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Leçon - 4


cher (m) - dear

chère (f) - dear
une soirée - a party
l'invitation (f) - the invitation
le réponse - the response
chez - at the place of
des plats délicieux - some delicious dishes
la musique classique - the classical music
pendant - during
pour - for
la fête de fin d'année - the annual day
tous - all
la salle - the room
la boisson - the drink
l'ambassade (f) - the embassy
le consulat - the consulate
le devoir - the homework
la matière - the subject
l'église - the church
la salle à manger - the dining room
la chanson - the song
la casquette - the helmet / cap
le bureau - the office
les noix - the nuts / walnuts

Les verbes
inviter - to invite
écrire - to write
réserver - to reserve
apporter - to bring
organiser - to organise
plaisir - to please

Grammaire - Le Futur Proche

The ‘futur proche’ is called the 'near future’’in English. It is

usually translated into English as “going + infinitive” (eg.
going to eat, going to drink, going to talk). It is used to
describe actions that will happen very soon.
The futur proche is the characteristic of spoken French but
it is used in informal writing. It is formed with the verb aller
(to go) conjugated in the present tense followed by an
e.g. nager - to swim
Je vais nager (I am going to swim)
Tu vas nager (You are going to swim)
Il / elle / on va nager (He / she / one is going to swim)
Nous allons nager (We are going to swim)
Vous allez nager (You are going to swim)
Ils / Elles vont nager (They are going to swim)

Negative (La forme négative)

Je ne vais pas nager
Tu ne vas pas nager
Il ne va pas nager ….

Note : It is the negation of the conjugation of the verb

‘aller’ + infinitive.


The key to understanding in any language is the ability to

ask questions.
There are 3 ways of asking questions (posez la question)
in french.

1. Using 'est-ce que' (is it that)

E.g. Parler - to speak
Est-ce que je parle?
Est-ce que tu parles?
Est-ce qu'il parle?
Est-ce qu'elle parle?
Est-ce que nous parlons?
Est-ce que vous parlez?
Est-ce qu'ils parlent?
Est-ce qu'elles parlent?

2. Inversion of the verb and the subject.

Join the two with a hyphen (-). In case of 3rd person
singular i.e. il and elle, add a 't' in between with a hyphen
(if the conjugation does not end with 't')
Imp. Note : Always use 'je' form with 'est-ce que'. There
will be no inversion for 'je'.
e.g. parler - to speak
Est-ce que je parle?
Parles - tu?
Parle - t - il?
Parle - t - elle?
Parlons - nous?
Parlez - vous?
Parlent - ils?
Parlent - elles?

3. The third type happens to be informal spoken style.

It is without 'est-ce que' and 'inversion'.
e.g. parler - to speak
Je parle?
Tu parles?
Il parle?
Elle parle?
Nous parlons?
Vous parlez?
Ils parlent?
Elles parlent?



'De' Preposition
The 'de' preposition is generally summarised as 'of ',
'from' or 'about'.
Common uses of 'de' :-
1. Possession or belonging
E.g. Le livre de Paul. (The book of Paul / Paul's book)
La bibliothèque de l'université (The university library /
The library of the university)
2. Starting point or origin ( name of place)
E.g. Partir de Nice.(to leave from Nice)
Je suis de Bruxelles. (I am from Brussels)
3. Contents / description of something
E.g. Une tasse de thé. (a cup of tea)
Un roman d'amour.(a story about love / a love story)
4. Defining feature
E.g. Le marché de gros. (the wholesale market)
Une salle de classe. (a classroom)
Le jus d'orange. (the orange juice)
5. Cause
E.g. Je suis fatigué du voyage. (I am tired from the trip)

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