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What is the Arya Samaj?

On April 10th, 1875.the organisation called "Arya Samaj" was formally registered in
Bombay (Mumbai), India .Arya Samaj, as the name signifies, is a Samaj (Organisation or
SOCiety) of Aryas (people who are noble). The word "Noble may be defined as a person
with the following characteristics: (1) Knowledge or Education: (2) Good Charater: (3)
Kindness; (4)Charitable: (5) Paying attention to duty: (6) Truthful; () Grateful; and (8)
Non-violent. The Arya Samaj is a Society of such Noble People, who follow the teachings
of the Vedas (the Word of God handed down to mankind in the begining) and conduct
themselves accordingly.

The Arya Samaj was founded by Maharishi Swami Dayananda Saraswati, a scholar who
believed in the authority of the Vedas. The motto of the Arya Samaj. taken from the
Vedas, is "Krinvanto Vishwam Aryam" (Rig Veda 9.63.5) - Make ALL men arya (noble
and cultured)." Hence, by beinga part of a Noble Society (Arya Samaj), you enjoin with a
commitment of becoming an arya (noble person), who gathers in religious assemblies to
propagate the teachings of the Vedas, so that you can ennoble (make noble) those who
aren't noble - Making the Universe Noble.

What was the purpose of creating the Arya Samaj?

The society of the Arya Samaj was created in an effort to preserve the original values and
beliefs of Hinduism as stated in the original scriptures of Hindus: The Vedas.

What are the views of the Arya Samaj?


According to he Vedas, women of all races should be given an equal opportunity to education as
men. At the time of the creation of the Arya Samaj, Hindu women were not allowed to study
religious scriptures; they were not allowed to be priests or preach the word of God; they were
denied access to education; they were treated as second class citizens below men; widows were
treated as outcasts; they had to burn themselves on their husbands funeral pyre; their families
were forced to produce a dowry before a man's family accepted them into their family: and they
were forced into child marriages with older men. The Arya Samaj fought against all of these
injustices then and continues to champion the rights of women all over the world. In many
societies, you will find that only Arya Samaj women are given the opportunity to become Hindu


The Arya Samaj believes that every individual shall be judged by his character and actions and
not by his birthright. Due to the unscrupulous manipulation of the caste system, those of high
caste families were given honour and respect and those of low caste and their children were
deemed "untouchables" and were il-treated and suppressed. The Arya Samaj fought against
these injustices against the untouchables and embraced them, educated them and welcomed
them in their satsangs and religious gatherings.


The Arya Samaj pioneers education for all. In India, many institutions of learning (schools,
colleges, gurukuls) were created for men, women and children. The Arya Samaj is very vociterous
in encouraging the common man to learn and read the scriptures. This SOciety is against the
practice of having only one selected group of individuals indulging in the reading and preaching
from the scriptures.

Social Welfare

The Arya Samaj plays an active role in the welfare of the needy. Many orphanages, homes for
abused women and widows and homes for the elderly have been established in India and other
parts of the world. The society is also involved in providing relief during times of famine, drought,
earthquakes and other natural disasters.


The Arya Samaj propagates patriotism and dedication to serving the interest of one's nation and
motherland. In the times of the British Rule in India , the Arya Samaj was one of the foremost
organisations to champion the cause for political freedom and independence.


The Arya Samaj propagates the motto "Back to the Vedas" and promotes these scriptures as the
ne true source of all knowledge. The Arya Samaj holds the Vedic principle of monotheism - that

there is ONE GOD h o is formless, ever-existent and all powerful. Due to the fact that God is al-
powerful with many attributes he is referred to by many names such as Creator (Brahma),
Preserver (Vishnu) and Dissolver (Rudra). For hundreds of centuries Hindu sects and scholars
had accepted the vedas as the original Hindu scriptures but due to passage of time and
destruction of Hindu scriptures and the introduction of other texts and interpretations, many
deviations to the oiginal teachings crept into Hinduism. The Arya Samaj promotes the Veda as
the original scripture of all mankind and teaches that the acceptance of this will bring about a unity
in the religious thinking of Hindus. The vedas promote universal peace and its teachings are
universal in character and apply to ALL people at ALL times.

The Arya Samaj rejects the belief of blind faith, animal sacrifices, idolatry, priestcraft and
superstitions brought about by ignorance and fear. It promotes the philosophy of Karma (receiving
the fruits of one's deeds). Suffering is the logical consequence of one's action (the law of cause
and effect) and hence, superstitious belief does not eradicate suffering.

Is the Arya Samaj a religion?

The Arya Samaj is NOT a religion. It is a society that was formed, not as a new religion, but as a
coming together of men and women of noble thoughts and actions who (irrespective of their
social, ethnic or racial origins) believe in the underlying principles of Vaidik Satya Sanatana
Dharma (commonly called "Hinduism"). In simpler terms, the Arya Samaj is a society of Hindus
that propagates selfiess action for the development of humanity and congregates for the common
purpose of preserving the pristine values of Hinduism.

As was said by Maharishi Swami Dayanand: "T have not come to preach a new dogma or religion,
nor to estabish a new reigious order, nor to be proclaimed a new messiah or pontifi. I have only
brought before the people, the light of Vedic Wisdom which has been hidden during the centuries
of India's thraldom."

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