Y3 PKSR2 P1 (Bymissash)

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Choose the best or correct answer from the options marked A, B, C and

D. Then, on your paper, CIRCLE the letter of the answer that you have

1. Laila _______ back yard every day.

A. runs
B. eats
C. cleans
D. climbs

2. Uncle Randy is ______ .

A. fishing
B. swimming
C. sleeping
D. diving

3. It’s raining. We need _____ umbrella.

A. the
B. an
C. a
D. because

4. The boy is ______ the box.

A. in front of
B. in
C. on
D. under

5. The box is____________ the bear.

A. in front of
B. in
C. on
D. under

6. He ____________ the shop yesterday morning.

A. closing
B. closed
C. close
D. closes

7. An eagle _____ sharp claws.

A. are
B. is
C. has
D. have

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

8. A. There are shops stores and restaurants across the road.

B. There are, shops, stores, and restaurants across the road.
C. There are shops, stores and restaurants across the road.
D. There ,are ,shops, stores and restaurants across the road.

9. A. when do Jamil and gautham eat every day?

B. When do Jamil and Gautham eat every day.
C. when do Jamil and Gautham eat every day?
D. When do Jamil and Gautham eat every day?

10. A. Every Monday, emily walks in the garden?

B. Every Monday, Emily walks in the garden.
C. Every Monday, Emily walks in the garden!
D. every Monday emily walks in the garden.
Choose the word with the correct spelling.

11. There was a ________at the farm.

A. buffallo
B. baffulo
C. buffalo
D. bufallo

12. The design of the house is ________.

A. gorgeos
B. gorgous
C. gorgeous
D. gorgioues

13. The train is his ________ toy.

A. favorite
B. favourite
C. favurite
D. flavour

14. ‘Please __________ up outside the class,” said Miss Ashley.

A. queue
B. qeueu
C. cue
D. qyuie

15. They went to Popular Bookstore to get some _________________.

A. stationary
B. stasionary
C. stasionery
D. stationery

Choose the correct answer.

16. On Thursdays, she ______ her mother with gardening.

A. helped
B. help
C. helping
D. helps

17. Hairi ________to KFC last week.

A. went
B. go
C. going
D. goes

18. The woman is eating in the restaurant. ________ is sitting alone.

A. He
B. She
C. It
D. Him

19. My sister _____ a strict mother.

A. was
B. is
C. has
D. are

20. Toby and him are classmates. __________ go to school together.

A. We
B. Us
C. They
D. She

Circle the correct simple past tense.

21. Chef Ahmad _________ chicken yesterday.

A. fry
B. fried
C. frying
D. fries

22. Mother __________ porridge last Friday.

A. cook
B. cooking
C. cooked
D. cookied

23. She ___________ to the Big Bear.

A. waved
B. wavied
C. wave
D. waving

24. We ___________ Mount Kinabalu last year.

A. climbed
B. climbs
C. climbing
D. clibmed

25. I ___________ the papers to her.

A. passes
B. passed
C. passing
D. passied

Questions 26 – 30
Read and choose the best answer.

Last month, we went for a picnic by the (26) _________. Mother

(27) _______ some of our favourite food. We walked (28)
_________ the beach first. We build (29) ____________. Finally,
we collected some (20) __________ as gifts.

26. A. club C. beach

B. house D. jungle

27. A. make C. making

B. made D. makes

28. A. in C. under
B. in front of D. along

29. A. homes C. shops

B. sandcastles D. restaurants

30. A. seashells C. fish

B. rubbish D. sand 6
Questions 31 – 35
Read and choose the best answer.

Pineapple (31) _________ long leaves. The pineapple fruit has a

(32) _________ crown too. The flesh of a pineapple is (33) _________.
It only has (34) __________ fruit. Pineapples also have (35)
___________ surface

31. A. has C. were

B. are D. is

32. A. triangular C. spiky

B. rectangular D. oval

33. A. yellow C. red

B. white D. green

34. A. two C. three

B. four D. one

35. A. soft C. smooth

B. thorny D. cube
Questions 36 – 40
Read and choose the best answer.

The leatherback turtle is the largest of the turtle species. This

turtle has scaly skin. It swims in the sea using its flippers.

However, this turtle has become extinct because some humans eat
turtle eggs and meat. We pollute the ocean, the place they live. Turtles
also die due to eating plastic in the ocean as plastics look like their food,
the jellyfish.

Therefore, we must keep our oceans cleans to help the sea animals.
We should not eat turtle meat and eggs as they are endangered animals.
We should not throw rubbish into the ocean or anywhere else.

36. What does the turtle have?

A. scaly skin
B. smooth skin
C. small shell
D. big tail

37. What does it use to move in the ocean?

A. legs
B. wings
C. flippers
D. tail

38. What does the turtle eat?

A. meat
B. eggs
C. plastic
D. jellyfish
39. What does the word ‘extinct’ mean?

A. active
B. died
C. alive
D. running

40. From the passage we know that ___________?

A. The turtles can’t swim.

B. The turtles swim using its flippers.
C. The turtles are eating meat and eggs.
D. The turtles are happy.

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