Football Lesson Plans

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Dimension: Games

Unit: Football
Lesson 1: Intro, Passing, & Receiving
General Outcomes Activity Benefits Health Cooperation Do It Daily…For

Specific Outcomes A6-5A7-5 C6-5 C7-5 D6-3 & D6-4D7-3

& D7-4

Passing & Receiving

 Determine student knowledge
o “How many know and/or have played football before?”
o “Who knows what a touch down is?”
o “Who can demonstrate how to grip a ball when throwing?”
 Outline unit expectations and outcomes
o Come prepared in proper attire as we will be outside for majority of the unit
o Arrive on time ready to go, you will have 5 minutes to change if needed once the bell has rung
o There must be respect amongst peers and teachers as we listen to one another and provide
thoughtful feedback and positive communication as expected
o Students will also respect boundaries, equipment and the gym facilities
o There will be no physical contact in the flag football unit only tackling by the use of flags and flag
o Teamwork, cooperation, and communication will be expected of students as this is a team sport.
Positive communication and interaction is emphasized and students will be expected to contribute
to work together for group success.
 Introduce the history of football
o “American football as we know today developed way back from two sports can anyone guess?”
rugby and soccer
o Did anyone know that soccer is also known as European football?
o From American football came flag football where defense and tackling is dependent on snatching
the flag from the opponent
 Introduce the skill of passing and catching
 Warm-up activity “4 corner dynamics”
o Corner 1: high knees (10 each)
o Corner 2: star jumps (10 each)
o Corner 3: arm circles (10 each)
o Corner 4: tuck jumps (10 each)

Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies

 Demonstrate & explain passing & receiving
o Passing: how to grip the ball, hand placement, body stance, flexed elbow, snap the wrist, spiral
o Catching: triangle formation, above-the-waist catch, create a target, catch with both hands, absorb
the force
 Partner pass (start with your throwing knee on the ground)
o 5 yards apart
o Throwing side knee on ground with a 90-degree angle
o Throw to one another focus on both passing and catching
o Emphasize snapping wrist and follow-through***
o Progress to increasing the distance for students
 Transition to Partner pass (students may now stand)
o Students may now progress to standing while partner passing
o Work on using foot work and leg strength for passing
o Emphasize giving the passer a good triangle formation target***
 Transition to partner pass (for 6’s will be dependent on skill level***)
o Students may now pass to their receiver as the receiver challenges the passer as they move left,
right, or forward.
o Emphasize the passers aim should be far enough in front of the receiver as they are running so
they don’t have to stop***

 Debrief the skill through whole group discussion
o Discuss passing and receiving techniques, what helped them be successful in creating a spiral
motion and hitting their target?
 Cool-down stretch

Assessment & Evaluation

 (Formative) Observation: regarding basic skills of passing & receiving and communication amongst
Equipment Safety Considerations
 Outdoor playing area  Ensure students are at a safe distance for passing & receiving
 1 football per 2 students  Communication amongst partners
 Provide a good target
 Assign partners based on ability level
o Did the students hit their target, spiral motion, communicate amongst one another, provide a good
Dimension: Games
Unit: Football
Lesson 2: Center Snap, Receive, & Pass
General Outcomes Activity Benefits Health Cooperation Do It Daily…For

Specific Outcomes A6-5A7-5 C6-5C7-5 D6-3 & D6-4 D7-3

& D7-4

Center Snap, Receive, & Pass

 Review from lesson 1
o How to grip the ball, hand placement, body stance, flexed elbow, snap the wrist, spiral motion
o Triangle formation, above-the-waist catch, create a target, catch with both hands, absorb the force
o What helped you be successful when passing? What helped you be successful when receiving?
 Warm-up activity “4 corner dynamics”
o Corner 1: high knees (10 each)
o Corner 2: Butt kicks (10 each)
o Corner 3: arm circles (10 each)
o Corner 4: lunges (10 each)
o Students must do the grapevine to travel from each corner
Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies
 Partner pass once outside
o Students may pass to their receiver as the receiver challenges the passer as they move left, right, or
o Emphasize the passers aim should be far enough in front of the receiver as they are running so
they don’t have to stop***
 Demonstrate & explain center snap
o Does anyone know the purpose of a center snap? Does anyone know the role of a quarter back?
o Center snap: same grip as passing, foot stance is more than shoulder width apart, non-snapping
hand on knee, extend snapping hand and arm back through the legs, snap wrist as ball is released
towards the quarter back, develop spiral motion, ball should be received at chest height, look back
through legs prior to passing to check
 Partner pass
o 5 yards apart
o Students will practice snapping back and forth to one another in partners
o Students may increase the distance as they become more confident (10 yards)
 Demonstrate & explain lateral pass
o Lateral pass: pass underhand, only pass to the side or behind the passer, palm of throwing hand
under the ball, snap wrist back when passing to develop spiral motion
 Transition to partner pass
o 5 yards apart
o Students will practice their lateral pass back and forth to one another in partners
o Emphasize using one hand and spiral motion***
o Receive may begin stationary but begin moving as both partners become more confident with the
 Put it all together
o Groups of 3: quarterback, center snapper, & running back
o Snapper hikes the ballquarterback runs the ball a short distancelaterals the ball to the trailing
running back
o Repeat twice then switch roles

 Debrief the skill through whole group discussion
o Discuss center snap and lateral passing techniques, what helped them be successful in creating a
spiral motion to hitting the quarter back or completing a pass?
o Discuss the regulations for using the lateral pass in flag football
 Cool-down stretch

Assessment & Evaluation

 (Formative) Observation: regarding basic skills, rules, & regulations
o Did the students hit their target, was the ball positioned at a good height for the quarter back,
spiral motion, communicate amongst one another, was the pass complete?
 (Summative) Skill assessment rubric for passing, receiving, & center snapping
 (Summative) Self-assessment rubric for passing, receiving, & center snapping
o As well as ensure to provide enough time at end of class for students to fill out self-assessment

Skill Assessment Rubric

Skill Criteria Feedback/Comments

Scale 1-5 1 2 3 4 5
1: Meets none of the skill
5: Meets all of the skill
criteria (Mastered the skill)
 Proper hand and
finger grip
 Proper body and foot
 At the point of
release snap wrist
downward to
develop a spiral
 Follow through with
flexed elbow towards
desired target
 Proper hand
formation (triangle)
 Create a target with
both hands
 Absorb the force and
bring hands and arms
into the body
Center Snapping
 Proper hand and
finger grip (same as
 Proper body and foot
stance (more than
shoulder width apart
& non snapping hand
on knee)
 Extend snapping
hand and arm back
through legs
 Snap the wrist and
follow through
towards quarterback
 Spiral motion
Punting & Placekicking
 Grip the ball with the
laces up, one hand on
the rear of the ball,
and one hand on the
front of the ball
 Proper one-and-a-
half step approach
 Keep hands out for
balance and follow
through with leg
towards desired
 Spiral motion

Self-Assessment Rubric

Skill Criteria Feedback/Comments

Scale 1-5 1 2 3 4 5
1: Meets none of the skill
5: Meets all of the skill
criteria (Mastered the skill)
 Proper hand and
finger grip
 Proper body and foot
 At the point of
release snap wrist
downward to
develop a spiral
 Follow through with
flexed elbow towards
desired target
 Proper hand
formation (triangle)
 Create a target with
both hands
 Absorb the force and
bring hands and arms
into the body
Center Snapping
 Proper hand and
finger grip (same as
 Proper body and foot
stance (more than
shoulder width apart
& non snapping hand
on knee)
 Extend snapping
hand and arm back
through legs
 Snap the wrist and
follow through
towards quarterback
 Spiral motion
Punting & Placekicking
 Grip the ball with the
laces up, one hand on
the rear of the ball,
and one hand on the
front of the ball
 Proper one-and-a-
half step approach
 Keep hands out for
balance and follow
through with leg
towards desired
 Spiral motion

Equipment Safety Considerations

 Outdoor playing area  Ensure students are at a safe distance for passing & receiving
 1 football per 2 students  Communication amongst partners
 Ensure students switch roles
 Head up facing opponents when center snapping
 Make eye contact with your receiver when lateral passing
Dimension: Games
Unit: Football
Lesson 3: Running Pass Patterns & Defense Guarding
General Outcomes Activity Benefits Health Cooperation Do It Daily…For

Specific Outcomes A6-10, A6- C6-3, C6-5C7-3, D6-3 & D6-4D7-3,

11A7-10, A7-11 C7-5 D7-4

Running Pass Patterns & Defense Guarding

 Review from lesson 2
o Center snap: same grip as passing, foot stance is more than shoulder width apart, non-snapping
hand on knee, extend snapping hand and arm back through the legs, snap wrist as ball is released
towards the quarter back, develop spiral motion, ball should be received at chest height, look back
through legs prior to passing to check
o Lateral pass: pass underhand, only pass to the side or behind the passer, palm of throwing hand
under the ball, snap wrist back when passing to develop spiral motion
o Two volunteers to demonstrate
 Warm-up activity “4 corner dynamics”
o Corner 1: Scissors (10 each)
o Corner 2: Waist twists (10 each)
o Corner 3: Push-ups (10 each)
o Corner 4: Reverse runs (10 each)

Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies

 Introduce running patterns (hand-out sheet)
o Running pass patterns: before catching a ball must get into an open field by running a
predetermined pattern (use one of the examples on the sheet)
o A pattern consists of running and making at least one cut or quick movement, change of direction
to fake out the defender
o To make a cut, run at a controlled speed using small steps and lower the body by slightly bending
the knees
o Can add a head or body to fake and after the cut turn the head back and watch the quarterback as
you concentrate on the flight of the ball as it approaches you
 Practice run-through
o In 3 lines have students practice running through all 11 passing routes
 Down and in, down and out, hook in, hook out, hook and go, Z in, Z out, quick in, fly,
post, and corner
 Emphasize making sharp cuts, then look back to the quarterback***
 Put it all together!
o In groups of 3 (snapper, quarterback, & running back)
o Snapper hikes the ballquarterback throws to a receiverrunning back run a predetermined
o Repeat twice then rotate positions
o Emphasize patience in the quarterback, wait till the running pattern is complete before passing the
 Introduce the purpose of defending a receiver
o A defenders first move should be back, they should never allow a receiver to get behind their
position, they should watch for clues from the quarter back, react quickly to a receivers cut, keep a
5-yard cushion between them and the receiver, may try to knock down and intercept any balls, no
physical contact before receiving the football
 Put it all together
o In groups of 4 (snapper, quarterback, running back, & defender)
o Snapper hikes the ballquarterback throws to a receiverrunning back run a predetermined
patterndefender passively tries to stop the completion (intercept, knock the ball down, or touch
the ball)
o Grade 7s may add a point system for a more competitive aspect to offense vs defense
o Repeat twice then rotate positions
o Emphasize no contact from the defender***

 Debrief the skill through whole group discussion
o Discuss the importance of communication amongst players as well as the importance of sticking to
a selected passing pattern instead of changing it as the play develops
 Cool-down stretch

Assessment & Evaluation

 (Formative) Observation: regarding running patterns and defense guarding
o Did students successfully complete the passing pattern, did they perform sharp cuts and quick
movements, did students turn back to watch the quarterback, did the quarterback time out their
 (Formative) Exit Slip “Passing Patterns”
 Students must name a chosen passing pattern
 Students must then explain OR demonstrate the passing pattern prior to leaving class
 For example:

Equipment Safety Considerations

 Outdoor playing area  Ensure communication amongst groupings
 1 football per 3-4 students  Ensure students alternate between roles
 Hand-out sheets
 Ensure students are aware of and know the passing pattern
before practicing in action
 Ensure defender is passively stopping the completion of the
play (no blocking) as the skill has yet to be taught, only
interceptions allowed
Dimension: Games
Unit: Football
Lesson 4: Handoff & Ball Carrying
General Outcomes Activity Benefits Health Cooperation Do It Daily…For

Specific Outcomes A6-10A7-10 C6-5C7-5 D6-3, D6-4D7-3,


Handoff & Ball Carrying

 Review from lesson 3
o Think-pair share: come up with 3 passing patterns from last class, each pair will be called upon to
name and explain 1 of the 3 passing patterns they discussed
 Warm-up activity “running patterns”
o Fill in the blank running patterns as a class using the whiteboard
o In 3 lines each student will run through all 11 running patterns twice through

Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies

 Explain & demonstrate how to carry the ball
o Always cover the tip of the ball with the hand and the remainder of the forearm covers the ball
o Emphasize covering the ball with both hands if the area of the field has numerous players***
 Explain & demonstrate how to take a handoff
o Raise your arm on the side of the quarterback with the elbow at shoulder level, forearm should be
in front of the body with palm facing down (elbow at 90-degree bend at elbow),
o Keep arm away from the quarterback below the waist with the palm facing up and directly in front
of the body (90-degree bend at the elbow), wait until quarterback places the ball in the midsection
of the runners torso between hands (don’t reach for the ball), grasp ball with both hands first
 Explain & demonstrate how to run with the ball
o Lean slightly forward, head up and eyes up for an open area, hold the ball tight and cover the front
point, when making a cut (change of direction), plant the opposite foot in the direction of the
intended cut (cutting to the right, plant left foot for push off)
o Emphasize to be a successful ball carrier you must be able to change speed and make cuts while
running while maintaining balance***
 Partner pass handoff
o In two lines (10 yards apart) students will run down the field
o One student with a ball and one without
o Student with the ball will run down the field towards the runner without the ball to pass the
o Students will follow in a continuous line and switch to the opposite line after each run through
 Put it into play
o In groups of 3 (quarterback, snapper, running back)
o Snapper hikes the ballquarterback hands off the ball to the running backrunning back
proceeds to the opponents goal
o Running back should alternate running to different sides of the quarterback (both left and right)
o Repeat twice then switch roles
 Put it into play with the addition of cones
o Using the same arrangement but add 5 cones down the field for the running back to weave in and
out of
o Repeat twice then switch roles
 Put it into play with the addition of a defender (grade 7s will use arrangement, depends on skill level for
grade 6s***)
o Using the same arrangement change the center snapper to a defender and position them 10 yards
from the ball carrier
o Ball carrier takes the handoff and must avoid the defender for 15 yards
o Defender tried to touch the ball carrier
o Emphasize safety, no physical blocking, tackling, or pushing***
o Repeat twice then switch roles

 Debrief the skill through whole group discussion
o Discuss how to properly take a handoff from the quarterback, what are the techniques for elbow
and hand placement?
o Through think pair share students may discuss the question in partners ” How can we avoid a
defender using a cut” (students may explain or demonstrate)
 Cool-down stretch

Assessment & Evaluation

 (Formative) Observation: regarding basic skills of ball carrying, handoffs, running with the ball
o Did students have proper hand and forearm placement when carrying the ball, 90-degree elbow,
head up and eyes up, proper foot planted during cut and changing of directions?
 (Formative) Think pair share: regarding how to cut and how to avoid a defender
Equipment Safety Considerations
 Outdoor playing area  Ensure communication amongst groupings
 1 football per 3 students  Ensure students alternate between roles
 Whiteboard
 5 cones per each group of 3
 Ensure defender does not block or tackle, the defender should
only touch the ball in order to defend
 Keep head and eyes up
Dimension: Games
Unit: Football
Lesson 5: Screen Blocking, Shoulder Blocking, & Tackling
General Outcomes Activity Benefits Health Cooperation Do It Daily…For

Specific Outcomes A6-11 A7-11 C6-3, C6-6 A7-3, D6-3, D6-4 D7-3,
C7-4 D7-4

Screen Blocking, Shoulder Blocking, & Tackling

 Review from lesson 4
o Ball carrying: always cover the tip of the ball with the hand and the remainder of the forearm
covers the ball
o Handoffs: Raise your arm on the side of the quarterback with the elbow at shoulder level, forearm
should be in front of the body with palm facing down keep arm away from the quarterback below
the waist with the palm facing up and directly in front of the body, 90-degree bend at the elbow,
wait until quarterback places the ball in the midsection of the runners torso between hands (don’t
reach for the ball)
o Running with the ball: Lean slightly forward, head up and eyes up for an open area, hold the ball
tight and cover the front point, when making a cut plant the opposite foot in the direction of the
intended cut
 Warm-up activity “Flag tag”
o Emphasize the purpose of blocking as the only way to protect a teammate from a defender
o Each student has two flags, students work to retrieve as many flags from their peers during the
allotted time
o Flags must not be covered by shirts and must be visible

Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies

 Explain & demonstrate screen blocking
o Three-point stance: both feet and one hand on the ground
o Feet are in straddle position, shoulder width apart with eight on the balls of the feet, keep buttocks
low and weight forward on fingers on the ground
o Screen block does not allow for body contact, they simply place their body between the ball
carrier and the tackler, the tackler cannot push the blocker but must go around them
 Explain & demonstrate shoulder blocking (if possible do so with matt posts)
o The only body blocking allowed in football (however will not be used during our football unit as
there will be no body contact)
o Blockers shoulder will be against their opponents shoulder, chest or midsection
o Blockers never block below the knees or on the back of the opponent and never use their hands to
grab the opponent, take forward strides with one foot forward, slightly flex knees and a take a
crouched position with the head up
o Once making contact with the opponent, keep moving your feet and drive the opponent downfield
 Explain & demonstrate tackling
o Tackle in flag football is by pulling one flag off the offensive ball carrier
o As the ball carrier is approaching the tackler must be in a good body position with weight evenly
distributed on the balls of the feet, to move in any direction, focus on the flags of the runner
 Partner up (similar height and weight)
o One blocker and one defender
o Stand 3 feet apart and on a signal they step toward each other and the blocker attempts to control
the defender for 5 seconds
o Ensure no physical contact***
 Offense vs Defense
o Using the same arrangement have the blocker screen block the defender as the defensive player
tries to evade the offensive block and get to a designated spot on the field (use cones to mark the
designated spot)
o Ensure no physical contact***
o Repeat twice then switch roles
 Offense vs Defense with the addition of a ball carrier
o In groups of 3 (one blocker, one ball carrier, and one defender)
o The ball carrier tries to run 15 yards in an area no more than 10 yards wide without being touched
by the defender
o The offensive blocker tries to block the defender with a screen block
o Repeat twice then switch roles
o Progress to adding a flag belt*** where the defender must try to tackle the ball carrier by grabbing
either flag
 Team play (depends on time for both grades but also skill level for grade 6s, if needed make groups
o In groups of 6 (three offensive players; snapper, quarterback, running back & three defensive
players for each offensive player)
o The offensive players may run the ball four times with the defenders trying to tackle them but the
quarterback may either hand off the ball or keep the ball and run, no passing is allowed***
o Switch roles every four downs as well as offense vs defense

 Debrief the skill through peer feedback & whole group discussion
o In the teams of 6 that were assigned during team play drill discuss the difference between screen
blocking and shoulder blocking as well as proper technique and body stance
o Discuss ways in which defenders could have improved in their blocking skills
o Discuss way in which offenders could have improved in their technique to cut and change
directions to get to the designated spot on the field
 Cool-down stretch

Assessment & Evaluation

 (Formative) Observation: regarding basic skills of screen blocking, shoulder blocking, and tackling
o Did students have the proper stance and straddle position, did they keep their weight forward, did
they allow for the offender to get by them, did they find ways in which to avoid the defender and
move quick or cut to get past the blocker?
 (Formative) Peer feedback: regarding skill techniques and ways to improve their team offense and defense
Equipment Safety Considerations
 Outdoor playing area  Ensure communication amongst groupings
 1 football per 3 students  Ensure students alternate between roles
 Cones  Keep head and eyes up
 Use caution and ensure students understand the purpose is
not to knock each other down during blocking
 No physical contact during blocking and tackling drills

Dimension: Games
Unit: Football
Lesson 6: Punting & Placekicking
General Outcomes Activity Benefits Health Cooperation Do It Daily…For

Specific Outcomes A6-5A7-5 C6-6C7-6 D6-3, D6-4D7-3,


Punting & Placekicking

 Review from lesson 5
o Screen blocking: three-point stance, shoulder width apart with eight on the balls of the feet, screen
block does not allow for body contact, they simply place their body between the ball carrier and
the tackler, the tackler cannot push the blocker but must go around them
o Tackling: tackle in flag football is by pulling one flag off the offensive ball carrier as the ball
carrier is approaching the tackler must be in a good body position with weight evenly distributed
on the balls of the feet, to move in any direction, focus on the flags of the runner
 Warm-up activity “Cutting”
o Two lines of cones will be set up for students to practice how to cut when running a play
o Students will move in continuous lines taking turns as they work on fast, quick movements
changing directions using their leg to push off as they move from cone to cone
o Repeat 4x

Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies

 Discuss when placekicking and punting is used
o Placekicking is used to start play at each half and kick a point after a touchdown whereas, punting
is used to move the ball the farthest distance from your goal before giving it up to the opponents
 Explain & demonstrate punting
o Grip the ball with the laces up, one hand on the rear and the other on the front of the ball, take a
one-and-a-half step approach: short step with kicking leg, full step with non-kicking leg, then kick
o Drop the ball onto the top of the kicking foot instep, angle the ball slightly to point inward, point
the kicking foot toes down as you kick the ball, keep hands out for balance after the follow
through with the leg in the direction of the intended flight
o Keep eyes on the ball during the kick, if it is punted correctly the foot will give a spiral spin which
will add distance to the punt
 Step by step punting
o Students may stand 20-30 yads away from one another and will punt back and forth from a
stationary position (no approach step)
o Using the same arrangement students may now practice their one-and-a-half-step approach as they
punt back and forth to one another
 Put it into play
o In groups of 3 (snapper, punter, and running back)
o One member snaps the ball to the punterpunter kicks the ball downfieldrunning back receives
the ball downfield
o Repeat 3 times and switch roles
 Explain & demonstrate placekicking
o Slowly approach the ball from 7-10 yards, plant non-kicking foot about 1 foot behind the side of
the ball, flex the kicking leg at the knee and straighten as the foot contacts the ball, lock the ankle
at contact, keep eyes on the ball and contact it just below the midline, follow through in the
direction of the intended flight, let the kicking leg carry the kicker off the ground
 Partner placekicking
o One student is the kicker and one is the retriever
o Use kicking tees if possible if not have a third student as the holder
o Students will each practice 5 kicks with a one-step approach then switch roles
o Using the same arrangement have students take a full run at the ball and kick for distance
o Emphasize planting the foot at the right spot and keeping the eyes focused on the ball as it is being
 Competitive distance drill
o Two groups/teams
o Have students take a full run at the ball for kickoff
o Students will compete as a team and mark the distances of longer distance kickoffs between the
two groups
o Each student will have 3 attempts
o Furthest distance wins

 Debrief the skill through whole group discussion regarding punting and placekicking technique
o Discuss when a punt and placekick are to be used during the game of football and also what
strategies are useful on when to use them during game play
 Cool-down stretch

Assessment & Evaluation

 (Formative) Observation: regarding basic skills of punting and placekicking
o Did students have proper hand placement, take a one-and-a-half-step approach, drop the ball out in
front, contact below the midline, follow through towards the target?
 (Summative) Skill assessment rubric for punting and placekicking
 (Summative) Self-assessment rubric for punting and placekicking
o As well as ensure to provide enough time at end of class for students to fill out self-assessment

Skill Assessment Rubric

Skill Criteria Feedback/Comments

Scale 1-5 1 2 3 4 5
1: Meets none of the skill
5: Meets all of the skill
criteria (Mastered the skill)
 Proper hand and
finger grip
 Proper body and foot
 At the point of
release snap wrist
downward to
develop a spiral
 Follow through with
flexed elbow towards
desired target
 Proper hand
formation (triangle)
 Create a target with
both hands
 Absorb the force and
bring hands and arms
into the body
Center Snapping
 Proper hand and
finger grip (same as
 Proper body and foot
stance (more than
shoulder width apart
& non snapping hand
on knee)
 Extend snapping
hand and arm back
through legs
 Snap the wrist and
follow through
towards quarterback
 Spiral motion
Punting & Placekicking
 Grip the ball with the
laces up, one hand on
the rear of the ball,
and one hand on the
front of the ball
 Proper one-and-a-
half step approach
 Keep hands out for
balance and follow
through with leg
towards desired
 Spiral motion

Self-Assessment Rubric

Skill Criteria Feedback/Comments

Scale 1-5 1 2 3 4 5
1: Meets none of the skill
5: Meets all of the skill
criteria (Mastered the skill)
 Proper hand and
finger grip
 Proper body and foot
 At the point of
release snap wrist
downward to
develop a spiral
 Follow through with
flexed elbow towards
desired target
 Proper hand
formation (triangle)
 Create a target with
both hands
 Absorb the force and
bring hands and arms
into the body
Center Snapping
 Proper hand and
finger grip (same as
 Proper body and foot
stance (more than
shoulder width apart
& non snapping hand
on knee)
 Extend snapping
hand and arm back
through legs
 Snap the wrist and
follow through
towards quarterback
 Spiral motion
Punting & Placekicking
 Grip the ball with the
laces up, one hand on
the rear of the ball,
and one hand on the
front of the ball
 Proper one-and-a-
half step approach
 Keep hands out for
balance and follow
through with leg
towards desired
 Spiral motion

Equipment Safety Considerations

 Outdoor playing area  Ensure communication amongst groupings
 1 football per 3 students  Ensure students alternate between roles
 Cones  Keep head and eyes up
 1 kicking tee per 2 students  Focus eyes on the ball during the kicking process
 Point kicking toe down as you kick the ball
 Lock ankle at contact of the ball
 Follow through in the direction of the target

Dimension: Games
Unit: Football
Lesson 7: Offensive Game Play & Strategy
General Outcomes Activity Benefits Health Cooperation Do It Daily…For

Specific Outcomes A6-11A7-11 C6-3C7-3 D6-3, D6-4D7-3,


Offensive Game Play & Strategy

 Review all previous skills
o Passing, receiving, center snap, lateral pass, handoff, ball carrying, screen blocking, tackling,
punting, and placekicking
 Warm-up activity “Dynamics and sprint-jog intervals”
o Leader runs through 5 minute dynamics (use warm-up ideas from 4 corner dynamics)
 Grapevine, push-ups, reverse runs, arm circles, lunges, waist twists, etc.
o Finish with sprint-jog intervals (repeat 5x)

Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies

 Position and play development
o Handouts/diagrams of basic formations for offensive positioning
o Basic 8 person offensive consists of a center (snapper), two tackles, two ends, two running backs,
and a quarter back
o The ends and all the running backs are eligible to catch a pass
o The offense should develop a variety of both running and passing plays that can be executed in
different formations
o The most important and useful offensive skills are passing, catching, and open field running
(mostly a passing game)
 General offensive strategy
o Learn to vary the offensive plays to avoid predictable patterns
o Keep plays simple but also creative
o For the most part it is easier to gain small ground each down than to make a big gain through a
long pass (more risky at this age level)

 Examples of 8 person offensive lines:

______________ (line of scrimmage)



_______________ (line of scrimmage)


o O: offensive linemen
o C: center
o QB: quarterback
o HB: halfback
o F: flanker

 Team play
o Divide class into selected team of eight people, use the diagram of the basic formation with each
offensive position to help students understand general game play, extra students may rotate in
o Each team may practice alignment, position players (identifying the center, tackles, ends, running
backs, and quarterbacks), and develop at least 2 different formations
o Have teams develop and run at least 1 running play and 1 passing play
o For example;
 Pitch out; the quarterback tosses the ball underhand to a running back
 Sweep; is when the quarterback hands the ball off to a running back who follows
teammates usually down a sideline
 Reverse; the quarterback runs one way and hands off to a back running the opposite
o Teams may number their plays and identify which in the huddle
 Presentation
o Each team will present one of their plays they’ve created to the class as a whole
o The class will analyze the play and provide peer feedback regarding advantages and disadvantages
of the play
 Debrief the skill through whole group discussion regarding offensive positions and game play strategy
o Discuss playing positions and the major responsibilities of each. For example; the halfback carries
the ball on most rushing plays whereas the flanker is a type of wide receiver who lines up behind
the line of scrimmage only by a few yards
 Cool-down stretch

Assessment & Evaluation

 (Formative) Observation: regarding basic skills of punting and placekicking
o Did students have proper hand placement, take a one-and-a-half-step approach, drop the ball out in
front, contact below the midline, follow through towards the target?
 (Formative) Peer feedback: As a whole class, students will analyze various plays created by their peers and
discuss advantages and disadvantages to their offensive game play strategy
Equipment Safety Considerations
 Outdoor playing area with marked  Ensure communication amongst groupings
football boundaries
 Ensure students alternate between roles
 1 football per 8 students
 Keep head and eyes up
 Keep plays simple and not too complex
 Understand strategy methods (gain small amounts of ground
rather than big)
 Students must show respect and positive attitudes towards
one another ideas during play development

Dimension: Games
Unit: Football
Lesson 8: Defensive Game Play & Strategy

General Outcomes Activity Benefits Health Cooperation Do It Daily…For


Specific Outcomes A6-11A7-11 C6-3C7-3 D6-3, D6-4D7-3,

Defensive Game Play & Strategy

 Review all previous skills
o Passing, receiving, center snap, lateral pass, handoff, ball carrying, screen blocking, tackling,
punting, and placekicking
 Warm-up activity “Dynamics and reverse run intervals”
o Leader runs through 5 minute dynamics (use warm-up ideas from 4 corner dynamics)
 Grapevine, push-ups, arm circles, lunges, waist twists, etc.
o Finish with reverse run intervals (repeat 5x)

Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies

 Formation and positioning
o With eight players there are usually 3 defensive lineman and five defensive backs
o The lineman’s main responsibility is to rush the quarterback and to tackle ball carriers running the
o The defensive back’s main responsibility is to stop the sweep and run and prevent pass receptions
o The defense is free to develop any alignment they want (three linemen and five backs or five
linemen and three backs) to handle an offensive formation
 General defensive strategy
o The main role of the defense is to stop the ball carrier and prevent receivers from catching the ball
o The fastest defensive backs should defend against the long pass
o A defensive team can play one-on-one defense or zone defense
o One-on-one defense requires a defensive back to guard a receiver no matter where he or she runs
on the field. In a zone defense, defensive backs guard receivers who come into their zone or area.
They never leave the assigned area until the ball is thrown or run. In the typical zone defense the
three deep parts of the field are assigned to the deep backs and the two flats (short outside areas of
the field) are assigned to the linebackers
o Ideally, our class will use a one-on-one defense

 S S
______________ line of scrimmage

_______________ line of scrimmage

 Team play (smaller groups for grade 6s to ensure more touches***)

o Students will be assigned to teams of 5-8 players (any extras will rotate)
o The defensive team will develop at least 3 formations to be used for game play
o Students will also be assigned to play a lineman or defensive back
o Use one-on-one defense
o Remind students of their responsibility for their assigned role (linemen rush and tackle, backs stop
sweeps and pass receptions)
 Put it into gameplay (change to a smaller field for grade 6s depending on skill level***)
o Students will remain in their assigned teams and set up against another team to compete against in
a modified game drill
o Both teams must be wearing flag belts
o One team will start as offense and the other as defense
o The offensive team has four downs to advance the ball 20 yards while the defensive team attempts
to prevent the advance
o After four downs have been made teams will switch roles

 Debrief through whole group discussion regarding positions as well as, strengths & weaknesses during
defensive play & strategy
o Discuss the strengths and weaknesses to various defensive formations through creating and
experiencing them during live game play drills, were they are successful as you may have
o Discuss the difference between zone and one-on-one defense
 Cool-down stretch

Assessment & Evaluation

 (Formative) Observation: regarding positions as well as, strengths & weaknesses during defensive play &
o Did students understand the difference between zone and one-on-one defense, did students work
together to create defensive formations and strategy, did students communicate and play fairly
with one another, did students engage in etiquette and honesty during game play drills?
Equipment Safety Considerations
 Outdoor playing area that can be  Ensure communication amongst groupings
divided into 4 20-yd or 15-yd
 Ensure students alternate between roles
playing areas
 Keep head and eyes up
 1 football per team
 Keep plays simple and not too complex
 4 cones per field
 Understand strategy methods (strengths & weaknesses)
 1 set of flag football belts and flags
 Students must show respect and positive attitudes towards
for each team
one another ideas during play development
 Handout of formations and
defensive responsibilities for each
Dimension: Games
Unit: Football
Lesson 9: Game Play Day 1

General Outcomes Activity Benefits Health Cooperation Do It Daily…For Life!

Specific Outcomes A6-10, A6- C6-3, C6-5 C7-3, D6-3, D6-4, D6-7D7-
11A7-10, A7-11 C7-5 3, D7-4, D7-7
Game Play Day 1

 Review offensive and defensive positions and formations
o Offensive positions: center, tackles, ends, running backs, and quarterbacks
o Offensive formations (bring handouts in case needed)
o Offensive running patterns (bring handouts in case needed)
o Defensive positions: defensive linemen and defensive backs
o Defense: one-on-one or zone defense
 Warm-up activity “Flag tag”
o Emphasize the purpose of blocking as the only way to protect a teammate from a defender
o Each student has two flags, students work to retrieve as many flags from their peers during the
allotted time
o Flags must not be covered by shirts and must be visible

Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies

 Explain the rules and regulations of flag football
o The objective of the game is to carry or pass the football over the opponents goal line for a score
while preventing the opposition from advancing the ball into your end zone
o no physical contact
o the offense may advance the ball by running or passing and the defense stops (downs) the ball
carrier or receiver by detaching one of the flags placed on his or her belt. The ball is placed at the
down position (the line of scrimmage) on the field and play continues from that point
o the team scoring the most points wins the game. Touchdowns count 6 points and occur when the
offensive team passes or carries the ball over the opponent’s goal line. The offense can score 2-
point conversion immediately following a touchdown by moving the ball over the opponent’s goal
line from 3 yards away. A team scores a safety by tackling the opponent’s ball carrier behind the
opposing teams own goal line (end zone)
o the ball is put into play at the beginning of the game, beginning the second half, and after each
score by a place kick from the kicking teams 20-yd line. If a team fails to advance the ball to at
least the next zone in four consecutive attempts (downs), the opponents take over possession of
the ball at that point on the field. A team may punt the ball to the opposition any time during their
four-down sequence. Usually a team only punts when it feels it cannot make a first down (moving
the ball forward to the next zone). However, if a team is successful in advancing the ball to the
next zone it receivers four more downs (getting the first down) to advance the ball into now the
opponent’s end zone.
o Usually there are 8 players on a team, depends on the class size and the game usually consists of
two 20-minute halves however we may modify the games to two 10 minute halves (bring timer to
keep track of game times)

 Game play! (smaller field and team numbers for grade 6s in needed***)
o Divide students into previously assigned teams (5-8 students per team) extra students will rotate in
after each play is made
 While waiting they may practice individual skills with other extra players, play modified
games, or cheer on their team
o Teams will be divided equally amongst students ability level
o Students will decide positions for both offensive and defensive plays
o Students will create their own formations for both offensive and defensive plays
o Fair play rule: every student must have the chance to receive the ball at least once during each
offensive turn during each game
o Teams will keep track of their own points
o Teams must be honest with penalties (flag guarding, tackling, rushing the quarterback,
interceptions, etc.)
o All teams will play one another during the two days of game play for example there will be two
fields and each team will play 2 games on the first day
 Game 1 field 1: Team 1 vs Team 2
 Game 1 field 2: Team 3 vs Team 4
 Game 2 field 1: Team 2 vs Team 3
 Game 2 field 2: Team 1 vs Team 4

 Debrief through individual team discussions (improvements and strategy for both offense & defense)
o Within teams discuss strategy use, what worked well and what didn’t, what could be used for the
next game? What improvements could be made? Do positions need to be changed?
o Additionally, teams may discuss communication skills amongst the team how can they better
improve positive communication with one another? Call for the ball, establishing and sticking to
predetermined patterns, ensuring everyone is a part of the play and getting touches, creating a
positive team dynamic with uplifting comments and support for one another, cheering their
teammates on during the game and while subbing.
o What is the team goal?
 Cool-down stretch
Assessment & Evaluation
 (Formative) Observation: through individual team discussions (improvements and strategy for both offense
& defense)
o Did students engage in positive communication skills? Calling for the ball, establishing and
sticking to predetermined patterns, ensuring everyone is a part of the play and getting touches,
creating a positive team dynamic with uplifting comments and support for one another, cheering
their teammates on during the game and while subbing?
o Did students discuss their team goals and how to reach them through either making adjustments to
positions or in finding strengths and weaknesses in their formations and game play strategy?

 (Summative) Game play assessment rubric: haven’t been created yet

 (Summative) Fair play/cooperation rubric: haven’t been created yet
Equipment Safety Considerations
 Outdoor playing area that (2  Ensure to point out key aspects of teamwork, cooperation and
regulation flag football fields if communication for success
possible)  Be aware and considerate of varying skill during game play
 4 cones for boundary markers per  Teams must include all players, pass to all players to ensure
field lots of touches and fair play
 1 football per field  Field and space awareness during game play
 1 set of belts and flags per player  Ensure all players are rotating fairly

Dimension: Games
Unit: Football
Lesson 10: Game Play Day 2

General Outcomes Activity Benefits Health Cooperation Do It Daily…For Life!

Specific Outcomes A6-10, A6-11 C6-3, C6-5 C7-3, D6-3, D6-4, D6-7D7-
A7-10, A7-11 C7-5 3, D7-4, D7-7
Game Play Day 2

 Review team discussions from the day before
o Teams must identify 1 team strength and 1 team weakness (formation, positions, communication,
skills, routes/patterns, etc.), 1 positive communication goal for the day, and lastly their overall
team goal for the last day
o Quick review on ways to engage in positive team play and communication
 Call for the ball, establishing and sticking to predetermined patterns, ensuring everyone is
a part of the play and getting touches, creating a positive team dynamic with uplifting
comments and support for one another, cheering their teammates on during the game and
while subbing.
 Warm-up activity “Flag tag”
o Emphasize the purpose of blocking as the only way to protect a teammate from a defender
o Each student has two flags, students work to retrieve as many flags from their peers during the
allotted time
o Flags must not be covered by shirts and must be visible

Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies

 Brief explanation of the rules and regulations of flag football
o no physical contact
o start with a huddle, QB decides the pattern and who will be receiving the ball, take position on the
line of scrimmage
o positions: QB, center, and receivers, defensive team will play man to man coverage
o attempt to move the ball downfield towards the endzone to score a touchdown, 4 downs (4
chances) to get a first down, then have 4 more downs to make it into the end zone for a touch
o If fail to get a first down then the other team get the ball at that point going in the other direction
o Touchdown= 6 points can then go for a 2-point convert
o Punts and placekicks allowed at any time during four downs, at the beginning of the game to put it
into play, beginning of second half and after each score from the kicking teams 20-yd line
o No flag guarding, tackling, or holding

 Game play! (smaller fields and team numbers for grade 6s if needed)
o Divide students into previously assigned teams (5-8 students per team) extra students will rotate in
after each play is made
 While waiting they may practice individual skills with other extra players, play modified
games, or cheer on their team
o Fair play rule: every student must have the chance to receive the ball at least once during each
offensive turn during each game
o Teams will keep track of their own points
o Teams must be honest with penalties (flag guarding, tackling, rushing the quarterback,
interceptions, etc.)
o All teams will play one another during the two days of game play for example there will be two
fields and each team will play 2 games on the second day
o Tie breaker if needed to determine what team plays in the final (kickoff challenge or some
variation of a skill challenge)
 Game 1 field 1: Team 1 vs Team 3
 Game 1 field 2: Team 2 vs Team 4
 Game 2 field 1: finals
 Game 2 field 2: consolation

 Debrief through individual team discussions
o Within teams discuss strategy use, after discussing from yesterday’s team talk what worked well
and what didn’t, how were improvements made, and how did you attempt to achieve your team
o Additionally, how did teams improve positive communication with one another?
 Cool-down stretch

Assessment & Evaluation

 (Formative) Observation: through individual team discussions
o Did students engage in positive communication skills? Calling for the ball, establishing and
sticking to predetermined patterns, ensuring everyone is a part of the play and getting touches,
creating a positive team dynamic with uplifting comments and support for one another, cheering
their teammates on during the game and while subbing?
o Did students discuss and follow through in attempting to achieve their team goals? Did teams
make adjustments in order to be more successful as a team?
 (Formative) Exit Slip: “The importance of teamwork & communication)

 Students must provide 2 examples of when THEY engaged in a form of:

o Teamwork
o Communication
o Positive attitude/behaviours
o Respect for self and others
o Cooperation
o Support
o Fair play/etiquette

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________
 Students must provide 2 examples of when they noticed a PEER engage in a form of:
o Teamwork
o Communication
o Positive attitude/behaviours
o Respect for self and others
o Cooperation
o Support
o Fair play/etiquette

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________

 Student must provide 2 full sentences explaining WHY the above examples lead to team success and a
welcoming classroom environment:

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________

 (Summative) Game play assessment rubric: haven’t been created yet

 (Summative) Fair play/cooperation rubric: haven’t been created yet

Equipment Safety Considerations

 Outdoor playing area that (2  Ensure to point out key aspects of teamwork, cooperation and
regulation flag football fields if communication for success
possible)  Be aware and considerate of varying skill during game play
 4 cones for boundary markers per  Teams must include all players, pass to all players to ensure
field lots of touches and fair play
 1 football per field  Field and space awareness during game play
 1 set of belts and flags per player  Ensure all players are rotating fairly

4 to score
-two hand touch
-bean bag

Passing receiving 2 days

Modified games, ultimate, four to score,

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