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Decorative Art

Guide Questions:
A. What is decorative art?
• The creation of attractive and useful items is the goal of the decorative
arts, which include both fine and applied arts. The majority of the arts
that produce items for building interiors are included, as is interior design,
but often not architecture.
B. How does it classified?
• The field of decorative arts and crafts focuses on the creation and design
of tangible items. The ornamental arts have a purpose in addition to
being lovely and attractive to the sight. The decorative arts place equal
emphasis on technique and beauty. Interior design, among other
decorative arts, are those used in building interiors. Applied and fine arts
share a lot of ground with decorative arts. But each of the three art styles
differs somewhat. Fine arts include things like sketching, photography,
painting, and more.

Application: Let's apply

Direction: Answer the following questions.
1. What is the difference between decorative art and sculpture?
• Decorative arts are focused with the design and decorating of items that
are primarily valued for their utility, as opposed to arts or crafts whose
goal is the design and manufacturing of objects that are both attractive
and practical, rather than solely aesthetic attributes. A sculpture, on the
other hand, is the art of making three-dimensional forms using either
physical talent or a range of instruments. Sculpture is the act of making a
sculpture that is subsequently mounted to a building or other structure,
or the process of cutting something from another material(s). Sculpture is
a type of art in which two materials combine to generate a three-
dimensional object.
2. How was decorative arts was discovered?
• Ceramics were reinvented by Chinese artists during the Ming Dynasty
(1368-1644). Brighter colors, more detailed painted motifs, and more
experimental shapes were made possible by new kiln processes. The most
significant breakthrough during this time period, however, was an
improved method of under-glazing with the dazzling cobalt blue
pigment—the technique used to create the dynasty's characteristic blue-
and-white-patterned porcelain.
3. Give at least 2 techniques of making decorative art.
• A pattern is an organized arrangement of design components such as
dots, lines, forms, textures, colors, and so on on a surface using any
acceptable decorative technique. Pattern creation is an experimental
process since the final patterns cannot be foreseen by the artist.
-The main instrument used in this pattern-making method is
a sponge, which is used to create the designs. You can spread
or lay the sponge on the material (such as paper or cloth).
Then the open portions of the sponge are daubed with paint
or ink using foam. After placing the sponge on the material,
the paint or ink can alternatively be sprayed over it. The
fabric would display the sponge's diamond-shaped patterns
or nett patterns. Another method for making patterns is to
dip the sponge into paint or ink and roll it over the object or
piece of paper.
- form of pattern making involves the application of paint in a
liquid form by splashing the paint on the surface of the
material to create interesting patterns. Sometimes, the tips
of brushes are loaded with colour or ink and the thumb is
used in splashing the colour onto the material such as paper.
The splashing of the coloured pigment or paint can be done
with a piece of foam or brush loaded with paint.

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