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Latin for Anatomy

Terms and Abbreviations

Anatomy is a descriptive science that almost universally uses mainly Latin and
Greek terms. Every term has an English equivalent. Many of the English equivalents
are similar to the Latin, but some are completely different. As Latin is still the first
language of medical terminology, it is important to know at least the basic terms in
both languages.

Basic terms (latin – english)

Abdomen abdomen, belly
Ala wing
Angulus angle
Apex apex, top
Arcus arc
Arteria artery
Artculato joint
Brevis short
Canalis canal
Capitulum small head
Caput head
Cartilago cartilage
Cauda tail
Cavitas cavity
Caecus blind
Cerebrum brain
Cervix neck
Circumferentia circumference
Collum neck
Cornu horn
Corpus body
Costa rib
Cranium cranium
Crista crest
Dexter right
Dorsum back, dorsum
Ductus duct
Eminentia prominence, eminence
Et and
Excavatio pouch
Extensor extensor (muscle)
Extremitas extremity
Facies surface
Fissura fissure
Flexor flexor (muscle)
Foramen foramen, opening
Fossa fossa, hole, pit
Fovea pit, snare
Ganglion ganglion
Glandula gland
Hallux toe
Hiatus opening in organ
Impressio impression
Incisura notch
Interosseus located between bones
Labrium lip
Latus flank
Ligamentum ligament
Linea line
Longitudinalis longitude
Longus long
Lympha lymph
Magnus big
Major greater
Manus hand
Margo border
Maximus the biggest
Medulla marrow
Membrum limb
Minimus the smallest
Minor lesser
Musculus muscle
Nervus Nucleus
Nutritium nourishing
Nodus node
Obliquus oblique
Os bone
Os mouth
Ostium entrance, opening
Paries wall
Pars part
Parvus small
Pelvis pelvis
Pectoralis pectoral, related to chest
Pectus front of chest
Planum plane
Plexus plexus
Pollex thumb
Processus process
Profundus deep, profound
Prominentia prominence
Ramus branch
Rima crack, fissure
Seu i.e / in other words
Sinister left
Sinus cavity, hollow, sinus
Septum enclosed place, septum
Spatium space, room
Spina spine
Sulcus groove
Superficialis shallow, superficial
Recessus space, recces
Tendo tendon
Teres rounded, teres
Thorax chest, thorax
Tonsilla tonsil
Transversalis transverse
Truncus trunk
Tuber hump, tuber
Teberculum small bump, tubercle
Tuberositas tuberosity
Vas, vasa vessel
Vena vein
Venter belly
Vesica bladder
Vertebra vertebra

Classical Latin alphabet

Letter A B C D E F G H I K L
Latin name
á bé cé dé é ef gé há í ká el
Latin name ā bē cē dē ē ef gē hā ī kā el
pronunciation aː beː keː deː eː ɛf ɡeː haː iː kaː ɛl
em en ó pé qv́ er es té v́ ix í graeca zéta
em en ō pē qū er es tē ū ix ī Graeca zēta
ɛm ɛn oː peː kuː ɛr ɛs teː uː iks iː ˈɡraɪka ˈdzeːta

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