CH8591 - Heat Transfer

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Reg. No. :

Question Paper Code : X 10286

B.E./B.Tech. Degree Examinations, november/december 2020 AND
Fourth/Fifth Semester
Chemical Engineering
Ch 8591 – Heat Transfer
(Common to Petrochemical Engineering/Petrochemical Technology/Petroleum
(Regulations 2017)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer all questions

Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)

1. What is the critical radius of insulation ?

2. Discuss the effect of temperature on thermal conductivity of metals and non


3. Distinguish between free and forced convection.

4. What is thermal boundary layer ?

5. Define Reynolds number for condensate flow.

6. What is Nucleate boiling and Flow boiling ?

7. Define Boiling Point Elevation.

8. What is a grey surface and diffuse surface ?

9. Draw a temperature - length curve for a co current heat exchanger.

10. Define fouling factor for heat exchangers. List some common types of fouling.
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Part – B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) i) Derive the expression for heat flux for flow of one dimensional heat transfer
through a composite wall made of three different materials. (6)
ii) An exterior wall of a house may be approximated by a 0.1016 m layer of common
brick (thermal conductivity = 0.7 W/m °C ) followed by a 0.0381 m layer of gypsum
plaster (thermal conductivity = 0.48 W/m °C). What thickness of loosely packed
rock-wool insulation (thermal conductivity = 0.065 W/m. °C) should be added
to reduce the heat loss (or gain) through the wall by 80 percent ? (7)
b) Obtain an expression for dimensionless temperature distribution for the case
of steady state one dimensional conduction convection through a very long
rectangular fin. Assume that the end of the fin is insulated so that dT/dx = 0 at the
end of the fin.

12. a) Discuss the following analogies between transfer of momentum and heat
i) The Reynold’s analogy (6)
ii) The Prandtl analogy (4)
iii) The Colburn analogy (3)
b) Air at 27°C and 1 atm flows over a flat plate at a speed of 2 m/s. Assume that
the plate is heated over its entire length to a temperature of 60 °C. Calculate,
the heat transferred in
i) The first 0.2 m of the plate and (6)
ii) The first 0.4 m of the plate (7)
The properties at the mean temperature are,
Kinematic viscosity = 17.36 × 10–6 m2/s
Thermal conductivity = 0.02749 W/m. °C
Specific heat = 1.006 kJ/kg. °C
Density of air = 1.102 kg/m3

13. a) Explain film condensation theory with clear assumptions, to obtain the
expression for condensate film thickness.
b) i) Write short notes on condensation of superheated vapors. (5)
ii) With a neat and labeled sketch, explain the various regimes in boiling
heat transfer. (8)
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14. a) i) Write the theory of evaporation. What are the factors affecting the rate of
evaporation. (4)
ii) A single effect evaporator is to concentrate 9070 kg/hr of a 20% solution
of NaOH to 50% solids. The gauge pressure of the steam is 1.37 atm. The
absolute pressure in the vapor pressure is to be 100 mmHg. The overall
coefficient is estimated to be 1400 W/m2 °C. The feed temperature is 37.8 °C.
Calculate the amount of steam consumed, the economy and the heating
surface required.
Data :
Boiling Point of water at 100 mmHg = 51 °C
Boiling point of solution = 91.6 °C
Condensation temperature of steam = 126.1 °C
Enthalpy of 20% solids at 37.8 °C = 128 kJ/kg
Enthalpy of 50% solids at 91.6 °C = 514 kJ/kg
Enthalpy of vapor at 91.6 °C = 2672 kJ/kg
Heat of vaporization of steam at 1.37 atm = 2184 kJ/kg (9)
b) A chamber for heat-curing large aluminum sheets, lacquered black on both
sides, operates by passing the sheets vertically between two steel plates 150 mm
apart. One of the plates is at 300 °C, and the other, exposed to the atmosphere,
is at 25 °C. Emissivity of steel is 0.56 and emissivity of lacquered sheets is
1.0. Neglect convection effects.
i) What is the temperature of the lacquered sheet ? (8)
ii) What is the heat transferred between the walls when equilibrium has been
reached ? (5)

15. a) A counter flow heat exchanger having heat transfer area 12.5 m2 is to cool oil
having specific heat 2000 J/kg.s with water having specific heat 4170 J/kg.s.
The oil enters at 100 °C and with a flow rate 2 kg/s, while the water enters at 20 °C
and with a flow rate 0.48 kg/s. The overall heat transfer coefficient is 400 W/m2. °C.
Calculate the exit temperature of water and the total heat transfer rate. Take
the effectiveness factor as 0.82.
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b) Engine oil is to be cooled from 80°C to 50°C by using a single pass, counter
flow, concentric tube heat exchanger with cooling water available at 20 °C.
Water flows inside a tube with 2.5 cm ID at a rate of 0.08 kg/s, and oil flows
through the annulus at a rate of 0.16 kg/s. The specific heats of water and
oil are respectively 4180 and 2090 J/kg.°C. The heat transfer coefficients
for the water side and oil side are respectively 1000 and 80 W/m2.°C. The
fouling factors for the water side and oil side are respectively 0.00018 and
0.00018 m2.°C/W. The tube wall resistance is negligible. Calculate the tube
length required ?

Part – C (1×15=15 Marks)

16. a) i) Comment your observation on the difference between the physical

significances of Biot Number and Nusselt Number. (5)
ii) Sketch the flow diagrams for various types of feeding a multiple effect
evaporator. (5)
iii) Explain when multi-pass heat exchangers are preferred in place of single
pass heat exchangers. (5)
b) A heat exchanger is to be designed to cool mh = 8.7 kg/s in an ethyl alcohol solution
[Cph = 3840 J/kg – K] from T1 = 75°C to T2 = 45°C with cooling water
(Cpc = 4180 J/kg – K) entering the tube side at t1 = 10 °C at a rate of mc = 9.6 kg/s.
The overall heat transfer coefficient based on the outer tube surface is
U0 = 500 W/m2 K. Calculate the heat transfer area for each of the following
flow arrangements.
i) Parallel flow shell and tube (3)
ii) Counter flow shell and tube. (3)
iii) 1-2 shell and tube (3)
iv) 2-4 shell and tube (3)
v) cross flow, both fluids unmixed (3)

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