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1.0 Introduction of the Trends in Hospitality Industry.

Hospitality is not only referred to hotels and restaurants, but also to the other types of
institutions that provide people away from their homes with food, shelter, or both. Hospitality
not only provides shelter and food but also variations of services in order to fulfill the guest’s
demands. In the other words, hospitality is an act of kindness in welcoming strangers or
guests and looking after their basic needs. Other institutions such as private clubs, casinos,
resorts, and homestays should also include this type of concept of providing services to ease
the guests. This kind of facility in hospitality has a common problem which is the
management problems regarding the food and shelter. The problem that usually occurs which
is including erecting a building to provide enough heat, light, and electricity to the guest, the
cleanliness of the premises and how to maintain it, supervising staff performances, and
preparing and serving food in a way that can give pleasure to the guests. [ CITATION Cla16 \
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The two largest revenue-generating departments of luxury hotels are the rooms and the
food and beverage department. The food and beverage department offers services such as
breakfast menus, restaurants with fine dining concepts, and room service, which significantly
affect the accommodation for guests. Therefore, the kitchen department provides vital
support to a hotel (Bharwani et al., 2019). With innovative ideas, culinary knowledge, and
elaborate touches, kitchen chefs transform dishes into delicious masterpieces of art that look
extraordinary (Fine 1996). For example; Ferran Adrian’s discovery of new methods that did
not exist before in the field of molecular gastronomy shows that he took action with the most
innovative impulses (Cousins et al., 2010). Accordingly, the fact that the kitchen chefs create
original menus by applying their individual innovative ideas makes the restaurants of the
hotel businesses significantly recognizable (Jolliffe, 2016). For instance, when a kitchen chef,
creates unique dishes and presentations using local, seasonal, or specialty food products and
different cooking methods, it enhances the service innovation performance of the business
(Steinmetz, 2010). In this case, the individual innovativeness of kitchen chefs can
significantly affect the service innovation performance of the food and beverage department
in hotel Businesses (Horng and Hu, 2009). (Tugay & Pekerşen, 2022). The fact that service
innovation performance can be at the desired level in terms of business is related to the
individual innovative movements of employees. In this context, determining the individual
levels of innovation of culinary chefs and obtaining their opinions on the service innovation
performance of the hotel businesses they work in is important for examining the relationship
between individual innovativeness and service innovation performance. Determining the
impact of employees’ individual innovativeness on service innovation performance, helping
hotel businesses improve their innovation performance, and developing new ideas and
applications for the services offered by innovative employees will give businesses long-term
success and competitive advantage. (Tugay & Pekerşen, 2022)
There are many major trends in culinary and gastronomy that have been affected by the
pandemic. The first major trends in culinary and gastronomy are sustainable practices and
mind set. We have been on pandemic for about 2 years, in the culinary and gastronomy
industry has been a lot in this past 2 years. In this trend, more consumers are striving to
support businesses that adopt a sustainable mind set in their business. Ingredients and
packaging provenance are now becoming as vital as the quality of the product. So, consider
how your business can follow responsible ingredient sourcing practices and make moves to
reduce plastic packaging. Take Sainsbury’s, for example, which has pledged to reduce its use
of plastic packaging by 50% by 2025. PepsiCo is another example - the drink manufacturer is
aiming to eliminate all virgin plastic from their branded bottles sold in nine European
countries by 2022 (Vincent, 2021)
Functional food is one of the major trends in culinary and gastronomy. Customers nowadays
did want just want the food that tastes, looks, and smells good. They are also looking at a
particular food that can promote good healthy food in daily lives especially when we are in
the situation of a pandemic. Also known as ‘functional foods, items like vitamin D-fortified
orange juice or yogurt drinks containing probiotics (Activia, Yakult, etc.) are becoming more
popular as consumers care more about what they’re putting into their bodies. This is backed
by research too - the global functional ingredients market was worth an estimated £89.1
million ($64.9 million) in 2018 and is expected to reach £137.3 million by 2025 ($100
million). So, if you’re looking to rejuvenate your sales and regain a competitive edge,
consider if ‘functional foods’ might be your way in. (Vincent, 2021) In the process and
technology trends, we can see that they're already tightening the supply chains, because of the
recent surge in demand for energy, labour and with supply chain problems set to continue
into the New Year, a key focus for businesses in 2022 will be tightening their operations.
There are some ways that you can do that including Being flexible with your sourcing and
distribution strategies (like Kellogg’s, which managed to quickly source a new supplier closer
to home despite COVID-19 restrictions). Modernizing your manufacturing operations and
thinking along the lines of a smart, connected factory, access to real-time data, and full
visibility. (Vincent, 2021)
2.0 Innovation based on the trends
All hoteliers want to leave their guest with a positive memory. Even better if that
guest comes back or shares their experience with others. How can robots help with this? To
put it simply, hotel robots provide a competitive edge over the competition. Robots can free
up the time of human staff and help personalize a guest’s stay. In fact, their use is almost
limitless — with just imagination and cost being limiting factors. (Social Tables, 2017)
The innovation that we choose as in culinary and gastronomy is a thermomixer. The
trends that are related to this innovation is process and technology trends. Thermomixer are
designed to lessen the energy and worker labour in the kitchen. Thermomixer can be your
own assistant in the kitchen, offloading preparation and cooking tasks. Other than that,
Thermomixer also famous for its mealtimes management that can creates your entrée, side
dishes and desserts all at once with the powerful multi-layered cooking feature. So this kind
of innovation was already famous in our country. Its help a chef to manage their time in the
What is a Thermomix? At its simplest, the Thermomix is a food processor and cooker
in one. However, it’s the sheer scope of what this German-designed machine can do that sets
it apart. The Thermomix can cook, boil, simmer and stew; chop and mincemeat, nuts, herbs
and vegetables; blend; make yoghurt; mill rice, nuts and grains into flour; grind coffee, sugar
and nuts; knead dough; whisk; grate; puree and crush. It can replace pretty much every
kitchen gadget you own. The life-changing magic of Thermomix is that it both empowers
users to cook to their fullest potential and provides consultants the opportunity to turn their
passion into a career. (“Do I Need a Thermomix? | What Is a Thermomix? | the Source Bulk
Foods,” 2016)
Even though the thermomixer is very popular among housewives, we suggested on all
kitchens to use it for their own benefit. We also would like to create a bigger thermomixer
that can cook a larger portions of food that the kitchen’s hotel can use it. It is the tools of
marketing strategy to potential an improvement their existing product and services into
international hospitality market and also give the experiences to customers or tourist known
well the brand of company with come out the innovative of technology that is a thermomixer.
Vincent, H. (2021, December 8). 8 food industry trends for 2022. Retrieved June 29,
2022, from website:

Tugay, O., & Pekerşen, Y. (2022). Impact to culinary chefs’ individual innovativeness
levels on service innovation performance. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food
Science, 27, 100472.

‌ he Thermomix® TM6® sets the standard all-in-one multicookers. (2022, February 10).
Retrieved June 29, 2022, from Thermomix USA website:
Social Tables. (2017, October 17). 6 Hotel Brands Leading the Way with Robot
Technology. Retrieved June 29, 2022, from Social Tables website:
Do I Need a Thermomix? | What is a Thermomix? | The Source Bulk Foods. (2016, July).
Retrieved June 29, 2022, from The Source Bulk Foods website:

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