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A.READING ( / 15 marks)

Task 1

Read the article and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to
the text.

1 How did the writer feel about the book at their grandparent’s house?

A They thought it was terrible.

B It used to give them a headache.

C They used to get excited about reading it.

D They didn’t like it as much as the encyclopaedia.

2 What does the writer say about Nostradamus?

A He only made predictions about medicine.

B He talked mainly about the bad side of things.

C He became famous for being a doctor.

D His predictions have only just become popular.

3 According to the writer, what is the problem with Nostradamus’ predictions?

A Nobody likes reading them because they are poems.

B Most people find it difficult to read them because they are in French.

C We don’t always know what Nostradamus wanted to say.

D We don’t know whether they are accurate or not.

4 What does the writer think about the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle?

A It’s not unusual for planes to have communications problems.

B There’s probably a good explanation for many of them.

C The newspapers have invented the stories about them to sell more.

D It’s surprising there aren’t more of them.

5 According to the writer, what is unusual about the Nazca Lines?

A They can only be seen properly from the air.

B They were made from stones and sand brought from many kilometres away.

C The lines in the ground are so straight.

D A large amount of effort was needed to make them.

6 What does the writer say about the Loch Ness monster?

A Sightings of it have been bad for tourism.

B Nobody had heard of it until the 1930s.

C Photographs of it were found to be true.

D People are still keen to prove its existence.


Task 2

Read the article again and answer the questions in your own words.

7 How do many people feel about Nostradamus’ predictions nowadays?

8 When were the first newspaper stories about the Bermuda Triangle published?

9 How long are some of the Nazca Lines?


Unexplained Mysteries?

When I was a kid, my grandparents had an awesome book full of unexplained mysteries.
Whenever I went to their house, I couldn’t wait to get that book out. It was like an
encyclopaedia full of weird and wonderful stories. There were people who could talk to
ghosts, alien visitors from outer space and strange symbols from the past. It was so hard to
get my head around these stories, but that was what I loved about them! In this article, I’m
going to briefly talk about my favourite unexplained mysteries from that wonderful book …

1 Nostradamus

Nostradamus was a French doctor who lived in the first half of the sixteenth century. He
became famous because people believed he could tell what would happen in the future. His
predictions covered everything from diseases to inventions to the end of the world, but they
were mostly negative! Although his predictions have been popular for hundreds of years,
people tend to be more suspicious about them these days. The problem is that because they
are poems, it’s often unclear what Nostradamus actually meant. They were also written in
French and some of the translations have been less than accurate. For those reasons, critics
argue that Nostradamus’ poems can in fact be used to predict almost any event.

2 The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is the name given in 1964 to a large area in the shape of a triangle
which connects Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico. Strange stories appeared in the press in
the 1940s after several aeroplanes went missing on a routine flight. One particular magazine
article connected their disappearance with other unexplained mysteries in that area. Over
the years, similar stories of missing ships and aircraft appeared in the news, talking about
communications equipment which mysteriously stopped working and ships found without
any sign of life. Some people claimed that the pilots and sailors had been kidnapped by
aliens. No one knows the truth, but it’s important to remember that a lot of ships sail through
the Bermuda Triangle so it’s not surprising that there are more accidents than in other
places. The area is also particularly affected by storms and hurricanes, so we should
probably look for a more natural explanation before blaming aliens or ghosts.

3 Nazca Lines

This collection of lines and designs covers a large area in the south of Peru. Historians
believed they were created by the Nazca civilization which lived there until about 1,500 years
ago, although it is now thought that some of the lines may be even older. Due to their size,
they cannot be seen easily from the ground. This meant that many of them were
undiscovered until the 1920s when people started to use aeroplanes to investigate the area.
What they discovered were straight lines stretching for tens of kilometres and designs of
animals. They had all been built very carefully by removing stones and sand from the
ground. The lack of wind and rain has meant that the lines have survived for many years.
There are many theories about why people put some effort into making them. However, the
strangest one has to be that they were runways for aliens. No one knows the real reason for
the Nazca Lines, but it’s unlikely they were constructed by aliens.

4 Loch Ness Monster

The story of the Loch Ness Monster is famous all over the world. It’s especially popular with
the hundreds of thousands of tourists to Loch Ness annually. Many hope to spot Nessie, the
legendary creature said to live in the lake (‘loch’ is the Scottish word for ‘lake’). Locals had
been talking about a sea monster inhabiting the waters for hundreds of years. In fact, a
sixth-century story talks about a man being attacked by a creature from the water. However,
in the 1930s, newspaper articles about recent sightings of Nessie attracted global interest.
Photographs of this mysterious animal were published and one investigator even claimed to
find footprints. However, none of this was found to be true. Despite this, there are several
reported sightings every year. Scientists haven’t given up either. They’ve used all sorts of
technology such as satellites and underwater sensors to try to locate Nessie. Sadly,
however, there’s still no evidence that she actually exists.
B.GRAMMAR ( / 15 marks )

Complete the text with the correct Present or Present Perfect form of the verbs in
brackets. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

The real Pete 4D

Over the last few years, Pete 4D (1) (become) one of the most loved DJs in the
world. He regularly (2) (play) his particular style of electronic music to crowds of
young fans all over the world. He (3) (come back, just) from a month-long tour
of Asia, where he entertained fans in India, Japan and Vietnam and this weekend he will
be in Las Vegas. What’s more, Pete is also a respected music producer. He (4)
(work on) his third studio album for the last few months. All of this at only twenty-four
years old.

Despite the apparently glamorous lifestyle, Pete (5) (come across) as a quiet,
thoughtful young man. Although his DJ gigs are full of loud, fast-paced dance tunes,
Pete (6) (not listen, only) to this type of music in his free time. He is a collector
of rare world music and an expert on South American folk music. At the moment, he (7)
(write) a book about the history of Ecuadorian music. Pete 4D is definitely not your
average dance music DJ!

When Pete (8) (not be) on tour in the world’s biggest cities, he prefers to spend
his time in the countryside. He has recently bought an old farm in Cornwall, in the south
west of England, where he (9) (spend) a lot of his time these days. At the
moment, workmen (10) (repair) the old farm buildings, but Pete (11)
(plan) to move into the farm in the near future. Recently, he (12) (study) an
online course in organic farming methods and when he finishes, he (13) (want)
to start growing organic fruit and vegetables on the farm.

This (14) (not seem) like the type of thing a twenty-something DJ would
normally do. In fact, it (15) (sound) more like someone’s retirement plans.
However, Pete hasn’t shown any signs of wanting to retire, which is good news for his
fans all over the world.

Task 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

16 When I couldn’t do my homework, I was always asking / would always ask my sister
for help.

17 By the time we got home, Briony has / had already gone to bed.

18 We had / were having our lunch in the park when it started to pour with rain.

19 It was lovely to see Joana because we hadn’t seen / weren’t seeing her for ages.
20 While we were coming / would come home from the swimming pool, we saw a boy fall

21 Marga went / was going for a walk when we’d finished lunch.

22 I used to / would live in a house with a garden, but now I live in an apartment with a

23 Victor was playing on his computer when his mother called / had called him down for

Task 3

Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the words in

24 That has to be (ridiculous) film I’ve ever seen.

25 Julio and Erica are just (annoying) as each other. That’s why I can’t stand

26 The food in that restaurant was (bad) than the food in Paul’s Café.

27 My teacher said I had to work (hard) if I wanted to pass the course.

28 Sapiens is one (interesting) books I’ve read.

29 My dad usually drives (careful) my mum, which is why I prefer my dad’s


30 They asked us to speak (quiet) because the children were sleeping.

C.Use of English ( / 20 marks)

Task 1

Complete the second sentence so that that is has a similar meaning to the first
sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between
two and five words, including the word given.

1 She started to learn the violin when she was seven. BEEN

She the violin since she was seven.

2 I don’t often get help from him with the washing up.USUALLY

He with the washing up.

3 They came back from their holidays not long ago.JUST

They from their holidays.

4.I haven’t tasted many things which are more disgusting in my life. ONE
It was things I’ve ever tasted.

5 Steven didn’t use to be so nervous. THAN

Steven is to be.

6. It has been at least two weeks since the last time Ingrid called me. FOR

Ingrid at least two weeks.

7 A lot of my classmates have started to become interested in YouTuber books this


A lot of my classmates YouTuber books recently.

Task 2

Read the article and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap

The tracksuit is a(n) (6) which consists of a top and trousers. They were originally designed
for athletes who needed something (7) to wear for competitions. Tracksuits could be worn on
top of shorts and vests. Sometimes they also had a (8) to keep the athletes’ heads warm.
Comfort is important (9) they are usually made of materials which help the body ‘breathe’.
The trousers are often loose and the tops usually have a (10) so it can be worn open and
taken off easily. Tracksuits first became popular outside of the sporting world in the 1970s. People
realised that, because they were (11) , tracksuits were ideal for wearing at home or at the
disco. More people got (12) them and tracksuits became a fashion item. Nike and Adidas are
probably the most famous brands and they often use bright, (13) colours.

6 A accessory B clothing C outfit D style

7 A suitable B understandable C memorable D responsible

8 A hair clip B hood C necklace D wig

9 A because B due to C owing to D so

10 A bow B button C strap D zip

11 A sensible B enjoyable C comfortable D incredible

12 A at B into C off D up

13 A bold B dark C dull D pale

D. VOCABULARY( / 20 marks)
Task 1

Task 1

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1 It’s important to be relaxed for the yoga class so you should wear (comfort)

2 The Lord of the Rings is one of the most (memory) books I’ve read.

3 The librarian is (respond) for organising and ordering the books in the library.

4 The children are usually quite (sense). They won’t do anything silly.

5 I would like to have more (fashion) clothes, but I can’t afford it.

Task 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

6 There are fewer people living in extreme charity / poverty today than there were thirty
years ago.

7 The students in my class are trying to raise / help out money for a new classroom

8 I felt amazing / ridiculous wearing that lion outfit. It looked really silly.

9 Heather has been contributing / encouraging me to sign up for the volleyball team.

10 It’s important to take pride in / on your appearance. It’s the first thing people notice.

11 I can’t walk across that old bridge. It looks absolutely terrifying / terrific.

12 There is a new government campaign / volunteer to persuade people to eat more


13 The waiters were so rude. It really got me into / put me off eating in that restaurant.

14 I’ve been revising for my exams so it hasn’t been a very relaxing / stressful weekend.

15 I’ve got very bold / pale skin so I have to be careful in the sun.
E.LISTENING ( / 10 marks )

You are going to listen to people talking in ten different situations. For
questions 1–10, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to
what you hear.

1 You hear a mother talking to her daughter about the school holidays. What
does the girl’s mother suggest?

A that the girl helps her grandmother with the cleaning

B that the girl takes a friend to her grandmother’s house

C that the girl spends some time at her grandmother’s house

2 You hear a boy talking about an exam he has taken. Why is he unhappy?

A He didn’t do enough revision before the exam.

B He said very little in the speaking test.

C His partner in the speaking test was better than him.

3 You hear a boy discussing a show he has been to. What complaint does he

A The first performer was only on stage for five minutes.

B The second performer wasn’t any good at what they were doing.

C Too many people were laughing at the wrong time.

4 You hear a news story about a girl who has done something special. What
has she done?

A been giving food to people who don’t have a home

B won an award from the Prime Minister

C organised a soup kitchen

5 You hear two friends talking about a tennis match. What do they agree about
the match?

A Gunter was more exciting than the other player.

B The players didn’t make much effort.

C It wasn’t a very good match.

6 You hear two friends talking about buying a present for someone. What do
they decide to buy?
A a handbag

B a purse

C a jacket

7 You hear a girl talking to her father about a music concert. What is the

A Her father would like her to take care of her brother.

B Her father can’t take her to the concert.

C Auntie Sandra isn’t usually free on Friday evenings.

8 You hear two friends talking about one of their teachers. What do they agree

A that they are disappointed with her

B that she’s a bit strange

C that her teaching style is better

9 You hear a woman talking about losing her wedding ring. How does she feel?

A sure that she needs to carry on looking for it

B not so worried about it any more

C afraid to say anything to her husband

10 You hear a boy talking to a friend about a new jacket he has bought. He is
pleased because

A it’s not always easy to find the right size.

B he didn’t want a jacket with a hood.

C it’s smart enough to wear to school.

F. WRITING ( /20 marks )

An Essay (120-150 words )

Choose 1( one ) topic to write about:

● "Living in the countryside is better for young people "

● "Is the Internet bad for teenagers?"

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