9-Box Performance Matrix

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9 Box Performance-Potential Matrix

Needs Meets Exceeds

Development Expectations Expectations
1C 1B 1A
Poor Good Outstanding
High Performance Performance Performance Performance - Technical skills,
abilities and subject matter
High Potential High Potential High Potential knowledge in job related field.
Ability to develop and maintain
working relationships which
incorporates organization
2C 2B 2A values
Good Outstanding
Performance Performance
Moderate Moderate
Moderate Potential - the ability or capacity
Potential Moderate
for growth and development into a
Potential Potential leadership role
(New Role)

3C 3B 3A Leader - one who guides, directs,

Poor Good Outstanding influences and shows the way to
Limited Performance Performance Performance others
Limited Limited Limited
Potential Potential Potential

Poor Good Outstanding
9 Box Performance-Potential Matrix
Needs Meets Exceeds
Development Expectations Expectations
1C 1B 1A
Outstanding Performance/High Potential:
Poor Good Outstanding Definition: Individual is developing faster than the
demands of his/her current position and/or division.
High Performance Performance Performance Individual has been given additional assignments
and has demonstrated high-level commitment/
High Potential High Potential High Potential achieved significant results. Individual is ready to
broaden his/her skill set and take up significantly
greater scope and responsibility

So, how can I tell?

2C 2B 2A
Poor Consistently performs above and beyond the current
Good Outstanding scope of his/her job; excels when given additional
Performance assignment.
Performance Performance
Moderate Moderate
Moderate Consistently integrates behaviour associated with
Potential Moderate organization’s values; demonstrates behaviours
Potential Potential associated with the organization’s core competencies.
(New Role)
Consistently seeks new opportunities for learning,
leadership development, and advanced experience.
3C 3B 3A Independently researches solutions to problems and
Poor Good Outstanding makes recommendations for improvement toward
Limited Performance Performance Performance
organizational excellence.

Limited Limited Limited

Places organization’s success above personal
Potential Potential Potential

Poor Good Outstanding
9 Box Performance-Potential Matrix
Needs Meets Exceeds
Development Expectations Expectations
1C 1B 1A
Good Performance/High Potential:
Poor Good Outstanding
Definition: Individual is contributing as expected and is
meeting performance expectations, Individuals may be

High Performance Performance Performance

ready to take on greater technical and/or leadership
responsibility in the next 12-24 months.
High Potential High Potential High Potential
So, how can I tell?

Solid performer; meets expectations.

2C 2B 2A
A valued contributor to the team.
Good Outstanding
Demonstrates capacity for advancement.
Performance Performance
Moderate Moderate
Frequently demonstrates behaviours associated with the
organization’s values and core competencies.
Potential Moderate
Potential Frequently seeks out new tasks, projects and other
opportunities for growth.
(New Role)

3C 3B 3A
Poor Good Outstanding
Limited Performance Performance Performance
Limited Limited Limited
Potential Potential Potential

Poor Good Outstanding
9 Box Performance-Potential Matrix
Needs Meets Exceeds
Development Expectations Expectations
1C 1A
1BPoor Performance/High Potential:
Definition: Individual is not meeting the requirements in his/her
Poor Good Outstanding
current role. It is possible that individual could be more successful
in the current role with more direction, or on another role or

High Performance Performance Performance

division that more appropriately suits his/her skill set.

High Potential High Potential

So, how can I tell? High Potential
Individual does not consistently perform to technical expectations

Individual begins to demonstrate understanding of how the

2C 2B organization operates 2A
Good Outstanding
Seeks opportunities for improvement
Performance Performance
May be new in role or new to organization
Moderate Moderate
Potential Potential
(New Role)

3C 3B 3A
Poor Good Outstanding
Limited Performance Performance Performance
Limited Limited Limited
Potential Potential Potential

Poor Good Outstanding
9 Box Performance-Potential Matrix
Needs Meets Exceeds
Development Expectations Expectations
1C 1B 1A
Poor Good Outstanding
High Performance Performance Performance
High Potential High Potential High Potential
Outstanding Performance/Limited Potential:
Definition: Individual is performing well in his/her
2C 2B 2A current job but needs to continue development in
Poor current role, or may have valuable technical skills but
Good Outstanding has not exhibited leadership potential. Individual has
Performance not demonstrated willingness to take on significantly
Performance Performance
greater scope and responsibility in the next 12 months.
Moderate Moderate So, how can I tell?
Potential Potential Individual performs at/above expectations
(New Role)
He/she has not outgrown his/her current job and has
3C 3B 3A growth opportunities within his/her role

Poor Good Outstanding

A seasoned professional with technical skills who does

not currently exhibit capacity/desire for continued
Performance Performance Performance leadership development

Limited Limited Limited He/she understands that organizational mission, values

Potential Potential Potential
and core competencies are important but is still
inconsistent in demonstration of behaviours and
integration into daily work.

Poor Good Outstanding
9 Box Performance-Potential Matrix
Needs Meets Exceeds
Development Expectations Expectations
1C 1B 1A
Poor Good Outstanding
High Performance Performance Performance Outstanding Performance/Moderate Potential:
Definition: Individual performs well in his/her
High Potential High Potential High Potential current job, makes valuable contributions and
consistently demonstrates competencies required.
May be ready to take on greater scope and
responsibility in the next 12 months.

2C 2B 2A So, how can I tell?

Good Outstanding
Performing above expectation; however, manager
Performance is not certain about his/her capability to handle
Performance Performance increased scope and complexity
Moderate Moderate
Potential Moderate Demonstrates capability to take on more work or
additional projects; willingly accepts new
Potential Potential assignments of increasing difficulty level
(New Role)
Seeks opportunity to improve both self and
3C 3B 3A organization

Poor Good Outstanding

Shows understanding of organizational mission,
values and core competencies, through
Limited Performance Performance Performance demonstrated behaviour; seeks to integrate them
into daily work
Limited Limited Limited
Potential Potential Potential

Poor Good Outstanding
9 Box Performance-Potential Matrix
Needs Meets Exceeds
Development Expectations Expectations
1C 1B 1A
Poor Good Outstanding
High Performance Performance Performance
High Potential High Potential High Potential

Poor Performance/Moderate Potential:

Definition: Individual has not been on the position long enough
2C 2B 2A
to adequately demonstrate his/her technical abilities, or may have
Poor lost pace with changes in the organization.
Good Outstanding
Performance So, how can I tell?
Performance Performance
Moderate Moderate
Less than 6 months in position
Potential Moderate
(New Role) changes within the organization
term employee who has not progressed or adapted to

Demonstrates understanding of how the division operates

3C 3B 3A
Poor Good Outstanding
Limited Performance Performance Performance
Limited Limited Limited
Potential Potential Potential

Poor Good Outstanding
9 Box Performance-Potential Matrix
Needs Meets Exceeds
Development Expectations Expectations
1C 1B 1A
Poor Good Outstanding
High Performance Performance Performance
High Potential High Potential High Potential

2C 2B 2A
Good Outstanding
Performance Performance
Moderate Moderate Poor Performance/Limited Potential:
Definition: Moderate
Individual is not meeting performance expectations
and there is still more to learn in the current position. There are
questions about his/her ability to succeed Potential
in the current role
(New Role) long term.

3C 3B
So, how can I tell?
Poor Good
Consistently underperforms in his/her role
Limited Performance Performance Performance
Having trouble keeping up with the demands of the current role
Limited Limited
Infrequently Limited
demonstrates the behaviours of organization’s
Potential values and cor competencies
Potential Potential
Unwilling to take on additional responsibility

Poor Good Outstanding
9 Box Performance-Potential Matrix
Needs Meets Exceeds
Development Expectations Expectations
1C 1B 1A
Poor Good Outstanding
High Performance Performance Performance
High Potential High Potential High Potential
Good Performance/Moderate Potential:
Definition: Individual is currently meeting expectations but
may not be willing or able to advance; may not be ready to
2C 2B 2A
absorb additional scope or complexity in the next 12-24 months.
Good So, how can I tell?
Performance Performance
Individual is currently meeting expectations; solid, consistent
Moderate performance
Moderate Moderate
Potential May lack demonstrated strategic thinking or relationship skills,
Potential Potential
may need additional time in current role
(New Role)
Minimally expresses interest in expanded opportunities
3C 3B 3A
Demonstrated behaviours associated with organization’s values
Poor Good and core competencies are not consistent
Limited Performance Performance Performance
Limited Limited Limited
Potential Potential Potential

Poor Good Outstanding
9 Box Performance-Potential Matrix
Needs Meets Exceeds
Development Expectations Expectations
1C 1B 1A
Poor Good Outstanding
High Performance Performance Performance
High Potential High Potential High Potential

2C 2B 2A
Poor Good Performance/Limited Potential:
Good Outstanding
Performance Definition: Individual is currently meeting the expectations of his
Performance /her role. Individual is not prepared to absorb additional scope or
Moderate Moderate
complexity in the next 12-24 months.

Potential Moderate
So, how can I tell?
Potential Potential
(New Role) Currently meeting expectations; Steady, dependable

3C 3B
Currently performing up to his/her potential
Poor Good
If current role changes or expands in scope, responsibilities may
exceed this individual’s capabilities at this time
Limited Performance Performance Performance
Demonstrated behaviours associated with organization’s values
Limited Limited Limited
and core competencies are not consistent

Potential Potential Potential

Does not exhibit interest in additional responsibility or
leadership role

Poor Good Outstanding

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