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1 You receive the following communication on email: Please clear payment of this critical and

sensitive invoice. I will be on vacation and unavailable - CEO. What do you do?

ANSWER: All of the above

2 What type of attack can happen when an attacker leaves an USB stick lying for an employee to
plug in?

ANSWER: USB attack

3 You receive an email from [email protected] asking you to send your full name, login username,
password, and date of birth for employee appraisal. What would you do?

ANSWER: Forward the email to [email protected]

4 DLP helps to: Protect bank's sensitive and confidential data from being shared outside bank’s

ANSWER: internal network

5 You login to your system using your password, read about strategic information related to a
merger, and financial forecasting. What type of data are these?

ANSWER: Secret

6 What type of phishing attack happens through SMS?

ANSWER: Smishing

7 Most devastating loss to the bank is:

ANSWER: Loss of data

8 Clear desk & clear screen policy enables users to:

ANSWER:Protect confidential information

9 Allowing __ entry into restricted area is in violation of policy

ANSWER: Unauthorized

10 Which of the following should be done for Data Leakage Prevention?

ANSWER: 1,2,3

11 Which of the following is a type of malware? Click correct options.

ANSER: 2,3

12 You receive a suspicious email requesting urgent action. What should you do?

ANSWER: 1,2,

13 Which of the following is true about phishing attacks?

ANSWER: All of the above

14 Your security settings are not allowing you to download an important e-mail attachment sent by
your customer. What should you do?

ANSWER: Inform IT helpdesk about the issue and ask them to help with the same

15 What are the important components of Triad of information security? :

ANSWER: 1,2,3

16 A former colleague approaches you at work and requests access to your device for a few minutes
to fill a form that is required by the HR department. How do you respond?

ANSWER: Explain that this would be against the security policy and politely decline

17 _____ is a special form of attack using which hackers exploit – human psychology.


Social Engineering

18 Jennifer receives an email claiming that her bank account information has been lost and that she
needs to click a link to update the bank’s database. However, she doesn’t recognize the bank,
because it is not one she does business with. What type of attack is she being targeted with?

ANSWER: Phishing

19 What does malware stand for?

ANSWER: Malicious Software

20 Your colleague has sent confidential information to unauthorized recipients. What does this

ANSWER: Breach of policy

21 Which of the following is true with regards to IT assets as per the policy?

ANSWER: All of the above

22 ISSP stands for Information Security ___ and Procedures

ANSWER: Standarts

23 Which of the following is NOT a social engineering attack?

ANSWER: Denial of Service attac

24 In phishing, attackers target using ____ to do social engineering


25 Your friend is visiting you at work and wants to check his e-mail urgently. How do you respond?

ANSWER: Explain to your friend that you cannot give him access to company network as it is
against the security policy
26 What type of attack happens when an attacker simply walks in behind a person who has
legitimate access?


27 You see an unknown individual without a badge trying to enter restricted area. What should you

ANSWER:Report the suspicious activity

28 Information security is __ responsibility. Select the most appropriate option.

ANSWER: Everyone's

29 Which of the following is a part of clear desk & clear screen policy?

ANSWER: All of the above

30 What is the main purpose of DLP in the bank?

ANSWER: End users do not send critical information outside the corporate network

31 If a user wants to share critical information outside of the organization for business purpose, how
should he send the information?

ANSWER:Protect the file by Seclore and then send it

32 Which of these activities on social media are not allowed?

ANSWER: Post employee information such as ID card, access number, etc

33 What should you do if your official mobile computing device is stolen?

ANSWER: File an FIR with the police and submit a copy of the report to the concerned department

34 What should you do if you suspect you have received a phishing email?

ANSWER: Forward the email to [email protected]

35 Which of the following is incorrect?

ANSWER:The internet has made it hard to collect PII

36 Most devastating loss to the bank is:

ANSWER: Loss of data

37 Which of the following are genuine ICICI bank domains?

38 Which action from list below can help restrict a malware attack?


39 You want to leave your workstation. What should you do before you leave?

ANSWER: Lock cabinets containing documents with sensitive information

40 Which Digital Rights Management solution do we use at ICICI?

ANSWER: Seclore

41 Which among the following statements is correct

ANSWER: 1,3,4

42 An unknown person is spotted following closely behind an employee and entering the restricted
section of the building without an ID/badge. What type of attack is this?

ANSWER: Tailgating attack

43 Select all correct options. Human Firewalls are:


44 Which of the following are characteristics of Internal Data?

ANSWER: 1,2,3

45 You are sitting in a café with your friend after work when your boss calls up, asking you to share
some confidential data urgently. How do you respond?

ANSWER: Ensure that you are in a private place and that you are not connected to a public
network before sending the information

46 Data Classification is:

ANSWER: Act of classification of information based on sensitivity

47 Access control systems provide ____ environment.

ANSWER: All of the above

48 You receive the following communication on email: Please clear payment of this critical and
sensitive invoice. I will be on vacation and unavailable - CEO. What do you do?

ANSWER: Report the suspicious email to [email protected]

49 Individuals who need and use ICICI data as part of their assigned duties or in fulfilment of
assigned roles or functions within ICICI are called

ANSWER:Data Users
50 Which of the following are the characteristics of a strong password?

ANSWER: It is at least 8 characters long and It is significantly different from previous password

51 An electrician comes to your desk and asks you to step aside for a minute as he needs to check
whether all the sockets on your workstation are functional. What do you do?

ANSWER: Lock the device, files and cabinets, step aside but keep a watch on what he is doing

52 What are the characteristics of Confidential data?


53 All users are required to read the ___

ANSWER: Both i and ii

54 Which of the following causes breach of DLP guidelines?


55 What are the characteristics of secret data?


56 In what way can a malware use your device to perform breach of security? Select the correct

ANSWER: All of the above

57 What type of attack is Tailgating?

ANSWER: Social Engineering

58 Which of the following is a strong password?


59 What should employees do upon resignation?

ANSWER: Surrender all their official devices to their manager or local IT personnel (as per the policy)
to receive the required clearance

60 You should always be extra alert when you receive messages related to:

ANSWER :All of the above

61 Which of the following are part of visitor management guidelines?

ANSWER:All of the above

62 Which of the following is PII?

ANSWER: All of the above

63 Your official IT assets battery life has reduced drastically over the last few days. What should you

ANSWER:Contact the helpdesk and ask for assistance

64 You receive a phone call from an unknown person asking for PII of a customer. What kind of
attack could this be?

ANSWER:Vishing attack

65 What is the purpose of access security policy?

ANSWER: Both i. and ii.

66 An employee does the following activities using the internet at work. Which of these activities are

ANSWER: Only job-related activities such as research and educational tasks

67 Select the unauthorized data transmission from the below statements:

ANSWER: 1,3,4

68 Which of these is a preventive measure against a ransomware attack?

ANSWER: All of the above

69 Information Security is the process of

ANSWER: Protecting Information

70 "You see the message "" Your computer is infected with a virus. Please click on the below link to
remove it"". What should you do?"
ANSWER: Contact the Helpdesk/ISG Team

71 Raj is an employee of the bank and he is loyal and honest towards his work. One day he comes to
know that one of his colleague who is also his friend is involved in a suspicious activity, which can
lead to data breach. No one knows about this except Raj, what should he do now?


72 Which of the following is true with regards to Shrink-wrapped/Freeware/Shareware Software?

ANSWER: the above All of

73 A confidential file needs to be forwarded to the finance department. Who all should be kept in

ANSWER:People who fall under the 'need to know' principle

74 is public data?
ANSWER:Information explicitly approved by management for release to public

75 Breach of Bank's Information security policy could result into

ANSWER: Both i and i

76 Which of the following are examples of secret information?

ANSWER:Strategic information like mergers and acquisitions, materially significant investment


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