Nestor Falls Dump

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Printed in Canada Volume 117 Number 18

New doctor hailed as welcome addition

By Duane Hicks Staff writer


Dr. Cynthia Saliba joined the Nelson Medicine Professional Group as of today and is now working with the Fort Frances Family Health Team. And Dr. Saliba, who moved here from Thunder Bay with her husband, Dave Van Dyk, is being met with open arms. We are very excited that Dr. Saliba is coming to Fort Frances to begin her practise, enthused Maureen Gartshore, who chairs the Fort Frances Physician Recruitment & Retention Committee. She will be a great addition to

the medical group at Nelson Medicine, and provide much-needed relief in serving the primary healthcare needs of the residents of Fort Frances and surrounding area, Gartshore added. The Physician Recruitment & Retention Committee is very happy to welcome Cynthia and Dave to our community. Appointments for Dr. Saliba may be made by calling 274-7741. Fort Frances Coun. Andrew Hallikas, who sits on the recruitment and retention committee, and was credited by Mayor Roy Avis and Coun. Ken Perry on Monday as the driving force in getting Dr. Saliba to come here, said hes very

excited and pleased that she and her husband have decided to become residents. Our community is really fortunate to be able to attract young professionals like these people, he remarked. Coun. Hallikas took Dr. Saliba and her husband on a tour of the town when they visited here earlier this summer. One thing that struck me, on their initial visit here, both of them commented on the beautiful surroundings of the town and how much they really enjoyed the town, he recalled. And that was a big factor, I think, in their coming here.

Coun. Hallikas added both also were impressed with the first-rate medical and educational facilities Fort Frances boasts. I think that speaks well of our town, he said. Were just so fortunate to get people like this, and lets hope we can continue. Coun. Hallikas said Dr. Saliba and her husband are active, dynamic people, with lots of energy, and are looking forward to enjoying what Fort Frances and the surrounding area has to offer in outdoor activities. They really like the town. Fort Frances is getting some pretty good press out there from people who have been here, he remarked.

I think we all know theres been a shortage of doctors in our community for many years, and its good to see a young family elect to come to this community and practise, echoed Mayor Avis, adding he wishes Dr. Saliba and her husband the best and hopes that local residents give them a warm welcome. Mayor Avis commended the recruitment committee for the effort and work that was put forward in attracting Dr. Saliba here, and in fact has been put forward over the last four years in trying to get a new doctor to practise in Fort Frances. Please see New, A9

Tories will win riding: Clement

Returning to Fort Frances for the first time since his days at Queens Park, federal Industry minister Tony Clement was in town yesterday for both a funding announcement and luncheon, where he vowed Thunder-Bay Rainy River will go Tory blue in the next election.

See story on A2

District to be asked to help pay for airport

By Duane Hicks Staff writer The town cant afford to keep paying to run the Fort Frances Airport by itself anymore, and will be asking district municipalities to help foot the bill. At a special meeting Monday, council agreed to forward a resolution to the Rainy River District Municipal Association in time for its next board meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 14. For the longest time, Fort Frances has funded the total operational costs of the Fort Frances municipal airport, noted Coun. Rick Wiedenhoeft, who brought the resolution forward. It is, after all, a regional airport, he stressed. It serves the entire district for their travel needs, for their emergency needs, and for their economic development. He noted the net operational cost of running the airport rose from $94,020 in 2007 to $210,043 in 2009. You can see, just over three years its escalated dramatically, Coun. Wiedenhoeft remarked. So, if this keeps going and the costs continue to go [up], Fort Frances will not be able to fund this thing all by itself. We need help funding this airport and we are looking for the district municipalities to help us out, he explained. As far as he knows, the RRDMA has never before been asked to help pay for the airport. In its resolution, the town is recommending the district municipalities pay for airport operations based on the new Rainy River District Social Services Administration Boards funding apportionment formula. This most recent version of that formula sees the town pay a 36 percent share of all the municipal funding that is paid to DSSAB, with the rest of the municipalities each paying a lesser share. As such, following this formula would mean the town would pay for 36 percent of the cost of running the airport, with the others paying their lesser share. The shared cost would commence on Jan. 1, 2011the same time at which the new DSSAB apportionment formula comes into Please see District, A9

Alzheimer ride raises $27,000

Motorcyclists took to area highways for a road trip Saturday as part of the local Alzheimer Societys eighthannual Ride for Memories, with this years ride ending in Kenora that evening.

High-five goodbye
Lindsay Payne, left, gave her son, Diarmid, a high-five goodbye as he waited for the school bus yesterday morning to get to his first day of class as a Grade 1 student at St. Michaels. He joined kids from across Rainy River District who returned to school. Duane Hicks photo

See story on A3

Potential Nestor Falls landfill site raising alarm

By Peggy Revell Staff writer Many in the Nestor Falls area are alarmed over the impact a proposed new landfill site would have on both the environment and tourism if the project eventually gets the green light. We are a considerable distance away from choosing any site, stressed Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls Mayor Bill Thompson. There currently is two proposed sites for the new landfill. The contentious site, known as C7, would be located along Peterson Road, west of Highway 71 between Nestor Falls and Sioux Narrows, with South Narrow Lake to the north and Lake of the Woods to the south. The other proposed site, known as C9, is at the already established Nestor Falls landfill, located east of Highway 71 several kilometres south of the community, which then would be expanded. Potential pollution and a blow to the tourist industry are reasons why local residents and businesses dont want to see the C7 site chosen, said Laurie Dennison of St. Louis, Mo., whose family has had a cabin in the area since 1959. Our lake is almost like a moun-

Obviously, our biggest issue is theres a lot of potential there for serious problems with the water. Laurie Dennison
tain lakes area, where its a bowl and the lake is down below and the sides of it are ridges where it goes straight up, she explained, referring to the topography of the area. And the dump will be over where it goes straight up. So the dump is going to be at a higher elevation than the lake, she noted. Obviously, our biggest issue is theres a lot of potential there for serious problems with the water, Dennison said. There are a lot of water issues that the residents know about that were trying to bring up now. There are springs in that hillside, so they dont know for sure depending on how that leaches throughthis is a totally spring-fed lake and the springs have been ruined once before, she remarked. They dont even have to make a mistake as far as geology or hydrology, Dennison added. Even if it was accurate, the problem is the prevailing winds. If you look at South Narrow Lake, its to the north of the dump, which means most of the time the dump [odour] will be blowing right over the lake, she noted, citing one of the other possible problems with the proposed C7 location. Ultimately, a dump in that location will hurt the local tourism industry, she argued. These lakes right here are hugely used by tourism, and the tourism is all by word of mouth, Dennison said, recounting how she hears back in St. Louis from people who are excited to come to this area of Canada because theyve heard from others how the area is the most pristine place in the world. But this reputation could disappear if people knew there was a landfill site in the area. Its going to hurt tourism, and they cant afford that right now, she warned. With the recession, its already eating into those dollars. Residents and businesses are or-

Wolves win crown again

Rolling out black cats and broken mirrors probably would not have had any effect on the Sight & Sound Wolves, either. For those who are superstitious, the omen for the Wolves might have been set heading into the Rainy River District Fastball League final last Thursday night against the Barwick Knights.

See story on B1

ganizing a campaign opposed to the C7 site, said Dennison, making their concerns heard through calls and letters to the ministries of tourism and the environment, as well as other agencies. I sympathize with the people, I really do, Mayor Thompson said. I can understand, if that were in my backyard, I would be raising some questions, too, he added, though reiterating the site is only a potential one and that theyre nowhere near designating which is the preferred one for the landfill. The search for a new landfill site is a joint initiative between Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls, Northwest Angle 37A, Naotkamegwanning (Whitefish Bay 32A), Northwest Angle 33A, and Onigaming, Mayor Thompson noted, both to find jobs for people in the area and address the issue of Whitefish Bays landfill site being full. Golder Associates was hired as consultants to do a study on where the best location for the landfill site would be, as well as cost out developing and operating the landfill. Applying various screening methods, the number of possible sites for the new landfill has been whittled down to the C7 and C9 options, Mayor Thompson Please see Potential, A9

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Potential landfill site raising alarm

More from A1 said, adding research is still continuing. They have not defined the site with an awful lot of data, he noted. It really is a site that escapes all the other screening processes that we have in place. Of all the sites that were left over after all the screening was applied, this was virtually the only oneand the Nestor Falls onethat they felt were feasible to use, he explained. Were a long ways from making any decisions whatsoever, he stressed, pointing to how many residents have brought up concerns of water flow at the C7 site. Some are saying it flows into Kakagi Lake, some say it flows into South Narrow Lake. That may very well be. We dont know, we have no idea, he admitted. Before that site would ever be determined as the site to use, there would have to be studies on thatand we havent even gotten close to that yet. Following the last round of community consultations, Mayor Thompson said Golder Associates will be going back and putting more information together on the project, as well as comparative studies to find out the estimated

Were a long ways from making any decisions whatsoever. Bill Thompson
costs of running both the C7 and C9 sites. Further community consultations also planned in the future. But Mayor Thompson said he does not believe locating the landfill at the C7 site would have an impact on tourism. The site that they have selected is in an elevated depression, so there is a natural berm of about, say, 30 or 40 or 50 feet on three sides, he remarked, noting its also half-a-mile or more from the existing road. So I dont think believe that thats an area that needs to be of concern. But just the presence of the dump in the area will be enough to turn away tourists, said Mary Haggberg of Lakeview Lodge in Nestor Falls. Lake of the Woods is really widely known, and the proposed site is very close to Lake of the Woods, she noted. So even the perception that there could be pollution from it would be a negative impact on this area, she argued. And Haggberg said for resort guests wanting to access the boat landing on the road, they would have to go past the dump site. Also, theres a resort on an island on Stevenson Bay, just not all that far from where the [landfill] site would be, she added. So I know that thats not something that they want to see there. That area is a recreational area that is used a lot [by] people to hunt, both local people and tourists, and some of the resorts even run guided hunts in that area, so that would impact that aspect of it also, Haggberg continued. The C9 site, on the other hand, would be ideal, she said. Its not close to any lakes and its not close to where anyone lives, Haggberg reasoned. This areaon Crow Lake, theres seven resorts right in a very close proximity to [C7], plus all of the cabins on South Narrow Lake. Theres just a lot of people in this area and in close proximity

to the three lakes: Lake of the Woods, South Narrow, and Crow Lake. Its just not a good situation, she stressed. Im concerned that the economic impact could be incredible, agreed Dennison, wondering if the economic impact will be evaluated along with any possible environmental impact. Im just not sure if thats going to be taken into account as much as it needs to be, she said. The C9 site is the most logical decision, noted Dennison, with the only issue being the driving distance. [C7] wont be good for tourism in the whole area, she stressed, pointing to how fishing guides and camps which arent located right in the area send people there because of the lake. Even if you dont live right next to it, in some way it seems to affect lots of the towns, she reasoned. We appreciate the input that were gettingthats what the whole process is about, said Mayor Thompson. Thats why we have community consultations. Its so we can hear about the people and what they feel about the sites that have been selected, he noted.

Applications out for new energy credit

Press release It now only takes a few, simple steps for low- to middle-income residents in the Thunder Bay area to apply for the new, permanent Northern Ontario Energy Credit. The new energy credit provides up to $130 for eligible single people and up to $200 for eligible families, including single parents. Applications are available online, at any ServiceOntario location in Northern Ontario, or by calling 1-866-305-1954. This is part of the provinces Open Ontario plan to help strengthen the northern economy, and create jobs and opportunities in Northern Ontario. As chair of Northern Caucus, I was very pleased with the introduction of this energy credit for people living in the north, said Thunder Bay-Atikokan MPP Bill Mauro. Low- to middle-income individuals should ensure they apply for the financial assistance available to them, he noted. I am very pleased that our government is providing a tax credit to northern families and individuals to help them with their higher energy costs during in the north, echoed Northern Development, Mines and Forestry minister Michael Gravelle. Northerners only need to apply for the credit once. It will be automatically reimbursed each subsequent tax year. The final deadline to apply for the 2010 credit is June 30, 2011. This new, permanent energy credit is for residents who pay rent or property tax, and meet income criteria. The 10 eligible Northern Ontario districts are Algoma, Cochrane, Kenora, Manitoulin, Nipissing, Parry Sound, Rainy River, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, and Timiskaming.

New doctor hailed as welcome addition

More from A1 He added town council supported the Family Health Team concept in the past in the hope it would bring more doctors to the community. I think we are starting to see that pay off at the present time, the mayor said. Mayor Avis said he feels Fort Frances offers high-quality amenities for a community of its size, and the towns location is a tremendous asset when it comes to attracting new professionals. When you see new people coming to town, and look at our infrastructurea new library and next to it the sports centre, a nice waterfrontthis all has something to do with attracting young professionals to this community, he reasoned. This is great news, said Dr. Robert Algie, adding its a huge morale boost to the recruitment and retention committee. [It] shows that the governments investment in additional training spots for family medicine is paying off, he added. Increasing opportunities for northern students to enter medicine will hopefully help our issues in the north. Dr. Saliba, who could not be reached for comment prior to press time, recently completed her medical training at the University of Ottawa. Her husband is an elementary school teacher and avid golfer. Dr. Saliba and her husband will be welcomed to the community at an invite-only meet-and-greet this evening at the Little Beaver Cultural Centre. This event also is being held to welcome two new medical students from the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. Brienne Lowey-Bodkin and Jacqueline Edwards will be completing their third year 30-month clerkship in Fort Frances from September until April.

Karli Teresa McKinnon

Karli graduated from Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario on June 9, 2010 with a Bachelor of Journalism (Highest Honours). While at Carleton, she enjoyed 4 years with Carleton Ravens varsity swim team and captained the team during her nal season. Karli is currently interning with MTV News in Toronto. Well done Karli! We are very proud of your accomplishments. Love, Mom, Dad, Andrea, Grandma McKinnon and Grandma Dot Toffan

Jordan R. Bale
Jordan graduated from Mohawk College in Hamilton on June 15, 2010. He has earned an Advanced Diploma in Architectural Technology (Honours). Jordan has begun his career as a Project Coordinator with Morley Hoppner Group in Ottawa, Ontario. Congratulations Jordy, we are so very proud of your accomplishment!!

District to be asked to help pay for airport

More from A1 effect. If the district agreed to help pay for the airport, the name of the airport would be changed to reflect that. Coun. Andrew Hallikas agreed its high time everyone recognize the cost of running the airport, and the fact the airport truly serves Rainy River District and not just Fort Frances. We need some help with the escalating costs, he reiterated. I support this resolution, echoed Mayor Roy Avis. I think its about time we let the district know what our costs are operating this [airport]. He noted that with a change to the DSSAB apportionment formula coming into effect Jan. 1, Fort Frances will be paying over $108,000 more to DSSAB than it did this year and yet still is left supporting one of the districts most critical services all by itself. The airport is used mostly by medevac, which is a service for the whole district, Mayor Avis reasoned.

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