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102001206 – Constitution of India

Question Bank

1. Which of the following statements is not true with regard to the Indian
a) The Constitution is a wholly written document which incorporates the
constitutional law of India.
b) It consists of 448 Articles divided into 25 Parts with 12 Schedules.
c) It was fully debated and duly enacted by the Constitution Assembly of India. It
took the Assembly 2 years, 11 months, and 18 days to write and enact the
d) It is a constitution of the Centre but not of the States of the Indian Union.

2. The Constitution of India consists of........ Articles are divided into Parts with 12
a) 395, 12
b) 448, 25
c) 185; 22
d) 22; 359

3. The Indian Constitution became fully operational with effect from…..

a) 9th December 1946
b) 22nd January 1947
c) 26th November 1949
d) 26th January 1950

4. The Constitution of India declares India to be a Sovereign Socialist Secular

Democratic Republic and a Welfare State committed to securing justice, liberty
and equality for the people and for promoting fraternity, the dignity of the
individual, and unity and integrity of the nation.
a) True
b) False because it doesn't declare India to be Secular State
c) False because the Constitution of India cannot declare India as a Socialist and
Welfare State
d) False because both (b) and (c)

5. India gives special status to no religion. There is no such thing as a State

Religion of India. This makes it different from theocratic states like the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan or other Islamic countries. The Constitution grants the Right
to Religious Freedom to all citizens. This feature of the Indian Constitution is
known as…………..
a) Socialism
b) Democracy
c) Secularism
d) Welfare
6. The authority of the Government of India rests upon the sovereignty of the
people. The people enjoy equal political rights. Based on these rights, the people
freely participate in politics; elect their government through fair and regular
elections. For all its activities, the government of India is responsible for the
people. The people can change their government through elections. This feature
of the Indian Constitution is known as..........
a) Socialism
b) Democracy
c) Secularism
d) Welfare

7. The Preamble declares India to be a Republic. India is not ruled by a monarch

or a nominated head of state. India has an elected head of state (President of
India) who wields power for a fixed term of years. After this term, the people of
India Indirectly elect their President.
a) 3
b) 5
c) 7
d) 10

8. As per Article 368 of the Indian Constitution, most of the provisions of the
Constitution can be amended by the Union Parliament by passing an Amendment
Hill by the majority of the total membership and ....... The majority of members
are present and voting in each of its two Houses.
a) 25%
b) 51%
c) 2/3rd
d) 3/4th

9. For the amendment of some specified parts of the Indian Constitution, a very
rigid method has been provided. Under it, first, the Union Parliament passes the
Amendment Bill by a majority of the total membership and the majority of
member present and voting in each house, and then it goes to the State
Legislatures for ratification. The Amendment gets passed only when it is
approved by not less than of the several state of the Union.
a) 25%,51%
b) 51%, 2/3rd
c) 2/3rd, One Half
d) 3/4th, 3/4th

10. There are……………. Fundamental Rights under the Indian Constitution.

a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
11. The…………is the lower, popular, directly elected house of the Parliament. It
represents the people of India. Its maximum strength remains fixed at ………..
a) Lok Sabha; 250
b) Rajya Sabha; 250
c) Lok Sabha; 550
d) Rajya Sabha; 550

12. The……….is the upper and, indirectly elected second House of Parliament. It
represents the states of the Indian union. Its maximum membership can be ……..
a) Lok Sabha; 250
b) Rajya Sabha; 250
c) Lok Sabha; 550
d) Rajya Sabha; 550

13. Members of the……are directly elected by the people of India.

a) Lok Sabha
b) Rajya Sabha
c) Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
d) Neither Lok Sabha nor Rajya Sabha

14. The Lok Sabha can remove the Ministry by……..

a) Passing a Resolution with a 2/3rd majority
b) Passing a Vote of no-confidence
c) Making an appeal to the Speaker of the Parliament
d) Writing a letter to the President

15. The………. of India works at the apex level, High Courts at the state level and
other courts work under the High Courts.
a) Supreme Court
b) Civil Court
c) Consumer Court
d) Tribunal

16. ...…by the judicial review determines the constitutional validity of all laws
made by the legislatures.
a) Supreme Court
b) Civil Court
c) Consumer Court
d) Tribunal

17. Which of the following is not the type of emergency listed in the Indian
a) National Emergency
b) Constitutional Emergency
c) Financial Emergency
d) Parliamentary Emergency

18. The concepts of constitution and constitutionalism refer to the legal

framework of a
a) Property
b) Country
c) University
d) Continent

19. While constitutionalism is often defined as the "supreme law of a country," a

constitution is a system of governance under which the power of the government
is limited by the rule of law.
a) True
b) False because while the constitution is often defined as the "supreme law of
the country" constitutionalism is a system of governance under which the
power of the government is limited by the rule of law.
c) False because while the constitution is often defined as the "supreme law of the
country," constitutionalism is a "subordinate law of the country".
d) False because- while the constitution is often defined as the "subordinate law of
the country" constitutionalism is a "supreme law of the country".

20. Constitution has been defined as..........

a) Basic norm (or law) of the state
b) System of integration and organization of norms and laws
c) Organization of the government
d) All of the above

21. a system of governance in which the power of the government is limited
by laws, and checks and balances, in order to reconcile authority with individual
and collective freedoms.
a) Socialism
b) Culturalism
c) Constitutionalism
d) Nationalism

22. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding 'constitution' and

a) Both refer to the limits and features of the system of governance of a country.
Constitutionalism would not exist without a constitution, and a constitutional
way of governing a country requires limits and boundaries to the central
b) Both influence the actions of both government and the population. Besides
providing a framework for political and institutional structure, the constitution
sets out the main rules that all citizens should respect.
c) 'Constitution' protects and preserves individual and collective rights,
preventing the central government from abusing its powers and infringing
on the citizens' basic freedoms; but 'Constitutionalism' does not.
d) Both have evolved and significantly changed during the last few centuries,
benefiting from the spread of democratic ideals and becoming key features of the
majority of Western countries.

23. The main difference between constitution and constitutionalism lies in the
fact that the constitution is generally a written document, created by the
government (often with the participation of the civil society), while
constitutionalism is a principle and a system of governance that respects the rule
of law and limits the power of the government.
a) True
b) False because the constitution is never a written document.
c) False because constitutionalism is always a written document
d) False because there is no requirement of principle and a system of governance
limiting the power of the government.

24. Part………..of the Indian Constitution deals with Fundamental Duties.

a) II-B
b) III C
c) IV-A
d) IV-C

25. As of now, there are……Fundamental Duties as per the Indian Constitution.

a) 6
b) 7
c) 11
d) 12

26. According to the Indian Constitution, Fundamental Duties are applicable

a) Indian Citizens only
b) Indian Citizens and Aliens
c) Aliens only
d) Neither Indian Citizens nor Aliens

27. Right to freedom includes articles on the freedom of

a) Speech and expression
b) Assemble peacefully without arms
c) Move freely throughout the territory of India
d) All of the above

28. ….. has the power to establish an Inter-State Council to inquire into and advise
upon disputes between states, to investigate and discuss subjects in which some
or all the States or the Union and one or more of the States, have a common
a) The President
b) The Prime Minister
c) The leader of the ruling party
d) The Election Commission

29. During a …. (Under Article 352), the State Government becomes subordinate
to the Central Government and all the executive functions of the state come under
the control of the Central Government.
a) National Emergency
b) State Emergency
c) Financial Emergency
d) Natural Disaster

30. During a …. (Under Article 356), the President can assume to himself all
functions of the Government of the State and all power vested in or exercisable
by the Governor in the State other than the Legislature of the State.
a) National Emergency
b) State Emergency
c) Financial Emergency
d) Natural Disaster

31. The ……. Of India is the head of the State and first citizen of India and the
Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed forces.
a) Prime Minister
b) President
c) Chief Minister
d) Head of Military

32. Who has the Power to appoint all important offices including those of the
Prime Minister and other Central Ministers, Governors, Judges of the Supreme
Court and High Courts, and Election Commissioners under the Constitution of
a) Prime Minister
b) President
c) People of India
d) The Parliament

33. An ordinance cannot be promulgated (announced) when ……. of the

parliament is in session in India.
a) Lok Sabha (Lower House)
b) Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
c) Neither (a) or (b)
d) Both (a) & (b)
34. As per Article 117(1) of the Indian Constitution, a money bill cannot be
introduced without the recommendation of the ……
a) Prime Minister
b) President
c) Finance Minister
d) All the Governors of States

35. Amendment of the Constitution is possible with ….. majority of Parliament

a) 51%
b) 2/3rd
c) 3/4th
d) 80% above only

36. According to the Indian Constitution, the Real executive of the country is
a) Prime Minister
b) The President
c) Attorney General
d) Speaker of Lok Sabha

37. In India, Supreme Court Judge is appointed by…….

a) Cabinet Minister of Law
b) Prime Minister
c) President
d) Attorney General

Short question(s)

1. What are the four factors that have contributed to the size of the Indian
Constitution? (Ch-2)
2. Who was elected the first temporary President of India? When? (Ch-2)
3. How many sessions are conducted for making constitutions between 1946 to
1949. (Ch-2)
4. Which date is known as the “Date of Commencement” in the context of the Indian
Constitution for India? (Ch-2)
5. Who was elected the first President of India? When? (Ch-2)
6. Who was the Chairman of the drafting committee for the Indian Constitution?
7. When has the first time National Anthem was sung in the Indian Constituent
assembly? (Ch-2)
8. How much expenditure had occurred in making the Indian Constitution? (Ch-2)
9. Provide the name of the Major committee for the working of the Indian Assembly
held in 1946. (Ch-2)
10. How is the “Mini Constitution” known? (Ch-2)
11. Directive Principles had derived from which country’s constitution for
Indian Constitution? (Ch-2)
12. Which types of duties are not provided in the original constitution? (Ch-2)
13. Give the names of independent bodies of India which controlled by the
President only? (Ch-3)
14. State the features of the Parliamentary System of India. (Ch-3)
15. Explain “Kitchen Cabinet” in the Presidential system. (Ch-3)
16. State Merits of the Parliamentary System in India. (Ch-3)
17. State demerits of the Parliamentary System in India. (Ch-3)
18. Give the name of the reasons for adopting the Parliamentary System. (Ch-3)
19. Provide the name of the Major committee for the working of the Indian
Assembly held in 1946. (Ch-2)

Long Questions

1. Which of the following are the principal features of the Regulating Act 1773?
2. Define the constitution and constitutionalism and explain in brief. (Ch-1)
3. Explain Pitt’s India act in detail. (Ch-1)
4. What is Revolt of 1857? Explain Government of India Act of 1858. (Ch-1)
5. Briefly write on Indian Councils Act of 1861, 1892 and 1909. (Ch-1)
6. State Salient features of Indian Constitution and explain one of them. (Ch-2)
7. Explain in brief Indian Judiciary system. (Ch-3)
8. Compare Parliamentary and Presidential System. (Ch-3)
9. Explain Election Process of President of India. (Ch-3)
10. State the different Powers of President of India and explain one of them in
brief. (Ch-3)

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