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Current Research Collaboration

Proving Breathable Jakarta Air by Monitoring Data

Jakarta, 14 November 2022

Muhayatun Santoso
Particulate Matter
Relative Mortality Rate Ratios
6 US Cities

Mortality Rate Ratio

1.25 Complete
1.20 Period1
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Dockery et al 1993 3
Laden et al 2006 PM2.5 Mass (µg/m )

Particulate Matter

Sumber: Kim oahn, 2018 Workshop, Bandung 3

Why do we need fine particulate analysis
• To build a database monitoring and evaluate the policy implemented
for air quality management

• Identifying pollution sources is the first critical step towards

developing strategies for its management

• PM2.5 mass analysis and composition is important to give information

on air quality status inline with the NAAQS (Determination
compliance with air quality standards)
To assess the level of PM2.5 ; PM2.5-10 and its
• Examine the elevated and extend for certain elements (elevated chemical composition for source identification
concentrations as early warning)
Elemental analysis in APM is crucial
• To identify the pollutant sources (source apportionment) to identify the pollution sources

• Evaluation for the health impact assessment/health risk assessment

❖ Sampling untuk memperoleh partikulat udara PM2.5 dan
PM10 secara simultan (dichotomous sampler)

❖ Parameter dikarakterisasi untuk massa, black carbon, multi

unsur (unsur-unsur kunci dalam identifikasi jenis sumber
pencemar udara) serta logam-logam berat sebagai early
warning kondisi kualitas udara

❖ Data set untuk input reseptor modeling untuk identifikasi

sumber pencemar


▪ EPA PMF 2/5

GENT (2010-2022)
Dichotomous sampler
• Sampling of ambient PM2.5 and PM10 were carried out in DLH
Prov Jakarta
• Sampling were carried out using dichotomous sampler Gent
stacked filter unit in each site, once a week by the local
• 2-3 monthly the collected samples were sent back to
BATAN laboratory for mass, BC and elemental analysis

Source: Judy and Watson, 2019 Oct Workshop, Bandung

Gent sampler 6
Super SASS Sampler

The SASS (Speciation Air Sampler System) chemical sampler was developed under contract from
the United States Environmental Protection Agency – US-EPA by Met One Instruments.
Super SASS Sampler (2022)

Tangerang Selatan
PM and BC analysis
PM analysis BC analysis
Determination of mass concentration (PM2.5 and PM10) was Determination of carbon in the filter is based on the process
done by gravimetric method using Mettler Toledo micro of light reflection. The absorption and reflection of visible
balance light by airborne particulate matter in the filter depends on
particle concentration, density, refractive index and size
Before weighing, the filter must be conditioned in a room with
humidity between 45-55% and a temperature of 18-25°C.
BC was determined using a Digital Smoke Stain
Reflectometer. Measurement of BC in the filter was done
Fine APM (PM2.5) and coarse APM (PM2.5-10) are obtained using the assumption that the average coefficient of particle
from the weighing of the sample weights on the fine and mass absorption is 5.7 m2/g
coarse filter, respectively. While PM10 is obtained from the
total mass of particulates from fine and coarse filters
NATs for APM Elemental Characterization
Advantages :
➢ Simultaneous multi elemental
➢ Nondestructive, selective and sensitive
➢ Small weight samples
➢ Cost and time effective

NAA and EDXRF in Indonesia

• Determination of the elements contained in airborne
particulate matter is an important step in identifying
sources of air pollutants
• The samples were analyzed using ED-XRF with 9
secondary targets (Fe, CaF2, Ge, Zr, CeO2, Mo, Ag, Al
and one Barkla polarizing target (Al2O3)).
Synchrotron Elettra, Italy dan IBA ANSTO, Australia
Research Collaboration

Continuous Black Carbon Monitoring

in Several Cities in Indonesia

Between BRIN OR TN, DKI EPA Province, MoEF

Aerosol and Rochester University
Light absorbing carbon comes largely from fossil fuel combustion and biomass burning with the
absorption spectra depending on the fuel and combustion characteristics.These two sources produce
particles with different Absorption Angstrom Exponents (AAE) allowing their separation based on
multiple wavelength absorption as provided by current generation aethalometers.

We can use the aethalometer model (Sandradewi et al.,

2008) to separate fossil fuel and biomass burning
particulate matter mass contributions. This approach has
been applied in many studies in Europe and North America,
but not particularly in developing countries like Indonesia.
Thus, this study will explore the use of the current
generation aethalometer (AE33) to apportion these sources
in Jakarta and Palangka Raya.

The objective of the study is to assess the added value of continuous light absorbing
carbon measurements to characterize the aerosol in Indonesia and to further apportion
its sources, for further proper and suitable policy design
Three sites (Jakarta, Serpong, Bandung)
➢ multi-wavelength aethalometer
➢ May 2022 minimal two years
period continuous

Jakarta sites (DKI Central – DKI-1)


Jakarta &
Serpong sites
Super SASS Sampler

Monthly PM2.5
Jakarta Serpong

July 38.9 -

August 42.1 48.1

September 32.8 48.0

October 30.3 32.6

Tangerang Selatan
Elemental concentration in Jakarta dan Serpong 2022
Jakarta Serpong
Unsur Kons. Rata2 Rentang Kons. Rata2 Rentang
ng/m3 ng/m3 ng/m3 ng/m3
PM2.5 (µg/m3) 36.5 21.6 - 52.0 42.7 11.8 - 72.5
Na 736 56.2 - 2772 423 30.6 - 853
Mg 34.8 0.3 - 81.8 81.0 8.5 - 325
Al 63.0 7.1 - 158 63.1 0.18 - 184
Si 128 34.0 - 266 110 15.2 - 277
S 2559 974 - 3830 2914 1191 - 6597
Cl 54.0 13.0 - 201 205 25.0 - 599
K 443 179 - 598 516 237 - 792 Pb Jakarta Pb Serpong S Jakarta S Serpong
Ca 114 49.6 - 232 66.9 34.5 - 130
Ti 7.3 1.8 - 19.6 4.76 0.14 - 14.2
V 0.09 0.00 - 2.24 1.97 1.69 - 2.25
Cr 5.5 0.8 - 13.0 4.27 0.96 - 11.6
Mn 26.7 1.1 - 95.9 7.56 1.59 - 17.5
Fe 161 63.7 - 543 103 35.9 - 353
Co 0.05 0.03 - 0.07 0.05 0.01 - 0.16
Ni 2.25 0.83 - 3.86 1.99 0.03 - 5.25
Cu 24.9 0.3 - 90.4 7.40 0.51 - 27.4
Zn 267 83.4 - 1128 239 57.5 - 505
Pb 106 13.1 - 656 1263 19.4 - 4987
Sb 32.6 4.8 - 77.1 32.5 0.38 - 68.7
As 14.3 3.8 - 37.0 28.9 1.10 - 60.0
Br 20.9 0.5 - 58.3 12.2 1.59 - 30.4
P 57.7 44.1 - 85.0 65.3 43.4 - 133
Cu Jakarta Cu Serpong Mn Jakarta Mn Serpong
Black Carbon Jakarta (Aethalometer)

BCmass April FFma

(ug/m3) ss
12 BBma


BB : Biomass Burning
FF : Fossil Fuel
Black Carbon Jakarta (Aethalometer)

BCmass April (ug/m3)FFmas

12 BBmas


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

BB : Biomass Burning
FF : Fossil Fuel
Black Carbon Jakarta (May 2022)
Black Carbon Jakarta (June 2022)
Results of BC
Seasonal and annual average of BC in Jakarta

The seasonal distributions of BC are shown in Fig. 4. The BC variations were

weak compared to those of fine and coarse APM.
The average PM2.5 mass at Jakarta was composed of 20% black carbon.
High BC concentrations were measured in the 2018 dry season that were
again likely caused by the massive construction of roads and transportation
infrastructure that increased traffic jams
Elemental concentration in Jakarta 2010-2021
Elemental concentration in Jakarta 2010-2021
Seasonal variation in PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations in Jakarta 2010-2021
Elemental concentration in Jakarta 2010-2021
Box and whisker plot of S, Zn, Fe, Cu, K and Pb concentrations in PM2.5 Jakarta
Reconstructed Mass _ RCM

The average PM2.5 mass at Jakarta was

composed of 20% black carbon, 19% sulfate, 8%
soil, 2% seasalt, 1% smoke, and 2% trace
elements. The remaining missing mass (48%)
was mainly nitrates and organic matters.
Covid and Air Quality for Jakarta
Covid and Air Quality for Jakarta
Covid and Air Quality for Jakarta
Publications related2021
Jakarta Air Quality

AAQR Agustus 2021 Atmospheric Pollution Research 2020


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