Intro To Philo 1

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Branches of Philosophy

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person 1. Metaphysics – is the philosophical branch that
studies reality, existence , the nature of being, the
Philosophy - came from two Greek words philo and physical world and the universe. Samples of
sophia which means “to love” and “wisdom” Simply put, metaphysical questions are; How did mankind
Philosophy means the love of reasoning making wisdom come to be? How was universe made? Does God
as its primary goal. Technically, Philosophy is defined as Exist?
the science that by natural light of reason studies the 2. Ethics – also known as moral philosophy, is a
highest principles of things. branch of philosophy that is concerned with
human conduct, more specifically the behavior of
Salient Features of Philosophy individuals in society. Questions like When is
1. Philosophy is a Science - It is called as such taking human life justified? Is it ever okay to lie?
because it is systematic and follows certain What is Conscience? What does ‘right’ even
steps or procedures mean?
2. It employs Natural Light of Reason - This means 3. Epistemology – it examines the definition, scope
that philosophical investigation does not use any and parameters of knowledge and knowledge
laboratory instrument, investigative tools nor formation. Some basic questions are what is
supernatural approach. Philosophers use their knowledge? How do we know what we know?
natural thinking capacity or use the so-called What distinguishes knowledge from mere belief?
unaided reason 4. Logic – is the branch of philosophy that studies
3. Philosophy has an inclination to Study All Things correct reasoning or good arguments. logic does
- Other sciences concern themselves with a not provide us knowledge of the world directly. It
particular object of investigation. Philosophy may only serves as tool to guide one’s arguments or
deal with human beings, society, and plants discourses so as to keep them valid and true
among others It is this character that Philosophy 5. Aesthetics – refers to the study of everything
is considered multidimensional or holistic related to beauty, art, and good taste. This branch
4. Philosophy employs First Cause or Highest of philosophy concerns itself with questions like;
Principle - Note that principle means a reason (or What is art? Is art an expression of feelings? Why
an explanation) from which something proceeds do we find certain things beautiful?
in any manner. This is composed of:
2 Major Traditions of Philosophy
1. Principle of Identity – asserts that a thing is
identical with itself, i.e. everything is the same 1. Western Philosophy
with itself. This is to say that a true statement
is not a false statement, but a true one; or that 2. Eastern Philosophy
if a statement is true, then it is true.
2. Principle of Non-Contradiction - This principle Western Philosophy
states that it is an impossibility for a particular We focus on the three most renowned Greek
thing to be and not to be at the same time at philosophers, namely; Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
the same respect. These three prominent names of Western tradition
No statement can be both true and false. introduced intricate ideas concerning the rational
3. Principle of Excluded Middle – this states that capacities of man and how these capacities can be used
a statement is either true or false. Logically and developed.
useful sentence cannot be neither true nor
false and cannot simultaneously be both true Socrates
and false. There is no middle value between - Socrates was born about 470 B.C. in Athens,
truth and falsity. Logical space has only two Greece. His appearance was frequently
sides; true and false; yes and no; right and described as grotesque
left. - His way of doing philosophy was by making
4. Principle of Sufficient Reason - This principle dialogues with various people. Thus, he would
states that there is sufficient reason for the spend most of his time in the marketplace and
being and existence of everything. talk to people from different walks of life
Conversely, nothing exists without any - His philosophy was focused on getting at the
reason at all answers to the questions that are important and
relevant in everyone’s life (justice, virtue,
By using the aforementioned philosophical concepts will morality, life and death
enable one’s argumentation more valid, reliable and - -“The unexamined life is not worth living”, “Be
strong. Thus, doing philosophy becomes easier and more kind, for everyone who you meet is fighting a
intelligible. hard battle”, “Strong minds discuss ideas,
average minds discuss events, weak minds
discuss people”, The only true wisdom is in
knowing you know nothing”.
Plato Confucianism
- One of the students who gathered around - Being one of the greatest traditions in ancient
Socrates was Plato. Aristocles was his real China, Confucianism started by Kongzi or
birthname. He was born on about 428 and died Confucius over 2500 years ago.
about 347 B.C. - Confucianism includes a wider scope of subjects,
- Plato's way of doing philosophy sought to solve including morality, society, philosophy and
the question of the real and unreal. In other religion, and practices and values
words, it seeks the truth. - Two notable Confucian virtues are expected from
- Plato’s most famous work is the Republic, which each and every human being of character. First is
details a wise society run by a philosopher. He is Jen (ren), which means human heartedness,
also famous for his dialogues (early, middle, and which denotes a compassionate person. The
late), which showcase his metaphysical theory of second is called Yi, or righteousness, which
forms—something else he is well known for. consists of doing things in the right manner
- Plato also founded the Academy, an academic - Golden rule of Confucianism: “Do not do unto
program that many consider to be the first others what you would not want others do unto
Western university, where he stressed the you”
importance of science and mathematics.
Because of this, he became known as the “maker Buddhism
of mathematicians.” - Buddhism is a living tradition whose roots can be
traced from the life and teachings of Siddharta
Aristotle Gautama, who is also known as the historical
- Aristotle was born about 384 B.C. He studied - Buddhism is anchored on the idea that human
under Plato, and later on, put up his school called person lives in suffering and that he should
Lyceum overcome this. This suffering refers to the deep
- Aristotle learned much of Plato’s philosophy but dissatisfaction that pervades human experience,
the path he took was different from his mentor’s and the thirst for endless desires
interests. For one, he opposed Plato’s Theory of - Main Philosophy are: 1. The Four Noble Truths
Forms. He did not reject the idea of the form itself which is articulated in these statements
a. Life is full of pain and suffering
but claims that Plato was more concerned with
b. Human desire causes this suffering
the abstract, referring to the world of ideas which c. By putting end to desire, humans can end
can be reached only by thoughts. suffering
- Aristotle put forward the notion that the forms d. Human can end desire by following the
have two categories, namely, the substance and Eightfold Path
accidents. To elucidate Aristotle's ideas, let us 2. Reincarnation, when someone dies, they will
take this example: as a human person, you are be reborn as something else depending on their
composed of body and mind. Having these two actions in their previous life 3. Karma refers to
as your substance, it is expected from you to use action driven by intention which leads to future
your intellectual and physical capacities to the consequences.
fullest. What you become by using your capacity
would be the accident of your being; either you Indian Philosophy
- The knowledge of Indian Philosophy inculcates in
become a priest, doctor, policeman or fireman.
a person, the habit of reflecting on one’s life,
But your substance, that is, being a human
thought and action, on what is happening in the
person with rational and physical capacity, society of which he is a member
remains the same. - Indian Philosophy is all about four goals of life:
1. Righteousness/Moral Values
2. Prosperity/Economic Values
Eastern Philosophy
3. Pleasure, Love/Psychological Values
Eastern Philosophies are centered on finding the answers
4. Liberation/Spiritual Values
to the question “who and what am I?” They focus on
searching for the meaning of being human. The goal of - Unlike western philosophy that focuses much on
their respective philosophical enterprises is not only to knowing the materialistic cause of the universe,
understand human nature, but most importantly, to Indian Philosophy is more concerned with the
practice how to truly live as a human person. It may be importance of the cause
noted that eastern philosophy is often understood
interchangeably with religion. For them, philosophy and
religion are intimately connected.

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