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This chapter contains various literatures and studies that were

compounded by the researchers to create a meaningful foundation of the current

study to be conducted. The researchers present the variables as follows;

concepts and definitions of Larong Pinoy, its importance to education and how it

can be preserved for the next generation.

Traditional Games in Philippines: Larong Pinoy

People during the early times spend much of their time doing nothing. Not

just nowadays people seem too busy. So, they needed a form of amusement,

then suddenly these traditional games were invented due to the creativity of

Filipinos (Ulanday et al., 2017). Traditional Filipino Games or Indigenous games

in the Philippines are games commonly played by children, usually using native

materials or instruments. In the Philippines, due to the limited resources of toys

for Filipino children, they usually invent games without the need of anything but

the players themselves. As modernization takes place, these games are rarely

played due to the advancement of technology (Miller & Kuhaneck, 2018). Most of

the children nowadays are spending much of their childhood playtime on internet

cafes or handheld gadgets instead of socializing and playing different kinds of

Laro ng Lahi that for years is a culture of a typical Filipino child. It seems like they

are repelling the culture that we inherited to our ancestors which they should be
the one to cherish, foster, and preserve it for the next generation (Prestoza et al.,


Filipino children nowadays are left with a choice, to keep up with the flow

of modern times, dwell on virtual games and completely leaving behind the

traditional sports, but these children don’t have to make this choice, at what is

needed in this matter is to find a better, drastic and creative solution to create the

balance that is justly needed (Thomas, 2012).

The Traditional Filipino Games are very much alive in the Philippines. It is

not true that the Filipino Street Games are no longer played, as some would say

that it has vanished in Philippine society in the age of computers and high-tech

gadgets. In many urban and rural areas, a great majority of Filipino children still

play outdoor street games as most of them are still unable to own expensive

high-tech gadgets (Aguado, 2013). Larong Pinoy Games are commonly played

by children usually using native materials or instruments. Kids usually come up

fun ideas, inventing games without the need of anything but the players

themselves. With the flexibility of a real human to think and act makes the game

more interesting and challenging.

A few decades ago, kids used to gather in the streets or in their

neighborhood playground to play their favorite Larong Pinoy games like piko,

patintero, taguan, tumbang preso, siyato, luksong tinik, etc. These has been their

regular and popular pastimes, as well as the favorite games of their parents and

grandparents until new and modern forms of entertainment has taken over the

interests of young kids (Washington, 2016).

While the traditional Filipino games are being overshadowed by modern

games and hi-tech gadgets, it is still present in society. Children in high-fenced

villages miss the fun of Larong Pinoy; because in some villages, parents are

wary of sending their kids off to the streets to play because they are worried for

their safety. But then, if it’s just across the house, the exercise that the kids will

get from these games would be worth it because physical outdoor activity is

really good for them (NerdySeal, 2021).

When we were younger, we considered summer as the best of time. We

didn't have to go to school, we had no homework, and we didn't need to review

for exams. We played on the streets with our neighbor-friends until we used up

all our energy. Today, it's different, most kids are stuck on their phones, iPods,

and PSPs while sitting on a corner (Anderson, 2018). In this generation, there is

indeed an issue regarding the increase of children spending their playtime in

Online games, a study from the Pew Research Center cited by Anderson (2018)

elaborated this. The number of children that are still playing the traditional games

is seen to be going downhill, this becomes almost a thing of the past as

mentioned by De La Cruz (2018). Many children indulge themselves with

computer games such as DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) Counter-Strike etc.

and those children who are above the middle class are expected to own at least

a PS2, a PSP, an Xbox, or a Nintendo DS (Aguado, 2013).

The researchers have done relevant reading about the matter, the

researchers found out that a lot of bloggers and article writers who are wired on

this issue agree that children nowadays do not know how to play traditional
Filipino games which leads to a member of congress to introduce House Bill No.

8626 or The Philippine Indigenous Games Preservation Act of 2017 which

includes its inclusion in the appropriate part of the curriculum in the basic

education system of the schools, preservation of such games either by

documentary or other useful means, and holding of regular demonstration of

such games in national events and appropriate school activities (De La Cruz,

2018). The traditional Filipino Games must be played by children of today for it is

seen as the best platform for "promoting peace, harmony, goodwill and

camaraderie" in various Philippine communities (De La Cruz, 2018). As the

moves continue in our houses of government, pushing for its revival and

inclusion in the ordinary course of life, the researchers believe that these games

should be preserved not only because Filipino children prefer to play them but

because these games are fragment of unique and artistic heritage of the Filipino

Culture (Buan et al., 2020) games. Filipino children nowadays are left with a

choice, to keep up with the flow of modern times, dwell on virtual games and

completely leaving behind the traditional sports, but these children don't have to

make this choice, at what is needed in this matter is to find a better, drastic, and

creative solution to create the balance that is justly needed (Thomas, 2012).

Importance of Larong Pinoy in Education

Games are widespread phenomena. Every one of us played games on

one point of our lives. We played traditional games for amusement whenever

suitable opportunities arise (Barboza, 2013). Buan et al. (2020) stated that
Filipino games had been a part of the Filipino pastime. Moreover, Filipino

children are famous for lively personality despite odd conditions. Also, they aren’t

very materialistic. Thus, traditional games or commonly called “Larong Lahi”

represent the diversity of Filipino culture and tradition. These games are

fragment of unique and artistic heritage. But today, these games are rarely

played due to the advancement of technology. This modern age of machinery,

seldom you can see children playing our national games but instead the popular

online, such as Xbox, PSP, Ipad and many interesting gadgets (Aguado, 2011).

In the implementation K 12 Basic Education Program of the Department of

Education, we have already faced problems, such as the context is not based on

local resources, and a majority of the students are complaining about the

methods of learning and teaching science. The results of achievement tests both

local and national were alarming. Moreover, the National Achievement Test

(NAT) results were below DepEd standards. Also, according to Third

International Mathematics and Science Study-Repeat (TIMSS-R), Filipino

students are still weak in science (Coffey, 2020).

The use of local traditional games could be an answer to this dilemma

(Del Carmen et al., 2015). According to Barboza (2013), games play a significant

role in the learning process of the child. These local games are still being

observed because of the educational influence on the physical, mental, and

moral vigor of a child. They used these Philippine traditional games in teaching

physics. For instance, using local games in activities in Mechanics used as

collaborative activity allowed students to learn easier and can develop their
communication skills. Also, the improved activities of traditional games in

teaching physics give a great potential to improve and develop students thinking

and understanding of the subject matter (Del Carmen et al., 2015).

According to Carmen Siao, Principal of E. De Los Santos School in Paco

Manila, the movements used in these native games were initially incorporated in

the DepEd curriculum (Aguado, 2011). Also, the use of anatomical movements

as biology principles is manipulated in the process of playing the local games.

To make curriculum learning and teaching fun and enjoyable, educators

must be creative and innovative. The use of the local game in the context of

science has a meaningful impact on learning because children love to play this

tradition during their spear time with friends, peers, and classmates. Integrating

traditional games in science instruction can be a new form of learning science.

These games allow students to learn science outside the four corners of the old-

style setting. Expose learners from conventional to new experience can increase

interest and engagement in science (Kisiel, 2015). According to Robelen (2011),

beyond the classrooms; there are vague chances for science learning. There is

evidence showing that people of all ages learn science in various activities and a

wide range of setting.

Implications of Preserving Larong Pinoy

“Laro ng Lahi or Traditional Games or indigenous games help students

developed health and endurance. Most traditional games like piko, patintero,

luksong tinik, tumbang preso contributed much to the development of the total
wellness of an individual (Sanches, 2019)". The importance of preserving Larong

Lahi is not only for the cultural benefit of the country but also to the physical

wellbeing of the youth, “Participation of indigenous games emphasizes physical

development, skill training and maintenance, reinforcement of the communities

(Mozar, 2020)". In today's fast paced technological world that brings forth

changes also on how children play, Larong Lahi is slowly becoming a diminished

culture in the Philippines, however there are several steps made to assure the

preservation of Larong Lahi with the help of Physical Education (PE).

The integration of Philippine traditional games to the Physical Education

curriculum was taken into consideration and attempted to be passed as law. On

the House Bill 7103 or the Philippine Traditional Games and Sports Act of 2009

aims to "mandate the inclusion of the Philippine Traditional Games and Sports in

all Physical Education (P.E.) courses of educational institutions at all levels,

private and public and sports activities of local government units and for other

purposes to preserve and promote the Philippine cultural heritage and national

identity among the Filipino people, most especially the youth.", this would like to

be mandated by law to include Larong Pinoy to the activities in PE that would

promote awareness and preservation and tradition of Philippine Traditional

Games (Garcia et al., 2019).

Aside from the attempt of a Philippine law of this matter, DepEd and

Magna Kultura Foundation made an effort to promote Larong Lahi in Philippine

Public schools. Magna Kultura Foundation, teamed up with Department of

Education (DepEd) and launched the Larong Pinoy Program in Public

Elementary Schools with the objective to revive the interest of young students on

the Filipino Traditional Games. On the 29th of September 2008, The DepEd

authorized Magna Kultura Foundation to implement the Larong Pinoy Sports

Clinic, it was conducted with game instructors, standard curriculum, and drill

exercises. The Larong Pinoy program is in consonance with the Traditional

Games Project (Laro Ng Lahi) under the School Sports Competition Program of

the DepEd's School sports activities these sports clinics include orientation and

instructions on games such as tumbang preso, patintero, piko, luksong tinik,

siyato, and other games. Another advocacy of the program includes "to promote

nationalism, strengthen family ties, involve the community in worthwhile activities,

and keep the children in school through sports (Aguado, 2013)."

According to Article XIV, Section 14 of the 1987 Constitution, “The state

shall foster the preservation, enrichment and dynamic evolution of a Filipino

National Culture based on the principle of unity in diversity in a climate of free

artistic and intellectual expression.” Furthermore, Article II, Section 17 of the

same constitution prescribes that, “The state shall give priority of education,

science, technology, arts, culture, and sports to foster patriotism and nationalism,

accelerate social progress, and promote total liberation and development.”.

Traditional games are a part of our culture, classified as intangible. This also

symbolizes our identity as Filipinos and should be passed on through

generations to preserve our heritage. UNESCO works to preserve, promote, and

develop Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) [Garcia et al., 2019).

The preservation of Philippines games is important to the country on


preservation, in order to foster the culture and identity of the Filipinos. Mozar

(2020) expresses that "with modernization, we have lost some of our socio-

cultural heritage: Economic, social, and environmental changes such as

disappearance closed-knit villages have led to the demise of some of our

traditional games. Though simple, these games have cultural and social values.

They encourage children to exercise their ingenuity and help develop their social

skills, especially in fostering team spirit in school and in their neighborhood." The

technological advancement by modernization helps our lives but dangers the

children's growth when we do not allow limited screen time.

Studies show that screen dependency and social media addiction exists in

the youth (Lloa, 2018) and this leads to complications on health - physical,

mental, and emotional. With the help of preservation and implementation

Philippine games, the increase of the youth's interest on physical centered

games rather than gadgets, would help lessen these risks.

Lastly, Philippine Traditional games also attributes to the Filipinos social

interactions. Children prone to play gadgets more are likely to have less

interactions which are also essential to their growth. Philippine games are played

by groups; hence children are able to socially interact to other people and form

bonds and friendships. The preservation of Philippine games is important to the

cultural heritage, health wellness, and the social interactions of the Filipinos,

especially the youth (Rappler, 2019).

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