QUIZ Intro 9-12

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Resolución No.

ACADEMIC YEAR 2021– 2022
ACADEMIC AREA: English as Foreign Language SUBJECT: English as Foreign Language


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Lcda. María José Burgos Lcda. Judith Calle Lcda. Liseth Gálvez MSc. Edgar Codena

1. Listen to the conversations. Write always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, or never in
the correct
places. You won’t use all of the words. (3 POINTS)
Example: Joel
^ eats breakfast.
1. Steve eats a salad and some fruit for lunch.
2. Amy eats late on Thursdays.
3. Frank puts sugar in his coffee.

2. Listen to the conversations. Check () the correct answers. (3 POINTS)

1. Mark is going to be _____ .
 13 years old
 30 years old
 33 years old
2. They’re going to have a party on _____ .
 Friday
 Saturday
 Sunday
3. They’re going to _____ at the party.
 dance
 sing songs
 watch television
Resolución No. MINEDUC-SEDMQ-2019-00006-R

3. Complete the conversation. Use a, an, some, or any. (6 POINTS)

Tom: What do we need for breakfast?
Lisa: Let’s see. We need _____________ cereal.
Tom: Do we have _____________ eggs?
Lisa: No, we don’t. Let’s get _____________ .
Tom: And do we have _____________ fruit?
Lisa: Well, we don’t need a lot. Let’s buy _____________ orange and _____________ banana.

4. Match the questions with the answers. (6 POINTS)

1. Are we going to work this weekend? _____ a. Yes, I am. I’m going to go
2. Are they going to cook dinner? _____ b. No, it’s not. It’s going to be
3. Are you going to do anything this evening? c. No, we’re not. We’re going to
_____ relax.
4. Is Bill going to do anything after work? _____ d. Yes, they are. They’re going to
make pasta.
5. Is Pam going to go on a picnic this weekend? e. Yes, he is. He’s going to visit his
_____ parents.
6. Is it going to rain tomorrow? _____ f. No, she’s not. She’s going to go
to a party.

5. Unscramble the questions. (4 POINTS)

(you / for / lunch / what / usually / do / drink)

What do you usually drink for lunch?

Example: _______________________________________________________________
1. (eat / you / what / time / do / dinner / usually)
________________________________________________________________________ ?
2. (something / you / never / what’s / dinner / have / for)
________________________________________________________________________ ?
3. (ever / family / have / for / fish / breakfast / your / does)
________________________________________________________________________ ?
4. (lunch / always / do / hamburgers / for / they / eat)
________________________________________________________________________ ?
Resolución No. MINEDUC-SEDMQ-2019-00006-R

6. Write Wh-questions to complete the conversations. Use the words in parentheses. (3 POINTS)

Example: A: Where do you play tennis? (play / tennis)

B: I play tennis in the park.
1. A: __________________________________________________________________ ? (sports / play)
B: I play soccer and tennis.
2. A: __________________________________________________________________ ? (play / soccer)
B: I play soccer with my school team.
3. A: __________________________________________________________________ ? (your team / practice)
B: We practice five days a week.

7. Complete the conversations. Use can or can’t and the words in the box. You won’t use all of
the words. (6 POINTS)

Example: A: _____________
Can Mia and Wendy _____________
play chess?
B: Yes, they _____________ . They’re really good at games like that.
1. A: _____________ you _____________ ?
B: Yes, I _____________ . I really love to go fast.
2. A: _____________ Brittany _____________ ?
B: No, she _____________ . She’s not very funny.
3. A: _____________ Carlos _____________ ?
B: Yes, he _____________ . He’s a very good cook.

8. Write Wh-questions to complete the conversation. Use be going to. (4 POINTS)

A: ___________________________________________________________________ ?
B: Next winter? We’re going to go to Aruba.
A: Aruba, wow! _________________________________________________________ ?
B: We’re going to take a boat.
A: That sounds so exciting! _______________________________________________ ?
B: I’m going to go with my family.
A: Great! ______________________________________________________________ ?
B:We’re going to go on January 21st.
Resolución No. MINEDUC-SEDMQ-2019-00006-R

9. Complete the conversations with the words from the box. You won’t use all of the words. (4
1. A: I have a headache.
B: _____________ these pills with some water.
2. A: What’s the matter?
B: I don’t feel well. I _____________ a stomachache. give

3. A: How do you feel today? have

B: Not so good. My eyes are dry, and they _____________ . hurt
4. A: I have a bad cough. take
B: That’s too bad. I’m going to _____________ you some cough syrup.

10. Match these medications with the conversations in part 9 of the test. (4 POINTS)

_______ a. _______ b. _______ c. _______ d. _______

11. Read the notice. Then check () two answers for each question. (3 POINTS)

1. What classes can you take?

 language classes
 furniture design
 French cooking
 photography
2. What sports can you play or do?
 soccer
 basketball
 golf
 swimming
3. When is the community center
 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Resolución No. MINEDUC-SEDMQ-2019-00006-R
 every day
 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
 Monday to Saturday

12. Read the article. Then correct the errors in the sentences. (4 POINTS)

Example: Use these easy remedies at work.

1. For a cold, try hot lemon soup.

2. For a backache, rest on your stomach for a few hours.

3. For a headache, put hot water on your face.

4. For insomnia, drink warm tea or take a warm bath.

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