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Class XI Biology Lesson plan

Chapter 21 – Neural control and coordination

Unit Human Physiology (Chapter 21 Neural control and coordination )
Class Transaction Total: 3 periods
Pre-requisite for This lesson requires
the course  Basic knowledge of human neural system
 Knowledge of neuron
 Knowledge of central nervous system
 Basic knowledge of reflex action and reflex arc
 Basic knowledge of sensory organs
Assessment of  Written test
qualifying  Lab activity
knowledge  Oral questioning
Objective Students
 Neural system
 Human neural system
 Neuron as structural and functional unit of neural system
 Central nervous system
 Reflex action and reflex arc
 Sensory reception and processing
Outcomes  Coordination to maintain homeostasis
 Mechanism of generation and conduction of nerve impulse
 Concept of transmission of impulse through synapse
 Write mechanism of generation and conduction of nerve impulse
 Draw flowchart about role of neurotransmitters in impulse conduction through
 Explain functions of different parts of brain
Competencies developed in students: collaborative learning, critical thinking and
problem solving, character building, communication, citizenship
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Brain Storming-The class start with a discussion on what the students have already
learnt in the previous classes and hence what is it that they would learn now. They
would also be told the significance of the topic that they would be studying.
Introduction of the topic- ppt and Digital Content
Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to be discussed in
the classroom.
Techniques to be used:
Quiz, MCQ, Case Studies, Lab Activities, Any Other
Resources NCERT text book, Reference Book, CBSE Exemplar,
Addressing Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the classroom might be a
Classroom diverse arena. The following techniques can be used for various groups:
Diversity For high scoring students:
High order thinking questions to be done
Encouragement for referring other
resources For low scoring students:
Peer education
Encourage and motivate them at every level.

Marks The weightage of whole unit is 18 marks and is given by CBSE.

Day 1:
a. Students will be shown a ppt and will be made aware of the neural system.
b. Students will be told about the neuron as structural and functional unit of neural
c. Students will be told about generation and conduction of nerve impulse
Guided practice: DOL 1
a. Students will be made to describe structure of neuron.
b. Students will be made to describe and discuss in groups about the central and
peripheral nervous system.
Communication and brainstorming: Students develop effective communication skills
and learn to put across their views.

Collaboration: Students learn to work in collaboration to achieve a common goal. They

learn to manage time and divide and delegate work and responsibilities.

Summarize and check for understanding: DOL 2

a. Oral questioning based on the day's teaching.
Independent practice: DOL 3
. Students will be asked to revise the work done in class.

Day 2:
a. Students will be shown a ppt and will be made aware of different parts of brain.
b. Students will be told about the functions of all parts of brain.
c. Students will be made aware of the reflex action and reflex arc.
Guided practice: DOL 1
a. Students will be made to recall functions of all parts of brain.
c. Students will be asked to describe and discuss in groups about the mechanism of a
knee jerk reflex.

Critical thinking and problem solving: Helps students to think critically and solve the
given problem

Communication and brainstorming: Students develop effective communication skills

and learn to put across their views.

Summarize and check for understanding: DOL 2

a. Oral questioning based on the day's teaching
b. Discussion on the topic in groups – processing of information by our central
nervous system.
Character and citizenship: Group discussion helps to develop interpersonal skills,
respecting and valuing views of others

Independent practice: DOL 3

a. Students will be asked to revise the work done in class.
b. Students will be asked to describe diagrammatically parts of brain.

Day 3:
a. Students will be shown a ppt and will be made aware of parts of an eye.
b. Students will be told about mechanism of vision.
c. Students will be told about parts of ear and mechanism of hearing.
Guided practice: DOL 1
a. Students will be made to describe parts of eye.
b. Students will be asked to draw diagram showing parts of an eye.
c. Students will be asked to describe and discuss in groups about mechanism of
hearing and vision.
Collaboration: Students learn to work in collaboration to achieve a common goal. They
learn to manage time and divide and delegate work and responsibilities.

Communication and brainstorming: Students develop effective communication skills

and learn to put across their views.

Summarize and check for understanding: DOL 2

a. Oral questioning based on the day's teaching
Communication: Involves sharing of ideas and information to advance scientific
understanding, processes, theories and discoveries

Independent practice: DOL 3

a. Students will be asked to revise the work done in class.
b. Students will be asked to research on disorders related to eye and ear.

Closure of the lesson

Summarizing the lesson by mind mapping

Giving them revision worksheets

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