Alan Paulo

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By:Manuel Aguilla

In the Philippines, The Story of Midsummer is one of the most revered literary masterpieces. The
attraction between two strangers, a young Binata boy named Manong and a Mahinhin Filipina young
woman named Ading, serves as the plot's central theme.

One of the most revered literary masterpieces in the Philippines is The Story of Midsummer. The Story
of Midsummer is one of the most renowned literary works in the Philippines. It is built on the
gravitational pull and attraction between two strangers, a young Binata boy named Manong and a
Mahinhin Filipina young woman named Ading The foundation of the story is the gravitational pull and
attraction between two strangers, a young Binata boy named Manong and a Mahinhin Filipina young
woman named Ading.The memorable incident happens in a rural area next to the village well. The
summer was harsh because of the oppressive heat. When Manong arrived to the village well with his
bull and wagon, he was surprised to see the attractive figure of Ading.

The portrays the two as being tentative and reserved while speaking to one another, which is
a genuine reflection of the region's and its residents' values and customs. The electrical
intensity between the two is increased because of how heated the atmosphere is. Manong,
who is a little more reticent, receives a skeptical look from Ading, as well as consoling space and
attention. He expresses concern for her palms, which were susceptible to callous wear from the
tough ropes when she was drawing water from the well, suggesting a burgeoning romantic
bond. When Ading is drawing water from the well, he starts thinking about her ideas.

Ading gives a quiet smile as a way of starting a conversation. Ading approaches him as he is
eating his dinner. She pours water over herself as a result of her frayed nerves.The author
creates a sensual chemistry between the two in this instance. Manong is taken with Ading's wet
attire, and Ading is impressed by Ading's muscular development and sense of manhood. This
amount of overt expression between the two indicates a developing propensity toward desire.

Manong assists Ading in refilling her jar of water after gathering his thoughts. She extends
an invitation to visit her home as thanks for his assistance. He gladly agrees to follow the
damsel to her modest home after she gives him the assurance that her mother has given her

As the author invites her readers to draw their own romantic interpretations, the ending
conveys a sense of imaginative openness. Did their relationship lead to marriage? Were they
misled into a lust attack and mistook a physical attraction for a love of purpose and substance?
Was there a stir made by the girl's family?

Alternatively, the overt sensuality in the story also alludes to the flight of fantasy that physical
attraction may cause in young people's brains. The two were total strangers and couldn't possibly vouch
for one another's moral character; their intimacy leaves an unsettling aftertaste and emphasizes the
hormonally-driven euphoria of youth that frequently trumps good judgment and reason.

The author made an effort to accurately reflect the culture and traditions of the region and its
inhabitants. The meeting as a whole seems present because to the elaborate utilization of
environmental and natural perspectives.

The colonial invasion of Filipino society, a period of instability and significant upheaval, serves as the
setting for the story. It shows how to balance the well-known and obscure, the ancient and
contemporary, and the commonplace with the spectacular.
"Love in the Cornhusk"
By:(Aida L. Rivera-Ford's)

The writer of "Love in Cornhusk," Aida L. Rivera-ford, is a Filipina whose works place an emphasis on
regional characteristics and historical identities. A short fiction piece is called a short tale when referring
to one of the literary genres (Klarer 12).

Aida narrated the story of Tinang in her writings, who visited Seora. She was, however, concerned due
to his prior romantic associations with Amado. Senora informed her that the letter had arrived at the
post office. They took her child and ran off. The reader was sitting on a cornhusk reading the letter when
suddenly a serpent entered the room. As she moved to secure her child, she accidently dropped the
letter, and the tale came to an end (Rivera-ford 58-64). ). She felt her former romantic relationship
weighing on her throughout the story. She eventually understood, though, that her vengeful memory
needed to be put in the past. The illusion of the character's private feelings persisted throughout this
novel. Grow claims that the story's thematic development is represented by parting and abandonment

Numerous short stories have been written by Filipino authors. However, very few are structurally and
contextually examined. As a result, "Love Ford's in Cornhusk" by Aida L. Rivera is examined to determine
the structural identity of the narrative as well as the author's presence in the text. This qualitative
analysis also makes use of relevant data that has been downloaded from the internet. Printed items like
books and articles are used in addition to online resources. This critical analysis is also supported by
literary criticism theories. Numerous short stories have been written by Filipino authors. However, very
few are structurally and contextually examined. As a result, "Love Ford's in Cornhusk" by Aida L. Rivera is
examined to determine the structural identity of the narrative as well as the author's presence in the
text. This qualitative analysis also makes use of relevant data that has been downloaded from the
internet. Printed items like books and articles are used in addition to online resources. This critical
analysis is also supported by literary criticism theories.

Filipino novelist Aida Rivera Ford is well-known in the literary world. She is a smart woman who
publishes several articles. She did, in fact, earn an AB degree with a major in English and cum laude in
1949. ( The story's primary character, Tinang, is a lady who is being pursued because of a
previous romantic relationship she had with Amado. In his letter, Amado explains clearly why he left her
behind because his mother was in bad shape: "Finally, I could not return since I realized that my mother
was very ill" (Rivera-ford, 62). He remains the main character's favorite. This is clear from the way she
silently cries when she reads and thinks back to his earlier interactions with Amado. The author is
married to Donald Ford and in a loving relationship with him.

Setting explains the environment in which the story is set (Literary Terms 1). The story is set in a rural
area where agriculture provides the majority of the villagers' income. This argument is made evident by
the fact that she kept on till she reached a section of veld where cornhusks were scattered beneath a
kamansi tree (Rivera-ford, 62). Characters in a tale are typically the people who appear in it. The main
and supporting characters in the story are Amado Galuran, Inggo, Bagobo, and Bagobito, as well as
Constantina "Tinang" Tirol, Senora, Tito, and Senorito (Rivera-Ford, "Love on the cornhusk").

Conflict also exists in addition to the literary component. Conflict describes the conflicts or tensions
in the narrative (Literary Terms 1). Because the main character comes across a serpent while reading the
letter, the battle may be between man and nature. However, it is not the story's primary conflict. Man vs
himself is the story's central struggle. This is shown when the main character is debating whether to
move on and give her son more of her undivided attention or to maintain her undying love for her
previous boyfriend. But the main character decides to focus on taking care of her son.

The author makes reference to symbolic archetypes in the story. Symbolism is yet another literary
device that maintains the use of symbols to represent concepts (Literary and Rhetorical Elements 3-4).
The narrative makes use of the symbols letter, cornhusk, and snake. The next parts of the story depict a
small green snake that slithered lazily into the tall grass a few yards from the kamansi tree as follows:
(Rivera-ford 64). Louis claims that the snake represents seduction and temptation (3). As stated in the
following lines, Tinang and Amado experience sexual fulfillment and temptation: "When she held out
the bolts, he grabbed her wrist and said: "Come," drawing her to the screen of trees beyond. Although
she resisted, his arms were powerful.She shook, gasped, and clung to him as he awkwardly and roughly
embraced her (Rivera-ford 64). Tinang searches for a comfortable location to read the letter out of
desperation. The letter denotes a close relationship. As eloquently described, she positions herself in an
open region of land: "She moved on till she discovered a piece of a veld where cornhusks were scattered
under a kamansi tree" (Rivera-ford 62). Cornhusk represents harmony and production.

Additionally, the narrative is written from an omniscient point of view, allowing readers to
understand how the characters are feeling and thinking. This is described in the following words:
"Tinang was inebriated. A flush spread across her face and seeped throughout her body. She sat down
against the kamansi tree and sobbed as she recalled the little girl she had been less than two years prior,
when she used to bring food to the Senora in the field and the workers would slyly glance at her (Rivera-
ford 63).

Plot is one of the key components of a story. It speaks of the series of incidents that make up the
story (Literary Devices and Terms 6). Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement are
the different aspects of a story. The characters and environment are introduced during the exposition.
When Tinang summons Seora, the plot is introduced. The conflict is introduced during the increasing
action. When Seora brings up her ex-boyfriend, the narrative picks up steam, and she eventually leaves
after realizing what she was trying to do. More specifically, the term "climax" refers to the most exciting
or intensely dramatic portion of the narrative (Literary Devices and Terms 2). The story's turning point
occurs when Tinang receives Amado's letter and recalls the priceless times they shared. The story's
falling action occurs when the letter accidentally hits the ground as the main character frantically
assures her son. The denouement, on the other hand, is the conclusion or last section of the story. The
narrative ends with Tinang's troubled demeanor as she prayed and looked for her son (Rivera-ford 64).

The results of the literary analysis show that the author's life is reflected in the story's events.
Additionally, it is found that the masterpiece's structure establishes its meaning. According to the
study's findings, Aida L. Rivera's "Love Ford's in the Cornhusk" indicates the story's structural identity
and the author's interaction with the text.
Crossing the River
By: Anthony Tan
I crossed the river and found a medium and an apostrophe. The reason these poems were picked in
particular is that they all contain some type of death imagery, which leads to death symbolism. Crossing
the River, Meeting with a Medium, and Apostrophe are the three poems I chose expressly to study and
analyze how death is portrayed in these and the other chosen poems.

In literature, there aren't always happy endings; occasionally, characters die or experience
various types of loss. Writing about dying away before one's time truly arrives, it is leave-taking
literature. Some of the most moving lyrics have been influenced by the thought or expectation
of passing away (Lombardi, 2012).

I crossed the river and found a medium and an apostrophe. The reason these poems were
picked in particular is that they all contain some type of death imagery, which leads to death
symbolism. Crossing the River, Meeting with a Medium, and Apostrophe are the three poems I
chose expressly to study and analyze how death is portrayed in these and the other chosen
poems. There aren't always happy endings in literature; occasionally, characters pass away or
suffer different kinds of loss. It is leave-taking literature when someone writes about passing
away before their true time comes. The idea or expectation of dying has influenced some of the
most poignant lyrics (Lombardi, 2012).

One of the contemporary Filipino writers who addresses death in his works is Dr. Anthony L.
Tan, a well-known Mindanaoan poet and Palanca Award winner. Through the themes of
remembering the dead, desire, leaving, and sad events, Tan addresses death. The experiences
he had with mortality have had a significant impact on his works, even if he is not particularly
aware of this. Dr. Anthony Tan makes a key point about how he views death. He believes that
dying is a serious matter and that it is something that many people dread. The poet used a
number of symbols in his poetry to accomplish a variety of purposes.

One of the contemporary Filipino writers who addresses death in his works is Dr. Anthony L.
Tan, a well-known Mindanaoan poet and Palanca Award winner. Through the themes of
remembering the dead, desire, leaving, and sad events, Tan addresses death. The experiences
he had with mortality have had a significant impact on his works, even if he is not particularly
aware of this. Dr. Anthony Tan makes a key point about how he views death. He believes that
dying is a serious matter and that it is something that many people dread. The poet used a
number of symbols in his poetry to accomplish a variety of purposes.
Difference in Concept

As they are used in this study, the following key concepts are operationally defined.

In this study, a symbol denotes meaning that differs from the literal context in which it is
used. Being a class or category representative carries a more complicated connotation and
might signify different things in different contexts.

In this study, the term "symbolism" is used to characterize sentences, clauses, situations, or
episodes that openly refer to one thing while also suggesting another. It stands for something
tangible that is real as well as another item that, despite being intangible, is real. It is the
practical use of iconic representations of certain, predetermined meanings known as symbols
(Galia and Villanea, 2004).

This study argues that dying is the process of dying, an unavoidable aspect of being human from which
one cannot recover. You experience both mental and physical effects with the loss of a loved one.

This study looks at the frequent use of imagery and symbolism in poetry to convey meaning.
Karaniwang Tao
By: Joey Ayala
Beautiful song "Karaniwang Tao," written by Joey Ayala, is about the reality of what has
happened to our planet. In my opinion, the song depicts the worst and most likely
consequences of our carelessness with regard to our mother earth. The song's closing line asks,
"What are you going to do to save nature?" One thing that i realized to that question was i help
my self to do what is right in order for me to help other people and by means of what we are
able to protect The nature"kapit-bisig bayanihan" that tagline where us filipino's known, each
lyrics of the song brings me back the old days the happiest days of my life when i was a child
longing for sucess up to this moment, and also the song made me realize that even in darkest
time we could be able to save ourself, we can think of the sulotion in all the problems that we
May encounter along the way, Nowadays, as i've been experiencing pain in my life, there is also
this "One" who encounter a very traumatico and paintful experiences from people like me,
from people who just think of their own welfare and safety without thinking about others this
One is our Mother Earth in the lyrics of the song specifically. "Karaniwang tao, saan ka tatakbo,
kapag mawasak iisang mundo" This had a significant impact on me. Where will I continue the
dreams I've yearned for years? The response, "Earth is irreplaceable," gave me the chills. Even
though scientist are looking for another planet the people can live i .planting trees and not
littering the garbage are simple way to help save the Earth we can be an advocate. As a student
and as a young person who cares about the environment, that is the one piece of advice I can
give you: let's work together to rescue the globe.
21ST Century Literature

Submitted by: Alan Paulo Agda Oloya

Submitted to: Sir,Cris Andaliza

AP Teacher


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