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Power Plants Laboratory Dr. Banipal N.

Name of Experiment: Surface Condenser
Experiment Number: 3 Group:
Date of Experiment:
Objective: Determination of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
The heat transfer coefficient is a physics equation which calculates the heat transfer during the change
between a liquid and a solid. The overall heat transfer coefficient can be used to calculate the total heat
transfer through a wall or heat exchanger construction. The overall heat transfer coefficient depends on the
fluids and their properties on both sides of the wall, and the properties of the wall and the transmission

Steam Condenser:
A heat-transfer device used for condensing steam to water by removal of the latent heat of steam and its
subsequent absorption in a heat-receiving fluid, usually water, but on occasion air or a process fluid. Steam
condensers may be classified as contact or surface condensers.
In the contact condenser, the condensing takes place in a chamber in which the steam and cooling water
mix. The direct contact surface is provided by sprays, baffles, or void-effecting fill. In the surface condenser,
the condensing takes place separated from the cooling water or other heat-receiving fluid (or heat sink). A
metal wall, or walls, provides the means for separation and forms the condensing surface.
Both contact and surface condensers are used for process systems and for power generation serving
engines and turbines.

1- A 3-phased 30 KW capacity Fulton electrical boiler (steam generator) completed with the accessories and
automatic protection system is to be used for this experiment. The steam boiler is set to produce steam of
around 5 bars supply pressure.
2- A Multi-tube condenser, Fig (1). The top end of the condenser (inlet) is fed with steam from the boiler's
main supply via an isolating valve and through a reducing valve. The bottom end of the condenser (outlet)
is connected into a condensate measuring vessel. The metered cooling water flow to the condenser is
arranged to cool the condenser in the direct flow mode.

Fig. (1). Surface Contact Condenser.

Test procedure:
1- Prepare the steam from the boiler.
2- Start cooling water flow through the condenser.
3- Adjust the outlet cooling water to give an approximate of (10 ºC) rise in temperature for the cooling water
when the condenser is supplied with steam.

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Power Plants Laboratory Dr. Banipal N. Yaqob
4- Adjust the steam isolating valve to give a reasonable condensate flow rate when steady condition has
been reached.
5- Start recording the temperatures, the supply pressure, the cooling water discharge and the initial level of
the outlet condensate while the stop watch is started.
6- Repeat the recordings several times during the total time of the experiment except the level of the outlet
7- When time is completed, close the main valve and measure the final level of the outlet condensate.
8- Turn off the steam supply.

The overall heat transfer coefficient U is a measure of the overall ability of a series of conductive and
convective barriers to transfer heat. It is commonly applied to the calculation of heat transfer in heat
exchangers, but can be applied equally well to other problems. The overall heat transfer coefficient takes
into account the individual heat transfer coefficients of each stream and the resistance of the pipe material.
For the case of a heat exchanger, U can be used to determine the total heat transfer between the two
streams in the heat exchanger by the following relationship:

I- The heat transfer equation:

q( w )  U . A.T
In case where ΔT is not constant over the whole area, as shown in figure (2), a mean temperature
difference must be calculated. Since the temperature difference between the cooled and cooling fluids in the
condenser is not uniform throughout the equipment, a quantity termed the Logarithmic Mean Temperature
Difference is used to enable simplified cooling calculations to be made.

Fig. (2). Temperature distribution along the


T2  T4   T3  T5 
ln T2  T4  / T3  T5 

But when T2 = T3, we get:

T5  T4 
ln T3  T4  / T3  T5 
It is assumed that flow conditions are stable and constant, the coefficient is constant along the tube and
variations of properties of fluids concerned with temperature are small enough to be neglected.
The heat transfer equation will be as follows:

dq / dt  U . A.TLM

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Power Plants Laboratory Dr. Banipal N. Yaqob
dq/dt = heat transfer rate (W),
U = overall heat transfer coefficient (W/ (m². ºC)),
A = heat transfer surface area (m2),
TLM = Logarithmic Mean temperature Difference (ºC).

The total heat transferred can be determined from the cooling water.
q  m fw .C pw .Tw
And the surface area A can be determined from the following given dimensions, Fig. (3).
A = contacting area of the tubes + contacting area of the discs

Fig. (3). Dimension of the inner components.

II- Velocity of condensate:

From both initial and final water level collected in the condensate level, in which each 1cm = 0.423
liters of water, the velocity of condensation will be:
VC (m/s)  Qs / A

III- Velocity of the cooling water:

The heat transfer to the cooling water is dependant upon the type of fluid flow in the cooling water.
 .Qcw .d i
Re 
Ai .
Time 0 4 8 12 16 20 Av.
Steam inlet temp. (oC)
Condensate outlet temp. (oC)
Cooling water inlet temp. (oC)
Cooling water outlet temp. (oC)
C.W. discharge (LPM)
Condensate level (cm)

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Power Plants Laboratory Dr. Banipal N. Yaqob
Requirements & Discussion:

1. Determination of condenser overall heat transfer coefficient, condensation velocity, and type of flow
for the cooling water?
2. What is the function of surface condenser? Can it be replaced by a heat exchanger in a power plants?
3. How does the resistance of the condenser pipe material effect on the overall heat transfer coefficient?
4. What are the types of steam condenser? Explain that using sketches.
5. Does the type of flow patterns effect on the condenser performance?

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