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Part 1

- What is your name?

+ first name: tên
+ lats name/ surname/ family name: họ
+ middle name: tên lót
- Where do you live/ come form?
+ I live in Ha Tinh province. It's in central Vietnam
- What are you going to do after graduation?
After I graduate, I will continue to study for a master's degree. Hopefully
then I can find a good job in foreign company
- Do you think English will be useful for you in the future?
Of course. I think in the future it will be a common language and very
important if I have good English I can find a good job with high salary
- Do you work or are you student?
+ I ‘m a student. I study Law at TDT university. I’m in my second year.
So I’ll gradute in two years
- What subject do you study?
- Ca sỹ yêu thích: my favorite singer is Justin bieber, he is a very famous
USUK singer, he is Canadian. His songs are usually about the love genre,
listening to his songs makes me feel happy and relaxed.
- Món ăn yêu thích: My favorite food is pho. It is a famous dish of
Vietnam. especially my mom's cooking. Every time it's my birthday, my
mom will cook it for me.
- Tiếng anh: When I was young I thought that English was an unimportant
subject. But now it's the opposite, in the future English is a popular
language all over the world, most jobs need English. If you have good
English, you can easily find a good job and high salary
- Tập luyện thể thao: I like doing sports. When I exercise, I know
Exercise can improve my health. I regularly practice yoga. When I first
started, it was very difficult for me. I was in pain for a long time. After
that, I practiced more. I feel I am healthier, more beautiful. I get sick less
often when I exercise.
- Chuyên ngành: I am majoring in Economic Law. Here we study a lot of
subjects like Contract Law, Company Law, Corporate Law,... They are
very difficult but also very interesting.
- Du lịch: I'm not a busy person, but I can't go to many places. When I live in Ho Chi
Minh City, I really want to go to Vung Tau. I heard Vung Tau is a very beautiful
place. I think I can eat many things from seafood. I also heard there are many
beautiful beaches. Everyone can play at the beach. It would be nice to have someone
walk along the beach with me when the sun goes down.
- Quê hương: My hometown is Ha Tinh. It was a small village in the mountains. This
place is surrounded by mountains, in the middle are fields. The food here is varied
and delicious. We have many festivals about buffalo, drums ... and many places to
visit. You can go to the waterfall, it's layered and clean.

1. Which day of the week do 1. I like the sunday the most of the
you like the most? (Why?) week. It's the weekend, I can rest and
Bạn thích ngày nào trong tuần nhất? (Tại relax. I don't have to study too much.
sao?) I can meet friends, watch movies,
listen to music. I love lying in bed and
using my phone all day
2. I did my homework last night. I am
0. What did you do yesterday very busy. Luckily, I finished all the
evening/last weekend? assignments. Then I clean my
2. Bạn đã làm gì vào tối hôm qua / cuối
tuần trước?
bedroom. My mother said my room
was very dirty and needed cleaning

3. When I was young I thought that English

0. Do you think that English will was an unimportant subject. But now it's the
be useful for you in the opposite, in the future English is a popular
future? (Why/Why not?) language all over the world, most jobs need
English. If you have good English, you can
Bạn có nghĩ rằng tiếng Anh sẽ hữu ích easily find a good job and high salary
cho bạn trong tương lai? (Tại sao tại sao
4. I lived with a girl when I was in
0. Tell us about the people you
college. She is my best friend. She is
live with.
very beautiful and friendly. She cooks
Cho chúng tôi biết về những
very well. She often cooks rice for me
người bạn sống cùng.
to take to school. When my friends at
school saw that my rice was really my
rice, they were very surprised. She is
really good
1. What kind of websites do 5. I like music websites. I can listen to
you like? (Why?) many genres of music from many
5. Bạn thích loại trang web nào? countries. When I listen to music, I
(Tại sao?) feel relaxed. These websites would be
better if it didn't have ads. But I listen
to free music so I'm fine too. I often
listen to music in Nhacuatui or MP3
2. What are you going to do
6. I will finish my homework. Then I
next weekend?Which do you
will clean my room. I think my room
prefer, the morning or the
needs cleaning.
afternoon? (Why?)
Bạn định làm gì vào cuối tuần I love doing yoga. I usually practice
tới? Bạn thích làm gì, buổi sáng in the morning. I feel I'm getting
hay buổi chiều? (Tại sao?) better. I get sick often. When I start
doing yoga in the morning. I feel I am
healthier. I am so happy about that
3. Tell us about a relative you
like spending time with.
7. Hãy cho chúng tôi biết về một
người thân mà bạn muốn dành
7.I want to spend more time with my
thời gian cùng.
mother. I am very busy with my
studies. My mother took great care of
me. I want my mother to cook. I can
learn to cook from my mother and
talk to her.
4. What kind of films do you 8. I like to watch romantic movies. I
like? often watch movies from Korea. The
Bạn thích thể loại phim nào? film will talk about the love between
couples and families. They had a lot
of problems. They are angry with
each other, do not want to see each
other again. I was not happy then. But
later on, they understood each other
better. I usually watch movies with
happy endings
9. I like listening to V Pop music. I
5. What’s your favourite type of
like Son Tung singer. He sings very
music? (Why?)
well and has many good songs. His
Loại nhạc yêu thích của bạn là
music is fun and upbeat. I remember
the lyrics very quickly. When I listen
to music, I feel relaxed
6. Tell us about a teacher you 10. I love my teachers very much. but I
like. really want to say thank you to my music
teacher. I'm not good at singing, I'm shy
Hãy cho chúng tôi biết về một when I sing in front of people. I think people
giáo viên mà bạn thích. will laugh at me. My teacher talked to me
many times. She taught me about music.
When I was scared, she helped me. Now I
can sing for everyone. I can make many new
friends. I'm very happy
7. How often do you use a
mobile phone? 11.I often use the phone. I use the
Bạn có thường xuyên sử dụng phone for a full day. From the time I
điện thoại di động không? wake up to the time I go to bed.

8. Which time of year do you

like the most? (Why?) 12. My favorite summer of the year.
Thời gian nào trong năm bạn When summer comes, I can take a
thích nhất? (Tại sao?) vacation and not have to go to school.
I can do what I want and meet more
people. I will have long trips without
having to be busy studying.

9. Which do you like best, the

morning or the afternoon?
Bạn thích thời điểm nào nhất, 13. I like the afternoon the most. I
buổi sáng hay buổi chiều? (Tại don't like being too hot or too cold.
sao?) This is about the time I get the job
done. I will soon be relaxed.
10. Tell us about sports
you like. 14. I like doing sports. When I exercise, I
know Exercise can improve my health. I
regularly practice yoga. When I first started,
it was very difficult for me. I was in pain for
a long time. After that, I practiced more. I
feel I am healthier, more beautiful. I feel I'm
getting better. I get sick often. When I start
doing yoga in the morning. I feel I am
healthier. I am so happy about that

15. 9

0. What type of music do you 16. I often go out with friends or

like listening to? family. I'm going to have coffee with
my friends. Meet more people. We'll
1. Tell us what you do in the talk we've been through. My family
school holidays. often has long trips. We will travel to
Hãy cho chúng tôi biết bạn làm many places.
gì trong những ngày nghỉ học.
17. I want to practice a new sport. I
want to practice swimming. I am
afraid of water. i know swimming it
2. What new hobby would you
can help me. My school has 2 pools.
like to try? (Why?)
When I go back to school, I will sign
Bạn muốn thử sở thích mới
up for the swim club.
nào? (Tại sao?)

18. I like going out for coffee with my

friends. I get to try new drinks and
3. Where do you like to go with
new cakes. We can talk to each other
your friends? (Why?)
and meet friends
Bạn thích đi đâu với bạn bè của
mình? (Tại sao?)
19. I often go to my friend's house.
4. What do you usually do on
We will also go to school. I feel very
your journey to school every
happy when someone talks to me on
day? Which is your favourite
the way to school.
meal of the day? (Why?)
Bạn thường làm gì trên hành I love lunch. I usually get up very
trình đến trường mỗi ngày? late. I have very little time to eat
Bữa ăn yêu thích nhất trong breakfast. Because of that, I was very
ngày của bạn là gì? (Tại sao?) hungry at lunch. My mother usually
cooks a lot of food for lunch.
20. My favorite actor is Tran thanh.
He is a very talented man. He can be
MC, actor, singer. When he acted, I
5. Who is your favourite actor?
felt like I was that character. Tran
Thanh's movie "Ba Gia" made me cry
Diễn viên yêu thích nhất
a lot.
21. My hometown is in Kon Tum city. It is
a small town in the mountains. My
6. What do you like about the hometown has many ethnic people with
area where you live? (Why?) many different cultural traditions. I like the
food here, there are a lot of strange dishes.
Everyone who ate it was surprised and
Điều bạn thích về nơi ở happy. We have many festivals about
buffalo, drums... and many places to visit.
You can go to the waterfall, it's layered and
22. I enjoyed visiting my grandfather
and grandmother. They are very
friendly people. When I arrived at
their house, they greeted me with the
7. Tell us about the people you most cheerfulness. My grandparents
like visiting. cooked a lot of good food. I also
listen to fairy tales.
(Ngươi bạn muốn tới thăm)

Part 2

- Serious: nghiêm túc

- to focus: tập trung/ chăm chú
Part 3
- book:
+ boring, it's an outing, she should relax
- cheese
+ difficult to play in the car, when the car shakes the pieces can fall
- music player
+ she should be active with everyone
- laptop
- Note book: she can do her homework when she comes back
- drawing instruments: it's very difficult to draw when the car is moving
1, Beach
- can go swimming, sand castle build. Sunbathe and windsurfing
- There are many students so teachers can't manage all of them, which can
be dangerous like drowning
2, cinema
- see movie and enjoy popcorn with soft drinks
- it's boring, students just watch and don't do any activities together
3, horse farm
- try horse riding. It’s interresting.
- it is quite dangerous because most students have never ridden a horse,
there are difficult horses that can injure students
4, exhibition (eksəˈbiSH(ə)n
- visit and enjoy different art paintings, in addition can learn more things
- the exhibitions are pretty boring and I think the students won't like them
5, Ancient castle
- go sightseeing and take a lot of photo
- boring, I think there should be something more fun
1, do a lot of shopping
- they can buy many things like clothes, shoes and souvenirs
- they can buy clothes anywhere, they should spend time on more
interesting activities
2, exhibition (eksəˈbiSH(ə)n
- visit and enjoy different art paintings, in addition can learn more things
- the exhibitions are pretty boring and I think they won't like them
3, take a lot of photo
- they can both sightseeing and take beautiful pictures as a souvenir
- they can do other things while taking pictures
4, sample local food
- enjoy delicious and special food
- If they eat unsuitable food, they may get stomachache
5, cycling
- they will have activities together, i think it will be fun
- not suitable when in the capital
1, museum
- learn about history
- boring
2, park
- play fun games together and relax. It will be fun
- it’s very normal
3, zoo
- see lots of animals and give them food. learn things about animals and
4, the theater
- they can watch music performance
5, Ancient castle
- go sightseeing and take a lot of photo
- boring, I think there should be something more fun
6, boat tour
- go sightseeing and take a lot of photo
- sailing can be dangerous
1, go fishing
- Enjoy the fresh air, relax your mind
- tired, take time
2, Cook
- learns to cook delicious food for himself
- Tired of cleaning up after cooking
3, go swimming in the pool
- relax the body, exercise health
- crowded
4, Dog walking
- just breathe in the fresh air and walk to exercise
- One week he commutes a lot and I don't think he needs to walk any more
5, join the party
- meet friends, enjoy music
- I think it's better to take time for yourself on weekends
6, go out and draw
- interesting, can enjoy the view
- Painting requires a lot of tools and it's quite annoying
7, reading books
- relax at home,
- boring
A: what do you think about the cinema. Because they can see movie and enjoy
popcorn with soft drinks. Do you agree with me?
B: That’s a great idea, but in my opinion they should go to the horse farm. so
they can try horse riding. It’s interresting. What do you think?
A: I’m not sure, because it’s very dangerous. Personally, I think go to the
beach. Because they can go swimming, buid sandcastles. Sunbathe or go
sailing. How do you feel?
B: I see what you mean, but they can tired. I’m pretty sure that the museum
they can learn about history. Do you think so?
A: No I don’t think so. Because it’s boring. Ancient castle is a suitable choice
because they can go sightseeing and take a lot of photo. Do you think my idea
is right?
B: yeah I think you’re right.

A: What do you think about the museum. Because they can learn about
history. Do you agree with me?
B: That’s a great idea. But in my opinion they should go to the zoo. Because
thay can see lots of animals and give them food. What do you think?
A: I’m not sure bacause it’s boring. Peronally, I think go to the theater they can
watch music performance. How do you feel?
B” I’m pretty sure that the park. They can play game and relax. It will be fun.
Do you think so?
A: No I don’t think so. Because it’s very normal. City centre is a suitable choice,
they can go sightseeing and take a lots of photo. How about you?
B: I don’t think. Why don’t they choose Ancient castle because they can go
sightseeing and take a lot of photo. Do you think my idea is right?
B: yeah I think you’re right.

- How about you?
- What do you think?
- Do you agree?

- I agree with you

- Yes, I think so too
- I see you’re poin but
- I’m not sure

Part 1
Sở thích
I have a lot of different hobbies but my favorite is watching movies. When I was child, I liked
TV very much because it had cartoons. When I was growing up, I watched movies from
countries like Vietnam, China, Korea, India, America... I was very happy when I watched
movies. I learn many things, know many words. Watching movies helps me relax after I
study. But when I was in college I didn't have much time to watch movies. I'm very sad but I
have to study hard.
Quê hương
My hometown is Ha Tinh. It was a small village in the mountains. This place is surrounded
by mountains, in the middle are fields. The food here is varied and delicious. We have many
festivals about buffalo, drums ... and many places to visit. You can go to the waterfall, it's
layered and clean.
Địa điểm muốn đi
I'm not a busy person, but I can't go to many places. When I live in Ho Chi Minh City, I
really want to go to Vung Tau. I heard Vung Tau is a very beautiful place. I think I can eat
many things from seafood. I also heard there are many beautiful beaches. Everyone can play
at the beach. It would be nice to have someone walk along the beach with me when the sun
goes down.
Học luật
I am studying law. It's very difficult, it's as hard as learning English. I have to learn a lot of
things that I don't know. At first I didn't want to study but I tried to read more books, hear
about it. I look for apps to learn more, I ask teachers and everyone Now I like it. It helps me
get a good job in the future. Law school is very interesting. I know more information, learn a
lot of legal knowledge. I want to be a good lawyer. I will protect everyone.

Nói về trường
I am a student. I studied law at Ton Duc Thang University. My school is a beautiful place.
We study in a very modern place. My school has swimming pool, tennis court, football
field... All of our students are happy to study at school. We learned a lot of interesting things.
Giáo viên
I love my teachers very much. but I really want to say thank you to my music teacher. I'm not
good at singing, I'm shy when I sing in front of people. I think people will laugh at me. My
teacher talked to me many times. She taught me about music. When I was scared, she helped
me. Now I can sing for everyone. I can make many new friends. I'm very happy

Bộ phim yêu thích

My favorite movie The Godfather. I watched it at the cinema. The movie was so good, me
and everyone cried because of it. There are many famous actors who made that movie.
And.... I watched that movie for the first time with my boyfriend

Tiếng anh
When I was little, I didn't like learning English. I got a lot of low marks in the exam. I can't
learn many words. When I'm in high school, I know English is very important. I started to
study English harder. I learn vocabulary. I can't remember much. I studied with my friends. I
feel it's pretty good. I download the online learning app to learn. And now I've passed
university. I need to study more. My English is not good and I need to improve

Tập luyện thể thao

I like doing sports. When I exercise, I know Exercise can improve my health. I regularly
practice yoga. When I first started, it was very difficult for me. I was in pain for a long time.
After that, I practiced more. I feel I am healthier, more beautiful. I get sick less often when I

1. Tôi đã từng đi chơi rất nhiều nơi. 1. I used to go to many places. But
Nhưng vào hè năm ngoái tôi đã sử last summer I spent 12 hours going to
dùng 12 tiếng đi Hà Nội bằng xe Hanoi by coach. It made me very tired
coach. Nó làm tôi rất mệt nhưng khi but when I arrived in Hanoi I was
tới hà nội tôi đã rất vui. Nó là một địa very happy. It is an interesting place.
điểm thú vị.
2. I prefer to go by car. I want
2. Tôi thích đi ô tô hơn. Tôi muốn sự comfort. I usually bring a lot of things
thoải mái. Tôi thường mang rất nhiều and when I take the bus, I will go with
thứ và khi Đi xe buýt sẽ đi chung với many people. The bus will go slower,
nhiều người. Xe buýt sẽ đi chậm hơn, I want to go quickly to the
tôi muốn đi nhanh tới địa điểm. destination.
3. Tôi đã từng đi máy bay tới hà nội. 3. I used to fly to Hanoi. Flying is
Đi máy bay rất là nhanh. Nếu đi bằng very fast. If I go by coach I will have
coach tôi sẽ phải sử dụng 12 giờ thì to use 12 hours, then I go by plane for
tôi đi máy bay chỉ mất 2 giờ. khi tôi ở only 2 hours. When I'm on the plane, I
trên máy bay, tôi nhìn thấy rất nhiều see a lot of things. I can take many
thứ. Tôi có thể chụp nhiều bức ảnh good pictures.
4. I don't like it. I can select more
4. Tôi không thích nó. Tôi có thể chọn options faster. Train makes me very
nhiều lựa chọn nhanh hơn. Tàu hỏa tired, it often shakes. There are so
khiến tôi rất mệt mõi, nó thường many people around me, I think it's
xuyên rung lắc. Có rất nhiều người ở best to go by car.
xung quanh tôi, tôi nghĩ thích hợp
nhất là đi bằng ô tô của tôi.
5. I think it's very important. We need
5. Tôi nghĩ nó rất quan trọng. Chúng
ta cần bảo vệ môi trường. Tôi mong to protect the environment. I wish the
muốn trái đất sẽ sạch sẽ và đẹp trong earth will be clean and beautiful in the
tương lai. future.We can save money on petro

1.Tôi thích tặng quà cho người khác. 1.I love giving gifts to others. I think I
Tôi nghĩ tôi không cần bất kì sự kiện don't need any events to give people.
nào để tặng mọi người. Nếu tôi thích If I like them, I want to give them
họ, tôi muốn tặng họ những gì tôi và what I and they like. It's my way of
họ thích. Nó là cách tôi thể hiện tình showing affection.
2. Có rất nhiều sự kiện đã qua. Tôi
2. There are many past events. I think
nghĩ tôi đã mua cho mẹ một khăn
I bought her a scarf. I ordered the
choàng cổ. Tôi đã đặt khăng choàng
scarf online, it was shipped to my
cổ trên mạng, khăn được ship tới nhà
house very quickly. My mother is
tôi rất nhanh. Mẹ tôi rất là vui, tôi
very happy, I am also happy for that.
cũng vui vẻ vì điều đó.
3. Tôi nghĩ là tiền. Tôi rất thích tiền.
Khi tôi đã tặng tôi một khoản tiền khi 3. I think money. I really like money.
tôi học đại học. Khi tôi nhận được When I gave me some money when I
tiền, tôi có thể mua nhiều thứ tôi was in college. When I receive the
muốn. Mọi người sẽ không phải suy money, I can buy as many things as I
nghĩ nhiều họ sẽ tặng tôi món quà gì. want. People won't have to think
much of what gift they will give me.
4. Mọi người thường tặng quà nhau
vào dịp sinh nhật.Mọi người thường
tặng những món đồ dễ thương hoặc
4. People often give each other gifts
vật dụng trong nhà. Tôi nghĩ nó rất
on birthdays. People often give cute
tuyệt vời. Mọi người rất vui khi họ có
things or household appliances. I
quà và sẽ không nghĩ họ già hơn.
think it's great. People are happy
when they have presents and won't
think they're older.

1. Tôi thích đi tới nơi có biển. Quê 1. I like to go where the sea is. My
hương tôi ở núi và tôi rất thích biển. hometown is in the mountains and I
Tôi có thể đi dạo bờ biển cùng với like the sea very much. I can go to the
người yêu. Nó rất lãng mạng. Tôi rất beach with my lover. It is very
thích đồ ăn biển, nó rất là ngon. romantic. I love seafood, it's very
2. Tôi chưa từng đi nơi nào với
trường. Tôi rất mong muốn có thể đi 2. I never went anywhere with the
với bạn bè ở trường. Chúng tôi có thể school. I look forward to being able to
nói chuyện nhiều hơn, tìm hiểu nhiều go with my friends at school. We can
địa điểm. talk more, learn more places.
3. Quê tôi có một cái hồ rất đẹp,
chúng ta có thể ngồi gần bờ hồ, nó rất
3. My hometown has a very beautiful
thoải mái khi bạn mệt mỏi. Nếu
lake, we can sit near the lake, it is
muốn, có thể thuê thuyền giữa hồ để
very comfortable when you are tired.
ngắm nhìn địa điểm. Phí thuê rất
If you want, you can rent a boat in the
không đắt.
middle of the lake to see the place.
4. Tôi rất muốn đi nhật bản. Tôi muốn Rent is very inexpensive.
ăn những món ăn của nhật và ngắm
hoa anh đào. Ở việt nam có nhiều
món ăn ở nhật nhưng tôi nghĩ mình 4. I really want to go to Japan. I want
nên tới nhật để thử chúng. Nhật bản to eat Japanese food and see cherry
có rất nhiều phim hoạt h, tôi muốn đi blossoms. There are many Japanese
thăm quan nơi đã tạo ra nó. dishes in Vietnam but I think I should
go to Japan to try them. Japan has a
5. Tôi nghĩ nó quan trọng. Tôi chưa
lot of anime. I want to visit the place
bao giờ được đi tham quan cùng
that made it.
trường. Tôi nghĩ nó là thời gian tốt để
mọi người có thể học hỏi và nói
chuyện nhiều với nhau. Mọi người có
5. I think it's important. I never got to
thể chơi trò chơi ngoài trời với nhau,
go on a school tour. I think it's a good
học sinh thường ngồi nhiều ở bên
time for everyone to learn and talk a
trong lớp, nhà trường cần những
lot together. People can play outdoor
chuyến đi giúp học sinh có những
games together, students often sit
hoạt động.
inside the classroom, schools need
schools to help students with
1. Tôi thích ăn thịt. Tôi không thích 1. I like to eat meat. I don't like to eat
ăn rau, Tôi cảm thấy nó không ngon. vegetables, I feel it's not good. When
Khi tôi ăn thịt, tôi có rất nhiều năng I eat meat, I have a lot of energy.
2. I prefer to eat at a restaurant than at
2. Tôi thích ăn nhà hàng hơn ăn ở home. I don't have to cook and wash
nhà. tôi không phải nấu ăn và rửa dishes. Chefs usually cook very well.
chén. đầu bếp thường nấu ăn rất ngon. I want to relax after I study hard.
Tôi muốn bản thân thoải mái sau khi
3. I usually go out to eat once a week.
tôi tôi học tập mệt mõi.
I often go on Sundays. I really like
3. Tôi thường đi ra ngoài ăn một lần Japanese food, so I will go to a
một lần một tuần. Tôi thường xuyên Japanese restaurant.
đi vào chủ nhật. Tôi rất thích món ăn
4. I love to cook but I don't have
của Nhật nên tôi sẽ tới quán ăn nhật
much time. If I have time to go back
to my hometown, I will be the one to
4. Tôi thích nấu ăn nhưng tôi không cook for my whole family. I really
có nhiều thời gian. Nếu tôi có thời like that
gian về quê, tôi sẽ là người nấu cho cả
5. I ate rice and some meat. I eat
gia đình tôi. Tôi rất thích điều đó
barbecue. I think I like grilled food. I
5. Tôi đã ăn cơm và một ít thịt. Tôi ăn ate a lot of rice and meat. I am very
thịt nướng. Tôi nghĩ tôi thích món ăn happy for that.
nướng. Tôi đã ăn rất nhiều cơm và
6. My family usually eats eggs if they
thịt. Tôi rất hạnh phúc vì điều đó.
don't want to cook too much but I
6. gia đình thường ăn trứng nếu họ don't like eggs. I feel it is not
không muốn nấu ăn quá nhiều nhưng delicious.
tôi không thích ăn trứng. Tôi cảm
7. We usually eat at home. My mom
thấy nó không ngon.
cooks very well. I will cook from time
7. Chúng tôi thường ăn ở nhà. Mẹ tôi to time but I prefer to eat my mother's
nấu ăn rất ngon. Tôi thỉnh thoảng sẽ cooking. I feel very comfortable
nấu ăn nhưng tôi thích ăn đồ mẹ nấu eating at home. I think eating at home
hơn. Tôi cảm thấy rất dễ chịu khi ăn ở will be cleaner and cheaper.
nhà. Tôi nghĩ ăn ở nhà sẽ sạch sẽ và
rẻ hơn.

Nhìn vào bức tranh tôi nhìn thấy rất Looking at the picture I see a lot of
nhiều người. tôi nghĩ đây là một nhà people. I think this is a restaurant. I
ăn. Tôi nghĩ đây là buổi trưa, trời rất think it's noon, it's very bright and
sáng và rất nhiều nắng. Tôi thấy rất very sunny. I see a lot of tables and
nhiều bàn và ghế. trên bàn có đồ ăn, chairs. There was food on the table, it
trông nó rất ngon. Người đàn ông tôi looked delicious. The man I think is
nghĩ là đầu bếp. anh ấy mặc đồng the chef. He wears a chef's uniform.
phục của đầu bếp. anh ấy đội một cái He wears a big red hat, a white shirt
mũ to màu đỏ, mặc một cái áo sơ mi and a red scarf. He is cooking food.
trắng và có khăn quàng màu đỏ. Anh
People around me think they are
ấy đang nấu đồ ăn. mọi người xung
customers. They are looking at the
quanh tôi nghĩ là khách hàng. Họ
đang nhìn đầu bếp. Tôi nghĩ họ đang chef. I think they are looking forward
rất mong chờ món ăn to the food

Nhìn vào bức tranh tôi thấy có 4

người, một người phụ nữ, một người
đàn ông và hai đứa trẻ : một cô gái và
một chàng trai. Tôi nghĩ họ đang ở
trong nhà, có thể đây là nhà bếp. Tôi
nhìn thấy một ít sữa, dâu tây, nho,
bánh. Gia đình đang nói chuyện và
đang ăn rất vui vẻ. Tôi thấy mọi
người đều cười. người cha khoảng 40
tuổi, ông ấy tóc đen và mặc áo đen.
Tôi đoán ông ấy sẽ uống nước cam.
Người mẹ và hai đứa con nhìn người
cha. có thể ông ấy đang nói một câu
chuyện vui nào đó.
Part 3
I - Choose ideas (good) Tôi - Chọn ý tưởng (tốt)
What about/ How about + N/ + Ving? What about / How about + N / + Ving?
Why don’t we choose …….? Tại sao chúng tôi không chọn …….?
I think it is a good idea for us to Tôi nghĩ chúng ta nên chọn… ..
choose….. ……. là một sự lựa chọn phù hợp vì
……. is a suitable choice because Hãy nói về …….
Let's talk about ……. Chúng ta nên chọn ……. bởi vì
We should choose……. because
II - Choose ideas (bad) II - Chọn ý (xấu)
I don’t think ….. Is a good idea because ….. Tôi không nghĩ… .. Là một ý kiến hay vì… ..
We shouldn’t choose ……. because Chúng ta không nên chọn ……. bởi vì
It is not a good idea for us to Không phải là một ý kiến hay để chúng ta lựa
choose…….because chọn …… .vì
…….doesn’t bring any advantages …… .không mang lại bất kỳ lợi thế nào
III - Ask partner III - Hỏi đối tác
Do you think so? Bạn có nghĩ vậy không?
What about you/ How about you? Thế còn bạn? CÒn bạn thì sao?
What do you think about it? Bạn nghĩ gì về nó?
Do you agree with me? Bạn có đồng ý với tôi không?
Do you think my idea is right? Bạn có nghĩ rằng ý tưởng của tôi là đúng?
IV - Agree IV - Đồng ý
I totally agree with you. Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với bạn.
You are right Bạn đúng rồi
I think so tôi nghĩ vậy
I can’t agree with you more. Tôi không thể đồng ý với bạn nhiều hơn.
It is exactly what I think Nó chính xác là những gì tôi nghĩ
I agree with you tôi đồng ý với bạn
Your idea is great Ý tưởng của bạn thật tuyệt
That’s exactly what I think Đó chính xác là những gì tôi nghĩ
V - Disagree V - Không đồng ý
Sorry but I don’t think so Xin lỗi nhưng tôi không nghĩ vậy
You seem right, but…. Bạn có vẻ đúng, nhưng….
I’m afraid that I can’t agree with you Tôi sợ rằng tôi không thể đồng ý với bạn
This is what you think, but Đây là những gì bạn nghĩ, nhưng
You may be right, but Bạn có thể đúng, nhưng
Sorry, but I don’t agree with you about it Xin lỗi, nhưng tôi không đồng ý với bạn về
điều đó
VI - Decision VI - Quyết định
In the end, we think …… is the most suitable Cuối cùng, chúng tôi nghĩ …… là sự lựa
choice chọn phù hợp nhất
Finally, we choose …… is the best option Cuối cùng, chúng tôi chọn …… là lựa chọn
tốt nhất
Totally, …………… is our last choice Hoàn toàn, …………… là lựa chọn cuối
cùng của chúng tôi
Let’s agree to disagree (dùng trong trường Hãy đồng ý để không đồng ý (dùng trong
hợp cả 2 ko đồng ý với nhau) trường hợp cả 2 không đồng ý với nhau)

Shall I or will you?

Shall I start first?
You start first, please!

Do you have any more ideas?

It's a great idea, I think it's very good. I will think about it


Phần 1: một số câu hỏi bản thân.

1. My favorite/hobbies (Sở thích):

I have a lot of hobbies but my favorite is Tôi có rất nhiều sở thích nhưng tôi thích nhất
playing games and going to bed whenever I chơi game và đi ngủ mỗi khi tôi có thời gi
have free time. I like to play games with my rảnh. Tôi thích chơi game cùng với bạn bè c
friends because it's much more fun than mình bởi vì nếu tất cả đều chơi chung sẽ v
playing alone. I also love to sleep because I hơn nhiều so với việc chơi một mình. Tôi cũ
can relax and keep my focus after a day of rất thích ngủ bởi vì tôi có thể thư giãn và g
studying. được sự tập trung cho bản thân sau một ng
học tập.

2. My countryside (Quê hương):

My hometown is in Quang Ngai city. It was Quê của tôi ở thành phố Quảng Ngãi. Đó
a city located between the sea and the một thành phố nằm ở giữa biển và núi. Thà
mountains. My city has a lot of beautiful phố của tôi có rất nhiều cảnh đẹp nhưng thu h
sights, but the most attractive are the nhiều người nhất chính là những bãi biển. B
beaches. The beach in my hometown is very biển quê tôi rất sạch, nước biển có màu xanh
clean, the sea is blue and on the shore are trên bờ là những bãi cát vàng rất tuyệt vời. T
wonderful golden sands. I love going to the rất thích đi biển và thường đến đây cùng g
beach and often come here with my family in đình vào mùa hè bởi vì tôi thích nghe tiế
the summer because I like to hear the sounds sóng đập vào bờ biển.
of the waves crashing on the beach.

I love to travel, especially I want to travel Tôi rất thích đi du lịch, đặc biệt là tôi muốn
with my friends. I love winter so I want to go du lịch cùng với bạn bè của mình. Tôi rất thí
to Da Lat again with my friends. I went here mùa đông nên tôi muốn đến Đà Lạt một l
once with my family, I can't forget the nữa cùng với các bạn của tôi. Tôi đã đến đ
special food here, it tastes very different một lần cùng gia đình, tôi không thể quên đư
from other places I've been to. And it's great những món ăn đặc biệt ở đây, nó có vị ngon
to go with your lover on the streets of this khác những nơi tôi đã từng đến. Và thật tuy
foggy city :))) vời nếu được đi cùng người yêu của mình tr
những con đường của thành phố đầy sương m
này :)))
3. Location/ Travel (Địa điểm/ du lịch):
4. Subjects in University (Môn học ở Đại học).

I am a student of Law faculty and I have Tôi đang là sinh viên khoa Luật và tôi đã học
been studying here for 2 years. I chose this đây được 2 năm. Tôi chọn ngành này bởi vì
industry because I love it and really want to yêu thích nó và rất muốn trở thành một luật
be a lawyer in the future. This is a very trong tương lai. Đây là một môn quá trình h
difficult course to learn, but I think I can do rất khó khăn nhưng tôi nghĩ mình có thể ho
it well if I try my best. thành nó thật tốt nếu cố gắng hết sức.

Câu hỏi: (Week7-Day1), (Week8-day2), (Week10-Day1,2)

1. What do you use the Internet for? 

2. Do you like sport? 
3. Would you like to learn to play a musical instrument? Why (not)? 
4. How do you usually travel to school? Why? 
5. What’s your favourite kind of film? Why? 
6. Tell us about the clothes you like wearing. 
7. Tell us about your favourite food and drink. 
8. What did you do yesterday? 
9. Do you like playing computer games? Why(not)? 
10.Which famous person would you like to meet? Why? 
11.What’s the best holiday you’ve ever had? 
12.Tell us about your English classes. 
13.Which sport would you like to try in the future? Why? 
14.What do you usually do in the morning before school? 
15.Tell us about an interesting place you’ve visited. 
16.What thing could you not live without? Why? 
17.What did you do last weekend? 
18.What is your favourite time of year? Why? 
19.Where did you go on your last holiday? 
20.What are you going to do next weekend? 
21.Where do you like to go with your friends? 

I. Travelling: (Week 7 Day 2)

1. Do you like travelling? (Bạn có thích đi du lịch không?)
- I do enjoy travelling a lot because… Besides,…
2. What is your favorite holiday destination? (Điểm đến yêu thích trong kì
nghỉ của bạn?)
- The paddy field is boundless and peaceful (cánh đồng lúa bát ngát và
rộng mênh mông).
- I like to hear the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach (Tôi thích
nghe âm thành của sóng vỗ vào bờ).
- I like to sample Korean foods (Tôi thích những đồ ăn thử ở Hàn Quốc).
- The wind on the top of mountains dispels the heat of summer (Những
ngọn gió trên đỉnh núi xua tan đi cái nóng mùa hè).
3. What do you often do on your holiday? (Bạn thường làm gì vào kì nghỉ
của mình?)
- I have a little get-together to celebrate the holidays/ hang out with my
- I hectic life of students/ get away from
- I adventurous holiday trip/ chill out (đi du lịch mạo hiểm/ đi thư giãn)
4. How often do you travel with your family? (Bạn thường đi du lịch với gia
đình ntn?)
- I often… Because… we cannot afford/ we are all busy with work and
5. Where in the world would you most like to visit? Why? (Nơi nào trên thế
giới mà bạn muốn đến thăm nhất?Tại sao?)
- Build self – confidence
- Build friendships
- Safe/ dangerous
- Understand culture
- Learn social skill
- Broaden knowledge
- Put learning into practice
- See differences in cultures
6. Which do you prefer, travelling by car or travelling by bus? (Bạn thích đi
bằng ô tô hay đi bằng xe bus?) - bus
- Faster/quicker/slower (nhanh hơn/ chậm hơn)
- More convenient (thuận tiện hơn)
- More friendly to the environment (thân thiện hơn với môi trường)
- Cheaper (giá rẻ hơn)
- More popular (phổ biến hơn)
- Bring more comforts (mang lại nhiều tiện nghi hơn).
7. Is it important for schools to take students on school trips? Why/ Why
not? (Trường học đưa học sinh đi tham quan có quan trọng không? Tại
sao có và tại sao không?)
8. Have you ever been on a really long journey?
9. Have you ever been on an aeroplane?
10. Do you like travelling by train? Why?
II. Where…?
1. Where do you live?
2. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
3. Tell me about your house  There is/ are…
4. What is your favorite room in the house?
5. How often do you clean your room?
6. Do you enjoy doing house chores?
7. What would you like to change anything in your house?
8. Who does the cooking in your house?
9. If you have the opportunity would you like to live somewhere else?
10.What do you like doing in your bedroom?
III. Friends:
1. Do you have any best friends?
2. What do you like doing with friends?
3. Where do you usually go with friends?
4. Do you prefer staying with friends or being on your own?
5. Are friends important?
6. How often do you hang out with friends?
IV. Presents
1. Do you like giving presents to people?Why/Why not?
2. What was the last present you bought for someone?
3. What’s the best present you’ve ever received?
4. When do people give presents in your country?Why?
V. Holiday
1. What kinds of places do you like visiting? Why?
2. Do you visit places with your school?
3. What’s the most interesting place to visit in your city ?Why?
4. Where in the world would you most like to visit? Why?
VI. Activity
1. What activity do you enjoy most doing with your family?
2. Are there any activities you’d like to try in the future?
3. What do you think is the best time of the year to go for a day out?
4. Do you prefer to do activities with your family or friends?
5. Which do you think is more interesting: a day out in the city or a day out
in the countryside?
VII. Foods
1. What kind of food do you like?
2. Do you prefer eating at home or going to the restaurant?
3. How often do you eat out?
4. Do you like cooking?
5. What did you eat last night?
6. Is there any food you don’t like?
7. Where do you usually enjoy meals with your family?
1. Do you study or work? What are you studying?
2. What is your favorite subject at school?
3. What do you like about your school?
4. When did you start learning English?
5. Where did you grow up?
6. Where would you like to live if you have the opportunity?
7. What do you like to do in the future?
8. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
9. Do you enjoy playing sports?
10. What are the most popular hobbies in your country?
11. Tell me about your family
12. Tell me about your last holiday

Phần 2: miêu tả tranh.

 Look at this picture, we can see 2 people playing chess. The 1.

outside is dark, so I think it's the evening. They are in the living
room. On the table, there is a vase of flowers, it’s very beautiful.
At the front, the man seems to be the boy’s father. I’m not sure,
but I think he’s between 42 and 45 years old. He is short and his
head has little hair, he wears a black sweater. Maybe the weather
is cold. He is teaching the boy to play chess.The child is under
10 years old and he also looks very smart but I think that the boy
doesn’t want to play chess because he is not looking forward to

This is a picture about office work. In the middle

of the picture I see a girl who is about 25 years old
with long blonde hair, she is wearing a white shirt
and talking on the phone. Maybe the customer's 2.
phone. Because the picture was taken from her
back, I couldn't see her face clearly. But I can see
she is very busy with many computer screens on
her desk. The screens are filled with numbers. In
the background are her colleagues, all of them
wearing white shirts and having as many computer
screens as she does. Although they're busy, they
look so full of energy.

Look at the picture, I can see 3 kids playing 3.

together with a ball. I think they are playing
together in the park because I can see a lot of
people around. The weather was warm and sunny
and seemed suitable for an outdoor activity. I'm
not sure, but maybe these kids are 12 or 14 years
old. The kid on the left of the photo wears a white
t-shirt inside and a jacket outside, he's wearing
gray pants. The boy in the back has a rather large
build, he wears a checkered shirt and light yellow
pants. The girl who was kicking the ball had a
slim figure, she was wearing a leather t-shirt and a
pair of blue jeans.

Looking at the picture, I see 5 children playing

together. They are building a sand castle together
on the beach. The sky and sea are both soft blue,
so I don't think the weather here is too hot. I'm not 4.
sure but I think these kids are around 14 to 15
years old and they are traveling with their
families. The children are all slim and wear
clothes suitable for playing at sea. The boy on the
far left is quite special because his shirt and hat
are both blue, it matches the sea and sky
background behind.

In the picture I see 3 people cycling together, I think they are a

family cycling together to enjoy the view on a mountain that is
not too steep. The bicycle they use to move is suitable for
mountain climbing terrain. Around them were a lot of green
trees with big white rocks, in the distance were very high 5.
mountains and below was a very large lake. I'm not sure but
maybe the man on the left is the father, in the middle is the
mother and on the right is their son. The father and mother are
about 40 to 43 years old and their son is about 17 to 19 years
old. All three of them were wearing clothes suitable for
mountain biking. The father wears a blue shirt, the mother wears
a green shirt and the son wears a red shirt. They all look very
happy and cheerful.
In the picture I see a lot of people sitting on a bus
or a subway – I think so. It was bright outside so
everyone was probably on their way to work in the
morning or back home at noon. In the front of the
picture, two women are happily talking to each
other. Perhaps they are peers and are going to
work or home together. The woman on the far left
wears a brown leather jacket and has long brown
hair. The woman next to her has short curly black
hair, she wears a gray coat and she holds a phone
in her hand. In behind, there are 4 people, there is
a couple on the left side, behind there is a woman
standing and on the right is an old man sitting. The
old man has a beard and a curly white hair, he
wears a brown khaki shirt, inside is a white shirt,
he looks quite old but still seems very healthy.

Look at the picture, I see 5 kids playing soccer 7.

together on the pitch. The weather seems to be
sunny, very suitable for outdoor activities. Behind
there was a white hous, surrounded by barriers,
perhaps they were used to keep the ball from
rolling out. I think these kids are between 10 to 12
years old because they look so small. There are 2
boys in blue shirts and 3 girls in green shirts. The
boy in the middle is surrounded by other kids, he's
pretty slim and has blond hair, he's wearing a
soccer jersey and blue socks. In front of that boy
was a girl who was also slim but quite tall, she
was wearing a green shirt with number 18 on the
back, I'm not sure but I think she was stopping the
boy from kicking the ball into the goal.

Look at the picture, I can see a lot of people sitting

in a luxury store. It's bright outside, so I think
they're having lunch together. The store is very
well organized and looks very clean. In the middle
of the photo, there is a chef preparing food for his 8.
guests sitting around. He looks pretty young so I
think he's between 30 and 32 years old. He has a
thin build and he looks quite agile. He wears a
chef's suit consisting of a white shirt, a red tie, red
pants, and a red hat. That makes him more
professional with his work. The guests around are
so interested in the work that the chef is doing,
they are looking at him intently.

Look at the picture, I can see a family of 4 people: 9.

the father, the mother and their two children. I
think they are having breakfast together at home
and they look so happy. Outside the sky is blue so
I don't think the weather will be too hot or there
will be rain. There are two glasses of milk on the
table, probably for the kids. The boy is eating
something but I don't know what it is, the others
are eating sandwiches. They ate and talked to each
other happily. I'm not sure but I think the father
and mother are between 40 and 42 years old. Their
two children are between 10 and 15 years old. The
father wears a gray t-shirt, he has black hair and a
friendly face. The mother is wearing an orange t-
shirt, she has short blonde hair and she looks so
pretty when she smiles.

Looking at the picture, I can see a girl sitting and

she is thinking about something, she looks quite
happy. There were a lot of desks and bookcases
around her, there were a lot of people also sitting
around and studying so I thought she was sitting in
the library. The girl sitting in the middle of the
picture is wearing a pink t-shirt, she has long
blonde hair, an oval face, and has white skin,
which makes her innocent and pretty more
beautiful. On the table is an open notebook, maybe
she is studying or writing something in the

Looking at the photo, I see this is a family of 4. A 11.

father, a mother and their two children. I'm not
sure but I think all 4 are in the kitchen and they're
doing different jobs. On the left of the photo, the
father is teaching his daughter, he is wearing a
blue polo shirt, he has black hair and an oval face.
The girl next to her is listening to her father's
teaching, she wears a brown t-shirt, she has long
light blonde hair and looks slim. On the table was
a glass of milk for the father and a glass of orange
juice for the daughter. On the far right, the mother
is sitting on a chair and making a phone call. She
wears a yellow suit, she has black curly hair and a
slightly fat figure. Their son is sitting inside and
he's probably playing a game on his dad's
borrowed phone

Looking at the picture, I see two people playing

together in the snow. I think this is a family of
mother and daughter. The weather looks very cold
because I see a lot of snow around them. On the
left of the photo there is a built snowman, perhaps 12.
this is a work created by a mother and daughter.
The mother looks quite young, I think she is about
35 to 36 years old. She wears a mouse-colored
sweater, a pair of blue jeans, and a red beanie. Her
daughter was wearing warm baby clothes, I think
the child was about 10 years old. The little girl
wears a beanie and a black scarf. They were
playing in the snow together, which made me
think of the coming Christmas.







Looking at the picture, I see 4 people sitting

together. I think they are friends and are sitting at
a cafe. I'm not sure but I think they are
international students from different countries
because I see different facial features. On the right
of the photo, a man with blond hair, he wears a 22.
gray shirt and has a very bright smile. Next to her
was a girl with long, colorful hair, she was
wearing a white t-shirt, her black complexion was
beautiful and luxurious. The girl on the left is
beautiful, she has long blonde hair and an oval
face, she has a very bright and beautiful smile.
The man next to her has a round face but is very
handsome, he has black hair and a rather toned
figure. On their table was cake, orange juice, and
perhaps the other brown glass of water was coffee.

Phần 3: miêu tả tranh nhưng tạo thành đoạn hội thoại nói với mọi người.

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