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What's new in well logging and formation evaluation

Article  in  World Oil · April 2015


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1 author:

Stephen Prensky



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What’s new in well logging and formation evaluation

PART 2: In this second of reservoirs and mapping fluid distribution, the rest flows within the earth, generating
two installments, the latest and fluid saturation in a target reservoir lay- surface EM fields that are characteristic of
developments in reservoir er. Time-lapse surveys, conducted over the the electrical properties of the subsurface
life of a field, are used in reservoir monitor- around the well. At the surface, a large re-
monitoring, coring and ing to study the movement of these fluids ceiver array (up to 1,000 receivers), posi-
laboratory analysis are during production or a waterflood. For ex- tioned in a grid around the survey well that
assessed. Developments in ample, cross-well EM techniques (see the can extend up to 4 km from the transmit-
borehole reservoir monitoring 2009 article) are used to image and char- ting well, measures amplitude and phase
include borehole-to-surface acterize the interwell region between two of the electric field radial component, ori-
electromagnetic surveys, and wells. BSEM is another EM technique that ented from each receiver station toward
uses time- and frequency-domain EM data, the surveyed transmitter well. After data
permanent and wireline fiber-
acquired in a single surveyed well, to map processing, which includes data inversion,
optic sensing. Advances in fluid distribution of a target reservoir layer the resulting maps are used to identify oil-
coring and core evaluation around a well. The scale of the method is and water-bearing zones in the investigated
include sidewall “pressure” partially a function of well depth, and rang- reservoir layers, Fig. 2.
coring. Developments in es from hundreds to thousands of meters Saudi Aramco recently conducted suc-
laboratory analysis include away from the transmitter wellbore. In con- cessful pilot studies of BSEM in Saudi Ara-
advances in digital rock trast, cross-well methods require two or
more wells to create cross-sectional images,
physics, and the use of Fig. 1. Schematic of a BSEM survey layout
over an inter-well distance of up to 1 km. showing the relative positions of the ‘A’
cuttings for petrophysical Deployment of both of these methods can and ‘B’ electrodes of the transmitting ‘AB’
evaluation. be expensive and logistically challenging. dipole and the surface receiver line.1
In BSEM, the transmitting electrode is
in a wellbore, and the receiver arrays, com- Synchronization
by satellite
 STEPHEN PRENSKY, Consultant, Silver prising a grid of electrodes, are buried a few
Spring, Md. feet under the ground at the surface. The
transmitting dipole consists of an ‘A’ (injec- Receivers line
tion) electrode that is lowered in the well
The purpose of this article, which is on wireline, and a ‘B’ electrode, a surface
based solely on published technical papers grounding point, buried close to the well-
and publicly available literature, is to inform head, Fig. 1. The ‘A’ electrode is placed at Upper reservoir
readers of new and potential technologies different depths, typically at the top and A2
Transmitter A3
in well logging and formation evaluation. the bottom of the reservoir layer under
Lower reservoir
This article does not endorse or promote investigation. Part of the electric current
any particular technologies or service pro- flows from the downhole electrode to the Transmitter
Transmitter well
viders. Some of the technologies described counter electrode through the casing, and
in this article may be currently available as
commercial services, while others may still
be in the development or test phases. Fig. 2. Resistivity (left) and induced polarization (right) maps, relative to the A1-A2
reservoir layer. Blue/green corresponds to water and yellow/red to oil.2

Borehole-to-surface electromagnetic
(BSEM) surveys. Borehole electromag-
netic (EM) geophysical methods use the
presence of strong resistivity contrasts
between formation fluids, such as oil and
water, to map the resistivity distribution in
the subsurface. This information, in turn,
allows geophysical imaging of hydrocarbon
World Oil®/APRIL 2015123

Fiber-optic interferometers are sensi-

Fig. 3. Chart showing the potential applications of permanently installed DAS sensors, tive to the orientation of the sensor.7,11 A
beyond initial and time-lapse VSP measurements, throughout the life of the reservoir and
reservoir imaging.10
three-component (3C) fiber-optic sensor
array, in which the optic fibers are arranged
Vertical seismic Baseline VSP while Repeat Repeat MMV
to provide interferometers along the three
profile VSP fracing VSP VSP VSP orthogonal axes, similar to 3C geophones
or accelerometers, has been developed
Flowback Flow and field-tested.12 The 3C sensor arrays
assurance are manufactured at predetermined dis-
tances (i.e., receiver levels) along the fiber.
Hydraulic fracture Microseismic By eliminating downhole electronics, the
characterization monitoring
fiber-optic sensors enable active-source
Hydraulic fracture Frac seismic monitoring (e.g., VSP) and passive
monitoring monitoring monitoring (e.g., microseismic monitoring
of hydraulic fracturing and injection) in
Wellbore integrity Cement job
Valve/pump monitoring
Subsidence HPHT boreholes and in wells that are not
monitoring assessment monitoring
accessible to geophones.
Ziebel, a Norwegian company, has
Construction Completion Production Abandonment
developed two fiber-optic conveyance
systems that provide temperature and
acoustic profiles: 1) a composite-carbon-
rod (Z-System) designed for use in long
bia that resulted in resistivity and IP images avoiding the need for a potentially costly horizontal wells; and 2) a wireline gravity-
of oil-water contacts at reservoir depth and well intervention. This method could also deployed system (Z-Line). The 15-mm-
estimates of fluid distribution that were be used to provide permanent real-time diameter, semi-stiff carbon-rod includes a
consistent with those obtained from logs, monitoring in producing fields.4 Modeling sensing tool, which consists of six optical
production data and reservoir models. In indicates that the enhanced current flow fibers embedded in the 15-mm-diameter
addition to BSEM’s exploration potential, at depth provided by using the casing as a rod, and a bottomhole assembly (BHA).
these maps demonstrated the potential source results in measurable signal changes Two multi-mode fibers are dedicated to
of the method in reservoir surveillance, for targets traditionally considered outside DTS, one single-mode fiber to DAS, and
namely, mapping flood fronts, monitoring the capability of EM, e.g., CO2 plumes, three single-mode fibers are dedicated to
fluid displacement and sweep efficiency.1,2 steamfloods, water, bypassed oil, and, po- point pressure, point temperature and vi-
Two new advances have the potential to tentially, even hydraulic fractures.5 bration measurements.13,14 The sensors
reduce survey costs and to simplify deploy- Fiber-optic sensing. Significant ad- for the pressure and temperature point
ment. The first is the development of a ro- vances continue to be made in fiber-optic measurements are in the BHA. The car-
bust, broadband, high-impedance, capaci- technology and data interpretation, and bon rod comes coiled in drums of 20,000-
tatively coupled sensor that provides fast the range of applications of these sensors ft lengths, and the fiber-optic sensors are
data acquisition and is easily deployed (the (see World Oil, July 2014, p. 81).6,7 As rated to 10,000 psi and 302°F. The hori-
sensor does not require burial).3 The sec- discussed in previous articles (see World zontal reach of the carbon-rod system is
ond advance is using the in-situ well casing Oil, June 2011, p. 85; July 2012, p. 107; determined by the pipe’s internal diam-
as a current injection electrode (source) and July 2014, p. 81), fiber-optic sensing eter; the condition and roughness of the
in place of a wireline electrode. EM trans- can provide low-cost, on-demand, repeat- pipe’s internal surface; and the amount of
mission through the earth is achieved by able quantitative measurements of reser- debris in the hole. The gravity-deployed
connecting an electrode at the wellhead voir properties. The mode of fiber-optic system, which can be run in vertical or
and a counter electrode that is placed at conveyance may differ in exploration and highly deviated producing or injecting
the surface, several kilometers away. Two production wells: Wireline conveyance wells, employs a 4.8-mm-diameter, com-
methods have been tested, one with in-well might be preferred in an exploration well; posite carbon line that may contain the
electrodes, where the current flows down while production wells would benefit from same six optic fibers as the carbon-rod
the casing (deep-casing source), and the the permanent installation of fiber optics system, or fewer.
other using only surface electrodes, where behind the casing or clamped on to the Because different companies are pro-
the current flows up the casing (top-cas- production string.8 The combined instal- viding different implementations of fiber-
ing source). Both methods extended the lation of distributed temperature sensors optic systems there is a need for stan-
depth of EM investigation to the depth of (DTS) and distributed acoustic (vibra- dardization. Energistics, a Houston-based
typical hydrocarbon reservoirs, provided tion) sensors (DAS) can provide seismic organization and the successor to POSC,
a larger injected current than conventional data/imaging and production logging data is serving as an umbrella organization for
BSEM, and proved capable of detecting throughout the life of a well or reservoir establishing a standardization code, i.e.,
fluid movement at depth. However, the (summarized in Fig. 3), at a relatively small PRODML, to enable transfer of produc-
top-casing source has the advantage of incremental cost and without requiring tion-related data acquired with different
being very easy to configure and not re- expensive periodic well interventions to distributed fiber-optic systems, e.g., DTS
quiring any downhole equipment, thus acquire data.9 and DAS.6
124APRIL 2015/WorldOil.com

CORING AND CORE ANALYSIS copy (FTIR), before using them to recon-
Sidewall “pressure” coring. cile disagreements between core and log Fig. 4. Halliburton HRSCT tool with the
Halliburton introduced a new core service data, and presents an in-house QC mea- sidewall “pressure” coring system.15
(CoreVault), which uses pressure-tight sure for assessing the quality of mineral
containers to ensure the recovery of all analysis, once the quality of the elemental
the fluids contained in the core samples concentrations is established.18
recovered by their new-generation, rotary The second paper discusses the mea-
sidewall-coring tool, Fig. 4. Preventing surement of porosity and fluid saturation
the loss of pore fluids, during core recov- on hydrocarbon source rocks. A compar-
ery and transport, ensures more accurate ison of three independent techniques re-
volumetric determinations of the in-place sulted in discrepancies of up to 20%. The
reservoir hydrocarbons. The coring system paper reviews possible reasons for these
can capture up to 10 1.5- x 2.4-in. samples discrepancies, e.g., equipment-related or
per trip, in a sealed container. A specialized procedural, and proposes different tech-
overpack has been designed to allow safe nical solutions. In addition, the authors
handling and transport of the sealed, pres- present guidelines and recommenda-
surized sample container. The coring sys- tions to improve the accuracy of total po-
tem is rated to 400°F and 25,000 psi, and it rosity, grain density and water saturation
can operate in borehole sizes between 6.75 measurements.19
in. and 12.25 in.15
Conventional-coring workflow. A LABORATORY ANALYSIS
recent paper presented at the Society of Digital rock physics. Traditional core
Core Analysts annual symposium pres- analysis, both RCA and SCAL, can be ex-
ents a generic workflow for the acquisi- pensive and time-consuming, particularly
tion of high-quality conventional cores for relative permeability and pore-pres-
to meet core-evaluation objectives. The sure measurements. DRP delivers a rapid
workflow covers planning and opera- and cost-effective solution for estimating
tional aspects that must be considered, macroscopic rock properties (e.g., poros-
e.g., equipment, core preservation, trans- ity) and pore-scale properties (e.g., per-
portation and storage. Two scenarios are meability and fluid transport dynamics) age analysis and 3D visualization software
presented: 1) unconsolidated sand for in rock samples, at scales ranging from (see World Oil, July 2012, p. 107; and July
special core analysis (SCAL) tests; and whole-core and core plugs down to the 2014, p. 81). These imaging techniques
2) carbonate for routine core analysis subpore (nanometer) scale. This capabil- provide textural information, such as
(RCA).16 A second paper, presented at ity can result in an improved understand- grain and pore size, and specific surface
the same meeting, reviews current wax ing of reservoir petrophysical and flow area, which allows for the estimation of
core-preservation techniques and prac- properties, in terms of rock type, pore porosity and permeability, and informa-
tices, and offers recommendations for structure, texture, and interconnectivity tion about the mineralogy and chemical
improving the preservation of whole-core that can lead to improved predictions of composition of core-plug and cuttings
and core-plug pore fluids, to help assure reservoir performance and, ultimately, to samples, at different resolutions in a rela-
the reliability and representativeness of greater hydrocarbon recovery. tively short period of time.
fluid-saturation measurements.17 DRP combines core-imaging tech- Digital imaging includes multi-scale
Quality control of core measure- niques, e.g., scanning electron microscopy computed tomography (CT) and micro-
ments. Ensuring the quality of core-anal- (SEM) and 3D X-ray computed tomogra- CT, and provides 3D images of the spatial
ysis measurements is an ongoing effort phy (CT), with advanced, multiphase, 3D distribution of grains, pores, and pore flu-
(see World Oil, July 2013, p. 71). Two flow modeling and simulation capability. ids of the whole core and core plugs. Sim-
recent papers discuss quality-control is- The DRP workflow involves digital imag- ilar to the microscopy techniques, these
sues related to different laboratory mea- ing to resolve pore-scale features, process- images can be used for estimating rock
surements and offer recommendations ing the images to separate the pore phases properties, such as porosity, permeabil-
for improving the accuracy and reliability from the mineral matrix, and simulating ity, pore-size distribution, effective elastic
of these measurements. The focus of the physical process within the 3D model to moduli, and electrical conductivity, but
first paper is on using laboratory mea- determine effective static and dynamic rock at a higher resolution. Integrating imag-
surements of elemental concentrations to properties, e.g., permeability (absolute and ing data acquired at different resolutions
validate “geochemical” (elemental spec- relative), electrical resistivity, and the elas- (scales) helps to improve the reliability
troscopy) log interpretation. This paper tic moduli, in the microstructural model.20 of the results. Advanced, multiphase, 3D
discusses the importance of understand- The SEM methods, typically, include flow modeling and simulation capability
ing and validating core chemistry and high-resolution backscattered electron allow 3D characterization of the miner-
mineralogy, typically obtained via X-ray imaging (BSE), low-resolution energy- alogy, pore structure and flow processes
fluorescence (XRF), inductively coupled dispersive spectroscopy imaging (EDS), of conventional and complex reservoir
plasma (ICP), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and high-resolution focused ion-beam rocks, ranging from the centimeter to the
and Fourier-transform infrared spectros- (FIB) imaging, along with associated im- nanometer scale.
World Oil®/APRIL 2015125

provided by specialized companies and

Fig. 5. Permeability vs. irreducible water saturation (Swirr) for the BSE images and core major oilfield service companies. Some
plugs from a Norwegian Continental Shelf reservoir.29
companies may only provide the digital
1.0 imaging and core/pore-network visual-
Image analysis
ization that enables predictions of static
Experimental data rock properties, while others also provide
0.8 Log (image analysis) modeling of dynamic rock properties
Log (experimental data)
(fluid transport).
0.6 Schlumberger recently introduced its
Swirr, frac

digital rock and fluid analytics service

(CoreFlow). This new service combines
physical core analysis, and digital analysis
of rock and fluid properties, with a new di-
0.2 rect, hydrodynamics (DHD), multiphase,
compositional pore-scale flow simulator
0.0 in a single integrated workflow that en-
0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 compasses rock and fluid characterization,
Permeability, mD simulation and validation. Both the physi-
cal laboratory and digital techniques are
The advantages and value of DRP were techniques and laboratory measurements, applied in the same facility, on the same
discussed in a recent paper by BP geoscien- current imaging techniques may not fully rock samples. The characterization phase
tists.21 The company conducted extensive characterize the microstructural details of includes measurements of basic fluid, rock
field trials, involving static rock-property a rock sample, especially heterogeneous and fluid-rock properties, including PVT
measurements (e.g., porosity, permeabil- rocks, such as carbonates, and this can result data, rheology, fluid-fluid and rock-fluid in-
ity, formation factor, cementation export, in discrepancies (i.e., mismatches) between teraction data, and rock morphology. The
saturation exponent, resistivity index and numerical estimates of mechanical proper- simulation phase, which combines digital
capillary pressure) and measurements ties, based on micro-CT images and labora- rock models, digital fluid models, 3D wet-
obtained using DRP technology. These tory-derived data.20,23 One recent study of a tability distribution, and setup of boundary
results were compared with the results ob- Middle East carbonate reservoir found sig- conditions, measures capillary pressure,
tained using traditional laboratory meth- nificant scatter in DRP predictions that did relative permeability, recovery efficiency,
ods. The project involved conventional not exist in the SCAL data, and that could and flow heterogeneity, by stimulating flu-
reservoirs (permeability ≥1 mD). The au- not be attributed to sample heterogeneity; id flow through porous media, i.e., investi-
thors concluded that DRP technology can a second study found that, regardless of the gating rock-fluid and fluid-fluid interaction
improve evaluation of reservoir quality and approach used, all of the numerical predic- dynamics. The simulator, which has been
quantification of hydrocarbons-in-place, tions overestimated the bulk modulus mea- benchmarked against physical models and
while reducing the cycle time for appraisal sured in the laboratory.24,25 real rocks, accurately simulates the flow
and reducing uncertainty in subsurface de- In contrast, another study involving car- of complex multiphase, multicomponent
scription. However, the technology must bonate reservoirs in a giant Middle Eastern fluid flow through digital rock models
be fully proven and validated—the ability field achieved excellent agreement in DRP- while honoring real pore geometries, even
to use an existing in-house database of sim- predicted and laboratory-derived dynamic at very fine scales. This enables evaluation
ilar measurements obtained using the tra- rock properties.26 DRP capillary-pressure of the effect of mixed wettability, complex
ditional methods is “essential for enabling a and relative-permeability measurements rheologies of fluid phases, and changes in
methodical and thorough validation of this were made at full reservoir conditions on saturation during the production cycles, as
new technology.”21 whole-core subsamples (core plugs). The water drives production. In the validation
In general, DRP-derived trends and re- DRP results were upscaled as whole-core phase, predicted digital core properties
lationships, such as porosity versus perme- composites, to enable comparison with are compared and validated by laboratory
ability, and acoustic-wave velocity versus laboratory SCAL results obtained previ- measurements on the same core plugs.27
porosity, are in very good agreement with ously on core plugs from the same reser- SEM-based imaging techniques. The
laboratory results at larger scales.20 How- voir. The SCAL measurements required presence of matrix-dispersed microcrystal-
ever, operating companies have had differ- six years, while the DRP measurements line quartz (chert) cement in mudrocks
ent experiences with DRP. Several recently were completed in six months. DRP also can have a significant impact on rock brit-
published studies have advised caution allowed the investigation of various wetta- tleness, a mechanical rock property used in
in using DRP as an alternative for labora- bility scenarios and their impact on the rel- the design of fracturing jobs. To estimate
tory measurements. DRP is still an evolving ative permeability results, in a timely man- the amount of chert cement, it’s necessary
technology, and the prediction of effective ner, i.e., within months rather than years. to distinguish it from authigenic or detrital
properties can be affected by a number Within the past few years, the emerg- quartz that also may be present; however,
of factors, including sample bias and the ing technology of digital rock physics has bulk chemical and mineralogical analyses
choice of modeling and simulation param- moved out of academic and operating may not readily provide this information.
eters.22,23 Due to differences in scale (i.e., company research labs (see 2006 article), Cathodoluminescence imaging is sensitive
representative volumes) between DRP and become a viable commercial service to subtle contrasts in trace-element com-
126APRIL 2015/WorldOil.com

position and crystal defects, and this in- able. The proposed methodology requires construction of Pickett plots without pre-
formation can be used to discriminate the good-quality cuttings, between 1 and 2 vious availability of well logs, and estima-
different types of quartz that are present.28 mm in size, and employs a combination of tions of geomechanical properties, such as
In this SEM-based technique, a focused laboratory analyses (porosity and perme- Poisson’s ratio, Young’s modulus and brit-
beam of electrons impinges on a polished, ability), and empirical correlations with tleness index. The method has been tested
thin-section sample and induces it to emit petrophysical properties and parameters. in Western Canada tight sandstone, and it
light that is collected by an optical system. The method allows quantitative evaluation provided good results.32,33
The sample is scanned with the beam, of water saturation, pore-throat aperture,
and the light emitted at each point is mea- capillary pressure, flow units, porosity (or 1. Marsala et al., “Fluid distribution inter-well mapping in multiple
sured to create a map of the optical activity. cementation) exponent m, true formation reservoirs by innovative borehole to surface electromagnetic:
survey design and field acquisition,” IPTC paper 17045, pre-
Variations in cathodoluminescence color resistivity, and distance to a water table (if sented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference,
and intensity indicate contrasts in crystal present). In addition, the method allows Beijing, China, March 26−28, 2013.
defects and trace elemental composition.
This information is used in conjunction
with information on crystal size, crystal Visit
shapes, and fabric, to identify different us at
quartz types in mudrocks. OTC
Estimates of irreducible water satura- Booth#
tion (Swirr) obtained from analysis of BSE- 4527-14
SEM images of reservoir rock thin sections,
give a good match with results obtained
using laboratory porous-plate capillary-
pressure methods, Fig. 5.29 The basis for
this approach is that Swirr is linked closely
to the smallest pores (typically related to
authigenic clays) in the reservoir rock and
the amount of these pores can be estimated
from the BSE images. The technique offers
a fast, cost-efficient and reliable way to es-
timate Swirr of siliciclastic reservoir rocks.
Applications of 3D printers in core
evaluation. Complimenting the develop-
ment of DRP imaging techniques is a nov-
el application of the emerging 3D-printer
technology. These printers are being used
to create physical models from virtual CT-
image-based models of rock cores and pore
networks, i.e., to replicate textural and pet-
rophysical properties of porous rocks to
aid in visualization and to improve under- ...and take advantage of surface artificial
standing of the factors that affect fluid flow lift and pressure boosting technology.
Leistritz Multiphase Gathering and Wellhead
at different scales. The resolution of the
Systems reliably boost production without
pore networks that can actually be printed
separation and lower wellhead pressure
is limited by the capability of current 3D without intervention.
printers. One long-term objective is to sub-
ject these 3D-printed physical models to
laboratory-based physical measurements,
to help validate the DRP-based porosity MULTIPHASE PRODUCTION SYSTEMS
and pore-connectivity predictions of real Multiphase Wellhead & Gathering Systems
and artificial rocks.30,31 Multiphase Blow Down Units
Drill-cuttings evaluation. A meth- Multiphase Annulus Gas Units
odology has been developed that allows a
complete petrophysical evaluation of wells
in low-permeability formations based sole-
ly on drill cuttings. The objective of this
approach is to complement conventional Leistritz Advanced Technologies Corp.
well-log and core-based petrophysical (201) 934-8262swww.leistritzcorp.com/pumps
analysis, and to offer an alternative meth-
od for petrophysical evaluation in wells
where well logs and core data are unavail-
World Oil®/APRIL 2015127

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Oil & Gas Industry

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Symposium, Napa Valley, Calif., Sept. 16-19, 2013.
30. Ishutov, S., and F. Hasiuk, “3-D printing artificial reservoir rocks
to test their petrophysical properties,” AAPG Search & Discovery,
Article No. 41427, 2014. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/
documents/2014/41427ishutov/ndx_ishutov.pdf. Accessed
March 16, 2015.
31. Maslin, E., “The third (3D) industrial revolution?” Offshore
Engineer, 39(10), pp. 44−49, 2014.
32. Ortega, C., and R. Aguilera, “Potential impact of drill cuttings
on the design of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing jobs in tight
gas formations,” paper XXX, Transactions, SPWLA 53rd Annual
Logging Symposium, Cartagena, Colombia, June 16−20, 2012.
33. Ortega, C., and R. Aguilera, “A complete petrophysical evalua-
tion method for tight formations from drill cuttings, only in the
absence of well logs,” SPE paper 161875, SPE Journal, 19(4), pp.
1−12, 2013.

consultant to logging service
companies, with over 40 years
of working experience in
petroleum geology and
petrophysics. He has served as
www.rud.com the SPWLA V.P. of technology
and as editor of SPWLA’s Petrophysics
publication. Mr. Prensky is also a 35-year
member of both AAPG and SPE.

128APRIL 2015/WorldOil.com
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