Therapy of Worm Infestation

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Jyoti Prabha Bharati

MD Pharmacology
 The Helminths (worm) are macroscopic, multicellular
organisms having their own digestive, excretory,
reproductive and nervous system.

 worm infestations are long-term diseases that produce

few symptoms in their early stages and sometimes
serious effects at well developed stages or may be quite
fatal at times.
They are of two types:
● Nemathelminths (round bodied worms)
Nematoids- round worms, hook worms, whip

● Platyhelminths (flat-boddied worms)

Trematoids- flukes
Cestoids- tapeworm
 Drugs used to get rid of helminths are called
anthelminthic drugs

 They may be: –

 Vermicide (kill)

 Vermifuge (expel)
 It is a benzimidazole introduced in 1972.

 Retained the broad-spectrum anthelmintic activity

 produce nearly 100% cure rate/reduction in egg count

in roundworm, hook worm

 Upto 75% cure has been reported in tapeworms

The site of action of mebendazole appears to be the
microtubular protein ‘β-tubulin’ of the parasite.

inhibits its polymerization

Intracellular microtubules in the cells of the worm are

gradually lost

blocks glucose uptake in the parasite and depletes its

glycogen stores
 Mebendazole is well tolerated even by patients in poor

 Diarrhoea, nausea and abdominal pain

 Incidents of expulsion of Ascaris from mouth or nose,

probably due to starvation of the parasite and their slow

 Allergic reactions, loss of hair and granulocytopenia

with high doses.
 The dose and duration of treatment is the same for
children above 2 years as for adults; ½ dose for 1–2 yr

 Roundworm, Hookworm, Whipworm

100 mg twice a day for 3 consecutive days.

No fasting, purging or any other preparation of the

patients is needed.
 Congener of mebendazole: retains the broad-spectrum
activity and excellent tolerability of its predecessor

 Has the advantage of single dose administration in

many infestations

 It is more effective than mebendazole: a 3 day course

has achieved nearly 50% cure
 Absorption of albendazole after oral administration is

 It is enhanced when the drug is taken with fatty meal

(this may help in treating neurocysticercosis and
hydatid disease).

 Albendazole sulfoxide is widely distributed in the body,

enters brain and is excreted in urine with a t½ of 8.5
 Albendazole is well tolerated

 Only gastrointestinal side effects have been noted.

 Few patients have felt dizziness.

 Prolonged use, as in hydatid or in cysticercosis, has

caused headache, fever, alopecia, jaundice and
 Ascaris, hookworm, Enterobius and Trichuris: a single
dose of 400 mg (for adults and children above 2 yrs,
200 mg for 1–2 yr age).

 Three day treatment may be needed in heavy


 Tapeworms: 400 mg daily for 3 consecutive days.

Albendazole is the drug of choice for the treatment of
Usually 8–15 days course of 400 mg BD

 Filariasis:
Albendazole added to diethylcarbamazin (DEC) or
 It was introduced in 1969 for pin worm infestation in
children; use soon extended to roundworm and
hookworm as well.

 Causes activation of nicotinic cholinergic receptors in

the worms resulting in persistent depolarization

Slowly developing contracture and spastic paralysis,

Worms are then expelled.
 Pyrantel pamoate is remarkably free of side effects

 Occasional g.i. symptoms, headache and dizziness is


 Safety in pregnant women and in children below 2

years has not been established
 For Ascaris, Ancylostoma and Enterobius: a single dose
of 10 mg/kg is recommended.

 A 3 day course for Necator and for Strongyloides has

been suggested.

 No fasting, purging or other preparation of the patient

is needed.
 It is a highly active drug, achieves 90–100% cure rates.

 It is now considered as a second choice drug.

 hyperpolarization of Ascaris muscle by a GABA agonistic
 Opening of Cl¯ channels causes relaxation and depresses
responsiveness to contractile action of ACh.

 Flaccid paralysis occurs and worms are expelled alive.

 Piperazine is safe, but nausea, vomiting, abdominal
discomfort and urticaria may be felt.

 Dizziness and excitement occur at high doses; toxic

doses produce convulsions

 It is contraindicated in renal insufficiency and in


 Safe in the pregnant.

 For roundworm infestation 4 g once a day for 2
consecutive days

 Pin worm: 50 mg/kg (max. 2 g) once a day for 7 days

 First drug for filariasis caused by the nematodes
Wuchereria bancrofti (90% cases) and Brugia malayi.

 Diethylcarbamazine is microfilaricidal.

 A dose of 2 mg/kg TDS clears Mf

 Ateration of organelle membranes of the Mf promoting

cell death.
1. Filariasis:

 DEC 2 mg/kg TDS is a first line drug produces rapid

symptomatic relief; Mf disappear from blood

 Yearly treatment a combination of DEC (6 mg/kg) and

albendazole (400 mg) single dose on mass scale
2. Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia: DEC (2–4 mg/kg
TDS) for 2–3

3.Loa loa can also be treated with DEC

 Nausea, loss of appetite, headache, weakness and
dizziness are the usual complaints.

 A febrile reaction with rash, pruritus, enlargement of

lymph nodes, bronchospasm and fall in BP may occur

 Leukocytosis and mild albuminuria are also noted.

 It is an extremely potent semisynthetic derivative of the

 Ivermectin is the drug of choice for single dose

treatment of onchocerciasis and strongyloidosis

 It is microfilaricidal but not macrofilaricidal

 Certain insects, scabies and head lice are killed by

 It acts through a special type of glutamate gated Cl¯
channel found only in invertebrates.

 A single 10–15 mg oral dose of ivermectin, preferably

with 400 mg albendazole, given annually for 5–6 years
for filariasis
 Ivermectin has replaced DEC for onchocerciasis and
has been used in the ‘river blindness’ control
programme of WHO in Africa and Latin America.

 One dose of ivermectin is given at 6–12 month

intervals—produces long lasting reduction of Mf
counts in eye and skin

 Side effects have been mild—pruritus, giddiness,

nausea, abdominal pain, constipation
 Niclosamide is a highly effective drug against cestodes
—Taenia saginata, T. solium, and Hymenolepis nana,
as well as pin worm

 The drug appears to act by inhibiting oxidative

phosphorylation in mitochondria and interfering with
anaerobic generation of ATP by the tapeworm
 Niclosamide is available as 0.5 g tab (NICLOSAN).

 After a light breakfast, 2 tablets are to be chewed and

swallowed , followed by another 2tablets after 1 hr (total 2

 A saline purge is given 2 hours after the later dose to wash

off the worm.

 Cure rate of 85–95% has been obtained by one day

 Has wide ranging activity against Schistosomes, other
trematodes, cestodes and their larval forms but not
 Act by causing leakage of intracellular calcium from
the membranes →contracture and paralysis.
 The tapeworms lose grip of the intestinal mucosa and
are expelled.
 Aactive against adult as well as juvenile and larval
 Tapeworms: a single dose has achieved 90–100% cure
rate in all human tapeworms.
T. saginata, T. solium: 10 mg/kg single dose in the

 Neurocysticercosis: 50 mg/kg daily in 3 divided doses

for 15–30 days kills the larvae lodged in brain and
other tissues.

 Other flukes: 75 mg/kg single day treatment in most

 Cysticercosis of various organs, including brain, occurs
in T. solium infestation due to migration of the larvae
from the gut to various tissues via blood stream.

 Out of the two anthelmintics effective in killing

cysticerci, albendazole is now prefered because:

 The course of treatment is shorter (8–15 day) compared

to praziquantel (15–30 days)
 Cure rates in terms of resolution of symptoms and
disappearance of cysts are higher

 Corticosteroids (which have to be given concurrently)

enhance the absorption of albendazole, but lower the
blood levels of praziquantel

 Albendazole is cheaper
For patients with seizure adequate anticonvulsant
treatment should be given beforehand and the fits
Phenytoin and carbamazepine are the most commonly
used drugs

 It is very important to kill and expel the adult worm

from the gut to eliminate the source of future cysticerci

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