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Subject/Grade Mathematics/XI
Topic Transformation
Sub-Topic Translation
Year 2020
Basic Competence KD 3.5 KD 4.5
Menganalisis dan Menyelesaikan masalah
membandingkan transformasi yang berkaitan dengan
dan komposisi transformasi matriks transformasi
dengan menggunakan geometri (translasi, refleksi,
matriks. dilatasi, dan rotasi).
Indicators/Learning Objectives 3.5.1 4.5.1
Interpret the translation into Applying the concept of
coordinate plane. translation associating to
3.5.2 matrices in solving real life
Find the concept of reflection problems.
towards the 𝑥-axis and 𝑦-
axis, with relation to the
concept of the matrices using
ethnomathematics approach.
Time Allocation 2 x 45 minutes

Learning Scenario:

Opening (15 minutes)

Learning Model: 1. The students answer the teacher’s greeting.
Discovery Learning 2. The students manage the condition of the class
guided by the teacher.
3. The students begin the lesson by praying together.
Instrument: 4. The students is checked the presence.
Student’s worksheet 5. The students give attention the material that will be
learned and the learning objectives.
6. The students give attention to the motivation told by
the teacher.
7. The students reviews the prerequisite material about
Media and tools: matrices guided by the teacher.

 Whiteboard
Main Activity (65 minutes)
 LCD and projector
 Stage 1 (Stimulation )
 Student’s worksheet
1. The students give attention to the video given by the
 Powerpoint slide
teacher and observed the roof of Bagas Godang.
 Stationary
Learning Source:
2. Students are divided into groups. Each group consist
 Students book:
of 4-5 students.
 Stage 2 (Problem Statement)
1. Each group are given worksheet and observed the
 Teaching material of translation
problem in the worksheet.
using ethnomathematics
2. Students identify the problems in the worksheet and
approach of Bagas Godang in
is given chance to ask if there is diffulty in
Mandailing tribe.
understanding the problem.
 Stage 3 (Data Collection)
Students gathering relevant information to answer
the problem guided by the teacher.
 Stage 4 (Data Processing)
Student discuss and solve the problem guided by the
 Stage 5 (Verification)
1. Each group are asked to present the discussion
result in front of class while the other group that
doesnt present the result give respon to the
2. Students verify the result with the teacher.
 Stage 6 (Generalization)
Students make the conclusions about translation
associated with matrices guided by the teacher.
Closing (10 minutes)
1. The students conclude learning material guided by
the teacher and given chance to ask the material that
have learned if there is difficulty.
2. The students make notes of the things that they have
to do in the next meeting.
3. The students close the lesson by praying together.
4. The students answer the teacher’s greeting.

Written test : the concept of translation towards the 𝑥-axis and 𝑦-axis with relation to the concept of
the matrices.
Attachment 1. Student’s worksheet

Class :
The Learning Goals
Finding the concept of translation. Member’s Name of Group:

1. …………………………………….
2. …………………………………....
1. Follow the instruction of each number. 3. …………………………………....
2. Ask to the teacher if there’s questions. 4. ……………………………………..
3. Do with your group.
5. ……………………………….......

Bagas Godang is a traditional house or traditional architecture of the Mandailing Tribe. This large house
used to be a residence or resting place for the king. The Bagas Godang is equipped with Sopo Godang,
and Alaman Bolak. In Mandailing, various forms of traditional ornamentation (decoration) can be found
in the Ari’s Lid of Sopo Godang (Traditional Session Hall) and Bagas Godang (Big House of the King).
In Mandailing language, the ornaments are called bolang which also functions as symbols or symbols that
have very deep meanings for the Mandailing people. It contains the values, ideas, concepts, norms, rules,
laws and customs and customs that form the basis and guide in the life ark. Mandailing traditional Bolang
or ornament used as Ari's Lid.
Let’s see the ornament in detail!

Bona bulu

Rusuk robung
Bintang Na Toras

Burangir eropik


Bintang Na
Sancang Duri


1. Some ornaments are formed by translation. Can you find what ornament that are that? Mention at
least 3 ornaments.
Your Answer:

2. Bona bulu ornaments can be constructed by using translation. We put the ornament in the cartesian
coordinate first then translated it. Let this condition given a follow.
𝑦 𝑦

A(3,6) B’(0,6)
A(-3,6) B(0,6)

𝑥 𝑥
C(3,0) D(0,0) C(0,0) D(3,0)
Observe the coordinate point of figure ABCD. Fill the table below.

Coordinate Point Coordinate Translation Point

(𝑥, 𝑦) (𝑥′, 𝑦′)

What can you conclude from the result? If the point A, B, C, D and E is transformed using matrix to
be the translation point, what is the matrix transformation? hint: Let the matrix transformation is
( ).
Your answer:

3. Let’s construct the other ornament.

In number 2 you have find the formula to translate a figure. Now construct the ornament that you
have mentioned in number 1 using the formula (2 ornaments).
First, determine the coordinate point. You can choose the points in the quadrant I, II, III, or IV.
Then translate it to 𝑦-axis.
Your answer:
4. In number 2 and 3 you have translate the ornaments to 𝑦-axis. Now, how if the ornament that you
have translated in number 3 is translated to 𝑥-axis?
Your answer:

~Keep fighting and study hard~

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