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Getinge Policy

Human Rights Policy

Document ID: POL-0118 rev.2

Adopted by the Board of Directors 16-JUL-2019
POL-0000 rev1

1. Summary

The objective of this Policy is to establish our standpoints on Human Rights. It is based on the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and
Human Rights, and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles
and Rights at Work.

At Getinge, we respect Human Rights and believe that all people should be treated with dignity and
respect. We are committed to identifying, mitigating, and preventing Human Rights abuses in our
business, operations, supply chain, and the communities in which we operate.

This Human Rights Policy applies to all employees and business relations acting on behalf of

2. Scope and Objective

This Policy is valid for all Getinge companies, its subsidiaries and joint operations (jointly “Getinge”)
and applies to all our employees, as well as consultants and agency personnel who work at
Getinge premises or under the direction of Getinge (all referred to in this Policy as “employees”).

This Policy also applies to business partners, such as vendors and suppliers, as well as
distributors, agents and other sales intermediaries.

This Policy provides our employees with an overview of Getinge’s commitment to respect Human
Rights. The objective is to support and enable employees at all levels in Getinge to act in line with
our values, rules and expectations.

We expect all employees to follow this Policy and consistently apply its high standards when doing

3. Principles
Commitment and Expectations

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At Getinge, the protection of all Human Rights is the highest priority. Our business operations are
guided by the principles of diversity and inclusion, freedom of association and ensuring a safe and
secure workplace. We routinely identify, assess, and manage the Human Rights impact of our
business on our employees, our suppliers, our distributors, our customers, and our communities.

We strive to use our position of influence to promote and support Human Rights initiatives.

Our business and operations are guided by the following values:

Diversity and inclusion. Our Diversity Directive articulates our commitment to a diverse and
inclusive working environment.

Freedom of association. We respect our employees’ choice to be represented by trade unions.

We will cooperate with these trade unions in good faith in accordance with applicable national or
regional law.

Safe and secure workplace. We are dedicated to maintaining a safe and productive workplace by
minimizing the risk of accidents, injury, and exposure to health risks. We will maintain a workplace
that is free from violence, harassment, intimidation, or other unsafe conditions due to internal or
external threats.

4. Grievance Mechanisms

Do not hesitate to raise a concern. Any Getinge employee who suspects violations of this Policy is
expected to speak up and raise the issue to their line manager, to Human Resources, to the Ethics
and Compliance Office, or to use the Getinge Speak-Up Line.

All stakeholders have the opportunity to raise questions and or concerns regarding potential and
actual adverse Human Rights impacts by using the Getinge Speak-Up Line.

The Speak-Up Line is available on Getinge internal and external webpages. At Getinge, we do not
accept any form of retaliation against someone who speaks up, expressing concerns or opinions.

We will establish grievance mechanisms, and are committed to investigate any concerns, and if we
discover any severe adverse Human Rights impacts, we will act appropriately without delay.

5. Roles and Responsibilities

All Getinge employees are individually responsible for reading, understanding and complying with
this Policy. Each employee is responsible for acting in accordance with this Policy. Getinge
managers are responsible for making sure each team member has access to this Policy.

Each Getinge business function/sales region is responsible for preventing activities that violate
Human Rights and the principles of this policy.

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Day-to-day reinforcement, including regular information and training on Human Rights issues, as
well as compliance follow-up, is part of every manager’s responsibility, with the support of the
Ethics and Compliance Office.

Violations against the Policy can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

6. Framework

This Policy is part of Getinge’s Governance Framework, which includes:

 Code of Conduct, Our Cultural Core Values, Strategic framework, Policies approved by the
Board of Directors, Directives approved by the CEO or direct reports to the CEO as well as
local instructions
 Decisions made by the CEO or otherwise under the Delegations of Authority as approved
by the CEO
 The Ethics and Compliance Office is responsible for ensuring that the latest version of this
Policy is published and available to all employees on the Getinge intranet.
 This Policy will be reviewed every other year or as needed.
 The original language of this Policy is English.

7. Guidance and Assistance

If you have questions on this policy or you are uncertain which rules apply, please contact the
local HR department or email to [email protected]

Useful links:
Code of Conduct POL-0108

People Policy POL-0106

Sustainability Policy POL-0114

Diversity Directive DIR-0145

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