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Gov. A Pascual St. San Roque, Navotas City




Poor dietary habits occur when the person does not follow the principle of good nutrition-
adequacy, balance, and variety. Adequacy refers to moderate amounts of nutrients to maintain normal
body function. Balance refers to correct combination of nutrients and variety refer to consumption of
different types of food products.

1. Is over consumption of unhealthy food can be considered as poor dietary habits? AN

A. Yes, because imbalance intake of unhealthy food will still result to malnutrition
B. Yes, because it will replace the nutrients that were missed out from healthy food
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false

2. Which one best describes a variety of food consumption for a healthy lunch? ap

A. Corn, rice and roasted chicken and fresh fruit

B. Rice, veggies, fried chicken, and soda
C. Corn, veggies, steamed tilapia, and banana
D. Rice, corn, fish, and ice cream

3. Sedentary lifestyles occur when an individual lacks the recommended level of regular physical activity or if
he/ she is physically inactive. Physical inactivity is the leading risk factor of death worldwide. There are
recommended physical activity for every age group, which was proposed by many international and
national health organizations. Below is the result of having a sedentary lifestyle except one. An

A. Having an ideal weight and physique B

Increase risk of certain cancer
C. High blood pressure and cholesterol
D. Risk factor to cardio- vascular disease.

4. Nutrients are important food substances that help our body function properly. It provides energy and
facilitates growth and repair of cells. There are six types of nutrients: water, protein, carbohydrates, fats,
vitamins, and minerals. They can be further classified into macronutrients and micronutrients. The
following are some examples of macronutrients except one. an

A. Rice C. Chicken breast

B. Avocado D. Minerals

5. Based on #4 which is not an example of micronutrients? an

A. Rice C. Vit E
B. Vit C D. Guyabano

6. Ace wants to be part of the school’s Arnis team. However, his having intermittent seizure episodes during
the training. His coach decided to pull him out from the selection. What could be the hinder that Ace cannot
participate in the team? Un

A. His medical and health condition

B. Financial difficulty
C. His schedule
D. Parent’s permission

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7. In Principle of Exercise this states that each form of activity would produce different result.

A. Specificity Principle C. Progressive Principle

B. Overload Principle D. Recovery Principle

8. An athlete needs rest and recuperation for the body to adjust properly. Adaptation to physical activity
occurs gradually and naturally, but time must be allowed for the body to regenerate and build. U

A. Variation Principle
B. Overload Principle
C. Progressive Principle
D. Recovery Principle

9. Part of the gym etiquette is the awareness of the rules and regulations of the gym facilities. The following
rules are the most common, except one. Ap

A. Ask for a spotter when lifting loads close to 1RM

B. Drop the barbell at the end of the set
C. Do not use the mobile phone inside the gym
D. Avoid wearing loose jewelry

10. All gain due to exercise will be lost if one does not continue the exercise. The body will not be able to
maintain levels of fitness without maintaining exercise. R

A. Variation Principle
B. Reversibility Principle
C. Progressive Principle
D. Recovery Principle

11. This is the first thing to consider in organizing a fitness event for a target health issue of concern. A

A. Identify a location venue

B. Documentation
C. Identify your target goal or health issue to address
D. Build your team

12. How to help a person suffering from Hypothermia. AP

A. Move the body to the warm place.

B. Removed clothes of the person to avoid suffocation.
C. Apply warm compress on the affected area
D. All of the above

13. In Athletics, the throw consists of throwing the hammer, discus, javelin and shot put. It aims to throw the
objects as far as the athletes can. Which event involves a spinning move and has a cage to protect the
spectators? R

A. Javelin and discus C. Discus and hammer

B. Shot put and hammer D. Javelin and shot put

14. These are the variables in Training Program/ Plan. R

A. Frame, Intensity, Time, and Type

B. Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type
C. Frequency, Interval, Train, and Type
D. Freeze, Intensity, time, and Type

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15. What were the reason why YMCA forced to stop playing basketball? R

A. The players becomes unruly and distract the organizational goal.

B. There is no rule on how to play the game.
C. The game is loud and rough in nature which diverts the goal of the organization.
D. All of the above.

16. Why is it necessary in exercise to choose a proper attire?

A. An attire should be appropriate for the chosen activity

B. It boosts the moral esteem of the individual
C. It prevents possible injuries
D. It provides attention from others.

17. Which statements describe the difference between technical and tactical skills? AN

A. Technical skills requires an advancement of level as a players practice while tactical skills are
decision- making skills used in different situation during the game.
B. Technical skills understand the demands during the games, but tactical skills answer the
shortcoming of the coach.
C. Technical skills measure the level of practice that an athlete went through, while tactical skills
give plus factor in winning the game.
D. All statements are wrong.

18. “Health is Wealth”. This famous quotation tells that. U

A. A healthy lifestyle is all about making one’s health and well- being a priority. It is a choice made
by an individual, a commitment made for his own good and of his loved ones.
B. A healthy lifestyle is not about making one’s health and well- being a priority. It is a choice made
by an individual, a commitment made for his own good and of his loved ones.
C. A healthy lifestyle is all about making one’s health and well- being a priority. It is a choice made
by an individual, it is not a commitment made for his own good and of his loved ones.
D. A healthy lifestyle is all about making one’s health and well- being a less priority. It is a choice
made by an individual, a commitment made for his own good and of his loved ones.

19. Static stretching is recommended after physical activities. Which statement tells the purpose of static
stretching. U

A. Static stretches do not help with the warm- up activity because it relaxes the muscle and help
return the core temperature to resting level.
B. Static stretches lengthen the muscle- tendon unit by slowly moving the limb through the entire
range of motion (ROM)
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false

20. How to avoid dehydration during physical activity? Ap

A. Drink one (1) liter of water before the activity begins

B. While doing the activity, drink cup of water after 30 mins even if you are not thirsty
C. Make sure you load sugar before doing the activity for energy resistance
D. Eat lots of fruits

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21. For a program to achieve more gains, it must be progressive. This means that as the body adapts to the
initial overload, the overload must be adjusted and increased gradually. R

A. Variation Principle
B. Overload Principle
C. Progressive Principle
D. Recovery Principle

22. Cherry often experience nocturnal leg cramps which tightened her muscles and having a full stretch will
give a relief. She is in fond in eating junk food and soda but less water intake. Her mom says that she is
experiencing restless leg syndrome. What do you think that caused her suffering? an

A. It is not restless leg syndrome because it happens while the legs are at rest.
B. Due to her bad eating habits she is not well hydrated that is why she is experiencing
nocturnal leg cramps.
C. A restless leg syndrome can be painful and moving the leg will gives relief, but the
discomfort returns when the movement stops.
D. All the statements are facts

23. Gary, a body builder tried different types of diet to lose his weight. He decided to take the No Carbs diet.
After 3 months, he is experiencing lethargy, dehydration, constipation, and bad breath. After a series of
medical examination, it found out that he is suffering
which is result from carbohydrates deficiency. R

A. Keto B. Ketones C. Ketosis D. Keno

24. Trixie is a promising athlete based on the recent evaluation of Physical Fitness Test. Her lean body
structures, and she can do 50 push- ups and run 3km without getting tired. Her muscular strength and
flexibility are impeccable. These characteristics represents. An

A. Health- Related Fitness C. Skills- Related Fitness

B. Athletes Ability D. Individuality

25. Joey started smoking at the age of 12. His early exposure was caused by his friends and family. Now he
is 28, he complains difficulty in breathing and started to spit blood. It
founds out that he has a stage 3 lung cancer. What by- product of smoking cigarette that contains toxic
substances like carcinogenic which accumulates inside the respiratory system? U

A. Tar C. Carbon Monoxide

B. Nicotine D. Filter

26. The common barriers to change usually occur when a person is between the preparation and action stage.
Example of this is like, when Basyang wants to lose fats in her mid- section but she easily gets
discouraged. What will you advice to her? ap

A. Tell her to create a list of pros and cons of the positive behavior that will serve as reminder.
B. Identify what trigger the back slide and be conscious when it happens.
C. Tell her to avoid negative self- talk and replace them with encouraging word.
D. Reminds her to prioritize activities and cut back sometime from the non- essential

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27. Camille wants to enhance her gluteus maximus she has no time to visits the gym. She was advised by her
fitness instructor to perform hip trust, glute bridge, side skaters and diagonal squat which she can do at
home. This follows the principle of. U

A. Individualization C. Specificity
B. Maintenance D. Variation

28. If there are eight participating teams in the tournament. As the Tournament Manager, how many games
to play and declare the champion team using the Single Elimination Tournament? AN

A. 7 C. 8
B. 6 D. 5

29. What if there are six participating teams in the tournament. As the Tournament Manager, how many games
to play and declare the champion team using the Round Robin Tournament? AN

A. 9 C. 10
B. 11 D. 12

30. Accurate measurement of exercise heart rate is crucial in monitoring exercise intensity. Although digital
heart rate monitors are available and are reasonably accurate, performing pulse rate measurement is still
encouraged. What technique in pulse rate measuring that uses the heel of the hand over the left side of the
chest where the apex of the heart located? Ap

A. Carotid pulse site C. Radial pulse site

B. Temporal pulse site D. Apical pulse site

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