Early Muslim Community Ten Blessed Companions

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Early Muslim Community

Ten Blessed Companions

The ten blessed companions are known as ‘A’sharahMubasharah’, because

they were given the glad tidings of paradise within their worldly life. They
were the earliest converts to Islam and they rendered remarkable services for
Islam. That is why they are the highest in ranks amongst the other Sahabas.

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)

He belonged to the tribe of BanuTaym. He was two years younger than the
Prophet(PBUH) and was his best friend. His actual name was Abdul Ka’ba but
the Prophet(PBUH) changed his name to Abdullah. He is known as Abu Bakr
because Bakr means ‘a young camel ‘and he used to take a lot of interest in
keeping camels. When he was young, the people started calling him Abu Bakr.
His father was Abu Quhafa. Abu Bakr was the only companion whose three
generations became Sahabi (Companions of Prophet). He was one of the few
literate people of Makkah. As he was a very wise person so Makkans made
him judge in their disputes. He was a successful trader and businessman as

Abu Bakr (RA) was the first free adult man to accept Islam. He accepted Islam
without showing any reluctance or hesitation. Prophet (PBUH) used to say,
“Whenever I invited someone towards Islam, he started arguments with
me, but Abu Bakr believed in me without any questions”.
After his conversion he helped Holy Prophet(PBUH) in preaching and many
people accepted Islam on his invitation, like HazratUsman, Talha, Zubair, Abu
Ubaidah bin Jarrah, AbdurRehman bin Awf. Abu Bakr also protected Holy
Prophet(PBUH) when Makkans attacked him while preaching. Once Makkans
beat him so much that Abu Bakr fainted and his face swelled and they pulled
out his hair. When he recovered, the first question he asked was about the
Prophet (PBUH). He used to help the poor and needy, Prophet(PBUH) said,”
The most compassionate member of my people towards my people is
Abu Bakr.” He spent lot of money to buy Muslim slaves and freed them like
Hazrat Bilal, Amir bin Fuhaira etc. Hazrat Abu Bakr was the first who
confirmed the incident of Isra and Mai’raj and the Prophet (PBUH) gave him
the title of As Siddiq (testifier of truth). He was the only person who
accompanied the Holy Prophet (PBUH) during the migration journey. He
made all arrangements like camels and guides. In the cave of Saur when a
snake bit his foot, he did not even move his leg as Prophet (PBUH) was
sleeping but tears rolled down his face falling on Prophet’s (PBUH) face and
he woke up and he applied his saliva on his foot and his pain finished.

When they arrived in Madina, he bought the plot for Masjid e Nabawi on
behalf of the Prophet(PBUH) and paid money to the orphans . He became the
father in law of the Prophet(PBUH), in 2ndHijrah when the Prophet (PBUH)
married his daughter Hazrat Ayesha (RA). Hazrat Abu Bakr took part in
battles and other events in the Prophets(PBUH) life. The Prophet(PBUH)
always asked for his suggestions in important issues like he suggested to free
the captives of Badr and take ransom and the Prophet(PBUH) followed it. In
the treaty of Hudaibiya he was the only person who wanted to sign the treaty.
It showed the political wisdom of Hazrat Abu Bakr. He donated everything at
the time of Tabuk expedition. In ninth Hijrah the Prophet (PBUH) made him
Amir ul Hajj. When the Prophet (PBUH) fell sick he made Abu Bakr the Imam
of his mosque and he led seventeen prayers in the life of Prophet (PBUH).
When Prophet (PBUH) passed away he delivered a speech and he consoled all
Sahabas. He also became the Khalifa later.

Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA)

He belonged to the tribe of Banu A’di. He was a very strong and brave person.
And every one in Makkah was scared of his anger. He was a staunch idol
worshipper and opposed Islam in the beginning. He used to torture slave girls
like Zinra and Lubana. He was fond of Arabic literature and was expert in it.
Looking towards his influence in town, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) prayed for
his guidance. He said, “O Allah ! support Islam either with Umar Farooq or
Amr bin Hisham (Abu Jahal)”, Allah accepted it for Hazrat Umar.
Conversion to Islam

On the very next day(Friday) Hazrat Umar got angry with Prophet (PBUH) , he picked up
his sword and was going to kill him in Dar e Arqam and was rushing towards it. On the way,
Nuaim bin Abdullah asked him about his intentions and when he informed that he was
going to kill Prophet (PBUH) he disclosed the secret to stop him, Nuaim bin Abdullah
informed him that his sister and brother in law (Saeed bin Zayd) had accepted Islam. So
Hazrat Umar rushed to his sister’s house, and found them reciting the Qur’an. Umar
stormed into the house and started beating his brother in law, then his sister came to
defend. Umar slapped her also but she said, “We will never leave Islam”. Hazrat Umar
realized his mistake. He asked them to show what they were reciting, it was the verses of
Surah Taa’ha. Then Umar understood that Qur’an is the word of Allah. Then he went to the
Holy Prophet(PBUH) to accept Islam. Companions were shocked then everyone became
happy. He converted to Islam in sixth year of prophethood.

When he accepted Islam, Muslims got confidence. And for the first time Umar took Muslims
to the Holy Kaa’ba and they prayed there. Hazrat Umar migrated to Madina openly. In
Madina he had a dream about Azaan and Abdullah ibn Zayd also had a dream. He also
became the father in law of the Prophet(PBUH) when he married Hazrat Hafsa. He gave an
idea to kill all captives of Badr though Prophet (PBUH) did not accept his suggestion. A
number of few revelations are related to him when he questioned about them from
Prophet(PBUH). These were about the hijab of women, prohibition of funeral prayers of
hypocrites, maqam e Ibrahim etc. Allah revealed,” And never ( O Muhammad)pray
(funeral prayer)for any of them(hypocrites)who dies, nor stand at his grave.
Certainly they disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger, and died while they were
Fasiqun( disobedient to Allah and His Messenger).”(9: 84)
In Madina he was always close to Prophet (PBUH) in battles. He fought well in the battle of
Badr. At Uhad he was one of those who shielded Prophet (PBUH) from further attacks. He
dug an eight yard trench and led a group of eight at the time of Trench. He objected to the
terms of treaty of Hudaibiya. The terms and clauses of treaty were based on injustice
towards Muslims and so he expressed his view and showed disagreement. He was silenced
by Abu Bakr who supported this treaty. He then became one of the witnesses over the pact.

In Tabuk he donated half of his wealth. He also participated in farewell pilgrimage of

Prophet (PBUH). He took part in expeditions to the north Syria that were organized
towards the end of the Prophet’s (PBUH) life. After the Prophet’s (PBUH) death he wasn’t
ready to believe the death of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Hazrat Umar got overwhelmed with
emotions and took out his sword and threatened people believing that the Prophet (PBUH)
is dead. He also remained loyal to the 1 st Caliph of Islam. Due to Hazrat Umar’s wisdom and
timely intervention, Hazrat Abu Bakr was elected as the first Caliph of Islam. He was the
one who suggested to the Caliph about the preservation of Qur’an. He was called Farooq,
by the Prophet (PBUH) which means that he could easily distinguish between truth and
falsehood. Prophet(PBUH) said about him,” The most rigorous regarding Allah’s affair is

HazratUthman Bin Affan (RA)

He was born into the Umayyad clan at Makkah, a powerful family of Quraish. He was
modest, honest and upright since his childhood. The Holy Prophet )PBUH) said, “Uthman is
very modest and shy, and if I had been informal with him, he would not have said
what he had wanted to say”. Before accepting Islam he abstained from corrupt practices
like drinking and gambling etc. He was one of the first converts. On his return from Syria,
he saw Prophet (PBUH) in a dream. Reaching Makkah, he discussed it with his close friend
Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) who immediately invited him to Islam.

He experienced persecution for his faith. His uncle captured him and said he wouldn’t free
him until he left the new faith he had accepted. Hazrat Uthman (RA) swore not to renounce
his religion. Noticing his firmness his uncle tortured him through smoke but he retained

He married the Prophet’s (PBUH) daughter Ruqayya. With her he migrated to Abyssinia.
They were among the first group who migrated. He remained there for six years and
established business. Later he returned to Makkah. He also migrated to Madinah with his
wife. He stayed with Hazrat Abu Talha ibne Thabit(RA). After a short while, he purchased a
house of his own and moved there. As he was a rich man and brought all his wealth to
Madinah, he didn’t need any financial support from his Ansari brothers. He accompanied
Prophet (PBUH) in various battles against Quraish except at Badr. He didn’t take part in
Badr because of his wife’s illness. During this battle his wife and Prophet’s (PBUH)
daughter Hazrat Ruqayya (RZ), fell ill so following Prophet’s (PBUH) orders he stayed back.
Hazrat Ruqayya (RZ), passed away during this time before the battle was over.

When Hazrat Ruqayya (RZ) died, he married her sister Hazrat Umm-e-Kulthum (RZ). This
earned him the title of ZulNoorain means The Possessor of the two lights. He acted as the
Prophet’s (PBUH) ambassador to Quraish. He accompanied the Prophet (PBUH) in journey
towards Hudaibya in six A.H. He was sent to Makkah to hold negotiations with Quraish, but
due to delay in his return rumour of his murder was spread. Hearing the news Prophet
(PBUH) took pledge in order to release him if he was alive or to avenge his blood if he was

He took part in conquest of Khyber, Umra in seven A.H. and conquest of Makkah. He also
took part in battle of Hunain, followed by the siege of Taif. He contributed his wealth to pay
for expeditions particularly Tabuk. He donated 1000 dinars and 200 camels laden with
sacks of dates. Prophet (PBUH) gave him the glad tidings of Paradise. Again and again
HazratUthman (RA) gave till his charity reached nine hundred camels and a hundred
horses, besides the money he paid. He accompanied Muslim army under Prophet (PBUH) in
this expedition. During this his wife Hazrat Umm-e-Kulthum died in Madinah. Due to his
generosity he was entitled as Ghani (Sakhi the generous). He purchased a well ‘Bir Rome’
for 20, 000/- dirhams from a Jew for Muslims. During the famine in Madinah, he donated
immense food supplies for the residents despite having offers with large bids from
merchandisers. He also enjoyed a place of prominence during the caliphates for first two
Caliphs and served as a member of Advisory Council (Majlis e Shoora). He was also
empowered to vote for Hazrat Umar’s (RA) successor.

Hazrat Ali Bin Abu Talib (RA)

He was close to Holy Prophet (PBUH) since childhood. He was the son of Prophet’s (PBUH)
uncle, Abu Talib. Ali’s Kuniat is Abul Hasan.The Prophet(PBUH) gave him the name of Abu
Turab. After marriage to Hazrat Khadija the Prophet (PBUH) brought Hazrat Ali (RA) at his
house to relieve his uncle. He gained the special opportunity to be in the company of
Prophet (PBUH) so developed his great love for him since childhood.

He was the second person to accept Islam. He was only eleven years old. He found out our
Prophet’s (PBUH) and his wife’s secret prayers. On inquiry he was told by Prophet (PBUH)
about tawhid and verses of Qur’an were recited to him by Prophet (PBUH). The verses
greatly touched his heart and the inspiration made him to embrace Islam. He became the
first Muslim child.

He showed his courage before his tribe BanuHashim. In a feast where Prophet (PBUH)
invited BanuHashim towards the monotheistic faith, it was Hazrat Ali (RA) who stood up
thrice to admit his support courageously for Prophet (PBUH).

He took Prophet’s (PBUH) place on his bed at the time of migration, the Hijrah. Prophet
(PBUH) asked him to sleep in his place when the enemies with bare swords had
surrounded his house in the middle of the night with the intention to kill the Prophet
(PBUH). This displays the great love in his heart for the Prophet (PBUH).His unmatched
bravery and immense faith in Allah made him have a sound sleep that night. Prophet
(PBUH) had also handed to him the belongings of the Quraysh which he had been holding
in his trust, to be returned back to their owners. With his courageous support Prophet
(PBUH) was able to fool the Quraishites who thought the Prophet (PBUH)was at home till

He migrated to Madinah after Prophet (PBUH), and met the Prophet (PBUH) and others at
Quba. There they built a mosque named Masjd-e-Quba. He paired with Prophet (PBUH) in
the bond of Brotherhood. When immigrants and helpers were paired by Prophet (PBUH),
he took Hazrat Ali (RA) as his brother. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “You are my brother in
this world and the next”.

After two years of migration to Madinah, he married the Prophet’s (PBUH) youngest
daughter Hazrat Fatima (RA). He went to ask for her hand but couldn’t express it. Prophet
(PBUH) at his side noticed his wish and accepted Hazrat Ali’s (RA) proposal for Bibi Fatima
(RA). In the following two years , i.e. third A.H. and fourth A.H. Hazrat Hasan (RA) and
Hazrat Hussain (RA) were born respectively.

He was a great warrior and played significant role in all battles. He killed Waleed Ibn Utba
in Badr and many others. He was one of those who defended the Prophet (PBUH) during
the battle of Uhad and dressed the Prophet’s (PBUH) wounds with Hazrat Fatima (RA). He
killed Amr Ibn Abdwud who crossed the Trench and challenged Muslims for individual
combat. He was the scribe of the treaty of Hudaibiya.

In Khyber, Qamus fortress proved to be a hard nut to crack. Many companions were
appointed as leaders but remained unsuccessful so the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said,
“Tomorrow I will give the flag to a man through whose hand Allah will give us
victory. He loves Allah and His Apostle, and He is loved by Allah and His Apostle ”. He
gave the flag to Hazrat Ali (RA) and he killed Marhab with famous sword Zulfiqar and
conquered Khyber. Due to his bravery and strength he was called Asadullah (The lion of
God). He carried the Muslim banner during the conquest of Makkah. He was appointed as
the deputy of the Prophet (PBUH) in Madinah during Tabuk Expedition.
During the pilgrimage led by Hazrat Abu Bakr in ninth Hijrah, he was sent by Prophet
(PBUH) to read out the new teachings about prohibition of pagans entry in Kabah.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said,”You are to me as Haroon was to Moosa as Moosa
appointed Haroon to take care of BaniIsrail when he went to Mount Tur”. He
accompanied Prophet (PBUH) in Farewell pilgrimage.

He was a literate person. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “ I am the city of knowledge and Ali is
its gate.”As he was a wise and knowledgeable person, the senior Caliph used to seek his
advice in important matters. It was his idea to start the Islamic calendar from Hijrah. He
suggested to Hazrat Umar (RA) to punish the drinker with eighty lashes and the law was
made with the consensus of opinion.

He narrated about 500 Hadith. He was an expert in interpretation of Qur’an, deducing

Islamic laws, such as law of inheritance etc.
He spent an extremely simple life and never had wealth. He embalmed the Prophet
(PBUH)’s body after the Prophet(PBUH)’s death and lowered his body in the grave.

HazratTalha Bin Ubaydullah (RA)

He belonged to the tribe of Taym. He was the cousin of Abu Bakr (RA) and accepted Islam
on his invitation. On his conversion, his family members tortured him a lot, but Hazrat
Talha (RA) remained firm. Talha (RA) was rich, generous and literate person. The Holy
Prophet (PBUH) called him Talha of Bounty, Talha of Generosity. He loved to feed and cloth
the poor. Talha (RA) migrated to Madinah and took part in all battles except “Badr” as he
was sent as a spy by the Prophet (PBUH) to get information about Abu Sufiyan’s caravan,
but the Prophet (PBUH) gave him share in booty of Battle of Badr. In the Battle of Uhad, he
played the most important role in the defense of Prophet (PBUH), he made himself as a
shield around the Prophet (PBUH) and he got injured. He lost his fingers and fainted due to
excessive bleeding. The Prophet (PBUH) gave him the tidings of Paradise here.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “If someone wants see a living martyr he should see Talha”
He donated big amount in Tabuk Expedition. The Prophet (PBUH) gave him the title of
Fayyaz. When Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) was going to appoint Hazrat Umar (RA) as his
successor he complained about his harshness, but it shows that he was consulted in
decision making. He was one of the six people named by Umar (RA) to be the next Caliph
but he declined the offer. After the death of Hazrat Uthman (RA) he demanded Hazrat Ali
(RA) to take the revenge of his blood. Though he swore allegiance to Hazrat Ali(RA) but
later he joined Bibi Ayesha RA and marched against him in the battle of camel. Later,
negotiations took place between Ali, Talha and Zubair and they decided to withdraw from
the battle field. He was standing away from the fray of the battle when a mischief maker
shot a poisoned arrow which hit him in his knee. He died in 36 A.H. Hazrat Ali (RA) led his
funeral prayer.

HazratZubair Bin Awwam (RA)

He was the son of Hazrat Safiya binte Abdul Mutalib. She was known for her bravery, so
Zubair was also one of the bravest companion of Holy Prophet (PBUH). He accepted Islam
on the invitation of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA). He was his son in law as he had married Asma
daughter of Abu Bakr (RA). He migrated twice in the way of Allah once to Abyssinia and
then to Madina. He took part in all battles and he was one of the bravest warriors. He got a
serious injury in the Battle of Badr. In the Battle of Uhad, he killed Talha Bin AbiTalha , a
great Quraysh warrior in a single combat. So the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said for him, “For
each Prophet there is a companion and my companion is Zubair”. In the Battle of
Trench, he was sent to get information about Makkah. In the Khyber Expedition he killed
Yasser, the younger brother of Marhab. He also played a vital role in expansion of empire,
during Abu Bakr’s (RA) caliphate. He was one of the sixth people named by Hazrat Umar
(RA) for caliphate after his death, but he refused. After the death of HazratUthman (RA), he
also demanded Hazrat Ali (RA) to take the revenge of HazratUthman’s (RA) blood. He was
martyred in the Battle of Camel, though he was not participating. He had left the battle
field and stopped somewhere for offering prayer so a mischief maker killed him when he
was offering prayers. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Talha and Zubair are my
neighbors in Paradise “.

Saad Bin AbiWaqas (RA)

He belonged to the tribe of Banu Zuhra. He was the cousin to Amna binte Wahab, mother of
Prophet (PBUH). He accepted Islam when he was seventeen years old. So his mother did
hunger strike and protested. But he remained firm. He was the first person who shed blood
of a non-Muslim in the name of Islam. He also lived with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Shaib
e AbiTalib for three years. Then he migrated to Madina and worked as Prophet’s (PBUH)
guard in early years. He is said to be the first Muslim to shoot an arrow from Muslim army
when Prophet(PBUH) sent him to lead an expedition to raid the Quraysh caravan. In Badr
he went along with his teenage brother Umayr who had cried to participate in the combat
and was martyred. He defended the Prophet (PBUH) with his arrows in the Battle of Uhad.
He participated in the battle of Trench, Conquest of Makkah, battle of Hunain and the siege
of Taif. He fell ill during the farewell pilgrimage.
Hazrat Saad (RA) played a very important role in the expansion of empire in Persia. Hazrat
Umar (RA) appointed him as commander in chief of the Muslim armies and he defeated the
Persians in the great battle of “Qadssiya”. He conquered Madain capital of Persia. Hazrat
Umar (RA) made him the governor of “Qufa”, and he did a lot of developments there. He did
not participate in the civil wars “Camel and Siffin”. He visited China for preaching of Islam.
He outlived all 10 blessed companions and died in 55 AH.

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