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TITOK – 2020 5.


Sok feladatnak van több megoldása! Keresd meg valamennyit! 16. We always go to the cinema __________ .
(A) on Fridays (B) at weekends (C) the evening (D) five o’clock
1. The __________ is my favourite animal.
(A) rabbit (B) dogs (C) horse (D) tigre 17. Melyik mondat helyes?
(A) I like milk. (B) They likes tea. (C) She likes cafe. (D) We like cola.
2. His birthday party is on __________.
(A) Thuesday (B) Saturnday (C) Tuesday (D) Wendesday 18. ’What’s this?’
(A) ’This is bag.’ (B) ’It is bag.’ (C) ’It’s a bag.’ (D) ’Its a bag.’
3. Do you like reading __________?
(A) magazins (B) newpaper (C) letters (D) books 19. My __________ balls are in the box.
(A) brother’s (B) brothers’ (C) cusin’s (D) friend
4. Melyik számnév helyes?
(A) twelwe (B) threeteen (C) fourteen (D) fiveteen 20. __________ ’s your best friend?
(A) Who (B) How (C) Where (D) He
5. ______ name’s Joe. ______ is a boy.
(A) Hes – He’s (B) He – He (C) His – He (D) He’s – He 21. Open those __________, please!
(A) windowes (B) book (C) door (D) baskets
6. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – A colour.
(A) brawn (B) pink (C) orange (D) yello 22. My brother can play __________ very well.
(A) chess (B) footbal (C) tenis (D) gitar
7. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – It has got four legs.
(A) a dog (B) a beer (C) a monkey (D) a parrot 23. The women __________got nice flowers.
(A) has (B) hasn’t (C) have (D) havn’t
8. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – A part of your head.
(A) eye (B) nosey (C) hear (D) arm 24. I’ve got a present for you. It’s a new __________ .
(A) T-shirt (B) compulter (C) jeans (D) socks
9. Pam and Tom __________ in the garden.
(A) is (B) isn’t (C) are (D) arn’t 25. My mum is __________ .
(A) threety-one (B) nice (C) doctor (D) tall
10. Melyik igealak helyes?
(A) siting (B) standing (C) haveing (D) eatting 26. My sister is a student. She __________ in London.
(A) study (B) live (C) studys (D) lives
11. Melyik többes számú alak helyes?
(A) desks (B) boxs (C) penciles (D) bagz 27. SKATE → ice rink SWIM → __________
(A) swimming pool (B) see (C) ocean (D) waiter
12. The books are __________ the bag.
(A) between (B) next (C) in (D) under 28. There’s __________ in the fridge.
(A) some eggs (B) some milk (C) chese (D) any ham
13. _______ from Hungary.
(A) I’am (B) Your (C) We (D) They’re 29. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót mint a ’CAT’-ben?
(A) bag (B) ten (C) get (D) fat
14. The boys are __________ .
(A) at house (B) in home (C) at school (D) in libary 30. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót (kettőshangzót) mint a
15. Her favourite subject is __________ . (A) go (B) want (C) tall (D) no
(A) History (B) PE (C) Hungary (D) England
LONDON BRIDGE VERSENY 1. FORDULÓ 16. He can’t __________ a song in English.
(A) sing (B) singing (C) to sing (D) sings
Sok feladatnak van több megoldása! Keresd meg valamennyit! 17. There are three __________ in the picture.
1. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – A part of your body. (A) boyes (B) childs (C) boxes (D) men
(A) hear (B) mauth (C) ear (D) neck 18. My bags are __________ .
2. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – A place in the city. (A) blues (B) heavies (C) nice (D) there
(A) post office (B) hopital (C) libary (D) school 19. Joe’s birthday is __________ .
3. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – A type of fruit. (A) on May (B) in winter (C) today (D) the weekend
(A) cherry (B) pair (C) apple (D) potato 20. Melyik mondat helyes?
4. A __________ can show the time. (A) Joe often read. (B) Joe reads often. (C) Joe often reads. (D) Joe is read.
(A) watch (B) hour (C) clock (D) o’clock 21. Melyik mondat helyes?
5. Brad and Joe __________ in the garden. (A) Do you like eggs? (B) Does he likes
(A) is (B) isn’t (C) are (D) aren’t eggs?
(C) Do you loving eggs? (D) Does he like eggs?
6. __________ are they sleeping?
(A) Where (B) Why (C) How (D) Who 22. The boys __________ football every Saturday.
(A) play (B) plays (C) are playing (D) can play
7. Melyik igealak helyes?
(A) haveing (B) runing (C) writting (D) sitting 23. There are __________ in the kitchen.
(A) some milk (B) some cheese (C) some cups (D) a lot of apple
8. The women __________ in the park.
(A) ’s siting (B) is reading (C) reads (D) are singing 24. We haven’t got __________ .
(A) any ham (B) much eggs (C) many bread (D) many oranges
9. Is your friend drinking tea?
(A) Yes, he is. (B) Yes, she’s. (C) No, the isn’t. (D) Yes, I have. 25. I __________ a book yesterday.
(A) read (B) writed (C) didn’t buy (D) saw
10. __________ is the capital city of the UK.
(A) London (B) Oxford (C) New York (D) Paris 26. Melyik ellentétpár helyes?
(A) tall - short (B) big - smal (C) old - new (D) fat - long
11. Mit mondhatunk angolul, ha találkozunk valakivel?
(A) Hello. (B) Good afternoon. (C) Bye. (D) Hi. 27. ’What’s the time?’ ’It’s __________ .’
(A) ten past one clock (B) three o’clock
12. __________ is her lucky number. (C) five minute to four (D) half past eight
(A) Fifty (B) Fourty-nine (C) Thirten (D) Twelve
28. His books are __________ the table.
13. __________ is his favourite subject. (A) next (B) between (C) under (D) on
(A) English (B) France (C) Histry (D) PE
29. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót mint a ’THIN’-ben?
14. Her favourite sport is __________ . (A) feet (B) three (C) win (D) pig
(A) tenis (B) futball (C) basketball (D) valleyball
30. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót (kettőshangzót) mint a
15. They are __________ . ’BROWN’-ban?
(A) at home (B) don’t read (C) eating (D) ten (A) how (B) show (C) cold (D) town

16. I haven’t got __________ .

Néhány feladatnak több megoldása van! Keresd meg valamennyit! (A) any money (B) a pens (C) many cheese (D) a rubber

1. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – A job. 17. The boys __________ playing football.
(A) doctor (B) police office (C) post office (D) teacher (A) like (B) are (C) were (D) isn’t

2. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – You can buy them in the shoe shop. 18. Melyik főnév többes száma helyes?
(A) boats (B) shoes (C) sandal (D) slippery (A) man – men (B) city – citys (C) foot – foots (D) car – cares

3. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – You can read it. 19. Melyik ige múlt idejű alakja helyes?
(A) a letter (B) a email (C) a book (D) a newpaper (A) write – writed (B) read – read (C) feel – fell (D) go – went

4. My __________ is brown. 20. Melyik mondat helyes?

(A) pencil (B) eyes (C) hear (D) guinea pig (A) Did you see the film last Friday? (B) I didn’t go school yesterday.
(C) We sleept well last night. (D) Where did he sat yesterday?
5. This actor __________ from the USA.
(A) come (B) is (C) he (D) ’s 21. The women __________ at the party yesterday.
(A) were’t (B) was (C) drink wine (D) were
6. You wear your __________ on your feet.
(A) jeans (B) socks (C) trainers (D) gloves 22. My grandparents __________ television when the postman __________ .
(A) was watching / arrived (B) were watching / arrived
7. My uncle is my __________ . (C) watched / were arriving (D) were watching / was arriving
(A) 45 years old (B) mum’s brother (C) aunt’s husband (D) grandma
23. I _______ go to the cinema yesterday because I ______ do my homework.
8. __________ bike is in the garden. (A) could / must (B) could / have to (C) couldn’t / have (D) couldn’t /had to
(A) Mine (B) He’s (C) Hers (D) Your
24. This is the __________ book in the library.
9. ’Are you sleepy?’ ’No, __________ not.’ (A) bigest (B) best (C) worse (D) oldest
(A) am (B) I (C) we (D) I’m
25. Jane is __________ Diana.
10. My friends usually go to school by __________ . (A) as slim than (B) as fat as (C) slimer than (D) fatter then
(A) tram (B) bus (C) foot (D) bycicle
26. Melyik az ellentéte? OLD – __________
11. My cousin __________ very well. (A) new (B) dirty (C) yuong (D) times
(A) cans swim (B) can’t runs (C) can cook (D) runs
27. His birthday party is _________ .
12. Can your dad play __________ ? (A) at 7 (B) in the everning (C) on Friday (D) at 4 clock
(A) tenis (B) the drums (C) walleyball (D) the flute
28. Hogyan köszönhetünk meg valamit angolul?
13. __________ pizza every weekend? (A) Thank you. (B) Thank. (C) Thanks a lot. (D) No problem.
(A) Eats he (B) He eats (C) Is he eat (D) Does he eat
29. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót (kettőshangzót), mint a
14. Melyik igealak helyes? ’WHERE’-ben?
(A) lying (B) swiming (C) makeing (D) falling (A) there (B) here (C) wear (D) ear
15. __________ are they? 30. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót, mint a ’MILK’-ben?
(A) Where (B) Who (C) How are (D) How much (A) win (B) see (C) three (D) it
16. Melyik szó nem illik a mondatba? – We got a letter on last week.
(A) a (B) last (C) got (D) on
1. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – A country in Europe.
(A) French (B) Australia (C) Italy (D) Poland 17. My grandparents __________ television when the postman __________ .
(A) was watching / arrived (B) were watching / arrived
2. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – You can drink it.
(C) watched / were arriving (D) were watching / was arriving
(A) glass (B) mug (C) tea (D) cup
18. Melyik mondat helyes?
3. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – You can close it.
(A) When did he be in England? (B) Where did she swam last week?
(A) your eyes (B) the door (C) a window (D) your books
(C) Who drunk my coke? (D) Why did they go there?
4. My aunt is my __________ .
19. Last Friday Mary and Joe __________ at school.
(A) mum’s sister (B) uncle’s wife (C) sister’s father (D) 35 years old
(A) were (B) wasn’t (C) has been (D) have been
5. I’ve got a __________ on my desk.
20. They __________ arrived.
(A) lot of pen (B) orange pencil (C) book (D) blue flag
(A) hasn’t (B) haven’t (C) didn’t (D) have just
6. The students in the class are __________ .
21. Melyik ellentétpár helyes?
(A) quite (B) happy (C) slepy (D) noisy
(A) week – strong (B) old – new (C) big – fat (D) thick – thin
7. We often go to the __________ with my friends.
22. You __________ eat my sandwich.
(A) theatre (B) swiming pool (C) sports centre (D) cinerma
(A) must to (B) musn’t (C) can (D) going to
8. Melyik mondat helyes?
23. A lion is more dangerous __________ a cat.
(A) Is there a bank in your town? (B) Are there any banks in your town?
(A) as (B) then (C) than (D) like
(C) There isn’t banks in the town. (D) There aren’t any bank in the town.
9. They __________ coffee at the moment. 24. She is the __________ girl in the world.
(A) more beautiful (B) beautifullest (C) beautifulest (D) most beautiful
(A) make (B) drink (C) are makeing (D) are drinking
25. SLEEP → BED SIT → __________
10. My cousin __________ very well.
(A) school (B) bench (C) chair (D) horse
(A) swim (B) reads (C) can to run (D) can sing
26. Hogyan búcsúzhatunk el valakitől angolul?
11. My son is __________ .
(A) See you later! (B) Bye! (C) Hello! (D) Hi!
(A) with us (B) here (C) over there (D) with she
27. You can see it in London.
12. Melyik mondat helyes?
(A) Golden Gate (B) London Eye (C) Hyde Park (D) Stonehenge
(A) Jack is siting. (B) Pam is running. (C) He’s smiling. (D) I’m reading.
28. __________ to go to the cinema this evening?
13. Peter __________ every week.
(A) Shall we (B) Would you like (C) Let’s (D) Do want
(A) don’t play (B) isn’t there (C) playes (D) cookies
29. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót (kettőshangzót), mint a
14. Melyik ige 3. alakja helyes?
(A) read – read (B) go – gone (C) write – wrote (D) drink – drank
(A) there (B) here (C) wear (D) ear
15. __________ the door, please.
30. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót, mint a ’MILK’-ben?
(A) Open (B) Close (C) Not open (D) Don’t close
(A) win (B) see (C) three (D) it
Megoldások 2020. 1. forduló:
5. osztály: 1AC 2C 3CD 4C 5C 6BC 7AC 8A 9C 10B 11A 12CD 13D 14C 15AB
16AB 17AD 18C 19AB 20ABC 21D 22A 23C 24A 25BD 26D 27AC 28B 29AD
6. osztály: 1CD 2AD 3AC 4AC 5CD 6ABC 7D 8D 9A 10A 11ABD 12AD 13AD
14C 15ACD 16A 17CD 18CD 19BC 20C 21AD 22AD 23C 24AD 25ACD 26AC
27BD 28CD 29CD 30 AD
7. osztály: 1AD 2B 3AC 4AD 5BD 6BC 7BC 8D 9D 10AB 11CD 12BD 13D 14AD
15ABD 16AD 17ABC 18A 19BD 20A 21D 22B 23D 24BD 25B 26A 27AC 28AC
29AC 30AD
8. osztály: 1CD 2C 3BC 4AB 5CD 6BD 7AC 8AB 9D 10BD 11ABC 12BCD 13B
14AB 15ABD 16D 17B 18D 19A 20BD 21BD 22C 23C 24D 25BCD 26AB 27BC
28B 29AC 30AD
TITOK – 2020 5. OSZTÁLY 17. Have you got an __________ ?
LONDON BRIDGE VERSENY 2. FORDULÓ (A) oranges (B) old book (C) orange pens (D) umbrella
18. My aunt is __________ .
1. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – A farm animal. (A) pretty (B) thirty-three (C) at home (D) beutiful
(A) donkey (B) cow (C) dolphin (D) penguin
19. Melyik mondat helyes?
2. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – You can live here. (A) Have they got a car? (B) Has he got two car?
(A) in a hause (B) in London (C) in a town (D) in a city (C) We haven’t car. (D) How many car has she got?
3. My mum’s brother is my __________ . 20. She likes __________ .
(A) sister (B) aunt (C) uncle (D) husband (A) Englisch (B) blue and grey (C) her taecher (D) tea with honey
4. Peter often __________ books. 21. He’s wearing a __________ .
(A) buyes (B) read (C) writes (D) is reading (A) pink cap (B) orange T-shirt (C) big jumper (D) blue shoes
5. Where __________ Joe and Bob? 22. Can he __________ ?
(A) is (B) ’s (C) are (D) go (A) to swim (B) run (C) ride a horse (D) to sing
6. He’s got two __________. 23. There are some __________ in the kitchen.
(A) hand (B) leg (C) arm (D) feet (A) milk (B) eggs (C) mice (D) cheese
7. The __________ is her favourite fruit. 24. We often have __________ in the evening.
(A) aple (B) lemon (C) orange (D) stawberry (A) shower (B) a party (C) eggs (D) breakfast
8. He can’t eat __________ . 25. My judo class is __________ .
(A) bread (B) chese (C) milk (D) ham (A) at 4.15. (B) afternoon (C) Tuesdays (D) at the
9. __________ is/are seventy. weekend
(A) Forty and thirty (B) Fourty and thirty (C) Forty and threty (D) Seven and ten 26. ’What would you like to drink?’ ’__________’
10. Tom’s __________ a red ball. (A) A ham sandwich, please. (B) A hamburger, please.
(A) got (B) playing with (C) drawing (D) is painting (C) An orange juice, please. (D) I’m not thirsty, thanks.

11. Where are __________ ? 27. Melyik mondat helyes?

(A) they (B) you (C) the cat (D) the mice (A) Where do you sleep? (B) When does she gets up?
(C) Why they are sad? (D) Who eats a lot of?
12. Are you happy?
(A) No, I’m not. (B) Yes, I’m. (C) Yes, we are. (D) No, we arn’t. 28. ’What’s the weather like?’ ’__________’
(A) I like rain. (B) Very lot clouds. (C) It’s suny. (D) It’s windy.
13. Melyik mondat helyes?
(A) He’s siting on a chair. (B) She’s singing song. 29. What’s the time, please?
(C) They aren’t plaiing now. (D) We’re swimming in the lake. (A) It’s six o’clock. (B) It’s two minutes. (C) It’s 3 clock. (D) It’s ten to ten.

14. The women __________ television every day. 30. Melyik ország hivatalos nyelve az angol?
(A) watch (B) watches (C) ’s watching (D) are watch (A) Great Britain (B) Canada (C) Austria (D) Oxford

15. Bob __________ after dinner. 31. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót mint a 'GO'-ban?
(A) goes school (B) reads a book (C) have a shower (D) plays games (A) boy (B) cold (C) hot (D) no

16. The cinema is __________ the library. 32. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót mint a 'TOOTH'-ban?
(A) next (B) oposite (C) near (D) between (A) blue (B) June (C) put (D) good
17. Yesterday she __________ a very good story.
LONDON BRIDGE VERSENY 2. FORDULÓ (A) reads (B) read (C) written (D) found
18. We travelled to London __________ .
1. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – You can find it in a schoolbag. (A) two weeks ago (B) last month (C) on Friday (D) in evening
(A) rubber (B) ruler (C) pens (D) pensil
19. __________ book is this?
2. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – You can find it in the kitchen. (A) Whose (B) Who’s (C) Whoes (D) How
(A) forks (B) fridge (C) spoon (D) knife
20. Melyik ellentétpár helyes?
3. __________ is my favourite season. (A) easy - different (B) good - bad (C) heavy - small (D) tall - short
(A) Sumer (B) Afternoon (C) Autumn (D) Evening
21. How many men __________ last week?
4. My __________ mother is my granny.
(A) did you see (B) was at the show (C) played (D) you met
(A) fater’s (B) niece’s (C) mum’s (D) brother’s
5. The women __________ every day. 22. Melyik ige múlt idejű alakja helyes?
(A) aren’t (B) can works (C) don’t work (D) doesn’t swim (A) make - maked (B) drink - drank (C) ride - rode (D) sing - singed

6. __________ are eighteen. 23. __________ pen is green.

(A) Three and fifty. (B) Threeteen and five. (A) Mary (B) Her (C) The boy’s (D) Ours
(C) Six and twelwe. (D) Sixteen and two. 24. Melyik mondat helyes?
7. __________ happy? (A) When did you wrote this letter? (B) Who ate my pizza yesterday?
(A) We’re (B) Who is (C) Am I (D) Can it (C) Where were they last week? (D) Who did you met at the party?
8. I wear my __________ on my __________ . 25. Which is the __________ month of the year?
(A) ring / finger (B) glove / neck (C) scarf / sholder (D) socks / feet (A) first (B) secund (C) nineth (D) last
9. Bob and Joe __________ in the garden. 26. ’What’s the time, please?’ ’6.15 – It’s __________ . ’
(A) are (B) is (C) can (D) arn’t (A) fifteen to six (B) six past fifteen (C) six fifteen (D) quarter past
10. Mary can __________ an email.
(A) write (B) send (C) read (D) got 27. Have you got __________ ?
11. Can you __________ me? (A) much money (B) many pen (C) many money (D) any book
(A) help (B) hear (C) look (D) see 28. Queen Elizabeth II lives in __________ .
12. The boys are __________ . (A) St. Paul’s Cathedral (B) 10 Downing Street
(A) not here (B) swiming (C) singing (D) can run fast (C) the Tower of London (D) Buckingham Palace

13. Melyik mondat helyes? 29. Melyik mondatot hallhatjuk gyakran angol órán?
(A) Who is running. (B) Bob is writting. (C) Joe’s smileing. (D) Is he sitting? (A) Stand up! (B) Listen him! (C) Sits down! (D) Come here!
14. The kids __________ to music every evening. 30. Melyik ország hivatalos nyelve az angol?
(A) don’t listen (B) listens (C) aren’t listening (D) are listen (A) Great Britain (B) Canada (C) Austria (D) Oxford
15. Melyik mondat helyes? 31. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót mint a 'GO'-ban?
(A) She like’s tea. (B) She doesn’t like milk. (A) boy (B) cold (C) hot (D) no
(C) My sisters likes orange juice. (D) Does she like honey?
32. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót mint a 'TOOTH'-ban?
16. What’s the weather like? (A) blue (B) June (C) put (D) good
(A) It’s suny. (B) It’s wind. (C) It’s cold. (D) Very cloud.
LONDON BRIDGE VERSENY 2. FORDULÓ 17. Melyik ige múlt idejű (2. alakja) helyes?
(A) find - founded (B) pay - paid (C) catch - catched (D) win - won
1. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – A type of vegetable. 18. Which girl __________ in the park last Friday?
(A) onion (B) carrot (C) orange (D) cabage (A) was (B) played (C) did you meet (D) did they saw
2. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – It is longer than a week. 19. He gave __________ .
(A) Tuesday (B) month (C) year (D) August (A) me a pen (B) pen to me (C) to me pen (D) our a pen
3. Tom is standing in front of Jim. Jim is standing __________ Tom.
20. Melyik melléknév középfokú alakja helyes?
(A) between (B) before (C) behind (D) oposite
(A) tireder (B) more boring (C) more short (D) happier
4. She is wearing a pair of __________ .
21. My cat is __________ than your cat.
(A) short (B) gloevs (C) boots (D) trausers
(A) less fat (B) not as big (C) heavier (D) as fat
5. This is an __________ book.
(A) english (B) intresting (C) exciting (D) bad 22. We’re __________ history.
(A) intrested in (B) good at (C) learning about (D) bad in
6. I’m not afraid __________ spiders.
(A) from (B) because (C) for (D) of 23. He __________ learn a poem quickly.
(A) must to (B) has to (C) can (D) hasn’t to
7. He often plays __________ .
(A) volleybal (B) the piano (C) with me (D) good 24. They went to Paris __________ .
(A) four day ago (B) on Tuesday (C) last month (D) on spring
8. There aren’t __________ in the fridge.
(A) many eggs (B) much milk (C) two banana (D) any bottles 25. __________ go to the cinema tonight?
(A) Shall we (B) Let’s (C) How about (D) Why don’t we
9. The men __________ at home.
(A) are (B) arn’t (C) will (D) is 26. __________ sit down there.
10. My friend has got __________ . (A) Will you (B) No (C) Don’t (D) You mustn’t
(A) a cold (B) a headache (C) a sore throat (D) bad caugh 27. While Jim __________, he __________ his hand.
11. Melyik mondat helyes? (A) was cooking / cut(B) was cooking / was cutting
(A) Who likes Jane? (B) Who does Jane like? (C) cooked / was cutting (D) cooked / cut
(C) Who does Jane likes? (D) What does Jane like? 28. He’s travelling _____ London _____ plane _____ next week.
12. The girl’s __________ an apple. (A) to / with / on (B) in / by / on (C) to / in / on (D) to / by / -
(A) got (B) are eating (C) eating (D) are drawing 29. Kire utal a magyarázat? – Queen Elizabeth’s grandson.
13. BAG → BAGS. Melyik főnév többes számú végződését ejtjük ugyanígy? (A) William (B) Charles (C) Andrew (D) Harry
(A) book (B) child (C) woman (D) leg
30. You can see it in London. Melyik nevezetességre illik a magyarázat?
14. __________ father is in the garden. (A) British Museum (B) St Paul’s Cathedral
(A) My friend’s (B) Mine (C) The girls (D) He’s (C) United Kingdom (D) The White House
15. Melyik mondat helyes? 31. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót mint a 'GO'-ban?
(A) We’re writting a book. (B) Are you sleeping? (A) boy (B) know (C) hot (D) cold
(C) She isn’t sing in the bathroom. (D) They’re sitting under the tree.
32. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót mint a 'TOOTH'-ban?
16. ’Did you go to the cinema yesterday?’ ’No, I __________ .’ (A) true (B) cool (C) foot (D) good
(A) never (B) wasn’t (C) didn’t (D) don’t
LONDON BRIDGE VERSENY 2. FORDULÓ 17. The women __________ cut the bread.
(A) has (B) have already (C) doesn’t (D) have to
1. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – A part of your face. 18. When did they arrive __________ ?
(A) forehead (B) lip (C) nosey (D) cheen (A) home (B) in London (C) at the hotel (D) to home
2. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – A country. 19. I’ve got a __________ .
(A) French (B) Germany (C) Italy (D) Sweden (A) new car (B) old bike (C) jeans (D) lot homework
3. My nephew is my __________ son.
20. Melyik melléknév felsőfokú alakja helyes?
(A) aunt’s (B) uncle’s (C) sister’s (D) bother’s
(A) the morest (B) the furthest (C) the boringest (D) the least
4. _________ live in water.
21. My dog is __________ your cat.
(A) Hipos (B) Delphins (C) Sea lions (D) Shark
(A) smaller than (B) smaller then (C) as big as (D) not as big
5. One of my friends __________ from Sotland.
(A) are (B) comes from (C) is (D) come 22. He gave __________ .
(A) a pen me (B) me a pen (C) a pen to me (D) him pen
6. ’Where are you going?’
(A) ’To home.’ (B) ’To shopping.’ (C) ’From training.’ (D) ’Home.’ 23. Melyik mondat helyes?
(A) I’ve seen this film last Friday. (B) I have never been to Paris.
7. __________ are tired. (C) We’ve just met him. (D) When have you done it?
(A) Everybody (B) My friends (C) The children (D) The man
24. How __________ is it?
8. My son is with __________ . (A) colour (B) much (C) far (D) many
(A) his uncle (B) boy (C) their (D) us
25. __________ go to the cinema tonight?
9. Is there __________ for you?
(A) Why don’t we (B) Would you like (C) How about (D) Shall we
(A) enough milk (B) many milk (C) lot milk (D) enough of milk
10. We haven’t got __________ . 26. How often do you __________ ?
(A) any cats (B) many books (C) much time (D) many water (A) do a pancake (B) have bath (C) tidy your room (D) learn a poem

11. He can make __________ . 27. Can you __________ me the time, please?
(A) mistakes (B) his bed (C) his homework (D) sandwiches (A) tell (B) say (C) speak (D) share

12. ’I heard about him last week.’ 28. He’s travelling _____ London _____ plane _____ next week.
(A) ’So did I.’ (B) ’So was I.’ (C) ’I didn’t.’ (D) ’I think.’ (A) to / with / on (B) in / by / on (C) to / in / on (D) to / by / -
13. Melyik mondat helyes? 29. Kire utal a magyarázat? – Queen Elizabeth’s grandson.
(A) Who did you met last night? (B) Who met she yesterday? (A) William (B) Charles (C) Andrew (D) Harry
(C) What he did on Monday? (D) Who saw him at the party?
30. You can see it in London. Melyik nevezetességre illik a magyarázat?
14. They’ve been to England, __________? (A) British Museum (B) St Paul’s Cathedral
(A) haven’t they (B) that’s right (C) isn’t it (D) were they (C) United Kingdom (D) The White House
15. __________ when the teacher entered the classroom?
31. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót mint a 'GO'-ban?
(A) Did he found his book (B) What were they singing
(A) boy (B) know (C) hot (D) cold
(C) Was he smileing (D) Were the girls dancing
16. __________ book is this? 32. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót mint a 'TOOTH'-ban?
(A) Mary (B) Who’s (C) Whose (D) How much (A) true (B) cool (C) foot (D) good

1 A B 17 B D
2 B C D 18 A B C
3 C 19 A
4 C 20 B D
5 C 21 A C
6 D 22 B C
7 B C 23 B C
8 A D 24 B C

9 A 25 A D
10 A B C 26 C D
11 A B D 27 A
12 A C 28 D
13 D 29 A D
14 A 30 A B
15 B D 31 B D
16 C 32 A B

Sok feladatnak van több megoldása! Keresd meg valamennyit!

16. We __________ in the kitchen.
1. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – You can see it on a map. (A) aren’t (B) doesn’t cook (C) never sleep (D) ’re cooking
(A) river (B) england (C) lake (D) africa 17. Bob can __________ well.
2. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – A musical instrument. (A) to sing very (B) swims (C) skiing (D) run
(A) radio (B) CD-player (C) flute (D) violin 18. We’ve got __________ .
3. My __________ is in the bathroom. She’s having a shower. (A) tvelwe red pens (B) fourty apples (C) fifty good books (D) an orange car
(A) children (B) grandfather (C) sisters (D) aunt 19. She does her homework __________ afternoon.
4. A __________ is a bird. (A) in the (B) at (C) every (D) −
(A) pinguin (B) parot (C) ostrich (D) chicken 20. __________ car is black.
5. My dad’s __________ . (A) That (B) Them (C) Mine (D) His
(A) tall (B) got a new car (C) not fat (D) gets up at 5 21. Do you go to school __________ ?
6. HEAD → HAT. FEET → __________ (A) on every Friday (B) on Thuesdays (C) every day (D) by car
(A) shose (B) socks (C) sandals (D) legs 22. PEN → PENS Melyik főnév többes számú végződését ejtjük ugyanígy?
7. __________ has got four legs. (A) woman (B) child (C) window (D) park
(A) Two birds (B) A tigre (C) A donkey (D) A pig 23. She __________ speak English.
8. His favourite day is __________ . (A) can (B) never (C) doesn’t (D) isn’t
(A) Thuesday (B) Wendesday (C) Thursday (D) Sunsday 24. ’What’s the time?’ ’It’s ________ . ’
9. I’m wearing a __________ . (A) quater to two (B) half past one (C) ten to ten (D) 1’clock
(A) blue jacket (B) black farmer (C) orange T-shirt (D) white hat 25. Can you see __________ ?
10. __________ is my favourite sport. (A) I (B) him (C) the cat (D) their
(A) basball (B) voleyball (C) tenis (D) swimming 26. Melyik mondat helyes?
11. Is he __________ happy? (A) Who reads every day? (B) What does he read now?
(A) very (B) − (C) realy (D) don’t (C) Where does he read every evening? (D) Where reads he every day?

12. __________ are singing in the garden. 27. Melyik ige múlt idejű alakja helyes?
(A) The boy’s (B) My friends (C) Some woman (D) The bird (A) was - were (B) do - did (C) play - playd (D) eat - ate

13. They _________ email. 28. London is in __________ .

(A) are read an (B) ’re writting an (C) ’re sending a (D) have got an (A) the UK (B) Scotland (C) Britian (D) Europe

14. Melyik mondat helyes? 29. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót, mint a ’TALL’-ban?
(A) Who is studiing? (B) He often write. (C) She’s sitting. (D) I’m live in Vác. (A) go (B) talk (C) small (D) nose

15. __________ in London? 30. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót, mint a ’YOUNG’-ban?
(A) Do you live (B) Do he lives (C) Do the men live (D) Who lives (A) wash (B) cup (C) love (D) dog
LONDON BRIDGE VERSENY DÖNTŐ 16. She __________ speak English.
(A) can (B) never (C) doesn’t (D) isn’t
Sok feladatnak van több megoldása! Keresd meg valamennyit!
1. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – It has got wings. 17. __________ the dog in the park?
(A) a parrot (B) a plane (C) penguins (D) a bird (A) Was (B) Whose (C) Who saw (D) Did you see
2. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – You can swim in it. 18. Melyik ige múlt idejű alakja helyes?
(A) ocean (B) see (C) rivers (D) lake (A) feel - fell (B) teach - tought (C) catch - catched (D) study - studied
3. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – A country in Europe. 19. __________ home yesterday?
(A) French (B) German (C) Hungry (D) Austria (A) Was Joe at (B) Did they go to (C) Were the man (D) Who went
4. This book is __________ . 20. We __________ our granny last Saturday.
(A) intresting (B) very good (C) heavy (D) exiting (A) met (B) talked (C) didn’t visit (D) weren’t at
5. My uncle is a __________ . 21. We went to the park __________ 4 o’clock.
(A) young (B) doctor (C) actor (D) tall (A) at (B) after (C) in front of (D) past
6. I like __________ very much. 22. __________ is he reading?
(A) grapes (B) puppys (C) limonade (D) cheese (A) What (B) Why (C) Whose book (D) A letter
7. My favorite season is __________, because I like __________ very much. 23. Melyik mondat helyes?
(A) spring / July (B) winter / December (A) Who sent this letter yesterday? (B) Why did he ate my pizza last night?
(C) autunm / October (D) sumer / August (C) Where did he meet her last week? (D) Who did he visit on last Friday?
8. My friend’s __________ . 24. The picture is __________ .
(A) ball is green (B) has got a ball (C) reads a lot (D) eating now (A) on the wall (B) in my coursebook
(C) isn’t here (D) next the door
9. Let’s go __________ .
(A) swim (B) home (C) out (D) the sports club 25. Melyik felsőfokú melléknévi alak helyes?
(A) the best (B) the most friendly (C) the worsest (D) the happiest
10. Why don’t we buy __________ ?
(A) a battle of water (B) a can of coke 26. Can you see __________ ?
(C) a packet of chewing gum (D) a white socks (A) I (B) an book (C) us (D) her
11. How __________ have you got? 27. Queen Elizabeth II lives in _______________ .
(A) much water (B) many book (C) many money (D) much tea (A) St. Paul’s Cathedral (B) the White House
(C) Buckingham Palace (D) Oxford Street
12. __________ are singing in the garden.
(A) The boy’s (B) My friends (C) Some women (D) The bird 28. Melyik állítás helyes?
(A) Big Ben was a king in England. (B) There are 100 pence in a pound.
13. They _________ email. (C) The Tower of London is a church. (D) Wales is in Great Britain.
(A) are read an (B) ’re writting an (C) are sending a (D) have got an
29. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót, mint a ’TALL’-ban?
14. He hasn’t got __________ cheese. (A) go (B) talk (C) small (D) nose
(A) any (B) some (C) many (D) a lot
30. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót, mint a ’YOUNG’-ban?
15. They __________ in the bedroom. (A) wash (B) cup (C) love (D) dog
(A) aren’t (B) ’re sleeping (C) don’t cooking (D) never eat
LONDON BRIDGE VERSENY DÖNTŐ 16. I’ll make __________ .
(A) my homework (B) a phone call (C) a egg sandwich (D) the bed
Sok feladatnak van több megoldása! Keresd meg valamennyit! 17. When he __________ us, he __________ away.
1. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – You have got two of them. (A) saw / ran (B) saw / was runing (C) was seeing / ran (D) heard / runs
(A) eyes (B) toes (C) thumbs (D) knees
18. As my dad __________ along the street, he __________ a little a rabbit.
2. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – You can find it in Europe. (A) was driving / was seeing (B) was driving / saw
(A) england (B) London (C) Australia (D) the Alps (C) drove / saw (D) drove / was seeing
3. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – My sister’s child. 19. Melyik mondat helyes?
(A) my nice (B) my aunt (C) my nephew (D) my cousin (A) The bike isn’t as fast than the car. (B) The bike is less fast than the car.
(C) The car is faster than the bike. (D) It is the fastest car in the world.
4. I’d like a __________ bread, please.
(A) slice of (B) peace of (C) loaf of (D) 100 grams 20. __________ go to the swimming pool in the afternoon?
(A) Shell we (B) Let’s (C) Why don’t we (D) What about
5. A lion’s __________ .
(A) lives in Africa (B) a mammal (C) big cat (D) got a tail 21. When __________ to the cinema?
(A) are they going (B) do they go (C) were they (D) did they go
6. Biology is very interesting because we learn about ___________ .
(A) plants (B) fisch (C) animals (D) natural 22. __________ me your green pencil, please.
(A) Give (B) Borrow (C) Lend (D) Show
7. A __________ works in a __________ .
(A) teacher /school (B) waitress /restaurant 23. 'Let's go to the sports centre.' ' ______________ '
(C) actor / theatre (D) nurse / hospitals (A) Sorry, I can’t. (B) Good idea. (C) I’m all right. (D) No, it’s nice.
8. The girls are running __________ . 24. Melyik szóra kattintunk rá, ha csatolni szeretnénk valamit egy e-mailhez?
(A) quietly (B) slowly (C) fastly (D) quikcly (A) attach (B) delete (C) forward (D) junk
9. Are they __________ tired? 25. Jókai _____________ a writer. He ______________ a lot of novels.
(A) enough (B) - (C) very (D) too (A) was / has written (B) was / wrote (C) has been / wrote (D) has been / had
10. Would you like __________ chocolate biscuit? 26. I don’t feel well. __________ .
(A) this (B) the last (C) a packet of (D) some (A) I’ve got a terrible headache (B) I’ve got a cold
(C) I’ve got a throat (D) My back pains
11. This pen doesn’t belong to me. It’s __________ .
(A) her (B) his (C) mine (D) yours 27. Queen Elizabeth II lives in _______________ .
(A) St. Paul’s Cathedral (B) the White House
12. Where are my keys? I can’t find them __________ .
(C) Buckingham Palace (D) Oxford Street
(A) anywhere (B) somewhere (C) nowhere (D) here
28. __________ is a state in the USA.
13. We haven’t got __________ .
(A) California (B) Texas (C) Wales (D) Scotland
(A) some tea (B) any cheese (C) many egg (D) too much milk
29. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót, mint a ’TALL’-ban?
14. Tom and Bob __________ help me.
(A) boat (B) thought (C) talk (D) don’t
(A) never (B) must (C) has to (D) should
30. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót, mint a ’YOUNG’-ban?
15. They _________ email.
(A) gone (B) won (C) love (D) one
(A) are read an (B) ’re writting an (C) ’re sending a (D) have got an
LONDON BRIDGE VERSENY DÖNTŐ 16. She’s done her homework,_________?
(A) isn’t she (B) doesn’t she (C) hasn’t she (D) yes
Sok feladatnak van több megoldása! Keresd meg valamennyit! 17. Melyik mondat helyes?
1. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? − You can find it in Europe. (A) He’s the tallest man in the world. (B) The film is funnier than the novel.
(A) the Alps (B) Canada (C) Austria (D) Oxford (C) He wants to buy a biger flat. (D) She is so friendly as my aunt.
2. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? – You can find it on the map of a city. 18. Hogy adhatunk tanácsot valakinek?
(A) square (B) roundabout (C) trees (D) parks (A) I think you should go to the doctor. (B) Why don’t you go to the doctor?
(C) You must to take some tablets. (D) Would you like sleeping now?
3. Melyik szóra utal a magyarázat? − My sister’s child.
(A) my nice (B) my aunt (C) my nephew (D) my cousin 19. We __________ this house __________ ten years.
(A) have / for (B) have / since (C) have had / for (D) bought / ago
4. Yesterday we bought __________ of __________ .
(A) 3 loafs / bread (B) a can / beer (C) six jars / jam (D) pocket / crisps 20. Melyik szóra kattintunk rá, ha csatolni szeretnénk valamit egy e-mailhez?
(A) attach (B) delete (C) forward (D) junk
5. I like __________ .
(A) play the piano (B) listening music (C) playing tennis (D) singing songs 21. Melyik kérdés helyes?
(A) When have you bought that car? (B) Why hasn’t he called me yet?
6. There is __________ on the kitchen table.
(C) When did they founded that church? (D) Where have they catched that fish?
(A) lot money (B) a slice of bacon (C) many knifes (D) a teaspoon
22. We’ve __________ seen a dolphin.
7. I have to __________ for my pizza.
(A) alredy (B) just (C) never (D) got to
(A) look after (B) pay (C) wait (D) thank you
23. __________ me your green pencil, please.
8. Melyik szót írtuk le helyesen?
(A) Give (B) Borrow (C) Lend (D) Show
(A) enviroment (B) exciting (C) scientits (D) bicycle
24. This novel __________ a famous English writer in 1877.
9. My favourite musical instrument is the __________.
(A) is written by (B) is written for (C) wrote (D) was written by
(A) saxofon (B) orgone (C) chello (D) trumpet
25. This building is famous __________ its nice windows.
10. We haven’t got __________ .
(A) at (B) for (C) to (D) with
(A) much flour (B) many letter (C) any dog (D) any tea
26. My father goes to work __________ car.
11. ’What’s the weather like?’ ’It’s __________ .’
(A) by (B) in (C) in his (D) with
(A) wind is blowing (B) rains (C) sunny (D) perfect
27. The President of the USA lives in __________ .
12. Do you like sausages?
(A) the Pentagon (B) the Empire State Building
(A) Yes, I am. (B) Yes, very much. (C) No, is it good? (D) No, I don’t.
(C) Washington, DC (D) the White House
13. When __________ to the shopping mall?
28. My mum has read a lot of books about the detective, ___________ .
(A) are they going (B) do they go (C) were they (D) did they go
(A) Sherlock Holmes (B) Agatha Christie (C) Oliver Twist (D) Tom Sawyer
14. ’Whose bag is this?’ ’It’s __________ .’
29. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót, mint a ’TALL’-ban?
(A) hers (B) my dad’s (C) our (D) my kids’s
(A) boat (B) thought (C) talk (D) don’t
15. 'Let's go to the sports centre.' ' ______________ '
30. Melyik szóban ejtjük ugyanazt a magánhangzót, mint a ’YOUNG’-ban?
(A) Sorry, I can’t. (B) Good idea. (C) I’m all right. (D) No, it’s nice.
(A) gone (B) won (C) love (D) one


1 A C 16 A C D 1 A B D 16 A C
2 C D 17 D 2 A D 17 A C D
3 D 18 C D 3 D 18 D
4 D 19 A C 4 B C 19 A D
5 A B C 20 A D 5 B 20 A C D

6 B C 21 C D 6 A D 21 A B
7 C D 22 C 7 B 22 A B C
8 C 23 A C 8 A D 23 A C
9 A D 24 B C 9 B C 24 A B
10 D 25 B C 10 B C 25 A D

11 A B 26 A C 11 A D 26 C D
12 B 27 B D 12 B C 27 C
13 D 28 A D 13 D 28 B D
14 C 29 B C 14 A 29 B C
15 A C D 30 B C 15 A B D 30 B C


1 A C D 16 B D 1 C D 16 C
2 B 17 A 2 A B 17 A B
3 C 18 B 3 C 18 A B
4 A C 19 B C D 4 B C 19 C
5 B D 20 C 5 C D 20 A

6 A C 21 A B D 6 B D 21 B
7 A B 22 A C D 7 B C D 22 B C
8 A B 23 A B 8 B D 23 A C D
9 B C D 24 A 9 D 24 D
10 A B 25 B 10 A D 25 B

11 B D 26 A B 11 C D 26 A C
12 A D 27 C 12 B D 27 C D
13 B D 28 A B 13 A B D 28 A
14 A B D 29 B C 14 A B 29 B C
15 D 30 B C D 15 A B 30 B C D

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