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Victorias City, Negros Occidental




Background of the Study

The Philippine Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) in its

Memorandum Circular No. 2003-02 views the maintenance of peace and order as the key

factor in the improvement of the community and the nation (Laru-an & Penny, 2015).

The Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Local Government Unit (LGU),

particularly at the barangay level, had innovated and created initiatives to enhance

peacekeeping in the community (Alkire, 2003). However, most of the strategies and

concepts of the PNP in the past against criminality were adopted from other countries and

were found not suitable to the existing criminality situation in the Philippines. Thus, a

peacemaking concept that is responsive to the unique peace and order conditions in the

country had been crafted [Philippine National Police (PNP), 2009].

Since then, the community oriented policing system (COPS) of the PNP has gone

a long way towards providing proactive police services to the citizens (PNP, 2009). In

COPS, the barangay is the heart of the policing system. The precincts are located within

the community where policemen and people interact as partners in promoting crime

prevention and the maintenance of peace and order (Kraft, 2010). Based on this concept,

the Barangay Peacemaking Action Team (BPAT) has been created to provide better

police services to the community. The BPAT is then the implementor of Barangay

Peacekeeping Operations (BPO) of the PNP. The BPAT is a national program of the PNP
Victorias City, Negros Occidental

to encourage people empowerment from the community to address the real-time response

in case a need arises, be it peace and order, security and rescue related matters (Williams,

2001; Rochon, 2014; Pajarillo-Guadamor, 2016).

Thus, the concept of BPAT basically calls for PNP members to lead in the fight

against all forms of criminality distinct to their areas of responsibility, utilizing the active

participation of the community (PNP, 2009; Hart, 2013). The community leaders are then

expected to take a unified stand against crimes, violence, and disregard for laws and

commit to crime prevention and control programs (Adler & Kwon, 2002; San Juan,

2013). As enunciated in Section 391 (16) of the Local Government Code of 1991, the

barangay may be responsible for the organization of a community brigade or community

service as may be necessary to assist in the peace and order efforts of the LGU. Barangay

peace and order committee was then created in agreement with Executive Order No. 366

(1996) to reinforce peacekeeping in communities. The BPAT is therefore a community

brigade composed of civilian volunteers duly appointed by the Punong Barangay upon

the recommendation of the Barangay Peace and Order Council (PNP, 2009).

Based on the Lead PNP Manual (PNP, 2009), BPAT functions in organizing and

mobilizing various sectors of the community in support of the maintenance of peace and

order and safety. It also conducts crisis management, disaster mitigation, search, rescue,

and relief operations within the community. Another function of BPAT is to strengthen

and support the Barangay Justice System. Lastly, it conducts crime prevention and

deterrence measures to protect the vulnerable sectors of the community. Armed with

nightsticks, BPAT members are often exposed to dangers (Estonio, 2014).

Victorias City, Negros Occidental

The Local Government Code provides a maximum of 20 BPAT in each barangay

and may create more if necessary (DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2003-42). The

BPAT exercises its authority to settle disputes (PNP, 2009) and guards the neighborhood

against lawless elements. Specifically, BPAT conducts surveillance on crime breeding

areas, protects property, responds to community problems such as nuisance complaints,

helps victims of crimes, responds to calls, and deals with traffic safety.

As reflected in the Mission and Vision of BPAT, their peacekeeping activities aim

to organize a peaceful and orderly community that is expected to be responsive to their

safety and security needs in cooperation with the local police (PNP, 2009). Since peace

and public safety concerns are varied and constantly evolving, and their concepts can

differ from culture to culture and community to community (Rummel, 1981; Richmond,

2003; Anderson, 2004), the criteria to measure the performance of BPAT relative to their

functions varies as well from one community to another. The peace and order of one

locality may be different depending also on how this concept is defined.

In a social sense, peace is defined as a lack of conflict and freedom from fear of

violence between individuals and groups (Galtung, 1981). However, peace does not only

refer to the lack of hostility or the absence of dissension and violence. It is also an

environment that is characterized by healthy interpersonal and international relationships,

and acknowledgment of equality and fairness (Rummel, 1981). Peace and order are not

only vital in sustaining political stability and social order, but also aid the progress of

investments, attracts more tourists, and creates more employment for economic

development (Grindle, 2004; Acharya, 2014). Hence, peace and order shall be realized in
Victorias City, Negros Occidental

support to national development (Obama, 2010; Roman, 2013) in a sense that it is

virtually impossible to accomplish things in a situation of lawlessness and disorder

(Roxas, 2003).

The condition of peace and order in the Philippines is also unique and has been

characterized as unstable (Valmores, 2004). The rate of violence and crime increases

daily (Sylvester, 2010). Specifically, the peace and order in Victorias City in Western

Visayas, Philippines is regarded as a serious issue. Relative to other places, the incidence

of crime in the city could affect the quality of life of the citizens. In the study conducted

by Caba-ong et al. (2015), the average monthly crime rate in the said city (index and non-

index crime) from 2010-2012 was higher compared to the crime statistics in Region VI.

The shrillest increase in crime rate was recorded in 2013. These incidents are alarming to

the community.

Peacekeeping is the basic function of the PNP and police visibility is one of the

main thrusts of the peacekeeping activity. Without the police, it would be very difficult to

maintain peace and order. This is where the police must share the mantle of responsibility

for fighting crime with the members of the community. Owing to the role of BPAT in

peacekeeping and the varying challenges with peace and order that citizens may

encounter in their locality, it is paramount that a continuous effort to improve the delivery

of BPAT services must be implemented. Obtaining the perception of the members of the

community regarding their level of satisfaction on BPAT performance could be a kick-

start to evaluate the delivery of its services.

Victorias City, Negros Occidental

Hence, this study was conducted to determine Barangay Peacemaking Action

Team (BPAT) has been created to provide better police services to the community and

catch-all anti-crime strategy that seeks to empower all stakeholders to share the

responsibility of peacekeeping and order maintenance towards self-policing (Aydinan,

2021). The findings may provide the PNP baseline information whether the residents in

Victorias City are satisfied with the BPAT services. Furthermore, this study may give

insights to policy makers for the improvement of peace and order at the barangay level.

The study delimits only on the functions and responsibility of the BPAT as enunciated by

the Local Government Code.

Statement of the Problem

This research study aim for determine the Community satisfaction on barangay

peacemaking action team performance in distance and nearby barangay in Victorias

City 2022-2023.

Specially, this answers the following question.

1. What is the profile of the participants in terms of:

a. Age;

b. Sex; and
Victorias City, Negros Occidental

c. Occupation;

2. What is the level of community satisfaction of barangay peacemaking action team in

terms of:

a. Patrol operation

b. Disaster Preparation

c. Conduction of crisis management

d. Relief operations

e. Preparation in Festival

3. Is there a significant difference in community satisfaction on Barangay peacemaking

action team performance in distant and nearby Barangay in Victorias City when grouped

according to their age, sex and occupation?


There is no significant difference on the participant’s level of satisfaction when

grouped according to sex.

Conceptual Framework

The main concept of this study is to determine the community satisfaction on

Barangay peacemaking action team performance in distant and nearby Barangay in

Victorias City, Negros Occidental

Victorias City. Likewise it supports to determine the profile of the respondents and to

know if there is any significant on level of community satisfaction of Victorias City in

times of duty/patrolling of barangay peacekeeping action team. Lastly a strategic study

will found out the satisfaction of each barangay in Victorias City.

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of the Study


 Age
 Sex
 Occupation

Level of Community
Satisfaction of Victorias
City in times of
duty/patrolling of
barangay peacekeeping
Peace-making Actions action team

 Patrol Operation
 Disaster preparation
 Crisis management
 Relief operation
 Preparation for
Victorias City, Negros Occidental
Victorias City, Negros Occidental

Significant of the Study

The study on community satisfaction on Barangay peacemaking action team

performance in distant and nearby Barangay in Victorias City. May be significant to the


The Researchers. This study will be a big help for us the researchers fostering

our critical thinking and analytical skills through exploring and knowing the community

satisfaction on barangay peacemaking action team performance in distant and nearby

Barangay in Victorias City.

Teenagers. This study will contribute a lot to teenagers for a reason that it seeks

to make them understand the essence of maintaining the peace and order, and for them to

know where to report the possible phenomena may happen. Also to protect themselves in

any troubles they may encounter in their consecutive barangays.

The Residents of the Barangay. Everyone in the community will benefit this

research study

The Barangay Officials. The result of the data gathered from the people will be a

big help for the officials of Barangay to determine if their peace making action team

performance is enough or not. Also to make changes or to improve the implementation of

peace making processes to strengthen the security in different Barangays.

Victorias City, Negros Occidental

Future Researchers. Make up the vast majority majority of pure users and as

such pure provides an unparalleled facility for them to organize, track and showcase their

achievements online with minimal manual intervention.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to determine the community satisfaction on

Barangay peacemaking action team performance in distant and nearby Barangay in

Victorias City. The study considers the participant’s personal information such as their

age, gender and occupation. The researchers selected participants to study their level of

satisfaction every barangay. Each of the participants will receive a questionnaire to


Definition of Terms.


 A period of human life, measured by years from birth, usually marked by a

certain stage or degree of mental or physical development and involving

legal responsibility and capacity

 The length of time during which a being or thing has existed; length of life

or existence to the time spoken. (

Victorias City, Negros Occidental


 Sex is a label — male or female — that you’re assigned by a doctor at

birth based on the genitals you’re born with and the chromosomes you

have. It goes on your birth certificate.



 The principal activity in your life that you do to earn money


 A person's usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of

earning a living. (

Patrol operation

 Means all MCSO law enforcement operations conducted by Deputies in a

law enforcement support or patrol capacity which involve motor vehicle

traffic stops, including Significant Operations as defined below. Jail or

detention facility operations are not a part of Patrol Operations;

Victorias City, Negros Occidental

 the action of traversing a district or beat or of going the rounds along a

chain of guards for observation or the maintenance of security


Disaster Preparation

 Disaster preparation refers to measures taken to prepare for and reduce the

effects of disasters. That is, to predict and, where possible, prevent

disasters, mitigate their impact on vulnerable populations, and respond to

and effectively cope with their consequences. (


Crisis management

 Is the application of strategies designed to help an organization deal with a

sudden and significant negative event.

 The nature of the potential damage varies based on the nature of the crisis.

In most cases though, a crisis can affect health or safety, the organization's

finances, the organization's reputation, or some combination of these.


Relief operation
Victorias City, Negros Occidental

 Assistance and/or intervention, by a government or non-government

entity (during or after a disaster to meet the life preservation and

basic subsistence needs. Relief operations can be of an immediate and

short response nature or protracted duration.


Preparation for Festivities

 relating to, appropriate to, or set apart as a festival the action or

process of making something ready for use or service or of getting
ready for some occasion, test, or duty

Victorias City, Negros Occidental

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