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Page Numbers followed by “f ” indicates figures and “t” indicates tables.

A Aqueous-phase concentration, 448 Bailer, 563

Absorption, 465 Aqueous-phase reactions, 450 Bank storage, 142
Acid, 450–452 Aquiclude, 124 Barometric efficiency (BE), 192
Acidic, 451 Aquifer, 8, 14, 116, 124–125, 163, 165, Basalt, 50, 177, 178f
Active layer, 182 169, 273 Columbia Plateau, 178–181, 179f
Activities, 438 boundary conditions, 342–344 Base, 450–452
Activity, 439–441 Dakota sandstone, 172–174, 172f Baseflow, 12, 138–141
Activity coefficient, 440, 442f Floridan Basic, 452
Actual evapotranspiration (AET), 12 local scale, 488–489 Basis function, 379, 380f, 382f
Adsorption, 465 regional scale, 485–488, 486f Batch sorption test, 472, 472f
Advection, 527–529, 590, 592–593 flow, equations for two-dimensional, Bedrock well, 115, 115f
Advection-dispersion equations, 552 385–392 Bernoulli equation, 36
analytic solutions to, 560–561 Milk River, 490–493, 491f, 492f, 493t Bicarbonate, 453–455
AEM, see Analytic element method to pumping, transient response of, 318 Biogeochemical redox reactions, 463–465,
Aerobic biodegradation, 577 sand, 222–223, 222f 464t
Aerobic respiration, 464 storage in, 224 Bioremediation, 577–579
Age dating, 478–483 two-dimensional analyses, 219 Bioventing, 579
Air sparging, 575 two-dimensional saturated flow in, Biscayne aquifer, 87
Air, properties of, 28 229–233 Borden sand, 473
Aliphatic compounds, 509 unconfined, 220, 221f Borehole dilution test, 74, 74f
structure of, 510f with uniform transmissivity, 244 Borehole imaging, 110
Alkalinity, 452–456 Aquitard, 124 Borehole logging, 109–111
Alluvial deposits, 155 Aquitard storage Boundary conditions, 236, 369–370,
Alluvium, 155 leaky aquifer with, 326–328 383–384
Alpha particle, 479 leaky aquifer without, 324–326 for transport models, 555–556
Amorphous silica, 446 Area sinks, 397–398 Boundary equation method (BEM), 360
Analytic element, 384, 392 Argon-40, 483 Bredehoeft and Papaopulos model, 598
Analytic element method (AEM), 256, Aromatic compounds, 509 Brine solutions, 615
384–385 structure of, 510f BTEX gasoline constituents, 514t
common elements, 392–398 Artesian aquifer, 125, 172 Bulk density, 33–35
example model, 398–400, 399f Artesian well, 125
strengths and limitations of, 400–402 Atmospheric pressure fluctuations, C
AnAqSim software, 386, 398 190–192, 191f, 193f Cable tool drilling, 105
AnAqSimEDU software, 243, 360 Atomic mass, 425 Caldera, 609
Animal wastes, 504 Auger, 102–103 Calibration, 404, 407–410
Anisotropic stresses, 195, 195f Average linear velocity, 51–52 models, 151, 373
Anisotropic systems, 283–287 Avogadro’s number, 425 Caliper, borehole, 110, 110f
Anisotropy, 59, 63 Cape Cod
Anoxic groundwaters, 465 B estimated macrodispersivity, 550t
Antifreeze solutions, 615 Backhoe excavation, 98 hydrogeology, 165–168
Aqueous concentration, 473f Backward difference approach, 363 MODFLOW models, 371 665
666 Index

Capillarity, 28 results, predictions, and uncertainty, in three dimensions, 52–55

Capillary fringe, 8 410–413 in unsaturated flow, 82
Capillary pressure, 519–523 Conductance factor, 365–367 Darcy, Henry, 48
vs. saturation, 523–525 Conduction, heat, 590–592 Datum, 37
Capture zone, 257–261 Conductive subsurface materials, 107 Davies equation, 441
Carbonate reactions, 452–456 Conductivity of fluids, 55–56 Debye–Hückle equation, 440, 441
Carbonate rocks, 50, 170 Confined aquifer, 124, 124f, 125, 172, Delaware River, 163
Carbonate solutes, 434 389f Dense nonaqueous-phase liquid, see
Casing, 115, 208 wells in, 246f, 274f DNAPL
Cation exchange capacity (CEC), 471 Confining layers, 124–125, 163, 169, 173, Density, 24–25
CFCs, see Chlorofluorocarbons 184, 387 bulk, 33–35
Characteristic curve, 77, 78f, 79 Connate water, 430 flow of groundwater with varaible,
Chelates, 456 Consolidation, 208, 210–214, 213f 83–84
Chemical reactions, 422 test, 72 of minerals, 34t
activity and effective concentration, Constant-head test, 70 of water, 24–25
439–441 Contamination Density-driven flow, 84
equilibrium, 436–439 groundwater, 83 Development, 116–119
rates and deviation from equilibrium, investigating Dielectric constant, for subsurface
441–445 electromagnetic surveys, 565–566 materials, 108t
Chester upland, 176 groundwater sampling, 561–564 Diffusion, 466
Chloride concentrations, 85, 487 NAPL, 566–567 modeling, 547–551
Chlorine-36, 483 pore gas sampling, 564–565 Diffusion-limited sorption, 535
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 152, 483, remediating, 567 Dihydrogen phosphate, 452
484f sources, 500, 504–505 Direct-push probes, 98–101, 99f
Clastic rocks, 169 landfills, 503–504 Discharge, 125–128, 364f, 373
Clay minerals, 32, 32f, 107 leaking storage tanks, 501 in groundwater and surface water,
Clayey soils, 138, 196 141–144
removal of, 568–570
Clays, 157 impacts on temperature profiles,
septic systems, 501–503
compression of, 203, 204f 604–607
subsurface, 2
and fine sands, 211 potential functions, 397
Continuum assumption, 56–58
Climate, change impacts, 602–604 stream, 132–139, 133f, 136f
Coordination number, 456
Coastal aquifers, fresh–salt water interfaces Discrete fracture approach, 76
Copper, 462f
in, 85–90, 86f Discretized domain, 361, 362
sorption, 468
Coastal mixing zone, 87 Dispersion, modeling, 547–551
Coring bits, 105, 105f
Coastal plain, 156 Dispersivity, 547
Coulees, 179
New Jersey, 163–165, 163f, 164f Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), 435
Counter ions, 467
Coastal precipitation, 430 Distribution coefficient, 474
Crust, 130, 131
Cohansey–Kirkwood aquifer, 165 DNAPL, 506
Crustal rocks, 83
Colloids, 535–537 recovery of, 571
Crustal temperatures and heat flow,
Columbia Plateau basalts, Northwest U.S., subsurface migration of, 507f
178–181, 179f Dolomites, 170
Crustal-scale pore fluid flow, 130–132, Dolostones, 170
Common ion effect, 447
130f Double layer, 467
Compaction-driven flow, 131
Complex models, calibration of, 404–410 Crystalline rocks, 50, 60, 61, 176, 201 Double-lined landfill liner system, 503f
Compressibility Cubic law, 75 Drawdown, 319, 322f
matrix, 202 long-term steady, 273
water, 24–25 D Drilling, 98, 101–105
Computer simulation methods, 359 Dakota sandstone aquifer, 172–174, 172f Drilling mud, 104
Computer-assisted flow modeling process, Dam, 197, 198 Drip irrigation, 150
403–404 Darcy velocity, 51 Dry bulk density, 33
calibration and parameter estimation, Darcy’s law, 47–51, 82, 370, 384, 407 Dug wells, 112, 112f
407–410 discharge, 280, 285 Dupuit–Forchheimer approximation,
conceptual models, parameters, and general flow equation, 225, 227 229, 288, 385
complexity, 404–407 limits on application of, 56–59 Dynamic viscosity, 26
Index 667

E Fixed head conditions, 236, 236f Geophysical methods, 98

Earthquakes, 194, 200, 201f Flexible liner system, 120, 120f, 121 Geopressured zones, 215
and groundwater pressures, 198–201 Flood frequency analysis, 145 Geothermal electric power, 612–614
EDTA, see Ethylenediamine tetraacetate Flooding, stream, 144–148 Geothermal energy, 612
Effective concentration, 439–441 Floridan aquifer advantages and disadvantages of,
Effective porosity, 30 local scale, 488–489 613–614
Effective stress, 188–190, 201–202 regional scale, 485–488, 486f Geothermal gradient, 601
Elastic potential energy, 35 Flow Geysers, 607–610
Elastic storage, 217–220, 224 in fractured rock, 75–77 Ghyben–Herzberg relation, 86, 86f, 87,
Electrical conductivity (EC), 428 of groundwater, 83–84 389
Electromagnetic (EM) methods, 107 Flow meter, borehole, 110, 110f Gibbs free energy, 437, 437f
Electronegativity, 459 Flow net Glacial deposits, Western Cape Cod,
Electroneutrality, 431 for anisotropic systems, 283–287 165–168, 166f, 167f, 168f
Elevation head, 36 boundary conditions in, 279–280 Glaciation, 157
Embankment, 211, 211f discharges in, 280–281 Glaciofluvial sands, 158
Energy drawing, 282–283 Global meteoric water line, 477
in water, 35–38 graphical solutions, 278–279 Grain size, 31f, 32–33
with heat flow, 588–594 Fluctuations in groundwater levels, 11, 11f Grain-to-grain forces, 194, 201
Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), 612 Fluids, conductivity of, 55–56 Granular activated carbon (GAC), 574
Enthalpy, 588–590 Flume, 135 Granular materials, 196, 201
flow, equation for, 593 Fluoride sorption, 469 Granular sediments, 60
Equilibrium, 436–439, 441–445 Foliated rocks , 60 Graphical methods, 431–434
sorption, 474 Formation water, 430 Gravitational potential energy, 35
Formula mass, 425 Ground-penetrating radar (GPR),
for water dissociation, 451
Formula weight, 425 107–108, 108f
Ethylenediamine tetraacetate (EDTA), 457
Fourier’s law, 591 Groundwater, 8
Evapotranspiration (ET), 5, 10–12
Fractured rocks, 57, 60, 176, 177 use of, 16–18
rates, 149
flow in, 75–77 Groundwater chemistry, 421–493
Excavation, 98
igneous, 123 in Floridan aquifer, 485–489, 486f
instability, 193–195
Fresh water head, 84 in Milk River aquifer, 490–493, 491f,
Exceedance probability, 145
Fresh water, physical properties of, 24t 492f, 493t
Fresh–salt water interfaces, 224 Groundwater flow, 83–84
F in coastal aquifers, 85–90, 86f equation, 225
Falling-head test, 71, 72 Frozen ground, 181–184, 182f models, 360, 403
Faraday’s constant, 462 Fulvic acids, 435 patterns of, 123, 124
FDM, see Finite difference method Function, defined, 379 Groundwater models, inputs and outputs,
FEM, see Finite element method Functional groups, 509 403
Fertilizers, 504 Groundwater pressures, earthquakes and,
Fick’s first law, 530, 547 G 198–201
Field capacity, 78 Gage pressure, 28 Grout, 570
Filter pack, 114, 116–119 Galerkin method, 379, 380 Gulf of Mexico basin, sediments in, 214
Finite difference equations, 362–369 Gamma rays, 479 Gypsum, 487
Finite difference method (FDM), Gamma–gamma radiation, 111
360–363, 365, 368, 383 Ganglia, NAPL, 518 H
boundary conditions, 369–370 Gas–water partitioning, 447–450 Half-life, 481
conservation of mass, 362 Gas-phase concentration, 448 Half-reactions, 460
example model, 371–374 General equations, 225 Half-time of reaction, 444t
strengths and limitations of, 400–402 General saturated flow equation Hand digging, 98
Finite element equations, 379–383 three-dimensional, 225–229 Hantush solution for leaky aquifer,
Finite element method (FEM), 374–379, two-dimensional, 229–233 326–328
383 General unsaturated flow equation, 234 Hantush-Jacob solution for leaky aquifer,
boundary conditions, 383–384 Geologic materials, 107 324–326
strengths and limitations of, 400–402 compression, 202 Hardness, 430–431
Fixed discharge conditions, 236, 236f porosities for, 31 Harmonic functions, 279
668 Index

Hazen formula, 69 I Leaky aquifer

Heat, 588 Igneous rocks, groundwater in, 176–178 Hantush solution for, 326–328
Heat advection, 592, 598 Image well, 262, 266, 343 Hantush-Jacob solution for, 324–326
Heat capacity, measurement of, 589 Infiltration, 8–10 Ligands, 456
Heat conduction, 591, 598 Injection wells, 504, 540 Light nonaqueous-phase liquid, see LNAPL
Heat flow, 588–591 Inner sphere complex, 456 Limestones, 170, 172, 174
crustal temperatures and, 600–601 Inorganic chemistry Line dipole elements, 396, 397f
equations of, 593–594 data, 431–434 Line elements, 394–396
modeling, 594–595 of natural water samples, 429t Line-sinks, 394–396, 394f
one-dimensional Inorganic solutes, 427–431 Linear differential equations, 256
analytic model of steady, 595–598 Instability Linear equation, 381, 382, 386
transient cyclic, analytic model of, excavation, 193–195 Liners, borehole, 119–121
598–600 slope, 195–198 Liquefaction, 193–195
Heat pumps, 614–617, 616f Interfacial tension, 519–523 Lithosphere, 600
Heaving, 193, 194 Interflow, 9, 12 LNAPL, 506, 516–526
Henry’s law, 447, 448, 516 Intrinsic permeability, 55–56 recovery of, 570, 571
Herbicides, 504 Inyan Kara Group sandstone, 172, 173 Log-log curve matching, 331–336
Heterogeneity, 59–63, 521 Ion activity product (IAP), 438, 446 Loma Prieta earthquake, 200, 201f
Heterogeneous material, 59 Ion exchange, 470 Love Canal, 3, 3f, 4
High plains aquifer system, 158–162, 159f, Ionic strength, 440, 442f
160f, 161f Lysimeters, 11
Ions, surface complexation of, 466–471
High-order line-sink elements, 398 Irrigation, 158, 160–162, 180, 181, 506
Hollow-stem augers, 102–103, 103f Isomers, 511 M
Homogeneous material, 59 Isotopes, 424, 476, 476t Macrodispersion, 547
Hooker Chemical Company, 3, 4 radioisotopes and age dating, 478–483 Macrodispersion coefficient, 547, 556
Horizontal collector wells, 116, 116f stable isotopes, 477–478 Macroscopic approach, 56
Horizontal deformation, 202, 205 and paleoclimate, 484, 485 Madison limestone, 172
Humic substances, 435 Magma, 609
Isotropy, 59
Humid climates, 141 Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, 174–176, 175f
Hydraulic conductivity, 48–50, 55, 82, 97,
J Mammoth hot springs, 610, 611f
Jetted wells, 101, 102f Manning roughness coefficient, 137
anisotropy of, 59–63
Manning’s equation, 137
correlations of grain size to, 68–70
estimation of, 54, 63–67
K Manometer, 48, 48f, 81
Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) method, Martha’s Vineyard island, 166
measurement of, 68
315 Mass balance, 225
tests, 70
Karst at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, Mass density, 24
Hydraulic gradient, 49
174–176, 175f Mass fluxes, 226
components, 53
Kettle hole lakes, 167 Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR),
Hydraulic head, 35–38, 101, 208, 211f
Kinematic viscosity, 26 165, 168
measuring, 39–42
Kinetic energy, 35 Material interface, 62
Hydraulic parameters, estimation of, 75,
Kirkwood aquifer, 165 Mathematical modeling, 234–237
Kozeny–Carman equation, 69, 70 Matrix compression, 201–206
Hydrocarbons, 463
Hydrochemical facies, 433 subsidence, in San Joaquin Valley,
Hydrofracturing, 612 L 206–208, 209f
Hydrogen bonds, 24, 423, 423f Laminar flow, 58–59, 58f, 75 time-dependent compression, 210–214
Hydrogen isotopes, 485f Landfills, 503–504 Matrix forces, 189
Hydrograph, 138, 138f Laplace’s equation, 228, 233, 244, 368, Maximum contaminant levels (MCLs), 515
Hydrologic balance, 13–16 379–380, 386 Meandering channels, 155
Hydrology, 123 Laplacian operator, 228, 232 Mechanical dispersion, 527–529, 547, 548
Hydrometer, 32 Lava, solidified, 177 Mechanical energy, 35
Hydrophobic molecules, 471 Leachate, 503 Metal
Hydrostatics, 38–39 Leaching field, 501 cations, 467
Hydrothermal systems, 607–610, 608f Leakage boundaries, 370 complexes, 456–458
Index 669

Metamorphic rocks, 123 Newcastle sandstone, 172, 173 Pesticides, 504

groundwater in, 176–178 Newton’s laws, 193 Petroleum refining, organic molecules, 512t
Meteoric water, 430 Nodal equation, 369, 380, 382, 383 pH, 450–452, 454f
Mhos, 428 Nonaqueous-phase liquid, see NAPL Phosphoric acid, reaction with water, 452
Milk River aquifer, 490–493, 491f, 492f, Nonlinear partial differential equation, 233 Photosynthesis, 463
493t Nonpoint sources, 500 Phreatic aquifers, 124
Mineral dissolution reactions, 445–447 Nonpolar molecules, 424, 471, 472 Phreatic storage, 217, 221
Mineralization, 578 Nonpolar organic compounds, 471–475 Phreatic zone, see Saturated zone
MODFLOW Nonpolar sorption, 474 Piezometers, 53
Cape Cod models, 411, 412f Nonreactive solutes, general equations for, measuring hydraulic head with, 39–42
program, 360, 361, 365, 369, 370 551–553 Pile-driving, 194
MODPATH, 361 Nonwetting fluid(s), 518 Piper diagram, 433, 434
Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion, 196, 198 Nuclear potential energy, 588 Pneumatic jacks, 98
Molal concentrations, 426 Point sink, well, 392–394
Molar concentrations, 426 O Point sources, 500
Molecular diffusion, 529–534, 547 Objective function, 408, 409 Poisson equation, 232, 233, 250, 386
Molecular diffusion coefficient, 530 sensitivity of, 411 Polar molecules, 424
Moraines, 165, 166 Octanol–water partition coefficient, 475 Pore fluid flow, crustal-scale, 130–132,
Ogallala formation, 158, 159 130f
N One-dimensional flow, Darcy’s law for, 48 Pore gases, 564–565
Nantucket island, 166 Orders of reaction, 443 Pore water pressure, 187, 189, 193
NAPL, 422, 500, 506, 516–518 Organic contaminants, 505 in earthquakes, 198
capillary pressure, 519–523 migration patterns, 506–508 in sedimentary basins, 214–217
vs. saturation, 523–525 properties of, 512–516, 512t Porosity, 29–31
flow of multiple phases, 525 structure and occurrence of, 508–512 intergranular and intragranular, 31f, 32f
interfacial tension, 519–523 Organic hydrocarbons, 463 of igneous and metamorphic rocks, 176
investigating, 566–567 Organic solutes, 434–436 Porous media, properties of, 35
nonwetting fluids, 518 Outer sphere complex, 456 bulk density, 33–35
physical properties of, 517t Outwash sand and gravel, 60, 60f grain size, 32–33
recovery of, 570–571 Overland flow, 8, 9, 12 porosity, 29
relative permeability, 525 Overpressured zones, 215, 217 volumetric water content, 33–35
residual saturation, 523–525 Oxidation, 458–463 Potential energy, 588, 589
saturation, 518 Oxidation number, 459 Potential evapotranspiration (PET), 12
subsurface migration of, 506f Oxygen isotopes, 485f Potentiometric surface, 124
wetting fluid, 518 map of, 128–129
National Geodetic Vertical Datum P Potomac–Raritan–Magothy aquifer, 165
(NGVD), 38 Packers, 119–121, 119f Precipitation, 3, 8, 138, 144, 429
Natural gamma radiation, 111 Paleoclimate, groundwater records of, mineral dissolution and, 445–447
Natural solutes 484–485, 604 and soil moisture, 483
inorganic, 427–431 Parameter estimation, 407–410 Precipitation chemistry, 430
inorganic chemistry data, 431–434 Parameterization, 404 Pressure
organic, 434–436 Parsimony, 405 measurement of, 81–82
Natural waters, 424 Partial pressure, 448 water content and, 77–81, 80f
dominant species of trace metals in, Particulate organic carbon (POC), 435 Pressure head, 36
458t Parts per billion (ppb) unit, 425 Pressure transducer, 40f, 41
inorganic chemistry of samples, 429t Parts per million (ppm) unit, 425 Pressure-enthalpy diagram for water, 590f
radioisotopes in, 479 Pauling scale, 459 Probes, direct-push, 98–101, 99f
Neuman solution for unconfined aquifer, Peclet number for heat flow, 596 Proglacial lake, 166
328–329, 330f Pennyroyal plateau, 176 Pulse point source, solute transport
Neutral, 451 Perched aquifers, 125, 125f solution for, 559
molecules, 441 Peristaltic pumps, 563 Pumping test, 73
Neutron radiation, 111 Permafrost, 181–184, 182f, 183f analysis, 330
New Jersey coastal plain, 163–165, 163f, Permeameters, 70, 71 constant-drawdown variable
164f tests, 72 discharge test, 340–341
670 Index

Pumping test (Continued) Rocks, 50, 60 Slurry wall, 268, 268f, 269, 569
log-log curve matching, 331–336 boreholes, 121 Small-diameter probes, 98
pseudo-steady drawdown vs. distance, hydraulic conductivity values for, 49f Small-diameter wells, 115
339–340 igneous and metamorphic, 176–178 Soil
semilog drawdown vs. time, 337–339 pore spaces in, 56, 57f dry, 202
assumptions for, 341 sedimentary, 168–172 hydraulic conductivity values for, 49f
Pumping well, 13, 15, 16, 246 Rocky Mountain Arsenal, earthquakes at, pore spaces in, 56, 57f
drawdown vs. time at, 346f 199, 200f stress and pore pressure changes in, 211f
partial penetration and hydraulics near, Roller bit, 105, 105f Soil moisture, 7
347–348 Rotary drilling, 103–104, 104f Soil vapor extraction (SVE), 573–577, 579
Soil water, 7
Q S Solubility, 512
Qanat tunnel, 1, 2f Saline groundwater, 428 Solubility product, 445, 446t
Quickflow, 12, 138–141 Salts, 169 Solute plumes, 562f
Quicksand, 194 San Joaquin Valley, subsidence in, hydraulic control of, 571–573
206–208, 209f Solute transport
Sand aquifer, 222–223, 222f case studies
R Sandstones, 60, 169, 172 CFB Borden tracer test, 537–542
Radial flow
aquifers, 131, 287, 288f North Carolina gasoline and diesel
solution for steady confined, 246–250
Sandwich moraines, 165, 167 spill, 542–545
solution for steady unconfined,
Santa Cruz River, 143, 143f modeling, 545
Saturated zone, 8, 12, 217 processes
solutions for transient, 330–331, 340 advection, 527–529
Saturation, 518
Radioisotopes, 476, 478–483 colloid transport, 535–537
vs. capillary pressure, 523–525
Radon, 140, 480 mechanical dispersion, 527–529
Saturation index (SI), 447
Rainfall-runoff models, 147 molecular diffusion, 529–533
Sedimentary basins, 131
Raoults law, 514 sorption, 533–535
pore water pressure in, 214–217
Rational equation, 147, 148 Sedimentary rocks, 60 Solute–solute reactions, 445
Reaction quotient, 438 groundwater in, 168–172 Solutes, 422
Reaction rates, 441–445 Seismic pumping, 200 concentration units, 425–426
Reaction zones, 579–580, 580f Seismic reflection and refraction surveys, natural, see Natural solutes
Recharge, 8–10, 125–128, 128f 108–109, 109f Sonic drilling, 104–105
estimating with steady flow model, Semiconfined aquifers with uniform Sorption, 465, 473f, 533–535, 554
253–255 transmissivity, 387–392, 387f of colloidal latex particles, 536f
impacts on heat flow, 604–607 Septic systems, 501–503 nonpolar organic compounds, 471–475
rates, estimation, 150–154 Septic tank, 501 surface complexation of ions, 466–471
rectangular area, transient mounding Shales, 169, 170, 173 Sorption–desorption reactions, 444
for, 349–352 Shallow dewatering systems, 101 Specific capacity, 322
spatial and temporal variations in, Shallow temperatures, 602 Specific discharge, 51–52, 51f
148–150 Shear strength, 195, 196 vector, 53f, 55, 62
Redox reactions, 458–463 Shear stresses, 195 Specific storage, 218, 220
Reduction, 458–463 Sheet pilings, 570 Specific yield, 220, 221, 221f, 222t
Relative permeability, muliphase flow, 526, Silt layer, consolidation of, 213–214 Split-spoon sampler, 103
527f Slope instability, 195–198 Spontaneous potential, 111
Remediating contamination, 567–580 Slug test, 73, 306–308 Spring, 127, 127f
Representative elementary volume (REV), configuration of, 306f Stable isotopes, 476–478
57, 57f, 58 issues and guidelines for, 316–318 Stage, 133
Residence time, 6 KGS method, 315 Stainless-steel well screens, 113, 113f
Residual NAPL saturation, 524, 526f underdamped, oscillating response in, Steady flow, 126
Resistivity, 106–107, 106f, 111 316 Steady one-dimensional heat flow,
REV, see Representative elementary volume in wells screened across water table, 595–598
Reverse-circulation rotary drilling, 104 312–315 Stiff diagram, 433, 433f
Reynolds number, 58 in wells screened below water table, Storage, groundwater
Richards equation, 234 308–312 subsurface changes in, 217
Index 671

aquifers with fresh–salt interfaces, Three-dimensional finite difference flow Uniform recharge, solution for, 250–253,
224 model, 371 289–293
elastic, 218–220 Three-dimensional flow Unsaturated flow, 77
water table, 220–223 Darcy’s law for, 52 Unsaturated zone, 7, 8, 217
Storativity, 219, 219f, 220 heat, 595 water content profiles, 153–154
Stream channel, velocity of, 134f saturated, 225–229 Unstable isotopes, 476
Stream discharge, 139, 375f unsaturated, 234 Upper continental crust, 130f
measuring and estimating, 132–137, Thrust faulting, 198 Upper crust, flow in, 131
133f, 136f Tills, 157 Uranium decay, 480, 480t
vs. time, 138 Time step multiplier, 369 Urban heat island effect, 604
Stream flooding, 144–148 Time-dependent compression, 210–214 UTES, see Underground thermal energy
Stream flow meter, 134f Tippecanoe River basin, 138 storage
Stream hydrographs, 138–141 Topography-driven flow, 130
Subsidence, in San Joaquin Valley, Tortuosity, 530 V
206–208, 209, 210f Total alkalinity, 455 Vadose water, 7
Subsurface Total dissolved solids (TDS), 427, 430 Vadose zone, see Unsaturated zone
changes in water storage, 217 Total vertical stress, 188, 191 Vaiont reservoir slide, 197–198, 197f
exploring, 97 Tracer chemicals, vertical migration of, Vapor pressure, 515
borehole logging, 109–111 151–152 Variable density flow, 83–90
direct-push probes, 98–101, 99f Tracer test, 73–74, 84 Variational method, 379
drilling, 101–105 Transient cyclic one-dimensional heat flow, Velocity head, 36, 37
seismic refraction surveys, 108–109, 598–600 Vertical deformation, 202
109f Transient hydraulic tests, 305 Vertical effective stress, 189
waters, terminology for, 7–8 Transmissivity, 67–68 Vertical plane flow, 275–277
Sulfate concentrations, 487 aquifers with uniform, 386 Viscosity, 26, 26f
Superposition, 256–257 ratio with recharge, estimating, VOC, 422, 447, 515, 565, 574
and imaging, 293–296 253–255 Void ratio, 29
in space, 342–344 semiconfined aquifers with uniform, Volatile organic compounds, see VOC
in time, 344–347 387–392 Volumetric water content, 33–35
Surface complexation of ions, 466–471 Tritium, 481
Surface tension, 27–28 Tritium units (TU), 481 W
Surface water, 129 Turbulent flow, 58–59 Water
discharges between groundwater, Two-dimensional aquifer flow, equations dissociation, 451
141–144 for, 229–233, 385–392 hardness, 430–431
groundwater discharge to, 12 inorganic solutes, 428t
Suspended organic carbon (SOC), 435 U molecular properties, 23, 423–424
U.S., estimated water use in, 17t origins, 476–478
T Unconfined aquifer, 124, 124f pressure-enthalpy for, 590
TDS, see Total dissolved solids Neuman solution for transient radial properties of, 23–28
Tectonic forces, 198 flow, 328–329 supply wells, 113, 115
Temperature, 588 specific yield in, 221, 221f TDS in, 427t
borehole log, 110 steady flow with horizontal base, use of, 16–18
crustal, 600–601 289–296, 386–387 Water content, 82
shallow, 602 steady flow between two parallel canals, and pressure, 77–81, 80f
Tensiometer, 81, 81f, 82 292f Water fluxes, 4–6, 13, 15f
Terminal moraines, 166 Unconsolidated deposits, groundwater in, affecting groundwater, 8
Ternary complex, 468 154–158, 155f, 156f Water resource management, 18
Terrain conductivity, 107 Unconsolidated materials, 104 Water table, 7, 124, 127, 129, 162, 371
Theis nonleaky aquifer solution, 318–324 Underground thermal energy storage map of, 128–129, 129f
Thermal conductivity, 591 (UTES), 614–617 in unconfined aquifer, 255f
Thermal energy, 589 Uniform flow, 392 Water table storage, 217, 220–224
Thiem equation, 248 capture zone of well in, 257–261 Watershed-scale water budgets, 150–151
Thin-walled tube, 103 solution for, 244–246, 289–293 Weight density, 24
Three-cone roller bit, 105, 105f Uniform leakage, solution for, 250–253 Weir, 135, 136f
672 Index

Well development, 116–119 near straight constant head boundaries, glacial deposits, 165–168, 166f, 167f,
Well installation, 98, 113f 262–266 168f
Well screen, 112, 116–119 near straight impermeable boundaries, Wet or total bulk density, 33
Wellpoints, 115 266–270 Wetting fluid, 518
Wells, 192 steady model for circular constant head Wildcat Creek basin, 138
in confined aquifer, 246f, 274f boundaries, 270–273
construction, 112–116
horizontal collector, 116, 116f
steady radial flow solution to, 246–249 Y
transient radial flow to, 318f Yellowstone National Park, 609, 610, 611f
jetted, 101, 102f
near lakeshore, 264f in uniform flow, 257–261
long-term drawdown of, 273–275 variable pumping rates at, 344–347 Z
measuring hydraulic head with, 39–42 Wenonah–Mount Laurel aquifer, 165 Zero-flux plane (ZFP) method of
near river, 272f, 287f Western Cape Cod, 371, 373 estimating recharge, 153, 154

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