Course Description - Computer Engineering

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College of Computer Studies and Engineer

Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Effective SY 2021-2022

Course Name M111 – Calculus 1
Course Description An Introductory course covering the core concept of limit,
continuity and differentiability of functions involving one or
more variables. This also includes the application of differential
calculations in solving problems on optimization, rates of change,
related rates, tangents and normals, and approximations; partial
differentiation and transcendental curve tracing.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name M121 – Calculus 2

Course Description The course introduces the concept of integration and its
application to some physical problems such as evaluation of
areas, volume of revolution, force, and work. The fundamental
formulas and various techniques of integration are taken up and
applied to both single variable and multi-variable functions. The
course also includes tracing of functions of two variables for a
better appreciation of the interpretation of the double and triple
integral as a volume of a three-dimensional region bounded by
two or more surfaces.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name M122 – Engineering Data Analysis

Course Description This course is designed for undergraduate engineering students
with emphasis on problem solving related to societal issues that
engineers and scientists are called upon to solve. It introduces
different methods of data collection and the suitability of using a
particular method for a given situation. The relationship of
Probability of statistics is also discussed, providing students with
the tools they need to understand how “chance” plays a role in
statistical analysis. Probability distributions of random variables
and their users are also considered, along with a discussion of
linear functions of random variables within the context of their
application to data analysis and inference. The course also
includes estimation techniques for unknown parameters; and
hypothesis testing is used making inferences from sample to
population; inference for regression parameters and build
models for estimating means and predicting future values of key
variables under study. Finally, statistically based experimental
design techniques and analysis of outcomes of experiments are
discussed with the aid of statistical software.
College of Computer Studies and Engineer
Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

Number of Units 3 units

Course Name M211 – Differential Equations

Course Description This course is intended for all engineering students to have a firm
foundation on differential equations in preparation for their
degree- specific advanced mathematics courses. It covers first
order differential equations, nth order linear differential
equations and systems of first order linear differential equations.
It also introduces the concept of Laplace Transforms in solving
differential equations. The students are expected to be able to
recognize different kinds of differential equations, determine the
existence and uniqueness of solution, select the appropriate
methods of solution and interpret the obtained solution. Students
are also expected to relate differential equations to various
practical engineering and Scientific problems as well as employ
computer technology in solving and verifying solutions.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name NPS111 – Chemistry for Engineers
Course Description This course provides students with core concepts of chemistry
that are important in the practice of engineering profession. And
the fundamental laboratory designed to provide opportunity to
observe and apply the principles and theories taught in chemistry
for engineers.
Number of Units 4 units

Course Name NPS121 – Physics for Engineers

Course Description This course covers vectors; kinematics; dynamics; work, energy,
and power; impulse and momentum; rotation; dynamics of
rotation; elasticity; and oscillation. Fluids; thermal expansion,
thermal stress; heat transfer; calorimetry; waves; electrostatics;
electricity; magnetism; optics; image formation by plane and
curved mirrors; and image formation by thin lenses. And the
fundamental laboratory course designed to provide opportunity
to observe and apply the principles and theories taught in physics
for engineers.
Number of Units 4 units


Course Name BES211 – Computer-Aided Drafting
Course Description Concepts of Computer-aided drafting (CAD); Introduction to the
CAD environment; terminologies; and the general operating
College of Computer Studies and Engineer
Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

procedures and techniques in entering and executing basic CAD

Number of Units 1 unit

Course Name BES212 – Engineering Economics

Course Description This course deals with the study of concepts of the time value of
money and equivalence; basic economic study methods;
decisions under certainty; decisions recognizing risk; and
decisions admitting.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name BES321 – Technopreneurship 101

Course Description This course includes the journey into the world of
entrepreneurship with introspection of a business idea into a
viable venture. The focus is on unleashing the entrepreneurial
spirit in each individual.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name A211 – Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits
Course Description This course introduces the fundamental concepts, Circuit laws,
theorems and techniques used in electrical circuit analysis and
transient analysis, as well as its application. The course covers
circuit topologies and Dc excitations, transient response, AC
response, and polyphase circuits. The use of computer software
for circuit simulation and design are emphasized to expose
students to computer-based tools. And this course allows the
students to verify the laws and theorems discussed in
Fundamentals of Electrical circuits (lecture) through simulation,
experimentation and project construction. The course topic
include experimental determination of the characteristics of the
different circuit configurations (series, Parallel, series/Parallel,
delta and wye), electrical power, Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Voltage
and Current Laws, Superposition Theorem, The venin’s
equivalent circuit, and maximum power transfer. The use of
computer software for circuit simulation and design are used as
basis in verifying experimental results and to expose students to
computer based tools.
Number of Units 4 units

Course Name A221 – Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits

Course Description This course discusses the construction, operation and
characteristics of basic electronic devices such as junction diodes,
bipolar junction transistors, Field Effect Transistors and MOS
College of Computer Studies and Engineer
Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

Field Effect Transistors and Oscillators. And this course is the

laboratory component of the course Fundamentals of Electronic
Circuits (Lecture) that allows students to verify theoretical
concepts pertaining to the operation of electronic devices such as
the PN junction diodes, BJT and FET and their subsequent
applications to electronics circuits involving rectification,
amplification and switching applications. The use of Laboratory
equipment and Apparatus to verify the characteristics of diodes
and transistor devices, and their operations in circuits such as
rectifiers, voltage, regulators, amplifiers, oscillators and switches
are emphasized. Such equipment includes but not limited to the
curve tracer, the oscilloscope, signal generator and multi-meters.
Number of Units 4 units

Course Name P111 – Computer Engineering as a Discipline
Course Description The course discusses the Curriculum of Computer Engineering as
well as how to prepare students for success through engineering
design process, ethical decision-making, teamwork, and
communicating to diverse audiences.
Number of Units 1 unit

Course Name P112 – Programming Logic and Design

Course Description This is an Introductory course in computer programming logic.
The student will learn algorithms applicable to all programming
languages, including: identifiers, data types, arrays, control
structures, modular programming, generating reports, and
computer memory concepts. The student will learn to use charts
commonly used in business and information processing. Program
logic will be developed using flowcharts and pseudo code.
Programs will be written using any programming Language.
Number of Units 2 units

Course Name P121 – Object Oriented Programming

Course Description Introduces the fundamental concepts of programming from an
object oriented perspective .Topics are drawn from classes and
objects, abstraction, encapsulation , data types, calling methods
and passing parameters, decisions, loops arrays and collections,
documentation, testing and debugging, expectations, design
issues, inheritance and polymorphic variables and methods. The
course emphasizes modern software engineering and design
Number of Units 2 units
College of Computer Studies and Engineer
Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

Course Name P122 – Discrete Mathematics

Course Description The course deals with logic, sets, proofs, growth of functions,
theory of numbers, counting techniques, trees and graph theory.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name P211 – Data Structures and Algorithms

Course Description Solving Computational problems that involve manipulating
collections of data, study a core set of data abstractions, data
structures, and algorithms that provide a foundation for writing
efficient programs.
Number of Units 2 units

Course Name P221 – Numerical Methods

Course Description This course covers the concepts of numerical analysis and
computer software tools in dealing with engineering problems. It
includes techniques in finding the rots of an equation, solving
systems of linear and non-linear equations, eigenvalue problems,
polynomial approximation and interpolation, ordinary and
partial differential equations. The Monte-Carlo method,
simulation, error propagation and analysis, the methods of least
squares and goodness –of –fit tests are also discussed
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name P222 – Software Design

Course Description This course focuses on programming paradigms and constructs,
data structures and use of standard library functions for
manipulating them, object-oriented design and the use of
modeling languages, testing and software quality concepts ,and
tradeoffs among different software design methods. And this
course also focuses on providing hands-on experience in
software design.
Number of Units 4 units

Course Name P223 – Operating Systems

Course Description This course includes different policies and Strategies used by an
operating system. Topics include operating systems structures,
process management, storage management, file management and
distributed systems.
Number of Units 4 units

Course Name P224 – Introduction to HDL

Course Description A laboratory course that introduces hardware description
language as a tool for designing and testing combinational and
College of Computer Studies and Engineer
Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

sequential circuits. It covers fundamental of concepts of HDL and

the basic building blocks of HDL programming
Number of Units 1 unit

Course Name P317-23 – Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensors

Course Description This course covers operational amplifiers, signal converters,
power switching devices and the construction and operation of
sensors and transducers for converting physical parameters into
electrical signals and vice-versa. The course focuses on the
application of these devices in developing signal conversion
circuits that allow measurement, processing and control of
physical parameters by digital processing systems such as a finite
state machine or a digital computer. Topics on actuators are also
Number of Units 4 units

Course Name P311-23 – Logic Circuits and Design

Course Description This course includes design and analysis or digital circuits. This
course covers both combinational (synchronous and
asynchronous) logic circuits with emphasis on solving digital
problems using hardwired structures of the complexity of
medium and large-scale integration. And this course also focuses
on providing hands-on experience in designing digital Circuits
Number of Units 4 units

Course Name P312 – Data and Digital Communications

Course Description This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of digital and
data communications. It also includes topics on data security and
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name P313 – Feedback and Control Systems

Course Description The course includes the control devices, equations of a systems
and block diagram of systems.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name P315 – Computer Engineering Drafting and Design

Course Description This course focuses on principles of layout of electrical,
electronics, and logic drawings; stressing modern representation
used for block diagrams, wiring /assembly drawings, printed
circuit board layouts, and etching.
Number of Units 1 unit
College of Computer Studies and Engineer
Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

Course Name P321 – Basic Occupational Health and Safety

Course Description This course tackles key occupational Health and Safety (OSH)
Concepts, principles and practices that are foundational
knowledge requirements applicable in almost all industries.
Specifically, it assists learners in identifying the key elements in
the OSH situation both here and abroad; determine existing and
potential safety and health hazards; identify the range of control
measures; discusses pertinent provisions of Philippine laws that
refer to occupational safety and health; explain key principles in
effectively communicating OSH; identify components of effective
Osh programs and demonstrate some skills in identifying hazards
and corresponding control measures at the workplace.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name P322-41 – Computer Networks and Security

Course Description The course includes the basic principles of network architecture,
computer network design, services, technologies and network
security. And this course provides us hands-on activities on
computer networking. It focuses on the configuration of TCP/IP,
routers and switches network security and wireless fidelity.
Number of Units 4 units

Course Name P323-31 – Microprocessors

Course Description This course provides understanding of architecture of
microprocessor-based systems; registers, study of
microprocessor operation, assembly language, arithmetic
operations, and interfacing.
Number of Units 4 units

Course Name P324 – Methods of Research

Course Description This course will provide in-depth understanding of research
through exploration of different research methodologies and
ethics. It includes qualitative and quantitative research,
descriptive and other applicable research methodologies,
inferential statistics and introduction to data mining.
Number of Units 2 units

Course Name P325 – CpE Laws and Professional Practice

Course Description This course provides the importance of the professional and
ethical responsibilities of practicing computer engineers and the
effects of their work on society; the importance of understanding
contemporary issues, lifelong learning strategies; and applicable
IT laws in the field of computer engineering.
College of Computer Studies and Engineer
Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

Number of Units 2 units

Course Name P331 – On the Job Training (240 hrs.)

Course Description This course enables students to relate their acquired
competencies to the realities and problems of industries in a
multidisciplinary environment. This may include involvement in
the industry’s manpower requirements, development and
research concerns, trainings, applications of principles,
environmental concerns, ethical and behavioral concerns,
decision making, and equipment and materials concerns.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name P411-32 – Embedded Systems

Course Description This course provides advanced topics in embedded systems
design using contemporary practice; interrupt-driven, reactive,
real-time, object-oriented, and distributed client/server
embedded systems.
Number of Units 4 units

Course Name P412-32 – Computer Architecture and Organization

Course Description This course includes the study of evolution of computer
architecture and the factors influencing the design of hardware
and software elements of computer systems. The focus is on
understanding of the design issues specifically the instruction set
architecture and hardware architecture. And this course will also
provide hands-on activities designed to focus on the computer
hardware issues specifically the instruction set architecture and
hardware architecture.
Number of Units 4 units

Course Name P413 – Emerging Technologies in CpE

Course Description This course is designed to provide flexibility in the curriculum by
discussing any emerging technologies applicable to computer
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name P414 – CpE Practice and Design 1

Course Description This course is the first course in a two-semester sequence that
constitutes the design experience for undergraduate computer
engineers. It provides essential ideas, concepts and principle in
engineering design process and emphasizes other design issues
including engineering standards and multiple constraints as well
as effective communication strategies. Students’ works in teams
College of Computer Studies and Engineer
Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

to develop project proposals for assigned open-ended problems.

Students are required to make oral presentations and submit
proposal for their projects.
Number of Units 1 unit

Course Name P415 – Digital Signal Processing

Course Description The course includes the need for and tradeoffs made when
sampling and quantizing a signal; linear; time-invariant system
properties; frequency as an analysis domain complementary to
time; and filter design. And this course also focuses on providing
hands-on activities on different applications of digital signal
Number of Units 4 units

Course Name P421 – CpE Practice and Design 2

Course Description This course is the Second of the design experience for
undergraduate computer engineering students. In this course,
students will expect to build/fabricate their design, test and
evaluate the design against their design specifications, and
demonstrate a fully functional project to their design review
committee. Students make oral presentations and submit final
reports documenting their projects.
Number of Units 2 units

Course Name P422 – Seminars and Fieldtrips

Course Description Students have the opportunity to have a short glimpse of what is
stored for them after their graduation. Further, students will be
exposed to relevant and information technology related industry
as part of their company visit. This course is more than applying
knowledge whereby it requires the thoughtful application of
skills in actual conduct trainings, workshops and seminars
respectively. Thus, making students have the firsthand
experience on how these events are being practiced in any given
field of specialization.
Number of Units 1 unit

Course Name P212 – Information Management

Course Description This course covers information management, database design,
data modeling, SQL, and implementation using relational
database system.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name P423 – Certification Exam Review

College of Computer Studies and Engineer
Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

Course Description This course is an assessment of what students had learned. This
includes review on programming and IT concepts. The students
will take certification exams.
Number of Units 3 units
Course Name P316-11 – Software Development 1
Course Description This course covers basic and advanced HTML commands. It also
includes discussion on cascading style sheets, java script and ajax.
PHP and MySQL are also included for web-based site
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name P326-31 – Software Development 2

Course Description Students learn how to develop applications for mobile devices,
including smartphones and tablets. Students are introduced to
the survey of current mobile platforms, mobile application
development environments, mobile device input methods, as well
as developing applications for two popular mobile platforms.
Students will design and build a variety of Apps throughout the
course to reinforce learning and to develop real competency.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name P416-32 – Software Development 3

Course Description Modern software development processes and the role of testing
in them. The concept of Testing as a Design Tool. Cases studies
involving companies in the region. Types of tests ranging from
static source code tests to acceptance tests. Refactoring and unit
tests are emphases.
Number of Units 3 units


Course Name GEC01 – Understanding the Self
Course Description This course deals with the nature and identity factors and forces
that affect the development and maintenance of personal
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name GEC02- Readings in the Philippine History

Course Description This course is all about Philippine History viewed from the lenses
of selected primary sources in different periods, analysis, and
Number of Units 3 units
College of Computer Studies and Engineer
Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

Course Name GEC03 – The Contemporary World

Course Description This course deals with the globalization and its impact on
individuals, communities and nations, challenges and responses.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name GEC04 – Mathematics in the Modern World

Course Description This course deals with the nature of Mathematics, appreciation of
its practical, intellectual, and aesthetic dimensions and
application of mathematical tools in daily life.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name GEC05 – Purposive Communications

Course Description This course deals with writing, speaking, and presenting for
different audiences and for various purposes.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name GEC06 – Art Appreciation

Course Description This course deals with the nature, function, and appreciation of
the arts in the contemporary society.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name GEC07 – Science, Technology and Society

Course Description Analyses of the past, present, and future of science and
technology in society (including their nature, scope, role, and
function) and the social, cultural, political, economic, and
environmental factors affecting the development of science and
technology, with emphasis on the Philippine setting.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name GEC08 – Ethics

Course Description This course deals with the principles of ethical behavior in
modern society at the level of the person, society, and interaction
with the environment and other shared resources.
Number of Units 3 units


Course Name GEE01 – Philippine Popular Culture
Course Description This three-unit course provides the students with critical
perspectives in understanding and way of knowing popular
culture in the Philippines. This course aims to explore new forms
of art, music, and literature arising from opportunities and
demands of mass audiences, markets, and mass media, and their
College of Computer Studies and Engineer
Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

social, economic and political contexts. This course also locates

popular culture as a historic-spatial condition and phenomenon
of Philippine modernity. It aims to investigate how the term
popular culture is operationalized, circulated, re-produced,
consumed and instrumentalized by the recurring social order.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name GEE02 – Environmental Science

Course Description This three-unit course deals with the general concepts and
principles pertaining to complex patterns of interaction between
the physical environment and biological communicates on earth.
Emphasis is also given on the current environmental issues and
concerns as well as disaster risk management techniques.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name GEE03 – Gender & Society

Course Description This three-unit course aims to analyze the role of gender in
society in interdisciplinary and intersectional gender studies
perspectives. Students develop an independent ability to discuss
theories and analyze the role of gender in societal development.
The course covers different empirical and theoretical
perspectives in gender studies in relation to how gender,
ethnicity, class, religion, ability, and sexuality interplay with
societal institutions and the development of society, with a focus
on how this interplay creates and shapes gendered bodies,
subjects, identifications, gender relations, and power structures.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name RIZAL – Life and Works of Rizal
Course Description This course is designed to orient the students about the life,
works and writings of the greatest hero and martyr of our nation
from the day of his birth until the day of his death.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name PE01 – Physical Fitness and Wellness

Course Description This course is designed to provide students knowledge and skills
in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle through various
physical exercises, proper posture, healthy diet, and fitness and
wellness programs. Further, it also includes the basic steps in
dancing, and types of Philippine and foreign dances. This course
enables the students value the benefits of physical wellness and
fitness and apply its principles in their life.
College of Computer Studies and Engineer
Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

Number of Units 2 units

Course Name PE02 – Self Defense

Course Description This course is designed to familiarize the students with the
various techniques and strategies in protecting oneself in harmful
situations. This course also provides awareness on the students
the importance of psychological awareness, alertness, physical
health and endurance during difficult situations. Further, it also
train students on physical and mental training in using self-
defense techniques.
Number of Units 2 units

Course Name PE03 – Swimming with Basic Life Support

Course Description This course deals with the fundamentals of swimming and
survival skills. The students are expected to learn the basic and
advanced strokes and skills associated with swimming and
survival techniques.
Number of Units 2 units

Course Name PE04 – Sports

Course Description This course deals with various indoor and outdoor activities
designed to arouse the student’s interests and abilities to develop
self-esteem, perseverance, courage, and sense of creativity which
will be utilized and carried on to their lifetime endeavors. Covers
also activities in which the emphasis is placed upon the
development of physical skills through recreational sports
essential for stress management.
Number of Units 2 units

Course Name NSTP01 – Civic Welfare and Training Service 1

Course Description This course is pursuant to Republic Act No. 9163, otherwise
known as the National Service Training Act of 2001, which
mandates tertiary educational institutions to incorporate in the
collegiate curriculum a program aimed at “enhancing civic
consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by
developing the ethics of service and patriotism”.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name NSTP02 – Civic Welfare and Training Service 2

Course Description This course is sequel to NSTP 1 and is destined to immerse
students in activities that will arm them the capability to
contribute in the upliftment of the general welfare and the quality
of life of the community and the enhancement of its facilities
College of Computer Studies and Engineer
Center of Learning and Innovation, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

especially those that are devoted to improving the health,

environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation, and morale of
the citizen.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name CFVE01 – Christian Foundation and Values Education 1
Course Description This course is an introduction of the study of the Bible, the nature
and being of God in the power of God’s word in one’s life, with
emphasis of the life, person, and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It also embraces Biblical Christian values that will inspire the
students to live uprightly and to achieve excellent and honorable
aspirations. This course also presents an in department study
scriptural study of life of an Old and New Testament personalities
using both positive and negative examples, students learn from
context to face both the challenges of everyday living and
overwhelming experiences and to prepare the students in real
life situations.
Number of Units 3 units

Course Name CFVE02 – Christian Foundation and Values Education 2

Course Description This course provides instructions toward righteous living in the
sight of God. One strong evidence that God truly has created
humans is the “inner sense of morality” in man which means that
man was made in the image of God Himself and was given the
ability to choose what is good and right thing to do.
Number of Units 3 units

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