
intended for user k, and wk is the thermal noise power, modeled as a Gaussian random
variable with zero mean and variance σ2 . As a result, the kth user’s achievable rate is
expressed as

pk |hH
k qk |
Rk = B log2 1 + 2 , (8.16)
σ + =k p |hH k q |

with B the communication bandwidth, while the network GEE is expressed as

k=1 Rk (p1, . . . ,pK )
GEE = B , (8.17)
Pc + μ K k=1 pk

where μ denotes the inverse of the base station amplifier efficiency and Pc models the
hardware static power consumption of the whole system.

8.4.1 Problem Formulation

The GEE definition in Eq. (8.17) refers to a specific channel coherence interval.
However, in order to perform a long-term GEE resource allocation, the expression in
Eq. (8.17) must be modified to embrace a time interval of L consecutive channel
coherence blocks. In addition, the GEE in does not explicitly model the energy con-
sumption that is required to solve the GEE maximization problem and obtain the
power allocation policy to be used. In order to include these points in the analysis,
let us denote by {hk,n }K
k=1 and {qk,n }k=1 the channels and beamforming vectors in the
nth coherence interval. Similarly, {p̄k } represents the optimal power allocation in the
coherence interval n; that is, the solution of the problem

pk ak
(Tc − Top )B log2 1 + (n)
1+ =k p bk,
max K
k=1 Tc Pc + Top Pop + (Tc − Top )μ
{pk }K k=1 pk

s.t. pk ≤ Pmax , (8.18b)

(n) (n)
wherein ak = |hH k,n qk | /σ and bk, = |hk,n q,n | /σ . The GEE in Eq. (8.18a) differs
2 2 H 2 2

from the definition in Eq. (8.17) as it also accounts for the energy that is consumed
for solving Eq. (8.18). Specifically, the channel coherence block is divided into a
time interval of duration Top , during which the solution of Eq. (8.18) is determined,
consuming a power Pop , and a time Tc − Top , during which data communication
occurs, and transmit power is consumed. Finally, the static power Pc is consumed Published online by Cambridge University Press

Radio Resource Allocation 223

for the whole duration Tc of the coherence block. Based on Eq. (8.18a), the long-term
GEE after L coherence intervals can be defined as

(n) (n)
(Tc − Top )B Rk (p̄1 , . . . , p̄K )
n=1 k=1
GEEL = . (8.19)

LTc Pc + LTop Pop + μ(Tc − Top ) p̄k
n=1 k=1

In the rest of this chapter, the function in Eq. (8.19) will be evaluated using: (a)
the power allocation obtained by solving Eq. (8.18) in each coherence interval by
means of traditional optimization theory, and (b) the power allocation obtained by first
training an ANN at the beginning of the whole time frame of L coherence blocks, and
then computing the power allocation to use in each coherence block by performing a
forward propagation of the trained ANN. These two cases will be treated separately
in Sections 8.4.2 and 8.4.3, respectively.

8.4.2 Optimization-Oriented Power Allocation

Traditional power allocation approaches require solving Eq. (8.18) in each of the L
coherence intervals. In this section, we do not consider global optimization methods,
which require an exponential complexity, but rather we focus on more practical algo-
rithms that tackle Eq. (8.18) by solving a sequence of convex or pseudo-convex relax-
ations of Eq. (8.18). This is the case, for example, of sequential fractional fractional
programming algorithms [29] as well as of other approaches based on the iterative use
of alternating optimization and of fractional programming [31].
To elaborate, let us denote by Nit the number of (pseudo-)convex relaxations of
Eq. (8.18) that are to be solved in each coherence interval. Then, since Eq. (8.18) has
K optimization variables, and recalling that the asymptotic complexity of a generic
convex optimization problem scales at most with the fourth power of the number
of variables [32], the complexity required to solve Eq. (8.18) scales as Nit O(K 4 ).
Therefore, the time to compute the power allocation in each channel coherence interval
and the related power consumption are given by

Top ≈ K 4 Nit TDSP , (8.20)

Pop ≈ K Nit PDSP ,

where TDSP denotes the time that the digital signal processor takes to compute one real
multiplication, and PDSP is the associated power consumption. Plugging Eqs. (8.20)
and (8.21) into Eq. (8.19) yields the long-term GEE over the L coherence intervals.

8.4.3 ANN-Based Power Allocation

ANN-based power control requires a preliminary phase at the start of the L chan-
nel coherence blocks, during which the ANN is trained employing a training set Published online by Cambridge University Press

224 Alessio Zappone and Merouane Debbah

generated from Ntr solutions of Eq. (8.18), corresponding to Ntr different realizations
of {ak ,bk, }k, . Once the ANN is trained, it can be used to infer the power allocation to
employ in each of the L channel coherence blocks. In other words, the training phase
must be executed only once per L coherence blocks, while a new inference phase is
required in each of the L coherence blocks.
Thus, the expression in Eq. (8.19) must be adapted to account for the fact that, when
ANN-based power control is used, the total time during which the system is online is
not LTc , but LTc − Ttr , with Ttr the time required for the ANN training phase. In
turn, this implies that the time used for communication in each coherence block is
(Tc − Top − TLtr ), and that the energy consumption at the denominator of the energy
efficiency must also include the energy consumption during the training phase. As a
result, in the case of ANN-based power control, Eq. (8.19) takes the expression in
Eq. (8.22),
  L K
Ttr (n) (n)
Tc − Top − B Rk (p̄1 , . . . , p̄K )
n=1 k=1
L =   L K .
Ttr (n)
LTc Pc + LTop Pop + Ttr Ptr + μ Tc − Top − p̄k
n=1 k=1
with Ptr the power required to train the ANN.
(Tc −Top − TLtr )
Dividing numerator and denominator of Eq. (8.22) by L , Eq. (8.22)
(n) (n)
Rk (p̄1 , . . . , p̄K )
n=1 k=1
, (8.23)
μ (n)
Tc Pc + Top Pop + Ttr Ptr /L
+ p̄k
Tc − Top − Ttr /L L
n=1 k=1

which shows that the time and energy overhead of the initial training phase become
negligible in the long term. Indeed, in the limit of L → ∞, both Ttr Ptr /L and Ttr /L
tend to zero, while all other terms tend to positive quantities, provided the ANN does
not output zero transmit powers.3 Unfortunately, setting L → ∞ might not be the best
choice. Indeed, the wireless scenario is time-varying, thus implying that the training
scenario grows increasingly different from the current operation scenario. Thus, an
inherent trade-off exists in the choice of the number L of coherence intervals to be
considered before the ANN is trained again.
Another fundamental trade-off is the size of the ANN architecture. A larger ANN
might provide better inference capabilities, but on the other hand, more layers and
neurons lead to a larger energy consumption and longer training and prediction times.

3 This appears as an event having zero probability. It is reasonable to expect that in the worst case the
ANN will output random transmit powers, which will still lead to a positive energy efficiency. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Radio Resource Allocation 225

The rest of this section will derive expressions for Top , Pop and for Ttr , Ptr as
a function of the size of the ANN. In turn, this enables computing Eq. (8.19) and
analyzing the behavior of the system energy efficiency over time.

Inference Phase
During this phase, the trained ANN is used to compute the power allocation to use
in each channel coherence interval. For all n = 1, . . . ,L, this requires feeding the
ANN with the channel parameters in the nth coherence interval and performing a
forward propagation. Neglecting the complexity related to additions, from Eq. (8.1),

we see that this requires performing L+1 =1 N−1 N real multiplications and evaluat-
ing =1 N activation functions. Recalling that activations are usually elementary
functions, such as the ReLU function that only requires determining whether the input
is positive or negative, it is reasonable to assume that the complexity of evaluating one
activation functions is not larger than the complexity of one real multiplication. As a
result, the duration and power consumption of each inference phase are on the order of

Top ≈ N−1 N + N TDSP , (8.24)

Pop ≈ N−1 N + N PDSP . (8.25)

Referring to the single-cell system model in Section 8.4.1, it is seen that, in Eqs. (8.24)
and (8.25), the number of users K appears in the size of the output layer NL+1 = K
and in the size of the input layer N0 = K 2 . Instead, the number of neurons in the other
layers does not scale with K. Thus, that the exact complexity of the inference phase is
quadratic in K, as opposed to the asymptotic complexity of traditional optimization-
oriented approach that scales with the fourth power of K.

Training Phase
The training phase requires running the stochastic gradient descent algorithm, using
the back-propagation method to compute the gradient in each iteration. Let us
denote by dmb the size of the mini-batches, by Nmb the number of mini-batches,
and by Nep the number of training epochs. Thus, for each of the dmb samples
of a mini-batch, a total of Nmb Nep stochastic gradient steps are performed each
time by the back-propagation algorithm. On the other hand, the back-propagation
algorithm requires one forward propagation and one back propagation for each
sample of the mini-batch and gradient step. Thus, defining by N the number of
neurons in layer , the number of operations required by the training algorithm is
Ctr = C(N1, . . . ,NL+1 )dmb Nmb Nep , where C(N1, . . . ,NL+1 ) is the number of
operations required by a single forward and backward propagation. As discussed in the

last section, a forward propagation requires L+1 =1 N−1 N + N . As for the backward
propagation, it requires computing, for each layer , the derivatives with respect
to zn, , with n = 1, . . . ,N . From Eq. (8.6), it is seen that this requires 2N N+1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

226 Alessio Zappone and Merouane Debbah

real multiplications plus the evaluation of N derivatives of the activation functions,

for n = 1, . . . ,N . Moreover, from Eq. (8.7) it follows that other N multiplications
are required to compute the derivatives with respect to wn, . Therefore, the total
computational complexity of the training phase is

Ctr = 2N N+1 + 3N dmb Nmb Nep
=0 =1

= 2N−1 N + 3N dmb Nmb Nep . (8.26)

Thus, the duration and power consumption of the training phase can be expressed as

Ttr = 2N−1 N + 3N dmb Nmb Nep TDSP (8.27)

Ptr = 2N−1 N + 3N dmb Nmb Nep PDSP . (8.28)

8.4.4 Numerical Results

In order to perform a complexity-aware numerical analysis of ANN-based power
control, let us consider the donwlink of a multiuser system in which K = 8 mobile
users communicate with a single base station equipped with M = 10 antennas.
A communication bandwidth of B = 1 MHz is used, and maximum ratio transmission
is employed at the base station. The maximum feasible transmit power is Pmax =
20 dBW, the hardware-dissipated power is Pc = 10 dBW, and the receive noise power
is σ2 = F BN0 , with F = 3 dB and N0 = −174 dBm/Hz.
The channel coherence time is Tc = 1 ms and a total observation window of
L = 3.6∗106 coherence intervals have been considered for simulation, which amounts
to a total time interval of one hour. In each coherence interval, fading channels have
been independently generated following the Rayleigh model. The mobile users’
positions at the beginning of the observation window have been randomly generated
in a circle of radius 500 m around the base station. Then, the users’ positions have
been updated assuming that each user moves at a speed that is randomly and uniformly
generated in [0,1] m/s, which is realistic for pedestrian networks, and with a direction
that is randomly and uniformly updated every 100 s in [0,2π]. Path-loss effects have
been modeled after [30].
In order to solve Eq. (8.18), a feed-forward, fully connected ANN with four hid-
den layers has been used, equipped with 256, 128, 64, and 32 neurons with ReLU
activation functions, while the output layer yields the 8 users’ transmit powers and
employs a linear activation function. A mini-batch size dmb = 128 has been used, and
the training process has been run for Nep = 10 epochs, using the mean squared error Published online by Cambridge University Press

Radio Resource Allocation 227

Table 8.1. Training and validation errors versus training epoch.

Training MSE Validation MSE

Epoch 1 0.214 0.216

Epoch 3 0.0103 0.0124
Epoch 5 0.0074 0.0094
Epoch 7 0.0065 0.0077
Epoch 10 0.0065 0.0077

(a) ANN-based power allocation
(b) Sequential Fractional Programming
1.8 (c) Uniform power allocation








0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Coherence Block Index [x105]

Figure 8.2 GEE in Eq. (8.18a) versus the coherence block index n for ANN-based power
allocation, sequential fractional programming from [29], and Uniform power allocation.

as a training cost function. The training set has been generated considering, for each
user k, 12,500 random realizations of Rayleigh fading and of positions within a circle
of 200 m around the initial position of user k. Thus, the total training set for the K = 8
users comprises 105 samples. The resulting training and validation errors are shown
in Table 8.1, which shows that neither underfitting nor overfitting occurs.
Figure 8.2 shows the global energy efficiency (GEE) in Eq. (8.18a) for the L
simulated coherence intervals, considering TDSP = 1 ns and PDSP = 1 mW, for
the following algorithms:

1. ANN-based power allocation wherein the ANN described and trained as

described here is used to predict the power allocation in each coherence interval.
2. Sequential fractional programming method from [29] applied in each coherence
3. Uniform power allocation in which every user is served with power
pk = Pmax /K in each coherence interval. Published online by Cambridge University Press

228 Alessio Zappone and Merouane Debbah

The results show that ANN-based power allocation is significantly more energy-
efficient than both sequential fractional programming and uniform power allocation
for a long part of the observation window. This is due to the fact that, like all
optimization-oriented methods, sequential programming requires solving the GEE
maximization problem in each coherence interval in the observation window, which
leads to a significant power consumption, whereas the uniform power allocation is
a too heuristic power allocation method, even though it consumes no energy for
computation purposes. Instead, ANN-based power allocation strikes an excellent
trade-off between these two approaches, thanks to the lower complexity required by a
forward propagation compared to the use of convex optimization algorithms. On the
other hand, as expected, as time passes, the performance of the ANN-based approach
tends to degrade, due to the users’ mobility, which eventually brings the users out
of the 200 m circle radius that was used to generate the training set. This shows
that the training of the ANN needs to be updated only after a long window, during
which only the inference phase is required to update the power allocation policy. Of
course, the main factor affecting the frequency of update of the training phase is the
users’ mobility. Due to users’ mobility, the testing conditions will eventually be too
different from the training conditions, requiring a new training phase. In the pedestrian
environment considered here, this happens after a significant amount of time. On the
other hand, a more frequent training phase might be required for scenarios with higher
mobility, such as vehicular networks.
Finally, with reference to the L coherence blocks simulated in Fig. 8.2, the long-
term energy efficiency in Eq. (8.19) achieved by the ANN-based power control
is 1.012 Mb/J, while sequential fractional programming achieved 0.411 Mb/J and
uniform power allocation 0.012 Mb/J, respectively, which shows again that ANN-
based power control is the most energy-efficient scheme over the complete observation

8.5 Conclusions

This chapter has dealt with the use of deep learning for resource allocation in smart
radio environments. The issue of integrating ANNs into the architecture of future wire-
less networks has been addressed, and a framework for radio resource allocation based
on the use of ANNs has been presented. Moreover, the long-term performance of
ANN-based energy-efficient resource allocation has been analyzed, also accounting at
the modeling stage for the power consumption due to the computation of the optimized
power allocation in each channel coherence block.
The results have confirmed that ANN-based power control significantly reduces
the power consumption compared to state-of-the-art methods based on optimization-
theoretic techniques, while at the same time achieving near-optimal performance.
Therefore, ANN-based resource allocation provides a suitable framework for online
radio resource allocation in wireless networks. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Radio Resource Allocation 229

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9 Reinforcement Learning for Physical
Layer Communications
Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen


ACK Acknowledgment
ANN Artificial Neural Network
AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise
BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying
BS Base Station
DL Deep Learning
DRL Deep Reinforcement Learning
FNN Feedforward Neural Network
HF High Frequency
HMM Hidden Markov Model
KL-UCB Kullback-Leibler Upper Confidence Bound
MAB Multi-Armed Bandit
MDP Markov Decision Process
NN Neural Network
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple
OSA Opportunistic Spectrum Access
PHY Physical layer of the OSI stack
POMDP Partially Observable Markov Decision Process
ML Machine Learning
QoS Quality of Service
RL Reinforcement Learning
SARSA current State, current Action, next Reward, next State, next Action
SINR Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio
SU Secondary User(s)
UCB Upper Confidence Bound Published online by Cambridge University Press

232 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

Notation and symbols

A(t) Action random variable at t

a A realization of the random variable action A
EP [X(t)] Expectation of X(t) under the distribution P
PX [X(t) = x] Probability measure of the event X(t) = x, under the
distribution of X
PX(t+1)| X(t) (x  | x) Conditional probability measure of X at t + 1 knowing X at t
π(a | s) Policy π, i.e. probability to choose action a, while observing
state s
π∗ Optimal policy
qπ (a,s) Action-state value of the pair (a,s) and following hereafter
the policy π
q∗ (a,s) Optimal action-state value of the pair (a,s) and following
hereafter π ∗
R(t) Reward random variable at t
r A realization of the random variable reward R
S(t) State random variable at t
s A realization of the random variable state S
vπ (s) Value function of the state s under the policy π
v∗ (s) Optimal value function of the state s under π ∗

[·]+ max (·,0)

1 {a} Indicator function equals to 1 if a is true and 0 otherwise
1n Column vector full of ones of length n

A Set of possible actions

N Set of positive integers
R Set of possible rewards
R Set of real numbers
R+ Set of real and positive numbers
S Set of possible states

9.1 Introduction

Wireless communication systems have to be designed in order to cope with time-

frequency-space varying channel conditions and a variety of interference sources.
In cellular wireless systems for instance, a channel is estimated regularly by mobile
terminals and base stations (BS) using dedicated pilot signals. This allows for adapting
the transmitters and receivers to the current channel conditions and interference
scenario. Powerful adaptive signal processing algorithms have been developed in
the last few decades in order to cope with the dynamic nature of the wireless Published online by Cambridge University Press
RL for Physical Layer Communications 233

channel, including the least mean square and recursive least square algorithms for
channel equalization or estimation, the Kalman filtering in multiple-input multiple-
output channel matrix and frequency offset tracking. These techniques rely on well-
established mathematical models of physical phenomena that allow systems to derive
the optimal processing for a given criterion (e.g., mean square error and assumed
noise and interference distribution models).
Any mathematical model has trade-offs between complexity and tractability.
A complete, and hence complex, model may be useless if any insight on the state
of the system cannot be drawn easily. For instance, the wireless propagation channel
is absolutely deterministic and the signal received at any point in the space at any time
can be precisely predicted by the Maxwell equations. However, this would require
a prohibitive amount of computation and memory storage for a receiver to calculate
at any point the value of the electric and magnetic fields using detailed and explicit
knowledge of the physical characteristics of scatterers in the propagation environment,
such as the dielectric and permittivity constants of the walls and other obstacles. It is
much more efficient to design receivers that perform well in environments that have
been stochastically characterized instead of using explicit deterministic model of each
particular propagation environment.
Modern and emerging wireless systems are characterized by massive amounts of
connected mobile devices, BSs, sensors, and actuators. Modeling such large-scale
wireless systems has become a formidable task because of, for example, very small
cell sizes, channel-aware link adaptation and waveform deployment, diversity tech-
niques, and optimization of the use of different degrees of freedom in tranceivers.
Consequently, it may not be feasible to build explicit and detailed mathematical mod-
els of wireless systems and their operational environments. In fact, there is a serious
modeling deficit that calls for creating awareness of the operational wireless environ-
ment through sensing and learning.
Machine learning (ML) refers to a large class of algorithms that aim to give a
machine the capability to acquire knowledge or behavior. If the machine is a wireless
system, which is man-made, then the goal of ML in that case is to let the system choose
its signal processing techniques and protocols to perform communication without
being programmed a priori. The learning can be supervised, requiring labeled data,
unsupervised, or based on reinforcement learning requiring trial-and-error approach.
Supervised learning refers to methods that learn from a training set for which the
desired output is provided by an external supervisor (i.e., with labeled data) and then
perform a task on data that are not present in the training set. Unsupervised learning
refers to methods that attempt to find hidden structures or patterns in a large dataset.
Reinforcement learning (RL) is a class of machine learning techniques that aim at
maximizing a cumulative reward signal over a finite or infinite time horizon for the
selected actions. RL refers to the interaction through trial and error between an agent,
the entity that learns, and its operational environment. This RL technique, which is the
focus of this chapter, is particularly useful when the agent wants to acquire knowl-
edge on the characteristics of its environment while making minimal assumptions
on it. In this chapter, we focus on RL for physical layer (PHY) communications.
The rewards in learning are then typically associated with a high data rate or high Published online by Cambridge University Press

234 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

signal-to-interference and noise ratio (SINR). Even if ML in general and RL in partic-

ular are what we may call data-driven approaches, mathematical and physics-based
modeling should not be completely abandoned. Indeed, wireless systems are man-
made with plenty of structures that can be exploited to make the learning faster,
transparent, and explainable.
Three main reasons for RL to be applied to a wireless communication problem are
(a) the mathematical modelling of the environment is far too complex to be imple-
mented in an agent, or such a mathematical model does not exist; (b) the signalling
for acquiring the useful data needed to properly run the system is too complex; and (c)
the desired outcome or goal of the learning can be described as a scalar reward. For
instance, the massive machine-type communication or small-cell deployment where
detailed network planning is not feasible are interesting scenarios where RL would
be attractive technology. Moreover, machine-type communications typically involve
some cheap battery operated devices where complex base band processing is not pos-
sible, which is in line with condition (a). Moreover, excessive signalling is excluded
because of the huge number of devices to be connected (i.e., condition (b)). Hence,
transmission strategies, such as selection of channel, transmit power, and beam pat-
terns, can be learned from scratch or at least with very few a priori information in
order to maximize the number of received packets (i.e., condition (c)).
Adaptability is the key benefit of RL techniques, as well as classical adaptive
signal processing techniques such as the least mean square filter. However, unlike
adaptive filtering, RL does not rely on well-established mathematical models of the
physical phenomena that occur during a wireless transmission (see Section 9.2). RL
techniques select suitable actions based on the feedback received from the surrounding
environment in order to maximize a reward function over time. An important example
of RL applied to physical layer communication is the flexible and opportunistic use of
the underutilized frequency bands.
RL techniques involve a set of possible actions, a set of states, and a reward signal.
These notions will be rigorously defined in the next section. Some examples of typical
actions are whether to transmit on a given band or not or select among the predesigned
beamformers or precoders. The states of the environment the agent observes are, for
instance, whether the selected band is idle or not or feedback from the receiver that
the observed SINR value is below a threshold on certain channels or the transmission
has been successful (+1) or not (0 or −1), respectively.
In the particular example of the opportunistic spectrum access, the cardinality of
action and state sets is small. Hence, the learning or convergence phase is faster than
in a scenario where the action space would be much larger. If we imagine a smart
radio device that is able to do link adaptation by choosing the modulation technique,
transmit power, and select a channel to transmit its signal, the search space would
become much larger. Hence, the convergence toward the optimal result that maximizes
a given reward function would take much longer time and may become complex for
RL approaches. However, recent advances in deep RL methods have alleviated this
problem. An example on this scenario, link adaptation, will be given in this chapter.
Another practical example considered later in this chapter is smart radio access
network with the goal of optimizing the energy consumption of a cluster of BSs. This Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 235

is a demanding problem with a high-dimensional state space that makes finding the
optimal solution using classical optimization techniques difficult. RL may help to find
a good solution through trial and error, and consequently reducing the complexity.
Deep learning (DL) strategies involve multiple layers of artificial neural networks
(ANNs) that are able to extract hidden structures of labeled (supervised learning) or
unlabeled data (unsupervised learning) [1]. These techniques prove to be efficient in
many applications such as image classification, speech recognition and synthesis, and
all applications involving a large amount of data to be processed. Recently, researchers
in wireless communications have shown interest for using ML and DL in wireless
networks design (see [2, 3] and references therein), mainly for networking issues,
but more recently also for PHY layer, such as user-channel matching or performance
optimization in large scale randomly deployed networks. This is particularly useful
when a complete mathematical model of the behavior of a network is intractable
due for example to the large dimensionality of the state or action spaces. RL and
DL can be combined into deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approach when the
number of observable states or possible actions are too large for conventional RL. This
technique relies on the RL principle (i.e., an agent interacting with its environment),
but the action to be taken is obtained through a nonlinear processing involving neural
networks (NN) [4].
In this chapter, we give comprehensive examples of applying RL in optimizing the
physical layer of wireless communications by defining a different class of problems
and the possible solutions to handle them. In Section 9.2, we present the basic theories
needed to address a RL problem, including Markov decision process (MDP) and
partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), but also two very impor-
tant and widely used algorithms for RL: the Q-learning and SARSA algorithms. We
also introduce the DRL paradigm and the section ends with an introduction to the
multiarmed bandits (MAB) framework. Section 9.3 focuses on some toy examples
to illustrate how the basic concepts of RL are employed in communication systems.
We present applications extracted from literature with simplified system models using
similar notation as in Section 9.2. In Section 9.3, we also focus on modeling RL
problems, that is, how action and state spaces and rewards are chosen. The chapter
concludes in Section 9.4 with thoughts on RL trends and ends with a review of a
broader state of the art in Section 9.5.

The table at beginning of the chapter summarizes the notation used in the following.
We review the main ones here. Random variables, and stochastic processes that depend
on time, are denoted in capital font, such as X(t), while their realizations in normal
font, such as x(t). Random vectors are denoted in capital bold font, such as X(t),
and their realizations in small bold font, such as x(t). The conditional probability
distribution of a random variable X at time t + 1 given another random variable Y at t,
is denoted as PX(t+1)| Y (t) (x | y) and when no ambiguity is possible on the underlying
distribution function, simply by p(x | y), being understood that the first and the second
arguments in p (· | ·) rely to the values of the random variables at time t + 1 and t,
respectively, except otherwise mentioned. Vectors and matrices are denoted with bold Published online by Cambridge University Press

236 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

font. Moreover, 1 {a} is the indicator function, which is equal to 1 if a is true and 0
otherwise. D (P || Q) is the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the distributions P
and Q and is defined as
dP  dP
D (P || Q) = log dP = EP log ,
I dQ dQ
where dP /dQ is called the Radon-Nikodym derivative and is defined if P  Q; that
is, the measure P is absolutely continuous with respect to (w.r.t.) the measure Q. This
means that for all x ∈ I, if Q(x) = 0 then P (x) = 0. This definition holds if the
probability measures are continuous but also if they are discrete. In the former case,
the Radon-Nikodym derivative is simply the ratio between the density probability
functions, and in the latter case, it is the ratio of the probability mass functions that
can be denoted as p and q.

9.2 Reinforcement Learning: Background

9.2.1 Overview
RL may be considered as a sequential decision-making process. Unlike supervised
learning, it does not need annotation or labeling of input-output pairs. The decision-
maker in RL is called an agent. An agent has to sequentially make decisions that
affect future decisions. The agent interacts with its environment by taking different
actions. There are a number of different alternative actions, the agent has to choose
from. Selecting the best action requires considering not only immediate but also long-
term effects of its actions. After taking an action, the agent observes the environment
state and receives a reward. Given the new state of the environment, the agent takes the
next action. A trajectory or history of subsequent states, actions, and rewards is created
over time. The reward quantifies the quality of the action and consequently captures
what is important for the learning system. The objective of the learning is typically to
maximize the sum of future rewards but also some other objective that is a function of
the rewards may be employed. The learning takes place by trial and error so that the
rewards reinforce decisions that move the objective toward its optimum. As a conse-
quence, the system learns to make good decisions and can independently improve its
performance by probing different actions for different states. Hence, consequences to
future actions are learned. Commonly, the immediate rewards are emphasized and the
future rewards are discounted over time. Sometimes actions with a small immediate
reward can lead to a higher payoff in a long term. One would like to choose the
action that trades off between the immediate rewards and the future payoffs in the best
possible way.
RL are typically modeled using an MDP framework. The MDP provides a for-
mal model to design and analyze RL problems as well as a rigorous way to design
algorithms that can perform optimal decision making in sequential scenarios. If one
models the problem as an MDP, then there exists a number of algorithms that will be
able to automatically solve the decision problem. However, real practical problems
cannot be strictly modeled with an MDP in general, but this framework can be a good Published online by Cambridge University Press
RL for Physical Layer Communications 237

approximation of the physical phenomena that occur in the problem such that this
model may perform well in practice.

9.2.2 Markov Decision Process

An MDP model is comprised of four components: a set of states, a set of actions, the
transitions (i.e., how actions change the state), and the immediate reward signal due to
the actions. We consider a sequence of discrete time steps t = {0,1,2, . . .} and briefly
describe each component. The state describes the set of all possible values of dynamic
information relevant to the decision process. In a broad sense, one could think that a
state describes the way the world currently exists and how an action may change the
state of the world. Obviously, we are considering only an abstract and narrow view of
the world that is relevant to the learning task at hand and our operational environment.
The state at time instance t is represented by a random variable S(t) ∈ S, where S is
the state space, or the set of all possible values of dynamic information relevant to the
learning process. In the context of a physical layer of wireless communications, the
state could describe, for example, the occupancy of the radio spectrum or the battery
charging level of the user equipment.
The environment in which the agent acts is modeled as a Markov chain. A Markov
chain is a stochastic model for describing the sequential state transitions in memory-
less systems. A memoryless transition means that
PS(t+1)| S(t) s  | s = PS(t+1)| S(t) s  | s , (9.1)
PS(t+1)| S(t) s  | s = P S(t + 1) = s  | S(t) = s , (9.2)
if S is a discrete set. Moreover S(t) = [S(0), . . . ,S(t)] and s = [s(0), . . . ,s(t)], S(t)
is the state at time instance t and PS(t+1)| S(t) is the conditional distribution of S(t + 1)
given S(t). In other words, the probability of the state transition to state S(t +1) is only
dependent on the current state S(t). Hence, there is no need to remember the history
of the past states to determine the current state transition probability.
The actions are the set of possible alternatives we can take. The problem is to
know which of these actions to choose in a particular state of the environment. The
possible actions the agent can choose at state S(t) is represented with the random
variable A(t) ∈ A, where A is the action space. The possible actions may depend on
the current state. Typical actions in a wireless communication context can be giving
access to the channel, sensing the channel, selecting a beam pattern, or adjusting the
power, for instance.
The action the agent takes activates a state transition of the Markov chain. The state
transition function specifies in a probabilistic sense the next state of the environment
as a function of its current state and the action the agent selected. It defines how the
available actions may change the state. Since an action could have different effects,
depending upon the state, we need to specify the action’s effect for each state in the
MDP. The state transition probabilities depend on the action such as

PS(t+1)|S(t),A(t) (s  | s,a) = p(s  | s,a). (9.3) Published online by Cambridge University Press
238 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

S(t + 1)

Action State
A(t) S(t)

Agent Reward
R(t + 1)

Figure 9.1 Reinforcement learning principle in MDP.

If we want to make the decision-making process automatic and run it in a computer,

then we must be able to quantify the value associated to the actions taken. The value is
a scalar and called a reward. The reward from action A(t) is represented by a random
variable R(t) ∈ R, where R is the set of rewards, and it specifies the immediate value
for performing each action in each state.
The reward provides the means for comparing different actions and choosing the
right one for achieving the objective of the learning process. The reward distribution
depends on which action was selected and on the state transition. The conditional
probability distribution defining the dynamics of an MDP process is
PR(t+1)S(t+1)| S(t)A(t) r,s  | s,a = p(r,s  | s,a). (9.4)

An MDP can last for a finite or infinite number of time steps, distinguishing between
finite and infinite horizon models and methods. The interconnection between the
different elements of an MDP can be illustrated with the well-known diagram in
Fig. 9.1.
A reward function R() gives a payoff R(t + 1) for choosing action A(t) in state S(t)
resulting in new state S(t + 1). After selecting an action the agent obtains the reward
and the next state, but no information on which action would have been the best choice
toward its objective in the long term. Hence, the agent will perform active probing and
obtain experience about the possible system states, available actions, transitions, and
rewards to learn how to act optimally. A widely used objective is to maximize the
expected sum of discounted rewards over an infinite horizon [5, 6]:

Jπ = Eπ γ R(t + 1) ,

where γ < 1 is the discount factor emphasizing more immediate rewards and the
expectation is taken over the distribution of the rewards, following a certain policy
π whose the meaning will be detailed hereafter. Discounting is the most analytically
tractable and hence the most commonly used approach. Other objective functions may Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 239

be employed, including expected reward over a finite time horizon and regret, which
measures the expected loss in the learning compared to an optimal policy.
The solution to an MDP is called a policy, and it simply specifies the best sequence
of actions to take during the learning process. A policy maps states to actions (i.e.,
π : S → A) and can be deterministic (i.e., a single or a set of deterministic actions
is performed when the agent encounters the state S(t)), or it can be stochastic and is
defined as the conditional probability measure of A(t) given S(t), or PA(t)| S(t) (a | s),
often simply denoted as π(a | s).1 It is basically a sequence of the decision rules to
be used at each decision time instance. For the infinite-horizon discounted model,
there exists an optimal deterministic stationary policy. The finite-horizon model is
appropriate when the system has a hard deadline or the agent’s lifespan is known.
An optimal policy would need to consider all the future actions. Such policies
are called nonmyopic policies. In comparison, a policy where the agent maximizes
the immediate reward is called a myopic policy. Typically, the myopic policies are
suboptimal for γ > 0. The goal is to derive a policy that gives the best actions to take
for each state, for the considered horizon.

Value Functions
In order to be able to derive the optimal policy that maximizes the function J in
Eq. (9.5), one needs to evaluate the value of the states under a certain policy π (i.e.,
a function vπ : S → R). This is defined as the expectation, over the policy π, of the
discounted reward obtained when starting from the state s ∈ S, that is to say [5]

vπ (s) = Eπ γ R(t + 1) | S(0) = s ,∀s ∈ S.


Since the state value function depends on the state s taken for the computation, this
quantity may be averaged over the states in order to obtain the average reward in Eq.
(9.5). The state value function represents the average of the discounted reward that
would be obtained starting from an initial state s and following the policy π.
Similarly, one can define the action-state function, qπ : S × A → R, by averaging
the discounted reward when starting at t = 0 from state s ∈ S, taking the action
a ∈ A, and then following the policy π thereafter. We hence have now an expectation
conditioned on the state and the action, that is [5, 6]

qπ (s,a) = Eπ γ R(t + 1) | S(0) = s,A(0) = a ,∀(s,a) ∈ S × A.


Bellman Equations
A remarkable property of the state value function in Eq. (9.6) is that it follows a
recursive relation that is widely known as the Bellman equation [7] of the state value
function. For all s ∈ S, one can prove [5]

1 Note in that case, a and s refer to the value of the action and the state, respectively, at time t, because
action is immediately chosen while observing a given state and not delayed to the next time slot. Published online by Cambridge University Press

240 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

vπ (s) = π(a | s) p(s ,r | s,a) r + γvπ (s  ) . (9.8)
a∈A (s ,r)∈S×R

The expression in Eq. (9.8) is known as the Bellman’s equation for the state value
function and has to be seen as the expectation of the random variable R(t + 1) +
γvπ (S(t + 1)) over the joint distribution PA(t)| S(t) PS(t+1)R(t+1)| S(t)A(t) . The Bellman’s
equation links the state value function at the current state with the next state value
function averaged over all possible states and rewards knowing the current state and
the policy π. The value of a state S(t) is the expected instantaneous reward added to
the expected discounted value of the next states, when the policy π is followed. The
proof of this relation relies on separating Eq. (9.6) into two terms, t = 0 and t > 0,
and using essentially the Markovian property and the Bayes’ rule in the second term
to make appear vπ (s  ).
The optimal state value and action-state value functions are obtained by maximiz-
ing vπ (s) and qπ (s,a) over the policies, that is [6]
v∗ (s) = sup vπ (s), (9.9)

q∗ (s,a) = sup qπ (s,a), (9.10)

where  is the set of all stationary policies (i.e., policies that do not evolve over time).2
Moreover, Eq. (9.9) can be written w.r.t. Eq. (9.10) as v∗ (s) = supa∈A q∗ (s,a). The
optimal state value function also obeys to the Bellman recursion and one can show
that [5, 6]
⎧ ⎫

v∗ (s) = sup p(r,s  | s,a) r + γv∗ (s  ) ∀s ∈ S. (9.11)
a∈A ⎩  (r,s )∈S×R

This last equation means that the expected return from a given state s and following the
optimal policy π∗ is equal to the expected return following the best action from that
state. Moreover, substituting v∗ (s  ) in Eq. (9.11) with the supremum over the actions
of q∗ (s ,a), we obtain the iterative property on the action-state value function:

q∗ (s,a) = |
p(s ,r s,a) r + γ sup q∗ (s ,a ) . (9.12)
(s ,r)∈S×R a  ∈A

Equations (9.11) and (9.12) are the Bellman optimality equations for v∗ , and q∗ ,
The policy should mostly select the actions that maximize q∗ (s,·). A policy that
chooses only actions that maximize a given action-state function q(s,·) for all s is
called greedy w.r.t. q. A greedy policy is a decision procedure based on the immediate
reward without considering the long-term payoff. In general, only considering local

2 This applies to fixed over-time deterministic policy or a stationary stochastic policy, in the strict sense.
That is, the conditional law of A(t) given S(t) does not depend on t. Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 241

or immediate reward may prevent from finding the highest payoff on the long term.
However, since v∗ or q∗ already contain the reward consequences of all possible states,
then a greedy policy w.r.t. q∗ is hence optimal on the long run [6]. Hence, if one is able
to compute q∗ , the optimal policy follows.

Policy Evaluation
RL algorithms aim to find the best sequences of actions in order to get close to
Eq. (9.11). As we will see later with the Q-learning, the idea is to keep an estimate
of the optimal state or action state value functions at each time step and find a way to
make them converge to the optimal value functions. The expressions in Eq. (9.11) and
Eq. (9.12) are fixed-point equations and can be solved using dynamic programming.
Given a policy π, the policy evaluation algorithm first finds the value function for
immediate rewards and then extends the time horizon one by one. Basically, one
just adds the immediate reward of each of the available actions to the value function
computed in previous step. This way one builds the value function in each iteration
based on the previous one. Let consider a deterministic policy a = π(s). A sequence
of value functions can be obtained for all states s such as

vt+1 (s) = r(s,a) +γ p(s  | s,a)vt (s  ), (9.13)

s ∈S
immediate average reward   
value function of previous steps

where the immediate average reward, r(s,a), is the expectation over the distribution
of the rewards knowing the action π(s) taken in the state s at time t, or r(s,a) =
EPR| SA [R(t + 1) | S(t) = s,A(t) = a]. This iterative equation can be computed for
each action taken in each state. This equation converges because the linear operator
linking the value function of state S(t) to the value function of state S(t + 1) is a
maximum norm contraction [6].
Similarly, the action-state value iteration algorithm aims at iteratively solving the
following equation for a deterministic policy:

qt+1 (s,a) = r(s,a) +γ p(s  | s,a)qt (s ,a). (9.14)

s ∈S
immediate average reward   
action-state value function of previous steps

The problem of this procedure is that the agent needs to know the complete dynamic
of the MDP, p(r,s  | s,a), which is rarely the case in practice. Fortunately, there are
algorithms like Q-learning that converge to the optimal policy without knowing the
dynamic of the physical process.

Policy Improvement
The iterative procedures described so far allow us to evaluate the performance of a
policy. Indeed, by choosing a given policy π0 one can compute Eqs. (9.13) or (9.14)
until convergence, for example, |vt+1 (s) − vt (s)| ≤ , where  is an arbitrary small
number. When the procedure has converged, the state value is obtained; that is, vπ0 (s)
is the state value function achieved by following the policy π0 for state s. Hence, one Published online by Cambridge University Press

242 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

has the evaluation of the performance of the policy π0 . But we still do not know if it
is the best policy that leads to the maximal value of the state function v∗ (s).
In order to progress to the optimal policy, one needs a policy improvement step.
The idea is to create a new policy π  that differs from π by a different action taken
when being in state s, for example, π  (s) = π(s). If we are able to choose an action
when being in state s such that qπ (s,π  (s)) ≥ vπ (s), then vπ (s) ≥ vπ (s), ∀s ∈ S [5].
Basically, this means that by taking an action a  such that a  = π(s) and following
the policy π hereafter such that qπ (s,a  ) ≥ vπ (s), the policy π  should not be worse
than π on the performance of the learning task. Let πt denote the policy obtained at
iteration t. Once Eq. (9.14) has converged under πt , we create πt+1 by choosing the
greedy policy w.r.t. qπt which is obtained by choosing the action that maximizes the
right-hand side of Eq. (9.14) for all states s, and we repeat the process until having no
policy improvements.

Combination of Policy Evaluation and Improvement

In practice, the two procedures we have introduced, the policy evaluation and
improvement, can be combined into one algorithm called value iteration. This
algorithm consists of taking the action that maximizes the (action-)state value function
at each time step, or taking the supremum over A of the right-hand side of Eq. (9.13)
for the state value function and replacing qt (s ,a) by supa  ∈A qt (s ,a  ) in Eq. (9.14)
for the action-state value function. The new equations obtained also converge to v∗
and q∗ thanks to the fixed-point theorem and the property of the Bellman equation.
This means that a greedy policy w.r.t. vt (qt ) is allowed to converge to the optimum
(action-)state value.

9.2.3 Partially Observable Markov Decision Process

Complete observability is required for MDP-based learning. When the states of the
underlying Markovian process are not directly observable, the situation is referred as
a POMDP. This model adds sensor measurements that contain information about the
state of the MDP model as well as an observation function describing the conditional
observation probabilities. Instead of observing the current state of the process directly,
we may just have access to a noisy version or estimate of the state. Typically, we use
physical sensors to acquire a set of noisy observations containing relevant information
about the state. The principle of reinforcement learning under POMDP is illustrated on
Fig. 9.2. For example, in physical layer wireless communication we need to estimate
key system parameters such as the channel impulse or frequency response, channel
matrix and its covariance, SINR, perform time and frequency synchronization as well
as design transmit or receive beamformers, precoders, or decoders from data acquired
by the receivers. The received signals contain unobservable random noise and harmful
interferences. Moreover, in order to adapt our transmitters and optimize the resources
usage, we may need to use feedback from receivers or exploit channel reciprocity that
are both subject to error. Most of the parameters characterizing the state of a wireless Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 243

S(t + 1)
Environment State

Action Sensor
Observ. O(t)
Agent Reward
R(t + 1)

Figure 9.2 Reinforcement learning principle in POMDP. Unlike the MDP in Fig. 9.1, the state
of the environment is observed through a sensor that gives a partial state of the environment.
For instance, the sensor may be the receiver in PHY layer communication and actions would
be adapting the operational parameters of the transmitter/receiver pair.

system at the physical layer are defined in a continuous space. Hence, the conventional
MDP model is not necessarily applicable. The errors caused by noisy sensors are
unobservable and random and need to be described using probability distributions.
Consequently, the states are also described in terms of probability distributions.
In MDP-based learning our goal is to find a mapping from states to actions. In
the case of POMDPs, we are looking for a mapping from probability distributions
associated with the states to actions. The probability distribution over all possible
model states is called a belief state in POMDP jargon and the entire probability space
(i.e., the set of all possible probability distributions) is called the belief space. The
observations acquired by physical sensors contain unobservable and random noise.
Hence, we need to specify a probabilistic observation model called an observation
function in POMDP jargon. This observation model simply tells us the probability
of each observation for each state in the model. It is formally given as a conditional
probability of an observation given a state-action couple. As a result, we will have
uncertainty about the state due to incomplete or uncertain information. That means we
have a set of states, but we can never be certain which state we are in. The uncertainties
are handled by associating a probability distribution over the set of possible states.
The distribution is defined by the set of observations, observation probabilities, and
underlying MDP. The POMPD model considers beliefs of the states instead of the
actual states in MDP. The belief is a measure in interval [0, 1] that describes the
probability of being in a specific state. The agent interacts with the environment and
receives observations and then updates its belief state by updating the probability
distribution of the current state. In practice, the agent updates its belief state by using
a state estimator based on the last action, current acquired observation, and previous
belief state. By solving a POMDP problem, we find a policy that tells which action is
optimal for each belief state.
A POMDP is a tuple < S,A,R,,O >. The environment is represented by a set
of states S = {s1,s2, . . . ,sN } with |S| = N , a set of possible actions denoted by Published online by Cambridge University Press

244 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

A = {a1,a2, . . . ,aK } with |A| = K. The transition from state s to new state s  given
the action a is governed by a probabilistic transition function as in Eq. (9.3) that is the
conditional distribution PS(t+1)|S(t),A(t) . As an immediate result, the agent receives a
reward R(t + 1) that depends on the state s the agent was in and the action a it took.
These components of the POMDP-tuple are as in a conventional MDP. Since state
s  is not directly observable, it can be estimated by using observations that contain
information about the state. A finite set of observations emitted by the state is denoted
by z ∈  with || = M. An observation function defines a probability distribution
for each action A(t) and the resulting state S(t + 1). The observation Z(t + 1) is then
a random variable and the probability distribution of the observations conditioned on

the new state S(t + 1) and action A(t) is PZ(t+1)|S(t+1),A(t) (z | s ,a) = O(z,s ,a).
In a POMDP, the following cycle of events takes place. An environment is in state
S and the agent computes the belief state B. The agent takes an action A using the
policy π(· | B) and the environment transitions to a new state S  according to the state
transition distribution. The new state is not directly observable, but the environment
emits an observation Z according to the conditional distribution O(z,s ,a). Then the
agent receives a reward R for action taken from belief state B. Finally, the agent
updates the belief state and runs the cycle again. As a result, a trajectory or history of
subsequent belief states, actions, observation, and rewards is created over time. The
goal of an agent is to learn a policy π that finds actions that maximize the policy’s
value. There are many ways to measure the quality. The most common choice is the
discounted sum of rewards as in the case of MDP.
The belief state is a sufficient statistic that contains all the relevant information
about the past observations and enjoys the Markov property. The next belief state
depends only on the current belief state and the current action and observation. Hence,
there is no need to remember the whole history of actions and observations. Updat-
ing the distribution requires using the transition and observation probabilities and a

formula stemming from the Bayes rule. Let us denote PB (s) = PB [S = s] the dis-
tribution of the belief state, which is the probability that the environment is in state s
under the distribution of the belief. The belief state update that can be considered as a
state estimation step in POMDP framework is given by

O(z,s ,a)

PB (s  ) = p(s  | s,a)PB (s). (9.15)


The denominator is a normalizing constant that makes the sum equal to one; that
is, p(z|b,a) = s  ∈S O(z,s ,a) s∈S p(s  |s,a)PB (s). The distributions are updated
simply by applying the Bayes’ Rule and using the model parameters. Similarly to
MDP, the agent wishes to choose its actions such that it learns an optimal policy π ∗ (b).
The main practical difficulty in POMDP models is finding a solution that is a policy
that chooses optimal action for each belief state. The state space is just defined in terms
of probability distributions. Algorithms used for solving POMDP typically stem from
dynamic programming. It can be solved using value iteration, policy iteration, or a
variety of other techniques developed for solving MDP. The optimal value function v∗ Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 245

is then the value function associated with an optimal policy π ∗ . The early approach
for solving POMDPs was using belief-MDP formulation. The value iteration follows
the Bellman’s equation already introduced for MDP:

v0 (b) = 0. (9.16)

vt+1 (b) = sup [r(b,a) + γ p(z | b,a)vt (b )], (9.17)

a∈A z∈

where r(b,a) = s∈S PB (s)r(s,a) is the average reward for action a in the belief
state b and where r(s,a) is the expected reward obtained in state s and taking action a
that has been defined in Eqs. (9.13) and (9.14). Moreover, p(z | b,a) has been defined
previously and denotes the conditional distribution of the observation z at time t + 1,
given the belief state b and taking action a at t. A value function may be modeled with
a structure that can be exploited in making the problem solving easier or even feasible.
For example, a piecewise linear and convex approximation may be used in finite-
horizon scenarios. Value iteration provides an exact way of determining the value
function for POMDP. Hence, the optimal action can be found from the value function
for a belief state. Unfortunately, the complexity of solving a POMDP problem via
value iteration is exponential in the number of observations and actions. Moreover,
the dimensionality of the belief space grows proportionally to the number of states.
The dimensionality of belief space can be reduced using a parametric model such as
a Gaussian mixture model. Also point-based value iteration has been proposed for
solving POMDP. In such methods, a small set of reachable belief points are selected,
and the Bellman updates are done at these points while storing values and gradients.
Heuristic methods employing search trees have been developed, too. The methods
build an AND/OR tree of reachable belief states from the current belief and perform
a search over the tree using well-known methods such as branch-and-bound.
Value iteration is commonly used since the classical policy iteration algorithm
for POMDP proposed in [8] has a high complexity and is thus less popular. There
are, however, algorithms of lower complexity. One can also use the policy iteration
methods we described earlier for solving POMDP problems.

9.2.4 Q-learning and SARSA Algorithm

Q-learning and the current State, current Action, next Reward, next State, and next
Action (SARSA) algorithms are iterative procedures to learn the optimal policy that
maximizes the expected reward from any starting state, without the knowledge of
the MPD dynamics. Both algorithms exhibit some similarities but differ in some key
points that we detail hereafter. Q-learning and SARSA are called tabulated algorithms;
that is, they are based on the construction of a look-up table, a.k.a Q-table, that allows
the algorithm to trace and update the expected action-value function for all action-state
pairs (s,a) ∈ S × A. Once the Q-table has been built, the optimal policy is to choose
the action with the highest score. The basic idea of both algorithms is to build a new
estimate from an old estimate, which is updated by an incremental difference between Published online by Cambridge University Press

246 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

a target and the old estimate. This can be formalized as follows:

⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
q (S(t),A(t)) ← qt (S(t),A(t)) + αt ⎣Tt+1 − qt (S(t),A(t))⎦ , (9.18)
new estimate old estimate target old estimate

where α t is the learning rate at time t, which is a scalar between 0 and 1. The learning
rate tells us how much we want to explore something new and how much we want
to exploit the current choice. Indeed, in each of the RL algorithms, exploitation and
exploration have to be balanced in order to trade-off between the desire for the agent to
increase its immediate reward, by exploiting actions that gave good results so far, and
the need to explore new combinations to discover strategies that may lead to larger
rewards in the future. At the beginning of the procedure, one may expect to spend
more time exploring while the Q-table fills up. Later the agent exploits more than it
explores in order to increase its reward. The learning rate should satisfy the following
 ∞ 2
conditions ∞ t=0 α t = ∞ and t=0 α t < ∞ (e.g., α t = 1/(t + 1)). Finally, note that
α can also be taken as a constant less than one, and hence not satisfy the conditions.
However in practice, learning tasks occur over a finite time horizon, and hence the
conditions are satisfied.

Q-learning has first been introduced by Watkins in 1989 [9]. In this algorithm, the
target is equal to
Tt+1 = R(t + 1) + γ max qt S(t + 1),a  , (9.19)
a  ∈A

which is nothing but the algorithmic form of the Bellman equation in Eq. (9.12).
When the algorithm has converged, Tt+1 should be equal to qt (S(t),A(t)), nullifying
the difference term in Eq. (9.18). Let us more closely examine how the Q-learning
algorithm works.
The Q-table is a table with the states along the rows and columns representing the
different actions we can take. At time step t = 0, the Q-table is initialized to 0; that is,
q0 (s(0),a(0)) = 0, ∀(s,a) ∈ S × A. A starting state is chosen randomly with a certain
probability: P [S(0) = s]. At the beginning, the agent does not know the reward that
each action will provide, so it chooses one action randomly. This action leads to a new
state s  and a reward r in a stochastic manner according to p(r,s  | s,a) if the problem
is stochastic or according to deterministic rules otherwise. The immediate reward the
agent receives by taking the action a(t) at time t is the variable R(t + 1) in Eq. (9.19).
Then the algorithm looks at the line represented by the state S(t + 1) = s  in the
Q-table and chooses the value that is maximum in the line, which corresponds to the
term maxa  ∈A qt (S(t + 1),a  ) in Eq. (9.19); among all possible actions from the next
state we end up at t + 1, or S(t + 1), one chooses the one that leads to the maximum
expected return. The difference in Eq. (9.18) acts as a gradient that allows some actions
in a given state to be reinforced or, on the contrary to dissuade the agent to take some
other actions being in a given state. By choosing the learning rate, αt = 1/(t + 1) Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 247

for instance, the agent will pay less and less attention over time to future expected
returns in the update of the current estimation of the Q-table. If α = 0, the agent does
not learn anymore, while α = 1 means that the agent remains in an active learning
behavior state. Moreover, γ in Eq. (9.18) is the discounting factor that defines how
much the agent cares about future rewards (i.e., the ones that will be obtained starting
from S(t + 1)), compared to the immediate reward, R(t + 1).
Q-learning is an algorithm that explores and exploits at the same time. But which
policy should be followed when updating the Q-table? That is, how are the actions
chosen at each time step? Actually, this is the strength of Q-learning, as it does not
(so much) matter for the algorithm convergence. The −greedy policy is, however, a
widely used technique. It consists of randomly choosing an action with probability 
and the action that maximizes the current action-state value at time t with probability
1 − . Of course,  can be kept constant or may vary during the learning in order to
explore more at the beginning,  ≈ 1, and exploit more after a while,   1. However,
it has been shown that Q-learning makes the Q-table converge to q∗ , and hence to the
optimal policy as soon as every action-state pair has been visited an infinite number
of times, irrespective to the policy followed during the training [10, 11]. This property
makes Q-learning an off-policy procedure.
In some practical problems, MDP may present some terminal states, or absorbing
states, and the learning is done over several episodes. Once the agent reaches the
terminal state, the episode ends and the algorithm restarts at a random state, and keep
going to estimate the Q-table.

SARSA algorithm
SARSA is an algorithm that has been proposed in [12] and differs from Q-learning
simply by the target definition in Eq. (9.18). In SARSA, we use

Tt+1 = R(t + 1) + γqt (S(t + 1),A(t + 1)) . (9.20)

The difference with the Q-learning approach is that the next action A(t + 1) to be
taken when the agent observes the next state S(t + 1) starting from the state S(t) and
having taken the action A(t) is no longer the one that maximizes the next expected
return from the next state S(t + 1). The action A(t + 1) has to be taken according to
a policy, which is why SARSA is called an on-policy method. The policy the agent
follows when in state S(t), and hence the choice of the action at time t, A(t), is the
behavior policy, while the choice of the action to be taken when in state S(t + 1), or
A(t + 1), characterizes the target policy. In Q-learning, the target policy was greedy
w.r.t. qt ; that is, the action that maximizes the next expected action-state value is
chosen. In SARSA on the other hand, the agent updates the Q-table from the quintuple
(S(t),A(t),R(t + 1),S(t + 1),A(t + 1)) where both behavior and target policies are
−greedy; that is, the next action to be taken while observing state S(t + 1) is chosen
randomly with the probability  and the action maximizing qt (S(t +1),a  ) is taken with
probability 1 − . Under the assumption that the actions taken under the target policy
are, at least occasionally, also taken under the behavior policy, SARSA converges to
the optimal policy, or the greedy policy w.r.t. q∗ . Published online by Cambridge University Press

248 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

9.2.5 Deep RL
The previous Q-learning or SARSA approaches are suitable when the dimensions
of the state and action spaces of the problem are small or moderate. In that case,
a look-up table can be used to update the Q values. However, when the number
of states or possible actions becomes large, the complexity and the storage needs
of Q-learning become prohibitive. Instead of using a table for updating the action-
state value function, one may search for approximating the action-state values with
a suitable function qθ : S × A → R with the vector parameter θ. The simplest
approximation function is the linear one. This consists of finding a suitable mapping,
ψ : S × A → Rd , used to represent the features of the action-state couple, where d is
the dimension of this feature representation [6]. The entries of the vector ψ(s,a) are
the basis functions, and they span the space in which the Q function is approached.
The linear approximation of the action-value function is hence qθ (s,a) = θT ψ(s,a)
and will be used to approximate the optimal action-state value.
If an oracle would give us the action-state function under the policy π, one could
compute an error function between a target and a prediction as follows:
L(θ) = Eπ qπ (S,A) − θT ψ(S,A) , (9.21)

where the expectation is taken over the joint distribution of the state, reward, and
action. The weights θ can be updated using the gradient of the loss function such as
θt+1 = θ t + αt Eπ qπ (S,A) − θT ψ(S,A) ψ(S,A) . (9.22)

However, the agent never knows in general the true value of the objective (i.e., the
true action-state value function under the policy π). It can only estimate this value.
For the Q-learning algorithm, qπ (S,A) in Eq. (9.22) is substituted by expression in
Eq. (9.19), where the estimation of the action-state function is replaced by its linear
approximation such that

θ t+1 = θ t + αt R(t + 1) + γ max θT ψ(S(t + 1),a  ) − θT ψ(S,A) ψ(S,A).
a  ∈A

However, the features extraction phase, or constructing the function ψ, can be com-
plex if the problem dimension is very large [6].
One may observe that when passing from Eq. (9.22) to Eq. (9.23), we did not
limit ourselves to substitute qπ (S,A) by R(t + 1) + γ maxa  ∈A θ T ψ(S(t + 1),a  ) but
the expectation operator also vanished. There are only random samples from a given
database (a batch) to compute the sequence {θ}t . The latter is a random sequence, and
hence we are not sure that this will decrease the value of the loss at each step. However,
one can show that this will decrease the loss in average. This is the principle of the
stochastic gradient descent [13]. Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 249

Deep Q-learning
The approximation function can be nonlinear, but it has to be differentiable w.r.t. the
parameters of the approximation function. The principle of the deep Q-learning is
simple and consists of designing a neural network that outputs all the action-state
values for all possible actions in a given state s, qθ (s,·), ∀s ∈ S. In other words, if
the state space is of dimension n, meaning each state is represented by a vector of n
components, and if there are m possible actions for each state, the neural network
is a mapping from Rn to Rm . The idea to use a deep neural network to approxi-
mate the Q-function in a RL setting has been first introduced by Mnih et al. in [14],
where the authors proposed using a deep convolution neural network to learn to play
Atari games.
We will not discuss here in detail the different neural networks and deep learning
in general, and the interested reader may refer to reference books dealing with neural
networks and the basics of deep learning, such as the book of Courville, Goodfellow
and Bengio [1]. An ANN is made of (artificial) neurons that are linked through several
layers. There exists several kind of neural networks, such as the feedforward neural
network (FNN), the recurrent neural network, convolutional neural network as men-
tioned earlier, and many others (see for instance [3] for a classification of ANN). In
the following, we will just refer to FNN. The main ingredients of an FNN in our case
are an input layer that accepts the states of the decision process, or more specifically,
a representation of the states, an output layer that returns the estimated action-state
values for all actions for a given state at the input and several hidden layers between
both as illustrated on Fig. 9.3 where two hidden layers has been considered. The input
layer is made of n0 neurons, and takes the samples s 0 ∈ Rn as an entry. The layer
 = 1, . . . ,L has n neurons. The L+1 layer is the output layer and has nL+1 neurons.
It outputs the approximation of the Q-function, for the entry s 0 ; that is, q (s 0,ai ) of
each action ai , i = 1, . . . ,nL+1 .  represents the parameters of the neural network
that will be explained hereafter.

q (s0,a1 )

q (s0,a2 )


Input layer Layer 1 Layer 2 Output layer

Figure 9.3 Feedforward neural network. Published online by Cambridge University Press

250 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

For all  = 1, . . . ,L + 1, the vector output at the layer , s  ∈ Rn , is

s  = f (θ s −1 + b ) (9.24)

where θ  ∈ Rn−1 ×n is the matrix of weights between the neurons of layer  − 1 and
 is the weight between the ith neuron of layer  − 1 and the j th neuron
the layer , θi,j
of layer , s −1 is the signal output of the layer  − 1. Moreover, f is the activation
function at the layer  whose objective is to perform a nonlinear operation on the linear
combination of the signal output of the previous layer. The function applies at each
neuron of layer ; the function applies to each entry of the vector in the argument of
f in Eq. (9.24). The activation function aims at enabling the signal output. Several
kinds of activation functions exist, such as sigmoidal, hyperbolic tangent, rectified
linear unit (ReLU), and exponential linear unit (ELU); see [2] for a more detailed
description. Finally, b is the bias term of the neurons of the layer  that can change
the threshold of the input signal value at which the neurons enable the output signal.
The parameters of the FNN is made of the succession of matrix weights and bias terms
between each layers and is denoted:  = {θ ,b }L =1 .
In order to make a neural network learn, a loss function should be defined between
a target (a desired output) and the actual output obtained at iteration t. It can be defined
as in Eq. (9.21) by using the target in Q-learning, Eq. (9.19);
Lt (t ) = ES,A,R,S R(t + 1) + γ max q− S(t + 1),a − qt S(t),A(t) ,
a t


where t is the set of parameters at iteration t and − t is the network parameters

used to compute the target at iteration t. Deriving the loss function w.r.t. the network
parameters we obtained a generalized stochastic gradient descent for nonlinear Q-
function approximation as

t+1 = t + αt R(t + 1) + γ max q− (S(t + 1),a  ) − qt (S(t),A(t))
a  ∈A t

× ∇t qt (S(t),A(t)), (9.26)

which decreases the expected loss under certain conditions. The gradient in Eq. (9.26)
should be understood as the gradient w.r.t. the weights keeping the bias constant and
also the gradient w.r.t. the bias keeping the weights constant.

 this method may diverge if naively implemented. Indeed, if the samples
s,a,r,s are obtained by sampling the Markov chain at each successive transition,
the data given to the neural network will be correlated and non-i.i.d. and will be not
ideal for training the neural network. A solution is to store the experience tuples
(s(t),a(t),r(t + 1),s(t + 1)) into a memory pooled over many episodes (an episode
ends when a terminal state is reached) and to uniformly choose at each time instant a
tuple from the memory in order to update Eq. (9.26). This is called experience replay,
and it breaks correlation among the samples [14]. Moreover, if the target network − ,
used to retrieve the Q-values, is updated after each iteration with the new network
computed at time t, then the policy may oscillate and data values may switch from an Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 251

extreme to another and the parameters could diverge. The idea is to freeze the target
network − during a certain number of time steps T and to update the target network
with  in Eq. (9.26) after T steps. This allows us to reduce the oscillations or the risk
of divergence.
There is another unwanted effect of the Q-learning that is the overestimation of the
action-state values. This bias leads the algorithm to perform poorly in some stochastic
environments and comes from the fact that the max operator is used to estimate the
maximum expected value. Indeed, the max operator in Eq. (9.19) aims at estimating
the value in Eq. (9.7) for the next state S(t + 1), which is an expectation. This method,
often called the single estimator, has a positive bias that can be shown to follow
from Jensen’s inequality. Van Hasselt proposed in [15] to use a double estimator
technique to unbiase the estimation of the maximum expected value that occurs in
the Bellman’s equation of the action-state value function. The idea is to create two
sets of unbiased estimators w.r.t. the expectation, q A and q B , that will be applied on
two sets of samples, A and B, such that the estimators are unbiased w.r.t. the mean
on these samples. A and B contain the samples associated to the random variables
q A (S(t),·) and q B (S(t),·), respectively. The maximum expected value of the first
estimator q A is estimated with the max operator on the set of the experiences A,
maxa q A (s ,a) = q A (s ,a ∗ ), as in the regular Q-learning algorithm. Then, we use
the action a ∗ on the estimator of the Q-function on the set B as an estimation of the
maximum expected value of maxa E q A (S ,a) . A similar update is performed with
b∗ on q B and using q A . The iterative system of equations in the double Q-learning are
such as [15, Algorithm 1]
qtA (S(t),A(t)) ← qtA (S(t),A(t))+αt R(t + 1)+γqtB (S(t + 1),a ∗ ) − qtA (S(t),A(t)) ,
qtB (S(t),A(t)) ← qtB (S(t),A(t))+αt R(t + 1)+γqtA (S(t + 1),b∗ ) − qtB (S(t),A(t)) .
The principle of the double Q-learning can be applied to any approximation tech-
niques of the action-state function, in particular when a deep neural network is
employed [16].

9.2.6 Multiarmed Bandits

A MAB model holds its name from a slot machine with several levers3 that the
player/user activates in the hope of hitting the prize. Each machine has a certain
probability of delivering the money to the player. The goal of the agent, to keep the
terminology used in the RL framework, is to play the machine that gives the maximum
expected gain in the long run. Mathematically, a MAB model is a collection of K
random variables Ri , i = 1, . . . ,K, where i denotes the “arm” of the bandit, each
distributed as PRi , unknown to the agent. The player sequentially chooses an arm, the
action of the agent {A(t)}t≥0 , and collects rewards over time {R(t + 1)}t≥0 . When the

3 Or equivalently several one-armed gambling machines. Published online by Cambridge University Press

252 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

agent pulls arm a as its action at time t, A(t) = a, it gets a reward randomly drawn
from the distribution PRa ; that is, R(t) ∼ PRa . The goal of the agentis to maximize

the expected rewards obtained up the time horizon T ; that is, EPR t=1 R(t) . By
denoting μi the expectation of arm i, μi = E [Ri ], the agent should play as much
as possible the arm with the maximum mean reward, μ∗ = arg maxi μi , and the
suboptimal arms the least amount possible. However, the arm with the maximum
mean reward is of course unknown to the agent, in general, and the agent has to make
decisions, defining its policy, based only on the past observations. To do so, the agent
has to explore sufficiently in order to accumulate information on the rewards given by
the arms, and also has to exploit the best arms (i.e., those that have given the highest
cumulated rewards so far). This is the famous exploration-exploitation trade-off we
mentioned earlier that each RL algorithm has to deal with.
One could consider the MAB as a special case of MDP described in Section 9.2.2
where only a single state is considered. The conditional probability distribution defin-
ing the dynamic of this particular MDP in Eq. (9.4) reduces to

PR(t+1),S(t+1)| S(t),A(t) (r,s  | s,a) = PR(t)| A(t) (r | a) = PRa . (9.27)
In this definition, the state transition vanishes because there is only one state in the
MDP and the reward is immediately obtained after pulling the lever a.
There are two schools of thought in MAB, or two approaches: the Bayesian, pro-
posed by Thompson [17], and the frequentist approach [18, 19]. When the distribution
of arms depends on a parameter θ, the MAB  framework is said
 to be parametric; that
is, the distribution of the MAB is PRθ = PRθ1 , . . . ,PRθK and θ = (θ1, . . . ,θK )
is the vector parameter of the MAB. In the Bayesian setting, θ is a random variable
drawn from a prior distribution Pθ . In an i.i.d. scenario where the rewards are drawn
from a Bernouilli distribution4 and conditional to θa , Ra (t) ∼ PRa with mean μa
and the elements of the series {Ra (t)}t,a are independent. In the frequentist approach,
Ra (t) has the same properties as in the Bayesian setting, but θ is no longer random.
Instead it is an unknown deterministic parameter. We will not discuss the difference
between Bayesian and frequentist approaches further, and the interested reader may
consult the excellent treatise in [20] for more details about the both approaches. In the
following, we will focus on the frequentist approach for which the notion of regret is
defined [21].

The regret under the time horizon T can be understood rather intuitively: it the differ-
ence between the average expected reward one would obtain if one always plays the
optimal arm and the average expected reward obtained following a policy π, which
is the sequential series of actions A(0),A(1), . . . A(T − 1), different from the optimal
one. By denoting the index of the optimal arm as o = arg maxi μi and its expected

reward μ∗ = maxi μi = E [Ro (t)], the regret may be written as

4 We will see later the Markovian setting. Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 253


Dμ (T ) = T μ − EPR R(t) . (9.28)
Note that the regret depends on the parameter μ = μ1, . . . ,μK . The regret can also
be seen in a different, but totally equivalent way. Let us consider several experiments
of duration T , each arm i = 1, . . . ,K will be played Ni (T ), which is a random variable
for all i, with the expected value E [Ni (T )]. For instance, let us assume that K = 3 and
T = 9. During the first experiment, arm 1 has been played four times, arm 2 has been
played three times, and arm 3 has been played two times.5 Assuming a stationary
setting, where the distribution of the regret does not vary in time, the regret in Eq.
(9.28) becomes T μ∗ − 4E [R1 ] − 3E [R2 ] − 2E [R3 ] or T μ∗ − 4μ1 − 3μ2 − 2μ3 .
The second experiment gives (5,2,2) for arms 1, 2, and 3 respectively and so on. If n
experiments are run, the empirical average of the regret over the experiments, Dμ (T ),
in our example gives
Dμ (T ) = T μ∗ − N1 (T )μ1 + N2 (T )μ2 + N3 (T )μ3 , (9.29)

where Ni (T ) = n1 nj=1 Ni (j ;T ) is the empirical average of the number of times arm
i has been pulled at time T . When n → ∞, Ni (T ) → E [Ni (T )], the regret in Eq.
(9.28) can be expressed as a function of the average number of times each arm has
been played:

Dμ (T ) = μ∗ − μi E [Ni (T )] , (9.30)

where the expectation depends on μ. From Eq. (9.30), it seems clear that a policy
should play as much as possible the best arm and the suboptimal arms the least amount
possible. Lai and Robbins have shown [19, Th. 2] that any policy cannot have a better
regret than a logarithmic one asymptotically, when T → ∞. It is equivalent to say
that the average number of plays of suboptimal arms is logarithmically bounded when
T → ∞. That is, for all i such as μi < μ∗ and if μ ∈ [0,1]K we have
E [Ni (T )] 1
lim inf ≥   (9.31)
T →∞ log T D PRi || PRo
where D PRi || PRo is the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the reward distri-
butions of arm i and the optimal arm, respectively. This result gives the bound of
fundamental performance of any sequential policy in MAB settings, but it does not
give any insight on how to explicitly design a policy that achieves this bound. Several
algorithms have been proposed that are known to be order optimal, where the regret
behaves logarithmically with time. We will not detail all of them in this chapter, but
we will focus on a particular class that is applicable to physical layer communications:
the upper confidence bound (UCB) algorithm.

5 The sequence of the arm selection depends on the policy the agent follows. Published online by Cambridge University Press

254 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

UCB algorithm
The UCB algorithms are based on the computation of an index for each arm and
selecting the arm with the highest index. The index is composed of two terms. The
Ni (t)
first is an estimate of the average reward of arm i at time t, μ̂i (t) = Ni1(t) n=1 Ri (n),
and the second term is a measure of the uncertainty of this estimation. The UCB
algorithm consists of choosing the maximum of this uncertainty to compute the index.
Auer et al. proposed several algorithms in [21] for bounded expected rewards in [0,1].
The most famous algorithm is UCB1 that allows one to choose arm a(t + 1) at the
next time such that
2 log t
a(t + 1) = arg max μ̂i (t) + , (9.32)
i Ni (t)

where the second term in the square root can be obtained using Chernoff-Hoeffding
inequality, which represents the upper bound of the confidence interval in the estima-
tion of μ̂i . The more arm i is played, as Ni (t) increases, the smaller the confidence
interval, which means the index value relies on the average value of the cumulated
reward obtained so far. When arm i is played less the second term is larger, which
encourages the agent to play another arm. The second term allows for exploration
while the first term encourages the exploitation of the arm that has given the largest
rewards so far. Moreover, thanks to the log term that is unbounded with time, all arms
will be played asymptotically. Note that other UCB algorithms can perform well in
practice such as the Kullback-Leibler UCB (KL-UCB) for which a nonasymptotic
regret bound can be proved [22]. Other algorithms such as the recency-based explo-
ration algorithm, have been proposed in order to deal with nonstationary environments
in which the parameters of the distribution may change with time [23].

9.2.7 Markovian MAB

Historically, the first bandits studied were binary; that is, the rewards are drawn from a
Bernouilli distribution. Actually the result of Lai and Robbins in [19] is quite general
and holds for μ ∈ [0,1]K for any distribution of the arms PRi . However, the inde-
pendence of the rewards is an important assumption that does not necessarily hold in
many practical problems.
In particular, the case of Markovian rewards is of practical interest in wireless com-
munication. Each arm in Markovian MAB is characterized by a nonperiodic Markov
chain with finite state space Si . For all arm i, the agent receives a positive reward
Ri (s) that depends on the state observed for arm i. The change from a state to another

follows a Markovian process, under the conditional probability PSi (t+1)| Si (t) (si | si ) =
p(si | si ). The stationary distribution of the Markov chain of arm i is denoted as
"  #
P i = PSi (s) = pi (s),Si ∈ Si . Each arm i has an expected reward that is

μi = ri (s)pi (s) = EPSi [Ri ] . (9.33)
s∈Si Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 255

The goal of the agent is still to find a policy π, in which the sequential observation
of arms minimizes the regret over the time, which is defined in Eqs. (9.28) or (9.30).
When the agent observes an arm i at t, it samples a Markovian process that evolves
with time. A particular attention has to be paid on the status of Markov chains that are
not observed that leads to the distinction between the rested and restless cases.

Rested MAB
A Markovian MAB is qualified as rested when only the Markov chain of the arm that
is played evolves and the others remaining frozen. This assumption is strong since the
Markov chains of the arms that are not observed do not evolve with time, and it does
not matter how much time elapsed between two consecutive visits to a given arm. The
authors in [24] were the first to be interested in the fundamental performance in terms
of regret of Markovian MAB with multiple plays,6 and they proposed a policy that
is asymptotically efficient that achieves the regret lower bound asymptotically. The
authors in [25] showed that a slightly modified UCB1 achieves a logarithmic regret
uniformly over time in this setting.

Restless MAB
A Markovian MAB is considered restless if the Markov chains of all arms evolve with
time, irrespective of which arm is played. This assumption implies radical changes in
the regret analysis because the state we will observe when pulling an arm i at t + 1
directly depends on the time elapsed since the last visit to this arm. This is because
the reward distribution we get by playing an arm depends on the time elapsed between
two consecutive plays of this arm, and since arms are not played continuously, the
sample path experienced by the agent does not correspond to a sample path followed
when observing a discrete time homogeneous Markov chain. The solution came from
[26] where the authors proposed a regenerative cycle algorithm to deal with the dis-
continuous observation of evolving Markov chains. In practice, the agent still keeps
going to apply the UCB1 algorithm, introduced earlier, but computes the index only
on the samples the agent has collected when observing a given arm i. This structure
requires one to observe an arm during a certain amount of time before computing the
UCB1 index. The interested reader may refer to [26] for further details and [25] for the
extension to multiple plays. This setting is particularly interesting because it finds a
natural application in wireless communications with the opportunistic spectrum access
scenario when the state of the bands the user has to access evolves independently of
the action the user takes. For example, the band may be sporadically occupied by
another system or the propagation condition may evolve with time.

Contextual MAB
Contextual MAB generalizes the classical concept introduced earlier toward more
general RL. Conventional MAB does not take advantage of any knowledge about the

6 This is the case when the player may pull more than one arm or if multiple players are considered
(without collisions). Published online by Cambridge University Press

256 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

environment. The basic idea of contextual MAB is to condition the decision making
on the state of the environment. This allows for making the decisions based both on
the particular scenario we are in and the previous observations we have acquired.
A contextual MAB algorithm observes a context in the form of useful side informa-
tion, followed by a decision by choosing one action from the set of alternative ones. It
then observes an outcome of that decision which defines the obtained reward. In order
to benefit from the context information, there needs to exist dependency between the
expected reward of an action and its context. The goal of learning is to maximize
a cumulative reward function over the time span of interest. The side information
in physical layer communications may be a feature vector containing for example
location and device information, experienced interference, received signal strength
fingerprint, channel state information (CSI) of a particular user, or potential priority
information. Such side information would allow for the selection of a base station,
service set, or antennas such that higher rewards are achieved. Extensions of well-
known UCB algorithms have been developed for contextual MAB problems. Since
the context plays an important role in the dynamic of contextual MAB, it may be
crucial to detect the change of a context in order to adapt the policy to this change.
Methods based on statistical multiple change-point detection and sequential multiple
hypothesis testing may be used for that purpose [27, 28].

Adversarial MAB
Adversarial bandit problems are defined using sequential game formulation. The
adversarial model means that the decisions may lead to the worst possible payoff
instead of an optimistic view of always making choices that lead to optimal payoff.
The problems are modeled assuming a deterministic and uninformed adversary and
that the payoffs or costs for all arms and all time steps of playing the arms are chosen in
advance. The adversary is often assumed to be uninformed so that it makes its choices
independent of the previous outcomes of the strategy. At each iteration, a MAB agent
chooses an arm it plays while an adversary chooses the payoff structure for each
arm. In other words, the reward of each arm is no longer chosen to be stochastic
but they are deterministically assigned to an unknown sequence, r(1),r(2), . . . where
r(t) = (r1 (t), . . . ,rK (t))T and ri (t) ∈ R ⊂ R is the reward of the ith arm at time t.
By denoting the policy π that maps a time slot to an arm index to play at the next time
slot,7 π(1),π(2), . . . is the sequence of plays of the agent. Considering a time-horizon
h, the goal of the agent is to minimize the regret


Dh = max rj (t) − Eπ Rπ(t) (t) , (9.34)

j ∈{1,...,K}
t=1 t=1

where the adversary chooses r1 (1),r2 (1) . . . ,rk (t) and the player strategy chooses
actions of policy π(t). Since the policy is commonly assumed to be random, the

7 The policy is a mapping from the set of indices and rewards obtained so far to the next index,
π : ({1, . . . ,K} × R)t−1 → {1, . . . ,K}. Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 257

regret is also random (so the notation Rπ(t) (t)), and the expectation is taken over the
distribution of the policy. Adversarial bandits are an important generalization of the
bandit problem since no assumptions on the underlying distributions are made, hence
the name adversarial. The player has access to the trace of rewards for the actions that
the algorithm chose in previous rounds, but it does not know the rewards of actions
that were not selected. Widely used methods such as UCB are not suitable for this
problem formulation. The exponential-weight algorithm called Exp3 for exploration
and exploitation is widely used for solving adversarial bandits problems [29, 30].

9.3 RL at PHY Layer

In this section, the concepts of Q-learning, deep learning, and MAB are illustrated
through some examples deriving from communication problems addressed in litera-
ture. The first example in Section 9.3.1 deals with power management under queu-
ing delay constraint in a point-to-point wireless fading communication channel and
derives from [31, 32]. This problem has been widely studied in literature under var-
ious formalization including with MDP (see the discussion in Section 9.5) and a
rather simple toy example can be extracted from it. In Section 9.3.2, we present two
examples to illustrate the reinforcement learning in large dimension (i.e., optimal
caching in a single cell network) and the extension of the single user power-delay
management problem dealt with in Section 9.3.1 to the multiuser case with large state
and action spaces. Finally Section 9.3.3 illustrates the use of MAB with the oppor-
tunistic spectrum access (OSA) problem and green networking issue. This section
ends with experimental results and a proof of concept to validate the MAB principle
applied to the OSA issue. These examples do not aim to provide the full solution of
the problem raised, which can be found in the related literature, but rather a simple
problem statement with explicit action and state spaces and the reward function that
can be chosen to solve the problem with a reinforcement learning strategy.

9.3.1 Example with Q-learning

Let us consider a point-to-point communication system over a block fading channel.
The channel gain is assumed to be constant on a slot of duration t and changes
from one slot to another according to the distribution PH (t+1)| H (t) (h | h) with H ∈ H
where H is assumed to be a finite countable set. At each time slot, the transmitter can
send a packet or remain silent, and it can also choose its transmit power as well as its
modulation and coding scheme, for example, a 16-QAM with a convolutional code of
rate 1/2. At each time slot, a certain number of bits is generated by the application layer
and stored in a buffer waiting for their transmission. The transmitter aims at sending
the highest number of bits as possible with minimal power consumption while limiting
the waiting time in the buffer.
At each time slot t, N(t) new bits are generated and stored in the buffer before
being transmitted. {N (t)}t∈N are i.i.d. random variables with the distribution PN (n). Published online by Cambridge University Press

258 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

The buffer state B(t) ∈ B = {0,1, . . . ,Bmax } represents the number of bits stored in
the queue at time t and Bmax is the maximal buffer size. At each time slot, transmitter
chooses β(t) ∈ {1, . . . ,B(t)} bits8 to be transmitted and encodes them into a codeword
of length nc channel uses, assumed to be fixed. The rough spectral efficiency of the
transmission is hence ρ(t) = β(t)/nc . Moreover, transmitter chooses its power level
Ptx (t) ∈ {0,p1, . . . ,pmax } and hence the total power consumed at t is
Ptot (t) = pon + α−1 Ptx (t), (9.35)
where pon is the static power consumed by the electronic circuits and α ∈ ]0,1]
the efficiency of the "power amplifier. One can# define the state space of the power
consumption as P = pon, . . . ,pon + α−1 pmax .
The codeword error probability, a.k.a. pairwise error probability,  is defined as
 = P m̂(t) = m(t) , (9.36)
where m(t) and m̂(t) are the message sent and estimated at the receiver at time t,
respectively. This probability has a complex expression in general (not always avail-
able in closed form) that depends on the channel and modulation coding scheme, the

transmit power, and the channel gain:  = f (β,nc,ptx,h). Bounds and approximations
in finite block length exist, when nc is finite, but remain complex to evaluate [33, 34].
The buffer state evolution, or the number of bits stored in the queue, can be
described by a Markov chain with the dynamics
 " #+
B(t + 1) = B(t) − β(t) · 1 m̂(t) = m(t) + N (t). (9.37)
This equation states that the number of bits in the buffer in the next time slot, B(t + 1),
is the number of bits that is stored at the current time slot, B(t), plus the new bits
arriving in the buffer, N (t), minus the number of bits that has been sent through the
channel if the transmission is successful; that is, the indicator function is equal to 1 if
so and 0 otherwise. Otherwise, the packet remains in the queue and another attempt
will occur in the next time slot.

State space
The state space can be defined as the space containing the channel state, the buffer
state, and the power consumption state: S = H × B × P.

Action space
At each time slot, transmitter chooses a power, including the choice not to transmit,
Ptx (t) = 0, and a number of bits β(t) that is mapped into a codeword9 with a fixed
block length nc but with a variable rate ρ(t) = β(t)/nc . The action space is then
described as A = {0,p1, . . . ,pmax } × {1, . . . ,B(t)}.

8 Only a maximum of B(t) bits can be encoded and sent at time t.

9 This transformation is the usual way to consider the encoding phase in information theory. In practice, a
transmitter selects a channel coding rate, and the resulting bit-train is grouped into symbols in a chosen
constellation. Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 259

Reward/cost functions
In this type of problem, one may be interested in transmitting bits with the minimal
power while limiting the awaiting time in the buffer. In that case, the global reward can
be expressed w.r.t. two cost functions: the power and the waiting time cost functions
[31, 32], c : A × S → R+ and w : A × S → R+ 10 . The power consumption depends
on the transmit power at time t that depends on the target error rate , the channel state
h, and the code rate ρ, or β since nc is fixed. The power cost can be defined as
A × S −→ R+
c: . (9.38)
(a,s) −→ ptot (,h,β)
The buffer waiting time cost is defined as
A × S −→ R+  " #,
w: (9.39)
(a,s) −→ η1 {b(t + 1) > Bmax } + b(t) − β(t)1 m̂(t) = m(t)
The first term represents the cost to be in overflow with η a constant, for the sake of
simplicity. It means that the cost to pay when the buffer is in overflow is independent
of the amount of the overflow.11 The second term is the holding cost, or the cost for
keeping b − β bits in the buffer if the transmission is successful.

The transmission scheduling policy consists in mapping the system state to an action
at each time slot t; that is, according to the buffer state, the channel state observed
at the receiver12 and the target error rate desired, the policy tells us how many infor-
mation bits stored in the queue we should encode at the next transmission slot and at
which power.
Hence a desirable policy should solve an optimization problem. From the cost
functions defined previously, the expected discounted power and waiting time costs,

given an initial state s0 = S(0), are defined as

Cπ (s0 ) = Eπ γ c (A(t),S(t)) | S(0) = s0



Wπ (s0 ) = Eπ γ w (A(t),S(t)) | S(0) = s0 .


The expectation is taken over the distribution of the policy and the dynamic of the
underlying MDP. The problem of finding the minimal power consumption while
limiting the waiting time cost can be formally described as [31, 32]13

10 Beside the action space, the waiting time cost only depends on the buffer state B, so w is incentive to
the other states in S.
11 One can make this cost dependent on the amount of overflow; see [32].
12 The channel state information is assumed to be fed back to the transmitter.
13 Note that one could have searched for minimizing the waiting time cost under a total power budget as
studied in [35], which leads to an equivalent strategy. Published online by Cambridge University Press

260 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

min Cπ (s0 ) s.t. Wπ (s0 ) ≤ δ ∀s0 ∈ S. (9.42)


The problem relies on a constrained optimisation problem with unknown dynamics.

One can combine the power and waiting time cost functions c and w in Eqs. (9.38) and
(9.39), respectively, in a dual Lagrangian expression such that (a,s;λ) = c(a,s) +
λw(a,s), λ ∈ R+ as proposed in [31, 32]. One can hence write an expected discounted
Lagrangian cost on the same model than in Eq. (9.40), for instance, but substituting
c by .
One can apply the Q-learning algorithm detailed in Section 9.2.4 by replacing the
reward R in Eq. (9.19) by the average discounted Lagrangian cost to obtain the optimal
policy that minimizes the average power consumed under a buffer delay constraint.

remark 9.1 The naive implementation of the Q-learning algorithm may be

inefficient in terms of the algorithm’s convergence time as reported in [32]. Indeed,
Q-learning does not assume any knowledge about the dynamic of the underlying
MDP. Hence, the exploration part, which is fundamental in Q-learning, slows down
the convergence time due to the large number of combination of states and actions.
However, in wireless communication some dynamics may not be completely unknown.
The authors in [32] proposed to use the concept of the post-decision states, presented
in wireless communication literature in [36]. The concept consists of reducing the
amount of state to explore to make good decisions in the long run by basing the actions
to take on states that would be observed considering only the known dynamics.

9.3.2 Example with Deep-RL

When the state and action spaces become large, the tabulated methods for SARSA or
Q-learning are no longer practical. In that case, methods relying on the approximation
of the Q-function are meaningful like the linear approximation and those based on
deep neural networks.

Cache-Enabled Communications
The mobile Internet allows anyone to access heterogeneous data from anywhere.
However, not all content is requested by the same users; that is, the data do not have
the same popularity and some videos, for instance, may be more requested than other
files by a user. In order to reduce the data traffic on the backhaul link, and hence the
network operating costs, the most requested files can be kept into the storage unit at
the base station; this is what is called caching. Hence, the most “popular” files are
stored at the base station and can be delivered quickly to the user when requested,
reducing the cost to download the file from a distant server.
The problem of learning the optimal caching strategy to satisfy user demand or data
offloading in various environments has been addressed in lot of works, such as those
reported in [4, Table V]. In this section, we focus on a simple example to illustrate
how the caching problem may be addressed with deep Q-learning. The example is an
adaptation of [37] where this problem is studied in a more complex setting. We briefly Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 261

summarize how to properly choose the action and state spaces and rewards in order to
find the optimal caching strategy.
Let us consider a network with a single cell serving many users. Each user may
ask for a file f in the set F = {1, . . . ,F }, and we assume that only M  F files can
be stored at the base station. The files are requested randomly according to a certain
distribution characterizing their popularity at time t. The popularity of the files is
modeled as a random vector P(t) = [P1 (t), . . . ,PF (t)]T where the distribution of each
popularity can be modeled with Zipf’s law.14 This law gives the average number of
occurrences of each file and can be estimated online.
The goal of the network is to decide the files to cache and those to remove from the
cache storing unit at each time slot. Because of the large number of possible requested
files the number of possible choices is huge: 2M with M  1. A classical tabulated
Q-learning approach, like the example presented in Section 9.3.1, is not suitable.

Action space
Let A be the set of caching
" action vectors # the binary action vector A(t)
that contains
at time t such that A = A | A ∈ {0,1} ,A 1 = M . Af (t) ∈ {0,1}, f ∈ {1, . . . ,F }

is a random variable that is equal to 1 if the file f is cached in the BS and 0 otherwise
at time t.

State space
The state space is made of the popularity profile and the caching action vector, the
latter being also an indicator of the cache status at time t. The popularity profile vector
P is assumed
" to evolve
# according to a Markov chain with |P| states taken in the set
P = P1, . . . ,P|P| . The state space is hence S = P × A.

Reward/cost function
Similar to the previous example, the reward takes the form of a cost function as
A × S −→ R+
c: . (9.43)
(a,p) −→ λ1 a(t)T (1 − a(t − 1)) + λ2 (1 − a(t))T p(t)
The cost function is made of two parts: (a) a term related to the cost of not having a
file cached in the previous time slot, term 1 − a(t − 1), which needs to be cached in
the current time slot and (b) an immediate cost for non caching the file with high pop-
ularity profile at time t. The constants λ1 and λ2 allow us to balance the importance
of these two costs.

The goal of RL is to learn the optimal policy π ∗ : S → A that minimizes the long-term
weighted average cost function

14 Zipf’s law has been first used to characterize the frequency of occurrence of a word according
to its rank. Published online by Cambridge University Press

262 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

π ∗ = arg min Eπ γt c ((A(t),P (t))) | S(0) = s(0) , (9.44)

π∈ t=0

where the expectation is carried out through the distribution of the policy (if stochastic
policy is used) and the distribution of the random variables A(t) and P (t). Given a
state s(t) at time t, the policy looks for the set of files to be stored at time t + 1, or
a(t + 1) according to the popularity profile observed so far.

By denoting the state transition probabilities as PS(t)| S(t−1),A(t−1) = p(s  | s,a),
the Q-function can be obtained using the Bellman’s equation as

qπ (s,a) = c(s,a) + γ p s  | s,a qπ (s ,a) (9.45)
s  ∈S

where c(s,a) = EPS  | SA [c (A(t),P (t))]. Finding the optimal policy in Eq. (9.44) that
is the solution of Eq. (9.45), which is obtained after policy evaluation and improve-
ment steps, requires one to know the dynamics of the underlying Markov chain. The
authors in [37] proposed a Q-learning algorithm with linear function approximation
as introduced in Section 9.2.5 in order to cope with the high dimensionality of the
problem: q (s,a) ≈ ψ(s)T (1 − a) where ψ(s) is a state dependent feature vector
that can be expressed as θ p + θ R a in which θ p represents the average cost of non
caching files when the popularity is in state p, and θR is the average cache refreshing
cost per file. By adapting the recursion in Eq. (9.23) to the problem, where the reward
is replaced by the cost function in Eq. (9.43) and the maximization is replaced by a
minimization operation, one can show that this technique is able to converge to the
optimal caching strategy for large number of files and popularity profiles.

Multiuser Scheduling and Power Allocation

Let us extend the problem presented in Section 9.3.1 by adding multiple users in the
system. An orthogonal frequency division multiple access downlink network, with a
single cell and K users is considered. The whole time-frequency resource is divided
in Nrb resource blocks (RBs) and one RB is made of Ns subcarriers. The base station
handles K queues, one for each user, and has to serve the users by allocating the
suitable transmission powers and the number of RBs in order to transmit the maximum
number of bits with the minimal total power consumption and under buffer waiting
time constraints.
The channel gain is considered to be constant on one RB, over Ns subcarriers
and during TRB , and varies from one RB to another according to the distribution
% %Nrb 
PH (t+1)| H (t) (h | h) = K k=1 r=1 PHkr (t+1)| Hkr (t) (hkr | hkr ) with Hkr (t) ∈ H the
random variable representing the channel gain of user k ∈ K = {1, . . . ,K} on
RB number r ∈ NRB = {1, . . . ,NRB } at time t. This relation means that the channel
gains are independent from one RB to another in frequency and from a user to another.
Similarly to Section 9.3.1, the application layer of each user generates Nk (t) bits/packets
at time slot t according to the distribution PN (n). The generated bits are stored in a
buffer for each user characterized by its size Bk (t) ∈ Bk , where Bk is defined for
all users k ∈ K, as in Section 9.3.1. We assume that only a packet of L information Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 263

bits can be sent per user and per time slot. BS can choose the modulation and  coding 
scheme (MCS) for each user, mcsk ∈ MC = {mcs1, . . . ,mcsC }, i.e. a couple χk ,ρk ,
where χk and ρ k are the modulation order in a QAM constellation and the rate of
channel encoder for user k, respectively. The MCSs are ordered from the lowest to
the highest spectral efficiency. A set of MCS used for the LTE system can be found in
[38, Table I].
The power and RBs allocation can be done at once by the BS by choosing the
transmission power vector to allocate"to user k over all the RBs at time t, P k (t), in the
power state space P such that P = P | P ∈ {0,p1, . . . ,pmax }NRB , N1RB P T 1NRB ≤
ptot , where ptot is the maximum average power budget that can be allocated to a
user over all the subcarriers. The power of user k on RB r at time t, pkr (t), is null if
the RB is not used by the user. In papers where this kind of problem is handled with
classical convex optimization tools, RB allocation is dealt with an auxiliary variable
that is equal to one when user k uses RB r and 0 otherwise [38, 39].
The error probability of user k is defined as in Eq. (9.36), k = P ω̂k (t) = ωk (t) ,
where ωk (t) is the message sent by user k at time t. It depends on the chosen MCS,
the transmission power and the channel state experienced over each RB allocated to
the user k. The queue dynamic of user k is then
 " # +
Bk (t + 1) = Bk (t) − L · 1 ω̂k (t) = ωk (t) + Nk (t). (9.46)

State space
The state space is made of the buffer state of each user, the channel gain state
of each user on each RB allocated to it, and the power consumed by each user:
S = HKNRB × BK × PK .

Action space
BS chooses the power and the MCS couple mcsk = (χk ,ρk ) to allocate to all users.
The action space is hence A = PK × MCK .

Reward/cost functions
The objective of the network operator may be to minimize the power consumed to
serve all the K users in the cell while guaranteeing a limited buffer waiting time. We
assume that the power consumption is only made of the transmit power (i.e., static
power consumption is neglected). The power consumed by user k depends on the
target error rate required, the observed channel state, and the used MCS. The total
power consumption of the cell can be written as
A×S −→ R+
c:  . (9.47)
(a,s) −→ K T
k=1 p k ( k ,hk ,mcsk ) 1NRB

The buffer waiting time cost is defined similarly than in Eq. (9.39), so the total cost of
the waiting time over the cell is Published online by Cambridge University Press

264 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

A × S −→ R+
w:   " #,
(a,s) −→ Kk=1 η1 {bk (t + 1) > Bmax } + bk (t) − L1 ω̂k (t) = ωk (t)
The average Lagrangian discounted cost, which is identified to our Q-function, can be
obtained similarly than in Section 9.3.1.

qπ (s 0,a 0 ;λ) = Eπ γ  (A(t),S(t);λ) | S(0) = s 0,A(t) = a 0 ,


where s 0,a 0 are the initial state and action vectors and  (a,s;λ) is defined as in
Section 9.3.1 but with the functions in Eqs. (9.47) and (9.48) and λ is the Lagrange

The problem is to find the policy π ∗ that minimizes Eq. (9.49) for all (s 0,a 0 ) for
a given λ. This optimization problem deals with a huge number of variables, and
the classical tabulated Q-learning requires to much time to converge and too much
capacity storage. In this situation, DRL can be a suitable solution to approach the
function in Eq. (9.49) by implementing, for instance, an FNN as illustrated in Fig. 9.3.
For a given set of parameters of the deep network at time t, t , the loss function is
defined as in Eq. (9.25) where R(t) =  (A(t),S(t);λ) and the optimal Q-function is
approached at time t by qt (S(t),A(t);λ). The optimal set of weights of the neural
network can be updated using Eq. (9.26) with proper variables.

9.3.3 Examples with MAB

Multichannel Access Problem
Let us consider a set of K independent channels, K = {1, . . . ,K}, that can be used
opportunistically by U users, with K ≥ U to communicate with a BS. The channels
may be also used by other users that belong to a primary network. The users can
sense one or more channels to estimate if they are used or not. To perform this task,
the users can rely on multiple signal processing techniques ranging from the simple
energy detector to sophisticated signal classifiers [40]. If the channel is detected to
be free, the user transmits in that band; otherwise the transmitter remains silent. The
action space is hence A = {transmit,silent}. When the channel is free however, it may
be rated with a low or a high quality depending on the level of the received SINR for
instance or the actual data rate a user experienced on it. The state space may be limited
to S = {busy,free}, but the quality of the band can be included in the reward function
as it has been proposed in [23, 41]. In the case where a single user is considered,
U = 1:

Rk (t) = (1 − Sk (t))f (Sk (t)), (9.50)

where Sk (t) ∈ {0,1} is the state of band k at time t where 1 means that the band
is detected as occupied and 0 that is free. Moreover, f (Sk (t)) is the observed data Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 265

rate on band k when it is in the state Sk (t), and it can be considered that f (Sk (t)) ∈
[0,1] ,∀Sk (t).15
The goal for an agent is to select the band k that maximizes the data rate on the long
run. If the expected rewards of each band were known, the optimal strategy would be
to sense and to transmit (when possible) always on the band presenting the maximal
expected reward. In the absence of this knowledge, the agent has to learn which are
the best bands and concentrate on them. An index-based policy can be proposed to
solve this problem, like the UCB algorithm, which is order-optimal as explained in
Section 9.2.6. For instance, in [23], the authors proposed computing the index Ik (t)
for each band k and choosing the one with the highest value at the next round. The
index is computed as
& '
Ik (t) = rk (t) + g , (9.51)
nk (t)
where nk (t) is the number of times band k has been sensed up to time t, rk (t) =
1 nk (t)  ) where p (t  ) is a sensing time instant corresponding to the t  -
nk (t) 
t =1 r k p k (t k
th visit of the band k. Finally, g is a concave function with g(1) = 0, e.g. g(x) =

log(x). One may notice that this function is different ( from the classical bias of UCB
introduced in Section 9.2.6, which is in the form log(t) nk (t) . The authors proved that
the proposed index policy has an aggressive exploration characteristic compared to
the UCB where the bias increases slowly. An aggressive exploration statistic means
that the optimal data rate will be reached faster than in a nonaggressive exploration
characteristic (classical UCB), but it will also be lower than classic UCB.
According to the statistical model of the rewards, the problem described may fall
into the classes of rested MAB or restless MAB. If the rewards, the experienced data
rate of the users, are i.i.d. on each band, the problem is a rested-MAB. If however,
the state Sk (t) is described by a two-state Markov chain (i.e., the Gilbert-Elliot model)
the problem can be classified as a restless MAB. In [23] the authors showed that the
policy is order-optimal for i.i.d. and Markovian rewards as well.
In the previous example, the reward signal was a function of the state of the channel
sensed and the data rate experienced in this channel by the user. In some applications,
one may be interested in acquiring knowledge both on the channel availability and
on channel quality. The channel quality has to be taken in a broad sense. It may be
the noise level, including the average power density of the interference, the average
data rate experienced in this band, etc. The dynamic spectrum access with different
channel quality can be represented as in Fig. 9.4. In this example, the state space is
extended to S = {busy,low quality,high quality}. The action space is still the same,
A = {transmit,silent}, but the transmission now occurs on a state (i.e., channel is free)
that can be explicitly rated with a high or low quality. One may solve this problem
by considering a full RL approach, using value function as described in Section 9.2.
However, a simple index-based policy can perform well in this context. The authors

15 By convention, f (1) = 0. Moreover, the experienced data rate can be normalized w.r.t. the channel
capacity achievable in that channel. Published online by Cambridge University Press

266 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

Time instants

Channel 1 free busy busy busy free busy free busy busy

Channel 2 busy free free busy free free busy busy busy

Channel K free busy free busy free free free free busy

free low quality free high quality

Figure 9.4 Dynamic spectrum access with different channel qualities.

in [42] proposed that each user u ∈ {1, . . . ,U } can compute the following index for
each band and choose the maximum one as the next band to sense
nuk (t) !
u u  α log(t)
Ik (t) = u
sk (pk (t )) − qk (t) +
nk (t)  nuk (t)
t =1

where the first term is the empirical average of the reward obtained by user u when
sensing band k; that is, 0 if the channel is occupied and 1 if the channel is free. The
second term is a function of the empirical average of the quality of band k for user u
and is expressed as
βmuk (t) log(t)
qku (t) = , (9.53)
nuk (t)

where muk (t) = g∗u (t) − g1u,k (t) and g1u,k (t) denotes the empirical average of the quality
of band k, when available, sensed by user u at time t and is expressed as
nk (t) u

g1u,k (t) = u r1u,k (pku (t  )), (9.54)

nk (t) 
t =1

where r1u,k (puk (t  )) is the reward obtained by user u rating the quality of band k,
between 0 and 1, at time pku (t  ). Finally, g∗u (t) = maxk∈K g1u,k (t). The last term in Eq.
(9.52) is the classical exploration term of the UCB algorithm where the parameter α
forces the exploration of other bands to find channels that are the most often available.
The parameter β in Eq. (9.53) gives weight to the channel quality. At each iteration,
the agent computes the empirical mean, up to the current time instant, on the quality
observed if the band is free. At the same time, the best channel among those already
tried is updated and the score is computed by weighting the difference between the Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 267

estimated best channel and the current channel. If α and β increase, the agent explores
more than it exploits. When α and β decrease, the empirical mean of the states dom-
inates the index calculation and the exploitation of the best band computed in the
previous iteration is favored.
Due to the restless nature of the problem, the index computation cannot be done
when one just starts observing a Markov chain after being selected. Indeed, arms
evolve independently irrespective of which band is selected or not (i.e., restless MAB),
and the distribution of rewards that user u gets from a band k is a function of the time
elapsed since the last time user u sensed this band. The sequence of observations
of a band that is not continuously sensed does not correspond to a Markov chain.
To overcome this issue, when user u observes a given band, the algorithm waits
for encounter a predefined state, named a regenerative state ξk [26]. Once ξk is
encountered, rewards is recorded until ξk is observed a second time and the policy
index Iku is computed and another band selected according to the result. This structure
is necessary to deal with the restless nature of the problem in order to recreate the
condition of continuous observation of Markov chain. It is worth mentioning, however,
that exploitation in this context occurs whenever a free band is detected.
Moreover, the multiplayer setting makes the problem rather involved since col-
lisions between agents need to be handled. The random rank idea from [43] has
been adapted to this problem. Each user maintains an ordered set of channel indexes
(arms indexes), Ku = σu (K), where σu is a permutation of {1, . . . ,K} for user u,
with σu (1) > · · · > σu (K) from the best to the worst rated. The rank r for user u
corresponds to the rth entry in the set Ku . If users u and u choose the same channel
to sense the next time slot, they collide. In that case, they draw a random number from
their respective sets Ku and Ku as their new rank and go for these new channels in
the next time slot.

Green Networking
The radio access networks are not used at their full capacity all the time. Experimental
results in voice call information recorded by operators over one week exhibit periods
with high traffic load and others with moderate to low traffic [44]. Hence, it may be
beneficial for a network operator to dynamically switch off a BS that does not handle
high traffic in its cell at a given time in order to maximize the energy efficiency of the
network. However, the set of BS to be switched OFF should be chosen with care while
maintaining a sufficient quality of service for users.
Let us consider an heterogeneous wireless cellular network made of macro and
small cells where the set of BS Y = {1,2, . . . ,Y } lies in a 2D area in R2 , each serving
a cell k. The decision to switch ON or OFF a BS is taken by a central controller and
depends on the traffic load of each cell and its power consumption. The traffic load
ρ k (t) of a cell k at time t depends on the statistic of the arrival and departure processes
and on the data rate k (x,t) that can be provided by cell k to the user positioned at x
at time t.
The maximization of the energy efficiency of the network by selecting the set of
transmitting BS is an NP-hard problem and can be expressed as follows [45]: Published online by Cambridge University Press

268 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

k (x,t)
 x∈Ck (t)
Yon∗ (t) = arg max Pk (t) s.t.
Yon (t) k∈Yon (t)
(c1 ) 0 ≤ ρ k (t) ≤ ρth,∀k ∈ Yon (t) (9.55)
(c2 ) k (x,t) ≥ min,∀x ∈ Ck (t) ,∀k ∈ Yon (t)
(c3 ) Yon (t) = ∅
where Yon (t) is the set of active BS at time t, Pk (t), Ck (t) are the power consumed and
the coverage of cell k at time t, respectively. Moreover, ρ th and min are the traffic
load upper limit and the minimum required data rate per user, respectively. Constraint
(c1 ) is stated for stability reason,16 (c2 ) states that each user has to be served with a
minimum data rate, and (c3 ) ensures that at least one BS is active at each time slot.
Finding the optimal configuration by an exhaustive search would be prohibitive in
large networks since the optimal BS active set belongs to a set of 2Y −1 combinations.
The authors in [45] have shown that this problem can be solved with MAB for-
mulation. The problem can be illustrated with Fig. 9.5 where at each iteration the
central controller chooses an action a among |A| = 2Y − 1 possible actions: a(t) =
[a1 (t), . . . ,aY (t)]T with ak (t) = 1 if BS k is switched ON at t and 0 otherwise, and
where A is the action space. The state is represented by a random variable S(t) ∈ {0,1}
where s(t) = 1 if all constraints in Eq. (9.55) are satisfied and 0 otherwise. In other
words, the value of the state of the Markov chain relies on the fact that the selected
action leads to a feasible solution of Eq. (9.55). Observing the state s(t) and taking the

RQoS-UCB policy
Action a(t) = a1 (t), . . . ,aY (t)
Controller $
1 BS i active
ai (t) =
0 BS i inactive

State Reward
S(t + 1) R(t + 1)

Macro BS
Micro BS
Network environment

Figure 9.5 RL framework for BS switching operation.

16 A traffic load that is too high results in a diverging queue size in the network. Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 269

action a(t) at time t lead to the network in the state S(t + 1) and give a reward R(t + 1)
in the next time slot according to the conditional transition probability distribution
introduced in Eq. (9.4). The reward is the energy efficiency computed as in the cost
function in Eq. (9.55).
In [45] the authors proposed applying the same policy as in Eq. (9.52), where the
index of the user can be dropped out, k represents the number of the actions, the middle
term qk (t) is expressed as in Eq. (9.53), and r1 (t) in Eq. (9.54) is the energy efficiency
of the network at time t when the set of active BS is such that constraints in Eq. (9.55)
are satisfied, s(t) = 1.
remark 9.2 modeling the problem in Eq. (9.55) with MAB framework does not
change that the problem dimensionality is exponential in the number of BS. However,
MAB explores only once all network configurations to assign an index to each of them
and then chooses the next configuration according to the highest index computed at
the previous iteration with Eq. (9.52), instead of doing an exhaustive search at each
time slot.
remark 9.3 This problem could also be addressed with DRL technique. Indeed,
if the number of BS is too large, the convergence time of MAB algorithms is too
large, which makes the problem unsolvable for large scale networks. DRL can be
used instead and the set of BS to switch on may be obtained by a DNN for each state
of the environment.

9.3.4 Real-World Examples

We give details on a few concrete implementations of RL for communication, which
rely on theoretical applications of RL using the UCB algorithms for single user cogni-
tive radio MAB-modeled problems in [46] and for the opportunistic spectrum access
(OSA) scenario in [47]. In these examples, UCB1 [21] algorithm is mostly used as a
proof of the pertinence of bandit algorithms for free spectrum-access problems, but
other bandit algorithms have also been considered and could be implemented as well.
In the spectrum access context, the goal is to be able to manage a large spec-
trum without adding complexity to the radio system by enlarging its bandwidth (and
consequently without adding complexity to the transceivers). Figure 9.6 shows that
learning is a mean to decrease the receivers architecture complexity while main-
taining a legacy bandwidth to the OSA radio system with extended capabilities. RL
enables to reconstruct the global bandwidth knowledge, thanks to successive small-
scale investigations. RL offers a light solution, in terms of implementation complexity
cost compared to wide (full)band OSA systems.

Implementation at the Postprocessing Level

Due to the unique world wide covering characteristic of high-frequency (HF) trans-
missions, there is a high necessity to reduce collisions between users that act in a
decentralized manner. RL algorithms have been applied on real measurements of the
HF spectrum that has been recorded during a radio-ham contest [48], when HF radio Published online by Cambridge University Press

270 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

(c) OSA SU with

(a) legacy radio (b) OSA SU without learning on-line learning

Single Multiple (N-wide) channels RF channel RF
channel RF

ADC N-channels wideband ADC

Single channel
channel Multiple (N) channels digital FE digital FE
digital FE

Single channel
channel Single sensing
data Multiple (N) channel sensing channel Single
process. data
on line channel
process. data

Figure 9.6 Comparison of the receiver architectures for OSA with or without RL.



Power (dBm)
Time (min)


3 –100


0 –140
13.9 14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4
Frequency (MHz)

Figure 9.7 HFSA_IDeTIC_F1_V01 database extraction for HF channel traffic during a

radio-ham contest at 14.1 MHz (area highlighted in the rectangle) [48].

traffic is at its highest. Figure 9.7 shows the subset of the spectrum data the MAB
algorithms considered in [48]. The goal of learning is to enable users to find unoccu-
pied slots in time and frequency before transmitting and to maximize the probability
that no collision occurs during the transmission duration. For instance, the cognitive
device should avoid the frequencies delimited by the rectangle in Fig. 9.7, as it is a
highly used bandwidth by primary users.
The solution in [48] proposes a new hybrid system that combines two types of
machine learning techniques based on MAB and hidden Markov models (HMM). Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 271

Table 9.1. Summary for HF signals postprocessing.

Characteristics Comment

RL algorithm HMM combined with UCB1

Reward channel availability
Implementation side HF transceiver
method for RL feedback loop Sensing

This system can be seen as a meta-cognitive engine that automatically adapts its data
transmission strategy according to the HF environment’s behavior to efficiently use the
spectrum holes. The proposed hybrid algorithm, which combines a UCB algorithm
and HMM, increases the time the opportunistic user transmits when conditions are
favorable, and is also able to reduce the required signalling transmissions between
the transmitter and the receiver to inform which channels have been selected for data
Table 9.1 sums up the characteristics of the RL algorithm implementation for this
use case. The reward is the channel availability detected by the cognitive users. More
details about these measurements can be found in [48].

Implementation in a Proof of Concept

The first real-time RL implementation on a real radio signal took place in 2013 for
OSA scenario and was first published in 2014 [49] at the Karlshruhe Workshop and
extended hereafter in [50]. This consisted of a proof of concept (PoC) in the lab-
oratory conditions with one USRP17 platform emulating the traffic generated by a
set of primary users, users that own the frequency bands, and another USRP plat-
form running the sensing and learning algorithm of one secondary user, a user that
opportunistically exploits the licensed band. Both i.i.d and Markovian MAB traffic
models have been tested. The UCB1 algorithm was used first in order to validate the
RL approach, but then other bandit algorithms have been implemented later, such as
Thompson Sampling, KL-UCB. The multiuser version has been implemented in [51];
moreover, several videos implementing the main UCB algorithms in a USRP-based
platform demonstrating the real-time learning evolution under various traffic models
(i.i.d. and Markovian) can be found on the Internet.18 In order to help the experimental
community to verify and develop new learning algorithms, an exhaustive Python code
library and framework for simulations have been provided on GithHub19, 20, 21 that
encompasses a lot of MAB algorithms published until mid-2019.

19 “SMPyBandits: an Open-Source Research Framework for Single and Multi-Players Multi-Arms
Bandits (MAB) Algorithms in Python”
20 The code is available at
21 The documentation is available at Published online by Cambridge University Press

272 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

Table 9.2. Summary for OSA proof-of-concept.

Characteristics Comment

RL algorithm UCB1 (or any other bandit algorithm)

Reward channel ’availability’
Implementation side secondary user
method for RL feedback loop Sensing

Table 9.3. Summary for IoT proof-of-concept.

Characteristics Comment

RL algorithm UCB1 and Thomson Sampling

Reward channel ’availability’
Implementation side embedded on device
method for RL feedback loop Emulated ACK

Table 9.2 summarizes the main characteristics of the RL algorithm implementation

for this use case. More details about these measurements can be found in [49].
A PoC implementing MAB algorithms for Internet of Things (IoT) access has
been done in [52]. It consists in one gateway, one or several learning IoT devices,
embedding UCB1 and Thompson Sampling algorithms, and a traffic generator that
emulates radio interferences from many other IoT devices. The IoT network access is
modeled as a discrete sequential decision-making problem. No specific IoT standard
is implemented in order to stay agnostic to any specific IoT implementation. The PoC
shows that intelligent IoT devices can improve their network access by using low
complexity and decentralized algorithms that can be added in a straightforward and
cost-less manner in any IoT network (such as Sigfox, LoRaWAN, etc.), without any
modification at the network side. Table 9.3 summarizes the characteristics of the RL
algorithm implementation for this use case. More details about these measurements
can be found in [52], but we present the main outcomes here.
Figure 9.8 shows the UCB parameters during an execution on four channels num-
bered as channels 2, 4, 6 and 8.22, 23 We can see on the top left of Fig. 9.8 that the left
channel (channel 2) has been only tried twice over 63 trials by the IoT device and it
did not receive the ACK from the network at both times, as it can be seen at the top
right panel that represents the number of successes on each channel. So the success
rate for channel 2 is null, as seen at the bottom right panel. The more the channel index
increases, from the left to the right, the better the success rate. That is why channel 8,

22 The entire source code for this demo is available online, open-sourced under GPLv3 license, at https:// It
contains both the GNU Radio Companion flowcharts and blocks, with ready-to-use Makefiles to easily
compile, install, and launch the demonstration.
23 A six-minute video showing the demonstration is at
HospLNQhcMk& Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 273

loT Object #1
Number of Trials, total = 63 Successes, total = 49
35 30
10 10

5 5

0 0
UCB Indexes, max = #8 Success Rates, mean = 78%

0.5 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0
Active channels Active channels

Figure 9.8 UCB parameters monitored during PoC execution [52].

with a 90 percent success rate has been preferably used by the algorithm with 35 trials
over 63 (top left panel) and 30 successes (top right panel) over the 49 total successes
obtained until the caption of this figure during the experiment.

Real-World Experimentations
The ultimate step of experimentation is the real world, validating the MAB approaches
for intelligent spectrum access. It has been done on a LoRaWAN network deployed in
the licence free 868 MHz ISM band for Europe. The experiment has been conducted
in two steps. The first step consists of emulating an artificial IoT traffic in controlled
radio conditions, inside an anechoic chamber, in order to validate the devices and the
gateway implementation itself [53]. The second step is to make it run in real-world
conditions without being able to neither control the spectrum use, nor the propagation
conditions in the area [54]. In step 1, seven channels have been considered, whereas
in step 2, only three channels were used due to the configuration of the gateway,
which was controlled by the LoRaWAN network provider. For the two measurement
campaigns, Pycom equipped with Lopy424 shields have been used as devices and a
standard gateway from Mutlitech.
Step 1. The characteristics of the seven channels are given in Table 9.4, which gives
the index of the channel, the percentage of time occupancy (or jamming) the channels
experience due to other IoT devices in the area, the center frequency of each channel
(channel bandwidth is set to 125 kHz). USRP platforms have been used to generate
the surrounding IoT traffic.
Figure 9.9 shows that, due to the surrounding IoT traffic, the channel number 6, the
curve with star markers, has been much more played by the cognitive device, thanks
24 Published online by Cambridge University Press

274 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

Table 9.4. Channels characteristics for step 1 experiments.

Channel % of jamming Frequency (in MHz)

0 30% 866.9
1 25% 867.1
2 20% 867.3
3 15% 867.5
4 10% 867.7
5 5% 867.9
6 0% 868.1
Number of selections Tk (t) of each channel

Channel #0
300 Channel #1
Channel #2
250 Channel #3
Channel #4
Channel #5
Channel #6




100 200 300 400 500
Number of iterations t, for the IoTlligent device.

Figure 9.9 Number of selections for each of the seven channels used in step 1 for IoTligent
device [53].

to the learning algorithm it embeds. This device is therefore named IoTligent and is
hence able to maximize the success rate of its transmission. A transmission is called
a “success” when a message has been sent by the IoT device in uplink, received by
the LoRaWAN gateway, and transmitted to the application server that sends an ACK
back toward the IoT device, which is transmitted by the gateway in downlink at the
same frequency used in uplink and finally received by the IoT device. A normal device
following standard LoRaWAN features used by default, served as reference and the
results in term of number of channel uses and success rate have been summarized in
Table 9.5.
As we can see on Table 9.5, whereas the reference IoT device uniformly transmits
on all channels (around 75 times during this experiment), we can see that the IoTligent
device concentrates its transmissions on the most vacant channels, with a clear choice
for channel 6. Over a total of 528 iterations, 323 transmissions have been done in
this channel for IoTligent, which is more than four times compared to the reference
IoT, with 75 transmissions. Moreover, IoTligent selects the channel 6 much more than Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 275

Table 9.5. Success rate and number of attempts for each channel of regular
IoT device and IoTligent.

Reference IoT IoTligent

Channel % of success nb of Tx % of success nb of Tx

0 21% 76 8% 12
1 20% 76 25% 16
2 24% 75 25% 16
3 49% 76 50% 32
4 62% 74 62% 47
5 76% 76 74% 82
6 96% 75 94% 323

Table 9.6. Summary for step 1 experiments

Characteristics Comment

RL algorithm UCB1 (or any other bandit algorithm)

Reward received ACK
Implementation side embedded on device
method for RL feedback loop Standard LoRaWAN ACK

channel 0, almost 27 times more. Hence, the IoT device with learning capability is able
to increase its global success rate drastically that reaches 80 percent (420 successful
ACK received over 528) compared to 50 percent for the reference IoT device (266
successful ACK received only).
In this example, due to its ability to favor the use of less occupied channels, IoTli-
gent demonstrates 2.5 times improvement in performance compared to standard IoT
LoRaWAN device in terms of number of successes. Note that in this experimental
setup, radio collisions are only considered as obstacles to the reception of ACK by the
IoT devices.
It is worth mentioning that adding this learning capability does not impose changes
to LoRaWAN protocols: no additional retransmissions to be sent, no additional power
consumed, no data to be added in frames. The only condition is that the proposed
solution should work with the acknowledged (ACK) mode for IoT. The underlying
hypothesis, however, is that the channels occupancy by surrounding radio signals (IoT
or not) is not equally balanced. In other words, some ISM subbands are less occupied
or jammed than others, but it is not possible to predict it in time and space, so the
need to learn on the field. Table 9.6 sums up the characteristics of the RL algorithm
implementation for this use case. More details about these measurements can be found
in [53].

Step 2. Real-world experiments have been done on a LoRa network deployed in the
town of Rennes, France, with three channels 868.1 MHz, 868.3 MHz, and 868.5 MHz.
IoTligent is completely agnostic to the number of channels and can be used in any Published online by Cambridge University Press

276 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

Table 9.7. Summary for step 2 experiments.

Characteristics Comment

RL algorithm UCB1 (but could be any bandit algorithm)

Reward channel ’availability’ (collisions, jamming and propagation)
Implementation side embedded on device
method for RL feedback loop Standard LoRaWAN ACK


Xk index




50 100 150 200 250
# of hours

Figure 9.10 Empirical mean evolution through time over 11 days [54].

country or ITU Region (i.e., 866 MHz and 915 MHz ISM bands as well). Since this
experiment is run in real conditions, we have no means to determine exactly which of
the four following possible phenomenon influences the IoTligent devices behavior: (a)
collisions with other LoRaWAN IoT devices, (b) collisions with IoT devices running
other IoT standards, (c) collisions with other radio jammers in the ISM band and (d)
propagation issues.
We now look at the results obtained by IoTligent, for 129 transmissions done every
two hours, over an 11 day period. Figure 9.10 shows the empirical mean experienced
by the device on each of the three channels. This represents the average success rate
achieved in each channel since the beginning of the experiment. The average success
rates for the three channels – 0 (868.1 MHz), 1 (868.3 MHz), and 2 (868.5 MHz) –
are represented by the curves with squares, stars, and bullets, respectively. Each peak
corresponds to a LoRa successful bidirectional exchange between the device and the
application server: from device transmission, to ACK reception by the device. Each
peak in Fig. 9.10 reveals a successful transmission where ACK has been received
by IoTligent device. We can see that channel 1, star markers, has been the most
successful, before channel 2, while channel 0 always failed to send back an ACK
to the device. During the experiment indeed, channel 0 has been tried 29 times with
no success. IoTligent device uses channel 1 61 times with 7 successful bidirectional Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 277

exchanges (7 peaks on the curve with stars) and channel 2 39 times with 2 successes
(2 peaks on the curve with bullets). At the end of the experiment, one can observe
11.5 percent successful bidirectional connections for channel 1 and 5 percent for
channel 2, whereas channel 0 never worked from the device point of view. For com-
parison, a regular IoT device, performing a random access, achieves a global average
successful rate of 5.5 percent. Table 9.7 summarizes the characteristics of the RL
algorithm implementation for this use case. More details about these measurements
can be found in [54].

9.4 Conclusions and Future Trends

During recent years, we have witnessed a shift in the way wireless communication
networks are designed, at least in the academic community, by introducing ML tech-
niques to optimize the networks. With the complexity of wireless systems increasing,
it becomes increasingly difficult to build an explainable mathematical model to predict
the performance of large-scale systems. Exhaustive and complex simulations are not
always an option because they are resource-intensive. In this sense, ML in general
and RL in particular have the potential to overcome the network modelling deficit by
learning the optimal network functioning with minimal assumptions on the underlying
phenomena. This is of particular importance when nonlinear phenomena needs to be
taken into account and for which it is difficult to get analytical insights.
In this chapter, we focused on RL for PHY layer communications. Even if this
domain enjoys a long successful history of well-defined mathematical models, the
heterogeneity of the use cases envisaged in 5G for instance, advocates for adding
smartness in the PHY layer of upcoming wireless systems. All along this chapter, we
have provided some PHY examples in which RL or deep RL can help to achieve
good performance results. The key point to apply RL algorithms to a PHY layer
problem is when one cannot solve the problem analytically or by writing an explicit
program to do so. There are, without any doubt, many practical situations where one
cannot explicitly solve the associated optimization problem related to the communica-
tion system design, such as nonlinear peak-to-average power ratio reduction, acoustic
transmission, and transmission with a nonlinear power-amplifier.
The key benefit of RL is its adaptability to unknown system dynamics. However,
the convergence time is crucial in wireless communications and real networks can-
not afford to spend too much time learning a good strategy. For instance, the deep
Q-learning in [37] converges around 104 iterations, for two popularity profile states.
This cannot be directly converted into time delay because it depends on the number of
requests the users do, but if the network records one request per second, it takes almost
3 hours to converge toward the optimal strategy. The converging time is also around
103 –104 iterations in the problem of optimal buffer state and transmission power dealt
with in [32]. In case of nonstationary environment, it can be prohibitive.
The feasibility of a PHY layer data-driven designed has been proved in [55, 56].
However, even if possible, learning an entire PHY layer without any expert knowledge Published online by Cambridge University Press

278 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

is not necessarily desirable. For instance, the synchronization task requires an huge
amount of computation and a dedicated NN in [56] to synchronize the transmission
while it can be simply performed using well-known OFDM signal structures [57] may
not be worthy. Hence it is apparent that DRL can be an efficient tool to design the PHY
layer of future wireless systems, however, it would may gain in efficiency if cross-
fertilization research between ML and model-based approach would be undertaken.
In order to achieve this goal, explainable ANN with information-theoretic tools is
a promising research direction, as attempted in [58]. The transfer learning concept,
which consists in transferring the knowledge acquired in a previous task to a current
one in order to speed up the converge, is also a promising research direction if a mixed
transfer (model-based to data-driven) is considered.

9.5 Bibliographical Remarks

This chapter aims to be as self-contained as possible. It presents, in a tutorial way, the

theoretical background of RL and some application examples, drawn from the PHY
layer communication domain, where RL techniques can be applied. The theoretical
part of Section 9.2 revisits the fundamentals of RL and is largely based on the great
books of Sutton and Barto [5] and Csaba Szepesvari [6] that gathered in a comprehen-
sive way the original results of Bellman [7], who introduced the notion of dynamic
programming, and Watkins [9], who proposed the Q-learning algorithm.
The example in Section 9.3.1 follows from [31, 32]. The problem of joint power
and delay management can be dated back to at least the early 2000s. In [59] the authors
studied the power adaptation and transmission rate to optimize the power consumption
and the buffer occupancy as well. They characterized the optimal power-delay trade-
off and provided the former steps of a dynamic scheduling strategy achieving the
Pareto front derived earlier. While the previous work investigated the power-delay
Pareto front in block fading channels, the authors in [60] came back to AWGN channel
but proposed more explicit schedulers to operate close to the fundamental bound. The
authors in [35] revisited the same problem as in [59] and proved the existence of
a stationary policy to achieve the power-delay Pareto front. The formulation of the
joint delay-power management problem as a constrained MDP can be reported in
[31, 32, 35, 36].
The example in Section 9.3.2 has been considered in [37] with a more complex
setting, where the authors introduced two kind of popularity profiles: local and global.
The local popularity profile allows to cache the requested files according to the local
demand while the global one allows anticipate the local demand by monitoring the
most wanted files over the network. We simplified the system model in order to make
a toy example easily with this application. Due to the potentially large number of files
to be cached, this problem can be addressed with deep neural network as well, see for
instance [61, 62].
The examples of Section 9.3.3 follow from [23, 42] for the OSA problem with
quality of the transmission and from [45] for the switch ON/OFF base station problem. Published online by Cambridge University Press

RL for Physical Layer Communications 279

The opportunistic spectrum access problem has been considered as the typical use case
for the application of MAB and RL algorithms in wireless communications since their
inception in the field. The RL framework in general, and MAB in particular, are well-
suited for describing the success and the failure of a user that tries to opportunistically
access to a spectral resource that is sporadically occupied. The second reason is that
the performance of the learning algorithm strongly depends on the ability of the device
to detect good channels that motivates the reborn of the research on signal detection
algorithms. A broad overview on signal detection and algorithms to opportunistically
exploit the frequency resource has been provided in [63].
The examples we proposed in this chapter are not exhaustive since it was not the
objective and at least two complete surveys have been provided recently on that topic
[4, 64]. We invite the interested reader to consult these articles and the references
therein to go further in the application of (deep)-RL techniques to some specific
wireless communication problems. In this section, we give some articles that may
be interesting to consult when addressing PHY layer communication challenges.
An interesting use case in which DRL can be applied is the IoT. The huge number of
cheap devices to be connected with small signalling overheads make this application
appealing for some learning approaches implemented at BS for instance. The authors
in [65] revisited the problem of dynamic spectrum access for one user. Even if this set
up has been widely studied in literature, the authors modeled the dynamic access issue
as a POMDP with correlated states and they introduce a deep Q-learning algorithm
to choose the best channels to access at each time slot. An extension to multiple
devices has been provided in [66]. A relay with buffering capability is considered
to forward the packets of the other nodes to the sink. At the beginning of each frame,
the relay chooses packets from buffers to transmit on some channels with the suitable
power and rate. They propose a deep Q-learning approach with a FNN to optimize the
packet transmission rate. IoT networks with energy harvesting capability can also be
addressed with deep Q-learning in order to accurately predict the battery state of each
sensor [67].
These works consider centralized resource allocation; that is, the agent is run in the
BS, relay, or another server but is located at one place. In large-scale heterogeneous
networks, with multiple kind of BS, such as macro, small, or pico BS, this approach
is no longer valid and distributed learning has to be implemented. In [68], the authors
considered the problem of LTE access through WiFi small cells by allocating the com-
munication channels and managing the interference. The small BS are in competition
to access the resources and hence the problem is formulated as a non cooperative game
which is solved using deep RL techniques. The same kind of problem has been tackled
in [69] while in a different context and different utility function.
DRL has also been successfully applied to complex and changing radio environ-
ments with multiple conflicting metrics such as in satellite communications in [70].
Indeed, the orbital dynamics, the variable propagation environment, such as a cloudy
or clear sky, the multiple optimization objectives to handle, such as a low bit error
rate, throughput improvement, power and spectral efficiencies, make the analytical
optimization of the global system untractable. The authors used a deep Q-learning Published online by Cambridge University Press

280 Philippe Mary, Christophe Moy, and Visa Koivunen

with a deep NN to choose the actions to perform at each cognitive cycle, such as
modulation and encoding rate, power transmission, and demonstrate that the proposed
solution achieved good performance compared to the ideal case obtained with a brute
force search.
There are still numerous papers that deal with RL and deep-RL for PHY layer
communications, ranging from resource allocations to PHY layer security for instance.
Since this is a hot topic rapidly evolving at the time we write this book, one can
expect interesting and important contributions in this field in the upcoming years.
Since the feasibility and the potential of RL techniques has been demonstrated for
PHY layer communications, we encourage the research community to also address
important issues such as the convergence time reduction of learning algorithms or
the energy consumption reduction for training a deep NN instead of an expert-based
design of PHY layer.

[1] I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio, and A. Courville, Deep Learning. The MIT Press, 2016.
[2] A. Zappone, M. Di Renzo, and M. Debbah, “Wireless networks design in the era of deep
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[5] R. S. Sutton and A. G. Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, 2nd ed. MIT
Press, 2018.
[6] C. Szepsvari, Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning. Morgan and Claypool, 2010.
[7] R. E. Bellman, Dynamic Programming. Princeton University Press, 1957.
[8] R. D. Smallwood and E. J. Sondik, “The Optimal Control of Partially Observable Markov
Processes over a Finite Horizon,” Operations Research, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 1071–1088,
[9] C. Watkins, “Learning from delayed rewards,” Ph.D. dissertation, King’s College, 1989.
[10] C. Szepsvari, “Learning and exploitation do not conflict under minimax optimality,” in
Proc. 9th European Conf. on Machine Learning, pp. 242–249, April 1997.
[11] E. Even-Dar and Y. Mansour, “Learning rates for q-learning,” Journal of Machine
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10 Data-Driven Wireless Networks:
Scalability and Uncertainty
Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

10.1 Introduction

This chapter presents a systematic discussion on futuristic scalable data-driven wire-

less networks with special considerations over learning uncertainty. Scalability has
become a critical issue due to the ever-increasing data volume and model complexity
since it is the major factor in determining the agility and response time of a data-driven
wireless network. We first introduce the forward-looking architecture and computing
framework of scalable data-driven systems from a global perspective. Then, we survey
relevant learning models and their training algorithms to be performed at distributed
local devices from a local perspective. We focus on Bayesian nonparametric learning
and reinforcement learning as they have a higher potential to address the uncertainty
issue than the traditional learning approaches based on deep neural networks. We also
touch upon the model interpretability and adaptivity. Finally, we use three practical use
cases to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scalable data-driven wireless
networks from various aspects and pinpoint several promising research directions.

10.1.1 Motivation
The next-generation wireless networks are migrating from traditional paradigms
based on mathematical modeling to data-driven paradigms based on big data and
machine learning techniques. On the one hand, the ever-expanding and context-rich
wireless big data contain valuable information that can be exploited to customize
futuristic wireless networks in almost all aspects [1], including architecture design,
resource management, and task scheduling. On the other hand, machine learning,
as one of the most powerful artificial intelligence tools, constitutes strong learning-
from-data capabilities to discover valuable patterns from historical data for accurate
future planning [2]. Therefore, data-driven wireless networks are anticipated to draw
better understanding on both the networks and the mobile users in order to deliver
personalized and adaptive services to embrace an intelligent future.
While the popularity of the term “data-driven” has been recently fueled by the
growth of available data and computing power, scalability becomes increasingly
important due to a manifold of driving demands, such as adaptivity, low latency,
low complexity, and privacy preservation. Specifically, many existing data-driven Published online by Cambridge University Press

286 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

solutions were developed in a centralized design by assuming that a single device has
full access to the entire dataset and almost unlimited storage and computing power for
decision making. However, increasingly many new breeds of intelligent devices
and delay-sensitive applications require real-time reactions and high reliability,
including brake control for self-driving vehicles, collision avoidance for drones, and
motion perceptions for augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR). These newly emerging
applications have sparked a major interest in developing scalable solutions to deliver
lower latency and better robustness than the traditional centralized counterparts.
The ever-growing network size (e.g., due to network densification and exploding
number of connected Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices), model size (e.g., large num-
ber of model parameters), and data volume together lead to optimization tasks with
unprecedented complexity, which surpass the computing capability of a single device.
These challenges can be addressed by scalable solution. In this chapter, “scalable solu-
tion” refers to any efficient learning algorithms that are ideally capable of processing
and storing any amount of data generated in a large network. Here, we particularly
focus on parallel learning algorithms that decompose a large global learning task into
smaller pieces that can be handled locally with modest amount of data and affordable
processing cost. In addition, privacy-sensitive data are preferably not logged into a
centralized server merely for the purpose of model training. Such security and privacy
concerns make the scalable solution a natural choice for keeping data safely stored at
the local devices (e.g., user devices or third-party edge devices) while only exchanging
model-parameter related updates (e.g., the gradients), for information sharing.
The idea of developing scalable solutions has been widely recognized in [1, 3–8],
which mainly focus on developing dedicated scalable algorithms for specific wireless
applications. However, developing an entirely scalable data-driven system requires
us to address a myriad of fundamental challenges, including architecture design and
computing framework adaptation from a global perspective, as well as on-device
learning models and training algorithms from a local perspective. The overarching
goal of this chapter is to provide a systematic discussion on the data-driven scalability.
Another unprecedented feature of the next-generation wireless network is full
automation, which requires that all subsystems can not only conduct prediction based
on AI and data-driven models but also make reasonable decisions. To this end, we
need to carefully address the uncertainty issue in machine learning. In this chapter, we
focus on the uncertainty in the data, in the selected learning model, and in the model
prediction. Uncertainty is critical to decision making for wireless networks since the
correctness of a decision may largely influence the service quality of the mobile users’
experience in the end. For instance, when we want to control the on-off status of a base
station based on our wireless traffic prediction, the uncertainty about our prediction
is equally or even more important for making a decision. The system should be
able to tell whether it is confident enough to make a decision or whether more
data should be collected to obtain a better confidence. Thus, we consider Bayesian
learning that is able to provide both an accurate prediction and a natural uncertainty
region than a single-point estimate obtained from traditional deterministic learning
approaches based on deep neural networks (DNNs). In addition, a valid uncertainty Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 287

region can be used for actively learning the changing environment, which is critical to
reinforcement learning (RL). Both Bayesian learning and RL are known to mimic the
reasoning mechanisms of our brain, and they are promising to be deployed to build an
artificial intelligence (AI) brain for next-generation wireless networks.

10.1.2 Scope and Organization

In this chapter, we focus on the following aspects:

• Scalability: Although previous works [1, 3, 9, 10] have mentioned the importance
and urgency of developing a scalable wireless network, they lack in-depth
discussions on the potential building components in both hardware and software.
In contrast, this work provides a dedicated introduction and systematic
justification on the wireless system scalability by addressing the scalable wireless
architecture, theoretical scalable learning framework, and scalable learning
algorithms in a row and explaining their interconnections.
• Uncertainty: This work draws public attention from the traditional learning
approaches based on DNNs type models [4] to Bayesian nonparametric learning
and reinforcement learning, which can better handle the growing system and
environmental uncertainty in the context of data-driven management and control.
In general, we discuss both the model uncertainty and the data uncertainty
occurring in data-driven wireless networks.
• Interpretability and Adaptivity: We also touch upon these two aspects, which
call for the use of Bayesian learning and RL.
• Practical Use Cases: This work provides three concrete use cases to
quantitatively demonstrate how to use the proposed scalable learning paradigm for
data-driven wireless network in practice. The effectiveness of the proposed
scalable learning paradigm will be demonstrated from different aspects.
It is noteworthy that the scalability and prediction uncertainty of our learning
paradigm introduced in this chapter are critical to decision making and vital to the
wireless system reliability, according to 3GPP [11], in terms of system malfunction,
delay, and transmission error rate.
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. In Section 10.2, we first draw
a futuristic architecture of the scalable data-driven wireless network, which cross-
fertilizes the cloud-based intelligence and on-device intelligence. In Section 10.3,
we present both parallel and fully distributed scalable learning frameworks from a
theoretical standpoint, which analytically specifies how distributed local devices are
supposed to collaborate with each other to solve a joint learning task. In Section 10.4,
we discuss both the learning models and algorithms implemented at each local device.
In Section 10.5, we introduce three representative wireless use cases to showcase the
effectiveness of applying the proposed scalable learning paradigm to specific wireless
applications. Finally, we pinpoint some future directions along this line of research in
Section 10.6. Published online by Cambridge University Press

288 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

Figure 10.1 An integrated scalable data-driven wireless architecture. The learning frameworks
specify how the distributed devices collaborate with each other, and the learning algorithms
specify how a local device learns from its collected data.

10.2 Scalable Network Architecture

In this section, we investigate how to integrate scalable intelligence into the exist-
ing wireless architectures. In particular, the scalable intelligence orchestrates the in-
cloud intelligence and on-device intelligence built upon the mobile cloud computing
(MCC) architecture and mobile edge computing (MEC) architecture, respectively.
Therefore, scalable intelligence is able to facilitate accurate, timely, and end-to-end
response to cutting-edge communication technologies such as infrastructure densifi-
cation, mmWave communication, massive MIMO, and energy-efficient network man-
agement. This scalable wireless architecture also lays the infrastructural foundation
for scalable learning frameworks and scalable learning algorithms to be introduced
in later sections. Figure 10.1 illustrates a futuristic scalable wireless architecture to
approach the blueprint of intelligence-everywhere in data-driven systems.

10.2.1 Cloud-Based Intelligence

Cloud-based intelligence aims to oversee all learning and management tasks across
the whole network and making decisions from a global view. One tempting choice is
to construct a global AI brain at the cloud centre of the MCC architecture. Specifically,
MCC proposes gathering all available computing resources at one place for joint
management and coordination [7]. Hence, the cloud-based intelligence can make full
use of the abundant cloud computing resources to give a deeper analysis of the network
by training a sophisticated learning model with big data. Moreover, the cloud-based Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 289

environment supports on-demand computing resource provisioning and fast internal

information transmission, which lays a good foundation for scalable computation.
In addition, the cloud-based intelligence should integrate the network slicing tech-
niques such as software defined networking (SDN) to attain required configuration
flexibility. In particular, the SDN technique promises to logically decouple the control
plane and data plane [12]. Thus, the control functions can be aggregated in a software-
based cloud server to construct a programmable and software-oriented global AI brain,
such that the cloud-based intelligence is able to reconfigure the network in a smart
and timely manner according to the latest learning outcomes. Meanwhile, the network
slicing technique also enables the global AI brain to slice the physical network into
multiple virtual networks, such that each of them can be customized to satisfy the
specifications of different learning tasks.

10.2.2 On-Device Intelligence

The on-device intelligence in the scalable architecture aims to bring intelligence closer
to terminal devices with less or even no dependency on the remote cloud and therefore
exhibits the following merits. First, performing learning on distributed local devices
largely reduces the latency caused by interacting with a remote cloud, which is crucial
for delay-sensitive applications such as autonomous driving and collision avoidance
for drones. Second, keeping datasets securely stored on each device can largely relieve
privacy and security concerns. This in turn motivates cooperation among devices.
Third, on-device learning alleviates the dependency on the connectivity to a remote
cloud server, which makes on-device intelligence more robust against harsh scenar-
ios. In this context, the emerging MEC techniques [8], which promise to bring the
computing and storage capability closer to the devices at the edge can be exploited
to construct the on-device intelligence in the scalable architecture. In particular, each
edge device in the MEC architecture is able to acquire its own dataset through local
sensing and train its own learning model to individually tackle small-scale problems.
As such, the scalable architecture can trade accuracy for latency (or response time) to
local events on different devices. Moreover, neighboring devices can collaborate with
each other to contribute a superior collective intelligence through, for example, multi-
agent learning. Hence, the on-device intelligence is able to complement the in-cloud
intelligence to offer end users with prompt reactions, secured privacy, and seamless

10.3 Scalable Learning Frameworks

Scalable wireless architecture needs to make good use of multiple computing units in
order to deliver better performance than the traditional all-in-one solution. Although
the aforementioned scalable architecture has demonstrated in Section 10.2 how to
integrate intelligence into the wireless infrastructure, it is still unclear how a batch Published online by Cambridge University Press

290 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

Figure 10.2 A parallel learning framework with two layers and a fully distributed learning

of distributed local devices should collaborate to solve a learning task. Hence, in this
section, we present the scalable learning frameworks and specify the learning protocol
for distributed devices. Here, “scalable learning” refers to two different paradigms of
distributed optimization, one called “parallel learning” with centralized consensus to
be introduced in Section 10.3.1 and the other one called “fully distributed learning”
without centralized coordination to be introduced in Section 10.3.2.

10.3.1 Parallel Learning Framework

Parallel learning speeds up the learning process by decoupling a large-scale learning
problem into many small subproblems and handling them in a distributed manner.
Hence, the computational burden can be distributed to multiple local devices, which
improves the overall processing speed. As shown in Fig. 10.2, a representative scalable
computation topology comprises two layers: (a) a bottom layer with multiple local
devices, each of which learns from a subset of the complete data, and (b) a top
layer with one central device, which coordinates the learning at the bottom layer and
fuses the local results into a global one. The distributed local devices should have
sufficient computing power, and they can be smartphones, drones, connected vehicles,
and sensors in different wireless applications. Moreover, the central server should have
enough communication, computing, and storage capacity, which can be provided by
base stations, cloud centers, etc.
It is noteworthy that the malfunction of one (or several) local device(s) will only
cause certain information loss instead of a complete breakdown. Therefore, the scal-
able architectures are more reliable than the traditional centralized architectures. Next
we present three promising scalable computing schemes. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 291

The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) was first introduced in the
mid-1970s and has been largely extended to currently handle a wide range of opti-
mization problems in machine learning [13]. Specifically, ADMM takes the form of
a decomposition-coordination procedure, which blends the benefits of dual decom-
position and augmented Lagrangian methods for constrained optimization [13]. The
basic idea behind ADMM is to solve a large global problem by alternating between
local optimization and global consensus. By using ADMM on each local device,
the local parameters are individually updated by solving a small-scale subproblem
decomposed from the original large-scale problem and constrained to be close to the
global parameters. The local devices need to synchronize their local estimates of the
global parameters with each other by periodically communicating with the server in
the top layer as shown in Fig. 10.2.
The overall complexity of ADMM depends on the number of iterations toward
convergence as well as the complexity for solving the local optimization problem.
Although ADMM may slowly converge to the desired solution even for convex prob-
lems [13], a few iterations is often sufficient to attain a satisfactory solution in practice.
It is well acknowledged that ADMM is effective in terms of solving large-scale opti-
mization problems [13, 14]. Hence, it is particularly promising to be used for scalable
learning in data-driven wireless systems.
After having introduced the background, we next introduce two ADMM-based
parameter optimization schemes, which can effectively balance the computation
and communication efficiency. The first scheme, namely, the classical ADMM
(cADMM) based scheme, approximates the original centralized optimization problem
as a nonconvex consensus problem [13] by introducing a set of local parameters
{θ1,θ2, . . . ,θ K } and the global model parameters z, namely,

min l (i) (θi ),
i=1 (10.1)

s.t. θ i − z = 0, ∀ i = 1,2, . . . ,K,

where K is the total number of local devices and l (i) (θi ) is nonconvex in terms of the
local model parameter θi in general.
The augmented Lagrangian function for Eq. (10.1) is given by

L({θ i },z,{β i }) = l (i) (θi ) + βTi (θi − z) + θ i − z22, (10.2)

where β i is a dual variable and ρ i stands for a predetermined regularization

parameter. The (r + 1)th iteration of the cADMM for solving Eq. (10.1) can be
decomposed into Published online by Cambridge University Press

292 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

1  1 r
z r+1
= θi + βi ,
K ρi
i = arg min l (i) (θi ) + (βri )T (θ i − zr+1 ) + θ i − zr+1 22, (10.3b)
θi 2
i = βri + ρi (θr+1
i − zr+1 ). (10.3c)

This workflow is shown in Fig. 10.3(b) for clarity.

The optimality conditions for the ADMM solution are determined by the primal
residuals p and dual residuals d [13]. They can be given for each local model as

r+1 r+1
i,p := θ i − zr+1, i = 1,2, . . . ,K, (10.4a)
d := ρ(zr+1 − zr ). (10.4b)

These residuals will

 to zero
 as  ADMM iterates. Hence, we can adopt the
stopping criteria rp 2 ≤  pri and rd 2 ≤  dual , where pri and dual are the feasi-
bility tolerance constants for the primal and dual residuals, respectively.
Next, we introduce a more recent proximal ADMM (pxADMM) based scheme,
which was proposed in [14] and is capable of reducing the communication overhead
and the computational time at the same time. Unlike Eq. (10.3b), where the local
model parameters θ i are updated by exactly minimizing the augmented Lagrangian
function, the pxADMM takes a proximal step with respect to (w.r.t.) θ i by applying
the first-order Taylor expansion to l (i) (θi ), leading to
ρ i + Li
i = arg min ∇l (i) r+1
(z ) + β r
i (θ i − z r+1
) + θ i − zr+1 22,
θi 2
where Li is a newly introduced positive constant to make the following inequality

∇l (i) (θi ) − ∇l (i) (θi ) ≤ Li θ i − θ i , (10.6)

satisfied for all θi and θi ,i = 1,2, . . . ,K. Note that the proximal step in Eq. (10.5)
for θi is a (convex) quadratic optimization problem with the following closed-form
∇l (i) (zr+1 ) + βri
θ r+1 = zr+1 − . (10.7)
ρ i + Li
As a consequence, the (r + 1)th iteration of the pxADMM for solving Eq. (10.1) can
be summarized as
1  1
zr+1 = θri + β ri , (10.8a)
K ρi
∇l (i) (zr+1 ) + βri
θr+1 = zr+1 − , (10.8b)
ρ i + Li
β r+1
i = β ri + ρi (θr+1
i − zr+1 ). (10.8c) Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 293

global gradient descent step for θr+1

θr+1 ∇l (1) (θ r ) θ r+1 ∇l (2) (θ r ) θ r+1 ∇l (K) (θ r )

∇l (1) (θ r+1 ) ∇l (2) (θ r+1 ) ··· ∇l (K) (θ r+1 )


global consensus for zr+1

zr+1 θr1 + ρ11 βr1 zr+1 θr2 + ρ12 βr2 zr+1 θrK + ρ1K β rK

θr+1 r+1
1 ,β 1 θr+1 r+1
2 ,β 2
··· θr+1 r+1
K ,β K

Figure 10.3 Workflow of two existing distributed parameter optimization schemes: (a) PSGD
[15] and (b) cADMM [13].

The pxADMM shares the same workflow with the cADMM as depicted in Fig. 10.3.
The criteria for choosing ρi and Li are given in [14], where the authors also
proved that under mild conditions (a) θ ri converges to zr for all i and (b) solution
({θri },zr ,{β ri }) converges to a stationary point of Eq. (10.1).
Principally, the pxADMM reduces the communication overhead in the same way
as the cADMM does. However, the proximal step shown in Eq. (10.8b) leads to
an approximated but closed-form solution of Eq. (10.3b) with considerably reduced
computation cost. Although more iterations may be required by the pxADMM toward
convergence, the overall computational time can be well reduced compared with the

The parallel stochastic gradient descent (PSGD) based schemes are extremely popular
owing to their capability of solving large-scale deep learning problems. They are
widely used in the parameter server framework [15] with the following workflow.
First, each local device at the bottom layer computes the gradient of the model param-
eters (called the gradient henceforth) by using a mini-batch of the full dataset. Second,
the parameter server at the top layer aggregates all the gradients to update a set of
globally shared parameters. Third, each device synchronizes its local estimates of
the global parameters periodically via consensus. This parameter server framework
is naturally compatible with the aforementioned MCC architecture.
The PSGD schemes exhibit the same convergence rate as the single-device mini-
batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) but at the cost of using a larger mini-batch.
Moreover, they need to wait for the slowest learner to synchronize the update. Recent
literatures has started to consider asynchronous PSGD methods, where the parameter
server can update global parameters without waiting for all learners to finish. Their
complexity depends on the number of iterations toward convergence and the size of
the learning model. However, the local devices need to send the computed gradients Published online by Cambridge University Press

294 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

to and obtain the global parameters from the parameter server in each gradient update
step. Hence, it often requires more frequent communications between the local devices
and the central server than the ADMM-based schemes.

10.3.2 Fully Distributed Learning Framework

Fully distributed learning is favoured when the underlying network does not allow
centralized control, for example, in a fully distributed wireless sensor network or an
ad hoc network. Its computation topology does not specify any central server but
assumes that all distributed local devices are connected according to a (sometimes
time-varying) communication graph. Therefore, specifying a proper communication
protocol to enable efficient information exchange is crucial for fully distributed learn-
ing. Here, we would like to envision the trend of developing fully distributed variants
of the parallel learning frameworks, such as the decentralized ADMM [16] and the
decentralized PSGD [17]. Such variants are usually based on similar mathematical
theories as their parallel counterparts, such that the data-driven wireless network may
switch between the parallel and fully distributed computing mode without making
a large change to system configurations. Hence, the distributed local devices will
be able to rapidly adjust their collaboration scheme according to the actual network
topology or computation demands, which is extremely appealing when flexibility and
adaptability are of great importance.

10.3.3 Comparison
In practical applications, one needs to properly choose a scalable learning frame-
work in accordance with the design specifications. For example, ADMM needs to
perform localized parameter optimization, which requires the local devices to have
higher computing power than PSGD. On the other hand, PSGD needs to perform
frequent parameter consensus and is therefore more suitable to the applications where
heavy communication cost is affordable. Notably, the fully distributed variants of
the aforementioned scalable learning frameworks such as decentralized ADMM and
decentralized PSGD are also under fast development. They specify no central device
and are thus favored when the underlying network, such as a distributed wireless
sensor network or an ad hoc network, does not allow centralized control.

10.4 Scalable Learning Models and Algorithms

While the scalable learning frameworks specify how distributed local devices commu-
nicate and coordinate with each other from a global view, the machine learning model
and algorithms discussed in this section demonstrate how to extract desired patterns
from a given dataset.
General machine learning enables each local device to predict its own future
quantities, such as traffic variations and user movements, by discovering patterns from Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 295

past data and exploiting them for better planning, which is the key to building an
autonomous and adaptive data-driven wireless system. The current popularity of
machine learning is mainly due to the revival of deep learning centered around
DNNs models. However, traditional learning approaches based on DNNs are difficult
(implicit and costly) to evaluate the modelling and prediction uncertainty, which
largely hinders its application in critical intelligent systems. Therefore, one aim of
this section is to draw public attention from the popular deep learning to Bayesian
nonparametric learning and RL.

10.4.1 Bayesian Nonparametric Learning

Owing to the combination of big data, powerful computing facilities, and innovations
on learning models and algorithms, we have witnessed the great success of deep
learning (based on deep neural networks, convolutional neural networks, recurrent
neural networks, etc.) in numerous applications, such as image recognition, computer
vision, and natural language processing. However, traditional deep learning models
are incapable of representing the prediction uncertainty in a natural and inexpensive
way. A promising direction is to use Bayesian nonparametric learning models and
algorithms, which are innately suited for representing the uncertainty of prediction
and decision based on interpretable probabilistic models and small data [18].

Models and Algorithms

The golden era of Bayesian nonparametric learning traces back to the 1990s. In 1992,
David J. C. MacKay published the seminal work on the Bayesian neural network [19],
followed by Radford M. Neal’s work on using sampling methods for inference [20],
where he found that a Bayesian neural network with one infinitely long hidden
layer and Gaussian priors on the neuron weights can be represented as a Gaussian
process (GP).
According to [21], GP is defined as a collection of random variables, any finite
number of which follow a Gaussian distribution. Mathematically, it is written as

f (x) ∼ GP(m(x),k(x,x  ;θh )), (10.9)

where m(x) is the mean function, which is often set to zero in practice, especially
when there is no prior knowledge about the underlying process, and k(x,x  ;θ h ) is the
kernel function controlled by the parameters, θh .
Let us consider the GP regression model y = f (x)+e, where y ∈ R is a continuous-
valued, scalar output; the unknown function f (x) : Rd → R is modelled as a zero-
mean GP; and the noise e is assumed to be Gaussian distributed with zero mean and
variance σe2 . Moreover, the noise terms at different data points are assumed to be
mutually independent. The set of all unknown GP model parameters is denoted by
θ := [θTh ,σe2 ]T , and the dimension of θ is assumed to be equal to p.
The joint prior distribution of the training output y and test output y ∗ can be
compactly written as Published online by Cambridge University Press

296 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

y K(X,X) + σe2 I n, K(X,X∗ )
∼ N 0, , (10.10)
y∗ K(X ∗,X), K(X ∗,X ∗ ) + σe2 I n∗

where K(X,X) is an n × n covariance matrix between the training inputs; K(X,X∗ )

is an n × n∗ covariance matrix between the training inputs and the test inputs; and
K(X∗,X∗ ) is an n∗ × n∗ covariance matrix between the test inputs. Here, we let
K(X,X) be a short term of K(X,X;θh ) when parameter optimization is not the focus.
By applying some known results of the conditional Gaussian distribution, we can
easily derive the posterior distribution as

p(y ∗ |D,X∗ ;θh ) ∼ N m̄, V̄ , (10.11)

where the posterior mean (vector) and posterior covariance (matrix) are, respectively,
m̄ = K(X∗,X) K(X,X) + σe2 I n y, (10.12)
V̄ = K(X∗,X∗ ) + σe2 I n∗ − K(X∗,X) K(X,X) + σe2 I n K(X,X ∗ ). (10.13)

Given an unseen input in the test dataset, this posterior mean gives a point prediction,
while the posterior covariance gives the uncertainty region of the prediction. For clar-
ity, we plot some sample functions generated from the prior and posterior distributions,
respectively, in Fig. 10.4.
In addition to the introduced GP model, the development of Bayesian neural net-
works has been rapid in recent years [18]. In contrast to the traditional deep learning
models, the Bayesian counterparts are rather flexible because they do not need to fix
the network structure, concretely, the number of hidden layers and number of neurons
a priori. Using nonparametric priors, these two numbers are estimated based on the
posterior distributions.
The learning algorithms specifically refer to the model training and predic-
tion/inference algorithms. Due to space limitations, we will constraint ourselves
to GP models and scalable training and prediction algorithms to be introduced in the
next subsection. We refer interested readers to [22] for general learning algorithms for
Bayesian neural network type models.

Good Interpretability of Kernel Functions

The kernel function determines the expressive power of the GP model to a large extent.
To make a kernel function full of expressive power and automatically adaptive to the
data, the following work can be adopted for wireless applications. In [23], a spectral
mixture (SM) kernel was proposed to approximate the spectral density with a Gaus-
sian mixture model in the frequency domain and transform it back into an universal
stationary kernel. In [24], the authors modified the SM kernel to be a linear multiple
low-rank subkernels with a favourable difference-of-convex optimization structure.
For data-driven wireless system, kernel design should consider the unique charac-
teristics of the wireless data. Next, we showcase some representative kernel functions,
whose parameters are full of physical meanings. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 297



–2 samples
95% CR
–10 –5 0 5 10
(a) Prior


–1 observations
mean function
–2 samples
95% CR
–10 –5 0 5 10
(b) Posterior

Figure 10.4 (a) Three sample functions randomly drawn from a GP prior with a specific
squared-exponential kernel. (b) Three sample functions drawn from the posterior conditioned
on the prior in (a) and four noisy observations indicated by small circles. The corresponding
posterior mean function is depicted by the black curve. The grey shaded area represents the
uncertainty region, namely, the 95 percent confidence region for both the prior and the

Example 10.1 The squared-exponential (SE) kernel is a default kernel for both GP
regression and classification. The corresponding kernel function is given by

 (t − t  )2
kSE (t,t ) = σs2 exp − , (10.14)
2l 2

which contains two parameters: the signal variance σs2 representing the magnitude of
functional fluctuation and the length scale l determining how rapidly the underlying
function may vary with time t. Published online by Cambridge University Press

298 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

Example 10.2 The automatic relevance determination (ARD) kernel is another

default GP kernel for multidimensional input x = [x1,x2, . . . ,xd ] ∈ Rd . The
corresponding kernel function is given by

(xi − xi )2
kARD (x,x  ) = σs2 exp − , (10.15)

which contains d + 1 parameters, namely, the signal variance σs2 and the lengthscales
li , i = 1,2, . . . ,d.

Example 10.3 The locally periodic kernel is the valid kernel to represent periodicity
in the data. The corresponding kernel function is given by
⎡  ⎤
π(t−t  )
sin2 λ
kLP (t,t  ) = σs2 exp ⎣− ⎦, (10.16)

which contains three parameters: the periodicity λ, lengthscale lp , and signal

variance σs2 .

Example 10.4 The SM kernel is an optimal kernel proposed in [23]. The SM kernel
was obtained by approximating the underlying spectral density with an m-mode
Gaussian mixture in the frequency domain. The corresponding kernel function for the
one-dimensional case is given by


kSM (t,t ) = α i exp −2π 2 τ 2 σi2 cos(2πτμi ), (10.17)

where τ := t  − t. This kernel contains 3m parameters: the weights αi , frequency

shift μi , and variance component σi , for i = 1,2, . . . ,m. After the kernel is trained, it
will pinpoint the active frequency bands (with the magnitude αi , center frequency μi ,
and bandwidth σi ) of the given data.

In the following, we show some examples of selecting appropriate kernel func-

tions according to the data patterns. As shown in Fig. 10.5, the wireless traffic in a
real dataset demonstrates the following general patterns: (a) weekly periodic pattern,
namely, the variation in accordance with weekdays and weekends; (b) daily periodic
pattern, namely, the variation in accordance with weekdays and weekends; and (c)
deviations, namely, the small-scale variation in addition to the above periodic trends.
The first two patterns can be well captured by different periodic kernels, while the third
pattern can be well captured by the SE kernel. Alternatively, one could use the optimal
SM kernel if there is no prior knowledge about the data available and let the kernel
adapt itself to the underlying pattern automatically through optimization. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 299


PRB Usage (%)



Sep 13 Sep 20 Sep 27

PRB Usage (%)

Sep 13 Sep 20 Sep 27

PRB Usage (%)

Sep 13 Sep 20 Sep 27

Figure 10.5 The PRB usage curves of three base stations collected in three southern cities of
China in 30 days. The data profile in the first panel reflects a typical office area, in which the
traffic pattern shows a strong weekly periodic trend in accordance with weekdays and
weekends. The data profile in the second panel reflects a typical residential area, in which the
traffic pattern shows a strong daily trend with high demands in the daytime and low demands
at night. The data profile in the third panel reflects a typical rural area, in which the traffic
pattern is more or less random.

Next, we will introduce the scalable training and prediction algorithms for the GP
models (called GP algorithms for short hereafter). The GP algorithms can be imple-
mented in a distributed and principled manner, showing a perfect fit to the data-driven
wireless communication system. Scalability occurs in both the training phase and the
prediction/test phase. We elaborate on the two phases as follows.
(1) Training phase. To train the GP model parameters, one can resort to the classic
ML-based estimation. Due to the Gaussian assumption on the noise, the log-likelihood
function can be obtained in closed form as

l(X,y;θ) := log p(y;X,θ)

= log N y;m(X),K(X,X;θ) + σe2 I n . (10.18)

The GP model parameters can be equivalently optimized by minimizing the negative

log-likelihood function (with the constant terms omitted):

l(X,y;θ) = y T C −1 (θ)y + log det (C(θ)) , (10.19)

where C(θ)  K(X,X;θ h ) + σe2 I n . This optimization problem is mostly solved

using gradient descent-type methods such as L-BFGS-Newton or conjugate gradi-
ent [21], which requires computing the following closed-form partial derivatives for
i = 1,2, . . . ,p: Published online by Cambridge University Press

300 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

∂l(θ) −1 ∂C(θ) ∂C(θ) −1
= tr C (θ) − y T C −1 (θ) C (θ)y. (10.20)
∂ θi ∂ θi ∂ θi
Using this ML estimation to train the GP model parameters requires O(n3 ) compu-
tational complexity due to the unavoidable matrix inverse and matrix determinant for
general dense matrices.
To address the scalability issue of the standard GP, we need to first approximate the
global objective in Eq. (10.18) by


l(X,y;θ) ≈ log N y i ;m(Xi ),K(Xi ,X i ;θ) + σe2 I , (10.21)

where Di := {X i ,y i }, i ∈ {1,2, . . . ,K}, is the dataset collected by the ith local

device. Further applying either the cADMM- or pxADMM-based GP model parameter
optimization schemes [5, 25] will solve the scalability issue of the model training
process. The computational complexity can be reduced from O(n3 ) for the standard
GP to O( Kn 3 ) for the proposed scalable GP, where n is the number of training points
and K is the number of local devices. This computational complexity can be further
reduced to O( Kn 2 ) when the kernel matrix has a Toeplitz structure, which is often the
case for uniformly sampled time series and spatio-temporal data.
(2) Test/Prediction Phase. After having trained the GP model parameters, we need
to fuse the predictions from all local devices to obtain a global one. To this end, one
can use the generalized product of experts (PoE) [26]. The generalized PoE model
needs to introduce a set of fusion weight parameters, βi , i = 1,2, . . . ,K, to count the
importance of the local predictions. The resulting PoE predictive distribution is

p(f∗ |x ∗,D) ≈ pi i (f∗ |x ∗,D(i) ), (10.22)

where β i is the weight for the ith local GP model, and the corresponding posterior
mean and variance are, respectively,

μ∗ = σ∗2 βi σi−2 (x ∗ )μi (x ∗ ), (10.23)
K −1

σ∗2 = βi σi−2 (x ∗ ) , (10.24)

where μi (x ∗ ) and σi (x ∗ ) are the ith local predictive mean and variance evaluated at
an unseen test point x ∗ . The choice of β i , i = 1,2, . . . ,K, is vital to the accuracy of
the global prediction.
In contrast to the existing fusion strategies that adopt empirical weights (e.g.,
directly using entropy as the weight [26]) we propose optimizing the weights via
cross validation in [5], which can provide a reliable fusion strategy with concrete
theoretical analysis. Meanwhile, we aim to achieve three desirable properties for the
fusion process: (a) the predictions should be combined based on both the prior and the Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 301

posterior information, which gives the combined model more generalization power;
(b) the combination should follow a valid probabilistic model, which helps preserve
the distinct GP properties (e.g., the posterior variance for prediction uncertainty
evaluation); and (c) the combined prediction should be robust against bad local
The workflow of our proposed strategy is as follows. First, we divide the full
training set into two parts, the training set and the validation set, where the valida-
tion set consists of the training points that are closer to the test set. To guarantee
a robust performance for general regression tasks, we first optimize the prediction
performance on the validation set and then use the optimized weights to combine all
local predictions for a global one. Specifically, optimizing the prediction performance
on the validation set can be formulated as the minimization of the prediction residuals:

min (ym − ỹm )2 ,
β (10.25)
s.t. β ∈ ,

where M is the size of the validation

 set, ỹm is the combined prediction on the
validation point m, and  = β ∈ RK + 1 β = 1 restricts the weights β to be in a
: T

probability simplex.
Based on the approximated global prediction given in Eqs. (10.22)–(10.24), we can

ỹm = arg max pi i f˜m |μi (x m ),σi (x m )
f˜m i=1
K −2
i=1 β i σi (x m )μi (x m )
= K −2
. (10.26)
i=1 β i σi (x m )

Therefore, the optimization problem proposed in Eq. (10.25) can be recast as

 K 2

i=1 ai (x m )β i
min f (β) = ym − K ,
β (10.27)
m=1 i=1 bi (x m )β i
s.t. β ∈ ,

where ai (x m ) := σi−2 (x m )μi (x m ) and bi (x m ) := σi−2 (x m ).

The convexity of the optimization problem in Eq. (10.27) depends on the size of
the validation set. Specifically, when we only use a single point for validation (i.e.,
M = 1), this problem boils down to a convex problem, for which the global optimum
can be obtained; when we use more than one point for validation (i.e., M > 1), the
problem becomes nonconvex but can be solved efficiently using the mirror descent
method. Detailed derivations and analyses of these results can be found in [5]. It is
noteworthy that the former case with M = 1 is good for short-term prediction, whereas
the latter case with M > 1 is better to use for relatively long-term prediction. Published online by Cambridge University Press

302 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

Compared with the traditional deep learning models (taking DNN as a concrete learn-
ing model in the sequel), the Bayesian nonparametric learning based on the GP model
can better address the following uncertainty issues:

• Functional uncertainty. Learning tasks based on the DNN solely rely on its
universal approximation property [27]. Having specified the network structure
(often referring to its width and depth) and tuned the model parameters, the DNN
turns out to be a deterministic function for representing the underlying regression
mechanism. In contrast, the GP model assumes the underlying regression
mechanism is a realization of a Gaussian stochastic process specified by the
selected kernel, for example, an SM kernel [23]. In other words, model uncertainty
has been considered prior to data collection. This has been demonstrated in the top
subfigure of Fig. 10.4.
• Prediction uncertainty. Since the DNN performs a deterministic mapping, its
prediction is a point estimate. In contrast, Bayesian learning based on the GP
model provides a posterior distribution of the desired prediction with a natural
uncertainty region, as shown in the bottom subfigure of Fig. 10.4. However, the
effectiveness of the uncertainty region depends on the kernel selection. When
more data points are collected, better understanding about this uncertainty region
can be built.
• Input uncertainty. In contrast to the DNN, GP models can naturally handle input
uncertainty. This is valuable to wireless applications as the model inputs are often
subject to environmental noise due to wireless propagation. Since the GP model is
a probabilistic model, the input uncertainty can be easily incorporated by assuming
the training input x to be a random variable with a known distribution p(x). In
[28], for instance, the mean function of GP with input uncertainty was obtained as

m̃(x) = m(x)p(x)dx, (10.28)

and the kernel function was obtained as

k̃(x,x  ) = k(x,x  )p(x)p(x  )dxdx  . (10.29)

The only difficulty lies in the evaluation of the two integrals. In general, they can
be approximated by the Monte-Carlo integration [22, 29]. The remaining steps
remain the same as the standard GP with clean input.
• Output Uncertainty. Due to the wireless propagation and imprecise measurement
devices, the observed wireless measurements are often subject to noise aggregated
from different sources. For example, as an important network performance
indicator, the received-signal-strength contains noise due to fast fading, slow
fading, non-line-of-sight bias, and measurement error. In general, such output
uncertainty is difficult to remove completely but can be alleviated by smoothing
the measurements either in time or in both time and space. Yet another method is
to improve the precision of the measurement device by upgrading its hardware. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 303

For instance, by using the massive multiple-in multiple-out (MIMO) and

millimeter wave (mmWave) devices in 5G and beyond, the received signal
strength is hoped to be more accurate than before in the 4G wireless system.

It is noteworthy that the first two uncertainties mentioned here belong to the class
of model uncertainty, which is also referred to as epistemic uncertainty, whereas the
last two uncertainties belong to the class of data uncertainty, which is also referred to
as aleatoric uncertainty. Together, they lead to the predictive uncertainty, namely, the
uncertainty level about our prediction [30].

Wireless Applications
Before leaving this section, we present some representative wireless applications that
are beneficial from the Bayesian nonparametric learning based on the GP model.

• First, it is particularly powerful for discovering complicated mechanisms,

including 5G and vehicle to everything (V2X) channel impulse responses,
multipath radio signal propagation, radio feature maps (such as the signal quality,
uplink/downlink traffic, and wireless resources demand/supply) over time and
space, indoor pedestrian motion, and so forth, in a more economical and cautious
manner than the state-of-the-art DNN.
• Second, it is more favorable to use in terms of system identification, control, and
integration. In particular, the GP algorithms can be combined with the traditional
state-space model to accurately represent and rebuild complicated trajectories
generated by human beings, autonomous vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs), and so on, and promising applications include super high-precision
probabilistic fingerprinting and indoor/outdoor navigation based on wireless
signals [31], among others.
• Third, it is also more natural to use for fusing multimodal data collected from
different sensors, including raw sensory data from smart phone motion sensors,
ultrasound data from UAV ultrasonic sensors, images and videos from surveillance
camera, and so on, in different formats and with varying data qualities.
Information dissemination and parameter inference can be carried out in a full
probabilistic manner, using, for instance, message passing designed for the
Bayesian network or Markov random field.

10.4.2 Reinforcement Learning

Models and Algorithms
In RL, actions are taken to maximize the cumulative reward in an unknown environ-
ment [32]. Different from supervised learning where the training data are
usually labelled, an RL agent needs to decide what to do solely based on the feedback
(i.e., the reward signal without a label) when interacting with the environment. This
interactive learning style endows RL with excellent adaptability to time-varying and
unknown wireless environments. Moreover, RL naturally incorporates farsighted Published online by Cambridge University Press

304 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

RL Agent



Figure 10.6 Typical workflow of reinforcement learning.

decision-making capabilities by maximizing the cumulative reward over a long time

horizon, which is desired by many data-driven wireless applications, such as path
planning and content caching.
The dynamics in RL is usually modelled as a Markov decision process (MDP),
which can be characterized by a state space S, an action space A, a reward function
r : S × A → R1 , and a stationary transition probability that satisfies the Markov
property p(s t+1 |s 1,a 1, . . . ,s t ,a t ) = p(s t+1 |s t ,a t ), where s ∈ S,a ∈ A, as shown in
Fig. 10.6. At each state s t ∈ S, the RL agent selects an action a t ∈ A by following
a policy π to interact with the environment and receives a reward r(s t ,a t ); then, state
st moves on to s t+1 to start the next round. The goal of RL is to obtain an optimal
policy thatmaximizes the cumulative   (discounted) rewards from the start state (i.e.,
 k−1 · r(s ,a ) π ), where γ ∈ [0,1] is the discount factor.
J (π) := E ∞ k=1 γ k k
Having introduced the model, we next move to the learning algorithms. Generally,
most recently successful deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms are developed
based on model-free RL algorithms, which estimate a value function or a policy func-
tion directly from experience (i.e., from the trial and error interactions with the envi-
ronment), as opposed to model-based RL algorithms, which directly estimate a model
of the environment and make decisions by planning. Model-free RL algorithms can be
classified into three categories: value-based algorithms, policy-based algorithms, and
hybrid actor-critic algorithms.
Value-based RL algorithms estimate the expected future reward by iteratively
updating a value function or a state-action-value function (also known as a
Q-function). In particular, the value function for a given policy π at state s is defined
to be the received long-term expected cumulative rewards starting at state s and
following policy π thereafter [32]:

V (s) := E π
γ r(s t ,a t )s t = s .
t=0 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 305

Similarly, the Q-function for a given policy π when choosing action a at state s is
defined as
Qπ (s,a) := Eπ γt r(s t ,a t )s t = s,a t = a . (10.31)

The Q-function can be updated via policy iterations based on the well-known Bellman
equation [32]:
Qπ (s t ,a t ) = Ert ,st+1 ∼E r(s t ,a t ) + γEat+1 ∼π Qπ (s t+1,a t+1 ) . (10.32)

For value-based algorithms, the optimal policy can be obtained by greedily selecting
the action with the highest Q-value at each step.
Meanwhile, policy-based RL algorithms directly learn a parameterized policy to
select optimal actions without consulting a value function. The policy function is
usually updated based on the well-known policy gradient theorem [32]:

∇θ J (π θ ) = Es∼ρ π ,a∼π θ ∇θ log π θ (a|s)Qπ (s,a) , (10.33)

where π θ is the parameterized policy and ρ π is the state distribution depending on the
policy. Note that the value function may still be needed to update the policy weights
in policy-based RL algorithms but not for action selection.
The hybrid actor-critic algorithm combines the characteristic of value-based
and policy-based algorithms. In particular, the critic maintains an estimate of the
Q-function, while the actor updates the weights of a parameterized policy based on
the estimated Q-function from the critic.
The popular DRL combines the deep learning technique and RL algorithms to
greatly improve the generalization capability when solving complex tasks with high-
dimensional state and action spaces. This revolution stems from the birth of deep
Q-learning [33], which approximates the Q-function in Q-learning with a deep neural
network (a.k.a., Q-network). The success of deep Q-learning depends on two innova-
tive training techniques: (a) training the Q-network by storing/sampling experiences
to/from a shuffled offline replay buffer to minimize the correlation among different
samples and (b) training the Q-network with a target Q-network, which offers a con-
sistent learning target. Many variants of deep Q-network (DQN) have been proposed
to improve the learning performance. For example, Hasselt et al. proposed Double-Q
networks to decouple the action selection from the value evaluation to alleviate the
overoptimistic value estimates [34]; Wang et al. proposed the duelling DQN, which
separately estimates the state-value function and state-dependent action advantage
function to improve the learning rate and robustness [35]; and Schaul et al. proposed
the prioritized experience replay, which samples the training batches according to the
magnitude of their temporal-difference error to improve the learning efficiency [36].
However, these deep Q-learning based methods can only handle discrete and low-
dimensional action spaces. Hence, another research line focuses on the combination
of deep learning and actor-critic algorithm to adapt DRL to the continuous action
domain. Most actor-critic based DRL algorithms approximate both value function and Published online by Cambridge University Press

306 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

policy function with deep neural networks but employ different strategies to improve
the learning efficiency. For example, the deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG)
algorithm [37] replaces the conventional stochastic policy gradient in actor-critic with
deterministic policy gradient to learn the policy weights more efficiently; the asyn-
chronous advantage actor-critic (A3C) algorithm [38] runs multiple actors in parallel
on multiple instances of the environment to decorrelate the learning sample, which
enables it to perform on-policy updates without using an off-line replay buffer; and
the proximal policy optimization (PPO) algorithm [39] clips the policy changes per
training step to improve the learning robustness.

Scalable DRL models for large-scale network management can be obtained in two
ways. The first way is to develop a large DRL model to directly manage the entire
network and accelerate the training process by performing parallel computing with
multiple local devices based on the aforementioned PSGD framework. For example,
the general reinforcement learning architecture named Gorila has been proposed to
train the DRL models on massive parallel processes [40]. Each process in Gorila
contains an actor that acts in its own copy of the environment, a replay memory to
store historical experiences, and a learner that samples data from the replay buffer
and computes gradients with respect to the model parameters. The local gradients are
uploaded to the parameter server to update a set of global parameters. The global
parameters are downloaded by each actor-learner at fixed intervals for consensus.
The second way is to partition a large-scale network into smaller pieces and handle
them with DRL algorithms in a self-organized manner. In this case, each controller
only needs to adapt its own DRL model to the local environment (i.e., a small portion
of the entire network) to largely reduce the computation and communication over-
head at each individual device, thereby increasing the system scalability. Our recent
work [6] presents an instance of training the DDPG model in parallel and solving
large-scale load balancing problems in a self-organized way. A general architecture is
shown in Fig. 10.7.
In addition, many existing works on multiagent RL studied the scalability of RL
algorithms under fully distributed settings [41–43]. Compared with the single-agent
RL, multiagent RL usually considers that the reward functions of the agents may differ
from each other and are private to each corresponding agent. This consideration makes
the problem more challenging since each agent interacts with not only the environment
but also the other agents. Related works on multiagent RL can be found in [44].

It is well known that RL can naturally address the system uncertainty since its learning
goal is to adapt to a complex unknown environment through agent-environment inter-
actions. Compared with the traditional deep learning, which has to split the uncertainty
measurement and uncertainty-aware decision making into two separate processes, RL
elegantly embeds uncertainty measurement by maximizing the cumulative long-term
returns and is able to simultaneously perform uncertainty-aware decision making in Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 307

Parameter Server

Actions Q value ...

Output Layer
Deep RL Agent III

Deep RL Agent II

Deep RL Agent I
Deep DPG Networks
Hidden Layer Guiding Q Guiding Mini-batch
Critic-net Transitions
Soft Update
Q function Experience
Guiding Action
Guiding Replay
Update Actor-net
Input Layer ... ...

Actions Generated
States States Actions Transitions
(CIO Value)
Actor-net Critic-net Control In-cluster
MLB Controller
Signal SBSs
UDN Environments

Figure 10.7 A general scalable DRL architecture for large-scale network management.

a complete control loop. Hence, RL is a suitable and decent machine learning tool to
solve control-related tasks in dynamic and uncertain environments.
The estimation of the expected rewards in RL can be considered a natural mea-
surement of uncertainty on the long-term performance of a policy in the unknown
environment. Similar to the discussion in Section 10.4.1, the uncertainty in RL can be
categorized into aleatoric uncertainty and epistemic uncertainty [45].

• Aleatoric uncertainty: This uncertainty stems from the inherent stochastic nature
of the environment. The estimation of aleatoric uncertainty can depict the true
nature of the system and thus provide valuable information for risk-averse policy
design [46, 47]. For example, many distributional RL algorithms were developed
with such purpose, aiming at learning the entire distribution of the rewards instead
of the expected distribution. The estimated reward density can assist in seeking
large wins on rare occasions or avoiding a small chance of suffering a large
loss [47].
• Epistemic uncertainty. This uncertainty arises from imperfect knowledge of the
environment, which may be decreased with more information. The estimation of
epistemic uncertainty can help improve the efficiency of exploring a new
environment, such as by guiding the exploration on poorly understood states and
actions [48, 49].

It is noteworthy that GP model and algorithm can be elegantly embedded into RL

to give an explicit uncertainty measurement of the system dynamics. The result can be
used to guide the policy learning process for performance enhancement. For example,
Rasmussen et al. proposed to take the uncertainties measured from GP models to avoid
slow policy evaluation iterations [50], and Saemundsson et al. proposed to use GP to
estimate the long-term state evolution in a model-based RL setting in order to transfer
knowledge from a set of training tasks to unseen but related tasks under the umbrella
of metalearning [51]. Published online by Cambridge University Press

308 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

Wireless Applications
DRL can be directly employed for intelligent system control since the interactive
learning process in RL forms a complete control loop. The representative applica-
tions include network operation/maintenance, resource management and security
enhancement. Note that the context of MDP (such as state, action, and reward)
should be properly specified in different applications. In particular, for network
operation/maintenance such as handover management and user localization, DRL
algorithms can be employed to decide the optimal actions of different opera-
tion/maintenance operations, such as handover and admission control [6, 52]. In
contrast to traditional paradigms, which are developed under prior assumptions on
the system (e.g., user mobility patterns and network topologies) the DRL does not
require any prior knowledge about the underlying environment, thereby having a
better capability to optimally configure the network under complex conditions. For
network resource management such as beamforming control, channel assignment, and
network caching, the RL actions can be specified as resource allocation operations,
increasing or decreasing the transmitting power, and the RL reward can be specified
according to the performance metrics or resource constraints, such as network
throughput, communication latency, and quality of service (QoS). For network
security enhancement, the DRL agent can be autonomously trained to recognize
and avoid the network attacking attempts. For example, in jamming attacks, the
attackers aim at sending jamming signals with high power to cause interference in the
receivers. In this case, DRL can be employed to estimate the attacker’s jamming policy
and respond adaptively [53]. An extensive review of the DRL-relevant applications in
wireless communications can be found in [54, 55].

10.5 Practical Use Cases

In this section, we provide a quantitative demonstration of how to take advantage of the

presented scalable learning techniques for data-driven wireless networks. Specifically,
we provide three case studies: (a) scalable GP-based wireless traffic prediction for
base station (BS) on/off control, (b) scalable GP-based indoor motion modelling for
data-driven target tracking, and (c) scalable RL-based load balancing for handover

10.5.1 Case I: Scalable GP-based Wireless Traffic Prediction

In the first use case, we show how to use the scalable GP model to predict traffic vari-
ations. Wireless traffic prediction can help evaluate the forthcoming network demand
and supply, which is a key enabler for smart management in data-driven wireless
networks, such as traffic-aware BS on/off control [5]. This is extremely valuable
to 5G networks, in which the new-fashioned BSs are consuming a lot more energy
than before. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 309

In our early work [56], we first used the standard (centralized) GP-based Bayesian
nonparametric learning, which achieved a prediction error as low as 3 percent in terms
of the root-mean-squared-error (RMSE) computed with a real-world wireless traffic
dataset. Therein, we compared four energy-saving schemes: (a) BS switch on/off
based on the prophetic real traffic, which served as the performance lower bound;
(b) BS switch on/off based on the predicted traffic; (c) BS switch on/off based on the
current traffic; and (d) BSs that are always on. The energy saving utility ratio is defined
as the ratio between the actual utility versus the utility in full service. It is shown that
our traffic prediction helps improve the energy saving from 14.7 percent (for one-hour
ahead prediction) to 24 percent (for eight-hour ahead prediction), and the outcomes
almost reach the lower bound set by the ideal scheme.
Unfortunately, the computational complexity of the standard GP scales as O(n3 ),
where n is the number of training samples, which makes it impractical for agile large-
scale network managements. For example, predicting the next-hour traffic volume of
one BS using 700 hourly recorded training samples takes approximately 16.8 seconds
by the standard GP model.
To alleviate such constraint, in our recent work [5], we proposed a scalable GP
model training algorithm based on the cADMM scheme to reduce the original compu-
tational complexity to O( Kn 3 ) with acceptable performance loss. Recall that K is the
number of parallel computing units. For our GP model, we add up two periodic kernels
with an SE kernel to represent the weekly periodic pattern, daily periodic pattern, and
dynamic deviations observed from a set of real 4G traffic data, respectively.
Like before, we use 700 hourly recorded traffic samples (spanning approximately
four weeks) to train the model and predict the next-hour traffic volume. As the results
show in Table 10.1, the standard GP model requires approximately 16.8 seconds
to complete the training (using one computing unit), while the scalable GP model
requires as low as 0.1 seconds (using 16 computing units in parallel). In the online
phase, we fuse the local predictions according to Eq. (10.22) with the weights β i ,
i = 1,2, . . . ,K, optimized using the cross-validation criterion introduced in Section
10.4. From Table 10.1, we also observed that the computational time required to fuse
K = 16 local predictions is only 0.37 seconds.
Despite the scalable setup, the prediction performance of our proposed scalable GP
model is fairly close to that of the standard (centralized) one and outperforms sev-
eral state-of-the-art low-complexity competitors, including the robust Bayesian com-
mittee machine (rBCM) and subset-of-data (SOD) model, as shown in Fig. 10.8(a).

Table 10.1. Time consumption to train the scalable GP model and fuse the local predictions.

Learning Phase 1 Unit 2 Units 4 Units 8 Units 16 Units

Training 16.8 s 3.5 s 1.1 s 0.4 s 0.1 s

Prediction 0.04 s 0.07 s 0.13 s 0.21 s 0.37 s
Total 16.84 s 3.57 s 1.23 s 0.61 s 0.47 s Published online by Cambridge University Press

310 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

0.40 40
Centralized GP With Real Future Traffic
Scalable GP With Previous Traffic
35 With Traffic Predicted by Standard GP
SoD With Traffic Predicted by Scalable GP

Utility Ratio (%)

0.35 30


0.30 20


0.25 10
2 3 4 8 16 1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0
Number of Local Machines BS On/Off Interval (Hour)

(a) Scalability (b) Energy Saving

Figure 10.8 Learning results of the scalable GP-based wireless traffic prediction for active BS
on/off control in Case I.

Meanwhile, the energy saving utility ratio only degrades by approximately 2 percent
for one-hour ahead prediction and 7 percent for eight-hour ahead prediction, as shown
in Fig. 10.8(b).

10.5.2 Case II: Scalable GP-based Motion Modelling

In the second use case, we showcase the scalable GP-based indoor pedestrian motion
modelling. Different from the first use case, the scalability is achieved through the
cooperation of a batch of mobile users with on-device intelligence. This work can be
considered a collaborative, data-driven model for trajectory learning, which is valuable
for us to understand the behavior of pedestrians and predict their next movement.
The motion model can be written as x t+1 = f (x t )+et , where vector x t = [xt ,yt ]T
contains the 2D position of a pedestrian at time instance t. For simplicity, we apply an
individual GP for each dimension. Using the x-dimension as an example, we let

xt+1 = fx (x t ) + et , (10.34)

where fx (x t ) is modelled by a GP, whose kernel function kx (x t ,x t  ) is selected to

be the ARD kernel with the kernel parameters, σs,x 2 ,l ,l . Here, we note that the
xx xy
ARD kernel may not be the optimal kernel. For optimality, the readers may refer to
the SM kernel introduced in Section 10.4. This GP-based motion model constitutes an
important component of the state space model for target tracking [57, 58].
To evaluate the performance, we collected a dataset in a real indoor office envi-
ronment. This dataset contains more than 50 trajectories with approximately 25,000
samples. In the training phase, each of the three mobile users collected 15 trajectories.
Similar to the first use case, the GP model is trained either using the cADMM or
pxADMM introduced in Section 10.4 to approximate the standard (centralized) GP
learning performance, and the computational complexity can be reduced to O(n3 /K 3 ),
where K is the number of collaborating mobile users. The configurations of the model Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 311

Table 10.2. Comparisons of two distributed ADMM schemes

to tune the scalable GP model parameters.


RMSE 0.1368 meter 0.1353 meter

CT 714 seconds 10838 seconds

´ 10 3
Neg-log marginal likelihood

centralized-GP 6 centralized-GP

Signal standard deviation

–4 5 pxADMM-GP

–5 4

–6 3

0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
(a) Iterations (b) Iterations

6 centralized-GP 6 centralized-GP

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
(c) Iterations (d) Iterations

Figure 10.9 For GP modelling along the x-dimension, we show the negative log-marginal
likelihood functions (centralized formulation refers to Eq. (10.18), and distributed formulation
refers to Eq. (10.21)) in (a); the ARD kernel parameters are estimated as a function of training
iterations for the three input variables using pxADMM-GP and cADMM-GP in (b–d) for the
signal variance σs2 , length-scale in x, and length-scale in y.

training algorithms are as follows: (a) pxADMM adopts regularization parameters

ρi = 500 and Li = 5,000, ∀i; and (b) cADMM adopts ρi = 500, for i = 1,2,3. We
consider convergence when the difference in all optimization variables between two
consequent iterations is within 10−3 .
Due to space limitations, we only show the model training results for the
x-dimension in Fig. 10.9. The two distributed ADMM schemes converge to different
model parameter estimates compared with the global one. One reason is that the
distributed schemes use different cost functions. Despite the difference in the param-
eter estimates, the corresponding negative log-marginal likelihood and the overall
prediction RMSE results are fairly close, as shown in Table 10.2. We observed
that the pxADMM scheme consumed the least computation time (CT) because the Published online by Cambridge University Press

312 Feng Yin, Yue Xu, and Shuguang Cui

proximal step of the pxADMM is computationally less expensive than that of the
exact optimization in the cADMM, although the latter often consumes fewer iterations
toward a stationary point.

10.5.3 Case III: Scalable RL-based Load Balancing

In the third use case, we demonstrate a scalable RL-based load-balancing approach.
Load balancing aims to automatically resolve the mismatch between network resource
distribution and network traffic demand and is becoming increasingly important in
data-driven wireless networks. Our recent work [6] presents a scalable DRL-based
load-balancing framework based on the aforementioned MCC architecture and PSGD
framework to handle the large-scale load-balancing problem in a scalable manner. The
proposed framework dynamically groups the underlying cells into different clusters
and perform in-cluster load-balancing with asynchronous parallel DRL. Each learning
agent can autonomously accommodate its load-balancing policy to irregular network
topologies and diversified user mobility patterns. The MDP of the DRL-based load-
balancing model is defined as follows. The state includes the information of cell load
distribution and user distribution. The action is the value of a handover parameter,
which controls the user handover among adjacent cells. The reward signal is the
inverse of the maximum load of all the cells, balancing the load distribution by allevi-
ating the worst case.
The simulated scenario consists of multiple small base stations (SBSs) randomly
distributed in a 300 m × 300 m area with 200 users randomly walking at the speed
of 1 m/s to 10 m/s, each of which incurs a constant bit rate traffic demand. We
compare the performance of (a) the centralized DRL model trained with a single
device; (b) the scalable DRL model trained with three parallel devices; (c) the rule-
based controller, which balances the load by executing predefined rules; (d) the
Q-learning based controller, which does not employ DNNs for generalization; and
(e) a plain baseline without performing any load-balancing operations. In particular,
the scalable DRL is trained under the aforementioned PSGD framework, where
multiple RL agents share the gradients for joint learning. We also use traditional

200% 170%
Q-learning 160%
Load Balancing Gain

Single DRL
Load Balancing Gain

Scalable DRL 150%


DRL With One Machine
110% DRL With Four Machines
DRL With Eight Machines
50% 100%
3 SBSs 9 SBSs 15 SBSs 21 SBSs 0 4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000 20,000
Number of SBSs Time Steps (s)

(a) Scalability (b) Load-Balancing Rewards

Figure 10.10 Learning results of the scalable RL-based load balancing for handover
management considered in Case III. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Data-Driven Wireless Networks 313

load balancing algorithms to generate high-quality training samples to guide the

learning of our scalable DRL at the early stage. Figure 10.10(a) shows the load
balancing performance for different numbers of SBSs, where the error bar reports one
standard deviation as the uncertainty region to reflect the variance of the performance.
Figure 10.10(b) reports the learning performance under 12 SBSs when using different
numbers of local devices for parallel computing. The results show that the proposed
scalable DRL-based method substantially outperforms all other methods in terms of
load balancing.

10.6 Challenges and Future Directions

Despite the apparent opportunities, there are also challenges to apply scalable learning
techniques to data-driven wireless networks. We summarize here a few promising yet
challenging research directions.
First, it is well acknowledged that data collection is an indispensable step for data-
driven management. However, the storage and transmission of wireless data requires
a significant amount of storage and computational resources. This may put a huge
burden on network entities and front-haul/back-haul links. Therefore, it is necessary to
investigate data compression and recovery techniques in order to collect and transmit
wireless data in a smart and efficient manner. Meanwhile, data collection also gives
rise to the security and privacy concerns, which calls for the development of effective
data encryption/decryption techniques.
Second, we believe that in the future, heavy computations will be distributed to
edge devices and mobile devices to reduce the load of the central device as well as
the latency. However, training an oversized model on such local devices with limited
computation power is still impractical. Therefore, the development low-complexity or
compact learning models under on-device constraints is in high demand.
Lastly, but most importantly, opening the black box of data-driven models to
improve their interpretability is surely a major topic for future investigation. Such
interpretability can help researchers understand how data-driven models work in order
to design better scalable learning models and convince the customers. For example,
the recently proposed GNN-based DRL [59] enables a mechanism for relational
reasoning over structured representations. The learned internal representations can
generalize to solve problems with more complex solutions than it had been trained
within this task. Interpretability was also introduced in optimal deep kernel design for
GP regression in [60].

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11 Capacity Estimation Using
Machine Learning
Ziv Aharoni, Dor Tsur, Ziv Goldfeld, and Haim H. Permuter

11.1 Introduction

The capacity of a communication channel is the highest rate in which the transmit-
ter can convey a message to a receiver with an arbitrary small probability of error.
Characterizing the channel capacity is valuable for various reasons, from understand-
ing the features of the considered communication channel or as a reference quantity
for the design of codes.
Channel capacity is formulated as an optimization of a multiletter expression [1],
or an optimization with respect to (w.r.t.) infinitely many variables. This poses a major
practical difficulty since most optimization algorithms can only handle a finite number
of variables. In some cases the multiletter expression can be reduced into a single-letter
expression, or an optimization w.r.t. a finite number of variables. A canonical example
where this happens is the discrete memoryless channel (DMC) whose capacity is
expressed as the maximum of the single-letter input-output mutual information (MI)
[2]. As such, the DMC capacity can be computed using convex optimization tools.
Another case where the general capacity formula simplifies is the parallel additive
white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel subject to a common input average power
constraint. For AWGN channels, capacity can be computed (and is achieved) by the
water-filling algorithm [2].
For channels with memory, when the output depends on all previous inputs and
outputs (rather than just the current input), solutions are available for some channels
with discrete alphabet and for additive Gaussian noise (AGN) channels. For channels
with discrete alphabets, the feedback capacity of finite state channels (FSCs) is be
formulated as the optimal average reward of an infinite horizon Markov decision pro-
cess (MDP). The average reward is then computed using dynamic programming (DP)
algorithms; however, as the underlying MDP of channel capacity has continuous state
and action spaces, DP algorithms are applied on a quantized representation of these
spaces. This quantization causes the computational complexity to grow exponentially
with the channel alphabet size. This makes DP effective only in the binary alphabet
case. Evidently, this method was used to obtain various results on channels with binary
alphabets [3–6]. As mentioned earlier, computable solutions are also available in the
Gaussian case [2, 7–10], but these do not extent to other channel models. Therefore,
the goal of this chapter is to provide an estimation algorithm of channel capacity that Published online by Cambridge University Press

318 Ziv Aharoni et al.

will perform well on discrete channels with nonbinary alphabet as well as for channels
with continuous alphabets.
Our methods rely on representing channel capacity as an optimization of the
directed information (DI) (between the channel input and output sequences) over
the space input distributions. We focus on this representation since it unifies the
capacity formulas for point-to-point channels with and without memory and with
or without feedback (see Section 11.2.4). Since the DI formulation is a multiletter
expression, we employ modern machine learning (ML) techniques to alleviate the
practical difficulty of optimizing w.r.t. infinitely many variables. We distinguish
between the cases of whether the channel transition kernel is known or not.1 When
it is known, the feedback capacity of FSCs is formulated as the average reward of
an infinite horizon MDP. Hence the information rate of a fixed input distribution
can be estimated (empirically) by averaging the rewards of the corresponding MDP.
For Finding the capacity achieving input distribution, reinforcement learning (RL)
algorithms2 are used, in which NNs are use to approximate the value function and
the policy of the underlying MDP. When the channel model is absent, we use NNs
to directly approximate both the input distribution and the DI using only samples
from the channel input and output. These approaches result in capacity estimation
algorithms that are applicable for channels with memory. We describe the main ideas
behind each method here, while deferring technical details to the respective sections.
Starting from the case of a known channel model, we present a method for esti-
mating the feedback capacity of a FSC with memory using RL. In RL, one seeks to
maximize cumulative rewards collected in a sequential decision-making environment.
The computational efficiency of RL enables handling even MDPs with large state
and action spaces. Leveraging this, RL is used to estimate the feedback capacity
of FSCs with large alphabet size. The output of the RL algorithm sheds light on
the properties of the optimal decision rule, which in our case, is the optimal input
distribution of the channel. These insights can be converted into analytic, single-letter
capacity expressions by solving corresponding lower and upper bounds. The efficiency
of this method is demonstrated by analytically solving the feedback capacity of the
well-known Ising channel for alphabet smaller and equal to eight. We also present a
simple capacity-achieving coding scheme.
We then move to channels where the transition kernel is unknown. In this case,
it is impossible to apply RL techniques as before due to the lack of a probabilistic
model of the channel. Therefore, we leverage recent advance in ML to design a neural
estimator of the DI from a finite sample of the input and output sequences of the
channel (rather than rely on the MDP formulation to estimate the information rate

1 The channel transition kernel, which we synonymize with channel model or just channel, refers to the
conditional distribution of the current output given the current input as well as all past inputs and
outputs, namely PY |Y i−1,Xi .
2 The reader might consider approximate dynamic programming (ADP) algorithms as an alternative
approach. That is since that Q-learning algorithms in RL are closely related to ADP. Nevertheless,
policy optimization algorithms in RL were empirically more effective for channels with large alphabets
and therefore RL is considered. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 319

of a fixed input distribution). The DI neural estimator (DINE) uses the Donsker-
Varadhan variation form for KL divergences. DI is estimated by parametrizing the
DV function class by recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and approximating expected
values with sample means. Maximizing over the RNN parameters produces a prov-
ably consistent estimator of DI. With DINE at hand, the channel input distribution is
modeled by a generative RNN called the neural distribution transformer (NDT). The
NDT shapes a noise variable into samples drawn from the channel input distribution.
Passing these samples through the channel produces the input-output dataset needed
for DI estimation. We then run an optimization procedure that alternates between
estimating DI from the sample and maximizing the obtained value over the NDT
parameters (which is then sampled again, etc.). This method treats the channel as
a black box (solely to generate samples) and is applicable both when a feedback
link from the receiver to the transmitter is or is not present. Notably, the method
results not only in an estimate of the channel capacity, but also a generative model for
the input distribution that achieves this estimate. The capacity estimation algorithm
is demonstrated for scenarios with and without feedback by examining AGNs with
independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) noise as well as for correlated noise.

11.2 Channel Capacity

The capacity of a point-to-point communication channel is given by input-output

mutual information (MI) maximized over all possible input distributions. In this sec-
tion, an equivalent formulation of the capacity via DI is presented. As background
for subsequent sections, we first survey relations between MI and DI, while covering
basic properties of the latter.

11.2.1 Capacity of Discrete Memoryless Channel

A channel is discrete if the input alphabet X and output alphabet Y are finite. It is
said to be memoryless if the probability of the ith output symbol Yi given the ith input
symbol Xi is conditionally independent of past inputs and outputs {(Xj ,Yj )}j ≤i . As
established by Shannon in his landmark 1948 paper [11], the capacity omit of a DMC
is given by the following MI optimization objective

C := sup I (X;Y ), (11.1)


where MI is defined by means of the KL divergence as

I (X;Y ) := DKL PX,Y PX ⊗ PY , (11.2)

with P X ⊗ PY as the product of the marginal distributions, and DKL (P Q) =

P (x)
log Q(x) dP (x). This single-letter characterization is a convex optimization problem
w.r.t. the input distribution PX [2]. Published online by Cambridge University Press

320 Ziv Aharoni et al.

11.2.2 Directed Information and Causal Conditioning

Originally proposed by Massey [12], DI quantifies the amount of information one
stochastic process causally conveys about another. For two correlated processes X :=
{Xi }∞ ∞
i=1 and Y := {Yi }i=1 , the DI from X := (X1, . . . ,Xn ) to Y := (Y1, . . . ,Yn ) is
n n

I Xn → Y n := I Xi ;Yi |Y i−1 , (11.3)

where I (A;B|C) := I (A;B|C = c) dPC (c) is the conditional mutual information
between A and B given C. A key property of DI is that it satisfies the law of informa-
tion conservation [13]:
I Xn → Y n + I (0,Y n−1 ) → Xn = I Xn ;Y n , (11.4)
where (0,Y n−1 ) is the concatenation of a null value (e.g., the constant 0) with the
n − 1 first variables from Y. Extending DI from finite-length sequences to the entire
processes X and Y, one obtains the DI rate
I(X → Y) := lim I (Xn → Y n ), (11.5)
n n→∞

that is, the asymptotic per-letter DI. The DI rate exists whenever X and Y are jointly
Let (Xn,Y n ) be a pair of continuous-valued, correlated random vectors jointly
distributed according to PXn,Y n , with probability density function (PDF) pXn,Y n ; we
assume all marginal and conditional PDFs of pXn,Y n exist. Starting from the right-
hand side (RHS) of Eq. (11.3), the DI from X n to Y n is given by
I (Xn → Y n ) = h(Y n ) − h(Y n Xn ), (11.6)

where h(Y n Xn ) := ni=1 h(Y i |Xi ,Y i−1 ) is the differential entropy of Y n causally
conditioned (CC) on Xn [14]. Here h(A|B) is the conditional differential entropy of
 B, namely, for continuous variables (A,B) ∼ PA,B , we have h(A|B) :=
A given
EPA,B − log pA|B (A|B) , where pA|B is the conditional PDF. The term CC entropy
reflects the conditioning on past and present values of the sequences only. DI can thus
be interpreted as the reduction in uncertainty about Y n as a result of causally observing
the elements of Xn .
CC entropy can be expressed similarly to (regular) conditional entropy as an
expectation of a certain negative logarithm. To do so, we define the CC PDF of Y n
given Xn as

pY n Xn y n x n := pYi |Y i−1,Xi yi |y i−1,x i , (11.7)

where (x n,y n ) ∈ X n ×Y n , which again eliminates conditioning on future values.3 It is

straightforward to verify that pY n Xn (·|x n ) is a valid PDF on Y n , for any x n ∈ X n . The

3 Compare p n n to the conditional PDF p n n , which factors as p n n = n p

Y X X |Y Y |X i=1 Yi |Y i−1,X n . Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 321

induced CC probability distribution is denoted

 by PY n Xn . CC can thus be interpreted
as imposing the Markov relation Yi ↔ Y i−1,Xi ↔ Xi+1 n on the original (Xn,Y n )
pair. By definition of the CC PDF pY n Xn , we obtain

h Y Xn n
:= h Yi |Y i−1,Xi = EPXn,Y n − log pY n Xn Y n Xn . (11.8)

11.2.3 Directed Information versus Mutual Information

Although intimately related, DI and MI differ in several key ways. While MI is sym-
metric, DI is generally not. Indeed, the MI I (Xn ;Y n ) is a measure of dependence
between Xn and Y n , which is inherently a bidirectional relation. DI, on the other hand,
disentangles the dependence between Xn and Y n into, loosely speaking, directional
information flows, as captured by the law of information conservation in Eq. (11.4).
Consequently, while MI can be recovered from DI, the opposite is generally impos-
sible. This implies that DI captures a finer granularity of dependence between the
considered random sequences. The relation from Eq. (11.4) also implies the MI upper
bounds DI, which is natural in light of the disentanglement of directional information

Example 11.1 We illustrate the relation and difference between MI and DI through
the following binary example. Let Xn be i.i.d. according to Ber(0.5) (Bernoulli
Random Variable (RV) with p = 0.5) and define Yi = Xi+1 , for all i = 1, . . . ,n.
Since the current Yi reveals information about future Xj ’s (the opposite is not true),
the causal information flow in this example is unidirectional
 from Y n to Xn . This is
captured by DI since I (Xn → Y n ) = 0 while I (0,Y n−1 ) → Xn = n − 1. MI, on
the other hand, in ignorant to directionality and we have I (Xn ;Y n ) = n − 1.

11.2.4 Capacity Characterization by the Directed Information

Similar to the capacity of a DMC, the capacity of channels with memory is also
characterized by an optimization objective of an information measure. Specifically,
the feedforward capacity (i.e., in the absence of feedback) is given in terms of the
optimized average MI [1]
CFF = lim sup I (Xn ;Y n ), (11.9)
n→∞ P n n

where Xn,Y n are the channel input and output sequences of length n, respectively.
When feedback from the receiver to the transmitter is present, the capacity is given
by [12]
CFB = lim sup I (Xn → Y n ), (11.10)
n→∞ P
Xn Y n−1
n Published online by Cambridge University Press

322 Ziv Aharoni et al.

where PXn Y n−1 is the distribution of Xn CC on Y n−1 (see [14], [15] for further
details). As shown by Massey [12], if one chooses to ignore the available feedback
link (i.e., optimize over PXn rather than PXn Y n−1 ), then Eqs. (11.9) and (11.10)
coincide. Further restricting optimization to memoryless (product) input distributions,
PXn = PX⊗n , then Eq. (11.10) recovers Eq. (11.1). Thus, DI provides a unified
framework for representing both feedforward and feedback capacity, whether the
channel has memory or not.

11.2.5 Capacity Evaluation: Challenges and Overview of Proposed Techniques

Tools from convex optimization [2] and dynamic programming [4–6, 16, 17] are often
used to solve the optimization problems defining CFF and CFB . However, these tools
are limited to single-letter capacity expressions [2], or for restricted scenarios (such
as a binary channel with feedback) [4–6, 16, 17]. For the case where the channel has
a continuous alphabet, solutions of the capacity are scarce and largely limited to the
Gaussian case [2, 10]. In light of this, our goal is to develop a generic technique for
(approximately) evaluating capacity under only minimal assumptions on the consid-
ered communication channel.
The capacity computation problem can by divided into two complementary tasks:
evaluating the DI between two stochastic processes and optimizing it over the input
processes distribution. In the following sections, we handle these tasks using ML
techniques. We start from the DI optimization aspect and develop an algorithm based
on RL. The algorithm requires knowledge of the channel model and availability of a
feedback link. Having that, we consider the case where no channel model is available
(and hence the aforementioned RL algorithm is no longer feasible). We develop an
estimator of the DI rate between two stochastic processes, which enables evaluating
the transmission rate for a given input distribution. The estimator is coupled with a
generative modeling algorithm that enables optimizing over input distributions. This
method only uses samples from the channel input and output processes and works
whenever they are ergodic and stationary.

11.3 Capacity Estimation using Reinforcement Learning

Consider a communication channel with a known transition kernel. Under certain

assumptions on the channel and the communication scenario, the capacity can be
formulated as the average reward of an infinite-horizon MDP. This formulation has
been used before for channels with a binary alphabet using DP algorithms. However,
the size of the (quantized) state and action spaces of the underlying MDP grows
exponentially with the channel alphabet size, which turns this method to be intractable
for alphabets strictly larger than two. Leveraging the computational efficiency of RL
for MDPs with large state and action spaces, we circumvent the limitations of DP and
are able to compute the capacity of channels with large alphabets. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 323

11.3.1 Feedback Capacity of Unifilar Finite-State Channels

A FSC is defined by the triplet (X ×S,PY,S
|X,S ,Y ×S), where X is the channel input,
Y is the channel output, S is the channel state at the beginning of the transmission,
and S
is the channel state at the end of the transmission. Throughout this section it
is assumed that the cardinalities X , Y, and S are finite. Furthermore, the channel is
assumed to be a FSC; that is, for each time t, we have
PYt ,St |Xt ,S t−1,Y t−1 = PYt |Xt ,St−1 PSt |Xt ,St−1,Yt . (11.11)
The transition probabilities are specified by the conditional probability mass func-
tion (PMF) pYt ,St |Xt ,St−1 (yt ,st |xt ,st−1 ); when the subscripts of a PMF are uppercase
version of the arguments, we omit them and write p(yt ,st |xt ,st−1 ). A FSC is called
unifilar if the new channel state, st , is a time-invariant function st = fs (xt ,st−1,yt ).
The feedback capacity of a strongly connected4 unifilar FSC is stated next.
theorem 11.1 [3, Thm 1] The feedback capacity of a strongly connected unifilar
finite state channel, where the initial state s0 is available for both encoder and decoder,
is given by

CFB = lim sup I (Xi ,Si−1 ;Yi |Y i−1 ). (11.12)
{pX }N N
t |St−1 ,Y t−1 t=1 i=1

This optimization objective is a multiletter expression. Following [3], we formulate

it as a MDP. Specifically, the feedback capacity can be viewed as the solution
to an infinite horizon average reward MDP. The state is the probability vector
zt := pSt |Y t (·|y t ), the action is the transition matrix ut := pXt |St−1,Y t−1 (·| · ,y t−1 ),
the instantaneous reward is rt := I (Xt ,St−1 ;Yt |Y t−1 = y t−1 ), and the next state is
given by

zt (z) ∝ zt−1 (st−1 ) ut (xt ,st−1 ) p(yt |xt ,st−1 )1[z = fs (xt ,st−1,yt )], (11.13)
xt ,st−1

where 1[A] denotes the indicator of an event A, and z ∈ {0, . . . ,|X | − 1}. The MDP
formulation is summarized in Table 11.1.

Table 11.1. MDP formulation of the feedback capacity

state pSt |Y t (·|y t )

action pXt |St−1,Y t−1 (·| · ,y t−1 )
reward I (Xt ,St−1 ;Yt |Y t−1 = y t−1 )
disturbance yt

4 Strongly connected, as defined in [3, Def. 2], means that for any s ∈ S, there exists an input distribution
such that s is reachable from any other state s
∈ S with a finite amount of steps. Published online by Cambridge University Press

324 Ziv Aharoni et al.

zt−1 ut
agent p(st−1 |y t−1 ) p(xt |st−1 ,y t−1 )

Δ rt Δ I(Xt ,St−1 ;Yt |y t−1 )

environment channel
zt p(st |y t )

(a) General RL setting (b) Feedback capacity in the RL setting

Figure 11.1 A description of (a) the general RL setting and (b) the feedback capacity
formulated in the RL setting.

11.3.2 The Reinforcement Learning Setting

The RL setting comprises an agent that interacts with a state-dependent environment
whose input is an action, and the output is a state and a reward. Formally, at time t,
the environment state is zt−1 , and an action ut ∈ U is chosen by the agent. Then, a
reward rt ∈ R and a new state zt ∈ Z are generated by the environment and are made
available to the agent (Fig. 11.1). Denoting the corresponding RVs by uppercase letters
with the appropriate subscripts, the environment is assumed to satisfy the Markov

PRt ,Zt |Z t−1,U t ,R t−1 = PRt ,Zt |Zt−1,Ut . (11.14)

The RHS is further assumed to be governed by a time-invariant distribution P (rt ,zt |zt−1,ut ).
The agent’s policy is a sequence of actions π := {u1,u2, . . . }.
The objective of the agent is to choose a policy that yields maximal accumulated
rewards across a predetermined horizon h ∈ N. Here, we consider the infinite-horizon
average-reward setting, where the agent-environment interaction lasts forever, and the
goal of the agent is to maximize the average reward gained during the interaction. The
average reward of the agent is thus given by

ρ(π) := lim Eπ [Rt |Z0 ], (11.15)
h→∞ h

which depends on the initial state Z0 and on the policy π.

The differential return of the agent is defined by

Gt := Rt − ρ(π) + Rt+1 − ρ(π) + Rt+1 − ρ(π) + · · · . (11.16)

Accordingly, the state-action value function Qπ (z,u) is defined as

Qπ (z,u) = Eπ Gt |Zt−1 = z,Ut = u . (11.17) Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 325

Aμ (z) critic
Qω (z; Aμ (z))

Figure 11.2 Actor and critic networks. The actor network comprises a NN that maps the state z
to an action Aμ (z). The critic NN maps the tuple (z,u) to an estimate of expected future
cumulative rewards.

In words, Qπ (z,u) is the expected rewards as a result of taking the action u at state z
and thereafter following policy π. Using Eq. (11.14), one can write Eq. (11.17) as the
sum of the immediate and future rewards:
Qπ (z,u) = E Rt |Zt−1 = z,Ut = u − ρ(π) + Eπ Qπ (Zt ,Ut+1 )|Zt−1 = z,Ut = u .
This is the well-known Bellman equation [18], which is essential for estimating the
function Qπ .
Given an estimate of the state-action value, the Bellman equation can be used to
improve a given policy. Specifically, for each state z ∈ Z, the current action π(z) can
be improved to the action π
(z) by choosing

(z) = arg max Qπ (z,u). (11.19)

The RL approach parametrizes the functions Qπ (z,u) and π(z) performs optimiza-
tion over parameter space. The actor is defined by Aμ (z), a parametric model of π(z),
whose parameters are μ. The critic is defined by Qω (z,u), a parametric model with
parameters ω of the state-action value function that corresponds to the policy Aμ (z).
In deep RL, the actor and critic are modeled by NNs, as shown in Fig. 11.2.

11.3.3 Formulating the Feedback Capacity as Reinforcement Learning

The main goal of this section is to relate the feedback capacity of unifilar FSC to
the corresponding RL problem. Unlike the general RL setup, the obtained formulation
has a fully known environment (which is a consequence of the known channel model).
This enables us to employ two RL algorithms to compute the feedback capacity. The
first is the deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) [19] algorithm with improve-
ments based on the environment knowledge. The second algorithm is policy optimiza-
tion through unfolding (POU) that exploits environment knowledge to optimize the
The MDP formulation of the feedback capacity is used to convert the multi-letter
expression from Theorem 11.1 into a RL problem (see Fig. 11.1). Recall that under Published online by Cambridge University Press

326 Ziv Aharoni et al.

this formulation the state, action, and reward are given by zt−1 = pSt−1 |Y t−1 (·|y t−1 ),
ut = pXt |St−1,Zt−1 (·| · ,zt−1 ), and rt = I (Xt ,St−1 ;Yt |zt−1,ut ), respectively. The next
state is given in Eq. (11.13). We introduce the shorthands
rt := g(zt−1,ut )
zt := f (zt−1,ut ,wt ), (11.20)
where g,f are the reward and next state function, respectively. Here, wt denotes the
disturbance, which in our case is the channel output yt .

11.3.4 Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm

The DDPG algorithm [19] is a deep RL algorithm for deterministic policies and
continuous state and action spaces. This corresponds to the MDP formulation of the
feedback capacity. The training procedure comprises M episodes, each containing T
sequential steps. A single step of the algorithm comprises two parallel operations:
(a) collecting experience from the environment and (b) improving the actor and critic
networks by training them over the accumulated data. We elaborate on these opera-
tions below.
Operation 1: Collecting experience. Given the current state zt−1 , the agent
chooses an action ut according to an exploration policy. Here, the action is a
probability distribution, and therefore exploration is performed by adding noise
to the last hidden layer of the actor’s network (as opposed to adding noise to the
network output as done in [19]). This variation is introduced to account for the
normalization constraint of the input distribution. We denote a noisy action at state
zt−1 by Aμ (zt−1 ;Nt ), where {Nt } is an i.i.d. Gaussian process with Nt ∼ N (0,σ2 ).
After taking the action Aμ (zt−1 ;Nt ), the agent observes the incurred reward rt and
the next state zt . Subsequently, the transition tuple
τ = (zt−1,ut ,rt ,zt )
is stored in a replay buffer (a bank of experience) that is used to improve the actor and
critic networks in the second operation.
Operation 2: Improving actor and critic networks. We start by drawing uni-
formly at random N transitions {τi }N i=1 from the replay buffer. Then, for each transi-
tion, the target bi is computed based on the RHS of Eq. (11.18) as
bi = ri − ρMC + Q
ω zi ,A
μ (zi ) , i = 1, . . . ,N. (11.21)
The target is the sampled estimate of future rewards; from numerical considerations
it is computed using a moving average of Qω,Aμ , which are the target networks,5
μ . The term ρMC is the estimate of the average reward, which is updated
at the beginning of every episode by a Monte Carlo evaluation of TMC steps by
1 TMC −1
TMC t=0 rt+1 . Then, we minimize, over the parameters of the critic network ω,
the following objective:
5 Target networks are used to make the algorithm numerically stable. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 327

L (ω) = Qω zi−1,Aμ (zi−1 ) − bi . (11.22)

This update rule trains the critic to comply with the Bellman equation Eq. (11.18).
Afterwards, we train the actor to maximize the critic’s estimate of future cumulative
rewards. Accordingly, actor’s parameters are updated as

μ := μ + η ∇a Qω (zi−1,a) |a=Aμ (zi−1 ) ∇μ Aμ (zi−1 ) , (11.23)

where η is a learning rate and the symbol := denotes the assignment operator. Finally,
the agent updates its current state to be zt and moves to the next time step.
To conclude, the algorithm alternates between improving the critic’s estimation
of future cumulative rewards and training the actor to choose actions that maximize
the critic’s estimation. The algorithm is given in Algorithm 11.1 and its workflow is
depicted in Fig. 11.3.

We propose two improvements for the DDPG algorithm. First, we leverage the known
environment to reduce the variance in estimating Qπ by replacing sample means with
expected values. Namely, instead of calculating bi as done in Eq. (11.21) we compute
the expectation over all possible next states by
bi = ri − ρMC + p(y|zi−1,ui )Q
ω zi ,A
μ (zi ) , (11.24)

agent critic

replay {¿i }i=1 Qω (z; u)

∇μ Qω (z; Aμ (z))
rt−1 zt−1

Aμ (zt−1 )
Δ •



Figure 11.3 DDPG algorithm workflow: At each time step t, the agent samples a transition
from the environment using an noisy policy and stores the transition in the replay buffer.
Simultaneously, N past transitions {τi }N
i=1 are drawn from the replay buffer and used to
update the critic and actor NN according to Eq. (11.22) and (11.23), respectively. Published online by Cambridge University Press

328 Ziv Aharoni et al.

Algorithm 11.1 DDPG algorithm for feedback capacity of unifilar FSC.

Initialize the critic Qω and actor Aμ networks with random weights ω and μ,
Initialize target networks Q
ω and A
μ with weights ω
← ω, μ
← μ
Initialize an empty replay buffer R
Initialize moving average parameter α
for episode = 1:M do
Initialize a random process {Nt } for action exploration
TMC −1
Set ρMC = T1 t=0 rt+1 by a Monte Carlo evaluation of the average reward
of Aμ
Randomize initial state z0 from the (|X | − 1)-simplex
for step = 1:T do
Select noisy action ut = Aμ (zt−1 ;Nt )
Execute action ut and observe (rt ,zt )
Store transition (zt−1,ut ,rt ,zt ) in R
Sample a random batch of N transitions {(zi−1,ui ,ri ,zi )}N
i=1 from R

Set bi = ri − ρMC + Qω zi ,Aμ (zi )
Update critic by minimizing the loss:

L (ω) = Qω zi−1,Aμ (zi−1 ) − bi

Update the actor policy using the sampled policy gradient:

∇a Qω (zi−1,a) |a=Aμ (zi−1 ) ∇μ Aμ (zi−1 )

Update the target networks:

← αω + (1 − α)ω

← αμ + (1 − α)μ

end for
end for
TMC −1
return ρMC = 1
TMC t=0 rt+1

where zi = f (zi−1,ui ,y). This is possible since the disturbance (the channel output)
has finite cardinality.
The second improvement is a variant of importance sampling [20]. This is essential
since there are states that are rarely visited, and therefore the standard technique rarely
uses them to improve the policy. For this purpose, we modify the replay buffer to store
transitions as clusters. Each time a new transition arrives at the buffer, its max-norm
distance with all cluster centers is calculated. The distance from the closest cluster Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 329

is compared with a threshold (typically ∼ 0.1). When the distance is smaller than
the threshold, the transition is stored in the corresponding cluster; otherwise, a new
cluster, which contains the new transition, is added. For sampling, instead of drawing
transitions uniformly over the entire buffer, we first sample uniformly from the clus-
ters, and then sample uniformly from within the sampled cluster. This modification
increases the probability that rare states will be drawn from the replay buffer. This
improves the value function estimates for these rare states and consequently yields
better policies for them.

We model Qω (z,u), Aμ (z) with two NNs, each of which are composed of three fully
connected hidden layers of 300 units separated by a batch normalization layer. The
|S |×|X | such
actor network input is the state z, and its output is a matrix
  ∈ R
Aμ (z)
that Aμ (z)1 = 1. The critic network input is the tuple z,Aμ (z) , and its output is a
estimate of the cumulative future rewards. In our experiments, we trained the networks
for M = 104 episodes, each comprising T = 500 steps. The Monte Carlo evaluation
length of average reward is TMC = 108 . For exploration, we added Gaussian noise
with zero mean and variance σ2 = 0.05 to the last layer of the actor network. The
implementation details are available on Github.6

11.3.5 Policy Optimization by Unfolding

The POU algorithm utilizes the knowledge of the RL environment to optimize the
policy without estimating the value function. That is, we optimize the average of
consecutive rewards directly. This is done by using the reward function g and the
next state function f (see Eq. (11.20)) to define a mapping between an initial MDP
state and the average of the consecutive n rewards. The mapping is finally used as an
objective to optimize the policy.
Let us denote the policy-dependent reward function by
Rμ (z) = g z,Aμ (z) . (11.25)
This function depends exclusively on z since the policy μ is deterministic. Conse-
quently, we define the average reward over n consecutive time steps for an initial
MDP state z0 by

Rμn (z0 ) = E Rμ (Zt−1 )

= Rμ (z0 ) + E Rμ (Zt−1 ) , (11.26)

6 Published online by Cambridge University Press

330 Ziv Aharoni et al.

where Zt = f (Zt−1,Aμ (Zt−1 ),Wt ). This expectation is implicitly taken w.r.t.

PWt |Zt−1,Aμ (Zt−1 ) . This is since the disturbance Wt is conditionally independent of
the past given the previous MDP state and the action Zt−1,Aμ (Zt−1 ), respectively.
The choice of the interaction length parameter n directly affects the performance
of the optimized policy. As n increases the policy is optimized over more rewards
in future steps rather than over immediate rewards. For instance, choosing n = 1
translates to optimizing the immediate reward, which consequently yields a greedy
policy. As shown later (see, e.g., Fig. 11.8), interactions over a relatively small n (e.g.,
n = 20) are sufficient to achieve policies with long-term high performance. Smaller n
values are preferable from a computational standpoint. Indeed, the number of possible
MDP states over n interaction steps grows exponentially as |Y|n (recall the disturbance
in our case is the channel output Y ).
To resolve this issue, the POU algorithm proposes a simple, yet efficient, method
to unfold the interaction with the environment. Given a policy Aμ and an initial state
z0 , we sample n MDP states and rewards consecutively according the following law:

rt = Rμ (zt−1 ),
Wt ∼ PW |Z,U (·|Z = zt−1,U = Aμ (zt−1 )),
zt = f (zt−1,μ(zt−1 ),wt ), (11.27)

where the disturbance Wt is sampled conditioned on the previous MDP state and the
action Aμ (Zt−1 ). Note that this law is dictated by the RL environment and the chosen
policy and is independent of the planning horizon n. For a single time step t, the law
in Eq. (11.27) describes a single step where the agent interacts with the environment,
as shown in Fig. 11.4. The interaction with the environment for n consecutive steps is
shown in Fig. 11.5.
After applying Eq. (11.27) n times, the disturbance sequence (w1, . . . ,wn−1,wn ) is
sampled, which gives rise to a deterministic, differentiable mapping between z0 and
the average reward. Thus, the gradient of Eq. (11.26) can be estimated by applying
[21, Theorem 1], which yields the following unbiased estimate of the gradient:
1  1
n n
∇μ Rμn (z0 ) ≈ ∇μ E Rμ (Zt−1 ) − c = E Rμ (Zt−1 )
n n ∂μ
t=1 t=1
+ E log PW |Z,U (Wt |Zt−1,μ(Zt−1 )) Rμ (Zs ) − c ,
n ∂μ s=t

where c ∈ R is a constant that is used as a baseline.

Then, we update the policy Aμ with the standard gradient ascent update as

μ := μ + η∇μ Rμn (z0 ) (11.29)

where η is the step size. This procedure is repeated using the last state zn as the initial
state of the next consecutive n steps. See Algorithm 11.2 for details. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 331

Figure 11.4 A single step of the environment: The input of the block is the current RL state
zt−1 and the outputs are the immediate reward rt and the next sampled state zt . Initially, the
block uses the actor to construct the tuple (zt−1,ut ). Afterward, it samples the disturbance
from wt ∼ p(·|zt−1,ut ) and, finally, uses g and f to compute the reward and the next state,
r1 z1 r2 z2 rn zn

g f g f g f

w w w

concat concat concat

¹ ¹ ¹

z0 z1 ::: zn−1

Figure 11.5 The interaction with the channel unrolled across subsequent time steps.
The weights of the actor network are shared across time steps.

The actor network is implemented exactly as described in Section 11.3.4. We train
the actor for M = 103 episodes, each containing T = 102 consecutive n blocks. Each
block was chosen to be of length n = 20. The Monte Carlo evaluation length of aver-
age reward is TMC = 108 . For exploration, we use dropout [22] on the actor network
throughout training. The implementation details are available on Github.7
7 Published online by Cambridge University Press

332 Ziv Aharoni et al.

Algorithm 11.2 POU algorithm for feedback capacity of unifilar FSC

Initialize actor Aμ with random weights μ
Initialize learning rate η.
for episode = 1:M do
1 TMC −1
Evaluate ρ MC = TMC t=0 rt+1
Sample z0 uniformly from (|X | − 1)-simplex
for t = 1 : T do
Conditioned on z0 and Aμ , sample (w1, . . . ,wn−1 ) according to (11.27)
Update the actor parameters using gradient ascent
1 ∂ 1 ∂
μ=μ+η Rμ (zt−1 ) +
n ∂μ n ∂μ
t=1 t=2
log PW |Z,U (wt |zt−1,μ(zt−1 )) Rμ (zs ) − ρMC

Update the initial state z0 = zn

end for
end for
1 TMC −1
return ρMC = TMC t=0 rt+1

11.3.6 Case Study: Ising Channel

We demonstrate the RL method developed in this section on the Ising channel [23].
Notably, beyond simply obtaining the numeral capacity value, the method enables an
analytic capacity characterization. We start by a general description of how numerical
results can be leveraged to obtain analytic ones. Then, we apply the ideas to the Ising
channel example.

Extracting Structure of Optimal Solutions

As part of the output of the RL algorithm, we obtain the actor, a parametric model of
the input distribution of the channel. This network is used to obtain the structure of the
solution via the following procedure. First, the actor is used for a Monte Carlo evalua-
tion of the communication rate. During this evaluation, the MDP states and the channel
outputs are recorded. These states are then clustered using common techniques, such
as the k-means algorithm [24]. For instance, in Fig. 11.6 the MDP state histogram of
the Ising channel with |X | = 3 is shown, and it is evident that the estimated solution
has only six discrete states.
Having the empirical results, the sequence of MDP states {Zi }ni=1 (n being the
number of Monte Carlo iterations) is converted into a sequence of auxiliary RVs
{Qi }ni=1 with a discrete alphabet Q, where each q ∈ Q corresponds to a node in a
Q-graph [25]. The transitions between nodes are determined uniquely8 by the channel
outputs. The corresponding test distribution PYi |Qi−1 = TY |Q is estimated by counting

8 The disturbance is the only randomness of the transition between RL states. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 333

×105 4

#of visits
#of visits 2
0 1
0.5 1 0.5 1
0.5 0.5
0 0 p(st = 1|yt–1) 0 0
p(st = 1|yt–1) p(st = 0|yt–1) p(st = 0|yt–1)

(a) State histogram in training (b) Final state histogram

Figure 11.6 State histogram of the policy as learnt by RL. The histogram is generated by a
Monte Carlo evaluation of the policy: (a) histogram of the policy after 1,000 training iterations
and (b) histogram of the policy after convergence.

Q=1 Q=4

Q=2 Q=5

Q=3 Q=6

Figure 11.7 Q-graph showing the transitions between states as a function of the channel’s
output. All edges going into states Q = 1,Q = 2, and Q = 3 correspond to Y = 0,Y = 1, and
Y = 2, respectively. States with solid lines and dashed lines indicate whether the channel state
is known or unknown to the decoder, respectively.

the channel output frequency at every Q-graph node. The Q-graph for |X | = 3 is
shown in Fig. 11.7.

Upper Bound via Extracted Structure

The upper bound is derived by plugging the Q-graph and TY |Q into the duality bound
for unifilar FSCs with feedback, as presented in [26]. The duality bound is given in
the following theorem.
theorem 11.2 [26, Theorem 4] For any choice of Q-graph and test distribution
TY |Q , the feedback capacity of a strongly connected unifilar FSC is bounded by

CFB ≤ lim max max E DKL PY |X,S (·|xi ,Si−1 ) TY |Q (·|Qi−1 ) ,
n→∞ f (x y ) s0,q0
n n n
where f (x n y n ) := i=1 1 xi = fi x i−1,y i−1 stands for the causal conditioning
of deterministic functions. Published online by Cambridge University Press
334 Ziv Aharoni et al.

Table 11.2. MDP formulation of the duality upper bound

state (st−1,qt−1 )
action xt  
reward DKL PY |X=xt ,S=st−1 TY |Q=qt−1
disturbance yt

The upper bound defines an infinite horizon average reward MDP, as described in
Table 11.2. Unlike the MDP of the feedback capacity from Theorem 11.1, this MDP
has finite state and action spaces. Therefore, it can be evaluated using standard DP
algorithms, such as the value iteration algorithm [18]. The corresponding Bellman
equation is
ρ + V (s,q) = max DKL PY |X=x,S=s TY |Q=q + p(y|x,s)V x,φ(q,y) ,

where ρ is the average reward, V (s,q) is the value function, and φ : Q × Y → Q

is the Q-graph transition function. Namely, φ(q,y) is the node reached from Q = q
when the channel output is Y = y.
Solving the Bellman equation numerically using the value iteration algorithm pro-
vides an estimate of the value function and the average reward, but most importantly,
it produces a conjectured optimal policy
x(s,q) = arg max DKL PY |X=x,S=s TY |Q=q + p(y|x,s)V ∗ x,φ(q,y) ,
x∈X y∈Y

where V ∗ is the estimated optimal value function. Substituting x(s,q) back into the
Bellman equation converts it to a set of linear equations. By solving the system one
obtains a conjectured optimal value function and average reward. To verify optimality
for the conjectured values, it suffices to show they satisfy the fixed point condition in
the Bellman equation.
The last step is to show that the obtained bound is tight. This is done by verify-
ing two conditions. The first is that the model satisfies the Markov chain Y i−1 ↔
Qi−1 ↔ Yi . In words, this means that there exists an input distribution that visits
only the MDP states that formed the Q-graph, which yields an output distribution
that satisfies PYi |Y i−1 = TY |Q . The second condition is that the rate this distribution
achieves coincides with the upper bound derived earlier. When both conditions hold,
the bound is tight and the capacity characterization is completed.

Bounds on the Ising Channel

We start from the case when the input alphabet satisfies |X | ≤ 8, in which case a com-
plete characterization of the Ising channel feedback capacity is given. This analytic
form is deduced from the numerical RL solution as described earlier. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 335

Algorithm 11.3 Capacity achieving coding scheme for |X | ≤ 8.

Code construction and initialization:
- Transform the n uniform bits of the message into a stream of symbols (from X )
with the following statistics:

νi−1 ,w.p. p
νi = (11.33)
Unif[X \{νi−1 }] ,w.p. 1 − p,
with ν0 = 0. The mapping can be done using enumerative coding [27]
- Transmit a symbol twice to set the initial state of the channel s0

Transmit νt and observe yt
if yt = st−1 then
Re-transmit νt
end if

Receive yt
if yt = yt−1 then
Store yt as an information symbol
Ignore yt and store yt+1 as a new information symbol
end if

theorem 11.3 (Feedback Capacity) The feedback capacity of the Ising channel
with |X | ≤ 8 is given by
H2 (p) + (1 − p) log (|X |−1)
CFB (X ) = max 2 . (11.34)
p∈[0,1] p+3
Equivalently, the feedback capacity can be expressed as
1 1
CFB (X ) = log , (11.35)
2 p
where p is the unique solution of x 4 − ((|X |−1)4 + 4)x 3 + 6x 2 − 4x + 1 = 0 on [0,1].
The proof of Theorem 11.3 is given [17]. The theorem only covers |X | ≤ 8 because
while the derived upper and lower bounds (which we discuss later) hold in general,
they turn to match only up to |X | = 8.
For the lower bound, Algorithm 11.3 presents a simple achieving coding scheme.
The scheme is applicable for any input alphabet size, but as stated next, it is optimal
for |X | ≤ 8.
theorem 11.4 (Optimal coding scheme) The coding scheme in Algorithm 11.3
achieves the capacity in Theorem 3 for |X | ≤ 8. Published online by Cambridge University Press

336 Ziv Aharoni et al.

In [17] it is shown that Algorithm 11.3 yields a zero-error code with a communi-
cation rate, when maximized over the parameter p, that equals the feedback capacity
from Theorem 11.3.
For |X |> 8, the structure of the analytic solution changes. Unlike in the |X | ≤ 8
case, the Q-graph induced by the numerical results cannot be described with a finite
set of nodes. Nevertheless, the numerical results dictate a suboptimal structure that
induces an upper bound for |X | > 8. The upper bound for |X | > 8 is stated next.
theorem 11.5 (Upper bound for |X | > 8) The feedback capacity of the Ising chan-
nel satisfies
1 |X |
CFB (X ) ≤
log ,
2 p
where p is the unique root of x 2 − 2 + (|X
16|X | x + 1 in [0,1].

Collecting the results, upper bound and lower bounds on the capacity of the Ising
channel with any alphabet size are stated in the following theorem.

theorem 11.6 (Asymptotic performance) For any alphabet size |X |> 2, the feed-
back capacity of the Ising channel satisfies
CFB (X ) ≤
log|X |. (11.36)
Furthermore, there is a coding scheme that achieves the rate:
3 |X |
R(X ) = log . (11.37)
4 2
Consequently, 3
4 log |X2 | ≤ CFB (X ) ≤ 3
4 log|X |, whenever |X | > 2.







UB (Th. 1.5)
UB (Th. 1.6)
0.2 Reinforcement Learning
Capacity (Th. 1.3)
0.1 Coding-scheme (Alg. 3)
Coding-scheme (Th. 1.6)
101 102 103 104 105 106

Figure 11.8 Summary of the analytic bounds and the numerical results obtained by the RL
simulations for varying alphabet sizes. The rates/bounds are normalized by log |X |. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 337

The analytic and numerical results are summarized in Fig. 11.8, which shows the
RL similation. We ran the RL algorithms up to alphabet size 150 due to a computa-
tional memory constraint. The bold black curve depicts the analytic capacity, as stated
in Theorem 11.3 for |X | ≤ 8. One can see that the capacity achieving coding scheme
coincides with the RL simulation for |X | ≤ 8. However, it converges to 23 log |X | for
large alphabets, while RL continues to improve. To back this observation up, the
improved lower and upper bounds for the asymptotic case are shown. For large |X |,
both converge to 34 log |X | with a constant difference of 34 . We also present the upper
bound from Theorem 11.5, which outperforms the others for 8 < |X | ≤ 200.

11.4 Directed Information Neural Estimation

Here we consider an unknown channel model. The only assumption is that the channel
is stationary and ergodic. Since the channel model is not known, an MDP formulation
of the DI is generally not available. Instead, advances in ML are utilized to estimate
the DI rate of two stochastic processes using Donsker-Varadhan representation of KL-
divergences. This results in an estimation algorithm called DINE for the estimation of
the DI rate between two stationary and ergodic stochastic processes. This estimation
is then used as a basis for the optimization over input distributions. Thus, the capacity
estimation problem is addressed.

11.4.1 Related Work on DI

Previously known estimators of DI operate under rather restrictive assumptions on the
data that are hard to verify (if not violated) in practice. Specifically, [28] estimated
DI between discrete-valued processes based on universal probability assignments
and context tree weighting (see [29–32] for some applications of that method).
Continuous-valued processes, which are of central practical interest, were treated
in [34] and [33] using k nearest neighbors (kNN) estimation techniques. However,
[33] assumed Markovian processes with short memory, while the method from [34]
requires knowledge of the causal dependence graph between the processes.
DINE, on the other hand, accounts for any stationary and ergodic continuous-
valued processes. The construction draws upon recent advances in mutual information
estimation using deep neural networks (DNNs) [35, 36]. Specifically, [35] introduced
the MI neural estimator (MINE), that estimates I (X;Y ) based on independently and
identically distributed (i.i.d.) samples from (X,Y ) by optimizing its Donsker-Varadhan
(DV) variational representation (as parametrized by a DNN). In the followup work
[36], the original MINE design was altered (by incorporating a certain reference mea-
sure) with the goal of stabilizing and speeding up training. Although these estimators
trivially account for pairwise i.i.d. stochastic process, they are incompatible for pro-
cesses with memory.9 DINE naturally extends the ideas from [35, 36] to this setting.
9 This is unless we have many independent samples of the entire pairwise process, which is a highly
impractical scenario. Published online by Cambridge University Press

338 Ziv Aharoni et al.

11.4.2 Derivation
We devise a neural estimator of the DI rate between two jointly stationary and ergodic
stochastic processes X := {Xi }∞ ∞
i=1 and Y := {Yi }i=1 . Specifically, given a dataset
D := (X ,Y ) ∼ PXn Y n , we derive a parametrized empirical loss function that,
(n) n n

when optimized, results in a provably consistent estimate of I(X → Y). To do so, we

first express DI as a difference of certain KL divergence terms. These are then repre-
sented via the DV variational formula [37]. Lastly, the DV potentials are parametrized
using RNNs and expected values are approximate by empirical means.
Recall that DI is given by
I Xn → Y n = h Y n − h Y n Xn . (11.38)
Assume Y is compact10 and let Y  ∼ Unif(Y) =: PY be independent of X and Y. Using
the uniform reference measure, we expand each entropy term as follows:
h(Y n ) = hCE PY n ,PY n−1 ⊗ PY − DKL PY n PY n−1 ⊗ PY , (11.39)
where hCE (P ,Q) := − log Q(x) dP (x) and DKL (P Q) := log dQ (x) dP (x)
are, respectively, the cross entropy (CE) and KL-divergence, while dQ is the Radon-
Nikodym derivative of P w.r.t. Q. Similarly we have
h(Y n Xn ) = hCE PY n Xn ,PY n−1 Xn−1 ⊗PYPXn
− DKL PY n Xn PY n−1 Xn−1 ⊗PYPXn , (11.40)
where hCE (PY |X,QY |X |PX ) := hCE PY |X (·|x),Q
 Y |X (·|x)dPX (x) is conditional CE,
and DKL (PY |X QY |X |PX ) := DKL PY |X (·|x)QY |X (·|x) dPX (x) is conditional KL
With some abuse of notation, let X := {Xi }i∈Z and Y := {Yi }i∈Z be the two-sided
extension of the considered processes (the underlying stationary and ergodic measure
remains unchanged). Inserting Eqs. (11.39) and (11.40) into Eq. (11.38) and using
stationarity we obtain

(n) (n)
I(X → Y) = lim DY X − DY , (11.41)


DY X := DKL PY 0 PY −1 −1 ⊗ PYPX−1
−(n−1) X−(n−1)
−(n−1) X−(n−1) −(n−1)

DY := DKL PY 0 PY −1 ⊗ PY . (11.42)
−(n−1) −(n−1)

To arrive at a variational form we make use of the DV theorem [37], as

restated next.

10 This is a technical assumption that arises due to the choice of a uniform reference measure. By
changing the PY to, for example, Gaussian, this assumption is removed. We consider the uniform case
for simplicity. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 339

theorem 11.7 (DV representation) For any two probability measures P and Q on
, we have
DKL (P Q) = sup EP T − log EQ eT (11.43)

where the supremum is over all measurable functions T with finite expectation.
(n) (n)
The optimal DV potentials for DY and DY X can be represented as open dynam-
ical systems. As such, these potentials can be approximated to arbitrary precision by
elements of the RNN function class [38].

definition 11.8 (RNN function class) Let f : Rd → Rd be Borel measurable and

,k,T ∈ N. The RNN function class RNN,k (f ) is given by RNN,k (f ) = ∞ m=1
(m) (m)
RNN,k (f ), where RNN,k (f ) comprises all dynamical systems parameterized with
m parameters whose input xn ∈ R , inner state sn ∈ Rd and output yn ∈ Rk , are
related through the following equations

sn+1 = f (Asn + Bxn − b)

yn = Csn, (11.44)

∀n = 1, . . . ,T , where A ∈ Rd×d , B ∈ Rd× , C ∈ Rk×d , b ∈ Rd , and f operates

on vectors component-wise.

The DINE is thus given by

In (Dn ) := sup Y X (Dn,F2 )
D (11.45)
F2 ∈RNNdxy ,1

− sup Y (Dn,F1 ) = sup inf 

D In (Dn,F1,F2 ), (11.46)
F1 ∈RNNdy ,1 F2 F1

where, dxy = dx + dy , and

1 n
1   i−1 
Y (Dn,F1 ) :=
D F1 Yi |Y i−1
− log e F 1 Y i |Y
n n
i=1 i=1
1  F2 Yi |Y i−1 Xi 

DY X (Dn,F2 ) := F2 Yi |Y X − log
i−1 i
e , (11.47b)
n n
i=1 i=1

and  Y X (Dn,F1 ) − D
In (Dn,F1,F2 ) := D Y (Dn,F2 ). The optimization in Eq. (11.46)
can be executed via gradient-ascent over the RNNs’ parameters. We next state the
consistency of DINE.

theorem 11.9 (Strong consistency) Let X = {Xi }∞ ∞

i=1 and Y = {Yi }i=1 be jointly
stationary ergodic stochastic processes, with an underlying probability measure P.
Denote by Dn = {(Xi ,Yi )}ni=1 a sample of size n from the processes. Then, there
exist RNNs F1 ∈ RNNdy ,1 (f ),F2 ∈ RNNdxy ,1 (f ), such that the DINE 
In (Dn,F1,F2 ) is a
strongly consistent estimator of I(X → Y), i.e., for any > 0 there exists n0 ∈ N,
such that for all n > n0 , we have Published online by Cambridge University Press

340 Ziv Aharoni et al.

In (Dn,F1,F2 ) − I(X → Y) ≤ P − a.s. (11.48)

The proof of Theorem 11.9 involves three main steps: (a) an information-theoretic
argument that expresses the DI rate as a difference of KL divergence terms, followed
by an application of the DV variational representation; (b) an estimation step that relies
on a generalization of Birkhoff’s ergodic theorem (due to Breiman [39] and Cover
[40]) to approximate expected values (w.r.t. the underlying ergodic and stationary
measure) by sample means; and (c) an approximation step, where a sequence of
optimal DV potentials is approximated by elements of the RNN class.
Remark 11.1 Despite the popularity of neural estimation, the theoretical performance
guarantees for these estimators is still largely unknown. There are some results on
the consistency of the original MINE method, and Theorem 11.9 provides an anal-
ogous consistency result for DINE. Going forward, it is of significant interest to
derive nonasymptotic performance guarantees and sample complexity bounds. How-
ever, such results are not yet available, even for the original MINE method, yet alone
for DINE method presented herein.

Discriminator Interpretation  dP 
The optimal DV potential in Eq. (11.43) is T = log dQ . This coincides with the
log-likelihood ratio, which is the optimal test statistic for testing H0 : X ∼ P against
H1 : X ∼ Q. This observation motivated [41] to implement the conditional MINE of
I (X;Y ) using a binary classifier between P = PX,Y and Q = PX ⊗ PY .
Adopting this perspective, the supremum achieving DV potentials for DY and
DY X (see Eq. (11.42)), denoted by TY and TY X , respectively, are interpreted as a
discriminator that determines if the sample came from the conditional distribution or
the uniform reference measure. Subtracting the discriminators’ values, we obtain the
optimal causal hypothesis test from [15]:
    pYi |Y i−1
 i − TY X Xi ,Yi , Y
TY Yi , Y  i = log −∞
pYi |Y i−1 Xi−1
−∞ −∞

Furthermore, by [15, Theorem 5], DI rate equals the asymptotic type-II error of
this test.

11.4.3 Algorithm and Implementation

Calculating DINE entails optimizing over two RNNs Fi , i = 1,2 (see Eq. (11.47)).
Each RNN comprises a modified long short-term memory (LSTM) layer and two
fully connected networks (FCNs), with two hidden layers each. The architecture for
Y (F1,Dn ) is depicted in Fig. 11.9(a). We next describe the modified LSTM cell and
afterward address the optimization process.

Modified LSTM
To capture the causal dependencies in Dn , we adjust the structure of classic LSTM
Y ; adapting to D
cell [42]. The modification is presented for D (n) is straightforward.
Y X Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 341

Yi Si
F1 (Yi |Y i−1 )
DY (F1 ; Dn ) 0 ST −1
Yi Layer
F1 (Yi |Y i−1 )

(a) (b)

Y (F1,DB ) estimate, and (b) unrolled modified LSTM.

Figure 11.9 (a) Block-diagram of D

The classic LSTM is an RNN that recursively computes a hidden state Si from its input
Yi and the previous state Si−1 . We henceforth use the shorthand Si = L(Yi ,Si−1 ) for
the relation between Si and (Yi ,Si−1 ) defined by the LSTM. As DINE employs a
reference sequence Y n , the modified LSTM collects hidden states for both Y n and Y n .
i ) as input, and outputs two hidden
At time i = 1, . . . ,n, the cell takes a pair (Yi , Y
states Si = L(Yi ,Si−1 ) and Si = L(Yi ,Si−1 ); only Si is passed for calculating the
next state. The state sequence are then processed by the FCNs to obtain the elements
of Eq. (11.47a). The calculation of the hidden states for D Y X in Eq. (11.47b) is
performed analogously, by replacing Yi with (Xi ,Yi ). The modified LSTM cell is
shown in Fig. 11.9(b).

The DINE algorithm computes  In (Dn ) by optimizing the parameters θ1 and θ2
of the
 iT RNNs F and
1  F 2 , respectively. We divide the dataset into batches DB :=
iT B
X(i−1)T ,Y(i−1)T i=1 , each comprising B sequences of length T , where T is the
number of time steps in the unrolled modified LSTM. We then sample the reference

Algorithm 11.4 DI rate estimation.

input: Dataset Dn .
In (Dn ) DI rate estimate.

Initialize F1,F2 with parameters θ1,θ2 .

Step 1 – Optimization:
Draw DB batch & sample reference measure.
Compute D Y (F1,DB ).
Y X (F2,DB ), D
Update networks parameters:
θ2 ← θ2 + ∇ D Y X (F2,DB )
θ1 ← θ1 + ∇ D Y (F1,DB )
until convergence
Step 2 – Evaluation:
Evaluate over Dn and subtract losses to obtain 
In (Dn,F1,F2 ) Published online by Cambridge University Press

342 Ziv Aharoni et al.

measure11 and feed the sequences through the DINE architecture to obtain the DV
potentials F1 and F2 . The weights of the FCNs within each RNN are shared since we
wish to produce the same DV potential acting on different inputs. We draw several
reference samples for each element of DB and average the resulting RNN outputs to
reduce noise and stabilize the training process. See Algorithm 11.4 for the full list
of steps.

11.4.4 Applications and Experiments

We tested DINE on both synthetic and real-world stock market data. We trained on a
1080Ti NVIDIA GPU, using a batch size of 50, LSTM time unroll factor of 50 and
the Adam optimizer [43] with initial learning rate 10−4 .

Synthetic Data
Consider the linear Gaussian hidden Markov model (HMM), which is a popular model
for speech processing [44, 45], computational biology [46, 47] and numerous other
fields [48–50]. In this setting, the processes X and Y are defined through the recursive
Xi = αXi−1 + N1,i
Yi = βXi + N2,i (11.49)
where {N1,i }i∈N and {N2,i }i∈N are i.i.d. centered Gaussian processes with variances σ12
and σ22 , respectively. Although no closed expression form I(X → Y) is known, upper
and lower bounds can be derived. Since Y is an HMM with unknown parameters, it


Information rate (nats)




0.1 LB

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000


Figure 11.10 DINE convergence for linear Gaussian HMM. The solid black line shows the
DINE, and the other lines show the upper and lower bounds on the DI rate. The vertical dashed
line marks the epoch when the estimate reaches values between the bounds.

11 In practice, we sample uniformly from the smallest d-dimensional bounding hypercube of Y n . Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 343

falls outside the frameworks from [33, 34], so these methods do not apply here. DINE,
on the contrary, is applicable and its estimate the DI rate is illustrated in Fig. 11.10.
The figure shows the convergence of DINE toward I(X → Y) and the aforementioned
bounds, for α = β = σ12 = σ22 = 1.

11.5 Capacity Estimation without a Channel Model

Calculating the capacity (with or without feedback) of channels with memory and
continuous alphabets is a challenging task. It requires optimizing the DI rate over all
channel input distributions. The objective is a multiletter expression, whose analytic
solution is only known for a few specific cases. When no analytic solution is present or
the channel model is unknown, there is no unified framework for calculating or even
approximating capacity. Herein, a capacity estimation algorithm [51] is presented,
that treats the channel as a black box, both when feedback is or is not present. The
algorithm has two main ingredients: (a) a neural distribution transformer (NDT) model
that shapes a noise variable into the channel input distribution, which we are able to
sample, and (b) the DINE that estimates the communication rate of the current NDT
model. These models are trained by an alternating maximization procedure to both
estimate the channel capacity and obtain an NDT for the optimal input distribution.
The method is demonstrated on the moving average additive Gaussian noise channel,
where it is shown that both the capacity and feedback capacity are estimated with-
out knowledge of the channel transition kernel. The proposed estimation framework
opens the door to a myriad of capacity approximation results for continuous alphabet
channels that were inaccessible until now.

11.5.1 Neural Distribution Transformer

DINE accounts for one of the two tasks involved in estimating capacity, and it
estimates the objective of Eq. (11.10). It then remains to optimize this objective
over input distributions. To that end, we design a generative recurrent model, termed
the NDT, characterized by a neural network FX to approximate the channel input
distributions. This is similar in flavor to generators used in generative adversarial
networks [52]. For this purpose, we present the NDT model that represents a general
input distribution of the channel. At each iteration i = 1, . . . ,n the NDT maps an i.i.d
noise vector N i to a channel input variable Xi . When feedback is present the NDT
maps (N i ,Y i−1 ) −→ Xi . Thus, NDT is represented by an RNN with parameters μ as
shown in Fig. 11.11.

11.5.2 Capacity Estimation

The capacity estimation algorithm trains DINE and NDT models together via an alter-
nating optimization procedure (i.e., fixing the parameters of one model while training Published online by Cambridge University Press

344 Ziv Aharoni et al.

Power Xi
LSTM Dense Dense
Ni Constraint

Figure 11.11 The NDT. The noise and past channel output (if feedback is applied) are fed into
an NN. The last layer performs normalization to obey the input constraint (e.g., power
constraint) if needed.

Yi−1 Feedback

Input Dist. Xi Channel

Generator PYi |X i Y i−1


Output IDn (X → Y)

Figure 11.12 The overall capacity estimator: NDT generates samples that are fed into the
channel. DINE uses these samples to improve its estimation of the communication rate. DINE
then supplies gradient for the optimization of NDT.

the other). DINE estimates the communication rate of a fixed NDT input distribution,
and the NDT is trained to increase its rate w.r.t. fixed DINE model. Proceeding until
convergence, this results in the capacity estimate, as well as an NDT generative model
for the achieving input distribution. We demonstrate our method on the MA(1)-AGN
channel. Both CFF and CFB are estimated using the same algorithm, using the channel
as a black box to solely generate samples. The estimation results are compared with
the analytic solution to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
As shown in Fig. 11.12, the NDT model is fed with i.i.d. noise and its output is the
samples X n . These samples are fed into the channel to generate outputs. Then, DINE
uses (Xn,Y n ) to produce the estimate In (Dn ). To estimate capacity, DINE and NDT
models are trained together. The training scheme, as shown in Algorithm 11.5, is a
variant of alternated maximization procedure. This procedure iterates between updat-
ing the DINE networks parameters θ1,θ2 and the NDT parameters θX , each time
keeping one of the models fixed. At the end of training a long Monte Carlo evaluation
of ∼ 106 samples of the DI rate. Applying this algorithm to channels with memory
estimates their capacity without any specific knowledge of the channel underlying Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 345

Algorithm 11.5 Capacity estimation.

input: Continuous channel, feedback indicator
I(Dn,F1 F2,FX ), estimated capacity.

Initialize F1 ,F2 , FX with parameters θ1 , θ2 , θX

if feedback indicator then
Add feedback to NDT
end if
Step 1: Train DINE model
Generate B sequences of length T of i.i.d random noise
Compute DB = {(xiT ,yiT )}B i=1 with NDT and channel
Compute D Y X (θY X,DB ), DY (θY ,DB )
Update DINE parameters:
θ1 ← θ1 + ∇ D Y (DB ,F1,FX )
θ2 ← θ2 + ∇ D Y X (DB ,F2,FX )
Step 2: Train NDT
Generate B sequences of length T of i.i.d random noise
Compute DB = {(xiT ,yiT )}B i=1 with NDT and channel
compute the objective:
I(Dn,F1 F2,FX ) = D Y X (DB ,F2,FX ) − DY (DB ,F1,FX )
Update NDT parameters:
θX ← θX + ∇θX I(DB ,F1 F2,FX )
until convergence
Monte Carlo evaluation of  I(Dn,F1 F2,FX ))
return  I(Dn,F1 F2,FX )

distribution. The implementation is available on Github.12 Next, we demonstrate the

effectiveness of this algorithm on continuous alphabet channels.

11.5.3 Numerical Results

This section demonstrates the empirical effectiveness of Algorithm 11.5 on the
capacity estimation of continuous channels with memory. For that purpose, it is
tested on memoryless channels and on channels with memory on both cases where
a feedback link is or is not available. Even though Algorithm 11.5 is applicable for
any ergodic and stationary channel, it necessary to provide experiments on channels
whose analytic solution is already known in order to show the correctness of the
algorithm. Accordingly, the AWGN channel is chosen as an instance of a memoryless
channel, and a first-order MA-AGN channel is chosen as an instance of a channel
with memory.

12 Published online by Cambridge University Press

346 Ziv Aharoni et al.



–15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15
P/s 2 (dB)

Figure 11.13 Estimation of AWGN channel capacity for various SNR values

AWGN Channel
The power constrained AWGN channel is considered. This is an instance of a memory-
less, continuous-alphabet channel for which an analytic capacity expression is known.
The channel model is

Yi = Xi + Zi , i ∈ N, (11.50)

where Zi ∼ N (0,σ2 ) are i.i.d

 RVs, and Xi is the channel input sequence bound to
the power constraint
 E X 2 ≤ P . The capacity of this channel is given by C = 1
i 2
log 1 + σP2 . In our implementation, we chose σ2 = 1 and estimated capacity for
a range of P values. The numerical results are compared to the analytic solution in
Fig. 11.13, where a clear correspondence is seen.

Gaussian MA(1) Channel

We consider both the feedback (CFB ) and the feedforward (CFB ) capacity of the MA(1)
Gaussian channel. The model here is

Zi = αUi−1 + Ui ,
Yi = Xi + Zi , (11.51)

where Ui ∼ N (0,1)
 are i.i.d., Xi is the channel input sequence bound to the power
constraint E Xi2 ≤ P , and Yi is the channel output.
The feedforward capacity of the MA(1) Gaussian channel with input power
constraint can be obtained via the water-filing algorithm [2]. This is the benchmark
against which we compare the quality of the CFF estimate produced by Algorithm
11.5. Results are shown in Fig. 11.14(a).
Computing the feedback capacity of the ARMA(k) Gaussian channel can be for-
mulated as a dynamic programming, which is then solved via an iterative algorithm
[8]. For the particular case of Eq. (11.51), CFB is given by − log(x0 ), where x0 is a
solution to a fourth-order polynomial equation. The estimates for CFB produced by
Algorithm 11.5 are compared to the analytic solutions in Fig. 11.14(b). Published online by Cambridge University Press

Capacity Estimation Using Machine Learning 347

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5
Analytic Analytic
Estimation Estimation
0 0
–15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15
P/sU2 (dB) P/sU2 (dB)

(a) FF Capacity (b) FB Capacity

Figure 11.14 Capacity estimation over MA(1)-AGN channel. In (a) feedback is not present,
and in (b) feedback is present.


Information rate




DI optimization
0 200 400 600 800 1,000

Figure 11.15 Optimization progress of DI rate of Algorithm 11.5 for the feedback setting with
P = 1. The information rates were estimated by a Monte Carlo evaluation with 105 samples.

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Part II

Wireless Networks for

Machine Learning Published online by Cambridge University Press Published online by Cambridge University Press
12 Collaborative Learning over
Wireless Networks: An Introductory
Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

12.1 Introduction

The number of devices connected to the Internet has already surpassed 1 billion.
With the increasing proliferation of mobile devices, the amount of data collected and
transmitted over wireless networks is growing at an exponential rate. Along with this
growth in data traffic, its content is also rapidly changing thanks to new applica-
tions, such as autonomous systems, factory automation, and wearable technologies,
referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm in general. While the current
data traffic is dominated by video and voice content that are transmitted mainly for
user consumption, data generated by IoT devices is intended for machine analysis
and inference in order to incorporate intelligence into the underlying IoT applications.
The current approach to IoT intelligence is to offload all the relevant data to a cloud
server and train a powerful machine learning (ML) model using all the available data
and processing power. However, such a centralized solution is not applicable in many
ML applications due to the significant communication latency it would introduce.
Moreover, IoT devices are typically limited in power and bandwidth, and the commu-
nication links become a major bottleneck as the volume of collected data increases. For
example, autonomous cars are expected to generate 5–20 terabytes of data each day.
The increasing data volume becomes particularly challenging when the information
density of the collected data is low; that is, large volumes of data need to be offloaded
with only limited relevant information for the underlying learning task. Centralized
approaches also incite privacy concerns, and users are increasingly averse to sharing
their data with third parties even in return of certain utility. Privacy concerns can be
particularly deterring for personal data, which is often the case with IoT devices, even
if it may not be obvious at first.
The solution to all these limitations is to bring the intelligence to the network edge
by enabling wireless devices to implement learning algorithms in a distributed and
collaborative manner [1, 2]. The two core components behind the recent success of
ML algorithms are massive datasets and computational power, which allow training
highly complex models. Both of these are abundant at the network edge, but in a
highly distributed manner. Hence, a main challenge in edge intelligence is to design
learning algorithms that can exploit these distributed resources in a seamless and
efficient manner. Published online by Cambridge University Press

354 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

In this chapter, we mainly focus on collaborative training across wireless devices.

Training a ML model is equivalent to solving an optimization problem, and many
distributed optimization algorithms have been developed over the last decades. These
distributed ML algorithms provide data locality; that is, a joint model can be trained
collaboratively while the data available at each participating device remains local. This
addresses, to some extend, the privacy concern. They also provide computational scal-
ability as they allow exploiting computational resources distributed across many edge
devices. However, in practice, this does not directly lead to a linear gain in the overall
learning speed with the number of devices. This is partly due to the communication
bottleneck limiting the overall computation speed. Additionally, wireless devices are
highly heterogeneous in their computational capabilities, and both their computation
speed and communication rate can be highly time-varying due to physical factors.
Therefore, distributed learning algorithms, particularly those to be implemented at the
wireless network edge, must be carefully designed, taking into account the impact
of time-varying communication network as well as the heterogeneous and stochastic
computation capabilities of devices.
In recent years, many solutions have been proposed in the ML literature to reduce
the communication load of distributed ML algorithms to mitigate the communication
bottleneck; however, these solutions typically aim to reduce the amount of infor-
mation that needs to be exchanged between the computing servers, assuming rate-
limited perfect communication links, and they do not take into account the physical
characteristics of the communication medium. However, such an abstraction of the
communication channel is far from reality, particularly in the case of wireless links.
Converting the wireless channel into a reliable bit pipe may not even be possible (e.g.,
in the case of fading channels) or may introduce substantial complexity and delays
into the system and increase the energy cost. Moreover, such an approach is based on
an inherent separation between the design of ML algorithms and the communication
protocols enabling the exchange of messages between devices.
Our goal in this chapter is to show that the speed and final performance of
distributed learning techniques can be significantly improved by taking the wireless
channel characteristics into account. We will provide several examples and point to
some of the recent literature for further details. We will mainly focus on the joint opti-
mization of the parameters of the underlying communication protocols (e.g., resource
allocation, scheduling, etc.) together with the underlying distributed learning frame-
work. An alternative approach is to design the learning and communication algorithms
jointly, completely stepping out of the current digital communication framework
[1, 3, 4].
In the remainder of the chapter, we first introduce the general collaborative learning
problem. We then present centralized and decentralized approaches to collaborative
learning and highlight federated learning (FL) as a popular distributed learning frame-
work. Afterward we will overview some of the techniques that can be used to reduce
the communication load of distributed learning. We will then present device schedul-
ing and resource allocation algorithms for distributed learning over wireless networks.
We should emphasize that the goal of this chapter is not to provide a comprehensive Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 355

survey of all existing works, but to provide an introduction to the challenges and
typical solution approaches.

12.2 Collaborative Learning

Many parameterized ML problems can be modeled as the following stochastic opti-

mization problem:

min Eζ∼P F (θ,ζ), (12.1)


where θ ∈ Rd denotes the model parameters to be optimized, ζ is the random data

sample with distribution P, and F is the problem specific stochastic loss function.
Typically, the underlying distribution P is not known, and instead we have access to a
dataset D sampled from this distribution. Accordingly, we minimize the empirical loss
function Eζ∼D F (θ,ζ). This problem is often solved iteratively using stochastic gra-
dient descent (SGD), where the model is updated at each iteration along the direction
of the gradient estimate, computed using a subset of the dataset. That is, at iteration t,
we update the model θt as follows:

θ t+1 = θt − ηt · gt , (12.2)


gt = ∇θt F (θ t ,ζt ), (12.3)

ζ t is a random sample from the dataset D, and ηt is the learning rate at iteration
t. Note that gt is an unbiased estimate of the full gradient of Eζ∼D F (θ,ζ). SGD is
guaranteed to converge to the optimal solution under certain conditions on function F
(e.g., convex and smooth), and it is particularly beneficial in practice when the dataset
is large, and hence, a full gradient computation at each iteration is costly.
In the distributed setting, we consider N devices denoted by set S, each with its own
local dataset, denoted by Di . The stochastic optimization problem we gave earlier can
be solved in a distributed manner over these N devices by rewriting the minimization
problem in Eq. (12.1) as

min f (θ) = Eζ∼Di F (θ,ζ) , (12.4)
θ∈Rd N   
:=fi (θ)

which is an average of N stochastic functions. The main idea behind collaborative

learning is to solve the minimization problem in Eq. (12.4) in a distributed manner,
such that each device tries to minimize its local loss function fi (θ), while seeking a
consensus with other devices on the global model θ. The consensus is facilitated either
with the help of a central entity called a parameter server (PS) or by each device com-
municating with only a limited number of neighboring devices. Hence, based on the
consensus framework, collaborative learning methods can be divided into two classes, Published online by Cambridge University Press

356 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

centralized and decentralized. The centralized approach has received significantly

more attention in the literature due to its simplicity in both the implementation and the
analysis. Before going into the details of the solution techniques, we briefly introduce
the distributed learning problem in both cases and highlight the main differences.

12.2.1 Centralized Learning

We classify a distributed learning framework as centralized when the learning frame-
work is orchestrated by a PS. To be more precise, in the centralized framework each
user/worker performs local computation under the supervision of the PS, and these
computations are then utilized at the PS to solve the optimization problem. One of
the most popular centralized strategies, particularly for training deep neural network
(DNN) architectures, is parallel synchronous stochastic gradient descent (PSSGD).
We recall that the objective in Eq. (12.4) is written as the sum of N functions;
accordingly, the PSSGD works as follows: at the beginning of iteration t, each device
pulls the current global model θ t from the PS and computes the local gradient estimate
to minimize its own loss function fi (θt ):

gi,t = ∇θ F (θ t ,ζi,t ), (12.5)

where ζ i,t is the data randomly sampled from the local dataset Di in the tth iteration.
We note here that the devices can also use mini-batches with multiple samples rather
than a single data sample to compute the local gradient estimate. Once each device
completes the computation of the local gradient estimate, the results are sent to the PS
to be aggregated and used to update the model parameter θ as follows:
θt+1 = θt − ηt · gi,t , (12.6)

where ηt is the learning rate at iteration t.

The PSSGD algorithm is presented in Algorithm 12.1. Here we note that, the
algorithm is referred to as synchronous since the PS waits for all the devices to send
their local gradient estimates before the model update, and at each iteration t, all the
devices use the same global model to compute their local gradient estimates. This
synchronization may induce delays when the computation speed of some workers

Algorithm 12.1 Parallel synchronous stochastic gradient descent (PSSGD).

1: for t = 1,2, . . . do
2: for i ∈ S do in parallel
3: Pull recent model θ t from PS
4: Compute and send local SGD: gi,t = ∇θ F (θt ,ζi,t )
5: Model update:

6: Gt = |S1 | i∈S gi,t
7: θt+1 = θt − ηt · Gt Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 357

is slower than the others; hence, asynchronous variations of the centralized learning
strategy have also been studied in the literature [5–7].

12.2.2 Decentralized Learning

Centralized learning is based on the star topology; that is, a central/ edge server, which
can be an access point or a base station in the wireless context, orchestrates the devices
participating in the collaborative training process. While this may be preferable in
the presence of a base station that can communicate directly with all the devices
in the coverage area, it may increase the burden on the cell-edge devices, and the
multiple access channel from the devices to a single central server may become a
bottleneck and limit the number of devices that can participate in the learning process
at each iteration. Moreover, the star topology leads to a single point of failure and
increases the privacy and security risks. The alternative is fully decentralized learning,
where the devices directly communicate with each other in a device-to-device fashion.
Decentralized learning has been extensively studied in the literature [8–12].
The main alteration in the decentralized scenario takes place in the consensus
step, in which the devices combine their local models with those of their neighbors
according to a certain rule that is driven by the network topology. Therefore, compared
to the star topology used in centralized learning, the models at different devices are
no longer fully synchronized after each global averaging step, introducing additional
noise in the framework. Formally speaking, each device i seeks a consensus with the
neighboring devices according to the following combining strategy:

θ i,t = Wij θ j,t , (12.7)
j ∈S

where θj,t denotes the model at device j at iteration t, and W is a weight matrix. We
set Wij = 0 if there is no connection between device i and device j . Under certain
assumptions on W, such as being doubly stochastic, convergence of the decentralized
framework has been shown, and its convergence speed is driven by the second largest
eigenvalue of W. The decentralized learning algorithm is presented in Algorithm 12.2.
The weight matrix W can be constructed based on the network topology, which can
be represented by a graph G in several ways. A common approach is to use the graph
Laplacian, such that W is written as
W=I− (D − A), (12.8)
dmax + 1

Algorithm 12.2 Decentralized learning.

for t = 1, . . . ,T do
For i ∈ S in parallel gi,t = ∇θ Li (θi,t ,ζi,t )

Consensus step:  θ i,t = j ∈S Wij θj,t
Update local model: θ i,t =  θ i,t + η(t)gi,t Published online by Cambridge University Press

358 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

where A is the adjacency matrix of the graph G representing the connectivity between
the devices, D is a diagonal matrix whose entry in position Dii is the degree of the
node corresponding to device di in G, and dmax is the maximum node degree. One can
easily check that weight matrix designed according to Eq. (12.8) will be symmetric
and doubly stochastic. For further details on the network topology and the convergence
behavior readers can refer to [13, 14] for the implementation of decentralized learning
over a wireless network.

12.3 Communication Efficient Distributed ML

One of the main challenges in distributed learning is the communication bottleneck

due to the large size of the trained models. Numerous communication efficient learn-
ing strategies have been proposed in the ML literature to reduce the number of bits
exchanged between the devices and the PS per global iteration. We classify these
approaches into three main groups – namely sparsification, quantization, and local
updates – and present each of these approaches in detail in this section. We would
like to highlight that these strategies are independent of the communication medium
and the communication protocol employed to exchange model updates or gradient
estimates between the devices and the PS, as they mainly focus on reducing the size
of the messages exchanged. Therefore, these techniques can be incorporated into the
resource allocation and device selection policies that will be presented in Section 12.4
when optimizing learning algorithms over wireless networks.

12.3.1 Sparsification
The objective of sparse SGD is to transform the d-dimensional gradient estimate g in
Eq. (12.3) to its sparse representation g̃, where the nonzero elements of g̃ are equal
to the corresponding elements of g. Sparsification can be considered as applying a
d-dimensional mask vector M ∈ {0,1}d on g; that is,

g̃ = M ⊗ g, (12.9)

where ⊗ denotes element-wise multiplication. We denote the sparsification level of

this mask by

φ 1. (12.10)

It has been shown that during the training of complex DNN architectures, such as
ResNet [15] or VGG [16], use of sparse SGD with φ ∈ [0.01,0.001] provides a
significant reduction in the communication load with minimal or no loss in the gener-
alization performance [17–25]. Next, we give a brief overview of some of the common
sparsification strategies used in practice. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 359

Random Sparsification
In random sparsification, introduced in [18], each element of vector g is set to zero
independently with a prescribed probability. The ith element of the sparsified vector
g̃rand , for i = 1, . . . ,d, is obtained by
, with probability pi ,
g̃i = pi
0, with probability 1 − pi .

This is an unbiased operator since

i ] = pi × = gi , (12.11)
and its variance is bounded by

E g̃rand
i = i
. (12.12)
i=1 i=1

The key design issue behind random gradient sparsification is to minimize the number
of nonzero values while controlling the variance, equivalently, solving the following
optimization problem:

P1: min pi

g2 d
subject to: ≤ (1 + ) g2i , (12.13)
i=1 i=1

for some given  > 0. The solution of this optimization problem is given by [18]

pi = min(λ · gi ,1), (12.14)

where λ is a parameter chosen based on  and g.

Synchronous Sparse Parameter Averaging

In this strategy, at each iteration, only a subset of the parameters are averaged to
reduce the communication load. We call it synchronous since all the devices use an
identical sparsification mask Mt at iteration t. The sparse parameter averaging strategy
is executed in two steps [19]: In the first step, device i updates its model based on the
local gradient estimate

θi,t+1/2 = θi,t − ηt · ∇θ F (θi,t ,ζi,t ). (12.15)

Then, every device masks its local model with Mt and shares the masked parameters
with the PS for aggregation. Accordingly, θ i,t+1 evolves over the iterations in the
following way:

θi,t+1 = θ n,t+1/2 ⊗ Mt . (12.16)
n=1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

360 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

The convergence of the synchronous sparse parameter averaging strategy can be

shown under the constraint that the sampling period of each parameter should not
exceed some predefined value τmax ; that is,

|| ⊗kt=j (1 − Mt )||1 = 0, (12.17)

for any k,j > 0 : k − j ≥ τmax .

Top-K, Rand-K, and R-top-K Sparsification

Top-K sparsification is one of the most commonly used strategies for gradient spar-
sification. In the top-K sparsification strategy each device constructs a sparsification
mask Mi,t by identifying the indices of the largest K values in |gi,t | [20, 22, 26]. We
use Stop (·,K) do denote this operation:

Mi,t = Stop (|gi,t |,K). (12.18)

Further details on the convergence of top-K sparsification can be found in [22, 26].
The rand-K sparsification strategy [22] selects the sparsification mask Mi,t
randomly from the set of masks with sparsification level K:
M = M : {0,1}d ,||M||1 = K . (12.19)

We note that, unlike the random sparsification strategy in [18], rand-K and top-K do
not result in an unbiased compression strategy. In the case of rand-K, scaling Mi,t
with d/K can be used to obtain unbiased compressed gradient estimates; however,
such correction also scales the variance of the compression scheme and thus may
not be desirable in practice [22]. In general, top-K sparsification strategy has been
shown to perform better compared to rand-K in practice in terms of the test accu-
racy and convergence speed. However, top-K sparsification comes with the additional
complexity due to the sorting of the elements of |gi,t |. It also requires increased
communication load since the indices of the nonzero elements of each mask vector
Mi,t should also be transmitted. This may not be a requirement for rand-K if a pseudo-
random generator with a common seed is used so that all the devices can generate the
same mask.
We also note that, when employed for distributed training of DNN architectures,
these sparse communication strategies can be applied to each layer of the network
separately, since it is observed that different layers have different tolerance to sparsifi-
cation of their weights. We refer the readers to [17] for further information on gradient
sparsification. Finally, a hybrid approach, called R-top-K, is considered in [23]. In this
scheme, each device first identifies the largest R values in |gi,t | and then selects K of
them randomly. This hybrid approach results in better compression as well as less bias.
We also want to remark that the use of top-K sparsification locally (that is, having
a separate mask for each worker) has the drawback that the sparsification is achieved
only in the uplink direction, whereas the global model update from the PS to the
devices will not be sparse. Moreover, the mismatch between the sparsity patterns
across the workers limits the use of more efficient communication protocols, such Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 361

as all-reduce. This problem is addressed in [27], where a majority voting based

strategy is proposed to seek a consensus among the workers to form a common spar-
sification mask.

Error Accumulation
The idea behind the error accumulation is to compensate in each iteration for the
compression error that has been introduced in the previous iteration by simply adding
the previous compression error to the current gradient estimate. It has been shown that
[20, 22, 26] error accumulation improves the convergence performance. When error
accumulation is employed, the sparsification step at the devices is rewritten as

gn,t = Mn,t ⊗ (gn,t + en,t ), (12.20)

where en,t is the accumulated error from the previous iteration. Following gradient
sparsification, the compression error is updated as follows:

en,t+1 = (1 − Mn,t ) ⊗ (gn,t + en,t ). (12.21)

The overall sparse SGD framework with error accumulation is illustrated in

Algorithm 12.3. We remark that gradient sparsification can be employed both in
the device-to-PS (uplink) and PS-to-device (downlink) directions to improve the
communication efficiency further. In Algorithm 12.3, sparsification at the PS side

Algorithm 12.3 Sparse SGD with error accumulation.

1: for t = 1, . . . ,T do
2: Device side:
3: for n = 1, . . . ,N do in parallel
4: Receive G t−1 from PS
5: Update model: θt = θ t−1 + ηt G t−1
6: Compute SGD: gn,t = ∇θ F (θ t ,ζn,t )
7: Sparsification with error accumulation:
gn,t = Mn,t ⊗ (gn,t + en,t )
9: Update the error:
10: en,t+1 = (1 − Mn,t ) ⊗ (gn,t + en,t )
11: Send  gn,t to PS
12: Sparse communication PS side:
13: Aggregate local sparse gradient:

t =
14: G n∈[N] gn,t
send Gt to all devices
16: Aggregate local sparse gradients with error accumulation:

t = Mn,t ⊗ (
17: G n∈[N] 
gn,t + et )
18: t to all devices
Send G
19: Update error:
20: et+1 = (1 − Mt ) ⊗ (Gn,t + en,t ) Published online by Cambridge University Press

362 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

is applied in lines 16–20. A further analysis on this double sparsification strategy

can be found in [28]. In general, unbiased compression schemes are preferred for
distributed learning as they lend themselves to theoretical convergence analysis;
however, unbiased sparsification methods typically suffer from large variation, making
them less desirable for practical applications [22].
The key benefit of the error accumulation mechanism is to make a biased sparsifi-
cation method an efficient compression strategy for distributed learning, backed with
a theoretical convergence analysis. It is shown in [22] that a gradient sparsification
scheme with error accumulation converges if it is in the form of a k-contraction

definition 12.1 For a parameter 0 < k ≤ d, a k-contraction operator is a (possibly

randomized) operator comp : Rd → Rd that satisfies the contraction property

E ||x − comp(x)||2 ≤ 1 − ||x||2, ∀x ∈ Rd . (12.22)

In [22], it is also shown that both the rand-K and top-K sparsification schemes
are indeed K-contraction operators. The notion of contraction operation is further
generalized in [29].

Sparse Representation
When a sparsity mask is employed to reduce the communication load in distributed
learning, the mask also needs to be communicated to the PS together with the nonzero
entries. In general, log2 d bits are needed to convey the position of each nonzero ele-
ment of a sparse masking vector. However, this number can be reduced by employing
the following coding scheme. Let v be a sparse vector with sparsification level φ.
Assume that v is divided into equal-length blocks of size 1/φ. Position of a nonzero
value within a particular block can be represented by only log2 (1/φ) bits. In order
to identify each block we use an additional bit in the following way: we use 0 to
skip to the next block, and 1 to indicate that the next log2 (1/φ) bits represent the
location within the current block. Hence, on average log2 (1/φ) + 1 bits are needed
to represent the location of each nonzero value, and a total of φd bits to determine the
block indices.
In the decoding part, given the encoded binary vector vloc for the position of the
nonzero values in v, the PS starts reading the bits from the first index and checks
whether it is 0 or 1. If it is 1, then the next log2 (1/φ) bits are used to recover the
position of the nonzero value in the current block. If the index is 0, then the PS
increases the block index, which tracks the current block, by one, and moves on to
the next index. The overall decoding procedure is illustrated in Algorithm 12.4.
For example, consider a sparse vector of size d = 24 and φ = 1/8; that is, there
are only three nonzero values, and let those values be at indices 1, 5, and 17. Since
φ = 1/8, the vector is divided into three blocks, each of size eight, and the position Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 363

Algorithm 12.4 Sparse position decoding.

1: Initialize: pointer = 0
2: while pointer < length(vloc ) do
3: if vloc (pointer) = 0 then
4: blockindex = blockindex + 1
5: pointer = pointer + 1
6: else
7: Recover I ntraBlockP osition:
8: Read the next log2 (1/φ) bits
9: Recover the location of a non-zero value:
10: (1/φ) · blockindex + I ntraBlockP osition
11: pointer = pointer + log2 (1/φ) + 1

of nonzero values within each block can be represented by 3 bits (i.e., 000,100,000);
hence, overall the sparse representation can be written as a bit stream of
100011000010000, (12.23)
where the bits in normal font represent the position within the block, bold bits indicate
that the following three bits refer to the position within the current block, and the
underlined bits represent the end of a block. We note that other methods such Elias
coding [30] and Golomb coding [31] can also be used for an efficient representation
of the sparse mask vector.

12.3.2 Quantization
Even after applying a sparsifying transform as in Eq. (12.9), we inherently assume
that the exact values of the local updates, g̃, are communicated from the devices to the
PS. In practice, the communication links from the devices to the PS are finite capac-
ity, and hence, these real-valued vectors must be quantized. In the standard setting,
floating point precision with 32 bits is assumed to represent each real value, so 32 bits
are required to represent each element of the local gradient estimate. Quantization
techniques aim to represent each element of the gradient estimates with as few bits
as possible to reduce the communication load [30, 32–40]. In the most extreme case,
only the sign of each element is sent, using only a single bit per dimension, to achieve
up to a 32 times reduction in the communication load [34, 38–40].

Stochastic Uniform Quantization

In stochastic uniform quantization strategy [30, 32], denoted by Qs (·), we uniformly
allocate representation points as in uniform quantization, but instead of mapping each
number to the nearest representation point, we probabilistically assign them to one of
the two nearest points. We first normalize and take the absolute values of the elements
of the given vector u: u ∈ Rd : Published online by Cambridge University Press

364 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

ũ = . (12.24)
Then, consider dividing the interval [0,1] into L equal length sub-intervals I1, . . . ,IL ,
where Il = [Illower ,Il ). In the last step, each normalized value ũi is randomly
mapped to one of the boundary points of the corresponding interval according to
qrand (·) and scaled by the sign of ui . Let ũi ∈ Il ; we have
I lower , with probability (Il − ũi )L
qrand (ũi ) = lupper
Il , with probability (ũi − Illower
Hence, overall, the quantized representation of u can be written as

Qs (u)i = sign(ui )qrand (ũi )||u||. (12.25)

In [33], stochastic quantization framework is combined with the error accumulation


Ternary Gradient Quantization

Similarly to stochastic gradient quantization, ternary gradient quantization is another
unbiased compression strategy, which can be considered as a mixture of random
sparsification and stochastic quantization [39]. It is called ternary since the quantized
values can take only three values:

Qtern (g)i ∈ {−1,0, + 1} . (12.26)

It can be represented as follows:

Qtern (g) = gmax · sign(g) ⊗ b (12.27)


gmax = ||g||∞, (12.28)

and b is a random binary vector of independent Bernoulli variables, where

1, with probability g|gmax
bi =
0, with probability 1 − g|gmax

SignSGD and 1-bit Quantization

One of the earliest schemes that has been employed in distributed learning to reduce
the communication load is the 1-bit quantization strategy [34, 35], where each device
quantizes its gradient using a single threshold value so that only a single bit is required
to represent each element.
A similar approach that uses only one bit for the gradient values is SignSGD [36],
where each device only sends the sign of the gradient values. Equivalently, in
SignSGD the distributed learning framework works as a majority vote since the
sum of the signs indicates the result of a majority vote for the gradient direction.
The SignSGD algorithm is presented in Algorithm 12.5. We note that, thanks to the Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 365

Algorithm 12.5 SignSGD.

1: for t = 1, . . . ,T do
2: Device side:
3: for n = 1, . . . ,N do in parallel  
4: Update model: θt = θ t−1 + η × sign n∈[N] sign(gn,t )
5: Compute SGD: gn,t = ∇θ F (θ t ,ζn,t )
6: Send sign(gn,t ) to PS
7: Sparse communication
 PS side:

8: Send sign n∈[N] sign(g n,t ) to devices

reduced dimensionality, SignSGD strategy also provides certain robustness against

adversarial attacks [37].

Scaled Sign Operator

Another quantization scheme is the scaled sign operator, which has a similar structure
to ternary quantization, although it is not an unbiased compression scheme. The scaled
sign operator sends the sign of the gradient values by scaling them with the mean value
of the gradient:
Q(g) = sign(g), (12.29)
where d is the dimension of vector g. Although the scaled sign operator is biased, it is
a δ-approximate compressor; that is, it satisfies the following inequality:

||Q(x) − x||22 ≤ 1 − δ · ||x||22 . (12.30)

In [38], it is shown that when a quantization scheme is a δ-approximate compres-

sor, then the quantized SGD framework converges when the quantization scheme is
employed together with error accumulation.
Block-wise implementation of the scaled sign operator is considered in [39], where
the gradient vector g, or the momentum term if momentum SGD is used as an opti-
mizer, is divided into L disjoint smaller blocks {g1, . . . ,gL }, and the scaled sign
operator is applied to each block separately. This way, variations on the mean gradient
values of different layers can be incorporated to the compression procedure to further
reduce the quantization error. We also note that in [39] quantization is employed
both in the uplink and downlink directions. An efficient compression scheme for
transmission in the PS-to-device direction is presented in [41].

12.3.3 Local Iteration

Local SGD, also known as H -step averaging, aims to reduce the frequency of global
model updates at the PS and, hence, the communication of local model updates from
the devices to the PS [26, 42–47]. In order to reduce the frequency of global aggrega-
tion, devices update their models locally for H consecutive SGD iterations based on Published online by Cambridge University Press

366 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

their local gradient estimates, before sending their local model updates to the PS. The
global model evolves over communication rounds as follows:

θt+1 = θt + −ηt · ghn,t , (12.31)
n=1 h=1
θ n,t


ghn,t = ∇θ F (θ hn,t ,ζn,h ), (12.32)


θhn,t = θ h−1
n,t − ηt · gn,t ,

where we set θ0n,t = θt .

In this section, we presented three groups of strategies to reduce the communication
load in distributed learning. We would like to highlight that these strategies can be
combined to reduce the communication load further [31, 48]. In Algorithm 12.6, a
general communication efficient distributed learning framework is presented where
C can be one of the compression operators previously explained or a combination of
these schemes. We note that the lines 15–17 in Algorithm 12.6 are used instead of lines
13 and 14 when the compression strategy is also employed in the downlink direction.

Algorithm 12.6 Compressed local SGD with error accumulation.

1: for t = 1, . . . ,T do
2: Device side:
3: for n = 1, . . . ,N do in parallel
4: Receive  t−1 from PS
5:  t−1
Update model: θn,t = θ n,t−1 + 
6: Initialize θ n,t = θ n,t

7: Perform local SGD for H iteartions:

8: n,t = θH n,t − θ n,t

9:  n,t = C(n,t + en,t )

10: Send   n,t to PS
11: en,t = n,t −   n,t
12: Sparse communication PS side:

13:  t = n∈[N] 
Send t to all devices

15:  t = C( n∈[N] 
  n,t + et )
16:  t to all devices

17: et+1 = n∈[N]   n,t + et −  t Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 367

12.3.4 Federated Learning (FL)

FL is a centralized distributed learning strategy, which was introduced to solve the
stochastic optimization problem given in Eq. (12.4) in a distributed manner without
sharing local datasets in order to offer a certain level of privacy to users. This is
particularly relevant when sensitive data, such as personal medical records, are used to
train a model, such as for digital healthcare or remote diagnosis applications [49, 50].
From the implementation perspective, FL framework differs from other centralized
learning strategies since it aims to practice collaborative learning on a large scale.
Therefore, practical implementations of FL require additional mechanisms to make
them communication efficient. The first mechanism used in FL framework is the use
of local SGD strategy to reduce the communication frequency between the PS and the
devices. Second, to prevent overload at the PS, at each iteration t, only a subset of
the active devices in the network, denoted by St ⊆ S, are selected to participate the
learning process. The devices can be sampled randomly, or by some more advanced
selection schemes as we will address later.
In a broad sense, FL employs distributed SGD, and each SGD iteration consists
of three main steps: device sampling/selection, local computation, and consen-
sus/aggregation. Once the PS samples the devices St ⊆ S for the tth iteration, each
device first pulls the latest global model θt−1 from the PS and then locally minimizes
its own loss function fn (θt ) with an SGD update:

θhn,t = θh−1
n,t − ηt · gn,t

for h = 1, . . . ,H , where we set θ0i,t = θt−1 ,

ghn,t = ∇θ F (θ hn,t ,ζn,h ), (12.35)

and ζ n,h is the data sampled from dataset Dn in the hth local iteration.
In each iteration, each device carries out H SGD steps before the aggregation at the
PS. Once each device finishes its local updates, it sends the latest local model θH
n,t to
the PS for aggregation. The common approach for the aggregation/consensus in FL is
to simply take the average of the participating devices’ local models:
1  H
θt = θi,t . (12.36)
|St |

However, we remark here that more advanced aggregation approaches have also been
introduced recently in [51–53]. The generic FL framework iterating over these three
steps, called as federated averaging (FedAVG), is provided in Algorithm 12.7. We note
that the particular scenario with full participation, St = S and H = 1, is referred to
as federated SGD (FedSGD).

Accelerated FL
There have been many efforts to accelerate FL convergence. A classical technique for
accelerating SGD is the momentum method [54], which accumulates a velocity vector
in the directions of persistent reduction in the objective function across iterations. Published online by Cambridge University Press

368 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

Algorithm 12.7 Federated averaging (FedAVG) Federated Learning (FL).

1: for t = 1,2, . . . do
2: Choose a subset of devices St ⊆ S
3: for n ∈ St do in parallel
4: Pull θt−1 from PS: θ0n,t = θt−1
5: for h = 1, . . . ,H do
6: Compute SGD: ghn,t = ∇θ F (θ h−1
n,t ,ζ n,h )
7: Update model: θ hn,t = θ h−1
n,t − ηt ghn,t
8: Push θ H

9: Federated averaging: θt = |S1t | i∈St θH

Algorithm 12.8 SlowMo framework.

1: for t = 1, . . . ,T do
2: Local iteration:
3: Sample participating devices St ⊆ S
4: for i ∈ St do in parallel
5: θ 0i,t = θ t−1
6: for h = 1, . . . ,H do local update:
7: Compute SGD: ghi,t = ∇θ F (θ h−1
i,t ,ζ i,h )
8: Update model: θ i,t = θ i,t − ηt ghi,t

9: Communication phase:
10: for i ∈ St do
11: Send to PS: i,t  θ H
i,t − θ t−1
12: Compute pseudo gradient:

13: Ḡt = |S1t | η1t i∈St i,t
14: Compute pseudo momentum:
15: mt+1 = βmt + Ḡt
16: Model update:
17: θt+1 = θt − αηt mt+1

State-of-the-art results for most ML tasks incorporate momentum. Momentum can

also be incorporated into distributed SGD in various ways. Global momentum can be
used at the PS when updating the global model, the devices can apply local momentum
during their local update steps, or a combination of the two can also be used [43].
We can treat the FL framework as a combination of two loops, where in the inner
loop devices update their local models, and in the outer loop PS updates the global
model. In principle, it is possible to accelerate the convergence of FL by using different
optimizers in either of these loops. One such strategy is the SlowMo framework [55],
which is summarized in Algorithm 12.8. The core idea behind the SlowMo framework
is to utilize the local model updates from the inner loop to compute a pseudo gradient Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 369

at the PS, which is then used by the PS as the optimizer for the outer loop to update
the global model. Formally speaking, each device scheduled for the tth iteration of the
FL algorithm performs H local updates as before and sends the accumulated model
difference n,t  θ Hi,t − θ t−1 to the PS (line 10 of Algorithm 12.8). PS utilizes the
average of the model updates as the pseudo gradient and updates the momentum of
the outer loop accordingly (line 14 of Algorithm 12.8), which is then used to update
the model (line 16 of Algorithm 12.8). We note that SlowMo uses momentum SGD at
the PS, but this approach can also be extended to other optimizers [56].

12.4 Device Selection and Resource Allocation in Distributed Learning

Over Wireless Networks

A fundamental design problem in centralized collaborative learning is to find the

optimal number of uplink devices and the optimal frequency of global model updates,
or equivalently, the number of local iterations in between consecutive global updates,
to seek a balance between the accuracy of the model update and the communication
cost in order to achieve the best convergence performance based on the wall clock
time. Collaborative learning across wireless devices introduces new challenges as the
communication bottleneck becomes even more stringent due to the limited bandwidth
available for model updates, varying nature of the channel quality across users and
iterations, and the energy-limited nature of most wireless devices. Hence, the optimal
collaborative learning design across wireless networks must take into account the
channel conditions of the devices and optimize the wireless networking parameters
together with the parameters of the collaborative learning algorithm [57–60].
The two most common device selection mechanisms employed in the FL frame-
work are random scheduling, where devices participating in each iteration
are randomly sampled, and round-robin scheduling, where the devices are divided
into groups and the groups are scheduled according to a predefined order throughout
the learning process. However, these scheduling mechanisms do not take into
account the channel condition of each individual device, and since the global model
update requires certain synchronization across selected devices at each iteration,
devices with weaker channel conditions may become the bottleneck, resulting in
significant delays.
To overcome the aforementioned issue, device selection mechanism in FL should
be modified by taking into account the channel conditions of the devices. Let Lcomm i,t
and Li,t be the communication and computation latency of the ith device at iteration
t, respectively. We have Lcomm
i,t = d/Ri,t , where d is the size of the local update in bits,
and Ri,t (bits per unit time) is the transmission rate of the ith device at iteration t. The
transmission rate of device i, Ri,t , is a function of its transmission power Pi,t , channel
state hi,t , and the resource allocation policy t , which decides on the time/frequency
resources allocated to each device at each iteration. From the latency perspective,
collaborative learning in a wireless network setup can be formulated as a joint device Published online by Cambridge University Press

370 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

selection (t ) and power/resource allocation (Pt ,t ) problem, where the objective
can be written, generically, in the following form:

d comp
min max + Li,t , (12.37)
Pt ,t ,t |ht i∈t Ri,t (Pt ,ht ,t )

where t ⊆ S denotes the set of scheduled devices at iteration t. We note that the
objective in Eq. (12.37) depicts a general form, while in a practical scenario we may
assume fixed transmission power, in which case the objective function reduces to joint
device selection and resource allocation problem, and it can be further simplified to
only a device selection problem by assuming a uniform, or a fixed resource allocation
strategy. We can also impose a constraint on the number of scheduled devices at
each round (i.e., |t | = K, ∀t) for some 0 < K ≤ |S|, or leave it as an optimization
In the FL context, it is possible to establish a connection between the number of
scheduled devices and the number of communication rounds to achieve a certain level
of final accuracy. However, this assumes that the devices are scheduled independently
and with identical probability, such that, although one device may be preferred over
another at a certain iteration t, devices participate in the model updates equally in
the long run in order not to introduce any bias in the overall process. However, in
the wireless setting, scheduling statistics may not be identical for devices, such as
when the access point acting as the PS is not equally distant to the devices. Such
heterogeneity requires further constraints on communication efficient device selection
strategies for FL. To clarify this point, we present an example that highlights why
purely channel-dependent scheduling strategies are not sufficient in the FL framework.
In this example, we consider training a CNN architecture in a federated manner
with the help of a single-antenna base station. We assume there are 100 single-antenna
edge devices uniformly distributed around the base station within a radius of 500
meters, and at each iteration 20 devices participate in the global model update. In the
simulation, we consider both large-scale path loss and small-scale Rayleigh fading
with unit power and consider transmission at the corresponding channel capacity
assuming a random channel realization at each iteration. We assume both BS and
devices transmits with a fixed power of 15 dbm and 10 dbm, respectively, and we set
the bandwidth to B = 2 × 107 and the noise power to N0 = −204 dbW/Hz.
We compare random scheduling with channel-aware scheduling, which schedules
the devices in order to minimize the latency as in Eq. (12.37). We plot the test accuracy
of the learned model throughout the learning process in Fig. 12.1. We observe that
the channel-aware strategy performs better initially, quickly learning a reasonably
good model, but its performance drops sharply after a certain number of iterations
and eventually records a large generalization gap compared to the simple random
scheduling strategy. This behavior is due to the biased updates since some devices,
those closer to the access point, participate in the federated averaging updates more
frequently since they have better channel states on average. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 371

Random scheduling
Latency-minimal scheduling


Test Accuracy



0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000

Figure 12.1 Test accuracy with respect to overall latency (seconds) analyzed over 1,000
communication rounds for collaborative learning of classification on the CIFAR-10 dataset
using a CNN architecture. In latency-minimal scheduling, we schedule the users with the best
channel states at each iteration.

Age-Aware Device Scheduling

As evident from this example, since only a certain portion of the devices are selected
for model update in FL, the selection strategy may cause some devices to participate
for frequently than others, resulting in biased model updates. Hence, it is important to
regulate the frequency of devices’ participation in the learning process to prevent any
dominance of particular set of devices on the model update. To this end, in [58], an
age based regulation strategy is introduced, where the term age is used as a metric to
represent the number of iterations since the last scheduling of a device. Hence, age of
the ith device, denoted by ai , evolves over the iterations in the following way:

0, if i ∈ St
ai (t) =
ai (t) + 1, otherwise.

One can observe that the age metric in this context measures the staleness due to
the lack of participation. To this end, the device scheduling strategy can be designed
to minimize the impact of the aggregate staleness at each communication round. For
this reason, [58] uses the following parameterized function, which guarantees a certain
fairness across the devices according to the staleness of their updates:
, if α = 1
fα (x) = 1−α
log(1 + x), α = 1.

Hence, under certain latency constraint on the communication round, the overall
optimization problem can be rewritten as Published online by Cambridge University Press

372 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

P2: min f (ai,t )
Pt ,t ,t

subject to: Ri,t (Pt ,t ) ≥ Rmin, ∀i ∈ St , (12.38)

Pt ∈ P,t ∈ F,∀t, (12.39)

where P and F denote the feasible power and resource allocation sets, respectively.
The first constraint in Eq. (12.38) is introduced to ensure that the duration of each
communication round does not exceed a predefined latency constraint Lmax = Rmin d
The problem P2 is fairly general. Consider now a more specific scenario, where we
have a set of orthogonal channel resources, i.e., subchannels, denoted by W that we
allocate to the scheduled devices at each iteration. In this scenario, the feasible sets for
power and resource allocation in Eq. (12.39) can be specified to guarantee constraints
on the peak and/or average power and the total channel resources, including practi-
cal requirements, such as allocating only a single device for each available channel
resource. Let Wi,t denote the subset of channel resources allocated to the ith device
in the tth iteration under the resource allocation function t .
Using Shannon capacity as the transmission rate, which would serve as an upper
bound on the rate that can be achieved in practice, and assuming unit-variance additive
Gaussian noise at each subchannel, with power allocation Pt and resource allocation
t , the transmission rate of the ith device is given by
Ri,t (Pt ,t ) = log(1 + Gi,t,n Pi,t,n ), (12.40)

where Gi,t,n denotes the channel gain experienced by the ith device in the tth iteration
over subchannel n, and Pi,t,n is the power allocated to this subchannel.
We can impose a power constraint on each device, such that the total power con-
sumption of device i does not exceed Pmax :

Pi,n ≤ Pmax . (12.41)

For resource allocation, we can require orthogonal transmission to prevent any inter-
ference between the devices. Hence, F is the set of all possible orthogonal resource
allocation policies; that is,

Wi,t ⊆ W,∀i,t, and Wi,t ∩ Wj,t = ∅,∀i,j ∈ St . (12.42)

Under orthogonal channel allocation, the optimization problem illustrated in P2 is a

combinatorial one; hence, in [58], a greedy heuristic is designed to solve it. The greedy
algorithm consists of two phases, executed subsequently. Given the set of available
subchannels W  , the first algorithm solves a resource and power allocation problem for
for each device that has not been scheduled yet; that is, for i ∈ S \ St , where initially
St = ∅, such that the number of channels required for each device is minimized. This
is equivalent to solving the following optimization problem for each device i ∈ S \ St : Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 373

P3: min |Wi,t |

Pi,t ,i,t

subject to: Ri,t (Pi,t ,i,t ) ≥ Rmin, (12.43)

Pi,t,n ≤ Pmax . (12.44)

The results of P3 are fed to the second algorithm, which checks the ratio between
the impact of the staleness and the number of required subchannels for the model
fα (ai,t )
, (12.45)
|Wi,t |
and the device with the highest ratio is added to the set of scheduled devices, and the
subchannels identified by P3 for that device are removed from the set of available
St ← St ∪ {i} and W  \ Wi,t . (12.46)
Both algorithms are executed subsequently until the remaining subchannels are not
sufficient to add any other device to the set St , which means there is no feasible
solution to the optimization problem P3.

Device Scheduling with Fixed Power Allocation

In general, it is hard to provide a tractable solution to the optimization problem in
Eq. (12.37). Instead, one can assume fixed power transmission and focus only on the
impact of device scheduling, considering many PSs in parallel potentially interfering
with each other. We can then replace the communication latency term with the update
success probability to characterize the convergence performance [59]. To be more
precise, consider multiple PSs distributed according Poisson point process (PPP) with
parameter λ, which represents the density of the PSs. It is assumed that, in each
cluster formed around a PS, there are N devices distributed uniformly, and K < N
subchannels are available to be allocated to the devices at each iteration. The channel
between the devices and the corresponding PS is assumed to behave according to
the block-fading propagation model, in which the channel state remains fixed within a
communication block and changes in an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.)
fashion from one transmission block to the next.
According to the block-fading propagation model together with the large-scale
path-loss model, the received signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) at the PS
for device n can be written as
phn dn−α
γn,t =  −α , (12.47)
c∈Couter phc dc + σ

where p is the fixed transmit power for devices, dn is the distance of device n to the
PS, σ2 is the variance of the additive noise term, α is the path-loss exponent, hn is
the small scale fading coefficient, and Couter is the set of interfering devices belonging
to other clusters. Under the given SINR model, a transmission from device n to the PS Published online by Cambridge University Press

374 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

is considered successful if γn,t > γ for some predefined threshold γ . Accordingly,

the update success probability for device n, denoted by Un , is defined as the probability
of being scheduled for the model update and completing the transmission successfully:

Un = P(γn,t > γ,n ∈ St ). (12.48)

Assuming i.i.d. channel statistics across devices within the same clusters and law
of large numbers the update success probability can be written as

t N
Un = lim 1{n∈Sτ ,γn,τ >γ } . (12.49)
t→∞ N t
τ=0 n=1

It has been shown in [59] that the number of communication rounds to achieve a
certain accuracy level can be written as a function of Un . More precisely, it is shown
to be proportional to log(1−U n)
. The key design question is to find the scheduling
policy  that maximizes the update success probability in order to achieve a better
convergence result. Three different scheduling policies are investigated in [59] for this
purpose: random scheduling (RS), round robin scheduling (RR), and proportional fair
scheduling (PF).
RS selects K devices randomly for the model update. Under RS, Un can be
approximated as
Un ≈ , (12.50)
1 + V (γ,α)
α  12  α/2 u
σ2 γ λ1− 2  α/2 ∞ 1 − − 5π (γ )
V (γ,α) = (γ ) . (12.51)
P 2α−2 u=0 1 + uα/2
Accordingly the minimum number of required iterations under RS, TRS , is propor-
tional to
. (12.52)
log 1 − 1+V (γ ,α)

RR policy, on the other hand, divides the devices into G = K/N groups and sequen-
tially schedules one group at a time. Compared to RS, the RR policy introduces some
level of fairness by giving a chance to each device to contribute to the model update
periodically. Under the RR policy, the update success probability can be written as

 , if scheduled
Un ≈ 1+V (γ ,α) (12.53)
0 otherwise,
and accordingly the minimum number of required iterations under RR policy, TRR is
proportional to
. (12.54)
log 1 − 1
1+V (γ ,α) Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 375

Finally, the PF policy selects the devices opportunistically based on the channel
statistics. It sorts all the devices according to the ratio, ρ̄ii , where ρ̃ i and ρ̄ i are the
instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and time-averaged SNR, respectively. The
opportunistic behaviour behind the PF policy helps to increase the update success
probability, which can be written as
N − K + 1 (−1)i+1 N/K
Un ≈ , (12.55)
i 1 + V (iγ,α)

and the minimum number of required iterations under the RR policy, TP F , is

proportional to
K−N+1 K−N+1 (−1)i+1 K/N . (12.56)
log 1 − i=1 i 1+V (iγ,α)

To compare the performance of these three scheduling strategies (RR, RS, and PF),
a classification problem on MNIST data consisting of handwritten numerals, using
a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture has been considered in [59]. In
the simulations, two different scenarios with high and low SINR threshold regimes
with γ = 20dB and γ = −25dB, respectively, have been analyzed. The results
indicate that, in the high SINR threshold regime, PF significantly outperforms the
RR policy; while PF achieves 94 percent average test accuracy, RR gets stuck around
50 percent. This is mainly because PF achieves further successful global aggregation
rounds compared to RR. In the low SINR threshold regime, all three scheduling
policies exhibit similar performance since the chance of successfully participating in
global aggregation increases with reduced threshold. Further details on the numerical
experiments can be found in [59].
In Eq. (12.37), we assumed a fixed number of scheduled devices at each iteration
and tried to minimize the latency of getting updates from so many devices. Alterna-
tively, we can impose a deadline on each iteration and try to receive updates from as
many devices as possible at each iteration [61]. Assuming that the devices transmit
one by one using all the available channel resources, the device selection problem can
be formulated as follows:

P4: max |St |

subject to: St ⊆ S̄t , ∀t, (12.57)
⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎞
|S t | |S t |

si ,t + max
⎝ Lcomm
si ,t ,Lsi ,t
⎠⎠ ≤ Tmax , (12.58)
i=1 i=1

where the objective is to schedule the maximum number devices from among the
randomly sampled set S̄t , while the overall latency is bounded by some predefined
Tmax . We want to highlight that, in this formulation, the device selection strategy also
incorporates the scheduling decision for the model updates, such that the devices in
set St = {s1, . . . ,s|St | } are ordered. This ordering also affects the latency since, as
illustrated in Eq. (12.58), the computation time of the si th device can be overlapped Published online by Cambridge University Press

376 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

with the cumulative latency of the previously scheduled devices. In general, P4 is

a combinatorial problem, so a greedy strategy is proposed in [61], similar to those
used for the knapsack problem. This strategy iteratively adds to set St the device that
introduces the minimum additional delay, until the cumulative latency reaches Tmax .
Latency-aware device selection problem with a fairness constraint is also studied
in [57], where the optimal device selection problem is analyzed as a multi-armed
bandit (MAB) problem.

Update-Aware Device Scheduling

In all the policies discussed so far, the devices are scheduled according to the channel
conditions, with the additional consideration of the age or the fairness in order to make
sure that each device is scheduled at some minimal frequency. An alternative approach
to these policies is considered in [62], where the updates of the devices are also taken
into account when selecting the devices to be scheduled at each iteration.
Assume that we schedule a fixed number of K devices at each iteration. Unlike
the previous formulation, here we fix both the latency and the number of devices at
each iteration, but instead change the update resolution sent from each device, which
was set to d bits in Eq. (12.37). Once the scheduled devices are decided, the channel
resources are allocated between these devices such that each device can approximately
send the same number of bits to the PS.
If we schedule the devices with the best channel states, the scheduled devices will
be able to transmit their model updates with the highest fidelity; however, not all model
updates may have the same utility for the SGD process. For example, if the data at one
of the devices is already in accordance with the current model, this device will not
want to change the model and, hence, will send a very small or zero model update to
the PS, which can be ignored without much loss in the optimization. To enable such an
“update-aware” scheduling policy, [62] proposes to schedule the devices taking into
account the l2 norm of their model updates.
Four different scheduling policies are proposed and compared in [62]: the best
channel (BC) policy schedules devices soleley based on their channel conditions; that
is, selects the K devices with the best channel conditions. The best l2 -norm (BN2)
strategy schedules the K devices with the best channel conditions. On the other hand,
best channel-best l2 -norm (BC-BN2) strategy first chooses Kc devices according to
their channel conditions and then chooses K out of these Kc devices, depending
on the l2 norm of their updates. This guarantees scheduling users with both good
channel states and significant model updates. Note however that the real quality of the
update transmitted to the PS depends also on the available channel resources, which
determines how much the device needs to quantize its model update. For example,
a device might have an update with a relatively large l2 norm; however, this might
reduce drastically after quantization if the channel of this device is relatively weak.
To take into account this reduction in the update quality due to quantization, the best
l2 -norm-channel (BN2-C) strategy chooses the final devices based on the l2 norm of
the updates they would send if they were the sole transmitter. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 377

Figure 12.2 Performance of different scheduling policies with N = 40 devices.

We compare the test accuracy of these four schemes in Fig. 12.2 considering the
training of a neural network model for MNIST image classification. We considering 40
devices, each with 1,000 randomly chosen MNIST samples. We can see from this plot
that scheduling only a single device at each iteration achieves the best performance for
all four schemes. We can also see that scheduling solely based on the channel gains or
on the update significance has a slower convergence speed, and converges to a lower
test accuracy. It is clear that the best performance is achieved when both the channel
gain and the update significance is taken into account when scheduling the devices.

12.4.1 Hierarchical Edge Learning

In general, to prevent excessive communication load and congestion at the PS only a
small portion of devices are scheduled at each round to upload their locally trained
models. On the other hand, scheduling only a small number of K devices at each
round increases the required number of communication rounds to achieve a target
accuracy level. In order to reduce the communication load while keeping the number
of communication rounds fixed, orchestration of the edge learning framework can be
modified such that multiple PSs are employed to utilize parallel aggregation in the
network under the orchestration of a main coordinator PS [63, 64].
The generic structure of the hierarchical FL (HFL) framework is provided in
Algorithm 12.9. In HFL, devices in the network are grouped into L clusters and the
devices within the same cluster are assigned to the same PS. Therefore, intracluster
federated averaging is executed in parallel (lines 2–10 in Algorithm 12.9). Following
H rounds of intracluster averaging, PSs communicate with each other through the
main PS to seek a consensus on the global model (line 13 in Algorithm 12.9). Published online by Cambridge University Press

378 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

Algorithm 12.9 Hierarchical federated learning (HFL).

1: for t = 1,2, . . . do
2: for l = 1, . . . ,L do in parallel
3: for i ∈ Cl do in parallel
4: Pull θ l,t−1 from P Sl : θ 0i,t−1 = θl,t−1
5: for h = 1, . . . ,Hlocal do
6: Compute SGD: gi,h = ∇θ Ln (θhi,t−1,ζi,h )
7: Update model: θhi,t−1 = θh−1 i,t−1 − ηt gi,h
8: Push θH local
i,t−1 to P Sl
9: Intra-cluster averaging:

10: θ l,t = |C1l | i∈Cl θ H local
11: if t|H then:
12: Inter-cluster Averaging

13: θ t = L1 L l=1 θ l,t

Uplink Downlink



Figure 12.3 Intracluster consensus.

In the wireless setting, this hierarchical edge learning strategy can be implemented
through small-cell base stations (SBS) such that the clusters are formed by assigning
devices to SBSs and the SBSs are orchestrated by a macro-cell base station (MBS),
as illustrated in Figs. 12.3 and 12.4. In this scenario, we refer to the devices as mobile
users (MUs).
To illustrate the benefits of the hierarchical FL strategy, we consider 28 MUs uni-
formly distributed in a circular area with radius 750 meters. We consider hexagonal
clusters, where the diameter of a circle inscribed in each of them is 500 meters.
We consider in total seven clusters with hexagonal shape, and the SBSs are located Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 379

Uplink Downlink




Figure 12.4 Intercluster consensus.

Figure 12.5 Test accuracy through iterations.

at the center of the hexagons. We further assume that the fronthaul links between the
MBS and the SBSs are 100 times faster than the uplink and downlink connections
between the MUs and the SBSs. We assume 600 subcarriers with subcarrier spacing
of 30 KHz. The maximum transmit powers of the MBS, SBSs, and the MUs are set to
20 W, 6.3 W, and 0.2 W, respectively.
For the simulations, we consider the image classification problem over the CIFAR-
10 dataset with 10 different image classes and collaboratively train the ResNet18
architecture. The dataset is divided disjointly among the devices in an i.i.d. manner.
We set the batch size for training to 64 and the initial learning rate to 0.25, which is
reduced by a factor of 10 at the end of the 150th epoch and 225th epoch. Finally, we
apply 99, 90, 90, and 90 percent sparsification for communication from the MUs to Published online by Cambridge University Press

380 Emre Ozfatura, Deniz Gündüz, and H. Vincent Poor

Table 12.1. Test accuracy results for

different strategies.

Baseline 92.48 ± 0.13

FL 89.23 ± 0.42
HFL, H = 2 90.27 ± 0.11
HFL, H = 4 90.474 ± 0.20
HFL, H = 6 91.03 ± 0.19

the SBSs, SBSs to MUs, SBSs to the MBS, and the MBS to SBSs, respectively. We set
Hlocal = 1 in Algorithm 12.9, and use the momentum optimizer for the local updates.
The convergence results for the HFL framework for parameters H = 2,4,6, as well
as the centralized FL and the baseline method corresponding to centralized single
machine training are illustrated in Fig. 12.5, while the final test accuracy results are
presented in Table 12.1. We observe that HFL achieves a higher final accuracy as well
as faster convergence compared to conventional FL. Additionally, the hierarchical FL
strategy provides five to seven times speed up in the latency required to reach these
accuracy levels compared to FL orchestrated directly by the MBS.

12.5 Conclusion

In this chapter, we presented a brief introduction to distributed/collaborative learning,

particularly targeting wireless edge applications. We first introduced general commu-
nication reduction methods such as sparsification, quantization, and local iterations.
We then provided an overview of device scheduling and resource allocation strategies
for distributed learning over wireless networks. We particularly highlighted the fact
that both the scheduling and the resource allocation strategy can be substantially dif-
ferent from conventional solutions for wireless network optimization, which typically
aims at maximizing the throughput, or minimizing the delay. In distributed learning,
the goal is to solve the underlying optimization problem as fast and as accurately as
possible, and we often employ iterative algorithms, such as SGD. This means that, in
addition to receiving accurate solutions from the participating devices, we also need to
guarantee that each device is scheduled with some minimal regularity. Additionally,
selecting the devices depending on the significance of their updates on the solution
can increase the convergence to the optimal solution.
There are many other factors that can be considered in formulating the optimal
scheduling scheme, such as the energy consumption at the devices [65] or impact
of the compression in the PS-to-device links [41]. We also remark that we focused
exclusively on digital schemes in this chapter, where the devices first compress their
model updates into a finite number of bits and transmit these bits to the PS over orthog-
onal channels. An alternative approach is to transmit all the model updates from the
devices simultaneously in an uncoded/analog manner, which allows exploiting the sig-
nal superposition property of the wireless channel for over-the-air computation [3, 4]. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Collaborative Learning over Wireless Networks 381

[1] D. Gündüz et al., “Communicate to learn at the edge,” IEEE Communications Magazine,
vol. 58, no. 12, pp. 14–19, 2020.
[2] J. Park et al., “Wireless network intelligence at the edge,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 107, no. 11,
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13 Optimized Federated Learning in
Wireless Networks with
Constrained Resources
Shiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, and Kin K. Leung

13.1 Introduction

When compared with existing networks, future wireless networks are expected to
provide a much higher data rate and lower latency to support advanced communication
services and new user applications. In particular, these represent the main advances
for the 5G and beyond 5G networks. In addition to communications among human
users, other forms of communications such as machine-to-machine, Internet of Things
(IoT), vehicle-to-vehicle, and sensors are going to be increasingly popular. All of these
machines and devices attached to the edge of wireless networks will produce and
consume huge volumes of different kinds of data, such as high-quality images and
videos that utilize a great deal of communication resources for transmission.
Machine learning (ML) techniques have been widely applied to a variety of appli-
cations, ranging from speech, image and video processing, surveillance, to system
monitoring and control, and network resource management, to name a few. By nature,
ML is used to process and extract useful information and knowledge from a large
quantity of data generated by or collected from various sources. On top of many
existing types of devices, consider self-driving vehicles mounted with camera and
sensors as one type of mobile device in the near future. Clearly, they will become new
data sources for ML. The availability of additional data naturally will lead to new ML
applications, which will also result in new challenges for wireless networks.
To enable ML applications over wireless networks, radio bandwidth and transmis-
sion power may not be the only network resources in limited supply. Furthermore,
computational capability and speed, on-board memory storage, energy and power,
etc. may also be resources of concern on the wireless clients that can significantly
affect the overall quality of service for ML applications. Existing wireless research
has been focusing on optimizing the use of limited communication resources such

The research presented in this chapter was partly sponsored by the US Army Research Laboratory
and the UK Ministry of Defence under agreement number W911NF-16-3-0001. The views and
conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as
representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the US Army Research Laboratory, the
US government, the UK Ministry of Defence, or the UK government. The US and UK governments are
authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for government purposes notwithstanding any
copyright notation hereon. Published online by Cambridge University Press

386 Shiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, and Kin K. Leung

Figure 13.1 Model training at the edge.

as bandwidth and transmission power among competing users or applications, but

we have not adequately considered the other factors and issues that can be crucially
important to the overall performance of ML services over wireless networks.

13.1.1 Model Training at the Wireless Edge

A major benefit of the vast amount of data generated by modern applications is that
they can be used to train new ML models, which can in turn enable new applications
and functionalities. However, as most of such data are generated on the device where
the application runs, it is often infeasible to transmit all the on-device information to
a central cloud, due to the large amount of data located on billions of end devices and
privacy regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).1
To make use of locally collected data, new ML techniques have been developed in
recent years that are broadly known as edge learning [1, 2]. As illustrated in Fig. 13.1,
in a 5G and beyond system with mobile edge computing (MEC), edge nodes located
at base stations or elsewhere in close proximity to users act as processing units with
a high-bandwidth and low-latency connection to end devices. There are two different
ways to enable model training in this context: (a) Each end device shares a small
portion of its data with its nearest edge node or the cloud, in the form of a coreset
[3], so that the edge node or cloud can train models using this subset of data. (b) The
devices, edge nodes, or both collaboratively train a model without sharing their raw
data, which is known as federated learning (FL) [4, 5]. Both approaches avoid sending
all the data from sources to a central place. Hence, they are more communication-
efficient and privacy-preserving compared to traditional ML techniques that require
central data storage. They can coexist in a single system. For instance, each end device
may transmit a coreset of its data to the nearest edge node; then, multiple edge nodes
can collaboratively train a model using FL.

1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Optimized Federated Learning in Wireless Networks 387

13.1.2 Adaptive Federated Learning (FL)

FL is particularly challenging at the resource-constrained wireless edge, since it
includes multiple rounds of computation and communication among the participating
clients and the server. Here and throughout this chapter, we refer to the FL participants
with local datasets as clients, which can be either an end device or an edge node; the
FL server is a logical entity acting as an aggregator, which does not have access to
any data and is often located in the cloud, but can be located on an edge node or end
device as well. In a typical FL system, data is generated or collected by the distributed
clients, which have some processing capability and disk space to store the data. After
processing, each local client sends its learned model parameters through wireless
links to the server for further processing and aggregation. For good overviews of FL,
see [6–8]. From an implementation’s perspective, some recent developments have
built FL prototypes using embedded systems with wireless connections [9–11].
Evidently, the amount of radio resource consumption depends on how often the
clients transmit their model parameters. Even without transmitting the model param-
eters, local processing can continue on the clients, which consumes energy and may
also lead to divergent results from the perspective of the central controller (aggrega-
tor). Therefore, consumption and usage of communication, computation, and energy
resources form a complicated relationship and trade-off that determines the overall
quality of the FL process. We present an adaptive federated learning technique in later
sections that dynamically adapts the FL algorithm to make the best use of available
resources [9].

13.1.3 Outline
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. We describe the definitions and algo-
rithms of FL in Section 13.2. In Sections 13.3 and 13.4, we present a formulation
and solution of the adaptive FL problem with resource constraints, respectively. Some
experimentation results are given in Section 13.5. Section 13.6 includes a summary
and some further discussions.

13.2 Definitions and Algorithms of Federated Learning

13.2.1 Mathematical Definition of Federated Learning

In general, ML systems include trainable models. These models map the input data to
the desired output, as illustrated in Fig. 13.2. Each model has its computational logic
and a set of trainable parameters. During the training phase, the model parameters are
learned using a training dataset with input data samples and their ground-truth labels.2
Afterward, this model is applied to predict the labels of new data with unknown labels

2 This is assuming supervised learning. Unsupervised learning works in a similar manner, but the
training data is unlabeled. Published online by Cambridge University Press

388 Shiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, and Kin K. Leung

Table 13.1. Per-sample loss functions of exemplar models.

Model Per-sample loss function l(w,x,y)

Linear regression 1 y − wT x2

SVM (smooth loss) λ w2 + 1 max 0;1 − ywT x 2 (λ ≥ 0 is a constant)
2 2
K-means (Q clusters) 1 min x − w 2 where w := [wT , . . . ,wT , . . . ,wT ]T
2 q (q) (1) (q) (Q)
Convolutional neural network Cross-entropy on neural network output, see [15]

Figure 13.2 Machine learning model.

during the inference phase. We focus on model training in this chapter. For resource-
efficient inference, we refer interested readers to [12–14].
Let the function g(w,x) denote the model with a trainable parameter vector w. For
a given input data sample (image in Fig. 13.2) x, the model gives a predicted output
(label) ŷ := g(w,x), where “:=” denotes “defined to be equal to.” Based on this, a
per-sample loss can be defined by l ŷ,y = l (g(w,x),y), where y is the ground-
truth output (label) of x that is availablein the
 training data but not available during
the inference phase. The loss function l ŷ,y can be a common error function, such
as mean square error, cross-entropy, etc. [15]. In many cases, the loss function can
include additional terms related to the model parameter w, which are not included in
g(·,·), such as a regularization term. Hence, it can be more convenient to write the
loss function as related to w and x directly, instead of relating them through g(·,·),
in the form of l (w,x,y). An example of per-sample loss functions l (w,x,y) of some
well-known ML models is given in Table 13.1.
As the training data includes multiple samples, it is the average of the per-sample
losses of all data samples in the training dataset that we care about. In the federated
setting, assume that there are N clients in total. Each client i ∈ {1,2, . . . ,N } has its
local training dataset denoted by Si , which includes data samples {x,y} ∈ Si that
capture both the input x and its desired output/label y. Based on this, we can define
the local average loss3 of client i as
fi (w) := l(w,x,y), (13.1)
|Si |

3 The local and global average losses are also known as local and global empirical risks in the literature.
We use the term “average loss” in this chapter, and we omit the word “average” when it is unambiguous
from the context. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Optimized Federated Learning in Wireless Networks 389

where | · | denotes the cardinality (i.e., number of elements) in the set. We can further
define the global average loss as

f (w) := pi fi (w), (13.2)

where pi is a weighting coefficient, such that Ni=1 pi = 1. We assume that Si ∩Sj = ∅
for i = j and discuss a few possible ways of choosing pi .

• If we choose pi =  |S i |  , we have
∪j =1 Sj 

f (w) =   l(w,x,y),
∪j =1 Sj  {x,y}∈∪N Sj
j =1

according to Eqs. (13.1) and (13.2), which is equal to the average loss in the case
of having all the local datasets (i.e., ∪Nj =1 Sj ) at a central place. With this definition
of pi , all data samples have equal importance, and a client with a smaller number
of data samples than others will be less important during the FL process.
• If we choose pi = N , all clients have equal importance. For example, a client with

only one data sample is equally important as another client with 100 data samples.
Equivalently, this means that the data sample in the former client is more
important than each data sample in the latter client.
|Si |
• Choosing pi somewhere between ∪N S  and N strikes a balance between the
j =1 j
two cases. In general, pi is chosen by the practitioner defining the FL problem,
and its choice can control the trade-off between sample bias and client bias.

The Learning Problem

With the definitions thus far, we can write the FL problem as a minimization of
the global loss. We would like to find the optimal parameter vector w∗ that mini-
mizes f (w):

w∗ := arg min f (w). (13.3)


From Eq. (13.3), we can see that ML and FL problems are essentially optimization
problems. The challenge in solving Eq. (13.3) is twofold: (a) due to the complexity
of ML models and the fact that the loss functions are data-dependent, it is usually
impossible to obtain a closed-form solution. (b) In FL systems, the global loss f (w)
is not directly observable since it is defined on distributed datasets at clients, only the
local loss fi (w) is observable at each client i.
Due to these challenges, ML problems are usually solved using gradient descent
approaches [15]. In FL, a distributed version of gradient descent is often used so
that data remain at the clients and are not shared with the (central) server, which we
discuss next. Published online by Cambridge University Press

390 Shiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, and Kin K. Leung

Figure 13.3 Federated averaging (FedAvg).

13.2.2 Federated Averaging (FedAvg)

A typical way of solving Eq. (13.3) in the FL setting is to use the federated aver-
aging (FedAvg) algorithm [4]. FedAvg includes multiple rounds, where each round
includes local iteration steps at each client followed by a parameter aggregation
step that involves both clients and the server. The steps of FedAvg are illustrated in
Fig. 13.3 [16].
In particular, each round starts with the server sending its current parameter vector
w(t) to all the clients (Step (a) in Fig. 13.3), where t is the iteration index, starting at
t = 0 for the parameter vector at initialization. Upon receiving w(t) from the server,
each client i sets its local parameter vector wi (t) to be equal to w(t). Then, every
client i performs τ steps of gradient descent using its local loss function (defined on
its local dataset, as in Eq. (13.1)). Each (out of τ) gradient descent step updates the
local parameter vector wi according to

wi (t) = wi (t − 1) − η∇fi (wi (t − 1)), (13.4)

as shown in Steps (b) and (c) in Fig. 13.3, where η > 0 is the gradient descent step
size. Then, the resulting parameter vector from each client is sent to the server, and
the server computes the aggregated parameter using

w(t) = pi wi (t), (13.5)

as in Steps (d) and (e) in Fig. 13.3.

This process repeats until a certain stopping condition is reached, which can be
either a prespecified maximum number of rounds, a given resource budget, or when
the decrease in the loss function is smaller than some threshold. Assume that training
stops after K rounds. For any τ, there are then T = K τ local iterations (counted Published online by Cambridge University Press

Optimized Federated Learning in Wireless Networks 391

on any single client) before stopping. The final model parameter can be either w(T )
obtained after aggregation in the last round or

wf := arg min f (w(kτ)), (13.6)


that is the parameter that gives the smallest global loss among all the rounds. The
former is often used in practice, whereas the latter is useful for certain kinds of
theoretical analysis, as we will see later. Note that f (w(kτ)) can be computed if each
client i sends its local loss fi (w(kτ)) to the server.
The rationale behind this approach is that when τ = 1 (i.e., parameter aggregation
is performed after every local iteration), FedAvg is equivalent to gradient descent
in the centralized setting. The reason is that, as gradient computation is linear, the
aggregation (pi -weighted average) of Eq. (13.4) is equivalent to performing gradient
descent on the global loss f (·), since we always have wi (t) = w(t) when τ = 1
and f (·) is defined as the same pi -weighted average of the local losses fi (·) (see
Eqs. (13.2) and (13.5)). This equivalence does not hold when τ > 1 though. Hence, as
we will see in later sections, we can optimize for τ to reach a good trade-off between
the communication overhead and learning convergence.
We note that the FedAvg procedure presented earlier exchanges the full parameter
vector between clients and the server at the end of each round. This standard FedAvg
process can be extended to exchanging a sparse gradient after every local iteration
(i.e., τ = 1) [17] or exchanging a compressed model that can be obtained after prun-
ing the original model [10]. In general, when τ > 1, the gradient computed in a
single iteration does not represent the change in parameter vector across all iterations
within the same federated learning round; hence, the parameter vector or its difference
between the start and end of the round would need to be communicated, instead of the
gradient alone.
In cases where the training dataset is very large, such as for deep learning, stochas-
tic gradient descent (SGD) is often used in Eq. (13.4) in place of deterministic gradient
descent (DGD) [4, 16]. We focus on DGD in this chapter for the ease of analysis.
Empirically, the approach that we present here also works for SGD, as we will discuss
in Section 13.5.

13.2.3 Other Model Fusion Algorithms

Besides FedAvg, other model fusion algorithms have also been developed in recent
years. For example, FedProx extends FedAvg to better support FL with heterogeneous
data and devices by adding a proximal term to the objective function [18]. Bayesian
approaches for efficient model fusion in FL settings was also developed [19]. In
general, these extensions are based on the basic FedAvg algorithm or at least its main
concept of alternating between local computation and model fusion in each round. We
mainly focus on FedAvg in the resource-constrained FL setting in the remainder of
this chapter. Published online by Cambridge University Press

392 Shiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, and Kin K. Leung

13.3 Resource-Constrained Federated Learning

Based on our experiences from the 2G to 4G cellular networks and anticipation of the
5G and beyond networks, whenever communication bandwidth and capabilities are
enhanced from one network generation to the next, they will always trigger new appli-
cations, services, and demands that subsequently utilize the newly available bandwidth
and capabilities. As a result, unlike wired networks that are often characterized by
stable and adequate capacity, communication resources in wireless networks are often
limited when faced with ever increasing traffic demands from users and data-intensive
applications. Some of the reasons for such highly constrained environments are due to
the sharing of limited, expensive radio bandwidth as well as the mutual interference
among adjacent transmissions that can significantly reduce the overall capacity of
wireless networks.
To address such challenges, the purpose of this section is to formulate the FL
process as an optimization problem that maximizes the learning quality (i.e., in terms
of minimizing the defined loss function) subject to the amount of different types of
system resources available for the learning process. The resources can be in the form
of energy, elapsed time, monetary cost, etc., which are incurred during both commu-
nication and computation. Because the system usually has many other tasks running
simultaneously, it is important to constrain the resource consumption of FL tasks to a
certain limit (or budget), so that they do not interfere with other higher-priority tasks.
This is particularly necessary at the resource-constrained wireless edge, where the
amount of available resources is substantially lower than datacenter environments.
For a given resource budget, a natural question is how to perform FL so that
the global loss function is minimized while not exceeding the resource budget. For
the FedAvg algorithm presented in Section 13.2.2, one possible way is to control the
number of local iterations in each round (i.e., the value of τ) to find the best trade-
off between communication and computation resource consumption. As a case study,
we scope on the adjustment of τ in the following. There are other ways to balance
various trade-offs in the FL process, such as using dynamic client selection [20, 21],
sending sparsified and quantized gradients [17, 22], etc., which are beyond the scope
of this chapter.
Consider M types of resources, where a resource type can correspond to time,
energy, communication bandwidth, monetary cost, etc., or linear combinations (e.g.,
sum) of them. For every m ∈ {1,2, . . . ,M}, let cm denote the amount of type-m
resource consumed in each local iteration involving all clients; similarly, let am denote
the amount of type-m resource consumed in each parameter aggregation step. For each
resource type m, we assume that we are given a budget of Bm . We can then formulate
the overall resource-constrained FL problem as follows:
min f (wf ) (13.7)

s.t. (K τ + 1)cm + (K + 1) am ≤ Bm, ∀m ∈ {1, . . . ,M},

where we recall the notations wf , τ, and K from Section 13.2.2. Depending on how
the final model is chosen by the FL algorithm, we can use either wf or w(T ) in the Published online by Cambridge University Press

Optimized Federated Learning in Wireless Networks 393

objective function. We use wf here to match with the convergence analysis presented
later. Note wf is still obtained using FedAvg, and the resource budget constraint is
similar to a stopping condition. To compute wf (see Eq. (13.6)), each client needs to
compute fi (w(T )) and transmit the result to the server, based on which the global loss
f (w(T )) is computed, which is why there is an additional local iteration and parameter
aggregation in the resource constraint in Eq. (13.7).
Different from the ML objective in Eq. (13.3), the focus of Eq. (13.7) is to opti-
mize for τ and K so that the global loss of the final result obtained from FedAvg is
minimized. To do so, one usually needs to find the relationship between the objective
f (wf ) and τ and K. However, this is difficult because it depends on how FedAvg
converges over time, for which only upper bounds can be usually obtained. The bound
should also reflect the impact of different τ and K, which adds another challenge
beyond the analysis of standard gradient descent approaches. In the next section,
we present a convergence upper bound and use this result as an approximation to
solve Eq. (13.7).

13.4 Solution

Compared to distributed ML in datacenters, a challenge in FL systems is that the data

at different clients are usually non-identically distributed (non-i.i.d.). This invalidates
a lot of convergence results for distributed ML that were derived for independent and
identically distributed (i.i.d.) data. In this section, we first analyze the convergence
bound of FedAvg with non-i.i.d. data and a given value of τ (i.e., the number of
local iterations in each round), based on which we present an approximately optimal
solution to Eq. (13.7). We will see that the optimal solution depends on the “non-i.i.d.-
ness” of data distribution, as well as several other interesting characteristics.
A summary of main notations used throughout this chapter is given in Table 13.2.
These notations will be frequently reused in this section.

13.4.1 Convergence Analysis

In the following, we derive an upper bound of f (wf )−f (w∗ ), where wf is found using

Auxiliary Procedure with Centralized Gradient Descent

To derive the bound, we define an auxiliary procedure that performs gradient descent
in the centralized setting (i.e., with all the data available at a central place) within
each FL round. This auxiliary procedure is not performed in the actual system. It is
only used as a way to derive the gap between the federated case and the centralized
(ideal) case at the end of each round. As each round k ∈ {1,2, . . . ,K} corresponds
to the interval of iterations [(k − 1)τ,kτ], we use [k] to denote this interval in short:
[k] := [(k − 1)τ,kτ]. An illustration of these intervals and the centralized gradient
descent procedure described next is given in Fig. 13.4. Published online by Cambridge University Press

394 Shiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, and Kin K. Leung

Table 13.2. Summary of main notations.

N Total number of clients

fi (w) Local loss at client i
f (w) Global loss
pi Weighting coefficient in global loss definition and parameter aggregation
w∗ Optimal parameter vector that minimizes the global loss f (w)
t Iteration index
wi (t) Local parameter vector in iteration t at client i
w(t) Global parameter vector in iteration t
(after parameter aggregation if it is the last iteration in round)
wf Final parameter vector at the end of FL process
η Step size of gradient descent
τ Number of local iterations in each round
T Total number of local iterations (seen at a single client)
K Total number of parameter aggregations, equal to T /τ
m (M) Resource type index (total number of resource types)
Bm Budget of type-m resource
cm Type-m resource consumption in one local iteration
am Type-m resource consumption in one parameter aggregation
ρ Lipschitz coefficient of fi (w) (∀i) and f (w)
β Smoothness coefficient of fi (w) (∀i) and f (w)
δ Gradient divergence
h(τ) Gap between the model parameter vector obtained from
centralized gradient descent and FL – function defined in (13.12)
ϕ Control parameter – constant defined in Lemma 13.5
G(τ) Control objective – function defined in (13.17)
τ∗ Optimal τ that minimizes G(τ)

Figure 13.4 Auxiliary centralized gradient procedure within each round.

For every interval [k], vk (t) denotes the auxiliary parameter vector obtained using
gradient decent in the centralized setting, according to

vk (t) = vk (t − 1) − η∇f (vk (t − 1)), (13.8)

where vk (t) is defined only for t ∈ [k], for any k ∈ {1,2, . . . ,K}. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Optimized Federated Learning in Wireless Networks 395

Figure 13.5 Example showing the gap between w(t) and vk (t) for an FL system with two
clients, where t0 := (k − 1)τ.

At the beginning of each round k, the value of vk (t) is set to be equal to the
parameter vector obtained from FedAvg. In other words, we define

vk ((k − 1)τ) := w((k − 1)τ), (13.9)

for any k ∈ {1,2, . . . ,K}. Note that w((k − 1)τ) is the parameter vector obtained
by FedAvg at the end of the previous round k − 1 after parameter aggregation (or
initialization if k = 1).
The key difference between w(t) and vk (t) is as follows. The vector w(t) is obtained
by FedAvg that only includes one parameter aggregation step at the end of round k,
after iteration t = kτ; there is no aggregation in any other iteration t ∈ ((k − 1)τ,kτ)
where the gradient descent continues on the local parameter vector, according to Eq.
(13.4). However, the values of w(t) for t ∈ ((k − 1)τ,kτ) are still defined according
to Eq. (13.5), although they are not observable by the system. In contrast, vk (t) is
obtained by assuming parameter aggregation is performed after every iteration t, so
that gradient descent is conducted on the global parameter in each iteration, which is
equivalent to the centralized setting.
An example showing the progression of w(t) and vk (t) for an FL system with two
clients (i.e., N = 2) is given in Fig. 13.5. To simplify the description, we define
t0 := (k − 1)τ in the following. We discuss the first and second local iterations in each

• At the beginning of any round k, the parameter vectors at all clients are equal,
(i.e., wi (t0 ) = w(t0 ) for any client i ∈ {1,2, . . . ,N}), because they are obtained
after parameter aggregation in the previous round. According to the definition of
the global loss in Eq. (13.2) and the linearity of gradient operator, we have Published online by Cambridge University Press

396 Shiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, and Kin K. Leung

∇f (w) = N i=1 pi ∇fi (w). Combining with the global parameter definition in
Eq. (13.5), we have w(t0 + 1) = vk (t0 + 1) after the first local iteration, which
means that the global parameter vector obtained from FL is equal to that obtained
from centralized gradient descent after one local iteration. However, when τ > 1,
the value of w(t0 + 1) is not observable by the system, because it would only be
observable if a parameter aggregation step is performed.
• In the second local iteration t = t0 + 2, the gradient at each client i is computed on
the local parameter obtained from the first local iteration t = t0 + 1. Because the
local parameters w1 (t0 + 1) and w2 (t0 + 1) are generally different from their
pi -weighted averaged value w(t0 + 1), the gradient used in the centralized setting
is now different from the “gradient” in the FL setting, yielding
w(t0 + 2) = vk (t0 + 2), as shown in Fig. 13.5.
The third and further iterations are similar to the second iteration. Then, the gap
between w(t) and vk (t) quantifies how much FL falls short of the performance of
centralized gradient descent.
With these definitions, we can derive the convergence bound of FedAvg in two
steps. The first step derives an upper bound of the gap between w(kτ) and vk (kτ)
obtained at the end of each round k. The second step combines this upper bound with
the convergence of vk (kτ) to obtain the convergence bound with respect to wf .

Definitions and Assumptions

We introduce some definitions and assumptions that are required for the convergence
result presented later.
definition 13.1 For any client i and parameter vector w, we define the local
gradient divergence δi as an upper bound of ∇fi (w) − ∇f (w):
∇fi (w) − ∇f (w) ≤ δ i . (13.10)

We also define the global gradient divergence as δ := N i=1 pi δ i .

The gradient divergence captures the degree of non-i.i.d. across client data. In
the extreme case when all clients have exactly the same data, we always have
fi (w) = ∇f (w) and the gradient divergence is zero.
We also make the following assumption for our analysis, which is relatively stan-
dard in various convergence analysis work.
assumption 13.2 We assume that the following holds for the local loss function
fi (w) for all clients i:
1. fi (w) is convex.
2. fi (w) is ρ-Lipschitz; that is, ≤ ρw − w  for
fi (w) − fi (w ) any w and w .
3. fi (w) is β-smooth; that is, ∇fi (w) − ∇fi (w ) ≤ β w − w for any w and w .

When the components of w and w are within finite upper and lower bounds, which
is usually the case in practice, the conditions in Assumption 13.2 hold for the linear
regression and support vector machine (SVM) losses defined in Table 13.1. For other Published online by Cambridge University Press

Optimized Federated Learning in Wireless Networks 397

loss function definitions that are nonconvex, our experimental results in Section 13.5
show that the control algorithm derived from our convergence bound still works well
in an empirical sense.
When Assumption 13.2 holds, the same conditions also hold for the global loss
f (w), as shown in the following lemma.
lemma 13.3 The global loss f (w) is convex, ρ-Lipschitz, and β-smooth, where
the Lipschitzness and smoothness definitions are the same as in Assumption 13.2 by
replacing fi (·) with f (·).
The proof is straightforward from the definition of f (w) and triangle inequality.

Main Results
In the following, we present the main convergence results from [9] and explain their
intuitions. For detailed proofs, see [9] and its extended version on arXiv.4
theorem 13.4 When Assumption 13.2 holds, for any interval [k] and t ∈ [k], we
w(t) − vk (t) ≤ h(t − (k − 1)τ), (13.11)
h(x) := (ηβ + 1)x − 1 − ηδx, (13.12)
for any nonnegative integer x.
Furthermore, as f (·) is ρ-Lipschitz, we also have
f (w(t)) − f (vk (t)) ≤ ρ w(t) − vk (t) ≤ ρh(t − (k − 1)τ). (13.13)
The main idea for proving this theorem is to construct a geometric progression
using the gradient divergence bound and the bounds in Assumption 13.2.
For nontrivial gradient descent and loss definitions, we have η > 0 and β > 0.
Hence, from Bernoulli’s inequality, we always have (ηβ + 1)x ≥ ηβx + 1, which
implies h(x) ≥ 0 for any integer x ≥ 0. We can easily see that h(0) = h(1) = 0,
which aligns with our example in Fig. 13.5 and its related discussion, showing that
the gap between w(t) and vk (t) is zero after the first local iteration in each round.
Obviously, this gap is also zero before the first local iteration, due to the definition of
vk (t) in Eq. (13.9). According to the definition of the interval [k], when τ = 1, we
always have t − (k − 1)τ ∈ {0,1} for any t such that vk (t) is defined. Thus, FedAvg
is equivalent to centralized gradient descent when τ = 1, as also informally explained
in Section 13.2.2.
Based on Theorem 13.4, we can first characterize the convergence of centralized
gradient descent within each round k and derive an upper bound related to f (vk (t)).
Then, we can combine this with the upper bound of f (w(t)) − f (vk (t)) given in
Theorem 13.4 (see Fig. 13.4). This gives us the following lemma.

4 Published online by Cambridge University Press

398 Shiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, and Kin K. Leung

lemma 13.5 When all of the following are satisfied:

1. η ≤ 1
2. ηϕ − τε2 > 0
3. f (vk (kτ)) − f (w∗ ) ≥ ε for all k
4. f (w(T )) − f (w∗ ) ≥ ε
for some ε > 0, where we define ϕ := ω 1 − 2 and ω := mink 1
vk ((k−1)τ)−w∗ 2
then the convergence upper bound of FedAvg after T local iterations (seen at a single
client) is given by

f (w(T )) − f (w∗ ) ≤  ρh(τ) 
. (13.14)
T ηϕ − τε 2

The bound in Lemma 13.5 depends on a prespecified parameter and is an inter-

mediate result. The dependence on can be removed by solving for an value using
the upper bound in Eq. (13.14) and the lower bounds in Conditions 3 and 4 of the
lemma, which gives the following final result.

theorem 13.6 When Assumption 13.2 holds and the gradient descent step size
η ≤ β1 , we have

∗1 1 ρh(τ)
f (w ) − f (w ) ≤
+ + + ρh(τ), (13.15)
2ηϕT 4η2 ϕ 2 T 2 ηϕτ

where wf is defined according to Eq. (13.6).

We make the following observations from Theorem 13.6.

• When τ = 1, we have h(τ) = 0 according to its definition in Eq. (13.12). In this

case, the optimality gap f (wf ) − f (w∗ ) approaches zero as T → ∞.

• When τ > 1, we generally have h(τ) > 0. In this case, f (w ) − f (w ) is nonzero

even if T → ∞, which means we have a nonzero optimality gap even if we have

abundant resource.

These observations show that if we have an infinite resource budget, it is always

beneficial to choose τ = 1. However, for a finite resource budget, it may be better
to choose a larger value of τ because it may yield a smaller f (wf ) when constrained
on the resource budget, stopping at some finite T .
We further note that h(τ) is proportional to the gradient divergence δ, as defined
in Eq. (13.12). Thus, for τ > 1, the optimality gap increases with the gradient diver-
gence, which suggests that τ should be smaller if the data distribution at clients is more
non-i.i.d., causing a larger gradient divergence. This is intuitive because the more the
clients are different, the faster their parameters diverge, and hence they need to be
aggregated more frequently. It also aligns with the experimental findings of our control
algorithm that tries to find the best τ, which we will see later. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Optimized Federated Learning in Wireless Networks 399

Other Convergence Results

The convergence result we have presented is based on [9]. Other results have also
been derived in subsequent work. In particular, it was shown that the optimality gap
can also approach zero when τ > 1, if the step size η either decays over time or is
defined as a decreasing function of the total number of iterations T , where the latter
requires knowing T at the start of the algorithm [23, 24]. Intuitively, this is because
using a small gradient descent step size has a similar effect as decreasing τ while
keeping the same step size.
In addition, while our result in Theorem 13.6 only holds for the DGD case, the work
in [23] has provided a convergence bound for FedAvg with SGD updates. A similar
procedure for finding the optimal τ as what we present next should work for other
convergence bounds too. For consistency, we use the result in Theorem 13.6 in our
following analysis and confirm that our method also works with SGD empirically in
Section 13.5.

13.4.2 Approximate Solution

Based on the convergence result in Theorem 13.6, we present an approximate solution
to Eq. (13.7) in the following. Noting that the optimal parameter vector w∗ is fixed
(but unknown) for any predefined global loss f (w), the optimal global loss f (w∗ ) is a
constant. Hence, the minimization of f (wf ) in Eq. (13.7) is equivalent to minimizing
f (wf ) − f (w∗ ), for which we use the
upper bound in Eq. (13.15) as an approximation;
that is, f (wf ) − f (w∗ ) ≈ 1
2ηϕT + 1
4η2 ϕ 2 T 2
+ ηϕτ + ρh(τ).
Using this upper-bound approximation and after rearranging the constraint in
Eq. (13.7), we can rewrite Eq. (13.7) as the following:

1 1 ρh(τ)
min + + + ρh(τ) (13.16)
τ,K∈{1,2,3,...} 2ηϕK τ 4η2 ϕ 2 K 2 τ 2 ηϕτ
s.t. K ≤ , ∀m ∈ {1, . . . ,M},
cm τ + am

where Bm := B − a − c .
m m m
The objective function in Eq. (13.16) decreases with K. Hence, for any τ, the

optimal choice of K is minm cm τ+a m
, which is the largest K that satisfies the
constraint in Eq. (13.16), where · stands for rounding down to integer (i.e., floor
operation). For simplicity, we further approximate by ignoring the floor operation and
= 1 maxm cmBτ+a
substitute K τ ≈ minm cm τ+a
into the objective of Eq. (13.16),
m mτ
which gives us


maxm cm τ+am  maxm cmBτ+a
Bm τ

G(τ) := + m
+ + ρh(τ). (13.17)
2ηϕ 4η2 ϕ 2 ηϕτ Published online by Cambridge University Press

400 Shiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, and Kin K. Leung

Now, the (approximately) optimal τ can be computed by

τ ∗ := arg min G(τ), (13.18)

based on which we also obtain the (approximately) optimal total number of rounds
K as
∗ Bm
K = min . (13.19)
m cm τ ∗ + am

Hence, instead of solving Eq. (13.7) directly, which is mathematically intractable,

we solve Eq. (13.18) as an approximation to Eq. (13.7). Our experimental results in the
next section show that our approximate solution is close to the actual optimal solution
on various real datasets and models.

Solution Properties
Although G(τ) has a complicated form as shown in Eq. (13.17), its optimal solution
τ∗ in Eq. (13.18) has some nice properties as shown in the following.
theorem 13.7 When η ≤ 1
β, ρ > 0, β > 0, δ > 0, we have limBmin →∞ τ ∗ = 1,
where Bmin := minm Bm .
theorem 13.8 When η ≤ β1 , ρ > 0, β > 0, δ > 0, there exists a finite value τ0
that only depends on η, β, ρ, δ, ϕ, cm , am , Bm (∀m), such that τ ∗ ≤ τ , where
am Bν − aν Bm ϕ(2 + ηβ) 2cν aν 2aν2
τ0 := max max − c B
; + ;
m c ν Bm m ν 2ρδ C2 C2
1 aν 1 1 1
+ ρηδ − ; + ,
ρδη log D C1 ηβ ηβ 2
am cm
in which index ν := arg maxm∈V
Bm (set V := arg maxm ),
Bm D := ηβ + 1, C1 :=
2ηϕBν , C2 := 4η2 ϕ 2 Bν 2 .
Here, for convenience, we allow arg max to return either a
set and an arbitrary value in that set, and we also define 00 := 0.
We also note that τ0 ≥ ηβ1
+ 12 > 1 since 0 < ηβ ≤ 1.
These two theorems can be proven using some analytical manipulation of the func-
tion G(τ). For further details, see [9]. Their implications are discussed as follows.
Theorem 13.7 shows that when we have abundant resources (of all types), the
optimal solution is τ∗ = 1. Since zero optimality gap can only be guaranteed when
τ = 1, as discussed in Section 13.4.1, this shows that our approximate solution
guarantees convergence to the optimal global loss when the resource budget goes
to infinity.
The main observation from Theorem 13.8 is that the optimal solution τ ∗ is upper
bounded by a constant τ0 , although the expression of this constant appears nontrivial.
This allows us to find τ ∗ using a linear search on G(τ), computing G(τ) for τ = 1,
τ = 2, τ = 3, and so on, up to some maximum value of τ, which is useful because
G(τ) includes both exponential and polynomial terms and thus we cannot express its
optimal solution analytically. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Optimized Federated Learning in Wireless Networks 401

Other Approaches
Besides the approach presented earlier, a similar method of optimizing τ using conver-
gence bound approximation was described in [25], which does not support non-i.i.d.
data distribution though. For communication-efficient FL in general, other optimiza-
tion techniques such as online learning [17] and reinforcement learning [21] may also
be applied, which may be either more or less preferred over our convergence bound
approximation approach depending on specific problem settings.

13.5 Implementation and Experimental Validation

13.5.1 Implementation
Estimation of Parameters in G(τ)
In a practical FL system, the computation of τ ∗ from G(τ) needs to be incorporated
into the FedAvg procedure (or any other FL algorithm). A challenge is that G(τ) has
many parameters that are unknown to the system, including ρ, β, δ, ϕ (see Eq. (13.17)
and the definition of h(τ) in Eq. (13.12)). Other resource-related parameters cm and
am (for all m) also need to be estimated during the real-time operation of the system.
In an actual system implementation, the Lipschitz and smoothness coefficients ρ
and β can be estimated based on the change of the loss or its gradient for different
parameter vectors w and w , as defined in Assumption 13.2. A natural way to do so is
to estimate them during the parameter aggregation step, where each client i knows its
local parameter vector wi (t) and the aggregated parameter vector w(t) received from
the server, so they can be considered as w and w , respectively.
The gradient divergence δ can be estimated by having each client sending the gra-
dient of its local loss function to the server, so that the server can compute the distance
between the local and global gradients to estimate δ, as in Definition 13.1. To avoid
additional overhead of sending the gradients in addition to the model parameters, the
gradient may also be estimated by the server using the change in model parameters
in one FL round divided by the step size η and the number of per-round iterations τ,
which is equal to the average gradient seen in this entire round.
The quantity ϕ is difficult to estimate, because it depends on the maximum distance
between vk and w∗ , as defined in Lemma 13.5, where this distance is largely unknown
because the true optimal solution w∗ is unknown. In practice, ϕ can be considered
as a tuneable hyperparameter that may be model-specific. From our experiments, we
found that our algorithm’s performance is not very sensitive to the choice of ϕ.
When using SGD, the estimations we have discussed need to be based on losses
computed on the same mini-batch of data to avoid noise in mini-batch sampling
causing significant error in the estimation.

The overall method of optimized FL with adaptive τ is shown in Fig. 13.6, which inte-
grates the standard FedAvg procedure, estimation of parameters in G(τ), monitoring Published online by Cambridge University Press

402 Shiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, and Kin K. Leung

Figure 13.6 Protocol of FedAvg with adaptive τ.

Figure 13.7 Experiment setup.

of consumed resources, and checking against the resource budget. The resource
budget is seen as an input to the system, which can be specified by a system
administrator or by a separate job scheduling mechanism that is beyond the scope of
this discussion.

13.5.2 Experiments
We now present an experimental validation of the optimized FL approach presented
earlier. We consider a networked prototype system with five clients, including three
Raspberry Pi devices and two laptop computers, which are interconnected using an
office Wi-Fi. We also consider a simulated environment based on measurements from
the prototype system. Each client has its own dataset on which local iterations are
performed. One of the laptop clients also acts as the server simultaneously, which is
possible because the server in FL is simply a logical entity that can colocate with a
client. This experiment setup is illustrated in Fig. 13.7. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Optimized Federated Learning in Wireless Networks 403

We consider the elapsed time as our resource type of interest in the experiments, for
example, to reflect a timeliness requirement of obtaining the trained model, which can
be important for time-critical tasks. The elapsed time captures the resource overhead
caused by both communication and computation in the FL process. A maximum
time budget is specified for each FL task. The resource consumption (elapsed time)
c and a for local iteration and parameter aggregation, respectively, are set using real
measurements from the prototype system, where we omit the subscript m because
we only consider a single resource type here. For the simulated system, they are
randomly generated by a Gaussian distribution with statistics obtained from the
prototype system.
We compare our approach against the following three baseline approaches:

• Gradient descent in the centralized setting with all training data available at
a central location [26];
• FedAvg with a fixed and prespecified number of local iterations τ in each round
[4]; and
• Synchronous distributed gradient descent, which is equivalent to setting
τ = 1 [27].

For fairness reasons, the estimation of resource consumption is implemented

for all these baselines and the FL procedure terminates when the resource budget
is reached.
We consider four different models, including SVM, linear regression, K-means,
and deep convolutional neural network (CNN). These models are trained using five
different datasets. Their combinations are summarized as follows.

• SVM is trained on the MNIST dataset [28], which contains images of handwritten
digits. The problem is converted into a binary classification problem, where the
SVM predicts whether a digit is even or odd. The SVM uses a smooth loss
function as defined in Table 13.1.
• Linear regression is trained using the energy dataset [29], which records 19,735
measurements taken at different sensors, and the goal is to forecast the energy
usage of appliances.
• K-means is performed on the user knowledge modeling dataset [30], where each
data sample is a user described by five attributes representing its interaction with a
web-based adaptive learning environment. The goal is to classify users into four
different groups according to their knowledge levels.
• CNN is trained on the original MNIST (O-MNIST) [28], Fashion MNIST
(F-MNIST) [31], and CIFAR-10 [32] datasets. For each dataset, a CNN is trained
to classify images into 10 different classes. The CNN has nine layers in the
following architecture: 5 × 5 × 32 Convolutional → 2 × 2 MaxPool → Local
Response Normalization → 5 × 5 × 32 Convolutional → Local Response
Normalization → 2 × 2 MaxPool → γ × 256 Fully connected → 256 × 10 Fully
connected → Softmax, where γ depends on the size of the input image and we
have γ = 1,568 for O-MNIST and F-MNIST and γ = 2,048 for CIFAR-10. Published online by Cambridge University Press

404 Shiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, and Kin K. Leung

The experiments also include four different ways of distributing data across

• In Case i.i.d., data samples are randomly assigned to each client, which results in
an i.i.d. data distribution.
• In Case non-i.i.d., different clients have data with different labels (classes),
yielding a non-i.i.d. data distribution across clients. When there are more clients
than labels, data with the same label may be partitioned across multiple clients.
• In Case equal, the full dataset is replicated at each node.
• In Case combined, half of the clients have data distributed in a similar way as Case
i.i.d. and the remaining half in a similar way as Case non-i.i.d.

For the energy dataset [29] that does not have explicit labels, the data distribution is
made using an unsupervised clustering approach.
Both deterministic and stochastic gradient descent approaches (i.e., DGD and SGD)
are considered. The maximum value of τ in linear search to find the optimal G(τ) is
set to 100. The hyperparameter ϕ is set to 0.025 for SVM, linear regression, and
K-means, and 5 × 10−5 for CNN. The gradient descent step size η is 0.01. We set the
total time budget B as 15 seconds.
Fig. 13.8 shows results of our experiments in an FL system with five clients, where
the results are averaged over 15 independent experiments. SVM, linear regression,
and K-means models were trained on the prototype system described earlier. CNN
was trained in a simulated environment due to computational resource constraint of
Raspberry Pis.
The global loss of the optimal FL approach with adaptive τ (i.e., proposed) is
compared to the baseline approaches. For SVM and CNN models, accuracy is also
compared. In Fig. 13.8, our approach is represented using a single marker (symbol)
for each case. The single marker is the average value of τ ∗ and its corresponding
loss/accuracy obtained from the 15 independent experiments. The centralized case,
which has also a single value, is shown by a flat line to make the comparison easier.
The results show that τ ∗ found by our optimized FL approach is always close to
the (empirically) optimal τ for all kinds of data distributions and all models. The
results also underline the importance of having an adaptive τ, as we can see that the
(empirically) optimal τ varies for different cases and models. In general, τ ∗ is large for
i.i.d. and equal cases and small for non-i.i.d. and combined cases, which is intuitive
because the parameters need to be aggregated more frequently if the client data are
more different. This also aligns with our intuition discussed in Section 13.4.1.
In some cases, FL performs better than the centralized approach, because for a
given time budget, FL makes use of the computational resources of all clients, whereas
the centralized approach was run only on a single Raspberry Pi client. Case i.i.d.
outperforms Case equal when the DGD optimizer is used, because the amount of data
to process in Case equal is larger. Consequently, the time of each local iteration in
Case equal is larger than that of Case i.i.d. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Optimized Federated Learning in Wireless Networks 405

SVM-DGD SVM-SGD Linear regression - SGD

0.32 0.48

0.28 0.3 0.47

0.26 0.46


0.26 0.45
0.24 0.44
0.18 0.22 0.43
0 1 2
10 0 10 1 10 2 10
10 10 10

0.86 0.88 K-means - DGD
0.86 0.25

0.82 0.84 0.2

0.8 0.82
0.78 0.8

0.76 0.78 0.1

0 1 2
10 0 10 1 10 2 10
10 10 10


0.8 2
0.6 1.8


0.8 Loss
0.2 0.6
0 0.4
10 0 10 1 10 2


0.8 0.5




0.7 0.4
0 1 2
10 10 10 10 0 10 1 10 2

Figure 13.8 Loss and accuracy values with different models and datasets.

13.6 Conclusion

In this chapter, we described a resource-optimized FL technique, where the near-

minimum model training loss and near-maximum model accuracy is attained by opti-
mizing the number of local iterations (τ) in each FL round. Effectively, the choice
of τ controls the trade-off between computation and communication. As each local
iteration (computation) and parameter aggregation (primarily communication) step
may consume different amounts and types of resources and have different effects on
model training, finding the best trade-off between them allows us to make the best use Published online by Cambridge University Press

406 Shiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, and Kin K. Leung

of the available resources. We have presented an algorithm for achieving this goal,
which uses a convergence upper bound to approximate the objective. Experimental
results have demonstrated the usefulness of the optimized FL algorithm and shed fur-
ther insights on the impact of τ on model loss/accuracy with various data distributions
across clients.
The area of optimized FL with resource constraints extends beyond the optimiza-
tion of τ. Other aspects of FL can be optimized as well, such as which clients should
participate in each FL round (client selection), which model parameters should be
transmitted during parameter aggregation (model pruning, compression, quantization,
and sparsification), how to couple FL with wireless channel assignments, etc. While
some progress has been made toward these directions in recent years, many outstand-
ing questions still exist. For example, the behavior of an FL system that integrates all
these efficient communication and computation techniques would be worth studying
from both theoretical and empirical (experimental) perspectives.
In addition, most existing research on FL is based on theoretical analysis and
data-driven simulations, where many challenges in practical systems may not be
adeaquately captured. To enable efficient and reliable FL in 5G systems and beyond,
comprehensive studies that implement FL in actual cellular systems with real users
would be necessary. Such studies could start with an FL implementation on a 5G
testbed deployed in a campus environment, for instance. The results obtained from
this testbed could provide important insights that enable a larger-scale deployment

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14 Quantized Federated Learning
Nir Shlezinger, Mingzhe Chen, Yonina C. Eldar, H. Vincent Poor,
and Shuguang Cui

14.1 Introduction

Recent years have witnessed unprecedented success of machine learning methods in

a broad range of applications [1]. These systems utilize highly parameterized models,
such as deep neural networks, trained using a massive amount of labeled data samples.
In many applications, samples are available at remote users, such as smartphones
and other edge devices, and the common strategy is to gather these samples at a
computationally powerful server, where the model is trained [2]. Often, datasets, such
as images and text messages, contain private information, and thus the user may not be
willing to share them with the server. Furthermore, sharing massive datasets can result
in a substantial burden on the communication links between the edge devices and the
server. To allow centralized training without data sharing, federated learning (FL) was
proposed in [3] as a method combining distributed training with central aggregation.
This novel method of learning has been the focus of growing research attention over
the last few years [4]. FL exploits the increased computational capabilities of modern
edge devices to train a model on the users’ side, while the server orchestrates these
local training procedures and, in addition, periodically synchronizes the local models
into a global one.
FL is trained by an iterative process [5]. In particular, at each FL iteration, the
edge devices train a local model using their (possibly) private data and transmit the
updated model to the central server. The server aggregates the received updates into a
single global model and sends its parameters back to the edge devices [6]. Therefore,
to implement FL, edge devices only need to exchange their trained model parameters,
which avoids the need to share their data, thereby preserving privacy. However, the
repeated exchange of updated models between the users and the server given the large
number of model parameters involves massive transmissions over throughput-limited
communication channels. This challenge is particularly relevant for FL carried out
over wireless networks, such as when the users are wireless edge devices. In addition
to overloading the communication infrastructure, these repeated transmissions imply
that the time required to tune the global model not only depends on the number of
training iterations, but also depends on the delay induced by transmitting the model
updates at each FL iteration [7]. Hence, this communication bottleneck may affect
the training time of global models trained via FL, which in turn may degrade their
resulting accuracy. This motivates the design of schemes in which the purpose is to Published online by Cambridge University Press

410 Nir Shlezinger et al.

limit the communication overhead due to the repeated transmissions of updated model
parameters in the distributed training procedure.
Various methods have been proposed in the literature to tackle the communication
bottleneck induced by the repeated model updates in FL. The works [8–17] focused
on FL over wireless channels and reduced the communication by optimizing the allo-
cation of the channel resources, such as bandwidth, among the participating users
as well as limiting the amount of participating devices while scheduling when each
user takes part in the overall training procedure. An additional related strategy treats
the model aggregation in FL as a form of over-the-air computation [18–20]. Here, the
users exploit the full resources of the wireless channel to convey their model updates at
high throughput, and the resulting interference is exploited as part of the aggregation
stage at the server side. These communication-oriented strategies are designed for
scenarios in which the participating users communicate over the same wireless media
and are thus concerned with the division of the channel resources among the users.
An alternative approach to reduce the communication overhead, which holds also
when the users do not share the same wireless channel, is to reduce the volume of
the model updates conveyed at each FL iteration. Such strategies do not focus on
the communication channel and how to transmit over it, but rather on what is being
transmitted. As a result, they can commonly be combined with the aforementioned
communication-oriented strategies. One way to limit the volume of conveyed parame-
ters is to have each user transmit only part of its model updates; that is, they implement
dimensionality reduction by sparsifying or subsampling [6, 21–25]. An alternative
approach is to discretize the model updates, such that each parameter is expressed
using a small number of bits, as proposed in [26–31]. More generally, the compression
of the model updates can be viewed as the conversion of a high-dimensional vector,
where entries take continuous values, into a set of bits communicated over the wireless
channel. Such formulations are commonly studied in the fields of quantization theory
and source coding. This motivates the formulation of such compression methods for
FL from a quantization perspective, which is the purpose of this chapter.
The goal of this chapter is to present a unified FL framework utilizing quantization
theory, which generalizes many of the previously proposed FL compression meth-
ods. The purpose of the unified framework is to facilitate the comparison and the
understanding of the differences between existing schemes in a systematic manner,
as well as identify quantization theoretic tools that are particularly relevant for FL.
We first introduce the basic concepts of FL and quantization theory in Section 14.2.
We conclude this section by identifying the unique requirements and characteristics
of FL, which affect the design of compression and quantization methods. Based on
these requirements, we present in Section 14.3 quantization theory tools that are rel-
evant for the problem at hand in a gradual and systemic manner: We begin with the
basic concept of scalar quantization and identify the need for a probabilistic design.
Then, we introduce the notion of subtractive dithering as a means of reducing the
distortion induced by discretization and explain why it is specifically relevant in FL
scenarios, as it can be established by having a random seed shared by the server
and each user. Next, we discuss how the distortion can be further reduced by jointly Published online by Cambridge University Press

Quantized Federated Learning 411

discretizing multiple parameters (i.e., switching from scalar to vector quantization)

in a universal fashion, without violating the basic requirements and constraints of
FL. Finally, we demonstrate how quantization can be combined with lossy source
coding, which provides further performance benefits from the underlying nonunifor-
mity and sparsity of the digital representations. The resulting compression method
combining all of these aforementioned quantization concepts is referred to as universal
vector quantization for federated learning (UVeQFed). In Section 14.4 we analyze
the performance measures of UVeQFed, including the resulting distortion induced by
quantization as well as the convergence profile of models trained using UVeQFed
combined with conventional federated averaging. Our performance analysis begins
by considering the distributed learning of a model using a smooth convex objective
measure. The analysis demonstrates that proper usage of quantization tools result in
achieving a similar asymptotic convergence profile as that of FL with uncompressed
model updates, without communication constraints. Next, we present an experimental
study that evaluates the performance of such quantized FL models when training neu-
ral networks with nonsynthetic datasets. These numerical results illustrate the added
value of each of the studied quantization tools, demonstrating that both subtractive
dithering and universal vector quantizers achieves more accurate recovery of model
updates in each FL iteration for the same number of bits. Furthermore, the reduced
distortion is translated into improved convergence with the MNIST and CIFAR-10
datasets. We conclude this chapter with a summary of the unified UVeQFed framework
and its performance in Section 14.5.

14.2 Preliminaries and System Model

Here we formulate the system model of quantized FL. We first review some basics
in quantization theory in Section 14.2.1. Then, in Section 14.2.2 we formulate the
conventional FL setup, which operates without the need to quantize the model updates.
Finally, we show how the throughput constraints of uplink wireless communications
(i.e., the transmissions from the users to the server) gives rise to the need for quantized
FL, which is formulated in Section 14.2.3.

14.2.1 Preliminaries in Quantization Theory

We begin by briefly reviewing the standard quantization setup and state the definition
of a quantizer:

definition 14.1 (Quantizer) A quantizer QL R (·) with R bits, input size L, input
alphabet X , and output alphabet X̂ , consists of
1. An encoder e : X n → {0, . . . ,2R − 1}  U that maps the input into a discrete
2. A decoder d : U → X̂ L that maps each j ∈ U into a codeword qj ∈ X̂ L . Published online by Cambridge University Press

412 Nir Shlezinger et al.

Figure 14.1 Quantization operation.

We write the output of the quantizer with input x ∈ X L as

x̂ = d (e (x))  QL
R (x) . (14.1)

Scalar quantizers operate on a scalar input (i.e., L = 1 and X is a scalar space), while
vector quantizers have a multivariate input. An illustration of a quantization system is
depicted in Fig. 14.1.
The basic problem in quantization theory is to design a QL R (·) quantizer in order
to minimize some distortion measure δ : X L × X̂ L → R+ between its input and its
output. The performance of a quantizer
  is characterized using its quantization rate L
and the expected distortion  x, x̂ }. A common distortion measure is the mean-
squared error (MSE): δ x, x̂  x − x̂2 .
Characterizing the optimal quantizer, the one that minimizes the distortion for a
given quantization rate, and its trade-off between distortion and rate is in general
a difficult task. Optimal quantizers are thus typically studied assuming either high
quantization rate (i.e., m → ∞, see, e.g., [32]) or asymptotically large inputs, namely,
L → ∞, via rate-distortion theory [33, Ch. 10]. One of the fundamental results in
quantization theory is that vector quantizers are superior to scalar quantizers in terms
of their rate-distortion trade-off. For example, for large quantization rate, even for
independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) inputs, vector quantization outperforms
scalar quantization, with a distortion gap of 4.35 dB for Gaussian inputs with the MSE
distortion [34, Ch. 23.2].

14.2.2 Preliminaries in FL
FL System Model
In this section we describe the conventional FL framework proposed in [3]. Here, a
centralized server is training a model consisting of m parameters based on labeled
samples available at a set of K remote users. The model is trained to minimize a
(k) (k) k
loss function (·;·). Letting {x i ,y i }ni=1 be the set of nk labeled training samples
available at the kth user, k ∈ {1, . . . ,K}  K, FL aims at recovering the m × 1
weights vector wo satisfying Published online by Cambridge University Press

Quantized Federated Learning 413


w = arg min F (w) 
α k Fk (w) . (14.2)

Here, the weighting average coefficients {α k } are nonnegative satisfying α k = 1,
and the local objective functions are defined as the empirical average over the corre-
sponding training set:

 (k) (k) k   (k) (k) 
Fk (w) ≡ Fk w;{x i ,y i }ni=1   w;(x i ,y i ) . (14.3)

Federated Averaging
Federated averaging [3] aims at recovering wo using iterative subsequent updates. In
each update of time instance t, the server shares its current model, represented by
the vector wt ∈ Rm , with the users. The kth user, k ∈ K, uses its set of nk labeled
training samples to retrain the model wt over τ time instances into an updated model
(k) (k)
w̃t+τ ∈ Rm . Commonly, w̃t+τ is obtained by τ stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
steps applied to wt , executed over the local dataset:
(k) (k) i
(k)  (k) 
w̃t+1 = w̃t − ηt ∇Fkt w̃t , (14.4)
where it is a sample index chosen uniformly from the local data of the kth user
at time t. When the local updates are carried out via Eq. (14.4), federated averaging
specializes the local SGD method [35], and the terms are often used interchangeably
in the literature.
Having updated the model weights, the kth user conveys its model update, denoted
(k) (k)
as ht+τ  w̃t+τ − wt , to the server. The server synchronizes the global model by
averaging the model updates via


wt+τ = wt + α k ht+τ = α k w̃t+τ . (14.5)
k=1 k=1

By repeating this procedure over multiple iterations, the resulting global model can
be shown to converge to wo under various objective functions [35–37]. The number
of local SGD iterations can be any positive integer. For τ = 1, the model updates
{ht+τ } are the scaled stochastic gradients, and thus the local SGD method effectively
implements mini-batch SGD. While such a setting results in a learning scheme that is
simpler to analyze and is less sensitive to data heterogeneity compared to using large
values of τ, it requires much more communications between the participating entities
[38] and may give rise to privacy concerns [39].

14.2.3 FL with Quantization Constraints

The federated averaging method relies on the ability of the users to repeatedly convey
their model updates to the server without errors. This implicitly requires the users
and the server to communicate over ideal links of infinite throughput. Since upload Published online by Cambridge University Press

414 Nir Shlezinger et al.

speeds are typically more limited compared to download speeds [40], the users needs
to communicate a finite-bit quantized representation of their model update, resulting
in the quantized FL setup model we now describe.

Quantized FL System Model

The number of model parameters m can be very large, particularly when training
highly parameterized deep neural networks (DNNs). The requirement to limit the vol-
ume of data conveyed over the uplink channel implies that the model updates should
be quantized prior to its transmission. Following the formulation of the quantization
problem in Section 14.2.1, this implies that each user should encode the model update
into a digital representation consisting of a finite number of bits (a codeword), and the
server has to decode each of these codewords describing the local model into a global
model update. The kth model update ht+τ is therefore encoded into a digital codeword
of Rk bits denoted as ut ∈ {0, . . . ,2 k − 1}  Uk , using an encoding function with
input ht+τ :
et+τ : Rm → Uk . (14.6)

The uplink channel is modeled as a bit-constrained link with a transmission rate

that does not exceed Shannon capacity; that is, each Rk bit codeword is recovered
by the server without errors, as commonly assumed in the FL literature [6, 21–23, 25–
31, 41]. The server uses the received codewords {ut+τ }K
k=1 to reconstruct ĥt+τ ∈ R ,

obtained via a joint decoding function

dt+τ : U1 × . . . × UK → Rm . (14.7)
K (k)
The recovered ĥt+τ is an estimate of the weighted average k=1 α k ht+τ . Finally, the
global model wt+τ is updated via

wt+τ = wt + ĥt+τ . (14.8)

An illustration of this FL procedure is depicted in Fig. 14.2. Clearly, if the number

 (k) 2
of allowed bits is sufficiently large, the distance ĥt+τ − K k=1 α k ht+τ  can be
made arbitrarily small, allowing the server to update the global model as the desired
weighted average Eq. (14.5).

Figure 14.2 Federated learning with bit-rate constraints. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Quantized Federated Learning 415

In the presence of a limited bit budget (i.e., small values of {Rk }) distortion is
induced, which can severely degrade the ability of the server to update its model. This
motivates the need for efficient quantization methods for FL, which are to be designed
under the unique requirements of FL that we now describe.

Quantization Requirements
Tackling the design of quantized FL from a purely information theoretic perspective
(i.e., as a lossy source code [33, Ch. 10]) inevitably results in utilizing complex vector
quantizers. In particular, in order to approach the optimal tradeoff between number
of bits and quantization distortion, one must jointly map L samples together, where
L should be an arbitrarily large number, by creating a partition of the L-dimensional
hyperspace that depends on the distribution of the model updates. Furthermore, the
distributed nature of the FL setups implies that the reconstruction accuracy can be
further improved by utilizing infinite-dimensional vector quantization as part of a
distributed lossy source coding scheme [42, Ch. 11], such as Wyner-Ziv coding [43].
However, these coding techniques tend to be computationally complex and require
each of the nodes participating in the procedure to have accurate knowledge of the
joint distribution of the complete set of continuous-amplitude values to be discretized,
which is not likely to be available in practice.
Therefore, to study quantization schemes while faithfully representing FL setups,
one has to account for the following requirements and assumptions:

A1. All users share the same encoding function, denoted as et (·) = et (·) for each
k ∈ K. This requirement, which was also considered in [6], significantly
simplifies FL implementation.
A2. No a-priori knowledge or distribution of ht+τ is assumed.
A3. As in [6], the users and the server share a source of common randomness. This
is achieved by, for example, letting the server share with each user a random
seed along with the weights. Once a different seed is conveyed to each user, it
can be used to obtain a dedicated source of common randomness shared by the
server and each of the users for the entire FL procedure.

These requirements, and particularly A1–A2, are stated to ensure feasibility of the
quantization scheme for FL applications. Ideally, a compression mechanism should
exploit knowledge about the distribution of its input, and different distributions would
yield different encoding mechanisms. However, although it is desirable to design a
single encoding mechanism that can be used by all devices, the fact that prior statistical
knowledge about the distribution of the model updates is likely to be unavailable,
particularly when training deep models, motivates the requirements A1–A2. In fact,
these conditions give rise to the need for a universal quantization approach, namely, a
scheme that operates reliably regardless of the distribution of the model updates and
without prior knowledge of this distribution. Published online by Cambridge University Press

416 Nir Shlezinger et al.

14.3 Quantization for FL

Next, we detail various mechanisms for quantizing the model updates conveyed over
the uplink channel in FL. We begin with the common method of probabilistic scalar
quantization in Section 14.3.1. Then in Sections 14.3.2 and 14.3.3 we show how
distortion can be reduced while accounting for the FL requirements A1–A3 by intro-
ducing subtractive dithering and vector quantization, respectively. Finally, we present
a unified formulation for quantized FL based on the aforementioned techniques com-
bined with lossless source coding and overload prevention in Section 14.3.4.

14.3.1 Probabilistic Scalar Quantization

The most simple and straight forward approach to discretize the model updates is to
utilize quantizers. Here, a scalar quantizer Q1R (·) is set to some fixed partition of the
real line, and each user encodes its model update ht+τ by applying Q1R (·) to it entry-
wise. Arguably the most common scalar quantization rule is the uniform mapping,

which for a given support γ > 0 and quantization step size  = 2R is given by
⎨ x + 1 , for |x| < γ
QR (x) =
⎩sign (x) γ −  , else,

where ·
denotes rounding to the next smaller integer and sign(·) is the signum
function. The overall number of bits used for representing the model update is thus
mR, which adjusts the resolution of the quantizers to yield a total of Rk bits to describe
the model update. The server then uses the quantized model update to compute the
aggregated global model by averaging these digital representations into Eq. (14.8).
In its coarsest form, the quantizer represents each entry using a single bit, as in, for
example, signSGD [26, 31]. An illustration of this simplistic quantization scheme is
given in Fig. 14.3.
The main drawback of the scalar quantization described in Eq. (14.9) follows from
the fact that its distortion is a deterministic function of its input. To see this, consider
for example the case in which the quantizer Q1R (·) implements rounding to the nearest
integer, and all the users compute the first entry of their model updates as 1.51. In
such a case, all the users will encode this entry as the integer value 2, and thus the first

Figure 14.3 Model scalar quantization. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Quantized Federated Learning 417

Figure 14.4 Model probabilistic scalar quantization.

entry of ĥt+τ in Eq. (14.8) also equals 2, resulting in a possibly notable error in the
aggregated model. This motivates the usage of probabilistic quantization, where the
distortion is a random quantity. Considering again the previous example, if instead of
having each user encode 1.51 into 2, the users would have a 51 percent probability of
encoding it 2 and a 49 percent probability of encoding it as 1. The aggregated model
is expected to converge to the desired update value of 1.51 as the number of users K
grows by the law of large numbers.
Various forms of probabilistic quantization for distributed learning have been pro-
posed in the literature [41]. These include using one-bit sign quantizers [26], ternary
quantization [27], uniform quantization [28], and nonuniform quantization [29]. Prob-
abilistic scalar quantization can be treated as a form of dithered quantization [44, 45],
where the continuous-amplitude quantity is corrupted by some additive noise, referred
to as dither signal, which is typically uniformly distributed over its corresponding
decision region. Consequently, the quantized updates of the kth user are given by
(k) (k) (k)
applying Q1R (·) to ht+τ + zt+τ element-wise, where zt+τ denotes the dither signal.
When the quantization mapping consists of the uniform partition in Eq. (14.9), as
used in the quantized SGD (QSGD) algorithm [28], this operation specializes non-
subtractive dithered quantization [45], and the entries of the dither signal zt+τ are
typically i.i.d. and uniformly distributed over [−/2,/2] [45]. An illustration of
this continuous-to-discrete mapping is depicted in Fig. 14.4
Probabilistic quantization overcomes errors of a deterministic nature, as discussed
earlier in the context of conventional scalar quantization. However, the addition of
the dither signal also increases the distortion in representing each model update in
discrete form [46]. In particular, while probabilistic quantization reduces the effect of
the distortion induced on the aggregated ĥt+τ in Eq. (14.8) compared to conventional
scalar quantization, it results in the discrete representation of each individual update
ht+τ being less accurate. This behavior is also observed when comparing the quan-
tized updates in Figs. 14.3 and 14.4. This excess distortion can be reduced by utilizing
subtractive dithering strategies, as detailed in the following section.

14.3.2 Subtractive Dithered Scalar Quantization

Subtractive dithered quantization extends probabilistic quantization by introducing
an additional decoding step, rather than directly using the discrete codewords as the Published online by Cambridge University Press

418 Nir Shlezinger et al.

Figure 14.5 Model subtractive dithered scalar quantization.

compressed digital representation. The fact that each of the users can share a source
of local randomness with the server by assumption A3 implies that the server can
generate the realization of the dither signal zt+τ . Consequently, instead of using the
(k) (k)
element-wise quantized version of ht+τ + zt+τ received from the kth user, denoted
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k)
here as Q(ht+τ +zt+τ ), the user sets its representation of ht+τ to be Q(ht+τ +zt+τ )−
zt+τ . An illustration of this procedure is depicted in Fig. 14.5.
The subtraction of the dither signal upon decoding reduces its excess distortion in
a manner that does not depend on the distribution of the continuous-amplitude value
[47]. As such, it is also referred to as universal scalar quantization. In particular, for
uniform quantizers of the form Eq. (14.9) where the input lies within the support
[−γ,γ], it holds that the effect of the quantization can be rigorously modeled as
an additive noise term whose entries are uniformly distributed over [−/2,/2],
regardless of the values of the realization and the distribution of the model updates
ht+τ [45]. This characterization implies that the excess distortion due to dithering is
mitigated for each model update individually, while the overall distortion is further
reduced in aggregation, as federated averaging results in this additive noise term
effectively approaching its mean value of zero by the law of large numbers.

14.3.3 Subtractive Dithered Vector Quantization

While scalar quantizers are simple to implement, they process each sample of the
model updates using the same continuous-to-discrete mapping. Consequently, scalar
quantizers are known to be inferior to vector quantizers, which jointly map a set of
L > 1 samples into a single digital codeword, in terms of their achievable distortion
for a given number of bits. In this section, we detail how the concept of subtractive
dithered quantization discussed in the previous section can be extended to vector
quantizers, as illustrated in Fig. 14.6. The extension of universal quantization via sub-
tractive dithering to multivariate samples reviewed here is based on lattice quantization
[48]. To formulate the notion of such dithered vector quantizers, we first briefly review
lattice quantization, after which we discuss its usage for FL uplink compression.

Lattice Quantization
Let L be a fixed positive integer, referred to henceforth as the lattice dimension, and
let G be a nonsingular L × L matrix, which denotes the lattice generator matrix. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Quantized Federated Learning 419

Figure 14.6 Model subtractive dithered vector quantization.

For simplicity, we assume that M  m L is an integer, where m is the number of

model parameters, although the scheme can also be applied when this does not hold
by replacing M with M . Next, we use L to denote the lattice, which is the set of
points in RL that can be written as an integer linear combination of the columns of G:

L  {x = Gl : l ∈ Z L }. (14.10)

A lattice quantizer QL (·) maps each x ∈ RL to its nearest lattice point (i.e.,
QL (x) = l x where l x ∈ L if x − l x  ≤ x − l for every l ∈ L). Finally, let
P0 be the basic lattice cell [49], or the set of points in RL that are closer to 0 than to
any other lattice point:

P0  {x ∈ RL : x < x − p,∀p ∈ L/{0}}. (14.11)

For example, when G = ·I L for some  > 0, then L is the square lattice, for which
P0 is the set of vectors x ∈ RL that have a ∞ norm that is not larger than 2 . For this
setting, QL (·) implements entry-wise scalar uniform quantization with spacing  [34,
Ch. 23]. This is also the case when L = 1, for which QL (·) specializes scalar uniform
quantization with spacing dictated by the (scalar) G.

Subtractive Dithered Lattice Quantization

Lattice quantizers can be exploited to realize universal vector quantization. Such
mappings jointly quantize multiple samples, thus benefiting from the improved rate-
distortion trade-off of vector quantizers, while operating in a manner that is invariant
of the distribution of the continuous-amplitude inputs [48].
To formulate this operation, we note that in order to apply an L-dimensional lattice
quantizer to ht+τ , it must first be divided into M distinct L × 1 vectors, denoted
(k) M (k)
{h̄i }i=1 . In order to quantize each subvector h̄i , it is first corrupted with a dither
vector zi , which is here uniformly distributed over the basic lattice cell P0 and then
quantized using a lattice quantizer QL (·). On the decoder side, the representation of
(k) (k) (k) (k)
h̄i is obtained by subtracting zi from the discrete QL (h̄i + zi ). An example of
this procedure for L = 2 is illustrated in Fig. 14.7.

14.3.4 Unified Formulation

The aforementioned strategies give rise to a unified framework for model updates
quantization in FL. Before formulating the resulting encoding and decoding mappings Published online by Cambridge University Press

420 Nir Shlezinger et al.

Figure 14.7 Subtractive dithered lattice quantization.

in a systematic manner, we note that two additional considerations of quantization and

compression should be accounted for in the formulation. These are the need to pre-
vent overloading of the quantizers and the ability to further compress the discretized
representations via lossless source coding.

Overloading Prevention
Quantizers are typically required to operate within their dynamic range, namely, when
the input lies in the support of the quantizer. For uniform scalar quantizers as in
Eq. (14.9), this implies that the magnitude of the input must not be larger than γ. The
same holds for multivariate lattice quantizers; as an infinite number of lattice regions
are required to span RL , the input must be known to lie in some L-dimensional ball in
order to utilize a finite number of lattice points, which in turn implies a finite number
of different discrete representations. In particular, the desired statistical properties that
arise from the usage of dithering (i.e., that the distortion is uncorrelated with the input
and can thus be reduced by averaging) hold when the input is known to lie within the
quantizer support [45].
In order to guarantee that the quantizer is not overloaded, namely, that each
continuous-amplitude value lies in the quantizer support, the model updates vector
(k) (k)
ht+τ can be scaled by ζht+τ  for some parameter ζ > 0. This setting guarantees
(k) (k)
that the elements {h̄i }M i=1 of which the compressed ht+τ is comprised all reside
inside the L-dimensional ball with radius ζ−1 . The number of lattice points is not
π L/2
larger than ζL (1+L/2) det(G)
[50, Ch. 2], where (·) is the Gamma function. Note that
(k) (k)
the scalar quantity ζht+τ  depends on the vector ht+τ and must thus be quantized
with high resolution and conveyed to the server, to be accounted for in the decoding
process. The overhead in accurately quantizing the single scalar quantity ζht+τ Published online by Cambridge University Press

Quantized Federated Learning 421

is typically negligible compared to the number of bits required to convey the set of
vectors {h̄i }Mi=1 , hardly affecting the overall quantization rate.

Lossless Source Coding

As defined in Section 14.2.1, quantizers can output a finite number of different code-
words. The amount of codewords dictates the number of bits used R, as each codeword
can be mapped into a different combination of R bits, and conveyed in digital form
over the rate-constrained uplink channel. However, these digital representations are in
general not uniformly distributed. In particular, model updates are often approximately
sparse, which is the property exploited in sparisfication-based compression schemes
[21, 23]. Consequently, the codeword corresponding to (almost) zero values is likely
to be assigned more often than other codewords by the quantizer.
This property implies that the discrete output of the quantizer, the vector Q(ht+τ +
zt+τ ), can be further compressed by lossless source coding. Various lossless source
coding schemes, including arithmetic, Lempel-Ziv, and Elias codes, are capable of
compressing a vector of discrete symbols into an amount of bits approaching the most
compressed representation, dictated by the entropy of the vector [33, Ch. 13]. When
(k) (k)
the distribution of the discrete vector Q(ht+τ + zt+τ ) is notably different from being
uniform, as is commonly the case in quantized FL, the incorporation of such entropy
coding can substantially reduce the number of bits in a lossless manner, without
inducing additional distortion.

Encoder-Decoder Formulation
Based on these considerations of overloading prevention and the potential of entropy
coding, we now formulate a unified quantized FL strategy coined UVeQFed. UVeQFed
generalizes the quantization strategies for FL detailed in Sections 14.3.1 through
14.3.3, where the usage of scalar versus vector quantizers is dictated by the selection of
the dimension parameter L: When L = 1 UVeQFed implements scalar quantization,
while with L > 1 it results in subtractive dithered lattice quantization. Specifically,
UVeQFed consists of the following encoding and decoding mappings:
Encoder: The encoding function et+τ (·) in Eq. (14.6) for each user includes the
following steps:
(k) (k)
E1. Normalize and partition: The kth user scales ht+τ by ζht+τ  for some
ζ > 0, and divides the result into M distinct L × 1 vectors, denoted {h̄i }M
i=1 .
(k) (k)
The scalar quantity ζht+τ  is quantized separately from {h̄i }M i=1 with high
resolution, for example, using a uniform scalar quantizer with at least 12 bits,
such that it can be recovered at the decoder with negligible distortion.
E2. Dithering: The encoder utilizes the source of common randomness, such as a
shared seed, to generate the set of L × 1 dither vectors {zi }Mi=1 , which are
randomized in an i.i.d. fashion, independently of ht+τ , from a uniform
distribution over P0 . Published online by Cambridge University Press

422 Nir Shlezinger et al.

E3. Quantization: The vectors {h̄i }Mi=1 are discretized by adding the dither vectors
and applying lattice/uniform quantization, namely, by computing
(k) (k)
{QL (h̄i + zi )}.
(k) (k)
E4. Entropy coding: The discrete values {QL (h̄i + zi )} are encoded into a
digital codeword ut+τ in a lossless manner.

Decoder: The decoding mapping dt+τ (·) implements the following:

D1. Entropy decoding: The server first decodes each digital codeword ut+τ into the
(k) (k)
discrete value {QL (h̄i + zi )}.
Since the encoding is carried out using a
lossless source code, the discrete values are recovered without any errors.
D2. Dither subtraction: Using the source of common randomness, the server
generates the dither vectors {zi }, which can be carried out rapidly and at low
complexity using random number generators as the dither vectors obey a
uniform distribution. The server then subtracts the corresponding vector by
(k) (k) (k)
computing {QL (h̄i + zi ) − zi }.
D3. Collecting and scaling: The values computed in the previous step are collected
into an m × 1 vector ĥt+τ using the inverse operation of the partitioning and
normalization in Step E1.
D4. Model recovery: The recovered matrices are combined into an updated model
based on Eq. (14.8). Namely,

wt+τ = wt + α k ĥt+τ . (14.12)

A block diagram of the proposed scheme is depicted in Fig. 14.8. The use of
subtractive dithered quantization in Steps E2–E3 and D2 allow obtaining a digital
representation that is relatively close to the true quantity, without relying on prior
knowledge of its distribution. For nonsubtractive dithering, as in conventional proba-
bilistic quantization such as QSGD [28], one must skip the dither subtraction Step
D2, as illustrated in Fig. 14.8. For clarity, we use the term UVeQFed to refer to
the encoder-decoder pair consisting of all the detailed steps E1–D4, with subtractive
dithered quantization. The joint decoding aspect of these schemes is introduced in
the final model recovery Step D4. The remaining encoding-decoding procedure, Steps
E1–D3, is carried out independently for each user.
UVeQFed has several clear advantages. First, while it is based on information theo-
retic arguments, the resulting architecture is rather simple to implement. In particular,
both subtractive dithered quantization as well as entropy coding are concrete and
established methods that can be realized with relatively low complexity and feasible
hardware requirements. Increasing the lattice dimension L reduces the distortion,
thus leading to more improved trained models, at the cost of increased complexity
in the quantization step E3. The numerical study presented in Section 14.4.2 demon-
strates that the accuracy of the trained model can be notably improved by using two-
dimensional lattices compared to utilizing scalar quantizers, setting L = 2 instead of Published online by Cambridge University Press Published online by Cambridge University Press

Figure 14.8 Unified formulation of quantized FL, with subtractive dithering or without it.
424 Nir Shlezinger et al.

L = 1. The source of common randomness needed for generating the dither vectors
can be obtained by sharing a common seed between the server and users, as discussed
in the statement of requirement A3. The statistical characterization of the quantization
error of such quantizers does not depend on the distribution of the model updates. This
analytical tractability allows us to rigorously show that combining UVeQFed with
federated averaging mitigates the quantization error, which we show in the following

14.4 Performance Analysis

In this section we study and compare the performance of different quantization strate-
gies that arise from the unified formulation presented in the previous section. We first
present the theoretical performance of UVeQFed in terms of its resulting distortion
and FL convergence for convex objectives. Then, we numerically compare the FL
performance with different quantization strategies using both synthetic and nonsyn-
thetic datasets.

14.4.1 Theoretical Performance

Here, we theoretically characterize the performance of UVeQFed, namely, the
encoder-decoder pair detailed in Section 14.3.4. The characterization holds for both
uniform scalar quantizers as well as lattice vector quantizers, depending on the setting
of the parameter L.

We first introduce the assumptions on the objective functions Fk (·) in light of which
the theoretical analysis of the resulting distortion and the convergence of local SGD
with UVeQFed is carried out in the sequel. In particular, our theoretical performance
characterization utilizes the following assumptions:
AS1. The expected squared 2 norm of the random vector ∇Fki w , representing the
stochastic gradient evaluated at w, is bounded by some ξk2 > 0 for all w ∈ Rm .
AS2. The local objective functions {Fk (·)} are all ρs -smooth, namely, for all
v 1,v 2 ∈ Rm it holds that
Fk (v 1 ) − Fk (v 2 ) ≤ (v 1 − v 2 )T ∇Fk (v 2 ) + ρ s v 1 − v 2 2 .
AS3. The local objective functions {Fk (·)} are all ρc -strongly convex, namely, for
all v 1,v 2 ∈ Rm it holds that
Fk (v 1 ) − Fk (v 2 ) ≥ (v 1 − v 2 )T ∇Fk (v 2 ) + ρ c v 1 − v 2 2 .
Assumption AS1 on the stochastic gradients is often employed in distributed learn-
ing studies [35, 36, 51] Assumptions AS2–AS3 are also commonly used in FL Published online by Cambridge University Press

Quantized Federated Learning 425

convergence studies [35, 36] and hold for a broad range of objective functions
used in FL systems, including 2 -norm regularized linear regression and logistic
regression [36].

Distortion Analysis
We begin our performance analysis by characterizing the distortion induced by quan-
tization. The need to represent the model updates ht+τ using a finite number of bits
(k) (k)
inherently induces some distortion; that is, the recovered vector is ĥt+τ = ht+τ +
(k) (k)
 t+τ . The error in representing ζht+τ  is assumed to be negligible. For example,
the normalized quantization error is on the order of 10−7 for 12 bit quantization of a
scalar value and decreases exponentially with each additional bit [34, Ch. 23].

2 be the normalized second-order lattice moment, defined as σ̄ 2 
Let σ̄L L P0 x
dx/ P0 dx [52]. For uniform scalar quantizers Eq. (14.9), this quantity equals  /3,
the second-order moment of a uniform distribution over the quantizer support. The
moments of the quantization error t+τ satisfy the following theorem, which is based
on the properties of nonoverloaded subtractive dithered quantizers [49]:
theorem 14.2 The quantization error vector  t+τ has zero-mean entries and
 (k) 2  (k) 
E   t+τ  ht+τ = ζ2 ht+τ 2 M σ̄L
(k) 2
. (14.13)

Theorem 14.2 characterizes the distortion in quantizing the model updates using
UVeQFed. Due to the usage of vector quantizers, the dependence of the expected
error norm on the number of bits is not explicit in Eq. (14.13), but rather encapsu-
lated in the lattice moment σ̄L 2 . To observe that Eq. (14.13) indeed represents lower

distortion compared to previous FL quantization schemes, we note that even when

scalar quantizers are used, when L = 1 for which L1 σ̄L 2 is known to be largest [52],

the resulting quantization is reduced by a factor of two compared to conventional

probabilistic scalar quantizers due to the subtraction of the dither upon decoding in
Step D2 [45, Thms. 1–2].
We next bound the distance between the desired model wdes t+τ , which is given by
K (k)
wt+τ =
k=1 α k w̃t+τ in Eq. (14.8), and the recovered one wt+τ , as stated in the
following theorem:

theorem 14.3 [53, Thm. 2] When AS1 holds, the mean-squared distance between
wt+τ and wdes
t+τ satisfies
 t+τ−1  K
E wt+τ −wt+τ  ≤ M ζ σ̄L τ
2 2
ηt2 α 2k ξk2 . (14.14)
t  =t k=1

Theorem 14.3 implies that the recovered model can be made arbitrarily close to
the desired one by increasing K, namely, the number of users. For example, when
α k = 1/K (i.e., conventional averaging), it follows from Theorem 14.3 that the mean-
squared error in the weights decreases as 1/K. In particular, if maxk α k decreases
with K, which essentially means that the updated model is not based only on a small Published online by Cambridge University Press

426 Nir Shlezinger et al.

part of the participating users, then the distortion vanishes in the aggregation process.
Furthermore, when the step size ηt gradually decreases, which is known to con-
tribute to the convergence of FL [36], it follows from Theorem 14.3 that the distortion
decreases accordingly, further mitigating its effect as the FL iterations progress.

Convergence Analysis
We next study the convergence of FL with UVeQFed. We do not restrict the labeled
data of each of the users to be generated from an identical distribution; that is, we
consider a statistically heterogeneous scenario, thus faithfully representing FL setups
[4, 54]. Such heterogeneity is in line with requirement A2, which does not impose
any specific distribution structure on the underlying statistics of the training data.
Following [36], we define the heterogeneity gap as

ψ  F (wo ) − α k min Fk (w). (14.15)

The value of ψ quantifies the degree of heterogeneity. If the training data originates
from the same distribution, then ψ tends to zero as the training size grows. However,
for heterogeneous data, its value is positive. The convergence of UVeQFed with fed-
erated averaging is characterized in the following theorem:

theorem 14.4 [53, Thm. 3] Set γ = τ max(1,4ρs /ρc ) and consider a UVeQFed
setup satisfying AS1–AS3. Under this setting, local SGD with step size ηt = ρ t+γ
c( )
for each t ∈ N satisfies
ρs ρc + τ2 b
E{F (wt )} − F (w ) ≤ o
max ,γw0 − w  ,
o 2
2(t + γ) τρ c


b  1 + 4M ζ2 σ̄L τ
2 2
α 2k ξk2 + 6ρ s ψ + 8(τ − 1)2 α k ξk2 .
k=1 k=1

Theorem 14.4 implies that UVeQFed with local SGD (i.e., conventional federated
averaging) converges at a rate of O(1/t). This is the same order of convergence
as FL without quantization constraints for i.i.d. [35] as well as heterogeneous data
[36, 55]. A similar order of convergence was also reported for previous probabilistic
quantization schemes which typically considered i.i.d. data [28, Thm. 3.2]. While it is
difficult to identify the convergence gains of UVeQFed over previously proposed FL
quantizers by comparing Theorem 14.4 to their corresponding convergence bounds,
in the following section we empirically demonstrate that UVeQFed converges to more
accurate global models compared to FL with probabilistic scalar quantizers, when
trained using i.i.d. as well as heterogeneous datasets. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Quantized Federated Learning 427

14.4.2 Numerical Study

In this section we numerically evaluate UVeQFed. We first compare the quantization
error induced by UVeQFed to competing methods utilized in FL. Then, we numeri-
cally demonstrate how the reduced distortion is translated in FL performance gains
using both the MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets.

Quantization Distortion
We begin by focusing only on the compression method, studying its accuracy using
synthetic data. We evaluate the distortion induced in quantization of UVeQFed oper- √
ating with a two-dimensional hexagonial lattice (i.e., L = 2 and G = [2,0;1,1/ 3]
[56]) as well as with scalar quantizers, namely, L = 1 and G = 1. The normaliza-
tion coefficient is set to ζ = 2+ √R̃/5 , where R̃ is the quantization rate, or the ratio
of the number of bits to the number of model updates entries m. The distortion of
UVeQFed is compared to QSGD [28], which can be treated as UVeQFed without
dither subtraction in Step D2 and with scalar quantizers (i.e., L = 1). In addition, we
evaluate the corresponding distortion achieved when using uniform quantizers with
random unitary rotation [6] and subsampling by random masks followed by uniform
three-bit quantizers [6]. All the simulated quantization methods operate with the same
quantization rate (i.e., the same overall number of bits).
Let H be a 128 × 128 matrix with Gaussian i.i.d. entries, and let  be a 128 × 128
matrix with entries that are given by ()i,j = e−0.2|i−j | , representing an exponentially
decaying correlation. In Figs. 14.9 and 14.10 we depict the per-entry squared-error in
quantizing H and H  T , representing independent and correlated data, respectively,
versus the quantization rate R̃. The distortion is averaged over 100 independent real-
izations of H . To meet the bit-rate constraint when using lattice quantizers, we scaled
G such that the resulting codewords use less than 1282 R̃ bits. For the scalar quantizers
and subsampling-based scheme, the rate determines the quantization resolution and
the subsampling ratio, respectively.
We observe in Figs. 14.9–14.10 that implementing the complete encoding-decoding
steps E1–D4 allows UVeQFed to achieve a more accurate digital representation com-
pared to previously proposed methods. It is also observed that UVeQFed with vec-

10 1
UVeQFed, L = 2
UVeQFed, L = 1
Average squared error

Random rotation + uniform quantizers

10 0 Subsampling with 3 bits quantizers

10 –1

10 –2

10 –3
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Quantization rate

Figure 14.9 Quantization distortion, i.i.d. data. Published online by Cambridge University Press

428 Nir Shlezinger et al.

10 1

Average squared error

10 0

10 –1

UVeQFed, L = 2
10 –2 UVeQFed, L = 1
Random rotation + uniform quantizers
Subsampling with 3 bits quantizers
10 –3
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Quantization rate

Figure 14.10 Quantization distortion, correlated data.

tor quantization outperforms its scalar counterpart and that the gain is more notable
when the quantized entries are correlated. This demonstrates the improved accuracy
of jointly encoding multiple samples via vector quantization as well as the ability of
UVeQFed to exploit statistical correlation in a universal manner by using fixed lattice-
based quantization regions that do not depend on the underlying distribution.

Convergence Performance
Next, we demonstrate that the reduced distortion that follows from the combination
of subtractive dithering and vector quantization in UVeQFed also translates into FL
performance gains. To that aim, we evaluate UVeQFed for training neural networks
using the MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets, and compare its performance to that achiev-
able using QSGD.
For MNIST, we use a fully connected network with a single hidden layer of 50
neurons and an intermediate sigmoid activation. Each of the K = 15 users has 1,000
training samples, which are distributed sequentially among the users (i.e., the first
user has the first 1,000 samples in the dataset, and so on), resulting in an uneven
heterogeneous division of the labels of the users. The users update their weights
using gradient descent, where federated averaging is carried out on each iteration.
The resulting accuracy versus the number of iterations is depicted in Figs. 14.11 and
14.12 for quantization rates R̃ = 2 and R̃ = 4, respectively.
For CIFAR-10, we train the deep convolutional neural network architecture used
in [57], where trainable parameters constitute three convolution layers and two fully
connected layers. Here, we consider two methods for distributing the 50,000 training
images of CIFAR-10 among the K = 10 users: An i.i.d. division, where each user
has the same number of samples from each of the 10 labels, and a heterogeneous
division, in which at least 25 percent of the samples of each user correspond to a single
distinct label. Each user completes a single epoch of SGD with a mini-batch size of
60 before the models are aggregated. The resulting accuracy versus the number of
epochs is depicted in Figs. 14.13 and 14.14 for quantization rates R̃ = 2 and R̃ = 4,
respectively. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Quantized Federated Learning 429


Identification inaccuracy 0.8



0.5 UVeQFed, L = 2
UVeQFed, L = 1
0 500 1,000 1,500
Number of iterations

Figure 14.11 Convergence profile, MNIST, R̃ = 2.

Identification inaccuracy




0.5 UVeQFed, L = 2
UVeQFed, L = 1
0 500 1,000 1,500
Number of iterations

Figure 14.12 Convergence profile, MNIST, R̃ = 4.


Identification accuracy



0.3 UVeQFed, L = 2 (iid)

UVeQFed, L = 1 (iid)
QSGD (iid)
0.2 UVeQFed, L = 2 (het.)
UVeQFed, L = 1 (het.)
QSGD (het.)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Number of epochs

Figure 14.13 Convergence profile, CIFAR-10, R̃ = 2.

We observe in Figs. 14.11–14.14 that UVeQFed with vector quantizer, L = 2,

results in convergence to the most accurate model for all the considered scenarios.
The gains are more dominant for R̃ = 2, implying that the usage of UVeQFed
with multidimensional lattices can notably improve the performance over low
rate channels. Particularly, we observe in Figs. 14.13 and 14.14 that similar gains
of UVeQFed are noted for both i.i.d. as well as heterogeneous setups, while the
heterogeneous division of the data degrades the accuracy of all considered schemes Published online by Cambridge University Press

430 Nir Shlezinger et al.


Identification accuracy 0.6



0.3 UVeQFed, L = 2 (iid)

UVeQFed, L = 1 (iid)
QSGD (iid)
0.2 UVeQFed, L = 2 (het.)
UVeQFed, L = 1 (het.)
QSGD (het.)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Number of epochs

Figure 14.14 Convergence profile, CIFAR-10, R̃ = 4.

compared to the i.i.d division. It is also observed that UVeQFed with scalar quantizers,
L = 1, achieves improved convergence compared to QSGD for most considered
setups, which stems from its reduced distortion.
The results presented in this section demonstrate that the theoretical benefits
of UVeQFed, which rigorously hold under AS1–AS3, translate into improved
convergence when operating under rate constraints with nonsynthetic data. They also
demonstrate how introducing the state-of-the-art quantization theoretic concepts
of subtractive dithering and universal joint vector quantization contributes to both
reducing the quantization distortion as well as improving FL convergence.

14.5 Conclusion

In the emerging machine learning paradigm of FL, the task of training highly param-
eterized models becomes the joint effort of multiple remote users, orchestrated by the
server in a centralized manner. This distributed learning operation, which brings forth
various gains in terms of privacy, also gives rise to a multitude of challenges. One
of these challenges stems from the reliance of FL on the ability of the participating
entities to reliably and repeatedly communicate over channels whose throughput is
typically constrained, motivating the users to convey their model updates to the server
in a compressed manner with minimal distortion.
In this chapter we considered the problem of model update compression from a
quantization theory perspective. We first identified the unique characteristics of FL
in light of that quantization methods for FL should be designed. Then, we presented
established concepts in quantization theory that facilitate uplink compression in FL.
These include (a) the usage of probabilistic (dithered) quantization to allow the distor-
tion to be reduced in federated averaging, (b) the integration of subtractive dithering to
reduce the distortion by exploiting a random seed shared by the server and each user,
(c) the extension to vector quantizers in a universal manner to further improve the rate-
distortion trade-off, and (d) the combination of lossy quantization with lossless source Published online by Cambridge University Press

Quantized Federated Learning 431

coding to exploit nonuniformity and sparsity of the digital representations. These con-
cepts are summarized in a concrete and systematic FL quantization scheme, referred
to as UVeQFed. We analyzed UVeQFed, proving that its error term is mitigated by
federated averaging. We also characterized its convergence profile, showing that its
asymptotic decay rate is the same as an unquantized local SGD. Our numerical study
demonstrates that UVeQFed achieves more accurate recovery of model updates in
each FL iteration compared to previously proposed schemes for the same number of
bits, and that its reduced distortion is translated into improved convergence with the
MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets.

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15 Over-the-Air Computation for
Distributed Learning over
Wireless Networks
Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri and Deniz Gündüz

15.1 Introduction

Future wireless networks will need to support traffic for a wide range of applica-
tions, from autonomous vehicles and intelligent robots with wireless connections to
e-health, smart cities, and virtual/augmented reality. However, there is an important
distinction between the traffic generated by such Internet of Things (IoT) applications
and content-generated traffic that dominates communication networks today: most IoT
applications aim at making inferences from the data collected by IoT devices at the
network edge; that is, rather than the data itself, the destination node is interested in
learning some statistics from the data, for example, for state estimation or anomaly
detection, or use the data to take actions in a control loop, such as an autonomous
driving car avoiding a person on the road or a health-monitoring device sending an
alarm in the event of a health emergency.
The conventional approach to IoT edge intelligence is to offload the collected
data to an edge or a cloud server, where the computing or learning tasks are carried
out. However, with the increasing amount of information collected by edge devices,
this centralized approach is becoming increasingly demanding for the communication
network, and alternative distributed learning approaches are being considered [1].
Distributed learning also provides a certain level of privacy to the clients, as they can
carry out learning without offloading their sensitive datasets to a central server [2].
Distributed learning over wireless edge networks poses many interesting research
challenges [3–9]. In distributed learning, the objective is not necessarily aligned with
maximizing the throughput of individual users. Since we would like to increase the
data diversity in learning, we often want to allocate communication resources as fairly
as possible among the devices. Moreover, since learning is typically carried out in
many iterative steps, the accuracy of individual iterations may not be critical. As a
consequence, devices typically operate at different trade-off points compared to con-
ventional network operations, and new resource allocation and network optimization
techniques need to be employed [10–13].
Interference management is another fundamental aspect of network design that has
been challenged in distributed learning applications. In the current network architec-
tures, transmissions from different devices are treated as independent data streams;
therefore, in order to increase the reliability of each transmission, we try to minimize
interference among different transmissions as much as possible. Interference can be Published online by Cambridge University Press

Over-the-Air Computation for Distributed Learning 435

mitigated by orthogonalizing transmitting devices in time, code, or frequency. On

the other hand, when the goal is to carry out computations on distributed data, it is
possible to exploit the signal superposition property of the wireless medium rather
than mitigate it. This is called over-the-air computation (OAC), and it allows us to
exploit the wireless medium not only to convey information, but also to carry out
computations directly on data. Turning the wireless channel into a computing medium
allows us to bring the intelligence to the network edge and to seamlessly combine
learning and communication tasks.
In this chapter, we show how OAC can be used for federated training of a shared
machine learning model across multiple edge devices each with its own local dataset.
Before going into the details of how OAC can be exploited for distributed learning
in wireless systems, we first present the federated learning (FL) paradigm and its
implementation at the wireless network edge, called federated edge learning (FEEL).

15.1.1 FEEL with OAC

In FL, multiple devices collaborate to train a joint model orchestrated by a param-
eter server (PS) [2]. The main motivation in FL is to train the joint model without
sharing the local datasets due to privacy concerns. This can be achieved by distributed
stochastic gradient descent (SGD), where the global model is iteratively updated based
on local model updates from the devices, which are computed in a distributed fashion
based on their local datasets. Therefore, the devices only share their model updates
with the parameter server, and the datasets are localized. To further reduce the com-
munication load of FL, devices can apply multiple SGD iterations on the global model
before sharing their updates, which reduces the communication frequency from the
devices to the PS. Also, in typical FL scenarios, it is assumed that a large number
of devices contribute to the collaborative training process; however, only a subset of
those devices participate in each iteration.
FEEL refers to the application of FL at the wireless edge, where the device-
to-PS and PS-to-device communication take place over a shared wireless medium
[5, 9]; equivalently, it is assumed that the devices are in geographical proximity of
each other. This may be the case, for example, when IoT devices within a macro cell
are orchestrated by a macro base station or by a Wi-Fi access point to jointly train a
model. Therefore, in a FEEL scenario, participating devices must share the available
wireless resources when transmitting their model updates to the PS at each iteration.
Note that a collaborative training process in the context of FEEL can be preferable not
only due to privacy concerns, but also to the limited channel bandwidth, particularly
when the datasets are relatively big.
An important observation in the FEEL scenario is that the goal of the PS at each
iteration is to compute the average of the model updates from the devices. The PS is
not interested in the individual model updates, and indeed, from a privacy perspective,
it is even more advantageous if the PS can recover the model average without being
able to learn the individual updates of the devices. In this sense, FEEL is an ideal Published online by Cambridge University Press

436 Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri and Deniz Gündüz

framework to apply OAC for the transmission of model updates from the devices over
the multiple access channel (MAC) to the PS. At each iteration of the training process,
participating devices can transmit their local updates in an uncoded fashion such that
the transmitted waveforms are superposed over the wireless channel, allowing the PS
to directly recover the sum of the model updates.
There are several challenges in the implementation of OAC in the context of FEEL:
First, it will require all the transmitting devices to be synchronized in time or fre-
quency to make sure that the model updates are aligned for superposition. This can be
achieved by the timing advance procedure in 4G and 5G systems, where the syn-
chronization error will depend on the resources dedicated to it. While we expect
that the benefits of OAC for FEEL will continue to hold even in the presence of
some synchronization errors, this has not yet been quantified. Second, the correct
summation of the model updates at the PS requires them to be received at the same
power level. This requires precoding at the transmitters and, hence, knowledge of
channel state information (CSI). As we will see later in this chapter, lack of CSI can be
compensated with the introduction of multiple antennas at the PS. The third challenge
in applying OAC in FEEL is the large bandwidth requirement. When digital commu-
nication techniques are employed, model updates can be quantized to a lower number
of bits, which can then be transmitted to the PS over the available bandwidth using an
appropriate modulation and coding scheme [4, 14]. However, when the model update
is transmitted in an uncoded fashion, this will require as many channel resources as
the model dimension, which can be large in modern deep learning architectures. For
example, architectures used for machine vision applications typically have millions of
parameters; the well-known AlexNet, ResNet50, and VGG16 architectures have 50,
26, and 138 million parameters, respectively. Models for natural language processing
applications typically have much larger networks, with even billions of parameters.
Therefore, training such large networks with uncoded transmissions would require
very large bandwidth, often not available at the network edge. In the following sec-
tions, we will present a solution to this problem through sparsification and random
projection, which allows the devices to significantly reduce the bandwidth requirement
without sacrificing the performance much. Note also that OAC already has inherent
bandwidth efficiency due to using the entire channel resources by all the devices
instead of sharing them.
The fundamental limits of OAC have been studied in the information theory liter-
ature [15, 16]. It has also been considered as a method to increase network capacity
by allowing intermediate nodes to decode functions of messages rather than individ-
ual messages [17–19]. Computation over a wireless MAC was first studied in [20].
Employing OAC for efficient edge learning has received significant recent attention.
This idea was introduced in [4] for a Gaussian MAC, while a wireless MAC was
considered in [21]. In [22], the authors focus on the device selection and receive beam-
forming design considering a multiantenna PS. The idea of bandwidth compression
was applied in [23] to FEEL over wireless fading channels. Multiple antenna PS was
also considered in [24, 25], but without CSI at the devices. In [26] the authors studied
OAC when devices are limited to using a 4-QAM constellation to transmit the model Published online by Cambridge University Press

Over-the-Air Computation for Distributed Learning 437

updates. The results showed that the benefits are available even under this limitation
and, hence, can be exploited in conventional systems, which are often limited to
finite constellation due to hardware design. The benefits of OAC were combined with
federated distillation in [27]. Device scheduling in over-the-air FEEL was studied in
[28] using energy availability.
In the rest of this chapter, we first introduce the general system model for FEEL
over wireless fading channels. We then present both the digital transmission of model
updates and the uncoded transmission with OAC. We then present the so-called blind
FEEL, which employs OAC without any CSI at the transmitting devices.

15.2 System Model

We consider M devices, each with its local dataset, training a global model θ ∈ Rd
collaboratively with the help of a remote PS, as depicted in Fig. 15.1. The goal is to
minimize a loss function
F (θ) = Fm (θ) , (15.1)

Fm (θ) = f (θ,u) , m ∈ [M], (15.2)

is the local loss function at device m, which is minimized with respect to the global
model θ having access to local dataset Bm with size Bm = |Bm |, and f is an empirical
loss function.
During iteration t, the PS shares the global model, denoted by θ(t), with the
devices. After receiving θ(t), devices perform τ-step SGD to minimize their local
loss functions. The ith step SGD at device m corresponds to the following update:
m (t) = θ i
m (t) − η i
m (t)∇F m θ i
m (t),ξ i
m (t) , i ∈ [τ], m ∈ [M], (15.3)

Parameter server (PS)


Figure 15.1 FEEL system model at iteration t. Published online by Cambridge University Press

438 Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri and Deniz Gündüz

i (t) represents the learning rate, and ∇F θ i (t),ξ i (t) is an
where θ1m (t) = θ(t), ηm  i  m m m
unbiased estimate of ∇Fm θm (t) according to a local mini-batch data ξm i (t) selected

randomly from the local dataset Bm ; that is,

Eξ ∇Fm θ im (t),ξm i
(t) = ∇Fm θim (t) , ∀i ∈ [τ],∀m ∈ [M],∀t, (15.4)
where Eξ represents expectation with respect to the mini-batch selection random-
ness. After the τth SGD step, device m computes the local model update θm (t) =
θm (t) − θ(t), for m ∈ [M], which is shared with the PS. Assuming that the PS
can receive the local model updates accurately from the devices, it updates the global
model as follows:
θ(t + 1) = θ(t) + θ(t), (15.5)
where we have defined
θ(t)  θ m (t). (15.6)

We model the transmission from the devices to the PS as a wireless fading MAC
with s subchannels, where we assume that s ≤ d (for practical purposes we are partic-
ularly interested in s  d regime), and each communication round takes place over
N time slots. We let xnm (t) = [xm,1 n (t), . . . ,x n (t)]T ∈ Cs denote the channel input
at device m at the nth time slot during iteration t, n ∈ [N ], m ∈ [M]. We also denote
the channel gains from device m to the PS and the additive noise at the PS at the nth
time slot during iteration t by hnm (t) = [hnm,1 (t), . . . ,hnm,s (t)]T ∈ Cs and z n (t) ∈ Cs
with each entry independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) according to CN(0,σ2 )
and CN(0,1), respectively, n ∈ [N], m ∈ [M]. The received signal at the PS during
the nth time slot of iteration t is given by

y n (t) = hnm (t) ◦ xnm (t) + z n (t), n ∈ [N ]. (15.7)

We assume that CSI is available at the devices. Given a total number of T iterations,
we impose an average transmit power constraint P̄ at each device; that is,

1  n

E ||xm (t)||22 ≤ P̄ , ∀m ∈ [M], (15.8)
t=1 n=1

where the expectation is with respect to the randomness of the channel gains.
The underlying wireless fading MAC from the devices to the PS dictates that the
PS can only receive a noisy version of θ(t), denoted by  θ(t), which is used to
update the global model according to
θ(t + 1) = θ(t) + 
θ(t). (15.9)
We will consider both the conventional digital approach and the uncoded transmis-
sion with OAC for the transmission of the local model updates from the devices to
the PS. With the digital approach, devices perform quantization followed by channel Published online by Cambridge University Press

Over-the-Air Computation for Distributed Learning 439

coding to transmit the quantized local model updates over the MAC. Alternatively,
with OAC, devices transmit their local model updates in an uncoded manner with-
out employing any channel coding in order to benefit from the signal superposition
property of the wireless medium.

15.3 Digital FEEL

We first consider digital transmission of the local model updates from the devices to
the PS, where we refer to this approach as digital FEEL. For the digital approach, we
consider N = 1; that is, each communication round takes place over a single time slot.
For simplicity, we drop the dependency of the variables on the time slot index n.
The goal is to deliver the local model updates from the devices to the PS as accu-
rately as possible. Due to the resource sharing nature of digital transmission over
the MAC, when all the devices participate in training, each device receives a limited
amount of resources and may send a coarse description of its local model update over
the MAC. We instead schedule the devices opportunistically, where at each iteration,
only a subset of the devices are selected to send their local model updates over the
MAC (refer to [29] for various device scheduling techniques).

15.3.1 Upper Bound on Capacity

We consider scheduling a single device and allocating all the resources to it. In par-
ticular, having CSI at the devices, we schedule a device with the largest value of
i=1 hm,i (t) , m ∈ [M], during iteration t. Accordingly, the index of the partici-
pating device at iteration t is given by:

m (t) = arg max hm,i (t) . (15.10)

We highlight that since the channel gains across the devices are i.i.d., the probability
of selecting each device at each iteration is 1/M. Let P̄m (t) denote the transmit power
at device m during iteration t. We have P̄m (t) = 0, if m = m∗ (t), and

P̄m (t) ≤ P̄ , for m ∈ [M]. (15.11)

In the following, we provide an upper bound on the capacity of the selected device,
which specifies the maximum number of bits transmitted from that device that can be
received at the PS with no error. The ith entry of the channel output at iteration t is as

yi (t) = hm∗ (t),i (t) xm∗ (t),i (t) + zi (t), i ∈ [s]. (15.12)

This corresponds to a fast fading channel with s channel uses, where the CSI is known
at both the transmitter and the receiver. We place an upper bound on the capacity of the Published online by Cambridge University Press

440 Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri and Deniz Gündüz

above link assuming coding across infinitely many realizations of this s-dimensional
channel. Given a transmit power Pm∗ (t) (t), the capacity of a parallel fading channel is
the solution of the optimization problem [30, Section 5.4.6]

s  2 
max log2 1 + Pi hm∗ (t),i (t) ,

subject to Pi = P̄m∗ (t) (t). (15.13)

This problem is solved through water-filling, and the optimal power allocation is
given by
1 1 
Pi∗ = max − 2 ,0 , (15.14)
ζ hm∗ (t),i (t)

where ζ is set such that si=1 Pi∗ = P̄m∗ (t) (t). Accordingly, the upper bound on the
capacity of the wireless channel in Eq. (15.12) is given by

s  2 
C(t) = log2 1 + Pi∗ hm∗ (t),i (t) . (15.15)

We emphasize that this may be a loose upper bound when s is relatively small.

15.3.2 Model Compression

Next, we introduce the quantization technique for compression of the local model
updates at the selected devices for digital transmission. We adopt the scheme intro-
duced in [31], where error accumulation is employed after the quatization to com-
pensate for the quantization error. We denote the accumulated error at device m at
time t by δ m (t), where we set δ m (0) = 0, for m ∈ [M]. The quantization tech-
nique is employed at device m to compress the error compensated local model update
θm (t) + δm (t − 1), for m ∈ [M].
Given a sparsity level q(t), where typically q(t)  d, device m sets all but q(t)
largest positive entries and q(t) smallest negative entries of θ m (t) + δ m (t − 1) to
zero, m ∈ [M]. We denote the average of the q(t) nonzero positive
and negative entries
with θm + (t) and θ − (t), respectively. If θ + (t) ≥ θ − (t) , device m sets those
m m m
q(t) nonzero negative entries to zero and q(t) nonzero positive entries to θm+ (t).

On the other hand, if θm (t) < θm (t) , the q(t) nonzero negative and positive
entries are set to θm − (t) and zero, respectively. We denote the resultant sparse vector

by  θ m (t) and update the error accumulation vector δ m (t), which maintains those
entries that are not transmitted due to the sparsification as follows:

θm (t) + δm (t − 1) −  θ m (t), if m = m∗ (t),
δ m (t) =
θm (t) + δm (t − 1), otherwise. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Over-the-Air Computation for Distributed Learning 441

We note that, when device m is selected for participating in the training, the error
accumulation vector corresponds to the gap between θm (t) + δ m (t − 1) and its
sparsified estimate. However, when device m is not scheduled, we keep the message
at device m, θm (t) + δm (t − 1) to compensate it at the next iteration. We highlight
that the compression technique requires transmission of
R(q(t)) = log2 + 33, (15.16)
bits from the participating device, where log2 q(t) is to represent the locations of
nonzero entries, and 33 bits represent the real number with its sign. Having device
m∗ (t) scheduled for transmission over the MAC, we set q(t) as the largest integer
satisfying R(q(t)) ≤ C(t).
Remark 15.1 With this approach, a single device is scheduled at each iteration, and
the PS updates the global model after receiving the quantized local update from that
device. Alternatively, we can select all the devices, or a subset of the devices, and
allocate distinct subchannels to each scheduled device. It was shown in [23] that
providing all the subchannels to a single device as described in the digital FEEL
approach performs significantly better than sharing the subchannels among all the
devices in an orthogonal fashion.

15.4 FEEL with OAC

We note that, in the FL framework under consideration, the PS is only interested in the
average of the local model updates computed at the devices and not each individual
update. The fact that the underlying wireless MAC provides the PS with a noisy ver-
sion of the average of the messages sent from the devices motivates transmission of the
local updates in an uncoded/analog manner. In this approach, we exploit OAC to have
a noisy estimate of the average of the local model updates at the PS. Algorithm 15.1
summarizes the steps of FEEL with OAC.
In the proposed FEEL with OAC scheme, devices reduce the dimension of the
local model updates to s̃ = 2sN through linear projection and send the resultant
 of dimension s̃ in an uncoded fashion over N time slots, for some
N ∈ d/2s . Devices first sparsify their local model updates after error compen-
sation. Let ρ(t) denote the sparsification error accumulated at time t, where we set
ρ(0) = 0. Device m first sparsifies θm (t) + ρ m (t − 1) by setting all but k entries
with the largest magnitudes to zero, for some k ≤ s̃, m ∈ [M]. We denote the resultant
sparse vector at device m by θm (t), and the error is accumulated as follows:
ρm (t) = θ m (t) + ρm (t − 1) − θ m (t), for m ∈ [M]. (15.17)

Devices perform random linear projection, described in the following, to transmit a

compressed version of the sparse vector over the MAC. Published online by Cambridge University Press

442 Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri and Deniz Gündüz

Algorithm 15.1 FEEL with OAC.

1: Initialize ρ 1 (0) = · · · = ρ M (0) = 0
2: for t = 1, . . . ,T do
• devices do:
3: for m = 1, . . . ,M in parallel
4: θ m (t) = sparsek θ m (t) + ρ m (t − 1)
5: ρ m (t) = θm (t) + ρ m (t − 1) − θ m (t)

6: θ m (t) = A θ m (t)
7: for n = 1, . . . ,N do
xnm (t) = αnm (t) ◦ 
8: θm (t)
9: end for
10: end for
• PS does:
11: for n = 1, . . . ,N and⎧ i = 1,n . . . ,s do
⎨ Re{yi (t)}
γ̄ n (t)|Mn (t)| , if Mni (t) = 0,
12: ŷ2(n−1)s+i (t) = m i
⎩0, otherwise

⎨ Im{yi (t)}

γ̄ n (t)|Mn (t)| , if Mni (t) = 0,

13: ŷ(2n−1)s+i (t) = m i
⎩0, otherwise
14: end for
15: (t) = 0 then
if y
16:  θ (t) = AMPA ( y (t))
17: θ(t + 1) = θ(t) +  θ(t)
18: else
19: θ(t + 1) = θ(t)
20: end if
21: end for

A pseudo-random matrix A ∈ Rs̃×d , with each entry i.i.d. according to N(0,1/s̃) is

generated and shared with the devices
 and the
 PS before the training, where we remind
that s̃ = 2sN, for an arbitrary N ∈ d/2s . At iteration t, device m computes

θ m (t)  A θ m (t) ∈ Rs̃ , for m ∈ [M], (15.18)

and transmits it over N = s̃/(2s) time slots in an uncoded fashion. We define, for
n ∈ [N], m ∈ [M],

θm,re (t)  [θ̃m,2(n−1)s+1 (t) , . . . ,θ̃m,(2n−1)s (t)]T , (15.19a)

θm,im (t)  [θ̃m,(2n−1)s+1 (t) , . . . ,θ̃m,2ns (t)]T , (15.19b)

θm (t)  
θ m,re (t) + j 
n n n
θ m,im (t) , (15.19c) Published online by Cambridge University Press

Over-the-Air Computation for Distributed Learning 443

where  θ̃m,i (t) is the ith entry of θ m (t), i ∈ [s̃]. At the nth time slot of the com-
munication round during iteration t, device m transmits xnm (t) = αnm (t) ◦ 
θm (t),
where αm (t) ∈ C is the power control vector, whose ith entry is set as follows:
n s

⎧ n
⎨ γnm (t) , if hn (t) 2 ≥ λ(t),
hm,i (t) m,i
αm,i (t) =
⎩0, otherwise,

where γm
n (t),λ(t) ∈ R are set so that the average transmit power constraint is satisfied.

We define, for i ∈ [s], n ∈ [N ],

Mni (t) = m ∈ [M] : hnm,i (t) ≥ λ(t) , (15.21)

which includes the indices of xnm (t) with nonzero entries.

Here we analyze the average transmit power of the FEEL approach with OAC given
the previously described power allocation technique. The average transmit power at
device m at the nth time slot of the communication round during iteration t is given
by, m ∈ [M], n ∈ [N ],
P̄mn (t) = E xnm (t)2 (15.22)
s 2 2

= E αnm,i (t)  θ̃m,2(n−1)s+i (t) + j θ̃m,(2n−1)s+i (t) . (15.23)


We highlight that the entries of 

θm (t) is independent of the channel realizations at
time slot n. Thus, it follows that


P̄mn (t) =  θ̃m,2(n−1)s+i (t) + j θ̃m,(2n−1)s+i (t) 2 E αn (t) 2 . (15.24)

We note that hnm,i (t) follows an exponential distribution with mean σ2 , ∀i,n,m.
Accordingly, it follows that
n (t)
E αnm,i (t) = E1 (λ(t)), (15.25)
∞ e−τ
where E1 (x)  x τ d τ. Plugging Eq. (15.25) into Eq. (15.24) yields, for m ∈ [M],
n ∈ [N ],
n (t)  2
E1 (λ(t))
θ m (t) 2 .
P̄mn (t) = (15.26)

Having set P̄mn (t), ∀m,n,t, such that

1  n
P̄ (t) ≤ P̄ , (15.27)
t=1 n=1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

444 Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri and Deniz Gündüz

we have
P̄mn (t)
(t) =σ  2 . (15.28)
E1 (λe (t)) θm (t) 2

We assume that device m first transmits the scaling factor γm

n (t) to the PS in an error-
free fashion before sending xm (t), according to which the PS computes

1  n
(t)  γm (t), n ∈ [N ],t ∈ [T ]. (15.29)

The ith entry of the received signal at time slot n during iteration t is given by, for
i ∈ [s], n ∈ [N ],
yin (t) = γmn
(t)  θ̃m,2(n−1)s+i (t) + j θ̃m,(2n−1)s+i (t) + zin (t)
m∈Mni (t)
= aT2(n−1)s+i γm
(t)θm (θt ) (15.30)
m∈Mni (t)
+ j aT(2n−1)s+i γm
(t)θm (θt ) + zin (t), (15.31)
m∈Mni (t)

where aTl denotes the lth row of the measurement matrix A, and we note that
sp 1 M sp
θ̃m,l (t) = aTl θm (t), l ∈ [s̃]. We note that the PS is interested in M m=1 θ m (θ t ),
which is estimated from the above received signal having access to the measurement
matrix A and the CSI. To this end, the PS employs a recovery algorithm to retrieve
a sparse vector from its compressed version knowing the measurement matrix. We
consider the approximate message passing (AMP) recovery algorithm, represented by
1 M sp
AMPA in Algorithm 15.1. To estimate M m=1 θ m (θ t ), the PS first computes, for
i ∈ [s], n ∈ [N ],

⎨ Re{yi (t)}

γ̄ n (t)|Mn (t)| , if Mni (t) = 0,

ŷ2(n−1)s+i (t) = m i (15.32a)
⎩0, otherwise,

⎨ Im{yi (t)}

γ̄ n (t)|Mn (t)| , if Mni (t) = 0,

ŷ(2n−1)s+i (t) = m i (15.32b)
⎩0, otherwise,

and then estimates

θ (t) = AMPA (
y (t)) , (15.33)

where we have defined y (t) = 0, the last model param-

(t)  [ŷ1 (t), . . . , ŷs̃ (t)]T . If y
eter vector is used as the new one; that is, θ(t + 1) = θ(t).
Remark 15.2 When s = d/2 (N = 1), the local model updates can be entirely
transmitted over the wireless MAC at each iteration without employing any compres-
sion technique. Also, in the special case of N = d/(2s) , the local model updates, Published online by Cambridge University Press

Over-the-Air Computation for Distributed Learning 445

each of dimension d, are transmitted over N times slots again without employing any
Remark 15.3 The hyperparameter k, which denotes the sparsity level of the local
model update at each device, can take different values smaller than s̃. For a relatively
1 M sp
large k value, the average of the sparsified local model updates, M m=1 θ m (t),
1 M
provides a better estimate of the average of the local model updates, M m=1 θ m (t).

1 M sp 1 M 
However, recovering M m=1 θ m (t) from M m=1 θ m (t) may be inaccurate
1 M sp
since the sparsity level of M m=1 θ m (t) may exceed s̃. On the other hand,
relatively small k values impact the performance in an opposite manner. Accordingly,
for i.i.d. data distribution across the devices, where the sparsity patterns of θm (t),
∀m ∈ [M], are expected to be similar, it may be better to set k to a relatively large
value. For non-i.i.d. data distribution, it might be better to have a relatively small k
value, since the sparsity patterns of θm (t), ∀m ∈ [M], are more diverse.

15.5 Blind FEEL

As we mentioned in Section 15.1, one of the limitations of FEEL with OAC is the
requirement of CSI at all the transmitting devices. This might be harder to obtain
when devices are mobile or have limited resources. Here we consider FEEL with
transmission from the devices to the PS without any CSI at the transmitters (CSIT),
together with the lack of perfect CSI also at the PS. We instead equip the PS with
multiple antennas to mitigate the destructive effects of channel fading through receive
beamforming relying on its imperfect CSI.

15.5.1 System Model

Similarly to the channel model described in Section 15.2, the channel from the devices
to the PS is modelled as a wireless fading MAC with s subchannels, where each
communication round takes place over N time slots. However, here we assume that
the PS is equipped with K antennas. The channel vector from device m to the kth
antenna at the PS during and the noise vector at the kth PS antenna during the nth
time slot of iteration t are denoted by hnm,k (t) = [hnm,k,1 (t), . . . ,hnm,k,s (t)]T ∈ Cs and
zkn (t) = [zk,1
n (t), . . . ,zn (t)]T ∈ Cs , respectively, for m ∈ [M], k ∈ [K], n ∈ [N ].
Each entry of the channel vector hnm,k (t) is distributed according to CN(0,σ2 ), and
different entries of this vector can be correlated. However, the channel gains are
assumed to be i.i.d. across the devices, PS antennas, and time. Similarly, different
entries of noise vector zkn (t), each distributed according to CN(0,1), can be correlated,
while it is i.i.d. across PS antennas and time. The signal received at the kth PS antennas
during time slot n of iteration t is given by

ykn (t) = hnm,k (t) ◦ xnm (t) + zkn (t), k ∈ [K],n ∈ [N ]. (15.34)
m=1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

446 Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri and Deniz Gündüz

We assume that the devices do not have access to the CSI, and the PS has only
imperfect CSI about the sum of channel gains from the devices to each PS antenna;

that is, Mm=1 hm,k (t), ∀k ∈ [K], for n ∈ [N]. We model the imperfect CSI at the PS

as [32]


hnk (t) = hnm,k (t) + 
hnk (t), ∀n,k,t, (15.35)

where hnk (t) denotes the estimate of M n n
m=1 hm,k (t) at the PS, and hk (t) is the channel
estimation error with zero mean and variance σ̃ . At each iteration, the PS estimates

θ(t) through the signals received from all its antennas, ykn (t), ∀k, and the CSI

hnk (t),∀n.
Remark 15.4 In this model, the PS only needs to estimate the sum of the chan-

nel gains from the devices to each PS antenna, M m=1 hm,k (t), ∀n,k, and not each
individual channel gain hm,k (t). This significantly reduces the overhead of channel
estimation at the PS, and is particularly compelling when number of devices M and/or
number of PS antennas K are relatively large. We further highlight that the overhead
of channel estimation at the PS does not increase with M.
In this scenario, we only consider uncoded transmission of local model updates
from the devices with OAC. Algorithm 15.2 summarizes the FEEL scheme with OAC
when the devices do not have CSI and the PS has imperfect CSI about the wireless
fading MAC.

Algorithm 15.2 Blind FEEL with OAC.

1: for t = 1, . . . ,T do
• devices do:
2: for m = 1, . . . ,M in parallel do
3: for n = 1, . . . ,N do
4: xnm (t) = α(t)θnm (t)
5: end for
6: end for
• PS does:
7: for n = 1, . . . ,N do M ∗
1 n
8: y (t) = K
hm,k (t) ◦ ykn (t)
k=1 m=1
9: for i = 1, . . . ,s do
Re{yin (t)}
10:  θ̂2(n−1)s+i (t) = M σ2 α(t)
Im{yin (t)}
11:  θ̂(2n−1)s+i (t) = M σ2 α(t)
12: end for
13: end for
14: θ(t + 1) = θ(t) +  θ(t)
15: end for Published online by Cambridge University Press

Over-the-Air Computation for Distributed Learning 447

15.5.2 Blind FEEL with OAC

At iteration t, device m transmits θ m (t) over N = d/2s time slots in an uncoded
fashion, m ∈ [M]. We define

m (t)  [θm,2(n−1)s+1 (t) , . . . ,θm,(2n−1)s (t)] ,

θn,re T
m (t)  [θm,(2n−1)s+1 (t) , . . . ,θm,2ns (t)] ,
θ n,im T
θ nm (t)  m (t) + j θ m (t) ,
θ n,re n,im

where θm,i (t) denotes the ith entry of θm (t), for i ∈ [d], and we zero-pad
θm (t) to have dimension 2sN. Accordingly, the ith entry of θ nm (t) is as follows:

θm,i (t) = θm,2(n−1)s+i (t) + j θm,(2n−1)s+i (t) , i ∈ [s], n ∈ [N ], m ∈ [M],

and we have
θ m (t) = θ 1,re 1,im N,re N,im
m (t) ,θ m (t) , . . . ,θ m (t) ,θ m (t) , (15.38)

where N = d/2s . During the nth time slot od iteration t, device m transmits

xnm (t) = α(t)θnm (t), n ∈ [N ],m ∈ [M], (15.39)

where α(t) is a scaling factor to control the transmit power. With xnm (t) given in
Eq. (15.39), the average transmit power constraint dictates that

1  2  
α (t) θ n (t)2 ≤ P̄ , ∀m ∈ [M]. (15.40)
m 2
t=1 n=1

The received signal at the kth PS antenna is then given by

ykn (t) = α(t) hnm,k (t) ◦ θnm (t) + zkn (t), k ∈ [K],n ∈ [N ]. (15.41)

Having access to
hnk (t) as the CSI, the PS performs the following beamforming
aiming to recover θ (t):
 M ∗
1   n
y (t) 
hm,k (t) ◦ ykn (t), n ∈ [N ]. (15.42)
k=1 m=1

By replacing ykn (t) from Eq. (15.41) and hnm,k (t) from Eq. (15.35), the ith entry of
y n (t) is given by, for i ∈ [s], n ∈ [N], Published online by Cambridge University Press

448 Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri and Deniz Gündüz


1  n
yin (t) = α(t) hm,k,i (t) n
θm,i (t)
m=1 k=1
signal term
⎛ ⎞∗
α(t)   ⎝ 
+ hm,k,i (t) + h̃k,i (t)⎠ hnm,k,i (t)θm,i
n n n
m=1 k=1 m =1,m =m
interference term
1   n
+ hm,k,i (t) + h̃nk,i (t) n
zk,i (t) . (15.43)
k=1 m=1
noise term

We observe from this that yin (t) includes three terms, namely signal, interference, and
noise terms, respectively. As K → ∞, according to the law of large numbers, the
signal term approaches

yi,sig (t)  α(t)σ2 n
θm,i (t), i ∈ [s],n ∈ [N ], (15.44)

through which the PS can recover

n (t)
1 M Re y i,sig
θm,2(n−1)s+i (t) = , (15.45a)
M M σ 2 α(t)
n (t)
1 M Im y i,sig
θm,(2n−1)s+i (t) = , (15.45b)
M M σ 2 α(t)

which corresponds to recovering θ(t). However, the exact recovery of θ(t) from
y n (t) is not possible because of the interference and noise terms, as specified in Eq.
(15.43). The interference term in Eq. (15.43) is represented by

yi,itf (t) = α(t) hnm,i (t)θm,i
(t), i ∈ [s],n ∈ [N ], (15.46)

where we have defined

⎛ ⎞∗
hnm,i (t)  ⎝ hnm,k,i (t) + h̃nk,i (t)⎠ hnm,k,i (t), m ∈ [M]. (15.47)
k=1 m =1,m =m

It is easy to obtain the mean and the variance of hnm,i (t) as

E hnm,i (t) = 0, (15.48a)
(M − 1)σ2 + σ̃2 σ2

E hm,i (t)
n = , (15.48b)
K Published online by Cambridge University Press

Over-the-Air Computation for Distributed Learning 449

respectively. We note that the local model updates at each iteration are independent
of the channel realization at the same iteration. According to this analysis and Eq.
(15.46), the interference term includes M components, each with zero-mean and a
variance scaled with M/K. Thus, having a fixed number of devices M, the impact of
the interference term can be mitigated when K  M 2 . In Section 15.6, we illustrate
the performance of this approach for a finite number of PS antennas.
1 M
Following the analysis in Eq. (15.45), the PS estimates M m=1 θm,2(n−1)s+i (t)
1 M
and M m=1 θm,(2n−1)s+i (t) through
$ %
Re yin (t)
 θ̂2(n−1)s+i (t) = , (15.49a)
M σ 2 α(t)
$ %
Im yin (t)
θ̂(2n−1)s+i (t) = , (15.49b)
M σ 2 α(t)

respectively, for i ∈ [s], n ∈ [N ]. Accordingly,

 it obtains an unbiased
T estimate of the
local model updates average as  θ(t)   θ̂1 (t) , . . . ,θ̂d (t) , which is used to
update the global model as in Eq. (15.9).
The interested readers are referred to [25] for the convergence analysis of the
algorithm for FEEL with OAC without CSI at the devices and imperfect CSI at the PS.
Remark 15.5 The blind FEEL algorithm with OAC we have presented provides a
framework for estimating the average of the signals transmitted over the wireless
fading MAC with no CSI at the devices and imperfect CSI at the PS. We can employ
the sparsification and linear projection techniques presented in Section 15.4 to reduce
the dimension of the vector transmitted over the wireless MAC at each device.

15.6 Numerical Experiments

Here we evaluate the performance of the algorithms presented in this chapter for image
classification experiments on the MNIST dataset [33] with 60,000 training and 1,000
test samples and the CIFAR-10 [34] dataset with 50,000 training and 1,000 test sam-
ples using ADAM optimizer [35]. We measure the performance of each experiment
with respect to the test dataset, referred to as the test accuracy, versus the iteration
count, t.
We consider i.i.d. and non-i.i.d. data distributions across the devices reflecting the
bias in local data. In the i.i.d. case, we assume that data samples from the training
dataset are distributed across the devices at random with respect to the label/classes.
This provides a homogeneous data distribution where the distribution of local dataset
at each device may resemble the distribution of the whole dataset. On the other hand,
in the non-i.i.d. case, we distribute the training data samples such that each device has
access to the samples from only two labels/classes with Bm /2 samples from a single
label/class at device m, m ∈ [M]. This introduces bias in local datasets, and it may be
more aligned with a practical federated learning setting. Published online by Cambridge University Press

450 Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri and Deniz Gündüz

First, we evaluate the performance of the digital and uncoded FEEL algorithms
presented in Sections 15.3 and 15.4, respectively, for M = 25 devices in the system.
For this experiment, we train a single layer neural network with the MNIST dataset,
and we measure the performance as test accuracy with respect to the normalized
training time captured by N t. We consider local dataset size B1 = · · · = BM =
B = 103 , where the training data samples are randomly distributed across the devices
for both i.i.d. and non-i.i.d. scenarios, in which case some data samples may not be
allocated to any device, and there may be overlap among the data available at different
devices. We set the number of local SGD iteration at each device to τ = 1 and the
number of mini-batch size for each SGD local iteration to |ξm i (t)| = B, ∀m,i,t. We

consider channel variance σ = 1 and s = d/20 subchannels of the wireless MAC.


For the FEEL algorithm with OAC, we compress the local model updates to have
length s̃ = 2s = d/10, which results in N = 1, and we set the sparsity level to
k = s̃/2.5 and the threshold value to λ(t) = 10−3 . Furthermore, we consider
P̄mn (t) = P̄ , ∀m,n,t, for the FEEL algorithm with OAC, and P̄m∗ (t) = P̄ for the digital
FEEL algorithm. This would satisfy the average power constraint with equality, and
for the OAC approach, we can determine the scaling factor γm n (t) through Eq. (15.28).

We investigate the performance of the digital FEEL approach using two alternative
quantization techniques, namely, QSGD [36] and SignSGD [37], for compression of
the local model update at the participating device at each iteration. With the QSGD
compression technique, each entry of the local model update is mapped to one of its
nearest quantization levels with a probability scaling linearly with its distance to that
level. On the other hand, with the SignSGD compression technique, only the signs of
the local model update entries are transmitted by the participating device. We further
consider the OAC approach introduced in [21], referred to as broadband analog FEEL,
where devices transmit their local model updates entirely over the wireless MAC in an
uncoded fashion without employing any compression technique. We note that, in our
system model where the wireless fading MAC has only s subchannels, this approach
requires transmission of the local model updates over N = d/2s time slots at each
iteration. Finally, we include the performance of the error-free shared link scenario as
a benchmark, where we assume that the accurate average of the local model updates
θ(t) is available at the PS after a single time slot during each communication round;
that is, N = 1.
In Figs. 15.2 and 15.3, we illustrate the performance of different schemes for
i.i.d. and non-i.i.d. data cases, respectively, for P̄ = 20. We observe that the FEEL
algorithm with OAC outperforms all other algorithms under consideration for both
i.i.d. and non-i.i.d. data scenarios. For the i.i.d. case, the gap between FEEL with OAC
and the error-free shared link approach is relatively small, which shows the efficiency
of the proposed OAC approach in providing an accurate estimate of the average local
model updates at the PS despite the compression technique employed using similarity
in the sparsity patterns of the local model updates across devices. This gap increases
in the non-i.i.d. case, which is due to the heterogeneity in local data providing a more
biased local model updates across devices impacting the convergence speed of FEEL
with OAC. However, even for the non-i.i.d. case, we observe that the FEEL with OAC Published online by Cambridge University Press

Over-the-Air Computation for Distributed Learning 451

Test accuracy

Error-free shared link
0.4 FEEL with OAC
Broadband analog FEEL
0.3 Digital FEEL
0.2 SignSGD
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000
Normalized time, Nt

Figure 15.2 Test accuracy for i.i.d. MNIST data for M = 25, B = 103 , and P̄ = 20.

Test accuracy

Error-free shared link
0.4 FEEL with OAC
Broadband analog FEEL
Digital FEEL
0.2 SignSGD
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000
Normalized time, Nt

Figure 15.3 Test accuracy for non-i.i.d. MNIST data for M = 25, B = 103 , and P̄ = 20.

provides a final accuracy level with a relatively small difference from the error-free
shared link approach, which shows the robustness of the OAC scheme against the bias
in local data. We observe that the proposed OAC scheme outperforms the broadband
analog FEEL approach with a significant improvement over the non-i.i.d. data case.
This indicates that updating the global model more frequently using a less accurate
estimate of the average of local model updates obtained as a result of the compression
technique introduced together with the OAC approach provides a gain comparable
to updating the global model less frequently using a more accurate estimate of the
average of local model updates.
Furthermore, the OAC scheme, which benefits from the additive nature of the wire-
less MAC to provide the PS with the average of the local model updates, significantly
improves upon the digital schemes under consideration, where the devices compress
their messages separately, aiming to deliver an accurate copy of their local model
updates accommodating their limited channel capacities. It can be seen that the digital
FEEL scheme outperforms the SignSGD and QSGD schemes, and the performances
of the digital schemes, particularly QSGD, deteriorate significantly by introducing
bias in the local data. The readers are referred to [4, 23] for more experimental results Published online by Cambridge University Press

452 Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri and Deniz Gündüz

Table 15.1. Different layers of CNN for

image classification on CIFAR-10.

3 × 3 convolutional layer, 32 channels,

ReLU activation, same padding
3 × 3 convolutional layer, 32 channels,
ReLU activation, same padding
2 × 2 max pooling
dropout with probability 0.2
3 × 3 convolutional layer, 64 channels,
ReLU activation, same padding
3 × 3 convolutional layer, 64 channels,
ReLU activation, same padding
2 × 2 max pooling
dropout with probability 0.3
3 × 3 convolutional layer, 128 channels,
ReLU activation, same padding
3 × 3 convolutional layer, 128 channels,
ReLU activation, same padding
2 × 2 max pooling
dropout with probability 0.4
softmax output layer with 10 units

investigating the impact of various setting parameters, such as the average transmit
power, number of devices, and number of MAC subchannels, as well as the case of
imperfect CSI at the devices on the performance of different algorithms.
Next, we investigate the performance of the blind OAC algorithm considering the
impact of the number of PS antennas on mitigating the destructive effects of channel,
which cannot be cancelled at the devices due to the lack of CSI where the PS has
imperfect CSI. We train a convolutional neural network (CNN), the architecture of
which is outlined in Table 15.1, using the CIFAR-10 dataset, and the performance is
measured as test accuracy versus iteration count, t, for a total of T = 400 iterations.
We consider M = 20 devices in the system, and we assume i.i.d. data distribution,
where the dataset is randomly split into M disjoint groups of data, and each group of
device. We further consider channel gain variance σ = 1
data is allocated to a distinct 2

and set τ = 5 and ξm (t) = 500, ∀m,i,t. We set the scaling factor at the devices to

α(t) = 1 + 10−3 t, t ∈ [T ]. For simplicity, we assume that s = d/2 resulting in N = 1

and that the CSI estimation error h̃nk,i (t) is i.i.d. according to 0, σ̃2 , ∀k,i,n,t.
In Figs. 15.4 and 15.5 we illustrate the impact of number of antennas on the
performance of the blind OAC algorithm for the cases of perfect and imperfect CSI at
the PS, respectively, setting K ∈ {M,2M,5M,10M,2M 2 }. For the case of imperfect
CSI at the PS, we consider the variance of the CSI estimation error as σ̃2 = M σ2 /2. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Over-the-Air Computation for Distributed Learning 453

Test accuracy

0.4 Error-free shared link
K = 2M , P = 23.98
0.3 K = 10M, P = 27.03
0.2 K = 5M, P = 27.37
K = 2M, P = 27.44
K = M, P = 44.43
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Global iteration count, t

Figure 15.4 Test accuracy of the blind OAC algorithm for i.i.d. CIFAR-10 data with different
number of antennas K ∈ {M,2M,5M,10M,2M 2 } for M = 20, and perfect CSI
at PS, σ̃ 2 = 0

Test accuracy

0.4 Error-free shared link
K = 2M , P = 24.98
0.3 K = 10M, P = 28.08
0.2 K = 5M, P = 28.18
K = 2M, P = 31.72
K = M, P = 84.58
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Global iteration count, t

Figure 15.5 Test accuracy of the blind OAC algorithm for i.i.d. CIFAR-10 data with different
number of antennas K ∈ {M,2M,5M,10M,2M 2 } for M = 20 and imperfect CSI at PS,
σ̃ 2 = M σ2 /2

We observe that for both cases of the perfect and imperfect CSI at the PS, increasing
K can provide significant performance improvement without any visible gap to the
error-free shared link scenario for a large enough K set as K = 2M 2 . This indicates
that the negative effects of the channel due to the lack of CSIT can be alleviated by
equipping the PS with multiple antennas even when the PS does not have perfect CSI.
As can be seen, increasing K provides more gain when having imperfect CSI at the
PS. We highlight that, when all the other parameters are fixed, the average transmit
power reduces with K. This is due to the fact that increasing K provides a faster
convergence rate, which leads to a faster reduction in the empirical variances of the
local model updates at the devices. Please refer to [24, 25] for more experimental
results considering different noise levels at the PS as well as the MNIST dataset
for training. Published online by Cambridge University Press

454 Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri and Deniz Gündüz

15.7 Conclusion

In this chapter, we presented a new approach to distributed edge learning that can
exploit the superposition property of the wireless medium, rather than mitigating it.
This novel approach allows us to exploit the wireless medium to carry out computa-
tions as well as to transfer information. In particular, we studied FEEL where wireless
devices use their local datasets to train a global model, which is updated at the PS and
shared with the devices. We considered power- and bandwidth-limited transmissions
from the devices to the PS over a wireless fading MAC and showed how OAC can
be exploited to improve the efficiency and accuracy of FEEL. We also considered the
digital transmission of local model updates as a benchmark for the performance of
FEEL in conventional communication networks. The results presented in this chapter
clearly show that FEEL with OAC outperforms the digital approach, which treats
computation and communication separately.
We also observed that the local model updates at the devices can be compressed
thanks to the similarity in their sparsity patterns without any significant performance
degradation, which is particularly compelling for transmission over bandwidth-limited
channels, which is often the case for IoT applications.
We also considered transmission of model updates to the PS over the wireless
MAC without any CSI at the devices and demonstrated that receive beamforming at
the multiantenna PS can mitigate the adverse effects of channel on the performance,
even with imperfect CSI. The proposed OAC approach mainly exploits the fact that
in distributed learning with SGD, due to the iterative nature of the optimization,
we do not need accurate computations at each iteration. SGD is inherently noisy
due to stochastic gradient estimation carried out at each device at each iteration.
Adding noisy computation on top of the gradient estimation error does not prevent
approaching the optimal solution. Note that the alternative digital approach would
accurately compute the average of the transmitted gradient estimated, but would have
to compress them heavily due to the limited channel resources available to each trans-
mitting device.
Another benefit of OAC in the FEEL context is its inherent privacy preservation.
The PS receives only the sum of the model updates, together with the channel noise.
As it is shown in [38–41], this aspect of OAC can be used to reduce the amount of
noise that the devices need to introduce on their model updates to provide differen-
tial privacy guarantees to the users, significantly improving the final accuracy of the
trained models without sacrificing privacy.

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16 Federated Knowledge Distillation
Hyowoon Seo, Jihong Park, Seungeun Oh, Mehdi Bennis,
and Seong-Lyun Kim

16.1 Introduction

Machine learning is one of the key building blocks in 5G and beyond [1–3], spanning
a broad range of applications and use cases. In the context of mission-critical applica-
tions [2, 4], machine learning models should be trained with fresh data samples that
are generated by and dispersed across edge devices (e.g., phones, cars, access points,
etc.). Collecting these raw data incurs significant communication overhead, which
may violate data privacy. In this regard, federated learning (FL) [5–8] is a promising
communication-efficient and privacy-preserving solution that periodically exchanges
local model parameters, without sharing raw data. However, exchanging model param-
eters is extremely costly under modern deep neural network (NN) architectures that
often have a huge number of model parameters. For instance, MobileBERT is a state-
of-the-art NN architecture for on-device natural language processing (NLP) tasks,
with 25 million parameters corresponding to 96 MB [9]. Training such a model by
exchanging the 96 MB payload per communication round is challenging particularly
under limited wireless resources.
The aforementioned limitation of FL has motivated to the development of federated
distillation (FD) [10] based on exchanging only the local model outputs with dimen-
sions that are commonly much smaller than the model sizes (e.g., 10 labels in the
MNIST dataset). To illustrate, as shown in Fig. 16.1, consider a two-label classification
example wherein each worker in FD runs local iterations with samples having either
back or grey ground-truth label. For each training sample, the worker generates its
prediction output distribution, termed a local logit that is a softmax output vector of
the last NN layer activations (e.g., {black,grey} = {0.7,0.3} for a black sample). At
a regular interval, the generated local logits of the worker are averaged per ground-
truth label and uploaded to a parameter server for aggregating and globally averaging
the local average logits across workers per ground-truth label. The resultant global
average logits per ground-truth label are downloaded by each worker. Finally, to
transfer the downloaded global knowledge into local models, each worker updates its
model parameters by minimizing its own loss function, in addition to a regularizer that
penalizes larger gap between its own logit of a given sample and the global average
logit for the given sample’s ground truth.
The overarching goal of this chapter is to provide a deep understanding of FD
and show the effectiveness of FD as a communication-efficient distributed learning Published online by Cambridge University Press

458 Hyowoon Seo et al.

loss regularizer
( )+ ( )

student device 2 device 3

(device 1)

Figure 16.1 Federated distillation (FD) with three devices and two labels in a classification task.

framework that is applicable to a variety of tasks. To this end, the rest of this chap-
ter is organized into three parts. To demystify the operational principle of FD, by
exploiting the theory of neural tangent kernel (NTK) [11], the first part in Section 16.2
provides a novel asymptotic analysis for two foundational algorithms of FD: knowl-
edge distillation (KD) and codistillation (CD). Next, the second part in Section 16.3
elaborates on a baseline implementation of FD for a classification task and illustrates
its performance in terms of accuracy and communication efficiency compared to FL.
Lastly, to demonstrate the applicability of FD to various distributed learning tasks and
environments, the third part presents two selected applications: FD over asymmetric
uplink-and-downlink wireless channels and FD for reinforcement learning in Sections
16.4 and 16.5, respectively, followed by concluding remarks in Section 16.6.

16.2 Preliminaries: Knowledge Distillation and Codistillation

FD is built upon two basic algorithms. One is KD that transfers a pretrained teacher
model’s knowledge into a student model [12], whereas the other is an online version of
KD without pretraining the teacher model, called CD [13]. Although KD has widely
been used in practice since its inception, its fundamentals have not been fully under-
stood up until now. Only a handful works [14–16] have attempted to analyze KD and
its convergence, using the recently proposed NTK technique [11] as we will review
in the first part of this section. Leveraging and extending this NTK framework, in the
second part, we will provide a novel NTK analysis of the convergence of CD.

16.2.1 Knowledge Distillation

Knowledge distillation (KD), illustrated in Fig. 16.2, aims to imbue an empty student
model with a teacher’s knowledge [12]. In a classification task, KD is different from Published online by Cambridge University Press

Federated Knowledge Distillation 459

loss regularizer
( )+ ( )

(device 1)

common sample

Figure 16.2 Knowledge distillation (KD) from a pretrained teacher to a student model.

the standard model training that attempts to match a target model’s one-hot prediction
(e.g., [cat, dog] = [0,1]) of each unlabeled sample with its ground-truth label. Instead,
KD tries to match the target model’s output layer activation, that is, logit1 (e.g., [cat,
dog] = [0.3, 0.7]), with the teacher’s logit for the same sample. This logit contains
more information than its one-hot prediction, thereby training the student model faster
than the standard training with much fewer samples [15].
The teacher’s knowledge of KD can be constructed in various ways. Typically, the
knowledge is a pretrained teacher model’s logit, which is transferred to a small-sized
student model for model compression [12]. The knowledge can also be an ensemble
of other student model’s logits [13] in that the ensemble of predictions is often more
accurate than individual predictions. Leveraging this, one can train a student model by
transferring the ensemble of other student models’ logits. Indeed, CD and FD utilize
this key idea for enabling KD-based distributed learning without the need for any
pretraining operations, to be elaborated in Sections 16.2.2 and 16.3.
Given the aforementioned teacher’s knowledge, what the student model knows after
KD can be clarified through the lens of NTK, a recently developed kernel method to
asymptotically analyze an over-parameterized NN in an infinite width regime [11].
To illustrate, we consider a simple three-layer student NN model comprising input,
hidden, and output layers with Mi > 0, Mh → ∞ (i.e., infinite width), and Mo = 1
neurons, respectively. These layers are fully connected, and a nonlinear activation
function is applied to the hidden layer. In a classification task, the input data tuple
{(xi ,yi )}ni=1 consists of an unlabeled data sample xi and its ground-truth label yi . For
a given input sample xi , the prediction output ŷi of the student NN is represented by
the function f (xi ) as follows:

1 KD originally aims to match the softmax activation function of the student’s logit with the temperature
softmax activation function of the teacher’s logit [12]. Recent KD works have also considered various
activation functions of logits, such as margin rectifier linear unit (ReLU) and attention [17]. In this
chapter, we consider the same activation functions as in [12], and for the sake of convenience, we
hereafter call this functional output as logit. Published online by Cambridge University Press

460 Hyowoon Seo et al.

ŷi = f (xi ) = √ am fm (xi ) ∈ R, (16.1)
Mh m=1

where σ(·) is a real and nonlinear activation function, fm (xi ) = σ(wTm xi ) is the m-
th activation of the hidden layer, and {wm }M h
m=1 are the weights connecting the input
and hidden layers. For the given NN architecture, the logit vector is the hidden layer
activations {fm (xi )}Mh
m=1 , of which the entries are linearly combined with the weight
parameters {am }, resulting in the prediction output ŷi of the student model.
In KD, the student model updates its weights {wm } by minimizing its own loss
function and a distillation regularizer that penalizes the student when the logit gap
between the student and teacher is large. Applying the mean squared error function2
to both loss function and regularizer, the problem of KD is cast as
min (yi − ŷi )2 + λ (φm (xi ) − fm (xi ))2 , (16.2)
{wm }
i i m
loss distillation regularizer

where λ > 0 is a constant hyperparameter and {φm (xi )}M h

m=1 are pretrained teacher
model’s logits and {fm (xi )}M h
m=1 are student’s logits. Note the number of logits at both
teacher and student are assumed to be the same.
To solve Eq. (16.2), following the standard NTK settings [11, 14], we use the gradi-
ent descent algorithm with an infinitesimal step size. This results in the convergence of
a trajectory of the discrete algorithm to a smooth curve modeled by a continuous-time
differential equation as
d am
wm (t) = Lm (t) √ (y − ŷ(t)) + λ(φ m − fm (t)) , (16.3)
dt Mh
where y and ŷ(t) are respectively the vectors of the ground truth labels and the predic-
tion outputs at time t, and φm and fm (t) are respectively the vectors of the teacher
model’s mth logit and the student model’s mth logit at time t. The matrix Lm (t)
consists of σ (wTm (t)xi )xi as its ith column, where σ (·) is the first derivative of the
activation, which is also assumed to be Lipschitz continuous.
Generally, the dynamics of the weights described in Eq. (16.3) are hard to analyze,
yet we can still analyze the dynamics of the logits based on the following relation:
d d
fm (t) = LTm (t) wm (t) (16.4)
dt dt
= Hm (t) √ (y − ŷ(t)) + λ(φ m − fm (t)) , (16.5)
where Hm (t) = LTm (t)Lm (t) is often called an NTK [11].

2 In KD under classification tasks, it is common to use the cross entropy functions for the loss and
distillation regularizer. For the sake of the mathematical tractability, following [14], we consider the
mean squared error functions for the loss and regularizer during the NTK analysis, while considering
the cross entropy functions for the rest of this chapter. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Federated Knowledge Distillation 461

Empirically, in a network with a large number of parameters, it is observed that

every weight vector along the trajectory of gradient descent algorithm is static over
time and stays close to its initialization. Based on such an interesting observation,
the theory of NTK establishes that the over-parametrization and random initialization
jointly induce a kernel regime (i.e., Hm (t) ≈ Hm (0) for t ≥ 0 [11, 18]), thereby giving
rise to simpler dynamics under the negligible effect of Hm (t) on Eq. (16.5).
Remark 16.1 (Theorem 1 in [14]) In the kernel regime, under mild assumptions
on the eigenvalues of the matrices {Hm (0)}M h
m=1 at initialization, bounded inputs and
bounded weights, it can be shown that the student NN output vector f(t), which is the
vector of {f (xi )}ni=1 , converges asymptotically as
⎛ ⎞
1 ⎝ 
am φm ⎠
lim f(t) = f∞ = ay + λ √ . (16.6)
t→∞ a+λ Mh

Proof Based on the observation that the behavior of gradient descent on the over-
parametrized NN can be approximated by a linear dynamics of finite order, the evolu-
tion of f(t) can be expressed as

f(t) = f∞ + u1 e−pd t + u1 e−pd t + · · · + ud e−pd t , (16.7)

where d is the order of the linear system, and complex-valued vectors u1, . . . ud are
determined by the dynamics. Moreover, the nonzero complex-values p1, . . . ,pd are
the poles that correspond to the singular points of the Laplace transform of f(t). In [14],
it is shown in detail that all existing poles are positive-valued under mild assumptions,
such that f(t) → f∞ for t → ∞.

Consequently, as shown by Eq. (16.6), the student model after KD outputs a

weighted sum of the ground truth y and the teacher’s prediction m am φm . Then, the
student’s prediction error compared to y can be represented as
λ    am φm  
||f∞ − y||2 = y − √  . (16.8)
a+λ m
M h 

This implies that the student’s prediction error decreases as the pretrained teacher’s
a φ
prediction m √mMm approaches to y (i.e., an ideally trained teacher).

16.2.2 Codistillation
KD postulates a pretrained teacher model that hinders distributed learning operations.
However, CD, which is an online version of KD, obviates the need for the pretrained
teacher model [13]. The key idea of CD, illustrated in Fig. 16.3, is to treat an ensemble
of multiple models’ prediction outputs as the teacher’s knowledge, which is often more
accurate than the individual prediction outputs [13, 19]. To this end, each worker (i.e.,
student model), sees the ensemble of the other C − 1 workers as a virtual teacher. Published online by Cambridge University Press

462 Hyowoon Seo et al.

Figure 16.3 Codistillation (CD) among three student models without any pretrained
teacher model.

Consequently, the problem of CD is given by recasting Eq. (16.2) of KD as follows:

  1  c
min (yi − ŷic )2 + λ fm (xi ) − fm (xi )
{w1m },...,{wC
m} c C−1 
i i m c =c
loss distillation regularizer

where ŷic is the prediction output of the cth worker, {wcm } is its weight parameters, and
{fmc (·)} is its logits. Here, the pretrained teacher’s logit φm (xi ) of KD in Eq. (16.2) is
1 c
replaced with the ensemble logit C−1 c =c fm (xi ) of C − 1 workers in CD. Note
that in Eq. (16.9) of CD is formulated for all C workers, rather than considering each
worker separately. This problem is more challenging than KD, in that the teacher’s
knowledge becomes dependent on each worker (due to exclusion) and all the other
workers (due to averaging).
Remark 16.2 Given the aforementioned interactions across workers, based on anal-
ysis in the kernel regime, it can be shown that the output of the workers converges to
the ground-truth asymptotically as

lim fc (r) = y, (16.10)


for all c ∈ {1, . . . ,C}, where fc (r) is the output of the worker c after local training
with rth global update (or communication round).

Proof Without loss of generality, we hereafter focus only on the first worker out of C
workers whose models are identically structured and independently initialized. After
initialization and local training for warm-up, the workers share the first updates; that is,
f1 (0), . . . ,fC (0). Then, each worker locally and iteratively runs GD with regularization
until convergence. According to the result in Eq. (16.6) from KD, the output of the
worker 1 converges to Published online by Cambridge University Press

Federated Knowledge Distillation 463

λ  c
f (1) =
ay + f (0) . (16.11)
a+λ C−1

Thus, the output of the model C1 after rth updates will converge to
λ  c
f (r) =
ay + f (r − 1) (16.12)
a+λ C−1
⎛ C  
1 ⎝ c=2 ay + C−1 c =c f c (r − 2)
= ay + λ ⎠ (16.13)
a+λ (C − 1)(a + λ)
 λ(C−2) C 
1 (C −1)ay + λf 1 (r −2) + C−1 c=2 f
(r −2)
= ay + λ .
a +λ (C − 1)(a + λ)
λ C
By introducing vr+1 = C−1 c=2 f (r) = (a + λ)f (r + 1) − ay, we can simplify
c 1

Eq. (16.14) to a linear nonhomogeneous recurrence relation:

(C − 2)λ λ2 λ2 ay λay
vr+1 = vr + vr−1 + + , (16.15)
(C −1)(a +λ) (C −1)(a +λ)2 (C −1)(a +λ)2 (a +λ)
for r ≥ 2. By solving the above recurrence relation [20], we obtain the closed-form
 r  r
λ λ
vr = α +β − + λy, (16.16)
a+λ (C − 1)(a + λ)
where α = Cλ C λ
c=1 f (0) − λy and β = C(C−1)
c λ 1
c=2 f (0) − C f (0). Note that for

r → ∞,

lim vr = λy, (16.17)


λ λ
since | a+λ | < 1 and | − (C−1)(a+λ) | < 1 for C ≥ 2. Consequently, we can see that
the output of the worker 1 converges to the ground truth as
lim f 1 (r) = (ay + λy) = y. (16.18)
r→∞ a+λ
In the same way, the result in Eq. (16.18) of the worker 1 can be extended to any
worker with the same conclusion. This ends the proof of Remark 16.2.

Such a result in Remark 16.2 is remarkable in that CD achieves zero prediction

error that is achievable under KD only when the teacher model is ideally pre-trained
as shown in Eq. (16.8). This result highlights the importance of continual training that
allows workers to reach the maximum prediction capability, as opposed to KD that is
additionally guided by a pretrained yet fixed teacher model.
Lastly, it is notable that more workers yield faster convergence of CD. In essence,
the convergence is achieved by eliminating the first two terms in the right-hand side Published online by Cambridge University Press

464 Hyowoon Seo et al.

0.012 C=2
C = 100





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Number of Communication Rounds

Figure 16.4 Learning curves of CD with C ∈ {2,5,100} workers, capturing the loss converging
to zero as the number r of communication rounds increases.

of Eq. (16.16). These two terms decrease not only with the number of communication
rounds r but also with the number of workers C. This implies that with more workers
one needs less communications until convergence. Furthermore, we conceive that
when C → ∞, only one communication round can achieve convergence, enabling
few-shot CD.
Figure 16.4 corroborates the aforementioned theoretical results by numerical evalu-
ations of CD for a simple classification task considering 10 classes of samples labeled
0–9, generated with an arbitrary mapping function which is unknown to the workers.
The result shows that as the number C of workers grows, the convergence speed of
CD increases while the variance reduces. Furthermore, as expected by the theoretical
result in Eq. (16.18), numerical simulations validate that even with C = 2, CD is
guaranteed to converge. Lastly, for C = 100, one can achieve convergence with only
a few communication rounds, verifying the feasibility of few-shot CD.

16.3 Federated Distillation

CD has a great potential in enabling fast distributed learning with high accuracy as
demonstrated in the previous section, yet its communication efficiency is still ques-
tionable. The fundamental reason traces back to KD that requires common training
sample observations by both student and teacher models. For an online version of KD,
this implies that all workers should observe the same sample per each loss calculation,
requiring extensive sample exchanges that may also violate local data privacy. Elimi-
nating such a dependency on common sample observations is the key motivation for
developing FD, as elaborated next. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Federated Knowledge Distillation 465

16.3.1 Federated Distillation for Classification

In a classification task, FD avoids the aforementioned problem of common sample
observations in CD by grouping samples according to labels, thereby extending CD to
a communication-efficient distributed learning framework. As depicted by Fig. 16.1,
the operations of FD are summarized by the following four steps:

1. Each worker stores a mean logit vector per label during local training.
2. Each worker periodically uploads its local-average logit vectors to a parameter
server averaging the uploaded local-average logit vectors from all workers
separately for each label.
3. Each worker downloads the constructed global-average logit vectors of all labels
from the server.
4. During local training based on KD, each worker selects its teacher’s logit as the
downloaded global-average logit associated with the same label as the current
training sample’s ground-truth label.

In what follows, we describe the details of FD operations. Similar to CD, we con-

sider that the worker c ∈ {1, . . . ,C} has n observed samples with ground-truth label,
{(xci,yic )}ni=1 , but independently observed at each worker. For the sake of simplicity,
assume Y = {1,2, . . . ,|Y|} to be an alphabet of |Y| labels under consideration and
define an index set Ic , that is composed of -labeled sample indices at the worker c,

where |Ic | = nc and  nc = n. Under such circumstances, FD aims to solve the
following optimization problem:

    1  ¯c
min (yi − ŷic )2 +λ fm,l − fmc (xci ) ,
{w1m },...,{wC
m} c C−1 
 i∈Ic i∈Ic m c =c
loss distillation regularizer

c = 1
where fmc (·) is the m-the logit of the worker c as before, f¯m,l c c
ncl i∈Ic fm (xi ) is
the local average of the worker c’s mth logit for the samples labeled l.
Following the aforementioned four-step operations, FD solves in Eq. (16.19) using
Algorithm 16.1. Notations are summarized as follows. The set S c denotes the training
dataset of the worker c, and B represents a set of sample indices drawn as a batch
per worker during the local training phase. The function F c (·) is a logit vector, made
by vectorizing the logits {fmc (·)}. The function L(p,q) is a quadratic loss function,
measuring the mean squared error between p and q, which is used for both loss
function and distillation regularizer. Note that the quadratic loss can be replaced
with any other well-defined loss function, such as cross entropy. As opposed to the
asymptotic analysis, we consider a constant learning rate η for practicality, and λ
is a weighting constant for the distillation regularizer. At the cth worker, F̄,r c is

the local-average logit vector at the rth iteration when the training sample belongs
to the th ground-truth label, F̂,r c is the global-average logit vector that equals Published online by Cambridge University Press

466 Hyowoon Seo et al.

Algorithm 16.1 Federated Distillation (FD).

Require: Prediction: f (x), Ground-truth label: y, Loss function: L(f (x),y)
1: while not converged do
2: procedure Local Training Phase (at worker ∀c ∈ {1, . . . ,C})
3: for k steps do : B ← S c
4: for sample xb and label yb , for b ∈ B do
5: wc ← wc − η∇{L(f c (xb ),yb ) + λ · L(F c (xb ), F̂ycb,r )}
6: Fycb,r ← Fycb,r + F c (xb ), cntcyb,r ← cntcyb,r + 1
7: for label  = 1,2, · · · ,|Y| do
8: c ← F c /cntc : return F̄ c to server
F̄,r ,r ,r ,r
9: procedure Global Ensembling Phase (at the server)
10: for each worker c = 1,2, . . . ,C do
11: for label  = 1,2, . . . ,|Y| do
12: F̄,r ← F̄,r + F̄,r

13: for each worker c = 1,2, . . . ,C do

14: for label  = 1,2, . . . ,|Y| do
15: c
F̂,r+1 ← F̄,r − F̄,r ,r+1 ←
c , F̂ c
c to worker c
: return F̂,r
end while



Test Accuracy






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Time (sec)

Figure 16.5 Learning curves of FD and FL with two workers for the MNIST classification.

c = c
c =c F̄,r /(C − 1) with C workers, and cnt,c counts the number of samples
that have a ground-truth label of .
Figure 16.5 shows the numerical evaluations of FD for the MNIST (handwritten
0–9 images) classification task. The result illustrates that FD achieves 4.3× faster
convergence than FL while compromising less than 10 percent accuracy, under a Published online by Cambridge University Press

Federated Knowledge Distillation 467

FL, i.i.d
FL, non-i.i.d
0.95 FD, i.i.d
FD, non-i.i.d
Test Accuracy




4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Devices

(a) Test accuracy.

Sum Communication Cost (bits/epoch)



8 FD
FL, i.i.d
FL, non-i.i.d
FD, i.i.d
FD, non-i.i.d


4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Devices

(b) Sum communication cost.

Figure 16.6 Comparison between FD and FL in terms of (a) test accuracy and (b) sum
communication cost of all workers per epoch, under an i.i.d. and non-i.i.d. MNIST data.

five layer convolutional NN operated by two workers (see more details in [10]). To
see the effectiveness of FD in a more generic scenario, Fig. 16.6 considers up to 10
workers, and both cases of an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) local
dataset and a non-i.i.d. dataset with local data samples that are imbalanced across
labels. The result shows that for different numbers of workers, FD can always reduce
around 10,000× communication payload sizes per communication round compared
to FL. Considering both fast convergence and payload size reduction, FD reduces the Published online by Cambridge University Press

468 Hyowoon Seo et al.

total communication cost until convergence by more than 40,000× compared to FL.
Nonetheless, FD still comes at the cost of compromising accuracy, particularly under
non-i.i.d. data distributions.

16.3.2 Recent Progress and Future Direction

The aforementioned implementation of Vanilla FD focuses only on reducing com-
munication payload sizes in a classification task at the cost of sacrificing accuracy.
Several recent works have substantiated the communication efficiency of FD under
more realistic wireless environments without compromising accuracy for applications
beyond classiffication, which we review next.

• FD Over Wireless – FD is a communication-efficient distributed learning

framework, as demonstrated by achieving a 40,000× lower total communication
cost than FL for an image classification task in the previous section. The
communication efficiency of FD also holds under wireless fading channels
[21–23]. Even with low signal-to-noise ratio and/or bandwidth, the payload size
reduction of FD can be turned into more successful receptions and/or lower
latency, resulting in even higher accuracy than FL [22, 23]. It could be interesting
to see the effectiveness of FD under more realistic wireless environments with
advanced physical-layer and multiple-access techniques such as time-varying
millimeter-wave channels, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, nonorthogonal
multiple access, and many more.
• Communication Efficiency versus Accuracy – FD is more vulnerable to the
problem of non-i.i.d. data distributions than FL. Even if a worker obtains the
global average logits for all labels, when the worker lacks samples of a specific
target class, the global knowledge is rarely transferred into the worker’s local
model. Furthermore, in many cases [10, 21, 22, 24], the communication efficiency
of FD comes at the cost of compromising accuracy, yielding the trade-off between
FD and FL. Given the trade-off between FD’s higher communication efficiency
and FL’s higher accuracy, it is possible to utilize both of their strengths by taking
into account the nature of uplink-downlink asymmetric channels. As shown in
[21, 25], one can exploit FL in the downlink and FD in the uplink with a capacity
that is much less than the downlink due to the low transmission energy at the
devices, to be further discussed in Section 16.4.
• Proxy Data Aided FD – Recent works have overcome the aforementioned
limitations of FD (i.e., accuracy degradation particularly under non-i.i.d. data
distributions). The core idea is to additionally construct a common proxy dataset
(e.g., a public dataset [22] or mean samples per label [23]) through which the local
KD operations and the local logits to be uploaded are provided. In fact, as opposed
to FL that exchanges each worker’s freshest model updated right before uploading,
FD is based on exchanging the locally averaged logits during which each worker’s
model is progressively updated. To resolve this issue, workers can collectively
construct a global proxy dataset by averaging all data samples per label, referred
to as global average covariate vectors in [22] or by using a prearranged public Published online by Cambridge University Press

Federated Knowledge Distillation 469

dataset [23]. Utilizing such a proxy dataset, one can generate the local logits to be
exchanged right before uploading, thereby distilling the knowledge from the
freshest models. Furthermore, operating KD through the proxy dataset makes all
workers observe the same samples, thereby avoiding any possible errors induced
by coarse sample grouping in the original FD. Consequently, as demonstrated in
[23], such proxy dataset aided FD can achieve higher accuracy than FL even under
non-i.i.d. local data distributions. Extending this line of research, it could be worth
investigating how to construct the proxy dataset using a coreset, a small dataset
approximating the original data distribution [25, 26].
• FD Beyond Classification – The applicability of FD is not limited to classification
tasks in supervised learning. As shown by [24], FD can be applied to an
reinforcement learning (RL) application by replacing the label-wise sample
grouping of the original FD with clustering based on the neighboring states
(e.g., locations) of RL agents, to be further elaborated on in Section 16.5.
In unsupervised learning, it could be possible to collectively train multiple
conditional generative adversarial networks (cGANs) [27] using FD by
exchanging their discriminators’ last layer activations that are grouped based on
the common conditions of cGANs. Last but not least, in self-supervised learning,
one could exploit FD to train multiple bootstrap your own latent (BYOL)
networks, each of which comprises a pair of online and target models [28], by
constructing each target model’s prediction based on an ensemble of the last layer
activations of online models.

16.4 Application: FD Under Uplink-Downlink Asymmetric Channels

Despite the communication efficiency afforded by FD in the distributed learning

framework, there still remains an accuracy issue especially under communication-
limited scenarios. In a typical wireless communication network, the uplink communi-
cation is more limited by lower transmission power and smaller available bandwidth
than the downlink [29], which we refer to as uplink-downlink channel asymmetry.
Thus, for FD-based distributed learning built over wireless networks, a large accuracy
loss of model training is inevitable, since FD goes through a number of communication
rounds for model training over both uplink and downlink channels.
In this context, as an advanced form of FD, the Mix2FLD achieves both high
accuracy and communication efficiency under the uplink-downlink channel asymme-
try. As depicted in Fig. 16.7, Mix2FLD is built upon two key algorithms: federated
learning after distillation (FLD) [24] and Mixup data augmentation [30]. Specifically,
by leveraging FLD, each worker in Mix2FLD uploads its local model outputs as in FD
and downloads model parameters as in FL, thereby coping with the uplink-downlink
channel asymmetry. Between the uplink and downlink, the server runs KD. However,
this output-to-model conversion requires additional training samples collected from
workers, which may violate local data privacy while incurring huge communication
overhead. To preserve data privacy with minimal communication overhead during Published online by Cambridge University Press

470 Hyowoon Seo et al.

1 UL: logits + seed samples

2 KD: logit model


3 DL: global model

Mixup Mixup

(a) Mix2FLD: downlink federated learning (FL) and uplink federated distillation (FD) with
two-way Mixup (Mix2up) seed sample collection.
Raw Samples Mixed Samples Inversely-Mixed Samples
Label: (1,0) (0,1) (0.4,0.6)

Device1 (1,0) (0,1)

Mixup Server



(b) Mix2up: mixing raw samples at workers and inversely mixing them across different
workers at the server (mixing ratio γ = 0.4).

Figure 16.7 (a) Mix2FLD operation and (b) Mix2up.

seed sample collection, Mix2FLD utilizes a two-way Mixup algorithm (Mix2up), as

illustrated in Fig. 16.7(b). To hide raw samples, each worker in Mix2up uploads
locally superposed samples using Mixup. Next, before running KD at the server, the
uploaded mixed-up samples are superposed across different workers in a way that the
resulting sample labels are in the same form as raw sample labels. This inverse-Mixup
provides more realistic synthetic seed samples for KD, without restoring raw samples.
Furthermore, with the uploaded mixed samples from the workers, a larger number
of inversely mixed-up samples can be generated, thereby enabling KD with minimal
uplink cost. In the following subsections, we first elaborate on a baseline method,
MixFLD that combines FLD and Mixup, and then describe Mix2FLD that integrates
MixFLD with the inverse-Mixup.

16.4.1 Baseline: MixFLD

MixFLD integrates FLD with Mixup, within which FLD counteracts the uplink-
downlink channel asymmetry as elaborated next. Following FLD, as shown in
Fig. 16.7(a), at the rth global update, the workers upload their local average logit
vectors, thereby constructing a global average logit vector at the server, as in FD. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Federated Knowledge Distillation 471

Then, the workers download the global weight vector as in FL. To this end, the server
must convert the global logit average vector into the global weight vector, since it
lacks one. The key idea is to transfer the knowledge in the global average logit vector
to a global model. To enable this, at the beginning of FLD, each worker uploads nmix
seed samples randomly selected from its local dataset. By feeding the collected Cnmix
seed samples, denoted by {xs,i }Cn mix
i=1 , the server runs Ks iterations of SGD with KD,
thereby updating the global model’s weight vector wg,k as
wg,k+1 = wg,k − η · ∇ L(fg (xs,i ),ys,i ) + λ · L(Fg (xs,i ), F̂ys,i ,r ) , (16.20)

where fg (·) is the function denoting the global NN at the server and Fg is the corre-
sponding global model logit vector. As defined earlier, L(·,·) is a well-designed loss
function such as quadratic loss or cross entrophy, and F̂l,r is the global average logit
vector for l-labeled samples at the rth global update, which is obtained by averaging
local logit vectors uploaded from the workers. Finally, the server yields the global
model wg,Ks that is downloaded by every worker. The remaining operations follow
the same procedure of FL.
The aforementioned FLD operations include seed sample collection process that
may incur nonnegligible communication overhead while violating local data privacy.
To mitigate this problem, MixFLD applies Mixup before collection [25, 30] to the
sample collection procedure of FLD as follows. Before uploading the seed samples,
the worker c randomly selects two different raw samples xci and xcj with i = j , having
the ground-truth labels yic and yjc , respectively. With a mixing ratio γ ∈ (0,0.5]
given identically for all workers, the worker linearly combines these two samples (see
Fig. 16.7(b)), thereby generating a mixed-up sample x̂cij as

x̂cij = γxci + (1 − γ)xcj . (16.21)

In Eq. (16.21), the label is also mixed up as ŷcij = γyci + (1 − γ)ycj . Then, each
worker uploads the generated nmix mixed-up samples to the server without revealing
raw samples.
The guaranteed privacy level can be quantified through the lens of (ε,δ)-differential
privacy [31], in which lower ,δ > 0 preserves more privacy by making it difficult
to guess with less confidence whether or not a certain data point is included in a
private dataset. For the sake of the analysis, we consider that each worker selects two
samples uniformly at random out of n samples and mixes them with γ = 0.5, followed
by inserting additive zero-mean Gaussian noises to x̂cij and ŷcij with the variances
σx2 and σy2 , respectively. When generating nmix samples at each worker, according to
Theorem 3 in [32], the aforementioned Mixup is (ε,δ)-differentially private, where
⎛  ⎞ 
2nmix 2 ⎝ 4n log(1/δ) ⎠ 2 nmix log(1/δ)
ε= 1+ 2
+ . (16.22)
8n  nmix 4n

The term 2 is given as 2 = dx /σx2 + dy /σy2 , where dx and dy are the sample
and label dimensions (e.g., for the 28 × 28 pixel MNIST images of handwritten Published online by Cambridge University Press

472 Hyowoon Seo et al.

0–9 digits, dx = 28 × 28 = 784 and dy = 10). As observed by ε decreasing with n in

Eq. (16.22), Mixup can guarantee the raw sample privacy as long as the local dataset
size is sufficiently large. Recall that this differential privacy analysis is based on
γ = 0.5 and additive noises. For more general cases under γ > 0 without additive
noise, we numerically evaluate the sample privacy by measuring the similarity
between the raw and mixed-up samples in Section 16.4.3.

16.4.2 Proposed: Mix2FLD

While MixFLD preserves local data privacy during seed sample collection, the Mixup
operations may significantly distort the collected seed samples, which may hinder
achieving high accuracy. To resolve this issue, Mix2FLD additionally applies the
inverse-Mixup algorithm to MixFLD, thereby not only ensuring local data privacy
but also achieving high accuracy. For the sake of clear explanation, we hereafter focus
on a two-worker setting, where workers c and c independently mix up the following
two raw samples having symmetric labels:

• Worker c: xi with yi = {1,0} and xj with yj = {0,1},

c c c c

 c    c
• Worker c : xi  with yi  = {0,1} and xj  with yj  = {1,0},
c c

where yci is a one-hot encoded ground-truth label vector of xci , referred to as a hard
label. Following Eq. (16.21), worker c mixes up local samples xci and xcj , yielding the
mixed-up sample x̂cij corresponding to the mixed-up label {γ,1 − γ}, referred to as
its soft label. Likewise, worker c superpositions xci  and xcj  , resulting in the mixed-up
sample x̂ci  j  having the soft label {1 − γ,γ}. The workers c and c upload x̂cij and x̂ci  j 
with their soft labels to the server.
Then, the server in Mix2FLD converts the soft labels back into hard labels, such that
the converted samples contain more similar features of the hard-labeled real dataset,
while being still different from the raw samples. To this end, the server applies the
inverse-Mixup that linearly combines ns mixed-up samples such that the resulting
sample has a hard label. For the case of C = 10 workers, as depicted in Fig. 16.7(b),

with the symmetric setting, the server combines x̂cij and x̂ci  j  , such that the resulting

ij,i  j ,l has the lth converted hard label as the ground truth. This is described as
ij,i  j ,l = γ̂ x̂ij + (1 − γ̂)x̂i  j  .
xcc c c

The inverse mixing ratio γ̂ for ns = 2 is chosen in the following way. Suppose the
target hard label is {1,0}, or l = 1. Applying {1,0} to the LHS of Eq. (16.23) and

{γ,1 − γ} and {1 − γ,γ} of x̂cij and x̂ci  j  to the right-hand side of Eq. (16.23) yields
two equations:

1 = γ̂γ + (1 − γ̂)(1 − γ) (16.24)

0 = γ̂(1 − γ) + (1 − γ̂)γ (16.25)

Solving these equations yields the desired γ̂. By induction, this can be generalized
to ns > 2. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Federated Knowledge Distillation 473

Algorithm 16.2 FLD with Mix2up (Mix2FLD).

Require: S c with c ∈ {1, . . . ,C}, γ ∈ (0,1)
1: while not converged do
2: procedure Local Training and Mixup(at worker c ∈ {1, . . . ,C})
3: if r = 1 generates {x̂cij } via (16.21) end if Mixup
4: updates wc and F̄l,r c for K iterations as in FD (Algorithm 16.1)

5: unicasts {F̄l,r
c } (with {x̂c } if r = 1) to the server
6: procedure Ensembling and Output-to-model conversion(at server)

7: if r = 1 generates {ij,i  j ,l } via (16.23) end if
xcc Inverse-Mixup
8: computes {F̂l,r
c }

9: updates wg,k via (16.20) for Ks iterations

10: broadcasts wg,Ks to all devices
11: r ←r +1
12: Worker c ∈ {1, . . . ,C} substitutes wc0 with wg,Ks Model download
end while

Hereafter, for the sake of convenience, we explain the rest of the algorithm consid-
ering ns = 2. By alternating γ̂ with l = 1 and 2, inversely mixing up two mixed-up
samples x̂cij and x̂ci  j  yields two inversely mixed-up samples ij,i  j ,1 and 
xcc xcc
ij,i  j ,2 .
The server generates ninv inversely mixed-up samples by pairing two samples with
symmetric labels among nmix mixed-up samples. By nature, inverse-Mixup is a data
augmentation scheme, so ninv can be larger than nmix . Note that none of the raw
samples are identical to inversely mixed-up samples. To ensure this, inverse-Mixup is
applied only for the seed samples uploaded from different devices, thereby preserving
data privacy. The overall operation of Mix2FLD is summarized in Algorithm 16.2.

16.4.3 Numerical Evaluation and Discussions

In what follows, we provide a numerical performance evaluation of Mix2FLD com-
pared with FL, FD, and MixFLD, in terms of the test accuracy and convergence
time of a randomly selected reference device, under different data distributions (i.i.d.
and non-i.i.d.) and uploaded/generated seed sample configurations: (nmix,ninv ) ∈
{(10,10),(10,20),(50,50),(50,100)}. The convergence time includes communication
delays during the uplink and downlink, as well as the computing delays of devices
and the server, measured using tic-toc elapsed time.
Every device has a three-layer convolutional NN model (two convolutional layers
and one fully connected layer) having 12,544 model parameters in total. The server’s
global model follows the same architecture. Each worker owns its local MNIST
dataset with |Y| = 10 classes and n = 500 samples. For the i.i.d. case, every label
has the same number of samples. For the non-i.i.d. case, two randomly selected labels
have two samples, respectively, while each of the other labels has 62 samples. Other
simulation parameters for model training are given as C = 10, K = 6,400 iterations, Published online by Cambridge University Press

474 Hyowoon Seo et al.

Ks = 3,200 iterations, and η = 0.01. The simulation parameters for reflecting wireless
environment is given as the same as in [21].
The impact of channel conditions is illustrated in Fig. 16.8. The results show
that Mix2FLD achieves the highest accuracy with moderate convergence under

Test Accuracy

0.6 FL
Mix2FLD (Ns = 50, Ni = 50)
0.4 Mix2FLD (Ns = 10, Ni = 10)
Mix2FLD (Ns = 50, Ni = 100)
Mix2FLD (Ns = 10, Ni = 20)
0.2 MixFLD (Ns = 50)
MixFLD (Ns = 10)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (sec)

(a) Asymmetric channels, i.i.d. dataset.

Test Accuracy




0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (sec)

(b) Symmetric channels, i.i.d. dataset.

Test Accuracy




0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (sec)

(c) Asymmetric channels, non-i.i.d. dataset.

Test Accuracy




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Time (sec)

(d) Symmetric channels, non-i.i.d. dataset.

Figure 16.8 Learning curves of a randomly selected device in Mix2FLD, compared to FL, FD,
and MixFLD, under asymmetric and symmetric channels, when γ = 0.1 with i.i.d. and
non-i.i.d. datasets. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Federated Knowledge Distillation 475

Mix2FLD (Ns = 50, Ni = 100), IID Mix2FLD (Ns = 50, Ni = 100), non-IID
0.84 0.73

0.82 0.72
Test Accuracy

0.8 0.71

10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50

# of Devs # of Devs

Figure 16.9 Test accuracy distribution of Mix2FLD with respect to the number of devices,
under symmetric channels with i.i.d. and non-i.i.d. datasets.

asymmetric channel conditions among others. Compared to FL uploading model

weights, Mix2FLD’s model output uploading reduces the uplink payload size by up to
42.4 times. Under asymmetric channels with the limited uplink capacity (Figs. 16.8(a)
and 16.8(c)), this enables more frequent and successful uploading, thereby achieving
up to 16.7 percent higher accuracy and 1.2 times faster convergence. Compared to FD,
Mix2FLD leverages the high downlink capacity for downloading the global model
weights, which often provides higher accuracy than downloading model outputs as
reported in [10]. In addition, the global information of Mix2FLD is constructed by
collecting seed samples and reflecting the global data distribution, rather than by
simply averaging local outputs as used in FD. Thereby, Mix2FLD achieves up to
17.3 percent higher accuracy while taking only 2.5 percent more convergence time
than FD. Under symmetric channels, FL achieves the highest accuracy. Nevertheless,
Mix2FLD still converges 1.9 times faster than FL, thanks to its smaller uplink payload
sizes and more frequent updates.
Next, the impact of the number of devices is observed in Fig. 16.9. When the
number of devices is increased from 10 to 50, the average of test accuracy increases
by 5.7 percent and the variance decreases by 50 percent with the i.i.d. dataset. In the
non-i.i.d. dataset, the test accuracy gain is smaller than that of the i.i.d. dataset, but
has the same tendency. This concludes that Mix2FLD is scalable under both i.i.d. and
non-i.i.d. data distributions.
Furthermore, the effectiveness of Mix2up is depicted in Figs. 16.8(c) and 16.8(d),
corroborating that Mix2FLD is particularly effective in coping with non-i.i.d. data. In
our non-i.i.d. datasets, samples are unevenly distributed, and locally trained models
become more biased, degrading accuracy compared to i.i.d. datasets in Figs. 16.8(a)
and 16.8(c). This accuracy loss can partly be restored by additional global training
(i.e., output-to-model conversion) that reflects the entire dataset distribution using few
seed samples. While preserving data privacy, MixFLD attempts to realize this idea. Published online by Cambridge University Press

476 Hyowoon Seo et al.

However, as observed in Fig. 16.8(d), MixFLD fails to achieve high accuracy as its
mixed-up samples inject too much noise into the global training process. Mix2FLD
resolves this problem by utilizing inversely mixed up samples, reducing unnecessary
noise. Thanks to its incorporating the data distribution, even under symmetric chan-
nels (Fig. 16.8(d)), Mix2FLD achieves higher accuracy than FL. One drawback of
Mix2up is its relying on an ns × ns matrix inversion for inverting ns linearly mixed-
up samples, which may hinder the scalability of Mix2FLD for large ns . Alternatively,
as demonstrated in [33], one can exploit the bit-wise XOR operation and its flipping
property (e.g., (A ⊕ B) ⊕ B = A) replacing mixup and inverse-mixup, respectively,
thereby avoiding the matrix inversion complexity.
Lastly, the trade-offs among latency, privacy, and accuracy are illustrated in Fig.
16.8. For all the considered channel conditions and data distributions, in Mix2FLD
and MixFLD, reducing the seed sample amount (nmix = 10) provides faster conver-
gence time albeit compromising accuracy, leading to a latency-accuracy trade-off. The
inverse-Mixup of Mix2FLD can partly resolve the trade-off by more augmenting the
seed samples. Even for the same nmix , increasing ninv improves the accuracy by up
to 1.7 percent. In doing so, the inverse-Mixup of Mix2FLD can increase the accuracy
without additional communication latency. Next, to validate the data privacy guaran-
tees of Mixup and Mix2up, we evaluate the sample privacy, given as the minimum
similarity between a mixed-up sample and its raw sample: log(min{||x̂cij − xci ||,||x̂cij −
xcj ||}) according to [34]. Table 16.1 shows that Mixup (γ > 0) with a single device
preserves more sample privacy than the case without Mixup (γ = 0). Table 16.2
illustrates that Mix2up with two devices preserves higher sample privacy than Mixup
thanks to the additional (inversely) mixing up of the seed samples across devices.

Table 16.1. Sample privacy, Mixup (nmix = 100).

Sample Privacy Under Mixing Ratio γ

Dataset γ = 0.001 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.499

MNIST 2.163 4.465 5.158 5.564 5.852 6.055

FMNIST 1.825 4.127 4.821 5.226 5.514 5.717
CIFAR-10 2.582 4.884 5.577 5.983 6.270 6.473
CIFAR-100 2.442 4.744 5.438 5.843 6.131 6.334

Table 16.2. Sample privacy, Mix2up (nmix = 100).

Sample Privacy Under Mixing Ratio γ

Dataset γ = 0.001 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.499

MNIST 2.557 4.639 5.469 6.140 7.007 9.366

FMNIST 2.196 4.568 5.410 6.143 6.925 9.273
CIFAR-10 2.824 5.228 6.076 6.766 7.662 10.143
CIFAR-100 2.737 5.151 6.050 6.782 7.652 10.104 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Federated Knowledge Distillation 477

It also shows that each inversely mixed-up sample does not resemble its raw sample
but an arbitrary sample having the same ground-truth label. Both Tables 16.1 and 16.2
show that the mixing ratio γ closer to 0.5 (i.e., equally mixing up two samples) ensures
higher sample privacy, which may require compromising more accuracy. Investigating
the privacy-accuracy trade-off could be an interesting topic for future research.

16.5 Application: FD for Reinforcement Learning

The original design of FD relies on grouping model outputs based on labels in classi-
fication. To demonstrate its applicability beyond classification, in this section we aim
to exemplify an FD implementation under a reinforcement learning (RL) environment
in which multiple interactive agents locally carry out decision making in real time.
In such environments, policy distillation (PD) is a well-known solution [35], wherein
multiple agents collectively train their local NNs. As illustrated in Fig. 16.10, PD is
operated by (a) uploading every local experience memory to a server, (b) constructing
a global experience memory at the server, and (c) downloading and replaying the
global experience memory at each agent to train its local NN [35]. However, the
local experience memory contains all local state observations and the corresponding
policies (i.e., action logits). Exchanging such raw memories may thus violate the
privacy of their host agents. Furthermore, the global experience memory size increases
with the number of agents. The resulting ever-growing communication overhead may
undermine the scalability of PD.
To obviate the aforementioned problems, by leveraging FD, we introduce feder-
ated reinforcement distillation (FRD) [24, 36], a communication-efficient and privacy-
preserving distributed RL framework based on a proxy experience memory. In FRD,
each agent stores a local proxy experience memory that consists of a set of prearranged
proxy states and locally averaged policies. In this memory structure, the actual states
are mapped into the proxy states (e.g., based on the nearest value rule), and the actual
policies are averaged over time. Exchanging the local proxy memories of agents not
only preserves the privacy of agents, but also avoids the continuaal increase in the
communication overhead as the number of agents grows. In what follows we first
elaborate the baseline PD operations and then illustrate FRD operations, followed by
numerical evaluations.

16.5.1 Policy Distillation With Experience Memory

We consider an episodic environment modeled by a Markov decision process. The
state space S and action space A are discrete. Without any prior knowledge about the
environment, each agent takes an action a ∈ A at time slot t and in return receives
the reward rt ∈ R. The resulting policy π θ : S → P(A) (i.e., actions for given
states) is stochastic, where P(A) is the set of probability measures on A. The policy Published online by Cambridge University Press

478 Hyowoon Seo et al.

local experience memory global experience memory

state state

policy .2 .8 .4 .6 .6 .4 .2 .8 .4 .6 .6 .4 .3 .7 .7 .3 .9 .1 policy .3 .7 .7 .3 .9 .1

k=0 k=1 k=2 k=0 k=1 k=2

a ue
ue val
a ue

Figure 16.10 Policy distillation (PD) with experience memory [35].

is described by the conditional probability π θ (a|s) of a ∈ A for a given state s ∈ S,

where θ ∈ Rn denotes the local model parameters of an agent. Hereafter, the subscript
c ∈ {1,2, . . . ,C} identifies an agent out of C agents, and we abuse the notations by
dropping it if the relationships are clear.
In PD [35], as depicted by Fig. 16.10, the agents collectively construct a dataset
named experience memory for training the local models. The operation of PD can be
summarized by the following steps:

1. Each agent records an local experience memory Mc = {(sk ,π θc,k (ak |sk ))}K c
k=1 for
E episodes. Note that Kc is the size of local experience memory.
2. After all the agents complete E episodes, the server collects the local experience
memories from all agents.
3. The server constructs a global experience memory M = {(sk ,π,k (ak |sk ))}K k=1 ,

where K = C K
c=1 c and π ,k is the policy collected from the clients.
4. To reflect the knowledge of other agents, the agents download the global
experience memory M from the server.
5. Similar to the conventional classification setting, the agent c optimizes the local
model θc by minimizing the cross entropy loss Lc (M,θc ) between the policy of
local model π θc and the policy π of global experience memories M, where
Lc (M,θc ) is given as

Lc (M,θc ) = − π,k (ak |sk ) log π θc (ak |sk ) . (16.26)

Unfortunately, under these PD operations, malicious agents and an honest-but-

curious server may sneak a look at all the previously visited states and taken actions
of every agent, incurring privacy leakage issues. Furthermore the global experience
memory size increases with the number of agents, limiting the scalability of PD. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Federated Knowledge Distillation 479

Figure 16.11 Federated reinforcement distillation (FRD) with proxy experience memory
[24, 36].

16.5.2 Federated Reinforcement Distillation with Proxy Experience Memory

Unlike PD, FRD relies on constructing and exchanging proxy experience memories
as illustrated in Fig. 16.11, improving the communication efficiency while preserving
privacy. The proxy experience memory Mp is comprised of proxy state s p and its
associated average policy π . A proxy state is the representative state of each state
cluster Sj ⊂ S for i ∈ {1, . . . ,I }, where we assume Si ∩ Sj = ∅ for i = j . Given
these definitions, the operations of FRD are described by the following steps:

1. Each agent categorizes the experienced policy π θc,k (a|s) according to the proxy
state cluster that the state s is included in.
2. After all the agents complete E episodes, each agent constructs a local proxy
p p p p K p p
experience memory Mc = {(sk  ,π θi ,k  (ak  |sk  )}k  =1
, where π θc,k  (ak  |sk  ) is the
local average policy, obtained by averaging the policy in the same category, while
Kc is the size of local proxy experience memory describing the number of proxy
p p
state clusters that have visited by the agent. Note that the π θi (ak |sk ) is not
generated by the local model of agent.
3. When the local proxy experience memory of every agent is ready, the server
collects it from each agent.
4. Then, the server constructs the global proxy experience memory
Mp = {(sk  ,π,k  (ak  |sk  ))}K
k  =1, (16.27)

by averaging the local average policies in the same category. The size of global
proxy experience memory K p is the number of proxy state clusters that have
visited by all the clients. Published online by Cambridge University Press

480 Hyowoon Seo et al.

5. Each agent downloads the global proxy experience memory Mp from the server.
6. Each agent i fits the local model θc , minimizing the cross-entropy loss
Lc (Mp,θc ) between the policy of local model π θc (ak  |sk  ) and the global
p p p
average policy π,k  (sk  ,ak  |sk  ) of global proxy experience memory Mp , where

p p  p 
Lc (Mp,θc ) =− π,k  (ak  |sk  ) log π θc,k  (ak  |sk  ) . (16.28)

This loss is calculated with the policy produced by the local model as the input of
a proxy state.

Constructing the local and proxy experience memories can be interpreted as

quantizing the memories, thereby reducing the uplink and downlink payload sizes,
respectively. Notably, the downlink payload size reduction significantly benefits from
sharing each global proxy experience by multiple agents. This is in stark contrast to
PD, wherein the different agents’ experiences are hardly overlapped with each other
particularly for a large state dimension, bringing higher communication efficiency on
FRD. Furthermore, exchanging proxy experience memories does not reveal any raw
experiences of agents, enabling privacy-preserving distributed RL.
The local experiences are obtained by running a deep RL method at each agent.
Throughout this chapter, we consider the advantage actor-critic (A2C) framework [37]
in which each agent stores a pair of actor and critic NNs. The actor NN generates an
action a ∈ A according to the policy π θ , while the critic NN evaluates the benefit of
the generated action compared to other possible actions, in terms of obtaining higher
expected future reward. Since the actor and critic NNs have no prior knowledge on
the environment, the actor-critic pair must interact with the environment and thereby
learn the optimal policy π∗ to gain the maximum expected future reward. Meanwhile,
the benefit of taking an action is evaluated using the advantage function Aπ (st ,at )
[38], given as

Aπ (st ,at ) = Qπ (st ,at ) − V π (st ) (16.29)

= r(st ,at ) + Est+1 ∼E V π (st+1 ) − V π (st ) (16.30)
π π
≈ r(st ,at ) + V (st+1 ) − V (st ), (16.31)
γ γ 
where V π(s) = E[r0 |s0 = s;π] is the value function, Qπ(s,a) = E r0 |s0 = s,a0 = a;π
is the Q-function, and r(st ,at ) is the instant reward at learning step t. Note that if the
output value of the advantage function is positive, it means that the selected action
is not an optimal solution. Moreover, we can see from Eq. (16.31) that the advantage
function is approximately described only using the value function. The critic NN who
computes the value can thereby evaluate the advantage for each updating step of the
actor NN. The actor NN is a policy NN who approximates the policy π and constructs
the local experience memory. Lastly, in that each agent stores a pair of actor and
critic NNs, there are three possibilities of exchange: only actor NNs, critic NNs, or
both actor and critic NNs across agents. As seen by several experiments [24, 36],
exchanging only actor NNs (i.e., policy NNs) achieves the convergence speed as fast Published online by Cambridge University Press

Federated Knowledge Distillation 481

as exchanging both actor and critic NNs, while saving the communication cost thanks
to ignoring critic NNs. Hereafter, we thus focus on an FRD implementation with the
experience memory constructed by the actor NN outputs.

16.5.3 Experiments and Discussions

To show the effectiveness of FRD, we consider the CartPole-v1 environment in the
OpenAI gym [39], where each agent controls a cart so as to make a pole attached to
the cart upright as long as possible. Each agent obtains a score of +1 for every time
slot during which the pole remains upright. Playing the CartPole game with multiple
episodes, the agents complete a mission when any agent first reaches an average score
of 490, where the average is taken across 10 latest episodes.
The performance of FRD is evaluated in terms of the mission completion time and
is compared with two baseline distributed RL frameworks: PD [35] and federated
reinforcement learning (FRL) that exchanges actor NN model parameters following
the standard FL operations [5–8, 36]. Each agent runs an A2C model comprising a
pair of actor and critic NNs [37], each of which is a multilayer perceptron (MLP) with
two hidden layers. At an interval of 25 episodes, the agents exchange their critic NN’s
outputs in PD and FRD or the critic NN parameters in FRL.
To construct proxy experience memories in FRD, the agent states are clustered as
follows. In the Cartpole environment, each agent has its four-tuple state consisting
of the cart location, cart velocity, pole angle, and the angular velocity of the pole.
By evenly dividing each observation space into S = 30 subspaces, we define state
clusters as the combinations of the four subspaces, resulting in S 4 state clusters in
total. A proxy state is defined by the middle value of each state cluster, and each raw
state is mapped into the proxy state based on the nearest value rule. For example, the
proxy state of the pole angle is −45◦ when the state cluster is [−90◦,0◦ ), as illustrated
in Fig. 16.11. Throughout the simulations, the lines represent the median values, and
the shaded areas depict the regions between the top-25 and top-75 percentiles.
In comparison with PD, FRD achieves the mission completion time as fast as PD
as shown by Fig. 16.12(a), while saving the communication cost by around 50 percent
as observed by Fig. 16.12(b) for two agents. In Fig. 16.12(b), the payload size gap
between the uplink and downlink is due to the difference between local and global
(proxy) experience memory sizes. This uplink-downlink payload size gap of PD is
larger than that of FRD for two agents, which is expected to become even larger for
more agents thanks to the proxy state sharing of FRD, advocating the communication
efficiency and scalability of FRD.
Compared to FRL, FRD completes the mission slightly slower than FRL partic-
ularly for a small number of agents, as illustrated in Fig. 16.12(a). However, the the
communication payload size of FRL increases with the actor NN model size, incurring
higher payload sizes than FRD when there are over 100 neurons per layer as depicted
by Fig. 16.4(b). Furthermore, due to the nature of exchanging and averaging model
parameters, all the agents under FRL are forced to have an identical critic NN archi-
tecture, limiting the adoption of FRL particularly for a large-scale implementation Published online by Cambridge University Press

482 Hyowoon Seo et al.

700 FRD

# of episodes




2 3 4 5
# of the agents

(a) Mission completion time.

Median of the Payload Size per Exchange (bytes)


FRD, uplink
FRD, downlink
PD, uplink
PD, downlink

50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
# of the weights per NN layer

(b) Communication cost.

Figure 16.12 Performance of FRD compared to PD and FRL, in terms of (a) the mission
completion time and (b) communication cost.

with heterogeneous agents. By contrast, FRD yields the communication cost upper
bounded by the number of state clusters, and it does not impose any constraint on
the NN architecture selection, highlighting the communication efficiency and flexibil-
ity of FRD.

16.6 Conclusion

In this chapter we introduced FD, a distributed learning framework that exchanges

model outputs as opposed to FL based on exchanging model parameters. FD leverages Published online by Cambridge University Press

Federated Knowledge Distillation 483

key principles of CD, an online version of KD, and pushes the frontiers of its com-
munication efficiency forward via a novel model output grouping method. To provide
a deep understanding of FD, we provided a neural tangent kernel (NTK) analysis of
CD in a classification task, proving that CD asymptotically achieves the convergence
to the ground-truth prediction even with two workers, while more workers acceler-
ate the convergence speed. Treating CD as the method providing the upper-bound
accuracy of FD, while still effective in terms of communication efficiency, our vanilla
implementation of FD is far from achieving the maximum achievable accuracy. To fill
this gap, we presented several advanced FD applications that harness wireless channel
characteristics and/or exploit proxy datasets, thereby achieving even higher accuracy
than FL. The potential of FD is not limited to classification tasks. We partly advocated
such possibilities of FD by exemplifying a reinforcement learning (RL) use case.
Going beyond this, for future research, it could be worth studying the applicability
of FD to unsupervised learning and self-supervised learning tasks under more realistic
wireless channels and time-varying network topologies.

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17 Differentially Private Wireless
Federated Learning
Dongzhu Liu, Amir Sonee, Osvaldo Simeone, and Stefano Rini

17.1 Introduction

With the steady increase in data generated, processed, and stored at mobile devices,
current wireless networks offer new opportunities to develop intelligent applications
and communication protocols in a data-driven fashion by training machine learning
(ML) models [1–5]. Prevalent machine learning solutions assume central processing
of the training data at a server in the cloud. In wireless networks, this approach
would entail the transmission of the local datasets to the data center, increasing the
communication load and affecting the privacy of the local data. Alternatively, training
at each individual device may require excessive energy resources, and it generally
limits the model performance due to the limited data available at the device. These
facts motivate the design of distributed learning protocols that can leverage data from
multiple devices via communications. This decentralized ML framework is typically
referred to as federated learning (FL).
In FL, distributed agents jointly train a shared ML model by sharing information
about the local ML models over multiple iterations, instead of sharing data points
[6–12]. Applications include the Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous driving, remote
sensing, control, and other communication technologies [13–15]. FL can not only
enhance the communication efficiency as compared to the full sharing of data [16–20],
but it also alleviates the information leakage of local datasets [21–26]. This chapter
reviews recent work on private FL in wireless systems.
Among the original motivations for the introduction of FL are the inherent pri-
vacy properties that arise from sharing only model information. However, it has been
shown that a malicious server can still infer information about local data samples
from the released model information via membership inference attack [27], model
inversion attack [25] and reconstruction attacks [28]. Theoretical frameworks that
provide insights into FL privacy leakage include [29].
Two distinct approaches can be adopted to obtain privacy guarantees for FL. The
first is cryptographic and the second is information-theoretic. The primitives of secure
multiparty computation (SMC) and homomorphic encryption address the risk of
privacy leakage during the learning process by enabling the server to compute
statistics on encrypted local data using asymmetric cryptographic methods [30, 31].
This approach generally entails a high computation complexity, which makes it Published online by Cambridge University Press

Differentially Private Wireless Federated Learning 487

more suitable for simple learning models such as linear regression [32] and logistic
regression [33]. It also requires the setting up and maintenance of a public key
The second approach, which is grounded in information-theoretic arguments,
revolves around the notion of differential privacy (DP) [34, 35]. DP is a well-
established measure that quantifies the information leaked by released statistics
regarding the presence of individual data samples in the input training set [35]. DP
measures the sensitivity of the released statistics to changes in any of the training
data points for an arbitrary training dataset. Therefore, a mechanism achieving DP
guarantees output statistics that are almost as likely to have been produced whether any
individual data point is present or not. As a result, unlike the cryptographic approach,
DP provides ad omnia information-theoretic guarantees that are not affected by the
computational power or by any side information available at agents observing the
released statistics.
Typical DP mechanisms for the case of an “honest-but-curious” recipient introduce
uncertainty via random perturbations of the disclosed statistics. This perturbation can
be in the form of a randomized digital mapping to one of a limited number of output
levels [36–39]; or in the form of continuous additive noise following distribution
among which Gaussian [40] and Laplacian [41, 42] are the most commonly used
DP mechanisms have been investigated for FL based on gradient descent [39, 43–
50], alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) [51, 52], and distributed
consensus [53]. Most prior works assume the edge server is honest-but-curious and
that communication is noiseless and unconstrained. In [44], Gaussian noise is added to
the local model updates after clipping. The clipping threshold determines the sensitiv-
ity of the disclosed updates, and hence it controls the power of Gaussian noise needed
to ensure a target privacy requirement. The analysis in [44] demonstrates a trade-off
between the convergence rate of learning and the level of privacy. Using the related
privacy metric based on mutual information [54], the analysis of the convergence
rate and privacy was provided in [55]. Furthermore, it was proved that running the
algorithm on random mini-batches achieves a higher privacy guarantee, a principle
dubbed as “privacy amplification by subsampling” [45]. An FL protocol that combines
DP mechanisms, random scheduling, and homomorphic encryption was introduced in
When the dimensionality of the data and the number of servers increase, it becomes
imperative to reduce the size of transmitted messages using sparsification [56–58] or
quantization schemes [17, 39, 50, 59–61], or to decrease the number of communica-
tion iterations [49, 62]. Among the works dealing with both communication-efficiency
and DP are references [39, 50, 61], which apply different approaches. While [39]
proposes adding random binomial noise on the quantized version of the gradients
to achieve both DP and communication-efficiency, reference [50] proposes a vector-
quantization scheme based on the convex-hull of a discrete set of points. The latter
can offer DP guarantees and an improved convergence rate, while maintaining the
communication cost that is sublinear in the dimension of the model parameters. Published online by Cambridge University Press

488 Dongzhu Liu et al.

The works reviewed so far assume ideal communication. In a wireless system,

the presence of a communication channel between the edge server and distributed
devices offers novel challenges and opportunities [63, 64]. The challenges are related
to the limited reliability of wireless links, and opportunities arise from the inherent
source of randomness provided by fading and noise, which may be leveraged as a
privacy mechanism. The aim of this chapter is to study FL in wireless systems under
DP constraints. We consider two protocols based on distinct principles, with the first
adopting digital communication and separation of source and channel coding, and the
second using analog transmission with joint source and channel coding.

The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. We first describe the system model
and main assumptions in Section 17.2. This is followed by a detailed design of digital
transmission-based protocols in Section 17.3 and of uncoded analog transmission in
Section 17.4. Performance evaluations and comparisons of two schemes are provided
in Section 17.5. Concluding remarks are given in Section 17.6.

Henceforth, the following notations are used throughout this chapter. Boldface lower-
case letters denote vectors. Calligraphic capital letters indicate sets. The set of integers
between a and b is indicated as {a, . . . ,b} ⊆ N. Matrices are indicated with capital
bold letters. Id is the identity matrix of dimension d, and the dimension is omitted
when clear from the context. Pr[Z] and E[Z] represent the probability and expected
value of a random variable Z. ∇ is the gradient operator, and . ℘ denotes the ℘-norm
of its argument vector. Without a specified ℘, .  denotes the 2-norm. The binomial
distribution with parameters p and m is indicated as Bin(p,m).

17.2 System Model

In this section, we set up the problem of interest by describing the learning and com-
munication models adopted in this chapter, along with the main assumptions made in
the analysis. As illustrated in Fig. 17.1, we focus on a wireless FL system comprising
a single edge server and K edge devices connected through it via a multiple access
channel. Each device k ∈ {1, . . . ,K} has a local dataset Dk , with the overall global

dataset denoted as D = K k=1 Dk . Local datasets are disjoint. Each Dk consists of
labelled data samples; that is,
Dk  {zk,i }i∈{1,...,Nk } = (uk,i ,vk,i ) i∈{1,...,N } , (17.1)

where each example zk,i consists of a vector of covariates uk,i and of its associated
label vk,i , and Nk is the number of available local data points. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Differentially Private Wireless Federated Learning 489

Transmission of Preprocessing Computation
Gradient Estimate Gradient Updates for DP

Global Model Update

Edge Server Gradient

Preprocessing Computation
for DP
Edge Local
Devices Dataset

Broadcast of Model

Figure 17.1 DP-FedSGD: differentially private federated edge learning system based on
distributed stochastic gradient descent.

Differential Privacy
Consider a stochastic algorithm M(·) that outputs a random statistic of an input dataset.
DP evaluates the information leaked by M(D) for each data sample in the input dataset
D. Accordingly, DP is defined by bounding the difference between the distributions
of the outputs M(D ) and M(D ) produced by the algorithm M(·), where the input is
one of two datasets D and D differing only in the value of one sample. Two such
datasets are defined as neighboring datasets.

definition 17.1 (Neighboring datasets) Two datasets D = {zi }N   N

i=1 and D = {zi }i=1
are said to be neighboring if there exists a single i ∈ {1, . . . ,N } such that zi  = zi  ,

while, for all other i ∈ {1, . . . ,N} with i = i  , we have zi = zi .

definition 17.2 (Differential privacy [35]) A random algorithm M(·) is said to be

(,δ)-differentially private, with  > 0 and δ ∈ [0,1), if for any two neighboring
datasets D and D as in Definition 17.1 it holds that

Pr(M(D ) ∈ S) ≤ exp()Pr(M(D ) ∈ S) + δ (17.2)

for any subset S of the output space.

The definition of DP in Eq. (17.2) can be equivalently given in terms of the DP

loss, which is defined as the (random) log-likelihood ratio
Pr(M(D ) = ξ)
(DP loss) LD, D (ξ) = ln , (17.3)
Pr(M(D ) = ξ)
where ξ is drawn according to mechanism M(D ). It can be proved that the (,δ)-DP
condition in Eq. (17.2) can also be expressed as [35, Lemma 3.17]
Pr |LD, D (ξ)| ≤  ≥ 1 − δ. (17.4)

The condition in Eq. (17.4) states that the privacy loss is bounded by  with probability
at least 1−δ. For small values of  and δ, DP hence guarantees that any observer of the Published online by Cambridge University Press

490 Dongzhu Liu et al.

output statistics is unable to accurately predict the presence or absence of any single
data input, even when all the other elements in a dataset are known for any possible
input dataset.

Federated Learning
The goal of FL is to collaboratively train a common machine learning model parame-
terized by vector θ ∈ Rd across multiple devices, by exchanging the local information
via edge server. Each local device k evaluates the performance of the model according
to a local loss function defined as

(Local loss function) Lk (θ) = (θ;zk,i ), (17.5)

where (θ;zk,i ) is the sample-wise loss function quantifying the prediction error of
the model θ on the training sample zk,i ; The global loss is defined as

(Global loss function) L(θ) = K · Nk Lk (θ). (17.6)
k=1 Nk k=1

Equation (17.6) is the regularized empirical loss on the global data set D. The
training process aims to determine the model θ ∗ which minimizes the global loss
θ ∗ = arg min L(θ). (17.7)

To solve the optimization problem in Eq. (17.7), we consider the gradient descent
method in the context of FL via distributed stochastic gradient averaging, which we
will refer to as federated stochastic gradient descent (FedSGD). A similar idea would
also apply to federated averaging [8, 14, 44], but we will not study this case here.
During the tth iteration, the edge server first broadcasts the current model θ (t) to the
edge devices via downlink ideal communication such that the model is received at
each device without distortion.
Having received model θ(t) , each device computes the local gradient with respect
to θ(t) as

(Local gradient) gk = ∇(θ(t) ;zk,i ). (17.8)

(t) of the
By using the received signals, the edge server produces an estimate G
global gradient

(Global gradient) G(t) = Nk gk , (17.9)
k=1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Differentially Private Wireless Federated Learning 491

and it carries out the model updating via

(Model updating) (t),
θ(t+1) = θ(t) − η(t) G (17.10)
where η(t) denotes the learning rate. The steps in Eqs. (17.8) and (17.10) are iterated
until convergence.
The performance of the FedSGD for a given iteration time T can be evaluated in
terms of the optimality gap, defined as the difference between the loss of the model
estimated at iteration T and its optimal value L∗ ; that is,

(Optimality gap) E L(θ(T ) ) − L∗ , (17.11)
where the expectation is over the random estimates of the gradients obtained as a result
of the stochastic communication channels to be discussed next.

Communication Model
In this chapter, we assume that the users communicate toward the server over a fading
multiaccess channel (MAC) to exchange the information of local gradient gk with the
edge server. The communication phase of each iteration t takes place over M channel
uses. We assume a block-fading model, so that the channel coefficients are constant
within an iteration. Furthermore, perfect channel state information (CSI) is assumed
at both the edge devices and the server.
We consider two transmission strategies, namely, orthogonal and non-orthogonal
multiple access, which are referred to as OMA and NOMA, respectively.

Orthogonal multiple access (OMA): Assuming time division multiple access

(TDMA), the M channel uses are split into K orthogonal slots, each with Mo = M/K
channel uses. Only one of the devices is scheduled for communication in each slot
with the edge server. We will adopt round-robin scheduling, so that the received signal
in any of the channel use of the kth slot is given as
(t) (t) (t) (t)
yk = hk xk + wk , for each slot k ∈ {1, . . . ,K}, (17.12)
where xk is the channel input of device k. At each remote device k, channel input is
subject to an average per-symbol power constraint:
(t) 2
(Power constraint) E xk ≤ P. (17.13)

Nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA): Nonorthogonal multiple access enables

all devices to transmit simultaneously over the M channel uses available for each
iteration t. The signal received by the edge server for any channel use allocated at
iteration t is given as

(t) (t)
y (t) = hk xk + w(t) . (17.14)
k=1 Published online by Cambridge University Press

492 Dongzhu Liu et al.

Note that NOMA generally requires stronger assumptions of symbol-level synchro-

nization among the devices for ensuring successful decoding.
According to the quasi-static fading assumption, the fading coefficients {hk }K k=1
are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) and drawn from a given fading
distribution. Moreover, the additive noise term w(t) is i.i.d. drawn from the Gaussian
distribution N (0,σ2 ). Under the assumption of perfect CSI, devices can compensate
for the phase of the channels, which we can hence consider to be real without loss of
We consider two transmission approaches:

• Digital transmission: Gradients are first quantized, then perturbed by an

integer-valued artificial noise to enhance privacy, and then encoded before
• Analog transmission: Gradients estimates are transmitted uncoded, and channel
noise is leveraged for privacy.

Privacy is defined from the view of any device with respect to the edge server.
The server is honest-but-curious, meaning it follows the prescribed FL protocol but
may attempt to infer information about the local datasets. In contrast, the other remote
devices are implicitly trusted.

17.2.1 Assumptions on the Loss Functions

As is customary in the convergence analysis of optimization schemes, we shall assume
that the loss function is smooth and that it satisfies the Polyak-Lojasiewicz (PL)

assumption 17.3 (Smoothness) The global loss function L(θ) is smooth with
constant ν > 0; that is, it is continuously differentiable and the gradient ∇L(θ) is
Lipschitz continuous with constant ν:
∇L(θ) − ∇L(θ ) ≤ ν  θ − θ  , for all θ,θ ∈ Rd . (17.15)

The inequality in Eq. (17.15) implies that the global loss function L(θ) can be upper
bounded by the following quadratic approximation:
ν 2
L(θ) ≤ L(θ  ) + ∇L(θ  )T (θ − θ  ) +  θ − θ   , for all θ,θ ∈ Rd . (17.16)
assumption 17.4 (Polyak-Lojasiewicz inequality) Assuming that the optimization
Eq. (17.7) has a nonempty solution set with its optimal value denoted as L∗ , the global
loss function L(θ) satisfies the PL condition with constant μ > 0 if the following
inequality holds

∇L(θ)2 ≥ μ L(θ) − L∗ . (17.17)
As detailed in [65], the PL condition is more general than the assumption of strong
convexity: strong convexity with constant μ > 0 implies the PL inequality with same Published online by Cambridge University Press

Differentially Private Wireless Federated Learning 493

parameter μ [66]. Furthermore, for a convex sample-wise loss function (θ;zk,i ) (e.g.,
for least squares and logistic regression), its global loss function L(θ) can be modified
to be strongly convex with a constant μ by adding a quadratic regularization term with
multiplicative constant λ.

17.3 Digital Transmission

Digital transmission is implemented for the FL model by quantizing the analog-valued

gradients prior to transmission [63]. In the literature, various quantization schemes
have been proposed that operate either coordinate-wise [59, 60, 67–69] or at the
vector level [50]. The relative performance of these schemes can be evaluated in
terms of computational complexity, convergence of the FedSGD protocols, as well
as privacy, where the latter generally requires the inclusion of additional privacy-
preserving mechanisms in the encoding of the gradients.
Existing works on coordinate-wise quantization schemes include signSGD [60],
TernGrad [67], and uniform multilevel stochastic quantization techniques [39]. The
signSGD scheme makes use of two quantization levels that allow for the encoding of
the sign of each coordinate in the gradient vector. Similarly, TernGrad applies ternary
quantization, thus making it possible to distinguish small values of the entries in the
gradient vector. In [63], the authors consider multilevel quantization of gradients and
argued that multilevel quantization is particularly useful when the quantization levels
are assigned according to the channel conditions.
Privacy-preserving mechanisms for quantized SGD (QSGD) methods have been
first studied in [39], where the authors propose adding an artificial binomial noise for
enhancing the privacy of coordinate-wise quantization. In [50], the privacy mechanism
is studied in conjunction with vector quantization jointly addressing quantization and
In the rest of this section, we review and expand upon the protocol proposed in [39,
70], which employs QSGD with multilevel quantization and binomial noise addition
as a DP mechanism.

17.3.1 Quantization, DP Mechanism, and Channel Coding

In this section, we describe the quantization, DP mechanism, and channel-coding
schemes. We start this section by providing the following assumption on the elements
in the local gradient.

assumption 17.5 (Bounded element-wise gradient) At any iteration t, for any

training sample z, each element in the local gradient, [gk ]j , is upper bounded by
a given constant Ce ; that is, for all possible z (not limited to those in dataset D), we
have the inequality
[gk ]j ≤ Ce(t), ∀j ∈ {1, . . . ,d},∀k ∈ {1, . . . ,K}. (17.18) Published online by Cambridge University Press

494 Dongzhu Liu et al.

(t) (t)
This assumption indicates that the local gradient is bounded as gk  ≤ dCe .
Furthermore, the value of Ce is independent of the local datasets, and it is typically
achieved by clipping.

Quantization: Let us begin this section by introducing the notation necessary to

(t) (t)
describe the stochastic quantizer with element-wise clipping bound Ce and rate rk
employed for analog-to-digital conversion by device k at iteration t. From a high-level
perspective, the quantizer performs an unbiased uniform stochastic quantization fol-
lowed by randomness ensuring DP. To detail the quantization operation, the subscript
k and superscript (t) denoting the device and iteration, respectively, are dropped.
Consider an arbitrary local gradient g ∈ Rd , and clip this vector so that each coor-
dinate [g]j in g, j ∈ {1, . . . ,d}, is limited in value between −C
 e and Ce (i.e., −Ce ≤
[g]j ≤ Ce ). This can be done by scaling the coordinate as min 1,Ce /[g]j [g]j . Then,
divide the interval [−Ce,Ce ] into l − 1 levels with l = 2r . The quantization step size is
γ= , (17.19)
and for i ∈ {1, . . . ,l − 1}, the reconstruction points of the quantizer are
V (i) = −Ce + i . (17.20)
As a final step, let us describe the mapping between each coordinate [g]j in g and
the reconstruction points in Eq. (17.20). Assume i is such that [g]j ∈ [V (i),V (i + 1)),
then reconstruction point [g]j , as illustrated in Fig. 17.2, is given as
 [g]j −V (i)
V (i + 1) w.p. γ
[g]j = QCe,l ([g]j ) = (17.21)
V (i) otherwise.

As in [39, 63], the stochastic mapping in Eq. (17.21) is such that the quantization is

E [g]j = [g]j , (17.22)

and the variance is bounded as

Var [g]j ≤ . (17.23)
(l − 1)2

p 1−p
... ...
−Ce V (i) V (i + 1) Ce

Figure 17.2 A graphical representation of the stochastic quantization in Eq. (17.21). Published online by Cambridge University Press

Differentially Private Wireless Federated Learning 495

Quantization is applied coordinate-wise. Accordingly, we define the quantized vector

g = QCe,l (g) = [g]1, . . . ,[g]d . (17.24)

When employing the stochastic quantizer QCe,l (g), we assume that at each iter-
ation t, the clipping bound Ce is communicated to the devices by the edge server
ahead of transmission.

DP mechanism: Following quantization, the discrete-valued quantized gradient is

further perturbed by adding a binomial distributed noise to ensure privacy. As the
quantization step, the privacy-preserving mechanism is applied coordinate-wise,
g]j = Mp,m ([g]j ) = [g]j + γ [n]j − mp ,
[ (17.25)

where [n]j ∼ Bin(p,m) are independent, and we define the output of the privacy mech-
anism as

g = Mp,m (g) = [ g]1, . . . ,[
g]d . (17.26)

Channel Encoding Scheme: As a last step before transmission, the quantized and
noisy gradient in Eq. (17.26) is encoded into a codeword of block-length n with
n = M for NOMA and n = M/K for OMA satisfying the per-symbol average
power constraint in Eq. (17.13). Note that  g in Eq. (17.26) can be represented with
at most d log2 (l + m) bits. These bits are encoded into a codeword x of n symbols.
This operation is expressed as

x = XR (
g), (17.27)

where we assume that x satisfies the power constraint in Eq. (17.13) and the channel
coding rate is obtained as
d log2 (l + m)
R= . (17.28)

Model Update: Having described the quantization, DP, and channel encoding
schemes for a generic gradient, we are now ready to detail the overall algorithm.
Each node k at time t produces the channel input vector xk as
xk = XR (t) Mp(t),m(t) QC (t),l (t) gk . (17.29)
k k k e k

Note that the clipping value Ce is chosen to be equal at all users. Furthermore, given
(t) (t) (t)
lk , the binomial noise parameters mk and pk , the channel rate is given as
 (t) (t) 
(t) d log2 lk + mk
Rk = . (17.30)
n Published online by Cambridge University Press

496 Dongzhu Liu et al.

When NOMA is employed, the edge server can decode the codeword transmitted
by the users when the set of transmission rates Rk are to within the capacity of the
Gaussian MAC in Eq. (17.14). This condition can be expressed as [71],

 (t) 2
Rk ≤ log 1 + hk P /σ , 2
for NOMA. (17.31)
k=1 k=1

In contrast, when OMA is employed, the conditions for correct decoding follows from
the capacity of point-to-point channel:
  (t) 2 
Rk ≤ log 1 + hk P /σ 2 , ∀ k ∈ {1, . . . ,K}, for OMA. (17.32)
Either way, once the codewords sent by devices are decoded into
gk , the edge server
updates the global model via Eq. (17.10) by using the estimate

(t) = 1
G Nk
gk . (17.33)

17.3.2 Performance Analysis

Differential privacy analysis: The standard results on DP provide guidelines on how
to choose the parameters of additive noise in a mechanism, which should be designed
according to the sensitivity of the function being disclosed without the noise.
In the case of digital transmission, at iteration t, each device k releases the compo-
sition of gradient gk and of the stochastic quantization function QC (t),l (t) specified in
e k
Eq. (17.21). For this randomized function, following [39], we introduce probabilistic
sensitivity bounds k,℘ with respect to the ℘-norm. This is an upper bound holding
for a set of norms with probability at least 1− δ . Formally, the probabilistic sensitivity
bounds are defined as
Pr  U Dk − U Dk ℘ ≤ k,℘
(t)  (t)
≥ 1 − δ (17.34)

if there exist random variables U(t) (Dk ) and U(t) (Dk ) that have the same marginal
distributions of the respective released functions and arbitrary joint distribution [39].
We specifically define the quantities k,℘ as the maximum values for which the
respective inequality in Eq. (17.34) holds. We note that the analysis of other DP
mechanisms, such as the Gaussian mechanism assumed by analog transmission rely
on the deterministic sensitivity to be discussed in the next section.
For the binomial mechanism as adopted in digital transmission, the set of norms to
be considered is S = {1,2,∞}. It can be shown that for any δ ∈ (0,1), the determin-
istic sensitivities are obtained as in [39]

1 For simplicity of analysis, finite-block length effects are ignored here. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Differentially Private Wireless Federated Learning 497

(t) (t)
k,∞ = lk + 1,
√ (t)   √    
dC  dC (t)   2 4 2
(t) (t) (t)
k,1 = lk −1 + 2 lk − 1 ln + ln ,
(t) δ 3 δ
C (t)   dC (t)   2
(t) (t) (t) (t)
k,2 = lk −1 + k,1 + 2 lk − 1 ln . (17.35)
(t) (t)
Ce δ

With the definition of probabilistic sensitivity in Eq. (17.34) and the parame-
ters k, S in Eq. (17.35) with δ = δ , the composed binomial mechanism Mp,m(t)
(QC (t),l (t) (gk )) for each iteration t is (,2δ)-DP for
e k

(t) (t) (t)

(t) (t) k,2 a(δ,p) k,2 c(δ,p) + k,1 b(δ,p) (t)
k,∞ d(δ,p)
(δ,mk ,lk ) =  + (t) (t)
+ (t) (t)
, (17.36)
γk mk
(t) γk mk γk mk

(t) (t) (t)

under the condition that p(1 − p)mk ≥ max{23 ln(10d/δ),2k,∞ /γk }. In Eq.
(17.36), a(δ,p), b(δ,p), c(δ,p) and d(δ,p) are decreasing functions of δ and are
minimized over p by setting p = 1/2. Further details are available in [39]. Note
that, the case of p = 1 yields  = ∞, which corresponds to the scenario without DP
constraints. It can be inferred from Eq. (17.36) that better privacy is achieved via
either reducing the quantization levels or increasing the noise levels at the devices.
As we will show next, this is in contrast with the goal of achieving better learning
performance, which motivates the optimal solution proposed in Section 17.3.3.
In both OMA and NOMA, the edge server decodes each local gradient separately;
thereby the disclosed information are identical to both access schemes, so as with
the sensitivity analysis. By using the composition theorem [35, Theorem 3.16], the
proposed scheme achieves (,2δ)-DP over T iterations if per iteration (/T ,2δ/T )-
DP is attainable for all the devices; that is,
(t) (t)
(DP guarantees) (δ/T ,mk ,lk ) ≤ /T , ∀k ∈ {1, . . . ,K}. (17.37)

Without claim of optimality in terms of learning performance, the DP constraint

is allocated uniformly across all time instants t. In Section 17.4, we study a more
general form for analog transmission in which the DP constraint across all T itera-
tions is enforced, while allowing different time instants to have potentially distinct
contributions to the privacy loss.

Convergence analysis: The convergence rate of FL models is mostly analyzed in

terms of the optimality gap (i.e., the difference between the expected value of the
loss function obtained after T iterations and the optimal value). In the literature, it
is known that, for a μ-strongly convex, and ν-smooth loss function, the optimal-
ity gap using SGD with learning rate η(t) = 1/μt is upper bounded by the summa-
tion of the second-order moments of the estimated global gradient over T iterations Published online by Cambridge University Press

498 Dongzhu Liu et al.

(t) 2 ]). This term can be further decomposed into the mean squared
(i.e., Tt=1 E[G
error (MSE) of the gradient estimate
K  (t) 2  
d  Ce
1 + 4mk p(1 − p)
E[G − G  ] = 2
(t) (t) 2
 (t) 2 , (17.38)
K l −1k=1 k

and the norm of (true) global gradient (i.e., G(t) 2 ), which can be bounded via
Assumption 17.5 with dCe . From these classic results, it follows that one can bound
the optimality gap under the assumptions in Section 17.2.1. In digital transmission,
we assume the error free channel that the gradients are only corrupted by the binomial
noise added locally. Accordingly, the convergence analyses in the OMA and NOMA
case are equivalent, and the optimality gap in Eq. (17.11) can be upper bounded as


E L(θ(T ) ) − L∗ ≤ 2 2 (t) − G(t) 2 ] + (dCe(t) )2 .
E[G (17.39)
μ T

Note that the optimality gap in Eq. (17.39) depends on the clipping bound and
the levels of quantization and binomial noise. For a given clipping bound, increasing
(t) (t)
the quantization levels lk or decreasing the binomial noise levels mk help reduce
the optimality gap. However, this degrades the level of DP that motivates the rate
allocation problem as formulated in the next section, to balance the trade-off between
privacy and learning performance.

17.3.3 Rate Allocation Policy

We now consider rate allocation policy via optimization over the number of quanti-
(t) (t)
zation levels lk and noise levels mk . The problems are formulated as minimizing
the optimality gap in Eq. (17.39), under the privacy constraint in Eq. (17.37), and
the transmission rate constraint in Eq. (17.31) for NOMA and Eq. (17.32) for OMA,
(t) (t)
respectively. Furthermore, the optimization variables lk and mk should be positive
integer, and the quantization levels lk should allow for at least one bit representation
(i.e., lk ≥ 2).
For a constant clipping threshold Ce = Ce for all t, the optimization can be reduced
to minimize MSE in Eq. (17.38) of each iteration, since the weight factors of MSE in
Eq. (17.39) are identical over t. Therefore, the noise introduced by DP mechanism
degrades the learning performance equally across the iterations. In OMA, the opti-
mization can be tackled at distributed devices in parallel, where each device minimizes
(t) (t)
its individual MSE; that is, [1 + 4mk p(1 − p)]/(lk − 1)2 in Eq. (17.38), under the DP
constraint in Eq. (17.37) and channel capacity in Eq. (17.32). However, as for NOMA,
the constraint on channel capacity in Eq. (17.31) requires jointly optimization over
different devices, and thus the optimization problem should be generally tackled in a
centralized manner at the edge server.
The optimization at hand is an integer nonlinear programming (INLP) problem,
which can be addressed by noting the objective function is decreasing as the number Published online by Cambridge University Press

Differentially Private Wireless Federated Learning 499

(t) (t)
of signal quantization levels mk increase and the artificial noise levels lk decrease.
Therefore, for OMA, we can initialize the algorithm for all devices at the maximum
value of the number of quantization levels allowed by the individual capacity con-
(t) (t)
straint in Eq. (17.32) as lk, max = (1 + (hk )2 P /σ 2 )M/Kd − 1 and at the minimum
value mk = 1. If the DP constraint in Eq. (17.37) is satisfied, the algorithm returns
the optimal solution. Otherwise, at each round, the value of lk is decreased by one,
(t) (t) (t)
and the values of mk ≤ lk, max − lk are successively tested until the DP constraint
per iteration is satisfied or the maximum value is reached. In the former case, the
procedure terminates, while in the latter, a new round is initiated. For NOMA, without
claiming optimality, the same approach is used by fixing the rates to the maximum
equal-rate point in the capacity region.

17.4 Analog Transmission

In this section, we consider uncoded analog transmission of local gradients. A key

novel aspect of this solution is that channel noise can be leveraged as a privacy mech-
anism. This is in contrast to digital schemes that mitigate the effect of channel noise
via coding. This way, uncoded transmission may allow each device to obtain pri-
vacy “for free” (i.e., to achieve no performance loss with respect to a counterpart
uncoded scheme with no privacy constraints). Under NOMA, analog communication
also enables over-the-air computing, whereby one can estimate the global gradient
in Eq. (17.9) from superimposed transmission of the local gradient [72–76]. In this
section, we follow reference [77] and focus on the optimization of the power allo-
cation (PA) for both OMA and NOMA, with the aim of minimizing the learning
optimality gap under privacy and power constraints. The general problem formulation
is similar to that used in the analysis of digital schemes in the previous section,
although tools and conclusions differ, as we review next.

17.4.1 Description of the Transmission Scheme

To start, we design the transmitted signal at each iteration t for M channel uses as a
vector xk ∈ RM .

(t) (t) Nk gk
(Transmit signal) xk = Pk Ak  , (17.40)
Nk g(t) 

where Pk ≥ 0 is the transmitted power to be optimized, and Ak ∈ RM×d is encoding
matrix due to the constraint on the channel uses. Specifically, we consider M = dK
for OMA and M = K for NOMA. In OMA, we adopt round-robin scheduling from
devices 1 to K, and the resultant Ak = Jkk ⊗ Id . Jkk represents the K × K single-entry
matrix where 1 at (k,k) and zero elsewhere, and ⊗ is Kronecker product. For NOMA, Published online by Cambridge University Press

500 Dongzhu Liu et al.

Ak = Id . Furthermore, the power control for NOMA is subject to the additional

condition of gradient alignment
(t) h
(Gradient alignment for NOMA) Pk  k (t)  = β(t), (17.41)
Nk g 

for a constant β (t) . This condition, widely adopted for over-the-air computation
[72–76], ensures that in the absence of noise, the edge server can recover the global
gradient G(t) , scaled by a constant β(t) , from the aggregated signals in Eq. (17.14)
after vectorization for each iteration, denoted as y(t) .
As we discussed, in the DP literature, an artificial noise term is added to gk before
transmission. However, in uncoded transmission we can make direct use of the channel
noise by adapting the transmit power to the DP requirements without the need to
add noise.
The tth iteration in OMA is comprised by K orthogonal slots, and the received
signal at kth slot is vectorized as yk . The edge server estimates each scaled local
gradient Nk gk as yk (Pk )− 2 Nk gk 2 / hk separately, and then the global gradient
(t) (t) (t) (t) (t)

is obtained as
G (t) (t)
Nk gk +
wk , (17.42)
k=1 Nk g 2 k
(t) (t)
where wk is the vectorized channel noise corresponding to yk .
In contrast, with NOMA, at the tth iteration, by using gradient alignment, the edge
server estimates the global gradient as

(t) = 1
Nk gk + β(t) w(t), (17.43)

where w(t) is the vectorized channel noise corresponding to y(t) .

In the following, we are interested in optimizing over the power control sequences
(1) (T )
{Pk , . . . ,Pk }K k=1 so as to maximize the learning performance under privacy and
power constraints. To this end, we first introduce the DP and convergence analysis for
T iterations, followed by problem formulations and solutions for OMA and NOMA
separately. For simplicity, without compromising the fairness, in this section, we con-
sider energy constraint for each iteration to surrogate power constraints on the transmit
(Energy constraint) xk 2 ≤ P M. (17.44)

17.4.2 Performance Analysis

Differential privacy analysis: We start DP analysis by making the following common
assumption (see, e.g., [42, 78, 79]) on the sample-wise gradient. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Differentially Private Wireless Federated Learning 501

assumption 17.6 (Bounded sample-wise gradient) At any iteration t, for any train-
ing sample z, the gradient is upper bounded by a given constant C (t) ; that is, for all
possible z (not limited to those in data sets {D}), we have the inequality

∇(θ (t) ;z) ≤ C (t) . (17.45)

This assumption indicates that the value of C (t) is independent of the local
data sets, and it is typically achieved by clipping the per-sample gradient; that is,
min{1,C (t) /∇(θ (t) ;z)}∇(θ(t) ;z). Furthermore, with this assumption, one can
also bound local gradient as gk  ≤ C (t) .
For uncoded analog transmission, we exploit channel noise for DP, corresponding
to the Gaussian mechanism. As discussed in Section 17.3.2, the analysis of DP
depends on the sensitivity of the disclosed function, namely, the noiseless
(t) (t) (t)
received signals. The noiseless disclosed signal for in OMA is hk Pk Nk gk /
Nk gk 2 for device k; while for NOMA, it is identical across all devices as
 (t)  (t) (t) (t)
k hk Pk Nk gk /Nk gk 2 .
Mathematically, the sensitivity k of kth device is defined as maximum 2-norm
difference between noiseless disclosed signal for two neighboring datasets Dk  and
Dk , while the other local datasets stay the same. This can be bounded by triangular
inequality and Assumption 17.6 as [77]
(t) (t) hk
(Sensitivity) k ≤ 2C (t) Pk (t)
. (17.46)
Nk gk 

With the upper bound in Eq. (17.46), we can apply the advanced composition
theorem [35, Theorem 3.20] to derive the following condition under which FedSGD
via either OMA or NOMA guarantees (,δ)-DP after T iterations [77, Appendix A].
We use dp (,δ) to denote the privacy level, which is a decreasing function of  and δ.
A smaller value of dp represents a stricter DP requirement. The result shows that the
privacy level is determined by the summation of per-iteration ratios between the pow-
(t) (t) (t)
ers of disclosed data point (C (t) )2 and the effective noise σ2 Nk gk 2 /(Pk (hk )2 ).
This suggests that power control should not only adapt to the noise variance and
channel gains as for the conventional power allocation in wireless networks, but it
should also adapt to the sample-wise gradient norm (C (t) )2 , which accounts for DP
constraints. This requirement can be written as

T (t) (t)
Pk (C (t) hk )2
(DP guarantees)  (t) 
≤ dp (,δ), for all k. (17.47)
2 2
t=1 σ Nk gk

Convergence analysis: Following the standard results on noisy gradient descent [66],
under Assumptions 17.3 and 17.4, we can bound the average optimality gap at the end
of iteration T , for a constant learning rate η(t) = 1/ν for all t. Published online by Cambridge University Press

502 Dongzhu Liu et al.

(Optimality gap bound for OMA)

   μ T  (0)  d 
μ T −t
E L θ (T ) − L∗ ≤ 1 − L θ − L∗ + 1−
ν 2νN 2 ν

× (t) (t)
. (17.48)
k=1 (hk α k )2
(Optimality gap bound for NOMA)
   μ T  (0)  d 
μ T −t σ2
E L θ (T ) − L∗ ≤ 1 − L θ − L∗ + 1 − .
ν 2νN 2 ν (β (t) )2
The first term in Eqs. (17.48) and (17.49) is common also to the standard gradient
descent without noise, and it indicates a geometric decay of initial optimality gap
L(θ(T ) ) − L∗ as T increases. The results of OMA and NOMA differ in the second
term, which represents the impact of DP requirement in Eq. (17.47). The second term
in OMA is a summation of individual noises from all users over k. This is replaced by
a single noise term in NOMA due to the efficiency of over-the-air aggregation. The
opportunities for PA arise from the fact that the effect of the channel noise at iteration t
is weighted by a factor (1 − μ/ν)T −t . Therefore, the noise added in the later iterations
is more harmful to the optimality gap than the noise added in the initial. This can be
leveraged to optimize PA, as discussed next.

17.4.3 Power Allocation

Before detailing adaptive PA, we introduce a reference suboptimal approach, namely,
static power allocation for DP-FedSGD [76, 80]. This naive design divides up the DP
constraint equally across all iterations, without taking into account the learning per-
formance. That is, to satisfy the DP constraint in Eq. (17.47), it requires the condition
(t) (t) (t)
Pk (C (t) hk )2 /(σNk gk )2 < dp /T for all t = 1, . . . ,T . By including the power
constraint in (17.13) thus yields
  (t) 2

(t) dp σNk gk 
(Static PA in OMA) Pk = min  (t) 2
,P dK . (17.50)
T C (t) hk
In contrast, to achieve gradient alignment Eq. (17.41), each user in NOMA should
(t) (t)
scale down their power toward the one with minimum hk /Nk gk . Thereby, the
static power allocation in NOMA is given as
  (t) 2  (t) (t) 2

(t) dp σNk gk  mink hk /Nk gk 
(Static PA in NOMA) Pk = min  (t) 2
,  (t) (t) 2
Pd .
T C (t) hk hk /Nk gk 
(17.51) Published online by Cambridge University Press

Differentially Private Wireless Federated Learning 503

Adaptive power allocation aims to minimize the optimality bound Eq. (17.48) for
OMA and Eq. (17.49) for NOMA, respectively, under (,δ)-DP constraint Eq. (17.47)
and power constraints Eq. (17.13), for all K devices across T iterations.
We consider this here as an off-line optimization by assuming the parameters
(t) (t)
{hk ,C (t),gk } are known beforehand. With this assumption, optimization problems
(1) (T )
over the power control parameters {Pk , . . . ,Pk } are convex programs. Specifically,
for OMA, the problem for each devices k can be carried out in parallel, and the closed
form solution is provided in [77] as follows.

Adaptive PA in OMA:
P d T
 (t) 2
• If condition σ2 t=1 (C hk ) /Nk gk  < dp holds,
(t) (t) 2

(Pk )opt = P d. (17.52)

• Otherwise, the optimal solution is

  (t) 2

σ Nk gk  (λk )− 2  μ −t/2
(Pk )opt = min  (t) √ 2 1− , Pd , (17.53)
hk C (t) ν

where the value of parameter λk can be obtained by bisection to satisfy the constraint
  (t) 2

(1 − μ/ν)−t/2 C (t) P d C (t) hk
min √ ,  (t) 2
= dp (,δ).
λk σNk g  k

The solution of the first case is identical as that of without DP constraint, since it
requires the power budget P d to be fully allocated for the transmission of the local
gradient, thus minimizing the noise power that is harmful to the convergence rate.
In this case, the privacy is obtained “for free” without degrading the learning perfor-
mance of the system. However, this approach is not optimal if a strict DP constraint is
enforced in the optimization since the larger power of noise benefits privacy. As shown
in the second case, the transmitted power has to be scaled down in order to leverage
the channel noise to ensure (,δ)-DP. The solutions of the two cases indicate that it
is generally suboptimal to use static power allocation as introduced at the beginning
of this section. Another interesting observation is that devices with larger datasets
can attain privacy “for free” over a broader range of signal to noise (SNR) levels, as
indicated by the condition that is less strict as Nk increases.

Adaptive PA in NOMA: Unlike the optimization problem for OMA that can be
tackled in parallel, in NOMA, the optimization over power control parameters are
coupled by different users, since there is an additional constraint for gradient align-
ment. The problem can be formulated as an optimization over the alignments points
{β (1), . . . ,β(T ) }. We refer to [77] for details. Published online by Cambridge University Press

504 Dongzhu Liu et al.

A heuristic solution was also proposed in [77] for online PA that does not
(t) (t)
require a prior knowledge of parameters {hk ,C (t),gk } across all communication
blocks t = 1, . . . ,T . The design is built on iterative one-step-ahead optimization
(t) (t)
by using the predictions for the future parameters {hk ,C (t),gk }. We illustrate
the key idea per tth iteration. At the tth iteration, we have the predicted values
(t  ) (t  ) (t  )
hk , C gk } for t  = t,t + 1, . . . ,T and the accumulated DP cost for the past
(t−1)  (t  ) (t  ) (t  ) 2 (t  ) 2
iterations given by k = t−1 t  =1 Pk (C hk ) /(σNk gk ) . The off-line solution
is then applied to the interval (t,t + 1, . . . ,T ) by replacing the true parameters
(t) (t) (t  )
{hk ,C (t),gk } with their estimates {
(t) (t)
hk , C gk } and the DP constraint with its
(t−1) (t)
residual dp (,δ) − k . The solutions of power control {Pk }K k=1 are then applied
for transmission, and the procedure is repeated for iteration t + 1. The prediction of
(t) (t)
parameters {hk ,C (t),gk } is detailed in [77].

17.5 Numerical Results

In this section, we evaluate the performance of digital and analog implementations of

FedSGD to illustrate the impact of DP constraints on the learning performance. We
first use a synthetic, randomly generated dataset that is comprised of N = 10,000 pairs
(u,v), where the covariates u ∈ R10 are drawn i.i.d. following distribution N (0,I), and
the label v for each vector u is obtained as v = [u]2 + 3[u]5 + 0.2wo , where [u]j is
the j th entry in vector u and the observation noise wo ∼ N (0,1) is i.i.d. across the
samples. We consider ridge regression, and the sample-wise loss function is given
as (θ;u,v) = 0.5θ T u − v2 + λθ2 with λ = 5 × 10−3 . The PL parameter
μ and smoothness parameter ν are computed as the smallest and largest eigenvalues
of the data Gramian matrix UT U/N + 2λI, where U = [u1, . . . ,uN ]T is the data
matrix of the training dataset. The initial value of θ is set as an all-zero vector. We
note that the (unique) optimal solution to the joint learning problem in Eq. (17.7) is
θ ∗ = (UT U+2N λI)−1 UT v, where v = [v1, . . . ,vN ]T is the label vector. The channel
model is considered to be additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), where hk = 1 for
all k and t, and the variance of channel noise is set as σ = 1. The performance is
evaluated by using the normalized optimality gap E[L(θ(T ) ) − L∗ ]/L∗ after T = 20
iterations, and all the results are averaged over 100 experiments.
To evaluate the performance of the digital transmission, a setting with K = 2
devices is considered where each device has a disjoint subset of Nk = 5,000 samples.
The gradient, quantization, and global model clipping parameters are set as C (t) = 4,
(t) (t)
Ce = 4, and Cθ = 5, respectively. On the communication phase, we consider a
total M = 25 channel uses in NOMA transmission. The artificial noise is generated
according to the binomial distribution with probability p = 1/2, and we set /T = 4
per iteration with δ = 10−2 .
In Fig. 17.3, NOMA is seen to outperform OMA due to the larger rate region.
The larger transmission rates increase the number of available signal levels, which Published online by Cambridge University Press

Differentially Private Wireless Federated Learning 505

Figure 17.3 Digital transmission: optimality gap versus per-iteration DP level /T for
SNR = 10, M = 40, δ = 10−2 .

can be used to improve both signal resolution and privacy. Note, however, that the
privacy guarantees are hardly practical since the value of /T shown in the figure is
per iteration and should be multiplied by the number of iterations T to obtain the total
DP level. This problem is addressed by analog transmission, as discussed next.
We now turn to evaluate the performance of analog transmission in a setting with
K = 10 devices, with each device having a disjoint subset of Nk = 1,000 samples. By
default, we set δ = 10−2 and C (t) = 4. Furthermore, we consider the limited searching
space θ ≤ 3.5 to enhance the robustness of DP-FedSGD under large noise pertur-
bation. To this end, the updated global model is clipped as θ = min{1,3.5/θ}θ if
its norm beyond the threshold. Figure 17.4 plots the normalized optimality gap versus
the total privacy level  by using NOMA with M = 10. The figure shows that the per-
formance gain due to adaptive PA is more pronounced in the more challenging regime
with stricter DP constraints, while the performance under both static and adaptive
PA solutions converges to the one without DP constraint as  increases. The figure
also shows that for  ≥ 10, adaptive PA achieves DP “for free” in the sense that no
performance loss is measured in the presence of a DP constraint.
The impact of SNR, P /σ2 , for analog NOMA with M = 10 is shown in Fig. 17.5.
The normalized optimality gap of all schemes is seen to decrease with the value
of SNR until the DP constraint limits the learning performance. Furthermore, the
performance of static PA diverges from that of the scheme without DP constraint for
SNR > 0 dB, while such divergence happens to adaptive PA for SNR > 15 dB. This
confirms the advantage of adaptive PA that is able to attain privacy “for free” in a
broader SNR regime. Published online by Cambridge University Press

506 Dongzhu Liu et al.

Figure 17.4 Analog transmission: optimality gap versus the total DP level  (for δ = 10−2 )
for different power allocation (PA) schemes and for the scheme without DP constraint
(SNR = 10 dB).

Figure 17.5 Analog transmission: optimality gap versus SNR for different power allocation
(PA) schemes and for the scheme without DP constraint (total DP level  = 30, δ = 10−2 ).

17.6 Concluding Remarks

This chapter has presented a review of differentially private FL over wireless networks.
The presence of a noisy channel between the transmitters and server was seen to
provide a challenge for digital communication methods, while offering new oppor-
tunities for privacy via analog transmission. Under digital transmission, the privacy Published online by Cambridge University Press

Differentially Private Wireless Federated Learning 507

mechanism we considered was composed of quantization and additive binomial noise.

Within the limited channel capacity, one hence needs to allocate both signal levels,
carrying useful information and noise levels necessary to ensure privacy. In contrast,
for uncoded analog transmission, the additive channel noise can be harnessed as a
privacy mechanism. Given a targeted DP level, we have seen how power control can
be useful to meet privacy constraints while improving convergence.
Both digital and analog implementations reviewed in this chapter can be improved
and generalized. As an example, the analog transmission scheme can be extended to
operate under any ratio between the size of the model and the number of channel
uses available per iteration by applying linear or nonlinear gradient compression, or
expansion, techniques.
From the perspective of modelling DP, the threat model could also include honest-
but-curious edge devices, which would generally incur a larger DP loss. The study
could be further generalized to other network topologies including multihop device-
to-device (D2D) networks as studied in [81, 82]. Finally, the considered design
approaches could be extended to other forms of federated learning that are more
challenging to analyze, such as Federated Averaging.

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18 Timely Wireless Edge Inference
Sheng Zhou, Wenqi Shi, Xiufeng Huang, and Zhisheng Niu


AFM atomic force microscope

AKPZ anisotropic KPZ equation
a0 lattice constant
cq () qth order correlation function
dE embedding dimension
df fractal dimension
L system size
≡ defined to be equal
∼ asymptotically equal (in scaling sense)
≈ approximately equal (in numberical value)

18.1 Introduction

With recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI), people are witnessing explo-
sive growth in AI-based intelligent services and applications. Deep neural networks
(DNNs), as an essential AI technology, have achieved state-of-the-art performance in
many areas, including computer vision [1], natural language processing [2], audio
recognition [3], and wireless channel estimation [4]. Once properly trained, these
DNN models have strong prediction and fitting capabilities and the ability to gen-
eralize predictions on unseen data (known as inference) [5]. As a result, DNN models
can be trained for various purposes, and deploying them on mobile devices brings
the possibility of plentiful intelligent end-user applications, such as intelligent voice
assistants, smart wearable devices, and autonomous vehicles. These have profound
impacts on our lifestyles and will continuously bring benefits to the people and society.
However, most existing DNN models are memory and computation intensive. For
instance, the state-of-the-art natural language processing model, GPT-3 produced by
OpenAI [2], has about 175 billion parameters. These gigantic DNN models bring
stringent requirements on the end devices’ computation and memory resources, which

The authors of this chapter would like to acknowledge the support of the National Key R&D Program of
China 2018YFB1800804, the Nature Science Foundation of China (no. 61871254, no. 91638204, and
no. 61861136003), and Hitachi Ltd. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Timely Wireless Edge Inference 513

makes it hardly possible for everyone to enjoy high-quality intelligent services. On

the other hand, real-time intelligent applications and services usually have timeliness
requirements; that is, the results must be returned within low latencies. For instance,
voice assistants like Apple Siri and Microsoft Cortana must response very fast (e.g.,
within 1 second) after receiving requests from the user. To ensure safety, autonomous
driving vehicles must frequently perceive the surrounding environments (e.g., at least
30 frames per second), and then accordingly the inference latency of the environment
perception DNN should be no more than 33.3 ms. Moreover, if DNN is applied
to estimate channel state information of fast fading channels, the estimation results
must be returned within the channel coherence time, which can be as short as several
milliseconds. Although the mobile devices have increasing computation capabilities,
they can hardly keep up with the increasing complexity of DNN models, and battery
life is also a major limitation on mobile devices. Therefore, it is challenging to directly
deploy state-of-the-art DNN models on resources constrained mobile devices, while
satisfying timeliness requirements.
To tackle these issues, traditional wisdom from the cloud computing and the deep
learning communities suggests two different approaches. An intuitive way of reducing
the inference latency of mobile devices is (cloud-based) task offloading, where the
task input is uploaded to the powerful cloud data center, and the inference result is
sent back after the cloud server completes the computation. However, the data volume
can be large for images and videos, and the transmission latency may be unacceptable
when the channel is bad or the network is congested. Also, uploading raw input data
to the cloud may increase the risk of privacy leakage. An alternative approach is to
derive lightweight DNN models, so they can meet the latency requirements when
being deployed on mobile devices. Existing methods of deriving lightweight DNN
models can be divided into two categories: model architecture design and model
compression. Efficient DNN architectures can be either designed by human experts
or searched by computers. While in model compression, technologies like low-rand
approximation, knowledge distillation, pruning, and quantization can be leveraged to
produce a compact model from a complex model. (For details, please refer to [6, 7]
and references therein). Although the derived lightweight DNN models are far more
computation- and energy-efficient, there will be a notable accuracy loss compared
to the state-of-the-art DNN models. Therefore, both these approaches cannot afford
reliable and low-latency DNN inference for mobile devices, which is in particular
critical for applications like autonomous driving.
Recently, mobile edge computing (MEC) has been emerging as an essential ele-
ment of 5G and beyond radio access networks [8, 9]. In order to provide computing
services in proximity to end users, the computation resources can be deployed at the
edge of networks, such as gateways, base stations, vehicles, and roadside units. As
a result of proximal services, MEC has two main advantages over traditional cloud
computing: (a) ultra-low latency and high reliability and (b) increased privacy and
security. Since the edge server is closer to the end user, high and fluctuating latency
of transmitting data over the Internet can be avoided. Also, by avoiding uploading the
users’ data to the remote cloud, the risk of hijack and extraction of the private data Published online by Cambridge University Press

514 Sheng Zhou et al.

Figure 18.1 Edge inference.

can be reduced. These advantages make MEC a promising candidate for addressing
the key challenges of timely inference, especially for resource constrained mobile
devices. A new paradigm, edge inference, where the DNN inference task at the mobile
device can be fully or partially offloaded to the edge server, has been recently proposed
[10, 11].
As shown in Fig. 18.1, in edge inference systems, mobile devices and edge servers
can complete inference tasks cooperatively in order to meet the timeliness require-
ments. Mobile devices offload inference tasks to the edge server, and inference results
are sent back to the device upon completion. It is also possible to split the DNN model
and deploy the lower part at the mobile device and the rest on the edge server. The
intermediate features or data are uplodaded via the wireless channel. Since inference
results are often lightweight, the latency of result feedback can be ignored. As a
result, the total inference latency, defined as the time elapsed from task arrival or
generation at the mobile device to the reception of inference result, mainly consists
of following parts: (a) communication latency for uploading the data via the wireless
channel, (b) mobile computation latency for the local computations; and (c) edge com-
putation latency at the edge server. Since the computation resources and the wireless
bandwidth are always limited, the communication and computation in edge-inference
systems should be carefully managed and optimized to satisfy stringent timeliness
Although many existing works on MEC have studied latency-optimized task
offloading, general computation tasks and models are mainly considered. While
considering the specific DNN inference, new research opportunities and challenges
will emerge, and they are the focus of this chapter. In the following parts of
this chapter, state-of-the-art edge-inference technologies with the aim of reducing
inference latency are reviewed, followed by two case studies on DNN splitting and
inference task offloading. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Timely Wireless Edge Inference 515

18.2 Device-Edge Coinference

18.2.1 Neural Network Splitting and Pruning

Most DNNs consist of several types of basic structure and module, such as, fully con-
nected layer, convolutional layer, and long short-term memory (LSTM) layer. There-
fore, a large DNN model can be intrinsically split into parts. As shown in Fig. 18.1,
in edge-inference systems, the mobile device can compute the inference task up to
an intermediate layer of the whole DNN model (i.e., the lower part of the DNN),
upload the intermediate data (the output of the last layer of the lower part DNN) to
the edge server, and download the inference result after the edge server completes
the rest part of the DNN (i.e., the higher part of the DNN). The optimal split point
depends not only on various system factors, including the wireless channel conditions
and the computation capabilities of the mobile device and edge server, but also the
DNN model itself. As a result, how to select a split point in different scenarios needs
to be considered.
For this purpose, the Neurosurgeon framework has been proposed [12]. A general
DNN splitting process has been proposed, which consists of (a) measuring or esti-
mating the cost of running different DNN layers and transmitting the intermediate
data between layers; (b) predicting the total cost of all candidate DNN split points;
and (c) selecting the optimal split points according to the objective, such as, inference
latency and mobile energy consumption. A regression-based estimation method has
been proposed in [12] to estimate the inference latency of each layer. By measuring
the DNN inference latency via runtime profiling, the authors of [13] formulate the
split-point selection as a shortest path problem, which is proved to be NP-hard, and
they proposed an approximation solution. In [14], the authors study the DNNs that are
characterized by a directed acyclic graph (DAG) rather than a chain. They prove that
optimizing the DNN splitting for these kinds of DNNs is NP-hard and proposed two
approximation methods for both heavy and light workload scenarios.
Furthermore, as shown by [12, 13], the intermediate data can be much larger than
the input data for some kind of DNN models, making DNN splitting inefficient. There-
fore, intermediate data volume reduction technologies have been proposed. Both lossy
and lossless JPEG coding for the intermediate data have been introduced in [15],
while PNG coding is studied in [13]. More aggressively, [16, 17] add side branch
classifiers to the intermediate data in order to leverage the intermediate data to get
early inference results (known as early exit). If an early inference result has a high
degree of confidence, the rest of the inference can be saved, and thus there is no need
to transmit the intermediate data.
Recently, some researchers propose combining model compression technologies
with DNN splitting [18–20]. In one of the pioneering works [18], structured pruning
technology was leveraged, so that some unimportant parts in the original DNN model
(e.g., neurons or convolutional filters) can be removed, resulting in a smaller and
faster DNN model. This can reduce the computation workload of the inference task
and the volume of the intermediate data as well. A two-step-pruning algorithm has Published online by Cambridge University Press

516 Sheng Zhou et al.

been proposed to jointly optimize the DNN pruning and splitting to minimize infer-
ence latency, while preserving the accuracy of the model. Details about the two-step-
pruning algorithm will be provided in the next section of this chapter. The advantage of
using pruning to reduce the volume of intermediate data is two-fold. First, pruning can
be viewed as a learning-driven feature compression method, since the DNN can learn
which part is unimportant and needs to be removed. As a result, the DNN model and
the feature compression are jointly optimized via pruning, leading to a better accuracy
performance compared to separately designed feature compression technologies (e.g.,
[13, 15]). Second, the output of the pruning process is still a DNN model and thus can
be combined with existing methods, like early exit technology [17], to further reduce
the inference latency. Due to these advantages, the idea of joint DNN pruning and
splitting is leveraged and extended in [19, 20].

18.2.2 Joint Source and Channel Coding for Coinference

In device-edge coinference systems, the intermediate data as the result of DNN split-
ting is transmitted between mobile devices and the edge server. To ensure timely
edge inference, an important point of optimization is reducing the cost of transmitting
the intermediate layer outputs of the neural network. Traditional method focus on
reducing the size of the neural network. On the one hand, light-weight architectures of
neural network model like MobileNet [21] and ShuffleNet [22] are proposed. On the
other hand, techniques like gradient compression with quantization [23] and sparsifi-
cation [24], model prunning [25], and network distillation [26] can further reduce the
size of original models for edge-inference systems.
However, these methods do not consider the noisy wireless channel. Bottlenet++
[27] proposes a feature compression scheme that takes the channel state into account.
An end-to-end trainable architecture is introduced for intermediate result compression,
which takes the noisy wireless channel as a nontrainable neural network layer. Based
on that, the authors exploit the joint source and channel coding. Simulation results
show that Bottlenet++ can achieve aggreseive compression while guaranteeing high
inference performance. With joint source and channel coding, [20] proposes an effi-
cient communication framework for device-edge coinference, including split-point
selection, communication-aware model compression, and task-oriented encoding of
intermediate data or features.
To apply joint source and channel coding for practical scenarios, [28] optimizes
communication schemes for wireless image retrieval systems. In practical scenarios,
retrieval tasks cannot be performed locally at the mobile devices due to their limited
computational power and lack of database for retrieval. Therefore, coinference is
needed for image retrieval, and they propose a neural network for retrieval-oriented
image compression. For the transmission of analog signals over wireless channels, the
authors exploit joint source and channel coding that maps the feature vector directly
to channel inputs. Simulation results show that the joint source and channel coding
scheme can significantly increase the end-to-end accuracy and speed up the encod-
ing process. The work [19] considers the image classification task with device-edge Published online by Cambridge University Press

Timely Wireless Edge Inference 517

coinference. To deal with the errors that may be introduced over the noisy wireless
channel, the authors propose an autoencoder-based network for intermediate feature
map transmission.

18.2.3 Inference-Aware Scheduling

Besides reducing the model sizes and data volume, another important aspect of sav-
ing communication resources and providing timely inference is scheduling. A good
scheduling scheme can allocate communication and computation resources to the most
proper task, so as to optimize the metrics like energy efficiency and latency, according
to the state of queued tasks and resources.
In this regard, [29] considers a mobile-edge coinference system with multiple
mobile devices where the objective is minimizing their energy consumption, while
completing the inference tasks by given deadlines. Offloading tasks to the edge server
can potentially bring timley inference and save precious computation resources of
mobile devices. However, limited wireless resources may fail to support the trans-
missions of a large amount of task offloading. Therefore, a scheduling scheme that
allocates communication resources to mobile devices according to the usage of band-
width and the number of queued tasks on mobile devices is needed. The scheduling
problem is formulated as a convex optimization problem, and an offloading priority
function depending on the channel gain and local computing energy consumption is
derived for making scheduling decisions. Similar to this work, [30] also formulates the
energy consumption minimization problem as a convex optimization, considering the
local computing cost and transmission cost. This work exploits an important feature
that in some multiuser systems there are data samples shared by different users in
proximity, which can be exploited to save the transmission costs. Based on this insight,
they propose a joint computation offloading and communications resource allocation
scheme that outperforms the baseline without considering shared data property.
The dual problem of minimizing energy consumption under the latency constraint
is minimizing the total delay with given energy. The work [31] considers an edge-
inference system with random task arrivals and renewable energy arrivals. The
scheduling problem is formulated as a Markov decision process, and the minimized
long-term cost is the average inference latency. The authors exploit deep Q-network to
learn the optimal offloading policy without having a priori knowledge of the dynamic
statistics. Moreover, a mixed metric that is the weighted sum of energy consumption
and inference latency is considered in [32]. By taking the channel conditions and the
computation task queue as the system state, the scheduling problem is also modeled as
Markov decision process, and the authors exploit Q-learning to balance the trade-off
between the energy consumption and inference latency.

18.3 Pruning-Based Dynamic Neural Network Splitting for Edge Inference

As explained in Section 18.1, the inference latency of DNN splitting mainly consists
of three parts: mobile computation latency, transmission latency of the intermediate Published online by Cambridge University Press

518 Sheng Zhou et al.

data, and edge computation latency. The first two parts become the bottleneck of
latency performance because of the limited wireless bandwidth and mobile com-
putation resources. As such, pruning can be leveraged to reduce inference latency
of both the mobile computation and wireless transmission. In this section, we will
propose a two-step pruning framework to enable dynamic DNN splitting for timely
edge inference. In the proposed framework, the original DNN is trained off-line and
pruned first. Then the output pruned DNN models are profiled based on the optimal
split point, and the corresponding DNN model is selected by a proposed algorithm.

18.3.1 Neural Network Pruning

Recently, network pruning has become an important direction among DNN model
compression methods. Network pruning technologies can be divided into two main
categories: structured pruning and unstructured pruning. For unstructured pruning,
unimportant connections in the DNN are discarded by setting corresponding param-
eters to zero, which causes the sparsity and irregularity of the DNN to increase.
As a result, although unstructured pruning yields high efficiency and low inference
latency on some specific DNN inference engines, it may increase the actual inference
latency when deployed on commercial hardware platforms (e.g., a CPU or GPU)
due to the increased irregularity [33]. On the other hand, structured pruning discards
convolutional filters (also called filter pruning or channel pruning) or entire DNN
layers, so as to avoid increasing irregularity of the DNN. Therefore, structured pruning
is able to reduce inference latency when deployed on general commercial hardware
and is increasingly attracting attention [34, 35]. Because some convolutional filters
are removed during the structured pruning, the volume of intermediate data in the
resulting network is also reduced. This byproduct of pruning makes it suitable for
edge inference, because the mobile computation latency and transmission latency can
be reduced simultaneously.
A general filter pruning process is shown in Fig. 18.2. First, the original DNN
model and the pruning range (i.e., which part of the DNN model is going to be pruned)
will be given as the input of the pruning process. Then, all filters in the pruning
range are ranked according to some given criteria, such as the magnitudes of their
weights [25], their impacts on the energy consumption [36], or their significance on
the loss function [37]. Here we use the last criteria, which accounts for the importance
of each filter for the accuracy of the DNN. After that, we can remove unimportant
filters and fine tune the pruned DNN to recover the accuracy loss caused by pruning.
Subsequently, the accuracy of the pruned DNN after fine-tuning is tested on the test


Rank filters Remove the least Continue

Original NN Fine-tuning Pruning? Stop Pruning
by importance important filters

Figure 18.2 General filter pruning process. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Timely Wireless Edge Inference 519

dataset. The aforementioned pruning iteration can be continued, until the accuracy
drops below a given accuracy threshold.

18.3.2 Two-Step Pruning

The goal of conventional pruning methods is to accelerate the inference or reduce the
computation energy consumption. Nevertheless, reducing the volume of intermediate
data, which is also critical in edge-inference systems, has not been considered yet.
Therefore, we propose a two-step pruning method as shown in Fig. 18.3.
In pruning step 1, the pruning range is the entire DNN. Since filters in any layer can
be pruned in this step, the pruned DNN has a similar shape (i.e., the distribution of the
number of filters in each layer) compared to the original DNN. As a result, the volume
of intermediate data between layers of the pruned DNN may still be larger than the
original input data. The mobile computation latency is reduced, while the transmission
latency may still stay high when partitioning at the front end of the DNN.
The intermediate data to be transmitted is the output of the last layer in the front-end
part of the DNN. Based on this observation, we can further introduce the second-step
pruning, which prunes the last layer in the front-end part of the DNN (i.e., the layer
right before the split point) to reduce the transmission load. However, the split point
should be determined before second-step pruning, because pruning can change the
structure of the DNN and further affect the selection of the split point. Therefore, there
is a tight coupling between split-point selection and second-step pruning, and it is hard
to decouple them due to the difficulty in predicting the resultant DNN structure after
pruning. As a result, we propose a brute force search process to derive good pruned
DNN models for each potential split point, as follows.

NN with layer 4 pruned

NN with layer 3 pruned

Pruning Pruning
Step 1 Step 2

NN with layer 2 pruned

NN with layer 1 pruned

Figure 18.3 Proposed two-step pruning. Published online by Cambridge University Press

520 Sheng Zhou et al.

In pruning step 2, we individually apply the pruning method to each layer in the
pruned DNN output of pruning step 1 by restricting the pruning range to each layer.
A series of pruned DNNs will be generated for each layer that corresponds to the split
point right after this layer. Hence, all DNNs as outputs of pruning step 2 have only
one different layer as compared to the result of pruning step 1. After the pruning is
completed, all pruned DNNs produced by pruning step 2 are profiled and stored for
the profiling and split-point selection stage.

18.3.3 Profiling and Split-Point Selection

In order to select the optimal split point and its corresponding pruned DNN model,
some profiles are needed:

1. Di,j : the output data volume of the ith layer in the pruned DNN corresponding to
the split point right after the j th layer;
2. ti,j : the edge computation latency of the ith layer in the pruned DNN
corresponding to the split point right after the j th layer;
3. Ai : the accuracy of pruned DNN corresponding to the split point right after the ith
4. R: the transmission rate of the wireless channel; and
mobile : the mobile computation latency of the ith layer in the pruned DNN
5. ti,j
corresponding to the split point right after the j th layer.

Except the mobile computation latency, all the parameters can either be profiled off-
line (by running the pruned DNNs at edge server) or estimated in real time. Since
profiling all pruned DNNs at mobile device is impossible, we introduce γ = edge ,
as the ratio of the computation capability between the mobile device and the edge
server. Further, we assume γ remains the same for all i and j , and one can estimate
the mobile computation latency by ti,jmobile = γt edge . In real edge-inference systems,
γ for popular mobile device CPUs can be profiled and recorded off-line as a lookup
table. When a typical mobile device requests edge inference, an appropriate γ can be
selected according to its CPU type.
Given all profiles and assuming the original DNN has a total of M layers, we can
write the inference latency given the split point right after the ith layer as

tiinfer = mobile
tk,i + + tk,i . (18.1)
k=1 k=i+1

where the first part is the mobile computation latency, the second part is the trans-
mission latency, and the third part is the edge computation latency. Then, given the
lowest tolerable accuracy A, one can select the optimal split point x and correspond-
ing pruned DNN, achieving the lowest inference latency while preserving accuracy,
as follows: Published online by Cambridge University Press

Timely Wireless Edge Inference 521

x= arg min tiinfer . (18.2)

i=1,2,...,M and Ai ≥A

Then, a traversal split-point selection algorithm can be used to find the solution of
Eq. (18.2). Since x has at most M different choices, and the complexity of computing
Eq. (18.1) for each choice is O(M), the complexity of the split-point selection algo-
rithm is O(M 2 ), which is low because most DNNs deployed at mobile devices are not
extremely deep.
After determining the optimal split-point and corresponding pruned DNN model, it
can be deployed into edge-inference systems. The front-end part before the split point
of the selected DNN is first transmitted to the mobile device, by which the front-end
part computation can be locally performed, and the intermediate data is uploaded to
the edge server for computing the rest part. Note that all profiling can be done before
deployment, and only the low-complexity split-point selection algorithm needs to run
in real time. Therefore, the proposed two-step pruning framework is flexible and can
adapt to system dynamics.

18.3.4 Experiments
We use PyTorch [38], a Python-based deep learning framework, in the following
experiments. Our server platform is shown in Table 18.1. GPUs are used in off-line
training and pruning, while a CPU is used in profiling the pruned DNN models. VGG
[39], a well-known convolutional neural network (CNN) for image classification, is
used as an example. Our dataset is CIFAR-10 [40], a widely used image classification
dataset with 10 classes of objects. Typical average upload rates R of 3G, 4G, and
Wi-Fi networks are 1.1 Mbps, 5.85 Mbps, and 18.88 Mbps respectively [41, 42].
We range γ from 0.1 to 100 to simulate various computation capabilities of mobile
devices. We allow at most 2 percent accuracy loss in each pruning step, resulting in at
most 4 percent accuracy loss.
We first show the transmission and computation workload reduction of the pro-
posed two-step pruning. Figure 18.4 shows the transmission workload and cumulative
computation time at each layer for the original VGG model, VGG model after pruning
step 1, and VGG model after pruning step 2, respectively. The left bars in the histogram
in Fig. 18.4 represent the transmission workload in the original VGG at each layer. As
the number of feature maps at the front-end part of VGG increases, the intermediate
data gets an order of magnitude larger than the input, leading to high transmission

Table 18.1. Server platform specifications.

Hardware Specifications

System Supermicro SYS-7048GR-TR, 4 × PCIe 3.0 × 16 slots

CPU 2 × Intel Xeon E5-2640 V4, 2.4GHz
Memory 128GB DDR4 2400MHz
GPU 4 × NVIDIA TITAN Xp Published online by Cambridge University Press

522 Sheng Zhou et al.


Computation latency (ms)

Transmission workload (KB)
50 20

Transmission workload, original 15
Transmission workload, step 1
30 Transmission workload, step 2
Computation lateny, original 10
20 Computation lateny, step 1
Computation lateny, step 2

0 0



















Figure 18.4 Layer level transmission and computation characteristics of the original, step 1
pruned, and step 2 pruned VGG.

latency if we split the original VGG in the front-end part. The middle bars in the
histogram are for the pruned VGG model after pruning step 1. Since filters in the back-
end part of VGG get a higher probability to be pruned due to the pruning algorithm
we used [37], splitting in the front-end part will face even more severe transmission
latency issues (Fig. 18.6(b)). Nevertheless, the curves show that pruning step 1 can
reduce the overall computation time by up to 5.35 times.
The right bars in the histogram are for the pruned VGG models after pruning step 2.
Note that each bar stands for a specific pruned VGG. For example, the right bar with
index conv1 represents a pruned VGG with conv1 layer pruned by step 2, and other
layers are the same as those in the pruned VGG after pruning step 1. Since pruning
step 2 only prunes one layer, it can significantly reduce the transmission workload
but with only little computation latency reduction. Combining two pruning steps, we
can get up to 25.6 times transmission workload reduction and 6.01 times computation
acceleration as compared to the original model.
Then we use an average upload transmission rate R = 137.5 KB/s (3G network)
and a computation capability ratio γ = 5 as an example system. Figure 18.5 shows the
edge-inference latency and accuracy in this setting. The histograms in the figure are the
edge-inference latency with different split points, and we use textures to distinguish
different latency components. Figure 18.5(c) shows that the accuracy loss varies over
different split-points due to pruning step 2, and thus the split-point can be adaptively
selected according to the accuracy and latency requirements. If the system allows low-
accuracy (e.g., 88 percent accuracy), the split point Pool 3 can achieve the best latency
performance. When an accurate network (e.g., 90 percent accuracy) is needed, the split
point should be Pool 4.
Consequently, optimal split-points given by the split-point selection algorithm
under various system configurations are shown in Fig. 18.6. Figure 18.6(a) shows the
optimal split points under various average uplink rates with γ = 5, and Fig. 18.6(c)
is for various computation capability ratios with R = 137.5 KB/s, respectively. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Timely Wireless Edge Inference 523


Inference lantency (ms)

Device computation, original

Transmission, original 0.88
Edge computation, original 0.86
300 Accuracy, original

100 0.80

Co t

Po 2


Co l2
Co 5
Co v6
Po 7

Co 8
Co v9
Po 0
Co l4
Co 11













(a) Original
Inference lantency (ms)

300 Device computation, step 1

250 Transmission, step 1
Edge computation, step 1 0.84
200 Accuracy, step 1
Co t

Po 2


Co l2
Co 5
Co v6
Po 7

Co 8
Co v9
Po 0
Co l4
Co 11














(b) Step 1 pruned

60 0.88
Lantency (ms)


Device computation, step 2

40 Transmission, step 2 0.84
Edge computation, step 2
30 0.82
Accuracy, step 2
Co t

Po 2


Co l2
Co 5
Co v6
Po 7

Co 8
Co v9
Po 0
Co l4
Co 11














(c) Step 2 pruned

Figure 18.5 Edge-inference latency and accuracy versus different split points. The average
upload transmission rate is R = 137.5 KB/s, and the computation capability ratio is γ = 5.

Figure 18.6(b) and (d) shows the corresponding edge-inference latency. Due to
the high transmission latency for the intermediate data, the original VGG prefers
completing the entire inference either at the mobile device (split point 0) or at the edge
server (split point 18). The VGG after step 1 pruning is similar, while it has relatively Published online by Cambridge University Press

524 Sheng Zhou et al.

Table 18.2. Edge-inference latency improvements under three typical mobile

networks with γ = 5.

Network Original (ms) Step 2 pruned (ms) Improvement

3G 46.64 17.84 2.61 ×

4G 28.50 7.73 3.69 ×
Wi-Fi 25.61 5.32 4.81 ×

Original 120 Original

Inference latency (ms)

15 Step 1 100 Step 1
Split point

Step 2 Step 2

5 40
102 103 102 103
R (KB/s) R (KB/s)

(a) (b)
Inference latency (ms)

Split point

Original Original
Step 1 10 Step 1
Step 2 Step 2
0 0
10−1 100 101 102 10−1 100 101 102
γ g

(c) (d)

Figure 18.6 Split-point selection and edge-inference latency performance versus system factors.
(a) and (b) show the optimal split point and corresponding edge-inference latency versus
average upload transmission rate R. (c) and (d) show the optimal split point and corresponding
edge-inference latency versus computation capability raito γ.

less computation workload and thus prefers local computation over edge computation
in bad wireless channel conditions or under limited edge computation capabilities.
However, the system can still benefit from splitting after pruning step 2. Table 18.2
shows the edge-inference latency improvements for three typical mobile networks
(3G, 4G, and Wi-Fi) with γ = 5. By applying the two-step pruning framework, 4.81×
acceleration can be achieved in Wi-Fi environments.

18.4 Dynamic Compression for Edge Inference with Hard Deadlines

An edge-inference system consisting of an edge server (attached to a base station)

and several edge devices is considered as shown in Fig. 18.7. The edge server has a Published online by Cambridge University Press

Timely Wireless Edge Inference 525

Edge server

…… Task Task

Task queue

Wireless channel Task data Inference result

Task request Scheduling policy

Mobile devices

Figure 18.7 The edge-inference system with a task queue.

well-trained learning model so that mobile devices can offload the inference tasks to
the edge server. The considered system is time slotted. When an inference task arrives
at a device, the device sends a request to the edge server for performing inference
and waits for the scheduling decision from the server for uploading its task data. All
tasks have the same maximum latency deadline, denoted by τ, meaning that every task
should be completed before τ time slots after its arrival at the device; otherwise the
task is considered failed. The time used for processing tasks at the server side and
sending requests as well as scheduling decisions are constants for different tasks.
Therefore, it can be considered by subtracting the total latency constraint with the
corresponding overhead; that is, with larger time consumption required for task pro-
cessing, sending requests, and scheduling decisions, the system is faced with smaller
equivalent τ. The edge server maintains a task queue with task requests from all edge
devices. The request arrival process of the task queue is assumed to be a Bernoulli
process so that there is at most one request arriving at the edge server in every time
slot with probability p. The edge server adopts the first-come, first-serve (FCFS)
scheduling principle because all tasks have the same priority.
For edge inference, there may be a large amount of raw data for transmission. To
reduce the transmission latency, lossy compression is applied. However, the com-
pression of data can possibly bring performance degradation. To balance the trade-
off between the inference timliness and accuracy, the edge server should select the
appropriate compression ratio for every task according to the state of the task queue
and the task arrival process. The objective is successfully completing most tasks under
given deadline constraints, and thus inference accuracy can be regarded as the reward
of performing inference. We assume that all tasks have the same raw data size and
the reward is a function of compression ratio. Compression ratio r ∈ [1, + ∞) is
defined as the ratio of the size of raw data to the size of compressed data (i.e., larger Published online by Cambridge University Press

526 Sheng Zhou et al.

Figure 18.8 Example of the arrivals and transmissions of inference tasks.

compression ratio leads to less amount of data size for transmission). The accuracy
of the machine learning model with compression ratio r (i.e., the reward function) is
denoted by ρ(r) ∈ [0,1], which can be obtained off-line by performing inference on a
validation dataset and stored as a lookup table at the server side. For communication,
the edge devices use fixed transmission rate, and the time slots used for transmission
using compression ratio r are denoted by T (r) ∈ N. ρ(r) and T (r) are both decreasing
functions of r. The fading of the wireless channel is assumed to be independent and
identically distributed (i.i.d.) among different slots. In every time slot, the transmission
can fail with probability pe . As a result, transmission of task using T (r) time slots will
fail with probability
Pe (T (r)) = 1 − (1 − pe )T (r) , (18.3)

which is also called as packet error ratio (PER).

The objective of the transmission scheme is to maximize the expected number of
successfully completed tasks within the deadline τ. Consider M tasks, which have
an arrival time of a1 < a2 < · · · < aM . The ith task is scheduled to transmit the
data from time slot bi with compression ratio ri . Figure 18.8 shows an example with
three tasks. Successful completion means the inference result is correct and the task is
completed before meeting deadline. The optimization problem is formulated as

max ρ(ri ) (1 − Pe (T (ri ))) (18.4)
s.t. b1 = a1, (18.5)
bi+1 = max{bi + T (ri ),ai+1 },i = 1,2, . . . ,M − 1, (18.6)
bi + T (ri ) ≤ ai + τ,i = 1,2, . . . ,M, (18.7)

where Eqs. (18.5) and (18.6) indicate that the (i + 1)th task will be transmitted when
the transmission of the ith task is completed (if the (i + 1)th task has not arrived,
then it will be transmitted when it arrives). Equation (18.7) is the deadline constraint.
Notice that T (ri ) can equal to 0 and then ρ(ri ) will also equal to 0 (it means that
the task is failed since it cannot be delivered before the deadline), which ensures that
Eq. (18.7) can be satisfied for all tasks.

18.4.1 Off-Line Dynamic Compression Algorithm

As a benchmark, off-line means that the arrival time slots of all the tasks are known
beforehand, so that the optimal algorithm can be estanblished through dynamic Published online by Cambridge University Press

Timely Wireless Edge Inference 527

Algorithm 18.1 Off-line DP algorithm.

Number of tasks M; Maximum waiting time of tasks τ; Arriving time of tasks am ;
Maximum number of successfully completed task F (m,t);
Optimal policy r(m);
1: set F (0,t) = 0 (1 ≤ t ≤ aM + τ)
2: for m = 1 to M do
for t = am + 1 to am + τ do

4: F (m,t) = max F (m − 1,i) + ρ T −1 (t − i) 1 − Pe (t − i)
am ≤i≤t−1
5: G(m,t) = arg max F (m − 1,i) + ρ T (t − i) 1 − Pe (t − i)
am ≤i≤t−1
6: end for
7: end for
8: set t = aM + τ
9: set m = M
10: while m > 0 do
11: r(m) = T −1 (G(m,t))
12: t = min(t − G(m,t),am−1 + τ)
13: m=m−1
14: end while

programming (DP). We use F (m,t),(1 ≤ m ≤ M,1 ≤ t ≤ aM + τ) to denote the

maximum number of successfully completed tasks when processing the first m tasks
by time t. To achieve F (m,t), the number of time slots used for transmitting the
mth task is denoted by G(m,t). Then we can get the optimal off-line policy (i.e., the
selected compression ratio for every task r(m)) after calculating F (m,t) and G(m,t)
(1 ≤ m ≤ M,1 ≤ t ≤ aM + τ). The algorithm is expressed in Algorithm 18.1.

18.4.2 Online Dynamic Compression Algorithm

In practice, the arrival times of tasks cannot be known beforehand. Therefore, an
online algorithm is needed to select the compression ratios for the tasks in the queue
without the knowledge of future task arrivals. Assume that the arrival process is
known, which is a Bernoulli process with probability p. We can formulate the probem
as Markov decision process (MDP), where we map the task queue to the MDP state
and find the optimal action based on the state to select the optimal compression ratio
for the head-of-line (HoL) task. The detailed definition of the state, action, and reward
are provided as follows.

State: The arrival times of all tasks in the queue are represented by s = {a1,a2, . . . ,aN },
where N is the number of tasks in the waiting queue and a1 < a2 < · · · < aN .
Because of the deadline constraint, N is at most τ. Note that the difference between Published online by Cambridge University Press

528 Sheng Zhou et al.

the deadline of tasks and current time is sufficient for making a decision. Accordingly,
the state can be transformed to s = {a1 + τ − t,a2 + τ − t, . . . ,aN + τ − t},
where τ is the latency constraint of tasks and t is the current time slot. Because
0 < a1 + τ − t < a2 + τ − t < · · · < aN + τ − t ≤ τ (there is at most one task
request arriving at the edge server in one time slot), the state s can be encoded to a
binary number of τ digits

s= 2ai +τ−t−1 . (18.8)

Action: The action of the MDP is the selected compression ratio of the HoL task in
the queue. The action space is the set of compression ratio options, denoted by R.
Reward: The reward of taking action r ∈ R (selecting compression ratio r) is the
probability of getting the correct inference result

W (r) = ρ(r)(1 − Pe (T (r))), (18.9)

which is the product of the expected accuracy of the machine learning model under
compression ratio r and the probability of successful transmission.
State-transition probability: The state-transition probability depends on the action
and the arrival process of tasks. With action r, state s will transit to state
s = 2τ−T (r) i + 2Ts(r) (i = 0, 1, . . . , 2T (r) − 1) with probability

Pss (r) = pB(i) (1 − p)T (r)−B(i), (18.10)

where B(i) is the number of 1’s in the binary expression of nonnegative integer i.
Generally, the space complexity and time complexity of calculating the state-
transition probability matrix P and performing value iteration are both O(S ×S ×|R|),
where S = 2τ − 1 is the number of states. When τ is large, the complexity can be
unacceptable. To this end, we use the similarity of state transitions and the fact
that there are many zero elements in the state-transition probability matrix; then we
can substentially reduce the complexity of the algorithm as follows. First, the value
iteration equation of MDP is
⎡ τ −1

V k+1 (s) = min ⎣W (r) + Psi (r)V k (i)⎦ , (18.11)

where V k (i) is the value of state i of the kth iteration and R(s) is the set of optional
action of state s. To reduce the complexity, we use Eq. (18.12) for value iteration.
⎡ ⎤
2T(r) −1
V k+1 (s) = min ⎣W (r) + P (r,i)V k 2τ−T (r) i + T (r) ⎦ . (18.12)
r∈R(s) 2

For Eq. (18.12), the state-transition probability is P (r,i) = pB(i) (1 − p)T (r)−B(i) .
For efficient value iteration, P is calculated and stored before performing the value
iteration. Therefore one only needs to store P , with S × |R| elements, instead of P. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Timely Wireless Edge Inference 529

Figure 18.9 Workflow of information augmentation scheme.

In addition, Eq. (18.12) only sums up 2T (r) − 1 terms when considering action r,
instead of 2τ − 1 terms in Eq. (18.11). As a result, the space complexity is now O(S ×
|R|), and the time complexity is O(S × S × |R| × τ1 ).

18.4.3 Information Augmentation

Notice that some task samples can get correct inference results with a high compres-
sion ratio because of the information redundancies in the raw data. Inspired by this
observation, we can spend fewer communication resources on these tasks, leaving
more communication resources for tasks that require lower compression ratios in
the hopes of completing more tasks within the deadline. Therefore, we propose an
information augmentation scheme to find the proper compression ratio for every task,
and the workflow is shown in Fig. 18.9. Here we first assume that there is a method to
judge whether the inference result is correct or not and the PER is pe = 0. The edge
server can first ask the edge devices to transmit data with a high compression ratio
(not necessarily the highest one, and the compression ratio for the first attempt is also
subject to our optimization). If the result is wrong, the edge server can decide whether
to ask the device to transmit the task data with lower compression ratio, according
to the system state. In short, the key to the information augmentation scheme is to
exploit the state of the task queue so as to decide the compression ratio of the first
transmission attempt and later on augmentation transmissions if needed.
The proposed information augmentation scheme is also based on MDP. In the
online algorithm, we use state s = {a1,a2, . . . ,aN } for MDP and the action space R
is the set of optional compression ratios. Notice that one state transition corresponds
to one transmission and the objective of MDP is to maximize the average reward
per state transition. However, for the information augmentation scheme, the times of
transmission of different tasks may be different. If one state transition of MDP still
corresponds to one transmission over the wireless channel, different tasks will have
different weights (depending on the times of retransmissions) on the reward, and thus
we cannot directly apply the MDP formulation from the previous algorithm.
To address the issue, we should ensure that different tasks have the same num-
ber of state transitions, and thus we consider a new state space and corresponding
state transition formulation. For every task, the edge server will virtually consider Published online by Cambridge University Press

530 Sheng Zhou et al.

all optional compression ratios from high to low for its transmission even if not
selected for transmission. (If the task can be completed with a high compression
ratio, the transmission with lower compression is not needed.) Every state transition
corresponds to one time of virtual consideration. There are only two actions for MDP,
transmission (or retransmission) with the current compression ratio under considera-
tion or no transmission. If the action is no transmission, the edge server will consider
the next compression ratio. If the action is to transmit, the task will be transmitted
with the considered compression ratio. Given the inference result and the state of
task queue, the edge server will continue to consider the next compression ratio for
possible information augmentation. In this way, every task will have |R| times of state
transitions. The corresponding state, action, reward, and state-transition probability is
shown as follows.
State: The key here is that the compression ratio under consideration is put into the
state, and the state becomes s = {a1,a2, . . . ,aN ,rL,r,f }, where rL is the compression
ratio for the last transmission for current task (if the task has not been transmit-
ted, rL = +∞), r is the compression ratio considered for current transmission, and
f ∈ {0,1} indicates whether the last transmission results in correct inference (1 for
correct and 0 for wrong). For simplicity, the state can be transformed to

s= 2ai +τ−t−1,rL,r,f = {a,rL,r,f }, (18.13)
N ai +τ−t−1
where a = i=1 2 is the state of the task queue.
Action: Because the compression ratio under consideration is formulated into states,
the actions for MDP become transmitting or not, denoted by rI , rI = 1 for transmission
and rI = 0 for no transmission. If the inference of last transmission is correct (f = 1)
or the time to the deadline is not enough for additional transmission, the action can
only be no transmission.
Reward: For the state transition from s = {a,rL,r,f } to s = {a ,rL ,r ,f } with action
rI , the reward is
WI (s,s ,rI ) = rI f . (18.14)

State-transition probability: The state-transition probability depends on the task

arrival process and the accuracy of inference conditioned on the inference correctness
of the last transmission. If the action is no transmission, the state s = {a,rL,r,f } will
transit to state s = {a,rL,r ,f } with probability 1, where r is the next considered
compression ratio after r. If the action is to transmit, then s = {a,rL,r,f } will transit
to state s = {
2Ta(r) + i × 2τ−T (r),r,r ,f } (i ∈ [0,2T (r) − 1] ∩ N) and the state-
transition probability is

P(s,s ) = pB(i) (1 − p)T (r)−B(i) × Pa (r,f |rL ). (18.15)

Pa (r,0|rL ) is the probability of getting the wrong inference result with compression
ratio r, conditioned on that the last transmission is with compression ratio rL and the Published online by Cambridge University Press

Timely Wireless Edge Inference 531

inference result was wrong (otherwise there is no need to transmit again). Pa (r,1|rL )
is the probability of getting the correct inference result with compression ratio r,
conditioned on that the last transmission is with compression ratio rL . Pa is obtained
by performing inference on the validation dataset with optional compression ratios.
The number of states is SR = 2(2τ − 1)|R|2 and the size of action space is 2. The
memory usage is the simplified state transition matrix P as explained in Eq. (18.12)
and Pa . The space complexity is O(SR ) and the time complexity is O(SR × S × τ1 ).
We have assumed that there is a method to judge whether the inference result is
correct or not, which cannot be satisfied in many scenarios. Therefore, we further
introduce uncertainty to estimate the confidence of the inference result if one does not
know whether the inference is correct. The uncertainty U of the output of the learning
model is defined as
U=− Xi log Xi , (18.16)

where X = (X1,X2, . . . ,Xn ) is the normalized output of learning model ( ni=1 Xi = 1)
and n is number of elements of the model output. The lower uncertainty U indicates
higher probability of correct inference. For example, the relation between correctness
and uncertainty of data samples in the handwritten digit images dataset (MNIST)
[43] is shown in Fig. 18.10. It shows the histogram of uncertainty of correct results
and wrong results with different resolutions. The true results have lower uncertainty,
and the wrong results have higher uncertainty, meaning that it is reasonable to use
uncertainty to estimate the confidence of inference results.
We now adapt the information augmentation scheme with uncertainty by changing
the definitions of state, action, and reward.

State: Because we use uncertainty of the inference result to estimate the correctness,
the uncertainty should be added into the state for decision making, and thus the state
of the MDP becomes s = {a,rL,r,U}, where U is the uncertainty of the result of
last transmission of the HoL task. To get a discrete state, uncertainty U should be
quantized, and we apply uniform quantization for uncertainty.

Action: There are still two actions for the MDP, transmit or not transmit, denoted
by rU .

Reward: If the action is no transmission, the reward is 0. If the action is to transmit,

the reward of state transition from state s = {a,rL,r,U} to state s = {a ,r,r ,U } is

WU (s,s ) = ρ(r|rL,U,U ) − ρ(rL |U). (18.17)

Here, ρ(r|rL,U,U ) is the accuracy of the learning model with compression ratio r,
conditioned on the compression ratio of last transmission rL , the uncertainty of the
result of last transmission U and the uncertainty of the newest result U’. ρ(rL |U) is
the accuracy of the learning model with compression ratio rL , conditioned on the
uncertainty of the result U. Again, ρ(r|rL,U,U ) and ρ(rL |U) can be obtained by
performing inference on the validation dataset with optional compression ratios. Published online by Cambridge University Press

532 Sheng Zhou et al.

0.12 True
False 0.6


Frequency Density
Frequency Density




0.02 0.1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Uncertainty Uncertainty

(a) 4 × 4 (b) 7 × 7
0.9 0.9
True True
0.8 False 0.8 False

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6
Frequency Density

Frequency Density

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Uncertainty Uncertainty

(c) 14 × 14 (d) 21 × 21

Figure 18.10 Histogram of uncertainty for different resolutions of figures from MNIST.

State-transition probability: The state-transition probability depends on the arrival

process of tasks and the probability distribution of uncertainty U of learning model.
If the action is no transmission, the state s = {a,rL,r,U } will transit to state
s = {a,rL,r ,U } with a probability of 1, where r is the next considered compression
ratio after r. If the action is to transmit, state s = {a,rL,r,U } will transit to state
s = {
2Ta(r) + i × 2τ−T (u),r,r ,U } (i ∈ [0,2T (r) − 1] ∩ N) and the state transition
probability is
P(s,s ) = pB(i) (1 − p)T (r)−B(i) × PU (r,U |rL,U ), (18.18)
where PU (r,U |rL,U ) is the probability that the model output has uncertainty U with
compression ratio r conditioned on that the model output of the last transmission with
compression ratio rL has uncertainty U.
The number of states is now SU R = (2τ − 1)U |R|2 and the size of action space
is 2, where U is the number of the quantization levels of uncertainty U. The memory
usage is the simplified state transition matrix P as explained in Eq. (18.12) and PU .
The space complexity is O(SU R ) and the time complexity of the MDP algorithm is
O(SU R × S × τ1 ). Published online by Cambridge University Press

Timely Wireless Edge Inference 533

18.4.4 Packet-Loss-Aware Evolutionary Retransmission

Due to the unreliable wireless channels, the transmission of data samples may fail
with packet loss. If the transmission fails, the edge server can keep this task in the
task queue for retransmissions and update the queue state with new task arrivals.
Then the edge server can still use the online dynamic compression algorithm to select
the compression ratios for the transmission/retransmissions of this task according to
the new queue state. This can be regarded as the baseline and is called the original
retransmission scheme.
Notice that the algorithm does not consider the packet error when designing MDP.
Therefore, we incorporate the packet error and retransmissions into the state transition
of MDP to obtain an evolutionary retransmission scheme. In the considered scenario,
one transmission of the task needs at least one time slot, so the edge device can trans-
mit the data of a task for at most τ times due to the hard deadline τ. Therefore, we can
use the same method as in information augmentation to ensure that different tasks have
the same number of state transitions (i.e., the edge server virtually considers τ times
of transmissions for every task, including whether transmitting and the corresponding
compression ratio). Therefore, the definitions of state, action, and reward are adapted
as follows.

State: The state of MDP is s = {a,rL,τs }, where a is the queue state, rL is compression
ratio of last successful transmission (no packet error) and τs is number of considered

Action: The action of MDP is the compression ratio for transmission or no transmis-
sion for the HoL task.

Reward: For state s = {a,rL,τs }, if the action is to transmit with compression ratio r
and the transmission succeeds, the reward is

WR (s,r) = ρ(r) − ρ(rL ), (18.19)

otherwise the reward is 0.

State-transition probability: The state-transition probability depends on the arrival

process of tasks, the accuracy of learning model and the PER. With action r, the state
s = {a,rL,τs } will transit to state s = {
2Ta(r) + i × 2τ−T (r),r,τs + 1} if transmission
succeeds, or state s = {
2Ta(r) + i × 2τ−T (r),rL,τs + 1} if transmission fails. The
state transition probability is

P(s,s ) = pB(i) (1 − p)T (r)−B(i) × (1 − Pe (T (r))) , (18.20)

P(s,s ) = pB(i) (1 − p)T (r)−B(i) × Pe (T (r)). (18.21)

Here the space complexity is O(S × |R| × τ) and the time complexity of the MDP
algorithm is O(S × S × |R|). Published online by Cambridge University Press

534 Sheng Zhou et al.

18.4.5 Experiments
The dataset used in experiments is handwritten digit images dataset MNIST, and the
inference task of the edge learning system is the number recognition for images in
the testing dataset. In MNIST, there are 60,000 images in the training dataset and
10,000 images in the testing dataset. Each image has 28 × 28 pixels, and corresponds
to an integer number from 0 to 9. The machine learning model deployed on the edge
server is a multilayer perceptron (MLP) with one hidden layer and 700 hidden units
and is trained with the training dataset. The output of the model is vector X with 10

elements and 10 i=1 Xi = 1. The ith element of X represents the probability that the
input image belongs to number i − 1.
The compression algorithm used in the experiment is downsampling. The optional
resolution of images for transmission include 4 × 4, 7 × 7, and 14 × 14, for which the
compression ratio r is 49, 16, and 4. A time slot is normalized to be the time used for
transmitting an image with resolution 4 × 4. Hence the number of time slots used for
transmitting data with these optional resolutions are 1, 3, and 10 slots, respectively.
The inference accuracy with different compression ratios is 0.89, 0.97, and 0.98, for
compression ratio 49,16, and 4, respectively.
First, we provide the performance under different task arrival rates. Here we sup-
pose that there is no packet loss, which means PER pe = 0. The latency deadline is
τ = 12 slots. The number of quantization level of U of information augmentation
scheme is 10. Figure 18.11 shows the performance of the online algorithm and infor-
mation augmentation using MDP. It is shown that online algorithm has almost the
same performance as the off-line algorithm. The information augmentation brings
significant improvement, especially when the arrival rate is high, and it is more robust
to different arrival rates. When the inference correctness is unknown, exploiting uncer-
tainty for confidence estimation can still bring benefits. The improvement of the infor-
mation augmentation is marginal when the arrival rate is low. This is because tasks


Completed Task (%)



offline w/o augmentation

online w/o augmentation
augmentation (uncertainty)
94 augmentation (known correctness)


0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Task Arrival Rate (/time slots)

Figure 18.11 Performance of the proposed online algorithms with dynamic compression ratio
selection under different arrival rates. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Timely Wireless Edge Inference 535

can be transmitted with low compression ratio (i.e., with high resolutions) for the first
transmission when the arrival rate is low, and in this case, the information augmenta-
tion is unnecessary for many tasks.
Next, in Fig. 18.12 we show the performance with different latency requirements,
where the arrival rate is set to p = 0.11. The gaps between off-line algorithm and
online algorithm become small when τ increases, and at the same time, the informa-
tion augmentation scheme shows more advantages. This is because the information
augmentation scheme can reduce the average communication cost but results in extra
latency of some tasks. Some of tasks may fail due to this extra latency. With larger
τ, there is more time for these extra transmissions and the advantage of informa-
tion augmentation scheme, which reduces the average communication cost, becomes
more significant.

offline w/o augmentation
online w/o augmentation
98 augmentation (uncertainty)
augmentation (known correctness)
Completed Task (%)






8 9 10 11 12 13
Deadline (time slots)

Figure 18.12 Performance of the proposed online algorithms with dynamic compression ratio
selection under different deadlines.


Completed Task (%)



w/o retransmission
with retransmission (original)
with retransmission (evolution)
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Packet Error Rate pe

Figure 18.13 Performance of the proposed online retransmission schemes without information
augmentation. Published online by Cambridge University Press

536 Sheng Zhou et al.

Finally, we consider the packet loss in the edge learning system and compare the
performance of the retransmission scheme under different values of PER. Figure 18.13
shows the performance of three schemes, including scheme without retransmission,
baseline of retransmission scheme (original MDP without considering the packet
losses), and the evolutionary retransmission scheme that considers packet losses.
The performance of the scheme without retransmission indicates that the packet loss
brings severe performance degradation. The evolutionary retransmission scheme is
much more robust to various values of PER and improves the performance for over
1 percent as compared to the baseline when pe = 0.1.

18.5 Conclusion

In this chapter, we introduced the concept of wireless edge inference and emphasized
the importance and challenges of guaranteeing timely inference for mobile applica-
tions. Representative approaches from the aspects of DNN pruning, joint source and
channel coding, and inference-aware scheduling are reviewed, and their benefits in
terms of low latency inference are discussed. Our initial research efforts on DNN
pruning and inference-aware scheduling are presented. We have shown that pruning
the DNN not only for the whole network, but also on the specific splitting points,
can better utilize the limited wireless bandwidth while at the same time enjoy the
computation resources on edge servers, so that the overall inference latency is sub-
stantially reduced. We also proposed a way of removing the redundancies in the
data via compression and showed how compression can interact with transmission
scheduling and retransmissions to allow more inference tasks completed within hard
deadlines. As for future works, the proposed pruning-based DNN splitting frame-
work can incorporate dynamic compression and other joint source and channel coding
schemes, as its extension to supporting multiple mobile devices is nontrivial and
requires cooptimization with scheduling. Also, existing work mainly looks at multiple
access channels, while purely distributed networks, where nodes can cooperate to
perform inference, deserve further study.

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5G mobile technology, 1, 2, 277, 303, 308, 385, Ising channel case study of, 332fig, 332t, 334t,
406, 436 332–337, 337fig, 337t
learning settings for, 324–325
ADMM (alternating direction method of mutual information and, 321
multipliers) schemes, 291fig, 291–293, overview of, 15–16, 317–319, 322–337
293fig, 294, 311, 487 policy optimization by unfolding and, 327fig,
Aharoni, Ziv, 317 327–331, 331fig
Amiri, Mohammad Mohammadi, 434 RL and, 322–337
Auer, P., 254 unifilar finite-state channels and, 323t, 323
autoencoders channel coding. See also joint source-channel
applications of, 12 coding
architecture of, 11fig adaptive decoding and, 91fig, 91–92
channel coding and, 29, 87fig, 87–90, 90fig algorithm deficiency and, 78
channel feedback and, 131 autoencoders and, 29, 87fig, 87–90, 90fig
data compression and, 12 BCJR algorithm learning and, 79, 83fig, 86fig,
denoising autoencoders, 12 81–86
design challenges for, 13 convolutional codes and recurrent neural
history of, 12 networks and, 80fig, 79–81
JSCC and, 28–31 data-driven approaches to, 26fig, 28fig
NNC and, 57–58 decoding linear block codes and, 103–104
overview of, 11–13 differentially private wireless FL and, 495
timely wireless edge inference and, 516 Hamming codes and, 102fig, 102–103, 103fig
variational autoencoders, 6 linear blockcodes and, 100–105
autonomous driving, 1, 55, 434, 486, 513 MAP decoder and, 100fig, 100–101, 101fig
model deficiency and, 78
BCJR (Bahle-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv) algorithm, 79, NNC and, 60–61
83fig, 86fig, 81–86, 163–167, 175fig, noise and, 99fig, 99
175, 179 open problems for, 105–107
BCJRNet, 163–167, 175fig, 175, 179 output feedback and, 94fig, 95fig, 94–100,
Bengio, Y., 249 100fig
Bennis, Mehdi, 457 overview of, 3, 23–29, 31, 78fig, 77–79,
capacity estimation Polar codes and, 100fig, 100–101, 101fig, 105
causal conditions for, 320–321 recovering codes and, 79–90, 100–103
channel capacity and, 319–322 results on, 90–100, 103–105
DDPG algorithm and, 327fig, 326–329 robust decoding and, 91fig, 91–92, 92fig
definition of, 317 sequential codes and, 79–100
design challenges for, 322–337 signal detection and, 136–137
DINE and, 340fig, 342fig, 337–343 symbol detectors for finite-memory channels
directed information and, 320–322 and, 92fig, 94fig, 92–95, 95fig, 100fig
discrete memoryless channels and, 319 timely wireless edge inference and, 516–517
estimation without channel models and, 346fig, turbo codes and, 81fig, 82fig, 81–82, 87fig,
343–346 87–90, 90fig
feedback capacity and, 325–326 channel equalization, 3, 29, 233–234 Published online by Cambridge University Press

540 Index

channel estimation learning to optimize and, 188–190

CNN-based channel estimation, 120fig, management of wireless networks and,
120–121, 121fig 184–187
definition of, 5 overview of, 15, 182–184, 209
further improvement for, 121 stochastic message binarization in, 195–198
image communications and, 119–120 system model for, 182fig, 184–185
joint channel estimation, 136, 136fig Courville, A., 249
MmWave/Terahertz channel estimation, 112fig, Cui, Shuguang, 285, 409
112–114, 114fig
OFDM channel estimation, 117fig, 119fig, data compression, 6, 12, 313
117–121 data-driven wireless networks
overview of, 3, 14, 111 ADMM and, 291fig, 291–293, 293fig
signal detection and, 136fig, 136, 136fig, applications of, 303, 308
138–140 architecture of, 288fig, 289fig, 288–289
wideband terahertz channel estimation, 116fig, Bayesian non-parametric learning and, 296fig,
114–117 295–303
channel feedback cloud-based intelligence and, 288–289
autoencoders and, 131 design challenges for, 313
bit-level channel feedback, 129fig, 131t, examples for, 296–298
129–133 fully distributed learning frameworks and, 294
channel reciprocity-based feedback, 129 future directions for, 313
massive MIMO-OFDM CSI feedback, 124t, good interpretability of kernal functions and,
122–125 296–298
other feedback methods, 125–127
IoT and, 286
overview of, 122
learning models for, 289–308
time-varying channel feedback, 125fig, 126t,
motion modelling and, 311t, 309–312
125–127, 127fig, 127t
motivation for, 285–287
ChannelNet, 120–121
on-device intelligence and, 289
Chen, Mingzhe, 409
overview of, 285–287
collaborative learning
parallel learning frameworks and, 290fig,
centralized learning and, 356–357
290–294, 294fig
communication efficient distributed ML and,
practical use cases of, 308–313
PSGD and, 293–294
decentralized learning and, 357–358
device selection and, 369–380 RL and, 303–308, 312fig, 312
distributed learning and, 369–380 scalability and, 288fig, 289fig, 288–289,
FL and, 367–369 299–301, 306fig, 306, 306fig
hierarchical edge learning and, 377fig, 377t, traffic prediction and, 308t, 309fig, 309t,
380fig, 380t, 377–380 308–310, 310fig, 310t, 312fig, 312t
IoT and, 353 uncertainty and, 302–303, 306–307
overview of, 16, 353–356, 380 DDPG (deep deterministic policy gradient)
quantization for, 363–366 algorithm, 327fig, 326–329
resource allocation and, 369–380 Debbah, Mérouane, 212
sparsification and, 358–363 decoding. See channel coding
test accuracy of, 370fig, 377fig DeepCode, 94–100, 105–107
ComNet, 139–141 DeepJSCC. See joint source-channel coding
constrained unsupervised learning Deep Learning (DL). See specific applications of
cases studies for, 199–209 DL
centralized approach to, 187–193, 198fig, Deep Learning (DL) Aided JSCC for images
198–199, 199fig baseline in, 42
cognitive multiple access channels and, 199fig, channel output feedback in, 48
199–204, 204fig channel versatility and, 45fig, 44–46
cooperative mechanisms and, 185–187 decoder in, 40fig
distributed approach to, 184–187, 193–199 domain specific communication and, 46–47
distributed deployment of, 198fig, 198–199, encoder in, 40fig
199fig evaluation metrics for, 40–41
interference channels and, 205–209 experimental setup for, 41 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Index 541

graceful degradation and, 42–44 ViterbiNet for finite-memory channels and,

hardware implementation for, 49 160–163, 166–167, 175fig, 175, 179
overview of, 39 detection. See deep symbol detection; signal
results of, 44fig, 45fig, 46fig, 49fig, 42–49 detection
successive refinement in, 47 DetNet, 134, 156–159
system model for, 39–41 differentially private wireless federated learning
visual comparison for, 42 (FL)
Deep Learning (DL) Aided JSCC for text analog transmission and, 499–504
architecture of, 32 assumptions on function loss, 492
baselines for, 36–37 channel coding and, 495
channel in, 34–35 communication model for, 491–492
decoder in, 35 convergence analysis of, 497–498, 501–502
encoder in, 33–34 digital transmission and, 493–499
experimental setup for, 35–37 DP mechanism and, 495
model training details for, 36 notation for, 488–493
overview of, 31–32 numerical results for, 504fig, 504–506, 506fig
results for, 37fig, 37–38, 38fig overview of, 16, 486–488, 506–507
system model for, 32–35 performance analysis and, 496–498, 500–502
variable length encoding in, 34 power allocation and, 502–504
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) privacy and, 486, 489–490, 496–497, 500–502
activation functions in, 10 quantization for, 493–495
architecture of, 8fig, 10 rate allocation policy and, 498–499
backpropagation algorithms in, 11 system model for, 488fig, 488–493
deep generative models and, 6 transmission scheme description for, 499–500
deep symbol detection and, 170fig, 159–178 DINE (DI neural estimator), 318–319, 340fig,
error functions in, 11 342fig, 337–343
feedforward neural networks, 8 DL. See Deep Learning
forward propagation in, 10fig
impact of, 4 edge inference. See timely wireless edge inference
JSCC and, 23–24, 30 Effros, M., 55
model-based ML and, 146fig, 148fig, 146–148, Eldar, Yonina, 1, 145, 409
151fig, 151, 178–179 encoders. See autoencoders; channel coding
overview of, 8–11 estimation. See capacity estimation; channel
recurrent neural networks, 8 estimation
signal detection and, 137, 139–141
DeepSIC, 170fig, 171fig, 167–171, 179 Farsad, Nariman, 23, 145
deep symbol detection FedAvg (Federated Averaging) algorithm, 390fig,
BCJRNet for finite-memory channels and, 390–391, 391fig, 413–414
163–167, 175fig, 175, 179 federated knowledge distillation
DeepSIC for Flat MIMO channels and, 170fig, applications of, 465fig, 465–468, 468fig,
171fig, 167–171, 179 469–477
deep unfolding and, 156–159 background on, 458–464
design process for, 153, 156, 159–160 baseline for, 470–472
DetNet for Flat MIMO channels and, 156–159 classification and, 465fig, 465–468, 468fig
DNN-aided algorithms and, 170fig, 159–178 co-distillation and, 461fig, 464fig, 461–464
established deep networks and, 153–155 discussion of, 473–476, 481–482
finite-memory channel evaluation for, 172fig, experience memory and, 477fig, 477–478,
172–175, 175fig 478fig
Memoryless MIMO channels and, 176fig, experiments for, 481–482
176–178 FRD and, 477
numerical study of, 172–178 future directions for, 468–469
overview of, 152 MixFLD and, 469–476
results for, 155–156, 158–159, 172–178 numerical evaluation for, 473fig, 473t,
SBRNN for finite-memory channels and, 473–476, 476fig, 476t
153–155 overview of, 16, 457fig, 457–458, 458fig,
symbol detection problem and, 152–153 464–469, 482–483 Published online by Cambridge University Press

542 Index

federated knowledge distillation (cont.) Lee, Sang Hyun, 182

proposals for, 472–474 Leung, Kin, 385
proxy experience memory and, 479fig, Li, Geoffrey Ye, 145
479–481, 481fig Liu, Dongzhu, 486
recent progress on, 468–469
RL and, 477fig, 477–482 machine learning (ML) and communications.
system model for, 458fig, 458–464 See specific applications of DL
uplink-downlink asymmetric channels and, impact of, 1–4
469–477 overview of, 1–4, 13–17
federated learning (FL), 16, 367–369, 387, 495. taxonomy of learning problems in, 4–8
See also differentially private wireless tools used for system design in, 8–13
federated learning; optimized federated MacKay, David J.C., 295
learning quantized federated learning, Mary, Philippe, 231
feedback. See channel feedback MEC (mobile edge computing), 514fig,
Goldfeld, Ziv, 317 MixFLD, 469–476
Goldsmith, Andrea, 1, 23, 145 Mnih, V., 249
Goodfellow, I., 249 model-based machine learning (ML)
Gündüz, Deniz, 1, 23, 353, 434 benefits of, 145–146
conventional DL and, 148
Hamming codes, 102fig, 102–103, 103fig deep unfolded networks and, 147, 150fig,
He, Hengtao, 145 150–151, 151fig
Huang, Xiufeng, 512 design challenges of, 146–148
DNNs and, 146fig, 148fig, 146–148, 151fig,
image communications. See Deep Learning (DL) 151, 178–179
Aided JSCC for images hybrid algorithms and, 147, 148fig, 151fig, 151
Internet of Things (IoT) leading approaches to, 148–151
collaborative learning and, 353 model-based algorithms and, 149–150
data-driven wireless networks and, 286 overview of, 15, 145–148, 178–179
definition of, 1 types of, 147
JSCC and, 25 Moy, Christophe, 231
NNC and, 55 multi-armed bandit (MAB) problems, 7, 251–257,
OAC for DL and, 434 376
optimized FL and, 385
RL and, 272 Neal, Radford, 295
Ising channel case study, 334t, 332–337 neural network coding (NNC)
autoencoders and, 57–58
Jin, Shin, 145
baseline in, 61–64
joint source-channel coding (JSCC). See also
benefits of, 57
channel coding; Deep Learning (DL) Aided
channel coding and, 60–61
JSCC for images; Deep Learning (DL)
channel statistics and, 65–67
Aided JSCC for text
data-driven approaches to, 56
autoencoders and, 28–31
definition of, 57
components of, 24fig
experiments for, 69–73
data-driven approach to, 30fig
fading channel and, 66–67
DNNs and, 23–24, 30
functional reconstruction and, 56, 67fig, 67–69,
error detection and, 23
69fig, 72fig, 72–73, 73fig
IoT and, 25
interference and, 65fig, 65
overview of, 14, 23–24, 29–31, 49
IoT and, 55
separation-based systems and, 24fig, 24–26
minimum transmission power and, 63fig, 63t,
signal detection and, 136–140
64fig, 64t
Kim, Hyeji, 45 multi-resolution reconstruction and, 70fig, 70
Kim, Seong-Lyun, 457 non-multicasting and, 67fig, 67, 67fig
Koivunen, Visa, 231 NP-hard problems in, 55–58, 60fig
Kurka, David, 23 open questions for, 73–74
overview of, 14, 55fig, 57fig, 55–58, 60fig,
Lee, Hoon, 182 73–74 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Index 543

performance evaluation of, 61fig, 62fig, 64fig, numerical study of, 427–430
61–65, 65fig overview of, 16, 409–411, 430–431
policies in, 60, 69 performance analysis for, 424–430
same source for distinct tasks and, 71fig, 71–72, probabilistic scalar quantization and, 416fig,
72fig 416–417, 417fig
signal reconstruction and, 56 quantization theory and, 412fig, 411–412
system model for, 58–59 scalar quantization and, 417fig, 417
tasks of different complexity and, 69fig, 69–70 system model for, 411–415
technical details for, 74 theoretical performance of, 424–426
topologies and, 64fig, 64–65, 65fig unified formulation and, 419–424
transmission quality of, 62fig vector quantization and, 418fig, 419fig,
Niu, Zhisheng, 512 418–419
NNC, See neural network coding Quek, Tony, 182
NP-hard problems, 14, 55–58, 60fig, 268
radio resource allocation
Oh, Seungeun, 457 ANNs and, 213–217
optimized federated learning (FL) backpropagation algorithms and, 214
adaptive FL and, 387 complexity-aware resource management and,
algorithms for, 387–391 221–228
convergence analysis and, 393–399 embedding and, 216–217
definitions for, 387–391 energy efficiency maximization and, 219–221
experiments for, 402fig, 403t, 402–404 importance of, 212–213
FedAvg and, 390fig, 390–391, 391fig inference phase in, 225
implementation of, 401–402
numerical analysis for, 220–221, 226t, 226–228
IoT and, 385
overview of, 15, 212–213, 228
learning problems in, 389
resource management and, 218–221
model training at wireless edge and, 386fig, 386
state-of-the-art review for, 217
overview of, 385–387, 405–406
stochastic gradient descent and, 215–216
per-sample loss functions for, 388fig, 388t
training processes for, 214, 225–226
resource-constrained federated learning and,
Ramamoorthy, A., 55
Rao, Milind, 23
solutions for, 393t, 396t, 399t, 393–401
Rasmussen, C. E., 308
system model for, 387fig
over-the-air computation (OAC) for DL reinforcement learning (RL)
Blind FEEL and, 445–449 adaptability and, 234
design challenges for, 436 applications of, 6–8, 15, 234, 257–260
digital FEEL and, 439–441 background for, 236
experiments for, 452t, 449–453 Bellman equations and, 239–241
FEEL and, 435–437, 441–445 benefits of, 234
IoT and, 434 bibliographic remarks on, 278–280
overview of, 16, 434–437, 454 capacity estimation and, 322–337
system model for, 437fig, 437–439 data-driven wireless networks and, 303–308,
Ozfatura, Emre, 353 312fig, 312
deep-reinforcement learning, 13, 235, 248–251,
Park, Jihong, 457 260–264, 308, 312
Permuter, Haim, 317 definition of, 233–234
Polar codes, 100fig, 100–101, 101fig, 105 exploration in, 7
Poor, H. Vincent, 1, 353, 409 federated knowledge distillation and, 477fig,
PSGD (parallel stochastic gradient descent) 477–482
schemes, 293–294 IoT and, 272
MAB problems and, 7, 251–254, 264–269
Q-learning, 245–247, 249–251, 257–260 Markov decision process and, 238fig, 237–245,
quantized federated learning (FL) 254–257
background for, 411–415 notations for, 235
FedAvg and, 413–414 overview of, 6–8, 15, 232–236, 277–278
mechanisms for, 416–424 PHY layer and, 257–277 Published online by Cambridge University Press

544 Index

reinforcement learning (RL) (cont.) text communications. See Deep Learning (DL)
policies for, 241–242 Aided JSCC for text
Q-learning and, 245–247, 257–260 timely wireless edge inference
real world examples of, 269fig, 270t, 272fig, autoencoders and, 516
273fig, 277t, 269–277 channel coding and, 516–517
regrets in, 252–253 device-edge co-inference and, 515–517
SARSA algorithm and, 245–247 dynamic compression for, 524fig, 524–536
upper confidence bound algorithms in, 254 experiments for, 521fig, 521t, 522fig, 524fig,
value functions and, 239 521–524, 534fig, 534–536, 536fig
ReLU (rectified linear unit), 10 inference-aware scheduling and, 517
resource allocation. See radio resource information augmentation in, 529–532
allocation joint source for co-inference and, 516–517
Rini, Stefano, 486 MEC and, 514fig, 513–514
RL. See reinforcement learning neural network splitting and pruning in,
218–221, 515–516, 518fig, 520fig
Saemundsson, S., 308 overview of, 17, 512–514, 536
SARSA algorithm, 245–247 packet loss-aware evolutionary retransmission
Schaul, T., 305 and, 533
Seo, Hyowoon, 457 profiling and split point selection in, 520–521
Shannon, Claude E., 23, 91, 95, 319 system model for, 515fig
Shannon’s separation theorem, 15–16, 23, Tsur, Dor, 317
25–26, 49 Tuor, Tiffany, 385
Shi, Wenqi, 512
Shlezinger, Nir, 145, 409 unsupervised learning, 6, 233–235, 469
signal detection See also constrained unsupervised learning
channel coding and, 136–137
channel estimation and, 136fig, 136, Van Hasselt, H., 251–254, 305
138–140 ViterbiNet, 93fig, 92–95, 160–163, 166–167,
DNNs and, 137, 139–141 175fig, 175, 179
JSCC and, 136–140
MIMO detection and, 134fig, 133–136 Wang, Shiqiang, 385
OFDM detection, 137–141 Wang, Z., 305
overview of, 14, 133, 141
Simeone, Osvaldo, 486 Xu, Yue, 285
Sonee, Amir, 486
source coding, 23–31, 421 Ye, Hao, 145
supervised learning, 4–6, 8, 12, 153, Yin, Feng, 285
235, 469
symbol detection. See deep symbol Zappone, Alessio, 212
detection Zhou, Sheng, 512 Published online by Cambridge University Press

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