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Port Blair Municipal Council

A&N Islands
• National Rankings in ODF, Swachh Survekshan,
Safaimitra Suraksha Challenge
• Implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban
• IEC Team – SAT & 3-R
• Citizen/ volunteer’s Engagement
• Safaimitra Suraksha
• Liquid waste & Faecal & septage management
• Digital intervention in SWM
• Convergence of schemes with SBM-U,
• Best Practices
UT Profile
Total Population 4,34,192
Total Area 8,249 Sq. Km.
Total Islands/ 836
Inhabited Islands 38
Districts 03
Tehsil 09
Official Language Hindi & English
City Profile
Particular Details
#3 Star


National Rankings

#39 in 2021

#146 in 2021
Swachh Survekshan Ranking

#146Rank in 2021

#180th in 2020,

# 379 th in 2019
Open Defecation
Free City-ODF++
Garbage Free Cities
03 Star Rating (Applied)
Safaimitra Suraksha
#39 Rank in 2021
Implementation Solid Waste
Gap in
To disposal
site (TPD)

of SBM-U (TPD)

60 58.2 (97%)

1.8 (3%) 1.8 (3%)

• Swachhata Awareness Team

• 3-R Team
Solid Waste Management
Door to Door Waste Collection
46456 Households & 6600 Establishments

Dry Waste processing at SLRM Centres

24 SLRM Centres & 12 Vendors

Wet/ Organic Waste processing at Compost yards

5 Decentralised Plants & 03 Organic farmers
manage the waste 60 Tonnes 58.2 Tonnes (97%)
Solid Waste Generated Waste Processed
SLRM Centres for Dry Wastes
Solid Liquid Resource Management Centres

• Decentralised SLRM Centres covering 24 Wards

• 12 Authorised waste vendors for waste collection

& transportation to mainland

• Self sustainable and revenue model

• Vendors has to pay amount for each waste while


• Recycling at Mainland facilities through waste

Compost Yards
Wet waste management facilities

• 5 Decentralised Plants
• 03 Organic farmers manage the waste
• 01 Self Help Group engaged in
operating compost plants
Waste processing:
transportation to the mainland for recycling

• 14146.1 MT of Plastics,

• 1036.2 MT of Cardboard,

• 561.9 MT of Glass waste,

• 23.060 MT of Metal,

• 56.30 MT of Waste Oil (Hazardous

waste) and

• 6.050 MT of e-waste
Particulars Details
Total Quantity of existing Legacy Waste in Tons 1,00,000 Tons Approx.
Land Occupied by the Dumpsite in Acres 3 Acre

Proposed Method of Remediation Windrow Aerobic Method by using
Manual and Mechanical Segregation

Remediation- Land to be Recovered in Acres (Extent of Land from which

3 Acre
Management of Legacy Waste waste is completely Removed)
End Use of Remediated Dumpsite Area Reforestation
Estimate Cost for Remediation 9.9 Crore
Most likely Date for complete Remediation (not Beyond As per Agreement-
31.03.2023 for ULB’s <10Lakhs and 31.03.2024 for ULB’s 31.03.2023
>10 Lakhs
Information, Education
& Communication
• Swachhata Awareness Team
• 3R Team
• Artists Team
Awareness Team

• A dedicated team for creating

awareness at
• Schools
• Colleges
• Households
• Establishments
3R Team:
Creating Waste to wealth products
A dedicated boys group creating artistic products out
of waste
• A dedicated team of Local Artists uplifts the
City Beautification aesthetics of city
Waste water
• Sewerage System
• Decentralized Captive STPs
• Faecal Sludge Management
through FSTP
Sewerage System

Port Blair city has 100% Onsite

Sanitation System (Septic Tank
with Soakpit).

Project for construction of

Sewerage system is under progress
to cover a major part of the city;

• Sewage generated – 28 MLD

• Sewage Treatment 9.76 MLD
• Decentralized Captive STPs
• A&N Administration has mandated
to install of captive STPs at all
Hotels & Resorts

• Around 180+ Establishments have

installed CSTPs

• Total capacity of about 1.2MLD

waste water is being treated
Centralized Faecal &
septage management

• PBMC has 42KLD FSTP for the

• 07 Desludging vehicles to
collect Faecal/ Septage sludge
Safaimitra Suraksha-
Zero tolerance
towards manual
• PBMC is in Top 03 in disbursement
of Loans to Safaimitra
• PBMC has dedicated Emergency
Response Sanitation Unit (ERSU)
• 01 Responsible Sanitation Agency at
District & 01 at ULB level have been
• Dedicated Toll Free Number 14420
have been made operational
Best Practices

School awareness
Waste to wonder park
Volunteer engagement
Home Composting
GVP Transformation
E-Waste collection centres
NGO/Agencies Activities by different
agencies & Volunteers
Home Composting
• Promoting the Home Composting at different wards of the
Dignabad GVP
transformation into
selfie Point at Marine Hill
Port Balir
• Use of recycled material
• Stop the dumping of waste at Sea
• Developed as Tourist place
E-waste collection and
reuse center

•Meeting with Vendors /dealers of the

•Establish Collection centers at
different location
•Resale of some items for reuse like;
parts etc. at local service engineer
•Develop Storage Space for E-waste in
the city
Organic farming –
Management of Organic

•Privately Owned Animal Feed

Commercial Organic Systems for Waste
Thank You

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