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‘Electrica Group’ is one of the great actors on the Romanian energy markets scene(sin), with a
120 years history behind it. Its main activities are representid by the distribution and supply of
electricity to final customers. The company is also ectiv in the natural gas supply market and is
one of the biggest players in the energy services market.
‘Electrica Group’ ensures(enșuărs) the distribution of electricity in 18
counties(cauntiz), being the operator that manages the largest network in Romania.
‘Electrica’ is one of the most powerful and valuable(vealiuăbăl) brands in Romania. The
company has a signicant responsibility towards society, customers, employees and business
‘Electrica Group’ continuously contributes to the sustainable development of the business
environment to which it belongs, together with its partnărs. 
‘Electrica’ believes that a sustainable approach to the business means initiating(inișieiting) a
process of integrating its cănsărns for the environment, society(săsaiăti), ethics, human rights and
the consumer(cănsiumăr) both in its commercial operations and especially in the
medium(midiăm) and long-term strategy, through a close collaboration with all stakeholders.
FIRST 1. Investments in the IT tools and automation to streamline processes and increase
operational performance.
SECOND 2. Investments in the modernization and refărbishmănt of the electricity distribution
infrastructure as the care for customers and the environment is of a părticuilăr importance within
the Group.
THIRD 3. Concern for the environment.
 Modernization of installations, promotion of smart electricity grids and energy-efficient
 Conservation of biodiversity(baioudaivărsiti) and resources;
 Concărn for energy efficiency.
FOURTH 4. Social responsibility projects that bring added value to the communities where
‘Electrica’ operates(opereiț).
For innovation and research projects ‘Electrica’ will track the achievement of result indicators.
Annually(eniuăli) , the impact on the environment will be calculated, eiming to obtein from year
to year a lower impact.
From the point of view of human resources policy, ‘Electrica’ will track the number of
employees who benefit from specialization or professional development courses.
For training and professional development, we intend to collaborate with actors in the field of
pre-university education for the isteblishmănt of dual classes with electric speciality.
For the courses for the development of non-technical competensis in the field of management we
will continue the partnership with FABIZ.
‘Electrica Group’ assumes(ăsiumz) responsibility towards the communities in which it opăreiț
and wants to actively(ectivli) contribute, together with partners, to the sustainable development of
Romania. The group will be actively(ectivli) involved in the community and will support social
causes through non-governmental(gavărmental) organizations.
‘Electrica’ will continue the development of the Grants Program through which we will finance
projects with long-term positive social impact within the country, eimd to changes in areas such
as: health and social services, education and culture.
In order to contribute to the reduction(ridăcșăn) of energy waste as well as to the reduction of the
impact on the environment, ‘Electrica’ aeims to collaborate with its large customers in the
business environment whose carbon footprint is significant, for the installation of photovoltaic
energy generation systems, mountid on the roofs of the units where they carry out their economic
activity with the greatest impact on the environment.

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