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crRcuLAR NO"D-912017
Frorn To
Member-Secretary, 1) The Commissioner oI
Delirnitation Comm ission, Greater Chennai CorPoration,
Tamil Nadu, Ripon Buildlng, Chennai-600003'
No. 208/2, Jawaharlal Nehru 2) The Commissioner of MuniciPal
Arumbakkam, Administration,
Chennai-600 106. Chepuak, Chennai-600 005'
3) The Director cf Rural Development and
Panchayat Raj, Saidapet,Chennai-500015'
4) The Director of Town PanchaYats,
Kuralagam, Chennai-o00 108,
5) All District Delimiiation Authorities I
District Collectors.
6) The Delimitation Authorrtiesl
F*<*'' Commissioners of CorPorations
(-thro' District Delimitation Authorities/
District Collectors concerne

Rc.No.3174/2017lEGlf Dated: 28.11.2017


Sub: Delimitation - Local Bodies - Deiimitation Commission -

Preparation of draft delimitation proposal - Delimitation
Activities - Certain Issues - Clarifications - Reg.

Ref : Tamit Nadu Government Extraordinary Gazette No.2BB, dt.

72,09.77 (the Tamil Nadu Local Bodies Delimitation
Regulations, 2OL7),

I am to invite your kind attqntion to the reference cited and to state

that Lhe following issues are sought for clarifications by certa jn
corporations regarding the maintenance of zonaI boundaries in the
corporation for the preparation of draft delimitation proposal:-

Issue No.1:
Whether the existing zonal boundaries of, corporalion have to be
maintained while delimiting the wards?
Issue No.2:
Whether the factors of assembly constituencies have to be taken
into account while delirniting the wards?

The following clarifications are issued for the above two issues
based on the regulations stipulated in the TarniI Nadu Local Bodies
Delimitation Regulations, 2A77 :'

Clarification for Issue ltlo.l:

As far as the zonal boundaries within the corporation area is
concerned, it is purely for administrative convenlence of corporation. As
per the said Regulations, the factor of zone has no impact on the
delimitation process as the population of each ward in the Local Body
shall be the same as far as practically possible and accordingly eaeh
ward boundaries alone are to be determined. Hence, the existing
zonal boundaries of corporation need not necessarily be maintained for
the purpose of delimitation of wards.

Clarification for Issue No.2;

of assembly constituencies do not arise sirrce ffq
The factors
anderlying criteri _thal easb-aard__OtJhe_LoeeL-_Bpdy
concerned shall_have parity in population as far as practicallv possible op
the basis of last precedjng _penSUS. in view of above, the assembly
constituency area is not criterla to be taken into account while delimiting
the wards of Local Bodies.

Yours faithfully,
-t s {L{"tk
, s'\.t,' | .. Member-Secreta ry,
Copy to ,, , ir-,1't
1) The District Delimitation Authorities /
Commissioner of Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Buitding, Chennai-600003.
2) Ex-officio Member,
Delimitation Commission, Tamil Nadu,
(Commissioner of Municipai Administration,
Chepuak, Chennai-600 005),
2) Ex-officio Member,
Delimitation Commission, Tamil Nadu,
(Director of Rural Development and
Pa nchayat Raj, Saidapet,Chennai-600015).
3) Ex-officio Member,
Delimltation Comm issir:n, Tamil Nadrr,
(Director ol Torvn Panchayats, Kuralagam.
Chennai-600 108).

tr . KLI Lrtty ) -?)r drr

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f;r**'.{t A At[ P"to,i]"Dn
G *"'C.*t
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