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School: Grade Level: II

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Ma’am ESTRELLITA S. VINZON Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 5 – 9, 2018 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of grade Demonstrates understanding of grade Demonstrates understanding of Summative Test
information heard to make level appropriate words used to level appropriate words used to sentence construction for correct
meaningful decisions communicate inter- and intrapersonal communicate inter- and intrapersonal expression
experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions
feelings and feelings
B. Performance Uses information from theme- Independently takes turn in sharing inter Independently takes turn in sharing Shows proficiency in constructing
Standard based activities as guide for and intra personal experiences, ideas, inter and intra personal experiences, grammatically correct sentences in
decision making and following thoughts, actions and feelings using ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings different theme-based activities
appropriate words using appropriate words
C. Learning Read aloud Grade 2 level text Answer wh- questions Identify and describe the characters of Use question words interrogatives (who,
Competency/ Make connections of text to self Identify and describe the main character the story what, where, when ,why, how, how)
Objectives Express feelings, opinions through Sequence events Retell the story heard Write a simple story
Participate in the retelling of EN2LC-IIIa-j-1.1 EN2G-Id-e-1.3
Write the LC code journals, logs, etc.
for each. EN2LC-IIa-j-1.1

II. CONTENT Lesson 5: A Proud Filipino Boy Lesson 6: Which Word? Lesson 7: Talented Too Lesson 8: Tell Me Who, What, Where,
Sequencing Events Story Retelling When, Why and How
Using Interrogatives (Who, What,
Where, When, Why, How)
A. References K-12 CG p.44 K-12 CG p.44 K-12 CG p.46 K-12 CG p.51
1. Teacher’s Guide 9-10 9-10 13-14
2. Learner’s 257-259 260-264 265 266-268
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional English (Teacher’s Guide). Grade 2. English (Learner’s Material) 2. 2013. pp
Materials from 2013. pp 44-46, 127-130. 426-429, 459-461.
Learning *English for You and Me 3
Resource (LR) (Reading).2011. pp 4, 8, 10-11, 21,
portal 22.
B. Other Learning Pictures, tarpapel, activity sheet Pictures, tarpapel, activity sheet Pictures, tarpapel, activity sheet Pictures, tarpapel, activity sheet
A. Reviewing Letter sounds -/s/ /t/ / r/ /c/ /p/ Pre-Assessment: Review the story of Wilma’s fight to win Have pupils recall the story of Wilma.
previous lesson or /l/ A. Have them name each object and Have them identify the important events
presenting the new Put together 2 or more of these write its beginning sound. in the story using the pictures on p.__ of
lesson letters to produce consonant the L.M.
(Have pupils do Let’s Try on p._ of
the L.M.)
B. Establishing a Who are the people in your Show a picture of a crippled person or Do you want to become a champion Do you also want to be a popular athlete
purpose for the school? Do you know their names? one who is physically handicapped. like Wilma? like Wilma?
lesson Show the pictures of your Ask: Do you know someone who is like In which of the following areas do you Why? How many silver or gold medals
him/her who is talented or who became want to succeed? would you like to win? How will you do
principal, school nurse, janitor,
successful despite his /her disability? sports music or singing painting it?
security guard, teachers, school
What are the different ways of showing dancing other forms of art cooking
bus driver and let the children one’s concern to others at home or in
tell their names. school?
Close your eyes. Try to see
yourself in the future.
Ask: Who or what do you want to
be? What do you want to do to
serve your country?
(Have pupils do Get Set on p._ of
the L.M.)
C. Presenting Let the pupils read the story A Reading of the selection Talent Show Read the following statements and
examples/ Proud Filipino Boy “ Wilma’s Fight to Win” Have some volunteer pupils show their questions.
instances of the talent. Underline the word or phrase in the
sentence that
new lesson
answers each question.
1. Wilma was crippled by polio.
(Who was crippled by polio?)
( see chalkboard )
D. Discussing new 1. Who is Ryanne Klaus? ( a proud 1. How did Wilma become crippled? Choose the pupils who have the best What words/ interrogatives are used in
concepts and Filipino boy) (She was crippled by polio.) talent. Help them recall and share the asking about a person? A thing or idea?
practicing new skills 2. Where does he live? ( in the 2. What did Wilma’s family do to make important events in their life which lead Time? Place? Reason?
her walk? (All her family members them to develop such talent by
#1 Philippines)
helped in massaging her leg.) completing the following statements:
3. What makes him a true Filipino? 3. What made Wilma a real winner? (the I am ____________________
(his father and mother are love and concern of her family and her I am a good ______________. (pupils’
Filipinos too.) determination to walk.) talent)
4. What does he want to be when 4. How did Wilma’s family show their When I was ___years old
he grows up? ( the best engineer) love and concern to her? ( They never ____________ trained me how to
5. How does he want to serve his gave up when the doctor told them that __________well.
she would never walk again. They helped I won _____ place when I joined the
country? (he will build strong
her walk again.) __________ contest. (optional
bridges) statement)
5. If you were Wilma, how would you
6. Are you a proud Filipino too? feel about yourself? (I would feel sad
How will you serve your country? with my condition but I would be happy
(Yes. I will study hard. I will be a with the love of my family.)
good teacher. I will be a good 6. Is there any member in your family
citizen.) like Wilma who need your love and
concern? How do you show your love to
him/her? (Answers may vary.)
7. In school, how do you show your love
and concern to your classmates? To your
teacher? ( I share my “baon” with them. I
help in cleaning our room. Etc.
E. Discussing new Have the pupils read the story by Have the pupils read the story by group. Using the given details write the pupil’s Let pupils do Let’s Answer on p. ___ of
concepts and group. Ask them to give words that begin with story on the experience chart. the L.M.
practicing new Ask them to give words that begin consonant cluster/blends from the story Let the pupils read the completed story.
skills #2 with consonant cluster/blends
from the story read.
F. Developing Ask them to give words that begin Ask them to give words that begin with Why is it important to show our love What specific details do we use to
mastery (leads to with consonant cluster/blends consonant cluster/blends from the story and concern to other people? answer the following questions?
Formative from the story read read (We help people become successful if Who? (person)
we show our love/concern and support What? (thing or idea)
Assessment 3)
to them.) Where? (place)
When? (time)
Why? (reason)
How? (ways or means)

G. Finding practical Have pupils tell something about Have pupils retell the story by recalling Have pupils do We Can Do It on p._ of Choose a partner. Get to know more
application of themselves as a proud Filipino. the important events using the the L.M. about him/her by asking and answering
concepts and skills Let them read the story and have completed timeline questions that begin with who, what,
where, when, why and how.
in daily living them substitute the underlined
words using their own words
describing about themselves.
H.Making What is the characteristic of the How do we sequence events? Using the pictures on page___of the When do we use the interrogatives?
generalizations boy in the story? L.M. recall the important events or key We use interrogatives in asking for
and abstractions points in the story. information.
about the lesson
I. Evaluating Draw a picture of yourself showing Have pupils do We Can Do It on p._ of Have pupils retell the story in I Can Do Have pupils do I Can Do It on p 268of the
learning how you want to serve your the L.M. It on p. ___, LM using the given series of LM.
country when you grow up. pictures in We Can Do It.
J. Additional Punan ang talaan sa ibaba. Isulat Have pupils retell the story by recalling
activities for ang mga gawaing pagbabantay the important events using the Practice throwing and catching in your
application or upang maiwasan ang completed timeline. home.
remediation karamdamang nakukuha sa
maruming pagkain.
A..No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B.No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my Stratehiyang dapat gamitin: Stratehiyang dapat gamitin: Strategies used that work well: Stratehiyang dapat gamitin: Strategies used that work well:
teachingstrategies __Koaborasyon __Koaborasyon ___ Group collaboration __Koaborasyon ___ Group collaboration
worked well? Why __Pangkatang Gawain __Pangkatang Gawain ___ Games __Pangkatang Gawain ___ Games
did these work? __ANA / KWL __ANA / KWL ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw __ANA / KWL ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw
__Fishbone Planner __Fishbone Planner ___ Answering preliminary __Fishbone Planner ___ Answering preliminary
__Sanhi at Bunga __Sanhi at Bunga activities/exercises __Sanhi at Bunga activities/exercises
__Paint Me A Picture __Paint Me A Picture ___ Carousel __Paint Me A Picture ___ Carousel
__Event Map __Event Map ___ Diads __Event Map ___ Diads
__Decision Chart __Decision Chart ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) __Decision Chart ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
__Data Retrieval Chart __Data Retrieval Chart ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ __Data Retrieval Chart ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/
__I –Search __I –Search Poems/Stories __I –Search Poems/Stories
__Discussion __Discussion ___ Differentiated Instruction __Discussion ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method
Why? Why?
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s Cooperation ___ Group member’s Cooperation
in in
doing their tasks doing their tasks
F. What Mga Suliraning aking naranasan: Mga Suliraning aking naranasan: __ Bullying among pupils Mga Suliraning aking naranasan: __ Bullying among pupils
difficulties did I __Kakulangan sa makabagong __Kakulangan sa makabagong __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __Kakulangan sa makabagong __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
encounter which kagamitang panturo. kagamitang panturo. __ Colorful IMs kagamitang panturo. __ Colorful IMs
my principal or __Di-magandang pag-uugali ng __Di-magandang pag-uugali ng mga __ Unavailable Technology __Di-magandang pag-uugali ng mga __ Unavailable Technology
supervisor can help mga bata. bata. Equipment (AVR/LCD) bata. Equipment (AVR/LCD)
me solve? __Mapanupil/mapang-aping mga __Mapanupil/mapang-aping mga __ Science/ Computer/ __Mapanupil/mapang-aping mga __ Science/ Computer/
bata bata Internet Lab bata Internet Lab
__Kakulangan sa Kahandaan ng __Kakulangan sa Kahandaan ng mga __ Additional Clerical works __Kakulangan sa Kahandaan ng mga __ Additional Clerical works
mga bata lalo na sa pagbabasa. bata lalo na sa pagbabasa. bata lalo na sa pagbabasa.
__Kakulangan ng guro sa __Kakulangan ng guro sa kaalaman __Kakulangan ng guro sa kaalaman
kaalaman ng makabagong ng makabagong teknolohiya ng makabagong teknolohiya
teknolohiya __Kamalayang makadayuhan __Kamalayang makadayuhan
__Kamalayang makadayuhan

G. What innovation __Pagpapanuod ng video __Pagpapanuod ng video Planned Innovations: __Pagpapanuod ng video Planned Innovations:
or localized presentation presentation __ Localized Videos presentation __ Localized Videos
materials did I __Paggamit ng Big Book __Paggamit ng Big Book __ Making big books from __Paggamit ng Big Book __ Making big books from
use/discover which __Community Language Learning __Community Language Learning views of the locality __Community Language Learning views of the locality
I wish to share with __Ang “Suggestopedia” __Ang “Suggestopedia” __ Recycling of plastics to be used __Ang “Suggestopedia” __ Recycling of plastics to be used
other teachers? __ Ang pagkatutong Task Based __ Ang pagkatutong Task Based as Instructional Materials __ Ang pagkatutong Task Based as Instructional Materials
__Instraksyunal na material __Instraksyunal na material __ local poetical composition __Instraksyunal na material __ local poetical composition

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