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Chapter 1 - Colorful Characters

Directions: Skim each page of chapter one to take notes on the main characters.
(page numbers are for two dierent editions of the book: white & blue cover/white & blue with yellow stripe)
p. 4/9 - where he lives (rents):
Mr. Nick Carraway
Chapter One - his father’s how much to rent neighboring homes: $
advice to him:

p. 5/10 - reason why Nick goes to Tom’s

p. 2/6 - what he boasts house: how Nick knows Daisy:

[brags] he is:
p. 14/19 - how Daisy describes him:
where he came back from:

p. 18/23 - who Daisy wants to set him up with: p.

when he came back:
19/24 - rumor Daisy and Tom heard about him:

what the truth is:

p. 3/7 - area his family is from:

how wealthy they are:

p. 20/24-25 - how Nick feels when he leaves the
dinner party and evening at the Buchanans:
college, where & when:

p. 20/25 - where Nick lives:

how he felt when he got back from the
what he sees, fifty feet away, in the dark:
war: What business he came back East for:
p. 21/26 - What color is the light that Nick sees,
and where is it?
p. 3-4/8 - how much rent for his “bungalow” costs:

Chapter One: pronoun Nick uses to refer to

who Nick stays with: himself:

Therefore, what is Nick in the book? (literary term)

kind of books he bought:
c. 2019 Meegan Woodwell Toro, Nevada Union High School

Mrs. Daisy Buchanan Mr. Tom Buchanan

p. 8/12 - color of Daisy’s p. 5-6/10 - what Nick says
dress: about Tom:

p. 8-9/13 - how Daisy looks at

Nick, as if … :
p. 7/11 - what Nick says Tom is
like now:

rumor Nick heard about why

Daisy “murmurs”:

p. 12/16 - doesn’t like Daisy to

p. 9/13-14 - Daisy’s voice: describe him this way:

p. 12-13/17 - Tom’s problem with civilization/society


p. 10/14 - Daisy’s child:

p. 15/19 - gossip about Tom that Jordan tells Nick:

p. 11-12/16 - Daisy’s little finger:

p. 15/20 - interrupted their dinner:

p. 16/21 - why her cousin Nick wasn’t at her

wedding: Miss Jordan Baker
p. 10/14 - her reason for turning down cocktails
[alcoholic drink]:
how Daisy describes herself:
p. 11/15 - her eyes:

p. 17/21 - what Daisy hopes for her her expression:

p. 18/23 - what Jordan

daughter: p. 17/22 - how Daisy describes has to do tomorrow:


what kind of a story Nick heard about her (but

can’t quite remember):
p. 19/23-24 - where she grew up and who she grew
up with:
p. 19/23-24 - where she grew up and who she grew
up with:
p. 20/25 - Nick thinks Daisy should do this:
c. 2019 Meegan Woodwell Toro, Nevada Union High School
p. 2/6 - Nick says Gatsby had a gift for:

How Nick says Gatsby turned out at the

end: p. 2/6-7 - What hurt Gatsby:

p. 5/9 - about Gatsby’s house:

Jay Gatsby
p. 2/6 - Nick describes Gatsby as:
p. 20-21/25 - what he is doing and how he is

Close read:
poem on inside title page - color?

dedication - to whom?

page 4-5/9 - drawing notes

c. 2019 Meegan Woodwell Toro, Nevada Union High School

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