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Core Connectors and

Document Transformation
This booklet is for the personal use of only the individuals who have enrolled in this specific workday training course. You may
make copies only as necessary for your own use. Any distribution, even within your organization, is strictly prohibited unless
workday has authorized such distribution in writing.

© 2015 Workday, Inc. All rights reserved. Workday, the Workday logo, Workday Enterprise Business Services, Workday Human
Capital Management, Workday Financial Management, Workday Resource Management and Workday Revenue Management are all
trademarks of Workday, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
holders. Version 24 (April, 2015)
Integration Systems for Developers for Workday Version 24

Core Connectors and Document Transformation ...................................................................... 4
Description ......................................................................................................................................4
Goal & Objectives ............................................................................................................................4
Agenda ...........................................................................................................................................4

Integration Architecture Overview ....................................................................................................5

Workday Connectors ........................................................................................................................6
Integration System Templates ..........................................................................................................7

Core Connector: Worker ...................................................................................................................8

Integration System Services ........................................................................................................... 10

Integration System Integration Field Attributes ................................................................................ 12

Integration System Field Overrides ................................................................................................. 14

Integration Attributes ..................................................................................................................... 15

Activity 1 – Create Integration System ......................................................................................... 16

Integration Sequence Generators ................................................................................................... 23

Launching an Integration System ................................................................................................... 24

Activity 2– Configure the Integration Sequence Generator and Launch .......................................... 26

Change Detection .......................................................................................................................... 31

Transaction Log ............................................................................................................................. 32

Integration Business Process .......................................................................................................... 34
Activity 3 – Create an Integration Business Process ...................................................................... 39

Core Connector: Organization Inbound ........................................................................................... 42

Activity 4 – Create and Launch Inbound Organization ................................................................... 48
Integration System Security ........................................................................................................... 53
Activity 5 – Create an Integration System User ............................................................................ 60
Reports-as-a-Service (RaaS) ........................................................................................................... 62
Activity 6 – Hello Document Transformation Report ...................................................................... 65

Document Retrieval Service ............................................................................................................ 67

Document Transformation Integration System ................................................................................. 68

Activity 7 – Hello Document Transformation ................................................................................. 70

Document Transformation Integration XSLT Formatting ................................................................... 78
Activity 8 – Hello Document Transformation - Modify XTT ............................................................. 81

2 © 2015 Workday, Inc.

Integration Systems for Developers Workday Version 24

Activity 9 – Hello Document Transformation - ETV ....................................................................... 90

Integration Maps & Attributes .................................................................................................... 96

Activity 10 – Hello Document Transformation - ETV with Enumeration Integration System Map .... 100
Activity 11 – Hello Document Transformation - ETV and XTT ...................................................... 105

Document Transformation and Web Services................................................................................. 109

Activity 12 – Core Connector: Worker Document Transformation ................................................ 110

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 3

Integration Systems for Developers for Workday Version 24


Designed for a developer, this Workday integration course looks at using pre-built integration templates
called Core Connectors to build integrations systems. While not always end-to-end like packaged
integrations, connectors address the majority of the integration effort required to connect to third-party
end points. Connectors can often be leveraged as delivered, or they can also provide the foundation for
further configuration leveraging Workday’s Integration Cloud Platform. By using Connectors, you can
provide a rapid, flexible, and repeatable method for integrating with Workday, and ensure that all external
systems receive only the data that you want to expose. Additionally, the course will cover Integration
Document Transformation. Element Transformation and Validation (ETV) and XML To Text (XTT) enable
you to add Workday-specific processing instructions to an XSLT file's elements using attributes. ETV and
XTT provide a number of different ways to transform and validate elements in an XML document.
Workday Studio will not be covered.


Using Connectors, you can provide a rapid, flexible, and repeatable method for integrating with Workday,
and ensure that all external systems receive only the data that you want to expose. Additionally, the
course will cover Integration Document Transformation. Element Transformation and Validation (ETV)
and XML To Text (XTT) enable you to add Workday-specific processing instructions to an XSLT file's
elements using attributes. ETV and XTT provide a number of different ways to transform and validate
elements in an XML document. Workday Studio will not be covered.

 Integration Architecture Overview
o Integration System Tools
o Integration Cloud Connect
 Integration System Building Blocks
 Core Connectors
o Overview Core Connectors
o Core Connector: Worker
o Core Connector: Inbound Organization
o Integration System Security
 Document Transformation
o XTT (XML To Text)
o ETV (Element Transformation and Validation)

4 © 2015 Workday, Inc.

Integration Systems for Developers Workday Version 24


Workday’s suite of business services

are hosted within the Object
Management System (OMS). All
customer data is stored within the
persistent store and the only way to
access this is through the OMS. This is
an important aspect of how Workday
addresses issues such as security and
performance. All communication with
the OMS is via XML over HTTPS.
Users access Workday through Web
browsers. The User Interface Server
(UI Server) handles these requests.

Developers also connect to the OMS via the UI Server to make use of the browser-based tools, for
example, when configuring Integration Systems or building integrations using the EIB.

There are three ways to access the web services to get and update date via an integration system to
your Workday tenant. You may use the delivered configurable integrations (Cloud Connect), the
integration tools to create integration systems (EIB and Workday Studio) or your own existing

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 5

Integration Systems for Developers for Workday Version 24


Workday Connectors are pre-built integration templates that extend Workday's functionality to external
vendors for Human Capital Management (HCM), Payroll, Payroll Interface, Financial Management, and
Spend Management. All integrations are hosted and maintained by Workday.

Workday provides two types of Connectors:

 End-to-end Connectors support a specific named third party application or service. When a
Connector is deployed, the specific business functions between the two systems are configured
with no additional coding required.

 Connectors are pre-built integrations that address the majority of the integration effort required
to connect to third-party end points.

All Connectors require some level of tenant configuration and testing. Each customer may have specific
mapping requirements and different endpoint configurations. These differences in customer
configurations can be accommodated with Workday's integration templates and mapping capabilities.

Workday Connectors are currently available for:

 Benefits
 Workday Payroll
 Third-Party Payroll
 Financials
 Spend Management

For more information on available connectors, visit Community:

Each Workday Connector is a packaged integration template with a configurable set of data across a
range of categories. Core Connectors let you specify which data elements to include in integration output
files. When launched, the integration collects a snapshot of all data and creates an output file in XML
format based on your specifications.

All Workday Connector integrations create integration output files in a Workday-defined XML format. This
output can be configured for delivery, or further transformation.

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Workday's Connectors share a common design pattern that makes it easy to connect Workday to
complementary applications and services, yet provides the flexibility to configure a tenanted solution to fit
your needs.

Many Workday integrations are simple enough to set up on your own. You start with an integration
template that provides a framework for Workday to communicate with an external system. Each
integration template contains a set of integration services, comprised of integration attributes and maps
that define specific connection points. To reduce complexity, many integration templates have factory
default settings for common definitions and system requirements. By building in default values for the
technical aspects of an integration, Workday lets you focus on the functional setup tasks related to your

Integration systems are tenanted definitions of a Workday integration. An integration system has the
following building blocks:

Integration Template
Establishes the framework for data exchange through a collection of integration services.

Integration Service
Contains a set of attributes and maps related to a specific integration function. Integration services use
XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) to convert Workday XML into a format that an
external system can read.

Integration Attribute
Provides one or more tenanted values for a data element in Workday.

Integration Map
Defines relationships between Workday values and external system values. Examples are maps for
benefit coverage levels, marital status, gender, job classifications, and locations.

Transaction Log
Provides a record of business processes and events in Workday. Integrations can subscribe to specific
transaction log events to capture the changes to employee data that are relevant to an external system.

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Integration Systems for Developers for Workday Version 24


The Core Connector: Worker integration system exports worker data changes from Workday in simple
XML format. Workday also supports output in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format, with certain
limitations. As you hire, promote, transfer, terminate, or update worker data, the integration generates a
text file containing the changes.

Using configurable data sections or Workday-delivered report fields and calculated fields that you create,
you can export any worker data, in any combination.

Change Detection

The Core Connector: Worker detects changes to worker data by monitoring a transaction log. When you
set up the integration system, you may select which business processes and transaction types that the
integration system should subscribe to. However, if your integration system does not subscribe to a
transaction type that affects your worker's profile, Workday will not include changes triggered by that
transaction type.

The Core Connector: Worker integration uses a three-step process to detect and report changes:

1. When the Core Connector: Worker integration checks the transaction log, the integration
determines which workers have had changes which resulted in the generation of at least one of
the configured transaction events.

2. For each worker with a matching transactional change, the integration compares their report
fields for the time at which the integration was run and the time at which it was last successfully
run. It identifies which, if any, of the values of interest have been modified.

3. If the worker has any changes in field values or eligibility, Workday generates an appropriate
creation, change or deletion message.

Full-Diff Extract

You can configure your Core Connector: Worker integration to select all workers who meet the eligibility
criteria, then determine changes for the returned data. To enable this option, disable the Transaction Log
service. When you run the integration, Workday extracts all applicable data for the defined population of
employees, regardless of whether the worker had any changes since the last successful integration
system run.

Worker Eligibility

For each integration system, you define a group of workers that belongs to the integration system.
Membership is defined by a single Boolean report field or calculated field. If the field value is true for a
worker, that worker is a member of the group, and changes for that worker are included in the
integration. If the field value is false, the integration system ignores that worker.

8 © 2015 Workday, Inc.

Integration Systems for Developers Workday Version 24


In this next sequence of activities, you will use the Core Connector: Worker integration template to
generate an XML file based upon how you configured the integration system.

The first integration we build using Core Connector: Worker will generate the following XML file:

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 9

Integration Systems for Developers for Workday Version 24


Integration services manage each category of employee data that is available for output. Before you can
configure fields, you must enable the integration services that manage those fields. To modify the
settings, select Integration System >> Configure Integration Services as a related action on the
integration system.

This connector is being driven by the GetWorkers Web Service Operation. This service operation can
be accessed directly by EIB and Workday Studio. The Core Connector: Worker integration template
abstracts the web service providing the ability to configure the integration using the tenant, rather than
writing a custom request. Notice the Worker_Response_Group of the Get_Workers_Request match the
services selectable in the Integration Services of the Worker Connector.

10 © 2015 Workday, Inc.

Integration Systems for Developers Workday Version 24


Many times an external system may need a piece of data that is not available in the Web Service
Operation. While you cannot change the Workday Web Service, by using Core Connector you have the
ability to add a Custom Integration Service to bring additional fields to the output file. These fields can
be Delivered Report Fields, Calculated Fields and even Custom Fields.

When you are defining which services to include, you can add a custom service. For example, to add
group fields not included in the underlying web service operation, create a new Integration Field Override

When you create the service, you give the service a name, associate it to a Business Object and define
the fields. These fields will be mapped later in the Integration System Field Override Service.

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 11

Integration Systems for Developers for Workday Version 24


Field attributes enable you to configure the contents of an integration output file field by field. You can
select which fields to include in the integration, specify whether the fields are required, and specify
maximum field length. When the integration runs, Workday searches for changes to the selected fields,
validates that the required fields are present in the output file, truncates values that exceed the
maximum field length, and reports any errors or warnings in the audit files.

To modify field attributes for an integration, as a related action on the integration system, select
Integration System >> Configure Integration Field Attributes.

Before building an integration with the Core Connector:Worker template, familiarize yourself with each
data section to understand which fields are available for output and how the configuration options affect
integration behavior. Documentation on the available data sections can be found on community at

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Integration Systems for Developers Workday Version 24

During integration setup, enable the integration services for each data section that you want to include in
the output file. All enabled data sections will be available to configure via the Configure Integration
Attributes related action.

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Field overrides are a flexible tool to customize your integration system. Use field overrides to map
tenanted data to an external system and add custom values to integration output files. Field overrides
use report fields or calculated fields to supply the values that are required by the external system.

To configure integration field overrides, as a related action on the integration system, select Integration
System >> Configure Integration Field Overrides.

The Core Connector: Worker integration template includes the Define Eligibility/ Eligibility criterion field
override. Designate a report field or calculated field that identifies if a worker is or is not eligible for the
integration. The report field or calculated field must be based on the Worker business object, and it must
return a Boolean true or false. A Boolean true includes the worker in the integration, a Boolean false
excludes the worker.

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Integration attributes provides one or more tenanted values for a data element in Workday. For
example, attributes define deduction codes, pay rate types, benefit plan names, and citizenship status.
These attributes are configurable and can be required for launch.

Integration attributes are configurable constants that may need to be changed occasionally in Workday.
To modify attributes for an integration navigate to the related action Integration System >>
Configure Integration Attributes on the integration system.

For Cloud Connect Integration templates the configurable attributes are defined in the documentation on
Workday Community. To see a full list of Core Connector: Worker integration attributes view the
following Workday Community link:

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Business Case: You will create a new integration system based on the Core Connector: Worker
integration system template. This integration system will be used to extract Worker data including
Personal Data, Position Data and Compensation Data. In this activity you will create the integration
system and then configure the integration services, integration attributes, integration field attribute
values as well as the field overrides.

Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil)

1. Search for and select the task Create Integration System
2. Name your new integration system WICT_HCM_Workers
3. From the New using Template radio button, choose the By Integration Template
Category>>Cloud Connect for HCM >> Core Connector: Worker template as shown
below and then click OK:

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4. On the Configure Integration Services page, check the Enabled checkbox for the following
Integration Services as shown below (do not click OK yet):
a. Core Connector: Worker/Worker Personal Data Section Fields
b. Core Connector: Worker/Worker Position Data Section Fields
c. Core Connector: Worker/Worker Compensation Data Section Fields

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5. At the bottom of the page below the default integration template services, add a row under
Custom Integration Services.
a. From the prompt select Create >> Create Integration Field Override Service

6. Configure the Integration Field Override Service as shown below:

a. Specify a name of WICT_HCM_Workers_Custom
b. Specify a Business Object of Worker (Note that search is not enabled for this field.
Navigate via the prompts).
c. Add two rows named INIT and UNAME under Fields and provide a description.

7. Click OK to save your Integration Field Override Service, then click OK a second time to save
your Integration Services and return to the View Integration System page.

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Upon returning to the View Integration System page, notice the red error on the right hand
side of the page indicating that there is an Integration Attribute marked as “Required for
Launch” that has no value assigned.

8. Configure the Integration Attributes by navigating to Integration System >> Configure

Integration Attributes

9. Populate the Version attribute which is “Required for Launch” by clicking the + sign and selecting
24.0 from the prompt.

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10. Click OK to save your Integration Attributes and return to the View Integration System page.
11. Next, configure the Integration Field Attributes by navigating to the Integration System >>
Configure Integration Field Attributes related action.

12. In the Worker Personal Data Section Fields select:

a. Name Data
b. Name Data/ First Name
c. Name Data/Last Name
d. Address Data
e. Address Data/Address Line Data
f. Address Data/Postal Code
g. Address Data/Country
h. Email Data
i. Email Data/Email Address
13. In the Worker Position Data Section Fields select:
j. Business Title
k. Worker Type
l. Business Site
m. Business Site Address Line Data
n. Business Site Region
14. In the Worker Compensation Data Section Fields select:
o. Total Base Pay
p. Base Pay Currency

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Integration Systems for Developers Workday Version 24

15. Click OK to save you field selections however do not click Done.
16. Configure the Integration Field Overrides by navigating to the Integration System >>
Configure Integration Field Overrides related action.

17. Set the WICT_HCM_Workers/Define Eligibility Override External Field setting to the Active
Status (Workday Delivered T/F field) as shown below.

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18. Under the WICT_HCM_Workers/WICT_HCM_Workers_Custom section set the Field

Configuration settings as seen below:
q. Map the INIT field to an Override External Field of Initials
r. Map the UNAME field to an Override External Field of User Name

19. Click OK then Done.

~~~~~~<End of Activity>~~~~~~

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Integration Systems for Developers Workday Version 24


Integration sequence generation enables your integration to generate a unique sequenced file name each
time it runs. To create a sequence generator select the Integration System >> Configure
Integration Sequence Generators related action. The following options are available:

 Last Number Used - Manually sets the last sequence number. When you set the number, the
initial sequence number will be your number plus the Increment by value.
 Last Used Date - Specify this date, plus an interval for Restart Every to determine whether
the date is before or after the last restart interval. The sequence number is then set based on the
 Increment By - Specify the value to increment sequence numbers by.
 Restart Every - Specify how often Workday resets the sequence numbers.
 Restart Based on Time Zone - To specify the time zone for the file generation date and time
used in the Format/Syntax field, select the time zone from the prompt.
 Restart at Number - Specify the number Workday uses when restarting sequence numbers. To
use this field, you set the Restart Every value.
 Padding with '0' - To pad sequence numbers, specify the number of zeros that Workday uses
to pad each sequence number.
 Format/Syntax - Define the file name format by entering a string constant, a pattern for the
date, time, and sequence, and the file extension. Hover your mouse cursor over the
Format/Syntax field to see a help tool tip on available patterns.

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The Date Parameters extract records that are current as of the specified As Of Entry Moment and
Effective Date parameters. If Full File is not selected, then the extract includes only those records that
are detected to have changed in one or more output fields as compared to what was current as of the
Last Successful As Of Entry Moment and Last Successful Effective Date parameters.

 As Of Entry Moment enables you to search for and retrieve data changes where the change
has been entered in Workday as of the current moment.

 Effective Date defines the end of a date range during which changes became effective. The
integration extracts all changes with effective dates on or before this date.

 Last Successful As of Entry Moment defaults to the As of Entry Moment (date and time)
used in the last successful integration system launch. You can override this date and time in
order to force the integration to search for and retrieve data changes over a wider period.

 Last Successful Effective Date defines the beginning of a date range during which changes
became effective.

 Workers enables you to restrict the integration to only considering those workers selected in
this list.

 Restrict Results By Orgs enables you to select one or more Organizations to include in the
integration output file.

 Full File extracts all data, regardless of how recently it was changed.

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Every time the integration runs, Workday generates the following files:

 The DATA CHANGES AUDIT is a readable version of the integration output file.

 The DIAGNOSTIC AUDIT is designed to help you troubleshoot integration errors.

 The SCHEMA XSD file defines the content and the structure of the output file. It includes only
those fields that you have enabled for your integration system.

You can find these files in the Reports and Other Output Files section of the Integration Event for each
integration run.

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 25

Integration Systems for Developers for Workday Version 24



Business Case: In this activity, you will enable the Filename Sequence Generator service and then
configure it. You will then run the integration and view the resulting file. To see the impact of a data
change you will modify personal data information for Logan McNeil and then launch the integration
once more. The resulting file will contain only changed worker data.

1. To navigate back to your integration system, search for intsys:WICT and select the
WICT_HCM_Workers integration system
2. Enable the Filename Sequence Generator by navigating to the Configure Integration Services
page via the Integration System >> Configure Integration Services related action.

3. On the Configure Integration Services page, check the Enabled checkbox for the Core
Connector: Worker/Core Connector: Worker Filename Sequence Generator service.

26 © 2015 Workday, Inc.

Integration Systems for Developers Workday Version 24

4. Configure the Filename Sequence Generator via the Integration System >> Configure
Integration Sequence Generators related action.

5. Set the Increment By value to 1 and the Format/Syntax value to <YOUR

INITIALS>_HCMWorkerOutput_[Seq].xml (shown below) then click OK and Done.

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Integration Systems for Developers for Workday Version 24

6. Launch the integration system via the Integration >> Launch/Schedule related action.
a. Specify a Run Frequency of Run Now and click OK.

7. Specify the following Integration Criteria Launch parameters and click OK.
a. Allow the value for As of Entry Moment to default to today's date and time
b. Allow the value for Effective Date to default to today's date
c. Set the field value for Last Successful As of Entry Moment to 01/01/2011 12:00:00
d. Set the field value for Last Successful Effective Date to 01/01/2011
e. Workers, Restrict Results By Orgs, and Full File should be left blank.

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8. While viewing the background process click Refresh to manually refresh the page. It will take a
few moments for the integration system to complete.

9. Once the Status of the Background Process shows Completed, navigate to the Output Files
a. Click the file name to open in a browser window and review the file.
b. How many Workers are returned? _________________________

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10. Launch the integration system a second time, allowing the date launch parameters to default in.
How many Workers are returned? ______________________

Next let’s investigate the impact of a data change by changing Logan's primary work email

11. Navigate to the profile of Logan McNeil and select Contact. Then click the Edit button.

12. Scroll down and change Logan’s Work - Primary Email to [email protected]

13. Click Submit.

14. Launch the integration a third time allowing the date launch parameters to default in. How many
Workers are returned? ____________________________________
15. Which Workers are returned? ____________________________________

~~~~~~<End of Activity>~~~~~~

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Core Connector: Worker detects changes to worker data by monitoring a transaction log. When you set
up the integration system, you select which business process and transaction types that the integration
system should subscribe. Excluding business process and transaction types that are irrelevant to your
needs improves performance. However, if your integration system does not subscribe to a transaction
type that affects your worker's profile, Workday would not include changes triggered by that transaction
type. Workday recommends that if you are not sure if the integration system should subscribe to a
given transaction or business process type, you should not exclude it.

 Instead of always sending a full file, we are now able to send just new and/or changed data
since the last successful integration run

 Extensive coding is no longer required

 Changes are detected by monitoring the transaction log

 You can determine which data changes are detected by configuring specific business process
and/or transaction types. (i.e. Marital status changes)

Workday day uses a complex algorithm to determine which changes to capture.

 Which changes should be detected?

This is determined by the field(s) you chose to be on the output file and/or events you
configured to be detected (i.e. business title change)

 A change is made in the system

(i.e. Jack Lee’s business title is changed )

 Integration is Launched

 Did the change’s entry date happen within the entry date range?

 Did the effective date of the change happen within the effective date range?

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 31

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The Transaction Log enables your integration to monitor events in Workday. You configure the
Transaction Log to subscribe to events for particular transaction types or business process types. You can
configure the types that you are interested in within a particular date or time range, thereby allowing you
to find and compare differences that have occurred in your Workday data within a particular time period.

Option Description

Enables your integration system to subscribe to events that take place in Workday. This enables your integration to only
report changed fields for workers, rather than report all fields.
If disabled, your integration first extracts all data for eligible records, and then evaluates the data for changes. Using
this option can adversely affect performance.

Use the Integration System >> Configure Integration Transaction Log related action in order to
select the Workday transactions that you want the integration system to monitor for changes.

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When configuring the Integration Transaction Log you have the following options available:

 Subscribe to all Business Processes - This option subscribes to all events that have a
business process associated to them.
 Subscribe to all Business Process Types except – This option leverages an exclusion list to
filter out specific events from your subscription.
 Subscribe to all Transaction Types – This option subscribes to all event types in Workday
(Business Process, Event Lite and Reorganization Activities) not just those with a business
process associated to them.
 Subscribe to all Transaction Types except – This option also leverages an exclusion list to
filter out specific transactions from your subscription, but it is not limited to just events with a
business process associated.
 Subscribe to specific Transaction Types - This option is used to provide an explicit inclusion
list of transactions to which you want to subscribe.

Note: We recommend that you select Subscribe to all Transaction Types except, then filter out only
transaction types that you know have no relevance to your needs. If in doubt, don't filter out a
transaction type.

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Workday supports integration-specific business processes using the Integration Process Event business
process type. This business process type allows you to:

 Separate the execution of the integration itself from the act of retrieving or delivering files.
Configuring the retrieval or delivery action separately allows you to add additional steps between
these actions and the integration execution, or add multiple retrieval or delivery actions before or
after the integration execution.

 Chain together several integration systems, allowing a subsequent integration system to consume
the integration file(s) produced by 1 or more earlier integration systems. This enables you to
create new integrations using Workday Studio that leverage existing integrations such as Payroll

The Integration Process Event default definition is usually delivered with your tenant. The default
Integration Process Event consists of 2 steps, Initiation and Service (Fire Integration). If this default
definition has not been defined in your tenant, you must create the default definition, including the 2
steps. If this default definition and the Initiation and Fire Integration steps aren't present, you will be
unable to:

 Create an Integration Process Event for any integration system.

 Run any integration system, including EIBs.


The Integration Process Event provides the following step types:

 Initiation: This step launches the integration system to which the Integration Process Event is
 Approval: This step sends a notification to a designated worker or role requesting that they
approve the event.
 To Do: You can add additional non-Workday tasks to the process.
 Integration: This step triggers an additional integration process. This process can be of any
type, including an EIB, packaged integration, tailored integration, or a custom integration built
using Workday Studio.
 Service: The Integration Process Event supports 3 service types:
o DOCUMENT DELIVERY delivers integration files from outbound integration systems to
external endpoints. You can choose to deliver all integration output files (referred to as
Documents) produced by the current Integration Process Event, or Documents that are
tagged based on your specification.
o Document Retrieval imports integration files either from an external endpoint or by
routing a request to a Workday user so that the user can manually upload files for use by
the integration.
o FIRE INTEGRATION executes the integration system itself, to either generate an
output file or load data from a file into Workday. This step is always included by default
in any Integration Business Process Event.

34 © 2015 Workday, Inc.

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You can include additional Integration steps in an Integration Process Event. You can have 2 or more
Integration steps share the same order in the Integration Process Event. Workday then executes the
steps in parallel. Workday executes the Integration Process Event for each additional integration before
continuing to the next step in the parent Integration Process Event.

You can also have more than one Integration step in sequential order. For example, you could add a
second integration system, created in Workday Studio that accepts the reference of an output document
as a launch parameter. You would then configure the second integration step's launch parameters to
assign the output of the first integration system to be the input of the second. The second integration
system consumes the output file from the previous integration and produces a new integration output
file. This is not limited to a 1-to-1 relationship. For example, you could create an Integration Process
Event with 1 Initiation step and 2 Integration steps, each of which is Step a, followed by a single
Integration Step b that consumes all 3 files produced by the 3 Step a integrations.


The Integration Process Event by design separates the generation of an integration file (or multiple files)
and the delivery of the file(s) to an external system. If the external system doesn't receive an expected
integration file, use the following reports to determine what did not work as expected:

 The Process Monitor lists all integration-related events. Any Integration Process Event that
concludes by sending an integration file outside of Workday will generate at least 2 integration-
related events in the Process Monitor, 1 for the Integration step and 1 for the Deliver Document
step. Both events must succeed in order for the external system to receive an integration file. If
the Process Monitor shows the integration as completing successfully, but the external system
didn't receive a file, check for failed Deliver Document events. When you find a failed Deliver
Document event, use its related action menu to determine which Integration Process Event it
belongs to. Then use the Full Process Record report to determine what happened.

 The Full Process Record displays the results of each step in a business process instance. This
allows you to determine if the external system did not receive an integration file due to the
Deliver Document step failing, or due to an Integration step failing to produce a file for the
Deliver Document step.

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Before you can create an Integration Process Event your tenant must have a default definition for the
Integration Process Event business process. If this default definition does not exist in your tenant, you
will be unable to access the Launch/Schedule Integration task for any integration system in your tenant.
You must have created the integration system that will use the Integration Process Event business
process. To create the business process, use the Business Process >> Create, Copy, or Link
Definition related action on the integration system.

36 © 2015 Workday, Inc.

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Configure a business process to deliver one or more integration files to an external location by
configuring a Document Delivery Service step which describes file selection, transport, and encryption
options for the integration file.

In the Document(s) section, select the source of the document to be delivered.

In the Document Filter(s) section, specify tags that Workday should filter on when selecting
documents to deliver. Available tags are specific to the integration template.

In the Delivery Settings section, specify the delivery configuration.

In the Transport section, select a transport protocol and specify details about the endpoint.

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Configure a business process to retrieve an integration document from an external location by configuring
a Document Retrieval Service step which describes file selection, transport, and decryption options for the
integration file.

Document Retrieval also enables you to retrieve the output of a custom report. In this case, Document
Retrieval retrieves the data from within Workday and stores the report output in the W: Drive for use by
a subsequent integration step.


Use the Test Transport task to test the configured Delivery Service or Retrieval Service for an integration
system to verify and troubleshoot connectivity to the external endpoint. When testing your integration
system's configured transport, you can either use a 10KB test file, or select a file from a previous
integration event.

Navigate to Integration >> Test Transport as a related action on the integration system. Select a
Transport to test and then one of the following available actions:

 Connect

 List Files

 Deliver Files

38 © 2015 Workday, Inc.

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Business Case: In this activity, you will create an integration business process for WICT_HCM_Workers.
You will add a Document Delivery step to deliver the output xml file to an SFTP server.

1. Navigate to your integration system by searching for intsys:WICT and selecting the
WICT_HCM_Workers integration system
2. To associate this integration to a Business Process, select the Business Process >> Create,
Copy, or Link Definition related action.

3. Verify the Effective Date is today and accept the default values. Click OK.

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4. Modify the Business Process by adding a step 'c'. It is type 'Service' and the Specify as
'Document Delivery'. Click OK.
5. Click on the configure Document Delivery button. Accept today as the Effective Date and click

6. Enter the values as follows:

a. Documents = From this Integration Process
b. Delivery Settings = Define Transport Explicitly
c. Transport Type = SFTP
i. SFTP Address = s
ii. Directory = /trainingXX (where XX will be provided by Instructor)
iii. Authentication Method = User Name / Password
iv. User ID = Provided by Instructor
v. Password = Provided by Instructor
7. Click OK then Done.
8. If you are not returned to your integration system search for intsys:WICT and select the
WICT_HCM_Workers Integration System and then launch it.
9. Select the Full File checkbox and accept the default date values.
10. Click OK to launch the Integration System.

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11. There will be no "Refresh" button so click on the Integration Event name to refresh. It will take
a few moments to run to completion. (This is a Business Process Event, not Integration Event)

12. To view the file, scroll to the bottom of the WICT_HCM_Workers Event to Event
Document(s). Notice you can follow the results of each Business Process Step.
13. You can view the Integration Event by clicking on the Integration Event hyperlink under the
Initial Integration Event Section.

14. Use Test Transport to produce a list of files on the sFTP server and verify your file is there.

~~~~~~<End of Activity>~~~~~~

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 41

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The Core Connector: Organization Inbound integration system template enables you to build an
integration to import organization data from an external system that defines organizations and their
codes into Workday. Core Connector: Organization Inbound can be used to add new organizations to
Workday, update existing organizations, and inactivate organizations.


The Core Connector: Organization Inbound integration system template enables your external system to:
 Create a new organization in Workday. Include an organization in the integration file with a
unique Reference ID to load the organization into Workday. Define the organization's Reference
ID, name, availability date, code, organization type and sub-type, and location in a hierarchy.

 Edit an existing organization in Workday. Include an organization in the integration file with a
preexisting Reference ID to amend the existing organization in Workday. You can change the
organization's superior organization (equivalent to moving the organization) or edit other
information about the organization, including role assignments.

 Inactivate an organization. By using the provided Inactive flag, you can inactivate an
organization. This is functionally equivalent to deleting the organization.

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The Core Connector: Organization Inbound integration imports data in a Workday-defined CSV (Comma
Separated Value) or XML format. Data must be sent full-file; the Core Connector: Organization does not
support change-only files.

CSV File Description

The CSV format consists of 21 fields, each occurring once per organization. If you do not include a
header on the CSV file, the fields must be in the order listed below. Organization Reference ID

 Organization Reference ID
 Organization Name
 Availability Date
 Include Organization Code In Name
 Organization Code
 Organization Type Name
 Organization Subtype Name
 Organization Visibility Name
 Organization Inactive
 Inactivation Date
 Superior Organization Reference ID. If Container Organization Reference ID has a value, leave
this field empty.
 Container Organization Reference ID. If Superior Organization Reference ID has a value, leave
this field empty.
 Frozen Status
 Staffing Model
 Primary Business Site Reference
 Organization Role 1
 Position ID 1
 Organization Role 2
 Position ID 2
 Organization Role 3
 Position ID 3

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XML Elements

Here is a partial screenshot of the XML elements from Workday Community. Note that the XML schema
provides descriptions for each of the fields.

44 © 2015 Workday, Inc.

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XML Schema

Here is a partial screenshot of the XML Schema from Workday Community. The schema can be used
with an XML editor to produce a blank XML file with the structure defined by this schema.

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Document retrieval enables your integration to import files from an external system over a range of
different transports such as AS2, FTP, FTPS, and SFTP. Workday loads the integration file(s) into your W:
Drive, so that later on integrations can retrieve and process them.

The Document Retrieval Service is configured in the integration business process by configuring a
Document Retrieval Service step which describes file selection, transport, and decryption options for the
integration file. Document Retrieval also enables you to retrieve the output of a custom report. In this
case, Document Retrieval retrieves the data from within Workday and stores the report output in the W:
Drive for use by a subsequent integration step.

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You will need to create/select one or more document tags that identify the file containing the
organization inbound updates. Use this attribute in scenarios where multiple files of different types may
be attached to the business process. If multiple tags are defined for the attribute, you must configure the
Document Retrieval service to apply all listed tags in order for this integration to find the file.

When the Document Retrieval step is configured, it must include the same document tag(s).

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Business Case: You will configure a new integration system based on the Core Connector: Inbound
Organization template to load new organization data. You will need to create an integration business
process that includes a document retrieval service step before the integration fire step. A file will be
provided on the training SFTP server.

1. Search the tenant (All of Workday) for Sales Operations. Notice that the following Supervisory
Organizations are not present. Using the Core Connector: Inbound Organization template we will
load these new organizations into Workday.
a. Sales Operations - North America
b. Sales Operations - Emerging Markets

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2. Create a new integration system based on the Core Connector:Organization Inbound template.
a. Search for and select the Create Integration System task.
b. Name the new integration system WICT_Add_Org_Connector
c. Select the New Using Template radio button and navigate in the prompt to Cloud
Connect for HCM >> Core Connector: Organization Inbound

3. Edit the Integration Attribute Input File Tag. Create a Document Tag with a value of
'organization'. To access the Integration Attributes, use the integration system's related action
menu and navigate to Integration System >> Configure Integration Attributes

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4. Associate the integration system to a Business Process via the Business Process >> Create,
Copy, or Link Definition related action.

5. Verify the Effective Date is today and accept the default values. Click OK.

6. Modify the Business Process by adding a new step with an Order of 'a2'. It is type 'Service'
and the Specify as 'Document Retrieval'. Click OK.

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7. Click on the Configure Document Retrieval button. Accept today as the Effective Date and
click OK.
8. Enter the values as follows:
a. Document Retention Policy = 3
b. Document Tags - Additional Tag(s) = organization
c. Retrieval Settings = Retrieve File(s) from External Location
d. File Name/Pattern = AddOrgs.xml
e. Transport Type = SFTP
i. SFTP Address = s
ii. Directory = /trainingXX (where XX will be provided by Instructor)
iii. Authentication Method = User Name / Password
iv. User ID = Provided by Instructor
v. Password = Provided by Instructor

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9. Click OK then Done.

10. If you are not returned to the View Integration System page, search for intsys:WICT and select
the WICT_Add_Org_Connector Integration System. Launch the integration system with a Run
Frequency of Run Now.

11. Click OK twice to launch the Integration System.

12. There will be no "Refresh" button so click on the Integration Event name to refresh. It will take a
few moments to run to completion. (This is a Business Process Event, not Integration Event)
13. Search the tenant (All of Workday) for
your new organizations.
a. Sales Operations - North
b. Sales Operations - Emerging

~~~~~~<End of Activity>~~~~~~

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Workday has separate security requirements to set up and launch integration systems based on the
integration type. Before you can create, edit, or launch an integration system, you must be in a security
group that has access to the Integration Security domain and permission to access the underlying
integration system or template.


Access to systems and output

Workday provides several security domains that secure your users' access to integration templates and
integration systems. These domains separate the permissions needed to configure an integration from
the permissions needed to run an integration and view the integration's output documents. You can also
segment integration templates and systems, and then grant access separately for each segment.

The following table lists integration-related security domains and what permissions are granted for each

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All access to Workday data is done through web service operations and Reports-as-a-Service.

Cloud Connect and Studio integrations require an Integration System User account for authentication and
access to web service tasks. Each integration system must have its own Integration System User account.
Integration System Users are always members of Integration System Security Groups and can't be
included in any other type of security group. In order for the integration to work correctly, the Integration
System User's security group must have Put and Get access to the domains that contain the web service
operations that interact with the necessary data.

Note: Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) integrations are secured through the current user's sign in
credentials and don't require an integration system user account.

Integration System User

Access the Create Integration System User task and create a new User Name and Password.
Integration System Users represent systems, not a person. It is not intended that this user will launch
the integration system from the tenant.

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Integration System Security Group

Access the Create Security Group task and create a new Integration System Security Group

Note: To learn more about Security, please refer to the virtual training class 'Configurable Security'.

Once the group is created, you may add integration users.

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You must determine which web service tasks your integration system must access.

For packaged integrations, see a complete list of packaged integrations and their web service tasks at
Security Domains for Integration System Data Access in the Workday Community. For custom
integrations, your developer can provide you a list of the web service tasks used by the integration.

1. For each web service task required by your integration system, access the View Security for
Securable Item report and enter the web service task name, then note the security domain or
business process security policy to which the web service task is secured.

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2. Modify the Functional Area identified using the Domain Security Policies for Functional Area
report so the web service operation includes your integration security group.

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3. In order for the user to launch and monitor integrations, the security group must also be
assigned to the Integration Event in the Integrations functional area.

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4. After you update the permissions, you must run the Activate Pending Security Policy
Changes task

If you re-run the View Security for Securable Item report, you will see your Integration
Security Group added to the Permitted Security Groups for that web service operation.

5. Access your integration system and as a related action on the system user, select Workday
Account >> Edit and add your integration system user as the Workday Account.

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Business Case: You will create a new integration system user and integration security group. You will
then modify the Organization and Integration functional areas but adding the new group to the
appropriate security policies.

1. Search for and select the Create Integration System User task
a. User Name: IntegrationTrain
b. Password: P@ssw0rd
c. Click OK then Done
2. Search for and select Create Security Group task
a. Type of Tenanted Security Group: Integration System Security Group (Unconstrained)
b. Name: IntTrainingGroup
c. Click OK
d. Add the Integration System User created in Step 1 and click OK then Done
3. Search Workday Community for Security Domains for Integration System Data Access and
locate the Organization Inbound Connector to identify the require domains.

4. Access the Domain Security Policies for Functional Area report and search for the
Organization and Roles Functional Area.
a. On the left, select Manage: Organization Integration
b. Click the Edit Permissions button
c. Under Integration Permissions, search for and add your integration security group
created in step 2
d. Click OK then Done
e. On the left, select Manage: Organization Update Integration
f. Click the Edit Permissions button
g. Under Integration Permissions, search for and add your integration security group
created in step 2
h. Click OK then Done

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5. Re-Run the Domain Security Policies for Functional Area report and search for the Staffing
Functional Area.
a. On the left, expand Worker Data: Staffing and select Worker Data: Public Worker
b. Click the Edit Permissions button
c. Under Integration Permissions, search for and add your integration security group
created in step 2 under Get and Put
d. Click OK then Done
e. On the left, select Worker Data: Organization Information
f. Click the Edit Permissions button
g. Under Integration Permissions, search for and add your integration security group
created in step 2
h. Click OK then Done
6. Re-Run the Domain Security Policies for Functional Area report and search for the
Integration Functional Area.
a. On the left, select Integration Build
b. Click the Edit Permissions button
c. Under Integration Permissions, search for and add your integration security group
created in step 2
d. Click OK then Done
7. Search for and select the Activate Pending Security Policy Changes task
a. Enter a Comment and click OK
b. Select the Confirm check box
c. Click OK then Close
8. Run the View Security for Securable Item report for the Domain Item of Add Update
Organization (Web Service) (Web Service Task). Do you see your new security group? _______
9. Search for and select the WICT_Add_Org_Connector integration system
a. Using the related actions menu, navigate to Workday Account >> Edit
b. Enter the user, IntegrationTrain, in the Workday Account field
c. Click OK twice.
10. Now go ahead and schedule this integration to run once in the future.

~~~~~~<End of Activity>~~~~~~

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Workday enables you to expose advanced custom reports as web services that can be called in

When you enable a custom report as a web service, Workday generates a unique RaaS namespace for
the report, using the following format: where Report_Name is the
name of the report.

The RaaS namespace remains fixed even if the report owner changes due to transfers of ownership or
the report name changes. This prevents integrations that rely on the report's output from being unable to
retrieve data if the report owner changes.

You can edit the namespace for a custom report. However, you should consider the following:

 Workday does not verify that a changed RaaS namespace is unique.

 If you have any integrations that use the report, you will have to update them to use the new
RaaS namespace.

Reports that are enabled as a web service must have xml alias labels defined for all columns, prompts
and related business objects.

When you web service enable an advanced custom report and expose the report for integration
scenarios, the maximum size of the response that can be returned is 2 GB.

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When creating a report design in Report Designer, you will need a description of the structure of the
report and some sample data. The structure of the report is defined by its XML Schema and you can
retrieve the sample data as an XML file.

If your report has prompts, you will need to populate the values before you can view the URLS.

The Workday XML option outputs the literal, and somewhat advanced, XML code used internally within
Workday. The Workday XML output option provides 3 URLs:

 Workday XML: The pure XML output from a report that may be useful for REST-based
 XSD: The schema definition associated with the Workday XML.
 WSDL: Web services definition language, often used with SOAP.
The first time you click on the Workday XML in your browser session, you will need to enter your
username and password to access the XML document.

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Business Case: In this activity you will build a report that will be retrieved by a new integration system
that uses Document Transformation.

Part 1: Create the Web Service enabled report

1. Create a Web Service Enabled advanced Report called WICT_HelloDT using the All
Workers data source
2. Enable the report as a Web Service then click OK
3. Configure the report with the following Fields and corresponding Column Heading Override
XML Alias:
Field Column Heading Override XML Alias

Legal Name - Last Name Last

Legal Name - First Name First
Hire Date HireDt
Cost Center – Name (Text Field) CC
Position ID (Text Field) Pos
Social Security Number SSN

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4. Add two filters to prompt for Hire Date with the following parameters:
And/Or Field Operator Comparison Type Comparison

And Hire Date Greater than or equal to Prompt the user for the value Starting Prompt
And Hire Date Less than or equal to Prompt the user for the value Ending Prompt

5. Configure the Prompt Defaults with the following parameters (Pay close attention to the Label for
Prompt XML Alias):
Field Prompt Qualifier Label For Prompt XML Alias

Hire Date Starting Prompt Start

Hire Date Ending Prompt End

6. Click OK to save the report definition.

7. Run the report using prompt values of 01/01/2012 as the Start Date and 12/31/2012 as the End
Date. The report will return 30 instances.

~~~~~~<End of Activity>~~~~~~

66 © 2015 Workday, Inc.

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The Document Retrieval Service is configured in the integration business process by configuring a
Document Retrieval Service step which describes file selection, transport, and decryption options for the
integration file. Document Retrieval also enables you to retrieve the output of a custom report. In this
case, Document Retrieval retrieves the data from within Workday and stores the report output in the W:
Drive for use by a subsequent integration step.

© 2015 Workday, Inc. 67

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Document Transformation is an approach that involves using both integration systems and the Workday
Business Process Framework. One benefit of linking a Business Process (BP) to the integration system is
that the retrieval and delivery BP steps facilitate chaining together integrations. That is, the output of
one Document Transformation integration can be used as the input for another integration.

Document Transformation is an integration system template that enables you to build an integration that
contains a stylesheet attachment that includes Workday specific processing instructions to transform and
validate documents. The special instructions include:

 Validation
 Integration Message
 Format Text (NonXML)

The objective of Document Transformation is to:

 Reduce the number of places where document structure is maintained

 Reduce the need for XPATH Expressions
 Remove the need for document descriptions (XML Schema, Text Schema)

Another benefit of using the Document Transformation template to build integrations over EIB is the
Workday-specific ETV/XTT processing. Element Transformation and Validation (ETV) and XML to Text
(XTT) enable you to add Workday-specific attributes into XML data to validate and control the data.

Before setting up a Document Transformation integration system you must:

 Create an integration system or custom report that will generate the file to be transformed.
 Determine what format is required by the recipient of the output file.
 Create an XSLT file that defines the transformation from the integration output file format to the
format required by the file recipient leveraging the available options for ETV and XTT formatting.

To create a Document Transformation integration system, access the Create Integration System task
and from the New Using Template prompt select Integration >> Document Transformation.

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The XSLT file must be attached to the integration system as an Integration Attachment Service.
Once added, you can edit the attachment by using the task, Edit Integration Service Attachment.

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Business Case: In this activity you will build a new integration system that uses Document
Transformation. We will modify the original Workday XML output using XTT to create a fixed length file
that produces Warning messages in the integration event.


1. Search for and select Create Integration System
2. Specify a System Name of WICT_HelloDT1
3. Select the New Using Template radio button and prompt for Document Transformation. It can
be found in the prompt under Integration >> Document Transformation

4. Click OK
Note: The View Integration System page appears and has one red Critical error and two Warnings.
You will fix the Critical error soon, and leave the Warnings since they do not prevent the creation of a

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5. Use the related action Integration System >> Configure Integration Attachment
a. On the Attachment prompt click to Create and then on Create Integration Service
b. Click Attach, locate the Act 7 HelloDT-XTT-FixedWidth.xsl file on your machine (may
require Internet Explorer to upload).
c. Click OK twice.
Note: Notice the red Critical error message no longer exists on your integration system.


6. Link this integration system to a new Business Process that you create by using the related action
Business Process >> Create, Copy, or Link Definition on the WICT_HelloDT1 integration
7. Leave all the default values (Effective Date of today, and Business Process Type Integration
Process Event of None of the above), and notice that the Business Object field is left empty but
the Integration System field displays “WICT_HelloDT1”. Click OK.
8. Under the Business Process Steps tab click the (+) Step to enter a new Step. Specify an *Order
of a2. For *Type use the drop down list to select Service. For Specify use the prompt to select
Document Retrieval.

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9. Click OK, and on the View Business Process page click the button next to the new “a2” step to
Configure Document Retrieval (as shown in below screenshot):

10. Click OK to accept the default Effective Date value of today.

11. On the Configure Document Retrieval page, input several values:
a. Set the Document Retention Policy to a non-zero value such as 9.
b. For the Document Tags setting specify a value of Deliverable by using the prompt on
Additional Tag(s). Total Tags now shows two values.
c. In *File Name/Pattern enter WICT-DT-TempFile.xml. This is the report output XML.
d. In Transport Type select Custom Report in the drop down list. This will cause the
screen to change to display a Custom Report field as well as a Run Report(s) as User
field in the upper right of this page for Report Options.
e. Specify WICT_HelloDT for your Custom Report.
f. For the two prompts, enter 01/01/2012 for the Starting Hire Date and 12/31/2012
for the Ending Hire Date.
g. For the Run Report(s) as User value in the upper right of this page, enter lmcneil.

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12. Click OK and then Done.

13. Navigate back to your integration system by searching for intsys:WICT and selecting the
WICT_HelloDT1 integration system.


14. Use the related action to Launch/Schedule this integration system and select Run Now.
15. Click OK twice to launch the integration.
16. To refresh the Integration Event click the blue link on the top of the page. Continue to refresh
until the Overall Status is “Successfully Completed”.

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17. Drill into the Integration Event and then view the Messages tab review the Warnings

18. Navigate to the Output Files tab and view the text file named default_output_filename to
verify the fixed-width output. You will need to download the file and open it with a text editor
since it is now formatted as a .txt file. The browser will not be able to read the file.

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19. Navigate back to your integration system by searching for intsys:WICT and selecting the
WICT_HelloDT1 integration system.
20. Using the related actions menu, navigate to Integration System >> Configure Integration
Sequence Generators
21. Configure the Sequence Generator with the following settings:

Increment by 1

Format/Syntax <Your_Initials>_WICT_HelloDT1_[Seq].txt

22. Click OK then Done to save your sequence generator.

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23. Launch the Integration and verify the new unique filename is being generated by scrolling to the
bottom of the View Event page and looking at the Event Document(s) as shown below.

24. Search for bp:WICT and select the Integration Process Event for WICT_HelloDT1 (TOP
25. Use the related action icon of the Business Process and navigate to Business Process >> Edit

26. Verify the Effective Date is today and click OK.

27. Modify the Business Process by adding a step with an *Order of c, a *Type of Service, and
Specify of Document Delivery.

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28. Click on the Configure Document Delivery button. Accept today as the Effective Date and
click OK.
29. Configure Document Delivery with the following values:
a. Document(s) = From this Integration Process
b. Delivery Settings
i. Delivery Attempts = 3
ii. Define Transport Explicitly
c. Transport Type = SFTP
i. SFTP Address = s
ii. Directory = /trainingXX (where XX will be provided by Instructor)
iii. Authentication Method = User Name / Password
iv. User ID = Provided by Instructor
v. Password = Provided by Instructor
30. Click OK then Done.
31. Navigate back to your integration system by searching for intsys:WICT, selecting the
WICT_HelloDT1 integration system and then launch it.
32. Once the integration event completes successfully, use Test Transport to verify the delivery of
your file. Test Transport can be found through the Integration >> Test Transport related
action on your integration system.

~~~~~~<End of Activity>~~~~~~

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Element Transformation and Validation (ETV) and XML to Text (XTT) enables you to add Workday-
specific processing instructions to an XSLT file's elements using attributes. After adding the XSLT file that
generates XML with ETV and/or XTT attributes to a Document Transformation integration system,
Workday applies transformations and validations to the integration system's output documents.

ETV and XTT provide a number of different ways to transform and validate elements in an XML
document. The ETV and XTT processing instructions require that the XML defined in the XSLT file must
be valid XML.
There are two separate steps, one for ETV, which outputs XML and a second for XTT, which outputs Non
XML. Both steps provide similar features that include:
 Validation
 Number/Date formatting
 Mapping
 Truncation
 Counting and Summing of values

Workday provides processing attributes in the following categories:

 Arithmetic Elements
 Comma Separated Value (CSV) Formatting
 Date/Time Formatting
 Element Text Addition and Removal
 Fixed Length Formatting
 Grouped attributes
 Integration System
 Number Formatting
 Truncation
 Validation

For details on the above categories, please visit the Workday Community.

XTT and ETV are used within an XSLT document. Both ETV and XTT need to be declared in the


They may be used together in the same XSLT document, but best practice is to separate them into two
separate transformations.

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The following attributes allow fixed width format documents to be created. The fixed length of each
element is specified using the fixedLength attribute. Values shorter than this will be padded using the
paddingCharacter. Values that are longer will be truncated.

 align – Indicates whether values should be aligned to the left or to the right when padding is

 fixedLength – The number of characters in this fixed length field.

 paddingCharacter – The padding character to use if the value is shorter than the fixed length.

Workday provides attributes to apply validation rules to the contents of the element they are attached to,
to provide control over the message that is reported when an element fails a validation rule, and to
create custom messages. The messages use the name of the element, with underscores replaced with
space, to refer to the value that failed the validation check. This is a useful convention where the
elements can be given names that are meaningful to an end user.

 required – The element much contain at least one character.

 severity – The severity of the message. One of info, warning, error or critical.

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Many attributes (such as DATEFORMAT or MAXLENGTH) are intended to be attached to elements of

simple types and only apply to the elements to which they are attached. Others (such as SEVERITY or
TRUNCATE) can be attached to any element and their value is inherited by child elements. The value
may also be overridden in a child element.


The separator and quotes attributes are typically used together to indicate whether the separators should
be added. Both comma and pipe delimited formats can be created using a combination of the separator
and quotes attributes.

 quotes – The rules for when an element value should be quoted – possible values are “csv”,
“pipe-delimited”, “always” and “never”.

 separator – The characters to be added the output document between each of the child elements
of the element that this attribute is attached to.

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Business Case: Override the scope of the severity for the Social Security Number so that if the value is
null it produces an ERROR. Additionally, modify the .xsl XTT file so that the output is no longer fixed
length, but rather separated by a comma. Finally add the Marital Status CRF to the report and modify
the .xsl file so that the @descriptor attribute is produced in the output file.

1. Access the XSLT file from Activity 7 and add xtt:severity="error" to the Social Security
Number element then save the file as Act 8 HelloDT-XTT Part1.xsl.

2. Search for and execute the Edit Integration Service Attachment task. Click the prompt and
select the Act 7 HelloDT-XTT-FixedWidth.xsl object under the All category and click OK.

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3. Click Attach and select your newly saved file (Act 8 HelloDT-XTT Part1.xsl) from your local
system. Click OK and then Done to save your changes.
4. Navigate back to your integration system by searching for intsys:WICT, selecting the
WICT_HelloDT1 integration system and then launch it. Notice in the integration messages that
the missing Social Security Number is now displaying as an Error instead of a Warning.


5. Navigate to your web service enabled report by searching for rd:WICT and selecting the
WICT_HelloDT Report Definition. Edit the report definition to add the Marital Status CRF.
*Don't forget to update the Column Heading Override XML Alias. Provide a value of MaritalStatus.

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6. Access the Act 8 HelloDT-XTT Part1.xsl file and add xtt:separator=”,” to the Record
element and remove all fixedLength attribute references. Lastly add the following line of code to
account for the newly added Marital Status CRF and save the new file as Act 8 HelloDT-XTT
<MaritalStatus xtt:required="true"><xsl:value-of select="wd:MaritalStatus/@wd:Descriptor" /></MaritalStatus>

7. Search for and execute the Edit Integration Service Attachment task to upload your new
version of the XSLT file. Note the object to edit will now be named Act 8 HelloDT-XTT Part1.xsl.
8. Search for and launch the WICT_HelloDT1 integration system and view the resulting output.

~~~~~~<End of Activity>~~~~~~

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When producing an XML output via your XSLT it is generally considered a good practice to ensure that
unused namespaces are not output on the root element of your XML file. To prevent the unused
namespaces from appearing, utilize the exclude-result-prefixes statement in your stylesheet declaration
to suppress specific namespaces such as exclude-result-prefixes=”xs wd” or suppress all unused
namespaces by using exclude-result-prefixes=”#all”. The following screenshots demonstrate the
impact of exclude-result-prefixes.

Without exclude-result-prefixes

*In this XSLT the WD and XS

namespaces are unused in the final
output. Due to not including the
exclude-result-prefixes statement the
unused namespaces show up on the
root element.

With exclude-result-prefixes

*In this XSLT the WD and XS

namespaces are unused in the final
output, however due to including the
exclude-result-prefixes statement the
unused namespaces no longer show
up on the root element.

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The Element Transformation and Validation (ETV) step transforms and validates the elements within an
XML document as instructed by attributes attached to those elements. ETV is used when the end goal is
to produce an XML file output.


The following attributes allow a date or dateTime format to be specified. The element values provided as
input to the steps should be formatted as defined by the XML Schema specification. The values will be
converted to the format specified in the attributes.

 dateFormat – The date format pattern, for example “yyyyMMdd”.

 dateTimeFormat – The date time format pattern, for example “yyMMdd:HH:mm:ss”.

 timezone – The timezone to be used when creating the value for the output document, for
example “PST”.

The following attributes allow a number format to be specified.

 decimalSeparator – The decimal separator character.

 groupingSeparator – The grouping separator character.

 numberFormat – The number format pattern, for example “#,###.00”.

 scale – The position of an implied decimal place in the formatted value.

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The class element allows one or more attributes to be defined as part of a class. The class attribute can
then be used as a convenient way to apply all of those attributes. The attributes included in the class
element are only applied to the element that the class attribute is attached to regardless of the scoping
rules for the original attribute. The class attribute can be used in conjunction with other attributes. An
attribute placed directly on an element will take precedence over the same within the class.

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These attributes provide a way to count the number of times an element occurs or to calculate the sum
total of the values in a number of elements. The resulting number can then be placed into another
element. This is a common requirement for text formats where a footer might be required to contain
such totals. Each of these attributes contains the name of a variable or a comma separated list of
variable names.

 addNumber – The value of the element is added to the existing value of the variable.

 incrementNumber – The value of the variable is incremented by one.

 number – The value of the element is replaced by the value of the variable.

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You can add a footer to the XML output file by adding the <Footer> </Footer> element. Please note
that the use of <Footer> confers no special processing, however it identifies the element in the final
output as being a footer. The key is the placement in the XSLT that causes the footer to be output only
after all of the records have been output.

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Workday provides attributes to apply validation rules to the contents of the element they are attached to
and to provide control over the message that is reported when an element fails a validation rule.

 target – The target of the validation message. For example, when processing employee data, this
would typically be the employee name.

 targetWID – The Workday ID of the target, this is used to provide a hyperlink in the message.

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Business Case: We will create a new integration system using the document transformation integration
template. The Integration Attachment will use ETV only to format the Hire Date and Base Pay in USD
fields. We will add the Worker name to the integration event and make it a hyperlink. Finally, we will
add a footer to the output XML that includes a count of workers and the total amount of all workers for
Base Pay in USD.

1. Navigate to your web service enabled report by searching for rd:WICT and selecting the
WICT_HelloDT Report Definition. Edit the report definition to add the following fields and be
sure to also configure the Column Heading Override XML Alias.

Field Column Heading Override XML Alias

Worker Worker

Total Base Pay Annualized in USD – Amount BasePayInUSD

Gender Gender

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2. Search for and select Create Integration System
3. Name the integration system WICT_HelloDT_ETV
4. Select the New Using Template radio button and prompt for Document Transformation. It can
be found in the prompt under Integration >> Document Transformation
5. Click OK


6. Use the related action Integration System >> Configure Integration Attachment Service
a. On the Attachment prompt click to Create and then on Create Integration Service
b. Click Attach, locate the Act 9 OnlyETV-HelloDT.xsl file on your machine, and click
c. Click OK twice.


7. Link this integration system to a new Business Process (BP) that you create by using the related
action Business Process >> Create, Copy, or Link Definition on the WICT_HelloDT_ETV
integration system.
8. Leave all the default values (Effective Date of today, and Business Process Type Integration
Process Event of None of the above), and notice that the Business Object field is left empty but
the Integration System field displays “WICT_HelloDT_ETV”. Click OK.
9. Under the Business Process Steps tab click the (+) TWICE to enter two new steps.
a. Configure the first new step with the following settings:
i. *Order = a2
ii. *Type = Service
iii. Specify = Document Retrieval
b. Configure the second new step with the following settings:
i. *Order = c
ii. *Type = Service
iii. Specify = Document Delivery
10. Click OK. On the View Business Process page click the Configure Document Retrieval button
next to the step with an order of a2 (as shown in the following screenshot):

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11. Click OK to accept the default Effective Date value of today.

12. On the Configure Document Retrieval page, configure the following values:
a. Document Retention Policy = 9
b. Document Tags = Add an additional tag of Deliverable by using the prompt on
Additional Tag(s).
c. *File Name/Pattern = WICT-DT-TempFile.xml
d. Transport Type = Custom Report
i. Custom Report = WICT_HelloDT
ii. Starting Hire Date = 01/01/2012
iii. Ending Hire Date = 12/31/2012
iv. Run Report(s) as User = lmcneil
e. Click OK and then Done.
13. Navigate back to your business process by searching for bp:WICT and selecting Integration
Process Event for WICT_HelloDT_ETV (TOP LEVEL). Click on the Configure Document
Delivery button. Accept today as the Effective Date and click OK.
14. Enter the following values:
a. Document(s) = From this Integration Process
b. Delivery Settings
i. Delivery Attempts = 3
ii. Define Transport Explicitly
c. Transport Type = SFTP
i. SFTP Address = s
ii. Directory = /trainingXX (where XX will be provided by Instructor)
iii. Authentication Method = User Name / Password
iv. User ID = Provided by Instructor
v. Password = Provided by Instructor
15. Click OK then Done.

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16. Navigate back to your integration system by searching for intsys:WICT and selecting the
WICT_HelloDT_ETV integration system.
17. Using the related actions menu, navigate to Integration System >> Configure Integration
Sequence Generators
18. Configure the Sequence Generator using an Increment by of 1 and a Format/Syntax of
19. Click OK and Done
20. Launch your integration system via the Integration >> Launch/Schedule related action.
21. Once the integration event completes successfully, view your output file.
22. How many records? _______ What is the date format? ________ Currency Format? ________


23. Open the Act 9 OnlyETV-HelloDT.xsl XSLT file in an XML editor.
24. Between the <File> start tag and the </File> end tag, create two new classes declarations that
will be used to group numberFormat and dateFormat attributes.
a. <etv:class etv:name="CurrencyFormat" etv:numberFormat="#,###.00" />
b. <etv:class etv:name="HireDateFormat" etv:dateFormat="yyyy/MM/dd" />
25. Apply the two newly created classes to leverage the grouped attributes.
a. Modify the Hire Date element to call etv:class="HireDateFormat"
b. Modify the Pay element to call etv:class="CurrencyFormat"

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26. Save your changes to a new file called Act 9 OnlyETV-HelloDT-Classes.xsl

27. Search for the task Edit Integration Service Attachment and upload the new version of your
XSLT file.
28. Search for and launch the WICT_HelloDT_ETV integration system and view the resulting

29. Open the Act 9 OnlyETV-HelloDT-Classes.xsl XSLT file in an xml editor.
a. Add a Footer to the template that includes the Count and SumPay
b. Modify the Record element to include the etv:incrementNumber attribute
c. Modify the Pay element to include the etv:addNumber attribute

30. Save your changes to a new file called Act 9 OnlyETV-HelloDT-Footer.xsl

31. Search for the task Edit Integration Service Attachment and upload the new version of your
XSLT file.
32. Search for and launch the WICT_HelloDT_ETV integration system and view the resulting

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33. Open the Act 9 OnlyETV-HelloDT-Footer.xsl XSLT file in an xml editor.
a. Modify the Record element to include the etv:target and etv:targetWID attributes
using the following syntax:
i. etv:target="{wd:Worker/@wd:Descriptor}"
ii. etv:targetWID="{wd:Worker/wd:ID[@wd:type='WID']}"

34. Save your changes to a new file called Act 9 OnlyETV-HelloDT-TargetWID.xsl

35. Search for the task Edit Integration Service Attachment and upload your new XSLT file.
36. Search for and launch the WICT_HelloDT_ETV integration system and drill into the integration
event. Review the Messages tab to see the target values now being populated.

~~~~~~<End of Activity>~~~~~~

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Integration Maps & Attributes


Using the Maintain Integration Maps task off of the related action menu of an integration system, you
can create an integration system map.

If using a list, you will need to manually build the new Enumeration list of possible internal values.

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Once this list is created, you can map the internal values with the external value expected in the output.
Use the related action menu of the integration system to navigate to Integration System >>
Configure Integration Maps

The following attributes replace the value of an element with a value from the Integration System
associated with the integration that the step is used in. Integration attributes, launch parameters or
integration maps that are defined using report fields may contain references to objects as opposed to
simple types. If a reference is found, the ETV step will place a reference id in the output file.

 map – The name of an integration map. The element value is replaced with the equivalent value
as specified in the integration map.

You can validate the values available by using the enumeration attribute.

 enumeration – A comma separated list of values. The element must contain one of the values

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If you need a hardcoded value for reference in XSLT such as a Customer ID, exclusion or inclusion filters
or Static values you can leverage integration system attribute. This gives you the ability to change the
value while not prompting for a value every time the integration system is launch. Most importantly, it
avoids hardcoded values in your XSLT.

Using the Maintain Integration Attributes task off of the related action menu of an integration
system, you can create new integration system attributes.

Once an attribute is created, you can define the value of the attribute using the related action menu of
the integration system to navigate to Integration System >> Configure Integration Attributes.

98 © 2015 Workday, Inc.

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Within ETV/XTT Attribute replaces the value of an element with a value from the Integration System.
Attributes may be declared as a parameter or called directly in the output of the stylesheet.



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Business Case: Using the Integration System from the previous activity, we will modify the output file
to translate the internal gender values to either M, F or N. You will need to create an Integration Map
and then an Enumeration list with the values needed in the integration. Then you will update the XSLT
to use the Integration Map for the conversion.


1. Navigate back to your integration system by searching for intsys:WICT and selecting the
WICT_HelloDT_ETV integration system.
2. Using the related action menu, navigate to Integration System >> Maintain Integration
3. Specify the following values for your Integration map
a. *Name = WICT_Gender_Map
b. *Internal Value Type = Data Type
i. Search for the field Gender and select the 8th one in the list. (Leverage the
preview button to verify you are choosing the Gender CRF from the Worker
Business Object.
c. *External Value Type = Data Type
i. Select a value of Text

4. Click Ok and Done

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5. Using the related action menu off the integration system, navigate to Integration System >>
Configure Integration Maps
6. Click the + under Internal Value three times to add three rows. Map the following value pairs:
Internal Value External Value

Female F

Male M

Not Declared N

7. Click OK to save your changes.


8. Using the related action menu, navigate to Integration System >> Maintain Integration
9. Specify the following values for your Integration Attribute
a. *Name = MyCustomAttribute
b. *Attribute Type = Data Type
i. Search for and select a value of Text
10. Click Ok and Done

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11. Using the related action menu off of the integration system navigate to Integration System
>> Configure Integration Attributes
12. Click the + under Value for MyCustomAttribute:
13. Enter your favorite color and click OK.

14. Open the Act 9 OnlyETV-HelloDT-TargetWID.xsl XSLT file in an XML editor
a. Modify the Gender element start tag to include the etv:map and etv:enumeration
attributes. *Note that just the start tag is shown below.
<Gender etv:map="WICT_Gender_Map" etv:enumeration="N,M,F">

b. Declare a parameter immediately following your stylesheet declaration as shown below:

<xsl:param name="attr_MyCustomAttribute"/>

c. Add an element to the record template immediately following the Pay element to include
the value from your parameter as seen below.
<CustomAttribute><xsl:value-of select="$attr_MyCustomAttribute"/></CustomAttribute>

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15. Save your changes to a new file called Act 10 OnlyETV-HelloDT.xsl

16. Search for the task Edit Integration Service Attachment and upload your new XSLT file.
17. Search for and launch the WICT_HelloDT_ETV integration system and view the resulting

~~~~~~<End of Activity>~~~~~~

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These attributes allow additional text to be added before or after an element when it is converted to a
text document, and allow for the removal of an element's content. These attributes can be useful when
creating documents that use more complex text file formats such as EDI.

 endTag – The contents of the attribute will be placed after the value of the element in the output

 omit – The contents of the element will not be copied to the output document.

 startTag – The contents of the attribute will be placed before the value of the element in the
output document.

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Business Case: Now that we have our XML file created as we want, let's transform it to a fixed length
text document. The footer will contain information to describe the Worker count and Sum Base Pay in
USD. You will need to create a new integration system to attach the XTT transformation file. Rather
than creating a new business process for the new integration system, you will modify the Process Event
for WICT_HelloDT_ETV business process to call the integration system. You will chain the integrations


1. Search for and select Create Integration System
2. Name the integration system WICT_HelloDT_XTT
3. Select the New Using Template radio button and prompt for Document Transformation. It can
be found in the prompt under Integration >> Document Transformation
4. Click OK

Document tags are used by integration systems to uniquely identify documents for processing. In this
activity your custom report is being retrieved and tagged with the Deliverable tag. By default the output
of the WICT_HelloDT_ETV will be tagged as Deliverable. To ensure our system processes the correct file
we will apply a custom Output Document Tags of HelloDT to the WICT_HelloDT_ETV output and
configure our WICT_HelloDT_XTT system to use that same tag for the Input Document Tags attribute.
5. Edit the Input Document Tags by navigating to Integration System >> Configure
Integration Attributes
6. Click on the + to create an Input Document Tag. Click the prompt and select Create >>
Create Document Tag. Name the new tag HelloDT.

7. Click OK to save your Integration Attributes.

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8. Use the related action Integration System >> Configure Integration Attachment Service
a. On the Attachment prompt click Create and then on Create Integration Service
b. Click Attach, locate the Act 11 OnlyXTT-HelloDT-FixedWidth.xsl file on your
machine, and click Open.
c. Click OK twice.


9. Navigate back to your ETV integration system by searching for intsys:WICT and selecting the
WICT_HelloDT_ETV integration system.
10. Edit the Output Document Tags by navigating to Integration System >> Configure
Integration Attributes
11. Click on the + to add an Output Document Tag. Select HelloDT. Since it was created in a
previous step just select it from the list.

12. Navigate to your ETV integration system business process by searching for bp:WICT and
selecting Integration Process Event for WICT_HelloDT_ETV (TOP LEVEL).
13. Use the related action icon of the Business Process and navigate to Business Process >> Edit
14. Accept today as the Effective Date and click OK.
15. Modify the Business Process by adding a new step with an *Order of b2 and a *Type of
Integration and click OK.
16. Click Configure Integration System

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17. Specify an Integration of WICT_HelloDT_XTT then click OK.

18. Enter lmcneil in the Run As User field then click OK.
19. Navigate back to the business process definition by clicking on the Business Process Definition

20. Click on the Configure Document Delivery button in the business process
21. Accept today as the Effective Date and click OK.

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22. In the Document(s) section, select the From Specific Integration Step(s) radio button
a. From the prompt, select Integration Process Event for WICT_HelloDT_ETV (TOP
LEVEL) step b2 - Integration
23. Search for and launch the WICT_HelloDT_ETV integration system and view the resulting
output. *Note that there is no Integration Sequence Generator configured for the
WICT_HelloDT_XTT integration system therefor the final output file is named
default_output_filename. The file can be found under the Event Document(s) on the View
Event page.

~~~~~~<End of Activity>~~~~~~

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Document Transformation integrations take the output file generated by another integration system and
transform the file based on instructions in an XSLT file. While you can use this feature with any
integration system, document transformation is ideal for Connector integrations such as Core Connector:
Worker since these integrations are not designed for a specific endpoint. As such their XML output
documents often require transformation before being sent to the endpoint.

When using Document Transformation with Core Connecter integrations, the Core Connector system is
the primary system which is in control of the process unlike when Document Transformation is used with
a custom report. At a high level the workflow when using Document Transformation with a Core
Connector is as follows:

1. Launch the Core Connector integration system.

2. The Core Connector integration system Initiates and then Fires, producing an XML output.
3. The Core Connector integration system calls the Document Transformation integration system.
4. The Document Transformation integration system picks up and processes the output of the Core
Connector integration system producing a transformed output.
5. The Core Connector integration system triggers the Document Delivery service to deliver the
transformed output.

Using this workflow, we are chaining together the Core Connector and Document Transformation
integration systems.

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Business Case: Now that we have the HCM:Worker XML file, let's transform it using document
transformation into a fixed length file that contains a count of records in the footer. We will create
another integration system using the document transformation template. Once created, we will add a
step to our existing integration business process.

Leveraging the business process framework, we will chain a Document Transformation Integration
System to our Core Connector Worker integration system via the Integration Business Process to convert
the XML output into a fixed width text file.

Here is the XSLT that contains the XTT functions that will be used as the Integration Service Attachment

The result of this transformation will be a fixed width text file. Note that the workers showing a Total
Base Pay of .00 are contingent workers. (Screenshot is partial file to show the footer)

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1. Search for and select Create Integration System

2. Name the integration system WICT_DT_HCM_Workers
3. Select the New Using Template radio button and prompt for Document Transformation. It can
be found in the prompt under Integration >> Document Transformation
4. Click OK


5. Use the related action Integration System >> Configure Integration Attachment Service
a. On the Attachment prompt click to Create and then on Create Integration Service
b. Click Attach, locate the Act 12 XTT Core Connector Worker with Footer.xsl file on
your machine, and click Open.
c. Click OK twice.



6. Edit the Output Document Tags by navigating to Integration System >> Configure
Integration Attributes. Click on the + to create an Output Document Tag. Click the prompt
and select Create >> Create Document Tag. Name the new tag

7. Click OK


8. Using the related actions menu, navigate to Integration System >> Configure Integration
Sequence Generators

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9. Configure the Sequence Generator using an Increment by of 1 and a Format/Syntax of <Your

Initials>_DT_HCMWorkers_List_[Seq].txt (Example Shown Below)

10. Click OK and Done


11. Navigate to your Core Connector Worker integration system business process by searching for
bp:WICT and selecting Integration Process Event for WICT_HCM_Workers (TOP

12. Use the related action icon of the Business Process and navigate to Business Process >> Edit

13. Accept today as the Effective Date and click OK.

14. Modify the Business Process by adding a new step with an *Order of b2 and a *Type of
Integration and click OK.

15. Click the Configure Integration System button on step b2.

16. Specify an Integration of WICT_DT_HCM_Workers then click OK.

17. Enter lmcneil in the Run As User field then click OK.

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Integration Systems for Developers Workday Version 24


18. Navigate back to the business process definition by clicking on the Business Process Definition

19. Click on the Configure Document Delivery button in the business process next to step c.

20. Accept today as the Effective Date and click OK.

21. In the Document(s) section, select the From Specific Integration Step(s) radio button then
from the prompt select Integration Process Event for WICT_HCM_Workers (TOP LEVEL)
step b2 – Integration

22. In the Document Filter(s) section search for and select the WICT_HCM_Workers_List
document tag.

23. Click OK then Done.

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Integration Systems for Developers for Workday Version 24

24. Search for and launch the WICT_HCM_Workers integration system with the following settings:

a. Run Frequency = Run Now

b. Core Connector: Date Launch Parameters = Allow all to default in

c. Full File = Checked

25. There will be no Refresh button so click on the Integration Event name to refresh. It will take a
few moments to run to completion. (This is a Business Process Event, not Integration Event)

26. Once the overall status of the event reaches Successfully Completed, scroll to the bottom of
the event to view the resulting outputs under Event Document(s). Review both your XML file
and your TXT file.

27. The event you are viewing is the Overall event and results triggered by the Business Process.
That process contains multiple steps, including two integrations. If you run the Integration
Events report, you can see that both integration systems were triggered. You can view the
results of each integration independently.

~~~~~~<End of Activity>~~~~~~

114 © 2015 Workday, Inc.

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