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Assalamualaikum wr wb, my name is muhammad elang r r and my friend annassa al fauza firanda, firnanda

fitria sari, and refitha rachmadanisya, we want discuss about online pscyhology counseling.

The current pandemic situation makes people unable to do activities face-to-face, so everything is
recommended online. This includes also counseling psychological problems aka mental health. So, what
should be done so that the counseling done can be maximized?

Before finally doing onlinepsychological counseling,you are recommended to evaluate your emotional
state. How's the move? Here's the stage:

1. Take Time Every Day to Check Yourself

The first step to knowing if you're really not okay is to get used to paying attention to your feelings or
emotions. Check your stress response. Can you check with whether your heart is pounding? Do you feel
nauseous? Are you having trouble breathing?

2. Record Your Thoughts and Emotions

This is done by keeping a journal or writing about the difference between having negative thoughts or concerns
and being bound in negative thoughts or anxiety in the future. Value how your actions can affect yourself and
others. If you're attacking someone you love or thinking of hurting yourself, that's a big sign you need to talk to

3. Empathize with Yourself

Realize if you're trying to help yourself and it's ineffective, then it's affecting quality of life, it's time to ask for
help. Because it is currently a pandemic, one way you can do is to do online psychological counseling..
( Elang )
How to Do Online Psychology Counseling

Finding a therapist online is a similar process to seeking therapy in real life. Unless, your counseling sessions
are done virtually with sessions by phone or video.

You can start by filtering referrals from acquaintances or trusted people who can provide recommendations.

It's a good thing that you consider before deciding to do a session by checking the background of his
specialization. Whether the therapist is familiar with substance abuse treatments, specifically dealing with
relationship problems, or anxiety disorders. In addition, also consider what kind of methods are used to solve
the problem.

When starting the session, start by explaining what your problem is and what your expectations are with this
counseling. The principle is almost the same as a face-to-face counseling session, it's just that you do it
Just make sure your network or internet connection is good enough, so that communication can take place
smoothly. Is online counseling effective enough? In the end, this depends on the characteristics of the
person.. (Firnanda)
Advantages of Online Doctor Consultation Chat
Doing an online consultation with a doctor turns out to be very fun as well as profitable.
Especially in situations like today where the COVID-19 outbreak is still spreading. Here are the
advantages that can be felt through online doctor consultation services chat.

1. More Flexible Time

Online doctor consultation is certainly more flexible when viewed from the time side. You can
consult whenever you want and have time. Doctor consultation services are currently even
open for 24 hours. You can contact your doctor whenever you need it without having to waste
a lot of time.

2. Online Doctor Consultation Chat Is More Cost-Effective

Consulting online with a doctor will also make you more cost-effective. You don't have to spend
money on transportation costs. You can do a consultation at home without having to go to the
health service. Of course, this is also very helpful in pandemic times like now when mobility is

3. Online Doctor Consultation Unlimited Location

You can consult wherever you want. You can choose the best doctor without limited location.
You can even contact a doctor who is far away from you. This will certainly make it very easy for
you to reach the best doctors even though they are out of town.

4. Options during emergencies

Online consultation can also be the best option in times of emergency. For example, at night
when the child suddenly has a high fever. You may be in a desperate state and unable to travel
anywhere. Consulting with a doctor online will help you get the best solution. (Refitha)
5. Make It Easier for Doctors to Explain
Through the chatservice, doctors can send a link to an article or journal that contains answers
to patient questions. Doctors will also be more energy efficient when giving explanations.
Patient questions can be answered via chat or voice message according to the ability of the
doctor. Embedding videos and other sources of information will also be easier and more

6. Can Ask More Questions

Patients will have the opportunity to ask more doctors through onlineconsultationservices. You
can get a long consultation time so it is free to ask anything. Take advantage of the consultation
opportunity as much as possible by asking all the things related to the condition of your body.

7. Patients Do Not Feel Ashamed

Many patients out there are embarrassed to tell the doctor about their body condition. The
patient's courage to tell the condition is very important. Through onlineconsultationservices,
patients may not feel embarrassed anymore. Without having to face to face, the patient can
confidently tell the condition experienced in detail. (Annasa)

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