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Quito, Ecuador
July 1994







Quito, Ecuador
July 1994
Prepared under IDB-OLADE Nonreimbursable Agreement ATN/SF-3603-RE:


Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

Banco de los Andes Bldg., 9th floor
Av. Amazonas 477 and Roca
P.O. Box 741A, Quito, Ecuador
Telephones: (593-2) 550-0111562-141
Fax: (593-2) 564660 '


ISBN-9978- 70-059-5
OLADE-Ol 3-GE/94(En)

Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE)

OLADE Bldg., Occidental Av., San Carlos Sector
P.O. Box 17-11-6413, Quito, Ecuador
Telephones: (593-2) 598-280/539-676
Fax: (593-2) 539684; Telex: 2-2728 OLADE ED
B ased on the objectives of: a) promoting actions for the use and protection of natural
resources in the Member Countries and in the region as a whole, and b] establishing
policies far the rational development, transformation and commercialization of energy
resources, OLA.DE, due to the oil crisis experienced during the decade of the seventies, began
an activity program in 1978 aimed at promoting geothermal research and use, as an
alternative resource to traditional energy sources.

For this, one of the first actions carried out by the Organization was to develop a
methodology far geothermal exploration and exploitation adapted to the conditions and
characteristics of the Latín American and Caribbean countries.

With the collaboration of different institutions and experts from botb within as well as outside
the region, in 1978 OLADE prepared the "Geothermal Exploration Methodology:
Reconnaissance and Prefeasibility Stages." In 1979, the "Geothermal Exploration
Methodology: Feasibility Stage" was prepared, and in 1980 the "Methodology for
Geothermal Exploration and Exploitation in the Development and Production Stages". The
latter, once revised, supplemented and updated, formed the "Methodology far Geothermal
Exploitation" that the Organization published in 1986.

The availability of these methodologies allowed the countries in the region to direct their
research and the use of their resources with a useful and easy tool. With support from OLADE
and its methodologies, Haití, Ecuador, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guatemala,
Jamaica, Colombia and Panama, among other countries, carried out reconnaissances in their
territories. Also · with the intervention of the Organization, Nicaragua, Panama, Ecuador­
Colombia, Haití and Guatemala developed prefeasibility studies in severa! thermal areas in
whichfavorable conditions had been observedfor geothermal development.

The application of OLADE methodologies helped to increase the countries' knowledge
regarding their resources, to the point that toward the decade of the eighties, 20 of the 26
Member Countries had already carried out reconnaissance studies, 17 countries had
prefeasibility studies, 8 had feasibility studies and 4 were generating electricity through the
development of sorne of their geothermal fields. However, the rapid geothermal technological
development showed the need to update methodologies.

Since the geothermal community expressed in different international Jora the need to review,
update and even supplement OLADE documents, the Organization and the lnter­American
Development Bank (IDB), through Technical Cooperation Agreement ATN/SF­3603­RE,
decided to revise the existing guides and prepare six new ones for geothermal prospecting
and exploitation. These guides, responding to the requirements of technical groups in the
regían, would be far the following aspects: Reconnaissance Studies, Prefeasibility Studies,
Exploration of Feasibility, Assessmeru of the Energy Potential (based on the information
gathered in the reconnaissance and prefeasibility states), Operation and Maintenance of
Geothermal Fields andPlants and Preparation of Geothermal Plant lnvestment Projects.

The preparation of the new geothermal documents was carried out with the help of seven
international consultants and eight experts from the region, with broad experience in
geovolcanology, geochemist')', geophysics, drilling, reservoir engineering, geothermal field
and plant operation and maintenance, andplant engineering and design.

The efforts of OLADE and the IDB to contribute to energy development in Latín Ame rica and
the Caribbean are presented in this document, which contains the Guide far Geothermal
Field and Plant Operation and Maintenance, with the purpose of placing in the hands of
countries in the region a tool that can guide them in activities to be carried out in the
exploitation of their geothermal fields for electric power generation.

OLADE and the IDB wish to acknowledge the work carried out by the following people:
Jesús Rivera, Marcelo Lippmann, Francisco Bermejo, Mauro Cozzini, Guillermo de la Torre,
Fernando Ledesma, Giorgio Pasquare, Mauricio Retana, Norman Goldstein, Salvador
García, David Nieva, AlfredTruesdell andAntonio Raza. Under the coordination of Eduardo
Granados and Paulo Liguori, these were the people responsible for the preparation of this


l. INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE ,, ~······························ 1

2.1 Well Monitoring .' : ~ .. ~ ·.· ~ ~................. 2
2.1·.1 Production Wells : .- · .· ·.· : · 2
2.1.2 Reinjection Wells : '. '. :.:.................... 3
2.1.3 Observation Wells .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. 3
2.2 Operation of Fluid Separation and Conduction Systems : :'. :.:..................... 4
2.3 Integration of the well to the plant system .' :~~............. 4
2.4 Well Termination in the Plant System ·.~............. 5
2.5 Period Tests and Measurements ., : './. ~~........ 5
2.6 . Supporting Geoscientific Studies : .. : ~ :::: · ·.::~.... 7
2.6.1 Geological Studies ~............................................ 7
2.6.2 Geochemical Studies : : "..... 8
2.6.3 Geophysical Studies........................................................................................... 8
2.6.4 Hydrogeological Studies :....................................... 9

3. · FIELD MAINTENANCE : .. :....................................... 9

3.1 Objective and Scope ; : · ..· .. .- :.................................. 9

3.2 Maintenance , ; :; 10
3.2.1 Maintenance of Wells · : ~ ; 10
3.2.2 Repair of Wells · , 12
3.2.3 Surface Facilities .'.. ~ : 17


4.1 Study on Well Performance : · 20

4.1.1 Thennodynamic Monitoring '..: :····"•·.···" 20
4.1.2 Chemical Monitoring : 21
4.1.3 Performance Patterns 21
4.2 Study on Reservoir Performance : 24
4.3 Updating the Field Model. : : 27
4.4 Updating the Field Prospecting and Operating Strategy 29
4.5 Updating Initial Estimates of the Field's Proven Potential 29


5.1 Objective and Scope ~ 31

5.2 Well Substitution Criteria -.: ; : .. : '. ~ 31

6.1 Objective and Scope : ·~ ~· , , 32
6.2 Programming and Control 32
6.2.1 Engineering program 33
6.2.2 Criteria for Service Shutdown 34
6.3 Costs , 34
6.4 Organization of the Project ; : 35
6.4.1 Well Superintendence 36
6.4.2 Surface Facilities Superintendence ; 38
6.5 Materials and Equipment. 39
6.6 Offices, Laboratories, Workshops and Transportation 39
6.7 Personnel , 40
6.8 Consultants 40


7.1 Objectives and Scope , t 40

7 .2 Operation of Plant Systems 41
7.2.l Steam System , 41
7 .2.2 Water Condensation System , 42
7.2.3 Gas Extraction System , ~ 43
7 .2.4 Turbogenerator and Auxiliary Equipment : 44
7.2.5 Electric Systern far the Plant... '. , '. 46
7 .2.6 Supervision, Control and Protection System 48
7.2.7 Fire Safety System ., , : ; :··'··"···· 51
7.2.8 Miscellaneous Systems ~ 53
7.2.9 Environmental Control. _. : : , 53

·-s. PLANT.MAINTENANCE .' · . 55

8.1 · Objectives and Scope .' .' ,, 55

8.2 Preventive Maintenance .' .' .' 57
'8.2.1 · Routine Maintenance , : ., 57
8.2.2 Chemical Treatment , 68
8.2.3 Major Maintenánce .. ~ 71
8.3 Corrective Maintenance . : ~ .. _ , 75
8.4 Improvements on IrÍstallations 76



9 .1 Objectives and Seo pe 77

9.2 Programming and Control 77
9.2.1 Operation Program , 79
9.2.2 Major Maintenance Program 79
9.2.3 Preventive Maintenance Program 79
9.2.4 Facility lmprovement Program 79
9 .3 Costs 79
9.4 Organization 80
9 .4.1 General Superintendency of the Plant... 81
9.4.2 Operation Superintendency 81
9.4.3 Maintenance Superintendency 82
9.4.4 Administration 82
9.5 Materials and Equipments 83
9.6 Offices, Laboratories, Workshops and Transportation 84
9.7 Personnel 85
9.7 .1 Operating Personnel 85
9.7 .2 Maintenance Personnel 87
9.8 Consultants 88



FigureNo. 6.1 Field Operation and Manintenance Organization Structure 37

Figure No. 6.2 Field Operation and Maintenance Requirements 39

Ftgure 9.1 Organizational structure of a geothermoelectric plant... 81


Table No. 6.1 Approximate Drilling Costs for

Replacement Wells .. 36

Once the development stage has been covered, the exploitation stage begins, where the objec-
.· . tive is to keep the plant generating at maximum capacity and as economically as possible,
during its useful life.

This guide describes the activities that will be developed during the exploitation stage, both in
the field as well as at the plant, and covers the management of the geothermal fluid from
reservoir extraction to its conversion into electric power.

In the section covering the field, operation and maintenance aspects recommended for the
wells are described, as well as the fluid managernent systems and complementary works, and
continuous field monitoring. Support studies that need to be carried out to ensure project
operation during its useful life are also mentioned, along with the criteria for replacement
well drilling and the organizational structure required for this stage.

In the section covering the plant, operation and maintenance aspects of its different systems
are dealt with, including applicable criteria. Main activities to be carried out in each of the
systems are pointed out, as well as key points to bear in mind. Special emphasís is placed on
specific aspects of geothermal exploitation and the organizational structure and infrastructure
required for this stage are defined.

Field and plant operation and maintenance involve continuous activities that are carried out
from their start-up operation until it is decided to close them.

Due to the dynamic characteristic of geothermal developments, constant analyses and assess-
ment must take place of the results obtained from field exploitation, for which reason support
is required from an engineering group.

During the operation phase of a geothermal field, the basic development scheme usually
exists already with regard to the number of wells required to supply enough steam to the
plant, as well as with regard to the disposal system. It is during this stage that important deci-
sions are made regarding the course of actions to be followed in the field and plant, and were
answers to the following questions must be found:

Is it possible and convenient to increase the field's generation capacity?

Is the spacing between the field's wells adequate or will it have to be changed?

Is well density corrector is sorne part of the field being overexploited?

When will it be necessary to repair or substitute the wells?

How must the production of the diff erent wells be prorated to respond to the demand
curve, without running the risk of over exploiting one section of the field?

Does the plant function adequately or will it be necessary to modify its design?

What will reservoir behavior be under the actual exploitation scheme and under other
different schemes?

Is the fluid disposal system adequate? Would it be convenient to inject at the same
production level or should other options be considered?

Will it be necessary to build more wells to maintain the steam production Ievel required
for the plant, or will it be more appropriate to allow a natural reduction of the steam
flow obtained from the field, involving also a decrease in the amount of electric power
generated by the plant?

What will be the most adequate moment to decide whether to termínate the project, due
to the high maintenance and operation costs of the field-plant system?

These are but a few of the most important questions that will have to be answered. The main
elements that will help in finding adequate answers to these questions are the series of data,
measurements and studies obtained or carried out during field operation. If collected in a sys-
tematic and well-planned manner, they will reinforce and complement the information gath-
ered on the field during the previous stages.

2.1 Well Monitoring

2.1.1 Production Wells

Production well assessment and management criteria for the operation phase are the same
already indicated in section 2.4 of the Geothermal Development Guide prepared by OLADE
and IDB (1994).

After well development, a log should be kept containing its history with regard to the follow-
ing aspects:

Wellhead pressure

Degree of opening

Steam and water flows

Thermodynamic (pressure and enthalpy) and chemical evolution of the well un:CrÚ
operating conditions

Content of solid dregs

Presence of scaling

Temperature, pressure, spinner and calibration profiles

Results of tests carried out

Detailed reports on different interventions and procedures

Behavior of mechanical elements installed

2.1.2 Injection Wells

When injection wells are being operated, the following information should be gathered:

History of injection pressure and temperature

Injection flow
Variations in injection temperature
Changes in the chemical composition of injected fluids
Presence of scaling and/or corrosion, as well as problems either in the fluid conduction
line, inside the well or in the formation
Temperature, pressure, hydraulic spínner and calibration profiles
Results of tests carried out
Detailed reports on different interventions and procedures
Behavior of mechanical elements installed

2.1.3 ObservationWells

In the event that unproductive wells exist in the field and their location and mechanical condi-
tions adequate for measuring the behavior of the geothermal systern, they can be adapted for
well observation purposes. Naturally, it would be more convenient, though also more costly

for the project, to have wells drilled expressly for this purpose. In these wells it is convenient
to keep as contínuous a log as possible of variations in the levels of the water level or pressure
with respect to a set level. For this, an instrument can be installed inside the well to send the
signal to the surface, where it can be easily measured and logged.

2.2 Operation of Fluid Separation and Conduction Systems

Basic operation tasks for the fluid operation and transportation systems can be summarized
according to the following needs:

Integration of the well to the plant system

Water level control in the separator

Quantization of the flow and determination of the quality ofthe separated steam

Maintenance or repair of installations

Sampling and analysis of fluid and solid dregs

Well finishing in the plant system

2.3 Integration of the Well to the Plant System

The sequence of procedures for this operation is the following:

Pipe blowing (whenever required)

Heating of separator and pipes through regulated flow

Pressurization increasing well flow until the separator's working conditions are

Interconnection of main branches or collectors that gather the fluid from other wells

During these procedures it is recommended that special attention be give to the following points:

Water Ievel within the separator

Wellhead pressure

- ': . Purging in steam pipes

Separator pressure

Collector pressure

Possible leaks

To quantify separated water, procedures basically consists in sending it to the silencer, where
it is measured through a spillway and its evaporation Iosses are calculated.

During separated steam quantization, it should be verified that there have been no losses from
the separated water output pipe. Establishing the quality of the steam is done simultaneously
in this procedure, through the sampling and chemical analysis of the steam and separated

Fluid sarnpling for chemical analysis and the quantization of solid dregs is done using the
sampling valves installed in the water and steam discharge pipes.

2.4 Well 'Iermination in the PlantSystem

The sequence of procedures carried out to take a well out of the system is the following:

.· Close the entrance to the separator, trying to maintain constant wellhead pressure.

Open the output valve to the silencer

Close the cutoff valve of the pipes that collect fluids from the other wells. In this
procedure, the same precautions must be followed as those indicated for the process of
integrating the well to the system.

Operation procedures required for the maintenance or repair of installations, chemical sam-
pling, entraining of solids and termination of the well in the system, will depend on the
arrangement of the equipment, pipelines and valves. ·

Quantifying the mass flow of individual wells when the production of several of them is com-
bined in a central separator is difficult to do and requires special facilities.

2.5 Períod Tests and Measurements

As has already been mentioned, a monitoring program for the behavior of production, injec-
tion and observation wells should be carried out. In addition, a seríes of well bottom measure-

ments should be carried out with certain regularity, in order to log changes caused by
exploitation at reservoir level. These measurements are: duríng pressure tests and duríng fluid
sampling for chemícal analyses.

Pressure tests are carried out in order to detect any change in the reservoir conditions in the
area of the well (changes in permeability, well damage factor, etc.) that could be attributed to
exploitation and that indicate possible problems. The techniques for the different types of
pressure tests that could be used are discussed in section 3.2.3 of the OLADE-IDB Guide for
Geothermal Feasibílity S tudies ( 1994).

Chemical Measurements

From the very beginning of the initial exploitation stage of a geothermal well it is important
to sample arid analyze the fluids, to be able to characterize their chemical conditions in the
reservoir. These initial conditions will constitute the point of reference wíth relation to which
variations registered as a consequence of massive fluid extraction wíll be documented and

Fluid sampling and analyses should follow the procedures and precautions indicated in sec-
tion of the Guide for Geothermal Feasibílity Studies (1994). On each occasion, infor-
mation should be gathered on the value of the specífic enthalpy of the total discharge, as well
as the sample pressure of each phase, to be able to calculate the cornposition of the total dis-
charge of the well.

Complete sampling should include everything necessary to calculare the chemical conditions
of the fluid in the reservoir, including potential hydrogen values (pH), the concentration of
boron, silica and of the main ionic species (chlorides, sulphates, bicarbonates, carbonates,
sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc.), and the concentration of the main volatile
species (carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, methane, hydrogen, ammonium, nitrogen and
helíum). It is also important to establish the isotopic composition (oxygen-18 and deuterium
composition) of the fluid. The methodology to calculate the composition of the geothermal
fluid in equilibrium with the reservoir, based on the analysis of fluids collected above ground,
and the practical usefulness of these calculations, are described in section 3.4.2 of the Guide
for Geothermal Feasibílity Studies (1994).

Complete sampling and analyses, as described in the previous paragraph, should be carried
out maximum once or twice a year, unless a process is under way for the initial characteriza-
tion of the reservoir or if a detailed study is desired. More frequently, preferably once a
month, partial sampling and analyses should be carried out, to complete the well's production
history (flow rate, enthalpy, wellhead pressure) with the history of the appropriate chemical
parameters to detect changes in the well's feeding zone. This might involve, for example,
determining the concentrations of silica and of the main ions (sodium, potassium, calcium,
chloride, sulphate, bicarbonate/carbonate, pH) in the spillway's brine, and determíning the

i,molar fraction of noncondensable gases in the steam. In these cases, sufficient information
should also be coUected to be able to calculate the concentration of these species in the total
discharge. In section 3.4.2 of the Guide for Geothermal Feasibility Studies (1994), as well as
in-sectíons 4.1.2 and 4.2 of this guide, the usefulness of this history is described in further

2.6 Supporting GeoscientificStudies

At the same time and as. a consequence of the exploitation of the geothermal field, several
supporting geoscientific activities will have to be carried out, especially with relation to the
geology, geochemistry, geophysics and hydrogeology. In most cases, these activities will only
be a repetition or continuation of the work initiated during the project's feasibility or develop-
ment stages.

2~6.1 GeologicalStudies

During the field's operation phase, the geological studies will focus on supporting aspects
related to the selection and location of drilling sites for replacement wells, decisions related
the placing of casing and well termination. They will also serve to help the drilling and reser-
voir engineering groups to identify and resolve problems arising during well drilling and

The geologist will participate in the preparation of well drilling programs, providing informa-
tion on underground geological conditions and on the geological control that will have to be
carried out during construction to identify the producer interval.

Taking into account the geological information, the reservoir's exploitation regime and the
settling of the ground, an assessment will be carried out of the environmental impact this phe-
nomenon could cause and the natural risks that the field could be exposed to will be deter-
mined. Likewise, if necessary, risks due to vulcanism or seismicity in the project will be
assessed, based on the geological information and on the seismic monitoring of the area.

Duríng field operation, the data base on the geological characteristics of both production as
well as injection wells can be used. Decreased production in a well and field pressure and
temperature drops will require and explanation, which could be given based on the study of
the original geological characteristics of the well, correlated to its termination design and to
the most recent information provided by the reservoir engineering group.

In the event of geothermal fluid emanations in the concrete cellar or in the platform area, it
will be necessary to identify if they have been caused by the geological conditions of the
upper part of the well and/or by damages in the well's pipelines and by bad cementation.
Resolving this type of problem will require geological information from the data bank and the
participation of the personnel responsible for the field's geology.

2.6.2 Geochemical Studies

The surface geochemistry during the field's operation phase will have to continue with the
periodic monitoring of water wells, streams, rivers.and springs (thermal and cold), to deter-
mine the evolution of the geothermal system and to carry out an environmental control.
Temperature and flow rate measurements will be taken and water sampling and analyses will
be carried out during selected periods of the year.

Depending on the characteristics of the geothermal fluid, of termination and of well operating
conditions, on occasion there could be scaling problems in the pipelines or in the. surface
installations. Usually in high-temperature geotherrnal fields, the agents that cause scaling are
carbonates (normally calcite) and silica. These problems begin to be detected during the oper-
ation of the first exploratory wells, for which reason precaution or mitigation measures should
be adopted early on.

Silica scaling problems appear in high-temperature geothermal fields. The solubility of quarts
in water monotonically increases with temperature in the 5ºC to 340 ºC interval, with a quasi-
exponential dependence in the 150ºC to 250ºC interval (Fournier, 1989). In high-temperature
reservoirs, the geothermal fluid in equilibrium with the rock has a high content of dissolved
silica. When this Iiquid loses steam and its temperature drops ( adiabatic cooling), as it rnoves
up through the well, it becomes strongly oversaturated with silica and generates deposits of
this mineral. Usually the sites most affected by this deposition are the segments of the instal-
lations close to the fluid's abrupt decompression points, such as changes in the diameter of
the pipes, valves, orifi.ce plates, etc. The most usual corrective measure to remove scaling
consists in cleaning the well's pipes and the surface installations, through mechanical means.

The calcium carbonate deposition process is also associated with the adiabatic decompression
of the geotherrnal fluid. When steam separation occurs, it drags away most of the carbon diox-
ide, elevating the brine's pH and, -with this, also increasing the carbonate ion's concentration. If
a sufficiently high concentration of calcium ion exists in the solution, calcite will be deposited.
This problem has been resolved using inhibitors, which slow down the precipitation reaction.

Except on rare occasions (see section of the Guide for Geothermal Feasibility Studies,
1994), a well built well under normal operation will not experience problems with corrosion.
Problems could appear when due to the bad cementation of the casings, they are exposed to
the formation -on the outside. This could occur in the upper parts of the well, as result of the
action of acid fluids formed by steam absorption processes of the geothermal reservoir, due to
water from upper aquifers. (Bixley and Wilson, 1985).

Z.6.3 Geophysical Studies

During this stage, monitoring that might have started up during the development stage of any
seismic activity in the field and surrounding areas should continue in order to more precisely
determine any seísmíc or volcanic risks for the project.

< Likewise, if a local levelling network exists, changes in the surface ground originated by the
· •. extraction of fluids from the reservoir could be monitored. This monitoring will allow to
· · develop an investigation of the subsidence of the ground and its behavior,. bearing in mind the
· · subsoil's geology, the reservoir's exploitation ranges and the injection of residual fluids.

With regard to the geophysics of the wells, in the event that logging equipment is available,
this study will be very useful, though costly, to determine the physical coupling and cementa-
. tion conditions of the casing, as well as problems with collapsing or rupturing. In the event
-. that such geophysical equipment is not available, sampling and chemical analyses of the flu-
ids, combined with temperature logs, are often a resource in identifying this type of problem.

2.6.4 Hydrogeological Studies

During field exploitation, the hydrogeological investigation implemented in previous stages

should continue, with special attention to the operation and maintenance of the hydrometeo-
rological network and to the obtention and assessment of both surface as well as underground
data. The purpose of this activity is to keep an updated hydrological balance of the basin and
to atternpt to quantify as realistic as possible the reservoir's hydraulic recharge.

During field exploitation, a systematic log of the hydrogeological pararneters should be kept
(static level, production, chemistry of the water, etc.) for each well, to observe the evolution
of the field in response to the extraction of the reservoir's fluid: ánd to the injection of the
residual fluid.

This information should be analyzed with -relation to the .hydrogeological conditions of each
well that were determined at the beginning of field exploitation. The data of the parameters
registered will be stored in the data base, and reports and graphs should be prepared periodi-
cally or whenever necessary to explain the geological conditions of each well and of the field
in general.

The hydrogeological information that has been systematically collected should be periodical-
ly incorporated to the hydrogeological model and particularly to the geothermal field's con-
ceptual model.

The data from the hydrogeological parameters will back the systernatic reservoir engineering
studies that will continue on throughout field exploitatíon.

3.1 Objective and Scope

The purpose of this activity is to keep the wells and all surface installations in the field, including
equipment, conductor pipes and accessories and civil works, in the best working conditions.

3.2 Maintenance

Maintenance involves three main aspects:

a. Maintenance of wells

b. Well repairs

c. Maintenance of surface installations

3.2.1 Maintenance of Wells

Wells are classified into the following categories:



Observation Production Wells

These are all the wells that are ready to go into operation to supply steam to the geothermal
power plant and that require maintenance or repairs in order to ensure their productive capaci-
ty, as well as to prolong their useful life.

When considerable abatement is noted in the production of a well, as well as abrupt changes
in the enthalpy and/or chemical composition of the fluids, in addition to entraining of solid
matter, it is necessary to program the well's revision.

Before intervening in a well, a preliminary diagnosis of its physical state is needed. For this,
the following needs to be known in detail:

Construction design and background

Operational background

Production history

Geochemical history

Bottom logs

During well production, pipes can scale due to the precipitation of rninerals contained in the
gcoiherrnal fluids. Carbonates and silica tend to deposit in a Jarger or lesser degrec in thc
pipes, obstructing and reducing the production capacuy. The location and thickness of scaling
can be detectcd with calibration logs.

Clcaning options for che production pipes will depcnd on thc spccific charactcristics of cach
well and on the geothcrmal ficld itsclf (rcmpcraturc, prcssurc, cnthalpy, chcmical componcnts
and operational risks). Thc ahernntivcs are thc tollowing:

a. Cleanlng of Scaling in Non-flowing (Sta tic) \.Yell

Once che decisión is madc to intcrvcne in a wcll undcr opcration duc to its low produccion,
one can proceed to shut it. down. Once it has been shut down, ali pipelincs and surface instal­
lations joined to the valvc trcc should he disconnccted, to avoid possiblc damagcs.

After this, thc wcll's prcssure is lowered, slowly shutting off thc discharge in the heating line,
so rhat thc stcam can condense within it and a hydrostatic column is formed equal to the
reservoir's pressure. In this way, sudden ternperature changes in t.he welf 's pipes will be
avoidcd, which in contracring coulcl cause rupturcs.

The above operation can take place overa period of time ihat varíes between a few hours to
severa! days, In the event that thc pressurc does not fall it will be necessary Lo slowly intro-
duce water or, ir necessary, drilling mud. Once depressurization is achieved, it is recommend-
ed ihat bouorn Iogs be 1w1 (pressurc, tcrupcrature and calibration), to investigate the mechani­
cal state of the well.

Scaling on thc c~sing can be removed using rotary drilling cquipmcnt. Thc inconvcnicncc uf
this proccdurc in clcaning scaling by using drilling fluids or water at rcmpcraturcs of 20 to 30
Ceutigrade is that production pipelines cool down. wirh the danger of ruptures duc to contrae­
tion. Thc use of a casing reamer helps to avoid this problem, but its use is limired to soft scal-
ing that is not too extended. Thc rempcraturc of thc reservoir and the dcgree of resistancc of
thc pipeline 10 thc tensión and comprcssion are Iactors that play an important role in thc prob­
ahility of mechanical darnagcs taking place.

b. De-scatlng of Flowing Well Usíng Drilling Equlpment

It is possible to de-scale producrion pipes while the well is flowing. In this case. the produced
rtuid serves as a means through which to transpon the cuttings that falJ off the flow Jine. It
should be remembered that there is a higher risk in operntions reJated to this altemative. The
equiprnenl used is the standard drilling equipment, with the difference that a cooling rotary
preventer system needs to be instalJed in the wellhead, to allow operating thc drilling tools
under pressure. This procedure can be used mainly in Jow-pressure and Jow-enthalpy welb. as
well as under conditions of reduced flows.

c. De-scaling of Flowing Well with Fluid Injection Equipment at High Pressure

It is possible to de-scale well pipelines by introducing a continuous probe with nozzles at its
extreme to inject high pressure water, which could be mixed with solid matter (sand) or with
a gel to help scaling to fall off due to the impact. Scaling cuttings that fall off the casing walls
are extracted by the flow of the well.

Scaling cleaning systems with the well flowing have the advantage of reducing the risk of
causing breaks in the pipes, since they do not undergo deformations due to temperature, as
occurs when the well is no longer flowing and needs to be cooled to be able to intervene in it.
Another equally important advantages is the reduction of the time in which the well does not
supply steam for the plant.

d. Preventive Well Maintenance Using Scalíng Inhibitors

In the case of wells with high scaling potential along the pipelines dueto calcium carbonate
deposits, they can be noticeably reduced by injecting a substance that inhibits the formation
of carbonates, through a probe that is permanently installed in the well. Injector Wells

Depending on the injection process used, there will be different maintenance problems. This
will mainly depend on if waste water is inject with or without previous treatment.

The maintenance and cleaning of injector well pipes is done using the main methods used to
maintain productive wells, as is described in the previous sector. Observation Wells

Maintenance of observation wells is rninimal, since they do not have a dynarnic condition. In
wells with H2S emissions, the custom is to protect them using a casket of inert gas (Nitrogen).
In this case, maintenance is limited to merely replacing the gas lost through leaks.

3.2.2 Repair of Wells

Beginning with drilling and/or during their useful life, wells can suffer mechanical damages
that .affect steam production or their injectivity, and additionally put the personnel and facili-
ties at risk. For this reason, it is necessary to intervene to repair them and continue using them
under safe conditions. In the opposite case, if they cannot be rehabilitated, they should be pre-
pared to be shut down and left in the best safety conditions possible to avoid future problems.
Damages suffered by wells are related mainly to the following aspects:

Construction design

Problems during drilling

Problems during the installation of casings

Type of cement and cementing operation

Aggressiveness of geothermal fluid

Operational problems during induction, heating, developrnent, depressurization, etc.

Chemical and thermodynamic characteristics of the fluids

Different types of damages or problems take place in wells, the main ones of which are
described below:

a, Collapsing .·

This is flattening that occurs in the producer casing, caused by sudden heating and pressuriza-
tion of water bubbles trapped in the annular space.

Collapsing partially or totally reduces the well's capacity, depending on .the amount of dam-
age, where one or more places can collapse in the same well.

When collapsing creates a partial obstruction and does not represent a dangerous situatíon, it
is recommended that the well not be intervened until another event takes place requiring
attention, as could be scaling or the production of solid matter (fragments of the forrnation,
metal, etc.).

b. . Corrosionof ProductionPipelines

Corrosion can take place both inside as well as outside the casing, and can cause them to
come loose. Corrosion attacks can be worse when the wells are in static condition (without
flowing), or under purge conditions that allow the formation of steam condensation that forms
acid solutions that damages the casing.

Casings can also be attacked by galvanic corrosion when pipes are combined with different
metal characteristics, as well as by the effect of different stratum crossing through the well.
These attacks are somewhat reduced when there is a high flow rate in the well.

Repairs on a well with corroded casings consist of installing and cementing an additional
smaller pipe to protect the damaged section. It should be taken into account that these repairs
could reduce the productivity ar injectivity index.

c. Fractures in Production Casings

On occasions, fractures in casings are located in places where there is externa! protection
from another casing pipe, which might not affect the production of the well and, therefore,
does not require installing an additional smaller protective pipe.

When the fracture takes place in an unprotected area, which is next to the formation, rock
fragments may break loose and get into the well and erode surface facilities (valves, conduc-
tor pipes and surface equipment). In addition, lower temperature fluids could go into the well,
affecting production and accelerating scaling.

On the other hand, in the case of very severe damage, the geothermal fluid could move out-
side the pipes, with the risk of appearing in the surface of the ground surrounding the well. If
this occurs, necessary procedures will have to be carried out to leave the well completely
open, so that its interna! pressure decreases and, consequently, so the flow through the frac-
ture is stemmed.

To control the well, surface facilities are installed so that the flow can be channeled through
the side lines of the valve tree. In the upper part of the well, high-temperature preventers with
lubricators are installed, along with a cooling system. Along the bottom part of the val ve tree,
pipes are installed to inject fluids into the well.

Well depressurization is done by introducing a pipe, which could be whole or divided into
sections. This pipe is lowered down inside the well until it reaches the production zone or the
bottom. Water or drilling mud is then pumped through the pipe, while at the same time clos-
ing the side valves. Water or mud continues to be injected until wellhead pressure has reached
atmospheric pressure. Later on, repair equipment can be introduced into the well to check it
and to place asmaller casing to cover the damaged zone.

In most cases where the breaking of casings occurs in formations that are not very consolidat-
ed, the well begins to produce large amounts of solid matter. In these cases, production should
be reduced until it reaches a level where the presence of solids is reduced to a mínimum. lf
this operation cannot be controlled, it will be neeessary to intervene the well.

Sorne methods to locate and to see cracks along the length of the well in more detail is
through continuous calibration logs, rubber seal impression logs and the use of television
cameras or sonic logs through which one can even observe damaged sections of the casing.
The inconvenience of .these methods is that the well must have been depressurized and be
cold, which could damage the pipes even more.

On occasion, repairs on a well with damaged casings becomes very difficult, since the affect-
ed section has been displaced by the presence of cavities that form from the extraction of
material from the formation. In these cases, the decision usually is to deviate the well and to
drill it again, once more introducing the production pipes and leaving a new productive inter-
val, either with slotted liner or simply an open hole.

d. Deficient Cementing Accessories

During cementing of the casing pipes, which is carried out in severa! stagcs, ccmenting cou-
plings can remain open, allowi ng the en trance of fluids that cause the well to behave in a sim-
ilar way to the case of a broken casing. The solution, tberefore, can be similar to that used in
cases of broken pipes, either injecting cement under pressure into the coupling holes (process
known as squcczcd ccmenting) or, if it is felt that the damage is very extended, by installing
an additional. srnaller-sized casing to covcr the deficient accessory.

Plugging up the open cementing couplers with cement is not entirely successful in most
cases, for which reason the problem could occur again.

e. Deterioration of the Cement in the Casings

The cement used for casings deteriorares over time. This variable depends on thc quality of
the ccmcnt slurry, the additivcs used in it and thc procedurc used during ccmcnting. Dcgraded
cement allows fluid from the reservoir 10 ascend lhrough the pipes to thc surface. This risk is
rcduced by installing surface protcction casing pipes that provide more control.

On the other hand, a descending flow of lower­ternperature fluids from shallower strata that
circulate through the externa! wall of the casing and invade the producer interval could occur
dueto the annular space.

A possible sblution to this problem consists of recementing damaged intervals, firing the cas­
ings and injecting cement under pressure. Another alternative, if the construction design
allows it, would be a side deviation to redrill and install a new production pipe.

f. Corroslon of the Production Casings on Surface

UsuaJJy rain water and infiltration accumulates in the concrete cellars, weuing the externa!
walls of the production casing, which in combination witb oxygen causes corrosion.

To reduce this problem, it is recommended that the concrete cellar be period.ically checked,
avoiding the accumulation of water inside it, The thickness of the casing in this zone should
also be mcasurcd periodically, using an ultrasonic log.

When the corrosion in the productioo casing reacbes dangerous levels, to such a point that rhe
personnel and facilities are at risk, the damaged section should be taken out and the wellhead
reínstalled again, the following operations sequence indicated next: depressurization of the
well and deepening of the concrete cellar until a section of casing in good conditions is found.
The darnaged casing is cut out and a ocw scction is installcd to rcplace it. If it is not possible
to install a threaded section, the replacement casing should be carefully soldered, following
the effort release techniques through previous and posr-heating of the zone to be soldcred.
The wellhead is installed on this casing.

g. Obstructions in the Formationdue to Scaling

On occasion, the thermodynamic and physical characteristics of the reservoir, along with
those of the well's operation, cause the formation of a broad boiling zone in the formation,
which in turn could produce scaling problems in the same, obstructing it and reducing its per-

Though this <loes not necessarily constitute a damage to the well, it is a serious problem and
requires repairs to recover its original capacity.

The rehabilitation process in these cases consists, as a first alternative, in deepening the well
is its construction characteristics and the depth of the reservoir allow it, to exploit another
level of the .reservoir, A second alternative, in the event.that deepening the well is not physi-
cally feasible, consists in obstructing the originally producing zone using a plug at the bottom
of the production casing, opening up a side window in the casing at the deepest leve! possible,
directionally drilling a portion of the well a few meters away from .the axis of the original
well, and then contínue drilling parallel until a zone of the reservoir is reached that is not
affected by scaling.

Another alternative used when scaling is due to carbonates, involves injecting acids to dis-
solve them. This, however, has the disadvantage that it considerably decreases the useful.life
of the wells due to the action of the acid on the casing.

h. wen Abandonment
When due to reasons of low or no production, as well as to the high cost of maintenance work
in a damaged well, if it is decided to abandon it, procedures should be carefully planned to
avoid further problems in the future.

In damaged production wells that are no longer considered to be useful, the possibility of
using them as injection wells should be considered, orto observe and monitor the reservoir's
performance. For this, the wells should be repaired and adapted, installing if necessary small-
er pipes with the purpose of sealing off surface zones that could have remained open and that
interfere with the reservoir's response.

In wells that cannot be used for any of these purposes, it is recommended that cement plugs
be placed in the lower part of the production casing, fill the well with drilling mud and Ieave a
valve in with the purpose of avoidíng unforeseen discharges,

In wells adapted for reservoir observation and that are considered to be safe, a master valve,
pressure gauges and traps. for gas release should installed. Monitoring should be carried out
using equipment placed inside the well and connected on the surface to a continuous mea-
surement and logging system, or through bi-weekly or monthly measurements of the water
level. In sorne cases, temperature and pressure logs can be run two to four times a year.

~f;aiz.3 ~ ·r Surface Facilities
'(M<lÍntenanceof the facilities of a geothermal field under exploitation involves all tasks aimed
> at conserving the good operational state of the mechanical elements and of civil works.

> The system that allows conducting or managing the geothermal fluid is exposed to different
.phenomena, which in time cause the deterioration of the mechanical or civil elements, affect-
•.· ing the function for which they were designed. The main deterioration is caused by scaling,
· corrosion, erosion, wet and saline environment, high temperatures and pressures, chemical
.·· reactions, different land settling, draining and filtration of surface water.

• Next, the main elements exposed to this type of degradation on the surface are indicated,with
a brief description of their function, problems and maintenance.

a. Valve Tree

The valve tree is a device that fulfills the function of controlling the well 's output flow,
through a series of val ves -that regulate the discharge of the fluid being sent out either to the
separator or to. the silencers.

The concentration of the chemical compounds and the high pressures and temperatures of the
geothermal fluids can affect seals and lubricating greases, causing leales, corrosion, scaling
and operational problems in the valves. This malees their operation difficult and could cause
their elements to break and twist. If, in addition, solid matter is being carried with the flow, it
could cause the erosion of the mechanical elements, with possible leaks.

When dueto operation and safety reasons an element on the valve tree needs to be checked, it
is preferable to replace the damaged part or the entire tree, without including the master
valve, and then proceed with the maintenance in the workshop.

Whenever necessary, the master valve can be replaced. For this, the well will need to be
depressurized. If one wishes to avoid this manoeuver to avoid the risk of damage to 'the casing
dueto cooling, this operation can be carried out using valve changing equipment, which con-
sists.of a hydraulic equipment that introduces a mechanical plug into the well, whichis fitted
with a seal with wedges that are fitted into the production pipe, impeding the flow of fluid to
the outside and reducing any danger.

b. ConductorPipes for Mixtures, Steam and Water

Surface pipelines lead the geothermal flow, in its different phases, between different points of
the field-plant system. In the case of mixture or water conduction pipes, the most common
problems that appear are internal scaling and displacement of the pipes, which can cause
them to come loose from their ground supports. In steam conductor pipes, the problem that
could appear is corrosion of the inner walls.

In mixture and separate water pipelines, it is recommended to install control flaps to be able
to observe the degree of scaling and to be able to clean thern, either mechanically or hydrauli-
cally. The externa! part should be protected with special paint for high temperatures.

In pipelines that conduct steam, it is recommended to install enough condensate purges, locat-
ed strategically.

c. Thermal Insulation of Conductor Pipelines

Its function is to reduce heat losses in the geothermal fluid being conducted through the
pipelines. In those cases were damage is observed in the thermal insulation, it is recommend-
ed that it be damaged sections be promptly replaced or repaired, to avoid the forrnation of
condensate in the steam lines, or excessive heat Iosses in the mixture and separated water
conduction lines.

d. Supports and Metal Structures

Their function is to place on the ground the loads dueto the weight of the pipelines and flu-
ids. The main problems that could appear in this case are corrosion, warping due to excessive
effort of the elements and failures in the ground anchor.

For their maintenance, it is recommended that anticorrosive coating be used, that repairs and
replacements be made, depending on the case, and that the sliding bearings be periodically
inspected ..

e. Drainage System

This system drairis the condensate that forms in the pipelines: Problems observed here are
plugging up due to scaling and/or as a result of scaling inside the equipment and pipes .. It is·
recommended that the purges be periodically cleaned and the valves lubricated.

f. Silencer and Spillway .

This component inthe system reduces thenoise caused by the discharge of fluids to the envi-
ronment .and allows measuring the flow rate of the water produced. The main problems
observed in this case are scaling, erosion and corrosion. In the case of. metal silencers, corro-
sion is what predominates. lt is recommended that the silencer's chamber and the water chan-
nel be periodically cleaned.

g. Concrete Cellar

The concrete cellar supports the valve tree and helps avoid the entrance of surface infiltration
water to the upper part of the well, thus reducing corrosion damages to the casing; The main
problems observed are the deterioration of concrete, mud and fluid infiltration through cracks

d fractures, and the accumulation of rain water. The concrete cellar needs to be frequently
spected and cleaned, sealing off cracks and fractures. On the other hand, it is recommended
at a drainage system be contemplated in the design to eliminate water and solid matter that
'might form in it.

Well-Separator Interconnection

.This part of the system consists of the connection of the separation system to the valve tree. It
ust be flexible enough to absorb efforts due to thermal dilation and different movements
etween the separator and the tree.

he most common problem seen in this section is erosion along the parts where the flow
hanges direction, which becomes more intense when fragments of rock are dragged along
ausing considerable and dangerous leaks. One solution to this problem involves installing a
" shape connection instead of the 90 .

í, Equipment Protection System

The rupture disks and the safety or relief valve constitute the protection system to avoid over-
pressure in the separator, which a ball valve is used to avoid the possibility of a considerable
amount of water being dragged along with the steam.

When the equipment is exposed to a damp and saline environment, corrosion problems take
place on the outside of the rupture disk causing leaks or cracks at even lower pressures. As a
maintenance practice for the rupture disks, it is recommended that they be periodically
inspected and replace, as well as that greater care be given to protect them against dampness. ,
It is also recommended that two discs be installed parallel to each other, with different rupture
pressures, placing a stop valve in the one with the lower range. It is also recommended that an
eyesight inspection be carried out regularly, along with a hydrostatic test.

The ball valve may quit operating due to scaling in the space between the floating ball and its
guide, as well as due to warping, breakage or wearing out of the latter. It is also common for
the ball to stop moving due to breakage of the centering basket. In view of the importance
that it continue functioning, periodic inspections should be carried out and its good thermal
insulation should be kept up. ·

j. Separator

The function of the separator consists of separating the liquid and gaseous phases to later con-
duct them, applying the principies of centrifuga! force and the difference in densities. The
main problems seen in this equipment are erosion, due to solid matter, and scaling. It is rec-
ommended that it be periodically checked, de-scaled and cleaned, using the accesses installed
for this purpose. Pressure outlets should also be periodically inspected and verified, as well as
the water leve! indicator. Externally, the separator's thermal insulation should be kept in good

state, and anticorrosive and enamel paint should be applied on the metal structure, bolts and
screws and other exposed parts.

k. Stop Valves

Stop valves need to be installed in conductor pipelines in those places where changes are
desired in the direction of the flows. The problems of these valves are similar to those men-
tioned in the case of the well's valve tree, for which reason a similar maintenance is recom-
mended. ·

4.l · Study on Well Performance

During the productive life of the wells, it is recommended that a series of measurements be
taken periodically, to know what the performance and .evolution of the thermodynamic and
chemical characteristics of the produced fluids are over time.

This periodic monitoring, through a correct interpretation, will help to detect and distinguish
if the performance of a given well is due to mechanical or construction problems, or if it is
undergoing a normal process typical of the producing zone.

4.1~1 , '; Thermodynamíc Monitoring

For monitoring from the thermodynamic standpoint, the following series of rneasurements
should be made:

a. Surface Measurements

Continuous logging of wellhead pressure and separation pressure

Temperature measurernent in sorne place close. to the wellhead, to verify the

thermodynamic state in the case of dry steam producer wells

Periodic measurements, as frequent as possible, of the well's productivity in .its water

and/or steam phases, depending on the type of reservoir.

Establishment of the production enthalpy through a mass and energy balance, in the
case of mixture production wells, and directly from thermodynamic tables for dry steam
production wells.

b. Bottom Measurements

Pressure and temperature logs every time field opcration allows limiting the well to
mínimum production or taking it out of production, without affecting the steam supply.

It is also rccommendcd that calibration logs be carried out on thc occasions mentioned
in the previous point, to assess thc degree of scaling and/or detccting obstructions.

4. t.2 Chernícal Monitoring

Thc follow­up of the chcmical charactcristícs of the dischargcs of a well is importan! bccause
it hclps to detcct changos in the conditions of thc feeding zone. For cxample, whcn thcrc is a
contribution of water with a different salinity and ternperaturc in thc reservoir scction that
fccds a well, thc changos in thc chcmical parameters (salinity, isotopic composition) will
occur beforc changos in the thcrmal paramcters (temperaturc, cnthalpy). This is clue to the
fact that thc alteration in the chcmical pararncters advances with the mixture front (cheruical
froru), whereas thc altcratlon of thc therrnal pararncrcrs (thcrmal front) is softencd and
dclayed by the conducüvc transfcrence of rhc rock 's heat to thc fluid.

Sincc the kinetics of thc silica precipftarion­dissohulon process (quartz) is relatively fnst at
high tcmperatures, the silica geotherrnometer (Fournier and Poner, 1982) allows calculatíng
rhc tcmperature of the rcscrvoir close to the wcll, Oo the other hand, geothermomerers with a
cationic cornposition (among others, describcd by Nieva y Nieva, 1987; Fournier, 1979;
Fcurníer and Truesdell, 1973), allow one to establish the temperaturc lar awuy frorn thc well.
A cornparison betwecn the reservoir temperature valúes calculatcd with these two rypes oí
gcothcrmometers allows dctccting certain proccsses taking place in rhc well's feeding zone
(Truesdcll el al., 1985; Lippmann and Truesdell, 1990).

The histories of the chemical aud physica] pararneters ora well should be considered together
for the prediction or diagnosis of production problerns. A structurcd procedure rhat has
allowcd to iclentify obstructíon problems in surface pipelincs, mechanical darnages in che
well's casing, invasion of cold water and silica scaling in the feeding zone, for the cases of
wells in the Cerro Prieto geotherrnul field, has bccn describcd by Arellano el al. (1991) and
CFE-IIE (1990). In thc same study, a silica dcposition speed parameter in the reservoir was
dcfined, which allows one to diagnose production problcms arisiug from possible damages to
the forrnation, caused by silica scaling.

4.1.3 Performance Patterns

Through an integral analysis of the information that is obtaincd from the series of measure-
ments and deterrninations described previously, where the weJl's construction and pre-opera-
tional (stan-up) background is taken into account, the type of performance it will havc can be

inferred or diagnosed. Below, sorne performance patterns observed in several geothermal
fields are described.

a. Scaling

When scaling occurs in a well, although there are no mechanical problems, the well's produc­
tion and its wellhead pressure begin to decrease, parallel to an abatement rhythm that depends
on the speed with which the scaling element is deposited (silica, carbonate, sulphide). During
this period, the production enthalpy and the concentration of the chemical compounds could
vary depending on the type of recharge. When scaling moves beyond the slotted liners-that
is, within the formation-abatement of the production parameters becomes even more evident
and pronounced.

b. Obstruction of Upper Part of Wellhead

When due to scaling or expelled matter the production hole and/or the curve that connects the
valve tree with the separator become partially obstructed, the wellhead's pressure will
increase whilé the pressure along the production líne will decrease.

The enthalpy and the chemical conditions usually remain the same.

This event on occasion is eliminated naturally through unplugging and erosion of the fluids
themselves. However, in most cases the flow needs to be veered to the silencers to be able to
clean or replace the obstructed elements and, in this way, to reestablish production conditions.

c. Sudden Obstruction Underneath the Wellhead

On certain occasions, the well's casings could experience one or more collapses, without any
breakage or entrance of water, with a sudden drop both in wellhead pressure as well as in the
production volumes and with variations in the enthalpy and/or chemical composition.

After a collapse, it is common to see that the degree of abatement of the production character-
istics increases, since the drop of additional pressure caused by the obstruction propitiates

A similar situation can be observed when the well throws out material from the formation,
scaling falls off or mechanical elements left in the bottom rise up (for example, wire) and they
lodge in sorne part of the production casing.

d. Entrance of Lower Temperature Water

When mechanical damages occur, such as fractures or dislodging of the production casing, as
well as when there are deficiencies in the accessories, such as the hangers or cementing cou-
plers, it is possible that fluids might enter into the well at those points.

Since these events usually occur at less depth than that of the producing interval, it is com-
mon to see that the incoming fluid has a lower ternperature and different chemical cornposi­
tion. One can quickly see the problem whcn a sudden reduction of the production enthalpy
ta.Ices place, with a change in the chemical composition (for cxample, in chlorides), depending
on the magnitude of this change in the amount and characteristics of the fluid that is filtering.
Since a mixture of fluids with different enthalpies takes place, a variation in the stcam pro-
duced and/or an increase in water production might be obscrvcd, in addition to variations in
the wellhead pressure,

On other occasions it is common to observe strong variations (rising and falling) in thc thcr-
modynamic (enthalpy and flow rate of steam) and chcmical (chloridcs) parameters, since the
well is fed in a cyclical way by the diffcrent points of contribution. 13ottom logs (prcssure,
temperature and spinner) can provide valuable infonnation to define and undcrstand thcsc sit-

A variation of the problcrn that causes ihis pattcrn of performance is whcn instead of a point
of secondary conrribution to thc insidc of thc well duc to a brokcn pipe or deficient accessory,
a flow occurs that goes don the annular space between the production casing pipe and thc for-
marión, which is duc to a dcficicnt ccmcnung that allows lower cnthalpy Iluids from more
superficial strata to descend, with a consequcnce mixing of fluids in the bottom of thc wcll at
a higher temperature.

Thc problcm.dcscribcd hcrc could be aggravatcd by strong scaling, which accclcratcs with thc
mixture of fluids on thc bottom with shallow fluíds.

e. Recharge of Cold Water

One of rhe processes a well could experience and rhat relates to the reservoir and nor to the
well lrself, is the mixture of fluids dueto a natural recharging of the reservoir with lower tern-
perature water with a different chernical composítion.

In these cases, a gradual abatement of the production characterisrics of the well can be
observed over time. The enthalpy. chlorides and georhcrmometers are the classic pararneters
used to detect it. This process usually occurs in wells located close to the outside borders of
the field, and will later on be observed in wells Iocated inside it, as the rechargc front contin-
ues to advance.

lt should be noted that this phenomenon has been observed in sorne wells located in the cen-
tral part of geothermal fields, which m.ight be due to a vertical recharge of colder shallow flu-
ids through cracks or fractures that affect the vertical permeability of the sealing layer.

f. Local Boiling

In a geothermal field, or in sorne zones within it, a process known as local boiling could take
place. It is characterized by the appearance of a zone of two-phase fluids (water-steam)
around the well, which usually tend to extend with time to the point in which it becomes a
general boiling zone.

This process occurs in wells where the reservoir initially has a temperature very close to the
point of saturation, with respect to the reservoir's pressure. Thus, as pressure abates dueto the
exploitation of the field, boiling occurs in the formation surrounding the well, moving away
as pressure abatement increases.

It is also common for boiling zones to have little natural recharge, which results in greater
abatement of the pressure. this process occurs in wells located in places where their connec-
tion to the rest of the reservoir is deficient. Rock heat is transferred to the fluids that are
stored in the permeable spaces, in such a way that as pressure abates due to production, boil-
ing occurs in the formation surrounding the well.

In these cases, the typical performance pattern consists of a noticeable increase in the produc-
tion enthalpy, to the point where it might equal the steam enthalpy. The concentration of salts
also increases and the geothermometers show a typical pattern indicated in detail in special-
ized technical literature.

g. Combined Effects

The patterns described above represent isolated cases. However, it frequently happens that a
well might present one or more of the mentioned events, either simultaneous or consecutively.
This malees it difficult to interpret the data observed.

4.2 Study on Reservoir Performance

Wíth the exploitation of the field, the conditions prevailing in the reservoir change, and this is
reflected in the performance of the wells.

Fluid extraction produces a reduction in the reservoir's pressure that tends to increase (or ini-
tiate) boiling in the formation andfor to allow colder underground water to move into the sys-

The beginning or growth of the boiling zone depends on the magnitude of the decrease in the
reservoir's pressure. This decrease depends on the volume of the extracted fluid, on the per-
meability and storage coefficient of the formation and on the amount of fluids naturally
recharged or injected.

~~~lling in the reservoir can cause the precipitation of minerals (silica, carbonates or oxides)
~iµ~?the fonnation's pores or cracks, reducing its porosity and permeability and affecting the
)productivity of the reservoir and wells. This productivity could also decrease due to the
!tpf!ects resulting from the existence of two phases, where the effective permeability of the for-
h,nation decreases due to the joint presence of steam and liquid in the pores or cracks.
:: .· :·.: ', :

'>Jfthe reservoir is open-that is, if it allows the entrance of colder underground water in a lat-
i.~ral or vertical fonn-in those zones close to the recharge areas, changes can be observed in
lthe chemical characteristics of produced fluids over time. Other chemical changes are related
Jo boiling within the formation or to the injection of colder liquids with different chemical
, ,~haracteristics.

{Changes that occur in the reservoir as a result of field exploitation usually are determined in
.[wells were logs and tests are being run or by inferring their performance. Only when these
., ~phanges are very big is it possible to detect them using geophysical surface methods. One
·. example is the study of the resistivity changes associated to the advance of colder water from
· the natural recharge or injection areas toward the production wells.

Average pressure and temperature variations in the reservoir can be directly logged if obser-
. vation wells have been opened up along the production formation. Temperature and pressure
.logs in static wells could provide data on the reservoir, but often this type of register cannot
be obtained due to the lack of adequate observation wells or due to reasons related to the
'field's operation.

If a water level appears in the observation wells, level changes should be logged. H there is
pressure .in the wellhead, the pressure variation in the reservoir could be measured using a
capillary tube system introduced below the water level.

.If periodic productivity or injectivity tests can be carried out, logs could be kept on the
changes in the physical properties of the reservoir due to its exploitation. In general, these
.tests rarely are carried out during the field's operational phase, due tothe need of keeping flu-
ids supplying the plant and of eliminating waste fluids.

In addition, during field operation it is fundamental to establish the performance of the wells
since they reflect changes that might be taking place in the reservoir or in the wells them-
selves. Not only should wellhead pressures, production and enthalpy be periodically measures
(at least once a month), but also the chemical characteristics of produced fluids. In the case of
injection wells, the volume, temperature and chemical characteristics of injected fluids should
be logged.

A reduction in the mass productivity of a well could be due to a decrease in the reservoir's
pressure or permeability, to an increase of steam saturation in the same (effects of relative
permeability), and/or to the presence of scaling or mechanical problems. An analysis of the

evolution of the physical and chemical characteristics of the well and a calibration log could
determine if it is due to problems in the well or not. If this were the case and the desire is to
keep it producing, the decision will have to be made clean or repair the well. Carbonate scal-
ing could be eliminated or significantly reduced if chemical inhibitors are used, the wellhead
pressure is increased or if a submergible pump is installed (in medium temperature wells), to
avoid boiling inside the well.

In sorne wells, scaling is due to the mixture of fluids with different chemical characteristics
from different producing zones. In this case, it will be necessary to cement one or more of
these zones to avoid different types of fluids from mixing inside the well and from reacting
between each other.

In the case of and injection well, a reduction of its capacity quite possibly would be due to the
precipitation of minerals in the well or in the formation next to it. A calibration log could
determine where the scaling is located or if there was a mechanical problem. .If the injectivity
decreased due to scaling, the well should be cleaned and fluid treatment should be considered
befare injecting them, to avoid or reduce mineral precipitation.

An increase of enthalpy in production wells indicates an increase of boiling in thereservoir or

a possible preferential flow of steam toward the well within the formation. If the enthalpy
continues to· increase, reaching values that correspond to superheated steam, there have been
cases where the wells begin to experience problems, such as: scaling in the formation, wells
or surface facilities; generation of corrosive steam; reduction of the contributing capacity of
the productive zone near the well, due to its reduced permeability.

On the other hand, a reduction in the enthalpy of the produced fluids could be due to the
entrance of lower-temperature water to the well. This could be related to a mechanical prob-
lem in the well orto the arrival of a front of colder fluids associated with the reservoir's nat-
ural recharge, to reinjection orto a change in the relatíve productivity of different zones con-
tributing fluids to the well. In the latter case, due to pressure changes occurring in the reser-
. voir, a lower temperature zone and an initially lower potential could at a given moment begin
to domínate over a higher temperature zone that originally contributed most of the produced

Observing changes in the chemícal conditions of the reservoir and that have been detected
from the performance of individual wells allows characterizing sorne of the processes that
take place as a result of the massive extraction of fluid and thermal energy. Detecting these
changes after the first few years of extraction in sorne prospecting fields reveals a process of
water invasion in the reservoir with a different chemical and isotopic composition than that of
the original geothermal fluid (Truesdell et al., 1982).

It is extremely important to detect these changes in the performance of the .reservoir to be able
to revise field prospecting strategies and to try to prolong its useful life to the maximum.

An example of the forrn in which these changes can be detected is through an analysis of the
variations in chloride. silica and stable isotope contcnrs, as well as by obtaining temperatures
based on silica and Na-K-Ca geothermometers (Truesdell et al., 1989 and 1992).

An incrcasc in the contcnt of chloridcs and heavy stable isotopes (O" and deuteriurn) indicate
higher temperatures. A map showing the distribution of these parameters over time allows
one to determine the ad vanee of a cold water front in the reservoir,

Due to a difference between the equilibrium times of different geothermometers, an analysis

of the tcmperature variations that they indicare allows being able to infer the processes that
are taking place in thc rcscrvoir.'

For exumple, the Na-K-Ca geothermomeier changos very slowly and indicares thc tempera-
ture of che zone from where the fluid originates. On the oiher hand, the silica gcothcrrnomctcr
changes quickly and reflects the reservoir's ternperature in the vicinity of che production
wells. By comparing thc tempcraturcs (or corrcsponding cnthalpics) mcasurcd at thc well
opening to those indicated by the silica and Na-K-Ca geothcrmomctcrs, Trucsdcll and other
researchers werc able to establish the importancc of boiling and of natural rccharging in dif-
Jcrcni parts of the Cerro Prieto field, as well as idcntify thc boiling and condcnsation proccss­
es ihat control thc chcmical charactcrlsücs of thc Iluids produccd by thc diffcrcnt wclls.

4.3 Updatíng the Field Model

During thc opcrauonal pilase or thc flcld­plant systcm, data is gathcrcd pcriodically on thc
production, ínjccrion and obscrvation wclls, In additiou, Informatiou on thc rcscrvoir is
obtaincd during clcaning opcraticns. rcpairs and reassessmcnr of cxisting wclls and whcn
replacement wclls are driJled and assessed. te is also possible to obtain othcr data from geo-
scicntific studies carried out during this phase of the project.

Al 1 this inforrnation sbould be used to update the reservoir's model. The mcthodology to be
used is similar to that described in sectious 3.4 and 3.5 of thc Cuide for Gcothermal
Feasibility Studies (1994). However, during this pilase of thc projcct thcrc is a vcry important
addirional data base for the process of updating the rnodel. Jt has to do with thc production
and injection data obtained from ali the wells rclated to the field-plant systern's operation.

Within ficld opcration, thc foJJowing information ,110uld be collectcd al ]casi once a month:

1<or producer wclls

Wellhead pressure

Separation prcssurc

Steam and liquid production

Enthalpy of the produced fluid

Chemical characteristics of the produced fluid

For injection wells

Wellhead pressure

Injected volume

Temperature of injected fluid

Chemical characteristics of the injected fluid.

These operational data are extremely important to reassess the reservoir prospecting rnodel.
The values calculated by the model should agree with · the data rneasured in the wells.
However, generally there are discrepancies in the performance of one or more wells, which
requires rnaking changes in sorne of the parameters of the prospecting rnodel being used.

Different changes rnay have to be rnade on the rnodel to irnprove the correlation between the
data rneasured in the production, injection and observation wells and those calculated by the
rnodel, depending on the magnitude of the discrepancies. It might be necessary to change the
permeability distribution in part of the rnodel, as well ·as the assurned productivity indexes of
sorne of the wells, the characteristics of the sources and sinks and other pararneters. ·

This revisión process requires sorne experience in the use of numerical models and geoscien-
tific data. For example, it is necessary to understand how a change in permeability affects the
productivity calculated for a well. The characteristics that are already known with regard to
the reservoir should also be taken into account when rnodifying a property in the grid used by
the model, For example, it would not be reasonable to include a high permeability zone if this
does not correspond to the information obtained from the drilled wells. However, this zorie
could ­be included in a modeled part of the system that .has still not been explored or drilled,
as long as it irnproves the correlation between observed and calculated values.

After obtaining a reasonable correlation (it is improbable that an exact one will be possible)
between the results of the prospecting model and the production data and other information
obtained from the field, the changes made to the model in a natural state must also be includ-

The purpose is to verify that changes carried out do not significantly affect the results of the
model in a natural state. If the effects of these changes are important, an iteration should be
made between the natural state and exploitation models, until the adjustments made allow a

reasonable correlation between what has been measured in the field before and after exploita-
tion has begun and the output data of both models.

This process of updating thc model should be carried out periodically (every one or two
years), as new infonnation on the wells and on thc field in general are obtained. This will
allow modifying, if ncccssary, thc rcscrvoir's exploitation strategy (Section 4.4) and revising
the estimares on the field's potential (Section 4.5).

4.4 Updating the Field Exploitation and Operating Strategy

When the prospecting model has been updated based on the data collected during thc ficld
operation phase (see previous section), it will be necessary to updare its managcmcnt plans.
Thc points that will be analyzed again are che following:

Spacing to be used between wells to minimizo intcrfercnces becwcen them.

Decline of the production wells.

Changes in the average enthalpy of the flulds produccd due to boiling or cntrance of
cold water.

Numbcr of rcplacemcnt wclls that will havc to be drilled during ihe life of the project to
maíntaín thc planr's generation lcvcl.

Possible effects of injection on the performance of thc production wclls.

Location and design of the injection wells 10 be able to reduce possible effects of
thermal interfcrencc in the production wclls and optimize the sweeping of heat stored in
the reservoir's rocks.

If modifications have been made to the prospecting model sincc thc last time in which it was
assessed, it will be necessary to carry out sensitivity studies and use a conservativo approach
in predicting the future performance, as well as avoid the use of too optirnistic estimares that
could affeet thc futuro operation of the fícld-plant systern (Section 3.5.2 of the Guide for
Fcasíbility Studies, 1994).

4.5 Updatíng lnitíal Estima tes of' the Field 's Provén Potential

During this phase of the project's operation, there is a better knowledge of the reservoir's
characteristics and of the geothermal system in general.

Using the prospecting model that has been updated (Section 4.3) it will be possible to. revise
previous estimates made on the field's potential.

During the assessment of different prospecting strategies (see section 4.4) it is assumed that
the amount of energy to be extracted from the reservoir during the life of the project-that is
during a 20-year period--corresponds to the total installed capacity at the plant. On the other
hand, when the field's potential is estimated, an attempt is made to determine the highest
amount of geothermal energy that it can produce at a comparable or lower cost than other
types of energy.

The prospecting model allows calculating the physical (and chemical) effects that a certain
amount of megawatt-years (or megajoules) could have over the reservoir and the wells of a
project, in view of a given production/injection scheme. Contemplating these conditions, the
model predicts, among other things, the future characteristics ofthe production wells and the
total number of wells (including replacement wells) that will have to be drilled during the
lifetime of the project.

With the help of the updated prospecting model and a cost analysis associated with the pro-
ject, the differentlevels of electric generation can be studied once more ( or the thermal ener-
gy extraction levels), as well as different management plans for the field. A study of the
results of the model and of the economic analysis will indicate the maximum geothermal
energy that can be extracted from the reservoir during the lifetime of the project, ata competi-
tive cost with relation to other energy sources.

This new estímate of the potential of the field might indicate that:

a. There is excessive installed capacity at the plant.

b. · The initial estímate on the field's capacity was correct.

c. The field has more potential than that initially estimated and during a period of a certain
. amount of years will supply. sufficient geothermal fluids to generate a given amount of
MW .of. electricity, orkeep a direct use project operating for a given capacity of

If the field's capacity was overestimated, it will have to be decided whetherto rnake changes' .·
in the field-plant system to reduce the economic impact that this overestimate might cause .. · .·
For example, it might be decided to operate the system at its maximum possible capacity dur- .
ing a shorter period, or reduce the steam supply to the plant to extend the commercial life of
the project to a maximum. These decisions will have to be adopted after a careful technical.
and economic analysís, which will .depend on the conditions prevailing at that moment. ·. <t~W

If the study indicates that the field's potential is higher than that estimated initially, the instal~,\~

lation of one or more additional plants might be considered. In rnaking the decision of
increasing the project's capacity, it should always be taken into account that che forecasts
given by the prospecting modelare based on many estimated data. This innate uncertainty in
thc rcsults of the model means that che total updated capacity of the project will be lower than
that indicated by the same.

5.1 Objective and Scope

Every geothermal project needs to have reserve wells if a relatively constan! generation leve!
is going to be rnaintained for the plant. These wells-some of thern production and others
injection wells-go into service when sorne of those on Jine need to be intervened, or when
the capacity of the existing enes is lower than what is required to operate optimally or at the
máximum leve! of the well-plant systern. Considering 3 MWe as the average capacity per
well, ideally there should be one reserve well for ever four production wells and ene for every
three injection ones.

With time, the wells tend to havc constructlon­typc, corrosion or scaling problems. In many
cases, they can be put back into line once they have been repaired or cleaned. In other cases,
however, this is technically impossible or anti­econornic and they have to be abandoned, mak-
ing their replacernent necessary. In certain cases, they can be converted into observation

A ficld modclling study is only ablc to estimare thc mínimum number of replacerncnt wclls
that will have to be built during the lifetime of a project, This number corresponds ro those
that have to be added LO exisung wells to keep up the steam supplied needed by the plant and
to continue with the injection of waste fluids.

The number of replacernent wells (production and injection) tbat will have to be built in a
field due to damages of pipelines as a result of construction, corrosion or scaling problerns
can only be cstimatcd approximatcly. 'I'he average Jife span of a production or injectiou well
depends on the procedures aud rnaterials used for its construction, development and mainte-
nance, as well as from the area's geology and the characteristics of the geothermal fluids,
w hich are Iactors that vary from one field to anothcr.

5.2 Well Substitution Criteria

A production well is no longer economic whcn its productivity, tcmpcrature and stcam/water
ratio decrease too much, or when there are changos in the chemical charactcristics of the pro-
duccd fluid that make it corrosive or too scaling. In thc case of injection wclls, the operation
costs could incrcase excessively if they precipitare inside the well or from the formation of
sorne dissolved salts in the injected brine.

In many cases it is possible to clean or repair the pipes of a well or to drill it again, .allowing it
to be put back on line. In other cases, on the other hand, they cannot be repaired due to the
costs involved or to technical difficultíes. The decision of whether to abandon or not a well is
generally based on the cost involved, assuming that repairing it will be technically feasible. It
will be necessary to decide what is more economic: whether to repair or clean the well and
put it back into operation with a lower capacity than the original, or to replace it with a
replacement well located in the same area.

The productivity or injectivity of a replacement well can be estimated based on experience or

on simulation models. These models can predict the approxirnate productivity of the well,
based on its design and location.

On the other hand, the economic analysis of the different options available depends on the costs
involved and on the price that could be obtained for every mass unit of produced steam (MWe~
hour generated or megajoule produced). These values depend on the · region or country being

6.1 . Objéctíve and Scope

The objective of the field's operation and maintenance stage is to supply the plant with steam
to keep up nominal capacity, until it is considered economically convenient. This stage, there-
fore, only ends when it is decided to shut down the plan t.

The intervention program should not be rigid, since it also depends on the reservoir's general
evolution, but it should be clear and timely, as required in any engineering project. Therefore, it
is necessary to continue collecting and interpreting data from field operation, as well as the eco-
nomic parameters of the electric system, to decide and support the well intervention program,

6.2 Programming and Control

Programming and control of any project, no matter what its type, size or location is; should be
based on correct decisions as to what has to be done and, once the decision has been made to
proceed with the activities, it should be based on programs prepared for that purpose, that
show in graphic form the different events to be carried out and their scope, as
well as the
sequence and duration agreed upon by the people responsible for the different groups that
p~icipate in the development of the project,

The objective of the field operation and maintenance programs is to provide a basic tool to
plan and coordinate activities, to serve as a means of communicationand to allow follow-up
and the preparation of progress reports, facilitating control over the project and decisión mak-
ing to establish corrective measures in the event of a deviation.

In general terms, to program the field 's operation and maintenance, the two following types
of activities should be developed:

a. Engineering program.

b. Decision on plant shui clown.

6.2. J Engíneertng Program

The purpose of the field engineering prograrn is to design thc works and program key activi­
tics within the entirc scope of tasks, establishing main and critica! acriviues. as well as thc
inrcrrclationship with other cnginecring disciplines and between differern groups involved in
the project, with thcir limitations and inrerdepcndcnce.

Thc cnginccring program has 10 dcvclop a tirnctablc, studics and calculations, rhc prcparation
of spccifications, thc cvaluation of bicis, thc revisión of manufacturer information, prcparation
of blucprints, dispatch of information to the project, etc.

During thc implcmcntation of the project, ihe projects real and forecasted events will be indi­
catcd at the samc time, to be ablc to establish dclays or advances in the program and to carry
out whaievcr correctivo actions muy be rcquircd, for which reason it should be periodically

A tirnetable should be preparad with kcy dates for planncd interventions, including the neces­
sary human resourccs and rnatcrials. The assessrneru of these resources will be the basis tu
prepare rhc budgct Ior the activirics.

The design of the works and ihc timctablc can be rcviscd as rcsults are obtaincd on thc cvolu-
tion of the production of operaung wclls, thc production of ncw ones, productiou arcas dis-
covercd through the exploration of the reservoir, iujection performance, etc.

The first draft of the intcrvention prograrn begins by taking into account the results of the
developrncnt stage, to assess the future performance of the wells. In each case, to determine
the time, labor and equiprnent for thc intcrvcntion, thc information on the project and on simi-
lar projects should be raken into account.

It is suggested that a general program be prepared for five years of operation. With this as a
basis, negotiations can begin to obtain the funds needed LO cover the budget, with a detailed
annual prograrn ar the beginning of each administrative year,

The rimetable will be based on the time needed for well rnaintenance, which varíes a lot
depending on thc type of intervcnrion and sometimes goes beyond the time nceded to dril! a
new weJJ. For new wells, the time depends on the organiiation of lhe drilling activities (with

own equipment or under contract), the type of reservoir (depth, type of formation), the type of
drilling equipment and the well's profile. It is estimated that, with the equipment on the site,
the time required for the final design, mounting and the well tests with the equipment, main-
tenance might be carried out from 2 to 3 months.

6.2.2 Criteria for Service Shutdown

During a plant's operation changes can take place in the field-plant system (quality and quan-
tity of generated steam, damages in the wells or of important equipment) or in the externa!
conditions (energy market, start-up operation of other plants) that modify the economic
framework of reference considered during the project's feasibility and development stages.

This economic framework of reference evidently indicated that the geothermal plant was
viable, so that it was decided to proceed with the field development and plant construction
stages. ·

However, when due to technical or economic reasons it is no longer feasible to· intervene
existing wells or increase the number of wells to keep electric power production at adequate
levels, a decisioncould be made to shutdown the field-plant system.

This economic assessment constitutes the basis to.justify the intervention of the wells (main-
tenance and drilling). The cost of the interventions themselves should be compared to the
benefits achieved from the sale of the power produced, bearing in mind the information pro-
vided by the different work groups.

In the event that a decision is made to close down, this will usually not occur immediately,
but will require quite a lot of time (around the order of years), during which period the plant
will continue to operate, at a gradually decreasing capacity, with routine maintenance being
carried out forthe plant and the field,

During this time, safety measures will have to be adopted to be able to close the wells later
one and disassemble surface facilities, following procedures to reduce the residual environ-
mental impactto a minimum and that allow returning the site of the project, in as much as
possible, to its initial condition.

6.3 Costs

The costs associated with a geothermal field are divided as follows:

Investment costs: including all expenses before and during the field's commercial

Generation costs: including ali expenses aftcr bcginning the cornmercial operation.

This division allows making a clear distinction between well operation and maintcnance
(repairing or replacing wells and their connection to the fluid rransportation systern) and thc
drilling of production wells required to start up the plant's operation (development stagc),

With regard to generation costs, iterns are grouped as follows:

Operarion and maintenance of surface systerns, which includes ali repair costs of steam
lines, roads, waste water treatment, etc. and, in general, any spending not attributcd
directly to the plant or the wells.

Well repairs, corresponding to repair costs in the case of pipe corrosión. scaling.
mechanical failures, cte.

Well rcplaccmcnt, which involvcs thc costs of drilling new wells either to replace those
that havc definitcly failed and are not ablc to be rcpaircd, or Lo complete stearn
production or thc injection capacity duc to thc rcscrvoir's own abatcmcnt. Includcd hcre
are drilling expenses for any drilling that has to be done for exploratory studies, ro
determine thc extensión of the field and to cnsure plant opcration ar a foil load capacity.

Well operation and maintenance, which includes labor, rcplacerncnt parts, spccial
equipment, etc.

Indirect administrative coses, which generally covers different administrativc iterns, the
average of which amounts to around 1 1 % of the direct costs.

Typical estimated costs for replacement wells are indicated in table 6.1. This table was made
with 1992 costs, for projects in distant zones frorn drilling material supply centers. Very little
can be said regarding the costs of well repairs, since they are very variable and can even cost
more than a new well. These costs require a careful assessrnent in order to not incur in unncc-
essary ex pcnscs,

6.4 Organlzatlon of the Project

For the operation and maintenance stagc of a 35 MW geothermal lield with 20 wells, an orga-
nizational structure such as that indicated in the organizational chart of figure 6.1 is recom-
mended. The rnain levéis of responsibility are described next.

(1992 vaíues)

DEPTH (m) 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

PER METER (US$) 500~650 , 500,650 600-800 700-950 750-1000

General Fíeld Superintendence

It .is defined as the area responsible for .all activities related to field operation and mainte-
nance, which includes the wells and both mechanic as -well as civil surface facilities, with the
exclusion of those related to the geothermal power plant.

The General Field Superintendence is subdivided for a better performance in two ares: Well
Superintendence and Surface Facilities Superintendence.

6.4.1 Well Superintendence

Is in charge of all activities related to construction, repairs, maintenance or control -of the
underground part of the wells, subdividing into the Drilling Group and the Repairs Group.


This group has the responsibility for preparing the programs, design and specifically of build-
ing both production as well as injection or observation wells, as well as preparing the basis
for the drilling contracts, in the event that this is not done through direct administration. It is:
therefore responsible for implementing or supervising well construction, according to what is
established in the Guide for·Feasibility Studies, section

Repairs Group

This group is responsible for interventions in the maintenance, repair and shutdown of all
production, injection or observation wells, as well as for procedures in wells that are out of

Field Operation and Maintenancé Organization Strucfüre ·





- 1 Senior ­ 1 Senior - 3 Engineers - 2 ­Engineers CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR

Engineer Engineer - 3 Engineering - 2 Laboratory
­ 2Chiel ­ 2 Geologlsts
- 4 Shift Foremen Asst Asst.
Englneers - 1 Analyst
- 4 Engineering - 6 General Asst. - 2 Sample­takers ALTERNATIVE FOR DIAECT MANAGEMENT
­ 10 General Asst. Asst. • 1 Programmer
­ 2 Machine ­ 2 Assistants
- 1 Driver - 1 Secretary
- 8 General Asst. Operators ­ tLeborer
- 1 Mason ­ 1 Driver ­ I Senior Engineer ­ 1 Senior Engineer . ­ 1 Senior Engineer ­ 1 Welder
­ 2Welders ­ 4 Shilt Foremen • 4 Shilt Foramen ­ 4 Shilt Foreman ­ 1 Senior Engineer
­ 4 Drillers ­ 4 Drillers ­ 4 Drillers ­ 4 Shilt Foremen
­ 4 Drilling Asst. - 4 Drilling Asst. ­ 4 Drilling Asst. ­ 4Drillers
- 12 Floor Asst. ­ 12 Floor Asst. - 12 Floor Asst. ­ 4 Orilling Asst.
- 8 General Asst. - 8 General Asst. - 8 General Asst. - 12 Floor Asst.
­ · 1 Mechanic ­ 1 Mechanic • 1 Mechanic - 8 General Asst.
- 1 Electrician ­ 1 Electrician ­ 1 Electrician ­ 1 Mechanic
­ 2 Drivers ­ 2 Drivers • 2 Drivers • 1 Electlician ·
­ 1 Operator ­ 1 Operator ­ 1 Operator ­ 2 Drivers , •
­ 1 Welder ­ 1"Welder. ­ 1 Operator .·••
• 1 Welder
It is also responsible for the preparation, design and specifications for well repairs, as well as
for the basis · of contracts
in the event thát this operation .is not carried out through direct
administration, in which case it is responsible for the supervision.

6.4.2 Surface Facilities Superintendence

It is responsible for all activities related to the operation and maintenance of the wells' sur-
face facilities, as well as for the analyses or studies on well and field performance, for which
it is subdivided into: Construction and Surface Maintenance Group, Operation Group and
Study Group. ··'

Construction and Surface Maintenance Group

Once the plant and all the field facilities have been built, it is necessary to carry out sorne
additional construction for the replacement and repaired wells. For this, a construction group
is needed with its corresponding support staff, to prepare the designs and basis for contracts,
as well as to supervise the work during construction and start-up.

As soon as well facilities are finished it is necessary to provide maintenance for Civil and
mecbanical works in the field, to avoid having them out of operation. The most needs occur
during well start-up and during the continuous supply of steam to the geothermal power plant.

This group must prepare the basis for contracts and carry out the corresponding supervision
during implementation when additional maintenance is not provided through direct adminis-

Operation Group

It is in charge of ali operations carried out in the wells once they have been constructed or
repaired, and covers the observation, induction, heating, development, assessment and start-
up stages, as well as depressurization of wells, including the operation of all facilities for pro-
duction, injection and observation wells. It is also responsible for supervising the field 24
hours a day and of thermodynamic monitoring, through surface and well bottom measure-

Study Group

It is responsible for following up on the wells' physical-chemical characteristics, preparing

forecasts regarding their future performance. It is also responsible for exploitation policies
and well intervention programs, supported by geoscientific and statistical studies. In addition,
it must provide support through a chemical laboratory for field activities and chemical moni-
toring, and through a petrographic laboratory for drilling activities. It must also support the
operations of the well repair and operation groups.

6.5 Materlals and Equipment

The needs for space and equipment to develop activities related to field operation and mainte-
nance are indicated in figure 6.2, considcring a 35 MW geotherrnal power plant with 20
wells. For every additional 35 MW, 10% should be increased.


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1M ...... f

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6.6 Otliccs, Laboratorles, Workshops and Transportation

Taking into consideraüon a 35 MW geothennal power plant, the requircmcms for transporta-
tion, cornrnunications, computer equipment, etc., and space for offices, laboratories and work-
shops needed lo carry out the activities described in each of the scctions of the field operation
and maintenance organizational chart are indicated in figure 6.2. Por each additional 35 Mw
installed in the field, there should be a 10% increase.

6. 7 Personnel

For a 35 MW geothermal plant, the mínimum number of staff needed.to carry out the differ- ·
ent activities, according to the organízation of the geother:i:nal power project, is· described in
section 6.4 of this guide. Practica! training will be needed in different geothermal fields under
exploitation, with the purpose of reducing the number of accidents and/or damage both to the
personnel as well as to the wells and their facilities. It is estimated that the number of staff
should increase by 10% for every addition 35 MW.

A mínimum of three months of training is necessary for the personnel at leadership and
supervision levels. Personnel training at other levels is also necessary and can be provided in
the same geothermal field to be developed, for an initial period of one month as a minimum.

Personnel training at all levels should continue throughout the operational life of the geother-
mal field, with support form externa! consultants.

6.8 Consultants

For better results in the activities carried out by field personnel and to better complement their
training, it is recommended and desirable to have support from externa! consultants for the
most complicated activities, such as: drilling, repairs, construction, maintenance · and opera-
tion of wells, as well as for different geoscientific studies.

The consultants, along with the field personnel, should prepare the implementation proce-
dures for the different main activities carried out in the project.

7 .1 Objectives and Scope

The function of a geothermal power plant is to produce electric power in a continuous, effi-
cient, reliable safe and economíc way, based on energy from geothermal steam.

The following are essential requirements for this purpose:

Functional facilities, with appropriate and good quality equipment.

Adequate maintenance of the facilities

Correct operation of the plant

To achieve the good operation of the plant, the following is needed:

Well-trained staff

Operation policies based on rechnical considerations

Operation procedur e s based on the best engineering critcria and on the

recornmendations of equipment manufacturcrs.

Effective supervision and coordination of opcrations.

A continuous revisión of thc plant's opcraring conditions allows knowing what the perfor-
mance of the equipment is over time and contribute information to assess the results of the

Normally, the plant forms part of an electric systcm with gcncration from different energy
sourccs. Plant production will be rulcd by thc power control cerner of the systern, according
to thc dcmand and Lile sysrcm 's cconomy,

In an interconnecred systern, it is advisable for geothermal powcr plants to operare as base

load plants sincc, on thc onc hand, thcy do not consume fuel and, on the othcr hand, as wcll
production is not rcgulatcd, if it docs not generare. stearn cannot be stored and has to be emir-
ted to thc air,

7.2 Opcratlon of Plant Systems

The systerns that lntervene in carrying out the differcnt processes of the planr's cncrgy gcncr-
ation cyclc are dcscribcd bclow:

7.2.1 Steam System

This systern includcs frorn thc point of dclivcry of steam to the wells to the entrance point to
the turbine and to thc ejcctor or turbocomprcssors, Thcrcfore, the operation of this systern has
10 be coordinated with the well area.

Before puuing chis system into service the ñrst ti me or after major rnaintcnancc of thc unir,
steam blowing should be done to clean out the pipes and to avoid strange mattcr trom enter-
ing into the turbine.

Once chis system has been put into service, the following key points should be kept in mind:

Verify that there are no limitations or licenses on carrying out work on the system.

Verify that all equipment has been correctly installed and that no registers have been
left open.

Verify that all valves are in their correct position,

Verify that ali condenser purges are open.

Verify that all instruments are in operating condition.

Verify that the pressure regulation system and the safety valves are in operating

Once all verifications have been made, the pipes are gradually heated up and pressurized up
to the turbine stop valves, mak:ing sure at all times that the purges and steam traps are drain-
ing the condensate and that there are no anomalies in the system. When normal operating
conditions are reached.jurbine start-up maneuvers can start.

During normal operation, it should be made sure that all operation parameters are within the
established limits. Any deviation requires correctivemeasures,

To place this system out of service, the stop val ves are closed, discharging steam through the
pressure regulation system and making sure that the pressure does not go over established
limits. Care should be taken in draining all the condensate to avoid corrosion problems in the
equipment and pipelines.

7.2.2 Water Condensation System

Before starting up the turbine, the condensation water system should be put into service.
Before proceeding to carry out the maneuvers to start up this system, the following should be

Verify that there is not work license on the equipment that will be put into service and
that no one is working on it.

Verify that ali pieces of equipment have been properly installed .

. Verify that the cooling tower is ready for operation and that the normal level of water

Verify that the condenser is ready with the manholes closed ..

Verify that all instruments are in operating condition.

Verify rhat ali electric panels are encrgizcd.

Verify rhat controls and protections are operating.

Once all these verifications before start-up are made, thc corresponding rnaneuvers are carried
out according to the start-up procedures for this system, bearing in mind ali manufacturcr rcc-
ommcndations and key poinis to watch over to detect any abnormality.

During normal operation it should be rnade sure that opcration parameters stay within cstab-
lished limits. Aspects requiring more attention are:

Supervisiou of purnp opcration, chccking their load curreru, lubrication, cooling,

vibrations and the operation of suction valves and pump discharge.

Supervisión of the cooling towcr, kccping an adcquaie distribution of thc water and
making surc that thc vcntilators are operating correcrly.

Application of thc chcmical treaimcnt.

7.2.3 Gas Extractton System

To maintain thc vacuum in thc condenser, two types of gas extraction systcms are used:

With stcam cjcctors

With mcchanical cquipmcnt: compressors or vacuurn pumps

Systcms based on ejectors have a very simple, safc and reliablc operation. They require little
maintcnance, but consume a toi of steam, On rhe othcr hand, systcms based on mechanical
equipment consume less energy but rcquirc more carc in their operation and rnaintenancc.

It is important that this systcm operare correctly, since any deficiency in it will affect the vac-
uum of the condeuser and this in turn will cause a reduction of the turbine's capaclty.

Before putting a gas extracrion systern based on steam ejectors into service, the following
should be verified:

That no work license exists on the equipment

That the ejector condensers are closed

That thc valvcs are in the correct position

That the pollution control system is ready for operation

That instruments are in operating position

That the water condensation system is operating

That the steam line is pressurized

After all verifications are made, the ejectors are put into service, following the start-up proce-
dures for this system. One starts by putting the secondset of ejectors into service and then the

Once the vacuum in the condenser at full load has been lifted, this system requires little atten-
tion, since ali it needs are adjustments in the flow of water to the ejector condensers to control
their temperature.

Gas extraction systems based on mechanical equipment can be powered with electric motors
or steam turbines. Before putting one of these systems into operation, all verifications should
be made with regard to the arrangement of the equipment, making sure that both this system
as well as other related systems ( condenser, steam, electric, etc.) are ready to opera te.

Start-up procedures for this system should be carried out in the sequence indicated in the
manufacturer's instruction manual, with special attention to whatever care must be taken dur-
ing this process and watching out for key points.

During normal operation, this equipment requires constant supervision. At the moment, sys-
tems with an automatic control are being manufactured, which allows them to operate more
efficiently and provides more protection against errors.

To avoid serious air pollution problems from taking place due to the discharge of hydrogen
sulphide, the pollution control equipment should ·be permanently supervised.

The gas extraction system should be put out of service once the turbine has stopped. For this,
the corresponding shutdown procedure should be followed.

7.2.4 Turbogenerator and Auxiliary Equipment

Since this forms the plant's main equipment, it deserves more attention with regard to its
operation and maintenance and should therefore be equipped with the best control and protec-
tion systems. In general terrns, the turbogenerators used in geothermal power plants are not
substantially different from those used in conventional plants, for which reason the same
operation criteria can be applied.

Before starting up a turbogenerator, the following should be verifíed:

Verify that no work license exists on the equipment and that it has been installed

Verify the turbogencrator's lubrication system.

Verify che turbine's control system.

Verify che generator's sea! oil sysrem.

Verify the generator's self-excitation systcm.

Vcrify thc substation's cquipment,

Verify that the instrumcnts are opcrating.

Vcrify thc unit's auxiliary servicc cquipmcnt,

Verify that the protection equipmcnt is opcrating.

To begin t.he turbogeneraror's start-up sequence thc foJJowing is rcquircd:

Lubrication systcm operating

That the turbogeneraror has been rotating long cnough 10 cnsurc thac thc arrow is

The generator's seal oil systern opcrating

The Hz and C02 systern in scrvícc and that sweeping of the air in the generator has beco
done with C02 and of the Iatcr with H2.

Steam system operatlng

Turbine seals systern operating

Circulation water systern operating

Gas extraction systern operating

Reesrablish turbogenerator protection

Control system put into operat.ion

Turbine start-up should be carried out following the operational sequence of the manufactur-
er's start-up procedures, constantly watching over the following parameters:

Pressure and temperature of lubrication oil

Temperature of the metal and Iubrication oil and the entrance and discharge of the


Differential expansion and expansion of the casing

Eccentricity and vibration of the arrow

Vacuum and temperature of turbine discharge

Once the regime's speed has been attained and the conditions have been stabilized, the real
operation of the turbogenerator's protections should be tested. After this, one continúes with
the generator's self-excitation operations, according to the manufacturer's instructions, taking
special care in watching over the operating conditions of the generator and of the main and
auxiliary service transformers.

During normal operation, it is desirable that the unit always work with the most efficiency
possible. As a general norm, it is recommended that the units -operate at their maximum

To take a turbogenerator out of service, under normal conditions one should proceed first to
reduce the load to a minimum value, change the auxiliary equipment, switch on the machine
and then tire the turbine. During this operation,: the procedure for turbogenerator shutdown
recommended by the manufacturer should be followed, watching over the operating condi-
tions. ·

7 .2.5 Electric System for the Plant

This system is formed by the following:



Auxiliary services equipment

The operation of the generator was described in section 7.2.4,

The substation holds the voltage transformation equipment, equipment for the plant's connec-
tion to and disconnection from the electric network, buses, curren! and power transformers,
lightning rods and other elernents associated with the installed equipment.

To connect the unit to the bus or the bus to the transmission line, synchronization procedures
are needed befare shuuing off any switch at the substation. The opcralional care in this area
are no different frorn that taken at a conventional plant, but depend on thc equipmcnt

The auxiliary services equiprnent includcs ali thc unir's electric equipment, such as:


High­ and low­voltage powcr pancls

Motor control centers

Control panels

Electric rnorors

Di rect curren! systcrn

Measurement and clcctrlc protcctlon equipmcnr


Emcrgcncy gcucrator

To stan up the unit, the auxiliary services are fed througb a sran-up plant, or by taking powcr
from the substation through a stan­up transformer that reduces the voltage of thc elcctric nct­
work to thc valuc of opcration of the auxiliary equipment.

Normal feeding of the auxiliary serviccs is supplied by the unii's auxiliary transformer, which
is connected directly to the generator,

Siarting up electric feeding begins first with tbe higher voltage and then proceeds progres-
sivcly to lower voltagcs. Thc start­up sequence of tbe electric equipment should correspond to
thc unit's start­up needs.

Switches sbould havc local and/or remole, and manual or automatic opcration. Voltages and
operation currents should be watchcd, as well as the tcmperature and oil leve! of rransformers
and rhe operation of protections.

Thc cmcrgcncy gcncrator should be periodically tested to make sure it is in condition of opcr­
ating autornat.ically in the event of an interruption of the power from the emergency bus.

The direct current system that feeds the firing, instrument, control, emergency Iighting, seal
oil pump, computer systems, etc. should be kept operating always with a battery charger in
service and another backup one ready for automatic start-up, This system requires constant
and careful supervision, monitoring the voltage and output current of the battery charger, the
conditions of the battery bank and the operation of the alarms.


The following communication systems are used:

Internal communication using loudspeakers and amplifiers

Prívate telephone (internal)

Public telephone

lntercommunication ( carrier, radio)

7.2.6 Supervision, Control and Protection System

Supervision and Control

Control serves to coordinate the operation of the plant's different pieces of equipment, with
the purpose of supplying the energy required by tbe system under the characteristics desired.

The control of a geothérmal power plant is· much more simple than that of a conventional
thermal power plant, since it does not have sophisticated control system for the steam genera-
tor and the auxiliary services. The steam supply from the wells is kept under a conditíon of
stable pressure, through a simple pressure control system.

The plant can be manually operated or require a certain aniount of automatization. There is a
general tendency to concentrate all measurement, protection, regulation and command
devices needed for the plant's operation in the control room.

Under manual operation, command actions are carried out manually, but theactivating mech-
anisms can be electric, pneumatic or hydraulic.

The automatiiation Icvels most used in plants are:

Generation unit with centralized control and automatic controls operating


Plant with automatic detection that uses a computer to register the values of operation

parameters, detects deviations and carries out routine calculations for immediate
inspection of operations personnel.

Automatic plant, where the computer and associaied controls automatically carry out
verifícation, start-up, rnonitoring, equipment adjustment and shutdown operations.

The main benefits obtaincd in using automatic controls are:

Improves supervision of thc opcration

Increases the plant's opcrational efficiency

Reduces the probability of equipment shutdown

1 rnproves rcliability and accuracy of data

Rcquires less opcrations pcrsonnel

An autcmatic system requires a larger investmcnt and more spccializcd maintenance.

The planr's operational needs will be largely detcrmincd by thc typc of control used.


The purpose of protection is to determine deviations in normal opcration valúes and intervene
in an indepcndent way to protect the facilities from possiblc damagcs as a rcsult of rhese devi­

Facilities can be protcctcd in thc following way:

Through signals (alarrns), if it goes over pararneters that do not represen! an imrnediate
danger of darnage.

Through load reduction, if the deviation of a parameter can be corrected by reducing thc

By disconnecting the system, if there is immcdiate dangcr of any damage occurring.

A good protection system has the following characteristics:

Good coordination of the different protections

Use of schernes with higher redundance

. Selective signals for the functioning of different protections

Protections for the turbine:

Firing due to high speed

Firing due to solenoid

Firing due to low vacuum

Firing due to low oil pressure to bearing

- Firing due to failure of drive bearings

Firing due to high amount of water in the steam

Manual firing

Discharge device due to low vacuum

The electricequipment is exposed to suffering serious damages if an abnormal operating con-

dition takes place over a period sufficiently long to cause damage in its insulation.
. . -

Apart frorn the cau~es that originate it, failure could occur dueto any of th~ following condi-



Current return



whe~ ª piece of equipment experiences failure, a disturbance occurs in the system that also
affects the other pieces of equipment and could lead to cause other failures if not isolated in a
timely way.

To protect the main pieces of equipment adequately, such as the generator, main transformer,
auxiliaries' transformer, start-up transformer, transmission bus and line, isolated and indepen-
dent protection systems are installed for each piece of equipment.

A relay is an automatic-operation protection device whose function is. to detect a failure in tbe.
circuit and cause the system to quickly disconnect in order to isolate the failure zone and

avoid furthcr damage. The operation of a relay also activares the alarm system to indicate to
thc operator that the protection has worked.

Whenever a firing relay is activated, che causes for it to have started up should be investigat­
ed and the system should not be srarted up again until it is certain that t.he failure no longer
exists and that the equipmenr has suffered no damage. Block relays that can be manually
replaced are uscd to avoid the protcctcd circuir from starting up again alone.

Damagc to a main piece of cquiprnent turns out to be very cosrly, not only due to the repair
costs thcmsclves but even more so dueto the íoss of energy that is no longcr gcnerated while
the equipment is out of scrvicc,

It is importan! that thc operations personnel become familiar with the protection equipment
installcd in the planr an that they understaud thc funciion of each dcvice, so that when a pro-
tection operares thcy will be ablc to intcrprct what causcd that opcraiion and what to do to put
the system back into sale condiríons in thc Icast time possiblc.

Protccuon oí' thc main clcctrical cquipmcnt:

Differential relay <)Í the gencrator

Differential relay of thc main transformer

Diffcrential re lay of the auxiliary transforrner

Differenrial re lay of the bus
Ground relay of the gcnerator

Inverse power relay

Field loss relay ot' thc gcncraior
Over­current relay of thc gcncrator
Ground dctection rclay of che generator fíe Id
Distance relay of the transrnission linc
Sudden pressure rclay of lhe transformer

7.2.7 Fire Safety Systern

Thc purposc of thc fire safety system is to protect human Jives and property from tire. A fire
at a plant can cause darnage to vital pieces of equipment and scriously affect tbe plant's gen-
eratiou sysrern and econorny,

Areas of highest fire hazard are:

Cooling towers

Hydrogen · system

Battery room

. Turbogenerator lubrication system

Electric panels and inner substations

Command room

Cable network


The main causes of fire are:

Self-ignition of sulphur deposits

Electric short-circuits

Carrying out welding tasks without the proper protection

Lighting fires or smoking

External causes, such as lighting, etc.

Means of extinguishing fire:

Pressure water stream

Pulverized water

Water, chemical powder and C02 extinguishers

An adequate form of extinguishment should be used for each type of fire. The best way to
fight a fire is by avoiding it. For this, effective preventive measures should be adopted. The
use of detection systems allows fighting a fire from its initial stage, with a better probability
of controlling it.

The pumping system should be backed by a pump with a 100% capacity interna! combustión
motor and able 10 operare in the event of failure in the electric supply.

Operations personnel needs to be well trained in the use of fire-ñghting cquipment, to he able
lo respond in an emergency. A program of routine inspections and tests should he established
to make sure the system is in operating conditicns at ali times.

7.2.8 Miscellaneous Systems

Air cornpressors

Cornprcsscd air is used for pneumatic instruments and for general services, Normally, recip­
rocating compressors are used with 100% double-capacity equipment, to count with onc
cquipment in operation and another as backup.

far instrumcnts, air free from hum.idity and H2S is nccdcd, for which rcason it is pul through
absorben! H2S filters and air dryers.

When pneumatic switches are used at the substation, another compression sysrem is requircd
to supply air for their operation.

Operational care for this equipment is conventional. Air pressure and ternperature, condensare
traps, lubrication. filler and cooling systerns, etc. need to be checkcd.

Service water

The water for bathrooms, dining halls and services in general should be of good quality and
free from microorganisrns. Depending on thc quality of the water available, sorne kind of
ireatrnem may be necessary for its use.

7.2.9 Environmental Control

The rnain sources of contarnination at a geotherrnal power plant are:

Waste water





Waste water comes from the surplus of the circulation water system and from the plant's

Circulation systems with a cooling tower are those with the highest pollution problems, due
to the concentration of solids as a result of evaporation. The main pollutants in the surplus
water from the towers are: mineral acids, sulfates, sulphur, sulfides and iron oxide. These
contaminants can be found in the form of dissolved solids and in suspension and come both
from the contaminants in the steam as well as from the chemical treatment, frorn the environ-
ment and from the chemical reactions that take place in the circulations water system.

The most common contaminants in the plant's drainage system are: organic matter from sani-
tary drains and industrial waste collected by this system, such as oil, detergents, chemical
products, etc.

To control pollution dueto waste water, it will have to be ínjected or undergo a sedimentation
or clarification treatment, with the elimination of the other contaminants until it can be
released into the zone's drainage network.

To ensure that water is of acceptable quality it will have to be constantly monitored.


Salts from well discharges and salíne dust from the environment that are carried by the air can
cause failures in the substation's and transmission line's electric insulation, as well as corro-
sion problems in the facilities.

As a result of this contamination there could be interruptions due to insulation failures and the
maintenance needs will increase. To avoid or reduce this contamination, a solution should be
found that addresses the factors that cause it.


Part of the noncondensable gases carried by the geotherrnal steam is removed from the con-
denser by the gas extraction system and the other part dissolves in the circulation water and is
partially liberated in the cooling tower. Part of the gases continue dissolved in the water,
forming compounds as a consequence of the chemical reactions that have taken place.

Though it is not feasible to control the quality of gases discharged by the cooling tower, due
to the use of mixture condensers, the pollution levels due to this reason usually stay within ..
tolerable levels, since they are diluted by the air circulating in the tower.

Due to its high toxic and corrosive characteristics, hydrogen sulphide is the main pollutant in
gases extracted from the condenser. To avoid air pollution problems, it is importan! to keep
the pollution control system operating adcquarely.

To protect the personnel from the toxic eftects of hydrogen sulphidc, it is rccommcndcd that
the concentration levels of this gas in the air not go over 1 O ppm. As a safety meas u re, work-
ers should use protection and emergency equipment, in addition to installing a monitoring
system with alarms to alcrt about any concentration that could put their lives into danger,


Noise is considered to be a pollutant that affects the health or peoplc, causing irreversible
hearing darnage, affecting behavior and contributing lo accidcnrs as it intcrfcrcs with voicc
cornmunication and alarm signals.

Thc main sourccs of noisc in a geothermal power plant are: stearn and comprcssed air dis­
chargcs into thc air; steam ejectors and rotary equipment.

Much of the noise can be controlled at the original sourcc. Othcrs havc to be controllcd by
installing isolating noise barriers bctwcen thc sourcc and thc receptor. Whcn thc noisc leve! is
high, workers should use prorection equiprncnt to be able to carry out thcir work undcr thcsc

8.1 Objectlves and Scope

The purposc of maiutainiug a gcorhcnnal power plant is to keep the machinery, cquipment,
buildings ami in general ali facilities and services in good operating condition, between the
limits set with the cntity supplying the geotherrnal fluid and the point or delivcry of the clcc-
tríe power to the transmission nctwork, to guarantee the plant's saíe ancl efficient operation,

Thc conccpt of maintcnauce includes all work related lo kceping facilities and equiprnent ata
satisfactory leve! to be able to fulfill their function in economic conditions.

Bcginning with the plant's planning phase, maintcnancc requirements for each facility should
be kcpt in mind. A good design should satisfy the following requirernents, arnong others: a)
that the facility be functional, and b) that it requirc as little maintenance as possible.

Once the plant has been built, maintenance requircmcnts will be detennined by rhe following

The size and type of facility

The equipment selected

The characteristics of the fluids being handled

Environmental conditions

The characteristics of the electric network it is connected to

The company's operation and maintenance policies

The company's social and technological environment

The age of the facilities

The availability of replacement parts

Maintenance policies are all the guidelines set by the company to achieve that purpose. As an
example, we have the following:

To maintain the plant's equipment under optimal operating conditions.

To reduce the possibilities of equipment failure and unnecessary maintenance. ·

To establish criteria regarding maintenance techniques, methods and procedures.

To optimize the use of available resources, particularly of materials.

Maintenance polícies should be based on the best technical criteria applicable in this matter.

In general terms, maintenance is classified in:

Preventive maintenance

Corrective maintenance

Improvements of facilities

The maintenance of a geothermal power plant should fundamentally based on the modality
preventive maintenance.

To carry them out, maintenance activities should be classified according to their specialty
the civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, instrumentation and control areas.

8.2 Prevcntive Malntenance

Preventive maintenance is defined as the work carried out on a piece of equipmcnr or facility
to avoid failurc or intcrruption or to keep them within previously established economic limits
for thc period of their useful life. This type of maintenance is mostly carried out whcn thc
equipment is being operated.

When a rnaintenance prograrn is established, it should be done on thc basis of a cosr­bencfit

analysis, balancing the total cost of unintcrruptcd preventive maintenance against the total
cost of preventive maintenance with a certain amount of intcrruptions. It is important that the
cost of preventivo maintenance not exceed the probable loss dueto interruptions.

Prcvcniive maintcnancc should be based on the observation of the performance of che equip­
mcnt ovcr its lifetirne and from its start-up on. lt is known that the equipmcnt is more suscep-
tible to failing during rbc initial opcraung period and towards thc cnd of its uscful life.

Preventivo maintenancc is subdividcd iruo:

Routine malntcnancc

Chcmical trcarmcnt

Major maintcnancc

8.2.1 Routlnc Malntenance

Routine maintenance involves all those activiües of prevenuve maintenance thar are repeated
over regular intervals and that follow a work routine. Its purpose is to avoid having equipmeut
fail during its useful lifetime.

Once the maintenance requirernents for each piece of equipment are known, work routines
and pcriodicity are established andan annual routine maintenunce prograrn is set up.

Field and operation conditions are determinant in establishing periodical routines.

To establish the maintenance requirements, the following concepts should be considered:

Critical and Noncritical Criterla. They establish the conditions of each piece of
equipment with the complete proccss and the consequenccs of failure in the system's
operation. The equipment that causes serious consequences in thc system's operation,
such as in its safcty, production, costs, etc. is considered "Critical." The equiprnent
whcre its failure does not llave scrious conscqucnccs on thc system is considered as

Criterion of Admissible Levels. It establishes values that usually result from tests that
indicate when the equipment is coming close to a Iimit condition of danger and that
makes it necessary to repair or replace it.

Criteria of Manufacturer'sData. File of Results. It provides information on the limits

of life expectancy and suggests time intervals in which to carry out tests and to provide
maintenance according to the service offered by the equipment.

Inspection. It consists in subjecting the equipment to a series of detailed observations

and obtaining its characteristic data in order to have general information on its state and

Revision. This refers to a detailed physical examination that .should be done to the
equipment or part of it, as well as to the elements that condition its operation, in order
to detect and correct damages, abnormalities and/or deficiencies.

Verification. This involves subjecting the equipment to detailed examinations and tests
that allow one to detect abnormalities and ensure that it is apt to continue operating.

Work that is generally accepted as part of routine maintenance includes conservation and
minor repairs to the machinery, buildings, structures, etc.

Below, the most common routine maintenance activities in a geothermal power plantare Iist-

Mechanical Maintenance

a. Main Steam System

The content of contaminant solids, humidity or water and noncondensable gases transported
in the geothermal steam, can cause scaling, corrosion and erosion problems in this system to a
larger or lesser degree. This will require a specific maintenance program for each plant.

Maintenance actions, in addition to self-conservation, should be aimed also at avoiding the


Entrance of water and solid matter to the turbine

Equipment clogging up

Steam leaks

Accumulation of water in the pipelines

Maintenance activities for this system are:

Revísion and tcsting of safcty valvcs

Revisión of the pressure regulation systern

Revisión of thc hurnídity separaior

Revisión of stearn filters and traps

Revisión of sea Is and tubricatíon of stop val ves

Revisión of pípclincs, supports and insulation

b. Turbogenerator and Auxiliarles

Thb; module is formcd by thc following:


Lubricarion oil and control systern

The generator's sea! oíl systern

Thc gencrntor's H2 and C02 systcm

Thc turbinc's steam scal systcm

Witb sorne variations, the equipment of this module corresponds to that of a conventional
plant and its rnaintenance should be carried out following the rnanufacrurer's recornmenda-

Thc following are spccífic problcms of this system:

Tendency of the control valves to stick and for there to be an ernergency shutdown of
the turbine, caused by the scaling and corrosivc action of the contaminated stcam.
These elements need to be frequently checked and necessary corrections madc.

Scaling occurs especially in the first row of nozzles, which reduces the pathway arca of
thc stcam and, conscquently, the capaciry of the turbine. Th.is makes it sornetimes
necessary to stop the system prematurely to carry out non-prograrnmed rnaintenance to
recover the lost capacity. On occasions it is possible to use sorne washing rechnique
with the turbine rolling, to remove this scaling and avoid a costly shutdown.

When water frorn the cooling tower's circulation systcm is used to cool the lubrication
and control' oíl of the turbogenerator and the hydrogen of the generator, scaling and
corrosion problems could take place that require further auentíon.

Due to the corrosive characterlstics of steam in the prcsence of oxygcn, it is important

that the turbine's sea! system be in good operating condition to avoid attacks on thesc

c. Condensers

Mixture condensers uscd in geotherrnal power planes, cither of a baromerric or íow­lcvel type,
normally rcquire Jittle spccial attention when the materials of thcir interna! elcmcnts have
heen sclccred well and thcy receive adcquatc major maintenance,

el. Noncondensable Gas Extraction System

ln units with gas extraction based on stearn ejcctors, there are the tollowing clements:

Steam cjcctors

Ejector condcnsers

Stcam pipes, valvcs and ñlters

Condensar ion water pi pes and val ves

Noncondensablc gas pipes and valves

Pollution control equipmeru

Duc to the highly corrosivo naturc of gases and of the condensare, specíal carc should be
givcn to providing maintenance for the parts that come into contact with rhese fluids.

When gas cxtraction takcs place through compressors (vacuum purnps), the mainrenancc of
this equipment is more delicate and should be carried out following the manufacrurer's rcc-
ommendations. Special cmphasis should be placed on lubrication, maintcnance of seals and
on the dynamic problerns of both the cornpressor as well as of the motor machinery.

Since hydrogen sulphide is a highly toxic gas, rnaintenance actions should avoid any possíbil-
ity of this gas leaking or of a failure in the pollution control equipment.

e. Círculatíon Water System

When water comes from an externa! sourcc there are normally few maimenance problems. In
a system using the same condensed steam as a source of water supply for the circulation sys­
tern, more or less serious problems could take place with the deposits of solids and the corro-
sion of some of the elements in the system.

Typical maintenance of this systern is as follows:

Circulation water pumps: lubrication, revisión of seals and of the purnp's cooling lines,
clcaning of thc motor's coolcrs, prcvcntion of dynamic problerns.

Suction and rclcasc val ves: revisión of opcrators, revisión and adjustrncru of gaskcts.

Water pipelines and duct: revisión of pipes, accessorics and supports,

f. Cooling Tower

In this facility thcre are problerns of solid deposition. corrosión and degradauon of wood.
This is dcscribcd in more detall in the chapter on chernical rrcaunenr,

Maintcnance actions for this arca are:

Revisión and lubricntion of ventilators

Revisión of gaskets and lubricauon uf water distribution val ves

Cleaning uf water distribution pools

Revisión of the tower's blinds. filling and covers

g. Cooling Water System

If water from the circulation systern is going tu be used íor direct cooling, problems could
take place in 1 he oil and hydrogen coolers, as was mentioncd abovc.

If the cooling water is in a closed system and water is used from the circulation system with a
towcr, scaling and corrosion probJems could take place in the heat exchanger.

h. Fire Prevention System

lf good quality crude water is used, the problems in this sysrcm will be as normal as those in
any other simi lar systern, with additional problcms being the action of the corrosive enviren-

ment, such as the area of the cooling tower. If water from the circulation system is used, there
could be problems with the equipment that would be similar to those seen in the system.

As normal tasks we have:

Revision and lubrication of motor pumps

Lubrication and tuning of interna! combustion motor

Revision of network of pipes, valves, hydrants, hoses, aspersion systems, etc.

Revision and reloading of tire extinguishers.

i. Service WaterSystem

Maintenance of this system is circumscribed to regular inspections of pumps and of the net-
work of pipes and fittings.

j. Compressed Air System for Services and/orInstruments

In general terms, maintenance of this system is conventional, depending only on the type of
equipment used.

In order to avoid problems, especially regarding pneumatic instruments, activated carbon air
filters or similar products that absorb hydrogen sulphide are used.

k. Air Conditioning and Ventilation

Air conditioning equipment, additionally to keeping temperature under control, is used to

achieve pollution-free environments by means of absorbent filters. This is very important
especially to protect vital electric equipment against the action of hydrogen sulphide.

Additional to the recommended maintenance for the kind of equipment used, a maintenance
program should be developed for the filters as well as for the air-cooled condensers which are
susceptible to the action of hydrogen sulphide.

The ventilation equipment used to eliminate heat also serves to remove undesirable gases
from the environment in order to protect the equipment and personnel's health.

l. Miscellaneous Equipment

Emergency electric plant: lubrication and tuning servicing

62 62
Cranes and hoists: inspection and lubrication.

Maintenance equipment: according to the needs.

Other equiprnent: according to the manufacturcr's recommendations.

m. Painting

In a corrosivo environment such as that of a geotherrnal power plant, painting plays a very
importan! role in general maintenance. Appropriate and systematic application of paint pre­
vents deterioration of cquipmcnt and metal structures by the existing environrncntal condi­

Electric Maintcnancc

Mainrcnance rcquiremcnts of clcctric cquipmcnt are dcicrmincd by thc typc of cquipment

installcd and hy thc conditions it is under. Thc dcvclopmcnt of thc maintcnancc program
should takc into consideration the manufacturcr's rccornmcndations as well as thosc from
cxperience in operating thc equipment. Thc program should consist of all inspection. check­
ing and verification aciivities required by cach picce of cquipmcnt.

lnspcction serves the purposc of collccting as much inforrnation as posslblc on each picce of
cquipmcnt, from the manufacturer as well as trom lield experience, in ordcr to establlsh its
typical data and the inicial opcrating conditions, sincc this information is a point of reference
for analysis and decision-making to be undertaken in the future,

Inspcctions oí electric equipment llave the purpose of proving the performance of thc ele-
ments that compuse each one of ihe pieces of equipment. Regular inspections miel appropriate
maintenance result in greater safety, reliability and cost-effectiveness in their operation.

Regular inspection tasks are the following:

Inspccrion of conncctlons, fuses, cables, contacts, etc.

Inspecrion of insulations.

Mechanical inspection.

Lubrication of mcchanisms.

Inspection of mechanical and electric adjustrncnts.

Cleaning of pans.

Replacement and repair of parts.

Electric tests are the basis for verifying with more certainty the conditions of the design, man-
ufacturing and operation of equipments and materials, allowing to determine the kind of
maintenance that each piece of equipment requires. The tests should be performed periodical-
ly and, therefore, should be part of the preventative maintenance programs.

The tests most usually performed are:

a. Rotating Equipment

Insulation resistance.

Power factor.

Ohmic resistance.

b. Transformation Equipment

Insulation resistance.

Power factor.

Excitation current.

Transformation to polarity ratio.

Ohmic resistance.

c. Sectionalizing Equipment

Insulation resistance.

Power factor.

Ohmic resistance.

Synchronism and operating time of circuit breakers.

d. Voltage Regulators

Transformation to polarity ratio.

e. Power Cables, Buses, Lightning Arresters and Bushings

Insulation resistance.

Powcr factor.

f. Insulation Systems

Ohmic resistance.

g. lnsulation ons
Power factor.

1 ligh AC potcntial or dielectric rigidity.

Oil resistivity,

Neutralízation numbcr (acidity).

Intcrphasc tensión.

h. Electric Contact Poínts

Dctcrmination of hot points and dctennination of ternperature al the connections.

i. Battery Bank

Electrolyre density test.

Voltage test.

Capacity test

j. Battery Charger

Verification of floating and equalizing voltages.

Polarity tests.

k. Measuring, Control and Protection Switchboards

Insulation resistance of the insulatíng base.

Application of voltage to ali circuits that receive voltage signals.

Calibration and verification of the operation of detectors.

Verification of alarrn operation.

Verification of signa) lamps operation.

Verification ami calibration of electric instruments.

Instruments and Control

Thc instrumcnts serve as a guido to operate and preserve the cquipmcnt; they are thc basis for
secure, continuous and efficient operation.

Thc instrumcnts installed at thc plant dcpcnd on thc leve) of automation considcrcd by thc
design: the highcr thc automation, thc highcr the number of instruments and degree of spe­
cialization. lnstrumcnts for mcasuring mcchanical amounts can be of mcchanical, pneumatic,
clcctric or clcctronic opcration.

By their function, instrumcnrs rnay he for mcasurement, protection or control.

11. Measurement

Measurement equipment rneasures the varying conditions of thc process such as tcmperaturc,
pressure, level, flow, specd, vibratíons, eccentricity, differcntial expansión, etc.

Measuremcnt rnay be local or remoto. Thc instrumcnts can be indicators, rccorders cr totaliz-
ers. Por rernote measurement, transmiuers or transducers are used.

Due to the great diversity of instruments that are foun<l on the market, spccific maintenancc
of thcsc cquipmcnts should be pcrformcd following the rnanufacturcrs' rccommendations and
taking into account the conditions they will be exposed to. Periodic inspections and calibra­
tion verification should guarantee at ali mornents that the equiprnent is al its best operating
conditions and has an acccptable dcgrce of prccision.

b. Protcctíon

Protcction devices have the purpose of protccting the pieccs of cquipmcnt against any possi-
ble darnage under abnorrnal conditions. These devices can indicate a condition of risk by
rneans of an alarrn signal, or produce the disconnection of the equiprnent when a dangerous
conditions is present.

Due to the serious repercussions that a failure in the equipment can produce, the protection
dcvices require special attention during maintenance in order to provide them with the highest
possible degree of reliability. Operation, adjustments and coordination among protection sys-
terns as a whole should be verified periodically, according to protection logíc.

c. Control

Control serves the purpose of coordinating the functioning of the di fferent picces of equip­
rncnt at thc plant with the needs of the elcctric systern. Control may be manual or automatic.
Today thcre is a growing trcnd to use cornputcrizcd automatic systerns; however, pneumatic,
hydraulic and clcctro-hydraulic systcms are still being uscd.

Control drivcn devices rnay operare pneumatically, hydraulically, electrically or electrornag-


A pcriodic calibration vcrification of sensors, control signa Is and opcrating devices should be
undertakcn, making thc ncccssary adjustments according to thc rnanufacturcr's recomrnenda-

ci­n Malntenance

Acceleratcd dctcriorarion of civil works duc to the lack of appropriate maintcnancc, besides
being expcnsive may atso crlginatc damages to the facilities and produce unsatc ccnditlons
Ior the personnel.

With the purposc of preserving rhc good statc o!' these works it is necessary to establísh a pre-
vcntative maintcnancc program. The critica! arcas that will require greater auenrion acccrding
to thc particular conditions of each plan! should be idcmified,

Thc most usual tasks in this urea are the followiug:

Cleaning of oülces, engine room, control room, workshops, yards, roads, etc.

Preservation of buildings: floors, roofs and walls.

Maintenance of metal and concrete structures, ramps, ptatforrns, stairs, handrails, etc.

Fixing and applicatlon of paint and coatings.

Cleaning and maintenancc of drainage systcms.

Maintenancc of roads, green areas, fences and supplementary works.

8.2.2 Chemical Treatment

The purpose of chemical treatment is to eliminate or minimize the undesirable characteristics

of a fluid by adding chemical products that provide desirable properties.

In geothermal power plants without condensation and in those with condensation that use
extemal water for cooling, such as a river or lake, chemical treatment is practically unneeded.

In condensing geothermal power plants that use condensed steam as the source of cooling
water, and that use direct contact condensers and cooling towers, chemical control of this
water is very important because of the aggressiveness of the steam contaminants, such as car-
bon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, salts, etc. in conjunction with the impurities that
contaminate the círculating water and air, such as microorganisms, dust and oxygen, besides
the impurities added by the chemical treatment.

The impurities produced during water circulation are mineral acids, sulphates, sulphur, sul-
phides and iron oxides. As a consequence of this contamination the following conditions are
created in the water: high conductivity, dissolved solids and solids in suspension, and low pH.

Besides these contaminants and impurities great amounts of microorganisms and bacteria
develop in the water, becoming a severe biological problem.

Following are the main problems that a cooling water system rnay have as well as their causes
and control principies.

a. Corrosion

Corrosion in cooling systems becomes a serious problem since it causes high repair and
replacement costs. The main variables that cause water to have corrosive properties are the
concentrations of dissolved C02, H2S and 02 in the water, pH and dissolved solids.

It is estimated that one third of the hydrogen sulphides present in the steam is dissolved in the
circulating water, which causes it to be aggressive to iron, steel and related alloys, even in
absence of oxygen.

Low pH increases the corrosion speed of steel. It is desirable to keep pH in a range oí 6 to 8

by adding chemical products.

High concentrations of solids in the water increase its conductivity which favors corrosion,
Chlorides are especially dangerous for aluminum and rust-resisting steels.

The increase of water temperature and speed also increase corrosion.

Galvanic corrosion can also takc place by contact betwcen metals or different alloys.

Gaseous hydrogen sulphide in a hurnid environment, even in absence of oxygen, attacks con-
crete and metals.

To prevent corrosión the most irnportant mcasure is to have made a good selection of materi-
als that will resist thc attacks of the cnvironments that they will he exposed to. In this sense it
is necessary that sclcction be based on the rcsults of corrosion tests of a wide variety of mate-
rials that have been exposed to real conditions of operaricn.

The use of sorne types of rust-resistant stecls, spccial alloys, coatings and plastic materials
give good results in aggrcssive corrosive enviroumcnrs. Use of carbón stccls in dircct contact
with the fluid should be avoided.

b. Bíologlcal Problems

Circularing and cooling water systcms prescnt most favorable conditions for thc dcvelopmern
of microorganisms since they contain nutrients needed for their feeding such as hydrogen sul-
phide, ammonia, sulphur, iron and carbón. A favorable aunospherc is atso present since sorne
of them dcpcnd on oxygcn and othcrs on carbon dióxido. Evcn more, water tempcratures are
ideal for their growth.

Alrhough most rnicroorganisms in the cooling sysiem water do not anack the system directly.
they can Iorrn big colonies ami cause problerns with rhe pipes and cause deficient heat trans-
ference at the heat exchangers, Under these deposits metal corrosivo bacteria can develop
which rernain protected against bactcricidc action.

Among the microorganisrns that develop easily in the cooling water systern there are the fol­

Bacteria that deposit sulphur, that cause deposits that corrode metals.

Bacteria that dcposit iron, that cause pitring in aluminurn.

Ferrobacteria, that deposit ferric hydroxide that form corrosion cells,

Corrosive bacteria, such as sulphovibrio that reduces sulphates 10 gaseous hydrogen

sulphide which produces deep piuing in metal parts,

Sulphur bacillus, that produces sulphuric acid from sulfur or sulphides.

Nitrous bacteria, that produce nitrous oxides from ammonia, which combined with
water becomes nitric acid.

Bacteria that form gelatinous colonies that are deposited and cause obstructioos and
protect other bacteria mentioned above.

To control these microorganisms bactcricides are used, hut their immunization capacity
makes it necessary to change the kind of bactericide used continuously.

c. Deposits

Deposits of solids in the cooling systcm gcncrally cause obsuuctions and reductions in the
diameter of pipes and reduce thc cfficicncy of heat exchangers, Sulphur and sulphides in par-
ticular cause corrosion and serve as tood for bacteria; insoluble calcium and magnesium sales
may produce scalcs: and dus: and organic marcrials produce scalcs and become food for

To avoid water dissolvcd solids from bcing deposited dispcrsivc subsranccs are uscd that kccp
thc solids in suspension so they can be draincd with thc cxccss wastc waters.

d. Problems with the Coolíng Towcr

Wood of thc cooting tower is subject to three kinds of attack: chcmical, physical and blologi-
cal. In most cases these three kinds of attack occur simultaneously.

Chcmical auack. Chemical deterioration of wood is produccd in thc forrn of de-

tigntficauon. Thc most common chcmical subsranccs during this attack are oxidant
agents such as chlorlne. or alkalinc substanccs such as sodium carbonate and hydroxide,

Biologlcal attack. Wood can be damaged by the anack of rnicroorganisms such as fungi
and bacteria that fccd on it and cause its destruction.

Physical atrack. Onc of thc physical factors that affects wood mosrly is high
rcmpcrarurc, which produces structural changos and rnakes ir more suscepriblc to
biological attacks.

Chemical Analysís

Corrosión processes, scaling processes, biological processes, etc. are dynarnic ami, therefore,
control measures should be frequently adjusted on the basis of chemical control analysis.

The resulis or chernical and bacteriological analysis of the circulating water determine in
what conditions the water is in and which chernical treatment is appropriate to be applied.

8.2.3 Major Maintenance

Major maintenance of a generator unit has the purpose of rcstoring the original functioning
conditions of ali equiprnents and facilities that integrare it, so the unit will fully recover its
capacity, efficiency, safety leve! and degree of reliability.

To undcrtakc major maintcnance the unit is put out of service, the interna! parts of ali cquip­
ments are inspected in detail to determine their state, and, if so deerned, the necessary repairs
or replacements are carried out. Complcmcntary to chis, all verifications requircd by each
piece of equipment are undcrtakcn, such as adjustmcnts, allowances, calibrations, tests, etc.

Thc pcriod bctwccn these maintenances depends on the particular eonditions of each plant,
but can fluctuatc bctwccn one and two ycars, There are certain tasks that should be done at
grcater time intcrvals.

Major maintenance should be programmed to be carried out during thc scason of lcss dcmand
on che eleetric systcm that is intcrconncctcd to thc plant.

Thc ncccssary conditlons to be ablc to providc good mainrcnaucc includc thc availability of
cnough srorcd sparc pares and matcrials, quatíñcd pcrsonnel and appropriate toots and equip­
mcru LO undcrtakc che iasks.

The developrncru of thc maintcnancc program following thc critica! routc tcchniquc or Pclrf'
(Program Evaluation Rcvicw Tcchníquc) allows rcducing implcmcntation time to the mini­
mum, taking advantagc of labor and, consequenrly, obraining the best maintennnce cosi. Bar
graphics are valuablc auxiliary rools to record the progress of the maintenance process,

The most common rasks undertaken in a major maintenance program are the following:

a. Maln Steam System

In this systcm corrosion and scaling problerns rnay appear which affect the equipmenr's lifc
span as well as its performance. Maintenance consists of rcrnoving thc scales that havc
formed and correcting the ware by repairing or replacing the affectcd parts.

Special care is required with safety val ves, pressure regulating valvcs, humidity traps, steam
fitters and purgers.

b. Turbogenerator and Auxiliary Systems

Thc main problcms that may appear in che turbine by effect of geothermal steam are:

Scaling in che blades a.nd nozzles as well as in thc emergency stop valves and control valves
resulting Irom solids carricd by che stcam. This scaling reduces the rurbine's capacity and

Erosion especially in the last blade stages, originated by the water contained in the

Corrosion of parts where steam contacts air, such as turbine seals and valve trees.

In general terrns the maintenance of the turbine consists of:

Complete disassernbly and assernbly.

Cleaning of the rotor and of the nozzle diaphragms.

Nondestructive tests to determine emerging failures of the rotor and nozzles.

Inspection of bearings, main oil pump, governor, etc.

Verification of rotor alignment.

Verification of allowances between rnoving and fixed parts.

Inspection of control and stop valves and of steam filters.

Verification of instruments and of the turbine control and protection systems.

Inspection of the lubricating system.

Inspection and cleaning of the oil coolers.

Inspection of the turbine's seal system ..

The following procedures apply for the generator:

lnspection of the rotor, stator and excitation systems.

Inspection of bearings and seals.

Electric tests.

Verification of instruments and of turbo-generator control and protection systems.

Inspection of generator oil seal system.

Inspection of generator H2 and C02 system.

Inspection and cleaning of hydrogen coolers.

c. Condenser

In the equipment problems of corrosion and deposit of solids may be present. For mainte-
nance, the panel doors should be opened and ali interna! elements should be inspected, such
as pans, sprinklers, pipes, coatings, ctc., and the necessary corrections should be made.

d. Noncondensable Gas Extractíon System

Due to the aggressivencss of thc fluids mauagcd by this systern. maintenance requirernents
depend firstly on thc typc of matcrials used by the equipment installed.

In units that havc stcam cjcctors, maintenance tasks are summarized as follows:

Inspcction of interna! clcmcnts of ejcctor condensers.

Inspcction of ejectors, filters. val ves and stcam pipes.

Inspection of water val ves and pipes.

Inspection of gas valves and pipes.

General inspection of pollution control cquipment.

Calibration of instrumcnts.

ln gas extraction unics using cornpressors:

Disassernbly, inspcction and general cleaning of pipes and compressor.

Inspecuon of Iubricating systern, seals, val ves, pipes, etc.

Vcritication of allowances, alígnment, ware, balancing.

Verification of the control, protections and mcasurcment.

General inspection of the pollutíon control equiprncnt.

e. Circulating Water Systern

General maintcnancc aspects of this systern are:

Disassembly of the pumps to check ware of bearíngs, shafts, etc.

lnspection of bearings and motor lubricating and cooling systems.

Inspection of motor-pump alignment.

Electric tests of motors.

Inspection of val ves and operators.

Inspection and cleaning of pipes.

Verification of controls, protections and instruments.

f. Cooling Tower

Maintenance requirements depend on the kind and features of the tower installed. A mechani-
cal-draft tower demands much attention for its maintenance. At greater operation time the
maintenance requirements are also greater, up to the point that important replacements should
be made to keep up capacity, efficiency and safety.

Special care should be taken regarding chemical treatment of the circulating water since the
tower's life span depends on it.

The tasks that should be undertaken on a tower are:

Removal of muds accumulated in the basin.

Inspection of water distribution valves.

Inspection of ventilators and their motors.

Inspection of the structure, fillings, humidity eliminators, shutters, water distribution .

basins, covers, etc.

Electric tests of motors and verification of their controls and protections.

Since sulphur deposits accumulated at the tower have a very low ignition point, it is necessary . <
to keep it permanently wet when it is out of service to prevent fire.

g. Cooling Water System

All equipments of this system should be checked: pumps, heat exchangers, filters, val ves,

h. Fire Prevention System

As a safety measure, in-dcpth maintenancc of this equipment is nor advisable when any of its
units is out of service. lts maintenancc should be programmed when ali the units of the plant
are in scrvicc, always being cautious that at leasi one pumping equiprnent is available,

i. Electríc System of the Unit

The cquipmcnt of this system should receive thc following maintcnancc:

Main transformer: electric tests performed at the windings and cornpletc tests at the
insulating oil; if necessary, it should be treated to regenerare it.

Machine circuir breakers: maintenance according to the type of brcakcr, clcctric tests,
mechanic inspection and verification of its control and proteciions.

Switch bledos: clcctric and mcchanic tests according 10 their typc,

Current ancl voltage transfonners: clectric tests and vcriflcation of mcasurcmcnt.

Distribution swiichboards and control ccnicrs of low vottagc motors: clcctrtc and
mcchanic tests, vcri ficarion of conrrols. protcctions and mcasurcmcnt.

Central control switchboard: instrumcnt calibration, vcrificauon or remoto controls and

of prorccucns.

Insulation inspection and cleaning,

8.3 Corrective Maíntenance

Correctivo maintcnancc is undersrood as rhat onc that should be providcd to a piece of equip­
rnent to restore its functioning conditions when it is failing.

In a gcothcrmal powcr píant, as with any public scrvice gcncrating plaru, interruptions of ser·
vice bcsidcs rcsulting in high costs for thc company, havc highly negativo social and cconorn-
ic impacts on thc arca scrved.

For the cornpany the cost of a failure results from adding the irnplicit cost of maintenance to
the cost of the energy that is not sold or to the additional cost of gcncrating that encrgy by
other mcans. Normally whcn a critica] piece of cquipment fails, the latter cost is severa! times
greater than the rnainrenance cost. For this reason in a geothermal power plant a maintenance
policy based on corrective maintenance is nor applicable.

Even though it is desirable not to have to carry out any corrective maintenance at all, practi-
cally no plant is free of this need in greater or lesser extent. One of the responsibilities of the
maintenance team is to proceed quickly and cost-effectively with the repairs required by any
faulty equipment.

When a failure occurs troubleshooting should be performed to firstly determine its causes,
and secondly to tak:e the necessary corrective measures to prevent it from occurring again.

The evaluation of corrective maintenance should serve as a reference to measure the degree of
effectiveness of the preventative maintenance program and, at the same time, serve as an
assessment tool when adjusting the program or deciding on changes in the installation.

When corrective maintenance cost, including forced maintenance, is less than 10% of the cost
of preventative maintenance, it is considered that the preventative maintenance program is
reasonably acceptable.

8.4 lmprovements on Installations

A good maintenance job is not possible if the installation has improper equipments or if these
have been installed without taking into consideration future maintenance needs. If any of
these conditions are present the problem should be analyzed pursuing a cost-effective techni-
cal solution. Occasionally it is preferable to make sorne changes at the installation than trying
to establish a maintenance program in adverse conditions.

The purpose of making changes at the installation should have severa! of the following
aspects in mind:

To reduce cost.

To improve safety conditions.

To increase the equipment's capacity, efficiency or reliability.

To simplify the operation,

To improve conditions to provide maintenance,

To reduce maintenance.

. To reduce failures,

To improve the operating conditions of the equipment.

To increase the equipmeru's life span.

Improvements can consist of modifying the installation or replacing a piece of equipment for
anothcr onc with ccrtain advantages.

Usually the cosi of these improvernents is considered an investment and not a producrion
expense. Its amount obviously dcpcnds on thc extent of such improvernents, but it can be said
tbat a good quality project should not require more than 5% of thc total invcstmcnt cosi to
undertake che changes.


9.1 Objectives and Scope

The opcrarion and maintcnancc sragc of thc plant has thc purpose of keeping the generator
units íunctioning cfficicntly and cost-cffcctivcly during thcir lifcrime in ordcr to have a safc
and rcliablc cncrgy supply that will providc rhc dcsircd bcnefits.

In general tcrms a gcothcrmal powcr projcct contcmplates repayment periods between 20 and
30 years depending, among othcr factors, on thc existing knowledge on the reservoir and rhe
risk factor used for recovering the investrnent,

Thc planr's tifctimc can diffcr from thc payment pcriod. Conscqucnuy, thc operation and
maintcnaucc stagc should covcr thc plant's lifetime from thc bcginning of its servicc.

Duc to the dynamic propcrtics of gcotherrnal ficlds, thc goals of this stagc should be pliablc
to thc changcs that may occur, analyzing and asscssing tbe rcsults obtaincd at all momeras.

9.2 Prograrnming and Control

In order to achieve best results, careful planning should be carried out conccrning thc plant's
operatíon and maintenance.

General and specific goals should be set and short, intermcdiatc and long tcrm working pro-
grarns developed Iollowing each company's policies and taking into account other experi-
ences in similar projects

Programs are valuable planning tools and are uscful to:

Assign the sequence and duration of an activity.

Determine the resources that will be needed to implement it,

Optimize the use of available resources.

Develop expenditure budgets.

Coordinate the activities of the different departments of the plant.

Follow-up on the accomplishment of the tasks and detect any alteration on time.

Evaluate the management of the plant.

Control is a management function that implies evaluating and correcting activities to ensure
that they are carried out according to the established programs. The basic control process
includes threesteps:

Establishing models.

Measuring performance by comparison with those models.

Correcting alterations.

The initial programs are developed based on the operating and maintenance instructions pro-
vided by the equipment manufacturers, the informatíon on the project and the existing experi-
ence on similar facilities. The particular experiences gained at each plant should serve as
feedback to improve the succeeding working programs.

The working programs are developed using critica! route techniques, PERT and bar graphs.

The following programs should be developed at least:

Operation program.

Major maintenance program for all units.

Preventive maintenance program.

Facility improvement program.

Program for expenditures.

A five-year general operating program is advisable, to be used to raise funds to cover the bud-
get, as well as a detailed annual program at the beginning of each fiscal year.

Operation Program

e operation program is ruled by the estimated availability of equipments (based on the

ntenance programs), by the projection of demands on the system's energy control center,
the experience of previous years.

Major Maintenance Program

s advisable that a general major maintenance program of the units for a period of 5 to 6
rs (that will be updated each year) be developed, as well as a detailed program for each
f those maintenances.

2.3 Preventive Maintenance Program

n annual preventive maintenance program should be developed by integrating the monthly

ograms of each maintenance department of the plant.

9.2.4 Facility lmprovement Program

When the improvement of the existing facilities has been decided a specific program should
be prepared for each particular case. ·

9.2.5 Expenditure Program

The expenditure program is developed by scheduling the monthly allocations-determined by

a cost analysis-for labor, materials, equipments, etc. to carry out the plant's operation and
maintenance programs.

9.3 Costs

The costs of a geothermal power generating plant are divided into:

Investment costs.

Generation costs.

The investment costs or fixed charges include the annual payments of all allocations assigned
before the plant is put into commercial service, as well as the subsequent investments that are
made to extend the plant's capacity orto improve its facilities.

The amount of this cost depends on the amount of the investment, the interest rate and the
period to pay the investment.

The power generating costs of a geothermal power plant consist of all the allocations .assigned
after beginning commercial operation and have the following general structure:

a. Geothermal fluid supply cost or field operation and maintenance cost, depending on the
case, which includes the repair and replacement of wells and the operation and mainte-
nance of fluid conduction systems, roads, etc. with their indirect costs.

b. Operation and maintenance cost of the plant, which includes.operation materials, main-
tenance materials, spare parts and equipments, salaries and social benefits.

c. Indirect cost of the plant, comprised by the plant's technical and administrative expens-
es and the payment of taxes, duties, insurance, etc.

d. Indirect cost of the electric cornpany's general administration which results from the
prorated charges of the regional and/or national administration that correspond to the
plan t.

9.4 Organization

The personnel required to operate a geothermal power plant may be grouped as follows:

Technical direction.


Maintenance and repairs.

Administrative and auxiliary services.

Organizational structure should be based on determining and dividing the members' functioris
and assigning hierarchical levels, that is, defining the authority and accountability that corre-
sponds to each level.

Por the operation and maintenance stage of a medium-sized geothermal power plant an orga-
nizational structure as shown in figure 9.1 is advised. Its levels are described as follows.

General Superintendency of the Plant

has the function of directing and coordinating the technical and administrative tasks, and is
sponsible for the outcomes and good performance of the plantas a whole. It is the plant's
ighest authority, and is responsible for reporting and/or holding working relations with
xtemal organizations.
~ -. ; . . .

1 1 ·


1 1



1 1



For better performance, this superintendency has two technical areas (operation and mainte-
nance) and an administrative area.

9.4.2 Operation Superintendency

lts main functions are to:

Plan the activities of this area.

Develop the operation programs and procedures.

Develop the operation records and controls.

Coordinate and supervise the plant's operation.

Assess the operation's outcomes and establish corrective actions.

This superintendency has the responsibility of keeping the plant operating continuously, effi-
ciently and safely.

9.4.3 MaintenanceSuperintendenc

The functions of ~his superintendency are the following:

Plan the activities of this area.

Develop the maintenance programs and procedures.

Develop the maintenance records and controls.

Coordinate and supervise the maintenance and repair tasks of the plant.

Assess the maintenance's outcomes and establish corrective actions.

This superintendency has the responsibility of keeping the plant's facilities in good operating
conditions by means of timely and adequate preventative and corrective maintenance actívi-
ties that will ensure sustaining its operational characteristics.

It should have civil engineering, electric, instrumentation and control, mechanics and chem-
istry specialists to fulfil the maintenance needs in each one of these areas. ·

In important situations it may consult other manufacturers and jointly program and design
improvements on the facilities.

9.4.4 Administration

This area has the purpose of providing administrative support to the technical areas in relation
to storage, purchasing, accounting and costs, personnel and general services.



l9.s Materialsand Equipments

;)Li of critical importance that the plant have a satisfactory stock of materials and replace-
¿µie ts to cover operatíon and .maintenance needs in a timely way.

\Th stock of replacements and spare parts that is needed is determined, in principie, by fol-
' lowing the equipment manufacturers' recommendations and, secondly, by taking into consid-
·. on the plant's particular operating conditions and the difficulty of obtaining those parts.

. geothermal power plant a wide variety of materials are used that should be classified and
.· . d in such a rnanner that they can be found easily. Through the irnplementation of a corn-
·. · rized control system of storage rooms it is possible to keep updated information on
cks, consumption, costs, etc.

optimize the use of resources a control systern of maximum and minímal stock should be
ablished based on the detection of needs of the users, the time for acquisition and econom-
repercussion. This system should be supported by the purchase department to replace the

Replacement parts as well as other materials should be stored under suitable conditions to
avoid deterioration and possible accidents.

The equipment needed to undertake the activities at this stage are the following:

Office furniture and equiprnent.

Computer equipment.

Communication equipment.

Laboratory equipment.

Testing equipment.

Workshop equiprnent.

Cargo and handling equipment.

Special tools.

Maintenance tools.

Transportation equipment.

9.6 Offices, Laboratories, Workshops and Transportation

The infrastructure required for the operation and maintenance stage of the plant should be
foreseen in the project taking into account its projected final capacity, be it cornpleted from
the beginning or gradually by stages.

It is advisable that the operating personnel participate with the project staff in defining the
needs of office space, laboratories, workshops, etc. with their respective equipments, based on
the conceptual design of the project, the chosen equipment and both parties' experience in
arder to achieve maximum functionality.

The office and support service areas that should be considered are:

Offices for the operating personnel.

Administration offices.

Rest rooms and dressing rooms.

Dinning halls.

Meeting room.

Storage room for materials and replacement parts.

Warehouse for maintenance tools and equipments.

Storage room for paper and files.

Storage place for cleaning utensils and supplies.

Training halls.

Security and hygiene office.

Medical and care services.

Guarding area.

Parking lots.

Concerning laboratories and workshops, the following should be considered:

Chernical laboratory.

rument laboratory.

otection laboratory.

lectric shop.

Machinery and tools shop.

Mechanic shop for major and minor pieces of equipment.

Welding shop.

Machinery and vehicle maintenance shop.

Sand jet cleaning area.

Personnel transportation requirements are conditioned by the distance of the plant to the
urban centers, and by the company's policies.

9.7 Personnel

9.7.1 Operating Personnel

The construction of a geothermal power plant poses the need of having personnel trained to
operate and provide maintenance to its equipment. Operating personnel is special and should
have specific technical preparation in accordance with the activities that are going to be
undertaken and the particular equipment that has been installed.

To be able to determine the needs of operating personnel a detailed analysis should be carried
out regarding the work that will be undertaken, identifying each of the activities, ordering and
putting them into priority and establishing their frequency as well as the most convenient way
of carrying them out.

A working unit or position is determined by all the activities that should be carried out by a
single person. The number of workers should be equal to the number of pesitions identified.

Once ali factors related with a position have been identified, a job profile or description can
be developed, that is, the definition of the qualifications needed by the person who will hold
the position. The job description sets the employee's functions and responsibilities, and
should establish at least the following: knowledge level, practical experience, nature of the
decisions that will be taken on the job, physical, visual and mental efforts that will be
required, accountability for damages, management of materials, safety of others and one's
own, environment, special conditions and contingencies.

The basic role of the operating personnel is to watch over and operate the equipme_nts that
tak:e part in the process of generating and delivering electric power to the distribution net-
work. Due to the nature itself of the operating function, the personnel should labor through
continuous shifts if it is not and automated plant.

The main responsibilities of this personnel are to:

Verify that the systems and equipments under their care operate normally, and carry out
normal and emergency operations.

Verify that the operating parameters are within established limits.

Keep operating records.

Communicate the operating conditions of the equipment under their care and any
abnormality occurred during the shift.

Comply with and watch that others comply with the established instructions and rules
for the personnel and equipment's safety.

For safety reasons only the operating personnel is authorized to operate the equipments. Any
other person that needs to work on a piece of equipment at the plant should procure a license
or an expressed authorization issued by the person responsible for the operating shift.

Due to the special qualifications that the operating personnel.should have, itis important to
have carefully selected the candidates for each position.

For a worker to be able to fulfil his/her responsibilities satisfactorily, he/she should have the
knowledge, ability and skills demanded by the job description. Since the specific knowledge
that is required is not provided by the normal education system, it is necessary that the com-
pany develop its own training program.

Since this personnel will be in charge of keeping watch over the equipment and carrying out
the operations from the very beginning of the plant's service, their hiring should be pro-
grammed beforehand so they will be ready when this stage begins.

The number of personnel required for its operation depends on the size of the units, the
plant's total capacity and its level of automation. As an average, a single worker is needed for
each 4 to 8 MW of installed capacity in. medium-capacity plants and with a certain degree of

Training of the personnel at all levels should continue during the whole operating life of the ·
geothermal field, being supported by external consultants.

9.7.2 Maintenance Personnel

The role of thc plant's maintenance department is that of carrying out ali prcservation activi-
ties rcquircd 10 keep the equiprnent at its best working conditions. Propcr maintenance of any
piecc of cquipmeru is the key to extending its lifetime and avoiding a failurc,

Thc rcsponsibilities of a rnaintenance team are:

To plan rhe maintenancc activitics.

To prograrn the tasks.

To develop budgcts for rnaterials and labor.

To carry out and supervise thc jobs,

To kccp record oí (he rnaintenance providcd and assess it.

To achievc máximum cfficicncy of each worker it is nccessary ro csiablish:

The working load generated by cach facility.

The most cost-effective working mcthod.

The maintenance working load is ccmpriscd by:

Repetitivo tasks.

Nonrepetitivc tasks.

The load of repetitivo tasks can be establisbed based on thc prcvcntative maintenance pro·
grarn, while thc nonrcpctitivc working load muy only be estirnated based on the history oí
previous rnaiurenances or by an enginccring cvaluation.

Once the repetitive and nonrepetitive working loads have been derermincd, the working hours
required for each positlon can be estimated.

It is important that the maintenance be carried out by qualificd personnel that besides having the
spccific specialized knowledge also is familiar with the fuuctioning of the equiprnent and its
relationship with the system, its maintenancc rcquirements and the correct way of pcrforming it.

To be able lo carry out a good maintenance job ít is essential to have the inforrnatiou of thc pro-
ject on hand, such as drawings and speciflcations, as well as the installing, operation and rnain-
tenancc instructions for the equipments.

For a good quality outcome the work needs to be competently supervised also.

When putting a maintenance team together, the possibility of hiring part of the work by con-
tract should also be analyzed.

In new facilities it is advisable to begin work with a small working group and increase its size
according to the increase of the permanent tasks that are needed. It should be taken into
account that the working load will be greater at the beginning of the plant's operation and will
gradually decrease with the adjustments that are made on each system until a stable operation
is achieved. As an average, one maintenance worker will be needed for each 6 to 10 MW of
installed capacity.

Training of the personnel at all levels should continue during the whole operating life of the
geothermal field, being supported by externa! consultants.

9.8 Consultants

To accomplish better results of the activities carried out by the personnel, and with the pur-
pose of complementing its training, it is desirable and advisable to have the support of exter-
na! consultants for most of the more complicated activities such as efficiency and acceptation
tests, improvements on facilities, repairs, maintenance and operation of equipments, as well
as studies to adapt the plant to the changes that occur at the reservoir. A consulting period of
up to one year after the plant service has began is advisable.

The consultants jointly with the plant's personnel should develop the procedures to carry out
the main activities.

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