The One and The Only Ivan 1

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16/11/22, 20:52 Elephango Educational Resources K12 Learning, Lesson Plans, Activities, Experiments, Homeschool Help

And So It Begins: The One and Only

Contributor: Jennifer Blanchard. Resource ID: 13454

Let's jump right into this book to meet Ivan the gorilla! The book starts out with a quote by
George Eliot: "It is never too late to be what you might have been." What does that mean for

English / Language Arts, Literary Reading

Auditory, Visual Otter


Intermediate (3-5) Dig Deeper

Get It! 1/10
16/11/22, 20:52 Elephango Educational Resources K12 Learning, Lesson Plans, Activities, Experiments, Homeschool Help

Check out The One and Only Ivan - Official Book Trailer from Katherine Applegate:

Doesn't it make you want to just jump right in and read it?

You will get the chance as we work through The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate in
this series of Related Lessons.

Let's get started!

What part of the trailer made you the most excited to read the book? Why?

Jot down your thoughts here: 2/10
16/11/22, 20:52 Elephango Educational Resources K12 Learning, Lesson Plans, Activities, Experiments, Homeschool Help

In this series of Related Lessons, found in the right-hand sidebar, you will have the opportunity
to practice analyzing and discussing a book that you're reading.

This is important because the whole purpose of reading is to make as much meaning of it as
you can. If you can share your thoughts and hear thoughts from others, this creates an even
higher level of your thinking about the text.

To complete these lessons, you will need a copy of The One and Only Ivan by Katherine

Before we begin, let's read the blurb on the inside cover of the book.

The author often includes this to give you an idea of what the book will be about and to make
you excited about reading it! It also gives you a little bit of context so you can understand the
book better as you start reading it.

You can click the white play triangle below to hear it read aloud as your eyes follow along with
the words in your own copy of the book! 3/10
16/11/22, 20:52 Elephango Educational Resources K12 Learning, Lesson Plans, Activities, Experiments, Homeschool Help

What can you tell about Ivan as a character so far?

Write a sentence or two below, and then click to see my response.

What are you noticing about the genre of the text so far? 4/10
16/11/22, 20:52 Elephango Educational Resources K12 Learning, Lesson Plans, Activities, Experiments, Homeschool Help

Based on the blurb and other evidence I see on the cover, this book appears to be fiction. Even
more specifically, it looks like a fantasy text. That means that what happens in this text DID NOT
and COULD NOT happen in real life.

The evidence I see for that is that Ivan is able to have complicated thoughts like a human. We'll
see if we can find more evidence for or against this as we are reading this book.

Let's look at another text feature the author included before starting the actual story.

If you turn to the first few pages, before the main body of the text starts, there's a glossary that
the author included. A glossary acts as a small dictionary. It gives the definitions to words that
are used in the text.

Usually, they are important words or words the author thinks the readers might not know. A
glossary is often included in nonfiction texts, but it looks like Applegate included it here because
this text has to do with gorillas, which we might not know a lot of specifics about.

Take a few minutes to read through the glossary.

Are there any words that are new to you?

If you come across those words as you are reading and you forget exactly what they mean,
remember that you can refer back to the glossary at any time. The author puts it there to help

Do you feel like you're ready to jump into the actual main body of the text?

Move on to the Got It? section, and away we'll go!

Got It?
In the Get It! section, we familiarized ourselves with the book that we are going to be reading
throughout the next few lessons.

Remember, we are making sure we practice thinking about and analyzing the text. We also need
to share our thoughts and ideas. I know you have some great ones to share!

Now, we are going to work through the first pages of the main body of the book together. Here
we go!

Read pages 1 to 10.

Let's chat about what we just read together.

These pages were introducing us to Ivan and telling us even more about him. We can tell that
Ivan is narrating the book; he is the one telling the story. He is talking directly to us, the readers.
That helps us to feel more involved and like Ivan is talking directly to us. 5/10
16/11/22, 20:52 Elephango Educational Resources K12 Learning, Lesson Plans, Activities, Experiments, Homeschool Help

Ivan said a lot of things that we have to make inferences about. That means we have to use our
background knowledge (what we already know) and the evidence of what he is telling us to
have our own thoughts about what he really means.

For example, he says, "The names are mine, but they're not me. I am Ivan, just Ivan, only Ivan"
(Applegate, p. 2).

What do you think he means by that?

It looks like Applegate, the author, has Ivan telling the story in a unique way.

It is broken up into sections where there is a title or heading for that section, such as "names,
patience, how I look...", and then Ivan shares his thoughts about that topic.

Create a t-chart like the one below in your notebook and list what is good about reading the
story this way and what is more difficult about reading the story this way. 6/10
16/11/22, 20:52 Elephango Educational Resources K12 Learning, Lesson Plans, Activities, Experiments, Homeschool Help

When you're done, click below to see if you had similar ideas as I did! Just remember, since we
are discussing a novel through a book study, our answers don't have to exactly line up because
all of our thoughts are different. As long as you can base what you think from evidence in the
book, you'll be set!

Do you like the style of this book more than a traditional or normal way that most authors

Let's see if your thoughts on how it's written change or stay the same when you're done reading

In these first 10 pages, Ivan talks about humans a lot. Through his narrating, he lets us know his
thoughts about humans.

Combine all these thoughts together and write a poem from Ivan's point of view, pretending
you're Ivan and sharing what Ivan thinks about humans. You should go back and look for
evidence in the pages you've read but make sure you put all his thoughts on humans together in
your own words.

You can write the poem in any format or style you choose. There are no rules!

When you're finished, check out my poem: 7/10
16/11/22, 20:52 Elephango Educational Resources K12 Learning, Lesson Plans, Activities, Experiments, Homeschool Help

Now, let's pause to read pages 11 to 20. I'll catch back up with you once you're done!

Are you done reading through page 20?

Wonderful! Let's chat about it.

What mood does the author create throughout these pages for Ivan to narrate the story
Is it an excited mood, a proud mood, a scary mood, or another emotion that sets the

Draw a picture that helps express the mood you're feeling from Ivan in these pages. You can
add words to your artwork to help demonstrate the mood you feel Ivan has.

Wow! What compelling artwork. I think that the mood the author creates for Ivan on these pages
is: bored, depressing, hopeless.

Are you eager to read more?

I sure am! It's time to move on to the Go! section!

You have shown me that you are doing great thinking about this book so far! 8/10
16/11/22, 20:52 Elephango Educational Resources K12 Learning, Lesson Plans, Activities, Experiments, Homeschool Help

I trust that you will keep this type of deeper thinking up as you take on more reading
responsibility yourself! Practicing these skills with this book will help you think about and
understand ALL books better.

So, we've read through page 20 so far. Your job now is to read pages 20 to 50 before the next
Related Lesson.

In that lesson, you will be asked to share some thoughts about those pages. You can take notes
as you're reading so that you don't forget these thoughts!

You can choose what your thoughts are about, but here are some ideas that might be a good
starting point:

How would you describe Ivan's friends based on the text evidence?
As you are reading, what are you predicting will happen next?
What is the theme of this book so far? What is this book trying to teach us or tell us about
real life?
What conclusions can you make about the habitat where Ivan lives?

Before you go finish reading, let's watch one more video.

The author of The One and Only Ivan, Katherine Applegate, was inspired to write this book we
are reading by a real gorilla named Ivan who lived in a shopping mall. She also wrote a picture
book about the true story of the real Ivan!

Watch Katherine Applegate tells the true story of Ivan in her new picture book from HMH Books: 9/10
16/11/22, 20:52 Elephango Educational Resources K12 Learning, Lesson Plans, Activities, Experiments, Homeschool Help

Interesting, right?

Happy reading! I can't wait to check in with you during the next Related Lesson, where we will
continue from page 50 to 100! 10/10

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