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J Food Sci Technol

DOI 10.1007/s13197-014-1397-4


Optimization of processing conditions to improve antioxidant

activities of apple juice and whey based novel beverage fermented
by kefir grains
Nayereh Sabokbar & Faramarz Khodaiyan &
Marzieh Moosavi-Nasab

Revised: 12 April 2014 / Accepted: 24 April 2014

# Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) 2014

Abstract A central composite design (CCD) was used to Introduction

evaluate the effects of fermentation temperature (20–30ºC)
and kefir grains amount (2–8%w/v) on total phenolic content Several free reactive radicals such as superoxide radical, hy-
and antioxidant activities of apple juice and whey based novel droxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide and peroxide radical, gen-
beverage fermented by kefir grains. The response surface erated by exogenous or endogenous metabolic processes, are
methodology (RSM) showed that the significant second- known to cause oxidative damages in food systems and hu-
order polynomial regression equation with high R2 (>0.86) man body. These free radicals can result in danger diseases
was successfully fitted for all response as function of inde- including cancer, atherosclerosis, hypertension, arthritis, em-
pendent variable. The overall optimum region was found to be physema and cirrhosis (Kehrer 1993). However there is an
at the combined level of 7.56%w/v kefir grains and tempera- inherently anti oxidative system including superoxide dismut-
ture of 24.82ºC with the highest value for total phenolic ase, glutathione peroxidase and uric acid in our body that can
content (TPC) and antioxidant activities. At this optimum protect us from some damages generated by reactive oxygen
point TPC, 1, 1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scaveng- species (ROS), but this system is not enough for protecting
ing, metal chelating effect, reducing power, inhibition of against all of these damages (Simic 1988). Many kinds of
linoleic acid autoxidation and inhibition of ascorbate autoxi- fruits and vegetables are known as natural antioxidant sources
dation were 165.02 mgGA/l, 0.38 ml/1 ml, 0.757 (absorbance which are more desirable than chemical antioxidant. Apple
at 700 nm), 46.12 %, 65.33 % and 21 %, respectively. No (Malus domestica) contains many kinds of polyphenol com-
significant difference (p<0.05) was found between actual ponents such as phenolic acid, flavonol, procyanidin, antho-
values and predicated values. cyanin and catechin. Because of polyphenol existence in fruits
and vegetables that have redox properties, fruits and vegeta-
Keywords Apple juice . Whey . Kefir . Fermentation . Total bles can act as reducing agent, hydrogen donor and singlet
phenolic content . Antioxidant activities oxygen quencher (Rice-Evans et al. 1996). Therefore, antiox-
idant activities of fruits, vegetables and also teas, are contrib-
N. Sabokbar uted to the polyphenol components. Also, proteins from sev-
Department of Food Science and Technology, School of Agriculture, eral animal sources can act as antioxidant. For instance milk
Shiraz University, Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran
protein hydrolysates and individual peptides released after
e-mail: [email protected]
hydrolysis, expressed antioxidant activity against some oxi-
F. Khodaiyan (*) dative components (Suetsuna et al. 2000; Pena-Ramos and
Department of Food Science, Engineering and Technology, Faculty Xiong 2001; Rival et al. 2001). Certain amino acid sequences
of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Campus of Agriculture
like histidin and some hydrophobic amino acids are known as
and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Islamic
Republic of Iran natural antioxidant sources (Suetsuna et al. 2000). Whey is a
e-mail: [email protected] rich source of proteins with high biological value. Whey
proteins include α-lactalbumin (α-La), β-lactoglobulin
M. Moosavi-Nasab
(β-Lg), bovine serum albumin (BSA) and immunoglubolins.
Department of Food Science and Technology and Seafood
Processing Research Group, School of Agriculture, Shiraz β-Lg shows many biological activities such as anti-
University, Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran hypertensive, anti-cancer, hypo-cholesterolemic and anti-
J Food Sci Technol

microbial (Chatterton et al. 2006). Use of lactic acid bacteria Measurement of total phenolic content (Folin–Ciocalteau
in food industry, has been utilized for production of functional assay)
foods in recent years. Kefir made with kefir grains is a re-
freshing, naturally carbonated fermented dairy beverage that The total phenolic content (TPC) of each sample was deter-
has a slightly acidic taste, yeasty flavor and creamy consis- mined according to Folin–Ciocalteau method (Singleton and
tency (Powell et al. 2007). The traditional kefir is produced by Rossi 1965). Briefly, 0.2 ml of diluted beverage was added to
the addition of small kefir grains to fresh milk. Kefir grains are 1 ml of Folin–Ciocalteau reagent (Folin–Ciocalteau reagent
like small cauliflower florets, 1–3 cm in length, lobed, irreg- prediluted 10-fold with distilled water) and shaken well. Mix-
ularly shaped, white to yellow-white in color, and have a slimy ture was allowed to stand at room temperature for 8 min.
but firm texture (La Riviére et al. 1967). Kefir grains contain Then, 0.8 ml of sodium carbonate (7.5 %) was added to
proteins, polysaccharides and complex mixture of microor- mixture, shaken and left at room temperature for 30 min.
ganisms. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeasts have a com- Absorbance was measured at 765 nm. The TPC was assessed
plex symbiotic relationship in kefir grains and responsible for by plotting the gallic acid calibration curve and expressed as
alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation, respectively. Some of milligrams of gallic acid equivalents per liter of sample. The
distinctive features of lactic acid fermentation are growth of equation for the gallic acid calibration curve was Y=89.014
lactic acid bacteria, production of different organic acids, X=34.479 (where X=measured absorbance and Y=concen-
degradation of some anti-nutritional factors such as metal tration of gallic acid equivalents expressed as milligrams of
chelating agents in raw plant materials like phytate, oxalate GA per liter of sample), and the correlation coefficient was
and tanins and decrease in pH (Reddy and Pierson 1994). R2 =0.9751.
In the current study, a central composite design (CCD) was
applied to assay the effect of two independent variables- Antioxidant capacity determination
temperature (20–30ºC) and kefir grains amount (2–8 % w/
v)-on total phenolic content and antioxidant activities of apple Scavenging effect upon 1, 1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl
juice and whey based novel beverage fermented by kefir (DPPH) radicals
grains. Therefore, the objective of this work was to formulate
and find an optimum quantity of independent variables for The free radical scavenging activity of beverages was mea-
accessing the maximum total phenolic content and antioxidant sured by DPPH● using the method of Brand-Williams et al.
activity of this beverage. (1995). Three dilutions of each beverage were prepared.
3.9 ml of a 25 mg/l methanolic solution of DPPH● was added
to 0.1 ml of each diluted samples. Mixtures were shaken well.
The control sample was prepared with the same volume of
Materials and methods methanol instead of beverage. Mixtures were left at room
temperature (in a dark place) for 30 min and after that absor-
Kefir grains were collected from a household in Tehran, Iran. bance were measured at 515 nm. The DPPH● concentration in
The grains were kept in pasteurized milk at room temperature. the reaction mixture was calculated using equation y =
Milk was exchange every 2 days to maintain the grains 35.919A515–1.9031 (R2 =0.9971) as was obtained by liner
viability. The commercial concentrated apple juice and whey regression containing different concentration of DPPH●. The
used in this study were supplied from Alifard (sunich, Iran, % of remaining DPPH was calculated as follow:
Saveh) and Safadasht (Iran, Karaj) cheese making company,
respectively. %DPPH● rem ½DPPH● Št =½DPPH● Št¼0

Where [DPPH●]tand [DPPH●]t=0 were the DPPH● concen-

Preparation of beverage tration of reaction mixture after 30 min (steady state) and
DPPH● concentration of control, respectively. The %remain-
Concentrated apple juice was diluted by whey to brix 14°. ing of DPPH● was plotted against the beverage concentration
Mixture was pasteurized at 60ºC for 30 min. Kefir grains were to obtain EC50. EC50 is the concentration of beverage which
removed from milk, washed with distilled water and then can decrease the initial DPPH● concentration by 50 %. Lower
inoculated to the prepared beverage in different levels (2– EC50 value shows higher radical scavenging activity.
8 % w/v). After that mixtures were incubated at variety
temperature (20–30ºC) for 48 h. Control samples (unferment- Reducing power
ed beverage) contained the same proportion of whey and
concentrated apple juice, but the fermentation process by kefir The reducing power of beverages was measured according to
grains did not apply for it. the Oyaizu’s method (1986). 2.5 ml of each beverage was
J Food Sci Technol

mixed with 2.5 ml of sodium phosphate buffer (0.2 M, pH= ascorbate solution (0.1 ml, 5.0 mM) and phosphate buffer
6.6) and 2.5 ml of potassium ferricyanide (1 %). The mixture (9.8 ml, 0.2 M, pH 7.0). Mixture was placed at 37ºC for
was incubated at 50ºC for 20 min. Then, 2.5 ml of tricloro 10 min and then the absorbance of this mixture was measured
acetic acid (1 %) was added to the mixture and mixture was at 265 nm. The ascorbate autoxidation inhibition rate of the
centrifuged at 1,400 g for 10 min. The upper layer of solution sample was calculated according to the following equation:
(5 ml) was mixed with 5 ml of distilled water and 1 ml of ferric
Inhibition effect ð%Þ ¼ ½ðA1 =A0 Þ−1Š  100
chloride (0.1 %). The absorbance of the mixture was measured
at 700 nm. Greater absorbance shows greater reducing power.

A0 is the absorbance of control and A1 is the absorbance of

Ferrous ion chelating ability
The ferrous ion chelating ability of beverages was measured
Experimental design and statistical analysis
according to the method of Decker and Welch (1990). Briefly,
5 ml of beverage was mixed with 0.1 ml of ferrous chloride
The software Design-Expert (trial version, Stat-Ease
(2 mM) and 0.2 ml of ferrozine (5 mM). The mixture was
Inc., Minneapolis, USA) was used for experimental design,
shaken and allowed to stand at room temperature for 10 min.
regression analysis of the experimental data and quadratic
Then, absorbance was measured at 562 nm. Chelating effect
model building. RSM was used to determine the effect of
of samples was calculated as follow:
two most significant variables namely kefir grains amount
Chelating effect ð%Þ ¼ ðA0 −A1 =A0 Þ 100 (2–8%w/v) and fermentation temperature (20–30ºC) on total
phenolic content, DPPH radical scavenging, reducing power,
Where the A0 is the absorbance of control and A1 is the metal chelating effect, inhibition effect upon linoleic autoxi-
absorbance in the presence of the beverage. The control dation and inhibition effect of ascorbate autoxidation. Thirteen
contains FeCl2 and ferrozine, complex formation molecules. treatments were conducted base on the central composite
design (CCD) each at five coded levels −1.41, −1, 0, 1, 1.41
(Table 1). Experiments were randomized in order to minimize
Inhibition effect upon Lipid Peroxidation
the effects of unexplained variability in the observed response
due to extraneous factors. The responses functions (y) were
The inhibition effect of beverage upon lipid peroxidation was
related to the coded variables (xi, i=1, 2) by a second-order
determined according to Yen et al. (2000). The linoleic acid
polynomial using equation below:
emulsion was prepared by mixing equal volumes of linoleic
acid, Tween 20, and phosphate buffer (0.02 M at pH 7.0). y ¼ b0 þ b1 x1 þ b2 x2 þ b12 x1 x2 þ b11 x1 2 þ b22 x2 2
Samples (0.5 ml) were mixed with 2.5 ml of linoleic acid
emulsion (0.002 M) and 2 ml of phosphate buffer (0.2 M at
The coefficients of the polynomial were represented by b0
pH 7). The reaction mixture was incubated at 50ºC in a dark
(constant term), b1 and b2 (linear effects), b11 and b22 (qua-
place for 10 min, and the degree of oxidation was measured
dratic effects), and b12 (interaction effects). The quality of the
according to the thiocyanate method (Yen et al. 2000). 4.7 mL
fit of polynomial model was expressed by the coefficient of
of ethanol (75 %), 0.1 mL of ammonium thiocyanate (30 %),
determination R2 and R2adj in equation 1 and 2, respectively.
0.1 mL of sample solution, and 0.1 mL of ferrous chloride
In these equations SS is the sum of squares, DF is the degrees
(20 mM) were added sequential in HCl (3.5 %). Mixture was
of freedom.
stirred for 3 min and peroxide value was determined by
reading the absorbance at 500 nm. The relative inhibition of SS residual
R2 ¼ 1− ð1Þ
linoleic acid peroxidation was calculated as below: SS model þ SS residual
Lipid peroxidation inhibition ð%Þ ¼ ðA0 −A1 =A0 Þ 100

Where the A0 is the absorbance of control and A1 is the

absorbance in the presence of the beverage. SS residual=DF residual
R2 adj ¼ 1−
ðSS model þ SS residual Þ=ðDF model þ DF residualÞ
Inhibition effect upon ascorbate autoxidation ð2Þ

The method of Mishra and Kovachic (1984) was used to

determine the inhibition of ascorbate autoxidation. 0.1 ml of All experiments were carried out in triplicate and each
sample or distilled water (control) was mixed with an sample was analyzed in duplicate. The results are expressed
J Food Sci Technol

Table 1 Matrix of the central composite design (CCD) and experimental data obtained for the response variables (yj) (mean ± SD)

Run Block Independent variables Response variables

temperature Kefir grains amount TPC (y1, mgGA/l) EC50 (y2, ml/1 ml) Reducing power Metal chelating
(x1, ºC) (x2,%w/v) (y3, absorbance at 700 nm) effect (y4, %)
1 1 25 5 150.11±2.02 0.45±0.02 0.621±0.03 46.12±0.8
2 1 25 5 150.03±2.33 0.49±0.027 0.728±0.043 46±0.8
3 1 25 9.24 180.21±3 0.29±0.015 0.9±0.047 46.05±0.75
4 1 30 2 95.41±2.91 0.74±0.03 0.114±0.01 45.84±0.84
5 1 25 5 155.23±2.63 0.41±0.02 0.592±0.028 46.19±0.74
6 1 20 8 162.8±3.95 0.44±0.035 0.456±0.025 45.99±0.99
7 1 25 5 165.02±1.99 0.4±0.023 0.728±0.04 46.13±1
8 1 20 2 139.89±3.08 0.57±0.03 0.215±0.024 45.89±0.64
9 1 25 0.76 130.04±1.04 0.6±0.031 0.202±0.02 45.95±0.65
10 1 25 5 157.65±2.65 0.44±0.025 0.667±0.034 46.1±0.9
11 1 17.93 5 145.65±2 0.52±0.035 0.305±0.025 45.8±0.73
12 1 32.07 5 99.97±1.02 0.74±0.035 0.268±0.03 45.88±0.94
13 1 30 8 105.92±3.89 0.63±0.022 0.346±0.025 46.04±0.55
Run Block Independent variables Response variables
temperature Kefir grains Inhibition of linoleic acid Inhibition of ascorbate autoxidation (y6, %)
(x1, ºC) amount (x2,%w/v) autoxidation (y5, %)
1 1 25 5 54.9±0.51 21±0.19
2 1 25 5 50±0.42 17.93±0.13
3 1 25 9.24 71.32±0.6 22.5±0.19
4 1 30 2 26.12±0.34 13.41±0.12
5 1 25 5 62.77±0.54 18.83±0.14
6 1 20 8 53.2±0.46 19.34±0.15
7 1 25 5 60±0.45 17.35±0.2
8 1 20 2 31±0.23 13.33±0.1
9 1 25 0.76 22±0.15 11.64±0.12
10 1 25 5 62±0.47 19.01±0.2
11 1 17.93 5 42.21±0.32 17.25±0.13
12 1 32.07 5 30.34±0.24 18.3±0.12
13 1 30 8 45.11±0.2 20.08±0.21

as means ± SD. Also duncan’s multiple range tests were used The independent and dependent variables were fitted by the
to compare the difference among mean values of beverage’s second-order polynomial equation to the experimental data.
properties at the level of 0.05 and SAS software (version 9.1; Table 2 gives the statistical significance, the linear and qua-
statistical analysis system institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) was dratic equations and the interaction of effects calculated for
used for analysis. each response. As illustrated in Table 2, the insignificant lack-
of-fit for all investigated variables shows that the polynomial
models were satisfactorily accurate for predicting the relevant
responses. Table 2 shows the regression coefficients of the
Results and discussion quadratic polynomial model and corresponding coefficients of
determination (R2) for each dependent variable. The higher
Model fitting and statistical analysis value of R2 shows the desirability of the model to elucidate the
relationships between variables. The R2 values were 0.902,
The negative or positive effects of two independent variables - 0.922, 0.881, 0.860, 0.921 and 0.915, for TPC, DPPH radical
Temperature (x1) and Kefir grain amount (x2) - on dependent scavenging, reducing power, metal chelating effect, inhibition
variables (y) were considered using RSM, and their interactive of linoleic acid autoxidation and inhibition of ascorbate au-
relationship were studied. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was toxidation, respectively. Moreover, adj-R2 and coefficient of
performed to investigate the adequacy of the suggested variation (CV) were estimated to check the model adequacy.
models and identify the significant factors. A higher adj-R2 demonstrates that non-significant terms have
J Food Sci Technol

Table 2 ANOVA for the experimental variables as a linear, quadratic and interaction terms of each response variable

Source DF TPC (mgGA/l) EC50 (ml/1 ml) Reducing power

(absorbance at 700 nm)
Coefficient Sum of square p-value Coefficient Sum of square p-value Coefficient Sum of square p-value
Model 5 155.67 7532.23 0.0022 0.44 0.2 0.0010 0.67 0.65 0.0039
b1 1 −20.75 3442.89 0.0010 0.084 0.056 0.0019 −0.033 8.668E−003 0.4346
b2 1 13.05 1361.67 0.0118 −0.085 0.058 0.0018 0.18 0.27 0.0025
b11 1 −19.64 2683.23 0.0021 0.11 0.085 0.0006 −0.22 0.35 0.0012
b22 1 −3.48 84.35 0.4283 0.018 2.223E-003 0.3694 −0.092 0.059 0.0674
b1b2 1 −3.10 38.44 0.5881 5.000E-003 1.000E-004 0.8446 −2.250E-003 2.025E-005 0.9692
Residual 7 835.27 0.017 0.088
Lack-of-fit 3 681.03 0.0599 0.012 0.1512 0.073 0.0521
Pure error 4 154.24 5.080E-003 0.015
Total 12 8367.49 0.22 0.74
R2 0.9020 0.9216 0.8809
Adj-R2 0.8289 0.8656 0.7957
CV 7.73 9.51 13.78
Adequate 11.02 12.684 7.907
Source DF Inhibition of linoleic acid autoxidation (%) Inhibition of ascorbate autoxidation (%)
Coefficient Sum of square p-value Coefficient Sum of square p-value
Model 5 57.93 2731.31 0.0010 18.12 109.99 0.0003
b1 1 −3.72 110.68 0.1115 0.29 0.66 0.5223
b2 1 13.87 1538.43 0.0003 3.50 98.28 <0.0001
b11 1 −11.48 917.12 0.0012 −0.75 3.86 0.1484
b22 1 −6.29 275.18 0.0240 −1.10 8.38 0.0480
b1b2 1 −0.8 2.58 0.7892 0.16 0.11 0.7930
Residual 7 232.12 10.25
Lack-of-fit 3 117.40 0.3783 2.51 0.7417
Pure error 4 116.34 7.74
Total 12 2565.05 120.24
R2 0.9212 0.9147
Adj-R2 0.8649 0.8538
CV 12.30 6.84
Adequate 10.594 12.058

not been included in the model. Generally, a low CV shows models, these values ranged from 7.907 to 12.684, suggesting
that variation in the mean value is low and satisfactorily good signal-tonoise ratios (Table 2). Comparison between
develops an adequate response model (Baş and Boyaci predicted and actual values for the response variables also
2007). The low CV values (6.84–13.78 %) for the proposed indicated that the polynomial regression models were suitable
models indicate the experiments are high precision and reli- to determine optimum formulation for preparing apple juice
ability. Adequate precision measures the signal-to-noise ratio, and whey novel based beverage with maximum TPC and
with a ratio greater than 4 being desirable. For the proposed antioxidant activity (Table 4).
J Food Sci Technol

Total phenolic content influences the liberation of enzymes derived from the micro-
organisms (Boskov-Hansen et al. 2002). The individual opti-
The data obtained for the TPC indicat that TPC of different mization procedure showed that the beverage fermented with
beverages increased significantly (p<0.05) during fermenta- 6.5 % (w/v) kefir grains at temperature of 23ºC would provide
tion (Table 3). Also, the results in Table 2 show that the the highest TPC (y1 =167.036 mg GA/l).
changes in TPC during fermentation were related to the linear
effect of kefir grains amount and temperature (p<0.05) and Antioxidant activity
the quadratic effect of temperature, but the mutual interaction
of kefir grains with temperature and the quadratic effect of DPPH radical Scavenging
kefir grains were not significant (p<0.05). A possible expla-
nation for increase of TPC during fermentation is related to the One of the most important mechanisms for anti-oxidation is
fact that the metabolic activities of microorganisms in kefir proton-radical scavenging. Proton-radical scavenging with
grains can modify the levels of bioactive components such as DPPH was done in this work. In this method, alcoholic DPPH
different phenolic compounds. During fermentation enzymes solution reduces to the yellow-colored non-radical form
such as B-glycosidase derived from the fermentative micro- (diphenyl-picrylhydrazine) of DPPH in the presence of a
organisms are responsible for hydrolyzing of complex pheno- hydrogen-donating antioxidant. As can be observed in Table 3
lic compounds to simpler types and increase in quantitative fermentation with kefir grains had a positive influence on
amount of TPC (Mousavi et al. 2011). Other enzymes such as DPPH radical scavenging and EC50 value of beverage de-
protease derived from the microorganisms and or whey can be creased as a result of fermentation process. Temperature had
contributed to the modification of beverage compositions. It significant (p<0.05) linear and quadratic effects on DPPH
has been reported by other researchers that fermentation by radical scavenging (Table 2). Also kefir grain amount had
lactic acid bacteria or other microorganisms can enhance the significant (p<0.05) linear effect on DPPH radical scaveng-
level of total phenolic content (Dordević et al. 2010; Voung ing, but quadratic effect of kefir grain amount and interaction
et al. 2006; Coda et al. 2012). On the other hand, it can be seen effect of independent variables were not significant (p<0.05).
from Fig. 1a that with increase in kefir grain levels from Fig. 1b shows the variation of DPPH radical scavenging with
2 % w/v to 8 % w/v total phenolic contents increased, too. kefir grain amount and temperature. A rise in kefir grain
Also, increase in TPC at temperature which was higher than amount resulted in increase of DPPH radical scavenging
25ºC was shown to be lower as compared to other tempera- activity (as EC50 decreased). Also, it can be seen from
tures. This might be duo to the optimum temperature for Fig. 1b between temperature of 20ºC and 25ºC DPPH radical
enzymes or metabolic activities of microorganisms in kefir scavenging was the highest. At higher temperature than 25ºC
grains. Also, difference in the pH of different fermentation is higher EC50 value and hence lower DPPH radical scavenging
another reason for these results, knowing that optimum pH activity was observed. This might be duo to optimum

Table 3 Comparison of TPC and antioxidant activities between different fermented beverages and unfermented (control) sample

Independent variables Response variables

Temperature Kefir grains TPC EC50 Reducing power Chelating Inhibition of Inhibition of
(ºC) (%w/v) (mgGA/l) (ml/1 ml) (absorbance at 700 nm) effect (%) linoleic ascorbate
autoxidation (%) Autoxidation (%)

20 8 162.8±3.95b 0.44±0.035 e 0.456±0.025c 45.99±0.99 a 53.2±0.46b 19.34±0.15bc

30 2 95.41±2.91f 0.74±0.03a 0.114±0.01f 45.87±0.84 a 26.12±0.34de 13.41±0.12e
25 9.24 180.21±3a 0.29±0.015 f 0.9±0.047a 46.05±0.75 a 71.32±0.6a 22.5±0.19a
25 5* 155.94±2.32b 0.44±0.023 e 0.667±0.035b 46.11±0.85 a 57.93±0.48b 18.83±0.17bc
17.93 5 145.65±2c 0.52±0.035 d 0.305±0.025de 45.8±0.73 a 42.21±0.32c 17.25±0.13d
30 8 105.92±3.89e 0.63±0.022 b 0.346±0.025d 46.04±0.55 a 45.11±0.2c 20.08±0.21b
25 0.76 162.8±3.95b 0.6±0.031 bc 0.202±0.02e 45.95±0.65a 22±0.15ef 11.64±0.12f
20 2 139.89±3.08c 0.57±0.03 c 0.215±0.024e 45.89±0.64 a 31±0.23d 13.33±0.1e
32.07 5 99.97±1ef 0.74±0.035 f 0.268±0.03de 45.88±0.94 a 30.34±0.24d 18.3±0.12cd
control 95.43±3.05 f 0.73±.03a 0.072±0.008g 45.95±0.6a 19.53±0.18f 9.07±0.008g

Means ± SD (n=3) within each column with same letters are not significantly different (P<0.05)
J Food Sci Technol

Fig. 1 3D plots showing the a b

combined effect of temperature
and kefir grains on (a) TPC, (b) 180 0.8

DPPH radical scavenging, (c) 160 0.7

reducing power, (d) inhibition
140 0.6
effect upon linoleic acid and (e)

EC50 (ml/1ml)
TPC (mg GA/l)
inhibition effect upon ascorbate 120 0.5
100 0.4

80 0.3

8.00 30.00 8.00 30.00

7.00 28.00 7.00 28.00
6.00 26.00 6.00 26.00
5.00 5.00
4.00 24.00 4.00 24.00
Kefir grains (%w/v) 3.00 22.00 Temperature (ºC) Kefir grains (%w/v) 3.00 22.00 Temperature (ºC)
2.00 20.00 2.00 20.00

c d

Inhibition of linoleic acid autoxidation (%)

0.8 70
Reducing power (absorbance at 700nm)


0.5 50

0.4 40

0.1 20

8.00 30.00 8.00 30.00

7.00 28.00 7.00 28.00
6.00 26.00 6.00 26.00
5.00 5.00
4.00 24.00 4.00 24.00
Kefir grains (%w/v) 3.00 22.00 Temperature (ºC) Kefir grains (%w/v) 3.00 22.00 Temperature (ºC)
2.00 20.00 2.00 20.00

Inhibition of ascorbate autoxidation (%)






8.00 30.00
7.00 28.00
6.00 26.00
4.00 24.00
Kefir grains (%w/v) 3.00 22.00 Temperature (ºC)
2.00 20.00

temperature for metabolic activities of microorganisms in This peptide had higher radical scavenging activity as
kefir grains which are responsible for changing of antioxidant compared to butylated hydroxianisole (BHA). Another com-
activities. Chelatation of transition metals by serum albumin pound of beverage prepared in this study which can have
and lactoferrin, an iron-binding glycoprotein, and free radical antioxidant activity, is phenolic compounds since antioxidant
scavenging activity by amino acids such as tyrosine and activities (DPPH radical scavenging) of phenolic compounds
cysteine are some of antioxidant activities (Brand-Williams in fruits have been reported (Lu and Foo 2000). It can be seen
et al. 1995) of milk whey. Also antioxidant activities for some direct correlation exists between TPC and DPPH radical scav-
peptide chains in whey such as Trp-Tyr-Ser-Leu-Ala-Met- enging (Table 1). Voung et al. (2006) also have reported there
Ala-Ala-Ser-Asp-Ile, has been reported (Hernández-Ledesma is direct relation between TPC and increase of radical
et al. 2005). scavenging activity after fermentation. Marazza et al. (2012)
J Food Sci Technol

have reported that fermentation of soymilk by L. rhamnosus acid bacteria is excellent (Lin and Yen 1999). Also, increase in
can increase DPPH radical scavenging. Similar results of reducing power may be contributed to the intracellular anti-
DPPH radical scavenging increase after fermentation have oxidants, peptides of the starter organisms and their hydrogen-
been reported by other researchers (Liu et al. 2005; Voung donating ability (Yang et al. 2000). Beside of these, apple is a
et al. 2006; Dordević et al. 2010). rich source of phenolic components and Khanizadeh et al.
During fermentation antioxidant compounds in kefir grains (2008) showed direct relation between phenolic components
are transferred to beverage and lead to increase in DPPH and reducing activity. It has been observed by other re-
radical scavenging activity (Lin and Yen 1999). Also, both searchers that the reducing power is closely related with the
intact cells and intracellular cell free extracts of L.acidophilus antioxidant activity of polyphenolic compounds (Yen et al.
have ability of DPPH radical scavenging (Lin and Chang 2000). After fermentation TPC increases and this can lead to
2000) and L.acidophilus is one of the bacteria found in kefir increase in reducing power. On the other hand, the composi-
grains. Fermentation can release amino acids such as cysteine tion, structure and polarity of antioxidant biofactors in the
in peptide chains of whey protein. Cysteine is able to donate fermented sample may be altered by fermentation and may
hydrogen atom to DPPH radicals and therefore can neutralize thus results in the variation of antioxidant activities observed
this radical from the purple color to yellow color of non- in the sample with and without fermentation (Sun et al. 2009).
radical form (diphenyl-picrylhydrazine). Besides, synergistic From the individual optimization data, a combination of
effect of phenolic compounds with each other or other com- 7.85 % (w/v) kefir grains and 25.25(ºC) temperature was
pounds can result in enhancement of antioxidant activities predicted for achieving the desirable reducing power (the
such as DPPH radical scavenging (Shahidi et al. 1994). Poly- highest value, y3 =0.755 (absorbance at 700 nm)).
phenols in apple and other fruits showed good antioxidant
activities. As regards to correlation between TPC and DPPH Metal chelating effect
radical scavenging observed, it can be said increase in TPC
after fermentation with kefir grains can affect DPPH radical No significant (p<0.05) change was observed for metal che-
scavenging activity. The optimum amount of kefir grains and lating effect of beverages after fermentation (Table 3). This
temperature for the minimum EC50 value was around result is similar to findings of Liu et al. (2005) who have
6.72 % w/v and 23.5ºC, respectively (y2 =0.39 ml/1 ml). reported ferrous chelating activity of milk and soy milk do
not change by fermentation with kefir grains. Whey proteins
Reducing power have ability of binding ferric or ferrous ions. The ability of
lactoferrin, serum albumin, casein, and a high molecular-
Fermented beverage reducing powers were significantly weight fraction of whey to chelate ferrous ion have investi-
higher (p<0.05) than those of the control as can be observed gated by several researchers (Tong et al. 2000). Milk fractions
in Table 3. Also Table 2 shows that the quadratic effect of which have greater number of phosphoseryl serine groups
temperature and the linear effect of kefir grain amount on show greater affinity for iron. Although carboxyl group of
reducing power were significant (p<0.05), but the linear effect the amino acids asparagine and glutamine have good ability
of temperature, the quadratic effect of kefir grain amount and for binding iron (Wong and Kitts, 2003). Phenolic compounds
the mutual interaction effect between kefir grain amount and are another factors that chelating effect of fermented beverage
temperature on reducing power were not significant (p<0.05). may be attributed to them and apple contains different pheno-
Fig. 1c shows that the higher reducing power was observed in lic compounds. Phenolic compounds derived from soybean,
higher level of kefir grain amount and medium temperature in were able to chelate ferrous ion make a safe and catalytically
the range, around 25ºC. It has been reported by Liu et al. inactive form (Moran et al. 1997).
(2005) the reducing power of both milk and soymilk increases
significantly after fermentation by kefir grains. Also, Marazza Inhibition effect upon lipid peroxidation
et al. (2012) have observed reducing power of soymilk in-
creases (1.5-fold) after fermentation by Lactobacillus Inhibition of lipid peroxidation has great importance for pre-
rhamnosus. Wong and Kitts (2003) attributed reducing activ- vention of the food quality deterioration and human diseases
ity of certain butter milk solids to the sulfhydryl and free relating to free radicals. As shown in Table 3 fermented
hydroxyl groups. Whey is a rich source of sulfhydryl amino beverages demonstrated a more substantial inhibitory effect
acids such as cysteine and liberation of cysteine during fer- upon linoleic acid peroxidation than unfermented sample
mentation can increase reducing power. In addition, formation (control). Table 2 shows that inhibitory effect upon linoleic
of reductants during fermentation may be another reason for acid (y5) depended on kefir grain amount, as its linear and
the increase of reducing ability. These reductants can react quadratic effects were positive and negative at p<0.05, re-
with free radicals, stabilize them and suppress radical chain spectively, However temperature only had a significant qua-
reactions. It has been reported reducing power of some lactic dratic effect (p<0.05). Also, the interaction effect between
J Food Sci Technol

Fig. 2 Schematic representation

of the optimum values of factors, 20.00 30.00 2.00 8.00
Temperature (ºC) = 24.82 Kefir grains (%w/v) = 7.56
response, and the corresponding
level 165.02 0.4

95.41 0.29 0.74
TPC (mg GA/l) = 165.02 EC50 (ml/1ml) = 0.375616

0.114 0.9 45.8 46.19

Reducing power (absorbance at 700nm) = 0.756852 Metal chelating effect (%) = 46.1162
62.77 21
26.12 13.33

22 71.32 11.64 22.5

Inhibition of linoleic acid autoxidation (%) = 65.3319 Inhibition of ascorbate autoxidation (%) = 21

Desirability = 0.957

temperature and kefir grain amount was not significant at beverage was prepared with 6.85%w/v kefir grains at temper-
p<0.05. As can be observed in Fig. 1d increase in kefir grains ature of 23.88ºC (63.83 %).
amount enhanced the inhibitory effect upon linoleic acid
peroxidation. Also, the highest inhibitory effect was observed
around temperature of 25ºC (Fig. 1d). Inhibition effect upon ascorbate autoxidation
It has been previously reported that fermentation by kefir
grains can increase inhibitory effect of milk and soy milk upon Table 3 shows that fermentation with kefir grains significantly
linoleic acid peroxidation as compared with unfermented (p<0.05) increased the inhibition rate of ascorbate autoxida-
sample (Liu et al. 2005). Pena-Ramos and Xiong (2001) tion. The inhibition of ascorbate autoxidation observed with
showed that peptides deriving from milk protein hydrolysates beverage may be attributed to the phenols found in apple
inhibited oxidation and they related this effect to the specific juice. Wang et al. (2006) found soymilk exhibited inhibition
amino acid residue side-chain groups or the specific peptide of ascorbate autoxidation and they attributed this to soybean
structure of the antioxidative peptides. Thus, we suggest that phenol components. Liberation of some phenol content
the increase in inhibitory effect upon lipid peroxidation may (Chien 2004) through the some enzymatic catalytic actions
be contributed to the peptides deriving from whey proteins. and intracellular antioxidants of starter organisms (Lin and
The highest response for inhibitory effect upon linoleic acid Yen 1999) may be accounted for the rise of inhibition upon
peroxidation in the range studied was observed when the ascorbate autoxidation. As shown in Table 2 the linear and
quadratic effect of kefir grain amount showed significant
(p<0.05) effect on the inhibition of ascorbate autoxidation.
The linear and quadratic effect of temperature and also mutual
interaction of temperature and kefir grains were not significant
(p<0.05). Fig. 1e shows that the inhibition rate upon ascorbate

Table 4 Predicted and experimental values of the responses at optimum


Optimum condition Response variable

Predicated Experimental a
165.02 163.99±2.05 TPC (mgGA/l)
0.38 0.39±0.021 EC50 (ml/1 ml)
0.757 0.749±0.03 Reducing power
(absorbance at 700 nm)
46.12 47.01±0.54 Metal chelating effect (%)
65.33 66.23±0.79 Inhibition of linoleic acid
autoxidation (%)
21 20.86±0.17 Inhibition of ascorbate
Fig. 3 Optimum region, obtained by overlaying contour plots of the autoxidation (%)
responses evaluated as a function of kefir grain amount and fermentation
temperature Means ± SD (n=3)
J Food Sci Technol

autoxidation increased as the amount of kefir grains went up. formulation variables for apple juice and whey based novel
The results suggested that a beverage prepared with 7.92%w/v beverage fermented by kefir grains. RSM predicted that a set
kefir grains at temperature of 28.56ºC would result in the level of 7.56%w/v kefir grains and temperature of 24.82ºC
maximum inhibition rate upon ascorbate autoxidation would provide the overall optimum region for preparing bev-
(y6 =21.14 %). erage with the highest value of TPC and antioxidant activity.
The other results obtained in this work showed that fermenta-
Optimization tion by kefir grains could increase TPC and antioxidant
Numerical and graphical optimization procedures were car-
ried out for predicting the optimum level of independent
variables to obtain the maximum value of TPC and antioxi- Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank the food science
department microbiology and chemistry laboratory of University of
dant activities. The RSM package’s response optimizer deter- Tehran for providing the laboratory facilities for this project.
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