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Resource Management

Hmm, if you are going to keep using all of that,

I may need to reconsider …

Roger Riggs
Consulting Member of Technical Staff
Java Products Group
August 10, 2015

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Program Agenda

1 Goals and Use Cases

2 Resource Model and API
3 Measurement and Monitoring Examples
4 Instrumentation
5 Putting it to Use

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Oracle Confidential –
Resource Monitoring and Management
Goals & Constraints
• Mechanism, not policy
– Just keep count
– Minimal enforcement mechanisms
• Performance
– No impact if not in use
– Minimal impact to track usage (< 5%)
• Resource types
– Files, Sockets, Datagrams, File Descriptors, Threads, CPU, Heap
– Open and close
– Bytes read and written

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Use Case
• Server with dynamic workloads
• Need to monitor resource usage for services or tasks
• Tracking to develop a model of resource use, norms, etc.
• Used for load balancing and throttling of resource use
• Monitoring for excessive use or operating out of bounds

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• ResourceContext
– Set of threads
– For each resource a Meter
• Threads are bound/unbound to a ResourceContext
• Threads consume resources
• Resource use is requested and released, with a resource id
– Request can be approved, denied, or throttled
• Meters accumulate net usage and total usage
• Current thread is mapped to context;
resource type is mapped to meter within the context
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ResourceContext Interface
ResourceContext bindThreadContext();
static ResourceContext unbindThreadContext();
Stream<Thread> boundThreads();

void addResourceMeter(ResourceMeter meter );

boolean removeResourceMeter(ResourceMeter meter);
ResourceMeter getMeter(ResourceType type);
Stream<ResourceMeter> meters();

ResourceRequest getResourceRequest(ResourceType type);

void requestAccurateUpdate(ResourceAccuracy accuracy);

String getName();
void close();

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ResourceContextFactory Interface
ResourceContext create(String name);
ResourceContext lookup(String name);
Stream<ResourceContext> contexts();

ResourceContext getThreadContext();
ResourceContext getThreadContext(Thread thread);
ResourceRequest getResourceRequest(ResourceType type);

ResourceContext getUnassignedContext();
ResourceContext getTotalsContext();

static boolean isEnabled();

Set<ResourceType> supportedResourceTypes();
static ResourceContextFactory getInstance();

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Measure Resource Example
void measure(Runnable run) {
ResourceContextFactory rfactory = ResourceContextFactory.getInstance();
try (ResourceContext rc1 = rfactory.create("rc1")) {
SimpleMeter fopenMeter = SimpleMeter.create(ResourceType.FILE_OPEN);
SimpleMeter freadMeter = SimpleMeter.create(ResourceType.FILE_READ);
// Consume some resources;
// Read the meters
System.out.printf("total fopens: %d, bytes read: %d%n",
fopenMeter.getAllocated(), freadMeter.getValue());
} // AutoCloseable

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• SimpleMeter - simply counts
• NotifyingMeter - count with callback
• BoundedMeter - limited to a preset limit
• ThrottledMeter - rate limited to a preset rate
• ResourceType – file [open, read, write],
socket [open, read, write], file descriptor,
threads, cpu, heap, etc.
• ResourceApprover – Interface for callbacks
• ResourceId – extra info about the resource, name and accuracy

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SimpleMeter implements ResourceMeter, ResourceRequest
final long getValue();
final long getAllocated();
final ResourceType getType();

// Request handles calling validate and updating the value

final long request(long amount, ResourceId id);

// Validate is overridden to check and modify the value

protected long validate(long previous, long amount, ResourceId id)
throws ResourceRequestDeniedException;

static SimpleMeter create(ResourceType type);

protected SimpleMeter(ResourceType type, ResourceRequest parent);


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SimpleMeter.request implementation
final long request(long amount, ResourceId id) {
long approved = 0L;
if (amount > 0) {
try { // Allocate
long previous = value.getAndAdd(amount);
approved = validate(previous, amount, id );
} finally {
// If any of the amount was not approved, restore it
long delta = amount - approved;
if (delta != 0) {
} else { // Release
long previous = getValue();
approved = validate(previous, amount, id);

if (approved > 0) {
// Accumulate only the amount allocated
return approved;
private final AtomicLong value;
private final AtomicLong allocated;

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Monitor Resource Example
static void monitor(Runnable run) {
ResourceContextFactory rfactory = ResourceContextFactory.getInstance();
try (ResourceContext rc1 = rfactory.create("rc1")) {
NotifyingMeter fopenMeter =
NotifyingMeter.create(ResourceType.FILE_OPEN, Example::monitorApprover);

NotifyingMeter freadMeter =
NotifyingMeter.create(ResourceType.FILE_READ, Example::monitorApprover);


// Consume resources;
} // AutoCloseable

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ResourceApprover Callback
static long monitorApprover(ResourceMeter meter,
long previous,
long amount,
ResourceId resourceId) {
// Caution what you do here should be very limited!
// Because it is called inside of the insides
// Log, accumulate or record
if (amount > 0) {
// consuming
} else {
// releasing

return amount; // Return the amount approved


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• Synchronous - library based resources
– Files, Sockets, Datagrams, File Descriptors, Thread creation, etc.
• Asynchronous - polled or event driven
– CPU and Heap

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Instrumentation of Synchronous resources
• Library resources
• Template driven (same as JFR)
• Templates follow the structure of the implemented class
–,,, Thread, NIO, etc.
• Templates are applied when first used

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Instrumentation Templates
• Java classes with methods that are wrapped around target methods of a
target class
• Annotations are used to identify target class and methods
• Annotations are used to map types where needed
– i.e. a package private class
• Templates are compiled as normal classes
• The original method contents are 'inlined' into the template

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Instrumentation Templates - II
• ASM used to modify the classfile bytes
• JVMTI is used to redefine the target class with the template applied
• Limitations
– Not a general purpose template mechanism, only supports closed features
– Does not handle exceeding class file limits
– Does not instrument constructors
– Does not support adding fields
– Instrumentation is brittle due to intimate dependency with the instrumented method

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Writing RM instrumentation templates
• References to local variables and class members, methods, and fields are
by name
• Before the resource is consumed (open, read, write)
– code is added to locate the appropriate context and Meter
– to request the amount of resource from the meter (positive amount)
• Template code must anticipate and handle exceptions
• After the resource is consumed
– return any unused portion (negative amount)
– for short reads or thrown exceptions
• Opens and closes must be matched to keep counts meaningful
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Instrumentation Template Example
public final class FileOutputStreamRMHooks {

public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException {
if (b == null) {
return; // never gets here ...
ResourceContext rc = SimpleResourceContext.getThreadContext(Thread.currentThread());
ResourceRequest ra = rc.getResourceRequest(ResourceType.FILE_WRITE);
ResourceId id = ResourceIdImpl.of(path);

int len = b.length;

long approved = 0;
try {
approved = ra.request(len, id);
if (approved < len) {
throw new IOException("Resource limited: insufficient bytes approved");
} catch (ResourceRequestDeniedException re) {
throw new IOException("Resource limited: insufficient bytes approved ", re);

int numBytesWritten = 0;
try {
numBytesWritten = len; // if no exception assume all bytes written
} finally {
// Return any unwritten bytes
ra.request(-(approved - numBytesWritten), id);

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Instrumentation Corner Cases
• APIs may be hard to instrument
– Lack of symmetric methods to hook for open/close – i.e. NIO Async
– The resource identity is not knowable before calling request() – i.e. Socket.accept
• Thread Case
– New thread inherits the ResourceContext of the creator
– Thread is not running when the thread is created
– VM creates the OS level thread and state
• Socket.accept
– The resource id (local socket/port) isn’t known before it completes
– Socket is optimistically accepted and closed if not approved

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Instrumentation of Asynchronous Events
• Retained Heap
– Based on GC events – details to follow
• CPU and heap allocations are sampled periodically
– For each Thread bound to each Resource Context
– CPU time and heap allocation is sampled and accumulated
then reported to respective meter

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Instrumentation of Garbage Collection G1
• G1 collector attributes a good match
– Region based - region contains objects from a single resource context
– Object allocation is thread based, so per allocation overhead is low
• VM Thread structures
– Includes a resource context # (1-255) to associate resource context with thread
– Regions have a field for RC#
– New Thread inherits RC# from creator
• Creating resource context allocates a RC#, the VM’s index for a RC
• Binding a thread to a RC requires a new TLAB (all allocations for same RC)
• Destroying a context reassigns any remaining regions to another RC#
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Events From Garbage Collector
• Completion of GC phases update the retained heap stats for each RC
– Used size in each region is associated with the RC
• Java thread is notified and updated information is read
– Context stats for each RC#, retained heap, accuracy value
– Accuracy value depends on GC phase (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST)
• Propagates to the corresponding Resource Context and Meter

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Measurement considerations
• Library resource use has a pretty clear synchronous model
• Heap allocation and retained heap statistics are dynamic
– Normal retained heap accuracy varies, best just after a gc event and declines until the
next one
– Highest Accuracy of retained heap requires a full GC.
– But causes a delay and is just a transient condition
– Can't tell much from a single sample; trends are more useful
• Callbacks for meter updates are concurrent
• Measurement and policy must deal with constant flow updates

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Security and Robustness Risks
– Resource Management can interfere with correct operation behavior and timing
– Callbacks can occur in the middle of *every* I/O operation
– With same protection domain as I/O code; mostly the same as the caller
– Recursion is likely if the callback does any I/O
– Overhead in the callback is a performance hit
– Resource Management API is protected by permission by the SecurityManager

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Resource Policy Considerations
• Synchronous
– Policy can deny usage, exceptions are thrown at call site
– Minimal risk since application expects I/O exception
• Asynchronous - cpu, allocations and retained heap
• No mechanism to deny or throttle
• Risk is high that withholding cpu or memory can lead to further
degradation due to possibly holding locks
• No good way to tell if an application is arbitrarily at a ‘safe’ point to stop
• Best mechanism is the existing work or task scheduler

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• Low performance impact on I/O (under 2%) - only when in use
• Template driven instrumentation
• Retained heap instrumentation integrated with G1 collector
• Dynamic nature of resource data adds complexity to policy formulation

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References and Credits
• Javadoc

• Resource Management is Commercial Feature of 8u40

• Credits
– Stefan Johansson – Hotspot GC
– John Coomes – Hotspot GC
– Staffan Larson – JVMTI and Instrumentation Template
– Brian Burkhalter – I/O instrumentation
– Charlie Hunt – Performance
– WLS Team for motivation and requirements
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