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Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011) L319–L323

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Compositionally graded bismuth ferrite thin films

Jiagang Wu a,b,∗ , John Wang b , Dingquan Xiao a , Jianguo Zhu a
Department of Materials Science, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 641402, PR China
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, 117574, Singapore

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The compositionally graded (Bi0.92 La0.08 )(Fe1−x Znx )O3 (x = 0.03, 0.07, and 0.13) thin film was layer-by-
Received 5 May 2011 layer grown on Pt/Ti/SiO2 /Si(1 0 0) substrates without any buffer layers by radio frequency sputtering. This
Received in revised form 18 May 2011 thin film has a pure polycrystalline perovskite structure with random orientation, a dense microstructure,
Accepted 20 May 2011
and a low leakage current density. A large remanent polarization of 2Pr ∼ 142.00 ␮C/cm2 and a good
Available online 14 June 2011
magnetic behavior of 2 Ms ∼ 27.52 emu/cm3 are demonstrated in such a thin film. The applied electric
fields and measurement frequencies strongly affect its fatigue endurance, that is, its fatigue endurance
was degraded with decreasing frequencies and electric fields.
Compositionally graded thin film
Bismuth ferrite © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Multiferroic properties
Fatigue behavior

Magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroics has been recently in the silicon integration technique [11,12]. The multilayer struc-
given to considerable attention because of the intriguing physical ture approach is among the most leading approaches-going topics,
principle underlying this phenomenon and the potential appli- whereby the coupling and interactions among different functional
cation in multiply controlled devices [1–4]. However, the known layers in multilayers can strongly influence the growth and physical
number room-temperature as well as single-phase multiferroics properties of these films [16,17]. Indeed, an appropriate combina-
are still lacked [1–9]. Indeed, BiFeO3 (BFO) exhibits a giant rema- tion of nanolayers differing in composition or structure can lead
nent polarization, a coexistence of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic to a dramatic enhancement in multiferroic behavior. Especially
parameters, a high Curie temperature of ∼820 ◦ C, and a Néel tem- multilayers with a compositional fluctuation across the thickness
perature of ∼370 ◦ C, promising as some practical applications in exhibits striking properties that were not observed in conventional
several multifunctional devices [1–9]. However, its high leakage ferroelectric films [18,19].
current density and a low remanent polarization are of great chal- In the present work, the compositionally graded
lenge for developing it into a thin-film device, especially when (Bi0.92 La0.08 )(Fe1−x Znx )O3 (x = 0.03, 0.07, and 0.13) (BLFZO)
deposited on the Pt-coated silicon substrates without any buffer thin films were layer-by-layer fabricated on Pt/Ti/SiO2 /Si(1 0 0)
layers [1–4]. substrates by radio frequency (rf) magnetron sputtering, where
The employment of site engineering [10,11], single-crystal sub- it is difficult to prepare the bismuth ferrite thin films with good
strates [11,12], buffer layers [11–15], and multilayer structures electrical properties when grown on the Pt-coated silicon sub-
[16,17] has been used to effectively reduce the leakage current, and strate without any buffer layers by rf sputtering [17]. A pure
some promising results were also demonstrated. However, some phase, a dense microstructure, and a low leakage current den-
shortcomings still affect its practical applications although its leak- sity are well established in such a compositionally graded thin
age current can be suppressed by these methods mentioned above. film. A larger remanent polarization, a better magnetic behavior,
For example, the site engineering usually results in the degradation and an improved fatigue behavior are demonstrated in such a
of the polarization of BFO although its leakage current can be greatly compositionally graded thin film.
suppressed [5]; the use of single-crystal substrates and buffer lay- Firstly, three kinds of (Bi1.00 La0.10 )(Fe1−x Znx )O3 (x = 0.05, 0.10,
ers improves the electrical properties of BFO, but expensive costs and 0.15) targets were prepared by the conventional solid-state
and a high processing temperature hinder the practical application reaction process, and the preparation parameter for ceramic
targets and thin films has been described elsewhere [20]. The
stacking sequence of the compositionally graded thin film is as fol-
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Materials Science, Sichuan University, lows: (Bi0.92 La0.08 )(Fe0.87 Zn0.13 )O3 /(Bi0.92 La0.08 )(Fe0.93 Zn0.07 )O3 /
Chengdu, 641402, PR China. (Bi0.92 La0.08 )(Fe0.97 Zn0.03 )O3 /Pt/Ti/SiO2 /Si(1 0 0), where the com-
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (J. Wu). position for each layer is analyzed by EDX. The rf magnetic

0925-8388/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L320 J. Wu et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011) L319–L323

sputtering was used to in situ prepare the compositionally ers in the compositionally graded thin film in this work. Fig. 2(c)
graded thin film on Pt/Ti/SiO2 /Si(1 0 0) substrates by two-inch plots P–E loops of compositionally graded thin film, measured at
targets of (Bi1.00 La0.10 )(Fe1−x Znx )O3 . The (Bi0.92 La0.08 )(Fe1−x Znx )O3 room temperature and 3.3 kHz. The compositionally graded thin
(x = 0.03, 0.07, and 0.13) layers were deposited on Pt/TiO2 /SiO2 /Si film exhibits a saturated ferroelectric behavior, where a large rem-
substrates at 580 ◦ C, 560 ◦ C, and 530 ◦ C, respectively. The nant polarization of 2Pr ∼ 142.00 ␮C/cm2 was obtained together
(Bi0.92 La0.08 )(Fe1−x Znx )O3 (x = 0.03, 0.07, and 0.13) layers are with 2Ec ∼ 661.67 kV/cm. The inset in Fig. 2(c) shows the plots
∼150 nm, ∼100 nm, and ∼50 nm in thickness, respectively. Cir- of 2Pr and 2Ec values as a function of applied electric fields for
cular Au electrodes of 0.2 mm in diameter were sputtered on the compositionally graded thin film. The 2Pr values were firstly
film surface using a shadow mask. The phases were analyzed by obtained at the electric field of higher than ∼80 kV/cm, the 2Pr val-
using X-ray diffraction (Bruker D8 Advanced XRD, Bruker AXS Inc., ues increase quickly with increasing electric fields from ∼80 kV/cm
Madison, WI, CuKa). Field emission scanning electron microscopy to ∼600 kV/cm, and then slightly change with further increasing
(Philips, XL30) was employed to study their surface morphologies. electric fields, indicating the saturation of P–E curves. A similar
An impedance analyzer (Solartron Grain Phase Analyzer) was polarization value was also demonstrated by PUND as compared
employed to characterize their dielectric behavior. Their leak- to that measured by P–E hysteresis loop, as shown in the insets
age current was measured by using a Keithley meter (Keithley in Fig. 2(c), confirming that the leakage current does not affect
6430, Cleveland, OH). Their fatigue and ferroelectric properties the ferroelectric behavior of the compositionally graded thin film.
were studied by using the Radiant precise workstation (Radiant The compositionally graded thin film demonstrated the large 2Pr
Technologies, Medina, NY). Their magnetic properties were char- value of ∼142.00 ␮C/cm2 , which is higher than those that have
acterized by using a superconducting quantum interference device been reported for BFO single layers and multilayers [11,15–17].
(SQUID, MPMS, XL-5AC, San Diego, CA). Some factors affected the ferroelectric behavior of BFO, such as
Fig. 1(a) shows XRD patterns of single layers and composi- orientation [12], crystal structure [22], buffer layer [11–15], multi-
tionally graded thin films. All films are of a pure phase. The layer structure [16,17], and ion substitutions [23,24]. In this work,
(Bi0.92 La0.08 )(Fe0.97 Zn0.03 )O3 thin film is of a polycrystalline struc- the crystal structure, buffer layer, and orientation cannot largely
ture with random orientation, while (Bi0.92 La0.08 )(Fe1−x Znx )O3 contribute to the improvement in the polarization of the composi-
(x = 0.07 and 0.13) thin films are of a polycrystalline structure with tionally graded thin film, because no any buffer layers were applied
a (1 1 0) orientation. However, the compositionally graded thin film to the film and the polycrystalline structure with random orienta-
has a polycrystalline structure with random orientation, owing tion was only induced. Usually, bad P–E loops were obtained for
to the induced growth of the bottom (Bi0.92 La0.08 )(Fe0.97 Zn0.03 )O3 the BFO directly deposited on Pt-coated silicon substrates [17].
layer. Fig. 1(b) shows enlarged XRD patterns for all films. The Therefore, the ion substitution should largely contribute to the
(Bi0.92 La0.08 )(Fe1−x Znx )O3 (x = 0.03, 0.07, and 0.13) phases were improvement in ferroelectric properties of the compositionally
well retained in this compositionally graded thin film. The La3+ graded thin film by dramatically reducing the leakage current,
(1.18 Å) and Zn2+ (0.74 Å) substitutions respective for Bi3+ (1.03 Å) where the low leakage current benefits to obtain intrinsic polar-
and Fe2+ (0.55 Å) sites result in the shift of diffraction peaks due to a ization value. The multilayer structure helps improve electrical
larger ion radius, confirming that La3+ and Zn2+ are dissolved in BFO properties by the interface coupling among three consisting layers
lattice. In addition, the positions of the 2 diffraction angles in the and reduced leakage current [16,17].
compositionally graded thin film were found to be in between those Fig. 3(a) shows the frequency dependence of fatigue behav-
of these films. Fig. 1(c) shows the surface morphology of the compo- ior in the compositionally graded thin film at E ∼ 333 kV/cm. Its
sitionally graded thin film. The film appears to be dense, crack-free, fatigue behavior strongly depends on measurement frequencies.
and well adhered on the Pt-coated silicon substrate, where the At f = 1 MHz, the film exhibits fatigue-free at a switching cycle of
grains with long shape are parallel to the substrate and these large ∼1010 , and the fatigue endurance was slightly degraded with a
grains were surrounded by small grains. Fig. 1(d) shows the SEM decrease at f = 300 kHz. However, with further decreasing frequen-
micrograph of the cross section for the compositionally graded thin cies (f = 100 kHz), the polarization value increases dramatically with
film. The film is ∼300 nm in thickness, and the interface between the number of switching cycles. The “wake up” peak is formed
the film and Pt electrode is clear. The dense microstructure is also and is shifted to a lower switching cycle with a decrease in f from
a contribution parameter for the dramatic reduction in the leakage 100 kHz to 10 kHz. Such an unusual fatigue behavior in multilayers
current of the compositionally graded thin film. is related to the higher leakage current and the space charge [25,26].
Fig. 2(a) shows J–E curves for single layers and composition- In order to illuminate this “wake up” phenomenon, the dielectric
ally graded thin film. The leakage current almost kept unchanged and resistivity behavior before and after fatigue at different switch-
for all films in low electric field regions (E < 50 kV/cm), while all ing frequencies were measured for the compositionally graded thin
films exhibit different leakage behavior in high electric field regions film, as shown in Fig. 3(c)–(e). The obviously different dielectric
(E > 50 kV/cm). The compositionally graded thin film exhibits a behavior is demonstrated with varied frequencies. The dielectric
lowest leakage current density in high electric field regions, and behavior and resistivity are slightly changed after a high-frequency
possesses a low leakage current density of 1.39 × 10−4 A/cm2 at (1 MHz) fatigue. However, a big difference in dielectric and resis-
E ∼ 160 kV/cm, due to dense microstructure. Fig. 2(b) plots mag- tivity behavior was observed in a low frequency region after a
netic properties of single-layer and compositionally graded thin low-frequency (100 kHz and 50 kHz) fatigue, and the large dielec-
film. The magnetic properties of single layers were degraded tric relaxation in a low frequency region indicates the involvement
with increasing Zn content, owing to an increase in the non- of more space charge after a low frequency fatigue, confirming
magnetic composition of Zn. In contrast, the compositionally that space charge is responsible for the “wake up” phenomenon
graded thin film has better magnetic properties than those of [17,25,27,28]. Moreover, the resistivity in a low frequency region
(Bi0.92 La0.08 )(Fe1−x Znx )O3 single layers. The Zn2+ substitution for becomes lower with decreasing frequencies, indicating the increase
the Fe site in BFO generates the more concentration of oxygen of the defect concentration after fatigue. As shown in Fig. 3(b), the
vacancies and suppresses the formation of Fe2+ [9,20], and then P–E loops before and after a low frequency polarization switching
the impure Fe2+ in each layer cannot contribute to the increase indicate that there is an increase in Pr value due to an increase in the
in the magnetic properties of the compositionally graded thin conductivity, while the Pr value is almost kept unchanged due to a
film [21]. Therefore, the enhanced magnetic properties should be slight change in the conductivity after a high frequency polarization
attributed to the interface coupling among three consisting lay- switching.
J. Wu et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011) L319–L323 L321

Fig. 1. (a) XRD patterns and (b) enlarged XRD patterns in the 2 range of 31.0–32.5◦ for single layers and compositionally graded thin films. (c) Surface morphology and (d)
cross section of the compositionally graded thin film.

Fig. 4(a) shows the field dependence of fatigue behavior in wall pinning and depinning dominates fatigue mechanism. Similar
compositionally graded thin film at f ∼ 100 kHz. At E ≤ 300 kV/cm, phenomenon was also found in La-modified BFO films [29]. More-
the film exhibits a poor fatigue behavior, as confirmed by P–E over, the fatigue behavior is also dominated by space charge layers
loops before and after fatigue [Fig. 4(b)]. In contrast, its fatigue in each case, while such space charge accumulates at the layer
endurance was greatly improved with increasing applied electric interfaces of multilayers, rather than at the electrode–dielectric
fields of E > 300 kV/cm, and the unusual “wake up” phenomenon interface [30]. The dielectric and resistivity behavior before and
was observed at E ≥ 380 kV/cm. A higher applied electric field can after fatigue at different applied electric fields were also character-
facilitate the depinning and easily reverse the domains, generating ized for the compositionally graded thin film for identifying the
a better fatigue endurance. The competition between the domain involvement of the space charge, as plotted in Fig. 4(c)–(e), the

Fig. 2. (a) J–E curves and (b) magnetic properties for single layers and compositionally graded thin films. (c) P–E curves, where the insets are 2Pr and 2Ec values as a function
of applied electric fields, and PUND curve of the compositionally graded thin film.
L322 J. Wu et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011) L319–L323

Fig. 3. (a) Frequencies-dependent fatigue behavior, (b) P–E loops before and after fatigue endurance, (c) εr vs. f, (d) tan ı vs. f, and (e) R vs. f of the compositionally graded
thin film.

Fig. 4. (a) Electric fields-dependent fatigue behavior, (b) P–E loops before and after fatigue endurance, (c) εr vs. f, (d) tan ı vs. f, and (e) R vs. f of the compositionally graded
thin film.
J. Wu et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011) L319–L323 L323

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